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Social And Cultural Diversity Leading To Cultural Biases
Amber Hope
Grand Canyon University: MHW-510-Ethics and Cultural
Diversity in Mental Health and Wellness
January 15, 2020
Social and Cultural Diversity Leading to Cultural Biases
Due to globalization cross culture has taken the toll. People
belonging to different culture are now connected than ever. This
has led to cultural diversity in all over the world. The cultural
diversity is also called multiculturalism. Cultural diversity
instructs us to regard, accept, value, recognize and encourage
all individuals belonging from multiple cultures (Erasmus,
2019). People from different cultures view each other through a
different lens. Cultural differences may be seen in; ethnicity,
race, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation and
Gender Orientation. These cultural differences have led to
cultural biases in societies. Cultural bias is classified as a
psychological condition of individuals and societies. Due to
cultural bias menace like discrimination and differences arise.
However, to overcome Cultural competency is the solution to
remove the cultural bias from society (Abuwala, 2019).
Nonetheless, due to increased integration of cultures people
develop cultural bias as people view their own culture as a
standard and compare the other cultures with it, considering
other cultures having low values.
To study cultural biases, cultural archives serve the best
purpose (Grout, 2019). Grout has explained that cultural values
can be well understood if the social aspect of the cultures is
kept in mind. This can be done when cultural archives from the
past are drawn and different cultures are studied to get a better
understanding. When the archives are explored, biases are also
studied and tried to find out the reasons. It is known to
everyone in the history that African and Latin American
families had to face the cultural biases in the past. Now, the
research shows that parents must play their part in making the
children powerful psychologically. When parents will learn to
teach how to prepare their children for effective cultural
communication, they will be successful to make their coming
generations happy, healthy and high in self-esteem. Therefore,
it becomes the moral duty of the parents to understand the
cultural differences first and to teach those differences
positively to their children.
Cultural prejudice is turning out to be a major reason for
depression and mental fatigue amongst nations (Tanaka, 2019).
Tanaka explains how psychotherapy helps the issues created by
cultural differences. There are a lot of therapies that can help
people to avoid the complexes created by superior races. When
lower races learn to combat those differences, it becomes
helpful for the lower races to survive in the world. Culture is
important to communicate with each other, but on the other
hand, it is also important to understand and solve the problems
that are created by culture. To solve those issues with the help
of therapies is essential for effective communication among all
the cultures. It is about the cultural differences and the mood
that is affected by culture. Most of the inhabitants are seen to
be depressed and cinema therapy is also used to help people.
This therapy helps people by creating good emotional appeals.
The films are used as entertainment for the people. These films
are also used as therapy as well through which people learn how
to combat the stress that is created as a result of cultural
differences. The film and cinemas are used for infotainment
purposes and can help people to grow and develop their
communication skills.
The worldwide cultural view makes it essential to research the
cultural principles in a superior way than they were analyzed
before; by taking the position of social media into account.
Connections amongst cultures have been generated. Olteanu
analyzed that social data and social communication are also
bringing people together. In social media communication, where
people learn a lot from different cultures, they can also make
false assumptions about other cultures, this can result in the
prejudices and biases among different cultures (Olteanu,2019).
Hence, social media should be used in a better way to educate
people about the culture. Social media use can also be used to
educate the people about the culture and to remove cultural
biases. It is the ethical basis that defines what are the right and
wrong dimensions of the culture. This makes people conscious
of their acts, and they exhibit ethical behaviors in their lives.
The diversity of the culture to remove cultural biases is
imperative to counsel (Sue, Sue, Neville, & Smith, 2019). The
elements that exist in culture include races, ethnicity, sexual
identity, socioeconomic culture, religion, and gender
discrimination. Multiple races have different notions about
other cultures and the discriminatory factors are seen in those
cultures which are rich in cultural identities. The counseling of
people is essential to remove the problems in social and cultural
contexts. This will promote the ease to collaborate and
communicate positively. No two countries can be culturally
alike and to respect other cultures, it is necessary to make
people understand that giving respect to other cultures will
make their lives easier. A wellness strategy for the care
providers is also essential because they can then easily make
available help to others; if their self-help proposal is successful.
