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Should The U.S Develop Multilingual Education?
Learning a new language is not an easy thing for a lot of people,
and developing a new language
education is neither not an easy thing for a country. Even
though develop multi-lingual education is a great
challenge for most of countries in the world, it will still be
necessary to do that if a country want to become
stronger and more competitive in the world in the trend that
different countries connect closely with each other.
For example, a lot of commercial products in the United States
are made in China, Vietnam and so on. And
lots of advanced technologies, ideas and theories from the
developed countries have been introducing into the
developing countries. In this situation, it is known that language
is a good way for countries to benefit each
other. Without language, the world will not be able to develop
in such a fast speed. Even if it is all known how
important multilingual education is, most of the countries in the
world are still in lack of enough multi-lingual
education to millennial. It seems not hurtful to lack enough
multi-lingual education; actually, lacking multi-
lingual education may lead to some problems to the world. For
example, lacking multi-lingual education may
lead to a lot of cultural misunderstandings among the people
coming from different cultural background: Most
of Chinese students have a misunderstanding to the U.S high
school culture, that is, they think that U.S high
school students all lead a luxurious life with a lot of money,
parties and fun. They do not need to worry about
their study because Chinese students think that U.S students can
always get into “IVY” schools anyway. In the
meanwhile, the U.S students may also have some cultural
misunderstandings to China. Some U.S young people
think that China is now still an old and run-down country
without any modern development. Some other people
think that China now is development into an amazingly strong
country but in the meantime is becoming a
horrible threat to the western developed countries including the
United States, the United Kingdom and so on.
Both of these ideas are not right. In fact, China is an amazing
modern country under peaceful rising. In this
situation, it is more necessary for countries to develop multi-
lingual education for their young generation.
There are two major misunderstandings to China in the United
States. One is that a lot of young
people are still staying in the image of “old China”. Another
misunderstanding is that lots of other U.S young
people firmly believe that China is becoming a big threat to the
western countries with the amazing
development outcomes and facts. In the meantime, the major
misunderstanding to the United States in China
is that Chinese young people think that the United States
students all leading a really comfortable life without
the worries of financial situation and education because most of
Chinese students think that they can still get
into good schools to get high-quality education for free. In this
tightly connecting environment, there is still a
long way for countries to go to get more understanding with
each other, and the key to learn more about each
other correctly is to develop multi-lingual education to access
more accurate and up-to-dated information of
each other so that millennial may have more their own
understandings to different culture and social issues.
Some people may say it is unreasonable that young people
cannot get enough information in such an
information explosive era. It is no doubt that young people have
several different ways to get information about
everything. However, it is not guaranteed that all the
information millennial get via these ways from a huge
information pool is correct and accurate. For example, a lot of
information from various cultures that millennial
get is from the their local social media in their own language.
The indirect information has been translated into
local language with other people’s personal understandings.
These personal understandings may not be fair
and objective, and some of them may have some personal
emotion and prejudice. These personal emotions and
prejudice might influent the individual values and independent
judgment of millennial. Also, some the U.S
schools are still using out-of–dated textbooks for their general
education, especially history classes and politics
classes. Actually, there may be some errors and misleading
information existed on these textbooks. For
example, some of the pictures of China on the U.S textbooks
were taken about 100 years ago. These pictures
are definitely showing “China”, but they mostly show how
China looks more 100 years ago. In fact, China has
been developing into an amazing modern country over these 100
years. What China looks like is totally
different from what show on the out-of-dated pictures. In this
situation, the millennial have known Chinese, it
is really easy for them to collect information and do some
researches about what they want to know about
China by themselves instead of following exactly what their
local social medias and books say.
Some people may say that developing multi-lingual education is
not useful for the United States
because most of U.S citizens never go to the other countries all
their life long and they do not care if they know
the facts and truth about the other countries at all. (……)
In the modern world, the majority of works in art field and
popular culture are mostly expressed by
the corresponding native language, and rarely developed and
translated into other languages. These expressions
are including listening to a song, reading a classic novel,
watching a movie. In this situation, multilingual
people always have the advantage of getting the understanding
of their original form and obtain correct details
and information to the works. Many of the people have a
common belief, that is, being s bilingual person, or
even a multilingual person, can help communicate when
people’s are traveling, especially young people.
“When languages share similar words and patterns, it's easier to
apply people’s own knowledge of one language
to another and thus make their own way around certain regions
of the world. Nowadays, people live in an
increasingly globalized world where many cultural subtleties
can slip through the cracks as people are trying
to understand past each other's different dialects. Allowing the
young generation to be immersed in another
language means opening the door to an entirely new culture and
way of viewing the world” (Gabriela, 2014).
With the more accurate and deeper understandings to each
other’s culture in international community, people
can be more confident to face and understanding the challenges,
information and purposes from the foreign
communities. In the meantime, a lot of misunderstandings,
disputes and wars may be avoided with fully
understanding and discussion with each other.
Besides, a successful multi-lingual education is helpful to
reduce cultural shock and diversify the
experience of cross-cultural communication among peoples in
the world. They may have a chance to actively
cooperate in all spheres of life and benefit to each other.
Developing a multi-lingual education is not only for
increasing the understanding to people and countries with
various cultural and language background, but also
be beneficial for the formation of cultural and interethnic
relations between students in a multicultural
educational environment of higher education institution. In a
world, developing multi-lingual education in the
United States is good for the U.S millennial to enrich historical,
mortal and cultural level because language is
good tool to get understandings to culture, and learning a
culture, such as reading a book and see a movie, is a
wonderful way to understand and master the language. Some
researches have shown that familiarizing with
the cultural heritage, the student learns the experience of many
generations, and perhaps, of the whole mankind
(Yusupova, 2015). Overall, developing multi-lingual education
is a perfect way to learn and understand the
history, politics and society and so on of foreign countries, and
these history, politics and society are the
reflection of the wisdom, experience and thoughts of this
specific country. It is worth for the U.S. to understand
these correctly and accurately with the tool of language, and
learning these wisdom, experience and thoughts,
and applying to benefit the country.
After knowing that developing multi-lingual education is very
important, some good ways should
be applied by the United States government, schools and parents
to efficiently help millennial better learn and
apply a foreign language. In the meantime, there are many
factors and conditions that have effects on multi-
lingual education, such as policies of the government and
school, the guidance from schools, the methods of
teaching a new language, the available language resources and
the motivation of the young generation to learn
a new language.
Motivation is the key for people to do things well, especially
learning a new language. Multi-
language learning motivation is greatly important for young
foreign people because it can not only attract their
interest of learning a specific language, but also improve
learning outcomes of them. There can be a variety of
reason why young people choose to learn a new language, but
there must be some attractions on the target
languages including culture. K-POP from South Korea is a well-
known popular culture in the world. This
culture attracts a lot of U.S young people to learn their language
because they like K-POP culture, and they
desire to understand more about what they like with their own
understanding to this kind of culture. These
young people also want to know about the countries where this
amazingly good culture comes from. However,
their own country usually has limited access to fair and useful
resource and material. In this situation, these
young people would have great motivation to learn a new
language to know more about the culture.
It is annoying that there is no way to get a instant answer to
their questions when people have some
questions on the way of learning a language. “For this
Supporting students' need for relatedness is claimed to
enhance behaviors that are self-motivated and self-determined.
The affordances of tablet technologies, such as
Apple iPads, satisfy young language learners' need for
relatedness, both in classroom collaborative learning
and social interactions beyond the school settings. The key
findings of this qualitative study suggest the iPad's
potentiality for promoting language-learning motivation through
exploiting its affordances to enhance
collaborative learning and social development” (Alhity, 2015).
In conclusion, it is extremely helpful for the United States to
actively develop multi-lingual
education to benefit their people and the whole country. It is
beneficial for the young generation to have a more
understanding to cultures from the other parts of the world, and
avoiding a lot of misunderstanding. It is also
good for millennial to develop their career path under the
environment of globalization. (……)
Some of the weekly objectives:
*Recognize the marketing research process and the
environmental forces that are monitored for solid market
research delivery
*Examine the components of a marketing plan
Kotler & Keller, Chapter 2: Developing and Implementing
Marketing Strategies and Plans
Kotler & Keller, Chapter 3: Capturing Marketing Insights and
Forecasting Demand
· Articulate the principles of long-term customer relationships
Define the methods of marketing research techniques
Kotler & Keller, Chapter 4: Creating Long-term Loyalty
Anderson, "Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets"
Morse, Lululemon Athletica in 2005
*Determine the impact of market segmentation and target
Consider the potential consequences of target marketing
Kotler & Keller, Chapter 6: Identifying Market Segments and
If you need more I’ll be more than happy to provide!
Here is some background for the project: Wedding Planning
I’ve been interested in wedding planning. While searching for
wedding planners in Columbia, SC, I noticed that the pool of
planners were a little slim. Eventually, I ended up asking a
Charlotte wedding planner if she would take on the task. She’s
been so great and professional during this process, not to
mention her prices being so reasonable! Unfortunately, in
Columbia, I was unable to find anyone who met all the needs:
full-time planning, professional and affordable. And as
Columbia being my “home away from home”, I felt this would
be an opportunity for me to market my services in that area.
