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The Complete Security Solution
SPTS UK was established to meet a growing need for protection training in
our increasingly violent society.
In business, hospitals, buses & shops are displaying zero tolerance signs
warning that verbal or physical assaults to their staff will not be tolerated.
At last, companies and local government are recognising this growing
problem and are prepared to prosecute those violent individuals that attack
their staff. Our view however, is why not give your employees the
necessary skills to avoid potential assaults in the first place?
This would save losing an injured employee to sick leave, as well as a
potentially lengthy prosecution case.
SPTS offers comprehensively tailored protection and security training to the
private and public sectors. All courses are taught 'on site', in the workplace
that your staff would find themselves having to take control of any situation.
Our courses aim to give your employees the 'tools' they need for protecting
not just themselves, but also your other customers from potential harm. A
lot of businesses rely on word of mouth, what could be more destructive to
your business than other customers witnessing an assault against another
patron and the staff not effectively acting to resolve the situation? The
effect to your business could have far more reaching effects, if an incident
became publicised in the media.
We not only teach physical techniques but more importantly, the
psychological effects experienced when confronting someone who is
aggressive or violent. Most situations can easily be defused without the
need for physical intervention, providing it is handled properly, which is
what we can offer.
Whatever your requirements, our courses offer skills ranging from basic
situation handling and defusing, to advanced security and arrest procedures
used for civil and military law enforcement.
For those who already have working experience in C&R, we don't teach
sucking eggs, rather we aim to pass on valuable extra skills which can be
integrated into existing and proven personal ways of working. In relation to
new security employees, it is important to know that there is NO Control and
Restraint training included in the SIA accreditation.
Courses normally run for a total of 10 hours, either as two 5 hour days or 5
two hour sessions, but we can be flexible in order to meet your business
What makes us different from other companies offering similar services?
SPTS is unique. Nowhere else can you find all of these services from one
company. Our courses are a complete security and protection solution. Not
only do we teach physical skills, but also self confidence, body language and
awareness skills, as well as an understanding of the law in relation to
protecting yourself or restraining/arresting someone. Through role-play
scenarios, we also teach confrontation and conflict management. Most
importantly, all of our courses are run in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
When researching our companies various programs, we actually witnessed
trainers of other companies teaching advanced wristlocks, which without
extensive and continuous practice, would never work. Anyone attempting to
use some of these techniques could end up being injured themselves
(through ineffective restraint), or worse, seriously injuring the person they
need to restrain. Undoubtedly this would lead to being sued for damages.
Additionally from a security view point, such as Door Supervisors and
Security Guards, a suspension of their SIA badge, during an investigation
into any such hypothetical incident.
All of our instructors hold various qualifications, such as the Security
Industry Award and BIIAB City and Guilds accreditation. In addition, all
instructors hold Black Belts in Jutaijutsu, Karate Koppojutsu and Ninjutsu.
All of these are systems, which have been employed by the Japanese Police
since the 1600's.
Our principal trainer, Colin Curwood holds a 6th
degree Black Belt in
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, with 15 years experience. He is a personal student
of Dr Masaaki Hatsumi, who has taught many of the worlds foremost law
enforcement agencies and military. Some of the agencies that have
requested his services are the Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA), The
Royal Protection Squad (UK), and the Metropolitan Police (UK), to name just
a few.
Our instructors have direct experience in the security industry, which is
where a large number of our 'C&R' techniques have been put to the test. We
don’t just think what we have to offer works, we know it does from
experience. The formula for our courses is based only on what works, not
what makes us look good.
Our extensive portfolio not only offers security training but also personal
self-protection, for University/College students and non-customer facing
employees. It is in any companies’ interests that their employees attend one
of the Self Protection courses, as unprovoked attacks can happen at any
time. 99.9% of your staff have an active social life, meaning pubs and clubs.
These are the most common environments for unprovoked attacks, or drink
spiking assaults. This doesn’t just apply to your female staff. It is a
statistical fact that the majority of unprovoked attacks in the UK are against
men aged between 17 and 25.