That is the importance of the self-care of the service providers.
When the self-care of the health providers is good, they are
better able to teach good analytics to their patients as well.
When those practices will become successful, they can also be
practiced at the international level. This is also important to be
shared at the global level because the multiculturism is seen at
the global levels in the whole world. The collaboration and
communication among the health providers in the whole world
will promote the well-being of human beings to make them
stress-free. This will also make the social fabric strong by
bringing people to close together.
Cultural prejudice happens when people in societies deem
themselves superior. It creates depression among societies. It
disturbs the cultural and social fabric. Biasness should be
eliminated to make the societies peaceable. The self-care plan
of facility providers is also crucial to be designed. Therefore, to
eradicate the culture biases the education of psychology used. It
is helpful to understand the fact that cultural biases exist
everywhere, but they can be treated. Different kinds of
measures are there in place that are used to help the
marginalized people and it also makes the global culture a
harmonized and organized one.
Abuwala, A. (2019, February 13). What Is Cultural Bias?
Retrieved from Worldatlas:
Erasmus. (2019, December 12). WHY IS CULTURAL
DIVERSITY IMPORTANT? Retrieved from Erasmus:
Grout, H. (2019). Archiving critically: exploring the
communication of cultural biases. Spark: UAL Creative
Teaching and Learning Journal.
Olteanu, A., Castillo, C., Diaz, F., &Kiciman, E. (2019). Social
data: Biases, methodological
pitfalls, and ethical boundaries. Frontiers in Big Data, 2, 13.
Sue, D., Sue, D., Neville, H., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling
the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
Tanaka, J. (2019). Culture and Psychotherapy. Wiley Online
J.M., Doviodio, J.F., & Vietze, D.L. (2014). Psychology of
diversity: Beyond prejudice and
racism. Somerset, England: Wiley-Blackwell.
Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Instructions
The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,500 to 1,700 words)
requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal
biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation,
race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. In
addition, a self-care plan is developed for the mental health and
wellness provider. The purpose of this paper is to raise the
student’s personal and professional level of awareness regarding
the subject of diverse populations and how to prevent burnout
and compassion fatigue as a mental health and wellness
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the
APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please
refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Process Schedule
The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper assignment will be
accomplished in a four-step process, with individual steps
submitted and graded regularly throughout the course, according
to the following schedule:
1) Outline (Due Topic 4)
2) References (Due Topic 5)
3) First Draft (Due Topic 7)
4) Final Paper (Due Topic 8)
Content Guidelines
When constructing this paper, use a four-part structure
according to the following guidelines:
Part 1: Personal Reflection
The first part of the paper requires you to identify information
from your own personal history. Use the following questions to
help guide your reflections:
1. Identify your personal biases and how those biases may
present challenges to you as a mental health professional.
Remember, everyone has biases. The point is not to project
them onto your clients.
Note: It is preferred you discuss your cultural biases.
2. Describe your personal history by documenting experiences
with discrimination you may have experienced and how your
cultural background impacted these experiences.
3. Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally
different than you, and your experiences associated with these
differences. Be specific.
4. How has your life experience affected how you may relate to
persons different than you? Be specific.
Part 2: Racism and Discrimination
The second part of the paper requires you to demonstrate an
understanding of the concepts of racism/discrimination. Use the
following questions to help guide your reflections:
1. Distinguish between stereotypes, prejudice, and
2. What does it mean to be a subtle racist? Please include a
referenced definition and example.
3. Why could there be significant differences in perceptions and
values of members within the same ethnic group? Be specific.
Part 3: Multicultural Competence
The third part of your paper requires you to review and reflect
on multicultural competence as a professional. Use the
following to help guide your reflection:
1. What did you learn about the importance of cultural
sensitivity in providing professional services to clients?
2. How do communication styles differ across cultures?
3. How might strategies to build rapport be differentiated based
on culture?
4. What resources could help you to become more informed
regarding cultural diversity? Cite resources you can use to
dispel yourpersonal biases.
