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Running Head: Final Project
Final Project
Final Project
Sandy Pennington
Southern New Hampshire University
Final Project
The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is a “member” of
the autonomic nervous system, which also comprise the
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and the Sympathetic Nervous
System (ENS). Occasionally referred to as the rest and digest
system, PSNS is critical in conserving energy because it slows
down the heart rate, upsurges intestinal and gland activity, and
relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the
importance of this system, understanding its components and
mechanism is key to psychologists, biologists, and other related
specialists. There is plenty of work about it already.
Nonetheless, there are still a couple of gaps of knowledge about
several of its elements, contrivances, processes. The current
study seeks to bridge some of these gaps covered in the research
questions sections below.
Research Questions
What happens during lover’s touch, cuddling and massage in the
Parasympathetic Nervous System.
Is there any relationship between the acts of touching, hugging,
cuddling, and massage and good health?
What is positive about the parasympathetic nervous system
being activated?
Literature Review
The Parasympathetic Nervous System and the lover’s touch and
its associated mechanisms are not new concepts in research.
Numerous scholars, theorists, and researcher have already
contemplated about them but particularly separately. Pichon and
Chapelot (2010) explored the homeostatic significance of the
parasympathetic nervous system in the behavior of people. The
researchers theorized and confirmed that the respiratory sinus
arrhythmia (RSA) reflects organisms’ capacities to assimilate
metabolic and behavioral demands, thereby improving its
homeostasis adeptness. Lover’s touch, touch through cuddling,
and touch through massage all trigger some human behavior. In
this study, the work of Pichon and Chapelot (2010) will be
helpful in establishing how PSNS facilitates the integration of
human behaviors associated with the touches.
Hurley (2018), on the other hand examined the activation
mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. According
to the author, the PSNS decreases anxiety and stress. Hurley
(2018) also explored how the mechanism mitigates and controls
these mental defects and also discussed some of the ways of
activating PSNS, which include by touching the lips gently,
being mindful (avoiding multitasking), and by using
visualization. In this research, this work will help to establish
knowledge on happens when the parasympathetic nervous
system is activated.
Elsewhere, Penn Medicine (2018) had a look at the health effect
of cuddling, snuggling, holding hands, touching, kissing, and
hugging and established that they produce more than just
magical moments as they can essentially enhance overall health.
The report found that science shows that these touches help
people to lose weight, lower blood pressure, and fight off
sickness just to mention a few. Another study Zur and
Nordmarken (2018) also established a link between these
touching activities and good health. Zur and Nordmarken (2018)
concluded that touch is a piece of the most indispensable
elements of human development, a thoughtful mechanism of
communication, and a critical cog of the health, growth and
development of newborns, and a powerful healing force. In the
present study, these resources will be essential in constructing
the knowledge of how the acts of touching; hugging, cuddling,
and massage promote good health.
Lover’s Touch
When a lover’s touch occurs, the reproductive organs receive
parasympathetic innervation from the spinal cord. The sacral
parasympathetic pathway then sends these signals to the target
organs via the pelvic nerve. This leads to the activation of the
postganglionic neurons in the target parasympathetic ganglia,
which subsequently leads to the dilation of penile and clitoral
arteries. The corresponding smooth muscles of the cavernous
sinusoid relax which lead to expansion of sinusoidal spaces
(Purves, Augustine, Fitzpatrick, et al., 2001). As a result of
this, blood in the aforementioned tissue is increased which in-
turn leads to a drastic rise in pressure and expansion of the
cavernous spaces thus achieving arousal. The parasympathetic
nervous system also raises the heart rate and excites the brain.
Touch through cuddling
During cuddling, the physical touch works to activate pressure
receptors within the body. Immediately, signals are sent to the
vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is an important element in the
parasympathetic nervous system (Zur & Nordmarken, 2018). It
acts as a safety valve when the body or brain is suddenly
overexcited or put under heightened stress. When cuddling, the
vagus nerve relaxes and the feeling is carried all along the body
according to Penn Medicine (2018). Because of the nerve
relaxing, blood pressure drops and one feels calm and secure.
