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Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

                          Act                                    §22 Permit for Betting Companies             9
        Restructuring Gaming (Gaming Act)                        §23 Sales permit
                  20 October 2011                                §24 Betting Regulation and Betting Books     10
        Statute Book of Schleswig-Holstein
           (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15                                              Section III
 The Federal State Legislative Assembly has adopted              Player Protection
                  the following Act.                             §25 Information Obligations
                                                                 §26 Advertising
                Summary of contents                              §27 Protection of Minors, Player Protection and
                                                                 Declarations                                   11
                       Section I                                 § 28 Corporate Social Responsibility
General provisions                              2                                       Section IV
§ 1 Aims of the Act                                              Gaming supervision, Approval control and Federal
§ 2 Scope of application                                         State supervision
§3 Definitions                                                   §29 Competent Approval and Supervisory Authority
§4 Event permit                                 3                §30 Supervisory powers
§5 Sales permit                                                  §31 Advisory Committee                         12
                                                                 §32 Fees
                       Section II                                §33 Enforcement
Approval Procedures                             4
                                                                                        Section V
Subsection 1. Lotteries                                          Duties
Regional lotteries, Class Lotteries                              Subsection 1. Duty aims
§6 Regional lotteries                                            §34 Lottery duty
§7 Class Lotteries                                               Subsection 2. Gaming Duty                    13
§8 Sales permit                                  5               §35 Taxation duty, Object of Taxation
§ 9 Brokering requirements                                       §36 Duty Rate, Basis of Assessment
Charitable lotteries                                             §37 Accrual of Duty                          14
§10 Permits for charitable Lotteries                             §38 Debtor duty
§11 Hosting of Charitable Lotteries; Sale of Charitable          § 39 Registration
Lotteries                                                        § 40 Duty recovery
§12 Lottery Schedule, Costing and conducting of Event            §41 Duty aim                                 15
§13 Use of net proceeds                          6               §42 Duty revenue
§14 Form and Content of permit                                   §43 Responsible Tax Authority
Small Lotteries and prize-linked Savings                         §44 Notification obligations
§15 Small Lotteries                                              §45 Notifications to competent authorities
§16 Prize-linked Savings                                         §46 Registration and filing Obligations
                                                                 §47 Inspection
Subsection 2. Casinos - Land-based casinos
§17 Requirements for Casinos, player exclusions,                                         Section VI
blacklists, data processing                                      Temporary and final provisions               16
Online Casinos (online-casino games)          7                  § 48 Temporary provisions
§18 General requirements for Online Casinos                      § 49 entry into force, expiry
§19 License as Operator of online-Casinos
§20 Sales permit                              8

Subsection 3. Betting
§21 General Requirements for Betting

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

                      Section I                                                               §3
                  General provisions                                                      Definitions

                            §1                                     (1) For the purposes of this Act, “gaming” is
                     Aims of the Act                               understood as games, lotteries, and betting, in relation
The aim of the Act is to set up a regulatory framework             to which payment of money is required in order to
in relation to the offer (hosting, sale and brokering) of          have a chance of winning. Moreover, the chance of
any of the respective forms of public gaming, and more             winning totally or predominantly depends on fortune.
specifically, ensure that :                                        Casino games, in which the chance of winning depends
                                                                   on fortune and the player’s skill, are also considered as
    1. gaming takes place in an orderly, fair,                     gaming. Bets requiring payment are also considered as
       responsible      and    transparent   manner,               gaming for the purposes of paragraph (1).
       gamblers are protected from fraudulent                      (2) “Land-based gaming” is gaming hosted and offered
       practices and its related consequences and                  on fixed premises, especially at sales outlets, and are
       crimes are prosecuted,                                      offered and accepted there by virtue of the physical
    2. citizens can pursue their natural inclination               presence of players. Online gaming is gaming, which is
       towards gaming in an orderly and supervised                 hosted and offered without the physical presence of
       way, and in particular, ensure that unlawful                players either on the Internet or through other means
       gaming is curbed and only appropriate forms                 of distance communication according to § 312 b para.
       of lawful gaming are permitted in an                        2 German Civil Code.
       appropriate environment,                                    (3) A “lottery” is a form of gaming in which the
    3. effective protection of young people and                    majority of people are offered the chance of winning
       gaming itself is achieved,                                  money in accordance with a specific plan and in return
    4. addiction to gaming is prevented and                        for a specific payment. The provisions on lotteries also
       measures are adopted to effectively combat                  apply, where items or other forms of material benefits
       addiction and precautions taken against                     can be won as an alternative to money. A lottery is
       exploitation through gaming,                                considered to have a high frequency of events if the
    5. the integrity of sporting competitions is not               time between the decision over a win or loss of a stake
       harmed by the hosting and sale of sports bets.              and the following decision over a win or a loss of a
                                                                   subsequent stake is less than one day, which therefore
                         §2                                        gives the lottery a high incentive to play. The
                 Scope of application                              provisions for lotteries also apply to tote betting.
                                                                   (4) For the purposes of this Act, “betting” is considered
(1)By this Act, the State regulates the offer of public            as accumulator bets or single bets on the outcome of
gaming falling within the remit of this Act unless                 the progress of. Accordingly, an “event” is the result or
otherwise decreed by current federal legislation.                  a future or current happening of a sporting
(2)As far as Casinos are concerned, and to the extent              competition; lotteries and casino games are not
that they are land-based (Land-based Casinos), only §§             considered as betting for the purposes of this Act.
1-5, § 17, and §§ 25-27 apply. To the extent the                   (5) “Casino games” include all the games traditionally
regulatory framework does not fall within the scope of             offered in land-based casinos, namely, poker, black
this Act, the prerequisites for the authorization and              jack, baccarat and roulette.
establishment of the land-based casinos shall be                   (6) For the purposes of this Act, “payment” constitutes
governed by the applicable state law. The procedure                a significant financial sacrifice, where it produces a loss
and prerequisites for the grant of permits for casino              in the absence of a win, regardless of whether the
games with bankers [Black Jack, Roulette, and                      financial sacrifice is made as payment for the game in
Baccarat] comply with the Casino Act of the State of               question. By way of derogation from (1) in connection
Schleswig-Holstein.                                                with regional lotteries pursuant to §6(1), all financial
                                                                   sacrifices are considered to be valid payment.

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

(7) For the purposes of this Act, gaming is considered             (2) A permit shall be refused if the hosting of the
to be “public” if a large, non-exclusive group of people           gaming is contrary to the aims of § 1 or where the
can participate or where gaming is hosted on a regular             operator is unreliable.
basis by clubs or other private associations.                      (3) A permit is initially issued for a limited period of six
(8) An “operator” is anyone who sets up gaming at his              years. Subsequent permits are granted for periods of
own expense. The hosting location will also be the                 four years respectively.
operator’s registered office. A person who hosts public            (4) The permit may be subsequently modified with
betting will be considered to be a betting company.                additional clauses to the extent necessary for the
(9) Gaming is “sold” by anyone who responsibly offers              proper implementation of the activities and aims set
or creates the opportunity to conclude gaming                      forth in §1.
contracts, in particular by maintaining sales outlets or           (5) The permit is issued in writing. It lists the permitted
through distance sales. Distance sales is understood as            forms of gaming. It cannot be transferred or assigned
sales achieved by the exclusive use of distance                    to a third party.
communication pursuant to § 312 b (2) of the German                (6) The permit may be withdrawn in the future if
Civil Code. The point of sale is the place where the               circumstances become known that they would have
player has the opportunity of participating. As regards            resulted in a refusal of the same, had they been known
online-gaming, it is the place where the player has                at that time.
established his residence or his habitual domicile.                (7) The permit can also be revoked if the operator:
Gaming sales may take place through operators                      1. no longer fulfils the criteria for which the permit was
themselves (self-trading) or through third parties                     issued,
(agents, retailers, and lottery collectors).                       2. breaches any of the collateral clauses of the issued
(10) An “agent” is anyone who, personally or through                   permit,
third parties,                                                     3. fails to perform his legal obligations arising
1. brokers individual game contracts on behalf of                      thereunder, or
    operators, or                                                  4. contravenes other provisions of this Act.
2. introduces potential players to gaming associations             In the event of revocation of the permit by the
    and whose participation he brokers on behalf of                competent authority pursuant to § 1(1), the operator
    operators,                                                     is granted a period in which to comply again with its
and provided it is done with the intention of making               terms. Moreover, in the event of minor infringements
sustainable profits from such activity.                            of § 1(2)-(4), rather than revoke the permit, the
(11) “Retailers” and “lottery collectors” are agents that          competent authority may issue the operator with a
are integrated into the sales organization of operators            warning. Further still, in such cases, the provisions of
for the purposes of § 6 (2) or § 7 (1), below, who                 §§ 116, 117 State Administrative Act apply.
exclusively broker game contracts for regional lotteries           (8) The Ministry for Interior may also enact decrees
or class lotteries on behalf of operators.                         1. issuing detailed requirements with respect to the
(12) The hosting, sale and brokering of gaming for the               requisite credibility, potential and knowledge on the
purposes of this Act are considered as gaming “offers”.              subject of the intended gaming operations, as well as
                                                                     with regard to the permit authorization and
                          §4                                         supervisory procedures, especially concerning the
                     Event Permit                                    type, scope, purpose and form, respectively, of the
(1)The hosting of public gaming pursuant to this Act                 required documentation.
requires a permit from the competent authority. A                  2. Rules relating to the processing of confidential
permit to host betting on the outcome or progress of                 information and disclosure of confidential data
sporting competitions requires the agreement of an                   pursuant to this Act.
expert. Any hosting, brokering or sale of gaming that is           (9) Claims relating to the refund of expenses or
hosted without such a permit is forbidden.                         damages, which arise in connection with changes to
                                                                   European legislation, are excluded.

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

                            §5                                     pursuant to § 1, notably, the prevention of scams and
                       Sales permit                                fraud. The federal state itself may also lawfully set up
(1) Sales from lotteries with high frequencies of events           regional lotteries through legal persons under public
pursuant to § 6 (1) 1, betting or online-casinos in                law or through appointed private companies.
principle require permits from the competent                       (3) Accordingly, the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein
authority in accordance with the provisions of this Act.           has exercised its public right under Paragraph 2, above,
The permit shall be refused if the sale of gaming is               through the establishment of the NordwestLotto
contrary to the aims of §1 or where the applicant is               Schleswig-Holstein GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter
unreliable.                                                        NordwestLotto Schleswig-Holstein), the quotas in
(2) If the hosting of public gaming is permitted under             which are totally or predominantly held directly or
this Act and sales do not require a permit according to            indirectly by the Federal State.
Paragraph 1, the competent authority must be notified              (4) Upon agreement with the Ministry of Interior and
of the same. The federal state legislation may also                Ministry of Finance, the exercise of the right can be
require notification of the sale in the federal state in           totally or partly entrusted to legal persons under public
question, even if such notification requirement is not             law or private companies. In such cases, the Federal
required under Paragraph 1, above.                                 State and other Federal States can own significant
(3) For permits according to Paragraph 1, the                      quotas directly or indirectly. Moreover, the
provisions of §4 (3)-(9) shall apply.                              NordwestLotto Schleswig-Holstein can host number
(4)The sale of public gaming is forbidden unless permit            lotteries and “scratch-and-win/ tear-and-win” lotteries
and notification obligations have been fulfilled under             (Losbrieflotterien), as well as additional lotteries and
this Act.                                                          other game draws.