Before kicking things off, the first question I would want to ask
What would be your reason for hiring a wedding planner?
This answer can be the beginning of collecting pertinent
information during the research process that could help me
position myself in the market. Catering to the needs of the
majority would be helpful when it comes to branding and
marketing concepts. It is then that the marketing content can
focus on the particular niche, which, in this case, would be a
target audience made up of mostly unmarried women in their
20s and 30s. In this case, the short-term goal would include
creating my own social media websites and asking for the
support of friends/followers. The long-term goal in all of this
would be to eventually build a well-known brand with a strong
CONCEPTS covered in class:
Millennials Need To Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle
The millennial generation – which makes up those born between
1980 and 2000 - increasingly lives an unhealthy life.
“Worldwide over 42
million children under the age of five years old are overweight
or obese. (foodrevolutionday, 2015)” In the United States, thirty
percent of
the teenagers in thirty states were overweight or obese in 2009.
(Barkin, 2010) Problem is the change to a less nutritious
lifestyle but higher
consumption levels. Michelle Obama, Jamie Oliver and other
food revolutionists try to change the way children eat and what
they put in their
mouth. On the one hand, millennials grow up with the high
figures of obesity and an increase in fast food consumption,
consisting of high
amounts of sugars and fats. On the other hand, a new trend
emerged among the millennial generation called “the slow food
including a lifestyle with daily work-outs and balanced diets
including supplements of superfoods. Such a lifestyle or the
emphasize on
eating healthy as Jamie Oliver and Michelle Obama promote are
crucial to the millennial generation. In general, millennials need
to adopt a
healthy lifestyle in order to prevent getting major diseases, such
as diabetes and cancer, by staying fit and eating healthy with
the focus on
positive future results.
Life has become a lot busier nowadays with business and social
media exercised globally and the use of technology in the
world. Using computers, watching television, playing video
games, it all contributed to a more inactive lifestyle. Children
generally spend less time playing outside. Instead, they enjoy
the technological era they grew up in. Meera Senthilingam, a
writer for CNN
about health, observes that the western population has become
less active and consumes more food because of the reason that
relatively more
people moved to live in cities. She presents statistics in her
article that reflects more adults have become obese and
overweight because of an
increase in city life in western populations. Namely, the
percentage of people living in cities continues to rise from 50 to
70 worldwide in
2050. (Senthilingam, 2015) Ruth Brown, a lead researcher and
York University graduate student, points out that “10 percent of
were heavier in 2008 than in 1971, and about five per cent
heavier for a given amount of physical activity level in 2006
than in 1988." (York
University, 2015) These statistics show that the new generation
of millennials needs to concern adopting a healthier lifestyle in
order to
lower the progressive line of getting obesity, other incurable
diseases and health problems that follow from overeating or not
obtaining the
right nutritious substances.
However, the opposite of a good health and lifestyle has been
shown among children at present time. “Between 1976 and
the overweight rate for children between 6 and 17 years old was
5.7%. Between 2005 and 2006 the obesity rate was 17.2% for
boys and
15.9% for girls (Barkin, 2010).” Throughout the United States,
millennials develop obesity in their childhood that causes
problems for their
health at a later age. According to an article written by Keogh
in The Irish Times, millennials generally live a busy life and
opt for
convenience food. She presents statistics showing that over six
times per month millennials buy food or drinks on the go as
compared to 2.4
times for 48-60 year-olds. Also, 41 percent of the millennials
questioned say they are too busy to cook their own meals.
(Keogh, 2014)
Convenience foods usually have higher amounts of sugar, fat
and carbohydrates and less important minerals and vitamins.
Therefore, young
adults and parents of millennials should be alarmed that without
change in the busy and inactive lifestyle the health of
millennials will
Celebrities, such as Michelle Obama and Jamie Oliver, try to
change the way millennials eat and the way parents provide
kids food to eat at school. The First Lady has much influence in
the diets of American families since she was able to start a
campaign called Let’s Move in 2010. This government driven
campaign helps families, schools and communities to get
children on a healthy
weight and encourage them to move more. Michelle Obama’s
goal is to fight childhood obesity. She stated that the “the
physical and
emotional health of an entire generation and the economic
health and security of our nation is at stake. This isn’t the kind
of problem that
can be solved overnight, but with everyone working together, it
can be solved. So, let’s move (TheWhiteHouse, 2010).” In
order to
lower the obesity rates among children in the millennial
generation, the lifestyle of those have to be changed. Let’s
Move is one attempt
to influence all factors that could lead to children living
healthier. The campaign led to new regulation to help parents
making healthier
choices for their children. The Food and Drug Administration
adopted new labeling to help consumers make healthier choices.
T he
campaign also influenced the American Beverage Association to
start showing the amount of calories on drinks. In addition, the
American Academy of Pediatrics is educating doctors and
nurses across America about obesity. All these measures
initialized by
Michelle Obama’s campaign contribute to healthier eating by
children. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010)
A change enforced and encouraged by the government
campaign will help to avoid obesity among children nationwide
only if
more big changes will be made. Besides helping families to
make healthier choices, schools have a big influence on what
children eat
and drink. According to the White House, “many children
consume as many as half of their daily calories at school. ”
Michelle Obama provides schools breakfast and lunch programs
that say what food and drinks the students shou ld get every
day, rather
than have families and schools providing the children unhealthy
nutrition which is cheaper. In addition, “food deserts” probl
ematize the
ability for children to be raised with healthy eating habits. Food
deserts constitute neighbor hoods in the United States that have
access to affordable, quality and nutritious foods.
(TheWhiteHouse, 2010) According to statistics of the White
House, 23 million
Americans of which 6.5 million children live in these low-
income food deserts. This addresses the high figures of obesity
among young
adults. Some parts of the population cannot avoid obesity if
they do not have the money, access or education for living a hea
lifestyle. Therefore, the government has to enable communities
living in such food deserts higher quality of nutrition, such as
vegetables and whole grains, which are often too expensive for
poor families to buy and give children to take to school.
According to a
USDA report published by the White House Briefing Room in
2008, 49.1 million people in the United States are unable to live
a healthy
lifestyle since they experience hunger. For this reason, the Food
and Drug Administration expressed the goal to eliminate foo d
deserts in
seven years and invest 400 million dollars to help grocery stores
sell more healthy options for on the go. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010)
Another powerful celebrity started a campaign to get
millennials and the parents of children born around the
millennium to ea t
and cook healthier. Namely, Jamie Oliver, who started Food
Revolution, and has the similar motivation as Michelle Obama
to fight
obesity. His wish is to “educate every child about food and
inspire families to cook again (Hertsgaard, 2009).” He
acknowledges the
problem in western societies that the diet consists of more
calories, more meat consumption, and more processed food
without a
nutritional benefit. Oliver started the Kitchen Garden Project to
“empower primary school teachers to integrate growing and
cooking into
the school day (Hertsgaard, 2009).” Likewise Jamie Oliver,
Michelle Obama emphasizes cooking since “fresh food tastes
better and is
better for you, so kids and grown-ups alike should eat lots more
of it” as she states. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010)
On the flip side of the campaigns organized to change the way
western populations eat, like the United States and the UK, a
part of the millennial generation already pays more attention to
eating healthy without outside stimulus of the government or
like Oliver or Beyoncé. One trend among millennials is to get
real food by shopping at farmer’s markets, buy organic food or
products. Millennials favor knowing where food is produced
and how it is made. Besides locally produced food, organic food
and fair-
trade products, millennials grow up with gluten-free, lactose-
free and sugar-free diets.
On the one side, many people have serious food allergies.
Nadira Saleh, who has a master degree in international food
policy and
economics, has observed that people start having more food
allergies than before. She projects that in 20 years, schools will
have to provide
gluten-free, egg-free, peanut- or nut-free food or new types of
milks and yoghurts for lactose intolerant people. (Saleh, 2012)
On the other
side, more people start to think that “gluten or lactose products,
like dairy, irritates their stomach, makes people fat, or is bad
for one’s
health (MacVean, 2014).” According to an article posted in the
LA Times, the market for gluten-free products grew 44%
between 2011 and
2013, and is projected to continue to rise. (MacVean, 2014)
Saleh also writes that millennials increasingly value the
existence of protein,
healthier oils and superfoods to their diets. This reflects the rise
in consciousness for eating healthy by millennials.
Another trend millennials follow is the slow food movement.
The slow food movement entails the consciousness to combine
outs with supplements of superfoods. Superfoods are the highest
nutrient-to-calorie foods, that contain high amounts of vitamins,
and antioxidants that fight and prevent diseases.
