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Bob Carr
   CEO and founder

                                                                               Everybody Wins
                                                                                                             How 84 Heartland
                                                                                                             Payment Systems
                                                                                                             salespeople became
                                                                                                             millionaires overnight
                                                                                                             By Lisa Gschwandtner • Photography by Jeff Weiner

                     credit card                                                                                      fast and easy,
The average                        transaction takes fewer than 10 seconds   to authorize. When purchasing is that                                    it’s no wonder

                                                                                                                                                SELLING POWER JUNE 2008
ing. It’s a very complicated system,” Carr
  The banks and credit card companies take                                                         says. “We fully disclose the way the system
                                                     SEEKING ‘BEST IDEAS’
  their share of each transaction, of course.                                                      works, we fully disclose how much money
                                                     Through Heartland’s Best Idea Award,
  But there’s also the telephone company                                                           we’re making, and we disclose how much
                                                     employees send in ideas, which Carr                                                                                                      SUCCESS PAYOUTS
  that transported the call to authorize the                                                       money is going to these credit cards and
                                                     personally vets.
  purchase. And the “gateway” company that                                                         the banks that issued the cards.”                                                          To succeed, Brown says, you must first
                                                     “We get a lot of input from our employ-
  hooked up the merchant to the telephone                                                             Even salespeople may not fully grasp                                                    help others succeed. “Like Zig Ziglar said,
                                                     ees through that mechanism,” he says.
  system. Sometimes an independent sales                                                           the intricacies of the system before they                                                  ‘You can get anything you want providing
                                                     “Our employees are pretty open. I think
  organization (ISO) takes a cut. Sometimes                                                        start hitting the pavement.                                                                you help enough other people get what
                                                     they trust us enough that they can tell
  ISOs work with independent contractors                                                              “I tell people that they can learn enough                                               they want. Help enough people meet their
                                                     us the bad news without getting fired
  that charge their own fees. Oh, and the                                                          in a week to go out and do a decent job of                                                 dreams, and you’ll meet your dream.’”
                                                     because they are telling us something
  company that sold the computer system                                                            making a sales call if they have any sales
                                                     we don’t want to hear.”
  the merchant used to process the payment                                                         experience whatsoever,” says Heartland’s
                                                        “There is no fear of retribution if they
  also makes a little off the deal.                                                                chief sales officer, Sanford Brown. “But
                                                     come to Bob or to me or to our CFO
     According to the experts at Heartland                                                         it’s so complex that, 10 years from now,
                                                     and say, ‘Hey, this doesn’t seem right.
  Payment Systems, an electronics process-                                                         they won’t know everything there is to
                                                     Will you help me understand it better?’”
  ing company based in Princeton, NJ, up to                                                        know. They could continue to find new
                                                     says Brown. “And that’s created a cul-
  a dozen companies can be involved in col-                                                        verticals, nuances, and niches to follow.”
                                                     ture, I think, where people act on infor-
  lecting funds related to a single credit card                                                       Heartland puts so much faith in trans-
                                                     mation much quicker when it is brought
  transaction. That’s a lot of hands compet-                                                       parency that the company has created a
                                                     to their attention than it does in a lot of
  ing for a slice of the payments pie.                                                             Merchant Bill of Rights, which is posted
                                                     organizations.”                               on the company’s Website at merchant-
                                                        Some of the simplest ideas have  
  A ‘ C U LT U R E O F S A L E S ’
                                                     made the best and biggest impacts in
  Heartland doesn’t use ISOs or indepen-                                                              On the site, customers can watch a
                                                     the company. Carr relates, “Somebody
  dent contractors or agents. Why? As the                                                          video titled, “How to Tell If Your Rights
                                                     just today asked if we could please
  company’s name might suggest, Heart-                                                             Are Being Violated.” Among the questions
                                                     truncate the merchant number on the
  land Payment Systems defines value as                                                            posed: “When Visa and MasterCard fees
                                                     receipt. I mean, everybody else in the
  more than dollars and cents.                                                                     go up, does your processor add markups
                                                     world prints the merchant number on
     “We have a culture of sales in our com-                                                       that raise your rates even higher?”