                      Section II                                                                §7
                 Approval Procedures                                                     Class Lotteries
                                                                   (1) §6 para.(2), sub. 1 applies to class lotteries.
                     Subsection 1                                  (2) Where the provisions of the State Treaty for State
                       Lotteries                                   Class Lotteries of 26 May 1992 (SCL State Treaty) or
           Regional lotteries, Class Lotteries                     the regulations for the North West German Class
                                                                   Lottery from the State Treaty for the North West
                          §6                                       German Class Lottery (NWGCL State Treaty) of 1
                   Regional lotteries                              September 2008 conflict with the provisions of this
                                                                   Act, then the provisions of this Act shall prevail.
(1) Regional lotteries are lotteries,                              (3) By way of derogation from Art. 4 of the SCL State
1. which have a high frequency of events (§ 3 Para.(3),            Treaty and from § 9 of the NWGCL State Treaty, an
sub.3.) or                                                         operator permit under § 4 para.(1), above, has been
2. which game schedule foresees that the value of the              issued by the competent authority for the Class
biggest win is greater than 1 million Euro, or                     Lottery.
3. which game schedule foresees the creation of a                  (4) The Federal State may host class lotteries jointly
jackpot, so that,                                                  with other federal states, or through a public law
a) when, a particular a prize category is drawn and the            entity established together with the other federal
    winnings are not claimed, they can be added to the             states or a private company, provided in the latter case
    following draw, or                                             that the federal state in question or other contracting
b) where parts of the payments due from the player                 federal states have a significant quota, regardless of
    can be accumulated for the purpose of achieving                whether they hold their quotas directly or indirectly.
    wins at future draws so that a biggest win of over 1
    million Euro can be achieved.
(2) the organization of regional lotteries is nonetheless
subject to the attainment of the federal state’s aims

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

                            §8                                    1. the draw results are not announced more than twice
                       Sales permit                                   a week,
(1) An application for a permit can be made by the                2. the maximum winnings do not exceed a value of
operator for sales at sales outlets,                                  EUR 5 million, and
(2) Class lotteries sales are subject to notification             3. any payments made by players are not partly
obligations; the consent of the operator also has to be               accumulated for the purpose of creating winnings
demonstrated. No claims can be made subsequent to                     for future draws (planned jackpot).
conclusion of a sales contract.
                          §9                                                     Hosting Charitable Lotteries;
                Brokering requirements                                            Sale of Charitable Lotteries
The following requirements shall apply to sales from              (1) An event permit may only be issued if the operator,
high event number lotteries by agents (lottery agents):           1. satisfies the conditions of § 5 para. (1), sub. 9 of the
1. The lottery agent must forward at least two-thirds of              German Corporation Tax Act, and
any sums collected from players in order to participate           2. is reliable, in particular by providing a guarantee
in a game to the operator. Immediately after the                      that the event is implemented properly and can be
brokering of a game order, it must inform players in a                fully understood by both game participants and the
clear and comprehensible manner of the amount                         competent authority, and that any net proceeds are
forwarded to the operator in order to participate in                  used appropriately.
the game as well as notify the operator of any such               Paragraph (1), sub 1, above, does not apply to
players.                                                          operators for the purposes of § 6 para.(2) and § 7
2. Lottery agents and any third parties commissioned              para.(1), lotteries operated by the public body
either by them or by interested players within the                “Bavarian Red Cross”, or to events taking the form of
meaning of § 3 para.(10), above, must disclose the                prize-linked savings (§ 16).
brokering of any participation in a game to the                   (2)If the event is conducted either wholly or mainly by
operator.                                                         a third party, then the permit may only be issued if
3. Upon conclusion of the contract, lottery retailers             there is no risk that the transparency and
must ensure that a trustee qualified within a legal or            controllability of the event may be affected, and if the
tax advisory profession or a trust company that                   third party
employs such professionals is commissioned with the               1. meets with the requirements of Paragraph 1 sub.(2)
safekeeping or storage of ticket receipts and the                   and
assertion of winning claims against the operator. Upon            2. is subject to instructions from the operator with
conclusion of the contract, the game participant shall              respect to conducting the event and does not have
be granted the right to view ticket receipts that were              any significant legal or actual influence over the
brokered in their order.                                            operator.
                                                                  (3) the holder of an event permit according to § 10
                 Charitable Lotteries                             shall be entitled to sell the lottery. The operator shall
                                                                  not require a special permit according to § 5 para.(1).
                          §10                                     The notification requirements for sales activities must
            Permits for charitable Lotteries                      comply with § 5 para.(2).
(1)Lotteries that are capable of ensuring that any net
proceeds will be used mainly for charitable purposes                                       §12
                                                                    Lottery Schedule, Costing and conducting of Event
shall be approved upon application if the permit
requirements are met. The competent authority shall               (1) According to the game schedule, the net proceeds,
be responsible.                                                   winnings and costs must relate proportionally to each;
                                                                  the cost of the event must be kept as low as possible.
(2)The permit shall be issued if the game schedule
                                                                  The net proceeds are the amount resulting from the
foresees that,
                                                                  sum of any payments received after deducting any
                                                                  costs, winnings and taxes. Provision should be made in
Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

the game schedule for at least 30 per cent of payments             The permit shall be issued in writing. It should state
received to go towards the net proceeds and winnings               the following:
and on no account should this percentage not be                    1. the operator as well as any third parties in the case
reached. When an application is submitted, a cost                  of § 11 para.(2),
estimate must be compiled that is based on the                     2. type, location or area as well as the start date and
expected costs of the event, winnings, taxes and net               duration of the event,
proceeds. After issue of the permit, if it appears that            3. the intended purpose for use of net proceeds, the
the estimated costs are likely to be exceeded, then this           type and method of proving use and the time in which
must be notified to the competent authority                        such proof will be provided,
immediately and a new cost estimate has then to be                 4. the game schedule and
prepared.                                                          5. the sales form.
(2) With respect to lottery costs, the nature and extent
of any third party costs may only be taken into account                    Small Lotteries and prize-linked savings
within the meaning of § 11 para.(2) insofar as they                                            §15
meet the principles of economical management. The                                       Small Lotteries
remuneration of third parties should not be calculated             The competent authority may depart from the
on the basis of the amount revenue received.                       regulations of this Act for lotteries, in the event that
(3) The operator must submit all documentation and                 1. the sum of payments to be received does not
information required to the competent authority in                 exceed EUR 40,000,
order to verify that the lottery has been conducted                2. the net proceeds are used exclusively and directly
correctly. It must also provide a statement based on               for charitable or benevolent purposes, and
the actual amounts of revenue, net proceeds, winnings              3. the net proceeds and winnings amount to at least 25
payouts and event costs.                                           per cent of payments received.
(4) In order to verify that the lottery has been properly
planned or conducted, especially regarding the                                                 §16
appropriateness of costs, the competent authority                                     Prize-linked savings
may, at the expense of the operator, commission an                 By way of derogation from § 4 para.(1), prize-linked
auditor to provide their expert opinion or request the             savings lotteries operated by a credit institution within
operator to commission one. The costs of the expert                the meaning of § 1 para.(1) of the German Banking Act
opinion are considered lottery costs.                              need only notify the competent authority if a partial
                                                                   amount not exceeding 30 per cent contributed by a
                          §13                                      participant is used as the lottery ticket share for the
                  Use of net proceeds                              prize-linked savings lottery, and the net proceeds
(1) Any net proceeds from the event must be used for               amount to at least 25 percent of lottery ticket shares
charitable or benevolent purposes as specified in the              and are used for charitable or benevolent purposes.
permit in a timely manner.
(2) If the operator wishes to use the net proceeds for a                                Subsection 2
purpose other than the one specified in the permit, or                                    Casinos
if the intended purpose cannot be achieved either at                                 Land-based casinos
all or in a timely manner, then the operator must
notify the competent authority immediately thereof.                                         §17
Following consultation with the operator, the former               Requirements for Casinos, player exclusion, blacklists,
                                                                                      data processing
may stipulate a new charitable or benevolent intended
purpose.                                                           (1) Land-based casinos (fixed casino operations) must
                                                                   maintain a comprehensive exclusion system in order to
                                                                   protect players and combat gaming addiction.
                                                                   (2) Land-based casinos shall exclude individuals who
             Form and Content of Permit
                                                                   ask to be excluded (self-exclusion). Alternatively,
                                                                   individuals who, on the basis of staff observations or
Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

other factual evidence, are assumed to have a gaming              (11) Unless otherwise specified by this Act, the
addiction or are insolvent, fail to meet their financial          respective provisions for the protection of personal
obligations or risk stakes that are disproportionate to           data shall apply.
their income or assets are also excluded (external                (12) By way of derogation from § 4 para.(3) sub.(1), the
exclusion). In the event of the external exclusion being          first permit issued for a land-based casino shall be for a
challenged by the player, the competent authority                 minimum of eight years.
shall decide.
                                                                           Online Casinos (online-casino games)
(3) The exclusion is valid for at least one year. Land-
based casinos immediately notify the player in
question in writing of the exclusion.                                                        §18
                                                                          General requirements for Online Casinos
(4) Land-based casinos must record all data required
                                                                  (1) Online-casinos games can only be operated within
for an exclusion onto a blacklist. The data must contain
                                                                  the terms of a permit issued according to § 19 and can
the following:
    1. family name, first name, maiden name,                      only be sold for the purposes permit issued according
    2. aliases, any false names used,                             to § 20. The type and method of playing games shall be
    3. date of birth,                                             defined on a case-by-case basis in the permit issued by
    4. place of birth,                                            the competent authority.
    5. address,                                                   (2) Anyone authorized to sell online casino games
    6. photographs,                                               according to § 20 must ensure that the General Terms
                                                                  and Conditions of Business appropriately accessible to
    7. reason for exclusion,
    8. duration of exclusion, and                                 individual players prior to the start of the game,
                                                                  making mention of any valid permits and the
    9. the notifying casino.
                                                                  competent issuing authority, respectively. If the
A record can also be kept, even if all data cannot be             provider is not actually an operator, it must disclose
                                                                  the operator to the player prior to the start of the
collected. Documents leading to the exclusion must
also be kept.                                                     game and ensure the General Terms and Conditions of
(5) The cancellation of any exclusion is only possible            Business are appropriately accessible.
after one year has elapsed, and in any case only upon             (3) Anyone already holding a permit to operate a
                                                                  casino in accordance with the Federal state Casino Act
written request from the player. The land-based casino
operator that ordered the exclusion shall make a                  is also allowed to be an operator for the sale of online-
decision on this. The player’s assurance that the                 casino games.
reasons for his exclusion have ceased must be credible.           (4) The sale of online casino games by third parties
(6) Excluded players may not take part in any games in            requires the consent of the operator.
land-based casinos. The ban shall be enforced by                  (5) The terms of § 17 also apply.
checking the player’s ID card or by using a similar                                          §19
identity check and comparing with the blacklist.                           Permit for operators of online-Casinos
(7) Any recorded data must be transmitted as required             (1) Operators of online-casino games may be approved
to the various authorities authorized to monitor any              upon request if,
game bans Data transmission can also be carried out               1. they are EU nationals under European Union law or
via an automated retrieval process.                                 are legal entities whose registered office, central
(8) Data transmission to public authorities, especially             administration or principal place of business falls with
law enforcement authorities and courts, is permitted                the remit of European Union law or of a Signatory
by law.                                                             State to the Agreement on the European Economic
(9) Any information issued and access to electronic                 Area, and
systems must be recorded.                                         2. have the necessary reliability, capability and
(10) The data must be deleted six years after the                   expertise for the intended gaming activity The legal
termination of the exclusion. Deletion is also permitted            representatives of legal entities must also satisfy the
at the end of the sixth year.