Touch through massage
Many a times, stressful situations affect individuals. During the
stressful period, stress hormones are released resulting in
physiological changes such as increased heart rate, quickening
in breathing, muscle tension and sweating. Knowing how to use
the parasympathetic nervous system to control anxiety and
stress promotes long lasting sobriety by reducing the urge to
turn to addictive substances (Diego & Field, 2009). When the
parasympathetic nervous system is activated, changes in the
body occur rapidly. Once the parasympathetic nervous system is
activated to decrease activity, calmness and relaxation is
achieved. Through massage, the parasympathetic nervous
system works to reduce the body’s blood pressure and the heart
rate. Massage stimulates the sensory and proprioceptive nerve
fibers of the skin and underlying tissues (Diego & Field, 2009).
Through the PNS, the stimulus is dispersed to the target body
part. This achieves a soothing effect that enhances relaxation.
Massage often causes the skin and muscles to dilate through
receptor stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
What happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is
As one progresses in recovery, worry and anxiety tend to creep
in. issues like deadlines and family concerns occasionally
induce stress. When the stress hormone is released
physiological changes occur. Lanese (2019) avers that these
responses are called fight or flight responses. The responses
occur when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated.
Stress contributes to high blood pressure and anxiety. The
parasympathetic nervous system works to relax and slow down
the body’s response (Hurley, 2018). It counter-acts the effects
of the sympathetic nervous system. The activation of the
sympathetic nervous system causes rapid changes to the body.
The brain continually releases corticotrophin and
adrenocorticotropic hormones that keep the body on high alert
until it perceived that the danger is over (Lanese, 2019). When
the threat is deemed over, the hormone levels decline and the
parasympathetic system works to inhibit the stress response by
slowing down high energy activities within the body as writes
Hurley (2018). When the parasympathetic system is activated, it
enhances relaxation to the mind and body.
What benefits do we get?
There are several benefits that can be derived from
parasympathetic nervous system when activated. They include
improving self-esteem and reducing stress and anxiety.
Improving self-esteem occurs when the hormones are released
and they calm the body, therefore, the body is able to sense
security and safety (Zur & Nordmarken, (2018). Studies have
been able to show that lovers who often cuddle and hug each
other tend to have high self-esteem (Penn Medicine, 2018).
Reduced stress and anxiety, on the other hand occur when one is
hugged or cuddle to feel better. The brain will naturally produce
dopamine, which relaxes the body. Naturally, the activation of
the parasympathetic nervous system leads to the secretion of
Dopamine and Oxytocin, which reduces cortisol’s levels that are
accountable for stress and anxiety.
Above all, the parasympathetic nervous system’s activation
contributes positively to health. The mechanism triggers the
secretion of vital hormones, which improve people’s mental and
physical states. A good example of health benefit would include
better heart health and increased immunity (Penn Medicine,
2018). Studies have found that people with ineffective
parasympathetic nervous system struggle to cope in certain
stressful situations. Additionally, they tend to have problems
with their self-esteem. The mechanism is also a natural therapy
for high blood pressure and mood disorders (Pichon and
Chapelot, 2010). Therefore, activities such as cuddling,
massages, and touching of are crucial for human health.
Research Questions
The parasympathetic nervous system has been observed to have
a long-term effect on the health of individuals. Given the
stupendous structure of the human nervous system, it is
necessary to understand how the parasympathetic nervous
system affects health and what roles it plays in neuroscience
and psychobiology. The primary research questions for this
study to help in comprehending the essential roles of the system
How does the parasympathetic nervous system get activated?
What happens when the parasympathetic nervous system gets
What are the health benefits of activation of the
parasympathetic nervous system?
