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How do we protect and enhance the value of real
estate, a community, a city, and our civilization as the
climate changes, sea levels rise, and a new modern
condition emerges
Title Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
1	 Architectural Solutions		
a	 Water Solutions Map
ii	 Indigenous Stilt Archetypes
iii	 Contemporary Raised Solutions
iv	 Houseboat!
e	 Interior Comfort MAP
vi	 Climate Control
vii	 Building Vegetion
viii	 21st
Century Loggia
2	 Ecological Solutions
a	 The Urban Environment MAP
ii	 The Urban Island
iii	 Hardscape Permeability
iv	 Soft Urban Edges
v	 Restorative Wetland
vi	 Back to the Future (Oyster)
3	 Technological Solutions
a	 Urban Food Production MAP
ii	 Rooftop Farming
iii	 Hydroponic Agriculture
iv	 Vertical Farming
e	 Hydropower Map
vi	 Windmill
vii	 Historic Hydropower
viii	 Hydrokinetic Power
ix	 The Hydrokinetic Canal
4	 Urban Scale Solutions
a	 Water and the City MAP
ii	 New Urban Waterways
iii	 Storm water Management
iv	 New Orleans Rising
v	 Venice Underwater
5	 Systems Change
a	 Better Competition MAP
ii	 Living Building Challenge
iii	 CIRS Building
iv	 Living with Water
v	 Rebuild by Design
vi	 100 Resilient Cities
Table of Contents
	 Climate change and the urbanization of the global populace are
forcing cities to rethink how they respond to both chronic stresses and
acute shocks. Sea level rise alone will come to redefine coastal cities
around the world as they struggle to cope with higher tides and more
frequent severe weather events. By the year 2100, 30 percent of the
City of Boston will be subjected to consistent saltwater inundation, if
we fail to adapt.1
Inroads are being made to improve the resiliency of
many cities, yet the vast majority of municipalities around the world are
reluctant to divert funds to this abstract, and often intangible idea. In
these cases, framing is everything. Project stakeholders must be made
aware of the cost of doing nothing, in order to encourage resiliency
thinking in the design. We can no longer afford to keep things “business
as usual,” especially in at risk urban areas.
	 This document will provide a glimpse at what is both possible
and necessary when designing our cities to be more resilient in the
future. Throughout the document, special attention should be paid
to the holistic approach of the precedent studies’ solutions and how
both ecology and technology are leveraged to create resilient design.
Considering resilience does limit the status quo in some areas, but it
also presents new development and interactive opportunities such as
those found at the water’s edge. Indeed, our efforts should be directed
towards developing replicable typologies, not site specific solutions.
	 It is these new typologies and other innovation in the resiliency
space that should then be disseminated and shared for the benefit of
others. Design competitions like Boston’s Living With Water and New
profile international design competitions in that we all benefit from the
ideas generated from the competition. Hopefully these competitions
are indicative of a more collaborative and productive urban future, where
cities can recognize and implement each other’s successful solutions.
	 A more prosperous and resilient future does not lie in quick fixes
or complacency, but rather, a sustained effort in developing both policy,
planning, and design strategies that can be shared and improved upon
as we embrace the challenges of the 21st century.
1	 “About Us” Boston Living With Water.
Executive Summary
A series of devastating natural disasters in the 21st
century have brought resiliency to the forefront of
conversations related to design, engineering, policy
and the economy. Resilience theory asserts that
a failure in one part of a system can reinforce the
collapse in another. This assertion was verified by
the containment system failure, human error, and
bureaucratic red tape exacerbated each of these
events to create truly horrific outcomes. Only through
a holistic approach to can we hope to ensure the
longevity and security of our cities, our society, and
our civilization
River Flooding
Grand Rapids,
The American Midwest has long
been plagued by swelling rivers
during heavy rains. Flood walls
have traditionally been used to
contain the river and keep damage
to a minimum, but after a 2013
flood nearly breached, city leaders
are asking tough questions about
their city’s resiliency.
 1 Hurricane Katrina
New Orleans
One of the country’s worst natural
disasters, Hurricane Katrina
killed over 2000 people and
caused $100 billion in damages.
Inadequate flood protection and
slow and inadequate response
by local and federal government
highlighted the importance of
urban resiliency
 2 2011 Tōhoku
Earthquake, Tsunami
Japan, Southeast Asia
An earthquake off the coast
of Japan and the subsequent
Tsunami destroyed thousands
dead and rendered hundreds of
thousands of homes damaged.
Perhaps most notable was the
failure of the Fukushima Daiichi
Power Plant’s safety system,
leading to a catastrophic failure
and meltdown.
	 What is ‘Resiliency,’ and why has it entered our
popular lexicon in such a big way recently? What is
the difference between resiliency and sustainability,
and will these terms still be relevant in ten years?
Who are the major players in the resiliency space,
and how does their work impact society? These are
all valid questions which demand comprehensive
responses, but they all seem to boil down to one
simple prompt: Why should we care about resiliency?
a complex system is flexible enough to respond and
adapt to an externally imposed force or change, and
thus persist over time, while retaining its structure
and functions.1
In the past, the term was often used
to describe certain ecological and environmental
processes such as the forest regeneration cycle
whereby a forest follows a particular pattern of
growth, collapse, regeneration and regrowth. In the
growth stage, the forest gathers biomass, becoming
increasingly complex and interconnected until the
forest becomes uniquely adapted to that particular
environmental context. This allows the forest to
flourish until a shock or external pressure causes the
entire ecosystem to collapse. While devastating for
the existing plants and animals, the collapse provides
an opportunity for new organisms to establish a
foothold in the regeneration phase.1
If the climate
returns to a relatively stable state, a new forest
condition is created and the cycle of growth repeats
	 Given the changing climate, rising sea levels
and rash of devastating natural disasters that have
shocked our urban ecosystems, it is understandable
that we might frame our struggle to cope with these
problems as an effort to become more resilient. Our
cities are a veritable human ecosystem, with a range
of interconnected systems that make life possible
and often enjoyable for its residents. Resiliency
has become an interdisciplinary buzzword used
to describe all manner of initiatives to improve our
cities’ ability to deal with acute external shocks. Yet
when dealing with resiliency in an urban context, it is
1 	 Thompson, I., Mackey, B., McNulty, S., Mosseler, A. (2009). Forest
Resilience, Biodiversity, and Climate Change. A synthesis of the biodiversity/
resilience/stability relationship in forest ecosystems. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series no. 43, 67 pages
important recognize the differences and similarities
between resiliency and sustainability terminology.
Whereas sustainability is concerned with addressing
the root causes of climate change by reducing our
impact on the environment, resiliency is predicated
on the assumption that the environment must
be accomodated. Resiliency is a strong national
defense policy while sustainability is diplomacy and
sometimes concessions.
	 While this document primarily addresses
resilience in relation to physical threats such as sea
level rise, it can also refer to more abstract hazards
such as the 2007/2008 mortgage crisis. Again,
resiliency theory dictates that a failure in one part of a
system can reinforce the collapse in another, a theory
painfully verified by the ensuing global financial crisis.
Thus, resiliency is not so much a design strategy as it
is a frame of mind or philisophy: How can we better
survive, recover from, and even thrive in changing
climatic conditions and stresses to our most complex
systems and cities.
	 Hopefully, the answer to Boston’s future
flooding problems will not come from an enormous
public works barrier project out in the harbor, but
rather a host of interconnected and responsibly
executed solutions that will not only defend the
city from constant flooding, but enhance real estate
value and improve stakeholder communities. Our
overeliance on massive public works projects
has proven to be unsustainable, especially with a
changing climate. Much like the forest example, long
term homogenous conditions can reduce diversity
and flexibility, thereby discouraging novelty and
creativity and eventually lead to collapse. 2
or any other major coastal city doesn’t need another
definitive ‘Big Dig’ project to save the city, but rather
cities need to welcome innovation and ideas from
everyone. As Buckminster Fuller once said, we
should strive to “make the world work for 100% of
humanity in the shortest possible time through
spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense
or the disadvantage of anyone.”
2	 Dudley, Michael. “Resiliency.” In Green Cities an A-to-Z Guide. Thou-
sand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011.
	 The challenges we face due to climate change, specifically sea
level rise and catastrophic weather events, are demanding innovative,
flexible, and comprehensive design solutions to combat these changes.
Technology can only take us so far. We need to look everywhere,
including the past, to find ways of living in these new climate conditions
we have created for ourselves. Indeed, Almost 40% of CO2 emissions
come from the building industry, and if we want to get serious about
creating a more resilient and sustainable future, a true revolution in the
building industry must occur. Buildings must strive not to simply be
“less bad,” as LEED currently benchmarks, but to be true assets to the
community and the environment.
“Architecture’s role in all of this should not merely be to propose de-
sign solutions for dealing with the adverse effects of climate change.
Architecture is potentially positioned to lead the way in limiting climate
“Philippinen basilan seezigeuner ph04p69” by I, Hu9423. Licensed under CC
BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons -
Architectural Solutions
Raised or stilt housing has long been a construction
technique for coastal communities. By lifting the
living space above the ground, flood risk is mitigated.
Other advantages include protection against vermin
or other pests, and if built over soil, the creation of
a shaded area beneath the structure. Construction
methods often involve driving piles into the ground
to support the structure however structural integrity
may be compromised compared to terrestrial
Make it Right
New Orleans
Founded by Brad Pitt in 2007,
Make It Right builds homes,
buildings and communities for
people in need. All Make It Right
projects are LEED Platinum
certified and Cradle to Cradle
inspired. Many prominent
architects have contributed to
the body of work in New Orleans
after Katrina.
House Boat
Many European residents have
long enjoyed the benefits of a
water based primary residence.
While houseboats may not be for
everyone, their flexibility and use
of space make them intriguing
housing solutions for resilient
Malagasi architecture bears a
strong resemblance to that of
southern Borneo, where the
earliest inhabitants are though
to have originated. Houses are
built on low stilts and thatched
roof. The Villagev is one example
of popular raised housing
archetypes seen around the
Water Solutions
 1  4
South America
Found in Chile and Columbia in coastal cities and
towns. The town of Castro Chile, one of the oldest
cities in Chile, predominately uses this archetype.
The result is a community that occupies an elevated
space above the shoreline and is protected from
tidal fluctuations yet retains proximity to the water
and its resources.
Pang U.K.
Literally: “shack house.” The Pang U.K. is a kind of
stilt house found in Tai O, Lantau Island, Hong Kong.
Pang U.K. are built on water or on small beaches.
While inexpensive to construct, these buildings are
not resilient due to their fragility and little access to
services. However, their arrangement in relation to
each other and to the waters edge represents an
intriguing zone of occupation.
Stilt House
Traditional Thai stilt housing. Bamboo structure
raised on stilts and capped with a steep gabled
roof. Homes are usually built over both water
land. The former provides protection from sea
level fluctuations and the latter provides a shaded
area underneath the house. Elevating the living
area creates both a physical and psychological
separation between nature and the built
environment. This relationship between outside
and inside is at the core of the human experience in
the built environment.
Make It Right Foundation Special NO 9
New Orleans, LA
Kieren Timberlake
This project had to meet several criteria including
federal guidelines for raising the house above the
ground and to provide a refuge on the roof in case of
catastrophic flooding. To ensure its affordability for
residents, who were required to finance 85 percent
of the purchase, the cost of the home was capped.
The design team also took careful consideration of
climate, cost, and collaboration with community
leaders and residents. While this house represents
only a drop in the bucket for the under served
NOLA populace, this type of holistic approach to
development is intended to be replicated in future
Make It Right Foundation FLOAT House
New Orleans, LA
Morphosis + UCLA
The product of a partnership between Thom Mayne
of Morphosis, and UCLA’s School of Architecture
and Design, this traditional New Orleans shotgun
style house sits on a raised “chassis” which can
float in case of flooding. This chassis houses all
mechanical and electrical, and plumbing systems
and can be adapted to support a variety of
housing configurations. This innovative approach
to the vernacular architecture of New Orleans
represents a much-needed paradigm shift in how
architects and builders think about housing in areas
vulnerable to flooding.
Make It Right Foundation House
New Orleans, LA
BILD Design
BILD’s appoach to new housing in the city takes a
community minded approach. The house seeks to
loft the house above the dangers posed by flooding
while respecting the relationship between the
house and the street. New Orleans is very much a
city defined by specific social culture on its streets
and in its neighborhoods. This culture is dependant
on an intimate relationship between inside and
outside, private and public. Indeed, raising a building
physically disconnects the dwelling from the ground
but can have other social implications as well. BILD’s
design seeks raise the home above flood danger
while maintaining the strong connection between
home and community.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
	 BILD’s modern interpretation of
traditional houseboat design reminds us of the
potential of living on the water. Many Europeans
maintain houseboats as their primary residences,
but practice is less common in the United States.
This may be due to the robust inland waterway
systems and canal infrastructure in many European
countries. Amsterdam has over 2,800 registered
houseboats on its canals which also drives a unique
hospitality industry for the city.
	 The Watervilla de Omval delivers a
contemporary design without sacrificing the
houseboat profile or modern amenities . The house
places the kitchen and living space at the water
level, with cabins below the water line reached via
a split level that houses the bathroom. The split
level and curved exterior design was dictated by
height restriction of 3 meters above the water
line. As urban rental prices rise, living on the water
becomes an intriguing proposition in Holland, but
also in many other water connected cities.
	 Houseboat communities present an
interesting opportunity for resilient communities.
If there is a climate or weather related risk, the
entire module can be moved to a safer location.
This also gives the residents flexibility over where
they want to live and for how long, without the
burden of traditional moving. Of course, houseboat
communities rely on infrastructure provided
by municipal governments to function. North
American cities must invest more in these systems
if they hope to promote houseboat living as a viable
residential option.
Historically, every civilization’s architecture respects
their environmental context. Initially a tactic of
necessity, it is now a fading memory as globalization
and the proliferation of technology have promoted
a more uniform standard of living across the globe.
Modern amenities like air conditioning allow for
increased productivity and comfort, but require
enormous amounts of power. Future designers
must recognize that passive climate control systems
and architectural features offer opportunities to
re imagine them in the context of sustainable and
resilient design.
Interior Comfort
Wind Tower
Middle East.
To cope with the harsh
temperatures in desert climates,
Middle Eastern cultures used
wind towers to create natural
ventilation in their buildings.
Wind towers come in variety
of orientations: unidirectional,
bidirectional, and multi-
directional. Wind towers can
still be found in traditional
Persian-influenced architecture
throughout the Middle East.
Green Roofs
Sod roofs have been used
for millennia across many
geographical and cultural regions.
Germany , however is credited
as the birthplace for modern-
day green roof systems as a
result of rapid industrialization
and urbanization in the 1880’s.
