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------ Presented by ------
7:30am – 8:00am


8:00am – 8:20am


8:20am – 9:20am

Sandals: Introduction to
Servant Selling

9:20am – 9:50am

-Member of the People’s Church for 20 years

-Worked with Southwestern Advantage for
42 years, 27 years as the President
- Has trained tens of thousands of
salespeople from across the globe
3 Ways To Get What You Came For
1. Be Present
2. Be Coachable

3. Be Creative
-Director of Sales- Salem Nashville
-Nationally Recognized Sales
Managers and Trainers
Selling in Sandals
Introduction to Servant Selling
The Office
• Jim Halpert
Reluctant, Accidental
• Dwight Schrute
Self-Absorbed, (and a little nuts)

The Shoe Seller The Radio Seller
• A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd
but in reality expresses a possible truth, a head-scratcher , a
My job is to sell but if I sell to someone who wasn’t planning on
buying...have I done something wrong?


Paradoxical – Jesus’ ministry is full of paradoxes
Strength through weakness
Receiving through giving
Living through dying
Loving those who hate you
aka “A Firestorm of Frustration”
• To be great, one must serve
• Could I serve, as I sold?
• Could I become “successful” through Servant

...and what would that look like?
The evening meal was in progress, and
the devil had already prompted Judas,
the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus.
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all
things under his power, and that he had
come from God and was returning to
God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took
off his outer clothing, and wrapped a
towel around his waist. 5 After that, he
poured water into a basin and began to
wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with
the towel that was wrapped around him.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to
him, “Lord, are you going to wash my
7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize
now what I am doing, but later you
will understand.”
Service versus Serving

An Obligation
The minimum
One mile only


An Honor
The Maximum
The Second Mile

Matthew 5:41
If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.

Money is mentioned over 800 times;
The Transaction/Tetelestai
Get them unstuck; to get things moving
Nothing happens until something gets sold - a decision is
made to move forward
• If we are improving lives, what are we waiting for?
• A No is okay, a Yes is okay, but a Maybe, or any type of
procrastination, in the decision-making process indicates...

A Belief Issue...Yours or Theirs


180 Degrees Ministries © 2006
Do You Have A Job?
A Career?

A Vocation?

What you are Hired to do


What you are Inspired to do


What you are Called to do

Finding your Purpose
Knowing your Plan
Sowing your Passion
Finding Your Purpose
Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s handiwork, created
in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us
to do.
Finding Your Purpose
Ephesians 2:10
For we are the product of His hand,
heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in
the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the
good works God arranged long ago.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God
works for the good of those who love
Him, who have been called according
to His purpose.
Galatians 1:15
It pleased God in His kindness to
choose me and call me, even before I
was born.
Ephesians 1:18-19
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened in order that you may know the
hope to which He has called you, the riches
of His glorious inheritance in His holy
people, and His incomparably great power
for us who believe. That power is the same
as the mighty strength.
The Cost
• There will be one initially and from now on;
Luke 14:28-30 says...
28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you
first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough
money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are
not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30
saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

“You Have Inherited An Antagonist”-Alan Jackson
Disrupt, Delay, Distract, Destroy
Knowing Your Plan
Jeremiah 1:5
Before I shaped you in the womb, I
knew all about you. Before you saw
the light of day, I had holy plans for
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord, plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future.
Romans 11:29
God’s gifts and His calling are irrevocable .

Romans 11:29
God’s gifts and His call can never be withdrawn.
Romans 11:29
You see, when God gives a grace gift and issues a call to a people, He does not change His
mind and take it back.

It Is Not About You Designing
Your Plan.
It Is About Discovering The Plan He Has
For You!
What If You Don’t Know The
Entire Plan?
Your Knowledge Of “The Plan” may be limited
to only “the next right thing”.

It’s Okay-Do That!
Sowing Your Passion
Ephesians 4:1
I now urge you to live the life to which God called
you .

1 Thessalonians 5:24
For the God who calls you is faithful, and He can
be trusted to make it so.
The Sowing And Reaping Principle Works
The Promise: If You Sow, You Will Reap
• The atheist farmer
• If you sow wheat, you will not grow corn
• Your role is to sow...
• Sowing and watering
• Focus on sowing (contact) and watering (follow-up)
• Don’t watch the plant grow, control what you can control and
leave the rest...
Galatians 6:9 says, “May we never tire of doing what is good
and right before our Lord because in His season we shall
bring in a great harvest if we can just persist.”
Permission To Fail, Not To Quit
Sowing is Serving - Take Action!
Accountability 

We all hate it...
We all need it...
There are three levels of accountability
A “Paul”, a “Barnabas”, a “Timothy” in your life
A Coach, a Contemporary, a Candidate for
• We must be willing to hold others accountable
and be held accountable to be successful…so...

Are You Ready?
• A Joyful Life
• Great Rest
• Successful Servitude
What Does Success Look Like?


His Plan

What you do is vital
Do it well
You are the only JESUS some may ever see
The Ghandi Quote: “I like your Christ, I do not like
your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your
• “Preach the Gospel everyday; when necessary use
words.” — Saint Francis of Assisi
• Mathew 6:33: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and then all these things will be given
to you too.”
It’s not about you,
but He is
all about you!
Psalm 39:4
Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the
number of my days; let me know how
fleeting my life is.

15,471 days
-Director of Sales- Salem Nashville
-Nationally Recognized Sales
Managers and Trainers
Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------
9:20am – 9:40am


9:50am – 10:50am

Rory Vaden- Servant Selling

10:55am – 11:55pm

DAVE BROWN- Painless

12:00pm – 1:15pm

Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------
-Co-founder of Southwestern Consulting™

-New York Times bestselling author of
Take the Stairs
-Self-Discipline Strategist featured
on/in Fox News, Inc, Entrepreneur,
Fast Company, Fortune and others
Servant Selling
My story…
Servant Selling Mindset
It’s hard to be NERVOUS
when your mind is on SERVICE.
Southwestern Consulting
Servant Selling
What is SELLING?
Solving a PROBLEM for someone that is
worth more to them than the PRICE
you are charging.
SALE made!
Servant Selling




Servant Selling Insight
A sale happens when perceived NEED
Becomes greater than actual COST.
Servant Selling Insight

Servant Selling

Your job is to help them ACCURATELY
understand what your SOLUTION
would be worth to them.
Servant Selling Insight

The greater their PROBLEM
The lower your COST.
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Think of yourself as a



Cycle of the


Servant Selling Mistake #1
You are AFRAID
Of being PUSHY.
Servant Selling Strategy
Build a buying ATMOSPHERE.
Servant Selling Strategy
“If you like it great, let’s go ahead
and move forward TODAY, if not that
is OKAY too, but can you promise to
give me a definite YES or NO once
we take a look?”
Servant Selling Insight

By letting people know it’s okay to say
“No” you allow them to feel comfortable
enough to say “Yes.”
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Think of yourself as a


Cycle of the


Servant Selling Mistake #2

More than you LISTEN.
Servant Selling Insight
CAVITIES are bad
GINGIVITIS is terrible
Servant Selling
Of what
you say...

Of what you get
them to say...

Get your prospect to admit to themselves they have a need
BEFORE ever talking about the product.
“Grant that I may not
so much seek…to be
understood, as to
St Francis of Assisi‟s prayer
Servant Selling Insight

When they are TALKING
You are SELLING!
It’s like doing two things at once…
Servant Selling Metaphor
• Cut open the wound
• Pour salt on it
• Remedy the pain
Servant Selling Technique
3 Steps of Emotional Questions
1. Fact
1. Impact

1. Extract
Servant Selling Mindset
It’s not about being a smooth TALKER.
It’s about being a great LISTENER.
Servant Selling Insight

Servant Selling Insight

If you don’t ask up front then you might
be surprised later…
Like my wife…
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Think of yourself as a



Cycle of the


Servant Selling Mistake #3
You are AFRAID
Of a NO.

