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до 6%Получите
лучшую комиссию
на рынке Великобритании
от девелопера
Наши ценности:
• Мы предоставляем наилучший
доход на инвестиции клиента
• Наши объекты недвижимости
спроектированы и построены по
высочайшим международным
• Мы предлагаем конкурентные
• Мы применяем инновации в
строительстве – для сохранения
окружающей среды
• Мы придаем огромное значение
справедливому, честному и
равноправному партнёрству
• Интуитивный и простой процесс
• Высокий уровень маркетинговой
При продаже апартаментов:
1 – 5
При продаже апартаментов:
При продаже апартаментов:
При продаже апартаментов:
При продаже апартаментов:
Лучшая комиссия на рынке Великобритании от девелопера
3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0%
50% комиссии выплачивается партнёру в течении 30 дней с момента получения застройщиком 25% от суммы контракта,
оставшиеся 50% выплачивается партнёру в течении 30 дней с момента подписания договора купли-продажи
Апартаментов после
получения оплаты
10% от стоимости
3Подписание договора
Резервирования и
4Последующая оплата
10% от стоимости
5Подписание договора
оплаты производятся
в соответствии с
платёжным планом
согласно договору
Процедура покупки для клиента
Current Property
The Edridge
LondonThe Edridge - великолепная 23-х
этажная жилой комплекс,
расположенная в центре
Кройдона (южный Лондон). В
здании 133 современных
квартиры с 1, 2 или 3 спальнями
и более 20,000 кв. футов
коммерческой недвижимости
• Круглосуточный консьерж
• Крытый бассейн
• Тренажерный зал
• Комната для встреч
• Детский сад – Montessori
• Система видеонаблюдения с
собственной службой
безопасности обеспечивает
круглосуточный контроль за всей
• Кройдон – это новый жилищный
центр Лондона, цены в котором за
последний год выросли на 18.8%
(источник: Rightmove)
• План регенерации Кройдон –
превратит его в район для бизнеса и
отдыха мирового уровня
• Великолепные транспортные связи
• 13 минут до центра Лондона
• 5 минут пешком до крупнейшего
шоппинг - центра Европы Westfield
Дизайн и Отделка
Низко эмиссионные двойные стеклопакеты с небольшой
солнечной защитой из алюминия с порошковым покрытием
В Каждой квартире в имеет балкон, оборудованный
двустворчатой откатной или распашной дверью с
тонированным, низко эмиссионным стеклом в двойном
Полы облицованы камнем с бордюрами из галечника для
дренажа, ограничены стеклянными балюстрадами без рам,
закрепленными скрытыми тисками на полу, что
бескомпромиссное следование идее дизайнера.
ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development
МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: 4-20, Эдридж Роуд, Лондон, CR9
МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Лондонский округ Кройдон
СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC
Current Property
The Royal Court
The Royal Court - великолепный
элитный жилой комплекс,
соединивший в себе всё лучшее от
высоких технологий и ведущих
брендов; исторический район в
центре Лондона, в окружении
достопримечательностей и зданий,
адреса которых всемирно известны;
головокружительное разнообразие
культурных событий и развлечений,
ресторанов и клубов в двух шагах от
дома. В здании квартиры от 661,2 кв.
фута (61,4 м2) до 1255 кв. фута (116,5
м2)(жилая площадь без учета
балконов, террас или зимних садов).
• Круглосуточный консьерж
• Комната для встреч
• Система видеонаблюдения с
собственной службой безопасности
обеспечивает круглосуточный
контроль за всей территорией.
• Частные озелененные сады
• Общий двор
• Несколько кладовых комнат на
цокольном этаже
• Охраняемый велосипедный гараж
на цокольном этаже
Дизайн и Отделка
• Теплый пол с подогревом во всех комнатах
• Система охлаждения в гостиной и главных спальнях
• Паркетный пол в коридоре, на кухне и в гостиной
• Входная дверь облицована твёрдой древесиной
• Автономная стиральная машина с сушкой у шкафа в
• Потолок с углублением и скрытым освещением
• Видеоконтроль входной двери / система
электронных ключей ко всем входным дверям
• Система проводки для встроенных медиа-систем
• Высококачественный фаянс (Villeroy & Бош)
• Душ и краны (Grohe)
• Керамические полы и настенная плитка
• Никелированные термостатические полотенцесушители с
регулировкой нагрева во всех ванных комнатах/санузлах
• Встроенный шкаф (или гардеробная) с освещением.
• Ковровое покрытие во всех спальнях
• Рабочие поверхности из камня
• Кухонный гарнитур, лакированный или глянцевый
• Встроенная одинарная или полуторная раковина
• Моно смеситель
•Светодиодное освещение шкафов кухонного гарнитура
• стеклокерамическая варочная поверхность ≪Сименс≫ с
индукционным нагревом на 4 конфорки
• Встроенная или установленная на потолке вытяжка
• Духовка и микроволновая печь ≪Сименс≫
• Встроенный холодильник с морозильной камерой (50/50)
• Встроенная посудомоечная машина
• Охладитель для вина
ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development
МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Роял Боро Вестминстер
СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC
Current Property
Park Street West 1
из четырех ≪крыльев≫ - от 4 до
6 этажей. Здание окружает
общий внутренней двор.
Современные апартаменты с 1, 2
или 3 спальнями в количестве
132, от 213,48 кв.м до 525,528
квадратных футов (полезная
внутренняя площадь исключает
балконы, террасы или зимние
• Круглосуточный консьерж
• Внутренней двор
• Тренажерный зал
• Комната для встреч
• Детский сад – Montessori
• Система видеонаблюдения с
собственной службой
безопасности обеспечивает
круглосуточный контроль за всей
В непосредственной близости располагаются 7
системообразующих компаний.
Недвижимость расположена в центре г Лутон, на
пересечении Флауэрс вэй и Парк – стрит.
Университет ≪Бедфордшир кампус≫
находится в 5 минутах ходьбы.
Западный аэропорт Лутона расположен в 2 км к северу.
Лутон имеет хорошее железнодорожное сообщение:
≪Лутон Эйрпорт Паркуэй≫ и Лигрейв до Лондона и через
Брайтон на ≪Фест Кэпитал Коннект≫ и севернее к Дерби,
Лестеру, Ноттингему
и другим городам на ≪Мидленд Мэйн Лайн≫
Центральный London на поезде….……….………..35 минут
А1 ≪Найтсбридж≫ …………………………..…….……..40 минут
А2 ≪Эджвер-роуд≫………………..…………….………..40 минут
А3 ≪Оксфорд-стрит≫………..……………………………40 минут
А4 ≪Кингс-колледж Лондон≫ ……………….……33 минуты
А5 Лондонская школа Экономики & Политических наук
………………………………………………………………………..32 минуты
А6 Вестминстерский университет………………….41 минута
А7 Лондонский городской университет……..…41 минута
А8 Имперский колледж Лондона……….…………42 минуты
ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development
МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Городской Совет Лутона
СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC
Current Property
Holland Park Avenue
Непревзойденный дизайн
“Holland Park Avenue”
предоставит Вам все возможное
от Лондонских апартаментов, о
чём только можно мечтать.
Комплекс находиться в зоне 2 и
состоит из 41 просторных
апартаментов (с одной, двумя и
тремя спальнями) современного
дизайна с использованием
лучших отделочных материалов.
