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Building a Better Saint Lucia
Labour’s Employment Activation Programme - LEAP                                                   Contents
                                                                                                  Message by the Political Leader    2    Pillar 3: Our Infrastructure
 Inject $100 million immediately into the economy for job creation and reconstruction                                                    Development Programme                  51
  activities.                                                                                     The Foundation: Our Economic
 Provide an Employment Tax Credit for new companies that create a minimum number of                                                      Resilient Infrastructure               52
                                                                                                  Development Programme               4
  jobs above a specified salary level.                                                                                                    Post Tomas Reconstruction              53
 Stimulate the growth of the local business sector and increase its employment generating        Restructured Economy                6
                                                                                                                                          Roads & Bridges                        54
  capacity by reducing the rate of Corporate Tax and providing incentives to facilitate greater   Creating Jobs                       7
  competitiveness and export-readiness.                                                                                                   Transport                              56
                                                                                                  Support for Local Business          8
 Encourage new employment opportunies by exempting Small and Medium Size start-up
                                                                                                                                          Pillar 4: Our Sustainable
  companies from the payment of tax for their first 5 years.                                      Encouraging Investment             10
                                                                                                                                          Development Programme                  57
 Establish a Land Bank to provide land for agriculture and food-related services.                New Policy Measures                12
 Create immediate employment by undertaking the comprehensive rebuilding of our                                                          Environment                            58
  country’s infrastructure that was damaged by Hurricane Tomas.                                   Tourism                            14
                                                                                                                                          Water Resources                        59
 Introduce a grant programme for businesses to encourage them to provide on-the-job              Agriculture and Fisheries          17
  workplace skills training for secondary school students.                                                                                Climate Change                         60
                                                                                                  Creative Industries                21
 Develop the Creative Industries to create exciting new employment areas.                                                                Energy                                 61
 Create a Renewable Energy sector to generate employment at all skill levels.                    International Financial Services   23
                                                                                                                                          Technology                             63
 Develop the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector and make wireless
                                                                                                  Pillar 1: Our National Security
  internet freely available in all community centres so that the power of technology can be                                               The Building Blocks: Our Youth
                                                                                                  Programme                          24
  harnessed for economic development and employment creation.                                                                             Development Programme                  64
 Initiate a Home Help Programme for the Elderly to provide employment for Single                 Strengthening the Police           25
  Mothers.                                                                                                                                Employment                             65
                                                                                                  New Modern Legislation             28
 Re-establish STEP to provide employment for people who have difficulty finding                                                          Skills                                 66
  employment in the established sectors.                                                          Stronger Justice System            29
                                                                                                                                          Health                                 68
 Create more jobs by reviewing our investment regime and re-engineering our business             Tackling Social Issues             29
  services to make Saint Lucia a more attractive place for investment.                                                                    Crime & Violence                       69
 Establish a Job Placement Centre that will match available skills with local and regional       Pillar 2: Our Human and Social
                                                                                                                                          Participation                          70
  demand for labour.                                                                              Development Programme              31
 Provide support for private sector youth entrepreneurship initiatives like the Junior                                                   The Roof: Our Governance Programme     71
                                                                                                  Education                          32
  Achievement Programme and the Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust.
                                                                                                  Health                             37   Good Governance                        72
 Increase the availability of technical and vocational training in our formal school system
  and ensure that during their time in Secondary School our young people acquire the              Social Transformation              43   Public Services                        73
  necessary soft skills, analytical skills, entrepreneurship skills, and professional skills.                                             Legislation                            74
                                                                                                  Sports                             45
 Upgrade existing vocational training centres and develop new centres in rural
  communities.                                                                                    Housing                            47   External Relations                     76
 Ensure that more Saint Lucians are trained to Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ)          National Heritage                  49   Stronger Communities                   78
  level and are able to compete for attractive jobs regionally and internationally.
 Provide support to CARE and help them to establish a fully-resourced Learning Centre to                                                 Conclusion                             80
  assist at-risk youth and young people who need a second chance.
 Introduce a National Youth Mentoring Service to provide guidance to young people.

                               Better Days are Coming                                             Our Blueprint for Growth                                                              1
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                                  Building a Better Saint Lucia
                                             Our people have witnessed our            Building a Better Saint Lucia
                                             once proud country drop from
                                             being one of the most respected          The party that forms Saint Lucia’s
                                             and admired nations in the               next government has to focus on
                                             Caribbean to becoming the subject        building a better, stronger, more
                                             of unflattering, embarrassing            resilient Saint Lucia for everyone.
                                             reports from foreign governments         Our Party believes that the goal
                                             and international agencies.              of Building a Better Saint Lucia is
                                             For the last five years, Saint Lucians   similar to the task of constructing
                                             have had to bear the constant            a strong home that can offer
                                             humiliation of regular scandals          shelter and security in good times
                                             involving members of this UWP            and bad, while at the same time        The youth are the building           We have listened and we have            An Invitation to You
                                             government who often have found          provide a nurturing environment to     blocks of our plan. A Saint          taken note and we come to you
                                                                                      allow its residents to grow to their   Lucia Labour Party government        prepared to work even harder to         The Saint Lucia Labour Party takes
                                             themselves on the wrong side of
                                                                                      full potential. This is why we are     intends to consult regularly with    make life better for you and your       its responsibilities very seriously
                                             the law - locally, regionally and
                                                                                      calling this manifesto Our Blueprint   our young people to develop          families.                               and we understand that we must
                                                                                      for Growth. It contains the plans,     a comprehensive range of                                                     always respect the confidence and
                                             Few Positive Developments                policies and programmes that will      programmes to unleash the            A Joint Approach                        the trust that you place in us. As
                                                                                      allow us to build a better, stronger   enormous talents in our youth and                                            the Political Leader of the SLP, I
    MESSAGE BY THE                           Most Saint Lucians agree that            nation.                                help them deal with the various
                                                                                                                                                                  We have also taken a different          give you my word that our party
                                             there have been very few positive                                                                                    approach to the development of
    POLITICAL LEADER                         developments in our country in           Our Blueprint for Growth
                                                                                                                             challenges that confront them.       our plans. The SLP recognizes
                                                                                                                                                                                                          will govern with honesty, integrity,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          dignity, competence and efficiency.
                                             the last five years. No new schools                                             The final element of our plan is     that for there to be lasting and
                                             have been built. Labour’s promise        We believe that the first step                                              meaningful change in our country,       We believe that citizens must
    My fellow Saint Lucians                                                                                                  our Good Governance programme,
                                             of Universal Health Care has             in Building a Better Saint Lucia                                            everyone must be engaged. We            always hold their government to
                                                                                                                             which will provide protection
    The Saint Lucia Labour Party is          been killed by this government.          involves strengthening our                                                  cannot do it on our own. This is        a high standard and we intend to
                                                                                                                             for our citizens and create a
    honoured to have the opportunity         Our national housing stock has           economic foundation. Therefore,                                             why in developing our manifesto         set and maintain that standard.
                                                                                                                             favourable environment for them
    to share with you our Blueprint for      remained stagnant. Our roads             a major goal of the next SLP                                                we invited citizens from all walks      We know that our country and our
                                                                                                                             to succeed in their endeavours.
    Growth, our policies and plans for       and bridges, which have been             government will be to develop a                                             of life to contribute their ideas and   people have tremendous potential
    Building a Better Saint Lucia.           in a deplorable state for the last       robust and re-energized economy.       The SLP - An Improved Party          their dreams for Building a Better      and it will be our goal to help bring
                                             four years, are now being hastily        A strong economy will anchor                                                Saint Lucia. This has resulted in       out that potential.
    A Drop in Standing                       patched as part of a desperate           the development of all the other       The Saint Lucia Labour Party comes   a manifesto that we believe is
                                                                                      sectors and facilitate the provision   to you a better party than we were   representative of the dreams and        We are confident that with inspired
    Much has happened since                  election campaign.
                                                                                      of a wider range of services to our    in 2006. We understand that every    aspirations of all Saint Lucians.       leadership, good governance and
    our party last held the seat             Large sections of our country that       citizens.                              experience must be used as an                                                the help of all committed Saint
    of government in Saint Lucia.            were damaged by Hurricane Tomas                                                 opportunity to learn, to grow, and   A Long Term Plan                        Lucians we can create a strong,
    Our citizens have had to suffer          have still not been repaired. Our        Our development plan will be           to get better. We have used our                                              resilient and successful country.
    through what is easily the worst         fiscal situation has deteriorated        supported by four major pillars,       period in Opposition to connect      The goal of nation building is a
    period in our country’s recent                                                    namely (i) National Security; (ii)     with Saint Lucians across the        long-term exercise. While we            We invite you, therefore, to join us
                                             alarmingly, yet the UWP persists
    history. They have seen the                                                       Human and Social Development;          length and breadth of our country.   are confident in our ability to         in building a better Saint Lucia
                                             with its reckless spending and
    tremendous strides that were             ill-advised projects. Crime              (iii) Infrastructure Development;                                           make immediate improvements
    made in the period leading up to                                                  and (iv) Sustainable Development.      You told us about the many good      in many important areas, we             I thank you.
                                             continues to be a major problem
    2006 almost completely erased            for our country, and under this                                                 things that we started that you      understand there are no quick fixes     Yours sincerely,
    by a directionless and selfish           UWP government, Saint Lucia’s                                                   want continued. We have heard        to several of the problems facing
    government, devoid of ideas and          homicides rate hit a frightening                                                from you about the things with       us. Therefore, in this document
    lacking in capability, credibility and   new record high.                                                                which you were not pleased. You      we depart from the practice of
    integrity.                                                                                                               also shared with us your ideas for   presenting a five-year manifesto
                                                                                                                             new and different ways to make       and instead we set out our long-
                                                                                                                             our country better.                  term goals and objectives for           Dr. Kenny D. Anthony
                                                                                                                                                                  national growth and development.        Political Leader

2                                                                                Our Blueprint for Growth                    Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                             3
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                             Building a Better Saint Lucia

    Our goal is to develop a diversified and strong economy that is able to provide employment
    for our citizens and support the growth and development of the other sectors of our society.