So unfortunately you keep SELLING
and keep TALKING…
Buying Lines
Buying Line



When Selling, Less is more

66 Words The Lord’s prayer
179 Words The 10 commandments
282 Words Gettysburg Address
26,911 Words

US Government Regulation on
“A fool finds no pleasure in
understanding but delights
in airing his own opinions.”
High School Dance
Servant Selling Insight
#1 Killer in all sales
Is not getting “No’s.”
It’s getting “MAYBE’S!”
Servant Selling Insight

“Yes’s” are GOOD
“No’s” are FINE.
“Maybe’s” KILL YOU.
“Let what you say be simply
„Yes‟ or „No‟; anything more
than this comes from evil.”
-Matthew 5:37
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Think of yourself as a



Cycle of the


Servant Selling Mistake #4
You are AFRAID
To ask for the SALE.
Servant Selling Mindset
Is NOT talking someone into something
they don’t WANT,
It IS helping someone decide what is
right for THEM.
Servant Selling Insight
What makes selling a SERVICE is that
people need help making DECISIONS.
If they could decide on their OWN
they wouldn’t need YOU!
Servant Selling
What is CLOSING?

purpose of helping someone decide
what is right for THEM.
Closing is a series of...
The Stoplight Close




Yes” Q



NO you are saying, that
Basedcould REALLY MEANS YESprobably
What what SALE MADE! I it thatyou
onto make like like something
Does ________you BETTER, just need
show that happen
InIf I
order do seem something
At this ________sense to reason you see
point is there any _______, do you
makes the is couple that it _______?
it get a that something of?would
________ most orVALUE outyouyou.
to would get details from
why we couldn’t move FORWARD?
YOUR _______?
Servant Selling Insight
Being PUSHY doesn’t mean you are a
good CLOSER…
It means you are a poor LISTENER.
Let the wise hear and
increase in learning, and
the one who understands
obtain guidance.
(Prov. 1:5)
Servant Selling Mindset

You need to be prepared with a
Servant Selling Insight
If at any point prior to the close,
they try to start talking about YOU
or your product or your price…
Immediately revert to talking about
Servant Selling Insight

A BOOMERANG question is simply
responding to their question with a
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Think of yourself as a
Servant Selling Strategy

If you practice closing everyone you
know for 21 days…



Cycle of the


Servant Selling Mistake #5

You are AFRAID
To CHALLENGE people.
Servant Selling Insight

Is NOT someone saying
“I don’t WANT THIS.”
It IS someone saying
“Solve this problem for ME.”
Servant Selling Mindset
It’s a DISSERVICE to allow people to
It’s a DISSERVICE to allow people to
walk away from something
they know they NEED.
Servant Selling Strategy
Answering the “4 P” Objections
• Price: “It’s too expensive”
Servant Selling Insight
#1 Way to get caught in a discussion on
Price instead of Value…
When you TALK first
instead of LISTEN first.
Servant Selling Strategy
Answering the “4 P” Objections

Price: “It’s too expensive”
Procrastination: “I want to think it over”
Purchaser: “I’m not the decision maker”
Provider: “I’m currently working with
someone else”
Servant Selling Strategy
1. Isolate: “Other than ______ is there any
reason why you wouldn’t move forward?”
2. Transition: “I can appreciate that…” (feel)
3. Empathy: “In fact one of my other customers
____ had a similar concern” (felt)
4. Solution: “What she realized though was
______” (found)
5. Re-demo: Show another feature
6. Re-close: “Would you get value out of that?”
Servant Selling Mindset

If they TRULY need what you have,
Yet you haven’t SOLD to them…
Then you haven’t SERVED them.
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Think of yourself as a
Servant Selling Insight
What is more important than
making a SALE?

Earning their TRUST
Are you willing to do whatever it
Servant Selling Insight

Servant Selling Insight

Someone is out there who needs YOU
More than you need THEM.
Servant Selling Mindset

Don’t think of yourself as just a
Know that you are
Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------
-Senior Partner/Speaker/Consultant
of Southwestern Consulting

-Knocked on 50,000+ Cold Doors
-Has Made 100,000+ Cold Calls
-Author of Painless Prospecting
-Senior Partner/Speaker/Consultant
of Southwestern Consulting

-Knocked on 50,000+ Cold Doors
-Has Made 100,000+ Cold Calls
-Author of Painless Prospecting
Persistence vs. Pressure
Persistence vs. Pressure
Persistence = Servant Selling
Persistence is serving someone by
way of never quitting on them where
pressure is pushing someone into
eventually quitting on you.
Servant Selling Principle #3
“If you don’t help people notice
you they can never buy from you”
Matthew 7:7-8 NIV
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you
will find; knock and the door will be opened to
you. For everyone who asks receives; the one
who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks,
the door will be opened.”
3 Dimensional Names

Names, names, names
Valuable Ammunition in your prospecting arsenal

This professional technique really brings
your job to life and establishes
credibility with your new prospects
quickly through your shared, specific
situational experience.
Even though a lot of the times your
prospect doesn’t personally know the
name or family you use, they will see the
picture you have painted for them
through the story you tell.
Why Parables?
Matthew 13:11 NIV
"Because the knowledge of the
secrets of the kingdom of heaven has
been given to you…”
3D Names

Hear the name


See the clear picture


Feel more
comfortable with you
7-TION’S of Remembering People’s Names

The most important thing to realize is
that we don’t usually forget a person’s
name. The common reality is we
never knew it.


• Recognition
• Picturization
• Finalization
Third Party Selling





The most important word in language to
any individual is their name. The most
vital words to your prospects when
prospecting are the names and stories of
others that you have helped live better
lives through the services you provide.
Prospecting Bank Account = Credibility Deposits

Excel -“Orate” Prospects


Get More No’s!


Pray for Your No’s
Competition vs. Comparison
Competition is the
essence of
servant selling
and comparison is the
antithesis of it.
Careful with these 3 words. Comparison reeks of these
words, and they hold everyone back!

• Can’t
• Always
• Never

You C A N!
• Competition brings out the best while
comparison slowly kills
• Competition is healthy, comparison is sick
• Competition fuels effort but comparison
breeds deceit
• Competition creates positive momentum,
comparison destroys any forward movement
• Competition makes you hungry, comparison
bloats your drive
• Competition awakens hidden talents while
comparison disguises strengths
• Competition fuses a bond, comparison stretches
the gap
• Competition builds skill, comparison strangles
• Competition unites strangers and comparison
produces them
In the world of comparison all that exists
is not good enough…
2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made
perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the
more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s
power may rest on me.”
Painless Prospecting
Dual Meaning…

See More = Serve More
-Senior Partner/Speaker/Consultant
of Southwestern Consulting

-Knocked on 50,000+ Cold Doors
-Has Made 100,000+ Cold Calls
-Author of Painless Prospecting
Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------

1:15pm – 2:15pm
Dustin Hillis– Navigate:
Selling the way people
like to buy
2:20pm – 3:20pm

& Then Some: The Art of
Exceeding Expectations

3:20pm – 3:40pm


3:45pm – 5:00pm

Christians Take the Stairs
NAVIGATE – Dustin Hillis
• Co-Founder of Southwestern
• # 1 producer out of 150,000
salespeople for 155 year old
Southwestern CompanyTM
• Executive Level Coach and
Sales Performance Consultant

• Author of Navigate: Selling the
Way People Like to Buy
Selling the Way People Like to Buy
Understanding the 4 Behavior Styles
 Fighter
 Entertainer
 Detective
 Counselor


Results Oriented




Toward Motivation: Determined to Overcome Odds
Fear: Loss of Control
Under Stress: Runs People Over
Objections: Not Interested. Don’t have time. NO!



Talks Too Much


Follow Through

Towards Motivation: Inspired by Affirmation
Fear: Rejection

Under Stress: Overwhelmed
Objections: Price. Not today. Call me tomorrow.


Team Player

Slow Decision Maker

Active Listener

Bottles Up Emotions

Towards Motivation: Desires Consistency
Fear: Change

Under Stress: Avoids Controversy
Objections: Not Decision Maker. Doesn’t make quick


Detail Oriented



Analysis Paralysis

Towards Motivation: Accuracy
Fear: Making Mistakes

Under Stress: Overly Pessimistic
Objections: Think about it. Checkout other options.
What is your behavior style?
 Fighter
 Entertainer
 Detective
 Counselor
What are you the most like?
What are you the least like?
7 Second Rule
Pre Approach

4 questions to ask:
1. Decision maker’s first name?
2. Cell phone number?
3. Best time to reach them?
4. What kind of decision maker are they?


