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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                               P.O.Box 427
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                                                                                                             Victoria, 3032
                                                                                                        ABN 33 080 145 795

Skin Conditions Directory...
From anti-ageing to acne solutions D&M natural skin care is there for
you, no matter what life might throw your way…

Learn more about a specific skin condition or just navigate through this alphabetical directory to explore various
skin conditions, their causes and how to treat them to eliminate or diminish the severity of the problem.

Over the years, many D&M natural skin care products have evolved due to the unique ailments of clients that
required specific natural skin care treatments for their specific skin conditions. We continue to invite your
concerns regarding your skin and its nuances, and we continue to passionately develop tailored natural skin care
treatments for our many clients.

Acne/Acneic Skin


        Blackheads

        Whiteheads

        Papules

        Pustules

        Cysts

The grade and severity of acne will depend on the quantity of the above-mentioned lesions present at any given
time. The most common form of acne is Acne Vulgaris (see pustules) but there are many forms:

        Acne Vulgaris – generally hormonally influenced with most cases beginning during adolescence but can
         continue through adult life. Commonly affects the face, neck, chest and back.

        Acne Cosmetica - mixing and matching cosmetics can cause an acne breakout as various ingredients in
         products can react with ingredients from others.

        Acne Rosacea (see Rosacea)

        Cystic Acne - a severe form of acne that is characterized by acne lesions that become cysts and can be
         quite painful. This is the grade of acne that usually leaves scars behind.

        Oil Acne - this is the result of working in oily environments, e.g. a motor mechanic.

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                                                                                                             P.O.Box 427
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                                                                                                           Victoria, 3032

       Bacteria (P.Acnes)

       Hormones

       Genetics

       Mixing of cosmetic products

       Oily environments

(see also Blackheads, Whiteheads, Papules and Pustules)

       If you work in oily environments ensure proper cleaning to remove all residue from the skin and change
        affected clothing daily.

       Avoid mixing skin care products.

       Use professional skin care products designed for your skin. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

       In severe cases medication may be required. This may be in the form of a topical Retin-A cream
        application or an oral Accutane medication.

       Avoid over cleansing the skin.

For further info go to:-

Ageing/Mature Skin


       Skin becomes finer and more delicate

       Sebum production lessens considerably, which can lead to superficial dehydration.

       Loss of collagen - causes the loss of skin firmness and the inability to retain moisture at deeper levels. (See
        deep dehydration)

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                                                                                                                   P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                                     Ascot Vale
                                                                                                                 Victoria, 3032

        Loss of elastin - the skin becomes and appears looser.

        Loss of muscle tone resulting in sagging skin tissue.

        Loss of adipose tissue

        Hyperpigmentation, such as Solar Keratoses


The process of normal ageing has three theories:

    1.   Biological clock theory - states that there is a limited ability for all cells ability for renewal.

    2.   Free Radical Theory - states that the normal metabolism of cells and the formation of free radicals from
         that outweigh the body’s ability to eliminate them therefore the damage and invasion they bring causes
         the ageing process.

    3.   Immunological Theory - states that the body’s immune system diminishes with age thus with age comes
         greater risk of illnesses that in turn has the effect of ageing.

It is considered that indeed these three theories together, rather than any one, is responsible for normal ageing
and is governed mainly by:

        Genetics

        UV exposure

        Diet

        Toxic lifestyle (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, pollution, lack of exercise, drug abuse, etc)

        Stress

        Enjoy a healthy, well balanced diet

        Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily

        Limit UV exposure and always wear sunscreen

        Maintain a moderate exercise regime

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        Reduce or stop smoking

        Limit alcohol consumption

        Avoid drugs

        Use a professional skin care range designed for your skin from as early as possible.

        It is never too late to begin good skin care. When ageing has begun, use products designed to combat the
         signs of ageing (see our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

        Reduce stress with meditation or some form of time-out and perhaps delegate workloads to others able
         to help.

For further info go to:-


A slightly raised pore with a visible black ‘dot’ (head) but has no inflammation present. May appear singular or as
multiples in the one area. Quite often more prominent in oilier areas but can develop anywhere on the skin.
Blackheads are also known as open comedones.


        The follicle (pore) has become congested with sebum and dead skin cells that have built up over a period
         of time and have not yet been able to release on to the skin surface in the normal fashion, to be cleansed
         away. As the matter reaches the pore opening it oxidizes and turns black. With the oxidation on the
         surface, the blocked or trapped matter becomes hardened and further blocks the follicle (pore) and
         further sebum and dead cells build up below this ‘crust’ causing the follicle to ‘swell’ and the blockage to
         become raised. If you have an oily skin type the amount of build-up of sebum can eventually burst
         through the follicle walls below the surface and develop into a pimple.

        Some products (those containing mineral oils especially) can cause the formation of blackheads as they
         create a seal over the mouth of the follicle (pore). The skins inability to absorb the occlusive mineral oils
         causes the formation of a seal, thus blocking the follicle.

        The build up of dead skin cells due to; a lack of natural desquamation and/or manual exfoliation; or that
         the dead skin cells have been held in a clump on the skin due to oil production.

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       Genetically inherited factors may be responsible for the lack of normal desquamation (shedding of the
        dead skin cells) or the inability for the follicular sebum and debris to be released.

       Use the correct products for your skin type. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

       Exfoliating twice weekly can help prevent blockages from occurring.

       Use products that do not contain mineral oils.

       For those with oily skin, it is also important to not over cleanse your skin as this stimulates further oil
        production (twice daily is adequate) which may lead to further development of blackheads.

       It is also important not to try to squeeze blackheads yourself. See a professional beauty therapist who has
        been trained in the correct removal technique to prevent damaging the skin.

    For further info go to: -



    An uneven and dimpled appearance of the skin often referred to as ‘orange peel.’


       Genetics

       Increase in fat deposits in the area

       Toxic life style, such as smoking, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet (including a diet high in saturated fats)

       Sluggish lymph drainage in the area

       A build up of toxins in the body that are unable to be effectively removed due to the sluggishness of the
        lymphatic system.

       Eat a healthy well balanced diet high in raw, whole foods.

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       Avoid processed foods

       Reduce or stop smoking and limit toxin intake (alcohol, drugs, caffeine etc)

       Maintain a moderate exercise regime

       Have regular lymphatic drainage massage and/or body treatments.

       Dry brush and massage the affected areas yourself daily.

       Daily application of cellulite treatment products (see our Cellulite Treatment oil)

For further info go to:-

Congested Pores

       Blockages at the mouth of follicles (pores) that appear dark in colour.

       Can lead to the development of blackheads and asphyxiated skin.


       Use of products containing mineral oils

       Lack of exfoliation

       Using incorrect products for your skin type

       Not drinking enough water to keep skin hydrated causing flakiness.

       Avoid products containing mineral oils

       Exfoliate twice weekly

       Use professional products designed for your individual skin type and condition.

       Consume 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily.

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       Found on the feet- mainly on the toes where there is regular pressure

       Thickened skin

       Pain and Inflammation

       Unlike calluses, corns tend to be painful, as the thickening of the skin grows downwards into the skin
        (cone shaped) which presses on nerves and causes the body’s defences to trigger an inflammatory
        response. This response causes inflammation and further swelling in the area, thus increasing the pain.
        Both calluses and corns develop in an attempt by the body to provide protection to an area that has
        increased pressure put on it.

       High pressure and/or friction placed upon the feet usually caused by ill-fitting shoes.

       Tight stockings creating pressure in one particular area.

       Toe deformities, such as hammer toes.

       The way you walk - more pressure on one area of the foot can cause a callus or a corn to appear.

       A podiatrist can cut them out for you and can asses the way you walk.

       Corn plasters can alleviate the pressure in the area, allowing natural healing to take place.

       Medicated ointments for removal of corns are available over the counter at Pharmacies.

       Purchase good fitting, comfortable, shoes. When shoe shopping, it is a good idea to go later in the day
        when there is some natural swelling in the feet to ensure the shoes fit well even at the end of a day.

       Avoid wearing tight fitting stockings and/or stockings with toe stitching.

       Have regular pedicures where Pedi-paddles/rasps are used to remove hard skin to prevent corn

       Keep the skin soft and supple with regular use of a good quality foot cream or balm (See our Foot Balm)

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For further info go to:-



Diffuse redness, usually across the cheeks, with the presence of telangiectasia (spider veins).


        Skin sensitivity

        The use of harsh skin care products

        Genetics

        Harsh environments

        Reactivity of the skin

        Rough treatment of the skin - over exfoliating and/or incorrect product use.

        Excessive alcohol consumption

        UV damage

(See also causes of Telangiectasia)

        Use sensitive or calming skin care products. (See our Strengthening Intense Treatment).

        Avoid any activity that greatly increases body temperature.

        Reduce alcohol consumption

        Be gentle with your skin

        Avoidance of fragranced skin care products.

        Use tepid water, not hot, when cleansing the skin.

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       Avoid granular facial exfoliators (see our Enzymatic Exfoliator)

       Avoid hot, spicy foods

       Apply sunscreen daily

(See also treatment for Telangiectasia)



       A closed sac/capsule like structure made from tissue and filled with fluid, gas or semi-solid matter.

       Can form anywhere in the body.

       They vary in size from microscopic to immense proportions that can displace organs.

       When the body recognizes a problem it walls off the affected area in an attempt to prevent it spreading
        (infection) or worsening, enclosing the problematic area and isolating it from the rest of the tissue. Thus,
        it creates a closed ‘sac’ within which the contents will remain while the body attempts to cure the

       Genetics

       Infections

       Long term inflammation

       Obstructions to normal fluid flow in the area

       Tumours

       Defective embryonic development

       Surgical removal of cyst

       Drainage of the cyst

       Treatment of the underlying cause

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For further info go to:-

Dark eye circles


Blue to purplish hue (colour) seen in the inner corners of and underneath the eyes.


       Genetically inherited trait

       Fine, delicate, pale skin allows the bluish tint from the blood in the veins to show through the skin. This
        may be an inherited or age related factor.

       Anaemia

       Illness

       Medication that increases blood flow can deepen the colour of the dark circles.

       Lack of sleep

       Eating a healthy well balanced diet

       Ensure you get an adequate amount of sleep. (Approx. 7-8 hours per night)

       Application of products designed for treating this problem can help diminish the depth and consequently
        the appearance of the dark circles. (See our Rescue Eye cream)

       Application of concealing make-up will help to reduce the appearance.

For further info go to:-

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Dehydration (Superficial and Deep)


Superficial Dehydration

        ‘Parchment paper’ type appearance

        Flakiness

        Fine Lines

Deep dehydration

        Wrinkles

        Fine lines


Superficial dehydration

Quite often incorrectly referred to as dry skin, is caused by the lack of moisture (water) in the upper layers of
the skin the cause of which may be:

        Lack of adequate water intake

        Use of harsh or incorrect skin care products

        Regular exposure to environments such as; air-conditioning or central heating

        Smoking

        Excess alcohol intake

        Excessive use of diuretics or laxatives

        Recent illness

        Some medications- such as antihistamines

        Anaesthetics

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Deep dehydration

Ultimately results from the lack of moisture content within the deeper layers of the skin. It is usually caused by
ageing, which sees the formation of collagen and elastin change to the point where it can no longer hold enough
moisture to 'plump' out the skin. The skin begins to ‘fold’ in on itself causing the formation of wrinkles. Deep
dehydration can be attributed to normal factors (inherited chronological ageing, menopause) or by chronic stress
or photo ageing/premature ageing.