How does the parasympathetic nervous system affect human
Parasympathetic nervous system and the field of Psychology
The nervous system has immense impacts on human behavior
since it influences the ability to express emotions, learn, and
utilize energy under different situations. A closer breakdown of
the systemic parts of the nervous system reveals that its two
major subdivisions are the central nervous system and the
peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system
contains another two subdivisions that are seen to actively
control the voluntary and involuntary actions of the human
The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous
system are considered the main divisions that influence human
psychology. The somatic nervous system is involved in control
of voluntary actions that are processed through motor neurons
and sensory neurons. The autonomic nervous system controls
involuntary functions that prepare the body for stress-related
activities (Thayer, 2017). It is within the autonomic nervous
system that the parasympathetic nervous system is classified as
a division, which controls use of metabolic energy during
The parasympathetic nervous system is referred to as the
rest and digests system because it serves to increase intestinal
and gland activity, while slowing down the heart rate to induce
calmness. As human beings grow older, the parasympathetic
nervous system undergoes maturation by learning to induce the
correct behavior in varying environments. In order to perform
correct behavior, the parasympathetic nervous system develops
innate desires that are regulated by hormonal secretion and
gland relaxation. Therefore, the thought-processes of a person
are regulated by these shifts in the parasympathetic nervous
system to act accordingly in a given surrounding.
A proper understanding of the parasympathetic nervous
system should have medical implications on the field of
psychology by modulating several levels of psychobiological
foundation. Human beings can benefit from medical
interventions that invoke a parasympathetic nervous system
response to lower levels of blood pressure and mental stress.
Drawing evidence from previous researches on ways to activate
the parasympathetic nervous system, the approach can be
applied to resolve metabolic complications facing individuals.
Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system will largely
be used to ensure the human body functions under relaxed
Synthesis with previous scholarly research
The autonomic nervous system applies heart rate variability to
shift between sympathetic and parasympathetic activation.
According to Hatch et al., (2019), the autonomic nervous system
regulates cardiovascular homeostasis and can be used to change
electrochemical conduction as well as vascular tone. It is
critical for the heart rate variability to be greatly regulated so
that individuals remain responsive to physiological changes in
the best way that facilitates normal functioning (Thayer, 2017).
As one engages in activities that lead to activation of
parasympathetic nervous system, they enhance their heart rate
variability to avoid health altercations such as major depressive
disorder and cardiovascular disorders.
The parasympathetic nervous system has a cranial division
that supplies nerves to the lacrimal glands, salivary glands,
sexual organs, urinary bladder, upper and lower gastrointestinal
tract (Mathias & Bannister, 2013). All these areas are modified
by parasympathetic activation that shifts their hyper-reaction to
physiological changes back to the body’s normal functioning.
The nervous system requires the parasympathetic activation to
diminish the power of psychological defenses and neutralize
hyperactivity caused by fear and traumatic events. In this way,
parasympathetic activation can be used to induce normal
behavior in times when human actions are dominated by fear-
based emotional reactivity.
As one progresses in recovery, worry and anxiety tend to creep
in. The environment, such as deadlines, family issues, may at
times induce stress. When the stress hormone is released
physiological changes occur. These responses are better known
as fight or flight responses. We will look into this response
when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. The
response is meant to be a survival tactic that allows mammals to
react fast to a situation that was threatening.
Unfortunately, the same response to non-life threatening
stressors that trigger high anxiety levels receive the same fight
or flight responses from the human body. Stress contributes to
high blood pressure and anxiety. The parasympathetic nervous
system works to relax and slow down the body’s response. It
counter-acts the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The
sympathetic nervous system once activated has rapid changes to
the body. The brain continually releases corticotropin and
adrenocorticotropic hormones that keep the body on high alert
until it perceived that the danger is over (Colonnello &
Heinrichs, 2016).
When the threat is deemed over, the hormone levels decline and
the parasympathetic system works to inhibit the stress response
by slowing down high energy activities within the body. When
the parasympathetic system is activated, it enhances relaxation
to the mind and body. Activation of the parasympathetic system
can be learnt. When achieved, individuals’ moods are lifted, the
immune system is strengthened and blood pressure lowers to a
normal rate. Some of the techniques that can be used can be;
getting a massage, spending time in nature, meditation,
exercise, hobbies, among numerous others.