                                                     the receipt. That means a smart crook
  pany,” says Heartland CEO and founder,
                                                     can take your merchant number, key it
  Bob Carr, who is proud to proclaim that                                                          WA L K I N G T H E TA L K
                                                     into a terminal, buy a terminal on eBay,
  Heartland’s commission-only sales struc-                                                         The markup question isn’t just rhetorical.
                                                     and process a bunch of fraudulent
  ture has held steady since the company’s                                                         In 2003, when VISA and MasterCard lost
                                                     transactions. I’ve been in this business
  founding in 1997.                                                                                a hefty lawsuit with the Department of Jus-
                                                     20 years, and it never occurred to me.”
     “We have a sales team that believes it’s                                                      tice, they decreased their rates. Some pro-
  going to be treated right, just as its cus-                                                      cessing companies simply pocketed the
  tomers are going to be treated right. The       only about five that also perform the pro-       money, but Heartland took the opportuni-
  customers are the people the team mem-          cessing itself. Heartland is unique among        ty to pass the savings on to its customers.
  bers go to church with, the people who          its competitors for both selling a payment          “Our agreement with our customers is
  live next door, their family members, and       processing plan and performing it. It also       that we are going to tell you what we are
  their friends. They can confidently go out      offers merchant customers payroll ser-           going to charge you. We’re not going to
  to sell to those people and know that their     vices, gift and incentive programs, and          change the rules in the middle. If our costs
  promises are going to be kept.”                 point-of-sale devices and supplies.              go up because VISA or MasterCard raises its
     This philosophy has made Heartland the          Managing these services can get very          rates, you’ll have to pay that extra. But if they
  sixth largest player in its industry. With      complex, very quickly. Too often, Carr           go down, we’re going to give you a discount.”
  2,900 employees, Heartland operates satel-      says, the electronic payment system oper-           “Our board members thought we had

                                                                  funnel $3 trillion                                                                                                                                has its price.
electronic payment processors                                                                                       through their                      payment systems each year. Convenience, however,
  lite offices in North Olmsted,OH; Frisco,TX;    ates at the expense of customers who             lost our minds,” says Carr, “But we did it.
  and Phoenix. Its service center in Jefferson-   must rely on processing services to stay         And it just sort of validated both to our
  ville, IN, provides 24-hour customer sup-       competitive in their markets.                    customers and to our salespeople, that,
  port and technical service. Last year the          The hidden charges, markups, and one-         hey, these guys really mean it.”
  company processed 1.2 billion transactions,     size-fits-all service can be the death knell        Heartland’s business practices haven’t
  working through VISA and MasterCard,            for the small to midsize businesses (most-       made them too popular among competitors.
  and earned $1.3 billion in gross revenue.       ly retail stores, hotels, and restaurants)          “They say that we’re taking the profit                                                                       Sanford Brown
                                                  that make up Heartland’s customer base.          out of the industry for them,” says Carr.                                                                       Chief Sales Officer
                                                     “Our main advantage is that we explain        “And I think that’s a good thing. I think
  Although several thousand organizations         how the system works to the business             that’s what capitalism is all about – having
  sell payment processing plans, there are        owner, and they appreciate understand-           a better mousetrap.”

  54                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         55
       JUNE 2008 SELLING POWER                                                                                                                                                                                     SELLING POWER JUNE 2008
One group that’s not complaining – Heart-          REAL-TIME REWARDS
land’s sales force, and not just because
                                                   Among thousands of organizations selling processing services, Heartland has broken
they’re selling services they truly believe
                                                   historic ground in the industry by reaping billions in revenues through organic growth. Carr
in. Last year, about 14 of its 1,600 reps
                                                   attributes this growth to Heartland’s relatively young platform, which offers “Main Street,
made more money than Carr himself,
                                                   America” merchants the latest technology. By contrast, many Heartland competitors
thanks in part to Heartland’s commission-
                                                   operate with systems built in the 1970s and ‘80s.
only sales compensation structure, dubbed
                                                      “We built our platforms starting about five or six years ago. So we’re using client server
the “signing bonus approach,” which has
                                                   technology instead of mainframes, and that allows us to be cheaper and faster than
not changed in 14 years.