Все апартаменты с собственной
террасой, балконом или зимним
• Круглосуточный консьерж
• Внутренней двор c
коммунальным садом
• Место для 35 велосипедов
• Система видеонаблюдения с
собственной службой
безопасности обеспечивает
круглосуточный контроль за всей
Holland Park относиться к Зона 2 и расположен в 10
минутах ходьбы от Shepherd’s Bush (Central line и London
Overground) и Holland Park (Central Line):
- Bond Street…………………………………………………………..10 минут
- South Kensington………………………………………………… 10 минут
- Victoria………………………………………………………………….10 минут
- Bank………………………………………………………………………20 минут
- King’s Cross St.Pancras………………………………………... 10 минут
- Liverpool Street………………………………………………..…. 10 минут
- Canary Wharf…………………………………………………….... 10 минут
- Heathrow Airport………………………………………………... 10 минут
Holland Park находится всего в трёх милях от West End, в
10 минутах от Holland Park station, Central Line
обеспечивает прямую связь с West End и City.
Holland Park расположен в 24 минутах езды на машине
или в 39 минутах на метро от Аэропорта Хитроу.
Лучший шопинг центр – Westfield расположен всего в 250
Holland Park относится к Royal Borough of Kensington and
Chelsea в окружении превосходных школ и парков.
Холланд парк занимает 54 акра территории.
Holland Park находиться по соседству с Notting Hill Gate,
где находится самый большой рынок антиквариата на
Portobello Road, в непосредственной близости от
Kensington High Street, South Kensington и Knightsbridge, с
его всемирно известными бутиками, универмагом
Harrods, и тремя музеями: Музей Натуральной Истории,
Музей Науки и Музей Виктории и Альберта, всего в 3
милях от West End.
ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development
МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Holland Park, London, W11
МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC
Цена: £1,370,000 - £6,079,000
Апартаменты: 548 sq. ft – 1,597 sq.ft
(полезная внутренняя площадь исключает балконы, террасы
или зимние сады)
Current Property
Buckingham Palace
современный дизайн
“Buckingham Palace ”
предоставит Вам все возможное
от Лондонских апартаментов, о
чём только можно мечтать.
Комплекс находиться в зоне 1 и
состоит из просторных
апартаментов (с одной, двумя и
тремя спальнями) современного
дизайна с использованием
лучших отделочных материалов.
• Круглосуточный консьерж
• Тренажерный зал
• Комната для встреч
• Кинотеатр
• Бизнес центр
• Система видеонаблюдения с
собственной службой
безопасности обеспечивает
круглосуточный контроль за всей
• Все резиденты могут
наслаждаться садами на крыше с
панорамным видом на Лондон.
Buckingham Palace расположен в центре Лондона
в пешеходной доступности от:
- Buckingham Palace………………………….…………………..3 минуты
- Belgravia…………..………………………………………………… 4 минуты
- Река Темза…………………………………………………….…….18 минут
- Mayfair…………………………………………………………………18 минут
- St. James Парк…..…………………………………………….………7 минут
- Belgravia sq….…...…………………………………………….………8 минут
- Green парк….…….…………………………………………….………8 минут
- Vincent sq……..…..…………………………………………….………9 минут
- Eaton sq….…..…………………………………………….…………..10 минут
- Berkley sq……..…..…………………………………………….…….23 минут
в непосредственной доступности на метро:
- Bond Street……….………………………………………………... .8 минут
- Knightsbridge…….……………………………………………….....9 минут
- Paddington……….……………………………………………….....13 минут
- Heathrow……….………………………………………………........37 минут
- Hyde Park …….………………………………………………...........6 минут
- Regent’s Park ….……………………………………………...........6 минут
ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development
МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Holland Park, London, W11
МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC
Цена: £1,732,500 - £4,929,375
Апартаменты: 58 sq. m – 140 sq.m
(полезная внутренняя площадь исключает балконы, террасы
или зимние сады)
Current Property
Tower Bridge View
Непревзойденный современный дизайн
предоставит Вам все возможное от
Лондонских апартаментов, о чём только
можно мечтать. Комплекс состоит из
просторных апартаментов (с одной, двумя
и тремя спальнями) современного
дизайна с использованием лучших
отделочных материалов. Все апартаменты
оснащены балконами, или балконом и
• Круглосуточный консьерж
• Система видеонаблюдения с
собственной службой безопасности
обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за
всей территорией.
• Все резиденты могут наслаждаться
коммунальными садами.
TOWER BRIDGE VIEW расположен в центре Лондона
в зоне 1:
МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: The London Borough of Bermondsey
and The London Bridge Quarter
СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC
СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Сентябрь 2015
Цена: £1,959,750 - £2,752,000
Location Facts:
• 15 mins by train to Big Ben
• 190 apartments, 1,2, 3 beds
• 124,000,000 GBP value.
Current Property
1 Derby Road
Current Property
The Richmond Penthouses
Location Facts:
• 20 mins by train to
Knightsbridge, London
• 29 apartments, 4, 5, 6 beds
• 40,000,000 GBP value.
Location Facts:
• 5 mins walk to Bradford
University campus
• 7 mins walk to Bradford
Town Centre
• 30 mins from Leeds and
Bradfore International Airport
• 60 mins from Manchester
• 180 mins from London by car (1
hour by plane).
Universtity Facts:
• Modern green building
• Freehold
• State-of-the-art facilities
• Communal gardens &
common areas.
Current Property
The City Park -1000 Units
Current Property
Richmond House
Location Facts:
• 2 mins walk to Bradford
University campus
• 5 mins walk to Bradford
Town Centre
• 30 mins from Leeds and
Bradford International Airport
• 60 mins from Manchester
• 180 mins from London by car (1
hour by plane).
Universtity Facts:
• Freehold
• Modern green building
• State-of-the-art facilities
• Communial garden &
common areas.
Location Facts:
• 5 mins from Brighton Univesity,
Havelock and Priory
• 10 mins walk to Hastings
Central Station
• 90 mins from London
• 75 mins to London Gatwick
• 85 mins to London Heathrow
• 180 mins from London by car (1
hour by plane).
Universtity Facts:
• Freehold
• Amazing sea views
• State-of-the-art facilities
• Communal gardens &
common areas.
Current Property
Ocean View
Future Property
1 Croydon - August 2014
Location Facts:
• 35 mins by train to London
• 432 apartments, 1, 2, 3 beds
• 200 room hotel
• 24 of UK’s largest companies
already in the area
• 484,000,000 GBP value.
Easy Partner Support Services
A dedicated Partner’s Hotline, giving you up-to-
the-minute customer support, contracts and
availability information
Personalised Partner’s website with access to our
online inventory management system
Individual one-to-one Partner training, or if you
prefer - small groups
Marketing support, including bro-chures with
exterior designs, floor plans, key property
features, location maps, press adverts, banner
stands, posters, factsheets and e-campaigns
Easy Partner Support Services
Our brand values:
• Speedy and co-operative accounts processes
• Dedicated Customer Services support
• High-level Marketing support
• High commission rates
Sloane are recruiting new Partners
Aim to establish long term, successful partnerships
High level partner support
Easy Partner Support Services
Our brand values:
• Speedy and co-operative accounts processes
• Dedicated Customer Services support
• High-level Marketing support
• High commission rates
Branded marketing materials
Product listings
Open door policy
Giving you a competitive edge
Easy Partner Support Services
Our brand values:
• Speedy and co-operative accounts processes
• Dedicated Customer Services support
• High-level Marketing support
• High commission rates
About Sloane International Developments
About Our Client Manifesto
Our client’s interests always
come first
Our assets are our people, capital
and reputation
If any of these is ever diminished, the
last is the most difficult to restore.