5. Provide an example of cultural bias in
counseling/psychological research and support your answer with
at least one scholarly reference.
6. How could you apply your learning to your future practice as
a mental health and wellness professional?
Part 4: Self-Care for Providers
The fourth part of your paper requires you to develop a self-care
plan for the mental health and wellness provider. This is not for
the client. Identify four different strategies for providers to use
to mitigate burnout and compassion fatigue.
1. Describe the factors associated with burnout and compassion
fatigue. What are the symptoms?
1. Describe why it is important to develop a self-care plan
before burnout or compassion fatigue occurs.
1. List and describe four different strategies to mitigate burnout
or compassion fatigue.
1. Conclude with why you selected the four strategies and how
you think they will help you as a professional provider of
mental health services.
1. Use two to three resources to justify your descriptions and
strategies for self-care.
© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Annotated Bibliography
Amber Hope
Grand Canyon University: MHW-510-Ethics and Cultural
Diversity in Mental Health and Wellness
December 17, 2019
Annotated Bibliography
Ayón, C., Tran, A. G., & Nieri, T. (2019). Ethnic–Racial
Socialization Practices Among Latino
Immigrant Families: A Latent Profile Analysis. Family
Relations, 68(2), 246-259.
This article was published in the journal of Family Relations to
highlight the importance of family composition in
understanding the cultural differences. It is known to everyone
in the history that African and Latin American families had to
face the cultural biases in the past. Now, the research shows
that parents must play their part in making the children
powerful psychologically.
When parents will learn to teach how to prepare their children
for effective cultural communication, they will be successful to
make their coming generations happy, healthy and high in self-
esteem. Therefore, it becomes the moral duty of the parents to
understand the cultural differences first and to teach those
differences positively to their children.
Olteanu, A., Castillo, C., Diaz, F., & Kiciman, E. (2019). Social
data: Biases, methodological
pitfalls, and ethical boundaries. Frontiers in Big Data, 2, 13.
In this review article, this is analyzed that social data and social
communication are also bringing people together. In social
media communication, where people learn a lot from different
cultures, they can also make false assumptions about other
cultures, this can result in the prejudices and biases among
different cultures. Hence, social media should be used in a
better way to educate people about the culture.
Social media use can also be used to educate the people about
the culture and to remove cultural biases. It is the ethical basis
that defines what are the right and wrong dimensions of the
culture. This makes people conscious of their acts and they
exhibit ethical behaviors in their lives.
Abbott, D. M., Pelc, N., & Mercier, C. (2019). Cultural humility
and the teaching of
psychology. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in
Psychology, 5(2), 169.
Cultural diversity is also called multiculturalism and it is seen
in the educational institutions the most where a lot of
international students come to get an education. The diversity of
culture among the students also makes them apart if they do not
interact with open hearts. If they make their communication
better, it can make their lives easier by removing the prejudices
that exist among different cultures.
The education of psychology is helpful to understand the fact
that cultural biases exist everywhere, but they can be treated.
Different kinds of measures are there in place that are used to
help the marginalized people and it also makes the global
culture a harmonized and organized one.
Carney, J. (2019). Culture and mood disorders: the effect of
abstraction in image, narrative and
film on depression and anxiety. Medical Humanities.
This article is about the cultural differences and the mood that
is affected by culture. Most of the inhabitants are seen to be
depressed and cinema therapy is also used to help people. This
therapy helps people by creating good emotional appeals. The
films are used as entertainment for the people. These films are
also used as therapy as well through which people learn how to
combat the stress that is created as a result of cultural
The film and cinemas are used for infotainment purposes and
can help people to grow and develop their communication skills.
Grout, H. (2019). Archiving critically: exploring the
communication of cultural biases. Spark: UAL Creative
Teaching and Learning Journal.
In this article, Grout has explained that cultural values can be
well understood if the social aspect of the cultures is kept in
mind. This can be done when cultural archives from the past are
drawn and different cultures are studied to get a better
understanding. When the archives are explored, biases are also
studied and tried to find out the reasons.