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

  various requirements regarding reliability and                      (5) The sales permit shall in particular specify the
  expertise.                                                          operator, as well as the type of casino games and the
(2) The permit shall be refused if there is evidence to               sales channels.
suggest that                                                          (6) When submitting an application, the applicant shall
1. public safety and order will be jeopardized by the                 also provide the proposed General Terms and
  intended gaming activity, or relations between the                  Conditions of Business. Any amendments thereto must
  Federal Republic of Germany and other federal states                be notified. With respect to distance sales, the
  will be affected,                                                   respective sales channels and the location of the
2. by collaborating with third parties, there is a risk to            distance sales office must be notified.
  the overall transparency and the ability to monitor                 (7) The applicant under Paragraph 1, above, shall
  sales or any other brokering activity will be                       provide insurance guarantees to protect federal state
  prejudiced, or                                                      claims and against claims for payouts and. The
3. it cannot be ensured that the game will be                         applicant shall in principle provide the insurance
  implemented properly and in a way that is fully                     guarantee in the form of an absolute bank guarantee
  understood by both game participants and the                        from a major bank based in the European Union or in a
  competent authority in accordance with the aims of §                Signatory State to the Agreement on the European
  1.                                                                  Economic Area. The guarantee shall amount to EUR
(3) When submitting an application, the applicant shall               1,000,000 for the sale of online casino games. It can be
also provide the proposed General Terms and                           adjusted by the competent authority to an amount
Conditions of Business. Any amendments must be                        that corresponds to the expected average game
notified.                                                             revenues over a period of two weeks up to a maximum
                                                                      of EUR 5,000,000. The issue of the permit according to
                           §20                                        Paragraph 1 is based on the assumption that the
                       Sales permit                                   insurance guarantee has been provided. If the
(1) The sale of online-casino games requires a permit                 guarantee is not delivered notwithstanding reminders
from the competent authority.                                         for the same, or is inadequately guaranteed, then the
(2) The sales permit will be issued if the applicant fulfils          permit shall be refused.
the requisite reliability and expertise criteria to
                                                                                            Subsection 3
conduct sales and there are no reasons for refusal
according to Paragraph 3, below.                                                              Betting
(3) The sales permit shall be refused if there is                                               §21
sufficient evidence to suggest that                                              General Requirements for Betting
1. public safety and order will be jeopardised by the                 (1) Public betting may only be operated by betting
  event or sale of the event,                                         companies permitted according to § 22. A permit is
2. by collaborating with third parties, the overall                   issued by the competent authority. The type and
  transparency and the ability to monitor sales or any                method of betting shall be governed individually in the
  other brokering activity will be prejudiced, or                     permit from the competent authority. Any form of
3. it cannot be guaranteed that the event or sale of the              betting that violates moral sensitivity is banned.
  event will be implemented properly and can be fully                 (2) Public betting may only be conducted to the extent
  understood by both game participants and the                        allowed by the terms of the permit issued by the
  competent authority in accordance with the aims of                  competent authority according to § 23. Public bets
  §1.                                                                 may be sold by the betting companies themselves or
                                                                      by an agent.
(4) Insofar as an sales permit has been issued
according to § 19, then the reasons for refusal in                    (3) Anyone who participates in the operation of betting
relation to the event and the operator of online casino               events may neither bet themselves nor place a bet on
                                                                      the outcome or the progress of this event, nor may
games under Paragraph 3 sub.1 or sub.3, above, no
                                                                      they place bets using others. Anyone who intentionally
longer need to be verified.
                                                                      or negligently infringes this prohibition is therefore

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

acting unlawfully. The offence will be punished by a                (3) When submitting an application, the applicant shall
fine of up to EUR 100,000.                                          also provide its current General Terms and Conditions
(4) The hosting and sale of betting must be kept                    of Business. Any amendments must be notified.
separate from an organisational, legal, financial and
staffing perspective from the hosting or the                                                   §23
organisation of the betting event. The same applies for                                   Sales permit
the operation of establishments in which betting                    (1) The sale of public betting requires a permit from
events take place.                                                  the competent authority for both fixed as well as
(5) Anyone who sells public bets (§ 23) must inform the             distance sales. Provided the competent authority has
player of the relevant betting operator prior to the bet            already issued a permit according to § 22, then a
being placed. Furthermore, the General Terms and                    permit for self sales may be issued to the betting
Conditions of Business of the bets offered for sale, as             company upon request in accordance with this
well any existing permits and the competent authority               provision. This provision does not apply for sales made
must be adequately made known to the player prior to                by third parties (agents).
placing a bet.                                                      (2) The sales permits are granted to applicants who:
(6) Anyone who hosts or sells bets must not grant                   1. are EU nationals under European Union law or are
credit to betting clients. Bets may be paid for using                 legal entities. In such case, the registered office,
standard credit cards.                                                central administration or principal place of business
(7) The terms of §17 are applicable.                                  must come within the scope of European Union law
                                                                      or that of a Signatory State to the Agreement on the
                            §22                                       European Economic Area, and
             Permit for Betting Companies                           2. have the necessary reliability and expertise to
(1) Betting companies may be approved upon request                    conduct sales; as proof of expertise, the terms of §3
if:                                                                   para.(1) of the rules implementing the Act on Horse
1. they are EU nationals under European Union law or                  Betting and Lotteries shall apply accordingly, as
  are legal entities. In such case, the registered office,            amended on 21 august 2002, and
  central administration or principal place of business             3. provided there are no grounds for refusal under
  must come within the scope of European Union law                    para.(3), below.
  or that of a Signatory State to the Agreement on the              (3)The sales permit shall be refused if there is sufficient
  European Economic Area, and                                       evidence to suggest that:
2. they have the necessary reliability, capability and              1. public safety and order will be jeopardized by the
  expertise for the intended betting activity. With                 event or sale of the event,
  respect to legal entities, the legal representatives              2. by collaborating with third parties, the overall
  must satisfy the criteria regarding reliability and               transparency and the ability to monitor sales will be
  expertise.                                                        prejudiced, or
(2) The permit shall be refused if there is sufficient              3. it cannot be guaranteed that the event or sale of the
evidence to suggest that:                                           event will be implemented properly and can be fully
1. public safety and order will be jeopardized by the               understood by both game participants and the
intended betting activity, or relations between the                 competent authority in accordance with the objectives
Federal Republic of Germany and other federal states                of § 1.
will be prejudiced,                                                 (4) Provided there is an event permit according to § 22,
2. there is a risk that, by collaborating with third                then the grounds for a refusal according to Paragraph
parties, the overall transparency and the ability to                3, sub. 1 or sub. 3 in relation to the event and the
monitor sales will be prejudiced, or                                betting company no longer need to be verified. § 22
3. it cannot be guaranteed that the betting activity will           para.(4) applies accordingly.
be implemented properly and can be fully understood                 (5) A sales permit shall specific the authorized to sell
by both game participants and the competent                         bets, the type of bets and the sales channels. With
authority in accordance with the aims of § 1.                       respect to fixed sales, the municipalities shall decide in

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

accordance with town planning regulations on any                  (2) Each betting company and each holder of a sales
restrictions concerning locations for the purposes of             permit for betting must keep an electronic betting
achieving the aims under § 1.                                     book in which all betting transactions are recorded in
(6) When submitting an application, the applicant shall           consecutive order without any time delays. The
also provide its current General Terms and Conditions             electronic betting book, as well as any computer
of Business. Any amendments must be notified.                     software, data processing procedures and equipment
Furthermore, it must notify the number and location of            used for hosting or brokering bets, must be specifically
sites for fixed sales, as well as the respective sales            protected against unauthorised interference from third
channels and the location of the distance sales office            parties. All betting transactions must be recorded in
for distance sales.                                               the betting book for a period of four years.
(7) The applicant shall provide an insurance guarantees
to protect federal state claims and against claims for                                   Section III
payouts in the form of an absolute bank guarantee                                    Player Protection
from a major bank based in the European Union or in a
Signatory State to the Agreement on the European                                              §25
Economic Area. For fixed sales, the guarantee                                      Information Obligations
  1. in each location                                             (1) The holder of a permit must ensure the following
    a) in which betting is either exclusively or mainly           information is made available to players:
    sold, or                                                      1. all costs resulting from participation,
    b) which has more than two betting classes or                 2. the amount of all winnings,
    betting terminals, shall amount to EUR 20,000                 3. when and where any winnings are published,
  2. in every other location it shall amount to EUR               4. the percentage of payouts for winnings from stakes,
  10,000.                                                         5. information on the probability of winning or losing
This insurance guarantee can be adjusted by the                     as well as the average payouts for the different forms
competent authority to an amount equivalent to the                  of the gaming,
expected average betting revenues over a period of                6. the cut-off time for participation,
two weeks. The guarantee shall amount to EUR                      7. the method for determining the winner,
1,000,000 for distance sales. It can be adjusted by the           8. how the winnings are distributed between multiple
competent authority to an amount equivalent to the                  winners,
expected average betting revenues over a period of                9. the limitation period within which winners may
two weeks up to a maximum of EUR 5,000,000. The                     claim their winnings,
issue of the permit under Paragraph (1) is based on the           10. the name of the permit holder as well as their
assumption that the guarantee has been provided. If                 contact details (address, e-mail, telephone),
the guarantee is not provided despite reminders to do             11. the commercial registration number (if available),
so or is not adequately guaranteed, then the permit               12. how the player can make a complaint, and
shall be refused.                                                 13. the date the permit was issued by the competent
                          §24                                     Both players as well as authorities must have easy
        Betting Regulations and Betting Books                     access to this information.
(1) In order to ensure equal treatment of betting                 (2) The competent authority may grant exceptions to
customers, the hosting and sale of betting may only be            these obligations if the nature of the game or other
done in accordance with betting regulations that are              circumstances make it unreasonably difficult to satisfy
binding for all betting contracts from operators or               the various conditions.
holders of sales permits. This is to be submitted with
the permit application. The betting regulations must                                       §26
contain provisions on the conclusion of betting                                        Advertising
contracts and payouts.                                            (1) The type and extent of advertising of public gaming
                                                                  must be appropriate and must not be in conflict with

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

the aims of § 1. The advertising must not be                       4. allow players to assess their own risk,
misleading, nor lead to inaccurate perceptions about               5. set up a telephone counselling service that is jointly
the prospects of winning. Moreover, the advertising                  operated by several providers,
must not be aimed at minors.                                       6. report to the competent authority every two years
(2) The competent authority may also lay down further                on the success of any measures implemented for
criteria in the additional clauses of the permit for the             player protection.
hosting and sales in relation to the composition of                (3) Every two years, in connection with the
permitted advertising for lotteries with a high                    development of assistance measures, the competent
frequency of events, betting and casino games.                     authority shall draw up a report on the measures taken
(3) The advertising of illegal gaming is not permitted.            by providers, the safety of gaming and player
(4) The Ministry of Interior is authorized to issue more           protection activities.
detailed regulations on the subject.
                                                                                        Section IV
                           §27                                     Gaming supervision, Permit control and Federal State
                 Protection of Minors,                                                 supervision
          Player Protection and Declarations
(1) Minors are forbidden from participating in public                                        §29
gaming.                                                                           Competent Approval and
(2) The providers of public gaming are responsible for                             Supervisory Authority
ensuring that players play responsibly. They must                  The competent Approval and Supervisory Authority for
inform the public on the probability of winning and                the tasks designated under this Act shall be the
losing, the possible risks of addiction with respect to            Ministry on Interior. The Ministry may appoint another
the type of gaming offered, the opportunities for                  authority by enacting a regulation to this effect.
counselling and therapy as well as the prohibition on
the participation of minors.                                                                     §30
                                                                                        Supervisory powers
                            § 28                                   (1) The competent supervisory authority shall monitor
             Corporate Social Responsibility                       compliance with the provisions of this Act, as well as
(1) The providers of public gaming are responsible for             observance of the rules specified in the permits and
ensuring that players are discouraged from playing                 related additional clauses. Accordingly, in individual
pathological games and any gaming addiction is                     cases it may issue orders, as appropriate. In particular,
prevented. To this end, they must develop the                      it may:
appropriate social responsibility policies for relative            1. prohibit the hosting and sale of illegal gaming as well
gaming games laying down measures for the                            as any related advertising,
prevention of pathological player behaviour.                       2. request information or evidence from event or sales
(2)The providers of public gaming shall                              permit holders that are subject to its supervision in
1. appoint representatives to develop social                         order to fulfil its duties;
  responsibility,                                                  3. take decisions on any objections to external
2. train staff that employed in the hosting and sale of              exclusions,
  public gaming on early detection of problematic                  4. following the prior notification of illegal gaming
  player behaviour,                                                  offers, prohibit credit and financial services
3. in the context of prevention, provide easily                      institutions from being involved in payments for
  accessible and easily understandable information                   illegal gaming and payouts from illegal gaming in a
  a) on the relative risks of the games in question;                 responsible manner.
  b) on assistance measures, such as player exclusions,            (2) Challenges to, and complaints against, orders
  addresses of counsellors and self-therapy groups for             according to Paragraph (1), above, do not have
  both addicted male and female players;                           suspensive effect.
  c) through self-help handouts,

