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A New Direction – The Negative Side of Positive
Thinking (Part 2)
Posted on October 9, 2014
(Excerpt from When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing)
If positive thinking were benign, a useless dalliance of the mind, then it would be nothing more
than a frivolous waste of time. But positive thinking is not benign. Ironically, positive thinking
can have negative psychological backlash. You may be surprised at this revelation, but when you
understand the mechanism you will know it to be true from your own experience. Let’s take a
few minutes to explore these negative effects and how we can over- come them. Remember, our
job is not to eliminate positive thinking. That would be ridiculous. Our job is to eliminate the
negative effects of the improper application of positive thinking. And for that we have the perfect
tool. But before we get to that, let’s take a quick look at what others have to say about the
negative effects of positive thinking.
A study by researchers Ayelet Fishbach from the University of Chicago and Jinhee Choi from
Korea Business School found that when you stay focused on your goals, you diminish your
ability to enjoy what you are doing. Less satisfaction in the doing translates to a decreased ability
to reach your goal. Their subjects were asked to work out in a gym. One group focused on the
goal, for instance running on a treadmill, while the other group, without a goal just focused on the
experience of the workout. The group that focused on their goal had more enthusiasm but less
success than the non-goal-oriented group. Additionally, the goal-oriented group felt that the
exercise was more of an effort than the other group. Apparently, keeping your eye is on the goal
diminishes your ability to enjoy what you are doing right now. In essence you are living an
illusion skewed toward a positive outcome rather than facing the present reality.
Information: The Kinslow System™
Technique: Stop Thought Experience
Book: When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing
Posted in Science |Leave a reply
A New Direction
Posted on August 27, 2014
Up until now I have laid out the basic precepts of the Kinslow System under the creativity, health,
personal, relationships, science, society, and spiritual headings. A firm philosophical/functional
foundation has been laid and now it is time for us to change direction, or more accurately, expand
in any and all directions. I would like to create a more conversant forum. That is I would like to
hear what you are interested in and then discuss those interests in the light of the Kinslow
System. That means, we can chat over any topic that tickles your fancy. The obvious value is that
we can explore and discover new ways of thinking and perceiving that will have immediate
impact on our lives. This impact will manifest in many different ways on many different levels
but always to enrich, nurture, and improve the quality of our lives.
That means, however, that the “dialogue” ball will occasionally end up in your court. When it
does, I would like to hear from you, your thoughts, feelings, and insights tossing the ball back in
my court. This is going to be fun and exciting but more than that it has the potential to enrich our
lives far beyond what we have accepted as normal, or even exceptional.
So here’s how it works… I will make comment on some issue and you will respond with your
observations. Then I will respond and you will respond, etc. etc. etc. Nothing new there, right? Of
course the real value comes in the quality of our interaction. Let’s make it worth your while.
What do you say, shall we get started?
Here is an excerpt from my new book When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing due for release in
early October. It is a topic very near to my heart. Let me know how you feel about it. Here
[Note: this post will be rather lengthy but it will lay the groundwork for future blogs. Keep it
handy you can refer to it often. I will add additional excerpts to support our ongoing dialogue.]
The Negative Side of Positive Thinking
“All this trying to make everything right is a big part of what’s wrong.” ~Oliver Berkeman
What is it that has the pseudoscientific community’s panties in a twist? Why, that would be the
negative effects of positive thinking. When they talk about positive thinking, and I emphatically
include under this umbrella “law of attraction” advocates, many take on an evangelistic fervor as
if they are offering you the keys to the universe. They make you feel as though all you have to do
is switch on positive thinking and the angels on high will spread rose petals on your path to
material wealth and prosperity. Likewise, they tell you that the law of attraction means “like
increases like” and positive thoughts can attract to them positive outcomes. They will tell you that
this reasoning is based on solid principles of physics. Basically, they say, the law of attraction is
telling us that our thoughts can control the material world. This may come as a surprise to many
of you, but there is no “law of attraction” in physics or any other science. The whole positive
thinking movement is scientifically baseless.
The most recent reincarnation of the idea that thoughts can control the material world comes out
of the well-known, but frequently misinterpreted double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics.
This classic experiment demonstrates that the outcome of the experiment is determined by what
the observer measures. Briefly, if the scientist observed a photon in one way he found it to be a
particle, and in another it presented as a wave. Now, I don’t want to get too technical here, and
it’s not at all necessary in order to reach my objective. You can Google “double-slit experiment”
and pick up the basics, but here’s my point. You could say that the scientist controlled whether he
observed a particle or a wave, but you can’t say that he “created” the particle or the wave. The
scientist seemingly influenced the outcome of the experiment by his observation of it, but in the
end he was only observing what was already created. His observation determined whether he
measured the photon as a particle or a wave, but he could not turn that particle or wave into a
double-bacon cheeseburger. You see what I mean?
To further build on this misconception, the law-of-attraction aficionado proudly announces that if
a scientist can control matter with his mind on the subatomic micro level, then we can control
matter on the macro level of cars and Mars and jelly jars. This is a rather huge inductive leap with
no foundation in experimental investigation. The scientist of the double-slit experiment was able
to observe a single subatomic particle. Materializing your dream home is infinitely more
complicated then observing a single photon. Your dream home is constructed of an unimaginable
number of subatomic particles which form atoms which form molecules which then form the
bricks, pipes, drywall, electrical wires, aluminum siding, etc., of your dream home. Are you truly
capable of observing all of these particles in just the right way so that they materialize as your
dream home? If so, would you think up a brand-new Ferrari for me? I’m just covering all my
bases …
“No,” says the law-of-attraction believer, “it is the organizing power of the universe that does the
work.” That there is order in the universe is obvious. That we can bend that power to our
individual will has yet to be shown. There may be a greater lesson to be learned, one of
observation versus control. I rather like the position of the scientist in the double-slit experiment.
He is an awed observer of that universal organizing power. Isn’t that enough? From what
emptiness springs our need to control every minute aspect of our world when the greatest joys
afforded us have always been those spontaneous revelations of love and laughter accompanied
with the realization that my world, our world, is beautiful just as it is?
Obviously our ability to imagine, plan, and control is inherent and necessary to our survival. It is
the earmark of a healthy human, and has assured not only our existence but ascension to the apex
of the animal kingdom. But there is a second kind of control, aberrant and born of dissatisfaction,
disassociation, and fear. It is normal to want to free oneself from suffering. And if that suffering
continues over a long enough time, it is common for that distressed mind to seek unrealistic and
even detrimental relief. The control of the contented soul is giving, playful, and life-supporting. It
lacks the frenetic sense of urgency, self-absorption, and hope that pervades a soul in suffering.
The good news is that the suffering soul does not need to go outside of itself to relieve its
torment. In fact, it cannot find permanent relief anywhere else but within. The misdirected mind,
once on track, leaves behind that impulse and finds comfort in the present, no matter how chaotic
or harsh it may appear.
If the positive-thinking movement is scientifically baseless, then why is it so popular? Does
positive thinking work under more esoteric “cosmic” or spiritual laws beyond the reach of
modern scientific reasoning? Well that certainly is the insinuation, but there is no proof of that
either. So how does positive thinking work? The short answer is, it doesn’t! At least it doesn’t
work the way it has been popularly presented.
There is more to be gained by exposing the inadequacies of positive thinking than you might
realize, and it takes only a little scratching below the surface to appreciate the real and practical
benefits for ourselves. Shall we do that? Shall we throw out the useless and replace it with
something practical that will actually work? Then let’s get to it.
We will first look at the negative effects of positive thinking and then move on to create an actual
positive perception that will … well, let’s just wait until we clear the complexities of positive
thinking before we lay in our foundation for further fulfillment.
We have all heard of the wonderful results of positive thinking and the law of attraction. You
know, think in just the right way to create the perfect partner or win the lottery. We hear about it
a lot, but how often do you think it actually happens? Well as it turns out not very often at all,
certainly not enough to be statistically significant. Let’s look at it from the other side. How many
times has the law of attraction been conjured up with no results? As it turns out, failure of the law
of attraction way outweighs its successes. Isn’t that your own experience? In actuality the law of
attraction is no more effective at manipulating our world then is mere chance or happenstance. If
it did work, everyone would be doing it and we would all be living utopian lives.
Why then do we hear so much about the successes of positive thinking? It’s the yellow
Volkswagen phenomenon. Picture yourself driving down the road when out of the blue your
passenger says, “Did you know that the day after you see a yellow Volkswagen you will receive
unexpected money?” All of a sudden you see yellow Volkswagens everywhere, on the road, in
parking lots, even in your dreams. Now, was it your lust for unexpected money that materialized
yellow Volkswagens out of thin air? Some would say that seeing those yellow Volkswagens
proved the law of attraction was hard at work in your favor. Or could it be that you were alerted
to yellow Volkswagens and just became aware of what already existed? Remember Occam’s
razor, which holds that the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is the one that is most likely to
be true. Did your law of attraction positive thought wave-patterns reverberate throughout the
universe inspiring yellow Volkswagen vibrations to manifest full blown and fully loaded in the
left turn lane at the next stoplight? Or did your heightened Volkswagen awareness simply make
you notice what had been there all along? Do you see how easily this can get out of hand? But
there’s more.
Reproducibility, that’s what a scientific technique is all about. By following the same instructions
you must be able to duplicate what others have produced. Despite all manner of anecdotal
evidence to the contrary, positive thinking, including intention work, is not reproducible. Let’s
pick the most obvious example.
In 2007 a book was published that guaranteed its readers that the information within would
provide “an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it”. I do not
like to unnecessarily point fingers so I will not name the book. That will be my “secret”. This
book, based on the law of attraction, became phenomenally successful – apparently a perfect
example of the author’s teachings. The author then wrote a follow-up book which, despite the
notoriety of the first, was far and away less successful. Now my question is this: “Did the author
have an intention for her second book to be lesssuccessful?” Do you see what I’m getting at here?
Did the author, a master of the law of attraction, invoke that law to create a significantly less
successful book or, despite her mastery of the law of attraction, was she unable to make it work?
I’ll let you be the judge.