Speaks with:

Speaks with:



Speaks with:

Speaks with:
Hand Shake
 Fighter – Jabbing Motion, Firm, On Top
 Counselor – Hesitation, Soft, Pockets

 Detective – Calculated, Moderate, Space
 Entertainer – Extroverted, Over Extend, Close
Office Environment
 Fighter – Awards, Plaques, Prestige
 Counselor – Pictures of Family and Team

 Detective – Clean, Neat, Organized
 Entertainer – Messy
 Less rapport
 “The Reason”
 Don’t hesitate
 Be confident
 Give value statement quick
 Tell them what’s in it for them
 Bottom Line

 Challenge them in a positive way
 Give them control
 Answer their what questions
 Choice of two positives

 Don’t argue - Ask why?
 Take it slower with them
 Tone it down – low and slow
 Talk about your company / name brand
 Ask for their opinion
 Ask them for feedback
 Make sure all decision makers are there
 Focus on the benefits for their team / family
 Under promise and over deliver
 Don’t be demanding
 Answer their “How” questions
 Take change gradually

 Walk out close
 Match tone of voice, not emotional
 Details

 Provide numbers and percentages
 Give a time frame
 Don’t be vague
 Use graphs and charts

 Show statistics and data
 Review the contract
 Use facts and logic
 Answer their “Why” questions
 Product, Price, Performance Close
 Direct close on logic
 More rapport
 Use 3-Dimensional Names
 Match energy level

 Smile, smile, smile!
 Keep things fun
 Multi-media, PowerPoint and leave behinds
 Encourage and praise
 Sell big picture
 Answer their “Who” questions

 Dream with them (Crystal Ball Close)
Testimony from my 1st summer
selling books door-to-door
Selling The Way People Like To Buy
Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------
-Senior Partner at Southwestern

-Million-Dollar Producer and ranked
in the top 1% of consultants
-Author of Unspoken and & then
some: The Art of Exceeding
Generational Communication


Baby Boomers


Gen X


Gen Y
Gen IY

1995 - Now

Workplace Generation

Preferred Communication

1st Dimension


Face to Face

2nd Dimension

Baby Boomers

Phone/ Snail Mail

3rd Dimension

Gen X

Email/ Text

4th Dimension

Gen Y/ Gen IY

Social Media
Exceed Expectations
Your clients are not expecting you to stay in touch; they probably hope
that you will but don’t expect it at the same time. When it comes to
over delivering on expectations; start as soon as you determine you
have a prospect and never stop!
Do what its expected & then some
1st Dimension:


In-Person Meetings

1. Befriend the RECEPTIONIST. Get to know the people in the office.

Send a thank you card, thanking them for the meeting, 24 hrs after your meeting


Depending on the nature of your business, mail/drop-off a package of information,
gift (I love sending books) or anything else that is a positive reminder of your
meeting – personal gifts go a long way. Show the extra effort


Stop by in-person or schedule a lunch 5-7 days after your meeting. Build a
relationship first and foremost.

2nd Dimension:
Snail Mail

Baby Boomers

Phone Calls /

1. Leave “mystery messages”
a. Definition: ______________________________
2. MAIL creative marketing pieces. Stand out.


Send thank you card, thanking them for the meeting, 24 hrs after your meeting.


Follow up 4-5 days after your meeting with a phone call to answer any additional
questions that may have come up since your meeting


Follow up 2 weeks after your meeting, with a phone call, to schedule an inperson meeting if possible (have specific offering in mind when you call). Keep
constant contact with this generation. They are busy and others are vying
for their attention.

3rd Dimension:


Online / Text

1. Send them an email through LINKEDIN
2. If they do not respond to voicemail or email, TEXT THEM


Text them a quick thank you message within 30-60 mins of your meeting. Immediacy
makes an impact.


Send a thank you email, thanking them for the meeting, 24 hrs after your meeting.
Include client testimonials attached in your email. They want 3rd party feedback.


Send an email 2-3 days after your meeting providing them with a link to a relative
article, blog post, web link, etc supporting information discussed in your meeting.
Send them information.

4th Dimension:

Millenials (Y/IY)


1. Contact on various SOCIAL MEDIA SITES… start with FACEBOOK
3 Things that help you get business on SOCIAL MEDIA:
1. Be Findable - Keep your profile up to date and complete, Join Groups and add
your picture. Your social media profiles are more than likely the first place they
will find you! Get a profile.

Link your profile to your website, blog and other social media sites to increase
the likelihood they visit other places to learn more … this includes Pinterest

3. Get Recommendations on LinkedIn. They want to know who you know and
who else knows you.

Exceed Expectations
1st Dimension:
Meetings/Snail Mail



Step 1: Mail a Handwritten thank you card
2nd Dimension:

Baby Boomers Phone Calls/Snail

Step 2: Follow-Up with a phone call to re-confirm the date of your
Call until you are able to confirm your appointment. Start the attempts 34 before the scheduled meeting because it may take you 2-3 days to
actually reach your prospect.
Exceed Expectations
3rd Dimension:


Online /

Step 3: Send confirmation email with date/time of your appointment.
Send an email within a few hours of setting appointment.
Step 4: Send Outlook invite
Once you schedule an appointment (phone meeting or physical
appointment), schedule the meeting in your Outlook calendar and then
invite them to join your meeting… This is also a good indicator of the
QUALITY of your appointments.
Exceed Expectations
4th Dimension:

Gen Y / Gen IY

Social Media

Step 5: Add them to your network on LinkedIn
The more they have invested in you the less likely they are
to cancel or postpone your meeting.

Get to know them and let them get to know you.
“It’s not your client’s job to
remember you…

It’s your job to make
sure they don’t
forget you.”
When you do more …
It does more for you
Here are 7 ways that exceeding expectations on
the front end helps you on the back end:
1.Shows your ______________

2.Affirm buyer’s ______________________________
3.Minimize potential buyer’s ___________________
4.Address potential challenges as they arise (before they grow into something
5.Identify upcoming needs to develop ___________
6.Retain customers and ________________________
7.Obtain referrals and word-of-mouth ____________
Step 1: ___________________
Never use the excuse “I forgot” because you didn’t have it written down somewhere.
Exceeding expectations is about over-delivering.

Use a CRM, use Outlook, use a paper calendar, use Apps, use your phone
– Just use something!!!
Remember this...
If you don’t schedule it, you probably won’t do it.

People want 2 things in a business relationship; to have a trusting relationship with
someone they like and to know that they are appreciated and valued as a client.
You can create trust by just implementing a static level of consistency in your efforts to
stay in touch and keep them informed and to show them thanks.
It’s all about execution vs intention
Step 2: _________________________
1. Send physical reminders of you, your company and your
products/services. MAKE THEM REMEMBER YOU.
2. Use Creative packaging to show you put in extra effort.
Show them don’t tell them.
3. Have personalized materials that showcase your
uniqueness. Be different.
What does creative
look like for you?
Step 3: __________________
How can social media help you EXCEED
A.FREE MARKETING- Over 1.2 billion people on Facebook, 180 million on LinkedIn
and 500 million on Twitter.
B.PUBLIC 3RD PARTY TESTIMONIALS - Who better to sell you than your own
customers! Get them to tell the world how much they love your services.
C.FOLLOW-UP - We all struggle to stay in touch with our past customers.
Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter provide an on-going, consistent and FREE way to do
D.LEAD GENERATION - The more immediate value of web work is not as much in


A professional social networking platform.
Think of it as your _____________ at the
office with whom you do professional

1. Names, names, names!
-Expanding and mining your circle of influence

2. Establishing your expert positioning
3. Professional relationship networking

1.Simple Sweep – Using the advanced search function to
search and develop a list of specific and preferred
prospects (Looking for 2nd Connections)
2.Super Sweep – Using the advanced search function and
applying the Save feature to save your best contact
Technique 1: Simple Sweep
The Simple Sweep

Facebook is like your friends at a ___________.
This is your social networking platform.
Today, there are over __________ people on
Facebook and doubling every year.
Fastest growing demographic is age 35-55.
Second fastest growing demographic is ages _______
What is Facebook good for?

Pre-approach/_________________ nuggets, follow-up touches,
listening, building large communities

It’s about timing… finding the right opportunity because you
stayed in touch with your customers and prospects.
Think of it as the chatter at a party.
Think of Twitter as the answer to the question
“what’s happening?”

- 62% of Twitter users are 18-34 / Millenials
- 55% of Twitter users are females
- Huge impact on media, news, brands and big
- Not a relationship or networking tool
1. To Be Heard
The more you tweet the more followers you will get
because the more opportunities there are for you
to be heard.

2. To Show Your Human Element
People want to know the real you

3. To Find Things, People, Conversations
Target people on Twitter who tweet about similar
things that you’re interested in
Generational Trends
On Pinterest…
• Matures 3%
• Baby Boomers 8%
• GenX 53%
• GenY 27%

• Millenials 9%
To learn more about Amanda
and her corporate programs
Please visit
Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------
3:20pm – 4:00pm


4:00pm – 5:00pm

Christians Take the Stairs
-Co-founder of Southwestern Consulting™

-New York Times bestselling author of
Take the Stairs
-Self-Discipline Strategist featured
on/in Fox News, Inc, Entrepreneur,
Fast Company, Fortune and others
Take the Stairs
Rory Vaden
James 1:27
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure
and faultless is this: to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.”
How much does
Procrastination cost?
Average employee wastes

2.09 hours
The Purchase Price of Procrastination
Average salaried employee in US makes
$39,795 or $19.13 per hour.