                                                                                                                            The Daher Building - UWP’s Massive Waste of Tax Payers’ Money

                                                                                                   Serious Economic Challenges                   •	 A drop in retailing and         Facing the Challenges
                                                                                                                                                    wholesaling of goods;           Together
                                                                                                   The economy of Saint Lucia                    •	 A huge increase in              Unquestionably, our economy
                                                                                                   is facing its most severe                        unemployment, growing           faces major challenges. Difficult
                                                                                                   and debilitating crisis since                    from 14% in 2006 to 24.5%       decisions would have to be made.
                                                                                                   Independence. The reasons are                    in 2011;                        Sacrifices would be required
                                                                                                   not hard to find. After the General                                              from all sectors. It is vital that
                                                                                                   Elections of 2006, the economy                •	 A total loss of confidence
                                                                                                                                                                                    we achieve consensus on the
                                                                                                   immediately started to contract                  by investors;
                                                                                                                                                                                    measures that need to be taken.
                                                                                                   after several years of solid growth.          •	 The virtual collapse of the
                                                                                                   In the midst of this downward                                                    For this reason, there must be
                                                                                                                                                    Offshore Sector; and
                                                                                                   spiral, the global recession hit us                                              deep appreciation of the fact
                                                                                                   with devastating impact.                      •	 Marked increases in the         that restoring the economy will
                                                                                                                                                    cost of living.                 necessarily involve the building of
                                                                                                   To this day, no one can identify                                                 a social and economic partnership
                                                                                                   the policies of the Government to          Role of the Private Sector            in which all stakeholders can take
                                                                                                   respond to the crisis. As if all of this                                         ownership of the decisions and
                                                                                                   was not enough, Hurricane Tomas            The Saint Lucia Labour Party          actions pertaining to the economy.
                                                                                                   gave us a lethal blow and left             believes that a modern, strong,
                                                                                                   behind a battered infrastructure.          dynamic and enterprising Private      In this period, the cornerstone
                                                                                                   We now face a huge reconstruction          Sector is a strategic necessity for   of the policy of an SLP
                                                                                                   bill.                                      the future economic development       Administration is genuine and
                                                                                                                                              of Saint Lucia.                       meaningful partnerships involving
                                                                                                   The crisis that faces us manifests                                               Government, organized labour,
                                                                                                   itself in the following ways:              The Private Sector must remain an     the Private Sector and other
                                                                                                                                              integral part of the new economy.     representatives of Civil Society.
                                                                                                       •	 A dramatic decline in
                                                                                                          construction activity;              The Saint Lucia Labour Party
                                                                                                                                              believes that the Private Sector
                                                                                                       •	 A significant decline in            must continue to lead the way
                                                                                                          government revenues;                to provide jobs, generate public
                                                                                                                                              revenue, and earn foreign
                                                                                                       •	 A marked increase in
                                                                                                                                              exchange to drive economic
                                                                                                          indirect taxes, duties,
                                                                                                          levies, and fees to bolster
                                                                                                          falling revenues;                   The new economy must be a
                                                                                                                                              Private Sector-led economy.

4                                                              Our Blueprint for Growth            Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                               5
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                            Building a Better Saint Lucia

                           Saint Lucians Invested with Confidence under a Labour Government                                                         Sandals Grande Hotel: Built under an SLP Government

    A RESTRUCTURED                         The new economy must be driven
                                           by innovation and creativity in all
                                                                                 A Fiscal Covenant                     Jobs: Our Number 1 Priority           Aggressive Reconstruction              Immediate Resumption of
                                                                                                                                                             Programme                              STEP
    ECONOMY                                spheres. All sectors must be fully    Consistent with our commitment        Through an effective combination
                                           linked and integrated.                to seek consensus on the              of short term employment              Our Party views the reconstruction      Our government will
    To extricate Saint Lucia from                                                economic measures to restructure      activities, an active public sector   of our country as an immediate
                                           Elements of this new economy will                                                                                                                          immediately reinstate the
    this quagmire, an incoming SLP                                               our economy, an SLP Government
                                           involve:                                                                    investment programme, the             priority. It is shameful that almost     Short Term Employment
                                                                                 will enter into a Fiscal Covenant
    administration will focus on                                                                                       strategic use of incentives to        one year after the passage of            Programme (STEP) to provide
                                                                                 with our Social Partners, aimed at:
    realigning our economy to increase      •	 Continued investment in the                                             encourage local investments, and      Hurricane Tomas large sections           relief to the hundreds of men
    its resilience and viability.              development of high-end            •	 Fiscal Consolidation;             the creation of an environment        of our country’s damaged                 and women who have not
                                               tourism products such as                                                that attracted foreign direct         infrastructure have not been             been able to earn a living for
    The SLP will develop an economy            adventure tourism, nature          •	 Improvement in public
                                                                                                                       investment, the SLP was able to       repaired or rebuilt.                     almost five years.
    that not only strengthens and              based tourism, cultural               revenue, including compliance
                                                                                     and administration;               reduce unemployment from 25%
    consolidates the traditional               tourism, conferences and                                                                                        An SLP government will               STEP will be year-round in
                                                                                                                       in 1997 to 14% in 2006.
                                               community tourism;                                                                                               immediately inject an amount          those communities that
    sectors, but which produces                                                   •	 Sensible management of
    and delivers new and improved           •	 A deliberate emphasis on high         deficits and debt, including      Incompetent management by                of $100 million into the              have been hardest hit by
    goods and services, utilizing new          value agriculture, focusing           a focused debt management         this UWP government has caused           economy to stimulate job              the recession and UWP
    production and service delivery            on the food industry, agro-           strategy;                         unemployment to rise once again          creation and reconstruction.          mismanagement.
    systems, methods and techniques.           processing, and horticulture;                                           to alarmingly high levels of over
                                                                                  •	 Improvement in the                                                        We will embark on an                 We will redesign and improve
    This new economy must generate                                                                                     20%.
                                            •	 Development of the creative           productivity and transparency                                              aggressive Post-Tomas                 STEP so that it can also cater
    new sources of income and                                                        of public expenditure;
                                               industries;                                                               A major priority of our               reconstruction programme              to those people who can be
    employment, based on the most
                                                                                  •	 Strengthening the                    government will be the                to put hundreds of Saint              trained to find alternative
    competitive levels of knowledge,        •	 Support for the development
                                                                                     institutional framework for          creation of jobs.                     Lucians to work repairing our         employment.
    skill and productivity. Job creation       of a vibrant ICT sector;
                                                                                     accountability;                                                            roads, bridges and damaged
    is our top priority.                                                                                                                                                                             The SLP will re-engage the
                                            •	 The creation of a new                                                     Our Party will translate its          infrastructure.
                                               renewables energy sector;          •	 Protection of the poor and           comprehensive Employment                                                    private sector in a new public-
    We will deepen efforts to                                                        vulnerable through fair and                                                                                      private sector partnership for
    modernize our economy and                                                                                             Activation Programme (LEAP)
                                            •	 Renewed emphasis on                   balanced fiscal measures; and        into a National Initiative                                                  job creation.
    society, and bring Saint Lucia fully       the International Financial
    into the international economy.                                               •	 Linking wages and                    to Create Employment,
                                               Services sector.
    We also aim to eliminate                                                         productivity in the public and       dedicated to creating and
    bureaucracy and adopt a zero                                                     private sectors.                     finding jobs for Saint Lucians.
    tolerance for corruption.