We also specialise in working with people who have disabilities. We have
had many clients in the past with various disabilities such as, deafness,
blindness and multiple sclerosis. Disabilities are no block to learning the
skills we have to offer. We regret that currently, none of our instructors is
able to ‘Sign’ for any deaf clients.
The following pages are a list and brief outline of our courses for 2005. If
you are interested in any of our courses, require a quote or wish to make a
booking, please contact us for an informal discussion or for one of our
advisors to meet you for an on site assessment.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Course List
For all enquiries & bookings please contact:
SPTSUK, Head Office, 110 Broadway,
St Thomas, Exeter, Devon, EX2 9NT
Telephone: 07838 357778 or 07932 829614
Control & Restraint 1 (C&R1)
Who can benefit? General Customer Facing Staff
This is the ‘Gateway’ course for Control and Restraint. Clients start by
learning crucial observational awareness techniques used for situation
assessment. This is followed by practising verbal and passive listening skills
through role-play, which are essential for diffusing potentially aggressive
Before commencing with the physical restraints, all participants are advised
on legal guidelines, such as minimum force definitions.
The physical restraint techniques taught are straight forward, easy to
remember, and most of all - USE. The outcome of the physical techniques is
your staff being able to deal with a potentially violent situation safely
effectively, and quickly. This will benefit your business by avoiding
potential injury to your staff and customers, and possibly damage to the
Control & Restraint 2 (C&R2)
Who can benefit? Door Supervisors, Security Guards, Store Detectives and
Aircraft Crew.
The second of our C&R courses will particularly
benefit those people working in the security
industry, such as Door Supervisors, Security Guards
and Store Detectives.
These jobs (except for the Police) come with the
highest probability of having to deal with violent
situations on a daily basis.
This course is also the recommended programme
for airline personnel, such as Stewards. In ‘Air
Rage’ incidents, the situation needs to be acted on
quickly. The restraints used for crowded bar areas,
or narrow shopping aisles apply very well to the
conditions found within the aircraft fuselage.
We start this course with the confrontation skills used in our C&R1 course.
Looking at verbal and psychological techniques used for defusing potential
confrontation, being the preferred option in any situation.
The physical techniques are more advanced than those used in C&R1, as we
assume that your employees will already have some working knowledge of
C&R. Most importantly, there are no ‘nonsense’ techniques involved, no
unnecessary force and no fiddley and hard to use locks. The key is
effectiveness and efficiency, avoiding any potential injury to the executor or
You will learn aspects such as, refusing entry to premises and requesting to
search for drugs, weapons or stolen goods (depending on your job).
It is not always possible to have a backup when dealing with a problem, but
if you do then we promote ‘Team Work’. Therefore when back up is
available, it is important that all team members know how their colleagues
will approach a situation, and know how to instantly and effectively assist –
not hinder, or inadvertently cause injury.
Control & Restraint 3 (C&R3)
Who can benefit? Police, Military Police, Air Marshals, Prison Officers.
This course is primarily designed for law
enforcement. We aim to provide officers
with a much larger range of arrest
procedures. We live in a day and age
where martial arts in all its forms are
easily accessible to the public at large.
Approved courses teach arrest procedures
that used on someone with even a basic
knowledge of grappling and locks, will
escape arrest attempts quite easily. This
course will show the locks that really do
work regardless of the suspect’s own
There are several areas of study within
this course and depending on what is
required, the course can be specialised to
enable more emphasis on certain skills.
Generally we deal with one on one arrests and two on one team working.
We can also offer use of straight handcuffs and a very insightful look at the
'Casco' (extendable baton). Basic police baton training only looks at using it
for blocking and striking, however we will teach how to use it effectively for
locking and restraining. The baton techniques are extremely effective and
derive from those taught to the Japanese Police over 400 years ago. This
was a time when police were often faced with arresting sword-wielding,
highly skilled assailants, who were not only unwilling to be arrested, but
also prepared to kill.