Flammable tar was used to
roof inexpensive housing and to
mitigate fire risk sand and gravel
substrate was added, and seed
colonization occurred and formed
Italian Renaissance
In Italian architecture, a loggia
is accessed from the interior of
a home and takes advantage of
cooling winds and airflow, acting
as a buffer between the living
space and outside temperature.
Most historic examples date
from the 17th century and are
prominent in Rome and Bologna,
Italy. Theirtemperatureregulatory
properties offer an architectural
opportunity for future design, and
climate control systems.
Wind tower
Masdar City, United Arab Emirates
Foster + Partners
Masdar City’s state of the art design by Norman
Foster incorporates a 45 meter tall wind tower.
This modern interpretation of an iconic traditional
archetype uses the same principles that allowed
people to stay cool in the brutally hot weather
centuries ago. The tower’s height allows it to
capture the cooler upper-level winds and direct
them to the open-air public square at its base.
Sensors at the top of the steel structure regulate
louvers to open in the direction of prevailing winds
and to close in other directions to divert wind down
the tower. While Masdar city is an experiment in
sustainability, certain successful design principles
like the 21st century wind tower can be replicated
in other projects around the region.
Green Roof
Chicago, IL
City Hall
Green Roofs like this one atop the Chicago’s City
Hall can have several benefits to the building
and surrounding environment. First, the green
roof absorbs heat from sunlight, lowering cooling
demand for the building and emissions associated
with producing that energy. Conversely during the
winter, the improved insulation quality reduces
heat loss, lowering energy costs for the building
overall. Radiant heat from the building is also
diminished, which mitigates the “heat island”
effect that plagues many dense urban areas.
Other advantages include increased biodiversity,
and psychological benefits. Converting traditional
black roofs to green roofs presents a compelling
solution to mitigate the urban heat island effect
and improve the quality of life in our cities.
I’m Lost in Paris
Paris, France
The mysterious Francois Roche and his firm
R&Sie(n) completed this project in 2009 in the
city of Paris. The project utilizes hand blown glass
to create a screen, or living wall that is draped
over the habitable 2 storey concrete volume. The
project addresses typical privacy concerns of
building in an existing intimate Parisian courtyard
where neighbors are constantly reminded of
their proximity to others. The 300 glass beakers
house hydroponically grown Dryopteris filix-mas,
more commonly known as ferns. The plants are
nourished by a mixture of bacteria, nutrients and
rainwater, which is piped into the beakers by the
hydroponic system and can be adjusted in response
to climate and light.
Slessor, Catherine. “’I’m Lost in Paris’ House by R&Sie(n), Paris,
France.” The Architectural Review, 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 05 May 2015.
Genzyme Building Design
Genzyme Center
Boston, MA
Behnisch, Behnisch and Partner
	 This extraordinary corporate office
project contracted by Genzyme, an international
biotechnology and pharmaceutical company, was
designed to be one of the most environmentally
responsible office buildings in the United States.
Construction began in June 2001, was completed
in November 2003, and achieved LEED platinum
certification in August 2005. While the cost of the
project was much higher than comparable build-
ings at $140 million dollars, or $400/square foot, it
serves as a model of sustainable architecture.
	 Performance highlights:
• Uses 32% less water than a comparable building
• Electricity costs are 38% less than a comparable
• Lighting requires 45% less electricity than a con-
ventional building
• Total energy use is 25% below the new state en-
ergy code requirements
	 One of the more striking design fea-
tures are the loggias that which covers over 32% of
the building exterior. The loggia provides thermal
benefits by providing a tempered space using solar
heat radiation and ventilation flaps. Computer con-
trolled perforated blinds automatically track the
sun’s position and open to desired angles to opti-
mize interior lighting while deflecting heat. All of
the blinds close at night to mitigate light pollution
in the surrounding neighborhood.
	 During a tour of the Genzyme center,
the tour guide explained the Loggia was not as ef-
fective as it was designed to be due to last minute
restrictions from the fire marshal. Nonetheless,
the experiment demonstrated another exciting
modern adaptation of an historical archetype for
efficiency gains.
As human civilization became increasingly urbanized, we began to
change the natural landscape to best suit our needs. This development
was not without cost, particularly in relation to the natural environment.
Oftentimes, the ramifications of our impact on the planet do not become
apparent until a major weather event or natural disaster. As the link
between human activity and climate change becomes more defined,
we ought to look for clues in what was here before to help solve the
problems of tomorrow
Ecological Solutions
With over half the world’s population already living in
the 21st century. Unfortunately, many cities currently
lack the infrastructure, planning, and services to
adequately support the projected population growth.
Green space, wetland protection and permeable
surfaces in cities will need to be at the forefront of
urban planning and policy if cities are to be effective
at developing a resilient home for their citizens.
Back to the Future
New York, USA
In a true “Back to the Future”
move, Kate Orff of SCAPE
proposes bringing back
Oyster farming to New York
harbor. Oysters can filter
up to 50 gallons of water a
day, leading to cleaner water
in the polluted Gowanus
canal. Additionally, when the
oysters agglomerate, their
collective mass forms a new
reef structure which can help
mitigate way impacts during
storm surge and sea level rise.
Urban Ecology
The Urban Island
Providence, RI
Satellite imaging has allowed
scientists to compare ground
temperature between
vegetation, developed land, in
an urban context/ The result
shows the extent to which
urban development can create
a “heat island” effect whereby
heat normally absorbed and
dissipated by plants, is instead
reflected and magnified by
urban hardscapes.
 1 Hardscape
Bioswales, rain gardens, and
other landscape elements are
designed to reduce demand
on storm and sewer systems
by filtering and retaining
surface water runoff. By
capturing surface runoff
during storms, bioswales
reduce the peak load on
storm water management
systems and mitigate risk of
contamination with sewage
Soft Urban Edges
Northeast, USA
Much like the humble sponge,
Salt marshes absorb and
retain water, filtering it
through a complex network
of microorganisms and other
flora, before releasing it slowly
into the ground.
Once a example of the flawed
over reach of engineering
public works, this recently
completed wetland park
functions as a major part
of the city-wide ecological
infrastructure planned to
provide multiple ecosystem
services, including storm-
water management, water
cleansing, and recovery of
native habitats, as well as a
creation of a cherished public
space for gathering and
aesthetic enjoyment.
Images by Robert Simmon, using data ©2010 Digital-
Globe (image) and from the Columbia University Center
for Climate Systems Research (graph).
Temperature (˚C)
August 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Black Roof
White Roof
Green Roof
Air Temperature
Heat Island Effect
Providence, RI
This series of images demonstrate
the correlation between vegetation,
developed land, and temperature in
Providence, Rhode Island. They show
the extent to which urban development
can create a “heat island” effect whereby
heat normally absorbed and dissipated by
plants, is instead reflected and magnified
by urban hardscapes. The result is a 1 to
2 degree temperature increase.
Heat Island Effect (Left) +
Rooftop Temperatures by Color
New York City,
Researchers have found that a simple
move like painting black roofs white—
increasing the reflection of light—can
reduce temperatures dramatically. In a
program partly sponsored by the New
York City government, white synthetic
surfaces and paints were found to reduce
peak rooftop temperatures by 24°C
(43°F) compared to typical black rooftops.
See graph below
Images by Robert Simmon, using data
©2010 DigitalGlobe (image) and from the
Columbia University Center for Climate
Systems Research (graph). Caption by
Mike Carlowicz, with reporting from
Patrick Lynch, NASA Earth Science News
5% Deep Infiltration
10% Shallow Infiltration
55% Surface Runoff
30% Evapotranspiration
10% Surface Runoff
25% Shallow Infiltration
25% Deep Infiltration
40% Evapotranspiration
Natural Ground Cover 75%-100% Impervious Cover
In Brooklyn, an abundance of street-beautifying bioswales means healthier, less polluted waterways. (Photo: NYC Water/flickr)
Bioswales Pilot Project
New York City, NY
	 New York City, like many older urban
centers relies heavily on a combined sewage and
storm water system. While the city has a robust
waste water treatment system, during heavy
rains it becomes overwhelmed and is designed to
discharge the storm water and untreated sewage
overflow (CSO) into the harbor. Compounding this
and sidewalks, which make up approximately
27 percent of land in combined sewer drainage
areas, are the two top contributors to storm water
runoff. This poses a dangerous environmental and
public health hazard, and is not a viable strategy as
extreme weather events become more common. To
reduce the load on the storm water management
system and waste water treatment facilities,
the New York City Department of Environmental
Protection has launched a bioswale pilot project in
3 of 5 city boroughs.
	 The NYCDEP project is ongoing but	
preliminary results show mean storm water capture
of 59 percent and median storm water capture of
60 percent. For precipitation less than one inch,
the bioswales captured an average of 73 percent
of the rainfall and a median of 85 percent of the
rainfall. The data also suggests that the bioswales
perform better than anticipated for storms with
total precipitation less than two inches, capturing
an average of 67 percent of the rain and a median
of 69 percent of the rain.
	 The bioswales have also provided
NYCDEP with less tangible effects such as
neighborhood beautification, opportunities to
engage with the community, and educational
opportunities for local schools. Finally, the
department stresses that bioswales should be
evaluated as part of a system of solutions to reduce
demand on storm water management systems.
McLaughlin, John. “NYC Bioswales Pilot Project Improves Storm water
Management. “
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates INC Brooklyn
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates INC Brooklyn
Historic Salt Marsh
New England
Salt Marshes, native to New England and the
Northeast have protected the coastline for millennia
before human settlement. Urban development,
especially around the Boston area have converted
these traditionally “soft edges” that respond to
climactic fluctuations into harder urban edges,
designed to contain and stop the ocean. Now,
sea level rise, human activity, and other climate
change related stressors threaten many remaining
Brooklyn Bridge Park Salt Marsh
Brooklyn, New York
Michael Van Valkenburgh
New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge Park utilizes a
small salt marsh as a buffer zone, slowing waves
and storm surges to protect against flooding. The
park returns a soft water font edge to America’s
biggest city. While this move is largely symbolic
and educational, with proper management and
protection, salt marshes could help us protect our
coastline from future fluctuations and major storm
events. The Northeast United States had many
salt marshes along the coast that had developed
over many hundreds of years. Human activity has
largely destroyed these ecological assets, however
people are increasingly seeing the inherent value
these marshes provide as our climate changes and
weather continues to impact our lives.
Minghu Wetland Park
Liupanshui, China
“Through a series of regenerative design
techniques, particularly measures to slow down
the flow of storm-water, a channelized concrete
river and a deteriorated peri-urban site have been
transformed into a nationally celebrated wetland
park that functions as a major part of the city-
wide ecological infrastructure planned to provide
multiple ecosystem services, including storm-water
management, water cleansing, and recovery of
native habitats, as well as a creation of a cherished
public space for gathering and aesthetic enjoyment
“The strategy is to slow the flow of water from the
hillside slopes and create a water-based ecologi-
cal infrastructure that will retain and remediate the
storm-water, and make water the active agent in
regenerating a healthy ecosystem to provide natu-
ral and cultural services that transform the indus-
trial city into a livable human habitat.”
Minghu Wetland Park.
SCAPE Architecture
	 Kate Orff’s vision to turn the infamous
Gowanus Canal into a productive oyster based
reef system has wonderful historical symmetry
with the preindustrial New York Harbor. Initially,
the harbor consisted of salt marshes, oyster beds
and other natural fauna which supported a vibrant
oyster industry in the City. Indeed Orff points out
that “New York was built on the backs of oyster
	 Oyster-Tecture is an exciting example
of blending urbanism and ecology in a productive
and advantageous way. Orff proposes nurturing
an active oyster culture that engages issues
of water quality, rising tides, and community
based development around Brooklyn's Red Hook
neighborhood and the Gowanus Canal.
	 This living reef is constructed from a
field of piles and a woven web of "fuzzy rope" that
supports oyster and mussel growth and builds a
rich three-dimensional landscape mosaic. A watery
regional park for the New York Harbor emerges that
facilitates and encourages the city's return to the
waterfront in the next century. The reef attenuates
through harnessing the biotic processes of oysters,
mussels and eelgrass, and enables neighborhood
fabrics that welcome the water to develop further
Orff, Kate. “Reviving New York’s rivers — with oysters!”
“Technology will save us,” a refrain we often hear when discussing
issues of climate change. Technology will indeed play an important role
in defining the resiliency of cities in the 21st century. From high tech
solutions like hydroponically grown food, to simpler approaches like
permeable pavement, innovation will be crucial to our cities’ survival
in an increasingly volatile climate. Both in the US and abroad, where
budgets are less robust, cities must employ a range of solutions in which
technology plays a vital, but not all-encompassing role.
Technological Solutions
Perkins + Will’s CIRS building integrates photovoltaics shade operable windows; the expressed
wood structure is constructed of FSC-certified and pine-beetle-killed wood © Martin Tessler
The proliferation of urban agriculture is an
intriguing disruption to the existing supply chain
model. Currently, the system relies on an extensive
distribution network covering thousands of miles
between producer and consumer. Growing food
in cities means a more efficient production and
distribution system through reduced transportation
costs, carbon dioxide emissions and risk of spoilage.
There are many examples of urban agriculture
utilizing a range of technological solutions. From
to commercial hydroponic shipping containers, the
future of urban food production is as exciting as it is
Vertical Farming
Vertical farming, or the idea of
growing food within an high
density urban environment is
an intriguing alternative to the
energy intense traditional food
network. While skyscrapers full of
farms are not economically viable
in most places, certain players
are successfully demonstrating
that there should be a role for
agriculture in cities.
An illustration of the 177-feet vertical farm by Plantagon currently in
the works for Linkoping, Sweden.Illustration by Sweco/Plantagon
Rooftop Farms
North America
As the global population continues
to urbanize, pushing existing
farmland further away from its
final destination-the table, we
must look to diversify our food
source portfolio. By reinforcing
existing rooftops, we can provide
urban dwellers with fresh produce,
mitigate storm water overflow
and reduce the heat island effect.
Shipping Containers
Cambridge, MA
Freight Farms and others seek
to re imagine how we produce
food in cities by growing up to an
acre’s worth of food in a converted
shipping container using
hydroponic growing techniques.
The units themselves are
extremely efficient, mobile, and
versatile, simply plug in and grow.
Urban Hydroponics
Lufa Farms
Montreal, Canada
	 Claiming to be “The World’s First
Commercial Rooftop Greenhouse,” Lufa Farms is
redefining the urban agriculture market by bringing
production into the city and occupying previously
unused rooftop space. With they 120 metric tons
of produce harvested each year, they can feed over
2000 people from their 31,000 square foot rooftop
greenhouse. By using a hydroponic greenhouse
model they can do this using far less water, energy,
waste, and other resources than with traditional
methods of farming. Lufa Farms is also organic and
does not use pesticides. Though they cater to an
upmarket audience, this design could represent
future The greenhouse demonstrates what large-
scale rooftop agriculture is capable of.