Costs Employers $10,396 per year
Per Employee!!!
The Purchase Price of Procrastination
If the target commission for a salesperson
is $79,590 per year or $38.26 per hour

Costs You $20,792
Per Year!!!
What is God prompting you to do
That you are putting off?
James 1:22, 2:17
“Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive
yourselves; do what it says…Faith by itself if
not accompanied by action is dead.”

• Consciously delaying what you know
you should be doing


• Unconsciously filling the day with
menial work to be busy being busy;

Priority Dilution

• (Un) Consciously delaying by
allowing your attention to shift to
less important tasks; interruption
2 Timothy 1:7
“For God didn’t give us a spirit of timidity, but a
spirit of power of love and of self-discipline.”
Start doing things you don’t want to do.
Create a “Take the Stairs” Mindset
The Paradox Principle
of Sacrifice
A Buffalo Mentality
The Paradox Principle
of Sacrifice
EASY short-term choices lead to DIFFICULT long-term
DIFFICULT short-term choices lead to EASY long-term
We ALWAYS pay a price.
Leverage LONG-TERM vision to
endure SHORT-TERM sacrifice.
Hebrews 12:11
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but
painful. Later on, however it produces a
harvest of righteousness and peace for those
who have been trained by it.”
The Buy-In Principle
of Commitment
The MORE we have invested into something
the LESS likely we are to fail.


• "I'm not sure yet"

• "I'm in for good"
Increase your commitment by
creating the question HOW rather
than relenting to the question
Luke 1:37
“For nothing is impossible for God.”
The Perspective Principle
of Faith
Tape Measure Timeline
A challenge in respect to TODAY is BIG PROBLEM
A challenge in respect to our LIFESPAN is SMALL PROBLEM
A challenge in respect to ETERNITY is NO PROBLEM
The Perspective Principle
of Faith
Our ability to have PEACE is directly proportionate
to the term of our PERSPECTIVE.
2 Questions
Question 1: A woman had 8 kids
3 were DEAF
2 were BLIND
And she had SYPHILIS...
2 Questions
Candidate 1:
Friends with Crooked Politicians
Consults with Astrologists
Had 2 Mistresses
Is a Chain Smoker
Drinks 8 – 10 Martinis/day
2 Questions
Candidate 2:
Kicked out of office twice
Sleeps in daily until noon
Used opium in college
Drinks a quart of whiskey every night
2 Questions
Candidate 3:
Decorated war hero
Doesn’t smoke
Doesn’t drink
Has never had an extramarital affair
2 Questions
Candidate 1:
Friends with Crooked Politicians
Consults with Astrologists
Had 2 Mistresses
Is a Chain Smoker

Drinks 8 – 10 Martinis/day

Franklin D.
2 Questions
Candidate 2:
Kicked out of office twice
Sleeps in daily until noon
Used opium in college
Drinks a quart of whiskey every night

2 Questions
Candidate 3:
Decorated war hero
Doesn’t smoke
Doesn’t drink
Has never had an extramarital affair

Adolf Hitler
Less the ability to see the entire future,
we aren’t ENTITLED to evaluate the REASONS
why bad things happen today.
Faith is CHOOSING to believe that what is happening NOW
is for a GREATER GLORY later on.

What are YOU being PREPARED for?
Proverbs 3: 5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding; in all your
ways acknowledge him and he will make
your paths straight.”
Do your BEST
Let God do the REST

Let GO, Let GOD
Milwaukee, WI
Chicago, IL
Minneapolis, MN
New York City, NY
Matthew 7:13
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the
gate and broad is the road that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it. But
Small is the gate and narrow the road that
leads to life and only a few find it.”

New York City, NY
York City, NY

Burj Khalifa



What’s the first step?
1. Make The Commitment–
Bring your business card and get a
free bookmark!
What’s the first step?
1. Make The Commitment–
Bring your business card and get a
free bookmark!

2. Get A Coach
Daily Discipline
Overcome procrastination and make lasting
change with increased accountability:
1. Daily encouragement via email
to keep you focused
2. Fresh ideas to keep you going
3. Renewed motivation every week with a
video delivered right to your inbox
4. Insight into the most effective life
changing strategies available

What’s the first step?
1. Make the Commitment- Bring
your business card and get a free

2. Get A Coach –Daily Discipline!
3. Take The Stairs In Pairs–
Get a partner!
The Rent Axiom
Success is never OWNED.
It is only RENTED; and the rent is
Servant Selling
------ Presented by ------
------ Presented by ------

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Selling in Sandals Presentation | January 2014