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

(3) The supervisory authority is responsible for the                 (2) The Ministry of Interior shall determine the amount
issuance and revocation or withdrawal of permits as                  of the fees by regulation from which chargeable
well as receiving notifications according to § 5 para.(2),           services, fees by way of fixed rates or framework rates,
unless stated otherwise herein.                                      as well as regulations for increases, reductions, scaling
(4) The supervisory authority shall work together with               and exemptions can arise. The rates shall be measured
the responsible authorities for gaming supervision                   in such a way that so that there is an appropriate
both domestically and abroad in the performance of its               balance between the amount taken into account for
responsibilities.                                                    administrative expenditure and the importance of the
                                                                     economic value or other benefits arising from the
                           §31                                       actions of the approvals and supervisory authority.
                  Advisory Committee                                 Moreover, the provisions of the Administrative Costs
(1) An Advisory Committee will be set up within the                  Act shall apply.
Approval and Supervisory Authority. It shall advise the
approval and supervisory authority on the                                                       §33
performance of their duties, especially in terms of the                                    Enforcement
legal and technical aspects of the gaming sector,                    The supervisory authority may enforce any orders that
addiction prevention, crime prevention and youth and                 it has made under its statutory powers by way of
consumer protection, as well as in relation to the                   coercive measures according to the provisions of
integrity of sporting competition. It may also issue                 administrative law, in particular pursuant to §§ 228 et
recommendations on the general development of                        seq., and 242 of the Federal State Administrative Act.
supervisory practices to the management of the                       In addition, it can threaten coercive measures in each
approval and supervisory authority.                                  case of non-compliancy. The penalty of up to EUR
(2) The members of the Advisory Committee shall be                   250,000 may be imposed. The provisions of the
appointed by the President of the Approval and                       Federal State Administrative Enforcement Act shall
Supervisory Authority, after consultation with the                   apply.
interested parties. Sports organizations are
represented and have the right to vote on the Advisory                                      Section V
Committee. Science and research, consumer                                                    Duties
protection groups, addiction experts, and gaming
providers must all be adequately represented within                                       Subsection 1
the Advisory Board.                                                                        Duty aims
(3) The Advisory Committee shall elect a chairman
from among its members. The Advisory Board shall                                               §34
also adopt its Rules of Procedure.                                                         Lottery duty
                                                                     (1) By way of derogation from §35, the NordwestLotto
                           §32                                       Schleswig-Holstein is liable to pay duty to its federal
                           Fees                                      state. Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance, together
(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Approval and                   with the Ministry of Interior, shall issue Ordinances to
Supervisory authority shall charge the following fees                determine the duty rate aims taking account of lottery
for the various tasks assigned to them:                              laws, business and taxation interests, as well as the
1. a fee for handling the application and issue of a                 maturity date and procedures for the payment of
  permit for the gaming operator according to § 4 or a               duties. The Ordinance may also stipulate that duty for
  permit for the sale of gaming according to § 5                     the NordwestLotto Schleswig-Holstein has to be fully
  (handling fee),                                                    or partly paid over to a third party in accordance with
2. an annual fee for expenditure related to supervision,             the duty revenue aims.
  especially for the enforcement of powers according                 (2) The duty from the Lottery, “BINGO – Die
  to § 30 para.(1) (supervisory fee).                                Umweltlotterie” (BINGO) is to be used for the purpose
                                                                     of nature conservation and protection of the

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

environment, as well as for development projects                     members of the Hamburg Sports Association may also
defined by Agenda 21. The Federal Committee for free                 benefit from its application.
Welfare Services, the German Olympic Sports
Federation and the German Heritage Foundation                                             Subsection 2
receive a part of the duties from the “GlücksSpirale”                                     Gaming Duty
Lottery, the rate of which is stipulated in Paragraph 2,
sub. 1 of the Ordinance.                                                                        §35
(3) After deducting the amounts referred to in                                       Duty liability, Duty aims
Paragraph (2), above, firstly, 8 per cent of the                     (1) For the purposes of this Act, a gaming duty shall be
remaining amount, i.e. at least 6,3 million EUR are to               levied on individuals that sell gaming.
be used for the promotion of sports and, secondly, 4.9               (2) For the purposes of this Act, gaming sales are made
per cent for the purposes of player insolvency                       by permit holders authorized under this Act, and who
counselling.                                                         have their residence or place of habitual residence in
(4) The remainder is then to be used to finance                      the Federal Republic of Germany. Moreover, the
scientific research into the prevention and combating                games must be conducted in accordance with the
gaming addictions. The remainder is also to be used for              regulations. A sale is also deemed to have taken place
the setting up and furthering of information centres                 for present purposes, when gaming - normally
for the prevention of and combating addiction.                       requiring a permit – is conducted in accordance with
Research programmes can be promoted together with                    the law but without the requisite permit.
other federal states. Training in counselling is to be               (3) On the contrary, a gaming duty shall not be levied
taught on the basis of the research findings.                        on:
(5) The remainder is then to be used for charitable                  1. lotteries and betting that are subject to taxation
purposes in accordance with the Fiscal Code.                           under the Betting and Lotteries Act,
(6) From the amount set aside in accordance with the                 2. land-based gaming subject to casino duty,
first option in Paragraph (3), above, 90 per cent is to be           3. game equipment and other gaming opportunities
used for the Schleswig-Holstein State Sport Federation                 within the meaning of §§ 33c and 33d of the Trade
e.V. (registered association) in the promotion of sport.               and Industry Act that are subject to VAT;
A further 8 per cent of the amount is to be used for the             4. online-gaming, provided such is subject to VAT.
general promotion out-of-school sports activities,                   (4)§ 40 of the Fiscal Code shall apply accordingly.
while the residual 2 per cent is to be made available
for extracurricular school sports.                                                              §36
(7) The aim of promoting sport is to,                                              Duty rate, Basis of Assessment
1. guarantee the work of sports teams and sporting                   (1) The duty rate is 20 per cent of the basis of
  associations and put them in a position to offer a                 assessment.
  wide variety of representative sports throughout the               (2) The basis of assessment is the gross profit from
  federal state, and                                                 gaming that has been offered and played. The amount
2. guarantee the availability of activities and projects             by which the total of all stakes exceeds the total of all
  for schools in collaboration with sports teams and                 winnings paid out shall be deemed to be gross profit.
  sporting associations, as well as extracurricular sports           By way of derogation from therefrom, for gaming in
  activities.                                                        which the operator does not assume any risk (games
(8) The donation to the Schleswig-Holstein State Sport               without a banker), the amounts accruing to the gaming
Federation e.V. is made available in particular for the              provider from the game are taken as the basis of
work of federal state sporting associations, their                   assessment.
facilities, sports teams, sporting circles and                       (3) To the extent municipalities can levy an
professional sporting associations for both competitive              entertainment tax under applicable federal state
and recreational sports. Sports teams that have their                legislation, then this must be deducted from the basis
registered offices in Schleswig-Holstein but are actually            of assessment.

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

(4) §§ 90 and 162 of the Fiscal Code shall apply                   6.details on the technical equipment provided for the
accordingly. If the basis of assessment according to                 calculation of stakes and pay out of winnings, and
Paragraphs (2) and (3), above, cannot be reliably                  7.details on any other registration with the tax
determined even in the form of estimates, then the                   authorities of other federal states and other Member
respective stake shall be deemed to be the basis of                  States of the European Union or the European
assessment.                                                          Economic Area.
                                                                   (3)A further condition for registration, in addition to
                           §37                                     the comprehensive and accurate provision of
                     Accrual of duty                               information under Paragraph (2), above, is that the
(1) The duty shall accrue upon completion of the game              technical equipment according to Paragraph (2), sub.6,
contract. If the gaming provider either wholly or                  above, must satisfy the requirements for duty recovery
partially collects the stake prior to the completion of            according to § 40.
the game contract, then the duty shall accrue upon                 (4) Any changes to data that are relevant for
collection by way of derogation from para.(1).                     registration and duty recovery must be notified
(2) If a game contract is withdrawn and the stake is               immediately to the responsible tax authority.
either wholly or partially refunded, then the duty shall
also be revoked to the same extent.                                                            § 40
                                                                                          Duty recovery
                            §38                                    (1) The gaming provider must determine the total
                        Duty debtor                                amount of stakes and the basis of assessment
(1)The gaming provider is considered to be the duty                according to § 36 of all gaming conducted separately
debtor. Anyone who offers gaming without the                       on a monthly basis by gaming type, and moreover,
necessary permits is also liable to pay duties.                    must submit the allocated gaming duty using an
(2)Anyone who collects payment for gaming in                       officially prescribed dataset to the responsible tax
connection with the performance of a game contract                 authority in accordance with prior duty data
shall be liable to pay duty without being a duty                   transmission regulations and pay the duty (advance
debtor. Duty debtors and parties liable to pay duty are            payment). The transmission of data and the payment
jointly and severally liable.                                      of the corresponding duty must be made no later than
                                                                   the tenth day of the following month in question.
                           § 39                                    (2) The gaming provider must submit an annual
                       Registration                                declaration for the calendar year on an official
(1)Gaming providers must register with the responsible             prescribed form to the responsible tax authority no
tax authority in order to fulfil their duty obligations.           later than 31 May of the following year. This must
Registration must take place prior to the start of the             include the total amount of stakes and the basis of
gaming activity.                                                   assessment according to § 36 of all gaming conducted
(2) For the purposes of registration, information shall            separately by gaming type, the corresponding gaming
be provided on the following items by the gaming                   duty levied as a result for the calendar year as well as
provider:                                                          any advance payments made according to Paragraph of gaming provider,                                         (1). Any outstanding tax payable or possible credits
2.the place of residence of individuals, or for legal              from the annual declaration shall be determined and
  entities the registered office of the gaming provider,           notified officially by the responsible tax authority.
  both with full signature,                                        (3) For tax purposes, foreign currency values must be
3.the names of all legal representatives and registered            converted for the calculation of duty according to
  office of the management for legal entities with full            applicable VAT provisions.
4.details on the types of gaming to be offered,
5.details on whether land-based gaming, online-
  gaming, or both are to be offered,

Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

                           §41                                                                §45
                        Duty aim                                           Notifications to the competent authority
Duty is levied for the purpose of achieving the aims set           (1) If the responsible tax authority investigates a party
forth in § 1. In particular, through the interaction of            on suspicion of a having committed a tax offence or tax
the various provisions regarding permit procedures                 irregularities with respect to the gaming duty, then it
and player protection, the gaming demand of the                    must notify the competent authority thereof and
general population should be guided towards lawful                 inform them of the outcome of proceedings.
and supervised gaming offerings, and stem the                      (2) If the responsible tax authority obtains further
excessive expansion of gaming offerings by noticeably              information on unauthorised gaming or their
reducing the profit incentives to providers.                       brokering, it shall also notify the competent authority
                                                                   of the same.
                      Duty revenue                                                            §46
(1) All and any duty revenue shall accrue to the Federal                    Filing and record-keeping obligations
State.                                                             (1) Gaming providers must keep records of all gaming
(2) It must guarantee that a significant proportion of             conducted within the scope of this Act which must be
the duty revenue serves the purpose of financing the               independent of any accounting and recording
aim set forth in § 1, as well as objective of promoting            requirements based on other laws; the information
public and favourable tax regime within the meaning                required for levying gaming duty can then be consulted
of the Fiscal Code in accordance with federal state law.           in the said records. In particular, as regards online-
By way of derogation from Paragraph (1), above, up to              gaming, it must ensure the origins of players can be
one third of duty revenue from sports betting shall                reliably identified and the principles for the duty
accrue to the Sports Association of Schleswig-Holstein             recovery for gaming in which individuals participate -
for the purpose of promoting the integrity of                      whose residence or habitual domicile falls under the
charitable sport. Moreover, it must also guarantee that            scope of this Act - can be recorded. In this respect, the
5 percent of the revenue from online-gaming offers is              provisions on money-laundering should be borne in
used for the purpose of financing gaming addictions                mind.
and debt and insolvency counselling.                               (2) §§ 145 to 147 of the Fiscal Code shall apply
                                                                   accordingly for the general requirements for the filing
                         §43                                       and the storage of documents.
               Responsible Tax Authority                           (3) The special requirements and technical conditions
The responsible tax authority for registration under §             for compulsory records, particularly those relating to
39 and duty recovery procedures under § 45 is the                  electronic records for online-gaming, shall be
Kiel-Nord tax office.                                              determined in an ordinance by the Ministry of Interior.