Brooklyn Grange
New York, United States
	 Brooklyn Grange claims to be the world’s
largest rooftop soil farms, located on two roofs in
New York City. They grow over 50,000 pounds of
organically-cultivated produce per year. The two
farms was financed through a combination of
private equity, loans, grass roots fundraising events
crowdfunding on, and the support
of the Department of Environmental Protection’s
Green Infrastructure Storm water Management
grant program.
	 The city will always rely on rural farmers
for the bulk of our food, and the relationship
between urban and rural communities must be
respected and celebrated. But having farms inside
the city limits which take advantage of unused roof
space is an opportunity not to be missed. Rooftop
farms have the potential to improve urban quality
of life, create jobs, increase access to healthy fresh
foods, and provide environmental and agricultural
education to those who live in urban environments.
Atlanta, United States
	 Podponics represents a growing trend
in urban agriculture of leveraging technology to
maximize growing and cost efficiency. Hydroponics
is a method of growing whereby the water is
continuously fortified with nutrients and circulated
between the plants. By outfitting retired shipping
containers with hydroponic growing systems,
Podponics is able to ensure an environment that
maximizes growth while minimizing cost. They
utilize software that tracks the cost of resources
(electricity, water C02) and optimizes plant growth
while minimizing cost. Hydroponic growing is
inherently more space and resource efficient than
traditional agriculture because the plants are grown
in water instead of soil. This model of agriculture
allows Podponics’ to grow around 4 tons of greens
in one container annually, as compared with 6.5
tons on an acre of land using traditional methods.
Evan Changhwan Jang WABE
Sky Greens
In Singapore where open land is scarce, Sky Greens
has built up. Using an apparatus that maximizes
efficiency by constantly rotating trays of product,
Sky Greens is able to maximize growing space
efficiency and maintain a profitable business model.
While vertical urban farming is not a new idea, Sky
Greens has demonstrated its market viability, at
least in the Singaporean marketplace. This presents
an intriguing model that could be replicated in other
dense cities that could reduce dependence on
traditional food distribution networks which are
inherently innefficient.
MIT Media Lab
While still only a pilot project, City Farm’s director
thinks his system could help provide affordable and
healthy food at heart of future cities. The system
uses both hydroponic (water) and aeroponic (air or
mist environment) soil-free processes to grow its
produce, and has produced crops three to four times
more quickly than the normal growth process. Using
a 30-day cycle, CityFarm has produced food for 300
Photo by Cris Crisman
Photo by Cris Crisman
	 Humans have long been successful in
effectively harnessing the power of water. The
Industrial Revolution was built on the availability of a
steady flow of water to power textile mills. However,
as technology and demand increased, combustion
and fossil fuels soon became the primary source of
of these resources, we must reexamine water as a
potential source energy. Exciting new Hydrokinetic
technology leverages tidal fluctuations and other
passive techniques to produce power without as
much environmental impact as other hydropower
For centuries, the Dutch have
developed their polder and dyke
system which helped them thrive
on land that would otherwise be
susceptible to periodic flooding.
They used windmills to move
water from one polder to another,
thereby preserving the land from
the threat of flooding
Lowell, MA
Lowell was the epicenter for the
American textile manufacturing
industry in the 19th century. The
natural river system in Lowell
was modified to provide a steady
source of water to power the mills.
Hydroelectric Dam
Lower Colorado Region
Beginning in the 1880’s with
Niagara Falls city street lamps,
Hydroelectricity has become an
integral part of many national
energy portfolios. The technology
works by using water pressure
created by a dam or differential
to turn a turbine which creates
electricity. Today, between 6–8%
of U.S. electricity comes from
"Hydroelectric dam" by Tomia - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - http://
 1  2  3
 1 2
Textile Mills
Northeast, United States
	 While people have been using water as a
means of power for centuries, it was the industrial
revolution that saw the proliferation of hydropower
on a massive scale. In the Northeast United States,
textile manufacturers began damming rivers to
create water level differentials which could be
harnessed using a water wheel. A typical textile
mill with turbines diagram. Transmission of power
from water wheels or turbines was achieved by a
direct drive system. Water was funneled from the
canal down into the mill through an intake known
as a penstock. Power was then transferred upstairs
through the complex series of gears and eventually
turned overhead line shafts on each floor. These
overhead lines powered individual textile machines.
Hoover Dam
Southwest, United States
	 The largest dam in the world at the time
of its completion in 1935, this National Historic
Landmark stores enough water in Lake Mead to
irrigate 2 million acres and serves as a popular
tourist destination. The dam functions by leveraging
the high water level one side of the dam to produce
electricity. By pulling water from the reservoir
into a chute or penstock, and forcing it through a
turbine, the generator produces electricity which
is fed into the grid using alternating current.
Dams have many energy advantages compared
to other power sources and few drawbacks.
Benefits include a sustainable water cycle, zero
pollution, and on-demand power delivery. Dams
are a resilient component of the electrical grid
because power output can quickly rise from zero
to maximum output without risk of damage, dams
provide essential back-up power during major
electricity outages or disruptions. Drawbacks
include adverse environmental impacts on ecology
and fish patterns, as well as social and economic
implications on surrounding residents.
	 The Netherlands employs a series of
polders, dikes and sluices to protect and even
reclaim land from the sea. In order to maintain
habitable and productive farm land, the Dutch built
an intricate and elegant solution to manage flooding
and heavy rains over. The diagram at the right shows
how water was lifted out of the low lying farm land
into dikes from which it was carried away. After a
couple of near-floods in densely populated areas in
the early 1990s, The Netherlands decided to deepen
the river and widen the areas fit for flooding. This
project is called “Room for the River” and allows for
more traditional nature and agriculture in a wide
band along the rivers in the middle of the country.
Science and Society Museum/ Universal Images Group
"Hoover dam from air" by snakefisch, editor w:User:Agateller - en.wikipedia. Licensed under Public
Ocean Renewable Power Company
	 “ORPC’s TidGen® Power System,
designed to generate electricity at water depths up
to 150 feet, is used at shallow tidal and deep river
sites. In this system, groups of TGUs connect directly
to an on-shore station through a single underwater
transmission line. The TidGen® Power System is
larger and more powerful than the RivGen® Power
System, with each TGU having a rated capacity of
150 kW.”--From ORPC site
ORPC claims to be operating the first commercial,
grid-connected tidal power system in the country
in the The Bay of Fundy. ORPC plans to install
additional power systems to increase the Maine
Tidal Energy Project’s output to up to 5 megawatts,
enough electricity to power approximately 2,000
homes and businesses with clean tidal energy.
--From ORPC site :
Lucid Energy
Portland, OR
	 A renewable energy technology that
replaces an existing water pipeline with pipes
outfitted with small turbines that produce
electricity. Energy is the largest cost in delivering
clean drinking water, and Lucid’s technology
reduces that cost by recapturing energy that exists
inside the pipelines. There is also no adverse
environmental impact. A single unit can produce 20
– 100kW of renewable, zero-emissions electricity,
depending on the flow and head pressure
conditions at a given site.
Multiple units can be aggregated for a system that
can produce more than a MW of power. The City of
Portland Oregon has just completed a pilot project
of the technology early this year.
--From Lucid energy
Verdant Power
East River, New York City
	 Verdant Power’s Roosevelt Island Tidal
Energy (RITE) Project included the operation of six
full-scale tidal turbines, which delivered electricity
the world’s first operation of a grid-connected
tidal turbine array. The project demonstrated the
KHPS as an efficient source of renewable energy
with fully bidirectional operation – passive yawing
with high efficiency on both ebb and flood tides, 70
megawatt hours of energy delivered to commercial
end users, and no fouling or damage from debris
over 9,000 turbine-hours of operation.
--From Verdant Power : http://www.verdantpower.
This Hydrokinetic power solution presents an
exciting source of renewable energy that could
become part of certain coastal cities’ energy
Living With Water Competition
Boston, MA
Paul Lukez Architecture
	 Boston, like many coastal city around the
world, will have to negotiate rising sea levels and
more frequent severe weather events. The Living
with Water competition sought to identify possible
design and urban planning solutions to this new
urban condition, but unlike many other competitions,
the ideas generated during the competition are just
as valuable to the city as is the winning proposal.
Competitions like this provide valuable ideation
opportunities for cities and communities to leverage
in order to improve their resiliency. 		
	 Paul Lukez’s Hydrokinetic Canal seeks
to harness the power of water to mitigate flood
damageandproduceelectricpower. Selectedasone
of three finalists in the competition’s infrastructure
scale site, these solutions could be applied to other
sites, improving the resiliency and sustainability of
the City of Boston and other urban areas.
and services, or is it something more? To overcome the challenges of
this century, specifically in relation to urban resilience, we cannot afford
to simply maintain the status quo--the cost of doing nothing is simply
too high. In order to address these challenges, one must accept the
city as something more than the sum of its parts. A city is a veritable
human ecosystem both in a social, economic and environmental terms.
The following precedent studies do not represent a comprehensive
approach to urban scale resiliency, but rather demonstrate the holistic
approach that should be encouraged when designing for a resilient city.
Urban Scale Solutions
Foster + Partners 640-hectare master plan is a key component of the Masdar
Initiative, established by the government of Abu Dhabi to advance the
development of renewable energy and clean-technology solutions.
How can cities enhance the value of their real estate,
communities and infrastructure as the climate
changes and sea levels rise. Cities must begin to
identify the potential for multipurpose projects and
the connectivity of urban systems. When an old
sewage canal becomes a park, or a storm water
storage system becomes a vibrant public space--
these are moments when a city begins to realize its
full potential.
Water and the City
Urban Canals
Initially constructed in the Middle
Ages for defence and water
management purposes, the Dutch
leveraged their canals to become one
of the world’s most powerful trading
powers in the 18th century. When
one considers the Netherlands’
precarious position relative to sea
level, this is truly an impressive feat.
Storm water
with storm water management
because of the hard, impervious
surfaces that deflect water instead
of absorbing it. The resulting
deluge often overwhelms the sewer
management systems and can lead
to detrimental outcomes for both
the environment and public health.
DeUrbanisten offers a solution
that fixes this water problem while
providing a vibrant public space for
the community.
MOSE Project
Venice is sinking while the sea is
rising. The city has devised a massive
public works project designed to
stop the flooding at the mouth of
the harbor. However the plan has
been met by criticism surrounding its
execution, construction, corruption,
and environmental impact. This
illustrates a question many cities will
ask themselves in the coming years.
How much can we save?
New Orleans
While these studio projects were
mostly academic architectural
exercises, they present intriguing
and exciting ideas that could hold
solutions for coping with New
Orleans water troubles. Projects are
from the ParadoXcity Miss!ssippi
2011 studio.
 2 1  3
ChonGae Canal Restoration Project
Seoul, South Korea
Mikyoung Kim Design
This design was the winning project in an
international competition and celebrates the source
point of cleansed surface and sub grade runoff
from the city at the start of this seven mile green
corridor. The design was guided by the water levels
from hour to hour and season to season, while
addressing the catastrophic flooding that occurs
during intense storms in the Monsoon season.
The outcome is the creation of a pedestrian focused
zone from this former vehicular access way that
brings people to the historic ChonGae River while
mitigating flooding and improving water quality.
The project has been incredibly popular--Between
the ribbon cutting ceremony in October 2005 and
2011 on the main plaza, nearly 10 million visitors
and residents had visited the river. The project
also represents a significant political achievement
through the use of local stone from each of the eight
provinces of North and South Korea.
© Taeoh Kim
© Taeoh Kim© Mikyoung Kim Design section and plan
© Mikyoung Kim Design section and plan
 1a 1
Even Beautiful When It Rains
Middelfart, Denmark
De Urbanisten
	 The small harbor city of Middelfart
wants to become Denmark’s most beautiful climate
proof city in 2025. Middelfart suffers from frequent
flooding during cloudbursts, a problem usually
recitified with an upgrade to the city’s sewage
system. However, because of the progressive
attitude towards climate change and resiliency, the
city is a looking for a more innovative and sustainable
alternative. It is looking for master planning solution
that integrates rainproof measures, the urban
context and community involvement.
	 De Urbanisten’s approach is to segment
the city into three conditions: Urban, Suburban
and Natural, and develop a resiliency solution that
enhances each. In Urban Middlefart, they propose a
raised threshold along the building facades that acts
as a buffer for flooding but can become public space
enhancements as well. This project demonstrates
that resiliency is not only about strengthening our
cities, but an opportunity to improve other aspects
of the urban condition.
	 In many respects, Middelfart’s
relationship with water can be seen in many other
municipalities around the world. Instead of merely
upgrading their infrastructure, the Danes have
recognized this as an opportunity to become an
asset to the urban context and the community in
which it is protecting. We would be wise to follow
their lead
“Middelfart, Even Beautiful When It Rains.” DE URBANISTEN.
Accessed May 4, 2015.
Watersquare Benthemplein
Rotterdam, Netherlands
De Urbanisten
	 As a Dutch architecture and urban
planning firm, De Urbanisten is well versed in dealing
with water in an urban context. Watersquare
Benthemplein seeks to kill two birds with one stone,
so-to-speak, by combining a storm water catch
basin with an urban public amenity.
	 Through a robust public design process
with the local stakeholders and community, the firm
developed a plan that both mitigates overflow and
provides an engaging public space that also interacts
with this secondary purpose. The Watersquare has
two shallow basins for light rains and one deeper
basin for extraordinary rainfall.
	 Most of the time, the space will be
dry and used as a recreational space. There is a
basketball court, bleacher style seating and rail
features for skateboarders. When it rains, the basins
fill up and become dynamic water features that play
up the relationship between the weather and the
city. The water in the deep basin flows back into the
open water system of the city after a maximum of
36 hours to ensure public health. The system also
ensures all the storm water not flow into the mixed
sewage system.
	 DeUrbanisten demonstrates what is
possible when combining infrastructure and public
space and amenities. Rarely are these two functions
so seamlessly and successfully combined, and cities
with consistent rainfall should take notice.
“Watersquare Benthemplein.” DE URBANISTEN. Accessed May
4, 2015.