Information: The Kinslow System™
Technique: Stop Thought Experience
Book: The Kinslow System: Your Path to Proven Success
Posted in Science |18 Replies
Of Chimps and Chocolate Chips
Posted on July 8, 2014
Are you one of those people who always pick the slowest line to stand in? I do, every time. In
fact, I think all of us choose the slowest line. I have never heard anyone brag about always
finding the fastest line, have you? If that were me, I’d surely let the rest of you “slow-liners” hear
about it.
In the grocery store checkout, I will stand aloof from the other indiscriminant line-standers and
watch to see which checker looks like they got a good night’s sleep, how many carts per line and
how full each cart is. I usually narrow it down to two lines and just before I’m hemmed in from
behind by a less discriminate shopper, I bolt over to my second choice. Then I stand and watch as
shoppers, who were back in the dairy department when I first got in line, are now gleefully
stuffing their car trunks full of eggs, chocolate chip cookies, and the 2 for 1 Gummy Bear Bar-B-
Q Sauce special from aisle 4.
Why? Why do we abhor standing in line? Because it’s boring? Because we feel nothing is being
accomplished? Because standing there, shifting from foot to foot, we realize that life is passing us
by? Yes, to all three. Lines are boring, unproductive and render us impotent while we are there.
Or, so it seems.
Some people treat life as one long line. They are always trying to be where they are not. They feel
they must always be doing something. The thing is, life is not a long line. Every instant is a
complete life within itself. We just fail to adequately appreciate it. Here’s what I mean.
Stop everything you are doing right now and ask yourself, “What, at this very moment, do I
absolutely need? Unless you were taking a dip in your pool when you “stopped everything” and
right now you absolutely need a life-granting gulp of air, your answer will have to be…Nothing.
From moment to moment, we need only the essentials like expanding lungs and pumping heart.
Beyond the basics, we have desires, not needs. Desires come not from the present. They are
ignited in the memory and fanned into fury by the possibility of future fruition.
We humans are unique on this earth, not because we can think, plan and communicate using
language. Any garden variety chimpanzee with a middleclass upbringing can perform all
three. Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor and author of Stumbling on Happiness,
says that what really separates us from our furry neighbors (of the chimp variety) is our concept
of time, particularly the ability to project our thoughts into the future. Humans can imagine, and
imagination it turns out, is both a boon and a bane. Wielding this double edged sword, we can
dream of a safe and secure future and then build toward it. Or, we can visualize the nightmares
ahead and be immobilized here in the present.
So what does all this have to do with the frustration of standing in a grocery store check-out line?
Everything! Feeling bored, anxious, or frustrated, are symptoms of a restless imagination. We can
imagine that being stuck in line will make us late for the game on TV or hold up the meeting at
the ladies garden club, or both. It’s even worse if we encourage ourselves to think happy thoughts
like sipping a quiet glass of wine with a good friend or fastidiously grooming our chimpanzee. As
soon as we realize we are still stuck in line, the emotional storm clouds again gather overhead.
The problem is not a long slow-moving line. The problem is the mind, and that is where we will
find the cure. Boredom and anxiety are just symptoms of the mind dwelling in the past and/or
So, how do we neutralize these unwanted emotions that trample all over our peace like K-Mart
shoppers after the Blue Light special? Why, we do what the chimps do. We pay attention to what
is right here, right now. We entice our minds into the present by paying very astute attention to
the things around us. Try it. It can’t fail. Open your bag of chocolate chip cookies and taste one. I
mean really taste it. Feel the crumbly-ness dissolve on your tongue and explode into a shower of
sweetness, followed by the slow melting chocolate chips. Follow the swallow, all the way into
your tummy. Become aware of how it makes you feel, become aware of Eufeeling. Now turn
your attention to the artichoke in your cart. Appreciate it for the odd and remarkable creation it is.
Rotate the stem and feel the points tickle-scratch across your palm. Smell it and see if it doesn’t
remind you of musty Fritos. Become quiet and pay attention to how you feel in that silence, you
Eufeeling. Pick up a banana and…
Well, I think you get the idea. To neutralize the pressures of civilization we only have to become
like animals. We forsake the meandering mind for the joys contained right here in the present.
We become like a cat watching a mouse-hole; alert, ever watchful and absolutely alive. Paying
attention is not only a cure for boredom; it is the remedy for the daily frustrations and anxieties of
our lives. Once you pay attention then pay attention to how you feel. There you will feel some
good feeling, some sense of wellbeing like calmness, lightness, or peace. Eufeeling is always
there, always has been and always will. You need only pause long enough to recognize it. So, get
up in the morning and pay attention; feel the warmth and wetness of your shower, taste the
toothpaste and smell the coffee. Pay attention all day long and you will thank me by evening.
Video: Stop Thought Experience
Book: The Kinslow System: Your Path to Proven Success
CD: Exercises for Quantum Living
90-Days to Becoming Fully Human: Free Downloads
Posted in Creativity | Leave a reply
Humble Pie
Posted on July 1, 2014
I once met a woman who was a hairdresser from Colombia. She had been in the U.S. for several
months and spoke almost no English. She smoked cigarettes and drank strong Colombian coffee
from morning till night. She worked long hours, ate little and poorly and had a host of physical
complaints related to her lifestyle. When I went to get my hair cut we would nod and smile and I
would show off my snappy command of the Spanish language by saying “Hi” and “Thank you
very much.” I once tried to ask her how she was feeling. What I actually said was something like,
“How does your bed feel?” Have you ever had a dog quizzically tilt his head and look at you with
a mixture of confusion and pity in his eyes? She gave me that very same look and I quickly
decided to stick to nodding and smiling, frequently and broadly.
She was a pleasant woman and I was somehow drawn to know more about her. I remember my
ego subtly nagging me that there was no sense in getting to know her because (and now ego
seized memory and the moment to support its argument) I shouldn’t be around smokers or people
who abuse themselves by overworking and poor diet. She knows no English, I know no Spanish,
and furthermore, she comes from a totally unfamiliar cultural and vocational background. Even if
we could communicate, what would we talk about? “After all, Frank,” my ego now kicking into
high gear, “You need to have ‘deep’ conversations to satisfy your intellectual appetite. And what
if, being from Colombia she has drug ties…
Boy, what a crock! I couldn’t believe my thoughts. It was hard to accept that they were actually
coming from me. But there they were, bold as boloney. But were those thoughts coming from
me? Nothing was coming out of that part of me that was watching. That was just innocent
observation of what the mind was thinking. Then in a flash I realized that those objections came
from my memory. Outdated thoughts from my memory were dictating my present thinking and
actions. I was both appalled and fascinated. It was like watching a car wreck in my own mind. I
couldn’t turn away. And it is a good thing I didn’t.
I continued to be split in two, as it were, simultaneously observing and thinking. The observing
“I” was never judging, never interfering with the impudent and “off to conquer the world”
shenanigans of memory “me.” Even though my mind sputtered on relentlessly, as it always had, I
felt a deep sense of benevolence; an intimate rapport with peace. I, as others have, came to call
this delicious state of inner wakefulness, Self-awareness. Later once Quantum Entrainment was
discovered I labeled this delicious state of self-surrender Eufeeling.
Several weeks later I had occasion to share a table with the Colombian hairdresser in the smoking
section of a crowded restaurant. I listened, patiently aware of Eufeeling, as my mind reeled off
the reasons I should not be in the smoking section with a smoker who didn’t speak English, and
with whom I had only my graying hair in common.
I slid into the booth and smiled the kind of goofy smile that precedes a long, awkward silence.
Then I proceeded to endure a long, awkward silence in which I truly believed I could feel my hair
growing. Finally, just before my smiling muscles turned to knotted wood, I said, in my best
Spanish, “Good water.”
“Si, in glass.”
“This is ketchup.”
“I like ketchup.”
“Si, it was red.”
… And so it went, thin slices of conversation sandwiched between thick slices of silence until the
meal ended. All the while, I observed as judgments, leftovers from my memory, continued to
jostle for dominance. Never interfering, I watched as memories bubbled up and burst on the
surface of my consciousness.
Then I realized something most remarkable. As I quietly observed a thought, erupting into
consciousness, it immediately dissipated, becoming a kind of silent energy. Memory was past
energy, trapped and stagnant. All I did was quietly observe a thought as it was released from
memory and it was liberated; prevented from recycling back and deepening attachment to the
past. As I remained awake and innocently watched the process unfold, negative thought energy
converted to a subtle healing energy. For years I had tried to win the war against negative
thoughts and all I ever had to do was…well, was nothing! Waking up and watching is effortless
and immediate. How simple, how utterly brilliant. All evening I had been dining on the Self and
as the corporeal meal was winding down, my new friend asked, “You want sweet food?”
“No thank you.” I responded, “I’m feeling deliciously full.”
Tossing the tip on the table, I felt a deep sense of calm as if everything was just as it should be. If
I had listened to the echoes from my memory, I would have been sniffing my clothes for smoke
and mentally highlighting the awkward moments that dominated an otherwise innocent
adventure. Instead I was at peace. During the months that followed I learned more about the
Colombian I broke bread with. We eventually became friends and parts of my life have been
greatly enriched because I chose to observe, rather than react to the mania of my memory.
Posted in Relationships |Leave a reply
Nothing for Me Thanks
Posted on June 24, 2014
Reflexively, my head turned toward the sound of a breaking plate, and then more slowly back to
the middle-aged woman sitting across from me. We were at a small marbled table in a trendy
café. It was an island of equanimity cluttered with mid-morning deserters from a chaotic world
that waited, like an expectant father, just beyond the glass doors.
She was a friend, visiting Sarasota for a few weeks to soak up a compassionate winter sun. We
had been catching up on each other’s lives. She told me about her children, her job and the health
issues she was dealing with. She set her cup down and when she raised her eyes they had lost the
sparkle that had played there just moments before. I waited. When she broke the silence her voice
was muted and her mood pensive.
She said with real concern, “You have said that in order to have inner peace we must lose our
hope. Hope is all I have with my diabetes. If I were to lose hope I would have nothing.”
“What is wrong with nothing?” I asked.
She looked at me in disbelief. “If I have nothing I…I lose who I am. Just thinking about it makes
me feel empty, abandoned.”
She seemed to shrink before my eyes, a kind of caving in on her self.
”Giving up hope,” She shared, “Is giving up life!”
Let’s try a little experiment, O.K.?” I encouraged her, “But you will have to trust me, do exactly
as I ask.”