Superficial dehydration

       Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily

       Reduce caffeine intake

       Reduce alcohol intake

       Reduce or stop smoking

       Use the correct products for your skin type and condition. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

       Follow a good skin care regime

       Eat a healthy well balanced diet

       Avoid the use of laxatives and/or diuretics where possible.

       Try to spend less time in air-conditioned or centrally heated environments.

Deep dehydration

       Prevention is better than cure- ensure you start and maintain a good skin care regime with professional
        skin care products sooner rather than later.

       Eat a healthy well balanced diet to ensure adequate nourishment to delay the ageing process.

       Anti-ageing products designed to slow or reduce the ageing process should be used. These should also be
        designed to help retain moisture in the upper layers thus diminishing the appearance of fine lines and
        wrinkles by their 'plumping' action on the skin. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

       Do not over expose yourself to UV radiation (sun exposure or solarium's)

       Wear sunscreen daily

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                                                                                                            Victoria, 3032

Dull/ Lifeless Skin


Just as the heading says, the skin looks dull and lifeless and may have a greyish tinge to it. Flaky patches of skin
may also be present.

        Lack of exfoliation

        Lack of good skin care products and regime

        Congested pores causing skin asphyxiation

        Smoking

        Stress

        Illness

        Unhealthy diet

        Medication

        Eating disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia

        Lack of adequate water intake

        Drug and alcohol abuse

        Use a good skin care range designed for your skin type.

        Exfoliate your skin twice weekly

        Reduce or stop smoking

        Stop drug and alcohol abuse

        Eat a healthy well balanced diet

        Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily

        Avoid products containing mineral oils

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                                                                                                            P.O.Box 427
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                                                                                                          Victoria, 3032



While both are common skin conditions, Dermatitis and Eczema are used interchangeably when they are in fact,
slightly different. Eczema results from systemic problems (allergies being a big contributing factor) and Dermatitis
results from external exposure to an irritant.


        Dry, itchy and scaly patches of skin

        May become infected if the skin cracks

        Tends to be inflamed

        Inflamed, itchy skin

        May have small blistery type lesions

        Can appear like a rash

        May become infected



        Genetics

        Usually occurs as a response to foreign substances- i.e. food, hay fever etc.

        Topical exposure to an irritant- Concentration and length of exposure are contributing factors to the
         development of dermatitis.

        Exposure to a photo-toxic irritant accompanied by UV exposure. Concentration and length of exposure
         are again contributing factors to the development of dermatitis.


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       Avoid consuming any foods that you know can trigger an outbreak. Allergy tests can be performed to find
        out your allergens.

       Avoid exposure to skin irritants

       Wear gloves when working with cleaners and chemicals.

       Medication may be required

       Regular use of a moisturizer that is free from irritants to relieve the dry skin and itching. (See our
        Moisturize & Massage products)

       Keep the affected area/s cool

For further info go to:-

Erythema (redness)


       Noticeable reddening of the skin

       Telangiectasia may also be present in the affected area.

       Increase in skin temperature in the affected area

       Infection

       Genetics

       Damage to skin tissues

       Hypersensitivity

       Dry, dehydrated skin causing skin sensitivity

       Extreme climates

       Harsh and/or incorrect skin care products used on the skin.

       Hot spicy foods

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        Alcohol consumption

        Being rough with the skin

        Allergies

        If caused by an infection, medical help should be sought.

        If caused by an allergy, removal of the allergen should be done immediately and the use of it

        The use of good skin care products suited to your skin type.

        Be gentle with your skin

        Avoid using granular facial scrubs (see our Enzymatic Exfoliator)

        Avoid alcohol and hot spicy foods

        Avoid extremes in temperature

        Wear sunscreen daily

See also Couperose or Telangiectasia.

Fine Lines


Shallow lines visible on the skin quite often seen around the eyes and from the corner of the nose to corner of the
mouth. However, it may be possible to see them anywhere on the skin, depending on the cause. Some may be
deeper in appearance than others that may look like ‘parchment paper’ areas on the skin.


There may be one of two reasons for these fine lines:

    1.   Expression lines can develop especially around the eyes and mouth area. The easiest way to explain why
         this may create fine lines is to think about a piece of paper that is continuously bent, but not sharply
         folded, in the same place. Eventually the paper forms a crease. When we smile, squint or frown we are

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                                                                                                          Victoria, 3032

         continuously folding our skin in the same place and so a crease develops. The development and degree of
         these 'creases' varies for each individual as this will be determined by genetically inherited factors.

    2.   Dehydration can be seen on the skin as fine lines. The severity of the fine lines is directly related to the
         severity of the dehydration. These types of fine lines are the ones that are seen as ‘parchment paper’ in
         appearance and can be witnessed anywhere on the skin that is dehydrated. As some areas of the skin can
         be greatly more dehydrated than others there may not be a uniform appearance of the fine lines. That is
         to say, you may have greater dehydration on your forehead than on your cheeks and so the extent of the
         fine lines will be greater on your forehead.

        Using a good skin care range and following a good skin care regime from an early age will help to keep the
         skin soft, supple and hydrated. It is vitally important that the skin care range used is the correct one for
         your skin type and condition/s. Many people feel they have oily skin. It is normal for even those with a
         slightly dry skin type to have an oily breakthrough later in the day. Producing sebum (oil) is the body’s way
         of protecting the skin from dehydration and invasion by microbes and pollution. Therefore, it is normal for
         a certain amount of oiliness to be witnessed by early to late afternoon or earlier on hotter days or in
         hotter environments. Using a skin care range designed for oily skin types when your skin is not classified
         as oily can dehydrate the skin further causing a dull, lifeless appearance and may lead to follicular (pore)
         blockages and the development of blackheads.

        It is also important to be drinking the correct amount of water each day to keep the body hydrated, which
         in turn will help keep the skin hydrated. Aim to consume 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily.

Flaky skin


Patches of dead skin that have not desquamated gradually, thus remaining in a clump and peeling away in large

        Use of harsh skin care products

        Lack of exfoliation

        Incorrect products for skin type used

        Genetic conditions

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        Skin conditions such as Psoriasis or Dermatitis

        Skin damage such as burns or blistering

        Dehydration of the skin

        In the cases of burns and blistering follow your doctor’s advice or in less severe cases allow the skin to
         peel away voluntarily.

        Psoriasis or Dermatitis should be treated according to your doctor’s recommendations.

        Use professional products designed for your skin type and condition.

        Exfoliate twice weekly

        Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily.



Red ‘dots’ or patches of small pustules on an area of skin.


An infection in the follicle/s of the skin caused by the introduction or presence of bacteria.

        Be very aware of personal hygiene- i.e. regular bathing/showering, showering after exercise, etc.

        Avoid waxing or shaving the area until healed

        It is best not to squeeze or pick at the pustules as this encourages the infection to spread

        Ensure clothes are cleaned regularly.

        Use an antiseptic lotion/cream on the area.

        Apply a couple of drops of neat (undiluted) Lavender essential oil on the area.

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                                                                                                          Victoria, 3032

       Avoid applying products containing mineral oils as these can trap bacteria in the follicles.

       After waxing/hair removal- avoid touching the area.

       If severe consult your doctor.

Herpes Simplex


       This is a viral infection that is highly contagious. It is commonly known as Cold Sores. There are two main
        types of Herpes; HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 affects the mouth, lips and face while HSV-2 affects the genital
        area. However, Cold sores on the mouth can be transferred to the genital area and vice versa.

       The symptoms quite often begin with a tingling or a sore spot in the area becoming infected. As the
        infection develops swelling, redness, pain and blistering usually occur.


       Most people will suffer at some stage in their lifetime, with a cold sore. The virus lies dormant in the
        body, once contracted, and can emerge in a painful lesion at various times thereafter. These lesions are
        highly contagious and can be spread across the face by rubbing/touching the infected area and then
        touching an uninfected area without washing your hands thoroughly in between.

       Any illness or even stress can cause a breakout of herpes as the body’s immune system is weakened and
        unable to keep the virus under control whilst dealing with the illness or stress.

       When you have a breakout of Herpes Simplex it is important to be extremely diligent with hygiene to
        prevent spreading the infection.

       If possible do not use make-up on the area. If you must apply make-up then ensure you apply it with a
        disposable cotton tip. Do not double dip the cotton tip and only use the cotton tip directly over the lesion.
        Do not put decanted make-up back into the original container, dispose of it to avoid contamination.

       Avoid the infected area when cleansing your face to prevent the spread of the infection.

       There are medicated products available from a pharmacy that can be used at the first signs of a cold sore

       Neat (undiluted) Tea-tree or Geranium essential oil applied directly on to the infected area at the first
        signs, or after it has developed, can reduce the severity of the infection and help reduce the healing time.

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                                                                                                           Victoria, 3032

        Reducing stress levels can also be beneficial- meditation or delegating workloads etc can help.

        Maintain a healthy diet to keep the body and the immune system functioning at optimum levels.

For further info go to: -

Ingrown hairs and shaving rash

        Red, raised lumps on the skin (like a rash if more than one in any given area) that may develop into an
         infection and manifest as a pustule/s.

        May be itchy and/or painful


        An ingrown hair occurs where the hair experiences difficulty in passing through the opening of the follicle
         and as it continues to grow it curls back on itself or grows sideways underneath the skins surface.

        During shaving, the hair is cut to just below skin level and this newly cut hair may aggravate the follicle
         causing a rash. Opportunistic bacteria from the razor or from the skins surface, can also invade the follicle
         via its exposed opening resulting in a rash.

        Sensitivity to the products used whilst shaving can aggravate the newly exposed skin (shaving removes
         the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin exposing fresh new skin beneath) causing a rash.

        Breaking or cutting off the tapered point of the hair below the skin surface (from shaving or incorrect

        Dehydration of the skin

        Dead skin cells blocking the follicle mouth/opening due to lack of skin desquamation and/or exfoliation.

        Skin sensitivity

        Use of fragranced skin care/shaving products

        Using an unhygienic razor

        Wearing tight clothing causing friction against the skin

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       Exfoliate the ingrown hair area twice weekly.

       Apply a moisturizer 1-2 times daily

       Do not wear excessively tight clothing especially after shaving/waxing.

       Ensure razors used for shaving are clean before use and change them regularly.

       Shave in a different direction

       Manual removal of the ingrown hair with tweezers

       Use products containing AHA’s (Alpha hydroxy acids) or BHA’s (Beta hydroxy acids) as a form of

       Avoid the use of harsh, fragranced skin care products.

       If you are prone to shaving rash or ingrown hairs use calming, healing products to help alleviate the
        problem. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

For further info go to:-



Small, raised, white to yellowy lumps commonly seen around the eye and upper cheek areas.


       The use of skin care/cosmetic products that contain mineral oils

       Ineffective make-up removal

       High consumption of dairy products in the diet

       The use of skin care/cosmetic products that are too ‘heavy’ for the skin type (The oil content within the
        product is too high for the skin type)

       Genetics

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       Use the correct skin care products for your skin type.

       Use products especially designed with less oil content for the delicate eye area. (See our Eye Care

       Avoid using skin care/cosmetic products containing mineral oils.

       Fully trained Beauty Therapists will have been trained to safely remove Milia, however, where the Milia
        are on the eyelids or close to the eye a G.P. can safely remove them for you.

For further info go to:-



Clusters of pigmented or non-pigmented cells that can be raised, flat, have a warty appearance, smooth or have a
wrinkled appearance.


       Genetic predisposition may be a factor

       Other causes are unknown

       Removal by surgical means- i.e. they are generally cut the mole out.

       It is important to note that although moles may be harmless, they need to be constantly monitored as
        they can develop into cancerous tumours.