  • 2. MORNING SCHEDULE 7:30am – 8:00am MORNING NETWORKING 8:00am – 8:20am WELCOME 8:20am – 9:20am KEVIN ANDERSON- Selling in Sandals: Introduction to Servant Selling 9:20am – 9:50am NETWORKING BREAK
  • 3. Jerry Heffel -Member of the People’s Church for 20 years -Worked with Southwestern Advantage for 42 years, 27 years as the President - Has trained tens of thousands of salespeople from across the globe
  • 4. 3 Ways To Get What You Came For 1. Be Present 2. Be Coachable 3. Be Creative
  • 6. Kevin Anderson @kandersonspeaks -Director of Sales- Salem Nashville -Nationally Recognized Sales Managers and Trainers
  • 7. Selling in Sandals Introduction to Servant Selling
  • 8. HOW DID WE GET HERE? The Office • Jim Halpert Reluctant, Accidental • Dwight Schrute Self-Absorbed, (and a little nuts)
  • 9. TWO OF MY “EXAMPLES” The Shoe Seller The Radio Seller
  • 10. MY CONUNDRUM • A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth, a head-scratcher , a dilemma; My job is to sell but if I sell to someone who wasn’t planning on buying...have I done something wrong? • • • • Paradoxical – Jesus’ ministry is full of paradoxes Strength through weakness Receiving through giving Living through dying Loving those who hate you
  • 11. MY POPEYE MOMENT aka “A Firestorm of Frustration” • To be great, one must serve • Could I serve, as I sold? • Could I become “successful” through Servant Selling ...and what would that look like?
  • 12. The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
  • 13. 6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” 7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
  • 14. Service versus Serving • • • • • SERVICE Reactive An Obligation Expected The minimum One mile only • • • • • SERVING Pro-Active An Honor Unexpected The Maximum The Second Mile Matthew 5:41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.
  • 15. DEFINING OUR ROLE AS SELLERS • • • • Money is mentioned over 800 times; The Transaction/Tetelestai Get them unstuck; to get things moving Nothing happens until something gets sold - a decision is made to move forward • If we are improving lives, what are we waiting for? • A No is okay, a Yes is okay, but a Maybe, or any type of procrastination, in the decision-making process indicates... A Belief Issue...Yours or Theirs
  • 17. Do You Have A Job? A Career? A Vocation?
  • 18. DEFINITION Job What you are Hired to do Career What you are Inspired to do Vocation What you are Called to do
  • 19. DEFINING YOUR CALLING Finding your Purpose Knowing your Plan Sowing your Passion
  • 20. Finding Your Purpose Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
  • 21. Finding Your Purpose Ephesians 2:10 For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago.
  • 22. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
  • 23. Galatians 1:15 It pleased God in His kindness to choose me and call me, even before I was born.
  • 24. Ephesians 1:18-19 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength.
  • 25. The Cost • There will be one initially and from now on; Luke 14:28-30 says... 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’ “You Have Inherited An Antagonist”-Alan Jackson Disrupt, Delay, Distract, Destroy
  • 26. Knowing Your Plan Jeremiah 1:5 Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.
  • 27. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
  • 28. Romans 11:29 God’s gifts and His calling are irrevocable . Romans 11:29 God’s gifts and His call can never be withdrawn. Romans 11:29 You see, when God gives a grace gift and issues a call to a people, He does not change His mind and take it back. It Is Not About You Designing Your Plan. It Is About Discovering The Plan He Has Designed For You!
  • 29. What If You Don’t Know The Entire Plan? Your Knowledge Of “The Plan” may be limited to only “the next right thing”. It’s Okay-Do That!
  • 30. Sowing Your Passion Ephesians 4:1 I now urge you to live the life to which God called you . 1 Thessalonians 5:24 For the God who calls you is faithful, and He can be trusted to make it so.
  • 31. The Sowing And Reaping Principle Works The Promise: If You Sow, You Will Reap • The atheist farmer • If you sow wheat, you will not grow corn • Your role is to sow... • Sowing and watering • Focus on sowing (contact) and watering (follow-up) • Don’t watch the plant grow, control what you can control and leave the rest... Galatians 6:9 says, “May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist.” Permission To Fail, Not To Quit Sowing is Serving - Take Action!
  • 32. Accountability  • • • • • We all hate it... We all need it... There are three levels of accountability A “Paul”, a “Barnabas”, a “Timothy” in your life A Coach, a Contemporary, a Candidate for Coaching • We must be willing to hold others accountable and be held accountable to be successful…so... Are You Ready?
  • 33. THE COMPENSATION • A Joyful Life • Great Rest • Successful Servitude
  • 34. What Does Success Look Like? Money Yourself Your Reach Success His Plan Significance
  • 35. THE WORLD IS WATCHING • • • • What you do is vital Do it well You are the only JESUS some may ever see The Ghandi Quote: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” • “Preach the Gospel everyday; when necessary use words.” — Saint Francis of Assisi • Mathew 6:33: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you too.”
  • 36. It’s not about you, but He is all about you!
  • 37. TEACH ME TO NUMBER MY DAYS Psalm 39:4 Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is. 15,471 days
  • 38. Kevin Anderson @kandersonspeaks -Director of Sales- Salem Nashville -Nationally Recognized Sales Managers and Trainers
  • 40. MID - MORNING SCHEDULE 9:20am – 9:40am NETWORKING BREAK 9:50am – 10:50am Rory Vaden- Servant Selling Strategies 10:55am – 11:55pm DAVE BROWN- Painless Prospecting 12:00pm – 1:15pm LUNCH
  • 42. Rory Vaden @rory_vaden -Co-founder of Southwestern Consulting™ -New York Times bestselling author of Take the Stairs -Self-Discipline Strategist featured on/in Fox News, Inc, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Fortune and others
  • 44. Servant Selling Mindset It’s hard to be NERVOUS when your mind is on SERVICE.
  • 46. Servant Selling What is SELLING? Solving a PROBLEM for someone that is worth more to them than the PRICE you are charging.
  • 50. Servant Selling Insight A sale happens when perceived NEED Becomes greater than actual COST.
  • 51. Servant Selling Insight Is “Need” EMOTIONAL or LOGICAL?
  • 52. Servant Selling Your job is to help them ACCURATELY understand what your SOLUTION would be worth to them.
  • 53. Servant Selling Insight The greater their PROBLEM The lower your COST.
  • 54. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Think of yourself as a “PROBLEM SOLVER.”
  • 56. Servant Selling Mistake #1 Approach You are AFRAID Of being PUSHY.
  • 58. Servant Selling Strategy Approach “If you like it great, let’s go ahead and move forward TODAY, if not that is OKAY too, but can you promise to give me a definite YES or NO once we take a look?”
  • 59. Servant Selling Insight Approach By letting people know it’s okay to say “No” you allow them to feel comfortable enough to say “Yes.”
  • 60. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Think of yourself as a “DUTIFUL SERVANT.”
  • 62. Servant Selling Mistake #2 You TALK More than you LISTEN.
  • 63. Servant Selling Insight CAVITIES are bad GINGIVITIS is terrible COMMISSION BREATH is the worst!
  • 64. Servant Selling 25% Of what you say... 75% Of what you get them to say... Goal: Get your prospect to admit to themselves they have a need BEFORE ever talking about the product.
  • 65. “Grant that I may not so much seek…to be understood, as to understand…” St Francis of Assisi‟s prayer
  • 66. Servant Selling Insight INTRODUCTION When they are TALKING You are SELLING! It’s like doing two things at once…
  • 67.
  • 68. Servant Selling Metaphor CPR • Cut open the wound • Pour salt on it • Remedy the pain
  • 69. Servant Selling Technique 3 Steps of Emotional Questions 1. Fact 1. Impact 1. Extract
  • 70. Servant Selling Mindset INTRODUCTION It’s not about being a smooth TALKER. It’s about being a great LISTENER.
  • 72. Servant Selling Insight If you don’t ask up front then you might be surprised later… Like my wife…
  • 73. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Think of yourself as a “PROFESSIONAL LISTENER.”
  • 75. Servant Selling Mistake #3 You are AFRAID Of a NO. So unfortunately you keep SELLING and keep TALKING…
  • 77. When Selling, Less is more • • • • 66 Words The Lord’s prayer 179 Words The 10 commandments 282 Words Gettysburg Address 26,911 Words US Government Regulation on Cabbage
  • 78. “A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.” -Solomon
  • 80. Servant Selling Insight #1 Killer in all sales careers… Is not getting “No’s.” It’s getting “MAYBE’S!”
  • 81. Servant Selling Insight PRESENTATION “Yes’s” are GOOD “No’s” are FINE. “Maybe’s” KILL YOU. HATE the MAYBE.
  • 82. “Let what you say be simply „Yes‟ or „No‟; anything more than this comes from evil.” -Matthew 5:37
  • 83. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Think of yourself as a “ENTHUSIASTIC FACILITATOR.”
  • 85. Servant Selling Mistake #4 You are AFRAID To ask for the SALE.
  • 86. Servant Selling Mindset CLOSING Is NOT talking someone into something they don’t WANT, It IS helping someone decide what is right for THEM.
  • 87. Servant Selling Insight CLOSING What makes selling a SERVICE is that people need help making DECISIONS. If they could decide on their OWN they wouldn’t need YOU!
  • 88. Servant Selling What is CLOSING? A series of INCREMENTALLY COMMITTAL QUESTIONS asked for the purpose of helping someone decide what is right for THEM.
  • 89. Closing is a series of...
  • 90. The Stoplight Close OpenMinded Q Yes Q Choice Q TieDown Q “No Means Yes” Q Assumptive SALE! TIE-DOWN QUESTION CHOICE QUESTION OPEN-MINDED QUESTION YES QUESTION ASSUMPTIVE NO you are saying, that Basedcould REALLY MEANS YESprobably What what SALE MADE! I it thatyou onto make like like something Does ________you BETTER, just need show that happen you InIf I order do seem something At this ________sense to reason you see point is there any _______, do you makes the is couple that it _______? it get a that something of?would ________ most orVALUE outyouyou. to would get details from why we couldn’t move FORWARD? be OPEN-MINDED WHAT ISAGREE? to? YOUR _______?
  • 91. Servant Selling Insight CLOSING Being PUSHY doesn’t mean you are a good CLOSER… It means you are a poor LISTENER.
  • 92. Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance. (Prov. 1:5)
  • 93. Servant Selling Mindset CLOSING You need to be prepared with a BACK-UP PLAN...
  • 94. Servant Selling Insight CLOSING If at any point prior to the close, they try to start talking about YOU or your product or your price… Immediately revert to talking about THEM.
  • 95. Servant Selling Insight CLOSING A BOOMERANG question is simply responding to their question with a QUESTION.
  • 96. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Think of yourself as a “CLARITY COUNSELOR.”
  • 97. Servant Selling Strategy If you practice closing everyone you know for 21 days…
  • 99. Servant Selling Mistake #5 You are AFRAID To CHALLENGE people.
  • 100. Servant Selling Insight OBJECTIONS Is NOT someone saying “I don’t WANT THIS.” It IS someone saying “Solve this problem for ME.”
  • 101. Servant Selling Mindset OBJECTIONS It’s a DISSERVICE to allow people to remain UNDECIDED. It’s a DISSERVICE to allow people to walk away from something they know they NEED.
  • 102. Servant Selling Strategy Answering the “4 P” Objections • Price: “It’s too expensive”