We are dedicated to complying
fully with the letter and spirit of the
laws, rules and ethical principles that
govern us. Our continued success
depends upon unswerving adherence
to this standard.
Our goal is to provide superior
returns to our stakeholders
Profitability is critical to achieving
superior returns, building our capital,
and attracting and keeping our best
people. Significant employee stock
ownership aligns the interests of our
employees and our shareholders.
We take great pride in the
professional qualty of our work
We stress creativity and
imagination in everything we do
We make an unusual effort to
identify and recruit the very best
person for every job
Although our activities are measured in
billions of dollars, we select our people
one by one. In a service business, we
know that without the best people, we
cannot be the best company.
We offer our people the
opportunity to move ahead more
rapidly than is possible at most
other places
Advancement depends on merit and
we have yet to find the limits to the
responsibility our best people are able
to assume. For us to be successful,
our men and women must reflect
the diversity of the communities
and cultures in which we operate.
That means we must attract, retain
and motivate people from many
backgrounds and perspectives. Being
diverse is not optional; it is what we
must be.
We stress teamwork in everything
we do
While individual creativity is always
encouraged, we have found that team
effort often produces the best results.
We have no room for those who put
their personal interests ahead of the
interests of the company and its clients.
The dedication of our people to
the company and the intense
effort they give to their jobs are
greater than one finds in most
other organisations
We think that this is an important part
of our success.
We consider our size and asset
that we try hard to preserve
We want to be big enough to
undertake the largest project that
any of our clients could contemplate,
yet small enough to maintain the
loyalty, the intimacy and the esprit de
corps that we all treasure and that
contribute greatly to our success.
We constantly strive to anticipate
the rapidly changing needs of
our clients and to develop new
services to meet those needs
We know that the world of
finance will not stand still and that
complacency can lead to extinction.
We regularly receive confidential
information as part of our normal
client releationships
To breach a confidence or to use
confidential information improperly or
carelessly would be unthinkable.
Our business is highly competitive
and we agressively seek to expand
our client relationships
However, we must always be fair
competitors and must never denigrate
other company.
Integrity and honesty are at the
heart of our business
We expect our people to maintain
high ethical standards in everything
they do, both in their work for the
company and in their personal lives.
We take it upon ourselves to consider the design of our architectural projects at every point in the processes from inception to
delivery, at all levels from procedure to aesthetics, and at every scale from detail to masterplan.
About Design Manifesto
For us, architectural design is the process and
buildings are the result. We should be measured
by the quality of the design of these products.
We do not promote over-design; in other words,
design for design sake: such as extraneous
elements and after thoughts. Design is at its best,
barely noticeable; it should have an understated
confidence that is simple, elegant and efficient.
Good design is an enabler that allows us to live
efficiently and in harmony with our environment.
It should permit at its most basic, good hygiene
and ergonomic efficiency and at best, piece of
mind, tranquillity and a better quality of life.
Further more good architecture should
stimulate the senses providing tactile and
visceral pleasure. We use it as a springboard
for the regeneration of failing areas of cities
or as an indicator of quality and standards, in
order that the projects are elevated head and
shoulders above their peers.
For us, in the way we work and our products,
good design has many guises. Our accounting
and legal procedures are derived from /
benchmarked by, British Standards and formats
(good design is about standards as much as
anything else). All our projects are initially
conceived in house (see specific processes
detailed in the sections to the left of this text)
and delivered in house. That is to say, our
architectural team works in concert with our
creative and brand team to crystallise the very
first ideas and outline concepts for the projects,
if you like a brief writing process. Those ideas are
developed through as series of workshops, using
drawings, models and 3D applications.
Once initial designs have been agreed, our
project delivery team (our project managers,
surveyors, engineers and quantity surveyors) are
then involved in overseeing the evolution of the
design stages through a series of impact studies,
specialist consultant reports and further crits* and
workshops, submittals and approvals. When a
project moves into or close to construction, design
aspects remain privileged, so that logistical and
economic barriers do not compromise the projects
appearance and functionality.
We, and I as CEO, stand closely by this process
and manifesto. It distinguishes us as an
organisation, allowing for hitherto rarely seen
levels of joined up thinking and continuity from
inception, hand over and through the life span
of our projects.
Our client’s interests always come first. Our experience shows that if we serve our
clients well, our own success will follow
Our company and everyone who works for us are totally focused on ensuring the
best possible performance of our investments
Our fund team brings together the core values of investment securityand globally
renowned real estate heritage
We deliver the security and the high potential returns of the highly prestigious, UK
commercial real estate market to our investors
We offer a secure and stable investment, backed by the most advancedlegal
system in the world
About 5 Uncommon Values
Sloane International Developments is owned by various
international companies, trusts and private investors
who have elected the Board of Directors to manage its
affairs. All key financial and conceptual decisions are
made by the board.
Sloane International Developments has three core business
divisions, with Global Property accounting for 75% of the
group’s activity, Private Equity 15% and Wealth Management
10% each. Wealth Management was solidified as a core
business division in late 2009, as the demand was apparent
and the Board felt the internal level of knowledge and
expertise, particularly in the UK region warranted such a
division being formally established.
Trust 1 Trust 2
International Company 1 International Company 2 International Company 3 International Company 4 International Company 5
Private Investor 1 Private Investor 3
Legal Construction Human Resources Finance Sales Architecture Marketing Creative Business Development
Private Investor 2
Board of Directors
(appointed by the above)
Core business activity
75% Property
Property Development Property Brokerage
10% Wealth
15% Private Equity
Real Estate
About Corporate Structure
The strategic locations of our sales agents means we are able to distribute
product to practically every market in the world. This, we believe sets us apart
from our competitors, many of whom have limited reach. If you wish to reach
the Eastern European, Western European, GCC, Asian or British markets we are
well placed to do so. Our sales agent network is continually subject to review,
depending on current data and market analysis.
China United
& Europe
Canada Africa United Arab
India United
Hong Kong London Vancouver Lagos Dubai
Abu Dhabi
New York
Los Angeles
Global Distribution
About Our Sales Network
Sloane International Developments’s principles
and working methods are underpinned by a
number of benchmarks and working standards.
We operate under adherence to the standards
and ethics of the Royal Institute of British
Architects, Chartered Surveyors, Engineers,
Chartered Institute of Builders and Association of
Project Managers. Projects are conceived by our
in-house, RIBA registered chartered practice. All
architectural work is also based upon principles
espoused in RIBA forms of appointment and in
their guidance for working methods.
The diagram above illustrates our primary business
activities, support services, and subsequent
accreditations, it also lays testament to the fact
when hard work, knowledge and expertise are
applied during the land procurement, design &
architecture, and construction stages the sales &
marketing, re-sales and after sales care standards
are easier to achieve, resulting in higher returns
for our clients.