6                                                                            Our Blueprint for Growth                  Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                         7
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                    Building a Better Saint Lucia
    Stimulating Local Business          We will work diligently and          The SLP will create greater      A Revamped OPSR                      Skills Training for the Job              An SLP government will
                                        purposefully toward improving the     space for small and medium-                                           Market                                    provide support and put
    Experience has shown that the       business climate in Saint Lucia.      sized enterprises (SME) to        We will ensure that the                                                      additional systems in place
    best way of stimulating post-                                             operate by creating business       OPSR, which we created in          Our Party established the National        to ensure that hundreds of
    recession growth in employment        Our goal is to make Saint                                             1998, continues to enhance
                                                                              incubators in the north and                                           Skills Development Centre to train        Saint Lucians are trained
    is to encourage entrepreneurship       Lucia the number one place                                            the services provided to
                                                                              south of the island.                                                  our people so that they could             to Caribbean Vocational
                                           for doing business in the                                             the private sector and
    and new businesses.                                                                                                                             succeed in the job market.                Qualification (CVQ) level
                                           Caribbean.                        We will provide a window           efficiently delivers support
                                                                                                                 for stimulating and facilitating                                             and are able to compete for
    This will be done through a                                               of assistance to SMEs for                                               During this term of office we
                                          We will make capital available                                        business in Saint Lucia.                                                     attractive jobs regionally and
    revamped investment and business                                          training, preparation of                                                 will intensify our skills training
                                           to assist local small and                                                                                                                          internationally.
    promotion programme.                                                      business plans, feasibility       We will also restore the              programme to ensure that
                                           medium enterprises to              studies and marketing.             original mission of the               our citizens acquire the skills,      Additionally, we will train
      An SLP government will target       become export-ready and to                                            OPSR to facilitate greater            attitudes and qualifications           our people so that they
       five areas for growth in our        capitalize on opportunities       We will work with the              collaboration between                 that will increase their               can take full advantage of
       job creation programme:             created by the CARIFORUM-          Chamber of Commerce and            the private sector and the            employability locally and              opportunities provided
                                           EU Economic Partnership            other partners to provide          Government.                           regionally.                            through the Economic
       •   The Tourism Industry
                                           Agreement (EPA).                   greater encouragement to                                                                                        Partnership Agreement with
                                                                                                                Through the OPSR, we               The CARICOM Single Market and
       •   The Creative Industries                                            young people to become                                                                                          the European Union and any
                                          We will upgrade the Bureau of                                         will explore further and
                                                                              entrepreneurs, particularly                                           the OECS Economic Union will              new economic partnerships
                                           Standards so that it can step                                         develop mutually beneficial
       •   The ICT Sector                                                     in areas like the creative                                            make more regional employment
                                           up its programme of ensuring                                          opportunities for public-                                                    with countries like Canada.
                                                                              industries and the ICT sector.     private sector partnerships.       opportunities available.
       •   The Renewable Energy            that products from Saint
           Sector                          Lucia meet the highest quality
                                           standards and can compete in
       •   High Value-Added
                                           international markets.
                                          We will provide a tax credit
      During our next term of
                                           to local companies that invest
       office we will concentrate
                                           in research and development
       our efforts on stimulating
                                           aimed at improving the
       Entrepreneurship, Educating
                                           competitiveness and quality
       our work force, and
                                           of their products.
       Expanding our Export sector.

                            UWP has Destroyed all SLP’s Work in Reducing Unemployment                               UWP Promised to Reduce Expenditure by $300 Million. Instead, they Increased it by $200 Million

8                                                                       Our Blueprint for Growth               Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                        9
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                             Building a Better Saint Lucia
     Encouraging Investment                   Improved Climate                       New Sources of Investment            Stimulating Innovation               National Credit Bureau                 •   Greater support for
                                                                                                                                                                                                          responsible lending and
     It is universally accepted that            The Saint Lucia Labour Party          The SLP will seek new             Our Party believes that the growth   It is important for us to enhance          reductions in credit losses.
     political and macro-economic                will restore political and             investors from non-traditional    and long-term viability of our       the level of liquidity and
     stability are essential for attracting      macro-economic stability in            sources like the BRICS (Brazil,   economy will depend on our           transparency within the financial      •   Reductions in incidents of
     foreign direct investment.                  our country.                           Russia, India, China and South    success in stimulating innovation.   services sector.                           fraud and money laundering.
                                                                                        Africa) and the Scandinavian
                                                We will ensure there is a              countries. These strategic                                             We believe that establishing a         •   Elimination of interbank
     In 2006, under the SLP, Saint Lucia         sensible and fair regulatory                                               We will establish an
                                                                                        moves into new markets will                                            Credit Bureau will provide a sound         credit checks and other
     was rated 27th in the world by              framework, supported                   be closely aligned with our          Innovation Fund to stimulate
     the World Bank for Ease of Doing                                                                                        and facilitate the patentingof    platform for development and               bureaucratic measures.
                                                 by effective and efficient             external relations policies and
     Business, higher than Chile, Spain,         institutional arrangements.                                                 inventions in select areas        progress within the domestic
                                                                                        programmes.                                                                                                   •   Facilitation of identity
     South Africa, France, Taiwan and                                                                                        and generate viable new           financial sector.
                                                We will put in place the                                                                                                                                 confirmation and verification
     every other island in the Caribbean                                             A New NDC                               business concepts that create      The SLP will establish a                 of personal details.
                                                 necessary physical and social
     with the exception of Puerto                framework, including a skilled                                              employment.                         National Credit Bureau
                                                                                       In our next term of office, the
     Rico. In 2010, under the UWP, our           and competitive labour                                                                                          to achieve the following             •   Greater centralization
                                                                                        Saint Lucia Labour Party will
     ranking slipped to 53rd.                    force, and efficient energy            give NDC the sole mandate         Support for Coalition of               objectives:                              of credit information to
                                                 and telecommunications                 of investment promotion and       Service Industries                                                              facilitate enhanced economic
     The UWP has not been able to                infrastructure.                        business facilitation.                                                   •   Dissemination of information         analysis, strengthened
     attract any new major investors                                                                                        The SLP will provide greater            to facilitate increased access       supervision of non-bank
     during its five years in office. In        We will undertake a                 NDC will no longer have                 support for the Saint                   to credit and expansion of           financial institutions and
                                                 comprehensive review of all         responsibility for real estate in       Lucia Coalition of Service                                                   improved systemic analysis
     fact, several investors who had                                                                                                                                 lending activities.
                                                 of the processes involved in        Vieux Fort, managing factory            Industriesin institutional
     shown an interest have abandoned                                                                                                                                                                     aimed at safeguarding the
                                                 doing business in Saint Lucia       shells, or running the Pointe           strengthening, public               •   Reductions in cost of lending
     their plans.                                through a business process                                                  education on trade related                                                   integrity of the domestic
                                                                                     Seraphine Duty Free Complex.                                                    and prevailing interest rates.
                                                 re-engineering initiative                                                   issues, promoting high                                                       financial sector.
       The SLP will place high priority         that will seek to remove all          This new agency will be called       standards and following
        on attracting at least one               unnecessary impediments                the Saint Lucia Investment           international best practices.
        major new investor in our first          and bureaucratic red tape.             Promotion Corporation
        year of office.                                                                 (SLIPCO).
                                              New Investment Strategy
     We are confident that investors                                                      SLIPCO will focus on:
     will once again return to Saint          In our 2006 Elections Manifesto
                                              we spoke of the need to develop a            Building Saint Lucia’s
     Lucia under a Labour government                                                        image as a preferred
                                              National Investment Strategy and
     because of:                                                                            location for investors;
                                              stated this would have been one
      •   A return to political stability     of our priorities in our 3rd term of
                                                                                           Seeking out and
          and good governance;                                                              generating new
                                                In our first year in office we             investments in strategic
      •   Our comprehensive                      will develop a comprehensive,              sectors with high value-
          investment promotion                   innovative investment                      added and employment
          programme;                             strategy.                                  generating potential; and

      •   Proposed reductions in the            We will review the investment             Facilitating local and
          rate of Corporate Tax;                 incentives regime to                       foreign direct investment
                                                 make sure that there is a                  by functioning as a
      •   The track record of the SLP in         closer match between the                   true One Stop Shop for
          attracting reputable investors.        encouragements that we offer               investors.
                                                 to investors and the needs of
      •   Our business process re-               those investors. There must
          engineering initiatives that           be a better balance between
          will simplify procedures and           taxes and incentives.
          improve the business climate
                                                                                                                               Our Country’s Global Investment Climate Rating has Dropped from 27 under SLP to 53 under UWP
          in Saint Lucia.