                                                   our competition. Other companies may have been in business for 30 or 40 years, but our
   “The salespeople get paid an upfront
                                                   salespeople are out with the lowest price. So our salespeople like that.”
cash signing bonus on the Friday after the
                                                      Heartland offers customers real-time reporting, which makes catching mistakes a more
installation,” he explains. “Then they get
                                                   efficient process. Recently, when a Wendy’s clerk accidentally keyed in an $11.11
paid a percentage of the profitability every
                                                   purchase as $1,111.00, a Heartland controller spied the error and corrected it immediately.
single month, beginning on the first day
                                                      “Sometimes employees will put through credits or returns, defrauding the business,”
of processing, through the life of that rela-
                                                   says Carr. “So, again, the business owner can look at those before they get processed.
tionship. So they are incentivized to give
                                                   So we have the only real-time system, we have the only client-server system in the
good service to our customers.”
                                                   industry, and those are competitive advantages.”
   In 1998, Carr vowed to create 100 mil-
lionaires out of his sales team. Since the
company went public, he’s added 84                 “We now have salespeople who are                   “Some of my favorite stories are of the
names to the high-rollers list.                 becoming millionaires just based on the            top sales performers in our company who
                                                value of their monthly residuals, which is         used to own their own restaurants or dry
                                                very exciting to me. We measure sales by           cleaning stores,” he adds. “Or they were
     FIGHTING CHALLENGES WITH INNOVATION        the margin added per month. It used to be          managers of restaurants or hotels working
                                                that $10,000 was considered to be a great          80 hours a week. What predicts sales suc-
     Heartland has not escaped unscathed
                                                sales month. Last month, our top sales-            cess in our company is not sales-based,
     from the recent economic downturn.
                                                person did $80,000.”                               it’s behavioral.
     The company missed its fourth-quarter
                                                   That means their commission payment                “This may sound a little hokey, but a
     earnings forecast, and its stock dipped
                                                plan has become an expensive proposition.          lot of people who come work for us are
     to about 59% of its initial value.
                                                “We don’t make any money whatsoever                looking for the American dream. They
        Like any great competitor, however,
                                                until the fourteenth month of a relation-          want an opportunity to be able to do some-
     Heartland has responded to challenge
                                                ship. So if a merchant leaves us six months        thing financially rewarding for an organi-
     with innovation. “We’re trying to find
                                                after they start, it is not a good thing for us.   zation that they can feel good about. And
     ways to make our offering unique. One
                                                But that doesn’t happen often. We have             they want to do so in a way that they are
     is a product we call ‘Express Funds,’”
                                                been in business long enough now and               contributing something meaningful and
     says Carr. “This is a product with which
                                                we have enough merchants that have been            that over time they can look at it and say,
     businesses can scan their checks and
                                                with us for more than 14 months that our           ‘Boy, I see my mark on it.’”
     allow us to overnight-deposit those
                                                profitability continues to grow.”                     Heartland’s approach to sales makes
     funds to any bank in the country. It
                                                   Can newly hired salespeople become              it unique in an industry that often treats
     allows us to sell to a much larger group
                                                millionaires in the company? Yes, says             its sales forces as an afterthought. “I
     of businesses than just card payments.
                                                Carr, but only after many years of hard            think a lot of CEOs think their company
     That speeds up cash flow and saves
                                                work and successes to get to the upper             exists because of their great name,” Carr
     [merchants] a trip to the bank.”
                                                echelons of the sales force. He admits that        says. “Maybe that’s true for some com-
        Another product is Heartland’s
                                                the bar has been raised since the company          panies, but when you are providing
     ‘Campus Card Solution,” which allows
                                                went public. After all, you can only take          financial services to small-business peo-
     college students to pay for purchases
                                                your shares from 30 cents to $25 once.             ple, they want to do business with some-
     using their cell phones. “What’s
                                                   “At the same time, we have a more com-          body they can rely on who gives good
     great about it is that students always
                                                petitive product,” he says. “We can go after       service and gives them a good value for
     have their cell phones, whereas they
                                                bigger customers. We have more products.           their money. We think we have a very
     might not have their wallet or purse,”
                                                And so we just have some salespeople who           competitive product that way.”