All Photos De Urbanisten
MOSE Project
Venice, Italy
	 Venice is perhaps the most striking urban
illustration of the effects of climate change in the
21st century. Becuase of its intimate relationship to
the sea, any increase in sea level has an immediate
effect on the city’s waterway infrastructure. Venice
is also dealing with its own unique problem of
sinking into the lagoon due to soil compaction,
tectonic plate shifting and the extraction of fresh
water from beneath the city. These two threats
have compounded to produce a rapidly deteriorating
situation on the streets of Venice, with more an
more severe flooding and damage to the city’s
cultural and architectural heritage.
	 The heavily criticized Modulo
Sperimentale Elettromeccanico -- or in English,
Experimental Electromechanical Module was first
proposed as an engineering solution in the 1990’s.
The idea is to regulate the storm surge and tides
with flexible barrier systems placed at each of the
three entrances to the Venice Lagoon. The steel
barriers will be attached to the sea floor via hinges
and normally flooded so they stay flush with the
bottom. Whe a high tide is detected, compressed
are will cause the barriers to swing to the surface so
they are perpendicular to the bottom, forming a flood
The project has been critiqued by the Italian
public because of its corruption-ridden reputation,
budget and time overruns and environmental
impact to the lagoon. Indeed the project had yet
to be completed when the mayor of Venice along
with 35 others were arrested in June of 2014 under
corruption charges.2
	 While most agree Venice should not be
left to flounder under the rising tides, it represents
an important question city’s must ask themselves
when it comes to sea level rise: What are we obliged
to save? And how much will it cost? As local and
municipal governments around the world wrestle
with reduced funding and increased demand for
services, we must begin to ask ourselves what we
can realistically afford to preserve and what we
should walk away from.
1	 Squires, Nick. “Mayor of Venice Arrested on Lagoon
Barrier Project Corruption Charges.” The Telegraph. N.p., 04 June
2014. Web. 5 May 2015.
2 	 “Mayor of Venice arrested on lagoon barrier project
corruption charges” The Telegraph. Accessed May 4, 2015. http://
Photo: AP
The Telegraph
Swamp Thing: A Smart Water Grid
System for New Orleans
Isaac Cohen and Kate Hayes
	 A smart system for water management
is flexible and can adapt to various conditions to
most effectively distribute storm water based on
demand. This system acts in contrast to the current
mono-functional system that simply pumps water
out of the city. The addition of swamps to the
system in the first phase facilitates the creation of
new, dynamic public spaces in New Orleans.
	 In this smart system, the pump stations
act as central nodes. Each pump station has
anywhere from one to fifteen pumps, which can
be individually controlled to modulate and allocate
water throughout the city. By tying the largest pump
station to the water treatment facility, the ultimate
goal is for the 64 inches of precipitation that falls
on New Orleans every year to be cleansed and
repurposed to serve all freshwater needs in the city.
--Text and images from:
	 This report addresses resiliency solutions on a variety of different scales:
architectural, urban, technological and ecological. However the particular
precedents highlighted in this document are only a tiny fraction of development
occurring at any given time. The successes, best practices and innovation seen
here and in other projects must be disseminated on a much broader scale if change
of any consequence is to occur. Yet how can we encourage the adoption of these
typologies over the status quo? The Urban Land Institute’s Living with Water report
stresses that framing the issue in terms of long term costs can be an effective
tool. By comparing the verifiable scientific and economic costs of doing nothing,
a compelling argument can be made to stakeholders who have the necessary
foresight. The hope is that through this type of advocacy, a critical mass is achieved
and concrete policy and code changes occur. This is how we move the needle more
than a few inches in terms of resiliency and sustainability.
	 Architecture and firms and developers who embrace these ideas can only
complete so many projects, we need governing bodies, decision makers, political
leaders and most of all, the general populace to embrace these ideas if we are
going to be successful in improving the resilience of our cities, and those around
the world.
Systems Change
“In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest
year on record, I ask the chair, you know what this is? It’s a snowball. And that’s just
from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out.” --Senator Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate
Committee on Environment and Public Works, speaking about climate change.
The sharing of ideas and best practices across
geographic and cultural boundaries will be crucial for
efforts to improve urban resiliency. Competitions like
Rebuild By Design bring together top talent to find
innovative solutions for difficult resiliency problems.
These ideas are researched by organizations like
CIRS and then implemented as building industry
benchmarks through The Living Future Institute’s
LivingBuildingChallenge. Finallyglobalorganizations
like the Rockefeller Foundation and ACCCRN can
disseminate these solutions on a global scale. The
result is an ecosystem that has the potential to effect
broad policy reforms that will have a tangible impact
on our civilizations resiliency and sustainability
Better Competition
Resiliency Research and
Whereas LEED projects strive to
meet objectives that make the
building “less bad,” The Living Building
Competition goes beyond LEED’s
sustainability criteria to support a
viable future built environment. They
champion buildings that are not
only carbon neutral but are “Socially
Just, Culturally Rich and Ecologically
Design Competitions
a) The Urban Land Institute convened
a charrette to explore resilient design
solutions for development in the
region. The goal was to understand
how to help land owners, developers,
designers, and public officials act to
protect their assets and communities
from the risks associated with sea
level rise and climate change.
b) Launched by HUD in the wake of
Hurricane Sandy, Rebuild by Design
seeks to answer a region’s greatest
needs, while placing civic leaders
and communities at the heart of the
design process.
Global Dissemination
In order to optimize resiliency efforts
in cities around the world, several
organizations have developed global
networks that provide a forum for
the sharing of ideas, resources and
solutions related to resiliency. We
can no longer afford to think locally
about the issues we face. Indeed we
must “think globally, act locally” if we
are to be effective in creating a more
resilient and sustainable solution.
The Living Building Challenge™ is the built environment’s most rigorous
performance standard. It calls for the creation of building projects at all
the Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance
requirements over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy.
The Challenge is comprised of seven performance categories called
Petals: Place, Water, Energy, Health & Happiness, Materials, Equity and
Beauty. Petals are subdivided into a total of twenty Imperatives, each of
which focuses on a specific sphere of influence.
The Bullitt Center
Seattle, Washington
Miller Hull
The Bullitt Center claims to be the greenest
commercial building in the world. The center aims
to advance the awareness and adoption of high-
performance building through ongoing educational
efforts, and by demonstrating that performance-
based design works in a market-rate commercial
project. The building’s performance metrics and
design characteristics were informed by the Living
Building Challenge’s
Bechtel Environmental Classroom
Whately, Massachusetts
Whately, Massachusetts Smith College’s
Bechtel Environmental Classroom in Whately,
Massachusetts is a new, 2,500 S.F. single-story
wood-framed classroom building, acting as a field
station for a 233-acre forest and pasture property.
It encloses two major spaces – a classroom for
biological and earth sciences, and a seminar
space for humanities seminars and larger group
gatherings. There are composting toilets (but no
shower), a kitchenette, and a field office
Center for Sustainable Landscapes
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Center for Sustainable Landscapes project was
built on brown field site previously developed by the
City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works.
Ongoing work at the CSL is based on recognizing
vital and positive connections between people,
plants, beauty, health, and focuses on awakening
children to nature and encouraging sustainable,
healthy lifestyles. The 21,892 sf building is
designed to serve as an office, classroom, research,
and library space for the Conservatory.
© Martin Tessler
© Martin Tessler
The ways and extent
that social processes
interface with the tech-
nical systems is critical
to achieving successful
sustainability outcomes
and thereby necessitat-
ing interdisciplinary ap-
proaches to research.
The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) was developed in response
to the challenge of creating a more sustainable built environment. Its intention is to be an
internationally recognized research institution that accelerates the adoption of sustainable
building technologies and sustainable urban development practices in society. Research
within the Centre engages issues related to, and which shape, sustainable buildings and
urban development patterns. Such research requires understanding complex cross-scale
and cross-discipline issues and developing new concepts and tools that are integrative,
synthetic and which actively create positive synergies between systems.
Sustainable urban de-
velopment is an in-
creasingly significant
realm of enquiry for
the framing of building
design strategies. As
such, understanding of
links and relationships
between buildings and
their larger context,
both environmental and
social, assumes greater
Net Positive
Whereas green design
is primarily directed at
“doing less harm” or,
more generally, reduc-
ing the degenerative
consequences of hu-
man activity on the
health and integrity of
ecological systems, re-
search in CIRS embrac-
es the notion of build-
ings potentially offering
a “net positive” perfor-
mance in both resource
and human terms.
While cognizant that
fundamental societal
transformations are
long-term, research
in CIRS is primarily in-
terested in redirect-
ing current design and
planning practices by
finding and engag-
ing approaches that
can affect the greatest
positive change in the
shortest possible time
Consistent with UBC’s
aspiration to be an
agent of change that
teaches future sustain-
ability leaders, conducts
important research and
ensures that the Uni-
versity's private, public
and NGO partners take
the outcomes of its
inquiries into the mar-
ketplace, CIRS engages
with a broad range of
partners to accelerate
”How does one protect and enhance the value of a real
estate asset, community, and infrastructure as the climate
changes and sea levels rise? ”
Living With Water
Boston, Massachusetts
This competition considers the challenges of
adapting to climate change and rising sea levels at
three sites specifically chosen for their vulnerability
and where winning solutions can influence future
redevelopment activities. Ranging in scale from
Building to Neighborhood to Infrastructure, each
site presents challenges that are representational
of common urban conditions and call for scale-
specific solutions. Competition solutions address
the unique aspects of the selected site while being
replicable elsewhere.
The Water Fun(d)
ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge
An acronym for “Future Underwater Neighborhood
district”, FUN(d) also conveyed both the means
(revenue from tourist visits would provide funding
for the project), and the goal, a new kind of urban
neighborhood that skillfully interacts with an influx
of water on an on-going basis. The FUN(d) effort
stands out as an example of how careful foresight
and skillful implementation can preserve and even
Resilient Linkages
For inspiration for LINKAGES, our team looked to
the policy framework employed by Harbor walk. In
our plan, the new street grid is established today—
anticipating need—and requires developers to
integrate supporting infrastructure into their
development, similar to the segment by segment
construction of a contiguous Harbor walk. As SLR
becomes undeniable and investments in resilience
gain public support, the City can link the developers’
segments to create a fully-functional, elevated
street grid.
Total Resilient Approach
Thetis S.p.A
This proposal considers the transportation
infrastructure as a flexible element aimed at
of Morrissey Blvd at 18 ft and its connections to the
adjacent neighborhoods represent an opportunity
to redevelop the whole Columbia Point through an
overall strategy based on habitat restoration and
sustainable urban landscaping. An urban wetland is
planned aside Morrissey blvd to create a rain garden
belt connected with the Patten’s Cove Salt Marshes
which are restored to their original functionality
Rebuild By Design
New York City
Launched by HUD in the wake of Hurricane Sandy,
Rebuild by Design seeks to answer a region’s
greatest needs, while placing civic leaders and
communities at the heart of the design process. Its
method maximizes inter-agency communication
and cross-sector communication, and delivers
innovative, actionable, large-scale infrastructure
solutions that embody a people’s unique vision of
their own resilient future.
Bjarke Ingels Group
The Big U is a protective system around Manhat-
tan, driven by the needs and concerns of its com-
munities. Stretching from West 57th street south
to The Battery and up to East 42th street, the Big U
protects 10 continuous miles of low-lying geogra-
phy that comprise an incredibly dense, vibrant, and
vulnerable urban area. The proposed system not
only shields the city against floods and storm wa-
ter; it provides social and environmental benefits to
the community, and an improved public realm. The
proposal consists of separate but coordinated plans
for three contiguous regions of the waterfront and
associated communities, regions dubbed compart-
The BIG proposal offers a glimpse of what is pos-
sible given the precarious position New York City
is in concerning sea level rise. Now it is up to New
Yorkers to decide how their city will move forward.
100 Resilient Cities
Rockefeller Foundation
	 100 Resilient Cities is an initiative
launched by the Rockefeller Foundation and
is dedicated to helping cities around the world
become more resilient to the physical, social and
economic challenges in the 21st century. They
understand resilience includes not just the shocks
– earthquakes, fires, floods, etc. – But also the
stresses that weaken the fabric of a city on a day
to day or cyclical basis. Examples of these stresses
include high unemployment; an overtaxed or
inefficient public transportation system; endemic
violence; or chronic food and water shortages.
Unfortunately the biggest losers in climate change
are often the poorest countries and by 2020, over
500 million people are projected to be short of
The Rockefeller Foundation also pioneered The
Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network
(ACCCRN), a multi-year initiative to strengthen
the capacity of over 50 rapidly urbanizing cities in
Southeast Asia to survive, adapt, and transform
in the face of climate-related stress and shocks.
ACCRN has identified the following key issues in
urban resilience
Public Health
Water Economic Sectors
	 100RC helps cities identify
commonalities between the challenges they face
and then share information, strategies and even
resources to have maximize their efforts. They also
seek to increase cooperation and communication
between certain actors within cities: government
agencies, local businesses and NGO’s. In addition to
financial resources,100RC offers a platform of tools
and resources from both public and private sectors.
Asian Cities Climate
Change Resilience
Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, ACCCRN
is built on a multi-year initiative to strengthen
the capacity of over 50 rapidly urbanizing cities
in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, the Philippines,
Thailand and Vietnam to survive, adapt, and
transform in the face of climate-related stress
and shocks.
						--Buckminster Fuller
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May 2015. <
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Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011.
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J., Khanbilvardi, R. and Susca, T., (2010) A Temperature and
Seasonal Energy Analysis of Green, White, and Black Roofs.