                          §44                                                                §47
                Notification obligations                                                  Inspection
(1) The competent approval and supervisory authority               (1) In order to ensure a uniform assessment and
must notify the responsible tax authority of the                   recovery of gaming duty, the entrusted officials of the
content     (including     additional    clauses    and            responsible financial authority may have access to the
supplementary orders), modification, revocation or                 sites and premises of duty debtors pursuant to § 38
withdrawal of permits as well as of the results of their           during business and working hours without prior
monitoring activities regarding duty recovery.
                                                                   notice and not in connection with an external audit.
(2) Authorities that wish to obtain further information            Such access is intended to determine any issues that
on unauthorised gaming must also notify the                        may be significant for duty recovery (inspection). Living
responsible tax authority thereof.
                                                                   areas may only be entered against the will of the
(3) The content and scope of notification requirements
                                                                   owner to prevent any urgent threat to public safety
are determined by an ordinance of the Ministry of                  and order.
Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15

(2) Provided such access is useful for duty recovery,                                    Governor
the parties concerned by the inspection shall produce              *
any records, books, commercial documents and other                 Klaus Schlie                      Rainer Wiegard
documents related to the issues under inspection to                Interior minister                        Finance
the entrusted officials, as well as provide information.           Minister
(3) If the findings of the inspection so require, an               ______________
external audit may then be required under § 193 of the             * GS Schl.-H. II, Gl.Nr. 2186-13 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. =
Fiscal Code without any prior audit arrangement (§ 196             Schleswig-Holstein Gazzette of Laws and Ordinances)
Fiscal Code). The transition to the external audit shall
be notified in writing.
(4) If circumstances arise during the inspection that
may be relevant for the assessment and recovery of
other duties and taxes, then an assessment of the
findings shall be made, to the extent that knowledge
thereof may be of relevance to the taxation of parties
named in Paragraph (1) or other parties.
(5) The tax authority shall be empowered on the basis
of Directive 2010/24/EU, 16 March 2010, to appeal to
the responsible authorities of Member States of the
European Union for administrative assistance in the
recovery of claims relating to the gaming duty and any
related ancillary services.

                    Section VI
           Temporary and final provisions

                         § 48
                 Temporary provisions
Permits under this Act shall take effect from 1 March
2012. Gaming duty under this Act will be levied from 1
March 2012. Until 29 February 2012, the provisions of
the State Treaty on Gaming in Germany (GlüStV AG) of
13 December 2007 (GVOBl. Schl.-H S. 524) shall apply,
unless they are contrary to this Act. Claims and
legitimate expectations cannot be established until 29
February 2012.

                          § 49
             Entry into force, termination
This Act will enter into force on 1 January 2012. The
State Treaty on Gaming in Germany (GlüStV AG) of 13
December 2007 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. S. 524)*) will
terminate on 1 March 2012.

This Act is hereby executed and is to be published.
Kiel, 20 October 2011

                Peter Harry Carstensen


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Schleswig Holstein Gaming Act_English version_Oct 2011_fnl