  • 103. Servant Selling Insight #1 Way to get caught in a discussion on Price instead of Value… When you TALK first instead of LISTEN first.
  • 104. Servant Selling Strategy Answering the “4 P” Objections • • • • Price: “It’s too expensive” Procrastination: “I want to think it over” Purchaser: “I’m not the decision maker” Provider: “I’m currently working with someone else”
  • 105. Servant Selling Strategy 1. Isolate: “Other than ______ is there any reason why you wouldn’t move forward?” 2. Transition: “I can appreciate that…” (feel) 3. Empathy: “In fact one of my other customers ____ had a similar concern” (felt) 4. Solution: “What she realized though was ______” (found) 5. Re-demo: Show another feature 6. Re-close: “Would you get value out of that?”
  • 106. Servant Selling Mindset OBJECTIONS If they TRULY need what you have, Yet you haven’t SOLD to them… Then you haven’t SERVED them.
  • 107. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Think of yourself as a “CONFIDENCE COACH.”
  • 108. Servant Selling Insight What is more important than making a SALE? Earning their TRUST
  • 109. Are you willing to do whatever it takes?
  • 110. Servant Selling Insight FEAR is so SELF-CENTERED.
  • 111. Servant Selling Insight Someone is out there who needs YOU More than you need THEM.
  • 112. Servant Selling Mindset Don’t think of yourself as just a “SALESPERSON.” Know that you are “SOMEONE’S BLESSING.”
  • 114. Dave Brown @davebrown_SWC -Senior Partner/Speaker/Consultant of Southwestern Consulting -Knocked on 50,000+ Cold Doors -Has Made 100,000+ Cold Calls -Author of Painless Prospecting
  • 115. Dave Brown @davebrown_SWC -Senior Partner/Speaker/Consultant of Southwestern Consulting -Knocked on 50,000+ Cold Doors -Has Made 100,000+ Cold Calls -Author of Painless Prospecting
  • 117.
  • 119. Persistence = Servant Selling Persistence is serving someone by way of never quitting on them where pressure is pushing someone into eventually quitting on you.
  • 120. Servant Selling Principle #3 “If you don’t help people notice you they can never buy from you”
  • 121. Matthew 7:7-8 NIV “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
  • 122. 3 Dimensional Names • • Names, names, names Valuable Ammunition in your prospecting arsenal This professional technique really brings your job to life and establishes credibility with your new prospects quickly through your shared, specific situational experience.
  • 123. Even though a lot of the times your prospect doesn’t personally know the name or family you use, they will see the picture you have painted for them through the story you tell.
  • 124. Why Parables? Matthew 13:11 NIV "Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you…”
  • 125. 3D Names • Hear the name • See the clear picture • Feel more comfortable with you
  • 127. 7-TION’S of Remembering People’s Names The most important thing to realize is that we don’t usually forget a person’s name. The common reality is we never knew it. • • • • Relaxation Repetition Utilization Association • Recognition • Picturization • Finalization
  • 129. The most important word in language to any individual is their name. The most vital words to your prospects when prospecting are the names and stories of others that you have helped live better lives through the services you provide.
  • 130. Prospecting Bank Account = Credibility Deposits • Excel -“Orate” Prospects • Get More No’s! • Pray for Your No’s
  • 132. Competition is the essence of servant selling and comparison is the antithesis of it.
  • 133. Careful with these 3 words. Comparison reeks of these words, and they hold everyone back! • Can’t • Always • Never You C A N!
  • 134. • Competition brings out the best while comparison slowly kills • Competition is healthy, comparison is sick • Competition fuels effort but comparison breeds deceit • Competition creates positive momentum, comparison destroys any forward movement
  • 135. • Competition makes you hungry, comparison bloats your drive • Competition awakens hidden talents while comparison disguises strengths • Competition fuses a bond, comparison stretches the gap • Competition builds skill, comparison strangles talent • Competition unites strangers and comparison produces them
  • 136. In the world of comparison all that exists is not good enough… 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
  • 138. Dave Brown @davebrown_SWC -Senior Partner/Speaker/Consultant of Southwestern Consulting -Knocked on 50,000+ Cold Doors -Has Made 100,000+ Cold Calls -Author of Painless Prospecting
  • 140. AFTERNOON SCHEDULE 1:15pm – 2:15pm Dustin Hillis– Navigate: Selling the way people like to buy 2:20pm – 3:20pm AMANDA JOHNS-VADEN & Then Some: The Art of Exceeding Expectations 3:20pm – 3:40pm NETWORKING BREAK 3:45pm – 5:00pm RORY VADEN– Christians Take the Stairs
  • 141. NAVIGATE – Dustin Hillis • Co-Founder of Southwestern ConsultingTM • # 1 producer out of 150,000 salespeople for 155 year old Southwestern CompanyTM • Executive Level Coach and Sales Performance Consultant • Author of Navigate: Selling the Way People Like to Buy
  • 142. NAVIGATE Selling the Way People Like to Buy
  • 143.
  • 144. SOLIDIFICATION Understanding the 4 Behavior Styles  Fighter  Entertainer  Detective  Counselor
  • 145. THE FIGHTER Strengths Weaknesses Results Oriented Impatient Resilient Controlling Toward Motivation: Determined to Overcome Odds Fear: Loss of Control Under Stress: Runs People Over Objections: Not Interested. Don’t have time. NO!
  • 146. THE ENTERTAINER Strengths Weaknesses Extroverted Talks Too Much Enthusiastic Follow Through Towards Motivation: Inspired by Affirmation Fear: Rejection Under Stress: Overwhelmed Objections: Price. Not today. Call me tomorrow.
  • 147. THE COUNSELOR Strengths Weaknesses Team Player Slow Decision Maker Active Listener Bottles Up Emotions Towards Motivation: Desires Consistency Fear: Change Under Stress: Avoids Controversy Objections: Not Decision Maker. Doesn’t make quick decisions.
  • 148. THE DETECTIVE Strengths Weaknesses Detail Oriented Negative Perfectionist Analysis Paralysis Towards Motivation: Accuracy Fear: Making Mistakes Under Stress: Overly Pessimistic Objections: Think about it. Checkout other options. Maybe.
  • 149. NAVIGATE What is your behavior style?  Fighter  Entertainer  Detective  Counselor What are you the most like? What are you the least like?
  • 150. INDENTIFICATION 7 Second Rule Pre Approach 4 questions to ask: 1. Decision maker’s first name? 2. Cell phone number? 3. Best time to reach them? 4. What kind of decision maker are they?
  • 151. VOICE QUADRANTS FIGHTER ENTERTAINER Speaks with: Authority Speaks with: Enthusiasm COUNSELOR DETECTIVE Speaks with: Authenticity Speaks with: Anticipation
  • 152. HOW TO IDENTIFY BUYING BEHAVIOR STYLES Hand Shake  Fighter – Jabbing Motion, Firm, On Top  Counselor – Hesitation, Soft, Pockets  Detective – Calculated, Moderate, Space  Entertainer – Extroverted, Over Extend, Close
  • 153. HOW TO IDENTIFY BUYING BEHAVIOR STYLES Office Environment  Fighter – Awards, Plaques, Prestige  Counselor – Pictures of Family and Team  Detective – Clean, Neat, Organized  Entertainer – Messy
  • 154. NAVIGATE A FIGHTER Approach  Less rapport  “The Reason”  Don’t hesitate  Be confident
  • 155. NAVIGATE A FIGHTER Presentation  Give value statement quick  Tell them what’s in it for them  Bottom Line  Challenge them in a positive way
  • 156. NAVIGATE A FIGHTER Close  Give them control  Answer their what questions  Choice of two positives  Don’t argue - Ask why?
  • 157. NAVIGATE A COUNSELOR Approach  Take it slower with them  Tone it down – low and slow  Talk about your company / name brand  Ask for their opinion
  • 158. NAVIGATE A COUNSELOR Presentation  Ask them for feedback  Make sure all decision makers are there  Focus on the benefits for their team / family  Under promise and over deliver
  • 159. NAVIGATE A COUNSELOR Close  Don’t be demanding  Answer their “How” questions  Take change gradually  Walk out close
  • 160. NAVIGATE A DETECTIVE Approach  Match tone of voice, not emotional  Details  Provide numbers and percentages  Give a time frame
  • 161. NAVIGATE A DETECTIVE Presentation  Don’t be vague  Use graphs and charts  Show statistics and data  Review the contract
  • 162. NAVIGATE A DETECTIVE Close  Use facts and logic  Answer their “Why” questions  Product, Price, Performance Close  Direct close on logic
  • 163. NAVIGATE AN ENTERTAINER Approach  More rapport  Use 3-Dimensional Names  Match energy level  Smile, smile, smile!
  • 164. NAVIGATE AN ENTERTAINER Presentation  Keep things fun  Multi-media, PowerPoint and leave behinds  Encourage and praise
  • 165. NAVIGATE AN ENTERTAINER Close  Sell big picture  Answer their “Who” questions  Dream with them (Crystal Ball Close)
  • 166. Testimony from my 1st summer selling books door-to-door
  • 167. NAVIGATE Selling The Way People Like To Buy
  • 169. Amanda Johns-Vaden @amandajohnsSWC -Senior Partner at Southwestern Consulting -Million-Dollar Producer and ranked in the top 1% of consultants worldwide -Author of Unspoken and & then some: The Art of Exceeding Expectations
  • 170.
  • 171. Generational Communication Trends Matures 1909-1945 Baby Boomers 1946-1964 Gen X 1965-1979 Gen Y Gen IY 1980-1994 1995 - Now Workplace Generation Preferred Communication 1st Dimension Matures Face to Face 2nd Dimension Baby Boomers Phone/ Snail Mail 3rd Dimension Gen X Email/ Text 4th Dimension Gen Y/ Gen IY Social Media
  • 173. Exceed Expectations Your clients are not expecting you to stay in touch; they probably hope that you will but don’t expect it at the same time. When it comes to over delivering on expectations; start as soon as you determine you have a prospect and never stop!
  • 174. REACHING YOUR PROSPECTS… Do what its expected & then some 1st Dimension: Matures In-Person Meetings 1. Befriend the RECEPTIONIST. Get to know the people in the office. • Send a thank you card, thanking them for the meeting, 24 hrs after your meeting • Depending on the nature of your business, mail/drop-off a package of information, gift (I love sending books) or anything else that is a positive reminder of your meeting – personal gifts go a long way. Show the extra effort • Stop by in-person or schedule a lunch 5-7 days after your meeting. Build a relationship first and foremost. BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM….
  • 175. 2nd Dimension: Snail Mail Baby Boomers Phone Calls / 1. Leave “mystery messages” a. Definition: ______________________________ 2. MAIL creative marketing pieces. Stand out. • Send thank you card, thanking them for the meeting, 24 hrs after your meeting. • Follow up 4-5 days after your meeting with a phone call to answer any additional questions that may have come up since your meeting • Follow up 2 weeks after your meeting, with a phone call, to schedule an inperson meeting if possible (have specific offering in mind when you call). Keep constant contact with this generation. They are busy and others are vying for their attention. STAY TOP OF MIND…
  • 176. 3rd Dimension: GenX Online / Text 1. Send them an email through LINKEDIN 2. If they do not respond to voicemail or email, TEXT THEM • Text them a quick thank you message within 30-60 mins of your meeting. Immediacy makes an impact. • Send a thank you email, thanking them for the meeting, 24 hrs after your meeting. Include client testimonials attached in your email. They want 3rd party feedback. • Send an email 2-3 days after your meeting providing them with a link to a relative article, blog post, web link, etc supporting information discussed in your meeting. Send them information. ENGAGE THEM….