(slowfoodnation, n.d.) Superfoods are common nutrients, like
berries, nuts, spinach,
avocado, kiwi, tomatoes, oranges, and broccoli. However,
millennials added once uncommon but now popular superfoods
to their diets, such
as wheatgrass, quinoa, chia seeds, green vegetable smoothies,
sweet potatoes and goija berries. In addition to eating
superfoods, eating
sugarless, lean and drinking smoothies or detox juices have
become a global trend the past years among millennials. For
example, Rens
Kroes - the sister of Victoria’s Secret Angel Doutzen Kroes
encourages people all over the world to eat sugarless, eat meals
including many
superfoods, and to exercise daily between thirty and ninety
minutes. Kroes is a millennial who wants to have people live a
healthier life. She
writes blog posts providing recipes and information why a
balanced life of eating right and being active is beneficial to
one’s health and
The main reasons for this emphasis on living life is that: Firstly,
you can feel happier yourself every day if you take care of
everything you do to your body. Secondly it gives the ability to
present fit to fellow men. Thirdly, millennials emphasize the
proof that living
healthy and fit throughout life increases the possibility to live
longer and prevents getting an incurable disease.
Jeff Fromm – who is a writer for and is a 25 year
experienced marketing consultant that specializes in millennial
trends - writes about the drive of millennials to work hard and
to exercise daily. He states that millennials run marathons
because of their
mindset to “live life to the fullest and take new challenges
(Fromm, 2015)” Fromm refers to a study done by Barkley and
Boston Consulting
Group, who claim that 60 percent of Millennials try to work out
on a regular basis. Fromm explains that many millennials are
intrigued by
running marathons or road races because they want to achieve,
especially in company of others. In contrast to the generation
born before the
millennials, millennials do not go for individual performances
or personal records but like to work out with a lot of people.
characteristics of millennials are thinking steps ahead into the
future, taking into consideration what one does in present time
of its life
impacts what may happen in the future. As, army recruiter Gary
Stiteler says in the article written by Joel Stein: “This
generation is three to
four steps ahead. They are coming in saying, ‘I want to do this,
then when I’m done with this, I want to do this.” In addition,
Joel Stein
observes in his article that the New Generation of millennials
seeks new experiences constantly. (Stein, 2013) These
characteristics explain
how the mindset of millennials can help them to live a healthy
Furthermore, some millennials are dedicated to devote time and
money to have an active and healthy lifestyle. Part of the
millennial generation combines following trends to eat right
with working out in the gym, going running or doing sports
daily. This
dedication comes from the perspective of the New Generation of
what health constitutes. According to a Goldman Sachs report to
find out
the interests and spending patterns of millennials, millennials
define being healthy as “eating right” and “exercising”, whereas
Baby Boomers
define being healthy as “not sick”. (GoldmanSachs, 2015)
Additionally, the report shows that the New Generation
exercises more, eats
smarter and smokes less, plus searches online to find healthy
food and uses apps to track data of work outs and calorie
(GoldmanSachs, 2015) According to Sean Kelly, CEO of a
distribution business for healthy snack food called HUMAN —
Helping Unite
Mankind and Nutrition — millennials want to balance work
with eating healthy and working out with others. (Sipek, 2015).
Keogh is in line
with this reasoning that the millennial generation has a shift in
the way they eat. Namely, she states that millennials aged
between 22 and 30
have adventurous tastes and are willing to explore new types of
foods. Their demand has become more ethically sourced food,
products and convenience foods which are easy to take on the
go; all of each should be healthy. She states that according to
“studies from the
Center for Culinary Development show a generational concern
for knowing exactly what’s in food, where it’s from, and how
it’s produced.”
(Keogh, 2014) This data reflects a change in lifestyle and focus
of a generation that has the highest figures of fast food
consumption, obesity
and live a more inactive life than previous generations.
So, millennials pay more attention to what food and drinks they
consume, as well as to the amount they work-out. However, the
high figures of obesity still problematize the majority of
millennials health. To get lower percentages of overweight and
obese people in the
western societies, a bigger part of the millennial generation and
their parents should make as smart decisions as the health
millennials do. The problem for a shift in the way the majority
of millennials eat is the economic situation of young adults,
namely the
money it can cost to eat healthy and work out. Jeana Anderson
Cohen - an Nike personal trainer and writer about fitness and
the millennial
generation - presents the statistic that “72 percent of millennials
think gym memberships are too expensive”. Cohen refers to a
study done by
CNBC, which says that 9.1 percent of millennials are
unemployed as compared to 5.5 percent of the total population.
(Cohen, 2015) In
relation, student loan debts for young adults have been growing
the past years, which makes it even harder for the millennial
generation that
has higher figures of unemployment to devote money to a
balanced lifestyle. For example, Stephan Whitaker – an
economist writing for the
Economic Commentary - presents statistics that say “people
aged 26 to 32 years old have increased student loan debts of 23
till 37 percent,
with the average amount of $16,808. Also from 2007 to 2015,
the outstanding student loan debt rose 116 percent up to $1.19
(Whitaker, 2015)”
For this reason, that working out and eating healthy is
expensive, more people have turned to the widely available fast
food that is
cheap. Fast food consists of high amounts of processed food and
high calorie levels; nutrition levels are low. With more people
living a city
lifestyle, physical activity lowered as more people take public
transportation or the car instead of cycling in a more spacious
area. Moreover,
life in a city is busier and therefore gives people less time to
work-out. In addition, it instills the need to take food on the go,
which usually
have a less nutritious value. Typically, this “urban lifestyle” is
called a “western diet” by David Tilman, professor of Ecology
at the
University of Minnesota who researched the relationship
between a certain diet and one’s health. (Senthiligam, 2015)
According to Tilman,
there is a shift in the cause of malnutrition that used to derive
from hunger, whereas malnutrition in the western world now
means a diet
without the variety of fish, meat, whole grains, dairy, fruit and
vegetables. The empty calories fast food products have caused
people to have
more health problems. Firstly, the widely accessible fast food
products in cities which are low in price compared to the
amount sold has
influenced many people to get overweight or obese. Secondly,
as Tilman has observed, as income levels have risen in the
western world,
people turned to consume more meat and calories resulting in
higher risks of incurable diseases.
Besides the increase in fast food consumption, the decrease in
physical activity is a major cause for more overweight and
millennials. Statistics provided by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services for Disease Control and Prevention
in 2008, show that
a typical urban lifestyle and the increase of social media and
technology used by millennials instill an unhealthier lifestyle.
Namely, it said
that two thirds of the American high school students did not
meet the lowest required level of physical activity. Instead,
nearly 25 percent of
them spent three or more hours on the (game)computer and over
three or more hours of television a day. (Barkin, 2010) Also, the
revealed the statistics that 75% of the high school students
surveyed did not eat enough fruits and vegetables in order to
stay healthy. Plus
they consumed high amounts of sugars, as over 33 percent said
to drink at least one bottle of soda a day. (Barkin, 2010) A
lifestyle of high
consumption of sugars, carbohydrates and low nutrition levels
in combination with being largely inactive daily has led to the
Generation having a need to change the high risk of getting
obesity or cancer that results from such a lifestyle.
In conclusion, the millennial generation has high figures of
obesity and physical inactivity. The technological inventions
and the
increase in city life has resulted in more physical inactivity and
high amounts of empty calorie consumption, which in return led
to one third
of the millennial generation to be overweight or obese. On the
flip side, a trend emerged in the past decade which entails
young adults pay
more attention to stay fit throughout the years and to adopt
healthy diets. This in order to cohort to the drive to experience
new things and to
reach their high goals set for the future. Influential people, such
as Michelle Obama, Jamie Oliver, and Rens Kroes are
empowering families
and individuals to exercise more and to eat a variety of healthy,
fresh food in order to make a change of the increasing diabetic
population in
the western world.
College- Not for Everyone
The lingering question on all high school graduates mind- to
attend college or not. Many are pressured into going to school
after high school by
friends and family. Yet, as more choose to peruse a degree the
less that degree will mean. Millennials are choosing the route
of a 4- year degree with the
promise of a successful career. However, there are many
reasons against going to college that defy the norm. Not all
Americans should attend college
because it would decrease the value of a degree, it is not the
right fit for everyone, and it will leave most millennials in debt.
The issue of if all Americans should attend college directly
effects the millennial generation, people born between the years
of 1982-2004. That
would range the age difference from 9 to 33. These millennials
are the one who are gearing up for college, in college, or have
just graduated and are new to
the work force. Many millennials are being told college is a
must but it is the same generation who will have to deal with
the consequences of everyone
attending college and not everyone being able to find a job and
pay back the debt caused by a college education.