10                                                                               Our Blueprint for Growth                 Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                        11
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                         Building a Better Saint Lucia
                                                                                                                     Removal of Stamp Duty                No Other Options                        Once VAT is introduced, our
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SLP Government will reduce
                                                                                                                       An SLP government will            Our tax base is too small to             taxation on working people
                                                                                                                        consider the introduction         allow government to provide the          by raising the threshold, over
                                                                                                                        of legislation to remove          services that are demanded.              the next five years, for the
                                                                                                                        Stamp Duty in cases where                                                  payment of Income Tax from
                                                                                                                                                          On top of that, the new regional         $18,000.00 annually to at
                                                                                                                        a borrower is moving to           trade agreements will cause us
                                                                                                                        another financial institution                                              least $21,000.00 annually.
                                                                                                                                                          to lose significant import tariff
                                                                                                                        to secure re-financing of         revenues that are currently paying
                                                                                                                        outstanding loans for a                                                 Relief from High Gas Prices
                                                                                                                                                          for many of these services.
                                                                                                                        business enterprise.                                                    When our Party was in office we
                                                                                                                                                          The other countries in the OECS
                                                                                                                                                                                                provided a cushion to consumers
                                                                                                                     Tax Break for SMEs                   and CARICOM have already faced
                                                                                                                                                          that reality. Saint Lucia cannot      from high prices of petrol and
                                                                                                                       A Labour government will          continue to hide. Where VAT           cooking gas. Once again, this will
                                                                                                                        exempt all new companies          is concerned we do not have a         be the basis for our policy on fuel
                                                                                                                        with a start-up capital base of   choice, we must introduce it.         costs.
                                                        Effects of 9-11                                                 less than $500 thousand from
                                                                                                                        the payment of Corporate          Lessening the Impact of VAT           With respect to fuel prices, a Saint
                                                                                                                        Taxes in their first 5 years of                                         Lucia Labour Party government will
                                                                                                                        operation.                        In order to lessen the discomfort     do the following:
     New Policy Measures                   Tax Ombudsman                        Employment Tax Credit                                                     that VAT will bring to citizens, we
                                                                                                                     The Value Added Tax (VAT)            will:                                   Review the current fuel
     Our tax system should encourage       Many citizens are intimidated by     Consideration will be given to the                                                                                 ‘Pass Through’ mechanism
                                                                                                                     Government must respond to the         Maintain a basket of goods
     entrepreneurship and job              the Tax Department and many          introduction of an “Employment                                                                                     and take steps to provide
                                                                                                                     growing and changing needs of           that will be zero-rated,
     creation, offer relief to those who   are unable to pay accountants or     Tax Credit.” This system will                                                                                      consumers with some degree
                                                                                                                     its citizens. Among these are the       meaning that these goods will
                                           lawyers to plead their causes.       give tax credits to businesses                                                                                     of protection from high oil
     need it the most, and provide a                                                                                 need to ensure that:                    not attract VAT;
                                                                                that generate significant new                                                                                      prices, which may include
     sustainable revenue base that           We will create the office         employment.                                                                 Delay the introduction of VAT
     allows government to provide a           of “Tax Ombudsman” to                                                    •	 All children, from birth, get      on the payment of bills for           reducing the frequency with
     range of services to its citizens.       intervene on behalf of            To encourage new investment, we           access to quality education;       electricity and water until we        which the consumer prices
                                              taxpayers and assist them         will grant:                                                                  are satisfied that the public         are changed.
                                              to resolve differences and                                               •	 All citizens have access to
     Tax Amnesty                                                                                                          affordable health care;            is reasonably protected from
                                              disputes between them                 Two years free of tax                                                   arbitrary increases by the           Put in place a hard cap on the
                                              and the Inland Revenue                 for new companies that                                                  companies that provide these          price of fuel so that when the
     There are many people who face                                                                                    •	 Hgh-risk groups get effective
                                              Department.                            employ at least six (6)                                                 services.                             price of oil passes a certain
     large tax liabilities due in part                                                                                    social protection services;
                                                                                     people who are paid                                                                                           high threshold the full cost
     to huge penalties and interest
                                           Lower Corporate Tax Rate                  over $24,000.00 each per          •	 The population is serviced by                                            of that increase will not be
     on their arrears. In the past, Tax
                                                                                     annum; and                           an efficient public service;                                             passed on to the consumer.
     Amnesties have been granted.          Our administration reduced the
     Usually these amnesties involve a     corporate rate of taxation from          Three years free of tax
     reduction in penalties.                                                                                           •	 Our country has a sound,
                                           33.3% to 30%. Over the next five          for new companies that               well-maintained stock of
                                           years we will:                            employ at least ten (10)             public infrastructure.
       In order to give ALL citizens
                                                                                     people who are paid
        a chance to start with a             Reduce the rate of Corporate           over $24,000.00 each per
        clean slate, the SLP will             Tax for large businesses from          annum.
        enact legislation and remove          30% to 25%;
        all penalties and interest
        on outstanding liabilities,          Reduce the rate of Corporate
        provided that all outstanding         Tax on small and medium
        taxes are settled within a            sized businesses from 30% to
        specified period.                     20%.

                                                                                                                                                   The Ultra-Expensive Home of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

12                                                                            Our Blueprint for Growth               Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                          13
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                    Building a Better Saint Lucia
                                                                                                                   Developing the Human                 Direct Support to the Small          Improving Saint Lucia Jazz
                                                                                                                   Resource Base                        Hotel Sector
                                                                                                                                                                                               Our Party is committed to
                                                                                                                     An SLP government will              An SLP government will place         improving the standard
                                                                                                                      conduct a comprehensive              a renewed focus on the small         of Saint Lucia Jazz and
                                                                                                                      Needs Assessment of the              hotel sector.                        returning it to its position of
                                                                                                                      Tourism industry to determine                                             prominence on the global
                                                                                                                                                          We will develop a new                music landscape.
                                                                                                                      the human resource
                                                                                                                      development needs of the             Tourism Incentives Act that,
                                                                                                                                                           among other things, provides        We will ensure that there is
                                                                                                                      industry.                                                                 adequate participation by
                                                                                                                                                           greater support to small
                                                                                                                                                                                                Saint Lucians in all aspects of
                                                                                                                     We will formulate a                  hotels, guest houses and
                                                                                                                                                                                                this activity.
                                                                                                                      comprehensive human                  ancillary services.
                                                                                                                      resource development
                                                                                                                      programme aimed at                  We will assist the small          Promoting Health Tourism
                                                                                                                      increasing local involvement         hotel sector with a special
                                                                                                                                                                                             When we started the construction
                                                                                                                      in all levels of the industry.       marketing fund to assist with
                                                                                                                                                                                             of a new Mental Health facility and
                                     The Landings - Built under an SLP Government                                                                          promotional activities.           a new General Hospital we wanted
                                                                                                                     Following from the results of
                                                                                                                                                                                             to improve the quality of health
     A STRONGER TOURISM                      The SLP government will re-
                                              examine and improve the
                                                                                  A Labour government will           the Needs Assessment, our         Meeting International
                                                                                                                                                                                             care for citizens and position Saint
                                                                                   continue our programme             government will establish         Standards
     INDUSTRY                                 Tourism Incentive Act to             of developing community            strategic partnerships with
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lucia so that it could be marketed
                                              provide new and additional           tourism ventures that                                                  The SLP government will           as a viable health tourism
                                                                                                                      existing and prospective
     The SLP is convinced that tourism        incentives to small hotels,                                                                                                                    destination.
                                                                                   highlight the positive             tourism hospitality institutes       work through the Tourism
     will remain a major contributor          guest houses and for the
                                              development of tourism               attributes of our communities      to create a National Tourism &       Development Agency and the        We are pleased that Tapion
     to economic development,                                                      and enhance the livelihoods        Hospitality Training Institute.      Bureau of Standards to ensure
     employment and export revenue            ancillary services.                                                                                                                            Hospital has also improved
                                                                                   of their residents.                                                     that all service providers        the range of services it offers
     in Saint Lucia for the foreseeable                                                                             Our government will also work         achieve and maintain
                                             We will ensure that                                                                                                                            and achieved international
     future. In this regard, we will          adequate financial resources        We will build on the work         closely with the private sector       international benchmarks for
     ensure that tourism development                                               we started during the Cricket                                                                             accreditation.
                                              are allocated to tourism                                               to enhance institutional and          quality.
     is afforded high priority in the         promotion, and we will               World Cup and create a            on-the-job training for our                                               An SLP government will forge
     development agenda.                      eliminate wastage of the St.         unique Heritage Tourism           hotel workers, tour guides,        Customer Service Training               a close collaboration between
                                              Lucia Tourist Board budget.          experience.                       taxi drivers and other tourism                                             the public and private sectors
     Our goals for our new term of                                                                                   service providers.                   Our government will place
                                                                                                                                                                                                in health and tourism to
     office will be to create more         Greater Local Participation          Heritage Promotion                                                         a very high premium on
                                                                                                                                                                                                aggressively pursue our health
     linkages in the tourism industry to                                                                           A New Tourism Development               customer service in the
                                                                                  The SLP will create a                                                   tourism sector and we will           tourism programme during
     ensure that economic benefits are       The SLP will encourage                                               Agency
                                                                                   distinctive Saint Lucian                                                work with our private sector         our next term of office.
     balanced and accrue to as many           hotels and restaurants that
                                              benefit from government              cuisine that promotes the         We will create a Tourism             partners to ensure that all
     people as possible.
                                                                                   use of local ingredients.          Development Agency built on          public and private sector staff
                                              incentives to participate more
                                                                                   culinary specialties and           a partnership between the            who interact with our visitors
     Better Institutional Support             in the development of the                                                                                    receive continuous training in
                                              communities on our island.           beverages, while maintaining       public and private sectors.
                                                                                                                                                           this area.
                                                                                   international industry
       We will modernize the                                                                                          The agency will be responsible
                                             Our Party will strongly              standards.
        legislative framework that                                                                                     for the development of high
        supports the industry by              support all investments
                                              that make maximum use               We will adopt a specialized         growth segments including
        enacting in Parliament a new                                                                                   adventure, heritage, cultural,
        St. Lucia Tourist Board Act,          of local content, involve            programme for the
                                                                                   enhancement of arts and craft       sports, health and conference
        after discussion with industry        joint partnerships with local                                            tourism and for the overall
        partners.                             concerns, or promote the             development, indigenous
                                                                                                                       improvement of our tourism
                                              use of local products and            manufacturing and
                                              expertise.                           merchandising programmes.