She was tentative but agreed, and I asked her to close her eyes. She placed both hands on the
table, laced her fingers and let her flickering eyelids close. Behind her lids, her eyes darted about,
not willing to be seduced by the soothing darkness that now surrounded them.
I said, “Let go of your hope. Let nothing take its place. What do you feel?”
After a few uneasy seconds she protested, “I feel afraid; anxious…I am very uncomfortable. I
don’t like doing this.”
“Stay with me,” I encouraged, “Which emotion is the strongest?”
“Fear.” she said quietly.
Gently I instructed, “Instead of turning away from your fear, look at it closely. Become acutely
aware of your fear. As you watch it, it will change.”
“What is happening to your fear now that you are watching it?” I asked.
“At first it got stronger. I wanted to open my eyes.” she replied, “Now it is like a pale shadow. It
is like my awareness is the sun and the fear is burning away like fog!”
“Go on, continue observing your fear.” I encouraged.
A few moments later I noticed a change in her breathing and asked, “What do you see now?”
“Nothing.” Came her answer.
“Do you feel fear?” I asked.
“No, I feel nothing.” She repeated.
I said, “Pay attention to the nothing like you did the fear. What do you feel?”
“I feel peace, completely at peace.” She said with some surprise.
Her body was relaxed and her face glowed. Her eyelids had stopped flickering and her eyes were
at rest. They must have found what they were looking for.
I asked her to open her eyes and as she did her lips parted in a gargantuan smile. She asked,
“What just happened?”
Fear is a shadow that creates other shadows like anxiety, dread and remorse. Shadows grow
darker in the subconscious when the conscious mind turns away from them. Hope turns the mind
away from the present, where peace resides, and entices it to dwell on the future. Hope, like the
future, is an illusion. Hope, like happiness, is conditional. Peace is unconditional and always
present. Unconditional means it is free from things and ideas and emotions; free from the agony
of opposites like right and wrong, birth and death, good and bad. Nothing is also unconditional
and free from opposites. Nothing is the progenitor of peace. We don’t really fear nothing. We fear
the idea of nothing. Peace is the movie screen upon which these shadows are thrown to create the
illusion of life. Upon quiet inspection you will see through the phantom of fear, and its specter
offspring, to the peace that is radiating just beyond. Peace is always there in the background, like
a loving mother watching her child at play.
We spoke of many things that morning and the time to part came quickly. We stood up from the
table and looked around the still crowded café.
I said, “You still have diabetes, but without hope you will be at peace with it.”
My friend gave me a big smile and a bigger hug. Then we turned and stepped through the glass
doors to embrace the chaos beyond.
Video: Stop Thought Experience
Book: The Kinslow System: Your Path to Proven Success
CD: Exercises for Quantum Living
Posted in Relationships |Leave a reply
The Blue Jay Way
Posted on June 17, 2014
“A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
“Not one sparrow falls from the sky that our heavenly Father does
not know about – so much does he love the creation he made.”
~ Matt 10:29
This may seem an obvious question but have you ever noticed how nature makes you feel good?
Did you ever ask yourself why? We love to watch billowing clouds slowly transform into lions or
gnomes or a blustery Uncle Fred. The power of the ocean draws us to its shore to watch waves
tumbling over each other like playful kittens, only to surrender exhausted at our feet. We feel
more complete, somehow more human, when we acknowledge nature. How does that work?
We humans are self-imposed prisoners of concrete and steel, cut off from the vibrancy of nature.
We compensate by bringing plants and animals into our coffin like quarters, and it works, in part.
Through them we are reminded of how we were in childhood when we were most like nature.
But, what is it that nature has, or is, that we have lost?
Nature is our partner in evolution. It fluidly expresses, what we strive so hard to attain; effortless
being. A bird acts without forethought or volition. A sparrow doesn’t say, “O.K., now I’d like to
eat those berries but I’ve been gaining a little weight lately, maybe I shouldn’t. Besides, the
purple ones give me gas and …” A bird naturally eats or doesn’t eat according to its nature. An
elephant sleeps when it is time, a coyote hunts, a leopard leaps and a whale sings in perfect
cadence with the singular beating heart of creation.
Nature is a tuning fork. It resonates at the perfect pitch for human harmony. It is always
resonating, waiting for us, like a loving mother waiting for her children to return. When Nature
does enfold us in her peaceful embrace the human mind gives up its mental toys and settles into
the bliss of being purely human.
Then it happens. We prodigal sons and daughters of nature return the favor. We inspire nature to
become conscious of its own existence; a completing of the Self-awareness circuit as it were, a
reunion of Self with Self.
Several days ago I was leaving home for a meeting. I heard a rustle high in the tree overhead. My
eye was drawn to a pair of blue jays flitting along the top branches. The male led the way to the
next tree but the female hesitated as she looked at me, looking at her. She was ever watchful for
predators, twisting her neck this way then that, in jerky motions as birds in the wild must. She
cocked her head to one side for a long second and our eyes met again. This was no accident. She
dropped down a few branches and began watching me more closely. I felt a strange sense of
familiarity in her, an ancient camaraderie. I stood, neck bent, looking up into the branches. As she
descended limb by limb, a sense of peace settled over me. She was less wary now, checking for
threats only occasionally, content to calmly connect with me. By contrast her mate nervously
scanned sky and earth while pacing between branches, giving little peeps and hurried chortles.
But she remained steady on a branch now just above my upturned face. As I stood looking up,
slightly swaying, she pulled one leg up under her and fluffed out her feathers looking like a blue-
white snowman with one twig leg and two fathomless black eyes.
I don’t know how long we bathed in that communal silence, ten or fifteen minutes I suppose. I
was the one to break it off. My neck was getting stiff and besides, I was now ten or fifteen
minutes late for my appointment. I bade a silent goodbye to the jay, but what we shared could not
be left behind. Our forms could separate and resume life in our alternate and alienated worlds.
But we could not leave the silence behind; or the Knowing that had fathered it.
Walking away I turned to see if my friend was leaving too. She was, easily working her way back
through the branches to console her harried mate. He met her among the leaves of the highest
tree, scolded her lightly, looked both ways as if crossing a street, and flew beyond the roof of the
building next door. Before following, she hesitated briefly and looked back over her shoulder.
Our eyes met for the last time and stirred the still lively silence between us. Then she dropped
into space, unfolded her wings and left our world behind.
We Are All One [English/Japanese]
How Eufeeling Transforms Heart & Perceptions [English/Japanese]
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Grumbling Your Way to Enlightenment
Posted on June 12, 2014
Let me take a moment here and refresh your memory as this hierarchy is helpful in understanding
where you may be and what you are capable of. It’s comforting and even helpful to know where
you are going but the “how” of fulfilling your greatest potential is paramount. That is why you
are reading this blog. The Quantum Entrainment technique is the bridge between theory and
practical application.
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (from lowest to highest):
 Physiological: breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion
 Safety and security: body, employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property
 Love/belonging: friendship, family, sexual intimacy
 Esteem: self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others
 Self-Actualization: morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice,
acceptance of facts
You are going to love this. Along with the ascending hierarchy of needs there is also an
ascending scale of grumbling! Grumbling is a kind of low grade complaining. Basically, you
grumble when you feel something is missing or needs adjusting. Maslow says man will always
grumble. So now you can actually determine where on the scale of needs a person is by how he
verbally vents his frustrations. You can monitor your own progress as you leave the lower needs
levels behind. As your lower needs are satisfied you begin to grumble at a higher level. Isn’t that
an interesting concept? And yes, even transcenders grumble. Let’s take a look at the different
levels of grumbling.
 Low Grumbling – physiological and safety needs
 survival – food, shelter, clothes, illness, indignities, abuse, prejudice, cruelty, death
related to survival
 safety – work issues, financial issues, planning for the future, indignities, abuse,
prejudice, cruelty, related to safety
 High Grumbling – belonging and self-esteem needs
 belonging – being misunderstood or accused, racial/gender profiling, comparing you
to others
 self-esteem – dignity, self-respect, respect for others, autonomy, feelings of worth,
praise and rewards, receiving recognition for work
 Meta-Grumbling – self-actualization/transcender
 self-actualizer – inefficiencies in free flow of work, inaccuracies in information and
 transcender – need for truth, perfection, beauty, imperfection of the world, injustice
to others
It is in the last, or highest human need for self-actualization that we are most interested. What
world does a self-actualizer live in? He experiences profound moments of love, understanding,
happiness, and bliss. He feels more alive and whole and tuned into universal harmony. He
naturally values goodness and truth and fair play. He has “being” awareness realizing that
everything is perfect just as it is. Maslow calls these experiences B-values the “B” standing for
being, a sense of oneness or unboundedness. Another word for being is stillness which you are
now familiar with. You see, if you are doing QE and experiencing Eufeeling you are already
strengthening your self-actualization.
Interview: Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour
How Eufeeling Transforms Heart & Perceptions [English/Japanese]
90 Day QE Program Experience[English/Japanese]
Posted in Society |Leave a reply
What Water?
Posted on May 13, 2014
Both negativity and positivity have their place in this world. This is an absolute reality. If we
deny this reality we are living an illusion. Once we recognize how the two, the positive and the
negative work together magical things begin to happen. We will dive more deeply into that ocean
a little later in this blog. By the way, Quantum Entrainment® is very easy to do. It is far more
difficult to talk about and conceptualize than it is to actually perceive. Just remember, hundreds
of thousands of people around the globe do it every day. You can too.
Okay, back to our ocean-is-mind analogy (Blog:Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…) and the
idea that awareness of Eufeeling will give us more freedom and fulfillment. To become aware of
the different conditions of water like temperature, clarity, etc., you must first become aware of the
water itself. If you say to a fish, “Become aware of the water you are swimming in.” He will say,
“What water?” But if you pluck that fish out of the water and let him experience the air, when he
returns to the water he will certainly know it by contrast. All the different conditions of your
mind, thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions, etc., depend on Eufeeling. To become aware of
Eufeeling you must first become like the fish out of water. You must experience pure awareness.