Civil authorities
Joint ventures with
governmental depts
Joint ventures with
large institutions
Joint ventures with
other developers
ECA London
Royal Institute of
British Architects
Code of Conduct
LEED Green Building
Rating System
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
Royal Institute of
Chartered Surveyors
(RICS) compliant
& returns
Graphic design
Interior design
Global product
Real Estate Brokerage
Drake & Skull
Customer Services
Support Activities
Company Infrastructure
Human Resources Management
Design &
Technology Development
Primary Activities
Construction Sales &
Resales After Sales
About International Standards
The Edridge - London
Park Street West 1 - Luton
1 Derby Road - Croydon
1 Croydon - 2014 August
Slver Wharf - London Canary Wharf
The Richmond
City Park - Bradford
Richmond House - Bradford
Student City - Wigan
Ocean View - Hastings
Private Equity
ECA London
EC Consulting
UK Healthcare
Simply Invest
Wealth Management
Derby Road (Joint Venture)
UK Opportunities Fund
The Richmond (Joint Venture)
Student Investment Opportunities
Healthcare Investments
About Current Activity (Q3 2013)
Bespoke project team and international consultants:
Hyder Consulting Broadway Malyan
Foster & Partners
Cyril Sweet
Chapman & Taylor
Delivery strategy
• Government links
• Delivery on time and penalty clauses
• Delivery on budget to an agreed specification
• Quality control
• Regular progress reports
• Handover and building management
Public relations
• Visionary: Shariah compliant Investments
• Developing International Landmark schemes
• Entrepreneur and Innovative thinker
• Pioneering innovative schemes throughout the GCC
• Politically Strong
• Project enabler
Gordons & IPC Legal
Renette Boyan Mark Gilbert Kirsty Coleman
BDO & Roland Klepzig
Audit and Tax
Stoy Howard
Roland Kiepzig
About Our Advisors
Management of Sloane International Developments’s developments during the
delivery stage is fundamental to ensuring a successful conclusion of each project.
Construction Delivery
Unlike many developers we allocate a
significant resource to ensuring that all
the parties to the construction contracts
are fully engaged and effective in their
roles. This includes specific activities
such as ensuring the resources and
management structure of the Consultant
and Contractor project teams are
appropriate and clear, organising and
leading by implementing project controls,
defining roles and responsibilities, and
developing communication protocols.
We believe the cornerstones of
delivery are realistic project planning
coupled with effective and practical
contract administration. This in
turn facilitates a predictable cost
management regime and, with work
being undertaken in good time,
allows quality and safety management
to be implemented correctly.
The depth of experience we allocate
during delivery also means that we can
anticipate those project design and
construction events that are likely to
give rise to disputes and claims. Timely
and clear decision-making, to resolve
issues at the earliest opportunity, are
part of the basics when delivering
the certainty of success associated
with a Sloane International
Developments development.
Drawings, tenders, contracts,
reports, schedules, project
instructions, variations – they’re the
lifeblood of construction projects
and keeping track of them can be
difficult. This is where ACONEX
comes in. With a master online
document management file, the
team has all of the knowledge and
information in one place, meaning
distribution can be streamlined.
Revisions are tracked and
authorised people can access
documents, drawings and files via
a web browser.
Aconex reduces the need for paper-
based communication. When the
team needs to print a file, versatile
printing options can integrate
directly with your print center to
automate ordering. There is no
need to physically manage bundles
of drawings, you can order from
your personalised print centre. With
an online document management
system, management can ensure
everybody is working from the
latest document version. Each time
a document revision is made, auto-
updates are distributed at the click
of a button.
3D Modeling
3D Modeling serves throughout the
design, tender and construction
process. It enables us to visualise
the project as a whole, highlight
potential problems and identify
the critical path. The model allows
the design to be interrogated at an
early stage.
Primavera Project Planner
Primavera is a Project Management
Software package that is used for
scheduling and tracking project related
activities. Resources representing labor,
materials and equipment are used to
track time and costs for the project.
Slippage of project activities are updated
resulting in the adjustment of time
related Gantt Charts.
Monte Carlo Simulation
Monte Carlo simulation, or probability
simulation, is a technique used to
understand the impact of risk and
uncertainty in financial, project
management, cost, and other
forecasting models. When you develop
a forecasting model – any model that
plans ahead for the future – you make
certain assumptions.
Risk Management
Risk management is the identification,
assessment, and prioritisation of risks
followed by coordinated and economical
application of resources to minimise,
monitor, and control the probability and/
or impact of unfortunate events. Risks
can come from uncertainty in financial
markets, project failures, legal liabilities,
credit risk, accidents, and natural causes.
The Project Management Institute has
developed risk management standards.
The strategies to manage risk include
transferring the risk to another party,
avoiding the risk, reducing the negative
effect of the risk, and accepting some or
all of the consequences of a particular
risk. Certain aspects of many of the
risk management standards have come
under criticism for having no measurable
improvement on risk even though the
confidence in estimates and
decisions increase.
RACI Matrix - Responsibility,
Accountable, Consulted, Informed
Responsibility Charting is a
technique for identifying functional
areas where there are process
ambiguities, bringing the differences
out in the open and resolving
them through a cross-functional
collaborative effort.
Responsibility Charting enables
managers from the same or different
organisational levels or programs to
actively participate in a focused and
systematic discussion about process
related descriptions of the actions
that must be accomplished in order
to deliver a successful end product
or service.
Construction Tools
The Project Management team consists of internationally experienced Project
and Commercial Managers who have started and completed numerous
prestigious projects in the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and China.
Construction Project Management
With a broad depth of knowledge and
experience, the team works closely
with clients. With client transparency
in mind, the team communicates the
risks and rewards of each project. The
team is committed to delivery and has
every confidence in the justification
and success of their recommendations.
Direct in what they say and do, they
appreciate time is money better than
anyone. The team is not risk and the
group is proud of that fact.
Our past and future performance is
based on the team’s skills and experience
in the science of coordinating people,
equipment, materials, money and
schedules to complete projects on time,
to the required quality and within the
approved cost.
The team continues to improve the
client’s developments in the form of
supply chain strategy for consultants,
contractors and specialists, building
efficiency, technical innovation, added
value through procurement, design,
specification and the latest project
control systems.
The ultimate aim is to find the best
solutions to complex property and
real estate challenges. The team are
constantly focused on improving the
environments in which our clients live,
work and play. We deliver superior
projects safely and efficiently, whilst
working to industry best practice.
Sloane International Developments takes an integrated approach to managing
cost and value which allows key strategic decisions to be made at an early point
in the project lifecycle and firmly underpins the financial success of our projects.
Construction Commercial Management
In the current environment, it is
not possible to take a prescriptive
approach when deciding the
commercial direction of a given
development. We prefer to take a
more tailored approach to each and
every opportunity to ensure that the
risks are properly managed and thus
the investment returns maximised.
For the institutional investor, this
provides the foundation for excellent
returns, and for the end user we
are able to provide the projects on
time and to the quality associated
with the Sloane International
Developments brand.
The array of skills at our disposal
are a reflection of the strength in
depth of our commercial team.