     Carr explains. “The reason the
                                                are doing extremely, extremely well.”                            FEEDBACK: GSCHWANDTNER@
     community likes it is because we
     charge the merchant less to take this
                                                ENTREPRENEURIAL SALESPEOPLE
     card than to take a VISA or MasterCard.                                                                      MORE ON THIS TOPIC
                                                What kind of reps perform best at Heart-
     The merchants pay less, and the                                                                 Visit our Web address below and click under
                                                land? The common thread is an entrepre-
     money they do pay goes back into the                                                            “Everyone Wins Big” for your Bonus Articles:
                                                neurial spirit. Within the Heartland team,           1. Retention Perfections 2. Just Hang On to
     community, to nonprofit organizations
                                                                                                     What You Got 3. Seven Success Essentials
                                                chief sales officer Sanford Brown esti-
     as well as to the cardholder, who                                                               (Available through 9-1-08)
                                                mates that perhaps 20 percent are first-
     gets a ‘cash-back’ component.”                                                                    
                                                generation immigrants.


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Selling Power 06 08

  • 1. Bob Carr CEO and founder BIG! Everybody Wins How 84 Heartland Payment Systems salespeople became millionaires overnight By Lisa Gschwandtner • Photography by Jeff Weiner credit card fast and easy, The average transaction takes fewer than 10 seconds to authorize. When purchasing is that it’s no wonder 53 SELLING POWER JUNE 2008
  • 2. ing. It’s a very complicated system,” Carr A PIECE OF THE PIE The banks and credit card companies take says. “We fully disclose the way the system SEEKING ‘BEST IDEAS’ their share of each transaction, of course. works, we fully disclose how much money Through Heartland’s Best Idea Award, But there’s also the telephone company we’re making, and we disclose how much employees send in ideas, which Carr SUCCESS PAYOUTS that transported the call to authorize the money is going to these credit cards and personally vets. purchase. And the “gateway” company that the banks that issued the cards.” To succeed, Brown says, you must first “We get a lot of input from our employ- hooked up the merchant to the telephone Even salespeople may not fully grasp help others succeed. “Like Zig Ziglar said, ees through that mechanism,” he says. system. Sometimes an independent sales the intricacies of the system before they ‘You can get anything you want providing “Our employees are pretty open. I think organization (ISO) takes a cut. Sometimes start hitting the pavement. you help enough other people get what they trust us enough that they can tell ISOs work with independent contractors “I tell people that they can learn enough they want. Help enough people meet their us the bad news without getting fired that charge their own fees. Oh, and the in a week to go out and do a decent job of dreams, and you’ll meet your dream.’” because they are telling us something company that sold the computer system making a sales call if they have any sales we don’t want to hear.” the merchant used to process the payment experience whatsoever,” says Heartland’s “There is no fear of retribution if they also makes a little off the deal. chief sales officer, Sanford Brown. “But come to Bob or to me or to our CFO According to the experts at Heartland it’s so complex that, 10 years from now, and say, ‘Hey, this doesn’t seem right. Payment Systems, an electronics process- they won’t know everything there is to Will you help me understand it better?’” ing company based in Princeton, NJ, up to know. They could continue to find new says Brown. “And that’s created a cul- a dozen companies can be involved in col- verticals, nuances, and niches to follow.” ture, I think, where people act on infor- lecting funds related to a single credit card Heartland puts so much faith in trans- mation much quicker when it is brought transaction. That’s a lot of hands compet- parency that the company has created a to their attention than it does in a lot of ing for a slice of the payments pie. Merchant Bill of Rights, which is posted organizations.” on the company’s Website at merchant- Some of the simplest ideas have A ‘ C U LT U R E O F S A L E S ’ made the best and biggest impacts in Heartland doesn’t use ISOs or indepen- On the site, customers can watch a the company. Carr relates, “Somebody dent contractors or agents. Why? As the video titled, “How to Tell If Your Rights just today asked if we could