14                                                                            Our Blueprint for Growth             Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                         15
Building a Better Saint Lucia                                                                                                                                                              Building a Better Saint Lucia

                                                                                                                        A REVITALIZED                          Making Effective Use of the             Restoring Productivity
                                                                                                                        AGRICULTURE SECTOR                                                             Hurricane Tomas inflicted serious
                                                                                                                                                               The availability of suitable land for   damage on the agricultural sector
                                                                                                                        The UWP came into office in 2006       agricultural activity is one of the     with significant losses of crops and
                                                                                                                        promising to revitalize agriculture    serious limiting factors. Proper        livestock.
                                                                                                                        and restore the banana industry to     land zoning and a sensible land
                                                                                                                        its glory years. Almost five years     use policy are necessary for the        The heavy siltation of many of
                                                                                                                        later the agriculture sector is in a   viability of the sector and most        our fields and the loss of topsoil
     Vibrant Cruise Tourism Sector Enhancement of Port Castries Greater Support for Yachting                            very shaky position and the banana                                             make it necessary that government
                                                                                                                                                               importantly, to guarantee food
                                                                                                                        industry is almost dead, with cash-    security.                               engages in a targeted programme
     The cruise tourism sector has           During our next term of office       The Yachting Sector is definitely
                                                                                                                        strapped farmers now having to                                                 of land clearing and restoration.
     served us well over the years            we will take this project to         one in which we have some degree
                                                                                                                        deal with costly and dangerous           The SLP government will
     and we will continue our support         the next level with the further      of competitive advantage.                                                                                             An SLP government, as part of
                                                                                                                        diseases.                                 identify and zone lands that
     to this sector by embarking              enhancement of Port Castries                                                                                                                                its Post Tomas Reconstruction
     on a comprehensive product               and the city of Castries.            The Saint Lucia Labour Party will                                              are best suited for agriculture
                                                                                                                        During this term of office we             and use legislation and                 programme, will engage in a
     development programme that                                                    provide greater support to this
                                                                                                                        will focus on the following               incentives to ensure that they          land clearing and cultivation
     improves our land-based amenities       In Phase One we will                 sector through the following:
                                                                                                                        development imperatives in                are kept in food production.            programme to restore the
     and encourages our visitors to           redevelop the western side
                                                                                      Introduce a Yachting Act         agriculture and fisheries:                Our goal is to define in                productivity of our major
     spend more time exploring our            of the harbour, from the sea
                                                                                       to allow for the orderly                                                   legislation an “Agriculture             agricultural lands.
     simply beautiful country.                end of the George F.L. Charles                                               1. Food Security
                                              Airport Runway to the San                development of the sector.                                                 Green Belt”.                           We will mandate the Research
     We will enhance the aesthetics           Souci Bridge.                                                                2. Effective Resource Use                                                      and Development Division
                                                                                      Facilitate skills training for                                            We will work toward putting
     of Port Castries and increasing                                                   Saint Lucians who want to                                                                                          and the Extension Division to
     the range and quality of options          This will be pursued through                                                3. Targeted Production                 an end to the land use
                                                                                       work in the yachting sector.                                               practices that cause land               test the nutrient profiles of
     available to the thousands of             a public-private sector
                                                                                                                           4. Sustainability                      degradation.                            the soils in our prime lands
     visitors who go through our city          partnership.                           Develop Ganters Bay as an                                                                                          and work with the owners
     every year.                                                                       up-market marina.                   5. Strategic Marketing                                                         of these lands to bring these
                                             We will encourage the                                                                                            A Land Bank
                                              relocation of all cargo facilities                                                                                                                          soils to levels of optimum
     When the SLP government                                                          Improve the Customs,                6. Capacity Building
                                              at Port Castries to the wider                                                                                    In our previous term of office we          fertility.
     developed La Place Carenage,                                                      Immigration and Port
                                              Castries basin.                                                              7. Applied Research and             started work with the Food and
     built the Desmond Skeete                                                          Authority facilities at
                                                                                                                              Development                      Agriculture Organization on the
     Animation Centre and invested in          This will be the first step to          Soufriere.                                                              development of a Land Bank.
     the redevelopment of the Pointe           transforming Port Castries
     Seraphine Berths the intention            into one of the premiere                                                                                          In this term of office we will
     was to improve our cruise shipping        cruise tourism ports in the                                                                                        create a Land Bank so that
     facilities and enhance the tourism        Caribbean.                                                                                                         we can provide our young
     product offering in our city centre.                                                                                                                         farmers with suitable lands to
     We will continue this programme                                                                                                                              engage in modern, efficient
     in our next term in office.                                                                                                                                  crop and livestock production.

16                                                                              Our Blueprint for Growth                Our Blueprint for Growth                                                                                              17
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
SLP Manifesto 2011
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SLP Manifesto 2011