Cultural archives are the basis to know what values are
pertained in a culture and how can a culture become rich. These
archives can also help in knowing the transitionary phases of
cultures over a specified period.
Sue, D., Sue, D., Neville, H., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling
the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
In this book, the authors argue about the diversity of the culture
and the elements that are shown in different cultures. The
elements that exist in culture include races, ethnicity, sexual
identity, socioeconomic culture, religion, and gender
discrimination. Multiple races have different notions about
other cultures and the discriminatory factors are seen in those
cultures which are rich in cultural identities.
The counseling of people is essential to remove the problems in
social and cultural contexts. This will promote the ease to
collaborate and communicate positively. No two countries can
be culturally alike and to respect other cultures, it is necessary
to make people understand that giving respect to other cultures
will make their lives easier.
Tanaka, J. (2019). Culture and Psychotherapy. Wiley Online
In this book, Tanaka explains how psychotherapy helps the
issues created by cultural differences. There are a lot of
therapies that can help people to avoid the complexes created by
superior races. When lower races learn to combat those
differences, it becomes helpful for the lower races to survive in
the world.
Culture is important to communicate with each other but on the
other hand, it is also important to understand and solve the
problems that are created by culture. To solve those issues with
the help of therapies is essential for effective communication
among all the cultures.
Wagenaar, B. H., Petersen, I., Rao, D., & Chwastiak, L. (2019).
Collaborative care models: A
global perspective. In Global Mental Health and
Psychotherapy (pp. 153-170). Academic Press.
This document sheds light on the importance of the self-care of
the service providers. When the self-care of the health providers
is good, they are better able to teach good analytics to their
patients as well. When those practices will become successful,
they can also be practiced at the international level. This is also
important to be shared at the global level because the
multiculturism is seen at the global levels in the whole world.
The collaboration and communication among the health
providers in the whole world will promote the wellbeing of
human beings to make them stress-free. This will also make the
social fabric strong by bringing people to close together.
Social and Cultural Paper Outline
Amber Hope
Grand Canyon University: MHW-510-Ethics and Cultural
Diversity in Mental Health and Wellness
December 11, 2019
Social and Cultural Paper Outline
Topic: Personal biases regarding culture
I. Introduction
1) People from different cultures view each other through a
different lens.
2) Cultural differences may be seen in;
i. Ethnicity
ii. Race
iii. Socioeconomic status
iv. Religion
v. Sexual orientation
vi. Gender Orientation
3) Cultural Bias is a psychological condition of individuals and
4) Cultural competency is the solution to remove the cultural
bias from society (Abuwala, 2019).
5) Thesis Statement:
“A cultural bias develops when people view their own culture as
a standard and compare the other cultures with it, considering
other cultures having low values.”
II. Definition of Cultural Diversity
1) The cultural diversity is also called multiculturalism.
2) Cultural diversity teaches to respect, acknowledge, value,
regard, recognize and empower the people belonging from
multiple cultures (Erasmus, 2019).
III. Body Paragraphs:
1) Topic Sentence 1:
i. To study cultural biases, cultural archives serve the best
purpose (Grout, 2019).
2) Topic Sentence 2:
ii. Cultural bias is becoming a major reason for causing
depression and mental fatigue among nations (Tanaka, 2019).
3) Topic Sentence 3:
i. The Global cultural view makes it necessary to study the
cultural values in a better way than they were studied before.
ii. Interactions among the cultures have been triggered.
4) Topic Sentence 4:
iii. This is important to counsel the diversity of the culture to
remove cultural biases (Sue, Sue, Neville, & Smith, 2019).
5) Topic Sentence 5:
iv. Wellness plan for the care providers is also necessary
because they can then easily provide help to others if their self-
help plan is effective.
IV. Conclusion
1) Cultural Bias arises when people in societies consider
themselves superior.
2) It creates depression among societies.
3) It disturbs the cultural and social fabric.
4) Biasness must be removed to make the societies peaceful.
5) The self-care plan of service providers is also important to be
Abuwala, A. (2019, February 13). What Is Cultural Bias?