please company’s name might suggest, Heart- Are Being Violated.” Among the questions truncate the merchant number on the land Payment Systems defines value as posed: “When Visa and MasterCard fees receipt. I mean, everybody else in the more than dollars and cents. go up, does your processor add markups world prints the merchant number on “We have a culture of sales in our com- that raise your rates even higher?” the receipt. That means a smart crook pany,” says Heartland CEO and founder, can take your merchant number, key it Bob Carr, who is proud to proclaim that WA L K I N G T H E TA L K into a terminal, buy a terminal on eBay, Heartland’s commission-only sales struc- The markup question isn’t just rhetorical. and process a bunch of fraudulent ture has held steady since the company’s In 2003, when VISA and MasterCard lost transactions. I’ve been in this business founding in 1997. a hefty lawsuit with the Department of Jus- 20 years, and it never occurred to me.” “We have a sales team that believes it’s tice, they decreased their rates. Some pro- going to be treated right, just as its cus- cessing companies simply pocketed the tomers are going to be treated right. The only about five that also perform the pro- money, but Heartland took the opportuni- customers are the people the team mem- cessing itself. Heartland is unique among ty to pass the savings on to its customers. bers go to church with, the people who its competitors for both selling a payment “Our agreement with our customers is live next door, their family members, and processing plan and performing it. It also that we are going to tell you what we are their friends. They can confidently go out offers merchant customers payroll ser- going to charge you. We’re not going to to sell to those people and know that their vices, gift and incentive programs, and change the rules in the middle. If our costs promises are going to be kept.” point-of-sale devices and supplies. go up because VISA or MasterCard raises its This philosophy has made Heartland the Managing these services can get very rates, you’ll have to pay that extra. But if they sixth largest player in its industry. With complex, very quickly. Too often, Carr go down, we’re going to give you a discount.” 2,900 employees, Heartland operates satel- says, the electronic payment system oper- “Our board members thought we had funnel $3 trillion has its price. electronic payment processors through their payment systems each year. Convenience, however, lite offices in North Olmsted,OH; Frisco,TX; ates at the expense of customers who lost our minds,” says Carr, “But we did it. and Phoenix. Its service center in Jefferson- must rely on processing services to stay And it just sort of validated both to our ville, IN, provides 24-hour customer sup- competitive in their markets. customers and to our salespeople, that, port and technical service. Last year the The hidden charges, markups, and one- hey, these guys really mean it.” company processed 1.2 billion transactions, size-fits-all service can be the death knell Heartland’s business practices haven’t working through VISA and MasterCard, for the small to midsize businesses (most- made them too popular among competitors. and earned $1.3 billion in gross revenue. ly retail stores, hotels, and restaurants) “They say that we’re taking the profit Sanford Brown that make up Heartland’s customer base. out of the industry for them,” says Carr. Chief Sales Officer “Our main advantage is that we explain “And I think that’s a good thing. I think FULL DISCLOSURE Although several thousand organizations how the system works to the business that’s what capitalism is all about – having sell payment processing plans, there are owner, and they appreciate understand- a better mousetrap.” 54 55 JUNE 2008 SELLING POWER SELLING POWER JUNE 2008
  • 3. MAKING MILLIONAIRES One group that’s not complaining – Heart- REAL-TIME REWARDS land’s sales force, and not just because Among thousands of organizations selling processing services, Heartland has broken they’re selling services they truly believe historic ground in the industry by reaping billions in revenues through organic growth. Carr in. Last year, about 14 of its 1,600 reps attributes this growth to Heartland’s relatively young platform, which offers “Main Street, made more money than Carr himself, America” merchants the latest technology. By contrast, many Heartland competitors thanks in part to Heartland’s commission- operate with systems built in the 1970s and ‘80s. only sales compensation structure, dubbed “We built our platforms starting about five or six years ago. So we’re using client server the “signing bonus approach,” which has technology instead of mainframes, and that allows us to be cheaper and faster than not changed in 14 years. our competition. Other companies may have been in business for 30 or 40 years, but our “The salespeople get paid an upfront salespeople are out with the lowest price. So our salespeople like that.” cash signing bonus on the Friday after the Heartland offers customers real-time reporting, which makes catching mistakes a more