  • 1. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 Act §22 Permit for Betting Companies 9 Restructuring Gaming (Gaming Act) §23 Sales permit 20 October 2011 §24 Betting Regulation and Betting Books 10 Statute Book of Schleswig-Holstein (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 Section III The Federal State Legislative Assembly has adopted Player Protection the following Act. §25 Information Obligations §26 Advertising Summary of contents §27 Protection of Minors, Player Protection and Declarations 11 Section I § 28 Corporate Social Responsibility General provisions 2 Section IV § 1 Aims of the Act Gaming supervision, Approval control and Federal § 2 Scope of application State supervision §3 Definitions §29 Competent Approval and Supervisory Authority §4 Event permit 3 §30 Supervisory powers §5 Sales permit §31 Advisory Committee 12 §32 Fees Section II §33 Enforcement Approval Procedures 4 Section V Subsection 1. Lotteries Duties Regional lotteries, Class Lotteries Subsection 1. Duty aims §6 Regional lotteries §34 Lottery duty §7 Class Lotteries Subsection 2. Gaming Duty 13 §8 Sales permit 5 §35 Taxation duty, Object of Taxation § 9 Brokering requirements §36 Duty Rate, Basis of Assessment Charitable lotteries §37 Accrual of Duty 14 §10 Permits for charitable Lotteries §38 Debtor duty §11 Hosting of Charitable Lotteries; Sale of Charitable § 39 Registration Lotteries § 40 Duty recovery §12 Lottery Schedule, Costing and conducting of Event §41 Duty aim 15 §13 Use of net proceeds 6 §42 Duty revenue §14 Form and Content of permit §43 Responsible Tax Authority Small Lotteries and prize-linked Savings §44 Notification obligations §15 Small Lotteries §45 Notifications to competent authorities §16 Prize-linked Savings §46 Registration and filing Obligations §47 Inspection Subsection 2. Casinos - Land-based casinos §17 Requirements for Casinos, player exclusions, Section VI blacklists, data processing Temporary and final provisions 16 Online Casinos (online-casino games) 7 § 48 Temporary provisions §18 General requirements for Online Casinos § 49 entry into force, expiry §19 License as Operator of online-Casinos §20 Sales permit 8 Subsection 3. Betting §21 General Requirements for Betting 1/16
  • 2. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 Section I §3 General provisions Definitions §1 (1) For the purposes of this Act, “gaming” is Aims of the Act understood as games, lotteries, and betting, in relation The aim of the Act is to set up a regulatory framework to which payment of money is required in order to in relation to the offer (hosting, sale and brokering) of have a chance of winning. Moreover, the chance of any of the respective forms of public gaming, and more winning totally or predominantly depends on fortune. specifically, ensure that : Casino games, in which the chance of winning depends on fortune and the player’s skill, are also considered as 1. gaming takes place in an orderly, fair, gaming. Bets requiring payment are also considered as responsible and transparent manner, gaming for the purposes of paragraph (1). gamblers are protected from fraudulent (2) “Land-based gaming” is gaming hosted and offered practices and its related consequences and on fixed premises, especially at sales outlets, and are crimes are prosecuted, offered and accepted there by virtue of the physical 2. citizens can pursue their natural inclination presence of players. Online gaming is gaming, which is towards gaming in an orderly and supervised hosted and offered without the physical presence of way, and in particular, ensure that unlawful players either on the Internet or through other means gaming is curbed and only appropriate forms of distance communication according to § 312 b para. of lawful gaming are permitted in an 2 German Civil Code. appropriate environment, (3) A “lottery” is a form of gaming in which the 3. effective protection of young people and majority of people are offered the chance of winning gaming itself is achieved, money in accordance with a specific plan and in return 4. addiction to gaming is prevented and for a specific payment. The provisions on lotteries also measures are adopted to effectively combat apply, where items or other forms of material benefits addiction and precautions taken against can be won as an alternative to money. A lottery is exploitation through gaming, considered to have a high frequency of events if the 5. the integrity of sporting competitions is not time between the decision over a win or loss of a stake harmed by the hosting and sale of sports bets. and the following decision over a win or a loss of a subsequent stake is less than one day, which therefore §2 gives the lottery a high incentive to play. The Scope of application provisions for lotteries also apply to tote betting. (4) For the purposes of this Act, “betting” is considered (1)By this Act, the State regulates the offer of public as accumulator bets or single bets on the outcome of gaming falling within the remit of this Act unless the progress of. Accordingly, an “event” is the result or otherwise decreed by current federal legislation. a future or current happening of a sporting (2)As far as Casinos are concerned, and to the extent competition; lotteries and casino games are not that they are land-based (Land-based Casinos), only §§ considered as betting for the purposes of this Act. 1-5, § 17, and §§ 25-27 apply. To the extent the (5) “Casino games” include all the games traditionally regulatory framework does not fall within the scope of offered in land-based casinos, namely, poker, black this Act, the prerequisites for the authorization and jack, baccarat and roulette. establishment of the land-based casinos shall be (6) For the purposes of this Act, “payment” constitutes governed by the applicable state law. The procedure a significant financial sacrifice, where it produces a loss and prerequisites for the grant of permits for casino in the absence of a win, regardless of whether the games with bankers [Black Jack, Roulette, and financial sacrifice is made as payment for the game in Baccarat] comply with the Casino Act of the State of question. By way of derogation from (1) in connection Schleswig-Holstein. with regional lotteries pursuant to §6(1), all financial sacrifices are considered to be valid payment. 2/16
  • 3. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 (7) For the purposes of this Act, gaming is considered (2) A permit shall be refused if the hosting of the to be “public” if a large, non-exclusive group of people gaming is contrary to the aims of § 1 or where the can participate or where gaming is hosted on a regular operator is unreliable. basis by clubs or other private associations. (3) A permit is initially issued for a limited period of six (8) An “operator” is anyone who sets up gaming at his years. Subsequent permits are granted for periods of own expense. The hosting location will also be the four years respectively. operator’s registered office. A person who hosts public (4) The permit may be subsequently modified with betting will be considered to be a betting company. additional clauses to the extent necessary for the (9) Gaming is “sold” by anyone who responsibly offers proper implementation of the activities and aims set or creates the opportunity to conclude gaming forth in §1. contracts, in particular by maintaining sales outlets or (5) The permit is issued in writing. It lists the permitted through distance sales. Distance sales is understood as forms of gaming. It cannot be transferred or assigned sales achieved by the exclusive use of distance to a third party. communication pursuant to § 312 b (2) of the German (6) The permit may be withdrawn in the future if Civil Code. The point of sale is the place where the circumstances become known that they would have player has the opportunity of participating. As regards resulted in a refusal of the same, had they been known online-gaming, it is the place where the player has at that time. established his residence or his habitual domicile. (7) The permit can also be revoked if the operator: Gaming sales may take place through operators 1. no longer fulfils the criteria for which the permit was themselves (self-trading) or through third parties issued, (agents, retailers, and lottery collectors). 2. breaches any of the collateral clauses of the issued (10) An “agent” is anyone who, personally or through permit, third parties, 3. fails to perform his legal obligations arising 1. brokers individual game contracts on behalf of thereunder, or operators, or 4. contravenes other provisions of this Act. 2. introduces potential players to gaming associations In the event of revocation of the permit by the and whose participation he brokers on behalf of competent authority pursuant to § 1(1), the operator operators, is granted a period in which to comply again with its and provided it is done with the intention of making terms. Moreover, in the event of minor infringements sustainable profits from such activity. of § 1(2)-(4), rather than revoke the permit, the (11) “Retailers” and “lottery collectors” are agents that competent authority may issue the operator with a are integrated into the sales organization of operators warning. Further still, in such cases, the provisions of for the purposes of § 6 (2) or § 7 (1), below, who §§ 116, 117 State Administrative Act apply. exclusively broker game contracts for regional lotteries (8) The Ministry for Interior may also enact decrees or class lotteries on behalf of operators. 1. issuing detailed requirements with respect to the (12) The hosting, sale and brokering of gaming for the requisite credibility, potential and knowledge on the purposes of this Act are considered as gaming “offers”. subject of the intended gaming operations, as well as with regard to the permit authorization and §4 supervisory procedures, especially concerning the Event Permit type, scope, purpose and form, respectively, of the (1)The hosting of public gaming pursuant to this Act required documentation. requires a permit from the competent authority. A 2. Rules relating to the processing of confidential permit to host betting on the outcome or progress of information and disclosure of confidential data sporting competitions requires the agreement of an pursuant to this Act. expert. Any hosting, brokering or sale of gaming that is (9) Claims relating to the refund of expenses or hosted without such a permit is forbidden. damages, which arise in connection with changes to European legislation, are excluded. 3/16
  • 4. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 §5 pursuant to § 1, notably, the prevention of scams and Sales permit fraud. The federal state itself may also lawfully set up (1) Sales from lotteries with high frequencies of events regional lotteries through legal persons under public pursuant to § 6 (1) 1, betting or online-casinos in law or through appointed private companies. principle require permits from the competent (3) Accordingly, the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein authority in accordance with the provisions of this Act. has exercised its public right under Paragraph 2, above, The permit shall be refused if the sale of gaming is through the establishment of the NordwestLotto contrary to the aims of §1 or where the applicant is Schleswig-Holstein GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter unreliable. NordwestLotto Schleswig-Holstein), the quotas in (2) If the hosting of public gaming is permitted under which are totally or predominantly held directly or this Act and sales do not require a permit according to indirectly by the Federal State. Paragraph 1, the competent authority must be notified (4) Upon agreement with the Ministry of Interior and of the same. The federal state legislation may also Ministry of Finance, the exercise of the right can be require notification of the sale in the federal state in totally or partly entrusted to legal persons under public question, even if such notification requirement is not law or private companies. In such cases, the Federal required under Paragraph 1, above. State and other Federal States can own significant (3) For permits according to Paragraph 1, the quotas directly or indirectly. Moreover, the provisions of §4 (3)-(9) shall apply. NordwestLotto Schleswig-Holstein can host number (4)The sale of public gaming is forbidden unless permit lotteries and “scratch-and-win/ tear-and-win” lotteries and notification obligations have been fulfilled under (Losbrieflotterien), as well as additional lotteries and this Act. other game draws. Section II §7 Approval Procedures Class Lotteries (1) §6 para.(2), sub. 1 applies to class lotteries. Subsection 1 (2) Where the provisions of the State Treaty for State Lotteries Class Lotteries of 26 May 1992 (SCL State Treaty) or Regional lotteries, Class Lotteries the regulations for the North West German Class Lottery from the State Treaty for the North West §6 German Class Lottery (NWGCL State Treaty) of 1 Regional lotteries September 2008 conflict with the provisions of this Act, then the provisions of this Act shall prevail. (1) Regional lotteries are lotteries, (3) By way of derogation from Art. 4 of the SCL State 1. which have a high frequency of events (§ 3 Para.(3), Treaty and from § 9 of the NWGCL State Treaty, an sub.3.) or operator permit under § 4 para.(1), above, has been 2. which game schedule foresees that the value of the issued by the competent authority for the Class biggest win is greater than 1 million Euro, or Lottery. 3. which game schedule foresees the creation of a (4) The Federal State may host class lotteries jointly jackpot, so that, with other federal states, or through a public law a) when, a particular a prize category is drawn and the entity established together with the other federal winnings are not claimed, they can be added to the states or a private company, provided in the latter case following draw, or that the federal state in question or other contracting b) where parts of the payments due from the player federal states have a significant quota, regardless of can be accumulated for the purpose of achieving whether they hold their quotas directly or indirectly. wins at future draws so that a biggest win of over 1 million Euro can be achieved. (2) the organization of regional lotteries is nonetheless subject to the attainment of the federal state’s aims 4/16
  • 5. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 §8 1. the draw results are not announced more than twice Sales permit a week, (1) An application for a permit can be made by the 2. the maximum winnings do not exceed a value of operator for sales at sales outlets, EUR 5 million, and (2) Class lotteries sales are subject to notification 3. any payments made by players are not partly obligations; the consent of the operator also has to be accumulated for the purpose of creating winnings demonstrated. No claims can be made subsequent to for future draws (planned jackpot). conclusion of a sales contract. §11 §9 Hosting Charitable Lotteries; Brokering requirements Sale of Charitable Lotteries The following requirements shall apply to sales from (1) An event permit may only be issued if the operator, high event number lotteries by agents (lottery agents): 1. satisfies the conditions of § 5 para. (1), sub. 9 of the 1. The lottery agent must forward at least two-thirds of German Corporation Tax Act, and any sums collected from players in order to participate 2. is reliable, in particular by providing a guarantee in a game to the operator. Immediately after the that the event is implemented properly and can be brokering of a game order, it must inform players in a fully understood by both game participants and the clear and comprehensible manner of the amount competent authority, and that any net proceeds are forwarded to the operator in order to participate in used appropriately. the game as well as notify the operator of any such Paragraph (1), sub 1, above, does not apply to players. operators for the purposes of § 6 para.(2) and § 7 2. Lottery agents and any third parties commissioned para.(1), lotteries operated by the public body either by them or by interested players within the “Bavarian Red Cross”, or to events taking the form of meaning of § 3 para.(10), above, must disclose the prize-linked savings (§ 16). brokering of any participation in a game to the (2)If the event is conducted either wholly or mainly by operator. a third party, then the permit may only be issued if 3. Upon conclusion of the contract, lottery retailers there is no risk that the transparency and must ensure that a trustee qualified within a legal or controllability of the event may be affected, and if the tax advisory profession or a trust company that third party employs such professionals is commissioned with the 1. meets with the requirements of Paragraph 1 sub.(2) safekeeping or storage of ticket receipts and the and assertion of winning claims against the operator. Upon 2. is subject to instructions from the operator with conclusion of the contract, the game participant shall respect to conducting the event and does not have be granted the right to view ticket receipts that were any significant legal or actual influence over the brokered in their order. operator. (3) the holder of an event permit according to § 10 Charitable Lotteries shall be entitled to sell the lottery. The operator shall not require a special permit according to § 5 para.(1). §10 The notification requirements for sales activities must Permits for charitable Lotteries comply with § 5 para.(2). (1)Lotteries that are capable of ensuring that any net proceeds will be used mainly for charitable purposes §12 Lottery Schedule, Costing and conducting of Event shall be approved upon application if the permit requirements are met. The competent authority shall (1) According to the game schedule, the net proceeds, be responsible. winnings and costs must relate proportionally to each; the cost of the event must be kept as low as possible. (2)The permit shall be issued if the game schedule The net proceeds are the amount resulting from the foresees that, sum of any payments received after deducting any costs, winnings and taxes. Provision should be made in 5/16