Things to watch out for with moles:

       A sudden change in the appearance, pigmentation, size or shape of the mole

       Itching

       Burning

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       Oozing

       Bleeding

       Becoming scaly or crusty

For more info go to:-



Inflamed, red, raised bumps on the skin that do not contain pus. A Papule is commonly referred to as a blind


       A papule is a pustule/pimple in the making. The inflammation is caused by the body attempting to clear
        the infection. Pus will only become evident when there is a build up of debris from this process.

       The causes are the same as for Pustule.

       The treatment for Papules is the same as for Pustules.

       Many people expediate the formation of a papule into a pustule by attempting to squeeze them. There
        will be nothing to squeeze out from this type of lesion and you can only make matters worse by doing so.

       Spot treat them with a couple of drops of neat lavender or tea-tree essential oils or a medicated product
        from the pharmacy.

For further info go to:-

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Photo ageing/Prematurely aged Skin

       Thickened skin

       Pigmentation

       Wrinkles

       Fine lines

       Dehydration

       ‘Chicken neck’- this is where the neck looks thickened with red ‘spots’, so called for the look of a plucked
        chicken skin.

       Leathery skin appearance

       Once the damage has been sustained by UV exposure in creating photo ageing, it is not possible to undo.
        What can be done is to prevent further damage and lessen, as much as possible, the characteristics that
        have developed as a result.

       Excessive UV exposure- this creates an excess of free radicals and causes the epidermis to thicken in an
        attempt to protect itself.

       Free radical damage

       Formation of damaged collagen, caused by changes in the collagen DNA from free radicals

       Deep dehydration- collagen being unable to hold moisture in the dermis causes the skin to fold in on
        itself, producing surface lines and wrinkles of various depths.

       Superficial dehydration- causing fine lines

       Squinting, creating deep expression lines on the forehead and around the eyes.

       Limit UV exposure

       Use professional skin care products. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

       Exfoliate your skin twice weekly

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        Wear sunscreen daily

        Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily

        Eat a healthy well balanced diet

        Take anti-oxidant supplements

For further info go to:-

Pigmentation (Hyper-pigmentation & Hypo-pigmentation)



        Refers to increased pigment in the skin. Chloasma, sun spots and freckles are forms of hyper-
         pigmentation and are seen as areas of darker colouration on the skin.

        In the case of freckling and sun spots it can be seen as small frequent areas of spotted pigmentation and
         are commonly found across the cheeks, nose, arms, chest and upper back. Red headed people tend to
         have higher levels of freckling that can be evident all over the body. Freckles will usually darken when
         exposed to UV.

        Chloasma (also known as Melasma) is a larger pigmented area on the face that develops slowly and
         disappears gradually.


        Refers to a lack of pigment in the skin. Vitiligo is a common form of hypo-pigmentation wherein melanin is
         no longer produced in an area or areas of the skin.

        The area becomes lighter in colour than the surrounding skin. It may start as small lesions that seem to
         spread as they join together to form a larger area.

        The skin affected has a mottled appearance.


Freckles and Sun spots

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          Genetics

          UV exposure


          Pregnancy

          Hormone imbalance

          Fragrances

          Phototoxicity- A reaction between substances, usually fragranced products and UV exposure.

          Birth control pill


Unknown cause, however it is thought that the following can be contributing factors to the breakdown in the
production of melanin:

          Stress

          Physical injury to the deeper layers of the skin- eg sunburn

          Auto-toxicity- wherein the pigment producing cells become self destructive

          Autoimmune reaction- wherein the body attacks the pigment producing cells

          Abnormally functioning nerve cells- these cells can cause damage to the pigment producing cells.


Freckles and Sun spots

          Limit UV exposure

          Wear sunscreen daily

          The use of skin lightening skin care products can help to gradually fade the depth of the pigment.

     Usually fades slowly by itself.

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          Avoid using products containing fragrances.

          Discontinue the use of the birth control pill or change to another one that doesn’t cause Chloasma

          The use of skin lightening skin care products can help to gradually fade the depth of the pigment.

          Alpha hydroxy products can be used to help reduce the appearance of the pigmented area

          Wear sunscreen daily

          Limit UV exposure


          The use of corrective make-up can help to conceal the area.

          The use of self tanners, only on the de-pigmented areas may help, to conceal the lighter skin. (See our Self

          Limit or avoid UV exposure

          Use sunscreen daily

          PUVA- This is where a medication is taken to increase photo-sensitivity and then twice weekly for up to 5
           minute sessions the person deliberately exposes themselves to UV. This can help re-pigment the area
           gradually, but does not work for everyone and certain areas respond better to this treatment than others.

          Topically applied steroid creams may help if used in the early stages of the condition.

          In extreme conditions depigmentation therapy can be applied. This is where the other areas of the skin
           are deliberately de-pigmented to even out skin colouration.

For further info go to:-



          Thickened plaques of skin that typically appear to be scaly and silvery in colour

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       Skin can be itchy and may crack

       Affected areas can become inflamed and/or infected

       Can occur anywhere on the body, but commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp and the lower portion
        of the back


Unknown, but of a systemic nature with the following being contributing factors:

       Genetics

       Rapid multiplication of skin cells causing the formation of the silvery plaques.

       Stress

       Illness

       Excessive alcohol consumption

       Obesity

       Infections

       Certain medications

       Skin trauma


       Medication to slow cell proliferation may be required.

       Apply a moisturizer 1-2 times daily to keep the skin soft and help to reduce the itching. (See our
        Moisturize & Massage products)

       Try to keep stress levels to a minimum.

       Eat a healthy well balanced diet

       Reduce or avoid alcohol consumption

       Wear sunscreen and limit UV exposure as sunburn is a form of skin trauma which may trigger an

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For further info go to:-

Puffy eyes (bags under eyes)


‘Swollen’ appearance of the area directly under the eyes. It resembles the appearance of a bag, hence the reason
why it is called bags under the eyes.


        Ageing- wherein the skins elasticity under the eyes is lost and fatty deposits weigh down the skin.

        A genetically inherited predisposition

        Sinus problems- causing fluid retention

        Sluggish lymph drainage in the facial/eye area- causing oedema (swelling)

        Toxic life style- Smoking, excess alcohol consumption, high caffeine intake

        Using skin care products around the eyes that are not specifically designed for the delicate eye area

        Allergies

        Excessive salt consumption in the diet

        Eat a healthy, well balanced diet, low in salt and fat (especially saturated fats)

        Use products that are specifically designed to be used around the eye area.

        Have lymph drainage massage and/or facial treatments performed on your face.

        Reduce or stop smoking

        Reduce caffeine intake

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       Reduce alcohol consumption

       Avoid allergens- take antihistamines if required for the allergies.

       Cold compress the area, this may help to reduce the puffy appearance.

       Slices of cold cucumber can help to reduce puffiness. Simply treat yourself to a mini facial at home and
        apply the slices of cucumber while you relax with the mask on.

       Apply products specifically formulated to help with this problem, such as our Rescue or Restore Eye

For further info go to:-



       Raised, inflamed, pus filled lesions that can be painful

       Found mainly on the face, neck, chest and back.

       Propriunhaclerium acnes (P.acnes) - is the scientific name given to the bacteria that causes acne. These
        bacteria do not require oxygen to survive or multiply and in fact thrive without oxygen. When a follicle
        becomes blocked and oxygen is no longer in circulation then they begin multiplying rapidly, causing an
        infection in the follicle. As the impaction grows, the follicle can no longer stretch to accommodate the
        size. It bursts into the surrounding tissue and a quite large and painful pimple (pustule) develops. The pus
        that is witnessed in a pimple is the comprised of debris from sebum, dead skin cells and bacterial
        waste/dead bacteria. The inflammation around the pimple/pustule is the result of the body’s defences
        (inflammatory response) fighting the infection. The swelling that is caused by the inflammatory response
        presses on the surrounding nerves causing pain in the area.

       Hormones

       Stress

       Birth control pills can be a contributing factor to the formation of pustules. Females on birth control pills
        may also suffer from androgenic breakouts.

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        Quite often females develop ‘acne breakouts’ prior to menstruation.

        Pubescent youths quite often develop varying degrees of acne caused by the hormonal changes in their
         body. This in turn creates changes with their skin and systems of the body.

        Pregnant females, due to hormonal changes, may suffer from acne breakouts.

        Menopausal females- may suffer from 'acne breakouts', again due to hormonal changes.

        Stress alters hormones within the body and chronic stress can affect our immune system and be a
         contributing factor to breakouts.

        Genetic factors play an important role in the possibility of developing pustules. If one or both parents
         suffered with acne breakouts, then the likelihood of some of those genetics being passed on in
         conception may determine your likelihood and severity.

        The use of good skin care products that contain no mineral oils and are designed for your skin type should
         be used in a daily skin care regime. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

        Exfoliating twice weekly can prevent follicular (pore) blockages at the mouth of the follicle and help
         prevent the formation of pimples.

        It is important that you have a professional remove/extract the pustules for you, as they are trained to
         prevent surrounding tissue and follicular damage during the removal process. Squeezing pimples yourself
         may exacerbate the condition by causing follicular damage, causing the infection to burst into the
         surrounding tissue of the follicle affected. You may also spread the bacteria from one squeezed pimple to
         surrounding follicles creating greater chance of causing further pustule development.

        There is no evidence that suggests that certain foods can cause you to develop pustules (some people
         may be sensitive to change brought about within the body due to the consumption of certain foods),
         however, it has been proven that a healthy, well balanced diet can help to win the battle against
         breakouts, as your body has all the requirements it needs to function at optimum levels. Therefore the
         immune system is in better shape to deal with the infection.

        A couple of drops of neat Lavender or Tea-tree essential oil applied directly over the blemish can help heal

        If you choose to use a medicated gel or cream available from pharmacies it is important that you use
         them exactly as instructed. They are designed to dry out the pustules and using these products all over
         the skin in an attempt to prevent breakouts can in fact cause follicular (pore) blockages and actually cause
         breakouts to occur.

For further info go to:-

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       Erythema (redness)

       Telangiectasia (erythematotelangiectatic rosacea)

       Papules and pustules accompanied by erythema (papulopustular rosacea).

       Most prominently affected areas are across the cheeks and around the mouth and chin.

       In severe cases Rhinophyma may occur. This is a thickening of the skin on the nose, often called ‘potato
        nose’ (phymatous rosacea). This skin thickening may occur in other areas but is more prominent on the
        nose and in men more so than women.

       There may be an eye irritation (ocular rosacea) and some may experience swelling.

       Some people may suffer only one of the above categories and some may experience 2 or more.

       This type of skin tends to be (but is not always) sensitive but is almost always highly reactive.

       Usually affects people in the 30+ age groups


There are no known causes of Rosacea. Individuals may however, gain an understanding of patterns of their
breakouts and so have an understanding of the trigger/s for them which may allow them to somewhat control
their breakouts.


       Medication may be prescribed by your GP. It may start with low dose antibiotics over a 3-6 month period,
        or topically applied medication.

       Laser treatment

       Avoid the known triggers if possible

       Avoid hot spicy foods

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        Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption

        Use sensitive or calming skin care products

        Avoid using hot water when cleansing your face- use tepid water instead.

        Avoid heat treatments- saunas, spas and hot showers/baths.

        Avoid harsh or fragranced skin care products.

        Avoid granular facial exfoliators (see our Enzymatic Exfoliator)

        Be gentle with your skin

        Always wear sunscreen

        Reduce or stop smoking

        Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.

        Although rosacea has no cure it can be controlled. Some people may have a breakout or two and then
         find that their skin improves, they are not cured, but are simply in remission. They may never have
         another breakout or may find the occasional one occurs. For others they may have years of no breakouts
         only to find it returns persistently later on.