We are also able to offer Riot training. This is an area often ignored, but
something we believe essential to any officers training. Riots are scary and
intimidating situations; with wearing body armour, helmet and shield
officers can be left feeling weighed down and claustrophobic. We are able
to offer skills which were developed on the battlefields of Japan, making the
most of the armour. The Swedish Police have already taken up these
techniques, to great benefit.
Ladies Self Protection 1 (lSP1)
Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to mothers, even the
This course is taught in two-hour sessions over five weeks. The programme
is simple and straightforward. Unlike other courses that we have seen, we
certainly do not advise our clients to kick someone in the head. Neither do
we teach how to throw an attacker over your shoulder or even take them on
in a deliberate confrontation.
We work on ‘Self Confidence’, ‘Situation Awareness’, as well as
considered, well planned Self Protection Techniques that are tried, tested
and most importantly ‘WORK’. The aim is always for you to get away,
uninjured and most importantly safe.
We also look at safety accessories such as Anti-Spiking devices and Anti
Attack/Rape alarms. New alarms on the market are becoming increasingly
versatile, not just making an annoying noise. Some modern alarms have
multifunctional actions, with dye sprays, odour spray, strobe lighting and
high decibel alarms. We make use of these alarms within the physical side
of the course, as we feel that they are a practical tool for Self Protection.
Ladies Self Protection 2 (lSP2)
Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to mothers, even the
Following on from lSP1, we build more on self-confidence skills and
positive assertion. The largest proportion of assaults on women sadly come
from domestic violence. Through character and confidence building
exercises students should find themselves better equipped to walk away
from the situation, avoiding future repeats of violence toward them.
The physical techniques of this course teach how to ‘Survive’. Other
defence instructors would have you believe that by learning with them, you
will never get hurt in a violent situation. This is frankly worse than wrong.
The best-trained fighters in the world get hit, but they expect it to happen
and are therefore mentally prepared when it does happen. On this course we
will explore defending against punches, kicks and group attackers. The key
to any of the techniques on this course is not to win, it’s to get away.
Men’s Self Protection 1 (mSP1)
Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to businessmen, even the
It is a fact that the highest proportion of assaults in the UK involve young
men, aged 17 – 25.
This course teaches a wide range of skills, starting with observation
awareness skills. We teach how to spot trouble before it spots you. Most
fights that are not due to personal reasons can be easily avoided when you
know what to look for. It isn’t difficult and is really based on following
common sense (not always the easiest of things when under the influence).
The physical techniques in this course centre on effectively avoiding
punches, kicks and head-butts, then getting away. What we don’t teach is
how to be the tough guy; rather we teach how to be a survivor. Not all men,
regardless of the media perspective, like to fight, which is why, mSP1
focuses on getting away from violent situations as quickly as possible.
Men’s Self Protection 2 (mSP2)
Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to businessmen, even the
mSP2 teaches Bar Fighting. The skills in this course are straightforward and
effective. At the bar, sat at a table, on the dance floor or cornered in the
toilets, these are all common areas for fights to occur, but often difficult to
escape from. We do not believe in loutish, violent behaviour, which is why
this course has been created. We will look at various ways of protecting
yourself from punches, kicks, head butts and grabs from behind.
Quick and effective immobilisation’s are also taught, enabling a safe exit
from the situation. We also look at group attacks, such as being faced with
two or more attackers, and the best ways of escaping this potentially very
painful experience.
Anti-Bullying Programme
Who can benefit? School Children
This course was created to aid those who are, or have been the victims of
bullying. We teach teenagers Key Ways of avoiding becoming a victim
through role-play scenarios. We look at the psychology of bullying, for
example, bullies always prey on those they perceive to be weaker than
themselves. To counter this we show how to appear strong and confident,
even though the young person does not feel it.
What we teach works, we have created the programme through the input of
many people who have suffered bullying themselves and dealt with it.