  • 1.
  • 2. Building a Better Saint Lucia Labour’s Employment Activation Programme - LEAP Contents Message by the Political Leader 2 Pillar 3: Our Infrastructure  Inject $100 million immediately into the economy for job creation and reconstruction Development Programme 51 activities. The Foundation: Our Economic  Provide an Employment Tax Credit for new companies that create a minimum number of Resilient Infrastructure 52 Development Programme 4 jobs above a specified salary level. Post Tomas Reconstruction 53  Stimulate the growth of the local business sector and increase its employment generating Restructured Economy 6 Roads & Bridges 54 capacity by reducing the rate of Corporate Tax and providing incentives to facilitate greater Creating Jobs 7 competitiveness and export-readiness. Transport 56 Support for Local Business 8  Encourage new employment opportunies by exempting Small and Medium Size start-up Pillar 4: Our Sustainable companies from the payment of tax for their first 5 years. Encouraging Investment 10 Development Programme 57  Establish a Land Bank to provide land for agriculture and food-related services. New Policy Measures 12  Create immediate employment by undertaking the comprehensive rebuilding of our Environment 58 country’s infrastructure that was damaged by Hurricane Tomas. Tourism 14 Water Resources 59  Introduce a grant programme for businesses to encourage them to provide on-the-job Agriculture and Fisheries 17 workplace skills training for secondary school students. Climate Change 60 Creative Industries 21  Develop the Creative Industries to create exciting new employment areas. Energy 61  Create a Renewable Energy sector to generate employment at all skill levels. International Financial Services 23 Technology 63  Develop the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector and make wireless Pillar 1: Our National Security internet freely available in all community centres so that the power of technology can be The Building Blocks: Our Youth Programme 24 harnessed for economic development and employment creation. Development Programme 64  Initiate a Home Help Programme for the Elderly to provide employment for Single Strengthening the Police 25 Mothers. Employment 65 New Modern Legislation 28  Re-establish STEP to provide employment for people who have difficulty finding Skills 66 employment in the established sectors. Stronger Justice System 29 Health 68  Create more jobs by reviewing our investment regime and re-engineering our business Tackling Social Issues 29 services to make Saint Lucia a more attractive place for investment. Crime & Violence 69  Establish a Job Placement Centre that will match available skills with local and regional Pillar 2: Our Human and Social Participation 70 demand for labour. Development Programme 31  Provide support for private sector youth entrepreneurship initiatives like the Junior The Roof: Our Governance Programme 71 Education 32 Achievement Programme and the Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust. Health 37 Good Governance 72  Increase the availability of technical and vocational training in our formal school system and ensure that during their time in Secondary School our young people acquire the Social Transformation 43 Public Services 73 necessary soft skills, analytical skills, entrepreneurship skills, and professional skills. Legislation 74 Sports 45  Upgrade existing vocational training centres and develop new centres in rural communities. Housing 47 External Relations 76  Ensure that more Saint Lucians are trained to Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) National Heritage 49 Stronger Communities 78 level and are able to compete for attractive jobs regionally and internationally.  Provide support to CARE and help them to establish a fully-resourced Learning Centre to Conclusion 80 assist at-risk youth and young people who need a second chance.  Introduce a National Youth Mentoring Service to provide guidance to young people. Better Days are Coming Our Blueprint for Growth 1
  • 3. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia Our people have witnessed our Building a Better Saint Lucia once proud country drop from being one of the most respected The party that forms Saint Lucia’s and admired nations in the next government has to focus on Caribbean to becoming the subject building a better, stronger, more of unflattering, embarrassing resilient Saint Lucia for everyone. reports from foreign governments Our Party believes that the goal and international agencies. of Building a Better Saint Lucia is For the last five years, Saint Lucians similar to the task of constructing have had to bear the constant a strong home that can offer humiliation of regular scandals shelter and security in good times involving members of this UWP and bad, while at the same time The youth are the building We have listened and we have An Invitation to You government who often have found provide a nurturing environment to blocks of our plan. A Saint taken note and we come to you allow its residents to grow to their Lucia Labour Party government prepared to work even harder to The Saint Lucia Labour Party takes themselves on the wrong side of full potential. This is why we are intends to consult regularly with make life better for you and your its responsibilities very seriously the law - locally, regionally and calling this manifesto Our Blueprint our young people to develop families. and we understand that we must internationally for Growth. It contains the plans, a comprehensive range of always respect the confidence and Few Positive Developments policies and programmes that will programmes to unleash the A Joint Approach the trust that you place in us. As allow us to build a better, stronger enormous talents in our youth and the Political Leader of the SLP, I MESSAGE BY THE Most Saint Lucians agree that nation. help them deal with the various We have also taken a different give you my word that our party there have been very few positive approach to the development of POLITICAL LEADER developments in our country in Our Blueprint for Growth challenges that confront them. our plans. The SLP recognizes will govern with honesty, integrity, dignity, competence and efficiency. the last five years. No new schools The final element of our plan is that for there to be lasting and have been built. Labour’s promise We believe that the first step meaningful change in our country, We believe that citizens must My fellow Saint Lucians our Good Governance programme, of Universal Health Care has in Building a Better Saint Lucia everyone must be engaged. We always hold their government to which will provide protection The Saint Lucia Labour Party is been killed by this government. involves strengthening our cannot do it on our own. This is a high standard and we intend to for our citizens and create a honoured to have the opportunity Our national housing stock has economic foundation. Therefore, why in developing our manifesto set and maintain that standard. favourable environment for them to share with you our Blueprint for remained stagnant. Our roads a major goal of the next SLP we invited citizens from all walks We know that our country and our to succeed in their endeavours. Growth, our policies and plans for and bridges, which have been government will be to develop a of life to contribute their ideas and people have tremendous potential Building a Better Saint Lucia. in a deplorable state for the last robust and re-energized economy. The SLP - An Improved Party their dreams for Building a Better and it will be our goal to help bring four years, are now being hastily A strong economy will anchor Saint Lucia. This has resulted in out that potential. A Drop in Standing patched as part of a desperate the development of all the other The Saint Lucia Labour Party comes a manifesto that we believe is sectors and facilitate the provision to you a better party than we were representative of the dreams and We are confident that with inspired Much has happened since election campaign. of a wider range of services to our in 2006. We understand that every aspirations of all Saint Lucians. leadership, good governance and our party last held the seat Large sections of our country that citizens. experience must be used as an the help of all committed Saint of government in Saint Lucia. were damaged by Hurricane Tomas opportunity to learn, to grow, and A Long Term Plan Lucians we can create a strong, Our citizens have had to suffer have still not been repaired. Our Our development plan will be to get better. We have used our resilient and successful country. through what is easily the worst fiscal situation has deteriorated supported by four major pillars, period in Opposition to connect The goal of nation building is a period in our country’s recent namely (i) National Security; (ii) with Saint Lucians across the long-term exercise. While we We invite you, therefore, to join us alarmingly, yet the UWP persists history. They have seen the Human and Social Development; length and breadth of our country. are confident in our ability to in building a better Saint Lucia with its reckless spending and tremendous strides that were ill-advised projects. Crime (iii) Infrastructure Development; make immediate improvements made in the period leading up to and (iv) Sustainable Development. You told us about the many good in many important areas, we I thank you. continues to be a major problem 2006 almost completely erased for our country, and under this things that we started that you understand there are no quick fixes Yours sincerely, by a directionless and selfish UWP government, Saint Lucia’s want continued. We have heard to several of the problems facing government, devoid of ideas and homicides rate hit a frightening from you about the things with us. Therefore, in this document lacking in capability, credibility and new record high. which you were not pleased. You we depart from the practice of integrity. also shared with us your ideas for presenting a five-year manifesto new and different ways to make and instead we set out our long- our country better. term goals and objectives for Dr. Kenny D. Anthony national growth and development. Political Leader 2 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 3
  • 4. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia THE FOUNDATION: OUR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Our goal is to develop a diversified and strong economy that is able to provide employment for our citizens and support the growth and development of the other sectors of our society. The Daher Building - UWP’s Massive Waste of Tax Payers’ Money Serious Economic Challenges • A drop in retailing and Facing the Challenges wholesaling of goods; Together The economy of Saint Lucia • A huge increase in Unquestionably, our economy is facing its most severe unemployment, growing faces major challenges. Difficult and debilitating crisis since from 14% in 2006 to 24.5% decisions would have to be made. Independence. The reasons are in 2011; Sacrifices would be required not hard to find. After the General from all sectors. It is vital that Elections of 2006, the economy • A total loss of confidence we achieve consensus on the immediately started to contract by investors; measures that need to be taken. after several years of solid growth. • The virtual collapse of the In the midst of this downward For this reason, there must be Offshore Sector; and spiral, the global recession hit us deep appreciation of the fact with devastating impact. • Marked increases in the that restoring the economy will cost of living. necessarily involve the building of To this day, no one can identify a social and economic partnership the policies of the Government to Role of the Private Sector in which all stakeholders can take respond to the crisis. As if all of this ownership of the decisions and was not enough, Hurricane Tomas The Saint Lucia Labour Party actions pertaining to the economy. gave us a lethal blow and left believes that a modern, strong, behind a battered infrastructure. dynamic and enterprising Private In this period, the cornerstone We now face a huge reconstruction Sector is a strategic necessity for of the policy of an SLP bill. the future economic development Administration is genuine and of Saint Lucia. meaningful partnerships involving The crisis that faces us manifests Government, organized labour, itself in the following ways: The Private Sector must remain an the Private Sector and other integral part of the new economy. representatives of Civil Society. • A dramatic decline in construction activity; The Saint Lucia Labour Party believes that the Private Sector • A significant decline in must continue to lead the way government revenues; to provide jobs, generate public revenue, and earn foreign • A marked increase in exchange to drive economic indirect taxes, duties, development. levies, and fees to bolster falling revenues; The new economy must be a Private Sector-led economy. 4 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 5