Once you do that in just the right way you settle into the great stillness of mind much like sinking
to the very bottom of the ocean. There is an overwhelming collection of scientific research that
extols the healthful benefits, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, of this Zen-like quiet state
of mind. But we are only halfway there. The value of my discovery is realized in two ways, how
to instantly experience this great mental stillness and how to stay there even during very vigorous
activity. I know this instant access to inner stillness flies in the face of traditional teachings but
you can’t argue with results. You may have heard that it takes years of study and arduous practice
to experience no-mind, to clear the mind of thought. Up until now that has been true. However, I
have taught many thousands of people from many different cultures speaking many different
languages from many diverse educational, vocational, financial, and spiritual backgrounds and
all, with just a few minutes of direction were able to gently leave thought behind and experience
the simple joy of Eufeeling. Why? It is because awareness of Eufeeling is the birthright of every
human on this earth. Open access to this inner essence, this inner stillness from which creativity,
harmony, and healing flow is a natural extension of our humanness. It is embedded in our genetic
code. Illumined souls of every generation have taught us that it is possible. We just didn’t know
how easy it is.
Meet Frank
QE Demonstration
Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour
Eufeeling is Like a Prism Part 1
Eufeeling is Like a Prism Part 2
Eufeeling is Like a Prism Part 3
Posted in Spiritual |1 Reply
Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…
Posted on May 6, 2014
All life in an ocean is directly dependent on the conditions of the water. A cold water fish cannot
thrive in tropical waters just as a positive thought cannot thrive in a negative environment. It does
not matter how many friends the cold water fish takes along with him into tropical waters he still
will not prosper. Now, if the cold water fish were practicing positive thinking he would try and
convince himself that the warm water was actually cold. Despite what his imagination tells him,
the reality of living in warm water will continue to work against his every effort to live a
productive life. As his quality of life continues to degrade he will experience more and more
discomfort and negativity and he will have to work harder and harder to maintain the cold water
illusion. You see? Sir Walter Scott knew all about this kind of mess when he penned, “Oh what a
tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” (I know, you think I messed up and
should have given Shakespeare the credit for that quote. I used to think that too.) Who are we
deceiving? Why ourselves, of course.
Here’s the point. Negativity has value. It does no good to try and sweep it under the carpet. When
you create the illusion of positivity you miss the possibility of possibility. That’s right. While you
work hard to maintain the belief that all is right with your world you miss the possibility of
actually improving it. If our cold water fish did not practice positive thinking or become self-
involved with creating intentions of affluence, he would be left with the stark reality that he does
not fit in. This realization is his salvation and the first step on the path to tangible positivity.
Meet Frank
The Kinslow System™
Free Downloads
Posted in Personal | 3 Replies
Positive Thinking Is a Form of Denial
Posted on April 29, 2014
In our last blog we said your thoughts are like the great variety of life forms that inhabit the
ocean. Let’s step out of our ocean analogy for a moment and find out why positive thinking, as it
is presently practiced, does not work. We tend to think that negative and positive thoughts are
two different conditions of the same perception just like hot and cold are two different conditions
of water. If hot water were considered negative and cold water positive then all we have to do is
add enough cold water to the hot and it will quickly become cold. Some feel that adding enough
positive thoughts to a negative perception will turn it into a positive perception but in reality that
model does not work. Those of us who try to overpower a negative perception with positive
thoughts are deluding ourselves. It takes a great deal of energy to maintain a positive attitude in a
negative situation. It takes virtually no energy at all to perceive a positive situation. In reality a
negative perception and a positive perception are not two different conditions of the same
perception. In actuality they are two completely different perceptions. They are apples and
oranges. Trying to turn apples into oranges by combining the two only makes a mess. Trying to
convince yourself that a mess is not a mess is a form of denial that is both damaging and draining.
In later blogs we will devote a good deal more time to the fallacy that positive thinking, and the
law of attraction improves our quality of life.
Meet Frank
Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour – Finding Inner Peace with Dr. Frank Kinslow
The Kinslow System Exercises
Una nuevadirección - El ladonegativodel pensamientopositivo(Parte2)
Publicadoel 09 de octubre 2014
(Extractode CuandonadafuncionaIntentanohacer nada)
Si el pensamientopositivofueronbenignos,uncoqueteoinútilde lamente,entoncesnoseríanada
más que una pérdidade tiempofrívolo.Peroel pensamientopositivonoesbenigna.Irónicamente,
el pensamientopositivopuede tenerreacciónpsicológicanegativa.Ustedpuede sersorprendidopor
estarevelación,perocuandose comprende el mecanismoque ustedsabráque esverdadde su
superarellos.Recuerde,nuestrotrabajonoeseliminarel pensamientopositivo.Esoseríaridículo.
Nuestrotrabajoeseliminarlosefectosnegativosde laaplicaciónabusivadel pensamientopositivo.
Y para esotenemoslaherramientaperfecta.Peroantesde llegaraeso,vamosa echar un rápido
vistazoa loque otros tienenque deciracercade losefectosnegativosdel pensamientopositivo.
Un estudiorealizadoporinvestigadoresAyeletFishbachde laUniversidadde ChicagoyJinhee Choi
de Corea BusinessSchool encontróque cuandoamantenerse enfocadoensusmetas,disminuyestu
capacidadde disfrutarde loque estáhaciendo.Menossatisfacciónenel hacerse traduce enuna
disminuciónde lacapacidadparaalcanzar su meta.Se lespidióasus súbditosahacer ejercicioenun
gimnasio.Unode losgrupos se centróenel objetivo,porejemplo,correrenunacinta,mientras que
el otro grupo,sinuna metasólose centró enla experienciade lasesiónde ejercicios.El grupoque se
centróen suobjetivoteníamásentusiasmoperomenoséxitoque el grupode no-orientadoalos
objetivos.Además,el grupoorientadoaobjetivosconsideróque el ejercicioeramásde unesfuerzo
que el otro grupo.Al parecer,manteniendosuojoestáenel objetivodisminuye sucapacidadde
disfrutarde loque está haciendoeneste momento.Enesencia,ustedestáviviendounailusión
sesgadohaciaun resultadopositivoenlugarde enfrentarlarealidadactual.
Información:El KinslowSystem™
Técnica:Dejade ExperienciaPensamiento
Libro:Cuandonada funcionaIntentanohacernada
Una nuevadirección
Publicadoel 27 de agosto 2014
Hasta ahora he presentadolospreceptosbásicosdel SistemaKinslow bajolacreatividad,lasalud,
funcional firmahasidopuestoyahora eshora de que noscambiamosde dirección,omás
exactamente,ampliamosencualquieraytodaslas direcciones.Me gustaría crear unforo más
versados.Esdecirme gustaría oír lo que ustedestáinteresadoyluegodiscutiresosinteresesalaluz
del SistemaKinslow.Esosignifica,podemoscharlarsobre cualquiertemaque le hace cosquillasasu
fantasía.El valorobvioesque podemosexplorarydescubrirnuevasformasde pensaryde percibir
que tendránimpactoinmediatoennuestrasvidas.Este impactose manifestaráde muchasmaneras
diferentesenmuchosnivelesdiferentes,perosiempre paraenriquecer,nutrirymejorarlacalidad
de nuestrasvidas.
Eso quiere decir,sinembargo,que lapelota"diálogo"de vezencuandoa terminaren sucorte.
Cuandolohace, me gustaría saberde ti,tus pensamientos,sentimientosypercepcioneslanzandoel
balónhacia atrás enmi corte. Esto va a serdivertidoyemocionante,peromásque eso,tiene el
potencial paraenriquecernuestrasvidasmuchomás alláde loque hemosaceptadocomo normal,o
Así que aquí escomo funciona...voya hacercomentariossobre untemay te responderé consus
observaciones.Entoncesresponderé yte responderé,etcetcetc Nadanuevo,¿verdad?Por
supuesto,el valorreal vieneenlacalidadde nuestrainteracción.Vamosahacerque valgala pena.
¿Qué dices,vamosa empezar?
He aquí un extractode mi nuevolibroCuandonadafuncionaIntentahacernadasaldrá a la ventaa
principiosde octubre.Esuntema muycercano a mi corazón. Déjame sabercómote sientesal
respecto.Aquíva ...
[Nota:este postva a ser muchomás largopero va a sentarlasbasespara futurosblogs.Téngaloa la
mano se puede hacerreferenciaaellacon frecuencia.Voyaañadirextractosadicionalespara
apoyar nuestrodiálogocontinuo.]
El ladonegativodel pensamientopositivo
"Todo estotratandode hacer lascosas bienesuna gran parte de loque estámal."~ Oliver
¿Qué eslo que tiene lasbragasde la comunidadpseudocientíficaenungiro?¿Porqué,que serían
losefectosnegativosde pensamientopositivo.Cuandohablande pensamientopositivo,yyo
enfáticamenteincluyenbajoeste paraguas"leyde laatracción"defensores,muchosdanenun
fervorevangelísticocomosi estásofreciendolasclavesdeluniverso.Te hacensentircomosi todolo
que tienesque haceresencenderel pensamientopositivoylosángelesenlaaltapropagación
voluntadpétalosde rosasensucaminoa lariquezamaterial yla prosperidad.Del mismomodo,te
dicenque laleyde la atracción significa"comoaumentoscomo"ypensamientospositivospuede
atraer a losresultadospositivos.Ellosle diránque este razonamientose basaensólidosprincipios
de la física.Básicamente,dicen,laleyde laatracciónnosdice que nuestrospensamientospueden
controlarel mundomaterial.Estopuede venircomounasorpresapara muchosde ustedes,perono
hay ninguna"leyde laatracción"en lafísica o cualquierotraciencia.Todoel movimientodel
pensamientopositivoescientíficamente infundada.
El más reciente reencarnaciónde laideade que lospensamientospuedencontrolarel mundo
material sale del experimentode ladoble rendijaconocida,peromal interpretadoconfrecuenciaen
la mecánicacuántica.Este clásicoexperimentodemuestraque el resultadodel experimentose
determinaporloque mide el observador.Enpocaspalabras,si el científicoobservóunfotónde una
maneraque encontrópara ser unapartícula, y enotro se presentacomouna ola.Ahora,yo no
quieroserdemasiadotécnicoaquí,yno esenabsolutonecesarioparaalcanzarmi objetivo.Usted
puede buscarenGoogle "experimentode ladoble rendija"yaprenderlasprimerasnociones,pero
aquí estámi punto.Se podría decirque el científicocontroladosi observaunapartículao una onda,
perono se puede decirque "creó"la partículao la ola.El científicoaparentementeinfluyóenel
resultadodel experimentoporsuobservaciónde lamisma, peroal final él sóloestabaobservandolo
que ya se ha creado. Suobservacióndeterminósi él midióel fotóncomounapartículao una onda,
perono pudoconvertiresapartícula u ondaen unahamburguesaconquesodoble tocino.¿Veslo
que quierodecir?