Most victims of bullying suffer in silence. No matter what action plans a
school puts in place, children who are effected rarely report it. This is no
fault of the schools; rather it is the child’s fear of reprisals when no adults
are around. Victims believe that they are totally cut off and on their own,
and no amount of adult assurances can alleviate the feelings of fear and
hopelessness. It is hoped that through this programme bullying can finally
be countered before it can start.
Foreign Traveller (FT)
Who can benefit? Holiday Representatives, Travellers, Holiday Makers,
Anyone Moving to Another Country
The ‘Foreign Traveller’ package is tailored to the specific country you are
travelling, moving to, or working in. You will learn local etiquette, which
could effect you directly. If you have seen the HSBC adverts then you will
know what we mean. If you haven’t, then a good example is the universal
sign for ‘OK’. The world over people recognise the sign, but in Brazil this
sign is considered very rude. Likewise Hitch Hiking in Greece or Turkey
with your thumb out is likely to get you run over, rather than get you a lift!
Other areas covered in this course are ways of keeping your money safe by
avoiding muggers, pick pockets and confidence tricksters.
You will also learn practical Self Protection Methods, customised around
your needs. For example, if you were travelling, then your backpack would
contain your whole life. Therefore ‘Self Protection’ techniques would focus
around keeping your backpack from being stolen, and rather than it being a
hindrance, making use of it.
Modern Combat (MC)
Who can benefit? Military Personnel involved in ‘Peace Keeping Duties’.
Armed Response Police Officers.
The Combat course is designed
with the military in mind. Some
lines of thought presently have it
that you should never be within
a mile of your enemy and as
such hand to hand combat is
deemed relatively unimportant.
This may well be true in open
warfare, but combat soldiers are
more than ever being used for
‘Peace Keeping’ duties. Therefore, they are often in very close proximity to
potential hostile attacks from anyone, anywhere. You just have to look at
the recent state of attacks against British and American peacekeepers in Iraq
to see this.
The weapons aspect of the course is not something that all participants
require, however depending on preference, clients can study knife fighting,
baton techniques for arrest, sidearm retention skills or hand to hand combat.
Whatever your requirements, including stealth techniques, we are able to

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Sample Course List

  • 1. The Complete Security Solution SPTS UK was established to meet a growing need for protection training in our increasingly violent society. In business, hospitals, buses & shops are displaying zero tolerance signs warning that verbal or physical assaults to their staff will not be tolerated. At last, companies and local government are recognising this growing problem and are prepared to prosecute those violent individuals that attack their staff. Our view however, is why not give your employees the necessary skills to avoid potential assaults in the first place? This would save losing an injured employee to sick leave, as well as a potentially lengthy prosecution case. SPTS offers comprehensively tailored protection and security training to the private and public sectors. All courses are taught 'on site', in the workplace that your staff would find themselves having to take control of any situation. Our courses aim to give your employees the 'tools' they need for protecting not just themselves, but also your other customers from potential harm. A lot of businesses rely on word of mouth, what could be more destructive to your business than other customers witnessing an assault against another patron and the staff not effectively acting to resolve the situation? The effect to your business could have far more reaching effects, if an incident became publicised in the media. We not only teach physical techniques but more importantly, the psychological effects experienced when confronting someone who is aggressive or violent. Most situations can easily be defused without the need for physical intervention, providing it is handled properly, which is what we can offer. Whatever your requirements, our courses offer skills ranging from basic situation handling and defusing, to advanced security and arrest procedures used for civil and military law enforcement. For those who already have working experience in C&R, we don't teach sucking eggs, rather we aim to pass on valuable extra skills which can be integrated into existing and proven personal ways of working. In relation to