NOTE: The D&M CSH range of skin care products have proven to be very successful in assisting people suffering
from Rosacea. See our Womens and Mens Skin Care ranges or feel free to contact us for more information.

For further info go to:-



An excessive production of sebum that can lead to skin scaling, flaking or dermatitis.


The cause is not fully understood but the following may contribute to its development:

        Genetics

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        Hormones

        Stress

        A yeast like organism is believed to worsen the condition

        Control the sebum production by addressing the contributing factors

        Calming and soothing skin care products can be used to diminish any inflammation caused by the

        Sebum (oil) balancing skin care products may also help to balance sebum production.

        Using anti-seborrheic shampoos on the area/s can help.

For further info go to:-

Sensitive Skin


        Sensitivity is not always visible to the eye.

        The skin tends to sting, burn, itch or react and become red when certain products are applied.

        A sensitive skin tends to be reactive and may visibly be seen as erythema (redness) across the cheeks.

        The use of fragranced skin care products. There may have been no initial sensitivity but after a period of
         time using the products, sensitivity can appear.

        Pollution- especially for those living in higher populated cities.

        Genetics

        Allergies- people with allergies tend to also have sensitive skin.

        Use of harsh skin care products

        Dry skin that has not been looked after properly can have a tendency to be sensitive.

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       Working with or around chemicals

       People that suffer from other skin conditions, such as Psoriasis or Eczema/Dermatitis.

       Use products designed for sensitive skin. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care range)

       Avoid using fragranced skin care products.

       Follow a good skin care regime

       Avoid working with toxic chemicals, if possible.

       As sensitive skin is usually reactive, avoid anything that will increase colour in the skin as it can lead to
        telangiectasia. (See treatment of erythema and telangiectasia)

       Avoid allergens where possible

       Wear sunscreen daily

Skin Tags


       A skin growth that may or may not be pigmented

       Commonly has a tear drop appearance.

       Can just be an excess growth of skin

       It is harmless and frequently found on the chest, armpits, groin and the eyelids.


It is not really known what causes skin tags; however the following may be contributing factors:

       Rubbing or chaffing of the skin in the area

       Human papilloma virus

       Stages of rapid growth such as in pregnancy, weight gain or gigantism

       Insulin resistance

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        Genetic influence

        Freezing them off

        Cutting them off

        Tying them off- this cuts off the blood supply and so the skin tag eventually falls off.

For further info go to:-

Solar Keratoses


        Appear as rough scaly skin lesions/spots. (Also known as Actinic Keratoses)

        Found on areas that have been most exposed to UV, such as hands, forehead, ears, face and scalp

        Can be scaly, skin coloured, red, warty, flat or thickened spots and are considered to be precancerous.

        Genetic predisposition

        UV Exposure (especially areas that have been exposed over a long period of time)

        Limit UV exposure

        Wear sunscreen liberally everyday.

        Cover up in the sun- wear a wide brimmed hat.

        Surgical removal

        Have the Keratoses frozen off

For further info go to:-

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Stretch Marks (Striae)

       Scar like lines on/under the skin that when first formed can appear red/pink to purplish in colour and over
        time fade to a white/silver colour.

       They are commonly formed on areas of higher fat deposits such as abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts and
        upper arms but can be found on any area of the body.

       The lack of collagen and elastin fibre production (hormonally influenced) necessary to keep rapidly
        growing skin taught.

       Tears in the dermal layer of the skin- due to a lack of elasticity during a period of rapid growth

       A period of rapid growth- such as during pregnancy, puberty or rapid weight gain

       Rapid and extreme weight loss due to the inability of the skin to tighten to its new found body size. (Much
        like a balloon appears after it has been inflated for a period of time and then let down. The elasticity has
        been stretched to capacity for so long that it has lost its ability to spring back into its original form).

       During a growth period there may have been dermal tears unnoticed that become more evident with the
        loss of weight


       Once formed, even surgical procedures such as laser, may only improve the appearance of stretch marks,
        rather than remove them completely.

       During pregnancy- eat a healthy, well balanced diet and drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. Application of
        moisturizers can help to keep the skin soft and supple and may help to diminish the extent of the depth
        and formation of stretch marks.

       Slow but steady weight loss using a healthy well balanced diet, as opposed to fad dieting is a much better
        alternative as it teaches better eating habits, gives the body its required nutrients and allows the body to
        accommodate the shrinking form.

       Daily application of specialized stretch mark treatment products can help to diminish the appearance and
        severity of stretch marks. (See our Stretch Mark Treatment oil)

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        Regular massage can stimulate the metabolic rates of the skin and may aid with collagen and elastin
         synthesis which may help to firm or tighten the skin.

For further info go to:- marks



        Telangiectasia is the technical name for what is commonly known as 'spider veins' or broken capillaries.

        They are seen as thread like marks just under the skin or may at times, look like a red dot with spider like
         ‘legs’ radiating from it.

        Skin redness (erythema) is generally evident in the affected area/s

        They can be quite unsightly and are often seen on the legs and face.


Telangiectasia is in actual fact not broken capillaries but is dilated blood vessels that are permanently dilated
through damage from things like:

        Excessive heat (from sun or excessive exercise, saunas etc)

        Overexposure to UV

        Damage sustained by rough handling of the skin- eg over exfoliating

        Squeezing of blackheads/pimples/blemishes

        Surgery

Other factors that can contribute to these unwelcome lesions are:

        High blood pressure

        Pregnancy

        Certain medications such as the pill (containing oestrogen) and long term Retin-A use.

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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                              P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                                Ascot Vale
                                                                                                            Victoria, 3032

        There may be an inherited predisposition to capillary weakness that can make an individual more
         susceptible to telangiectasia.

        High alcohol consumption

        Extreme environmental conditions are also considered to contribute to this skin condition.

        Very regular consumption of hot spicy foods in the diet

The idea is that these things quickly increase blood flow, via heat from within or out. So, if there is a weakness in
the capillaries and regular exposure to these heat-inducing factors then lead to the capillaries may becoming
permanently dilated in the areas of greatest weakness, causing the formation of telangiectasia.

        Look after your skin in a gentle manner and use skin care products that are best suited to your skin type

        Avoid consuming a high intake of hot spicy foods

        Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

        Avoiding extreme temperatures from an early age may help to reduce the likelihood of the development
         of these lesions. Prevention is always better than cure.

        Once they have developed, the avoidance of anything that increases the body temperature greatly can
         help avoid a worsening of the condition.

        It is possible to have laser treatment or blend electrolysis to have them ‘removed’. Both of these methods
         basically coagulate the blood vessels, which are then ‘dissolved’ and removed by the body’s own
         processes as damaged tissue.

        Certain herbs and essential oils are also considered suitable to reduce or aid in the diminishing of
         telangiectasia. We have put together an intensive treatment of herbal infusions and essential oils that can
         be used as a night time treatment or used under a mask or moisturizer. This treatment is specifically
         designed to calm, soothe and strengthen the capillaries and, as such, may help in reducing the
         appearance. (See our Strengthening Intense Treatment)

For further info go to:-

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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                           P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                             Ascot Vale
                                                                                                         Victoria, 3032

Under skin congestion

       The skin is ‘rough’ and uneven to touch, as bumps are present under the skin.

       The skin may also have a sallow, dull or lifeless appearance.

       Sluggish lymphatic flow

       High stress levels

       Hormonal disturbance or imbalance

       Skin asphyxiation

       Systemic illness

       Toxin build up from things such as drug abuse, alcohol or smoking

       Use detoxifying products, such as our Detox Mask in conjunction with good skin care products.

       Always apply products in a slightly upward, outward movement to help with lymph drainage.

       Have professional facials that include lymphatic drainage massage.

       Reduce stress- meditation, yoga, time-out or delegation of excess workloads to other people.

       Avoid excess alcohol consumption

       Reduce or stop smoking

       Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily to keep your system flushed out of toxins and to keep the skin hydrated.

       Exfoliate your skin twice weekly

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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                        P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                          Ascot Vale
                                                                                                      Victoria, 3032

Urticaria (hives)

Commonly know as hives- an eruption of wheals accompanied by redness and itching.

       A histamine release reaction by the body in response to an allergen.

       Some people can suffer from Urticaria with and after exposure to the sun or UV.

       Food allergens

       Environmental allergens- such as pollution, dust, extreme changes in temperature, etc

       Drugs and certain medications

       High stress levels

       Infections or infestations

       Hypersensitivity

       Synthetic products, including fragrances

       Autoimmune responses- this can occur after waxing when the body responds to the removal of the hair in
        an attempt to prevent infection and procure healing.

       Bites and stings

       Systemic illnesses

       In some cases there is no known cause, called an idiopathic cause.

       Removal and avoidance of the offending allergen

       Antihistamines

       Cold compresses can provide some relief.

       Application of Lavender essential oil can provide some relief.

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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                           P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                             Ascot Vale
                                                                                                         Victoria, 3032

       Avoid scratching the area as it can exacerbate the condition.

For further info go to:-

Varicose veins


       Veins that become visible on the skin and appear as protruding, blue, ‘twisting’ worm like structures

       They are more likely to develop on the legs due to the increased pressure in the veins when standing and
        walking etc.

       There may be a heavy feeling in the legs or a throbbing pain with prolonged standing and some may also
        experience itching around the varicose vein/s.


Veins are hollow, elastic structures that contain one-way valves that keep the deoxygenated blood flowing one
way back to the heart. In varicose veins, the elasticity of the veins has diminished and the one-way valve/s have
weakened and no longer work as they should. This causes blood to flow backwards and 'pool' in the weakened
portion of the vein causing the vein to balloon and protrude as it is engorged with the blood.

The following can be contributing factors to their development:

       Genetically inherited weakness

       Age- varicose veins generally occur as the ageing process does

       Pregnancy

       Obesity or excess weight gain

       Wearing excessively tight clothing or uncomfortable shoes- both preventing proper circulation

       Working where standing for long periods of time are required.

       Crossing the legs when sitting or lying down, preventing good circulation


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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                             P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                               Ascot Vale
                                                                                                           Victoria, 3032

        Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.

        Maintain an appropriate weight for your height and build.

        Avoid long periods of standing

        Avoid crossing your legs for long periods of time

        Elevation of the legs can help the aching and assist the blood to move back towards the heart.

        Wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes.

        During pregnancy and especially in the third trimester, take the time to lie or sit with your legs elevated
         and avoid prolonged periods of time on your feet.

For further info go to:-



A pore blockage that looks like a small pimple. It is not inflamed but does have a pus filled head. (Also known as
closed comedones)


        Similar to that of a blackhead, but unlike a blackhead no oxygen is able to get to the sebum and dead skin
         cell matter in the follicle (pore), thus oxidation does not occur. The mouth of the follicle (pore) is blocked
         and sealed so that the oxygen cannot get in to the follicular matter.

        The seal created (that prevents oxygen getting in to the follicle) may be caused by skin care products
         completely sealing off the follicle (pore) mouth, or from a build up of dead skin cells. Without the oxygen
         to turn the follicular matter black it remains white and thus once it has reached the follicle (pore) opening
         it can be seen as a whitehead.

        Prevention is better than cure! Ensure you do not use products containing mineral oils that can block the
         follicle (pore) mouth.

        Exfoliate your skin twice weekly

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Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd
                                                                                                          P.O.Box 427
                                                                                                            Ascot Vale
                                                                                                        Victoria, 3032

        Use products that are designed for you skin type and condition and follow a good, daily skin care regime.
         (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)

For further info go to:-



Shallow to deep lines on the skin, causing the skin to 'fold' in on itself.