These range from the earlier stages
of business case assessments
and support to marketing and
sales, through cost management,
estimating and procurement and,
during the delivery stages, change
control, value management and
financial reporting. Applied
thoroughly and with skill, these tools
provide a real-time and transparent
view of the commercial standing of
each development, allowing careful
management of the cash positions
and the project payment schedules,
which in turn keep our stakeholders
and partners on track.

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  • 3. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS При продаже апартаментов: 1 – 5 При продаже апартаментов: 5-10 При продаже апартаментов: 10-15 При продаже апартаментов: 15-25 При продаже апартаментов: 25+ Лучшая комиссия на рынке Великобритании от девелопера 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% Commission 50% комиссии выплачивается партнёру в течении 30 дней с момента получения застройщиком 25% от суммы контракта, оставшиеся 50% выплачивается партнёру в течении 30 дней с момента подписания договора купли-продажи
  • 4. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 1Выбор апартаментов 2Резервирование Апартаментов после получения оплаты 10% от стоимости покупки 3Подписание договора Резервирования и идентификация покупателя 4Последующая оплата 10% от стоимости покупки 5Подписание договора купли-продажи 6Последующие оплаты производятся в соответствии с платёжным планом согласно договору Процедура покупки для клиента
  • 6. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property The Edridge LondonThe Edridge - великолепная 23-х этажная жилой комплекс, расположенная в центре Кройдона (южный Лондон). В здании 133 современных квартиры с 1, 2 или 3 спальнями и более 20,000 кв. футов коммерческой недвижимости • Круглосуточный консьерж • Крытый бассейн • Тренажерный зал • Комната для встреч • Детский сад – Montessori • Система видеонаблюдения с собственной службой безопасности обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за всей территорией. УНИКАЛЬНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ И ВЫСОКИЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ РОСТА • Кройдон – это новый жилищный центр Лондона, цены в котором за последний год выросли на 18.8% (источник: Rightmove) • План регенерации Кройдон – превратит его в район для бизнеса и отдыха мирового уровня • Великолепные транспортные связи • 13 минут до центра Лондона • 5 минут пешком до крупнейшего шоппинг - центра Европы Westfield Дизайн и Отделка ОКНА Низко эмиссионные двойные стеклопакеты с небольшой солнечной защитой из алюминия с порошковым покрытием (серым/черным). БАЛКОНЫ В Каждой квартире в имеет балкон, оборудованный двустворчатой откатной или распашной дверью с тонированным, низко эмиссионным стеклом в двойном стеклопакете. Полы облицованы камнем с бордюрами из галечника для дренажа, ограничены стеклянными балюстрадами без рам, закрепленными скрытыми тисками на полу, что обеспечивает бескомпромиссное следование идее дизайнера. ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: 4-20, Эдридж Роуд, Лондон, CR9 МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Лондонский округ Кройдон СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Summer 2016
  • 7. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property The Royal Court London The Royal Court - великолепный элитный жилой комплекс, соединивший в себе всё лучшее от высоких технологий и ведущих брендов; исторический район в центре Лондона, в окружении достопримечательностей и зданий, адреса которых всемирно известны; головокружительное разнообразие культурных событий и развлечений, ресторанов и клубов в двух шагах от дома. В здании квартиры от 661,2 кв. фута (61,4 м2) до 1255 кв. фута (116,5 м2)(жилая площадь без учета балконов, террас или зимних садов). • Круглосуточный консьерж • Комната для встреч • Система видеонаблюдения с собственной службой безопасности обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за всей территорией. • Частные озелененные сады • Общий двор • Несколько кладовых комнат на цокольном этаже • Охраняемый велосипедный гараж на цокольном этаже Дизайн и Отделка • Теплый пол с подогревом во всех комнатах • Система охлаждения в гостиной и главных спальнях • Паркетный пол в коридоре, на кухне и в гостиной • Входная дверь облицована твёрдой древесиной • Автономная стиральная машина с сушкой у шкафа в прихожей • Потолок с углублением и скрытым освещением • Видеоконтроль входной двери / система электронных ключей ко всем входным дверям • Система проводки для встроенных медиа-систем ВАННАЯ КОМНАТА • Высококачественный фаянс (Villeroy & Бош) • Душ и краны (Grohe) • Керамические полы и настенная плитка • Никелированные термостатические полотенцесушители с регулировкой нагрева во всех ванных комнатах/санузлах СПАЛЬНИ • Встроенный шкаф (или гардеробная) с освещением. • Ковровое покрытие во всех спальнях КУХНЯ • Рабочие поверхности из камня • Кухонный гарнитур, лакированный или глянцевый • Встроенная одинарная или полуторная раковина • Моно смеситель •Светодиодное освещение шкафов кухонного гарнитура • стеклокерамическая варочная поверхность ≪Сименс≫ с индукционным нагревом на 4 конфорки • Встроенная или установленная на потолке вытяжка • Духовка и микроволновая печь ≪Сименс≫ • Встроенный холодильник с морозильной камерой (50/50) • Встроенная посудомоечная машина • Охладитель для вина ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Роял Корт, Лондон ВС2R9 МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Роял Боро Вестминстер СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Май 2015
  • 8. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property Park Street West 1 LutonPARK STREET WEST ONE - состоит из четырех ≪крыльев≫ - от 4 до 6 этажей. Здание окружает общий внутренней двор. Современные апартаменты с 1, 2 или 3 спальнями в количестве 132, от 213,48 кв.м до 525,528 квадратных футов (полезная внутренняя площадь исключает балконы, террасы или зимние сады) • Круглосуточный консьерж • Внутренней двор • Тренажерный зал • Комната для встреч • Детский сад – Montessori • Система видеонаблюдения с собственной службой безопасности обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за всей территорией. РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ В непосредственной близости располагаются 7 системообразующих компаний. Недвижимость расположена в центре г Лутон, на пересечении Флауэрс вэй и Парк – стрит. Университет ≪Бедфордшир кампус≫ находится в 5 минутах ходьбы. Западный аэропорт Лутона расположен в 2 км к северу. Лутон имеет хорошее железнодорожное сообщение: ≪Лутон Эйрпорт Паркуэй≫ и Лигрейв до Лондона и через Брайтон на ≪Фест Кэпитал Коннект≫ и севернее к Дерби, Лестеру, Ноттингему и другим городам на ≪Мидленд Мэйн Лайн≫ ОСНОВНЫЕ РАССТОЯНИЯ Центральный London на поезде….……….………..35 минут А1 ≪Найтсбридж≫ …………………………..…….……..40 минут А2 ≪Эджвер-роуд≫………………..…………….………..40 минут А3 ≪Оксфорд-стрит≫………..……………………………40 минут А4 ≪Кингс-колледж Лондон≫ ……………….……33 минуты А5 Лондонская школа Экономики & Политических наук ………………………………………………………………………..32 минуты А6 Вестминстерский университет………………….41 минута А7 Лондонский городской университет……..…41 минута А8 Имперский колледж Лондона……….…………42 минуты ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Luton, LU1 МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Городской Совет Лутона СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Весна 2016