  • 2. new security employees, it is important to know that there is NO Control and Restraint training included in the SIA accreditation. Courses normally run for a total of 10 hours, either as two 5 hour days or 5 two hour sessions, but we can be flexible in order to meet your business needs. What makes us different from other companies offering similar services? SPTS is unique. Nowhere else can you find all of these services from one company. Our courses are a complete security and protection solution. Not only do we teach physical skills, but also self confidence, body language and awareness skills, as well as an understanding of the law in relation to protecting yourself or restraining/arresting someone. Through role-play scenarios, we also teach confrontation and conflict management. Most importantly, all of our courses are run in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. When researching our companies various programs, we actually witnessed trainers of other companies teaching advanced wristlocks, which without extensive and continuous practice, would never work. Anyone attempting to use some of these techniques could end up being injured themselves (through ineffective restraint), or worse, seriously injuring the person they need to restrain. Undoubtedly this would lead to being sued for damages. Additionally from a security view point, such as Door Supervisors and Security Guards, a suspension of their SIA badge, during an investigation into any such hypothetical incident. All of our instructors hold various qualifications, such as the Security Industry Award and BIIAB City and Guilds accreditation. In addition, all instructors hold Black Belts in Jutaijutsu, Karate Koppojutsu and Ninjutsu. All of these are systems, which have been employed by the Japanese Police since the 1600's. Our principal trainer, Colin Curwood holds a 6th degree Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, with 15 years experience. He is a personal student of Dr Masaaki Hatsumi, who has taught many of the worlds foremost law enforcement agencies and military. Some of the agencies that have requested his services are the Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA), The Royal Protection Squad (UK), and the Metropolitan Police (UK), to name just a few.
  • 3. Our instructors have direct experience in the security industry, which is where a large number of our 'C&R' techniques have been put to the test. We don’t just think what we have to offer works, we know it does from experience. The formula for our courses is based only on what works, not what makes us look good. Our extensive portfolio not only offers security training but also personal self-protection, for University/College students and non-customer facing employees. It is in any companies’ interests that their employees attend one of the Self Protection courses, as unprovoked attacks can happen at any time. 99.9% of your staff have an active social life, meaning pubs and clubs. These are the most common environments for unprovoked attacks, or drink spiking assaults. This doesn’t just apply to your female staff. It is a statistical fact that the majority of unprovoked attacks in the UK are against men aged between 17 and 25. We also specialise in working with people who have disabilities. We have had many clients in the past with various disabilities such as, deafness, blindness and multiple sclerosis. Disabilities are no block to learning the skills we have to offer. We regret that currently, none of our instructors is able to ‘Sign’ for any deaf clients. The following pages are a list and brief outline of our courses for 2005. If you are interested in any of our courses, require a quote or wish to make a booking, please contact us for an informal discussion or for one of our advisors to meet you for an on site assessment. We look forward to hearing from you.
  • 4. SPECIALIST PROTECTION TRAINING SERVICESSPECIALIST PROTECTION TRAINING SERVICES UKUK Course List For all enquiries & bookings please contact: SPTSUK, Head Office, 110 Broadway, St Thomas, Exeter, Devon, EX2 9NT Telephone: 07838 357778 or 07932 829614 Email:
  • 5. Control & Restraint 1 (C&R1) Who can benefit? General Customer Facing Staff This is the ‘Gateway’ course for Control and Restraint. Clients start by learning crucial observational awareness techniques used for situation assessment. This is followed by practising verbal and passive listening skills through role-play, which are essential for diffusing potentially aggressive confrontations. Before commencing with the physical restraints, all participants are advised on legal guidelines, such as minimum force definitions. The physical restraint techniques taught are straight forward, easy to remember, and most of all - USE. The outcome of the physical techniques is your staff being able to deal with a potentially violent situation safely effectively, and quickly. This will benefit your business by avoiding potential injury to your staff and customers, and possibly damage to the premises. Control & Restraint 2 (C&R2) Who can benefit? Door Supervisors, Security Guards, Store Detectives and Aircraft Crew. The second of our C&R courses will particularly benefit those people working in the security industry, such as Door Supervisors, Security Guards and Store Detectives. These jobs (except for the Police) come with the highest probability of having to deal with violent situations on a daily basis. This course is also the recommended programme for airline personnel, such as Stewards. In ‘Air Rage’ incidents, the situation needs to be acted on quickly. The restraints used for crowded bar areas, or narrow shopping aisles apply very well to the conditions found within the aircraft fuselage.