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Sistema kinslow

  • 1. A New Direction – The Negative Side of Positive Thinking (Part 2) Posted on October 9, 2014 (Excerpt from When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing) If positive thinking were benign, a useless dalliance of the mind, then it would be nothing more than a frivolous waste of time. But positive thinking is not benign. Ironically, positive thinking can have negative psychological backlash. You may be surprised at this revelation, but when you understand the mechanism you will know it to be true from your own experience. Let’s take a few minutes to explore these negative effects and how we can over- come them. Remember, our job is not to eliminate positive thinking. That would be ridiculous. Our job is to eliminate the negative effects of the improper application of positive thinking. And for that we have the perfect tool. But before we get to that, let’s take a quick look at what others have to say about the negative effects of positive thinking. A study by researchers Ayelet Fishbach from the University of Chicago and Jinhee Choi from Korea Business School found that when you stay focused on your goals, you diminish your ability to enjoy what you are doing. Less satisfaction in the doing translates to a decreased ability to reach your goal. Their subjects were asked to work out in a gym. One group focused on the goal, for instance running on a treadmill, while the other group, without a goal just focused on the experience of the workout. The group that focused on their goal had more enthusiasm but less success than the non-goal-oriented group. Additionally, the goal-oriented group felt that the exercise was more of an effort than the other group. Apparently, keeping your eye is on the goal diminishes your ability to enjoy what you are doing right now. In essence you are living an illusion skewed toward a positive outcome rather than facing the present reality. Information: The Kinslow System™ Technique: Stop Thought Experience Book: When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing Posted in Science |Leave a reply A New Direction Posted on August 27, 2014 18 Up until now I have laid out the basic precepts of the Kinslow System under the creativity, health, personal, relationships, science, society, and spiritual headings. A firm philosophical/functional foundation has been laid and now it is time for us to change direction, or more accurately, expand in any and all directions. I would like to create a more conversant forum. That is I would like to hear what you are interested in and then discuss those interests in the light of the Kinslow System. That means, we can chat over any topic that tickles your fancy. The obvious value is that we can explore and discover new ways of thinking and perceiving that will have immediate impact on our lives. This impact will manifest in many different ways on many different levels but always to enrich, nurture, and improve the quality of our lives. That means, however, that the “dialogue” ball will occasionally end up in your court. When it does, I would like to hear from you, your thoughts, feelings, and insights tossing the ball back in my court. This is going to be fun and exciting but more than that it has the potential to enrich our lives far beyond what we have accepted as normal, or even exceptional. So here’s how it works… I will make comment on some issue and you will respond with your observations. Then I will respond and you will respond, etc. etc. etc. Nothing new there, right? Of
  • 2. course the real value comes in the quality of our interaction. Let’s make it worth your while. What do you say, shall we get started? Here is an excerpt from my new book When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing due for release in early October. It is a topic very near to my heart. Let me know how you feel about it. Here goes… [Note: this post will be rather lengthy but it will lay the groundwork for future blogs. Keep it handy you can refer to it often. I will add additional excerpts to support our ongoing dialogue.] The Negative Side of Positive Thinking “All this trying to make everything right is a big part of what’s wrong.” ~Oliver Berkeman What is it that has the pseudoscientific community’s panties in a twist? Why, that would be the negative effects of positive thinking. When they talk about positive thinking, and I emphatically include under this umbrella “law of attraction” advocates, many take on an evangelistic fervor as if they are offering you the keys to the universe. They make you feel as though all you have to do is switch on positive thinking and the angels on high will spread rose petals on your path to material wealth and prosperity. Likewise, they tell you that the law of attraction means “like increases like” and positive thoughts can attract to them positive outcomes. They will tell you that this reasoning is based on solid principles of physics. Basically, they say, the law of attraction is telling us that our thoughts can control the material world. This may come as a surprise to many of you, but there is no “law of attraction” in physics or any other science. The whole positive thinking movement is scientifically baseless. The most recent reincarnation of the idea that thoughts can control the material world comes out of the well-known, but frequently misinterpreted double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics. This classic experiment demonstrates that the outcome of the experiment is determined by what the observer measures. Briefly, if the scientist observed a photon in one way he found it to be a particle, and in another it presented as a wave. Now, I don’t want to get too technical here, and it’s not at all necessary in order to reach my objective. You can Google “double-slit experiment” and pick up the basics, but here’s my point. You could say that the scientist controlled whether he observed a particle or a wave, but you can’t say that he “created” the particle or the wave. The scientist seemingly influenced the outcome of the experiment by his observation of it, but in the end he was only observing what was already created. His observation determined whether he measured the photon as a particle or a wave, but he could not turn that particle or wave into a double-bacon cheeseburger. You see what I mean? To further build on this misconception, the law-of-attraction aficionado proudly announces that if a scientist can control matter with his mind on the subatomic micro level, then we can control matter on the macro level of cars and Mars and jelly jars. This is a rather huge inductive leap with no foundation in experimental investigation. The scientist of the double-slit experiment was able to observe a single subatomic particle. Materializing your dream home is infinitely more complicated then observing a single photon. Your dream home is constructed of an unimaginable number of subatomic particles which form atoms which form molecules which then form the bricks, pipes, drywall, electrical wires, aluminum siding, etc., of your dream home. Are you truly capable of observing all of these particles in just the right way so that they materialize as your dream home? If so, would you think up a brand-new Ferrari for me? I’m just covering all my bases … “No,” says the law-of-attraction believer, “it is the organizing power of the universe that does the work.” That there is order in the universe is obvious. That we can bend that power to our
  • 3. individual will has yet to be shown. There may be a greater lesson to be learned, one of observation versus control. I rather like the position of the scientist in the double-slit experiment. He is an awed observer of that universal organizing power. Isn’t that enough? From what emptiness springs our need to control every minute aspect of our world when the greatest joys afforded us have always been those spontaneous revelations of love and laughter accompanied with the realization that my world, our world, is beautiful just as it is? Obviously our ability to imagine, plan, and control is inherent and necessary to our survival. It is the earmark of a healthy human, and has assured not only our existence but ascension to the apex of the animal kingdom. But there is a second kind of control, aberrant and born of dissatisfaction, disassociation, and fear. It is normal to want to free oneself from suffering. And if that suffering continues over a long enough time, it is common for that distressed mind to seek unrealistic and even detrimental relief. The control of the contented soul is giving, playful, and life-supporting. It lacks the frenetic sense of urgency, self-absorption, and hope that pervades a soul in suffering. The good news is that the suffering soul does not need to go outside of itself to relieve its torment. In fact, it cannot find permanent relief anywhere else but within. The misdirected mind, once on track, leaves behind that impulse and finds comfort in the present, no matter how chaotic or harsh it may appear. If the positive-thinking movement is scientifically baseless, then why is it so popular? Does positive thinking work under more esoteric “cosmic” or spiritual laws beyond the reach of modern scientific reasoning? Well that certainly is the insinuation, but there is no proof of that either. So how does positive thinking work? The short answer is, it doesn’t! At least it doesn’t work the way it has been popularly presented. There is more to be gained by exposing the inadequacies of positive thinking than you might realize, and it takes only a little scratching below the surface to appreciate the real and practical benefits for ourselves. Shall we do that? Shall we throw out the useless and replace it with something practical that will actually work? Then let’s get to it. We will first look at the negative effects of positive thinking and then move on to create an actual positive perception that will … well, let’s just wait until we clear the complexities of positive thinking before we lay in our foundation for further fulfillment. We have all heard of the wonderful results of positive thinking and the law of attraction. You know, think in just the right way to create the perfect partner or win the lottery. We hear about it a lot, but how often do you think it actually happens? Well as it turns out not very often at all, certainly not enough to be statistically significant. Let’s look at it from the other side. How many times has the law of attraction been conjured up with no results? As it turns out, failure of the law of attraction way outweighs its successes. Isn’t that your own experience? In actuality the law of attraction is no more effective at manipulating our world then is mere chance or happenstance. If it did work, everyone would be doing it and we would all be living utopian lives. Why then do we hear so much about the successes of positive thinking? It’s the yellow Volkswagen phenomenon. Picture yourself driving down the road when out of the blue your passenger says, “Did you know that the day after you see a yellow Volkswagen you will receive unexpected money?” All of a sudden you see yellow Volkswagens everywhere, on the road, in parking lots, even in your dreams. Now, was it your lust for unexpected money that materialized yellow Volkswagens out of thin air? Some would say that seeing those yellow Volkswagens
  • 4. proved the law of attraction was hard at work in your favor. Or could it be that you were alerted to yellow Volkswagens and just became aware of what already existed? Remember Occam’s razor, which holds that the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is the one that is most likely to be true. Did your law of attraction positive thought wave-patterns reverberate throughout the universe inspiring yellow Volkswagen vibrations to manifest full blown and fully loaded in the left turn lane at the next stoplight? Or did your heightened Volkswagen awareness simply make you notice what had been there all along? Do you see how easily this can get out of hand? But there’s more. Reproducibility, that’s what a scientific technique is all about. By following the same instructions you must be able to duplicate what others have produced. Despite all manner of anecdotal evidence to the contrary, positive thinking, including intention work, is not reproducible. Let’s pick the most obvious example. In 2007 a book was published that guaranteed its readers that the information within would provide “an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it”. I do not like to unnecessarily point fingers so I will not name the book. That will be my “secret”. This book, based on the law of attraction, became phenomenally successful – apparently a perfect example of the author’s teachings. The author then wrote a follow-up book which, despite the notoriety of the first, was far and away less successful. Now my question is this: “Did the author have an intention for her second book to be lesssuccessful?” Do you see what I’m getting at here? Did the author, a master of the law of attraction, invoke that law to create a significantly less successful book or, despite her mastery of the law of attraction, was she unable to make it work? I’ll let you be the judge. Information: The Kinslow System™ Technique: Stop Thought Experience Book: The Kinslow System: Your Path to Proven Success Posted in Science |18 Replies Of Chimps and Chocolate Chips Posted on July 8, 2014 Are you one of those people who always pick the slowest line to stand in? I do, every time. In fact, I think all of us choose the slowest line. I have never heard anyone brag about always finding the fastest line, have you? If that were me, I’d surely let the rest of you “slow-liners” hear about it. In the grocery store checkout, I will stand aloof from the other indiscriminant line-standers and watch to see which checker looks like they got a good night’s sleep, how many carts per line and how full each cart is. I usually narrow it down to two lines and just before I’m hemmed in from behind by a less discriminate shopper, I bolt over to my second choice. Then I stand and watch as shoppers, who were back in the dairy department when I first got in line, are now gleefully stuffing their car trunks full of eggs, chocolate chip cookies, and the 2 for 1 Gummy Bear Bar-B- Q Sauce special from aisle 4. Why? Why do we abhor standing in line? Because it’s boring? Because we feel nothing is being accomplished? Because standing there, shifting from foot to foot, we realize that life is passing us by? Yes, to all three. Lines are boring, unproductive and render us impotent while we are there. Or, so it seems.