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“Masdar Headquarters”

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  • 1. PAUL LUKEZ ARCHITECTURE MATT SOBLE 2015 RESEARCH INTERN DAVID ORNDORFF SUPERVISOR re•sil•ience • How do we protect and enhance the value of real estate, a community, a city, and our civilization as the climate changes, sea levels rise, and a new modern condition emerges
  • 2. H2 Title Page Executive Summary ReThink Table of Contents 1 Architectural Solutions a Water Solutions Map ii Indigenous Stilt Archetypes iii Contemporary Raised Solutions iv Houseboat! e Interior Comfort MAP vi Climate Control vii Building Vegetion viii 21st Century Loggia 2 Ecological Solutions a The Urban Environment MAP ii The Urban Island iii Hardscape Permeability iv Soft Urban Edges v Restorative Wetland vi Back to the Future (Oyster) 3 Technological Solutions a Urban Food Production MAP ii Rooftop Farming iii Hydroponic Agriculture iv Vertical Farming e Hydropower Map vi Windmill vii Historic Hydropower viii Hydrokinetic Power ix The Hydrokinetic Canal 4 Urban Scale Solutions a Water and the City MAP ii New Urban Waterways iii Storm water Management iv New Orleans Rising v Venice Underwater 5 Systems Change a Better Competition MAP ii Living Building Challenge iii CIRS Building iv Living with Water v Rebuild by Design vi 100 Resilient Cities Table of Contents
  • 3. H3 Climate change and the urbanization of the global populace are forcing cities to rethink how they respond to both chronic stresses and acute shocks. Sea level rise alone will come to redefine coastal cities around the world as they struggle to cope with higher tides and more frequent severe weather events. By the year 2100, 30 percent of the City of Boston will be subjected to consistent saltwater inundation, if we fail to adapt.1 Inroads are being made to improve the resiliency of many cities, yet the vast majority of municipalities around the world are reluctant to divert funds to this abstract, and often intangible idea. In these cases, framing is everything. Project stakeholders must be made aware of the cost of doing nothing, in order to encourage resiliency thinking in the design. We can no longer afford to keep things “business as usual,” especially in at risk urban areas. This document will provide a glimpse at what is both possible and necessary when designing our cities to be more resilient in the future. Throughout the document, special attention should be paid to the holistic approach of the precedent studies’ solutions and how both ecology and technology are leveraged to create resilient design. Considering resilience does limit the status quo in some areas, but it also presents new development and interactive opportunities such as those found at the water’s edge. Indeed, our efforts should be directed towards developing replicable typologies, not site specific solutions. It is these new typologies and other innovation in the resiliency space that should then be disseminated and shared for the benefit of others. Design competitions like Boston’s Living With Water and New YorkCity’sRebuildbyDesignarefundamentallydifferentthanotherhigh profile international design competitions in that we all benefit from the ideas generated from the competition. Hopefully these competitions are indicative of a more collaborative and productive urban future, where cities can recognize and implement each other’s successful solutions. A more prosperous and resilient future does not lie in quick fixes or complacency, but rather, a sustained effort in developing both policy, planning, and design strategies that can be shared and improved upon as we embrace the challenges of the 21st century. 1 “About Us” Boston Living With Water. Executive Summary
  • 4. 4 A series of devastating natural disasters in the 21st century have brought resiliency to the forefront of conversations related to design, engineering, policy and the economy. Resilience theory asserts that a failure in one part of a system can reinforce the collapse in another. This assertion was verified by the containment system failure, human error, and bureaucratic red tape exacerbated each of these events to create truly horrific outcomes. Only through a holistic approach to can we hope to ensure the longevity and security of our cities, our society, and our civilization Source: re•think River Flooding Grand Rapids, The American Midwest has long been plagued by swelling rivers during heavy rains. Flood walls have traditionally been used to contain the river and keep damage to a minimum, but after a 2013 flood nearly breached, city leaders are asking tough questions about their city’s resiliency.  1 Hurricane Katrina New Orleans One of the country’s worst natural disasters, Hurricane Katrina killed over 2000 people and caused $100 billion in damages. Inadequate flood protection and slow and inadequate response by local and federal government highlighted the importance of urban resiliency  2 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake, Tsunami Japan, Southeast Asia An earthquake off the coast of Japan and the subsequent Tsunami destroyed thousands dead and rendered hundreds of thousands of homes damaged. Perhaps most notable was the failure of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant’s safety system, leading to a catastrophic failure and meltdown.  1  3  3  2
  • 5. 5 What is ‘Resiliency,’ and why has it entered our popular lexicon in such a big way recently? What is the difference between resiliency and sustainability, and will these terms still be relevant in ten years? Who are the major players in the resiliency space, and how does their work impact society? These are all valid questions which demand comprehensive responses, but they all seem to boil down to one simple prompt: Why should we care about resiliency? Resilienceisunderstoodasthedegreetowhich a complex system is flexible enough to respond and adapt to an externally imposed force or change, and thus persist over time, while retaining its structure and functions.1 In the past, the term was often used to describe certain ecological and environmental processes such as the forest regeneration cycle whereby a forest follows a particular pattern of growth, collapse, regeneration and regrowth. In the growth stage, the forest gathers biomass, becoming increasingly complex and interconnected until the forest becomes uniquely adapted to that particular environmental context. This allows the forest to flourish until a shock or external pressure causes the entire ecosystem to collapse. While devastating for the existing plants and animals, the collapse provides an opportunity for new organisms to establish a foothold in the regeneration phase.1 If the climate returns to a relatively stable state, a new forest condition is created and the cycle of growth repeats itself. Given the changing climate, rising sea levels and rash of devastating natural disasters that have shocked our urban ecosystems, it is understandable that we might frame our struggle to cope with these problems as an effort to become more resilient. Our cities are a veritable human ecosystem, with a range of interconnected systems that make life possible and often enjoyable for its residents. Resiliency has become an interdisciplinary buzzword used to describe all manner of initiatives to improve our cities’ ability to deal with acute external shocks. Yet when dealing with resiliency in an urban context, it is 1 Thompson, I., Mackey, B., McNulty, S., Mosseler, A. (2009). Forest Resilience, Biodiversity, and Climate Change. A synthesis of the biodiversity/ resilience/stability relationship in forest ecosystems. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series no. 43, 67 pages important recognize the differences and similarities between resiliency and sustainability terminology. Whereas sustainability is concerned with addressing the root causes of climate change by reducing our impact on the environment, resiliency is predicated on the assumption that the environment must be accomodated. Resiliency is a strong national defense policy while sustainability is diplomacy and sometimes concessions. While this document primarily addresses resilience in relation to physical threats such as sea level rise, it can also refer to more abstract hazards such as the 2007/2008 mortgage crisis. Again, resiliency theory dictates that a failure in one part of a system can reinforce the collapse in another, a theory painfully verified by the ensuing global financial crisis. Thus, resiliency is not so much a design strategy as it is a frame of mind or philisophy: How can we better survive, recover from, and even thrive in changing climatic conditions and stresses to our most complex systems and cities. Hopefully, the answer to Boston’s future flooding problems will not come from an enormous public works barrier project out in the harbor, but rather a host of interconnected and responsibly executed solutions that will not only defend the city from constant flooding, but enhance real estate value and improve stakeholder communities. Our overeliance on massive public works projects has proven to be unsustainable, especially with a changing climate. Much like the forest example, long term homogenous conditions can reduce diversity and flexibility, thereby discouraging novelty and creativity and eventually lead to collapse. 2 Boston, or any other major coastal city doesn’t need another definitive ‘Big Dig’ project to save the city, but rather cities need to welcome innovation and ideas from everyone. As Buckminster Fuller once said, we should strive to “make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” 2 Dudley, Michael. “Resiliency.” In Green Cities an A-to-Z Guide. Thou- sand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. Resilience
  • 6. 6 The challenges we face due to climate change, specifically sea level rise and catastrophic weather events, are demanding innovative, flexible, and comprehensive design solutions to combat these changes. Technology can only take us so far. We need to look everywhere, including the past, to find ways of living in these new climate conditions we have created for ourselves. Indeed, Almost 40% of CO2 emissions come from the building industry, and if we want to get serious about creating a more resilient and sustainable future, a true revolution in the building industry must occur. Buildings must strive not to simply be “less bad,” as LEED currently benchmarks, but to be true assets to the community and the environment. “Architecture’s role in all of this should not merely be to propose de- sign solutions for dealing with the adverse effects of climate change. Architecture is potentially positioned to lead the way in limiting climate change” “Philippinen basilan seezigeuner ph04p69” by I, Hu9423. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - File:Philippinen_basilan_seezigeuner_ph04p69.jpg#/media/File:Philippinen_ basilan_seezigeuner_ph04p69.jpg Architectural Solutions
  • 7. 7 Raised or stilt housing has long been a construction technique for coastal communities. By lifting the living space above the ground, flood risk is mitigated. Other advantages include protection against vermin or other pests, and if built over soil, the creation of a shaded area beneath the structure. Construction methods often involve driving piles into the ground to support the structure however structural integrity may be compromised compared to terrestrial structures. STILTSVILLE Miami Make it Right New Orleans Founded by Brad Pitt in 2007, Make It Right builds homes, buildings and communities for people in need. All Make It Right projects are LEED Platinum certified and Cradle to Cradle inspired. Many prominent architects have contributed to the body of work in New Orleans after Katrina. House Boat Netherlands Many European residents have long enjoyed the benefits of a water based primary residence. While houseboats may not be for everyone, their flexibility and use of space make them intriguing housing solutions for resilient cities. Villagev Madagascar Malagasi architecture bears a strong resemblance to that of southern Borneo, where the earliest inhabitants are though to have originated. Houses are built on low stilts and thatched roof. The Villagev is one example of popular raised housing archetypes seen around the world. Water Solutions  2  1  4  1  2  3  3  4
  • 8. 8  1 Palifito South America Found in Chile and Columbia in coastal cities and towns. The town of Castro Chile, one of the oldest cities in Chile, predominately uses this archetype. The result is a community that occupies an elevated space above the shoreline and is protected from tidal fluctuations yet retains proximity to the water and its resources. Pang U.K. Southeast Asia Literally: “shack house.” The Pang U.K. is a kind of stilt house found in Tai O, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Pang U.K. are built on water or on small beaches. While inexpensive to construct, these buildings are not resilient due to their fragility and little access to services. However, their arrangement in relation to each other and to the waters edge represents an intriguing zone of occupation. Stilt House Thailand Traditional Thai stilt housing. Bamboo structure raised on stilts and capped with a steep gabled roof. Homes are usually built over both water land. The former provides protection from sea level fluctuations and the latter provides a shaded area underneath the house. Elevating the living area creates both a physical and psychological separation between nature and the built environment. This relationship between outside and inside is at the core of the human experience in the built environment. INDIGENOUS STILT ARCHETYPES
  • 9. 9 Make It Right Foundation Special NO 9 House New Orleans, LA Kieren Timberlake This project had to meet several criteria including federal guidelines for raising the house above the ground and to provide a refuge on the roof in case of catastrophic flooding. To ensure its affordability for residents, who were required to finance 85 percent of the purchase, the cost of the home was capped. The design team also took careful consideration of climate, cost, and collaboration with community leaders and residents. While this house represents only a drop in the bucket for the under served NOLA populace, this type of holistic approach to development is intended to be replicated in future projects. Make It Right Foundation FLOAT House New Orleans, LA Morphosis + UCLA The product of a partnership between Thom Mayne of Morphosis, and UCLA’s School of Architecture and Design, this traditional New Orleans shotgun style house sits on a raised “chassis” which can float in case of flooding. This chassis houses all mechanical and electrical, and plumbing systems and can be adapted to support a variety of housing configurations. This innovative approach to the vernacular architecture of New Orleans represents a much-needed paradigm shift in how architects and builders think about housing in areas vulnerable to flooding. Make It Right Foundation House New Orleans, LA BILD Design BILD’s appoach to new housing in the city takes a community minded approach. The house seeks to loft the house above the dangers posed by flooding while respecting the relationship between the house and the street. New Orleans is very much a city defined by specific social culture on its streets and in its neighborhoods. This culture is dependant on an intimate relationship between inside and outside, private and public. Indeed, raising a building physically disconnects the dwelling from the ground but can have other social implications as well. BILD’s design seeks raise the home above flood danger while maintaining the strong connection between home and community. CONTEMPORARY RAISED SOLUTIONS 2
  • 10. 10  3 HOUSEBOAT! WATERVILLA DE OMVAL Amsterdam, Netherlands +31Architects BILD’s modern interpretation of traditional houseboat design reminds us of the potential of living on the water. Many Europeans maintain houseboats as their primary residences, but practice is less common in the United States. This may be due to the robust inland waterway systems and canal infrastructure in many European countries. Amsterdam has over 2,800 registered houseboats on its canals which also drives a unique hospitality industry for the city. The Watervilla de Omval delivers a contemporary design without sacrificing the houseboat profile or modern amenities . The house places the kitchen and living space at the water level, with cabins below the water line reached via a split level that houses the bathroom. The split level and curved exterior design was dictated by height restriction of 3 meters above the water line. As urban rental prices rise, living on the water becomes an intriguing proposition in Holland, but also in many other water connected cities. Houseboat communities present an interesting opportunity for resilient communities. If there is a climate or weather related risk, the entire module can be moved to a safer location. This also gives the residents flexibility over where they want to live and for how long, without the burden of traditional moving. Of course, houseboat communities rely on infrastructure provided by municipal governments to function. North American cities must invest more in these systems if they hope to promote houseboat living as a viable residential option.