If all Americans attended college a degree would not be worth
as much as it is now. A degree would no longer give a potential
employee an
advantage rather it would be a requirement. In an article
published by USA Today, Alex Koma talks about how it might
be time to have grades k-16 instead
of k-12 (2014). With more Americans choosing to further their
education after high school could potentially mean public
school systems are not preparing
their students for the outside world. Instead of everyone paying
to attend college the information could be incorporated into
public school systems. While
this is a far fetched idea, there are other ways for students to
learn the information they need to succeed. As technology is
playing a bigger role in Americans
day to day lives the amount of education needed for certain
degrees is changing. David Leonhardt stated in an article by
Forbes Magazine, “But there is
nothing magical about 13 years of education. As the economy
becomes more complex, the amount of education that people
need will rise. At some point, 15
years or 17 years of education will make more sense as a
universal goal” (2014). Millennials are experiencing this
change as they attend college with many
different majors. Degree’s that used to require only a bachelors
are now requiring masters if not doctorates. The push for more
years of education may be due
to the amount of people obtaining the degree. However, what
makes the extra years necessary to be able to work a certain
job? One degree in particular that
is changing at Maryville University this year is their
Occupational Therapy program. The program is changing from
a five year masters program to a six-and-
a-half-year doctorate program. The change will leave most OT
majors with a bachelor’s degree in psychology for their first 4
years. A degree in psychology
will benefit occupational therapists but the heavy psych course
load is not necessary for their practice. This change will result
in all OT paying to go to school
for another year when their degree could have been completed
in less time. Along with the ever changing programs college
does not always pay off in the
end. What a student accomplishes during their time at school
matters. One must stay focused and study hard to truly learn
the material to benefit from an
education. If one can not perform the job they studied for it
would be hard to keep a job. Without a career the degree has no
benefit. The more material
learned will lead to success in future positions. Not all
Americans should attend college because it would decrease the
value of a degree and change the years
necessary to graduate with a degree.
The millennial generation will be the people to spend extra
years and money attending college without the same results of
the previous generation.
The benefit to having a degree will not guarantee them a job nor
will the extra years spent in schooling. Job outlooks for
millennials is slimming each year,
college degree or not.
College is not always the right fit for everyone. People have
different learning styles and some do not perform best in a
college setting. There our
other options though like attending a vocational school or
entering the work force. Hands on training appeals to a certain
type of person who would benefit
from a two-year technical school. Bob Funk, CEO and
Chairman of the Board of Express Employment Professions
states, “Career Technical education can
deliver what so many Americans want- a promising career at an
affordable price. It baffles me that more people aren’t seizing
the opportunity. College is not-
and should not- be for everyone. I see who’s getting hired in the
modern economy and its clear career tech can lead to not only a
job but a successful career”
(Forbes 2014). A four-year university is not the only option for
people who want to lead a prosperous life. A degree in
technical education will allow people
to become successful, depending on how hard they work,
without acquiring a lot of debt. Blue collar jobs are in high
demand with more people choosing to
obtain a college degree. Plumbers, Electricians, machinists and
many other jobs can provide successful careers and do not
require a four-year degree.
Handyman professions can charge higher prices for their
services because not many people are choosing to work them
anymore. People choose to attend
college to become more educated but then struggle to fix their
toilet when something goes wrong. Then, the cost to fix a
house problem is expensive because
there is hardly any competition. A university is not always the
right choice depending on the persons type of learning style and
what interests them.
The right fit for an education directly affects the millennial
generation because they are the ones being forced by parents
and peers to attend college
even when it might not be the right choice. Telling people that
one has decided not to attend college will draw a negative
impact on that person who might
have made the best choice for themselves. Not attending
college is normally stereotyped as the person must be dumb and
is not going to have a bright future.
This is the struggle many millennials are dealing with while
trying to decide what is the right path for them.
Millennials entering college can afford to wait. Higher
education will always be available in America. By taking time
off school one would be
able to work and save up money to pay off some tuition as they
go. The more important reason to not jump into college though
is to figure out what a person
truly wants to do. According to an article “This Place is not for
You-Yet, by forcing a young adult into college that is doing
them a disservice (Rybak 2014).
How is a person who has barely seen the world outside of their
hometown supposed to know what they want to do for the rest
of their life? Taking time to
explore options and figure out what one truly wants to do will
be beneficial in the end. Waiting until then is more cost
effective than attending college right
out of high school and switching a major two or three times. In
this fast passed world Millennials can afford to wait before
rushing into college.
There is no guarantee attending college will pay off for
everyone. College is like playing the stock market- there are
winners and there are losers
(Ryback 2014). A higher education is an investment made to
better the outlook of a person’s future. Yet, attending college
does not mean people will be
successful. Hard work and dedication is needed to pursue a
degree. Sliding by with average grades and not applying
oneself will be detrimental to a future
occupation. Not knowing the material one is expected to know
to have a job in their field could lead to being fired. This
would make it hard to keep a job in
the field of study and therefore the degree would not pay off.
While some will excel at their occupation due to the degree
obtained and dedication to their
studies. The value of a degree could go either way but a degree
is most definitely not “money in the bank.” Students often have
debt to pay back post-
graduation. On average, comparing between public and private
universities, a student will obtain $15,000 in debt over the
course of a year. Over four years
the average debt of a college graduate would be $60,000. Now
if a person were to get a job in their field of study right out of
college, which doesn’t always
happen, and their salary is the average $45,000. This means
that if the student paid off all their debt it would take over a
year if that is where all the money
went too. However, food and living expenses will cut deeply
into the salary making it take over ten years to fully pay off the
debt if not longer (Jones 2013).
Accumulating this amount of debt is worth it if the post-
graduation job will allow a person to live comfortably while
simultaneously paying off the debt. Not
all jobs allow for this amenity.
After a person graduates college and moves on to the next part
of their lives, millennials in particular, many want to start a
family. To start a
family many people, prefer to have a stable income and want to
know for certain they will be able to support a family. The
combination of a poor job outlook
and and major debt leaves a degree of uncertainty about the
future. Many millennials are waiting to start a family until they
are relatively financial secure.
Being unsure of the future is another reason why millennials
should believe that not all Americans should attend college.
There is way to afford the investment though without
completely busting the bank. Federal Student Aid is one option.
According to a study done
by Jones, tax payers pay billions of dollars into federal student
aid each year (2014). However, only a small percentage of
Americans receive this benefit.
This affects the middle class the hardest. People who have a
steady job to provide for their families usually have to bear the
full cost of college as well. The
middle class pays taxes to support federal student aid yet have
to put their own kids to school with their own money. It is not
fair to put the debt burden on the
students and families who are making due but not getting too far
ahead while simultaneously paying for others to attend college
through their taxes. All
Americans should not attend college because the people who
will excel in a college setting will be able to use the financial
aid and the money will not go to
Another issue with federal student aid is the institutions the
money is going towards. Billions of tax payer dollars are being
given to many
different universities and no one quite knows what these
institutions are doing with that money. While some use the
money to better the school and pay the
professors other schools have other intentions for the
government money (Jones 2014). Before the government pays
for certain students to attend college the
financial integrity of the institutions these students plan to
attend should be checked to ensure tax payers money does not
benefit anyone’s personal gains.
With more people choosing to attend college only certain
universities should be allowed to accept federal student aid to
prevent everyone from attending
There is a strong counter argument to the statement not all
Americans should attend college. Some say that everyone
attending college will lead to
a smarter more prosperous America. The more people who are
educated will allow the country to have better leaders. America
has been struggling lately and
the debt is becoming uncontrollable. Yet, with more people
attending college the millennial generation will be the
generation to change things for the better
and make America great again. With more people having a
college degree and starting careers the middle class will start to
expand and less people will be in
the lower class lifestyle. Educating everyone will lead to a
heavy decrease of the poor in America which is best for everyon
e. The millennial generation will
be successful and prosperous in the age of learning and
knowledge. Everyone will have a steady job to start a family
and splurge every now and then.
America will be a better place if everyone attends college
because a degree makes a person much better off.
However, a better America is wishful thinking in our current
economic situation. The job market is less because more people
are becoming
qualified. There is steep competition for college graduates
looking for jobs right now without everyone attending college.
If everyone were to attend college
the job market would lessen even more. The only available jobs
would be when someone retired and then the competition would
be outrageous. People, with
or without degrees, would be forced to work jobs that did not
require a degree in the first place. The people working the low
paid jobs with a college degree
will be hurting the most because they still have a decent amount
of student loans to pay off. This scenario is already becoming a
reality for some college
graduate. If all Americans were to attend college a degree
would not mean as much as it means now. A degree would not
translate into a job or into a paying
salary and a college education would not be worth it for
With all of these reasons why this issue is important
millennials should be the most concerned. This directly effect
each and every millennial
whether they have graduated, are in, getting ready to attend, or
are not attending college. The millennial generation is the next
gen eration to start families and
need job certainty to have children. Job outlook is not the best
which makes starting a family uneasy because people want to
know that they will be able to
provide for their future family. Another uncertainty for
millennials is the fluctuating value of many degrees. A degree
that looks prosperous when one enters
college could not be worth as much when one graduates because
the job market may have become saturated. The ever changing
value of a degree makes it
hard to have a sense of security. However, if less Americans
attend college these problems will diminish. Certain jobs that
require a college degree can lead
to successful career as well as jobs that require hands on skills
and on the job learning.
Millennials have the choice whether or not they want to attend
college. One must decide for their self what route would lead to
their success. A
college setting is not right for everyone and parents of
millennials need to understand that before forcing their children
to attend because everyone else does.
A college education will not necessarily make their children
better off depending on their learning style, degree, and job
after graduation. The best option for
millennials to do is to take time to decide for oneself what will
benefit them in the long run. Millennials future would be
effected in a negative way if all
Americans were to attend college.
While attending college does have its perks a degree is not
necessary to be successful in the world. If everyone had a
college degree, the value of
having one would decrease and there would not be as many jobs
available. College is not always the right fit because some
peopl e perform better with hands
on tasks than learning in a classroom setting. The cost of four-
year universities will leave many millennials in debt.
Millennials have the right to choose their
futures and decide on their own what is best for their situation.
With that being said, not all Americans should attend college.

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Should The U.S Develop Multilingual Education Learning a .docx

  • 1. Should The U.S Develop Multilingual Education? Learning a new language is not an easy thing for a lot of people, and developing a new language education is neither not an easy thing for a country. Even though develop multi-lingual education is a great challenge for most of countries in the world, it will still be necessary to do that if a country want to become stronger and more competitive in the world in the trend that different countries connect closely with each other. For example, a lot of commercial products in the United States are made in China, Vietnam and so on. And lots of advanced technologies, ideas and theories from the developed countries have been introducing into the developing countries. In this situation, it is known that language is a good way for countries to benefit each other. Without language, the world will not be able to develop in such a fast speed. Even if it is all known how important multilingual education is, most of the countries in the world are still in lack of enough multi-lingual education to millennial. It seems not hurtful to lack enough multi-lingual education; actually, lacking multi-
  • 2. lingual education may lead to some problems to the world. For example, lacking multi-lingual education may lead to a lot of cultural misunderstandings among the people coming from different cultural background: Most of Chinese students have a misunderstanding to the U.S high school culture, that is, they think that U.S high school students all lead a luxurious life with a lot of money, parties and fun. They do not need to worry about their study because Chinese students think that U.S students can always get into “IVY” schools anyway. In the meanwhile, the U.S students may also have some cultural misunderstandings to China. Some U.S young people think that China is now still an old and run-down country without any modern development. Some other people think that China now is development into an amazingly strong country but in the meantime is becoming a horrible threat to the western developed countries including the United States, the United Kingdom and so on. Both of these ideas are not right. In fact, China is an amazing modern country under peaceful rising. In this situation, it is more necessary for countries to develop multi- lingual education for their young generation. There are two major misunderstandings to China in the United States. One is that a lot of young
  • 3. people are still staying in the image of “old China”. Another misunderstanding is that lots of other U.S young people firmly believe that China is becoming a big threat to the western countries with the amazing development outcomes and facts. In the meantime, the major misunderstanding to the United States in China is that Chinese young people think that the United States students all leading a really comfortable life without the worries of financial situation and education because most of Chinese students think that they can still get into good schools to get high-quality education for free. In this tightly connecting environment, there is still a long way for countries to go to get more understanding with each other, and the key to learn more about each other correctly is to develop multi-lingual education to access more accurate and up-to-dated information of each other so that millennial may have more their own understandings to different culture and social issues. Some people may say it is unreasonable that young people cannot get enough information in such an information explosive era. It is no doubt that young people have several different ways to get information about everything. However, it is not guaranteed that all the information millennial get via these ways from a huge
  • 4. information pool is correct and accurate. For example, a lot of information from various cultures that millennial get is from the their local social media in their own language. The indirect information has been translated into local language with other people’s personal understandings. These personal understandings may not be fair and objective, and some of them may have some personal emotion and prejudice. These personal emotions and prejudice might influent the individual values and independent judgment of millennial. Also, some the U.S schools are still using out-of–dated textbooks for their general education, especially history classes and politics classes. Actually, there may be some errors and misleading information existed on these textbooks. For example, some of the pictures of China on the U.S textbooks were taken about 100 years ago. These pictures are definitely showing “China”, but they mostly show how China looks more 100 years ago. In fact, China has been developing into an amazing modern country over these 100 years. What China looks like is totally different from what show on the out-of-dated pictures. In this situation, the millennial have known Chinese, it is really easy for them to collect information and do some researches about what they want to know about
  • 5. China by themselves instead of following exactly what their local social medias and books say. Some people may say that developing multi-lingual education is not useful for the United States because most of U.S citizens never go to the other countries all their life long and they do not care if they know the facts and truth about the other countries at all. (……) In the modern world, the majority of works in art field and popular culture are mostly expressed by the corresponding native language, and rarely developed and translated into other languages. These expressions are including listening to a song, reading a classic novel, watching a movie. In this situation, multilingual people always have the advantage of getting the understanding of their original form and obtain correct details and information to the works. Many of the people have a common belief, that is, being s bilingual person, or even a multilingual person, can help communicate when people’s are traveling, especially young people. “When languages share similar words and patterns, it's easier to apply people’s own knowledge of one language to another and thus make their own way around certain regions of the world. Nowadays, people live in an
  • 6. increasingly globalized world where many cultural subtleties can slip through the cracks as people are trying to understand past each other's different dialects. Allowing the young generation to be immersed in another language means opening the door to an entirely new culture and way of viewing the world” (Gabriela, 2014). With the more accurate and deeper understandings to each other’s culture in international community, people can be more confident to face and understanding the challenges, information and purposes from the foreign communities. In the meantime, a lot of misunderstandings, disputes and wars may be avoided with fully understanding and discussion with each other. Besides, a successful multi-lingual education is helpful to reduce cultural shock and diversify the experience of cross-cultural communication among peoples in the world. They may have a chance to actively cooperate in all spheres of life and benefit to each other. Developing a multi-lingual education is not only for increasing the understanding to people and countries with various cultural and language background, but also be beneficial for the formation of cultural and interethnic relations between students in a multicultural
  • 7. educational environment of higher education institution. In a world, developing multi-lingual education in the United States is good for the U.S millennial to enrich historical, mortal and cultural level because language is good tool to get understandings to culture, and learning a culture, such as reading a book and see a movie, is a wonderful way to understand and master the language. Some researches have shown that familiarizing with the cultural heritage, the student learns the experience of many generations, and perhaps, of the whole mankind (Yusupova, 2015). Overall, developing multi-lingual education is a perfect way to learn and understand the history, politics and society and so on of foreign countries, and these history, politics and society are the reflection of the wisdom, experience and thoughts of this specific country. It is worth for the U.S. to understand these correctly and accurately with the tool of language, and learning these wisdom, experience and thoughts, and applying to benefit the country. After knowing that developing multi-lingual education is very important, some good ways should be applied by the United States government, schools and parents to efficiently help millennial better learn and apply a foreign language. In the meantime, there are many
  • 8. factors and conditions that have effects on multi- lingual education, such as policies of the government and school, the guidance from schools, the methods of teaching a new language, the available language resources and the motivation of the young generation to learn a new language. Motivation is the key for people to do things well, especially learning a new language. Multi- language learning motivation is greatly important for young foreign people because it can not only attract their interest of learning a specific language, but also improve learning outcomes of them. There can be a variety of reason why young people choose to learn a new language, but there must be some attractions on the target languages including culture. K-POP from South Korea is a well- known popular culture in the world. This culture attracts a lot of U.S young people to learn their language because they like K-POP culture, and they desire to understand more about what they like with their own understanding to this kind of culture. These young people also want to know about the countries where this amazingly good culture comes from. However, their own country usually has limited access to fair and useful resource and material. In this situation, these
  • 9. young people would have great motivation to learn a new language to know more about the culture. It is annoying that there is no way to get a instant answer to their questions when people have some questions on the way of learning a language. “For this Supporting students' need for relatedness is claimed to enhance behaviors that are self-motivated and self-determined. The affordances of tablet technologies, such as Apple iPads, satisfy young language learners' need for relatedness, both in classroom collaborative learning and social interactions beyond the school settings. The key findings of this qualitative study suggest the iPad's potentiality for promoting language-learning motivation through exploiting its affordances to enhance collaborative learning and social development” (Alhity, 2015). (……) In conclusion, it is extremely helpful for the United States to actively develop multi-lingual education to benefit their people and the whole country. It is beneficial for the young generation to have a more understanding to cultures from the other parts of the world, and avoiding a lot of misunderstanding. It is also good for millennial to develop their career path under the
  • 10. environment of globalization. (……) Some of the weekly objectives: *Recognize the marketing research process and the environmental forces that are monitored for solid market research delivery *Examine the components of a marketing plan Kotler & Keller, Chapter 2: Developing and Implementing Marketing Strategies and Plans Kotler & Keller, Chapter 3: Capturing Marketing Insights and Forecasting Demand · Articulate the principles of long-term customer relationships Define the methods of marketing research techniques Kotler & Keller, Chapter 4: Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Anderson, "Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets" Morse, Lululemon Athletica in 2005 *Determine the impact of market segmentation and target marketing Consider the potential consequences of target marketing Kotler & Keller, Chapter 6: Identifying Market Segments and Targets If you need more I’ll be more than happy to provide! Here is some background for the project: Wedding Planning Business- I’ve been interested in wedding planning. While searching for wedding planners in Columbia, SC, I noticed that the pool of planners were a little slim. Eventually, I ended up asking a
  • 11. Charlotte wedding planner if she would take on the task. She’s been so great and professional during this process, not to mention her prices being so reasonable! Unfortunately, in Columbia, I was unable to find anyone who met all the needs: full-time planning, professional and affordable. And as Columbia being my “home away from home”, I felt this would be an opportunity for me to market my services in that area. Before kicking things off, the first question I would want to ask is: What would be your reason for hiring a wedding planner? This answer can be the beginning of collecting pertinent information during the research process that could help me position myself in the market. Catering to the needs of the majority would be helpful when it comes to branding and marketing concepts. It is then that the marketing content can focus on the particular niche, which, in this case, would be a target audience made up of mostly unmarried women in their 20s and 30s. In this case, the short-term goal would include creating my own social media websites and asking for the support of friends/followers. The long-term goal in all of this would be to eventually build a well-known brand with a strong reputation. CONCEPTS covered in class: 1 Millennials Need To Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle
  • 12. The millennial generation – which makes up those born between 1980 and 2000 - increasingly lives an unhealthy life. “Worldwide over 42 million children under the age of five years old are overweight or obese. (foodrevolutionday, 2015)” In the United States, thirty percent of the teenagers in thirty states were overweight or obese in 2009. (Barkin, 2010) Problem is the change to a less nutritious lifestyle but higher consumption levels. Michelle Obama, Jamie Oliver and other food revolutionists try to change the way children eat and what they put in their mouth. On the one hand, millennials grow up with the high figures of obesity and an increase in fast food consumption, consisting of high amounts of sugars and fats. On the other hand, a new trend emerged among the millennial generation called “the slow food movement”, including a lifestyle with daily work-outs and balanced diets including supplements of superfoods. Such a lifestyle or the emphasize on eating healthy as Jamie Oliver and Michelle Obama promote are crucial to the millennial generation. In general, millennials need to adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent getting major diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, by staying fit and eating healthy with the focus on
  • 13. positive future results. Life has become a lot busier nowadays with business and social media exercised globally and the use of technology in the western world. Using computers, watching television, playing video games, it all contributed to a more inactive lifestyle. Children nowadays generally spend less time playing outside. Instead, they enjoy the technological era they grew up in. Meera Senthilingam, a writer for CNN about health, observes that the western population has become less active and consumes more food because of the reason that relatively more people moved to live in cities. She presents statistics in her article that reflects more adults have become obese and overweight because of an increase in city life in western populations. Namely, the percentage of people living in cities continues to rise from 50 to 70 worldwide in 2050. (Senthilingam, 2015) Ruth Brown, a lead researcher and York University graduate student, points out that “10 percent of Americans were heavier in 2008 than in 1971, and about five per cent heavier for a given amount of physical activity level in 2006 than in 1988." (York University, 2015) These statistics show that the new generation
  • 14. of millennials needs to concern adopting a healthier lifestyle in order to lower the progressive line of getting obesity, other incurable diseases and health problems that follow from overeating or not obtaining the right nutritious substances. However, the opposite of a good health and lifestyle has been shown among children at present time. “Between 1976 and 1980, the overweight rate for children between 6 and 17 years old was 5.7%. Between 2005 and 2006 the obesity rate was 17.2% for boys and 15.9% for girls (Barkin, 2010).” Throughout the United States, millennials develop obesity in their childhood that causes problems for their health at a later age. According to an article written by Keogh in The Irish Times, millennials generally live a busy life and opt for convenience food. She presents statistics showing that over six times per month millennials buy food or drinks on the go as compared to 2.4 times for 48-60 year-olds. Also, 41 percent of the millennials questioned say they are too busy to cook their own meals. (Keogh, 2014) Convenience foods usually have higher amounts of sugar, fat and carbohydrates and less important minerals and vitamins. Therefore, young
  • 15. adults and parents of millennials should be alarmed that without change in the busy and inactive lifestyle the health of millennials will worsen. Celebrities, such as Michelle Obama and Jamie Oliver, try to change the way millennials eat and the way parents provide their kids food to eat at school. The First Lady has much influence in the diets of American families since she was able to start a nationwide campaign called Let’s Move in 2010. This government driven campaign helps families, schools and communities to get children on a healthy weight and encourage them to move more. Michelle Obama’s goal is to fight childhood obesity. She stated that the “the physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake. This isn’t the kind of problem that can be solved overnight, but with everyone working together, it can be solved. So, let’s move (TheWhiteHouse, 2010).” In order to lower the obesity rates among children in the millennial generation, the lifestyle of those have to be changed. Let’s Move is one attempt to influence all factors that could lead to children living
  • 16. healthier. The campaign led to new regulation to help parents making healthier 1 choices for their children. The Food and Drug Administration adopted new labeling to help consumers make healthier choices. T he campaign also influenced the American Beverage Association to start showing the amount of calories on drinks. In addition, the American Academy of Pediatrics is educating doctors and nurses across America about obesity. All these measures initialized by Michelle Obama’s campaign contribute to healthier eating by children. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010) A change enforced and encouraged by the government campaign will help to avoid obesity among children nationwide only if more big changes will be made. Besides helping families to make healthier choices, schools have a big influence on what children eat and drink. According to the White House, “many children consume as many as half of their daily calories at school. ” Therefore, Michelle Obama provides schools breakfast and lunch programs that say what food and drinks the students shou ld get every
  • 17. day, rather than have families and schools providing the children unhealthy nutrition which is cheaper. In addition, “food deserts” probl ematize the ability for children to be raised with healthy eating habits. Food deserts constitute neighbor hoods in the United States that have limited access to affordable, quality and nutritious foods. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010) According to statistics of the White House, 23 million Americans of which 6.5 million children live in these low- income food deserts. This addresses the high figures of obesity among young adults. Some parts of the population cannot avoid obesity if they do not have the money, access or education for living a hea lthy lifestyle. Therefore, the government has to enable communities living in such food deserts higher quality of nutrition, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which are often too expensive for poor families to buy and give children to take to school. According to a USDA report published by the White House Briefing Room in 2008, 49.1 million people in the United States are unable to live a healthy lifestyle since they experience hunger. For this reason, the Food and Drug Administration expressed the goal to eliminate foo d
  • 18. deserts in seven years and invest 400 million dollars to help grocery stores sell more healthy options for on the go. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010) Another powerful celebrity started a campaign to get millennials and the parents of children born around the millennium to ea t and cook healthier. Namely, Jamie Oliver, who started Food Revolution, and has the similar motivation as Michelle Obama to fight obesity. His wish is to “educate every child about food and inspire families to cook again (Hertsgaard, 2009).” He acknowledges the problem in western societies that the diet consists of more calories, more meat consumption, and more processed food without a nutritional benefit. Oliver started the Kitchen Garden Project to “empower primary school teachers to integrate growing and cooking into the school day (Hertsgaard, 2009).” Likewise Jamie Oliver, Michelle Obama emphasizes cooking since “fresh food tastes better and is better for you, so kids and grown-ups alike should eat lots more of it” as she states. (TheWhiteHouse, 2010) On the flip side of the campaigns organized to change the way western populations eat, like the United States and the UK, a part of the millennial generation already pays more attention to
  • 19. eating healthy without outside stimulus of the government or celebrity like Oliver or Beyoncé. One trend among millennials is to get real food by shopping at farmer’s markets, buy organic food or fair-trade products. Millennials favor knowing where food is produced and how it is made. Besides locally produced food, organic food and fair- trade products, millennials grow up with gluten-free, lactose- free and sugar-free diets. On the one side, many people have serious food allergies. Nadira Saleh, who has a master degree in international food policy and economics, has observed that people start having more food allergies than before. She projects that in 20 years, schools will have to provide gluten-free, egg-free, peanut- or nut-free food or new types of milks and yoghurts for lactose intolerant people. (Saleh, 2012) On the other side, more people start to think that “gluten or lactose products, like dairy, irritates their stomach, makes people fat, or is bad for one’s health (MacVean, 2014).” According to an article posted in the LA Times, the market for gluten-free products grew 44% between 2011 and 2013, and is projected to continue to rise. (MacVean, 2014) Saleh also writes that millennials increasingly value the
  • 20. existence of protein, healthier oils and superfoods to their diets. This reflects the rise in consciousness for eating healthy by millennials. Another trend millennials follow is the slow food movement. The slow food movement entails the consciousness to combine work outs with supplements of superfoods. Superfoods are the highest nutrient-to-calorie foods, that contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals articles/article/make-room-gluten-free/ 1 and antioxidants that fight and prevent diseases. (slowfoodnation, n.d.) Superfoods are common nutrients, like berries, nuts, spinach, avocado, kiwi, tomatoes, oranges, and broccoli. However, millennials added once uncommon but now popular superfoods to their diets, such as wheatgrass, quinoa, chia seeds, green vegetable smoothies, sweet potatoes and goija berries. In addition to eating superfoods, eating sugarless, lean and drinking smoothies or detox juices have become a global trend the past years among millennials. For example, Rens
  • 21. Kroes - the sister of Victoria’s Secret Angel Doutzen Kroes encourages people all over the world to eat sugarless, eat meals including many superfoods, and to exercise daily between thirty and ninety minutes. Kroes is a millennial who wants to have people live a healthier life. She writes blog posts providing recipes and information why a balanced life of eating right and being active is beneficial to one’s health and happiness. The main reasons for this emphasis on living life is that: Firstly, you can feel happier yourself every day if you take care of everything you do to your body. Secondly it gives the ability to present fit to fellow men. Thirdly, millennials emphasize the proof that living healthy and fit throughout life increases the possibility to live longer and prevents getting an incurable disease. Jeff Fromm – who is a writer for and is a 25 year experienced marketing consultant that specializes in millennial trends - writes about the drive of millennials to work hard and to exercise daily. He states that millennials run marathons because of their mindset to “live life to the fullest and take new challenges (Fromm, 2015)” Fromm refers to a study done by Barkley and Boston Consulting Group, who claim that 60 percent of Millennials try to work out
  • 22. on a regular basis. Fromm explains that many millennials are intrigued by running marathons or road races because they want to achieve, especially in company of others. In contrast to the generation born before the millennials, millennials do not go for individual performances or personal records but like to work out with a lot of people. Other characteristics of millennials are thinking steps ahead into the future, taking into consideration what one does in present time of its life impacts what may happen in the future. As, army recruiter Gary Stiteler says in the article written by Joel Stein: “This generation is three to four steps ahead. They are coming in saying, ‘I want to do this, then when I’m done with this, I want to do this.” In addition, Joel Stein observes in his article that the New Generation of millennials seeks new experiences constantly. (Stein, 2013) These characteristics explain how the mindset of millennials can help them to live a healthy life. Furthermore, some millennials are dedicated to devote time and money to have an active and healthy lifestyle. Part of the millennial generation combines following trends to eat right with working out in the gym, going running or doing sports daily. This
  • 23. dedication comes from the perspective of the New Generation of what health constitutes. According to a Goldman Sachs report to find out the interests and spending patterns of millennials, millennials define being healthy as “eating right” and “exercising”, whereas Baby Boomers define being healthy as “not sick”. (GoldmanSachs, 2015) Additionally, the report shows that the New Generation exercises more, eats smarter and smokes less, plus searches online to find healthy food and uses apps to track data of work outs and calorie consumption. (GoldmanSachs, 2015) According to Sean Kelly, CEO of a distribution business for healthy snack food called HUMAN — Helping Unite Mankind and Nutrition — millennials want to balance work with eating healthy and working out with others. (Sipek, 2015). Keogh is in line with this reasoning that the millennial generation has a shift in the way they eat. Namely, she states that millennials aged between 22 and 30 have adventurous tastes and are willing to explore new types of foods. Their demand has become more ethically sourced food, sustainable products and convenience foods which are easy to take on the go; all of each should be healthy. She states that according to “studies from the
  • 24. Center for Culinary Development show a generational concern for knowing exactly what’s in food, where it’s from, and how it’s produced.” (Keogh, 2014) This data reflects a change in lifestyle and focus of a generation that has the highest figures of fast food consumption, obesity and live a more inactive life than previous generations. So, millennials pay more attention to what food and drinks they consume, as well as to the amount they work-out. However, the high figures of obesity still problematize the majority of millennials health. To get lower percentages of overweight and obese people in the western societies, a bigger part of the millennial generation and their parents should make as smart decisions as the health conscious s.pdf 1 millennials do. The problem for a shift in the way the majority of millennials eat is the economic situation of young adults, namely the money it can cost to eat healthy and work out. Jeana Anderson Cohen - an Nike personal trainer and writer about fitness and the millennial
  • 25. generation - presents the statistic that “72 percent of millennials think gym memberships are too expensive”. Cohen refers to a study done by CNBC, which says that 9.1 percent of millennials are unemployed as compared to 5.5 percent of the total population. (Cohen, 2015) In relation, student loan debts for young adults have been growing the past years, which makes it even harder for the millennial generation that has higher figures of unemployment to devote money to a balanced lifestyle. For example, Stephan Whitaker – an economist writing for the Economic Commentary - presents statistics that say “people aged 26 to 32 years old have increased student loan debts of 23 till 37 percent, with the average amount of $16,808. Also from 2007 to 2015, the outstanding student loan debt rose 116 percent up to $1.19 trillion (Whitaker, 2015)” For this reason, that working out and eating healthy is expensive, more people have turned to the widely available fast food that is cheap. Fast food consists of high amounts of processed food and high calorie levels; nutrition levels are low. With more people living a city lifestyle, physical activity lowered as more people take public
  • 26. transportation or the car instead of cycling in a more spacious area. Moreover, life in a city is busier and therefore gives people less time to work-out. In addition, it instills the need to take food on the go, which usually have a less nutritious value. Typically, this “urban lifestyle” is called a “western diet” by David Tilman, professor of Ecology at the University of Minnesota who researched the relationship between a certain diet and one’s health. (Senthiligam, 2015) According to Tilman, there is a shift in the cause of malnutrition that used to derive from hunger, whereas malnutrition in the western world now means a diet without the variety of fish, meat, whole grains, dairy, fruit and vegetables. The empty calories fast food products have caused people to have more health problems. Firstly, the widely accessible fast food products in cities which are low in price compared to the amount sold has influenced many people to get overweight or obese. Secondly, as Tilman has observed, as income levels have risen in the western world, people turned to consume more meat and calories resulting in higher risks of incurable diseases. Besides the increase in fast food consumption, the decrease in physical activity is a major cause for more overweight and
  • 27. obese millennials. Statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Disease Control and Prevention in 2008, show that a typical urban lifestyle and the increase of social media and technology used by millennials instill an unhealthier lifestyle. Namely, it said that two thirds of the American high school students did not meet the lowest required level of physical activity. Instead, nearly 25 percent of them spent three or more hours on the (game)computer and over three or more hours of television a day. (Barkin, 2010) Also, the department revealed the statistics that 75% of the high school students surveyed did not eat enough fruits and vegetables in order to stay healthy. Plus they consumed high amounts of sugars, as over 33 percent said to drink at least one bottle of soda a day. (Barkin, 2010) A lifestyle of high consumption of sugars, carbohydrates and low nutrition levels in combination with being largely inactive daily has led to the New Generation having a need to change the high risk of getting obesity or cancer that results from such a lifestyle. In conclusion, the millennial generation has high figures of obesity and physical inactivity. The technological inventions and the
  • 28. increase in city life has resulted in more physical inactivity and high amounts of empty calorie consumption, which in return led to one third of the millennial generation to be overweight or obese. On the flip side, a trend emerged in the past decade which entails young adults pay more attention to stay fit throughout the years and to adopt healthy diets. This in order to cohort to the drive to experience new things and to reach their high goals set for the future. Influential people, such as Michelle Obama, Jamie Oliver, and Rens Kroes are empowering families and individuals to exercise more and to eat a variety of healthy, fresh food in order to make a change of the increasing diabetic population in the western world. 1 College- Not for Everyone The lingering question on all high school graduates mind- to attend college or not. Many are pressured into going to school
  • 29. after high school by friends and family. Yet, as more choose to peruse a degree the less that degree will mean. Millennials are choosing the route of a 4- year degree with the promise of a successful career. However, there are many reasons against going to college that defy the norm. Not all Americans should attend college because it would decrease the value of a degree, it is not the right fit for everyone, and it will leave most millennials in debt. The issue of if all Americans should attend college directly effects the millennial generation, people born between the years of 1982-2004. That would range the age difference from 9 to 33. These millennials are the one who are gearing up for college, in college, or have just graduated and are new to the work force. Many millennials are being told college is a must but it is the same generation who will have to deal with the consequences of everyone attending college and not everyone being able to find a job and pay back the debt caused by a college education. If all Americans attended college a degree would not be worth as much as it is now. A degree would no longer give a potential employee an advantage rather it would be a requirement. In an article published by USA Today, Alex Koma talks about how it might be time to have grades k-16 instead
  • 30. of k-12 (2014). With more Americans choosing to further their education after high school could potentially mean public school systems are not preparing their students for the outside world. Instead of everyone paying to attend college the information could be incorporated into public school systems. While this is a far fetched idea, there are other ways for students to learn the information they need to succeed. As technology is playing a bigger role in Americans day to day lives the amount of education needed for certain degrees is changing. David Leonhardt stated in an article by Forbes Magazine, “But there is nothing magical about 13 years of education. As the economy becomes more complex, the amount of education that people need will rise. At some point, 15 years or 17 years of education will make more sense as a universal goal” (2014). Millennials are experiencing this change as they attend college with many different majors. Degree’s that used to require only a bachelors are now requiring masters if not doctorates. The push for more years of education may be due to the amount of people obtaining the degree. However, what makes the extra years necessary to be able to work a certain job? One degree in particular that is changing at Maryville University this year is their Occupational Therapy program. The program is changing from a five year masters program to a six-and-
  • 31. a-half-year doctorate program. The change will leave most OT majors with a bachelor’s degree in psychology for their first 4 years. A degree in psychology will benefit occupational therapists but the heavy psych course load is not necessary for their practice. This change will result in all OT paying to go to school for another year when their degree could have been completed in less time. Along with the ever changing programs college does not always pay off in the end. What a student accomplishes during their time at school matters. One must stay focused and study hard to truly learn the material to benefit from an education. If one can not perform the job they studied for it would be hard to keep a job. Without a career the degree has no benefit. The more material learned will lead to success in future positions. Not all Americans should attend college because it would decrease the value of a degree and change the years necessary to graduate with a degree. The millennial generation will be the people to spend extra years and money attending college without the same results of the previous generation. The benefit to having a degree will not guarantee them a job nor will the extra years spent in schooling. Job outlooks for millennials is slimming each year, college degree or not.
  • 32. College is not always the right fit for everyone. People have different learning styles and some do not perform best in a college setting. There our other options though like attending a vocational school or entering the work force. Hands on training appeals to a certain type of person who would benefit from a two-year technical school. Bob Funk, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Express Employment Professions states, “Career Technical education can deliver what so many Americans want- a promising career at an affordable price. It baffles me that more people aren’t seizing the opportunity. College is not- and should not- be for everyone. I see who’s getting hired in the modern economy and its clear career tech can lead to not only a job but a successful career” (Forbes 2014). A four-year university is not the only option for people who want to lead a prosperous life. A degree in technical education will allow people to become successful, depending on how hard they work, without acquiring a lot of debt. Blue collar jobs are in high demand with more people choosing to 2 obtain a college degree. Plumbers, Electricians, machinists and many other jobs can provide successful careers and do not require a four-year degree.
  • 33. Handyman professions can charge higher prices for their services because not many people are choosing to work them anymore. People choose to attend college to become more educated but then struggle to fix their toilet when something goes wrong. Then, the cost to fix a house problem is expensive because there is hardly any competition. A university is not always the right choice depending on the persons type of learning style and what interests them. The right fit for an education directly affects the millennial generation because they are the ones being forced by parents and peers to attend college even when it might not be the right choice. Telling people that one has decided not to attend college will draw a negative impact on that person who might have made the best choice for themselves. Not attending college is normally stereotyped as the person must be dumb and is not going to have a bright future. This is the struggle many millennials are dealing with while trying to decide what is the right path for them. Millennials entering college can afford to wait. Higher education will always be available in America. By taking time off school one would be able to work and save up money to pay off some tuition as they go. The more important reason to not jump into college though is to figure out what a person truly wants to do. According to an article “This Place is not for
  • 34. You-Yet, by forcing a young adult into college that is doing them a disservice (Rybak 2014). How is a person who has barely seen the world outside of their hometown supposed to know what they want to do for the rest of their life? Taking time to explore options and figure out what one truly wants to do will be beneficial in the end. Waiting until then is more cost effective than attending college right out of high school and switching a major two or three times. In this fast passed world Millennials can afford to wait before rushing into college. There is no guarantee attending college will pay off for everyone. College is like playing the stock market- there are winners and there are losers (Ryback 2014). A higher education is an investment made to better the outlook of a person’s future. Yet, attending college does not mean people will be successful. Hard work and dedication is needed to pursue a degree. Sliding by with average grades and not applying oneself will be detrimental to a future occupation. Not knowing the material one is expected to know to have a job in their field could lead to being fired. This would make it hard to keep a job in the field of study and therefore the degree would not pay off. While some will excel at their occupation due to the degree obtained and dedication to their studies. The value of a degree could go either way but a degree
  • 35. is most definitely not “money in the bank.” Students often have debt to pay back post- graduation. On average, comparing between public and private universities, a student will obtain $15,000 in debt over the course of a year. Over four years the average debt of a college graduate would be $60,000. Now if a person were to get a job in their field of study right out of college, which doesn’t always happen, and their salary is the average $45,000. This means that if the student paid off all their debt it would take over a year if that is where all the money went too. However, food and living expenses will cut deeply into the salary making it take over ten years to fully pay off the debt if not longer (Jones 2013). Accumulating this amount of debt is worth it if the post- graduation job will allow a person to live comfortably while simultaneously paying off the debt. Not all jobs allow for this amenity. After a person graduates college and moves on to the next part of their lives, millennials in particular, many want to start a family. To start a family many people, prefer to have a stable income and want to know for certain they will be able to support a family. The combination of a poor job outlook and and major debt leaves a degree of uncertainty about the future. Many millennials are waiting to start a family until they are relatively financial secure.
  • 36. Being unsure of the future is another reason why millennials should believe that not all Americans should attend college. There is way to afford the investment though without completely busting the bank. Federal Student Aid is one option. According to a study done by Jones, tax payers pay billions of dollars into federal student aid each year (2014). However, only a small percentage of Americans receive this benefit. This affects the middle class the hardest. People who have a steady job to provide for their families usually have to bear the full cost of college as well. The middle class pays taxes to support federal student aid yet have to put their own kids to school with their own money. It is not fair to put the debt burden on the students and families who are making due but not getting too far ahead while simultaneously paying for others to attend college through their taxes. All Americans should not attend college because the people who will excel in a college setting will be able to use the financial aid and the money will not go to waste. 3 Another issue with federal student aid is the institutions the money is going towards. Billions of tax payer dollars are being
  • 37. given to many different universities and no one quite knows what these institutions are doing with that money. While some use the money to better the school and pay the professors other schools have other intentions for the government money (Jones 2014). Before the government pays for certain students to attend college the financial integrity of the institutions these students plan to attend should be checked to ensure tax payers money does not benefit anyone’s personal gains. With more people choosing to attend college only certain universities should be allowed to accept federal student aid to prevent everyone from attending college. There is a strong counter argument to the statement not all Americans should attend college. Some say that everyone attending college will lead to a smarter more prosperous America. The more people who are educated will allow the country to have better leaders. America has been struggling lately and the debt is becoming uncontrollable. Yet, with more people attending college the millennial generation will be the generation to change things for the better and make America great again. With more people having a college degree and starting careers the middle class will start to expand and less people will be in
  • 38. the lower class lifestyle. Educating everyone will lead to a heavy decrease of the poor in America which is best for everyon e. The millennial generation will be successful and prosperous in the age of learning and knowledge. Everyone will have a steady job to start a family and splurge every now and then. America will be a better place if everyone attends college because a degree makes a person much better off. However, a better America is wishful thinking in our current economic situation. The job market is less because more people are becoming qualified. There is steep competition for college graduates looking for jobs right now without everyone attending college. If everyone were to attend college the job market would lessen even more. The only available jobs would be when someone retired and then the competition would be outrageous. People, with or without degrees, would be forced to work jobs that did not require a degree in the first place. The people working the low paid jobs with a college degree will be hurting the most because they still have a decent amount of student loans to pay off. This scenario is already becoming a reality for some college graduate. If all Americans were to attend college a degree would not mean as much as it means now. A degree would not translate into a job or into a paying salary and a college education would not be worth it for
  • 39. everyone. With all of these reasons why this issue is important millennials should be the most concerned. This directly effect each and every millennial whether they have graduated, are in, getting ready to attend, or are not attending college. The millennial generation is the next gen eration to start families and need job certainty to have children. Job outlook is not the best which makes starting a family uneasy because people want to know that they will be able to provide for their future family. Another uncertainty for millennials is the fluctuating value of many degrees. A degree that looks prosperous when one enters college could not be worth as much when one graduates because the job market may have become saturated. The ever changing value of a degree makes it hard to have a sense of security. However, if less Americans attend college these problems will diminish. Certain jobs that require a college degree can lead to successful career as well as jobs that require hands on skills and on the job learning. Millennials have the choice whether or not they want to attend college. One must decide for their self what route would lead to their success. A college setting is not right for everyone and parents of millennials need to understand that before forcing their children to attend because everyone else does.
  • 40. A college education will not necessarily make their children better off depending on their learning style, degree, and job after graduation. The best option for millennials to do is to take time to decide for oneself what will benefit them in the long run. Millennials future would be effected in a negative way if all Americans were to attend college. While attending college does have its perks a degree is not necessary to be successful in the world. If everyone had a college degree, the value of having one would decrease and there would not be as many jobs available. College is not always the right fit because some peopl e perform better with hands on tasks than learning in a classroom setting. The cost of four- year universities will leave many millennials in debt. Millennials have the right to choose their futures and decide on their own what is best for their situation. With that being said, not all Americans should attend college.