  • 177. 4th Dimension: Media Millenials (Y/IY) Social 1. Contact on various SOCIAL MEDIA SITES… start with FACEBOOK 3 Things that help you get business on SOCIAL MEDIA: 1. Be Findable - Keep your profile up to date and complete, Join Groups and add your picture. Your social media profiles are more than likely the first place they will find you! Get a profile. 2. Link your profile to your website, blog and other social media sites to increase the likelihood they visit other places to learn more … this includes Pinterest 3. Get Recommendations on LinkedIn. They want to know who you know and who else knows you. GET TO KNOW THEM…
  • 178. 5 STEP APPOINTMENT FOLLOW-UP Exceed Expectations 1st Dimension: Meetings/Snail Mail Matures In-Person Step 1: Mail a Handwritten thank you card 2nd Dimension: Mail Baby Boomers Phone Calls/Snail Step 2: Follow-Up with a phone call to re-confirm the date of your appointment Call until you are able to confirm your appointment. Start the attempts 34 before the scheduled meeting because it may take you 2-3 days to actually reach your prospect.
  • 179. 5 STEP APPOINTMENT FOLLOW-UP Exceed Expectations 3rd Dimension: Text GenX Online / Step 3: Send confirmation email with date/time of your appointment. Send an email within a few hours of setting appointment. Step 4: Send Outlook invite Once you schedule an appointment (phone meeting or physical appointment), schedule the meeting in your Outlook calendar and then invite them to join your meeting… This is also a good indicator of the QUALITY of your appointments.
  • 180. 5 STEP APPOINTMENT FOLLOW-UP Exceed Expectations 4th Dimension: Gen Y / Gen IY Social Media Step 5: Add them to your network on LinkedIn The more they have invested in you the less likely they are to cancel or postpone your meeting. Get to know them and let them get to know you.
  • 181. “It’s not your client’s job to remember you… It’s your job to make sure they don’t forget you.”
  • 182. When you do more … It does more for you Here are 7 ways that exceeding expectations on the front end helps you on the back end: 1.Shows your ______________ 2.Affirm buyer’s ______________________________ 3.Minimize potential buyer’s ___________________ 4.Address potential challenges as they arise (before they grow into something worse) 5.Identify upcoming needs to develop ___________ 6.Retain customers and ________________________ 7.Obtain referrals and word-of-mouth ____________
  • 183. 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS Step 1: ___________________ Never use the excuse “I forgot” because you didn’t have it written down somewhere. Exceeding expectations is about over-delivering. Use a CRM, use Outlook, use a paper calendar, use Apps, use your phone – Just use something!!! Remember this... If you don’t schedule it, you probably won’t do it. People want 2 things in a business relationship; to have a trusting relationship with someone they like and to know that they are appreciated and valued as a client. You can create trust by just implementing a static level of consistency in your efforts to stay in touch and keep them informed and to show them thanks.
  • 184. It’s all about execution vs intention
  • 185. 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS Step 2: _________________________ 1. Send physical reminders of you, your company and your products/services. MAKE THEM REMEMBER YOU. 2. Use Creative packaging to show you put in extra effort. Show them don’t tell them. 3. Have personalized materials that showcase your uniqueness. Be different.
  • 186. What does creative look like for you?
  • 187.
  • 188. 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS Step 3: __________________ How can social media help you EXCEED EXPECTATIONS? A.FREE MARKETING- Over 1.2 billion people on Facebook, 180 million on LinkedIn and 500 million on Twitter. B.PUBLIC 3RD PARTY TESTIMONIALS - Who better to sell you than your own customers! Get them to tell the world how much they love your services. C.FOLLOW-UP - We all struggle to stay in touch with our past customers. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter provide an on-going, consistent and FREE way to do that. D.LEAD GENERATION - The more immediate value of web work is not as much in
  • 190. THE WHO, WHAT AND WHY OF SOCIAL MEDIA A professional social networking platform. Think of it as your _____________ at the office with whom you do professional networking.
  • 191.
  • 192. WHY USE LINKEDIN? 1. Names, names, names! -Expanding and mining your circle of influence 2. Establishing your expert positioning 3. Professional relationship networking
  • 193. LINKEDIN LEAD GENERATION 2 EASY TECHNIQUES YOU CAN USE TODAY… 1.Simple Sweep – Using the advanced search function to search and develop a list of specific and preferred prospects (Looking for 2nd Connections) 2.Super Sweep – Using the advanced search function and applying the Save feature to save your best contact searches
  • 196.
  • 197.
  • 198.
  • 199. WHAT IS FACEBOOK? Facebook is like your friends at a ___________. This is your social networking platform.
  • 200.
  • 201. WHAT IS FACEBOOK? Today, there are over __________ people on Facebook and doubling every year. Fastest growing demographic is age 35-55. Second fastest growing demographic is ages _______
  • 203. WHY USE FACEBOOK? What is Facebook good for? Pre-approach/_________________ nuggets, follow-up touches, listening, building large communities It’s about timing… finding the right opportunity because you stayed in touch with your customers and prospects.
  • 204.
  • 205.
  • 207. WHAT IS TWITTER? Think of it as the chatter at a party. Think of Twitter as the answer to the question “what’s happening?” WHO IS ON TWITTER? - 62% of Twitter users are 18-34 / Millenials - 55% of Twitter users are females - Huge impact on media, news, brands and big business - Not a relationship or networking tool
  • 208.
  • 209. WHY USE TWITTER? 1. To Be Heard The more you tweet the more followers you will get because the more opportunities there are for you to be heard. 2. To Show Your Human Element People want to know the real you 3. To Find Things, People, Conversations Target people on Twitter who tweet about similar things that you’re interested in
  • 210.
  • 211. Generational Trends On Pinterest… • Matures 3% • Baby Boomers 8% • GenX 53% • GenY 27% • Millenials 9%
  • 212.
  • 213.
  • 214. To learn more about Amanda and her corporate programs Please visit
  • 216. LATE AFTERNOON SCHEDULE 3:20pm – 4:00pm NETWORKING BREAK 4:00pm – 5:00pm RORY VADEN– Christians Take the Stairs
  • 217. Rory Vaden @rory_vaden -Co-founder of Southwestern Consulting™ -New York Times bestselling author of Take the Stairs -Self-Discipline Strategist featured on/in Fox News, Inc, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Fortune and others
  • 219.
  • 220.
  • 221. James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
  • 222. How much does Procrastination cost? Average employee wastes 2.09 hours EACH DAY!!!
  • 223. The Purchase Price of Procrastination Average salaried employee in US makes $39,795 or $19.13 per hour. Costs Employers $10,396 per year Per Employee!!!
  • 224. The Purchase Price of Procrastination If the target commission for a salesperson is $79,590 per year or $38.26 per hour Costs You $20,792 Per Year!!!
  • 225.
  • 226. What is God prompting you to do That you are putting off?
  • 227. James 1:22, 2:17 “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says…Faith by itself if not accompanied by action is dead.”
  • 228. Procrastination • Consciously delaying what you know you should be doing Creative Avoidance • Unconsciously filling the day with menial work to be busy being busy; distraction Priority Dilution • (Un) Consciously delaying by allowing your attention to shift to less important tasks; interruption
  • 230. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God didn’t give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power of love and of self-discipline.”
  • 231. Discipline Start doing things you don’t want to do. Create a “Take the Stairs” Mindset
  • 232. The Paradox Principle of Sacrifice A Buffalo Mentality
  • 233. The Paradox Principle of Sacrifice EASY short-term choices lead to DIFFICULT long-term consequences. DIFFICULT short-term choices lead to EASY long-term consequences.
  • 234. We ALWAYS pay a price.
  • 235. Leverage LONG-TERM vision to endure SHORT-TERM sacrifice.
  • 236. Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
  • 237. The Buy-In Principle of Commitment The MORE we have invested into something the LESS likely we are to fail.
  • 238. Attitude: Attitude: • "I'm not sure yet" • "I'm in for good"
  • 240. Increase your commitment by creating the question HOW rather than relenting to the question SHOULD.
  • 241. Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible for God.”
  • 242. The Perspective Principle of Faith Tape Measure Timeline
  • 243. A challenge in respect to TODAY is BIG PROBLEM A challenge in respect to our LIFESPAN is SMALL PROBLEM A challenge in respect to ETERNITY is NO PROBLEM
  • 244. The Perspective Principle of Faith Our ability to have PEACE is directly proportionate to the term of our PERSPECTIVE.
  • 245. 2 Questions Question 1: A woman had 8 kids 3 were DEAF 2 were BLIND 1 was MENTALLY RETARDED And she had SYPHILIS...
  • 246. 2 Questions Candidate 1: Friends with Crooked Politicians Consults with Astrologists Had 2 Mistresses Is a Chain Smoker Drinks 8 – 10 Martinis/day
  • 247. 2 Questions Candidate 2: Kicked out of office twice Sleeps in daily until noon Used opium in college Drinks a quart of whiskey every night
  • 248. 2 Questions Candidate 3: Decorated war hero Doesn’t smoke Doesn’t drink Has never had an extramarital affair
  • 249. 2 Questions Candidate 1: Friends with Crooked Politicians Consults with Astrologists Had 2 Mistresses Is a Chain Smoker Drinks 8 – 10 Martinis/day Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 250. 2 Questions Candidate 2: Kicked out of office twice Sleeps in daily until noon Used opium in college Drinks a quart of whiskey every night Winston Churchill
  • 251. 2 Questions Candidate 3: Decorated war hero Doesn’t smoke Doesn’t drink Has never had an extramarital affair Adolf Hitler
  • 252. Less the ability to see the entire future, we aren’t ENTITLED to evaluate the REASONS why bad things happen today.
  • 253. Faith is CHOOSING to believe that what is happening NOW is for a GREATER GLORY later on. What are YOU being PREPARED for?
  • 254. Proverbs 3: 5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”
  • 255. Do your BEST Let God do the REST Let GO, Let GOD
  • 260. Matthew 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” New York City, NY York City, NY
  • 262.
  • 263. What’s the first step? 1. Make The Commitment– Bring your business card and get a free bookmark!
  • 264. What’s the first step? 1. Make The Commitment– Bring your business card and get a free bookmark! 2. Get A Coach
  • 265. Daily Discipline Overcome procrastination and make lasting change with increased accountability: 1. Daily encouragement via email to keep you focused 2. Fresh ideas to keep you going 3. Renewed motivation every week with a video delivered right to your inbox 4. Insight into the most effective life changing strategies available $10/ month
  • 266. What’s the first step? 1. Make the Commitment- Bring your business card and get a free bookmark! 2. Get A Coach –Daily Discipline! 3. Take The Stairs In Pairs– Get a partner!
  • 267. The Rent Axiom Success is never OWNED. It is only RENTED; and the rent is due EVERY DAY.