  • 5. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia Saint Lucians Invested with Confidence under a Labour Government Sandals Grande Hotel: Built under an SLP Government A RESTRUCTURED The new economy must be driven by innovation and creativity in all A Fiscal Covenant Jobs: Our Number 1 Priority Aggressive Reconstruction Immediate Resumption of Programme STEP ECONOMY spheres. All sectors must be fully Consistent with our commitment Through an effective combination linked and integrated. to seek consensus on the of short term employment Our Party views the reconstruction  Our government will To extricate Saint Lucia from economic measures to restructure activities, an active public sector of our country as an immediate Elements of this new economy will immediately reinstate the this quagmire, an incoming SLP our economy, an SLP Government involve: investment programme, the priority. It is shameful that almost Short Term Employment will enter into a Fiscal Covenant administration will focus on strategic use of incentives to one year after the passage of Programme (STEP) to provide with our Social Partners, aimed at: realigning our economy to increase • Continued investment in the encourage local investments, and Hurricane Tomas large sections relief to the hundreds of men its resilience and viability. development of high-end • Fiscal Consolidation; the creation of an environment of our country’s damaged and women who have not tourism products such as that attracted foreign direct infrastructure have not been been able to earn a living for The SLP will develop an economy adventure tourism, nature • Improvement in public investment, the SLP was able to repaired or rebuilt. almost five years. that not only strengthens and based tourism, cultural revenue, including compliance and administration; reduce unemployment from 25% consolidates the traditional tourism, conferences and  An SLP government will  STEP will be year-round in in 1997 to 14% in 2006. community tourism; immediately inject an amount those communities that sectors, but which produces • Sensible management of and delivers new and improved • A deliberate emphasis on high deficits and debt, including Incompetent management by of $100 million into the have been hardest hit by goods and services, utilizing new value agriculture, focusing a focused debt management this UWP government has caused economy to stimulate job the recession and UWP production and service delivery on the food industry, agro- strategy; unemployment to rise once again creation and reconstruction. mismanagement. systems, methods and techniques. processing, and horticulture; to alarmingly high levels of over • Improvement in the  We will embark on an  We will redesign and improve This new economy must generate 20%. • Development of the creative productivity and transparency aggressive Post-Tomas STEP so that it can also cater new sources of income and of public expenditure; industries;  A major priority of our reconstruction programme to those people who can be employment, based on the most • Strengthening the government will be the to put hundreds of Saint trained to find alternative competitive levels of knowledge, • Support for the development institutional framework for creation of jobs. Lucians to work repairing our employment. skill and productivity. Job creation of a vibrant ICT sector; accountability; roads, bridges and damaged is our top priority.  The SLP will re-engage the • The creation of a new  Our Party will translate its infrastructure. renewables energy sector; • Protection of the poor and comprehensive Employment private sector in a new public- We will deepen efforts to vulnerable through fair and private sector partnership for modernize our economy and Activation Programme (LEAP) • Renewed emphasis on balanced fiscal measures; and into a National Initiative job creation. society, and bring Saint Lucia fully the International Financial into the international economy. • Linking wages and to Create Employment, Services sector. We also aim to eliminate productivity in the public and dedicated to creating and bureaucracy and adopt a zero private sectors. finding jobs for Saint Lucians. tolerance for corruption. 6 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 7
  • 6. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia Stimulating Local Business We will work diligently and  The SLP will create greater A Revamped OPSR Skills Training for the Job  An SLP government will purposefully toward improving the space for small and medium- Market provide support and put Experience has shown that the business climate in Saint Lucia. sized enterprises (SME) to  We will ensure that the additional systems in place best way of stimulating post- operate by creating business OPSR, which we created in Our Party established the National to ensure that hundreds of recession growth in employment  Our goal is to make Saint 1998, continues to enhance incubators in the north and Skills Development Centre to train Saint Lucians are trained is to encourage entrepreneurship Lucia the number one place the services provided to south of the island. our people so that they could to Caribbean Vocational for doing business in the the private sector and and new businesses. succeed in the job market. Qualification (CVQ) level Caribbean.  We will provide a window efficiently delivers support for stimulating and facilitating and are able to compete for This will be done through a of assistance to SMEs for  During this term of office we  We will make capital available business in Saint Lucia. attractive jobs regionally and revamped investment and business training, preparation of will intensify our skills training to assist local small and internationally. promotion programme. business plans, feasibility  We will also restore the programme to ensure that medium enterprises to studies and marketing. original mission of the our citizens acquire the skills,  Additionally, we will train  An SLP government will target become export-ready and to OPSR to facilitate greater attitudes and qualifications our people so that they five areas for growth in our capitalize on opportunities  We will work with the collaboration between that will increase their can take full advantage of job creation programme: created by the CARIFORUM- Chamber of Commerce and the private sector and the employability locally and opportunities provided EU Economic Partnership other partners to provide Government. regionally. through the Economic • The Tourism Industry Agreement (EPA). greater encouragement to Partnership Agreement with  Through the OPSR, we The CARICOM Single Market and • The Creative Industries young people to become the European Union and any  We will upgrade the Bureau of will explore further and entrepreneurs, particularly the OECS Economic Union will new economic partnerships Standards so that it can step develop mutually beneficial • The ICT Sector in areas like the creative make more regional employment up its programme of ensuring opportunities for public- with countries like Canada. industries and the ICT sector. private sector partnerships. opportunities available. • The Renewable Energy that products from Saint Sector Lucia meet the highest quality standards and can compete in • High Value-Added international markets. Agriculture  We will provide a tax credit  During our next term of to local companies that invest office we will concentrate in research and development our efforts on stimulating aimed at improving the Entrepreneurship, Educating competitiveness and quality our work force, and of their products. Expanding our Export sector. UWP has Destroyed all SLP’s Work in Reducing Unemployment UWP Promised to Reduce Expenditure by $300 Million. Instead, they Increased it by $200 Million 8 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 9
  • 7. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia Encouraging Investment Improved Climate New Sources of Investment Stimulating Innovation National Credit Bureau • Greater support for responsible lending and It is universally accepted that  The Saint Lucia Labour Party  The SLP will seek new Our Party believes that the growth It is important for us to enhance reductions in credit losses. political and macro-economic will restore political and investors from non-traditional and long-term viability of our the level of liquidity and stability are essential for attracting macro-economic stability in sources like the BRICS (Brazil, economy will depend on our transparency within the financial • Reductions in incidents of foreign direct investment. our country. Russia, India, China and South success in stimulating innovation. services sector. fraud and money laundering. Africa) and the Scandinavian  We will ensure there is a countries. These strategic We believe that establishing a • Elimination of interbank In 2006, under the SLP, Saint Lucia sensible and fair regulatory  We will establish an moves into new markets will Credit Bureau will provide a sound credit checks and other was rated 27th in the world by framework, supported be closely aligned with our Innovation Fund to stimulate the World Bank for Ease of Doing and facilitate the patentingof platform for development and bureaucratic measures. by effective and efficient external relations policies and Business, higher than Chile, Spain, institutional arrangements. inventions in select areas progress within the domestic programmes. • Facilitation of identity South Africa, France, Taiwan and and generate viable new financial sector.  We will put in place the confirmation and verification every other island in the Caribbean A New NDC business concepts that create  The SLP will establish a of personal details. necessary physical and social with the exception of Puerto framework, including a skilled employment. National Credit Bureau  In our next term of office, the Rico. In 2010, under the UWP, our and competitive labour to achieve the following • Greater centralization Saint Lucia Labour Party will ranking slipped to 53rd. force, and efficient energy give NDC the sole mandate Support for Coalition of objectives: of credit information to and telecommunications of investment promotion and Service Industries facilitate enhanced economic The UWP has not been able to infrastructure. business facilitation. • Dissemination of information analysis, strengthened attract any new major investors  The SLP will provide greater to facilitate increased access supervision of non-bank during its five years in office. In  We will undertake a NDC will no longer have support for the Saint to credit and expansion of financial institutions and comprehensive review of all responsibility for real estate in Lucia Coalition of Service improved systemic analysis fact, several investors who had lending activities. of the processes involved in Vieux Fort, managing factory Industriesin institutional shown an interest have abandoned aimed at safeguarding the doing business in Saint Lucia shells, or running the Pointe strengthening, public • Reductions in cost of lending their plans. through a business process education on trade related integrity of the domestic Seraphine Duty Free Complex. and prevailing interest rates. re-engineering initiative issues, promoting high financial sector.  The SLP will place high priority that will seek to remove all  This new agency will be called standards and following on attracting at least one unnecessary impediments the Saint Lucia Investment international best practices. major new investor in our first and bureaucratic red tape. Promotion Corporation year of office. (SLIPCO). New Investment Strategy We are confident that investors SLIPCO will focus on: will once again return to Saint In our 2006 Elections Manifesto we spoke of the need to develop a  Building Saint Lucia’s Lucia under a Labour government image as a preferred National Investment Strategy and because of: location for investors; stated this would have been one • A return to political stability of our priorities in our 3rd term of  Seeking out and office. and good governance; generating new  In our first year in office we investments in strategic • Our comprehensive will develop a comprehensive, sectors with high value- investment promotion innovative investment added and employment programme; strategy. generating potential; and • Proposed reductions in the  We will review the investment  Facilitating local and rate of Corporate Tax; incentives regime to foreign direct investment make sure that there is a by functioning as a • The track record of the SLP in closer match between the true One Stop Shop for attracting reputable investors. encouragements that we offer investors. to investors and the needs of • Our business process re- those investors. There must engineering initiatives that be a better balance between will simplify procedures and taxes and incentives. improve the business climate Our Country’s Global Investment Climate Rating has Dropped from 27 under SLP to 53 under UWP in Saint Lucia. 10 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 11