The parasympathetic activation can help individuals to
treat neurological and psychiatric diseases. Neurological and
psychiatric conditions are extremely costly to treat due to the
burdensome nature of the medical conditions (Hatch et al.,
2019). Furthermore, individuals face non-life threatening
impulses in their daily routines that receive potentially
confounding responses. According to pharmacological
treatments of the neurological and psychiatric medical
conditions associated with the nervous system there are several
side-effects that necessitate the alternative treatment offered by
parasympathetic activation.
Pharmaceutical treatment of autonomic nervous system
anomalies has been observed to cause inflammation, metabolic
dysfunction, oxidative stress, and hypothalamic pituitary-
adrenaline dysfunction. It is high time that neuroscientists and
psychiatrists acknowledge the role of moderate parasympathetic
activation. Diego & Field (2009) state that moderate to light
pressure on an individual during a massage provides far
reaching benefits to an individual that may be suffering from
stress-related disorders. The increased release of stress
hormones due to the hyper-activation of the sympathetic
nervous system can be regulated by parasympathetic activation
which is achieved through activities that lower the heart rate
variability to induce a state of calm.
Further evidence points to the close relationship between
the autonomic nervous system and obesity, which has become
an increasing global concern. Parasympathetic activation is
involved in regulation of metabolic energy and cardiovascular
variability to eliminate hypertension. Scientific evidence shows
that excess weight among obese people inhibits ANS regulation
that results in metabolic alterations that are also visible in
patients with cardiovascular disorders (Guarino et al, 2017).
Given the need for regulation of sympathetic nervous system,
vagal nerve modulation achieved through deep to moderate
massages, can be viewed as therapeutic targets for improving
cardiovascular variability.
Sympathetic activation is a necessary process for human
survival that should operate along with parasympathetic
activation. Health concerns arise when hyper-activity of the
sympathetic nervous system lead to the overproduction of stress
hormones that have the potential to generate symptoms of
depression and cardiovascular dysfunction. It becomes
extremely important to understand ways of inducing
parasympathetic activation as a reverse mechanism of
hypertension (Colonnello & Heinrichs, 2016). Neurological and
psychiatric conditions affected by the autonomic nervous
system’s regulation can be modulated through parasympathetic
activation. The potential of using parasympathetic activation as
an alternative treatment approach is so great that it has
substantial implications for people suffering from obesity.
It is crucial for people to understand the brain’s
subdivisions that are involved in self-regulation and control of
normal routines. In recent years, neuroscientists have begun to
appreciate the awareness of neurotransmitter influence on body
functions. The parasympathetic nervous system provides one of
the essential subdivisions of the brain that has promising yields
in psychiatric and neuroscience treatments. In conclusion, the
parasympathetic nervous system has long-term health effects
because its activation triggers the release of important
The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is a “member” of
the autonomic nervous system, which also comprises the
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and the Sympathetic Nervous
System (ENS). Occasionally referred to as the rest and digest
system, PSNS is critical in conserving energy because it slows
down the heart rate, upsurges intestinal and gland activity, and
relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. Above
all, recent evidence establishes a strong bond between PSNS
and behavior; hence, psychology. Given the importance of this
system, specialists have safely argued that its activation is
healthy and positive for humans. In this connection, this study
seeks to assess the implication of touch on the Parasympathetic
Nervous System from a biological point of view and establish
how the system is a subject in the field of psychology.
Problem Statement
Understanding the components and mechanism of the
Parasympathetic Nervous System is key to psychologists,
biologists, and other related specialists. There is plenty of work
about it already. Nonetheless, there are still a couple of gaps of
knowledge about several of its elements, contrivances, and
processes. The effect of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage
are mainly loosely addressed subjects. The majority of the
existing studies, while they investigate the link between touch
and PSNS, for example, they do not specify whether the two are
associated along positive or negative lines. Others are broad and
complex; hence, throwing the confidentiality and reliability of
their findings into big questions. Thus, there is a necessity for
specific and straightforward information regarding the effect of
a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage on PSNS. The current
study seeks to bridge some of these gaps. The primary purpose
of this research study is to determine and display the effect of
activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
Research Questions
What happens during lover’s touch, cuddling and massage in the
Parasympathetic Nervous System.