  • 6. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 the game schedule for at least 30 per cent of payments The permit shall be issued in writing. It should state received to go towards the net proceeds and winnings the following: and on no account should this percentage not be 1. the operator as well as any third parties in the case reached. When an application is submitted, a cost of § 11 para.(2), estimate must be compiled that is based on the 2. type, location or area as well as the start date and expected costs of the event, winnings, taxes and net duration of the event, proceeds. After issue of the permit, if it appears that 3. the intended purpose for use of net proceeds, the the estimated costs are likely to be exceeded, then this type and method of proving use and the time in which must be notified to the competent authority such proof will be provided, immediately and a new cost estimate has then to be 4. the game schedule and prepared. 5. the sales form. (2) With respect to lottery costs, the nature and extent of any third party costs may only be taken into account Small Lotteries and prize-linked savings within the meaning of § 11 para.(2) insofar as they §15 meet the principles of economical management. The Small Lotteries remuneration of third parties should not be calculated The competent authority may depart from the on the basis of the amount revenue received. regulations of this Act for lotteries, in the event that (3) The operator must submit all documentation and 1. the sum of payments to be received does not information required to the competent authority in exceed EUR 40,000, order to verify that the lottery has been conducted 2. the net proceeds are used exclusively and directly correctly. It must also provide a statement based on for charitable or benevolent purposes, and the actual amounts of revenue, net proceeds, winnings 3. the net proceeds and winnings amount to at least 25 payouts and event costs. per cent of payments received. (4) In order to verify that the lottery has been properly planned or conducted, especially regarding the §16 appropriateness of costs, the competent authority Prize-linked savings may, at the expense of the operator, commission an By way of derogation from § 4 para.(1), prize-linked auditor to provide their expert opinion or request the savings lotteries operated by a credit institution within operator to commission one. The costs of the expert the meaning of § 1 para.(1) of the German Banking Act opinion are considered lottery costs. need only notify the competent authority if a partial amount not exceeding 30 per cent contributed by a §13 participant is used as the lottery ticket share for the Use of net proceeds prize-linked savings lottery, and the net proceeds (1) Any net proceeds from the event must be used for amount to at least 25 percent of lottery ticket shares charitable or benevolent purposes as specified in the and are used for charitable or benevolent purposes. permit in a timely manner. (2) If the operator wishes to use the net proceeds for a Subsection 2 purpose other than the one specified in the permit, or Casinos if the intended purpose cannot be achieved either at Land-based casinos all or in a timely manner, then the operator must notify the competent authority immediately thereof. §17 Following consultation with the operator, the former Requirements for Casinos, player exclusion, blacklists, data processing may stipulate a new charitable or benevolent intended purpose. (1) Land-based casinos (fixed casino operations) must maintain a comprehensive exclusion system in order to protect players and combat gaming addiction. §14 (2) Land-based casinos shall exclude individuals who Form and Content of Permit ask to be excluded (self-exclusion). Alternatively, individuals who, on the basis of staff observations or 6/16
  • 7. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 other factual evidence, are assumed to have a gaming (11) Unless otherwise specified by this Act, the addiction or are insolvent, fail to meet their financial respective provisions for the protection of personal obligations or risk stakes that are disproportionate to data shall apply. their income or assets are also excluded (external (12) By way of derogation from § 4 para.(3) sub.(1), the exclusion). In the event of the external exclusion being first permit issued for a land-based casino shall be for a challenged by the player, the competent authority minimum of eight years. shall decide. Online Casinos (online-casino games) (3) The exclusion is valid for at least one year. Land- based casinos immediately notify the player in question in writing of the exclusion. §18 General requirements for Online Casinos (4) Land-based casinos must record all data required (1) Online-casinos games can only be operated within for an exclusion onto a blacklist. The data must contain the terms of a permit issued according to § 19 and can the following: 1. family name, first name, maiden name, only be sold for the purposes permit issued according 2. aliases, any false names used, to § 20. The type and method of playing games shall be 3. date of birth, defined on a case-by-case basis in the permit issued by 4. place of birth, the competent authority. 5. address, (2) Anyone authorized to sell online casino games 6. photographs, according to § 20 must ensure that the General Terms and Conditions of Business appropriately accessible to 7. reason for exclusion, 8. duration of exclusion, and individual players prior to the start of the game, making mention of any valid permits and the 9. the notifying casino. competent issuing authority, respectively. If the A record can also be kept, even if all data cannot be provider is not actually an operator, it must disclose the operator to the player prior to the start of the collected. Documents leading to the exclusion must also be kept. game and ensure the General Terms and Conditions of (5) The cancellation of any exclusion is only possible Business are appropriately accessible. after one year has elapsed, and in any case only upon (3) Anyone already holding a permit to operate a casino in accordance with the Federal state Casino Act written request from the player. The land-based casino operator that ordered the exclusion shall make a is also allowed to be an operator for the sale of online- decision on this. The player’s assurance that the casino games. reasons for his exclusion have ceased must be credible. (4) The sale of online casino games by third parties (6) Excluded players may not take part in any games in requires the consent of the operator. land-based casinos. The ban shall be enforced by (5) The terms of § 17 also apply. checking the player’s ID card or by using a similar §19 identity check and comparing with the blacklist. Permit for operators of online-Casinos (7) Any recorded data must be transmitted as required (1) Operators of online-casino games may be approved to the various authorities authorized to monitor any upon request if, game bans Data transmission can also be carried out 1. they are EU nationals under European Union law or via an automated retrieval process. are legal entities whose registered office, central (8) Data transmission to public authorities, especially administration or principal place of business falls with law enforcement authorities and courts, is permitted the remit of European Union law or of a Signatory by law. State to the Agreement on the European Economic (9) Any information issued and access to electronic Area, and systems must be recorded. 2. have the necessary reliability, capability and (10) The data must be deleted six years after the expertise for the intended gaming activity The legal termination of the exclusion. Deletion is also permitted representatives of legal entities must also satisfy the at the end of the sixth year. 7/16
  • 8. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 various requirements regarding reliability and (5) The sales permit shall in particular specify the expertise. operator, as well as the type of casino games and the (2) The permit shall be refused if there is evidence to sales channels. suggest that (6) When submitting an application, the applicant shall 1. public safety and order will be jeopardized by the also provide the proposed General Terms and intended gaming activity, or relations between the Conditions of Business. Any amendments thereto must Federal Republic of Germany and other federal states be notified. With respect to distance sales, the will be affected, respective sales channels and the location of the 2. by collaborating with third parties, there is a risk to distance sales office must be notified. the overall transparency and the ability to monitor (7) The applicant under Paragraph 1, above, shall sales or any other brokering activity will be provide insurance guarantees to protect federal state prejudiced, or claims and against claims for payouts and. The 3. it cannot be ensured that the game will be applicant shall in principle provide the insurance implemented properly and in a way that is fully guarantee in the form of an absolute bank guarantee understood by both game participants and the from a major bank based in the European Union or in a competent authority in accordance with the aims of § Signatory State to the Agreement on the European 1. Economic Area. The guarantee shall amount to EUR (3) When submitting an application, the applicant shall 1,000,000 for the sale of online casino games. It can be also provide the proposed General Terms and adjusted by the competent authority to an amount Conditions of Business. Any amendments must be that corresponds to the expected average game notified. revenues over a period of two weeks up to a maximum of EUR 5,000,000. The issue of the permit according to §20 Paragraph 1 is based on the assumption that the Sales permit insurance guarantee has been provided. If the (1) The sale of online-casino games requires a permit guarantee is not delivered notwithstanding reminders from the competent authority. for the same, or is inadequately guaranteed, then the (2) The sales permit will be issued if the applicant fulfils permit shall be refused. the requisite reliability and expertise criteria to Subsection 3 conduct sales and there are no reasons for refusal according to Paragraph 3, below. Betting (3) The sales permit shall be refused if there is §21 sufficient evidence to suggest that General Requirements for Betting 1. public safety and order will be jeopardised by the (1) Public betting may only be operated by betting event or sale of the event, companies permitted according to § 22. A permit is 2. by collaborating with third parties, the overall issued by the competent authority. The type and transparency and the ability to monitor sales or any method of betting shall be governed individually in the other brokering activity will be prejudiced, or permit from the competent authority. Any form of 3. it cannot be guaranteed that the event or sale of the betting that violates moral sensitivity is banned. event will be implemented properly and can be fully (2) Public betting may only be conducted to the extent understood by both game participants and the allowed by the terms of the permit issued by the competent authority in accordance with the aims of competent authority according to § 23. Public bets §1. may be sold by the betting companies themselves or by an agent. (4) Insofar as an sales permit has been issued according to § 19, then the reasons for refusal in (3) Anyone who participates in the operation of betting relation to the event and the operator of online casino events may neither bet themselves nor place a bet on the outcome or the progress of this event, nor may games under Paragraph 3 sub.1 or sub.3, above, no they place bets using others. Anyone who intentionally longer need to be verified. or negligently infringes this prohibition is therefore 8/16
  • 9. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 acting unlawfully. The offence will be punished by a (3) When submitting an application, the applicant shall fine of up to EUR 100,000. also provide its current General Terms and Conditions (4) The hosting and sale of betting must be kept of Business. Any amendments must be notified. separate from an organisational, legal, financial and staffing perspective from the hosting or the §23 organisation of the betting event. The same applies for Sales permit the operation of establishments in which betting (1) The sale of public betting requires a permit from events take place. the competent authority for both fixed as well as (5) Anyone who sells public bets (§ 23) must inform the distance sales. Provided the competent authority has player of the relevant betting operator prior to the bet already issued a permit according to § 22, then a being placed. Furthermore, the General Terms and permit for self sales may be issued to the betting Conditions of Business of the bets offered for sale, as company upon request in accordance with this well any existing permits and the competent authority provision. This provision does not apply for sales made must be adequately made known to the player prior to by third parties (agents). placing a bet. (2) The sales permits are granted to applicants who: (6) Anyone who hosts or sells bets must not grant 1. are EU nationals under European Union law or are credit to betting clients. Bets may be paid for using legal entities. In such case, the registered office, standard credit cards. central administration or principal place of business (7) The terms of §17 are applicable. must come within the scope of European Union law or that of a Signatory State to the Agreement on the §22 European Economic Area, and Permit for Betting Companies 2. have the necessary reliability and expertise to (1) Betting companies may be approved upon request conduct sales; as proof of expertise, the terms of §3 if: para.(1) of the rules implementing the Act on Horse 1. they are EU nationals under European Union law or Betting and Lotteries shall apply accordingly, as are legal entities. In such case, the registered office, amended on 21 august 2002, and central administration or principal place of business 3. provided there are no grounds for refusal under must come within the scope of European Union law para.(3), below. or that of a Signatory State to the Agreement on the (3)The sales permit shall be refused if there is sufficient European Economic Area, and evidence to suggest that: 2. they have the necessary reliability, capability and 1. public safety and order will be jeopardized by the expertise for the intended betting activity. With event or sale of the event, respect to legal entities, the legal representatives 2. by collaborating with third parties, the overall must satisfy the criteria regarding reliability and transparency and the ability to monitor sales will be expertise. prejudiced, or (2) The permit shall be refused if there is sufficient 3. it cannot be guaranteed that the event or sale of the evidence to suggest that: event will be implemented properly and can be fully 1. public safety and order will be jeopardized by the understood by both game participants and the intended betting activity, or relations between the competent authority in accordance with the objectives Federal Republic of Germany and other federal states of § 1. will be prejudiced, (4) Provided there is an event permit according to § 22, 2. there is a risk that, by collaborating with third then the grounds for a refusal according to Paragraph parties, the overall transparency and the ability to 3, sub. 1 or sub. 3 in relation to the event and the monitor sales will be prejudiced, or betting company no longer need to be verified. § 22 3. it cannot be guaranteed that the betting activity will para.(4) applies accordingly. be implemented properly and can be fully understood (5) A sales permit shall specific the authorized to sell by both game participants and the competent bets, the type of bets and the sales channels. With authority in accordance with the aims of § 1. respect to fixed sales, the municipalities shall decide in 9/16
  • 10. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 accordance with town planning regulations on any (2) Each betting company and each holder of a sales restrictions concerning locations for the purposes of permit for betting must keep an electronic betting achieving the aims under § 1. book in which all betting transactions are recorded in (6) When submitting an application, the applicant shall consecutive order without any time delays. The also provide its current General Terms and Conditions electronic betting book, as well as any computer of Business. Any amendments must be notified. software, data processing procedures and equipment Furthermore, it must notify the number and location of used for hosting or brokering bets, must be specifically sites for fixed sales, as well as the respective sales protected against unauthorised interference from third channels and the location of the distance sales office parties. All betting transactions must be recorded in for distance sales. the betting book for a period of four years. (7) The applicant shall provide an insurance guarantees to protect federal state claims and against claims for Section III payouts in the form of an absolute bank guarantee Player Protection from a major bank based in the European Union or in a Signatory State to the Agreement on the European §25 Economic Area. For fixed sales, the guarantee Information Obligations 1. in each location (1) The holder of a permit must ensure the following a) in which betting is either exclusively or mainly information is made available to players: sold, or 1. all costs resulting from participation, b) which has more than two betting classes or 2. the amount of all winnings, betting terminals, shall amount to EUR 20,000 3. when and where any winnings are published, 2. in every other location it shall amount to EUR 4. the percentage of payouts for winnings from stakes, 10,000. 5. information on the probability of winning or losing This insurance guarantee can be adjusted by the as well as the average payouts for the different forms competent authority to an amount equivalent to the of the gaming, expected average betting revenues over a period of 6. the cut-off time for participation, two weeks. The guarantee shall amount to EUR 7. the method for determining the winner, 1,000,000 for distance sales. It can be adjusted by the 8. how the winnings are distributed between multiple competent authority to an amount equivalent to the winners, expected average betting revenues over a period of 9. the limitation period within which winners may two weeks up to a maximum of EUR 5,000,000. The claim their winnings, issue of the permit under Paragraph (1) is based on the 10. the name of the permit holder as well as their assumption that the guarantee has been provided. If contact details (address, e-mail, telephone), the guarantee is not provided despite reminders to do 11. the commercial registration number (if available), so or is not adequately guaranteed, then the permit 12. how the player can make a complaint, and shall be refused. 13. the date the permit was issued by the competent authority. §24 Both players as well as authorities must have easy Betting Regulations and Betting Books access to this information. (1) In order to ensure equal treatment of betting (2) The competent authority may grant exceptions to customers, the hosting and sale of betting may only be these obligations if the nature of the game or other done in accordance with betting regulations that are circumstances make it unreasonably difficult to satisfy binding for all betting contracts from operators or the various conditions. holders of sales permits. This is to be submitted with the permit application. The betting regulations must §26 contain provisions on the conclusion of betting Advertising contracts and payouts. (1) The type and extent of advertising of public gaming must be appropriate and must not be in conflict with 10/16