Retrieved from Worldatlas:
Erasmus. (2019, December 12). WHY IS CULTURAL
DIVERSITY IMPORTANT? Retrieved from Erasmus:
Grout, H. (2019). Archiving critically: exploring the
communication of cultural biases. Spark: UAL Creative
Teaching and Learning Journal.
Sue, D., Sue, D., Neville, H., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling
the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
Tanaka, J. (2019). Culture and Psychotherapy. Wiley Online

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  • 1. Running head: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY 2 1 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY First Draft Social And Cultural Diversity Leading To Cultural Biases Amber Hope Grand Canyon University: MHW-510-Ethics and Cultural Diversity in Mental Health and Wellness January 15, 2020 Social and Cultural Diversity Leading to Cultural Biases Due to globalization cross culture has taken the toll. People belonging to different culture are now connected than ever. This has led to cultural diversity in all over the world. The cultural diversity is also called multiculturalism. Cultural diversity instructs us to regard, accept, value, recognize and encourage all individuals belonging from multiple cultures (Erasmus,
  • 2. 2019). People from different cultures view each other through a different lens. Cultural differences may be seen in; ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation and Gender Orientation. These cultural differences have led to cultural biases in societies. Cultural bias is classified as a psychological condition of individuals and societies. Due to cultural bias menace like discrimination and differences arise. However, to overcome Cultural competency is the solution to remove the cultural bias from society (Abuwala, 2019). Nonetheless, due to increased integration of cultures people develop cultural bias as people view their own culture as a standard and compare the other cultures with it, considering other cultures having low values. To study cultural biases, cultural archives serve the best purpose (Grout, 2019). Grout has explained that cultural values can be well understood if the social aspect of the cultures is kept in mind. This can be done when cultural archives from the past are drawn and different cultures are studied to get a better understanding. When the archives are explored, biases are also studied and tried to find out the reasons. It is known to everyone in the history that African and Latin American families had to face the cultural biases in the past. Now, the research shows that parents must play their part in making the children powerful psychologically. When parents will learn to teach how to prepare their children for effective cultural communication, they will be successful to make their coming generations happy, healthy and high in self-esteem. Therefore, it becomes the moral duty of the parents to understand the cultural differences first and to teach those differences positively to their children. Cultural prejudice is turning out to be a major reason for depression and mental fatigue amongst nations (Tanaka, 2019). Tanaka explains how psychotherapy helps the issues created by cultural differences. There are a lot of therapies that can help people to avoid the complexes created by superior races. When lower races learn to combat those differences, it becomes
  • 3. helpful for the lower races to survive in the world. Culture is important to communicate with each other, but on the other hand, it is also important to understand and solve the problems that are created by culture. To solve those issues with the help of therapies is essential for effective communication among all the cultures. It is about the cultural differences and the mood that is affected by culture. Most of the inhabitants are seen to be depressed and cinema therapy is also used to help people. This therapy helps people by creating good emotional appeals. The films are used as entertainment for the people. These films are also used as therapy as well through which people learn how to combat the stress that is created as a result of cultural differences. The film and cinemas are used for infotainment purposes and can help people to grow and develop their communication skills. The worldwide cultural view makes it essential to research the cultural principles in a superior way than they were analyzed before; by taking the position of social media into account. Connections amongst cultures have been generated. Olteanu analyzed that social data and social communication are also bringing people together. In social media communication, where people learn a lot from different cultures, they can also make false assumptions about other cultures, this can result in the prejudices and biases among different cultures (Olteanu,2019). Hence, social media should be used in a better way to educate people about the culture. Social media use can also be used to educate the people about the culture and to remove cultural biases. It is the ethical basis that defines what are the right and wrong dimensions of the culture. This makes people conscious of their acts, and they exhibit ethical behaviors in their lives. The diversity of the culture to remove cultural biases is imperative to counsel (Sue, Sue, Neville, & Smith, 2019). The elements that exist in culture include races, ethnicity, sexual identity, socioeconomic culture, religion, and gender discrimination. Multiple races have different notions about other cultures and the discriminatory factors are seen in those