Is there any relationship between the acts of touching, hugging,
cuddling, and massage and good health?
What is positive about the parasympathetic nervous system
being activated?
The study anticipates achieving the following:
To provide a comprehensive review of all processes and
outcomes that take place in the Parasympathetic Nervous
System during lover’s touch, cuddling, and massage.
To establish the relationship between the acts of touching,
hugging, cuddling, and massage, and good health
To assess and document the importance of activating the
parasympathetic nervous system being
Literature Review
The Parasympathetic Nervous System and the lover’s touch and
its associated mechanisms are not new concepts in research.
Numerous scholars, theorists, and researcher have already
contemplated about them but mainly separately. Pichon and
Chapelot (2010) explored the homeostatic significance of the
parasympathetic nervous system in the behavior of people. The
researchers theorized and confirmed that the respiratory sinus
arrhythmia (RSA) reflects organisms' capacities to assimilate
metabolic and behavioral demands, thereby improving its
homeostasis adeptness. Lover's touch, touch through cuddling
and touch through massage all trigger some human behavior. In
this study, the work of Pichon and Chapelot (2010) will help in
establishing how PSNS facilitates the integration of human
behaviors associated with the touches.
Hurley (2018), on the other hand, examined the activation
mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. According
to the author, the PSNS decreases anxiety and stress. Hurley
(2018) also explored howthe mechanism mitigates and controls
these mental defects and also discussed some of the ways of
activating PSNS, which include by touching the lips gently,
being mindful (avoiding multitasking), and by using
visualization. In this research, this work will help to establish
knowledge on happens when the parasympathetic nervous
system is activated.
Elsewhere, Penn Medicine (2018) had a look at the health effect
of cuddling, snuggling, holding hands, touching, kissing, and
hugging and established that they produce more than just
magical moments as they can substantially enhance overall
health. The report found that science shows that these touches
help people to lose weight, lower blood pressure, and fight off
sickness, only to mention a few. Another study, Zur and
Nordmarken (2018) also established a link between these
touching activities and good health. Zur and Nordmarken (2018)
concluded that touch is a piece of the most indispensable
elements of human development, a thoughtful mechanism of
communication, and a critical cog of the health, growth, and
development of newborns, and a powerful healing force. In the
present study, these resources will be essential in constructing
the knowledge of how the acts of touching; hugging, cuddling,
and massage promote good health.
Experimental research method and participant observation
methods will be the primary study designs of this research.
Experimental research design is a quantitative method of data
collection, while participant observation is a qualitative
methodology. Thus, the study will employ both the qualitative
and quantitative techniques in data collection. The experimental
design is appropriate for this study because of the level of
accuracy, confidentiality, and reliability involved. Diego and
Field (2009) argue that the design is essential in ensuring that
the right type of data and a sufficient sample size and power are
available to answer the research questions of interest as clearly
and efficiently as possible. The design’s past applications also
supports its choice for such studies. According to Bordens and
Abbott (2018), the model has been previously applied to analyze
primary dependent variables that influence the autonomic
nervous system to a success. The variables to be measured using
the experimental study design include; heart rate variability,
sympathetic skin response, and levels of serum cortisol, as well
as norepinephrine. Study-participants, including the researcher,
will undergo relaxation activities during the experiment as
observation and self-reports are used as the primary data
collection techniques. Contrarily, the participant observation
design is chosen for the sake of the quality of the qualitative
data to be collected. According to Morse (2030), participant
observation facilitates a better understanding of subjects by
researchers because the researchers are also participants. Thus,
the participant observation method is applicable because it will
provide the researchers with a first-hand experience of the
relaxation effect associated with parasympathetic activation
(Diego & Field, 2009). In this connection, the method will offer
real-time information that is factual and free from errors or
skewed by environmental influencers.