  • 5. Some people treat life as one long line. They are always trying to be where they are not. They feel they must always be doing something. The thing is, life is not a long line. Every instant is a complete life within itself. We just fail to adequately appreciate it. Here’s what I mean. Stop everything you are doing right now and ask yourself, “What, at this very moment, do I absolutely need? Unless you were taking a dip in your pool when you “stopped everything” and right now you absolutely need a life-granting gulp of air, your answer will have to be…Nothing. From moment to moment, we need only the essentials like expanding lungs and pumping heart. Beyond the basics, we have desires, not needs. Desires come not from the present. They are ignited in the memory and fanned into fury by the possibility of future fruition. We humans are unique on this earth, not because we can think, plan and communicate using language. Any garden variety chimpanzee with a middleclass upbringing can perform all three. Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor and author of Stumbling on Happiness, says that what really separates us from our furry neighbors (of the chimp variety) is our concept of time, particularly the ability to project our thoughts into the future. Humans can imagine, and imagination it turns out, is both a boon and a bane. Wielding this double edged sword, we can dream of a safe and secure future and then build toward it. Or, we can visualize the nightmares ahead and be immobilized here in the present. So what does all this have to do with the frustration of standing in a grocery store check-out line? Everything! Feeling bored, anxious, or frustrated, are symptoms of a restless imagination. We can imagine that being stuck in line will make us late for the game on TV or hold up the meeting at the ladies garden club, or both. It’s even worse if we encourage ourselves to think happy thoughts like sipping a quiet glass of wine with a good friend or fastidiously grooming our chimpanzee. As soon as we realize we are still stuck in line, the emotional storm clouds again gather overhead. The problem is not a long slow-moving line. The problem is the mind, and that is where we will find the cure. Boredom and anxiety are just symptoms of the mind dwelling in the past and/or future. So, how do we neutralize these unwanted emotions that trample all over our peace like K-Mart shoppers after the Blue Light special? Why, we do what the chimps do. We pay attention to what is right here, right now. We entice our minds into the present by paying very astute attention to the things around us. Try it. It can’t fail. Open your bag of chocolate chip cookies and taste one. I mean really taste it. Feel the crumbly-ness dissolve on your tongue and explode into a shower of sweetness, followed by the slow melting chocolate chips. Follow the swallow, all the way into your tummy. Become aware of how it makes you feel, become aware of Eufeeling. Now turn your attention to the artichoke in your cart. Appreciate it for the odd and remarkable creation it is. Rotate the stem and feel the points tickle-scratch across your palm. Smell it and see if it doesn’t remind you of musty Fritos. Become quiet and pay attention to how you feel in that silence, you Eufeeling. Pick up a banana and… Well, I think you get the idea. To neutralize the pressures of civilization we only have to become like animals. We forsake the meandering mind for the joys contained right here in the present. We become like a cat watching a mouse-hole; alert, ever watchful and absolutely alive. Paying attention is not only a cure for boredom; it is the remedy for the daily frustrations and anxieties of our lives. Once you pay attention then pay attention to how you feel. There you will feel some good feeling, some sense of wellbeing like calmness, lightness, or peace. Eufeeling is always there, always has been and always will. You need only pause long enough to recognize it. So, get up in the morning and pay attention; feel the warmth and wetness of your shower, taste the toothpaste and smell the coffee. Pay attention all day long and you will thank me by evening.
  • 6. Video: Stop Thought Experience Book: The Kinslow System: Your Path to Proven Success CD: Exercises for Quantum Living 90-Days to Becoming Fully Human: Free Downloads Posted in Creativity | Leave a reply Humble Pie Posted on July 1, 2014 I once met a woman who was a hairdresser from Colombia. She had been in the U.S. for several months and spoke almost no English. She smoked cigarettes and drank strong Colombian coffee from morning till night. She worked long hours, ate little and poorly and had a host of physical complaints related to her lifestyle. When I went to get my hair cut we would nod and smile and I would show off my snappy command of the Spanish language by saying “Hi” and “Thank you very much.” I once tried to ask her how she was feeling. What I actually said was something like, “How does your bed feel?” Have you ever had a dog quizzically tilt his head and look at you with a mixture of confusion and pity in his eyes? She gave me that very same look and I quickly decided to stick to nodding and smiling, frequently and broadly. She was a pleasant woman and I was somehow drawn to know more about her. I remember my ego subtly nagging me that there was no sense in getting to know her because (and now ego seized memory and the moment to support its argument) I shouldn’t be around smokers or people who abuse themselves by overworking and poor diet. She knows no English, I know no Spanish, and furthermore, she comes from a totally unfamiliar cultural and vocational background. Even if we could communicate, what would we talk about? “After all, Frank,” my ego now kicking into high gear, “You need to have ‘deep’ conversations to satisfy your intellectual appetite. And what if, being from Colombia she has drug ties… Boy, what a crock! I couldn’t believe my thoughts. It was hard to accept that they were actually coming from me. But there they were, bold as boloney. But were those thoughts coming from me? Nothing was coming out of that part of me that was watching. That was just innocent observation of what the mind was thinking. Then in a flash I realized that those objections came from my memory. Outdated thoughts from my memory were dictating my present thinking and actions. I was both appalled and fascinated. It was like watching a car wreck in my own mind. I couldn’t turn away. And it is a good thing I didn’t. I continued to be split in two, as it were, simultaneously observing and thinking. The observing “I” was never judging, never interfering with the impudent and “off to conquer the world” shenanigans of memory “me.” Even though my mind sputtered on relentlessly, as it always had, I felt a deep sense of benevolence; an intimate rapport with peace. I, as others have, came to call this delicious state of inner wakefulness, Self-awareness. Later once Quantum Entrainment was discovered I labeled this delicious state of self-surrender Eufeeling. Several weeks later I had occasion to share a table with the Colombian hairdresser in the smoking section of a crowded restaurant. I listened, patiently aware of Eufeeling, as my mind reeled off the reasons I should not be in the smoking section with a smoker who didn’t speak English, and with whom I had only my graying hair in common. I slid into the booth and smiled the kind of goofy smile that precedes a long, awkward silence. Then I proceeded to endure a long, awkward silence in which I truly believed I could feel my hair growing. Finally, just before my smiling muscles turned to knotted wood, I said, in my best Spanish, “Good water.”
  • 7. “Si, in glass.” “This is ketchup.” “Si.” “I like ketchup.” “Si, it was red.” … And so it went, thin slices of conversation sandwiched between thick slices of silence until the meal ended. All the while, I observed as judgments, leftovers from my memory, continued to jostle for dominance. Never interfering, I watched as memories bubbled up and burst on the surface of my consciousness. Then I realized something most remarkable. As I quietly observed a thought, erupting into consciousness, it immediately dissipated, becoming a kind of silent energy. Memory was past energy, trapped and stagnant. All I did was quietly observe a thought as it was released from memory and it was liberated; prevented from recycling back and deepening attachment to the past. As I remained awake and innocently watched the process unfold, negative thought energy converted to a subtle healing energy. For years I had tried to win the war against negative thoughts and all I ever had to do was…well, was nothing! Waking up and watching is effortless and immediate. How simple, how utterly brilliant. All evening I had been dining on the Self and as the corporeal meal was winding down, my new friend asked, “You want sweet food?” “No thank you.” I responded, “I’m feeling deliciously full.” Tossing the tip on the table, I felt a deep sense of calm as if everything was just as it should be. If I had listened to the echoes from my memory, I would have been sniffing my clothes for smoke and mentally highlighting the awkward moments that dominated an otherwise innocent adventure. Instead I was at peace. During the months that followed I learned more about the Colombian I broke bread with. We eventually became friends and parts of my life have been greatly enriched because I chose to observe, rather than react to the mania of my memory. Posted in Relationships |Leave a reply Nothing for Me Thanks Posted on June 24, 2014 Reflexively, my head turned toward the sound of a breaking plate, and then more slowly back to the middle-aged woman sitting across from me. We were at a small marbled table in a trendy café. It was an island of equanimity cluttered with mid-morning deserters from a chaotic world that waited, like an expectant father, just beyond the glass doors. She was a friend, visiting Sarasota for a few weeks to soak up a compassionate winter sun. We had been catching up on each other’s lives. She told me about her children, her job and the health issues she was dealing with. She set her cup down and when she raised her eyes they had lost the sparkle that had played there just moments before. I waited. When she broke the silence her voice was muted and her mood pensive.