installation,” he explains. “Then they get efficient process. Recently, when a Wendy’s clerk accidentally keyed in an $11.11 paid a percentage of the profitability every purchase as $1,111.00, a Heartland controller spied the error and corrected it immediately. single month, beginning on the first day “Sometimes employees will put through credits or returns, defrauding the business,” of processing, through the life of that rela- says Carr. “So, again, the business owner can look at those before they get processed. tionship. So they are incentivized to give So we have the only real-time system, we have the only client-server system in the good service to our customers.” industry, and those are competitive advantages.” In 1998, Carr vowed to create 100 mil- lionaires out of his sales team. Since the company went public, he’s added 84 “We now have salespeople who are “Some of my favorite stories are of the names to the high-rollers list. becoming millionaires just based on the top sales performers in our company who value of their monthly residuals, which is used to own their own restaurants or dry very exciting to me. We measure sales by cleaning stores,” he adds. “Or they were FIGHTING CHALLENGES WITH INNOVATION the margin added per month. It used to be managers of restaurants or hotels working that $10,000 was considered to be a great 80 hours a week. What predicts sales suc- Heartland has not escaped unscathed sales month. Last month, our top sales- cess in our company is not sales-based, from the recent economic downturn. person did $80,000.” it’s behavioral. The company missed its fourth-quarter That means their commission payment “This may sound a little hokey, but a earnings forecast, and its stock dipped plan has become an expensive proposition. lot of people who come work for us are to about 59% of its initial value. “We don’t make any money whatsoever looking for the American dream. They Like any great competitor, however, until the fourteenth month of a relation- want an opportunity to be able to do some- Heartland has responded to challenge ship. So if a merchant leaves us six months thing financially rewarding for an organi- with innovation. “We’re trying to find after they start, it is not a good thing for us. zation that they can feel good about. And ways to make our offering unique. One But that doesn’t happen often. We have they want to do so in a way that they are is a product we call ‘Express Funds,’” been in business long enough now and contributing something meaningful and says Carr. “This is a product with which we have enough merchants that have been that over time they can look at it and say, businesses can scan their checks and with us for more than 14 months that our ‘Boy, I see my mark on it.’” allow us to overnight-deposit those profitability continues to grow.” Heartland’s approach to sales makes funds to any bank in the country. It Can newly hired salespeople become it unique in an industry that often treats allows us to sell to a much larger group millionaires in the company? Yes, says its sales forces as an afterthought. “I of businesses than just card payments. Carr, but only after many years of hard think a lot of CEOs think their company That speeds up cash flow and saves work and successes to get to the upper exists because of their great name,” Carr [merchants] a trip to the bank.” echelons of the sales force. He admits that says. “Maybe that’s true for some com- Another product is Heartland’s the bar has been raised since the company panies, but when you are providing ‘Campus Card Solution,” which allows went public. After all, you can only take financial services to small-business peo- college students to pay for purchases your shares from 30 cents to $25 once. ple, they want to do business with some- using their cell phones. “What’s “At the same time, we have a more com- body they can rely on who gives good great about it is that students always petitive product,” he says. “We can go after service and gives them a good value for have their cell phones, whereas they bigger customers. We have more products. their money. We think we have a very might not have their wallet or purse,” And so we just have some salespeople who competitive product that way.” Carr explains. “The reason the are doing extremely, extremely well.” FEEDBACK: GSCHWANDTNER@ community likes it is because we SELLINGPOWER.COM charge the merchant less to take this ENTREPRENEURIAL SALESPEOPLE card than to take a VISA or MasterCard. MORE ON THIS TOPIC What kind of reps perform best at Heart- The merchants pay less, and the Visit our Web address below and click under land? The common thread is an entrepre- money they do pay goes back into the “Everyone Wins Big” for your Bonus Articles: neurial spirit. Within the Heartland team, 1. Retention Perfections 2. Just Hang On to community, to nonprofit organizations What You Got 3. Seven Success Essentials chief sales officer Sanford Brown esti- as well as to the cardholder, who (Available through 9-1-08) mates that perhaps 20 percent are first- gets a ‘cash-back’ component.” generation immigrants. 56 JUNE 2008 SELLING POWER