  • 4. cultures which are rich in cultural identities. The counseling of people is essential to remove the problems in social and cultural contexts. This will promote the ease to collaborate and communicate positively. No two countries can be culturally alike and to respect other cultures, it is necessary to make people understand that giving respect to other cultures will make their lives easier. A wellness strategy for the care providers is also essential because they can then easily make available help to others; if their self-help proposal is successful. That is the importance of the self-care of the service providers. When the self-care of the health providers is good, they are better able to teach good analytics to their patients as well. When those practices will become successful, they can also be practiced at the international level. This is also important to be shared at the global level because the multiculturism is seen at the global levels in the whole world. The collaboration and communication among the health providers in the whole world will promote the well-being of human beings to make them stress-free. This will also make the social fabric strong by bringing people to close together. Cultural prejudice happens when people in societies deem themselves superior. It creates depression among societies. It disturbs the cultural and social fabric. Biasness should be eliminated to make the societies peaceable. The self-care plan of facility providers is also crucial to be designed. Therefore, to eradicate the culture biases the education of psychology used. It is helpful to understand the fact that cultural biases exist everywhere, but they can be treated. Different kinds of measures are there in place that are used to help the marginalized people and it also makes the global culture a harmonized and organized one. Reference Abuwala, A. (2019, February 13). What Is Cultural Bias? Retrieved from Worldatlas:
  • 5. mean.html Erasmus. (2019, December 12). WHY IS CULTURAL DIVERSITY IMPORTANT? Retrieved from Erasmus: diversity-important/ Grout, H. (2019). Archiving critically: exploring the communication of cultural biases. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal. Olteanu, A., Castillo, C., Diaz, F., &Kiciman, E. (2019). Social data: Biases, methodological pitfalls, and ethical boundaries. Frontiers in Big Data, 2, 13. Sue, D., Sue, D., Neville, H., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Tanaka, J. (2019). Culture and Psychotherapy. Wiley Online Library. J.M., Doviodio, J.F., & Vietze, D.L. (2014). Psychology of diversity: Beyond prejudice and racism. Somerset, England: Wiley-Blackwell. Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Instructions Overview The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,500 to 1,700 words) requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation, race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. In addition, a self-care plan is developed for the mental health and wellness provider. The purpose of this paper is to raise the student’s personal and professional level of awareness regarding the subject of diverse populations and how to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue as a mental health and wellness
  • 6. provider. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Process Schedule The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper assignment will be accomplished in a four-step process, with individual steps submitted and graded regularly throughout the course, according to the following schedule: 1) Outline (Due Topic 4) 2) References (Due Topic 5) 3) First Draft (Due Topic 7) 4) Final Paper (Due Topic 8) Content Guidelines When constructing this paper, use a four-part structure according to the following guidelines: Part 1: Personal Reflection The first part of the paper requires you to identify information from your own personal history. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections: 1. Identify your personal biases and how those biases may present challenges to you as a mental health professional. Remember, everyone has biases. The point is not to project them onto your clients. Note: It is preferred you discuss your cultural biases. 2. Describe your personal history by documenting experiences with discrimination you may have experienced and how your cultural background impacted these experiences. 3. Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.
  • 7. 4. How has your life experience affected how you may relate to persons different than you? Be specific. Part 2: Racism and Discrimination The second part of the paper requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of racism/discrimination. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections: 1. Distinguish between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. 2. What does it mean to be a subtle racist? Please include a referenced definition and example. 3. Why could there be significant differences in perceptions and values of members within the same ethnic group? Be specific. Part 3: Multicultural Competence The third part of your paper requires you to review and reflect on multicultural competence as a professional. Use the following to help guide your reflection: 1. What did you learn about the importance of cultural sensitivity in providing professional services to clients? 2. How do communication styles differ across cultures? 3. How might strategies to build rapport be differentiated based on culture? 4. What resources could help you to become more informed regarding cultural diversity? Cite resources you can use to dispel yourpersonal biases. 5. Provide an example of cultural bias in counseling/psychological research and support your answer with at least one scholarly reference. 6. How could you apply your learning to your future practice as a mental health and wellness professional? Part 4: Self-Care for Providers The fourth part of your paper requires you to develop a self-care plan for the mental health and wellness provider. This is not for the client. Identify four different strategies for providers to use to mitigate burnout and compassion fatigue. 1. Describe the factors associated with burnout and compassion fatigue. What are the symptoms?