  • 11. 11 Historically, every civilization’s architecture respects their environmental context. Initially a tactic of necessity, it is now a fading memory as globalization and the proliferation of technology have promoted a more uniform standard of living across the globe. Modern amenities like air conditioning allow for increased productivity and comfort, but require enormous amounts of power. Future designers must recognize that passive climate control systems and architectural features offer opportunities to re imagine them in the context of sustainable and resilient design. Interior Comfort Wind Tower Persia, Middle East. To cope with the harsh temperatures in desert climates, Middle Eastern cultures used wind towers to create natural ventilation in their buildings. Wind towers come in variety of orientations: unidirectional, bidirectional, and multi- directional. Wind towers can still be found in traditional Persian-influenced architecture throughout the Middle East.  1 Green Roofs Europe Sod roofs have been used for millennia across many geographical and cultural regions. Germany , however is credited as the birthplace for modern- day green roof systems as a result of rapid industrialization and urbanization in the 1880’s. Flammable tar was used to roof inexpensive housing and to mitigate fire risk sand and gravel substrate was added, and seed colonization occurred and formed meadows.  2 Loggia Italian Renaissance In Italian architecture, a loggia is accessed from the interior of a home and takes advantage of cooling winds and airflow, acting as a buffer between the living space and outside temperature. Most historic examples date from the 17th century and are prominent in Rome and Bologna, Italy. Theirtemperatureregulatory properties offer an architectural opportunity for future design, and climate control systems.  3 2  1  3  1
  • 12. 12 CLIMATE CONTROL Wind tower Masdar City, United Arab Emirates Foster + Partners Masdar City’s state of the art design by Norman Foster incorporates a 45 meter tall wind tower. This modern interpretation of an iconic traditional archetype uses the same principles that allowed people to stay cool in the brutally hot weather centuries ago. The tower’s height allows it to capture the cooler upper-level winds and direct them to the open-air public square at its base. Sensors at the top of the steel structure regulate louvers to open in the direction of prevailing winds and to close in other directions to divert wind down the tower. While Masdar city is an experiment in sustainability, certain successful design principles like the 21st century wind tower can be replicated in other projects around the region.  1
  • 13. 13 BUILDING VEGETATION Green Roof Chicago, IL City Hall Green Roofs like this one atop the Chicago’s City Hall can have several benefits to the building and surrounding environment. First, the green roof absorbs heat from sunlight, lowering cooling demand for the building and emissions associated with producing that energy. Conversely during the winter, the improved insulation quality reduces heat loss, lowering energy costs for the building overall. Radiant heat from the building is also diminished, which mitigates the “heat island” effect that plagues many dense urban areas. Other advantages include increased biodiversity, and psychological benefits. Converting traditional black roofs to green roofs presents a compelling solution to mitigate the urban heat island effect and improve the quality of life in our cities. I’m Lost in Paris Paris, France R&Sie(n) The mysterious Francois Roche and his firm R&Sie(n) completed this project in 2009 in the city of Paris. The project utilizes hand blown glass to create a screen, or living wall that is draped over the habitable 2 storey concrete volume. The project addresses typical privacy concerns of building in an existing intimate Parisian courtyard where neighbors are constantly reminded of their proximity to others. The 300 glass beakers house hydroponically grown Dryopteris filix-mas, more commonly known as ferns. The plants are nourished by a mixture of bacteria, nutrients and rainwater, which is piped into the beakers by the hydroponic system and can be adjusted in response to climate and light. Slessor, Catherine. “’I’m Lost in Paris’ House by R&Sie(n), Paris, France.” The Architectural Review, 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 05 May 2015. 2
  • 14. 14 21ST CENTURY LOGGIA Genzyme Building Design Genzyme Center Boston, MA Behnisch, Behnisch and Partner This extraordinary corporate office project contracted by Genzyme, an international biotechnology and pharmaceutical company, was designed to be one of the most environmentally responsible office buildings in the United States. Construction began in June 2001, was completed in November 2003, and achieved LEED platinum certification in August 2005. While the cost of the project was much higher than comparable build- ings at $140 million dollars, or $400/square foot, it serves as a model of sustainable architecture. Performance highlights: • Uses 32% less water than a comparable building • Electricity costs are 38% less than a comparable building • Lighting requires 45% less electricity than a con- ventional building • Total energy use is 25% below the new state en- ergy code requirements One of the more striking design fea- tures are the loggias that which covers over 32% of the building exterior. The loggia provides thermal benefits by providing a tempered space using solar heat radiation and ventilation flaps. Computer con- trolled perforated blinds automatically track the sun’s position and open to desired angles to opti- mize interior lighting while deflecting heat. All of the blinds close at night to mitigate light pollution in the surrounding neighborhood. During a tour of the Genzyme center, the tour guide explained the Loggia was not as ef- fective as it was designed to be due to last minute restrictions from the fire marshal. Nonetheless, the experiment demonstrated another exciting modern adaptation of an historical archetype for efficiency gains.  3
  • 15. 15 As human civilization became increasingly urbanized, we began to change the natural landscape to best suit our needs. This development was not without cost, particularly in relation to the natural environment. Oftentimes, the ramifications of our impact on the planet do not become apparent until a major weather event or natural disaster. As the link between human activity and climate change becomes more defined, we ought to look for clues in what was here before to help solve the problems of tomorrow Ecological Solutions
  • 16. 16 With over half the world’s population already living in urbanareas,citieswilldefinethehumanexperiencein the 21st century. Unfortunately, many cities currently lack the infrastructure, planning, and services to adequately support the projected population growth. Green space, wetland protection and permeable surfaces in cities will need to be at the forefront of urban planning and policy if cities are to be effective at developing a resilient home for their citizens. Back to the Future New York, USA In a true “Back to the Future” move, Kate Orff of SCAPE proposes bringing back Oyster farming to New York harbor. Oysters can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day, leading to cleaner water in the polluted Gowanus canal. Additionally, when the oysters agglomerate, their collective mass forms a new reef structure which can help mitigate way impacts during storm surge and sea level rise.  5 Urban Ecology  1 The Urban Island Providence, RI Satellite imaging has allowed scientists to compare ground temperature between vegetation, developed land, in an urban context/ The result shows the extent to which urban development can create a “heat island” effect whereby heat normally absorbed and dissipated by plants, is instead reflected and magnified by urban hardscapes.  1 Hardscape Permeability Bioswales, rain gardens, and other landscape elements are designed to reduce demand on storm and sewer systems by filtering and retaining surface water runoff. By capturing surface runoff during storms, bioswales reduce the peak load on storm water management systems and mitigate risk of contamination with sewage  2  2 Soft Urban Edges Northeast, USA Much like the humble sponge, Salt marshes absorb and retain water, filtering it through a complex network of microorganisms and other flora, before releasing it slowly into the ground.  3  3  4 Restorative Wetland Once a example of the flawed over reach of engineering public works, this recently completed wetland park functions as a major part of the city-wide ecological infrastructure planned to provide multiple ecosystem services, including storm- water management, water cleansing, and recovery of native habitats, as well as a creation of a cherished public space for gathering and aesthetic enjoyment.  4  5
  • 17. 17 Images by Robert Simmon, using data ©2010 Digital- Globe (image) and from the Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research (graph).  1 Temperature (˚C) 20 40 60 August 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Black Roof White Roof Green Roof Air Temperature THE URBAN ISLAND Heat Island Effect Providence, RI This series of images demonstrate the correlation between vegetation, developed land, and temperature in Providence, Rhode Island. They show the extent to which urban development can create a “heat island” effect whereby heat normally absorbed and dissipated by plants, is instead reflected and magnified by urban hardscapes. The result is a 1 to 2 degree temperature increase. Heat Island Effect (Left) + Rooftop Temperatures by Color New York City, Researchers have found that a simple move like painting black roofs white— increasing the reflection of light—can reduce temperatures dramatically. In a program partly sponsored by the New York City government, white synthetic surfaces and paints were found to reduce peak rooftop temperatures by 24°C (43°F) compared to typical black rooftops. See graph below Images by Robert Simmon, using data ©2010 DigitalGlobe (image) and from the Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research (graph). Caption by Mike Carlowicz, with reporting from Patrick Lynch, NASA Earth Science News Team.
  • 18. 18 5% Deep Infiltration 10% Shallow Infiltration 55% Surface Runoff 30% Evapotranspiration 10% Surface Runoff 25% Shallow Infiltration 25% Deep Infiltration 40% Evapotranspiration Natural Ground Cover 75%-100% Impervious Cover In Brooklyn, an abundance of street-beautifying bioswales means healthier, less polluted waterways. (Photo: NYC Water/flickr) Bioswales Pilot Project New York City, NY New York City, like many older urban centers relies heavily on a combined sewage and storm water system. While the city has a robust waste water treatment system, during heavy rains it becomes overwhelmed and is designed to discharge the storm water and untreated sewage overflow (CSO) into the harbor. Compounding this problemisthefactthatNewYork’sextensivestreets and sidewalks, which make up approximately 27 percent of land in combined sewer drainage areas, are the two top contributors to storm water runoff. This poses a dangerous environmental and public health hazard, and is not a viable strategy as extreme weather events become more common. To reduce the load on the storm water management system and waste water treatment facilities, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection has launched a bioswale pilot project in 3 of 5 city boroughs. The NYCDEP project is ongoing but preliminary results show mean storm water capture of 59 percent and median storm water capture of 60 percent. For precipitation less than one inch, the bioswales captured an average of 73 percent of the rainfall and a median of 85 percent of the rainfall. The data also suggests that the bioswales perform better than anticipated for storms with total precipitation less than two inches, capturing an average of 67 percent of the rain and a median of 69 percent of the rain. The bioswales have also provided NYCDEP with less tangible effects such as neighborhood beautification, opportunities to engage with the community, and educational opportunities for local schools. Finally, the department stresses that bioswales should be evaluated as part of a system of solutions to reduce demand on storm water management systems.  2 HARDSCAPE PERMEABILITY McLaughlin, John. “NYC Bioswales Pilot Project Improves Storm water Management. “
  • 19. 19  3 Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates INC Brooklyn Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates INC Brooklyn SOFT URBAN EDGES Historic Salt Marsh New England Salt Marshes, native to New England and the Northeast have protected the coastline for millennia before human settlement. Urban development, especially around the Boston area have converted these traditionally “soft edges” that respond to climactic fluctuations into harder urban edges, designed to contain and stop the ocean. Now, sea level rise, human activity, and other climate change related stressors threaten many remaining examples. Brooklyn Bridge Park Salt Marsh Brooklyn, New York Michael Van Valkenburgh New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge Park utilizes a small salt marsh as a buffer zone, slowing waves and storm surges to protect against flooding. The park returns a soft water font edge to America’s biggest city. While this move is largely symbolic and educational, with proper management and protection, salt marshes could help us protect our coastline from future fluctuations and major storm events. The Northeast United States had many salt marshes along the coast that had developed over many hundreds of years. Human activity has largely destroyed these ecological assets, however people are increasingly seeing the inherent value these marshes provide as our climate changes and weather continues to impact our lives.
  • 20. 20 Minghu Wetland Park Liupanshui, China Turenscape “Through a series of regenerative design techniques, particularly measures to slow down the flow of storm-water, a channelized concrete river and a deteriorated peri-urban site have been transformed into a nationally celebrated wetland park that functions as a major part of the city- wide ecological infrastructure planned to provide multiple ecosystem services, including storm-water management, water cleansing, and recovery of native habitats, as well as a creation of a cherished public space for gathering and aesthetic enjoyment “The strategy is to slow the flow of water from the hillside slopes and create a water-based ecologi- cal infrastructure that will retain and remediate the storm-water, and make water the active agent in regenerating a healthy ecosystem to provide natu- ral and cultural services that transform the indus- trial city into a livable human habitat.” --Turenscape RESTORATIVE WETLAND Turenscape Turenscape Turenscape Minghu Wetland Park. ects/project.php?id=4556 turenscape/  4
  • 21. 21 “BACK TO THE FUTURE” Oyster-Tecture SCAPE Architecture Kate Orff’s vision to turn the infamous Gowanus Canal into a productive oyster based reef system has wonderful historical symmetry with the preindustrial New York Harbor. Initially, the harbor consisted of salt marshes, oyster beds and other natural fauna which supported a vibrant oyster industry in the City. Indeed Orff points out that “New York was built on the backs of oyster fisherman.” Oyster-Tecture is an exciting example of blending urbanism and ecology in a productive and advantageous way. Orff proposes nurturing an active oyster culture that engages issues of water quality, rising tides, and community based development around Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood and the Gowanus Canal. This living reef is constructed from a field of piles and a woven web of "fuzzy rope" that supports oyster and mussel growth and builds a rich three-dimensional landscape mosaic. A watery regional park for the New York Harbor emerges that facilitates and encourages the city's return to the waterfront in the next century. The reef attenuates wavesandcleansmillionsofgallonsofHarborwater through harnessing the biotic processes of oysters, mussels and eelgrass, and enables neighborhood fabrics that welcome the water to develop further inland. Orff, Kate. “Reviving New York’s rivers — with oysters!” e=en#t-92776 SCAPE:  5
  • 22. 22 “Technology will save us,” a refrain we often hear when discussing issues of climate change. Technology will indeed play an important role in defining the resiliency of cities in the 21st century. From high tech solutions like hydroponically grown food, to simpler approaches like permeable pavement, innovation will be crucial to our cities’ survival in an increasingly volatile climate. Both in the US and abroad, where budgets are less robust, cities must employ a range of solutions in which technology plays a vital, but not all-encompassing role. Technological Solutions Perkins + Will’s CIRS building integrates photovoltaics shade operable windows; the expressed wood structure is constructed of FSC-certified and pine-beetle-killed wood © Martin Tessler
  • 23. 23 The proliferation of urban agriculture is an intriguing disruption to the existing supply chain model. Currently, the system relies on an extensive distribution network covering thousands of miles between producer and consumer. Growing food in cities means a more efficient production and distribution system through reduced transportation costs, carbon dioxide emissions and risk of spoilage. There are many examples of urban agriculture utilizing a range of technological solutions. From informalcommunitygardenstorooftopgreenhouses, to commercial hydroponic shipping containers, the future of urban food production is as exciting as it is diverse. Vertical Farming Singapore Vertical farming, or the idea of growing food within an high density urban environment is an intriguing alternative to the energy intense traditional food network. While skyscrapers full of farms are not economically viable in most places, certain players are successfully demonstrating that there should be a role for agriculture in cities. An illustration of the 177-feet vertical farm by Plantagon currently in the works for Linkoping, Sweden.Illustration by Sweco/Plantagon Rooftop Farms North America As the global population continues to urbanize, pushing existing farmland further away from its final destination-the table, we must look to diversify our food source portfolio. By reinforcing existing rooftops, we can provide urban dwellers with fresh produce, mitigate storm water overflow and reduce the heat island effect. Shipping Containers Cambridge, MA Freight Farms and others seek to re imagine how we produce food in cities by growing up to an acre’s worth of food in a converted shipping container using hydroponic growing techniques. The units themselves are extremely efficient, mobile, and versatile, simply plug in and grow. Urban Hydroponics  1  1  2  2 3 3
  • 24. 24 ROOFTOP FARMING Lufa Farms Montreal, Canada Claiming to be “The World’s First Commercial Rooftop Greenhouse,” Lufa Farms is redefining the urban agriculture market by bringing production into the city and occupying previously unused rooftop space. With they 120 metric tons of produce harvested each year, they can feed over 2000 people from their 31,000 square foot rooftop greenhouse. By using a hydroponic greenhouse model they can do this using far less water, energy, waste, and other resources than with traditional methods of farming. Lufa Farms is also organic and does not use pesticides. Though they cater to an upmarket audience, this design could represent future The greenhouse demonstrates what large- scale rooftop agriculture is capable of. Brooklyn Grange New York, United States Brooklyn Grange claims to be the world’s largest rooftop soil farms, located on two roofs in New York City. They grow over 50,000 pounds of organically-cultivated produce per year. The two farms was financed through a combination of private equity, loans, grass roots fundraising events crowdfunding on, and the support of the Department of Environmental Protection’s Green Infrastructure Storm water Management grant program. The city will always rely on rural farmers for the bulk of our food, and the relationship between urban and rural communities must be respected and celebrated. But having farms inside the city limits which take advantage of unused roof space is an opportunity not to be missed. Rooftop farms have the potential to improve urban quality of life, create jobs, increase access to healthy fresh foods, and provide environmental and agricultural education to those who live in urban environments.  1
  • 25. 25 CONTAINER FARMING PodPonics Atlanta, United States Podponics represents a growing trend in urban agriculture of leveraging technology to maximize growing and cost efficiency. Hydroponics is a method of growing whereby the water is continuously fortified with nutrients and circulated between the plants. By outfitting retired shipping containers with hydroponic growing systems, Podponics is able to ensure an environment that maximizes growth while minimizing cost. They utilize software that tracks the cost of resources (electricity, water C02) and optimizes plant growth while minimizing cost. Hydroponic growing is inherently more space and resource efficient than traditional agriculture because the plants are grown in water instead of soil. This model of agriculture allows Podponics’ to grow around 4 tons of greens in one container annually, as compared with 6.5 tons on an acre of land using traditional methods. Evan Changhwan Jang WABE  2