  • 8. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia Removal of Stamp Duty No Other Options  Once VAT is introduced, our SLP Government will reduce  An SLP government will Our tax base is too small to taxation on working people consider the introduction allow government to provide the by raising the threshold, over of legislation to remove services that are demanded. the next five years, for the Stamp Duty in cases where payment of Income Tax from On top of that, the new regional $18,000.00 annually to at a borrower is moving to trade agreements will cause us another financial institution least $21,000.00 annually. to lose significant import tariff to secure re-financing of revenues that are currently paying outstanding loans for a Relief from High Gas Prices for many of these services. business enterprise. When our Party was in office we The other countries in the OECS provided a cushion to consumers Tax Break for SMEs and CARICOM have already faced that reality. Saint Lucia cannot from high prices of petrol and  A Labour government will continue to hide. Where VAT cooking gas. Once again, this will exempt all new companies is concerned we do not have a be the basis for our policy on fuel with a start-up capital base of choice, we must introduce it. costs. Effects of 9-11 less than $500 thousand from the payment of Corporate Lessening the Impact of VAT With respect to fuel prices, a Saint Taxes in their first 5 years of Lucia Labour Party government will operation. In order to lessen the discomfort do the following: New Policy Measures Tax Ombudsman Employment Tax Credit that VAT will bring to citizens, we The Value Added Tax (VAT) will:  Review the current fuel Our tax system should encourage Many citizens are intimidated by Consideration will be given to the ‘Pass Through’ mechanism Government must respond to the  Maintain a basket of goods entrepreneurship and job the Tax Department and many introduction of an “Employment and take steps to provide growing and changing needs of that will be zero-rated, creation, offer relief to those who are unable to pay accountants or Tax Credit.” This system will consumers with some degree its citizens. Among these are the meaning that these goods will lawyers to plead their causes. give tax credits to businesses of protection from high oil need it the most, and provide a need to ensure that: not attract VAT; that generate significant new prices, which may include sustainable revenue base that  We will create the office employment.  Delay the introduction of VAT allows government to provide a of “Tax Ombudsman” to • All children, from birth, get on the payment of bills for reducing the frequency with range of services to its citizens. intervene on behalf of To encourage new investment, we access to quality education; electricity and water until we which the consumer prices taxpayers and assist them will grant: are satisfied that the public are changed. to resolve differences and • All citizens have access to Tax Amnesty affordable health care; is reasonably protected from disputes between them  Two years free of tax arbitrary increases by the  Put in place a hard cap on the and the Inland Revenue for new companies that companies that provide these price of fuel so that when the There are many people who face • Hgh-risk groups get effective Department. employ at least six (6) services. price of oil passes a certain large tax liabilities due in part social protection services; people who are paid high threshold the full cost to huge penalties and interest Lower Corporate Tax Rate over $24,000.00 each per • The population is serviced by of that increase will not be on their arrears. In the past, Tax annum; and an efficient public service; passed on to the consumer. Amnesties have been granted. Our administration reduced the Usually these amnesties involve a corporate rate of taxation from  Three years free of tax reduction in penalties. • Our country has a sound, 33.3% to 30%. Over the next five for new companies that well-maintained stock of years we will: employ at least ten (10) public infrastructure.  In order to give ALL citizens people who are paid a chance to start with a  Reduce the rate of Corporate over $24,000.00 each per clean slate, the SLP will Tax for large businesses from annum. enact legislation and remove 30% to 25%; all penalties and interest on outstanding liabilities,  Reduce the rate of Corporate provided that all outstanding Tax on small and medium taxes are settled within a sized businesses from 30% to specified period. 20%. The Ultra-Expensive Home of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 13
  • 9. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia Developing the Human Direct Support to the Small Improving Saint Lucia Jazz Resource Base Hotel Sector  Our Party is committed to  An SLP government will  An SLP government will place improving the standard conduct a comprehensive a renewed focus on the small of Saint Lucia Jazz and Needs Assessment of the hotel sector. returning it to its position of Tourism industry to determine prominence on the global  We will develop a new music landscape. the human resource development needs of the Tourism Incentives Act that, among other things, provides  We will ensure that there is industry. adequate participation by greater support to small Saint Lucians in all aspects of  We will formulate a hotels, guest houses and this activity. comprehensive human ancillary services. resource development programme aimed at  We will assist the small Promoting Health Tourism increasing local involvement hotel sector with a special When we started the construction in all levels of the industry. marketing fund to assist with of a new Mental Health facility and The Landings - Built under an SLP Government promotional activities. a new General Hospital we wanted  Following from the results of to improve the quality of health A STRONGER TOURISM  The SLP government will re- examine and improve the  A Labour government will the Needs Assessment, our Meeting International care for citizens and position Saint continue our programme government will establish Standards INDUSTRY Tourism Incentive Act to of developing community strategic partnerships with Lucia so that it could be marketed provide new and additional tourism ventures that  The SLP government will as a viable health tourism existing and prospective The SLP is convinced that tourism incentives to small hotels, destination. highlight the positive tourism hospitality institutes work through the Tourism will remain a major contributor guest houses and for the development of tourism attributes of our communities to create a National Tourism & Development Agency and the We are pleased that Tapion to economic development, and enhance the livelihoods Hospitality Training Institute. Bureau of Standards to ensure employment and export revenue ancillary services. Hospital has also improved of their residents. that all service providers the range of services it offers in Saint Lucia for the foreseeable  Our government will also work achieve and maintain  We will ensure that and achieved international future. In this regard, we will adequate financial resources  We will build on the work closely with the private sector international benchmarks for ensure that tourism development we started during the Cricket accreditation. are allocated to tourism to enhance institutional and quality. is afforded high priority in the promotion, and we will World Cup and create a on-the-job training for our  An SLP government will forge development agenda. eliminate wastage of the St. unique Heritage Tourism hotel workers, tour guides, Customer Service Training a close collaboration between Lucia Tourist Board budget. experience. taxi drivers and other tourism the public and private sectors Our goals for our new term of service providers.  Our government will place in health and tourism to office will be to create more Greater Local Participation Heritage Promotion a very high premium on aggressively pursue our health linkages in the tourism industry to A New Tourism Development customer service in the  The SLP will create a tourism sector and we will tourism programme during ensure that economic benefits are  The SLP will encourage Agency distinctive Saint Lucian work with our private sector our next term of office. balanced and accrue to as many hotels and restaurants that benefit from government cuisine that promotes the  We will create a Tourism partners to ensure that all people as possible. use of local ingredients. Development Agency built on public and private sector staff incentives to participate more culinary specialties and a partnership between the who interact with our visitors Better Institutional Support in the development of the receive continuous training in communities on our island. beverages, while maintaining public and private sectors. this area. international industry  We will modernize the The agency will be responsible  Our Party will strongly standards. legislative framework that for the development of high supports the industry by support all investments that make maximum use  We will adopt a specialized growth segments including enacting in Parliament a new adventure, heritage, cultural, St. Lucia Tourist Board Act, of local content, involve programme for the enhancement of arts and craft sports, health and conference after discussion with industry joint partnerships with local tourism and for the overall partners. concerns, or promote the development, indigenous improvement of our tourism use of local products and manufacturing and product. expertise. merchandising programmes. 14 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 15
  • 10. Building a Better Saint Lucia Building a Better Saint Lucia A REVITALIZED Making Effective Use of the Restoring Productivity Land AGRICULTURE SECTOR Hurricane Tomas inflicted serious The availability of suitable land for damage on the agricultural sector The UWP came into office in 2006 agricultural activity is one of the with significant losses of crops and promising to revitalize agriculture serious limiting factors. Proper livestock. and restore the banana industry to land zoning and a sensible land its glory years. Almost five years use policy are necessary for the The heavy siltation of many of later the agriculture sector is in a viability of the sector and most our fields and the loss of topsoil Vibrant Cruise Tourism Sector Enhancement of Port Castries Greater Support for Yachting very shaky position and the banana make it necessary that government importantly, to guarantee food industry is almost dead, with cash- security. engages in a targeted programme The cruise tourism sector has  During our next term of office The Yachting Sector is definitely strapped farmers now having to of land clearing and restoration. served us well over the years we will take this project to one in which we have some degree deal with costly and dangerous  The SLP government will and we will continue our support the next level with the further of competitive advantage.  An SLP government, as part of diseases. identify and zone lands that to this sector by embarking enhancement of Port Castries its Post Tomas Reconstruction on a comprehensive product and the city of Castries. The Saint Lucia Labour Party will are best suited for agriculture During this term of office we and use legislation and programme, will engage in a development programme that provide greater support to this will focus on the following incentives to ensure that they land clearing and cultivation improves our land-based amenities  In Phase One we will sector through the following: development imperatives in are kept in food production. programme to restore the and encourages our visitors to redevelop the western side  Introduce a Yachting Act agriculture and fisheries: Our goal is to define in productivity of our major spend more time exploring our of the harbour, from the sea to allow for the orderly legislation an “Agriculture agricultural lands. simply beautiful country. end of the George F.L. Charles 1. Food Security Airport Runway to the San development of the sector. Green Belt”.  We will mandate the Research We will enhance the aesthetics Souci Bridge. 2. Effective Resource Use and Development Division  Facilitate skills training for  We will work toward putting of Port Castries and increasing Saint Lucians who want to and the Extension Division to the range and quality of options This will be pursued through 3. Targeted Production an end to the land use work in the yachting sector. practices that cause land test the nutrient profiles of available to the thousands of a public-private sector 4. Sustainability degradation. the soils in our prime lands visitors who go through our city partnership.  Develop Ganters Bay as an and work with the owners every year. up-market marina. 5. Strategic Marketing of these lands to bring these  We will encourage the A Land Bank relocation of all cargo facilities soils to levels of optimum When the SLP government  Improve the Customs, 6. Capacity Building at Port Castries to the wider In our previous term of office we fertility. developed La Place Carenage, Immigration and Port Castries basin. 7. Applied Research and started work with the Food and built the Desmond Skeete Authority facilities at Development Agriculture Organization on the Animation Centre and invested in This will be the first step to Soufriere. development of a Land Bank. the redevelopment of the Pointe transforming Port Castries Seraphine Berths the intention into one of the premiere  In this term of office we will was to improve our cruise shipping cruise tourism ports in the create a Land Bank so that facilities and enhance the tourism Caribbean. we can provide our young product offering in our city centre. farmers with suitable lands to We will continue this programme engage in modern, efficient in our next term in office. crop and livestock production. 16 Our Blueprint for Growth Our Blueprint for Growth 17