  • 8. 1. Describe why it is important to develop a self-care plan before burnout or compassion fatigue occurs. 1. List and describe four different strategies to mitigate burnout or compassion fatigue. 1. Conclude with why you selected the four strategies and how you think they will help you as a professional provider of mental health services. 1. Use two to three resources to justify your descriptions and strategies for self-care. © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 Annotated Bibliography Amber Hope Grand Canyon University: MHW-510-Ethics and Cultural Diversity in Mental Health and Wellness December 17, 2019
  • 9. Annotated Bibliography Ayón, C., Tran, A. G., & Nieri, T. (2019). Ethnic–Racial Socialization Practices Among Latino Immigrant Families: A Latent Profile Analysis. Family Relations, 68(2), 246-259. This article was published in the journal of Family Relations to highlight the importance of family composition in understanding the cultural differences. It is known to everyone in the history that African and Latin American families had to face the cultural biases in the past. Now, the research shows that parents must play their part in making the children powerful psychologically. When parents will learn to teach how to prepare their children for effective cultural communication, they will be successful to make their coming generations happy, healthy and high in self- esteem. Therefore, it becomes the moral duty of the parents to understand the cultural differences first and to teach those differences positively to their children. Olteanu, A., Castillo, C., Diaz, F., & Kiciman, E. (2019). Social data: Biases, methodological pitfalls, and ethical boundaries. Frontiers in Big Data, 2, 13. In this review article, this is analyzed that social data and social communication are also bringing people together. In social media communication, where people learn a lot from different cultures, they can also make false assumptions about other cultures, this can result in the prejudices and biases among different cultures. Hence, social media should be used in a better way to educate people about the culture. Social media use can also be used to educate the people about
  • 10. the culture and to remove cultural biases. It is the ethical basis that defines what are the right and wrong dimensions of the culture. This makes people conscious of their acts and they exhibit ethical behaviors in their lives. Abbott, D. M., Pelc, N., & Mercier, C. (2019). Cultural humility and the teaching of psychology. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 5(2), 169. Cultural diversity is also called multiculturalism and it is seen in the educational institutions the most where a lot of international students come to get an education. The diversity of culture among the students also makes them apart if they do not interact with open hearts. If they make their communication better, it can make their lives easier by removing the prejudices that exist among different cultures. The education of psychology is helpful to understand the fact that cultural biases exist everywhere, but they can be treated. Different kinds of measures are there in place that are used to help the marginalized people and it also makes the global culture a harmonized and organized one. Carney, J. (2019). Culture and mood disorders: the effect of abstraction in image, narrative and film on depression and anxiety. Medical Humanities. This article is about the cultural differences and the mood that is affected by culture. Most of the inhabitants are seen to be depressed and cinema therapy is also used to help people. This therapy helps people by creating good emotional appeals. The films are used as entertainment for the people. These films are also used as therapy as well through which people learn how to combat the stress that is created as a result of cultural differences. The film and cinemas are used for infotainment purposes and can help people to grow and develop their communication skills. Grout, H. (2019). Archiving critically: exploring the communication of cultural biases. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal.