  • 11. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 the aims of § 1. The advertising must not be 4. allow players to assess their own risk, misleading, nor lead to inaccurate perceptions about 5. set up a telephone counselling service that is jointly the prospects of winning. Moreover, the advertising operated by several providers, must not be aimed at minors. 6. report to the competent authority every two years (2) The competent authority may also lay down further on the success of any measures implemented for criteria in the additional clauses of the permit for the player protection. hosting and sales in relation to the composition of (3) Every two years, in connection with the permitted advertising for lotteries with a high development of assistance measures, the competent frequency of events, betting and casino games. authority shall draw up a report on the measures taken (3) The advertising of illegal gaming is not permitted. by providers, the safety of gaming and player (4) The Ministry of Interior is authorized to issue more protection activities. detailed regulations on the subject. Section IV §27 Gaming supervision, Permit control and Federal State Protection of Minors, supervision Player Protection and Declarations (1) Minors are forbidden from participating in public §29 gaming. Competent Approval and (2) The providers of public gaming are responsible for Supervisory Authority ensuring that players play responsibly. They must The competent Approval and Supervisory Authority for inform the public on the probability of winning and the tasks designated under this Act shall be the losing, the possible risks of addiction with respect to Ministry on Interior. The Ministry may appoint another the type of gaming offered, the opportunities for authority by enacting a regulation to this effect. counselling and therapy as well as the prohibition on the participation of minors. §30 Supervisory powers § 28 (1) The competent supervisory authority shall monitor Corporate Social Responsibility compliance with the provisions of this Act, as well as (1) The providers of public gaming are responsible for observance of the rules specified in the permits and ensuring that players are discouraged from playing related additional clauses. Accordingly, in individual pathological games and any gaming addiction is cases it may issue orders, as appropriate. In particular, prevented. To this end, they must develop the it may: appropriate social responsibility policies for relative 1. prohibit the hosting and sale of illegal gaming as well gaming games laying down measures for the as any related advertising, prevention of pathological player behaviour. 2. request information or evidence from event or sales (2)The providers of public gaming shall permit holders that are subject to its supervision in 1. appoint representatives to develop social order to fulfil its duties; responsibility, 3. take decisions on any objections to external 2. train staff that employed in the hosting and sale of exclusions, public gaming on early detection of problematic 4. following the prior notification of illegal gaming player behaviour, offers, prohibit credit and financial services 3. in the context of prevention, provide easily institutions from being involved in payments for accessible and easily understandable information illegal gaming and payouts from illegal gaming in a a) on the relative risks of the games in question; responsible manner. b) on assistance measures, such as player exclusions, (2) Challenges to, and complaints against, orders addresses of counsellors and self-therapy groups for according to Paragraph (1), above, do not have both addicted male and female players; suspensive effect. c) through self-help handouts, 11/16
  • 12. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 (3) The supervisory authority is responsible for the (2) The Ministry of Interior shall determine the amount issuance and revocation or withdrawal of permits as of the fees by regulation from which chargeable well as receiving notifications according to § 5 para.(2), services, fees by way of fixed rates or framework rates, unless stated otherwise herein. as well as regulations for increases, reductions, scaling (4) The supervisory authority shall work together with and exemptions can arise. The rates shall be measured the responsible authorities for gaming supervision in such a way that so that there is an appropriate both domestically and abroad in the performance of its balance between the amount taken into account for responsibilities. administrative expenditure and the importance of the economic value or other benefits arising from the §31 actions of the approvals and supervisory authority. Advisory Committee Moreover, the provisions of the Administrative Costs (1) An Advisory Committee will be set up within the Act shall apply. Approval and Supervisory Authority. It shall advise the approval and supervisory authority on the §33 performance of their duties, especially in terms of the Enforcement legal and technical aspects of the gaming sector, The supervisory authority may enforce any orders that addiction prevention, crime prevention and youth and it has made under its statutory powers by way of consumer protection, as well as in relation to the coercive measures according to the provisions of integrity of sporting competition. It may also issue administrative law, in particular pursuant to §§ 228 et recommendations on the general development of seq., and 242 of the Federal State Administrative Act. supervisory practices to the management of the In addition, it can threaten coercive measures in each approval and supervisory authority. case of non-compliancy. The penalty of up to EUR (2) The members of the Advisory Committee shall be 250,000 may be imposed. The provisions of the appointed by the President of the Approval and Federal State Administrative Enforcement Act shall Supervisory Authority, after consultation with the apply. interested parties. Sports organizations are represented and have the right to vote on the Advisory Section V Committee. Science and research, consumer Duties protection groups, addiction experts, and gaming providers must all be adequately represented within Subsection 1 the Advisory Board. Duty aims (3) The Advisory Committee shall elect a chairman from among its members. The Advisory Board shall §34 also adopt its Rules of Procedure. Lottery duty (1) By way of derogation from §35, the NordwestLotto §32 Schleswig-Holstein is liable to pay duty to its federal Fees state. Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance, together (1) For the purposes of this Act, the Approval and with the Ministry of Interior, shall issue Ordinances to Supervisory authority shall charge the following fees determine the duty rate aims taking account of lottery for the various tasks assigned to them: laws, business and taxation interests, as well as the 1. a fee for handling the application and issue of a maturity date and procedures for the payment of permit for the gaming operator according to § 4 or a duties. The Ordinance may also stipulate that duty for permit for the sale of gaming according to § 5 the NordwestLotto Schleswig-Holstein has to be fully (handling fee), or partly paid over to a third party in accordance with 2. an annual fee for expenditure related to supervision, the duty revenue aims. especially for the enforcement of powers according (2) The duty from the Lottery, “BINGO – Die to § 30 para.(1) (supervisory fee). Umweltlotterie” (BINGO) is to be used for the purpose of nature conservation and protection of the 12/16
  • 13. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 environment, as well as for development projects members of the Hamburg Sports Association may also defined by Agenda 21. The Federal Committee for free benefit from its application. Welfare Services, the German Olympic Sports Federation and the German Heritage Foundation Subsection 2 receive a part of the duties from the “GlücksSpirale” Gaming Duty Lottery, the rate of which is stipulated in Paragraph 2, sub. 1 of the Ordinance. §35 (3) After deducting the amounts referred to in Duty liability, Duty aims Paragraph (2), above, firstly, 8 per cent of the (1) For the purposes of this Act, a gaming duty shall be remaining amount, i.e. at least 6,3 million EUR are to levied on individuals that sell gaming. be used for the promotion of sports and, secondly, 4.9 (2) For the purposes of this Act, gaming sales are made per cent for the purposes of player insolvency by permit holders authorized under this Act, and who counselling. have their residence or place of habitual residence in (4) The remainder is then to be used to finance the Federal Republic of Germany. Moreover, the scientific research into the prevention and combating games must be conducted in accordance with the gaming addictions. The remainder is also to be used for regulations. A sale is also deemed to have taken place the setting up and furthering of information centres for present purposes, when gaming - normally for the prevention of and combating addiction. requiring a permit – is conducted in accordance with Research programmes can be promoted together with the law but without the requisite permit. other federal states. Training in counselling is to be (3) On the contrary, a gaming duty shall not be levied taught on the basis of the research findings. on: (5) The remainder is then to be used for charitable 1. lotteries and betting that are subject to taxation purposes in accordance with the Fiscal Code. under the Betting and Lotteries Act, (6) From the amount set aside in accordance with the 2. land-based gaming subject to casino duty, first option in Paragraph (3), above, 90 per cent is to be 3. game equipment and other gaming opportunities used for the Schleswig-Holstein State Sport Federation within the meaning of §§ 33c and 33d of the Trade e.V. (registered association) in the promotion of sport. and Industry Act that are subject to VAT; A further 8 per cent of the amount is to be used for the 4. online-gaming, provided such is subject to VAT. general promotion out-of-school sports activities, (4)§ 40 of the Fiscal Code shall apply accordingly. while the residual 2 per cent is to be made available for extracurricular school sports. §36 (7) The aim of promoting sport is to, Duty rate, Basis of Assessment 1. guarantee the work of sports teams and sporting (1) The duty rate is 20 per cent of the basis of associations and put them in a position to offer a assessment. wide variety of representative sports throughout the (2) The basis of assessment is the gross profit from federal state, and gaming that has been offered and played. The amount 2. guarantee the availability of activities and projects by which the total of all stakes exceeds the total of all for schools in collaboration with sports teams and winnings paid out shall be deemed to be gross profit. sporting associations, as well as extracurricular sports By way of derogation from therefrom, for gaming in activities. which the operator does not assume any risk (games (8) The donation to the Schleswig-Holstein State Sport without a banker), the amounts accruing to the gaming Federation e.V. is made available in particular for the provider from the game are taken as the basis of work of federal state sporting associations, their assessment. facilities, sports teams, sporting circles and (3) To the extent municipalities can levy an professional sporting associations for both competitive entertainment tax under applicable federal state and recreational sports. Sports teams that have their legislation, then this must be deducted from the basis registered offices in Schleswig-Holstein but are actually of assessment. 13/16
  • 14. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 (4) §§ 90 and 162 of the Fiscal Code shall apply 6.details on the technical equipment provided for the accordingly. If the basis of assessment according to calculation of stakes and pay out of winnings, and Paragraphs (2) and (3), above, cannot be reliably 7.details on any other registration with the tax determined even in the form of estimates, then the authorities of other federal states and other Member respective stake shall be deemed to be the basis of States of the European Union or the European assessment. Economic Area. (3)A further condition for registration, in addition to §37 the comprehensive and accurate provision of Accrual of duty information under Paragraph (2), above, is that the (1) The duty shall accrue upon completion of the game technical equipment according to Paragraph (2), sub.6, contract. If the gaming provider either wholly or above, must satisfy the requirements for duty recovery partially collects the stake prior to the completion of according to § 40. the game contract, then the duty shall accrue upon (4) Any changes to data that are relevant for collection by way of derogation from para.(1). registration and duty recovery must be notified (2) If a game contract is withdrawn and the stake is immediately to the responsible tax authority. either wholly or partially refunded, then the duty shall also be revoked to the same extent. § 40 Duty recovery §38 (1) The gaming provider must determine the total Duty debtor amount of stakes and the basis of assessment (1)The gaming provider is considered to be the duty according to § 36 of all gaming conducted separately debtor. Anyone who offers gaming without the on a monthly basis by gaming type, and moreover, necessary permits is also liable to pay duties. must submit the allocated gaming duty using an (2)Anyone who collects payment for gaming in officially prescribed dataset to the responsible tax connection with the performance of a game contract authority in accordance with prior duty data shall be liable to pay duty without being a duty transmission regulations and pay the duty (advance debtor. Duty debtors and parties liable to pay duty are payment). The transmission of data and the payment jointly and severally liable. of the corresponding duty must be made no later than the tenth day of the following month in question. § 39 (2) The gaming provider must submit an annual Registration declaration for the calendar year on an official (1)Gaming providers must register with the responsible prescribed form to the responsible tax authority no tax authority in order to fulfil their duty obligations. later than 31 May of the following year. This must Registration must take place prior to the start of the include the total amount of stakes and the basis of gaming activity. assessment according to § 36 of all gaming conducted (2) For the purposes of registration, information shall separately by gaming type, the corresponding gaming be provided on the following items by the gaming duty levied as a result for the calendar year as well as provider: any advance payments made according to Paragraph of gaming provider, (1). Any outstanding tax payable or possible credits 2.the place of residence of individuals, or for legal from the annual declaration shall be determined and entities the registered office of the gaming provider, notified officially by the responsible tax authority. both with full signature, (3) For tax purposes, foreign currency values must be 3.the names of all legal representatives and registered converted for the calculation of duty according to office of the management for legal entities with full applicable VAT provisions. signature, 4.details on the types of gaming to be offered, 5.details on whether land-based gaming, online- gaming, or both are to be offered, 14/16
  • 15. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 §41 §45 Duty aim Notifications to the competent authority Duty is levied for the purpose of achieving the aims set (1) If the responsible tax authority investigates a party forth in § 1. In particular, through the interaction of on suspicion of a having committed a tax offence or tax the various provisions regarding permit procedures irregularities with respect to the gaming duty, then it and player protection, the gaming demand of the must notify the competent authority thereof and general population should be guided towards lawful inform them of the outcome of proceedings. and supervised gaming offerings, and stem the (2) If the responsible tax authority obtains further excessive expansion of gaming offerings by noticeably information on unauthorised gaming or their reducing the profit incentives to providers. brokering, it shall also notify the competent authority of the same. §42 Duty revenue §46 (1) All and any duty revenue shall accrue to the Federal Filing and record-keeping obligations State. (1) Gaming providers must keep records of all gaming (2) It must guarantee that a significant proportion of conducted within the scope of this Act which must be the duty revenue serves the purpose of financing the independent of any accounting and recording aim set forth in § 1, as well as objective of promoting requirements based on other laws; the information public and favourable tax regime within the meaning required for levying gaming duty can then be consulted of the Fiscal Code in accordance with federal state law. in the said records. In particular, as regards online- By way of derogation from Paragraph (1), above, up to gaming, it must ensure the origins of players can be one third of duty revenue from sports betting shall reliably identified and the principles for the duty accrue to the Sports Association of Schleswig-Holstein recovery for gaming in which individuals participate - for the purpose of promoting the integrity of whose residence or habitual domicile falls under the charitable sport. Moreover, it must also guarantee that scope of this Act - can be recorded. In this respect, the 5 percent of the revenue from online-gaming offers is provisions on money-laundering should be borne in used for the purpose of financing gaming addictions mind. and debt and insolvency counselling. (2) §§ 145 to 147 of the Fiscal Code shall apply accordingly for the general requirements for the filing §43 and the storage of documents. Responsible Tax Authority (3) The special requirements and technical conditions The responsible tax authority for registration under § for compulsory records, particularly those relating to 39 and duty recovery procedures under § 45 is the electronic records for online-gaming, shall be Kiel-Nord tax office. determined in an ordinance by the Ministry of Interior. §44 §47 Notification obligations Inspection (1) The competent approval and supervisory authority (1) In order to ensure a uniform assessment and must notify the responsible tax authority of the recovery of gaming duty, the entrusted officials of the content (including additional clauses and responsible financial authority may have access to the supplementary orders), modification, revocation or sites and premises of duty debtors pursuant to § 38 withdrawal of permits as well as of the results of their during business and working hours without prior monitoring activities regarding duty recovery. notice and not in connection with an external audit. (2) Authorities that wish to obtain further information Such access is intended to determine any issues that on unauthorised gaming must also notify the may be significant for duty recovery (inspection). Living responsible tax authority thereof. areas may only be entered against the will of the (3) The content and scope of notification requirements owner to prevent any urgent threat to public safety are determined by an ordinance of the Ministry of and order. Interior. 15/16
  • 16. Schleswig-Holstein Gaming Act - 20 October 2011_ (Schl.-H.) II, Vol. Nr. 2186-15 (2) Provided such access is useful for duty recovery, Governor the parties concerned by the inspection shall produce * any records, books, commercial documents and other Klaus Schlie Rainer Wiegard documents related to the issues under inspection to Interior minister Finance the entrusted officials, as well as provide information. Minister (3) If the findings of the inspection so require, an ______________ external audit may then be required under § 193 of the * GS Schl.-H. II, Gl.Nr. 2186-13 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. = Fiscal Code without any prior audit arrangement (§ 196 Schleswig-Holstein Gazzette of Laws and Ordinances) Fiscal Code). The transition to the external audit shall be notified in writing. (4) If circumstances arise during the inspection that may be relevant for the assessment and recovery of other duties and taxes, then an assessment of the findings shall be made, to the extent that knowledge thereof may be of relevance to the taxation of parties named in Paragraph (1) or other parties. (5) The tax authority shall be empowered on the basis of Directive 2010/24/EU, 16 March 2010, to appeal to the responsible authorities of Member States of the European Union for administrative assistance in the recovery of claims relating to the gaming duty and any related ancillary services. Section VI Temporary and final provisions § 48 Temporary provisions Permits under this Act shall take effect from 1 March 2012. Gaming duty under this Act will be levied from 1 March 2012. Until 29 February 2012, the provisions of the State Treaty on Gaming in Germany (GlüStV AG) of 13 December 2007 (GVOBl. Schl.-H S. 524) shall apply, unless they are contrary to this Act. Claims and legitimate expectations cannot be established until 29 February 2012. § 49 Entry into force, termination This Act will enter into force on 1 January 2012. The State Treaty on Gaming in Germany (GlüStV AG) of 13 December 2007 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. S. 524)*) will terminate on 1 March 2012. This Act is hereby executed and is to be published. Kiel, 20 October 2011 Peter Harry Carstensen 16/16