  • 6. We start this course with the confrontation skills used in our C&R1 course. Looking at verbal and psychological techniques used for defusing potential confrontation, being the preferred option in any situation. The physical techniques are more advanced than those used in C&R1, as we assume that your employees will already have some working knowledge of C&R. Most importantly, there are no ‘nonsense’ techniques involved, no unnecessary force and no fiddley and hard to use locks. The key is effectiveness and efficiency, avoiding any potential injury to the executor or offender. You will learn aspects such as, refusing entry to premises and requesting to search for drugs, weapons or stolen goods (depending on your job). It is not always possible to have a backup when dealing with a problem, but if you do then we promote ‘Team Work’. Therefore when back up is available, it is important that all team members know how their colleagues will approach a situation, and know how to instantly and effectively assist – not hinder, or inadvertently cause injury. Control & Restraint 3 (C&R3) Who can benefit? Police, Military Police, Air Marshals, Prison Officers. This course is primarily designed for law enforcement. We aim to provide officers with a much larger range of arrest procedures. We live in a day and age where martial arts in all its forms are easily accessible to the public at large. Approved courses teach arrest procedures that used on someone with even a basic knowledge of grappling and locks, will escape arrest attempts quite easily. This course will show the locks that really do work regardless of the suspect’s own skills. There are several areas of study within this course and depending on what is required, the course can be specialised to enable more emphasis on certain skills. Generally we deal with one on one arrests and two on one team working.
  • 7. We can also offer use of straight handcuffs and a very insightful look at the 'Casco' (extendable baton). Basic police baton training only looks at using it for blocking and striking, however we will teach how to use it effectively for locking and restraining. The baton techniques are extremely effective and derive from those taught to the Japanese Police over 400 years ago. This was a time when police were often faced with arresting sword-wielding, highly skilled assailants, who were not only unwilling to be arrested, but also prepared to kill. We are also able to offer Riot training. This is an area often ignored, but something we believe essential to any officers training. Riots are scary and intimidating situations; with wearing body armour, helmet and shield officers can be left feeling weighed down and claustrophobic. We are able to offer skills which were developed on the battlefields of Japan, making the most of the armour. The Swedish Police have already taken up these techniques, to great benefit. Ladies Self Protection 1 (lSP1) Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to mothers, even the elderly. This course is taught in two-hour sessions over five weeks. The programme is simple and straightforward. Unlike other courses that we have seen, we certainly do not advise our clients to kick someone in the head. Neither do we teach how to throw an attacker over your shoulder or even take them on in a deliberate confrontation. We work on ‘Self Confidence’, ‘Situation Awareness’, as well as considered, well planned Self Protection Techniques that are tried, tested and most importantly ‘WORK’. The aim is always for you to get away, uninjured and most importantly safe. We also look at safety accessories such as Anti-Spiking devices and Anti Attack/Rape alarms. New alarms on the market are becoming increasingly versatile, not just making an annoying noise. Some modern alarms have multifunctional actions, with dye sprays, odour spray, strobe lighting and high decibel alarms. We make use of these alarms within the physical side of the course, as we feel that they are a practical tool for Self Protection.