  • 9. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property Holland Park Avenue London Непревзойденный дизайн “Holland Park Avenue” предоставит Вам все возможное от Лондонских апартаментов, о чём только можно мечтать. Комплекс находиться в зоне 2 и состоит из 41 просторных апартаментов (с одной, двумя и тремя спальнями) современного дизайна с использованием лучших отделочных материалов. Все апартаменты с собственной террасой, балконом или зимним садом. • Круглосуточный консьерж • Внутренней двор c коммунальным садом • Место для 35 велосипедов • Система видеонаблюдения с собственной службой безопасности обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за всей территорией. ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЕ РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ Holland Park относиться к Зона 2 и расположен в 10 минутах ходьбы от Shepherd’s Bush (Central line и London Overground) и Holland Park (Central Line): - Bond Street…………………………………………………………..10 минут - South Kensington………………………………………………… 10 минут - Victoria………………………………………………………………….10 минут - Bank………………………………………………………………………20 минут - King’s Cross St.Pancras………………………………………... 10 минут - Liverpool Street………………………………………………..…. 10 минут - Canary Wharf…………………………………………………….... 10 минут - Heathrow Airport………………………………………………... 10 минут __________________________________________________ Holland Park находится всего в трёх милях от West End, в 10 минутах от Holland Park station, Central Line обеспечивает прямую связь с West End и City. Holland Park расположен в 24 минутах езды на машине или в 39 минутах на метро от Аэропорта Хитроу. Лучший шопинг центр – Westfield расположен всего в 250 метрах. Holland Park относится к Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea в окружении превосходных школ и парков. Холланд парк занимает 54 акра территории. Holland Park находиться по соседству с Notting Hill Gate, где находится самый большой рынок антиквариата на Portobello Road, в непосредственной близости от Kensington High Street, South Kensington и Knightsbridge, с его всемирно известными бутиками, универмагом Harrods, и тремя музеями: Музей Натуральной Истории, Музей Науки и Музей Виктории и Альберта, всего в 3 милях от West End. ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Holland Park, London, W11 МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Май 2015 Цена: £1,370,000 - £6,079,000 Апартаменты: 548 sq. ft – 1,597 sq.ft (полезная внутренняя площадь исключает балконы, террасы или зимние сады)
  • 10. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property Buckingham Palace London Непревзойденный современный дизайн “Buckingham Palace ” предоставит Вам все возможное от Лондонских апартаментов, о чём только можно мечтать. Комплекс находиться в зоне 1 и состоит из просторных апартаментов (с одной, двумя и тремя спальнями) современного дизайна с использованием лучших отделочных материалов. • Круглосуточный консьерж • Тренажерный зал • Комната для встреч • Кинотеатр • Бизнес центр • Система видеонаблюдения с собственной службой безопасности обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за всей территорией. • Все резиденты могут наслаждаться садами на крыше с панорамным видом на Лондон. ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЕ РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ Buckingham Palace расположен в центре Лондона в пешеходной доступности от: - Buckingham Palace………………………….…………………..3 минуты - Belgravia…………..………………………………………………… 4 минуты - Река Темза…………………………………………………….…….18 минут - Mayfair…………………………………………………………………18 минут Парков: - St. James Парк…..…………………………………………….………7 минут - Belgravia sq….…...…………………………………………….………8 минут - Green парк….…….…………………………………………….………8 минут - Vincent sq……..…..…………………………………………….………9 минут - Eaton sq….…..…………………………………………….…………..10 минут - Berkley sq……..…..…………………………………………….…….23 минут в непосредственной доступности на метро: - Bond Street……….………………………………………………... .8 минут - Knightsbridge…….……………………………………………….....9 минут - Paddington……….……………………………………………….....13 минут - Heathrow……….………………………………………………........37 минут - Hyde Park …….………………………………………………...........6 минут - Regent’s Park ….……………………………………………...........6 минут __________________________________________________ ЗАСТРОЙЩИК: Sloane Intl Development МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Holland Park, London, W11 МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Май 2015 Цена: £1,732,500 - £4,929,375 Апартаменты: 58 sq. m – 140 sq.m (полезная внутренняя площадь исключает балконы, террасы или зимние сады)
  • 11. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property Tower Bridge View London Непревзойденный современный дизайн “TOWER BRIDGE VIEW” предоставит Вам все возможное от Лондонских апартаментов, о чём только можно мечтать. Комплекс состоит из просторных апартаментов (с одной, двумя и тремя спальнями) современного дизайна с использованием лучших отделочных материалов. Все апартаменты оснащены балконами, или балконом и террасой. • Круглосуточный консьерж • Система видеонаблюдения с собственной службой безопасности обеспечивает круглосуточный контроль за всей территорией. • Все резиденты могут наслаждаться коммунальными садами. ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЕ РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ TOWER BRIDGE VIEW расположен в центре Лондона в зоне 1: МЕСТНЫЕ ВЛАСТИ: The London Borough of Bermondsey and The London Bridge Quarter СТРАХОВАНИЕ: 10-летняя гарантия NHBC СРОК ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ: Сентябрь 2015 Цена: £1,959,750 - £2,752,000
  • 12. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Location Facts: • 15 mins by train to Big Ben • 190 apartments, 1,2, 3 beds • 124,000,000 GBP value. Current Property 1 Derby Road Croydon
  • 13. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property The Richmond Penthouses London Location Facts: • 20 mins by train to Knightsbridge, London • 29 apartments, 4, 5, 6 beds • 40,000,000 GBP value.
  • 14. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Location Facts: • 5 mins walk to Bradford University campus • 7 mins walk to Bradford Town Centre • 30 mins from Leeds and Bradfore International Airport • 60 mins from Manchester • 180 mins from London by car (1 hour by plane). Universtity Facts: • Modern green building • Freehold • State-of-the-art facilities • Communal gardens & common areas. Current Property The City Park -1000 Units Bradford
  • 15. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Current Property Richmond House Bradford Location Facts: • 2 mins walk to Bradford University campus • 5 mins walk to Bradford Town Centre • 30 mins from Leeds and Bradford International Airport • 60 mins from Manchester • 180 mins from London by car (1 hour by plane). Universtity Facts: • Freehold • Modern green building • State-of-the-art facilities • Communial garden & common areas.
  • 16. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Location Facts: • 5 mins from Brighton Univesity, Havelock and Priory • 10 mins walk to Hastings Central Station • 90 mins from London • 75 mins to London Gatwick • 85 mins to London Heathrow • 180 mins from London by car (1 hour by plane). Universtity Facts: • Freehold • Amazing sea views • State-of-the-art facilities • Communal gardens & common areas. Current Property Ocean View Hastings
  • 17. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Future Property 1 Croydon - August 2014 Croydon Location Facts: • 35 mins by train to London • 432 apartments, 1, 2, 3 beds • 200 room hotel • 24 of UK’s largest companies already in the area • 484,000,000 GBP value.