  • 8. She said with real concern, “You have said that in order to have inner peace we must lose our hope. Hope is all I have with my diabetes. If I were to lose hope I would have nothing.” “What is wrong with nothing?” I asked. She looked at me in disbelief. “If I have nothing I…I lose who I am. Just thinking about it makes me feel empty, abandoned.” She seemed to shrink before my eyes, a kind of caving in on her self. ”Giving up hope,” She shared, “Is giving up life!” Let’s try a little experiment, O.K.?” I encouraged her, “But you will have to trust me, do exactly as I ask.” She was tentative but agreed, and I asked her to close her eyes. She placed both hands on the table, laced her fingers and let her flickering eyelids close. Behind her lids, her eyes darted about, not willing to be seduced by the soothing darkness that now surrounded them. I said, “Let go of your hope. Let nothing take its place. What do you feel?” After a few uneasy seconds she protested, “I feel afraid; anxious…I am very uncomfortable. I don’t like doing this.” “Stay with me,” I encouraged, “Which emotion is the strongest?” “Fear.” she said quietly. Gently I instructed, “Instead of turning away from your fear, look at it closely. Become acutely aware of your fear. As you watch it, it will change.” “What is happening to your fear now that you are watching it?” I asked. “At first it got stronger. I wanted to open my eyes.” she replied, “Now it is like a pale shadow. It is like my awareness is the sun and the fear is burning away like fog!” “Go on, continue observing your fear.” I encouraged. A few moments later I noticed a change in her breathing and asked, “What do you see now?” “Nothing.” Came her answer. “Do you feel fear?” I asked.
  • 9. “No, I feel nothing.” She repeated. I said, “Pay attention to the nothing like you did the fear. What do you feel?” “I feel peace, completely at peace.” She said with some surprise. Her body was relaxed and her face glowed. Her eyelids had stopped flickering and her eyes were at rest. They must have found what they were looking for. I asked her to open her eyes and as she did her lips parted in a gargantuan smile. She asked, “What just happened?” Fear is a shadow that creates other shadows like anxiety, dread and remorse. Shadows grow darker in the subconscious when the conscious mind turns away from them. Hope turns the mind away from the present, where peace resides, and entices it to dwell on the future. Hope, like the future, is an illusion. Hope, like happiness, is conditional. Peace is unconditional and always present. Unconditional means it is free from things and ideas and emotions; free from the agony of opposites like right and wrong, birth and death, good and bad. Nothing is also unconditional and free from opposites. Nothing is the progenitor of peace. We don’t really fear nothing. We fear the idea of nothing. Peace is the movie screen upon which these shadows are thrown to create the illusion of life. Upon quiet inspection you will see through the phantom of fear, and its specter offspring, to the peace that is radiating just beyond. Peace is always there in the background, like a loving mother watching her child at play. We spoke of many things that morning and the time to part came quickly. We stood up from the table and looked around the still crowded café. I said, “You still have diabetes, but without hope you will be at peace with it.” My friend gave me a big smile and a bigger hug. Then we turned and stepped through the glass doors to embrace the chaos beyond. Video: Stop Thought Experience Book: The Kinslow System: Your Path to Proven Success CD: Exercises for Quantum Living Posted in Relationships |Leave a reply The Blue Jay Way Posted on June 17, 2014 “A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.” ~ Eckhart Tolle “Not one sparrow falls from the sky that our heavenly Father does not know about – so much does he love the creation he made.” ~ Matt 10:29 This may seem an obvious question but have you ever noticed how nature makes you feel good? Did you ever ask yourself why? We love to watch billowing clouds slowly transform into lions or
  • 10. gnomes or a blustery Uncle Fred. The power of the ocean draws us to its shore to watch waves tumbling over each other like playful kittens, only to surrender exhausted at our feet. We feel more complete, somehow more human, when we acknowledge nature. How does that work? We humans are self-imposed prisoners of concrete and steel, cut off from the vibrancy of nature. We compensate by bringing plants and animals into our coffin like quarters, and it works, in part. Through them we are reminded of how we were in childhood when we were most like nature. But, what is it that nature has, or is, that we have lost? Nature is our partner in evolution. It fluidly expresses, what we strive so hard to attain; effortless being. A bird acts without forethought or volition. A sparrow doesn’t say, “O.K., now I’d like to eat those berries but I’ve been gaining a little weight lately, maybe I shouldn’t. Besides, the purple ones give me gas and …” A bird naturally eats or doesn’t eat according to its nature. An elephant sleeps when it is time, a coyote hunts, a leopard leaps and a whale sings in perfect cadence with the singular beating heart of creation. Nature is a tuning fork. It resonates at the perfect pitch for human harmony. It is always resonating, waiting for us, like a loving mother waiting for her children to return. When Nature does enfold us in her peaceful embrace the human mind gives up its mental toys and settles into the bliss of being purely human. Then it happens. We prodigal sons and daughters of nature return the favor. We inspire nature to become conscious of its own existence; a completing of the Self-awareness circuit as it were, a reunion of Self with Self. Several days ago I was leaving home for a meeting. I heard a rustle high in the tree overhead. My eye was drawn to a pair of blue jays flitting along the top branches. The male led the way to the next tree but the female hesitated as she looked at me, looking at her. She was ever watchful for predators, twisting her neck this way then that, in jerky motions as birds in the wild must. She cocked her head to one side for a long second and our eyes met again. This was no accident. She dropped down a few branches and began watching me more closely. I felt a strange sense of familiarity in her, an ancient camaraderie. I stood, neck bent, looking up into the branches. As she descended limb by limb, a sense of peace settled over me. She was less wary now, checking for threats only occasionally, content to calmly connect with me. By contrast her mate nervously scanned sky and earth while pacing between branches, giving little peeps and hurried chortles. But she remained steady on a branch now just above my upturned face. As I stood looking up, slightly swaying, she pulled one leg up under her and fluffed out her feathers looking like a blue- white snowman with one twig leg and two fathomless black eyes. I don’t know how long we bathed in that communal silence, ten or fifteen minutes I suppose. I was the one to break it off. My neck was getting stiff and besides, I was now ten or fifteen minutes late for my appointment. I bade a silent goodbye to the jay, but what we shared could not be left behind. Our forms could separate and resume life in our alternate and alienated worlds. But we could not leave the silence behind; or the Knowing that had fathered it. Walking away I turned to see if my friend was leaving too. She was, easily working her way back through the branches to console her harried mate. He met her among the leaves of the highest tree, scolded her lightly, looked both ways as if crossing a street, and flew beyond the roof of the building next door. Before following, she hesitated briefly and looked back over her shoulder.
  • 11. Our eyes met for the last time and stirred the still lively silence between us. Then she dropped into space, unfolded her wings and left our world behind. We Are All One [English/Japanese] How Eufeeling Transforms Heart & Perceptions [English/Japanese] Posted in Society |Leave a reply Grumbling Your Way to Enlightenment Posted on June 12, 2014 Let me take a moment here and refresh your memory as this hierarchy is helpful in understanding where you may be and what you are capable of. It’s comforting and even helpful to know where you are going but the “how” of fulfilling your greatest potential is paramount. That is why you are reading this blog. The Quantum Entrainment technique is the bridge between theory and practical application. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (from lowest to highest):  Physiological: breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion  Safety and security: body, employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property  Love/belonging: friendship, family, sexual intimacy  Esteem: self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others  Self-Actualization: morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts You are going to love this. Along with the ascending hierarchy of needs there is also an ascending scale of grumbling! Grumbling is a kind of low grade complaining. Basically, you grumble when you feel something is missing or needs adjusting. Maslow says man will always grumble. So now you can actually determine where on the scale of needs a person is by how he verbally vents his frustrations. You can monitor your own progress as you leave the lower needs levels behind. As your lower needs are satisfied you begin to grumble at a higher level. Isn’t that an interesting concept? And yes, even transcenders grumble. Let’s take a look at the different levels of grumbling.  Low Grumbling – physiological and safety needs  survival – food, shelter, clothes, illness, indignities, abuse, prejudice, cruelty, death related to survival  safety – work issues, financial issues, planning for the future, indignities, abuse, prejudice, cruelty, related to safety  High Grumbling – belonging and self-esteem needs  belonging – being misunderstood or accused, racial/gender profiling, comparing you to others  self-esteem – dignity, self-respect, respect for others, autonomy, feelings of worth, praise and rewards, receiving recognition for work  Meta-Grumbling – self-actualization/transcender  self-actualizer – inefficiencies in free flow of work, inaccuracies in information and communication  transcender – need for truth, perfection, beauty, imperfection of the world, injustice to others It is in the last, or highest human need for self-actualization that we are most interested. What world does a self-actualizer live in? He experiences profound moments of love, understanding, happiness, and bliss. He feels more alive and whole and tuned into universal harmony. He naturally values goodness and truth and fair play. He has “being” awareness realizing that everything is perfect just as it is. Maslow calls these experiences B-values the “B” standing for being, a sense of oneness or unboundedness. Another word for being is stillness which you are