        Loss of collagen production brought about by Normal/intrinsic ageing. (See Ageing/Mature Skin)

        Mal formation of collagen brought about by Photoageing. (See Photoageing/Prematurely aged skin)

        Deep dehydration caused by the change/s in collagen in the dermal layer of the skin.

See Ageing/Mature Skin

See Photo ageing/Prematurely aged Skin

Page 44 of 44                                                                              Copyright © D&M 2009

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Skin conditions directory

  • 1. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia ABN 33 080 145 795 Skin Conditions Directory... From anti-ageing to acne solutions D&M natural skin care is there for you, no matter what life might throw your way… Learn more about a specific skin condition or just navigate through this alphabetical directory to explore various skin conditions, their causes and how to treat them to eliminate or diminish the severity of the problem. Over the years, many D&M natural skin care products have evolved due to the unique ailments of clients that required specific natural skin care treatments for their specific skin conditions. We continue to invite your concerns regarding your skin and its nuances, and we continue to passionately develop tailored natural skin care treatments for our many clients. Acne/Acneic Skin Characteristics:  Blackheads  Whiteheads  Papules  Pustules  Cysts The grade and severity of acne will depend on the quantity of the above-mentioned lesions present at any given time. The most common form of acne is Acne Vulgaris (see pustules) but there are many forms:  Acne Vulgaris – generally hormonally influenced with most cases beginning during adolescence but can continue through adult life. Commonly affects the face, neck, chest and back.  Acne Cosmetica - mixing and matching cosmetics can cause an acne breakout as various ingredients in products can react with ingredients from others.  Acne Rosacea (see Rosacea)  Cystic Acne - a severe form of acne that is characterized by acne lesions that become cysts and can be quite painful. This is the grade of acne that usually leaves scars behind.  Oil Acne - this is the result of working in oily environments, e.g. a motor mechanic. Page 1 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 2. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Causes:  Bacteria (P.Acnes)  Hormones  Genetics  Mixing of cosmetic products  Oily environments (see also Blackheads, Whiteheads, Papules and Pustules) Treatment:  If you work in oily environments ensure proper cleaning to remove all residue from the skin and change affected clothing daily.  Avoid mixing skin care products.  Use professional skin care products designed for your skin. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  In severe cases medication may be required. This may be in the form of a topical Retin-A cream application or an oral Accutane medication.  Avoid over cleansing the skin. For further info go to:- Ageing/Mature Skin Characteristics:  Skin becomes finer and more delicate  Sebum production lessens considerably, which can lead to superficial dehydration.  Loss of collagen - causes the loss of skin firmness and the inability to retain moisture at deeper levels. (See deep dehydration) Page 2 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 3. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Loss of elastin - the skin becomes and appears looser.  Loss of muscle tone resulting in sagging skin tissue.  Loss of adipose tissue  Hyperpigmentation, such as Solar Keratoses Causes: The process of normal ageing has three theories: 1. Biological clock theory - states that there is a limited ability for all cells ability for renewal. 2. Free Radical Theory - states that the normal metabolism of cells and the formation of free radicals from that outweigh the body’s ability to eliminate them therefore the damage and invasion they bring causes the ageing process. 3. Immunological Theory - states that the body’s immune system diminishes with age thus with age comes greater risk of illnesses that in turn has the effect of ageing. It is considered that indeed these three theories together, rather than any one, is responsible for normal ageing and is governed mainly by:  Genetics  UV exposure  Diet  Toxic lifestyle (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, pollution, lack of exercise, drug abuse, etc)  Stress Treatment:  Enjoy a healthy, well balanced diet  Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily  Limit UV exposure and always wear sunscreen  Maintain a moderate exercise regime Page 3 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 4. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Reduce or stop smoking  Limit alcohol consumption  Avoid drugs  Use a professional skin care range designed for your skin from as early as possible.  It is never too late to begin good skin care. When ageing has begun, use products designed to combat the signs of ageing (see our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  Reduce stress with meditation or some form of time-out and perhaps delegate workloads to others able to help. For further info go to:- Blackheads Characteristics: A slightly raised pore with a visible black ‘dot’ (head) but has no inflammation present. May appear singular or as multiples in the one area. Quite often more prominent in oilier areas but can develop anywhere on the skin. Blackheads are also known as open comedones. Causes:  The follicle (pore) has become congested with sebum and dead skin cells that have built up over a period of time and have not yet been able to release on to the skin surface in the normal fashion, to be cleansed away. As the matter reaches the pore opening it oxidizes and turns black. With the oxidation on the surface, the blocked or trapped matter becomes hardened and further blocks the follicle (pore) and further sebum and dead cells build up below this ‘crust’ causing the follicle to ‘swell’ and the blockage to become raised. If you have an oily skin type the amount of build-up of sebum can eventually burst through the follicle walls below the surface and develop into a pimple.  Some products (those containing mineral oils especially) can cause the formation of blackheads as they create a seal over the mouth of the follicle (pore). The skins inability to absorb the occlusive mineral oils causes the formation of a seal, thus blocking the follicle.  The build up of dead skin cells due to; a lack of natural desquamation and/or manual exfoliation; or that the dead skin cells have been held in a clump on the skin due to oil production. Page 4 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 5. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Genetically inherited factors may be responsible for the lack of normal desquamation (shedding of the dead skin cells) or the inability for the follicular sebum and debris to be released. Treatment:  Use the correct products for your skin type. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  Exfoliating twice weekly can help prevent blockages from occurring.  Use products that do not contain mineral oils.  For those with oily skin, it is also important to not over cleanse your skin as this stimulates further oil production (twice daily is adequate) which may lead to further development of blackheads.  It is also important not to try to squeeze blackheads yourself. See a professional beauty therapist who has been trained in the correct removal technique to prevent damaging the skin. For further info go to: - www.wikipedia.Blackhead Cellulite Characteristics: An uneven and dimpled appearance of the skin often referred to as ‘orange peel.’ Causes:  Genetics  Increase in fat deposits in the area  Toxic life style, such as smoking, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet (including a diet high in saturated fats)  Sluggish lymph drainage in the area  A build up of toxins in the body that are unable to be effectively removed due to the sluggishness of the lymphatic system. Treatment:  Eat a healthy well balanced diet high in raw, whole foods. Page 5 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 6. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid processed foods  Reduce or stop smoking and limit toxin intake (alcohol, drugs, caffeine etc)  Maintain a moderate exercise regime  Have regular lymphatic drainage massage and/or body treatments.  Dry brush and massage the affected areas yourself daily.  Daily application of cellulite treatment products (see our Cellulite Treatment oil) For further info go to:- Congested Pores Characteristics:  Blockages at the mouth of follicles (pores) that appear dark in colour.  Can lead to the development of blackheads and asphyxiated skin. Causes:  Use of products containing mineral oils  Lack of exfoliation  Using incorrect products for your skin type  Not drinking enough water to keep skin hydrated causing flakiness. Treatment:  Avoid products containing mineral oils  Exfoliate twice weekly  Use professional products designed for your individual skin type and condition.  Consume 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. Page 6 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 7. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Corns Characteristics:  Found on the feet- mainly on the toes where there is regular pressure  Thickened skin  Pain and Inflammation  Unlike calluses, corns tend to be painful, as the thickening of the skin grows downwards into the skin (cone shaped) which presses on nerves and causes the body’s defences to trigger an inflammatory response. This response causes inflammation and further swelling in the area, thus increasing the pain. Both calluses and corns develop in an attempt by the body to provide protection to an area that has increased pressure put on it. Causes:  High pressure and/or friction placed upon the feet usually caused by ill-fitting shoes.  Tight stockings creating pressure in one particular area.  Toe deformities, such as hammer toes.  The way you walk - more pressure on one area of the foot can cause a callus or a corn to appear. Treatment:  A podiatrist can cut them out for you and can asses the way you walk.  Corn plasters can alleviate the pressure in the area, allowing natural healing to take place.  Medicated ointments for removal of corns are available over the counter at Pharmacies.  Purchase good fitting, comfortable, shoes. When shoe shopping, it is a good idea to go later in the day when there is some natural swelling in the feet to ensure the shoes fit well even at the end of a day.  Avoid wearing tight fitting stockings and/or stockings with toe stitching.  Have regular pedicures where Pedi-paddles/rasps are used to remove hard skin to prevent corn development.  Keep the skin soft and supple with regular use of a good quality foot cream or balm (See our Foot Balm) Page 7 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 8. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia For further info go to:- Couperose Characteristics: Diffuse redness, usually across the cheeks, with the presence of telangiectasia (spider veins). Causes:  Skin sensitivity  The use of harsh skin care products  Genetics  Harsh environments  Reactivity of the skin  Rough treatment of the skin - over exfoliating and/or incorrect product use.  Excessive alcohol consumption  UV damage (See also causes of Telangiectasia) Treatment:  Use sensitive or calming skin care products. (See our Strengthening Intense Treatment).  Avoid any activity that greatly increases body temperature.  Reduce alcohol consumption  Be gentle with your skin  Avoidance of fragranced skin care products.  Use tepid water, not hot, when cleansing the skin. Page 8 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 9. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid granular facial exfoliators (see our Enzymatic Exfoliator)  Avoid hot, spicy foods  Apply sunscreen daily (See also treatment for Telangiectasia) Cysts Characteristics:  A closed sac/capsule like structure made from tissue and filled with fluid, gas or semi-solid matter.  Can form anywhere in the body.  They vary in size from microscopic to immense proportions that can displace organs.  When the body recognizes a problem it walls off the affected area in an attempt to prevent it spreading (infection) or worsening, enclosing the problematic area and isolating it from the rest of the tissue. Thus, it creates a closed ‘sac’ within which the contents will remain while the body attempts to cure the problem. Causes:  Genetics  Infections  Long term inflammation  Obstructions to normal fluid flow in the area  Tumours  Defective embryonic development Treatment:  Surgical removal of cyst  Drainage of the cyst  Treatment of the underlying cause Page 9 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 10. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia For further info go to:- Dark eye circles Characteristics: Blue to purplish hue (colour) seen in the inner corners of and underneath the eyes. Causes:  Genetically inherited trait  Fine, delicate, pale skin allows the bluish tint from the blood in the veins to show through the skin. This may be an inherited or age related factor.  Anaemia  Illness  Medication that increases blood flow can deepen the colour of the dark circles.  Lack of sleep Treatment:  Eating a healthy well balanced diet  Ensure you get an adequate amount of sleep. (Approx. 7-8 hours per night)  Application of products designed for treating this problem can help diminish the depth and consequently the appearance of the dark circles. (See our Rescue Eye cream)  Application of concealing make-up will help to reduce the appearance. For further info go to:- Page 10 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 11. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Dehydration (Superficial and Deep) Characteristics: Superficial Dehydration  ‘Parchment paper’ type appearance  Flakiness  Fine Lines Deep dehydration  Wrinkles  Fine lines Causes: Superficial dehydration Quite often incorrectly referred to as dry skin, is caused by the lack of moisture (water) in the upper layers of the skin the cause of which may be:  Lack of adequate water intake  Use of harsh or incorrect skin care products  Regular exposure to environments such as; air-conditioning or central heating  Smoking  Excess alcohol intake  Excessive use of diuretics or laxatives  Recent illness  Some medications- such as antihistamines  Anaesthetics Page 11 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 12. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Deep dehydration Ultimately results from the lack of moisture content within the deeper layers of the skin. It is usually caused by ageing, which sees the formation of collagen and elastin change to the point where it can no longer hold enough moisture to 'plump' out the skin. The skin begins to ‘fold’ in on itself causing the formation of wrinkles. Deep dehydration can be attributed to normal factors (inherited chronological ageing, menopause) or by chronic stress or photo ageing/premature ageing. Treatment: Superficial dehydration  Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily  Reduce caffeine intake  Reduce alcohol intake  Reduce or stop smoking  Use the correct products for your skin type and condition. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  Follow a good skin care regime  Eat a healthy well balanced diet  Avoid the use of laxatives and/or diuretics where possible.  Try to spend less time in air-conditioned or centrally heated environments. Deep dehydration  Prevention is better than cure- ensure you start and maintain a good skin care regime with professional skin care products sooner rather than later.  Eat a healthy well balanced diet to ensure adequate nourishment to delay the ageing process.  Anti-ageing products designed to slow or reduce the ageing process should be used. These should also be designed to help retain moisture in the upper layers thus diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by their 'plumping' action on the skin. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  Do not over expose yourself to UV radiation (sun exposure or solarium's)  Wear sunscreen daily Page 12 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 13. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Dull/ Lifeless Skin Characteristics: Just as the heading says, the skin looks dull and lifeless and may have a greyish tinge to it. Flaky patches of skin may also be present. Causes:  Lack of exfoliation  Lack of good skin care products and regime  Congested pores causing skin asphyxiation  Smoking  Stress  Illness  Unhealthy diet  Medication  Eating disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia  Lack of adequate water intake  Drug and alcohol abuse Treatment:  Use a good skin care range designed for your skin type.  Exfoliate your skin twice weekly  Reduce or stop smoking  Stop drug and alcohol abuse  Eat a healthy well balanced diet  Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily  Avoid products containing mineral oils Page 13 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 14. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Eczema/Dermatitis Characteristics: While both are common skin conditions, Dermatitis and Eczema are used interchangeably when they are in fact, slightly different. Eczema results from systemic problems (allergies being a big contributing factor) and Dermatitis results from external exposure to an irritant. Eczema  Dry, itchy and scaly patches of skin  May become infected if the skin cracks  Tends to be inflamed Dermatitis  Inflamed, itchy skin  May have small blistery type lesions  Can appear like a rash  May become infected Causes: Eczema  Genetics  Usually occurs as a response to foreign substances- i.e. food, hay fever etc. Dermatitis  Topical exposure to an irritant- Concentration and length of exposure are contributing factors to the development of dermatitis.  Exposure to a photo-toxic irritant accompanied by UV exposure. Concentration and length of exposure are again contributing factors to the development of dermatitis. Treatment: Page 14 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 15. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid consuming any foods that you know can trigger an outbreak. Allergy tests can be performed to find out your allergens.  Avoid exposure to skin irritants  Wear gloves when working with cleaners and chemicals.  Medication may be required  Regular use of a moisturizer that is free from irritants to relieve the dry skin and itching. (See our Moisturize & Massage products)  Keep the affected area/s cool For further info go to:- Erythema (redness) Characteristics:  Noticeable reddening of the skin  Telangiectasia may also be present in the affected area.  Increase in skin temperature in the affected area Causes:  Infection  Genetics  Damage to skin tissues  Hypersensitivity  Dry, dehydrated skin causing skin sensitivity  Extreme climates  Harsh and/or incorrect skin care products used on the skin.  Hot spicy foods Page 15 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 16. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Alcohol consumption  Being rough with the skin  Allergies Treatment:  If caused by an infection, medical help should be sought.  If caused by an allergy, removal of the allergen should be done immediately and the use of it discontinued.  The use of good skin care products suited to your skin type.  Be gentle with your skin  Avoid using granular facial scrubs (see our Enzymatic Exfoliator)  Avoid alcohol and hot spicy foods  Avoid extremes in temperature  Wear sunscreen daily See also Couperose or Telangiectasia. Fine Lines Characteristics: Shallow lines visible on the skin quite often seen around the eyes and from the corner of the nose to corner of the mouth. However, it may be possible to see them anywhere on the skin, depending on the cause. Some may be deeper in appearance than others that may look like ‘parchment paper’ areas on the skin. Causes: There may be one of two reasons for these fine lines: 1. Expression lines can develop especially around the eyes and mouth area. The easiest way to explain why this may create fine lines is to think about a piece of paper that is continuously bent, but not sharply folded, in the same place. Eventually the paper forms a crease. When we smile, squint or frown we are Page 16 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 17. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia continuously folding our skin in the same place and so a crease develops. The development and degree of these 'creases' varies for each individual as this will be determined by genetically inherited factors. 2. Dehydration can be seen on the skin as fine lines. The severity of the fine lines is directly related to the severity of the dehydration. These types of fine lines are the ones that are seen as ‘parchment paper’ in appearance and can be witnessed anywhere on the skin that is dehydrated. As some areas of the skin can be greatly more dehydrated than others there may not be a uniform appearance of the fine lines. That is to say, you may have greater dehydration on your forehead than on your cheeks and so the extent of the fine lines will be greater on your forehead. Treatment:  Using a good skin care range and following a good skin care regime from an early age will help to keep the skin soft, supple and hydrated. It is vitally important that the skin care range used is the correct one for your skin type and condition/s. Many people feel they have oily skin. It is normal for even those with a slightly dry skin type to have an oily breakthrough later in the day. Producing sebum (oil) is the body’s way of protecting the skin from dehydration and invasion by microbes and pollution. Therefore, it is normal for a certain amount of oiliness to be witnessed by early to late afternoon or earlier on hotter days or in hotter environments. Using a skin care range designed for oily skin types when your skin is not classified as oily can dehydrate the skin further causing a dull, lifeless appearance and may lead to follicular (pore) blockages and the development of blackheads.  It is also important to be drinking the correct amount of water each day to keep the body hydrated, which in turn will help keep the skin hydrated. Aim to consume 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. Flaky skin Characteristics: Patches of dead skin that have not desquamated gradually, thus remaining in a clump and peeling away in large flakes. Causes:  Use of harsh skin care products  Lack of exfoliation  Incorrect products for skin type used  Genetic conditions Page 17 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 18. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Skin conditions such as Psoriasis or Dermatitis  Skin damage such as burns or blistering  Dehydration of the skin Treatment:  In the cases of burns and blistering follow your doctor’s advice or in less severe cases allow the skin to peel away voluntarily.  Psoriasis or Dermatitis should be treated according to your doctor’s recommendations.  Use professional products designed for your skin type and condition.  Exfoliate twice weekly  Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. Folliculitis Characteristics: Red ‘dots’ or patches of small pustules on an area of skin. Causes: An infection in the follicle/s of the skin caused by the introduction or presence of bacteria. Treatment:  Be very aware of personal hygiene- i.e. regular bathing/showering, showering after exercise, etc.  Avoid waxing or shaving the area until healed  It is best not to squeeze or pick at the pustules as this encourages the infection to spread  Ensure clothes are cleaned regularly.  Use an antiseptic lotion/cream on the area.  Apply a couple of drops of neat (undiluted) Lavender essential oil on the area. Page 18 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 19. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid applying products containing mineral oils as these can trap bacteria in the follicles.  After waxing/hair removal- avoid touching the area.  If severe consult your doctor. Herpes Simplex Characteristics:  This is a viral infection that is highly contagious. It is commonly known as Cold Sores. There are two main types of Herpes; HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 affects the mouth, lips and face while HSV-2 affects the genital area. However, Cold sores on the mouth can be transferred to the genital area and vice versa.  The symptoms quite often begin with a tingling or a sore spot in the area becoming infected. As the infection develops swelling, redness, pain and blistering usually occur. Causes:  Most people will suffer at some stage in their lifetime, with a cold sore. The virus lies dormant in the body, once contracted, and can emerge in a painful lesion at various times thereafter. These lesions are highly contagious and can be spread across the face by rubbing/touching the infected area and then touching an uninfected area without washing your hands thoroughly in between.  Any illness or even stress can cause a breakout of herpes as the body’s immune system is weakened and unable to keep the virus under control whilst dealing with the illness or stress. Treatment:  When you have a breakout of Herpes Simplex it is important to be extremely diligent with hygiene to prevent spreading the infection.  If possible do not use make-up on the area. If you must apply make-up then ensure you apply it with a disposable cotton tip. Do not double dip the cotton tip and only use the cotton tip directly over the lesion. Do not put decanted make-up back into the original container, dispose of it to avoid contamination.  Avoid the infected area when cleansing your face to prevent the spread of the infection.  There are medicated products available from a pharmacy that can be used at the first signs of a cold sore  Neat (undiluted) Tea-tree or Geranium essential oil applied directly on to the infected area at the first signs, or after it has developed, can reduce the severity of the infection and help reduce the healing time. Page 19 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 20. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Reducing stress levels can also be beneficial- meditation or delegating workloads etc can help.  Maintain a healthy diet to keep the body and the immune system functioning at optimum levels. For further info go to: - Ingrown hairs and shaving rash Characteristics:  Red, raised lumps on the skin (like a rash if more than one in any given area) that may develop into an infection and manifest as a pustule/s.  May be itchy and/or painful Causes:  An ingrown hair occurs where the hair experiences difficulty in passing through the opening of the follicle and as it continues to grow it curls back on itself or grows sideways underneath the skins surface.  During shaving, the hair is cut to just below skin level and this newly cut hair may aggravate the follicle causing a rash. Opportunistic bacteria from the razor or from the skins surface, can also invade the follicle via its exposed opening resulting in a rash.  Sensitivity to the products used whilst shaving can aggravate the newly exposed skin (shaving removes the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin exposing fresh new skin beneath) causing a rash.  Breaking or cutting off the tapered point of the hair below the skin surface (from shaving or incorrect waxing)  Dehydration of the skin  Dead skin cells blocking the follicle mouth/opening due to lack of skin desquamation and/or exfoliation.  Skin sensitivity  Use of fragranced skin care/shaving products  Using an unhygienic razor  Wearing tight clothing causing friction against the skin Page 20 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 21. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Treatment:  Exfoliate the ingrown hair area twice weekly.  Apply a moisturizer 1-2 times daily  Do not wear excessively tight clothing especially after shaving/waxing.  Ensure razors used for shaving are clean before use and change them regularly.  Shave in a different direction  Manual removal of the ingrown hair with tweezers  Use products containing AHA’s (Alpha hydroxy acids) or BHA’s (Beta hydroxy acids) as a form of exfoliation.  Avoid the use of harsh, fragranced skin care products.  If you are prone to shaving rash or ingrown hairs use calming, healing products to help alleviate the problem. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges) For further info go to:- Milia Characteristics: Small, raised, white to yellowy lumps commonly seen around the eye and upper cheek areas. Causes:  The use of skin care/cosmetic products that contain mineral oils  Ineffective make-up removal  High consumption of dairy products in the diet  The use of skin care/cosmetic products that are too ‘heavy’ for the skin type (The oil content within the product is too high for the skin type)  Genetics Page 21 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 22. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Treatment:  Use the correct skin care products for your skin type.  Use products especially designed with less oil content for the delicate eye area. (See our Eye Care products)  Avoid using skin care/cosmetic products containing mineral oils.  Fully trained Beauty Therapists will have been trained to safely remove Milia, however, where the Milia are on the eyelids or close to the eye a G.P. can safely remove them for you. For further info go to:- Moles Characteristics: Clusters of pigmented or non-pigmented cells that can be raised, flat, have a warty appearance, smooth or have a wrinkled appearance. Causes:  Genetic predisposition may be a factor  Other causes are unknown Treatment:  Removal by surgical means- i.e. they are generally cut the mole out.  It is important to note that although moles may be harmless, they need to be constantly monitored as they can develop into cancerous tumours. Things to watch out for with moles:  A sudden change in the appearance, pigmentation, size or shape of the mole  Itching  Burning Page 22 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 23. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Oozing  Bleeding  Becoming scaly or crusty For more info go to:- Papules Characteristics: Inflamed, red, raised bumps on the skin that do not contain pus. A Papule is commonly referred to as a blind pimple. Causes:  A papule is a pustule/pimple in the making. The inflammation is caused by the body attempting to clear the infection. Pus will only become evident when there is a build up of debris from this process.  The causes are the same as for Pustule. Treatment:  The treatment for Papules is the same as for Pustules.  Many people expediate the formation of a papule into a pustule by attempting to squeeze them. There will be nothing to squeeze out from this type of lesion and you can only make matters worse by doing so.  Spot treat them with a couple of drops of neat lavender or tea-tree essential oils or a medicated product from the pharmacy. For further info go to:- Page 23 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 24. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Photo ageing/Prematurely aged Skin Characteristics:  Thickened skin  Pigmentation  Wrinkles  Fine lines  Dehydration  ‘Chicken neck’- this is where the neck looks thickened with red ‘spots’, so called for the look of a plucked chicken skin.  Leathery skin appearance  Once the damage has been sustained by UV exposure in creating photo ageing, it is not possible to undo. What can be done is to prevent further damage and lessen, as much as possible, the characteristics that have developed as a result. Causes:  Excessive UV exposure- this creates an excess of free radicals and causes the epidermis to thicken in an attempt to protect itself.  Free radical damage  Formation of damaged collagen, caused by changes in the collagen DNA from free radicals  Deep dehydration- collagen being unable to hold moisture in the dermis causes the skin to fold in on itself, producing surface lines and wrinkles of various depths.  Superficial dehydration- causing fine lines  Squinting, creating deep expression lines on the forehead and around the eyes. Treatment:  Limit UV exposure  Use professional skin care products. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  Exfoliate your skin twice weekly Page 24 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 25. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Wear sunscreen daily  Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily  Eat a healthy well balanced diet  Take anti-oxidant supplements For further info go to:- Pigmentation (Hyper-pigmentation & Hypo-pigmentation) Characteristics: Hyper-pigmentation  Refers to increased pigment in the skin. Chloasma, sun spots and freckles are forms of hyper- pigmentation and are seen as areas of darker colouration on the skin.  In the case of freckling and sun spots it can be seen as small frequent areas of spotted pigmentation and are commonly found across the cheeks, nose, arms, chest and upper back. Red headed people tend to have higher levels of freckling that can be evident all over the body. Freckles will usually darken when exposed to UV.  Chloasma (also known as Melasma) is a larger pigmented area on the face that develops slowly and disappears gradually. Hypo-pigmentation  Refers to a lack of pigment in the skin. Vitiligo is a common form of hypo-pigmentation wherein melanin is no longer produced in an area or areas of the skin.  The area becomes lighter in colour than the surrounding skin. It may start as small lesions that seem to spread as they join together to form a larger area.  The skin affected has a mottled appearance. Causes: Freckles and Sun spots Page 25 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 26. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Genetics  UV exposure Chloasma  Pregnancy  Hormone imbalance  Fragrances  Phototoxicity- A reaction between substances, usually fragranced products and UV exposure.  Birth control pill Vitiligo Unknown cause, however it is thought that the following can be contributing factors to the breakdown in the production of melanin:  Stress  Physical injury to the deeper layers of the skin- eg sunburn  Auto-toxicity- wherein the pigment producing cells become self destructive  Autoimmune reaction- wherein the body attacks the pigment producing cells  Abnormally functioning nerve cells- these cells can cause damage to the pigment producing cells. Treatment: Freckles and Sun spots  Limit UV exposure  Wear sunscreen daily  The use of skin lightening skin care products can help to gradually fade the depth of the pigment. Chloasma  Usually fades slowly by itself. Page 26 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 27. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid using products containing fragrances.  Discontinue the use of the birth control pill or change to another one that doesn’t cause Chloasma  The use of skin lightening skin care products can help to gradually fade the depth of the pigment.  Alpha hydroxy products can be used to help reduce the appearance of the pigmented area  Wear sunscreen daily  Limit UV exposure Vitiligo  The use of corrective make-up can help to conceal the area.  The use of self tanners, only on the de-pigmented areas may help, to conceal the lighter skin. (See our Self Tanners)  Limit or avoid UV exposure  Use sunscreen daily  PUVA- This is where a medication is taken to increase photo-sensitivity and then twice weekly for up to 5 minute sessions the person deliberately exposes themselves to UV. This can help re-pigment the area gradually, but does not work for everyone and certain areas respond better to this treatment than others.  Topically applied steroid creams may help if used in the early stages of the condition.  In extreme conditions depigmentation therapy can be applied. This is where the other areas of the skin are deliberately de-pigmented to even out skin colouration. For further info go to:- Psoriasis Characteristics:  Thickened plaques of skin that typically appear to be scaly and silvery in colour Page 27 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 28. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Skin can be itchy and may crack  Affected areas can become inflamed and/or infected  Can occur anywhere on the body, but commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp and the lower portion of the back Causes: Unknown, but of a systemic nature with the following being contributing factors:  Genetics  Rapid multiplication of skin cells causing the formation of the silvery plaques.  Stress  Illness  Excessive alcohol consumption  Obesity  Infections  Certain medications  Skin trauma Treatment:  Medication to slow cell proliferation may be required.  Apply a moisturizer 1-2 times daily to keep the skin soft and help to reduce the itching. (See our Moisturize & Massage products)  Try to keep stress levels to a minimum.  Eat a healthy well balanced diet  Reduce or avoid alcohol consumption  Wear sunscreen and limit UV exposure as sunburn is a form of skin trauma which may trigger an outbreak. Page 28 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 29. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia For further info go to:- Puffy eyes (bags under eyes) Characteristics: ‘Swollen’ appearance of the area directly under the eyes. It resembles the appearance of a bag, hence the reason why it is called bags under the eyes. Causes:  Ageing- wherein the skins elasticity under the eyes is lost and fatty deposits weigh down the skin.  A genetically inherited predisposition  Sinus problems- causing fluid retention  Sluggish lymph drainage in the facial/eye area- causing oedema (swelling)  Toxic life style- Smoking, excess alcohol consumption, high caffeine intake  Using skin care products around the eyes that are not specifically designed for the delicate eye area  Allergies  Excessive salt consumption in the diet Treatment:  Eat a healthy, well balanced diet, low in salt and fat (especially saturated fats)  Use products that are specifically designed to be used around the eye area.  Have lymph drainage massage and/or facial treatments performed on your face.  Reduce or stop smoking  Reduce caffeine intake Page 29 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 30. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Reduce alcohol consumption  Avoid allergens- take antihistamines if required for the allergies.  Cold compress the area, this may help to reduce the puffy appearance.  Slices of cold cucumber can help to reduce puffiness. Simply treat yourself to a mini facial at home and apply the slices of cucumber while you relax with the mask on.  Apply products specifically formulated to help with this problem, such as our Rescue or Restore Eye Creams. For further info go to:- Pustules Characteristics:  Raised, inflamed, pus filled lesions that can be painful  Found mainly on the face, neck, chest and back. Causes:  Propriunhaclerium acnes (P.acnes) - is the scientific name given to the bacteria that causes acne. These bacteria do not require oxygen to survive or multiply and in fact thrive without oxygen. When a follicle becomes blocked and oxygen is no longer in circulation then they begin multiplying rapidly, causing an infection in the follicle. As the impaction grows, the follicle can no longer stretch to accommodate the size. It bursts into the surrounding tissue and a quite large and painful pimple (pustule) develops. The pus that is witnessed in a pimple is the comprised of debris from sebum, dead skin cells and bacterial waste/dead bacteria. The inflammation around the pimple/pustule is the result of the body’s defences (inflammatory response) fighting the infection. The swelling that is caused by the inflammatory response presses on the surrounding nerves causing pain in the area.  Hormones  Stress  Birth control pills can be a contributing factor to the formation of pustules. Females on birth control pills may also suffer from androgenic breakouts. Page 30 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 31. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Quite often females develop ‘acne breakouts’ prior to menstruation.  Pubescent youths quite often develop varying degrees of acne caused by the hormonal changes in their body. This in turn creates changes with their skin and systems of the body.  Pregnant females, due to hormonal changes, may suffer from acne breakouts.  Menopausal females- may suffer from 'acne breakouts', again due to hormonal changes.  Stress alters hormones within the body and chronic stress can affect our immune system and be a contributing factor to breakouts.  Genetic factors play an important role in the possibility of developing pustules. If one or both parents suffered with acne breakouts, then the likelihood of some of those genetics being passed on in conception may determine your likelihood and severity. Treatment:  The use of good skin care products that contain no mineral oils and are designed for your skin type should be used in a daily skin care regime. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges)  Exfoliating twice weekly can prevent follicular (pore) blockages at the mouth of the follicle and help prevent the formation of pimples.  It is important that you have a professional remove/extract the pustules for you, as they are trained to prevent surrounding tissue and follicular damage during the removal process. Squeezing pimples yourself may exacerbate the condition by causing follicular damage, causing the infection to burst into the surrounding tissue of the follicle affected. You may also spread the bacteria from one squeezed pimple to surrounding follicles creating greater chance of causing further pustule development.  There is no evidence that suggests that certain foods can cause you to develop pustules (some people may be sensitive to change brought about within the body due to the consumption of certain foods), however, it has been proven that a healthy, well balanced diet can help to win the battle against breakouts, as your body has all the requirements it needs to function at optimum levels. Therefore the immune system is in better shape to deal with the infection.  A couple of drops of neat Lavender or Tea-tree essential oil applied directly over the blemish can help heal it.  If you choose to use a medicated gel or cream available from pharmacies it is important that you use them exactly as instructed. They are designed to dry out the pustules and using these products all over the skin in an attempt to prevent breakouts can in fact cause follicular (pore) blockages and actually cause breakouts to occur. For further info go to:- Page 31 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 32. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Rosacea Characteristics:  Erythema (redness)  Telangiectasia (erythematotelangiectatic rosacea)  Papules and pustules accompanied by erythema (papulopustular rosacea).  Most prominently affected areas are across the cheeks and around the mouth and chin.  In severe cases Rhinophyma may occur. This is a thickening of the skin on the nose, often called ‘potato nose’ (phymatous rosacea). This skin thickening may occur in other areas but is more prominent on the nose and in men more so than women.  There may be an eye irritation (ocular rosacea) and some may experience swelling.  Some people may suffer only one of the above categories and some may experience 2 or more.  This type of skin tends to be (but is not always) sensitive but is almost always highly reactive.  Usually affects people in the 30+ age groups Causes: There are no known causes of Rosacea. Individuals may however, gain an understanding of patterns of their breakouts and so have an understanding of the trigger/s for them which may allow them to somewhat control their breakouts. Treatment:  Medication may be prescribed by your GP. It may start with low dose antibiotics over a 3-6 month period, or topically applied medication.  Laser treatment  Avoid the known triggers if possible  Avoid hot spicy foods Page 32 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 33. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption  Use sensitive or calming skin care products  Avoid using hot water when cleansing your face- use tepid water instead.  Avoid heat treatments- saunas, spas and hot showers/baths.  Avoid harsh or fragranced skin care products.  Avoid granular facial exfoliators (see our Enzymatic Exfoliator)  Be gentle with your skin  Always wear sunscreen  Reduce or stop smoking  Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.  