  • 26. 26 Sky Greens Singapore In Singapore where open land is scarce, Sky Greens has built up. Using an apparatus that maximizes efficiency by constantly rotating trays of product, Sky Greens is able to maximize growing space efficiency and maintain a profitable business model. While vertical urban farming is not a new idea, Sky Greens has demonstrated its market viability, at least in the Singaporean marketplace. This presents an intriguing model that could be replicated in other dense cities that could reduce dependence on traditional food distribution networks which are inherently innefficient. CityFarm MIT Media Lab While still only a pilot project, City Farm’s director thinks his system could help provide affordable and healthy food at heart of future cities. The system uses both hydroponic (water) and aeroponic (air or mist environment) soil-free processes to grow its produce, and has produced crops three to four times more quickly than the normal growth process. Using a 30-day cycle, CityFarm has produced food for 300 people. VERTICAL FARMING Photo by Cris Crisman Photo by Cris Crisman 3
  • 27. 27 Humans have long been successful in effectively harnessing the power of water. The Industrial Revolution was built on the availability of a steady flow of water to power textile mills. However, as technology and demand increased, combustion and fossil fuels soon became the primary source of powergeneration.Nowthatweunderstandthelimits of these resources, we must reexamine water as a potential source energy. Exciting new Hydrokinetic technology leverages tidal fluctuations and other passive techniques to produce power without as much environmental impact as other hydropower techniques. Windmill Netherlands For centuries, the Dutch have developed their polder and dyke system which helped them thrive on land that would otherwise be susceptible to periodic flooding. They used windmills to move water from one polder to another, thereby preserving the land from the threat of flooding Mills Lowell, MA Lowell was the epicenter for the American textile manufacturing industry in the 19th century. The natural river system in Lowell was modified to provide a steady source of water to power the mills. Hydroelectric Dam Lower Colorado Region Beginning in the 1880’s with Niagara Falls city street lamps, Hydroelectricity has become an integral part of many national energy portfolios. The technology works by using water pressure created by a dam or differential to turn a turbine which creates electricity. Today, between 6–8% of U.S. electricity comes from hydropower. "Hydroelectric dam" by Tomia - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - http:// Hydropower  1  2  3  1 2  3
  • 28. 28  2a Textile Mills Northeast, United States While people have been using water as a means of power for centuries, it was the industrial revolution that saw the proliferation of hydropower on a massive scale. In the Northeast United States, textile manufacturers began damming rivers to create water level differentials which could be harnessed using a water wheel. A typical textile mill with turbines diagram. Transmission of power from water wheels or turbines was achieved by a direct drive system. Water was funneled from the canal down into the mill through an intake known as a penstock. Power was then transferred upstairs through the complex series of gears and eventually turned overhead line shafts on each floor. These overhead lines powered individual textile machines. Hoover Dam Southwest, United States The largest dam in the world at the time of its completion in 1935, this National Historic Landmark stores enough water in Lake Mead to irrigate 2 million acres and serves as a popular tourist destination. The dam functions by leveraging the high water level one side of the dam to produce electricity. By pulling water from the reservoir into a chute or penstock, and forcing it through a turbine, the generator produces electricity which is fed into the grid using alternating current. Dams have many energy advantages compared to other power sources and few drawbacks. Benefits include a sustainable water cycle, zero pollution, and on-demand power delivery. Dams are a resilient component of the electrical grid because power output can quickly rise from zero to maximum output without risk of damage, dams provide essential back-up power during major electricity outages or disruptions. Drawbacks include adverse environmental impacts on ecology and fish patterns, as well as social and economic implications on surrounding residents. Polders Netherlands The Netherlands employs a series of polders, dikes and sluices to protect and even reclaim land from the sea. In order to maintain habitable and productive farm land, the Dutch built an intricate and elegant solution to manage flooding and heavy rains over. The diagram at the right shows how water was lifted out of the low lying farm land into dikes from which it was carried away. After a couple of near-floods in densely populated areas in the early 1990s, The Netherlands decided to deepen the river and widen the areas fit for flooding. This project is called “Room for the River” and allows for more traditional nature and agriculture in a wide band along the rivers in the middle of the country. Science and Society Museum/ Universal Images Group HISTORIC HYDROPOWER "Hoover dam from air" by snakefisch, editor w:User:Agateller - en.wikipedia. Licensed under Public
  • 29. 29  2b Ocean Renewable Power Company TidGen® POWER SYSTEM “ORPC’s TidGen® Power System, designed to generate electricity at water depths up to 150 feet, is used at shallow tidal and deep river sites. In this system, groups of TGUs connect directly to an on-shore station through a single underwater transmission line. The TidGen® Power System is larger and more powerful than the RivGen® Power System, with each TGU having a rated capacity of 150 kW.”--From ORPC site ORPC claims to be operating the first commercial, grid-connected tidal power system in the country in the The Bay of Fundy. ORPC plans to install additional power systems to increase the Maine Tidal Energy Project’s output to up to 5 megawatts, enough electricity to power approximately 2,000 homes and businesses with clean tidal energy. --From ORPC site : Lucid Energy Portland, OR A renewable energy technology that replaces an existing water pipeline with pipes outfitted with small turbines that produce electricity. Energy is the largest cost in delivering clean drinking water, and Lucid’s technology reduces that cost by recapturing energy that exists inside the pipelines. There is also no adverse environmental impact. A single unit can produce 20 – 100kW of renewable, zero-emissions electricity, depending on the flow and head pressure conditions at a given site. Multiple units can be aggregated for a system that can produce more than a MW of power. The City of Portland Oregon has just completed a pilot project of the technology early this year. --From Lucid energy Verdant Power East River, New York City Verdant Power’s Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Project included the operation of six full-scale tidal turbines, which delivered electricity tooperatingNewYorkCitybusinesses,representing the world’s first operation of a grid-connected tidal turbine array. The project demonstrated the KHPS as an efficient source of renewable energy with fully bidirectional operation – passive yawing with high efficiency on both ebb and flood tides, 70 megawatt hours of energy delivered to commercial end users, and no fouling or damage from debris over 9,000 turbine-hours of operation. --From Verdant Power : http://www.verdantpower. com/ This Hydrokinetic power solution presents an exciting source of renewable energy that could become part of certain coastal cities’ energy portfolio. HYDROKINETIC POWER
  • 30. 30  2c THE HYDROKINETIC CANAL Living With Water Competition Boston, MA Paul Lukez Architecture Boston, like many coastal city around the world, will have to negotiate rising sea levels and more frequent severe weather events. The Living with Water competition sought to identify possible design and urban planning solutions to this new urban condition, but unlike many other competitions, the ideas generated during the competition are just as valuable to the city as is the winning proposal. Competitions like this provide valuable ideation opportunities for cities and communities to leverage in order to improve their resiliency. Paul Lukez’s Hydrokinetic Canal seeks to harness the power of water to mitigate flood damageandproduceelectricpower. Selectedasone of three finalists in the competition’s infrastructure scale site, these solutions could be applied to other sites, improving the resiliency and sustainability of the City of Boston and other urban areas.
  • 31. 31 Isacitysimplyacollectionofbuildings,roads,people,businesses, and services, or is it something more? To overcome the challenges of this century, specifically in relation to urban resilience, we cannot afford to simply maintain the status quo--the cost of doing nothing is simply too high. In order to address these challenges, one must accept the city as something more than the sum of its parts. A city is a veritable human ecosystem both in a social, economic and environmental terms. The following precedent studies do not represent a comprehensive approach to urban scale resiliency, but rather demonstrate the holistic approach that should be encouraged when designing for a resilient city. Urban Scale Solutions Foster + Partners 640-hectare master plan is a key component of the Masdar Initiative, established by the government of Abu Dhabi to advance the development of renewable energy and clean-technology solutions.
  • 32. 32 How can cities enhance the value of their real estate, communities and infrastructure as the climate changes and sea levels rise. Cities must begin to identify the potential for multipurpose projects and the connectivity of urban systems. When an old sewage canal becomes a park, or a storm water storage system becomes a vibrant public space-- these are moments when a city begins to realize its full potential. Water and the City Urban Canals Korea Initially constructed in the Middle Ages for defence and water management purposes, the Dutch leveraged their canals to become one of the world’s most powerful trading powers in the 18th century. When one considers the Netherlands’ precarious position relative to sea level, this is truly an impressive feat.  1  2 Storm water Netherlands Citiesaroundtheworldoftenstruggle with storm water management because of the hard, impervious surfaces that deflect water instead of absorbing it. The resulting deluge often overwhelms the sewer management systems and can lead to detrimental outcomes for both the environment and public health. DeUrbanisten offers a solution that fixes this water problem while providing a vibrant public space for the community. MOSE Project Venice Venice is sinking while the sea is rising. The city has devised a massive public works project designed to stop the flooding at the mouth of the harbor. However the plan has been met by criticism surrounding its execution, construction, corruption, and environmental impact. This illustrates a question many cities will ask themselves in the coming years. How much can we save? PARADOXCITY STUDIO New Orleans While these studio projects were mostly academic architectural exercises, they present intriguing and exciting ideas that could hold solutions for coping with New Orleans water troubles. Projects are from the ParadoXcity Miss!ssippi 2011 studio.  3  2 1  3  4  4
  • 33. 33 ChonGae Canal Restoration Project Seoul, South Korea Mikyoung Kim Design This design was the winning project in an international competition and celebrates the source point of cleansed surface and sub grade runoff from the city at the start of this seven mile green corridor. The design was guided by the water levels from hour to hour and season to season, while addressing the catastrophic flooding that occurs during intense storms in the Monsoon season. The outcome is the creation of a pedestrian focused zone from this former vehicular access way that brings people to the historic ChonGae River while mitigating flooding and improving water quality. The project has been incredibly popular--Between the ribbon cutting ceremony in October 2005 and 2011 on the main plaza, nearly 10 million visitors and residents had visited the river. The project also represents a significant political achievement through the use of local stone from each of the eight provinces of North and South Korea. NEW URBAN WATERWAYS © Taeoh Kim © Taeoh Kim© Mikyoung Kim Design section and plan © Mikyoung Kim Design section and plan  1a 1
  • 34. 34  2a Even Beautiful When It Rains Middelfart, Denmark De Urbanisten The small harbor city of Middelfart wants to become Denmark’s most beautiful climate proof city in 2025. Middelfart suffers from frequent flooding during cloudbursts, a problem usually recitified with an upgrade to the city’s sewage system. However, because of the progressive attitude towards climate change and resiliency, the city is a looking for a more innovative and sustainable alternative. It is looking for master planning solution that integrates rainproof measures, the urban context and community involvement. De Urbanisten’s approach is to segment the city into three conditions: Urban, Suburban and Natural, and develop a resiliency solution that enhances each. In Urban Middlefart, they propose a raised threshold along the building facades that acts as a buffer for flooding but can become public space enhancements as well. This project demonstrates that resiliency is not only about strengthening our cities, but an opportunity to improve other aspects of the urban condition. In many respects, Middelfart’s relationship with water can be seen in many other municipalities around the world. Instead of merely upgrading their infrastructure, the Danes have recognized this as an opportunity to become an asset to the urban context and the community in which it is protecting. We would be wise to follow their lead “Middelfart, Even Beautiful When It Rains.” DE URBANISTEN. Accessed May 4, 2015. STORM WATER MANAGE-
  • 35. 35  2b Watersquare Benthemplein Rotterdam, Netherlands De Urbanisten As a Dutch architecture and urban planning firm, De Urbanisten is well versed in dealing with water in an urban context. Watersquare Benthemplein seeks to kill two birds with one stone, so-to-speak, by combining a storm water catch basin with an urban public amenity. Through a robust public design process with the local stakeholders and community, the firm developed a plan that both mitigates overflow and provides an engaging public space that also interacts with this secondary purpose. The Watersquare has two shallow basins for light rains and one deeper basin for extraordinary rainfall. Most of the time, the space will be dry and used as a recreational space. There is a basketball court, bleacher style seating and rail features for skateboarders. When it rains, the basins fill up and become dynamic water features that play up the relationship between the weather and the city. The water in the deep basin flows back into the open water system of the city after a maximum of 36 hours to ensure public health. The system also ensures all the storm water not flow into the mixed sewage system. DeUrbanisten demonstrates what is possible when combining infrastructure and public space and amenities. Rarely are these two functions so seamlessly and successfully combined, and cities with consistent rainfall should take notice. “Watersquare Benthemplein.” DE URBANISTEN. Accessed May 4, 2015. benthemplein STORM WATER MANAGE- All Photos De Urbanisten
  • 36. 36 MOSE Project Venice, Italy Venice is perhaps the most striking urban illustration of the effects of climate change in the 21st century. Becuase of its intimate relationship to the sea, any increase in sea level has an immediate effect on the city’s waterway infrastructure. Venice is also dealing with its own unique problem of sinking into the lagoon due to soil compaction, tectonic plate shifting and the extraction of fresh water from beneath the city. These two threats have compounded to produce a rapidly deteriorating situation on the streets of Venice, with more an more severe flooding and damage to the city’s cultural and architectural heritage. The heavily criticized Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico -- or in English, Experimental Electromechanical Module was first proposed as an engineering solution in the 1990’s. The idea is to regulate the storm surge and tides with flexible barrier systems placed at each of the three entrances to the Venice Lagoon. The steel barriers will be attached to the sea floor via hinges and normally flooded so they stay flush with the bottom. Whe a high tide is detected, compressed are will cause the barriers to swing to the surface so they are perpendicular to the bottom, forming a flood wall.1 The project has been critiqued by the Italian public because of its corruption-ridden reputation, budget and time overruns and environmental impact to the lagoon. Indeed the project had yet to be completed when the mayor of Venice along with 35 others were arrested in June of 2014 under corruption charges.2 While most agree Venice should not be left to flounder under the rising tides, it represents an important question city’s must ask themselves when it comes to sea level rise: What are we obliged to save? And how much will it cost? As local and municipal governments around the world wrestle with reduced funding and increased demand for services, we must begin to ask ourselves what we can realistically afford to preserve and what we should walk away from. 1 Squires, Nick. “Mayor of Venice Arrested on Lagoon Barrier Project Corruption Charges.” The Telegraph. N.p., 04 June 2014. Web. 5 May 2015. 2 “Mayor of Venice arrested on lagoon barrier project corruption charges” The Telegraph. Accessed May 4, 2015. http:// Mayor-of-Venice-arrested-on-lagoon-barrier-project-corruption- charges.html Photo: AP The Telegraph VENICE UNDERWATER 3
  • 37. 37 Swamp Thing: A Smart Water Grid System for New Orleans Isaac Cohen and Kate Hayes A smart system for water management is flexible and can adapt to various conditions to most effectively distribute storm water based on demand. This system acts in contrast to the current mono-functional system that simply pumps water out of the city. The addition of swamps to the system in the first phase facilitates the creation of new, dynamic public spaces in New Orleans. In this smart system, the pump stations act as central nodes. Each pump station has anywhere from one to fifteen pumps, which can be individually controlled to modulate and allocate water throughout the city. By tying the largest pump station to the water treatment facility, the ultimate goal is for the 64 inches of precipitation that falls on New Orleans every year to be cleansed and repurposed to serve all freshwater needs in the city. --Text and images from: paradoxcity-studio-2011-mississippi/ NEW ORLEANS RISING 4
  • 38. 38 This report addresses resiliency solutions on a variety of different scales: architectural, urban, technological and ecological. However the particular precedents highlighted in this document are only a tiny fraction of development occurring at any given time. The successes, best practices and innovation seen here and in other projects must be disseminated on a much broader scale if change of any consequence is to occur. Yet how can we encourage the adoption of these typologies over the status quo? The Urban Land Institute’s Living with Water report stresses that framing the issue in terms of long term costs can be an effective tool. By comparing the verifiable scientific and economic costs of doing nothing, a compelling argument can be made to stakeholders who have the necessary foresight. The hope is that through this type of advocacy, a critical mass is achieved and concrete policy and code changes occur. This is how we move the needle more than a few inches in terms of resiliency and sustainability. Architecture and firms and developers who embrace these ideas can only complete so many projects, we need governing bodies, decision makers, political leaders and most of all, the general populace to embrace these ideas if we are going to be successful in improving the resilience of our cities, and those around the world. Systems Change “In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record, I ask the chair, you know what this is? It’s a snowball. And that’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out.” --Senator Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, speaking about climate change.