  • 19. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Contact A dedicated Partner’s Hotline, giving you up-to- the-minute customer support, contracts and availability information Details Personalised Partner’s website with access to our online inventory management system Training Individual one-to-one Partner training, or if you prefer - small groups Marketing Marketing support, including bro-chures with exterior designs, floor plans, key property features, location maps, press adverts, banner stands, posters, factsheets and e-campaigns Easy Partner Support Services Our brand values: • Speedy and co-operative accounts processes • Dedicated Customer Services support • High-level Marketing support • High commission rates
  • 20. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Sloane are recruiting new Partners Aim to establish long term, successful partnerships High level partner support Easy Partner Support Services Our brand values: • Speedy and co-operative accounts processes • Dedicated Customer Services support • High-level Marketing support • High commission rates
  • 21. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Branded marketing materials Product listings Open door policy Giving you a competitive edge Easy Partner Support Services Our brand values: • Speedy and co-operative accounts processes • Dedicated Customer Services support • High-level Marketing support • High commission rates
  • 22. About Sloane International Developments sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
  • 23. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS About Our Client Manifesto Our client’s interests always come first Ourexperienceshowsthatifweserveour clientswell,ourownsuccesswillfollow. Our assets are our people, capital and reputation If any of these is ever diminished, the last is the most difficult to restore. We are dedicated to complying fully with the letter and spirit of the laws, rules and ethical principles that govern us. Our continued success depends upon unswerving adherence to this standard. Our goal is to provide superior returns to our stakeholders Profitability is critical to achieving superior returns, building our capital, and attracting and keeping our best people. Significant employee stock ownership aligns the interests of our employees and our shareholders. We take great pride in the professional qualty of our work Wehaveanuncompromising determinationtoachieveexcellencein everythingweundertake.Thoughwemay beinvolvedinawidevarietyandheavy volumeofactivity,wewould,ifitcametoa choice,ratherbebestthanbiggest. We stress creativity and imagination in everything we do Whilerecognizingthattheoldwaymay stillbethebestway,weconstantlystriveto findabettersolutiontoaclient’sproblems. Weprideourselvesonhavingpioneered manyofthepracticesandtechniquesthat havebecomestandardintheindustry. We make an unusual effort to identify and recruit the very best person for every job Although our activities are measured in billions of dollars, we select our people one by one. In a service business, we know that without the best people, we cannot be the best company. We offer our people the opportunity to move ahead more rapidly than is possible at most other places Advancement depends on merit and we have yet to find the limits to the responsibility our best people are able to assume. For us to be successful, our men and women must reflect the diversity of the communities and cultures in which we operate. That means we must attract, retain and motivate people from many backgrounds and perspectives. Being diverse is not optional; it is what we must be. We stress teamwork in everything we do While individual creativity is always encouraged, we have found that team effort often produces the best results. We have no room for those who put their personal interests ahead of the interests of the company and its clients. The dedication of our people to the company and the intense effort they give to their jobs are greater than one finds in most other organisations We think that this is an important part of our success. We consider our size and asset that we try hard to preserve We want to be big enough to undertake the largest project that any of our clients could contemplate, yet small enough to maintain the loyalty, the intimacy and the esprit de corps that we all treasure and that contribute greatly to our success. We constantly strive to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of our clients and to develop new services to meet those needs We know that the world of finance will not stand still and that complacency can lead to extinction. We regularly receive confidential information as part of our normal client releationships To breach a confidence or to use confidential information improperly or carelessly would be unthinkable. Our business is highly competitive and we agressively seek to expand our client relationships However, we must always be fair competitors and must never denigrate other company. Integrity and honesty are at the heart of our business We expect our people to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, both in their work for the company and in their personal lives.
  • 24. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS We take it upon ourselves to consider the design of our architectural projects at every point in the processes from inception to delivery, at all levels from procedure to aesthetics, and at every scale from detail to masterplan. About Design Manifesto For us, architectural design is the process and buildings are the result. We should be measured by the quality of the design of these products. We do not promote over-design; in other words, design for design sake: such as extraneous elements and after thoughts. Design is at its best, barely noticeable; it should have an understated confidence that is simple, elegant and efficient. Good design is an enabler that allows us to live efficiently and in harmony with our environment. It should permit at its most basic, good hygiene and ergonomic efficiency and at best, piece of mind, tranquillity and a better quality of life. Further more good architecture should stimulate the senses providing tactile and visceral pleasure. We use it as a springboard for the regeneration of failing areas of cities or as an indicator of quality and standards, in order that the projects are elevated head and shoulders above their peers. For us, in the way we work and our products, good design has many guises. Our accounting and legal procedures are derived from / benchmarked by, British Standards and formats (good design is about standards as much as anything else). All our projects are initially conceived in house (see specific processes detailed in the sections to the left of this text) and delivered in house. That is to say, our architectural team works in concert with our creative and brand team to crystallise the very first ideas and outline concepts for the projects, if you like a brief writing process. Those ideas are developed through as series of workshops, using drawings, models and 3D applications. Once initial designs have been agreed, our project delivery team (our project managers, surveyors, engineers and quantity surveyors) are then involved in overseeing the evolution of the design stages through a series of impact studies, specialist consultant reports and further crits* and workshops, submittals and approvals. When a project moves into or close to construction, design aspects remain privileged, so that logistical and economic barriers do not compromise the projects appearance and functionality. We, and I as CEO, stand closely by this process and manifesto. It distinguishes us as an organisation, allowing for hitherto rarely seen levels of joined up thinking and continuity from inception, hand over and through the life span of our projects.
  • 25. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Our client’s interests always come first. Our experience shows that if we serve our clients well, our own success will follow Our company and everyone who works for us are totally focused on ensuring the best possible performance of our investments Our fund team brings together the core values of investment securityand globally renowned real estate heritage We deliver the security and the high potential returns of the highly prestigious, UK commercial real estate market to our investors We offer a secure and stable investment, backed by the most advancedlegal system in the world About 5 Uncommon Values
  • 26. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Sloane International Developments is owned by various international companies, trusts and private investors who have elected the Board of Directors to manage its affairs. All key financial and conceptual decisions are made by the board. Sloane International Developments has three core business divisions, with Global Property accounting for 75% of the group’s activity, Private Equity 15% and Wealth Management 10% each. Wealth Management was solidified as a core business division in late 2009, as the demand was apparent and the Board felt the internal level of knowledge and expertise, particularly in the UK region warranted such a division being formally established. Trust 1 Trust 2 Ownership International Company 1 International Company 2 International Company 3 International Company 4 International Company 5 Private Investor 1 Private Investor 3 Legal Construction Human Resources Finance Sales Architecture Marketing Creative Business Development Private Investor 2 Board of Directors (appointed by the above) Core business activity 75% Property Property Development Property Brokerage 10% Wealth Management Direct Placements Indirect Placements 15% Private Equity Real Estate Data Finance Creative About Corporate Structure
  • 27. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS The strategic locations of our sales agents means we are able to distribute product to practically every market in the world. This, we believe sets us apart from our competitors, many of whom have limited reach. If you wish to reach the Eastern European, Western European, GCC, Asian or British markets we are well placed to do so. Our sales agent network is continually subject to review, depending on current data and market analysis. China United Kingdom & Europe Canada Africa United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia India United States Malaysia Hong Kong London Vancouver Lagos Dubai Abu Dhabi Jeddah Riyadh Mumbai Kuala Lumpur Moscow Berlin Madrid New York Los Angeles Global Distribution About Our Sales Network