Editor's Notes

  1. Sexual Fantasies 11% retains, 22% thinking about their personal problems, 67% having sexual fantasiesATM(Story about flight delay….I’m a motivational speaker)Roommates – Mom and DadAhmish HummerSo nervous first started speaking…let that breath out story
  2. Rejected by Naked People
  3. To understand this diagram, first you must understand that need and cost are both relative. 3 SCENARIOSdeeper and deeper understanding of the situation – you are willing to pay more. Most salespeople never develop the need to the point that it justifies the cost. Never reach Crossover PT
  4. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  5. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  6. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  7. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  9. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  10. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  11. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  12. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  13. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  15. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  16. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  17. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  18. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  19. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  20. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  21. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  23. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  24. David Brooks story about then I let that breath out!
  25. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  26. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  27. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  29. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  30. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  31. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  32. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  33. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  34. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  35. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  36. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  37. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  39. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  40. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  41. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  42. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  43. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  44. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  45. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  46. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  47. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  48. Attention is your physical real estateIntention is your mental real estate
  49. Set Up – Most prominent people in History great with this: FDR, Martin Luther King Jr, Bill Clinton, Dale Carnegie, Abe Lincoln, etc.*It is a learned tangible skill that you only develop with practice. Your Name is more important to you than 6 Billion others out there- Association joke – Mary-wanna  Picturization joke with Richard – Big Eyes + Final Thought – The most important word in a person’s language is their name…The most vital & important words to your prospects when prospecting are the names and stories of others you have helped live better lives through the services you provide. *Effectively Using NAMES makes Prospecting Painless Thank you very much! 
  50. Here are the 4 buying behavior styles:Fighter- My friend Ali is a mortgage broker in Nashville and he is the definition of a fighter. When he’s selling he is straight to the point. He says things like “don’t waste my time”.Entertainer- The first time I took the Navigate behavior test it showed that my natural selling style is Entertainer. And my backup if fighter. Disclaimer you can be more than one. Detective- Engineer, accountant, CPA. In my book Navigate you can see our CFO is the definition of Detective. Counselor- The other day I was selling in Knoxville with our new consulting partner company Uloop selling Groupon type services for businesses to college students and the manager of Chick-fil-a. When we arrived he had 2 team members with him to help make the decision.
  51. What are you the most like and least like?
  52. Identification. In the referrals breakout.
  53. John 13:34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
  54. Galatians 6:9 So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.
  55. Romans 12:10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.
  56. AJ
  57. Mitch Hedberg impersonation
  58. Disease of the shortcut. First car mini-van with wood panelling down the sides.
  59. The human mind thinks 7x faster than we can talk. Create positive momentum. Not literally true because in college I would’ve become a beer. But momentum is created Coast/silk (where relevant)Words are the first manifestation of our ideas into the real world..Have character – do what you say you’re going to do. Speak out about your conviction to such an ethical company with values and morales that is intentional about positive change.Be committed to your customer and to each other. Leadership is measured not by how many followers you have but how many leaders you create.
  62. Start with my bookfield slam storyThen do Jane’s storyThen tie together
  63. We can’t take the stairs down --really?
  64. Show 2007 WCPS Speech
  65. We raise money by selling wristbands and tshirts and 100% of proceeds go to charity. We also sell cds tapes etc and 100% of those proceeds go to me.  How to be funny to make more money – widely read by both people who have bought it so far. Seriously so many of us think we’re born funny or we’re not, one of the most disempowering misconceptions of all time “3 years ago I wasn’t funny” – some of you thinking “I don’t think you’re there yet sparky.”
  66. We raise money by selling wristbands and tshirts and 100% of proceeds go to charity. We also sell cds tapes etc and 100% of those proceeds go to me.  How to be funny to make more money – widely read by both people who have bought it so far. Seriously so many of us think we’re born funny or we’re not, one of the most disempowering misconceptions of all time “3 years ago I wasn’t funny” – some of you thinking “I don’t think you’re there yet sparky.”
  67. We raise money by selling wristbands and tshirts and 100% of proceeds go to charity. We also sell cds tapes etc and 100% of those proceeds go to me.  How to be funny to make more money – widely read by both people who have bought it so far. Seriously so many of us think we’re born funny or we’re not, one of the most disempowering misconceptions of all time “3 years ago I wasn’t funny” – some of you thinking “I don’t think you’re there yet sparky.”