  • 12. now familiar with. You see, if you are doing QE and experiencing Eufeeling you are already strengthening your self-actualization. Interview: Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour How Eufeeling Transforms Heart & Perceptions [English/Japanese] 90 Day QE Program Experience[English/Japanese] Posted in Society |Leave a reply What Water? Posted on May 13, 2014 1 Both negativity and positivity have their place in this world. This is an absolute reality. If we deny this reality we are living an illusion. Once we recognize how the two, the positive and the negative work together magical things begin to happen. We will dive more deeply into that ocean a little later in this blog. By the way, Quantum Entrainment® is very easy to do. It is far more difficult to talk about and conceptualize than it is to actually perceive. Just remember, hundreds of thousands of people around the globe do it every day. You can too. Okay, back to our ocean-is-mind analogy (Blog:Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…) and the idea that awareness of Eufeeling will give us more freedom and fulfillment. To become aware of the different conditions of water like temperature, clarity, etc., you must first become aware of the water itself. If you say to a fish, “Become aware of the water you are swimming in.” He will say, “What water?” But if you pluck that fish out of the water and let him experience the air, when he returns to the water he will certainly know it by contrast. All the different conditions of your mind, thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions, etc., depend on Eufeeling. To become aware of Eufeeling you must first become like the fish out of water. You must experience pure awareness. Once you do that in just the right way you settle into the great stillness of mind much like sinking to the very bottom of the ocean. There is an overwhelming collection of scientific research that extols the healthful benefits, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, of this Zen-like quiet state of mind. But we are only halfway there. The value of my discovery is realized in two ways, how to instantly experience this great mental stillness and how to stay there even during very vigorous activity. I know this instant access to inner stillness flies in the face of traditional teachings but you can’t argue with results. You may have heard that it takes years of study and arduous practice to experience no-mind, to clear the mind of thought. Up until now that has been true. However, I have taught many thousands of people from many different cultures speaking many different languages from many diverse educational, vocational, financial, and spiritual backgrounds and all, with just a few minutes of direction were able to gently leave thought behind and experience the simple joy of Eufeeling. Why? It is because awareness of Eufeeling is the birthright of every human on this earth. Open access to this inner essence, this inner stillness from which creativity, harmony, and healing flow is a natural extension of our humanness. It is embedded in our genetic code. Illumined souls of every generation have taught us that it is possible. We just didn’t know how easy it is. Meet Frank QE Demonstration Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour Eufeeling is Like a Prism Part 1 Eufeeling is Like a Prism Part 2 Eufeeling is Like a Prism Part 3 Posted in Spiritual |1 Reply Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…
  • 13. Posted on May 6, 2014 3 All life in an ocean is directly dependent on the conditions of the water. A cold water fish cannot thrive in tropical waters just as a positive thought cannot thrive in a negative environment. It does not matter how many friends the cold water fish takes along with him into tropical waters he still will not prosper. Now, if the cold water fish were practicing positive thinking he would try and convince himself that the warm water was actually cold. Despite what his imagination tells him, the reality of living in warm water will continue to work against his every effort to live a productive life. As his quality of life continues to degrade he will experience more and more discomfort and negativity and he will have to work harder and harder to maintain the cold water illusion. You see? Sir Walter Scott knew all about this kind of mess when he penned, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” (I know, you think I messed up and should have given Shakespeare the credit for that quote. I used to think that too.) Who are we deceiving? Why ourselves, of course. Here’s the point. Negativity has value. It does no good to try and sweep it under the carpet. When you create the illusion of positivity you miss the possibility of possibility. That’s right. While you work hard to maintain the belief that all is right with your world you miss the possibility of actually improving it. If our cold water fish did not practice positive thinking or become self- involved with creating intentions of affluence, he would be left with the stark reality that he does not fit in. This realization is his salvation and the first step on the path to tangible positivity. Meet Frank The Kinslow System™ Free Downloads Posted in Personal | 3 Replies Positive Thinking Is a Form of Denial Posted on April 29, 2014 4 In our last blog we said your thoughts are like the great variety of life forms that inhabit the ocean. Let’s step out of our ocean analogy for a moment and find out why positive thinking, as it is presently practiced, does not work. We tend to think that negative and positive thoughts are two different conditions of the same perception just like hot and cold are two different conditions of water. If hot water were considered negative and cold water positive then all we have to do is add enough cold water to the hot and it will quickly become cold. Some feel that adding enough positive thoughts to a negative perception will turn it into a positive perception but in reality that model does not work. Those of us who try to overpower a negative perception with positive thoughts are deluding ourselves. It takes a great deal of energy to maintain a positive attitude in a negative situation. It takes virtually no energy at all to perceive a positive situation. In reality a negative perception and a positive perception are not two different conditions of the same perception. In actuality they are two completely different perceptions. They are apples and oranges. Trying to turn apples into oranges by combining the two only makes a mess. Trying to convince yourself that a mess is not a mess is a form of denial that is both damaging and draining. In later blogs we will devote a good deal more time to the fallacy that positive thinking, and the law of attraction improves our quality of life. Meet Frank Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour – Finding Inner Peace with Dr. Frank Kinslow The Kinslow System Exercises
  • 14. Una nuevadirección - El ladonegativodel pensamientopositivo(Parte2) Publicadoel 09 de octubre 2014 (Extractode CuandonadafuncionaIntentanohacer nada) Si el pensamientopositivofueronbenignos,uncoqueteoinútilde lamente,entoncesnoseríanada más que una pérdidade tiempofrívolo.Peroel pensamientopositivonoesbenigna.Irónicamente, el pensamientopositivopuede tenerreacciónpsicológicanegativa.Ustedpuede sersorprendidopor estarevelación,perocuandose comprende el mecanismoque ustedsabráque esverdadde su propiaexperiencia.Tomemosunosminutosparaexplorarestosefectosnegativosycómopodemos superarellos.Recuerde,nuestrotrabajonoeseliminarel pensamientopositivo.Esoseríaridículo. Nuestrotrabajoeseliminarlosefectosnegativosde laaplicaciónabusivadel pensamientopositivo. Y para esotenemoslaherramientaperfecta.Peroantesde llegaraeso,vamosa echar un rápido vistazoa loque otros tienenque deciracercade losefectosnegativosdel pensamientopositivo. Un estudiorealizadoporinvestigadoresAyeletFishbachde laUniversidadde ChicagoyJinhee Choi de Corea BusinessSchool encontróque cuandoamantenerse enfocadoensusmetas,disminuyestu capacidadde disfrutarde loque estáhaciendo.Menossatisfacciónenel hacerse traduce enuna disminuciónde lacapacidadparaalcanzar su meta.Se lespidióasus súbditosahacer ejercicioenun gimnasio.Unode losgrupos se centróenel objetivo,porejemplo,correrenunacinta,mientras que el otro grupo,sinuna metasólose centró enla experienciade lasesiónde ejercicios.El grupoque se centróen suobjetivoteníamásentusiasmoperomenoséxitoque el grupode no-orientadoalos objetivos.Además,el grupoorientadoaobjetivosconsideróque el ejercicioeramásde unesfuerzo que el otro grupo.Al parecer,manteniendosuojoestáenel objetivodisminuye sucapacidadde disfrutarde loque está haciendoeneste momento.Enesencia,ustedestáviviendounailusión sesgadohaciaun resultadopositivoenlugarde enfrentarlarealidadactual. Información:El KinslowSystem™ Técnica:Dejade ExperienciaPensamiento Libro:Cuandonada funcionaIntentanohacernada PublicadoenCiencia|Dejaunarespuesta Una nuevadirección Publicadoel 27 de agosto 2014 18 Hasta ahora he presentadolospreceptosbásicosdel SistemaKinslow bajolacreatividad,lasalud, personal,lasrelaciones,laciencia,lasociedadylaspartidasespirituales.Unfundamentofilosófico/ funcional firmahasidopuestoyahora eshora de que noscambiamosde dirección,omás exactamente,ampliamosencualquieraytodaslas direcciones.Me gustaría crear unforo más
  • 15. versados.Esdecirme gustaría oír lo que ustedestáinteresadoyluegodiscutiresosinteresesalaluz del SistemaKinslow.Esosignifica,podemoscharlarsobre cualquiertemaque le hace cosquillasasu fantasía.El valorobvioesque podemosexplorarydescubrirnuevasformasde pensaryde percibir que tendránimpactoinmediatoennuestrasvidas.Este impactose manifestaráde muchasmaneras diferentesenmuchosnivelesdiferentes,perosiempre paraenriquecer,nutrirymejorarlacalidad de nuestrasvidas. Eso quiere decir,sinembargo,que lapelota"diálogo"de vezencuandoa terminaren sucorte. Cuandolohace, me gustaría saberde ti,tus pensamientos,sentimientosypercepcioneslanzandoel balónhacia atrás enmi corte. Esto va a serdivertidoyemocionante,peromásque eso,tiene el potencial paraenriquecernuestrasvidasmuchomás alláde loque hemosaceptadocomo normal,o inclusoexcepcional. Así que aquí escomo funciona...voya hacercomentariossobre untemay te responderé consus observaciones.Entoncesresponderé yte responderé,etcetcetc Nadanuevo,¿verdad?Por supuesto,el valorreal vieneenlacalidadde nuestrainteracción.Vamosahacerque valgala pena. ¿Qué dices,vamosa empezar? He aquí un extractode mi nuevolibroCuandonadafuncionaIntentahacernadasaldrá a la ventaa principiosde octubre.Esuntema muycercano a mi corazón. Déjame sabercómote sientesal respecto.Aquíva ... [Nota:este postva a ser muchomás largopero va a sentarlasbasespara futurosblogs.Téngaloa la mano se puede hacerreferenciaaellacon frecuencia.Voyaañadirextractosadicionalespara apoyar nuestrodiálogocontinuo.] El ladonegativodel pensamientopositivo "Todo estotratandode hacer lascosas bienesuna gran parte de loque estámal."~ Oliver Berkeman ¿Qué eslo que tiene lasbragasde la comunidadpseudocientíficaenungiro?¿Porqué,que serían losefectosnegativosde pensamientopositivo.Cuandohablande pensamientopositivo,yyo enfáticamenteincluyenbajoeste paraguas"leyde laatracción"defensores,muchosdanenun fervorevangelísticocomosi estásofreciendolasclavesdeluniverso.Te hacensentircomosi todolo que tienesque haceresencenderel pensamientopositivoylosángelesenlaaltapropagación voluntadpétalosde rosasensucaminoa lariquezamaterial yla prosperidad.Del mismomodo,te dicenque laleyde la atracción significa"comoaumentoscomo"ypensamientospositivospuede atraer a losresultadospositivos.Ellosle diránque este razonamientose basaensólidosprincipios de la física.Básicamente,dicen,laleyde laatracciónnosdice que nuestrospensamientospueden controlarel mundomaterial.Estopuede venircomounasorpresapara muchosde ustedes,perono hay ninguna"leyde laatracción"en lafísica o cualquierotraciencia.Todoel movimientodel pensamientopositivoescientíficamente infundada. El más reciente reencarnaciónde laideade que lospensamientospuedencontrolarel mundo material sale del experimentode ladoble rendijaconocida,peromal interpretadoconfrecuenciaen la mecánicacuántica.Este clásicoexperimentodemuestraque el resultadodel experimentose determinaporloque mide el observador.Enpocaspalabras,si el científicoobservóunfotónde una
  • 16. maneraque encontrópara ser unapartícula, y enotro se presentacomouna ola.Ahora,yo no quieroserdemasiadotécnicoaquí,yno esenabsolutonecesarioparaalcanzarmi objetivo.Usted puede buscarenGoogle "experimentode ladoble rendija"yaprenderlasprimerasnociones,pero aquí estámi punto.Se podría decirque el científicocontroladosi observaunapartículao una onda, perono se puede decirque "creó"la partículao la ola.El científicoaparentementeinfluyóenel resultadodel experimentoporsuobservaciónde lamisma, peroal final él sóloestabaobservandolo que ya se ha creado. Suobservacióndeterminósi él midióel fotóncomounapartículao una onda, perono pudoconvertiresapartícula u ondaen unahamburguesaconquesodoble tocino.¿Veslo que quierodecir?