  • 28. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Sloane International Developments’s principles and working methods are underpinned by a number of benchmarks and working standards. We operate under adherence to the standards and ethics of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Chartered Surveyors, Engineers, Chartered Institute of Builders and Association of Project Managers. Projects are conceived by our in-house, RIBA registered chartered practice. All architectural work is also based upon principles espoused in RIBA forms of appointment and in their guidance for working methods. The diagram above illustrates our primary business activities, support services, and subsequent accreditations, it also lays testament to the fact when hard work, knowledge and expertise are applied during the land procurement, design & architecture, and construction stages the sales & marketing, re-sales and after sales care standards are easier to achieve, resulting in higher returns for our clients. Civil authorities Joint ventures with governmental depts Joint ventures with large institutions Joint ventures with other developers ECA London Architects Royal Institute of British Architects Code of Conduct (RIBA) LEED Green Building Rating System ISO 9001 ISO 14001 Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) compliant Investments & returns Promotions/offers Branding Graphic design Interior design Global product distribution Real Estate Brokerage Drake & Skull Re-branding Customer Services Support Activities Company Infrastructure Human Resources Management Land Procurement Design & Architecture Technology Development Procurement Primary Activities Construction Sales & Marketing Resales After Sales Care About International Standards
  • 29. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Property The Edridge - London Park Street West 1 - Luton 1 Derby Road - Croydon 1 Croydon - 2014 August Slver Wharf - London Canary Wharf The Richmond City Park - Bradford Richmond House - Bradford Student City - Wigan Ocean View - Hastings Private Equity ECA London EC Consulting UK Healthcare Ethical Simply Invest Conduit Wealth Management Derby Road (Joint Venture) UK Opportunities Fund The Richmond (Joint Venture) Student Investment Opportunities Healthcare Investments About Current Activity (Q3 2013)
  • 30. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Bespoke project team and international consultants: Hyder Consulting Broadway Malyan Foster & Partners Halcrow Cyril Sweet Chapman & Taylor Delivery strategy • Government links • Delivery on time and penalty clauses • Delivery on budget to an agreed specification • Quality control • Regular progress reports • Handover and building management Public relations • Visionary: Shariah compliant Investments • Developing International Landmark schemes • Entrepreneur and Innovative thinker • Pioneering innovative schemes throughout the GCC • Politically Strong • Project enabler Gordons & IPC Legal Legal Renette Boyan Mark Gilbert Kirsty Coleman BDO & Roland Klepzig Audit and Tax Stoy Howard Banks HSBC Bank Barclays Roland Kiepzig ING BHF About Our Advisors
  • 32. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Management of Sloane International Developments’s developments during the delivery stage is fundamental to ensuring a successful conclusion of each project. Construction Delivery Unlike many developers we allocate a significant resource to ensuring that all the parties to the construction contracts are fully engaged and effective in their roles. This includes specific activities such as ensuring the resources and management structure of the Consultant and Contractor project teams are appropriate and clear, organising and leading by implementing project controls, defining roles and responsibilities, and developing communication protocols. We believe the cornerstones of delivery are realistic project planning coupled with effective and practical contract administration. This in turn facilitates a predictable cost management regime and, with work being undertaken in good time, allows quality and safety management to be implemented correctly. The depth of experience we allocate during delivery also means that we can anticipate those project design and construction events that are likely to give rise to disputes and claims. Timely and clear decision-making, to resolve issues at the earliest opportunity, are part of the basics when delivering the certainty of success associated with a Sloane International Developments development.
  • 33. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS ACONEX Drawings, tenders, contracts, reports, schedules, project instructions, variations – they’re the lifeblood of construction projects and keeping track of them can be difficult. This is where ACONEX comes in. With a master online document management file, the team has all of the knowledge and information in one place, meaning distribution can be streamlined. Revisions are tracked and authorised people can access documents, drawings and files via a web browser. Aconex reduces the need for paper- based communication. When the team needs to print a file, versatile printing options can integrate directly with your print center to automate ordering. There is no need to physically manage bundles of drawings, you can order from your personalised print centre. With an online document management system, management can ensure everybody is working from the latest document version. Each time a document revision is made, auto- updates are distributed at the click of a button. 3D Modeling 3D Modeling serves throughout the design, tender and construction process. It enables us to visualise the project as a whole, highlight potential problems and identify the critical path. The model allows the design to be interrogated at an early stage. Primavera Project Planner Primavera is a Project Management Software package that is used for scheduling and tracking project related activities. Resources representing labor, materials and equipment are used to track time and costs for the project. Slippage of project activities are updated resulting in the adjustment of time related Gantt Charts. Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo simulation, or probability simulation, is a technique used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in financial, project management, cost, and other forecasting models. When you develop a forecasting model – any model that plans ahead for the future – you make certain assumptions. Risk Management Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritisation of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimise, monitor, and control the probability and/ or impact of unfortunate events. Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, project failures, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, and natural causes. The Project Management Institute has developed risk management standards. The strategies to manage risk include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. Certain aspects of many of the risk management standards have come under criticism for having no measurable improvement on risk even though the confidence in estimates and decisions increase. RACI Matrix - Responsibility, Accountable, Consulted, Informed Responsibility Charting is a technique for identifying functional areas where there are process ambiguities, bringing the differences out in the open and resolving them through a cross-functional collaborative effort. Responsibility Charting enables managers from the same or different organisational levels or programs to actively participate in a focused and systematic discussion about process related descriptions of the actions that must be accomplished in order to deliver a successful end product or service. Construction Tools
  • 34. The Project Management team consists of internationally experienced Project and Commercial Managers who have started and completed numerous prestigious projects in the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and China. Construction Project Management With a broad depth of knowledge and experience, the team works closely with clients. With client transparency in mind, the team communicates the risks and rewards of each project. The team is committed to delivery and has every confidence in the justification and success of their recommendations. Direct in what they say and do, they appreciate time is money better than anyone. The team is not risk and the group is proud of that fact. Our past and future performance is based on the team’s skills and experience in the science of coordinating people, equipment, materials, money and schedules to complete projects on time, to the required quality and within the approved cost. Theteambelievesinleadershipandactive ownershipoftheproject.Stakeholders areinformedregularlyandguidedtothe projectssuccessfulconclusion. The team continues to improve the client’s developments in the form of supply chain strategy for consultants, contractors and specialists, building efficiency, technical innovation, added value through procurement, design, specification and the latest project control systems. The ultimate aim is to find the best solutions to complex property and real estate challenges. The team are constantly focused on improving the environments in which our clients live, work and play. We deliver superior projects safely and efficiently, whilst working to industry best practice. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
  • 35. Sloane International Developments takes an integrated approach to managing cost and value which allows key strategic decisions to be made at an early point in the project lifecycle and firmly underpins the financial success of our projects. Construction Commercial Management In the current environment, it is not possible to take a prescriptive approach when deciding the commercial direction of a given development. We prefer to take a more tailored approach to each and every opportunity to ensure that the risks are properly managed and thus the investment returns maximised. For the institutional investor, this provides the foundation for excellent returns, and for the end user we are able to provide the projects on time and to the quality associated with the Sloane International Developments brand. The array of skills at our disposal are a reflection of the strength in depth of our commercial team. These range from the earlier stages of business case assessments and support to marketing and sales, through cost management, estimating and procurement and, during the delivery stages, change control, value management and financial reporting. Applied thoroughly and with skill, these tools provide a real-time and transparent view of the commercial standing of each development, allowing careful management of the cash positions and the project payment schedules, which in turn keep our stakeholders and partners on track. sloane INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS