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UR IT STAFF -12-13
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e all experience struggles
at one point or another in
our lives, but for one little
girl, the struggle began as
a toddler. In October 1988, when
Veronica Zeth was only 15 months
old, she was badly burned in a
house fire caused by an explosion
in the kitchen at her Cannon Station
home near Eldorado. Doctors
were fearful that she would not
survive, as the burns covered 92
percent of her body. As she grew,
she endured over 450 skin graft
and reconstruction surgeries and
suffered from the pain of dried,
cracking skin. It was truly a miracle
that she not only lived, but also is
as healthy as she is today.
Because the fire damaged her
insides, Veronica was told she
would never be able to have
children. Even if she were to get
pregnant, her skin could not stretch
enough for the baby to have room
to grow. She was very happily
surprised when she found out she
was pregnant. Incredibly, there
were no complications with the
pregnancy—only bed rest towards
the end—and in February 2009, she
gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
Her miracle baby, Gracie, is now 6
years old and is looking forward to
starting first grade in the fall.
On June 13, 2015, Veronica’s
dream came true as she married
her partner of three years, Mike
Geist. She says he is perfect, as he
is an amazing father to Gracie and
they love each other very much.
He takes care of the girls day in
and day out, working a full-time
job, helping out with chores,
and working on projects around
the house. The couple recently
purchased their own house in
Duncansville and has been working
on the landscaping and painting
outside. Next on the list are little
improvements to each room,
making it their dream home.
It is amazing to see a girl who
had a traumatic experience so
young grow up to be the strong
and independent woman she is
today. She has been working at
Fine Cut, Inc. for 10 years as a hair
stylist. She is thankful for having
her family by her side for 28 years
and all the care and support
they gave and continue to give
her, especially her grandparents
Cathy and Rodger Zeth. Her
grandmother raised her as a child,
took her to all her surgeries,
and cared for her throughout
the whole process Without her,
Veronica would not be who she is
today. Veronica is excited to start
this new chapter in her life and
can’t wait to see what the future
brings for her, Gracie, and Mike.
It truly goes to show that love will
always trump the bad.
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each year, the number of
people interested in “going
organic” seems to increase, as
well as the number of farms
seeking to produce organic
products. Some consumers
may not change completely to all organic
foods, but may go after certain products
– such as produce and meat – that is
labeled organic. Currently, the United
States Department of Agriculture’s
(USDA) goal is to increase certified
organic operations through many
programs. Regardless, there are still many
aspects consumers may not completely
understand about organic products
and what makes them the “preferred”
choice. The USDA provides a wealth of
information on its Web site alone, as well
as through links to other sites. Here are
some of the basics:
What makes products organic?
According to the USDA, “organic
agriculture produces products using
methods that preserve the environment
and avoid most synthetic materials, such
as pesticides and antibiotics.” Overall,
organic operations must demonstrate
that they are protecting natural resources,
conserving biodiversity, and using only
approved substances. Organic agriculture
is based on minimal use of off-farm
inputs and on management practices
that restore, maintain and enhance
ecological harmony. “Organic
agriculture practices cannot ensure
that products are completely free
of residues; however, methods are
used to minimize pollution from air,
soil and water,” reads the USDA’s
What are the requirements for
organic labeling? “Organic” is a
labeling term that denotes products
produced under the authority of
the Organic Foods Production Act.
The USDA has organic standards/
specific requirements that must
be verified by a USDA-accredited
certifying agent before products
can be labeled USDA organic.
To be labeled organic, food or
products must be produced
through approved methods.
According to the USDA Web site,
“Organic food handlers, processors
and retailers adhere to standards
that maintain the integrity of
organic agricultural products. The
primary goal of organic agriculture
is to optimize the health and
productivity of interdependent
communities of soil life, plants,
animals and people.
Are items labeled “organic”
really organic? Operations
producing organic products that
want to call them organic must
be certified to do so. The USDA
has strengthened its oversight of
organic products, using methods
such as inspections and residue
testing to ensure the integrity of
organic products from farm to
market. They've “created a level
playing field” by developing clear
standards, investigating consumer
complaints (anyone can file one
by contacting the USDA), and
taking action against farmers and
businesses that violate the law.
According to USDA rules, products
that are labeled “100 percent
organic” are made with 100 percent
organic ingredients. If 95 percent
of a product is made up of organic
ingredients, it can be called “organic.”
If it's 70 percent organic (the other
30 percent cannot contain genetically
modified organisms–GMOs), the
label can read, "Made with organic
ingredients." Products with less than
70 percent organic ingredients may
list organically produced ingredients
on the side panel of the package, but
may not make any organic claims on
the front of the package.
Are organic products really
better for you and better tasting?
According to most information, there
is no definitive research that says
organic products are healthier or more
nutritious. Some research is starting
to say “yes” some organic foods are
more nutritious than conventional
products. Many consumers and
gourmet chefs do claim a superior
taste and quality from organic foods.
Advocates say organic foods are safer
by limiting pesticides and the like, and
that organic production is better for
the environment.
1. According
organic food
doesn’t always
cost more. Some
items, such as
coffee, cereal,
bread, and even
hamburger, may
cost the same or
even less than
their conventional
And, as the
demand for
continues to grow,
the cost will continue to come
down. When the cost is higher,
consider these facts:
- Organic farmers don’t receive
federal subsidies like conventional
farmers do. Therefore, the price of
organic food reflects the true cost of
- The price of conventional food
does not reflect the cost of
environmental cleanups that we pay
for through our tax dollars.
- Organic farming is more labor and
Organic farms are usually smaller
than conventional farms and so do
not benefit from the economies of
scale that larger growers get.
2. Right now, no one can say for
sure whether organic food is any
more nutritious than conventional
food. Either way, if you want to
get the most from your food, eat it
it's fresh.
3. Make the decision that makes
the most sense for you. Eat a
variety of fruits, vegetables and
grains, no matter if the products
are organic or not. If you like the
idea of organic foods but aren't
ready to go completely organic,
you can always pick and choose.
4. When shopping for organic
foods, always look for the USDA
When models
n our trip to Philly, l was nervous.
What you hear about the city, how
dirty it is, the crime, the crowds…
it's a little disheartening.
There are homeless people. Some wear rags,
and some wear nicer shoes than you and I do.
‑Some are scam artists, looking for their next
victim. If you give them money, some scowl at
the little you give them, others praise you. If you
refuse them, you'll hear a line of curse words
depending on your gender.
Long story short, the city is crowded, and not
just by people. Stores, houses, cars, you name it
and they literally touch each other. Some houses
don't have back yards or even porches, and
instead of two neighbors, you have about 20, of
all races and ages, right next to you all day and all
night. They don't care if you work or have school.
It's loud all times of the day and night.
Downtown, unless you look under bridges, is
not exactly dirty with trash, but dirty with people.
In this particular summer month that we visited,
everyone seemed to have an opinion, whether
they said it or not. The
ones that did, really did.
The vulgarity and audacity
that some city dwellers
have is truly amazing,
thinking that simple rights
allow them to gawk and
use language towards
women that most would
be offended by.
But don't let that
discourage you from
visiting. The city is actually
beautiful. Most people are
the kindest people you
will ever meet. Store clerks
and most vendors are
extremely polite—at least
the ones I happened to meet. There
is security and law enforcement
usually in eyesight at all times.
While there is a surplus of
homeless people, they are usually
quiet and don't cause trouble.
Putting yourself in their shoes (or
lack of shoes) you honestly will
feel bad when you have nothing
to offer. Things in the city are
expensive. These people live in
boxes, cover themselves with the
rags on their backs, and take the
risk to survive while we get to come
home to locked doors and warm
beds. Television dulls the actual
experience of seeing how these
people live.
On to the most beautiful water
fountains and artwork I've seen so
far in my life! Depending on your
preferences of artwork, the whole
city has monuments and fountains
on almost every corner, not to
mention the rich historical roots,
and the powerful influences of
the technological and mechanical
advances, 239 years in the making.
Just look up or down the street.
Everything is within walking
distance!, and most have air
conditioning! Whether you're an
artistic person, or you just want to
shop, there is literally something for
everyone. Even the
graffiti is beautiful.
No, I'm not talking
small amateur
signs…I'm talking
huge murals that
can be seen for
blocks. There is
also an old subway
train riddled
with graffiti and
rust: It's literally
one of the most
beautiful things
I've ever seen.
A photographer
could make a
living with all
there is to see
and experience. Museums, the
“Rocky” steps, even a water
fountain that puts on a water
show every five to 10 minutes;
it's all worth seeing.
If you're used to small
town or even small city living,
you should honestly consider
visiting Philadelphia. Our trip
was too short to experience
the whole city. I wish we
could have stayed a week, just
finding small experiences and
capturing pictures of the side of
big cities that we should see.
The world is a huge place.
Go outside of your comfort
zone and live life!
FROM 2009-2010 SEASON
hat does it mean
to experience a
motivational high?
When reading uplifting
quotes, listening to motivational
speakers and experiencing small
successes, a temporary euphoria
sets in. The fire that is lit to drive
you feels like it will never burn
out. There is a surge of energy, an
influx of ideas, a whole new you. A
shift takes place. You start to work
out daily, take on extra projects at
work, fill up your social calendar
and off you go. Then almost as fast
as the fire started, it fizzles out.
You feel like you’ve been going
for months and realize it’s only
been a couple of weeks. Where is
your new life? What happened?
Where did the motivation go?
Unfortunately, many people have
or will experience this cycle several
times in their lives. It hits eerily
close to the New Year resolution
phenomenon that takes place
every year. What differentiates the
people who live motivated passion-
filled lives and those that only
desire them? It is an action-driven
mindset. If we made money off of
our ability to talk about how much
we dream and desire, we’d all be
An action-driven mindset is the
puzzle piece that many lack when
it comes to turning passion into
a reality. There is not a specific
definition for this, but maybe
it means doing rather than just
dreaming. Dreams are wonderful.
They reveal the desires
of a person and uncover
what is obtainable in
life. The problem is that
dreams are only half of
the equation. The next
step is making a plan of
action to reach the future
you see for yourself. This
is when driven people
are separated from those
who are only seeking
temporary highs and
short-lived successes.
Once the plan of action has
been made, something interesting
happens. It’s when people realize
there is no such thing as overnight
results, making a quick million,
or obtaining their dream job by
merely updating their resumes. The
people who accept that it is a daily
decision to stay on track no matter
what are the ones who will find
The other group of people will
find the small strides are enough
to appease their appetite only to
re-start the cycle in a month’s time.
Typically, they re-start because any
step forward taken was promptly
followed with taking two steps
back. This happens because we
have a self-rewarding system that
hinders us. In relation to fitness
it’s the, “I lost three pounds so I
deserve a week off of this healthy
lifestyle.” That week turns into two
weeks, turns into a month and the
gaining of 10 more pounds. When
it comes to business, we get a
promotion then settle in, hunker
down and ride out the next five
years without figuring out the next
step we need to take to becoming the owner.
The solution to this problem is very simple.
Passion requires action to obtain success.
One cannot exist without the other. If you get
overwhelmed looking too far into the future,
then don’t. Do what some of the most successful
people have done and take it one day at a time.
Make the daily decision to stick to the plan.
Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t give
up when you come up against an obstacle or
setback. Get refocused, don’t beat yourself up
and don’t listen to naysayers. Surround yourself
with like-minded people who support and
motivate you. Track your success then be sure to
reward yourself when appropriate. After all, why
become successful at anything if you can’t take a
moment to sit back, relax and enjoy?
- JessicaM.
UR IT Crew walking with the stars! - Hollywood blvd, CA
UR IT Magazine visted the Hollywood hills during their
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’ve been asked what inspires me to make certain designs; the answer is
simply the beads. I love the look, movement and the feel of beads. When
I was very small, my grandmother would let me play in the button drawer
in her sewing cabinet. That memory is one of my fondest from my childhood.
I think the beads are the same for me now as the buttons were when I was
younger. The two necklaces pictured in this issue were inspired when I saw
the beads at the Pittsburgh bead show.
	 When I saw the black faceted beads in the first photo, I knew that I
wanted to do something that would look vintage. In another aisle, I found the
vintage brass keys. Even though they were plain, I knew I could dress them
up with a little ingenuity. I did a pave design in the center and added some
much-needed bling with Swarovski crystals. Still not happy with everything
I was viewing, I decided against all beads and a key focal. Pondering what
to do, I looked in my wire stash and found antiqued brass colored wire. I
then thought I could coil the wire and cut it in one-inch sections. I finally had
the vintage-look necklace that I was happy with and proud to have the girls
wearing to be photographed.
	 I also found the focal bead in the second photo at the bead show.
This bead is Red Creek Jasper and has deep, rich color so I knew it could
stand on its own. The color would also look great with an antiqued brass
chain, but it would look a little lonely. At the same vendor that I found the keys,
I also found the beautiful brass leaves that would give the piece movement.
To give the chain a bit more interest, I put amber-colored Swarovski crystals
inside of antique brass bead caps and four small crystals, one on each end,
in the middle of the chain. This necklace makes me think of the fall season
because of the rich autumn colors and it will look great with sweaters.
Facebook to enter was “ Do it! You’re
gorgeous! “ Before I knew it, I was
sending a picture of myself and I think it
was either 800 or 900 likes later, I won
that contest.
My very first shoot was scheduled
shortly after winning. I kept thinking
to myself, “This is crazy, this can’t be
happening! “ I had all my clothes, shoes
and everything packed up and before
I knew it, it was photoshoot time. Later
that month, I was on the back of a local
After a few months, I had received
another call from UR IT. It was another
shoot being scheduled for Glendale
lake - a jewelry shoot. I gladly took
the offer. Two other girls were also
doing the jewelry shoot. But everyone
was going individually. So I think
there is where I truly got to feel more
comfortable in front of the camera.
The Glendale shoot was actually two
different shoots, two different days. I
can honestly say that they were such
fun times. What model can say that
they were being watched by local
fishermen and park rangers?! But my
best memory of Glendale is when I
found out I made September’s front
cover. After being teased for a week
with a text message saying, “I know
something you don’t know.” Then there
it was! The exciting news.
On a different note, working as a
part-time hair and makeup stylist for
UR IT has given me a chance to get to
know the other girls, where they came
from, and their styles. It’s amazing to be
able to flip through a magazine and say,
“I did that style or her makeup looks
great! “
So what are my thoughts about UR
IT? It’s changed my life, it’s taken me
places I never imagined in my career,
it’s given me opportunities I never
thought could happen. It’s made part of
me who I am. I’m a small-town country
girl, and that’s all I ever thought I would
be...But then I followed my dreams and
became IT. So can you!
Hey, I’m Haley! I’m this month’s UR
IT model of the month. I’m a licensed
cosmetologist and cosmetology instructor.
I’m a full-time stylist at Wild Hair salon and
also a part-time hair and makeup artist for
UR IT Magazine.
My journey with UR IT has truly been a
blessing from the very beginning when I won
my first back cover contest. I couldn’t ever
thank enough former model Brittany Fox
for talking me into entering the contest. Her
exact message after sending me the link on
s we travel through areas
delivering magazines and
showing the world UR
IT, we have come across
so many awesome shops and
businesses we had no idea existed.
If we didn't know u were there,
who else doesn't know?
We completely know and
understand the dilemma of finding
a way to get ur business in front
of the right people at a price that
enables u be sure ur not busting
ur budget. With UR IT u are put in
front of women who are proud to
be themselves, open minded, and
ready to try new things.
With print, web, social media,
video, events, models, design,
and unlimited open minded ideas,
isn't it time for u to show the Ur
It Nation that ur business is IT!!
Honestly, didn't we just get u
to read this? Imagine how many
others are too.
UR IT Advertising, we're not only
the future, WE R THE NOW!!
ental health has been
recognized by IntraHealth
International as one of
the health issues to watch in 2015.
According to the Mental Health
Foundation, one in four people are
likely to experience some kind of
mental health problem, mainly anxiety
and depression in a year. Further
studies show that nine in 10 prisoners
suffer from a mental condition. These
among many other revelations are
proof that mental illness surrounds us
and family has a crucial role to play in
support of psychiatric hospitals.
Supporting a mentally-ill family member
first requires an understanding of early
signs of mental instability issues such
as dementia, anxiety, post-traumatic
stress disorder and depression among
others. A few signs based on age are
highlighted below.
•Unexplainable poor grades in 		
school despite study efforts
•Refusal to go to sleep or school
•Persistent nightmares, tantrums
and aggression
These normally have more obvious tell-
tale signs compared to young children:
•Drug abuse
•Inability to handle school and home 	
•Defiance and daring misconduct 	
such as theft
•Intense fear
•Unexplainable and frequent 		
•Poor problem solving skills
Patients will express:
•Incoherent thinking
•Frequent and prolonged
•Social withdrawal
•Low self esteem
•Suicidal thoughts
•Irresponsible behaviour
•Substance abuse
•Delusional thinking and
After noticing any or a combination
of the above signs, careful and
sensitive care should be taken to
prevent further aggravation of the
There is social stigma towards
psychiatric patients and their
families, causing family members
to distance themselves from sick
relatives. This normally calls for
acceptance by the family if any
progress is to be made. Accept
the situation and find out as much
as you can on the specific mental
illness and boldly seek help.
•Connecting to a
support network
Acceptance is not always easy.
Finding families that have gone
through the same issue as you
have will give you the strength
and courage to offer the sick
relative the required sensitivity and
understanding. If need be, seeing
a counsellor for advice on the
best way to handle the patient is
•Make time for
Extreme mental disorders such
as depression require you to
constantly provide care to the
patient, causing you to involuntarily
ignore the needs of other
family members and yourself.
Additionally, the emotional drain
sometimes leads to frustration and
pent up anger that you unleash on
innocent people. Learn to ask for
help and take time to relax and
recharge your positive emotions.
•Develop strategies
for handling unusual
What happens when your beloved
starts acting strange in public? Do
you beat them, leave them alone
or try to handle it? Don’t focus on
the public embarrassment, but
on understanding your loved one.
Listen to them open-mindedly and
offer sensitive solutions. It will calm
their nerves. Behaviors that pose a
security threat however need very
careful strategies preferably with
the prior help of a counsellor.
It is okay to feel stressed, angered,
sad, frustrated and alone when a
family member suffers from mental
instability. Finding help and support
for yourself will significantly
contribute to your efforts to cope
well with the current situation.
Q	 How do two people 	
	 who know they have
issues with letting people in
and having people around long
term, fight the urge to run and
fight the urge to push the other
out? I'll explain a little. We work
together, are super good friends,
talk everyday, respect each other,
and know the others issues.
She is very defensive and fights
to mentally hurt you with things
she says and runs away. I fight
to finish, saying things that give
you every opportunity to go and
not come back. For two years we
have been able to get through
both of us taking turns to push the
other out. We've talked about it
and don't want to do this to each
other. Any suggestions on how we
can stop doing what we have both
done for most of our lives?
A	 Dear Pushy, It sounds like this pattern of shutting 	
	 people out is not unique to this relationship, it is
something you have both done throughout your lives. What
makes this different, perhaps, and why it is causing you
both so much anguish, is that because you are so much
alike, you feel a special connection, and understand each
other in ways that most other people don’t understand you.
The downside to this is that you also know how to hurt each
other in ways that others can’t (or won’t). The issue here
is not your fondness and respect for each other, it’s the
lack of love and respect you have for yourselves. People
who have self-love and self-respect tend to be repelled by
relationships that are hurtful, whereas you and your friend
are drawn to them. There is no quick fix here - my advice
is to take time to work on yourselves individually, uncover
the issues that make you want to push people away, then
see if the friendship still works. The old saying about "you
cannot change others, you can only change yourself"
is true. If you don’t want to continue playing out these
destructive patterns, then let the healing start with you. You
have no control over whether or not she wants to get better
and have healthier relationships, but it sounds like you do,
which is great! Start your journey of healing today and you
will be amazed by the healthy people you start inviting into
your life that will stick around, and most importantly, that
you feel you are a person who has worth and deserves to
have others stay in their life.
Christy Beck
BecksPsychotherapy 19
Women invest a considerable amount
of time and effort into their looks with
the hope that their men will notice the
changes. Unfortunately in most cases,
men fail to notice what they were
expected to see and this leaves the
woman infuriated and frustrated.
Literature has inarguably showed that
men are attracted by what they see—
a fact that motivates women to always
look good. However, attention to the
tiniest details is usually the bone of
contention. Your man might not be as
attentive to notice the new glow after
a facial but he will sure notice some of
the following.
What do you do when he tells you
something nice? Do you blush, give a
sexy smile or pretend to smile? Men
will notice a genuine smile and get
flattered because that is a sign that you
are both comfortable and fun. To men,
sincerity counts more than the most
beautiful looks.
Men can be both attracted or turned
off by the size of your group. A
potential date is likely to approach you
when you are in a group of three, the
perfect crew size. Men shy away from
approaching two ladies for fear
of seeming rude by leaving one
woman unattended. In a crowd of
three, he will be comfortable to
pick you out while your other two
friends remain chatting.
Fake nails, hair, eye lashes, hips
among other things only spell
out “high maintenance” to a guy.
Fake accessories are a beauty faux
pas that exudes low self-esteem,
lack of self-acceptance and self-
appreciation. It is difficult for a
guy to like you if you do not seem
comfortable in your own skin.
Eye contact is important for
any conversation. This is a sure
part of your face that your man
will notice anytime. Investing in
good eye shadow and eyeliners
alongside a perfectly shaped
brow will make him look at you
longer and more intensely than
Unless you spot a new crazy
hairstyle, men hardly notice the
extra curl on your freshly tonged
hair. The great smell attracts them
and gets them to notice the rest
of the details. Take time and invest in
great hair products that smell good,
for healthy hair and feeling sexy.
A common misconception is that
the more perfume you wear, the
more he will notice it. Well, yes he
sure will notice excess perfume
but this will be detrimental to your
image. Subtle perfume is a show of
class and self-confidence. A man
will always wonder what you would
actually look and smell like in the
morning. Excess perfume will only
indicate that you cannot stand your
natural body scent—a turn off.
Regularly exfoliate to maintain
glowing, soft skin that is pleasant to
touch. One thing to note however,
a man will not automatically discern
that you exfoliated the night before
meeting him.
Men hardly notice the change in
nail polish colour or your new set
of earrings. An important fact to
know is to always make sure you
wear subtle makeup, perfume
and put some effort on your facial
area. What you wear is also greatly
complemented by how you behave,
hence learn to always be at your best
behaviour and you will get noticed.
large percentage of the
population reaches for
an energy drink at least
once a day. Most of those
people don’t have a clue as to
what these drinks are doing to their
bodies, let alone to their behavior.
Read on for reasons why it is best
to stop using energy drinks; they
may come as a surprise.
•The stimulant effect can give a
person the impression that they
aren’t impaired and can lead to
dangerous activities such as driving
under the influence or when overly
tired, and to being unable to
perform simple tasks.
•Studies show that 70 percent
of young adults consume energy
drinks with alcohol. Mixing energy
drinks and alcohol is like mixing
amphetamines with barbiturates—a
well-known and deadly
combination in the drug world.
•Some energy drinks like Four Loko
are a mix of alcohol and caffeine,
which exacerbates intoxication and
dangerous behavior.
•Herbs like guarana are used as
an energizer and, in high doses,
have side effects. This can cause
loss of sleep, impulsive behavior,
increased blood pressure and
irregular heart rate.
•Energy drinks contain the same
amount of sugar as soft drinks.
•Problems from consuming
energy drinks mimic the common
problems of drinking soft drinks:
Obesity risks, blood sugar
problems, and tooth decay.
•Some sugar-free energy drinks
contain artificial sweeteners,
like sucralose (Splenda), that
are linked to abnormal insulin
response and excessive weight
•Energy drinks are as dehydrating
as alcohol and rob the body of
moisture, which can accelerate
•Some individuals pay the price
of a greater risk of depression
after the energy spike.
Not only do adults
consume energy drinks, but
also young kids and teens
do the same.
•Kids who imbibe in
energy drinks experience
more physical injuries that
require medical treatment.
•Studies show that kids
and teens have a greater
chance of using alcohol
and tobacco as a result of
drinking energy drinks.
18 percent of kids under 10
drink energy drinks.
68 percent of children and
teens consume energy
500 new brands of energy
drinks were released
worldwide in 2006, mainly
targeting children.
With all these facts, next
time you are feeling tired
or sluggish, reach for a cup
of coffee instead. Parents
should also advise their
children of the effects of
these drinks on their bodies
and minds.
Although within the last
year there have been
numerous natural energy
drinks on the market and
can be purchased on the
Internet, they still aren’t
healthy and safe.

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  • 1.
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4 LOVE OUT WEIGHS THE BAD HUMAN INTEREST W e all experience struggles at one point or another in our lives, but for one little girl, the struggle began as a toddler. In October 1988, when Veronica Zeth was only 15 months old, she was badly burned in a house fire caused by an explosion in the kitchen at her Cannon Station home near Eldorado. Doctors were fearful that she would not survive, as the burns covered 92 percent of her body. As she grew, she endured over 450 skin graft and reconstruction surgeries and suffered from the pain of dried, cracking skin. It was truly a miracle that she not only lived, but also is as healthy as she is today. Because the fire damaged her insides, Veronica was told she would never be able to have children. Even if she were to get pregnant, her skin could not stretch enough for the baby to have room to grow. She was very happily surprised when she found out she was pregnant. Incredibly, there were no complications with the pregnancy—only bed rest towards the end—and in February 2009, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Her miracle baby, Gracie, is now 6 years old and is looking forward to starting first grade in the fall. On June 13, 2015, Veronica’s dream came true as she married her partner of three years, Mike Geist. She says he is perfect, as he is an amazing father to Gracie and they love each other very much. He takes care of the girls day in and day out, working a full-time job, helping out with chores, and working on projects around the house. The couple recently purchased their own house in Duncansville and has been working on the landscaping and painting outside. Next on the list are little improvements to each room, making it their dream home. It is amazing to see a girl who had a traumatic experience so young grow up to be the strong “ IT IS AMAZING TO SEE A GIRL WHO HAD A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE SO YOUNG GROW UP TO BE THE STRONG AND INDEPENDENT WOMAN SHE IS TODAY. and independent woman she is today. She has been working at Fine Cut, Inc. for 10 years as a hair stylist. She is thankful for having her family by her side for 28 years and all the care and support they gave and continue to give her, especially her grandparents Cathy and Rodger Zeth. Her grandmother raised her as a child, took her to all her surgeries, and cared for her throughout the whole process Without her, Veronica would not be who she is today. Veronica is excited to start this new chapter in her life and can’t wait to see what the future brings for her, Gracie, and Mike. It truly goes to show that love will always trump the bad.
  • 5. 5 Follow us on social media!! Join the growing community HERE’S THE DETAILS: UR IT Magazine is giving away a prize pack to one lucky winner after we reach 10,000 Likes on Facebook. Simply share UR IT’s post on Facebook and enter the drawing at Yes, it’s that simple! HERE’S WHAT YOU WILL WIN: -Clothes Mentor of State College is giving away an outfit a month for a year (up to $25) per month. That’s a $300 value! -A $25 gift certificate to the Salt Spa in State College, PA -A necklace from the UR IT Jewelry Collection -A bottle of UR Secret, UR Temptress Red, Q, Vostra il -Coffee mug, travel mug, and a soon to be printed UR IT T-shirt!! & MORE!! HELP US REACH 10,000 LIKES ON FACEBOOK & U COULD WIN!! SOCIAL MEDIA & COMMUNITY
  • 6. 6 WHAT ARE U EATING? each year, the number of people interested in “going organic” seems to increase, as well as the number of farms seeking to produce organic products. Some consumers may not change completely to all organic foods, but may go after certain products – such as produce and meat – that is labeled organic. Currently, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) goal is to increase certified organic operations through many programs. Regardless, there are still many aspects consumers may not completely understand about organic products and what makes them the “preferred” choice. The USDA provides a wealth of information on its Web site alone, as well as through links to other sites. Here are some of the basics: What makes products organic? According to the USDA, “organic agriculture produces products using methods that preserve the environment and avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics.” Overall, organic operations must demonstrate that they are protecting natural resources, conserving biodiversity, and using only approved substances. Organic agriculture is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. “Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water,” reads the USDA’s website. What are the requirements for organic labeling? “Organic” is a labeling term that denotes products produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. The USDA has organic standards/ specific requirements that must be verified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent before products can be labeled USDA organic. To be labeled organic, food or products must be produced through approved methods. According to the USDA Web site, “Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to standards that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people. Are items labeled “organic” really organic? Operations producing organic products that want to call them organic must be certified to do so. The USDA has strengthened its oversight of organic products, using methods such as inspections and residue testing to ensure the integrity of organic products from farm to market. They've “created a level playing field” by developing clear standards, investigating consumer complaints (anyone can file one by contacting the USDA), and taking action against farmers and businesses that violate the law. According to USDA rules, products that are labeled “100 percent organic” are made with 100 percent ORGANIC PANIC! “ORGANIC FARMERS DON’T RECEIVE FEDERAL SUBSIDIES LIKE CONVENTIONAL FARMERS DO. THEREFORE, THE PRICE OF ORGANIC FOOD REFLECTS THE TRUE COST OF GROWING”
  • 7. Organic organic ingredients. If 95 percent of a product is made up of organic ingredients, it can be called “organic.” If it's 70 percent organic (the other 30 percent cannot contain genetically modified organisms–GMOs), the label can read, "Made with organic ingredients." Products with less than 70 percent organic ingredients may list organically produced ingredients on the side panel of the package, but may not make any organic claims on the front of the package. Are organic products really better for you and better tasting? According to most information, there is no definitive research that says organic products are healthier or more nutritious. Some research is starting to say “yes” some organic foods are more nutritious than conventional products. Many consumers and gourmet chefs do claim a superior taste and quality from organic foods. Advocates say organic foods are safer by limiting pesticides and the like, and that organic production is better for the environment. THE TRUTH: 1. According to, organic food doesn’t always cost more. Some items, such as coffee, cereal, bread, and even hamburger, may cost the same or even less than their conventional counterparts. And, as the demand for organics continues to grow, the cost will continue to come down. When the cost is higher, consider these facts: - Organic farmers don’t receive federal subsidies like conventional farmers do. Therefore, the price of organic food reflects the true cost of growing. - The price of conventional food does not reflect the cost of environmental cleanups that we pay for through our tax dollars. - Organic farming is more labor and Organic farms are usually smaller than conventional farms and so do not benefit from the economies of scale that larger growers get. 2. Right now, no one can say for sure whether organic food is any more nutritious than conventional food. Either way, if you want to get the most from your food, eat it while it's fresh. 3. Make the decision that makes the most sense for you. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains, no matter if the products are organic or not. If you like the idea of organic foods but aren't ready to go completely organic, you can always pick and choose. 4. When shopping for organic foods, always look for the USDA “ORGANIC AGRICULTURE PRODUCES PRODUCTS USING METHODS THAT PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT AND AVOID MOST SYNTHETIC MATERIALS, SUCH AS PESTICIDES AND ANTIBIOTICS” ORGANIC PANIC! - HEALTH 7
  • 8. 8 WHEN MODELS TAKE OVER PHILLY When models TAKE OVER PHILADELPHIA O n our trip to Philly, l was nervous. What you hear about the city, how dirty it is, the crime, the crowds… it's a little disheartening. There are homeless people. Some wear rags, and some wear nicer shoes than you and I do. ‑Some are scam artists, looking for their next victim. If you give them money, some scowl at the little you give them, others praise you. If you refuse them, you'll hear a line of curse words depending on your gender. Long story short, the city is crowded, and not just by people. Stores, houses, cars, you name it and they literally touch each other. Some houses don't have back yards or even porches, and instead of two neighbors, you have about 20, of all races and ages, right next to you all day and all night. They don't care if you work or have school. It's loud all times of the day and night. Downtown, unless you look under bridges, is not exactly dirty with trash, but dirty with people. In this particular summer month that we visited, everyone seemed to have an opinion, whether
  • 9. 9 they said it or not. The ones that did, really did. The vulgarity and audacity that some city dwellers have is truly amazing, thinking that simple rights allow them to gawk and use language towards women that most would be offended by. But don't let that discourage you from visiting. The city is actually beautiful. Most people are the kindest people you will ever meet. Store clerks and most vendors are extremely polite—at least the ones I happened to meet. There is security and law enforcement usually in eyesight at all times. While there is a surplus of homeless people, they are usually quiet and don't cause trouble. Putting yourself in their shoes (or lack of shoes) you honestly will feel bad when you have nothing to offer. Things in the city are expensive. These people live in boxes, cover themselves with the rags on their backs, and take the risk to survive while we get to come home to locked doors and warm beds. Television dulls the actual experience of seeing how these people live. On to the most beautiful water fountains and artwork I've seen so far in my life! Depending on your preferences of artwork, the whole city has monuments and fountains on almost every corner, not to mention the rich historical roots, and the powerful influences of the technological and mechanical advances, 239 years in the making. Just look up or down the street. Everything is within walking distance!, and most have air conditioning! Whether you're an artistic person, or you just want to shop, there is literally something for everyone. Even the graffiti is beautiful. No, I'm not talking small amateur signs…I'm talking huge murals that can be seen for blocks. There is also an old subway train riddled with graffiti and rust: It's literally one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. A photographer could make a living with all there is to see and experience. Museums, the “Rocky” steps, even a water fountain that puts on a water show every five to 10 minutes; it's all worth seeing. If you're used to small town or even small city living, you should honestly consider visiting Philadelphia. Our trip was too short to experience the whole city. I wish we could have stayed a week, just finding small experiences and capturing pictures of the side of big cities that we should see. The world is a huge place. Go outside of your comfort zone and live life!
  • 10. 10 PASSION REQUIRES ACTION MOTIVATION FROM 2009-2010 SEASON W hat does it mean to experience a motivational high? When reading uplifting quotes, listening to motivational speakers and experiencing small successes, a temporary euphoria sets in. The fire that is lit to drive you feels like it will never burn out. There is a surge of energy, an influx of ideas, a whole new you. A shift takes place. You start to work out daily, take on extra projects at work, fill up your social calendar and off you go. Then almost as fast as the fire started, it fizzles out. You feel like you’ve been going for months and realize it’s only been a couple of weeks. Where is your new life? What happened? Where did the motivation go? Unfortunately, many people have or will experience this cycle several times in their lives. It hits eerily close to the New Year resolution phenomenon that takes place every year. What differentiates the people who live motivated passion- filled lives and those that only desire them? It is an action-driven mindset. If we made money off of our ability to talk about how much we dream and desire, we’d all be millionaires. An action-driven mindset is the puzzle piece that many lack when it comes to turning passion into a reality. There is not a specific definition for this, but maybe it means doing rather than just dreaming. Dreams are wonderful. They reveal the desires of a person and uncover what is obtainable in life. The problem is that dreams are only half of the equation. The next step is making a plan of action to reach the future you see for yourself. This is when driven people are separated from those who are only seeking temporary highs and short-lived successes. Once the plan of action has been made, something interesting happens. It’s when people realize there is no such thing as overnight results, making a quick million, or obtaining their dream job by merely updating their resumes. The people who accept that it is a daily decision to stay on track no matter what are the ones who will find success. The other group of people will find the small strides are enough to appease their appetite only to re-start the cycle in a month’s time. Typically, they re-start because any step forward taken was promptly followed with taking two steps back. This happens because we have a self-rewarding system that hinders us. In relation to fitness it’s the, “I lost three pounds so I deserve a week off of this healthy lifestyle.” That week turns into two weeks, turns into a month and the gaining of 10 more pounds. When it comes to business, we get a promotion then settle in, hunker down and ride out the next five years without figuring out the next PassionRequires ACTION
  • 11. 11 step we need to take to becoming the owner. The solution to this problem is very simple. Passion requires action to obtain success. One cannot exist without the other. If you get overwhelmed looking too far into the future, then don’t. Do what some of the most successful people have done and take it one day at a time. Make the daily decision to stick to the plan. Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t give up when you come up against an obstacle or setback. Get refocused, don’t beat yourself up and don’t listen to naysayers. Surround yourself with like-minded people who support and motivate you. Track your success then be sure to reward yourself when appropriate. After all, why become successful at anything if you can’t take a moment to sit back, relax and enjoy? - JessicaM. PASSION REQUIRES ACTION MOTIVATION
  • 12. 14 UR IT GOES WEST COAST UR IT HITS UR IT Crew walking with the stars! - Hollywood blvd, CA UR IT Magazine visted the Hollywood hills during their west coast adventure! Go to & like us on facebook to explore all the unique adventures, stories, and photoshoot’s of UR IT Magazine.
  • 13. WE'RE NOT JUST IN PA ANYMORE... Keep following UR IT Magazine to see where we've been & where we are going. DID WE MENTION U CAN COME TOO?! UR IT GOES WEST COAST 13 Roaming the streets of Hollywood, making connections in LA; doing it all the UR IT way! Get involved in UR IT’s growing community to find out how you can join the trips, events & FUN!!
  • 14. 14 I ’ve been asked what inspires me to make certain designs; the answer is simply the beads. I love the look, movement and the feel of beads. When I was very small, my grandmother would let me play in the button drawer in her sewing cabinet. That memory is one of my fondest from my childhood. I think the beads are the same for me now as the buttons were when I was younger. The two necklaces pictured in this issue were inspired when I saw the beads at the Pittsburgh bead show. When I saw the black faceted beads in the first photo, I knew that I wanted to do something that would look vintage. In another aisle, I found the vintage brass keys. Even though they were plain, I knew I could dress them up with a little ingenuity. I did a pave design in the center and added some much-needed bling with Swarovski crystals. Still not happy with everything I was viewing, I decided against all beads and a key focal. Pondering what to do, I looked in my wire stash and found antiqued brass colored wire. I then thought I could coil the wire and cut it in one-inch sections. I finally had the vintage-look necklace that I was happy with and proud to have the girls wearing to be photographed. I also found the focal bead in the second photo at the bead show. This bead is Red Creek Jasper and has deep, rich color so I knew it could stand on its own. The color would also look great with an antiqued brass chain, but it would look a little lonely. At the same vendor that I found the keys, I also found the beautiful brass leaves that would give the piece movement. To give the chain a bit more interest, I put amber-colored Swarovski crystals inside of antique brass bead caps and four small crystals, one on each end, in the middle of the chain. This necklace makes me think of the fall season because of the rich autumn colors and it will look great with sweaters. UR IT JEWELRY www. UR IT JEWELRY - WWW.ETSY.COM/URITJEWELRY
  • 16. MODEL OF THE MONTH Facebook to enter was “ Do it! You’re gorgeous! “ Before I knew it, I was sending a picture of myself and I think it was either 800 or 900 likes later, I won that contest. My very first shoot was scheduled shortly after winning. I kept thinking to myself, “This is crazy, this can’t be happening! “ I had all my clothes, shoes and everything packed up and before I knew it, it was photoshoot time. Later that month, I was on the back of a local magazine. After a few months, I had received another call from UR IT. It was another shoot being scheduled for Glendale lake - a jewelry shoot. I gladly took the offer. Two other girls were also doing the jewelry shoot. But everyone was going individually. So I think there is where I truly got to feel more comfortable in front of the camera. The Glendale shoot was actually two different shoots, two different days. I can honestly say that they were such fun times. What model can say that 16 they were being watched by local fishermen and park rangers?! But my best memory of Glendale is when I found out I made September’s front cover. After being teased for a week with a text message saying, “I know something you don’t know.” Then there it was! The exciting news. On a different note, working as a part-time hair and makeup stylist for UR IT has given me a chance to get to know the other girls, where they came from, and their styles. It’s amazing to be able to flip through a magazine and say, “I did that style or her makeup looks great! “ So what are my thoughts about UR IT? It’s changed my life, it’s taken me places I never imagined in my career, it’s given me opportunities I never thought could happen. It’s made part of me who I am. I’m a small-town country girl, and that’s all I ever thought I would be...But then I followed my dreams and became IT. So can you! Haley ABOUT THE MODEL CHECK OUT THE MODEL OF THE MONTH ON URITMAG.COM Hey, I’m Haley! I’m this month’s UR IT model of the month. I’m a licensed cosmetologist and cosmetology instructor. I’m a full-time stylist at Wild Hair salon and also a part-time hair and makeup artist for UR IT Magazine. My journey with UR IT has truly been a blessing from the very beginning when I won my first back cover contest. I couldn’t ever thank enough former model Brittany Fox for talking me into entering the contest. Her exact message after sending me the link on
  • 17. 17 A s we travel through areas delivering magazines and showing the world UR IT, we have come across so many awesome shops and businesses we had no idea existed. If we didn't know u were there, who else doesn't know? We completely know and understand the dilemma of finding a way to get ur business in front of the right people at a price that enables u be sure ur not busting ur budget. With UR IT u are put in front of women who are proud to be themselves, open minded, and ready to try new things. With print, web, social media, video, events, models, design, and unlimited open minded ideas, isn't it time for u to show the Ur It Nation that ur business is IT!! Honestly, didn't we just get u to read this? Imagine how many others are too. UR IT Advertising, we're not only the future, WE R THE NOW!!
  • 18. M ental health has been recognized by IntraHealth International as one of the health issues to watch in 2015. According to the Mental Health Foundation, one in four people are likely to experience some kind of mental health problem, mainly anxiety and depression in a year. Further studies show that nine in 10 prisoners suffer from a mental condition. These among many other revelations are proof that mental illness surrounds us and family has a crucial role to play in support of psychiatric hospitals. EARLY SIGNS OF MENTAL ILLNESS Supporting a mentally-ill family member first requires an understanding of early signs of mental instability issues such as dementia, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among others. A few signs based on age are highlighted below. YOUNG CHILDREN •Unexplainable poor grades in school despite study efforts •Refusal to go to sleep or school •Persistent nightmares, tantrums and aggression •Hyperactivity OLDER CHILDREN AND PRE-ADOLESCENTS These normally have more obvious tell- tale signs compared to young children: •Drug abuse •Inability to handle school and home responsibilities •Defiance and daring misconduct such as theft •Intense fear •Unexplainable and frequent outbursts •Poor problem solving skills 18 MENTAL ILLNESS: RECONZIE THE EARLY SIGNS ADULTS, YOUNG ADULTS AND ADOLESCENTS Patients will express: •Incoherent thinking •Frequent and prolonged depression •Social withdrawal •Low self esteem •Suicidal thoughts •Irresponsible behaviour •Substance abuse •Delusional thinking and hallucinations. HOW TO COPE WITH A MENTALLY UNSTABLE FAMILY MEMBER After noticing any or a combination of the above signs, careful and sensitive care should be taken to prevent further aggravation of the situation. •Acceptance There is social stigma towards psychiatric patients and their families, causing family members to distance themselves from sick relatives. This normally calls for acceptance by the family if any progress is to be made. Accept the situation and find out as much as you can on the specific mental illness and boldly seek help. •Connecting to a support network Acceptance is not always easy. Finding families that have gone through the same issue as you have will give you the strength and courage to offer the sick relative the required sensitivity and understanding. If need be, seeing a counsellor for advice on the best way to handle the patient is acceptable. •Make time for yourself Extreme mental disorders such as depression require you to constantly provide care to the patient, causing you to involuntarily ignore the needs of other family members and yourself. Additionally, the emotional drain sometimes leads to frustration and pent up anger that you unleash on innocent people. Learn to ask for help and take time to relax and recharge your positive emotions. •Develop strategies for handling unusual behavior What happens when your beloved starts acting strange in public? Do you beat them, leave them alone or try to handle it? Don’t focus on the public embarrassment, but on understanding your loved one. Listen to them open-mindedly and offer sensitive solutions. It will calm their nerves. Behaviors that pose a security threat however need very careful strategies preferably with the prior help of a counsellor. It is okay to feel stressed, angered, sad, frustrated and alone when a family member suffers from mental instability. Finding help and support for yourself will significantly contribute to your efforts to cope well with the current situation. MENTAL ILLNESS: RECOGNIZE THE EARLY SIGNS
  • 19. Q How do two people who know they have issues with letting people in and having people around long term, fight the urge to run and fight the urge to push the other out? I'll explain a little. We work together, are super good friends, talk everyday, respect each other, and know the others issues. She is very defensive and fights to mentally hurt you with things she says and runs away. I fight to finish, saying things that give you every opportunity to go and not come back. For two years we have been able to get through both of us taking turns to push the other out. We've talked about it and don't want to do this to each other. Any suggestions on how we can stop doing what we have both done for most of our lives? A Dear Pushy, It sounds like this pattern of shutting people out is not unique to this relationship, it is something you have both done throughout your lives. What makes this different, perhaps, and why it is causing you both so much anguish, is that because you are so much alike, you feel a special connection, and understand each other in ways that most other people don’t understand you. The downside to this is that you also know how to hurt each other in ways that others can’t (or won’t). The issue here is not your fondness and respect for each other, it’s the lack of love and respect you have for yourselves. People who have self-love and self-respect tend to be repelled by relationships that are hurtful, whereas you and your friend are drawn to them. There is no quick fix here - my advice is to take time to work on yourselves individually, uncover the issues that make you want to push people away, then see if the friendship still works. The old saying about "you cannot change others, you can only change yourself" is true. If you don’t want to continue playing out these destructive patterns, then let the healing start with you. You have no control over whether or not she wants to get better and have healthier relationships, but it sounds like you do, which is great! Start your journey of healing today and you will be amazed by the healthy people you start inviting into your life that will stick around, and most importantly, that you feel you are a person who has worth and deserves to have others stay in their life. Christy Beck BecksPsychotherapy 19
  • 20. 20 Women invest a considerable amount of time and effort into their looks with the hope that their men will notice the changes. Unfortunately in most cases, men fail to notice what they were expected to see and this leaves the woman infuriated and frustrated. Literature has inarguably showed that men are attracted by what they see— a fact that motivates women to always look good. However, attention to the tiniest details is usually the bone of contention. Your man might not be as attentive to notice the new glow after a facial but he will sure notice some of the following. A GENUINE SMILE What do you do when he tells you something nice? Do you blush, give a sexy smile or pretend to smile? Men will notice a genuine smile and get flattered because that is a sign that you are both comfortable and fun. To men, sincerity counts more than the most beautiful looks. CREW SIZE Men can be both attracted or turned off by the size of your group. A potential date is likely to approach you when you are in a group of three, the perfect crew size. Men shy away from approaching two ladies for fear of seeming rude by leaving one woman unattended. In a crowd of three, he will be comfortable to pick you out while your other two friends remain chatting. FAKE ACCESSORIES Fake nails, hair, eye lashes, hips among other things only spell out “high maintenance” to a guy. Fake accessories are a beauty faux pas that exudes low self-esteem, lack of self-acceptance and self- appreciation. It is difficult for a guy to like you if you do not seem comfortable in your own skin. YOUR EYES Eye contact is important for any conversation. This is a sure part of your face that your man will notice anytime. Investing in good eye shadow and eyeliners alongside a perfectly shaped brow will make him look at you longer and more intensely than usual. HAIR Unless you spot a new crazy hairstyle, men hardly notice the extra curl on your freshly tonged hair. The great smell attracts them and gets them to notice the rest of the details. Take time and invest in great hair products that smell good, for healthy hair and feeling sexy. SUBTLE PERFUME A common misconception is that the more perfume you wear, the more he will notice it. Well, yes he sure will notice excess perfume but this will be detrimental to your image. Subtle perfume is a show of class and self-confidence. A man will always wonder what you would actually look and smell like in the morning. Excess perfume will only indicate that you cannot stand your natural body scent—a turn off. SOFT SKIN Regularly exfoliate to maintain glowing, soft skin that is pleasant to touch. One thing to note however, a man will not automatically discern that you exfoliated the night before meeting him. Men hardly notice the change in nail polish colour or your new set of earrings. An important fact to know is to always make sure you wear subtle makeup, perfume and put some effort on your facial area. What you wear is also greatly complemented by how you behave, hence learn to always be at your best behaviour and you will get noticed. BEAUTY TIPS: WHAT HE ACTUALLY NOTICES
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  • 23. A large percentage of the population reaches for an energy drink at least once a day. Most of those people don’t have a clue as to what these drinks are doing to their bodies, let alone to their behavior. Read on for reasons why it is best to stop using energy drinks; they may come as a surprise. •The stimulant effect can give a person the impression that they aren’t impaired and can lead to dangerous activities such as driving under the influence or when overly tired, and to being unable to perform simple tasks. •Studies show that 70 percent of young adults consume energy drinks with alcohol. Mixing energy drinks and alcohol is like mixing amphetamines with barbiturates—a well-known and deadly combination in the drug world. •Some energy drinks like Four Loko are a mix of alcohol and caffeine, which exacerbates intoxication and dangerous behavior. •Herbs like guarana are used as an energizer and, in high doses, have side effects. This can cause loss of sleep, impulsive behavior, increased blood pressure and irregular heart rate. •Energy drinks contain the same amount of sugar as soft drinks. •Problems from consuming energy drinks mimic the common problems of drinking soft drinks: Obesity risks, blood sugar problems, and tooth decay. •Some sugar-free energy drinks contain artificial sweeteners, like sucralose (Splenda), that are linked to abnormal insulin response and excessive weight gain. •Energy drinks are as dehydrating as alcohol and rob the body of moisture, which can accelerate aging. •Some individuals pay the price of a greater risk of depression CONSEQUENCES OF DRINKING ENERGY DRINKS after the energy spike. Not only do adults consume energy drinks, but also young kids and teens do the same. •Kids who imbibe in energy drinks experience more physical injuries that require medical treatment. •Studies show that kids and teens have a greater chance of using alcohol and tobacco as a result of drinking energy drinks. 18 percent of kids under 10 drink energy drinks. 68 percent of children and teens consume energy drinks 500 new brands of energy drinks were released worldwide in 2006, mainly targeting children. With all these facts, next time you are feeling tired or sluggish, reach for a cup of coffee instead. Parents should also advise their children of the effects of these drinks on their bodies and minds. Although within the last year there have been numerous natural energy drinks on the market and can be purchased on the Internet, they still aren’t healthy and safe. 23