Although rosacea has no cure it can be controlled. Some people may have a breakout or two and then find that their skin improves, they are not cured, but are simply in remission. They may never have another breakout or may find the occasional one occurs. For others they may have years of no breakouts only to find it returns persistently later on. NOTE: The D&M CSH range of skin care products have proven to be very successful in assisting people suffering from Rosacea. See our Womens and Mens Skin Care ranges or feel free to contact us for more information. For further info go to:- Seborrhoea Characteristics: An excessive production of sebum that can lead to skin scaling, flaking or dermatitis. Causes: The cause is not fully understood but the following may contribute to its development:  Genetics Page 33 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 34. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Hormones  Stress  A yeast like organism is believed to worsen the condition Treatment:  Control the sebum production by addressing the contributing factors  Calming and soothing skin care products can be used to diminish any inflammation caused by the condition.  Sebum (oil) balancing skin care products may also help to balance sebum production.  Using anti-seborrheic shampoos on the area/s can help. For further info go to:- Sensitive Skin Characteristics:  Sensitivity is not always visible to the eye.  The skin tends to sting, burn, itch or react and become red when certain products are applied.  A sensitive skin tends to be reactive and may visibly be seen as erythema (redness) across the cheeks. Causes:  The use of fragranced skin care products. There may have been no initial sensitivity but after a period of time using the products, sensitivity can appear.  Pollution- especially for those living in higher populated cities.  Genetics  Allergies- people with allergies tend to also have sensitive skin.  Use of harsh skin care products  Dry skin that has not been looked after properly can have a tendency to be sensitive. Page 34 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 35. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Working with or around chemicals  People that suffer from other skin conditions, such as Psoriasis or Eczema/Dermatitis. Treatment:  Use products designed for sensitive skin. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care range)  Avoid using fragranced skin care products.  Follow a good skin care regime  Avoid working with toxic chemicals, if possible.  As sensitive skin is usually reactive, avoid anything that will increase colour in the skin as it can lead to telangiectasia. (See treatment of erythema and telangiectasia)  Avoid allergens where possible  Wear sunscreen daily Skin Tags Characteristics:  A skin growth that may or may not be pigmented  Commonly has a tear drop appearance.  Can just be an excess growth of skin  It is harmless and frequently found on the chest, armpits, groin and the eyelids. Causes: It is not really known what causes skin tags; however the following may be contributing factors:  Rubbing or chaffing of the skin in the area  Human papilloma virus  Stages of rapid growth such as in pregnancy, weight gain or gigantism  Insulin resistance Page 35 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 36. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Genetic influence Treatment:  Freezing them off  Cutting them off  Tying them off- this cuts off the blood supply and so the skin tag eventually falls off. For further info go to:- Solar Keratoses Characteristics:  Appear as rough scaly skin lesions/spots. (Also known as Actinic Keratoses)  Found on areas that have been most exposed to UV, such as hands, forehead, ears, face and scalp  Can be scaly, skin coloured, red, warty, flat or thickened spots and are considered to be precancerous. Causes:  Genetic predisposition  UV Exposure (especially areas that have been exposed over a long period of time) Treatment:  Limit UV exposure  Wear sunscreen liberally everyday.  Cover up in the sun- wear a wide brimmed hat.  Surgical removal  Have the Keratoses frozen off For further info go to:- Page 36 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 37. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Stretch Marks (Striae) Characteristics:  Scar like lines on/under the skin that when first formed can appear red/pink to purplish in colour and over time fade to a white/silver colour.  They are commonly formed on areas of higher fat deposits such as abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts and upper arms but can be found on any area of the body. Causes:  The lack of collagen and elastin fibre production (hormonally influenced) necessary to keep rapidly growing skin taught.  Tears in the dermal layer of the skin- due to a lack of elasticity during a period of rapid growth  A period of rapid growth- such as during pregnancy, puberty or rapid weight gain  Rapid and extreme weight loss due to the inability of the skin to tighten to its new found body size. (Much like a balloon appears after it has been inflated for a period of time and then let down. The elasticity has been stretched to capacity for so long that it has lost its ability to spring back into its original form).  During a growth period there may have been dermal tears unnoticed that become more evident with the loss of weight Treatment:  Once formed, even surgical procedures such as laser, may only improve the appearance of stretch marks, rather than remove them completely.  During pregnancy- eat a healthy, well balanced diet and drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. Application of moisturizers can help to keep the skin soft and supple and may help to diminish the extent of the depth and formation of stretch marks.  Slow but steady weight loss using a healthy well balanced diet, as opposed to fad dieting is a much better alternative as it teaches better eating habits, gives the body its required nutrients and allows the body to accommodate the shrinking form.  Daily application of specialized stretch mark treatment products can help to diminish the appearance and severity of stretch marks. (See our Stretch Mark Treatment oil) Page 37 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 38. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Regular massage can stimulate the metabolic rates of the skin and may aid with collagen and elastin synthesis which may help to firm or tighten the skin. For further info go to:- marks Telangiectasia Characteristics:  Telangiectasia is the technical name for what is commonly known as 'spider veins' or broken capillaries.  They are seen as thread like marks just under the skin or may at times, look like a red dot with spider like ‘legs’ radiating from it.  Skin redness (erythema) is generally evident in the affected area/s  They can be quite unsightly and are often seen on the legs and face. Causes: Telangiectasia is in actual fact not broken capillaries but is dilated blood vessels that are permanently dilated through damage from things like:  Excessive heat (from sun or excessive exercise, saunas etc)  Overexposure to UV  Damage sustained by rough handling of the skin- eg over exfoliating  Squeezing of blackheads/pimples/blemishes  Surgery Other factors that can contribute to these unwelcome lesions are:  High blood pressure  Pregnancy  Certain medications such as the pill (containing oestrogen) and long term Retin-A use. Page 38 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 39. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  There may be an inherited predisposition to capillary weakness that can make an individual more susceptible to telangiectasia.  High alcohol consumption  Extreme environmental conditions are also considered to contribute to this skin condition.  Very regular consumption of hot spicy foods in the diet The idea is that these things quickly increase blood flow, via heat from within or out. So, if there is a weakness in the capillaries and regular exposure to these heat-inducing factors then lead to the capillaries may becoming permanently dilated in the areas of greatest weakness, causing the formation of telangiectasia. Treatment:  Look after your skin in a gentle manner and use skin care products that are best suited to your skin type  Avoid consuming a high intake of hot spicy foods  Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.  Avoiding extreme temperatures from an early age may help to reduce the likelihood of the development of these lesions. Prevention is always better than cure.  Once they have developed, the avoidance of anything that increases the body temperature greatly can help avoid a worsening of the condition.  It is possible to have laser treatment or blend electrolysis to have them ‘removed’. Both of these methods basically coagulate the blood vessels, which are then ‘dissolved’ and removed by the body’s own processes as damaged tissue.  Certain herbs and essential oils are also considered suitable to reduce or aid in the diminishing of telangiectasia. We have put together an intensive treatment of herbal infusions and essential oils that can be used as a night time treatment or used under a mask or moisturizer. This treatment is specifically designed to calm, soothe and strengthen the capillaries and, as such, may help in reducing the appearance. (See our Strengthening Intense Treatment) For further info go to:- Page 39 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 40. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Under skin congestion Characteristics:  The skin is ‘rough’ and uneven to touch, as bumps are present under the skin.  The skin may also have a sallow, dull or lifeless appearance. Causes:  Sluggish lymphatic flow  High stress levels  Hormonal disturbance or imbalance  Skin asphyxiation  Systemic illness  Toxin build up from things such as drug abuse, alcohol or smoking Treatment:  Use detoxifying products, such as our Detox Mask in conjunction with good skin care products.  Always apply products in a slightly upward, outward movement to help with lymph drainage.  Have professional facials that include lymphatic drainage massage.  Reduce stress- meditation, yoga, time-out or delegation of excess workloads to other people.  Avoid excess alcohol consumption  Reduce or stop smoking  Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily to keep your system flushed out of toxins and to keep the skin hydrated.  Exfoliate your skin twice weekly Page 40 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 41. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia Urticaria (hives) Characteristics: Commonly know as hives- an eruption of wheals accompanied by redness and itching. Causes:  A histamine release reaction by the body in response to an allergen.  Some people can suffer from Urticaria with and after exposure to the sun or UV.  Food allergens  Environmental allergens- such as pollution, dust, extreme changes in temperature, etc  Drugs and certain medications  High stress levels  Infections or infestations  Hypersensitivity  Synthetic products, including fragrances  Autoimmune responses- this can occur after waxing when the body responds to the removal of the hair in an attempt to prevent infection and procure healing.  Bites and stings  Systemic illnesses  In some cases there is no known cause, called an idiopathic cause. Treatment:  Removal and avoidance of the offending allergen  Antihistamines  Cold compresses can provide some relief.  Application of Lavender essential oil can provide some relief. Page 41 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 42. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Avoid scratching the area as it can exacerbate the condition. For further info go to:- Varicose veins Characteristics:  Veins that become visible on the skin and appear as protruding, blue, ‘twisting’ worm like structures  They are more likely to develop on the legs due to the increased pressure in the veins when standing and walking etc.  There may be a heavy feeling in the legs or a throbbing pain with prolonged standing and some may also experience itching around the varicose vein/s. Causes: Veins are hollow, elastic structures that contain one-way valves that keep the deoxygenated blood flowing one way back to the heart. In varicose veins, the elasticity of the veins has diminished and the one-way valve/s have weakened and no longer work as they should. This causes blood to flow backwards and 'pool' in the weakened portion of the vein causing the vein to balloon and protrude as it is engorged with the blood. The following can be contributing factors to their development:  Genetically inherited weakness  Age- varicose veins generally occur as the ageing process does  Pregnancy  Obesity or excess weight gain  Wearing excessively tight clothing or uncomfortable shoes- both preventing proper circulation  Working where standing for long periods of time are required.  Crossing the legs when sitting or lying down, preventing good circulation Treatment: Page 42 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 43. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.  Maintain an appropriate weight for your height and build.  Avoid long periods of standing  Avoid crossing your legs for long periods of time  Elevation of the legs can help the aching and assist the blood to move back towards the heart.  Wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes.  During pregnancy and especially in the third trimester, take the time to lie or sit with your legs elevated and avoid prolonged periods of time on your feet. For further info go to:- Whiteheads Characteristics: A pore blockage that looks like a small pimple. It is not inflamed but does have a pus filled head. (Also known as closed comedones) Causes:  Similar to that of a blackhead, but unlike a blackhead no oxygen is able to get to the sebum and dead skin cell matter in the follicle (pore), thus oxidation does not occur. The mouth of the follicle (pore) is blocked and sealed so that the oxygen cannot get in to the follicular matter.  The seal created (that prevents oxygen getting in to the follicle) may be caused by skin care products completely sealing off the follicle (pore) mouth, or from a build up of dead skin cells. Without the oxygen to turn the follicular matter black it remains white and thus once it has reached the follicle (pore) opening it can be seen as a whitehead. Treatment:  Prevention is better than cure! Ensure you do not use products containing mineral oils that can block the follicle (pore) mouth.  Exfoliate your skin twice weekly Page 43 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009
  • 44. Deep and Meaningful Pty Ltd P.O.Box 427 Ascot Vale Victoria, 3032 Australia  Use products that are designed for you skin type and condition and follow a good, daily skin care regime. (See our Women’s and Men’s skin care ranges) For further info go to:- Wrinkles Characteristics: Shallow to deep lines on the skin, causing the skin to 'fold' in on itself. Causes:  Loss of collagen production brought about by Normal/intrinsic ageing. (See Ageing/Mature Skin)  Mal formation of collagen brought about by Photoageing. (See Photoageing/Prematurely aged skin)  Deep dehydration caused by the change/s in collagen in the dermal layer of the skin. Treatment: See Ageing/Mature Skin See Photo ageing/Prematurely aged Skin Page 44 of 44 Copyright © D&M 2009