However, the study will be heavily dependent on the
experimental study design. Its role in the research will be to
facilitate the collection of data that displays the physical
responses of stressed participants when passed through relaxing
activities. The relaxing activities selected for this study are the
use of massage and heat therapy applied over a controlled
period, such as five days a week for two weeks. The baseline
serum cortisol and plasma norepinephrine will be monitored
over the time of the experimental study design (Lee et al.,
2011). The fluctuations in the levels of these primary variables
associated with activation of the parasympathetic nervous
system are collected for analysis using self-reports and health
monitors. Another substantiation of the experimental study
design for this study is that the tests and procedures are carried
out over a long period requiring longitudinal observation. The
environment for carrying out this study will have to be
controlled to obtain error-free results. The experimental study
design is reliable because the researcher can observe any
additional variables that may influence the research.
Additionally, primary data is collected through the use of these
data collection tools.
Both informed consent and the Institution Review Board will be
the study’s primary participant selection criteria. Because the
project involves human subjects, it will be sent for a review by
IRB, after informed consent will be used to recruit the required
number of participants. After IRB’s approval of the study, all
details of the experiment will be unveiled to prospective
participants, including all the risks involved where the
volunteers will be considered (Morse, 2030). In this sense,
quota sampling will be used for population selection. The
researchers will look for volunteers to raise a given quota of the
categories of the participants required. For example, they will
require ten men and ten women who should include five adults
and five children.
For data analysis, the study will go with Excel and SPSS for
analyzing quantitative data because of its familiarity. First, all
the collected data will be recorded in an Excel sheet using the
right tabular form. The data will then be imported into the SPSS
software, where it will be assigned specific commands. The
results will then be retrieved in the form of graphs and charts,
which will be analyzed to postulate conclusions based on the
analysis. Qualitative analysis will be used for the qualitative
data (Mitchell, Jolley, & Alumni and Friends Memorial Book
Fund, 2013). The primary rationale is that participant
observation deals with small and focused samples as opposed to
large samples that quantitative analysis uses, which is
appropriate for qualitative analysis. Using this method, data
will be classified into patterns where it will be analyzed to
conclude results. The dissemination methods of the results of
the study to the relevant stakeholders, users, and interested
parties will include sharing them on social media and
organizations’ websites. Publishing the results in newspapers
and magazines is also a viable option considering the limited
resources at the disposal of the project.
Understanding the components and mechanism of the
Parasympathetic Nervous System is key to psychologists,
biologists, and other related specialists. Most so, how and what
activates this system and the effects of this activation requires
proper understanding, this is where this study comes in. Touch
is one of the factors that activate the Parasympathetic Nervous
System. The proposed study seeks to explore how different
touches (lover’s touch, cuddling, and massage) activate the
PSNS. Through this, the research would be able to establish the
relationship between the touches, the touches and the PSNS, and
the importance of activating the system.
The study is important because there is a currently a gap of
knowledge regarding in this field. There is plenty of work about
it already. Nonetheless, there are still a missing link of
information regarding several of its elements, contrivances, and
processes. The effect of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage
are mainly loosely addressed subjects. The majority of the
existing studies, while they investigate the link between touch
and the PSNS, for example, they do not specify whether the two
are associated along positive or negative lines. Others are broad
and complex; hence, throwing the confidentiality and reliability
of their findings into big questions. Thus, there is a necessity
for specific and straightforward information regarding the effect
of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage on PSNS. The current
study would bridge some of these gaps. The study would
primarily determine and display the effect of activating the
parasympathetic nervous system.
The findings of the study would realize positive implications
regarding the PSNS. First, it would facilitate a full
understanding of how lover’s touch, hugging, cuddling, and
massage activates the PSNS. Then there would come the
derivation of knowledge, both primary and secondary regarding
the effect of this activation. In this way, the study would
facilitate the clarification of the link between the PSNS and
psychology. All the touches to be investigated and behavioral.