  • 11. In this article, Grout has explained that cultural values can be well understood if the social aspect of the cultures is kept in mind. This can be done when cultural archives from the past are drawn and different cultures are studied to get a better understanding. When the archives are explored, biases are also studied and tried to find out the reasons. Cultural archives are the basis to know what values are pertained in a culture and how can a culture become rich. These archives can also help in knowing the transitionary phases of cultures over a specified period. Sue, D., Sue, D., Neville, H., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons. In this book, the authors argue about the diversity of the culture and the elements that are shown in different cultures. The elements that exist in culture include races, ethnicity, sexual identity, socioeconomic culture, religion, and gender discrimination. Multiple races have different notions about other cultures and the discriminatory factors are seen in those cultures which are rich in cultural identities. The counseling of people is essential to remove the problems in social and cultural contexts. This will promote the ease to collaborate and communicate positively. No two countries can be culturally alike and to respect other cultures, it is necessary to make people understand that giving respect to other cultures will make their lives easier. Tanaka, J. (2019). Culture and Psychotherapy. Wiley Online Library In this book, Tanaka explains how psychotherapy helps the issues created by cultural differences. There are a lot of therapies that can help people to avoid the complexes created by superior races. When lower races learn to combat those differences, it becomes helpful for the lower races to survive in the world. Culture is important to communicate with each other but on the other hand, it is also important to understand and solve the
  • 12. problems that are created by culture. To solve those issues with the help of therapies is essential for effective communication among all the cultures. Wagenaar, B. H., Petersen, I., Rao, D., & Chwastiak, L. (2019). Collaborative care models: A global perspective. In Global Mental Health and Psychotherapy (pp. 153-170). Academic Press. This document sheds light on the importance of the self-care of the service providers. When the self-care of the health providers is good, they are better able to teach good analytics to their patients as well. When those practices will become successful, they can also be practiced at the international level. This is also important to be shared at the global level because the multiculturism is seen at the global levels in the whole world. The collaboration and communication among the health providers in the whole world will promote the wellbeing of human beings to make them stress-free. This will also make the social fabric strong by bringing people to close together. Running head: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PAPER OUTLINE 1 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PAPER OUTLINE 5 Social and Cultural Paper Outline Amber Hope
  • 13. Grand Canyon University: MHW-510-Ethics and Cultural Diversity in Mental Health and Wellness December 11, 2019 Social and Cultural Paper Outline Topic: Personal biases regarding culture I. Introduction 1) People from different cultures view each other through a different lens. 2) Cultural differences may be seen in; i. Ethnicity ii. Race iii. Socioeconomic status iv. Religion v. Sexual orientation vi. Gender Orientation 3) Cultural Bias is a psychological condition of individuals and societies. 4) Cultural competency is the solution to remove the cultural bias from society (Abuwala, 2019). 5) Thesis Statement: “A cultural bias develops when people view their own culture as a standard and compare the other cultures with it, considering other cultures having low values.” II. Definition of Cultural Diversity
  • 14. 1) The cultural diversity is also called multiculturalism. 2) Cultural diversity teaches to respect, acknowledge, value, regard, recognize and empower the people belonging from multiple cultures (Erasmus, 2019). III. Body Paragraphs: 1) Topic Sentence 1: i. To study cultural biases, cultural archives serve the best purpose (Grout, 2019). 2) Topic Sentence 2: ii. Cultural bias is becoming a major reason for causing depression and mental fatigue among nations (Tanaka, 2019). 3) Topic Sentence 3: i. The Global cultural view makes it necessary to study the cultural values in a better way than they were studied before. ii. Interactions among the cultures have been triggered. 4) Topic Sentence 4: iii. This is important to counsel the diversity of the culture to remove cultural biases (Sue, Sue, Neville, & Smith, 2019). 5) Topic Sentence 5: iv. Wellness plan for the care providers is also necessary because they can then easily provide help to others if their self- help plan is effective. IV. Conclusion 1) Cultural Bias arises when people in societies consider themselves superior. 2) It creates depression among societies. 3) It disturbs the cultural and social fabric. 4) Biasness must be removed to make the societies peaceful. 5) The self-care plan of service providers is also important to be designed. References Abuwala, A. (2019, February 13). What Is Cultural Bias? Retrieved from Worldatlas:
  • 15. mean.html Erasmus. (2019, December 12). WHY IS CULTURAL DIVERSITY IMPORTANT? Retrieved from Erasmus: diversity-important/ Grout, H. (2019). Archiving critically: exploring the communication of cultural biases. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal. Sue, D., Sue, D., Neville, H., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Tanaka, J. (2019). Culture and Psychotherapy. Wiley Online Library.