  • 39. 39 The sharing of ideas and best practices across geographic and cultural boundaries will be crucial for efforts to improve urban resiliency. Competitions like Rebuild By Design bring together top talent to find innovative solutions for difficult resiliency problems. These ideas are researched by organizations like CIRS and then implemented as building industry benchmarks through The Living Future Institute’s LivingBuildingChallenge. Finallyglobalorganizations like the Rockefeller Foundation and ACCCRN can disseminate these solutions on a global scale. The result is an ecosystem that has the potential to effect broad policy reforms that will have a tangible impact on our civilizations resiliency and sustainability Better Competition Resiliency Research and Development Whereas LEED projects strive to meet objectives that make the building “less bad,” The Living Building Competition goes beyond LEED’s sustainability criteria to support a viable future built environment. They champion buildings that are not only carbon neutral but are “Socially Just, Culturally Rich and Ecologically Restorative.”  1 Design Competitions a) The Urban Land Institute convened a charrette to explore resilient design solutions for development in the region. The goal was to understand how to help land owners, developers, designers, and public officials act to protect their assets and communities from the risks associated with sea level rise and climate change. b) Launched by HUD in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Rebuild by Design seeks to answer a region’s greatest needs, while placing civic leaders and communities at the heart of the design process.  2  1  2a Global Dissemination In order to optimize resiliency efforts in cities around the world, several organizations have developed global networks that provide a forum for the sharing of ideas, resources and solutions related to resiliency. We can no longer afford to think locally about the issues we face. Indeed we must “think globally, act locally” if we are to be effective in creating a more resilient and sustainable solution.  3 2b  3
  • 40. 40 The Living Building Challenge™ is the built environment’s most rigorous performance standard. It calls for the creation of building projects at all scalesthatoperatecleanly,beautifullyandefficiently.Tobecertifiedunder the Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy. The Challenge is comprised of seven performance categories called Petals: Place, Water, Energy, Health & Happiness, Materials, Equity and Beauty. Petals are subdivided into a total of twenty Imperatives, each of which focuses on a specific sphere of influence. LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGE The Bullitt Center Seattle, Washington Miller Hull The Bullitt Center claims to be the greenest commercial building in the world. The center aims to advance the awareness and adoption of high- performance building through ongoing educational efforts, and by demonstrating that performance- based design works in a market-rate commercial project. The building’s performance metrics and design characteristics were informed by the Living Building Challenge’s Bechtel Environmental Classroom Whately, Massachusetts Whately, Massachusetts Smith College’s Bechtel Environmental Classroom in Whately, Massachusetts is a new, 2,500 S.F. single-story wood-framed classroom building, acting as a field station for a 233-acre forest and pasture property. It encloses two major spaces – a classroom for biological and earth sciences, and a seminar space for humanities seminars and larger group gatherings. There are composting toilets (but no shower), a kitchenette, and a field office Center for Sustainable Landscapes Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The Center for Sustainable Landscapes project was built on brown field site previously developed by the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works. Ongoing work at the CSL is based on recognizing vital and positive connections between people, plants, beauty, health, and focuses on awakening children to nature and encouraging sustainable, healthy lifestyles. The 21,892 sf building is designed to serve as an office, classroom, research, and library space for the Conservatory.  1a
  • 41. 41 © Martin Tessler © Martin Tessler CENTER FOR INTERACTIVE RESEARCH ON SUSTAINABILITY (CIRS) Interdisciplinary The ways and extent that social processes interface with the tech- nical systems is critical to achieving successful sustainability outcomes and thereby necessitat- ing interdisciplinary ap- proaches to research. The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) was developed in response to the challenge of creating a more sustainable built environment. Its intention is to be an internationally recognized research institution that accelerates the adoption of sustainable building technologies and sustainable urban development practices in society. Research within the Centre engages issues related to, and which shape, sustainable buildings and urban development patterns. Such research requires understanding complex cross-scale and cross-discipline issues and developing new concepts and tools that are integrative, synthetic and which actively create positive synergies between systems. Cross-Scale Sustainable urban de- velopment is an in- creasingly significant realm of enquiry for the framing of building design strategies. As such, understanding of links and relationships between buildings and their larger context, both environmental and social, assumes greater importance. Net Positive Whereas green design is primarily directed at “doing less harm” or, more generally, reduc- ing the degenerative consequences of hu- man activity on the health and integrity of ecological systems, re- search in CIRS embrac- es the notion of build- ings potentially offering a “net positive” perfor- mance in both resource and human terms. Urgency While cognizant that fundamental societal transformations are long-term, research in CIRS is primarily in- terested in redirect- ing current design and planning practices by finding and engag- ing approaches that can affect the greatest positive change in the shortest possible time Partnerships Consistent with UBC’s aspiration to be an agent of change that teaches future sustain- ability leaders, conducts important research and ensures that the Uni- versity's private, public and NGO partners take the outcomes of its inquiries into the mar- ketplace, CIRS engages with a broad range of partners to accelerate change.  1b
  • 42. 42 LIVING WITH WATER COMPETITION ”How does one protect and enhance the value of a real estate asset, community, and infrastructure as the climate changes and sea levels rise? ” Living With Water Boston, Massachusetts This competition considers the challenges of adapting to climate change and rising sea levels at three sites specifically chosen for their vulnerability and where winning solutions can influence future redevelopment activities. Ranging in scale from Building to Neighborhood to Infrastructure, each site presents challenges that are representational of common urban conditions and call for scale- specific solutions. Competition solutions address the unique aspects of the selected site while being replicable elsewhere. The Water Fun(d) ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge An acronym for “Future Underwater Neighborhood district”, FUN(d) also conveyed both the means (revenue from tourist visits would provide funding for the project), and the goal, a new kind of urban neighborhood that skillfully interacts with an influx of water on an on-going basis. The FUN(d) effort stands out as an example of how careful foresight and skillful implementation can preserve and even enhancethequalityofauniqueurbanneighborhood. Resilient Linkages NBBJ For inspiration for LINKAGES, our team looked to the policy framework employed by Harbor walk. In our plan, the new street grid is established today— anticipating need—and requires developers to integrate supporting infrastructure into their development, similar to the segment by segment construction of a contiguous Harbor walk. As SLR becomes undeniable and investments in resilience gain public support, the City can link the developers’ segments to create a fully-functional, elevated street grid. Total Resilient Approach Thetis S.p.A This proposal considers the transportation infrastructure as a flexible element aimed at performingarangeofresilientfunctions.TheRaising of Morrissey Blvd at 18 ft and its connections to the adjacent neighborhoods represent an opportunity to redevelop the whole Columbia Point through an overall strategy based on habitat restoration and sustainable urban landscaping. An urban wetland is planned aside Morrissey blvd to create a rain garden belt connected with the Patten’s Cove Salt Marshes which are restored to their original functionality  2
  • 43. 43 REBUILD BY DESIGN COMPETITION Rebuild By Design New York City Launched by HUD in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Rebuild by Design seeks to answer a region’s greatest needs, while placing civic leaders and communities at the heart of the design process. Its method maximizes inter-agency communication and cross-sector communication, and delivers innovative, actionable, large-scale infrastructure solutions that embody a people’s unique vision of their own resilient future.  3 BIG U Bjarke Ingels Group The Big U is a protective system around Manhat- tan, driven by the needs and concerns of its com- munities. Stretching from West 57th street south to The Battery and up to East 42th street, the Big U protects 10 continuous miles of low-lying geogra- phy that comprise an incredibly dense, vibrant, and vulnerable urban area. The proposed system not only shields the city against floods and storm wa- ter; it provides social and environmental benefits to the community, and an improved public realm. The proposal consists of separate but coordinated plans for three contiguous regions of the waterfront and associated communities, regions dubbed compart- ments. The BIG proposal offers a glimpse of what is pos- sible given the precarious position New York City is in concerning sea level rise. Now it is up to New Yorkers to decide how their city will move forward.
  • 44. 44 GLOBAL DISSEMINATION 3 100 Resilient Cities Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities is an initiative launched by the Rockefeller Foundation and is dedicated to helping cities around the world become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges in the 21st century. They understand resilience includes not just the shocks – earthquakes, fires, floods, etc. – But also the stresses that weaken the fabric of a city on a day to day or cyclical basis. Examples of these stresses include high unemployment; an overtaxed or inefficient public transportation system; endemic violence; or chronic food and water shortages. Unfortunately the biggest losers in climate change are often the poorest countries and by 2020, over 500 million people are projected to be short of water. The Rockefeller Foundation also pioneered The Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), a multi-year initiative to strengthen the capacity of over 50 rapidly urbanizing cities in Southeast Asia to survive, adapt, and transform in the face of climate-related stress and shocks. ACCRN has identified the following key issues in urban resilience Water Energy Public Health Transportation Ecosystems Migration Water Economic Sectors 100RC helps cities identify commonalities between the challenges they face and then share information, strategies and even resources to have maximize their efforts. They also seek to increase cooperation and communication between certain actors within cities: government agencies, local businesses and NGO’s. In addition to financial resources,100RC offers a platform of tools and resources from both public and private sectors. Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, ACCCRN is built on a multi-year initiative to strengthen the capacity of over 50 rapidly urbanizing cities in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam to survive, adapt, and transform in the face of climate-related stress and shocks.
  • 46. 46 Chandler, Nathan. “How the Venice Tide Barrier Proj- ect Works.” HowStuffWorks., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. < civil/how-the-venice-tide-barrier-project-works.htm>. Copestake, Andrew. “Houseboats in Europe.” Travel Tips. USA Today, n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. <http://traveltips.>. Dudley, Michael. “Resiliency.” In Green Cities an A-to-Z Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. Gaffin, S.R., Rosenzweig, C., Eichenbaum-Pikser, J., Khanbilvardi, R. and Susca, T., (2010) A Temperature and Seasonal Energy Analysis of Green, White, and Black Roofs. Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research. Ac- cessed April 19, 2012. Gedan, Kb, Ah Altieri, and Md Bertness. “Uncertain Future of New England Salt Marshes.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 434 (2011): 229-37. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. Horton, Guy. “Two Degrees of Separation, Part 2: Architects Must Lead on Climate Change” 28 Nov 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 05 Feb 2015. <http://www.archdaily. com/?p=298272> Izadpanah, Pedram, and Hussein Zareie. “”Wind Catchers”, The Cooling Systems In Traditional Iranian Architec- ture | CAIS©.” The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. < tecture/wind.htm>. Leber, Jessica. “At MIT, A Farm Grows That Is Built For A City.” Fast Company. N.p., 1 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 May 2015. <http%253A%252F%252Fwww.fastcoexist. com%252F3032504%252Fat-mit-a-farm-grows-that-is-built- for-a-city>. Magill, John. A HISTORY AND DEFINITION OF GREEN ROOF TECHNOLOGY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH. N.p., Apr. 2011. Web. 05 May 2015. <http://open- rp>. McLaughlin, John. “NYC Bioswales Pilot Project Improves Storm water Management. “ clearwaters/12-2-summer/7.pdf Satterthwaite, David. Adapting to climate change in urban areas: the possibilities and constraints in low-and middle-income nations. Vol. 1. Iied, 2007. http://eau.sagepub. com/content/19/1/99.full.pdf+html Slessor, Catherine. “’I’m Lost in Paris’ House by R&Sie(n), Paris, France.” The Architectural Review, 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 05 May 2015. <http://www.architectural-review. com/buildings/im-lost-in-paris-house-by-rsien-paris- france/8600688.article>. Squires, Nick. “Mayor of Venice Arrested on Lagoon Barrier Project Corruption Charges.” The Telegraph. N.p., 04 June 2014. Web. 5 May 2015. Thompson, I., Mackey, B., McNulty, S., Mosseler, A. (2009). Forest Resilience, Biodiversity, and ClimateChange. A synthesis of the biodiversity/resilience/stability relationship in forest ecosystems. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series no. 43, 67 pages “Living With Water.” Urban Land Institute. Urban Land Boston/New England Institute. ULI, 1 Sept. 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2015. < sites/12/2012/04/ULI_LivingWithWater-Final1.pdf>. World Map Map: lib/exe/fetch.php/blank_map_directory/world_map_blank_ black_lines_4500px_monochrome.png “Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability / Perkins Will.” ArchDaily. March 13, 2013. Accessed May 4, 2015. “Living Future Challenge.” International Living Future Institute (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 5 Apr. 2015. <http://living-future. org/sites/default/files/reports/FINAL%20LBC%203_0_We- bOptimized_low.pdf>. “The Remarkable History of Polder Systems in The Netherlands” Accessed March 22, 2015 fileadmin/templates/giahs/PDF/Dutch-Polder-System_2010. pdf ”Watershed Habitats – Salt Marsh.” Delaware Center for the Inland Bays. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. <http://www.>. design/#challenge “Masdar Headquarters” headquarters/ Resources