  • 8. Ladies Self Protection 2 (lSP2) Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to mothers, even the elderly. Following on from lSP1, we build more on self-confidence skills and positive assertion. The largest proportion of assaults on women sadly come from domestic violence. Through character and confidence building exercises students should find themselves better equipped to walk away from the situation, avoiding future repeats of violence toward them. The physical techniques of this course teach how to ‘Survive’. Other defence instructors would have you believe that by learning with them, you will never get hurt in a violent situation. This is frankly worse than wrong. The best-trained fighters in the world get hit, but they expect it to happen and are therefore mentally prepared when it does happen. On this course we will explore defending against punches, kicks and group attackers. The key to any of the techniques on this course is not to win, it’s to get away. Men’s Self Protection 1 (mSP1) Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to businessmen, even the elderly. It is a fact that the highest proportion of assaults in the UK involve young men, aged 17 – 25. This course teaches a wide range of skills, starting with observation awareness skills. We teach how to spot trouble before it spots you. Most fights that are not due to personal reasons can be easily avoided when you know what to look for. It isn’t difficult and is really based on following common sense (not always the easiest of things when under the influence). The physical techniques in this course centre on effectively avoiding punches, kicks and head-butts, then getting away. What we don’t teach is how to be the tough guy; rather we teach how to be a survivor. Not all men, regardless of the media perspective, like to fight, which is why, mSP1 focuses on getting away from violent situations as quickly as possible.
  • 9. Men’s Self Protection 2 (mSP2) Who can benefit? Literally anyone, from students to businessmen, even the elderly. mSP2 teaches Bar Fighting. The skills in this course are straightforward and effective. At the bar, sat at a table, on the dance floor or cornered in the toilets, these are all common areas for fights to occur, but often difficult to escape from. We do not believe in loutish, violent behaviour, which is why this course has been created. We will look at various ways of protecting yourself from punches, kicks, head butts and grabs from behind. Quick and effective immobilisation’s are also taught, enabling a safe exit from the situation. We also look at group attacks, such as being faced with two or more attackers, and the best ways of escaping this potentially very painful experience. Anti-Bullying Programme Who can benefit? School Children This course was created to aid those who are, or have been the victims of bullying. We teach teenagers Key Ways of avoiding becoming a victim through role-play scenarios. We look at the psychology of bullying, for example, bullies always prey on those they perceive to be weaker than themselves. To counter this we show how to appear strong and confident, even though the young person does not feel it. What we teach works, we have created the programme through the input of many people who have suffered bullying themselves and dealt with it. Most victims of bullying suffer in silence. No matter what action plans a school puts in place, children who are effected rarely report it. This is no fault of the schools; rather it is the child’s fear of reprisals when no adults are around. Victims believe that they are totally cut off and on their own, and no amount of adult assurances can alleviate the feelings of fear and hopelessness. It is hoped that through this programme bullying can finally be countered before it can start.
  • 10. Foreign Traveller (FT) Who can benefit? Holiday Representatives, Travellers, Holiday Makers, Anyone Moving to Another Country The ‘Foreign Traveller’ package is tailored to the specific country you are travelling, moving to, or working in. You will learn local etiquette, which could effect you directly. If you have seen the HSBC adverts then you will know what we mean. If you haven’t, then a good example is the universal sign for ‘OK’. The world over people recognise the sign, but in Brazil this sign is considered very rude. Likewise Hitch Hiking in Greece or Turkey with your thumb out is likely to get you run over, rather than get you a lift! Other areas covered in this course are ways of keeping your money safe by avoiding muggers, pick pockets and confidence tricksters. You will also learn practical Self Protection Methods, customised around your needs. For example, if you were travelling, then your backpack would contain your whole life. Therefore ‘Self Protection’ techniques would focus around keeping your backpack from being stolen, and rather than it being a hindrance, making use of it. Modern Combat (MC) Who can benefit? Military Personnel involved in ‘Peace Keeping Duties’. Armed Response Police Officers. The Combat course is designed with the military in mind. Some lines of thought presently have it that you should never be within a mile of your enemy and as such hand to hand combat is deemed relatively unimportant. This may well be true in open warfare, but combat soldiers are more than ever being used for ‘Peace Keeping’ duties. Therefore, they are often in very close proximity to potential hostile attacks from anyone, anywhere. You just have to look at
  • 11. the recent state of attacks against British and American peacekeepers in Iraq to see this. The weapons aspect of the course is not something that all participants require, however depending on preference, clients can study knife fighting, baton techniques for arrest, sidearm retention skills or hand to hand combat. Whatever your requirements, including stealth techniques, we are able to help.