On the other hand, psychology is one of the modern fields that
studies behavior. The specific branch is called behavioral
psychology. Thus, lover’s touch, hugging, massage, and
cuddling are subjects of study under behavioral psychology. As
such, by investigating their link with the PSNS, the outcome of
the study would as well aid in the recognition, understanding,
and appreciation of the association between the PSNS and the
field of behavioral psychology. Practically, the study will
facilitate this field by deriving knowledge regarding some of the
factors that activates the PSNS. There will also be knowledge
regarding the importance of the activation of the PSNS. One of
the implication of the study to the target audience is that I
would make them increase the activation of the PSNS or reduce
it by engaging in cuddling, hugging, and massage if need be or
avoiding them. The decision to increase or reduce would depend
on the outcome of the study. That is, if the study will find out
that the activation of the PSNS is beneficial or not. Given all
this weight, clearly, this study is important and hence worth
Bordens, K. S., & Abbott, B. B. (2018). Research design and
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Colonnello, V., & Heinrichs, M. (2016). Oxytocin and self-
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Diego M. A, Field T, (2009). Moderate pressure massage elicits
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the parasympathetic nervous system in human behaviour. New
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Lanese, N. (2019). Fight or Flight: The Sympathetic Nervous
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Yonsei medical journal, 52(6), 982-989.
Mathias, C. J., & Bannister, R. (Eds.). (2013). Autonomic
failure: a textbook of clinical disorders of the autonomic
nervous system. OUP Oxford.
Maxwell, j. O. S. E. P. H. A. (2020). Qualitative research
design: An interactive approach. S.l.: Sage Publications.
Mitchell, M. L., Jolley, J. M., & Alumni and Friends Memorial
Book Fund. (2013). Research Design Explained. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Morse, J. A. N. I. C. E. M. (2030). Mixed-Method Design:
Principles and procedures. Place of publication not identified:
Penn Medicine (2018). Can You Kiss and Hug Your Way to
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Thayer, J. F. (January 01, 2017). A Neurovisceral Integration
Model of Heart Rate Variability. Encyclopedia article.
Zur, O. & Nordmarken, N. (2018). To touch or not to touch:
Exploring the myth of prohibition on touch in psychotherapy
and counselling: Clinical, ethical & legal considerations.
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PSY 790 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
As the final step in your journey toward your master of science
degree in psychology, you will complete a capstone project that
integrates the knowledge and
skills you have developed in previous coursework and over the
duration of the term by creating a research concept paper and
professional presentation that will
be developed for an identified target audience. You will also
reflect on your journey through the psychology program and
how you plan to position yourself
professionally. The capstone project is divided into three
milestones, which will be submitted at various points
throughout the course to scaffold to the final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
Two, Four, and Six. The final capstone project will be
submitted in Module Nine.
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other
courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are three
separate components of the project, but
they all operate together to make up the whole capstone
experience and are not assessed separately. You will be
evaluated on all three components as a unit in
determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each
outcome. Your instructor will guide you through this process,
keeping a running narrative of
your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the course
outcomes as you progress through the class. Your work is
expected to meet the highest professional
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
in promoting agency and the psychological well-being of
individuals, communities, and
-structured problems by
critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness
of various information and
potential courses of action
onduct, and evaluate research through the lens of its
potential to advance knowledge in psychology as well as the
psychological well-being of
individuals, communities, and organizations
generate new knowledge and promote agency and the
psychological well-being of individuals,
communities, and organizations
collaboration and diversity of perspectives into efforts to
promote agency and the psychological
well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
psychology through the demonstration of ethical comportment
in all aspects of the profession
For the capstone project, you will first develop a research
concept paper that introduces your topic, research question,
literature review, research methodology,
and ethical considerations. You will also submit a presentation
that should be developed for your identified target audience, as
well as a personal and
professional reflection.
Capstone Component 1: Research Proposal
For the first of three capstone components, you will develop a
well-organized research concept paper that lays the foundation
for a solid plan to implement
research. First, you must choose a relevant problem that aligns
with your focus within the field of psychology and with how
you plan to position yourself
professionally. You can choose a problem that has a gap in our
understanding and then provide an explanation of psychological
phenomena and variables. Or you
can choose an applied problem that directly involves the
psychological well-being of individuals, communities, or
The following sections should be included:
1. Introduction/Problem. This should describe the problem
(which may be a research problem or an applied problem), the
purpose of the research, and
the significance of the research. If your research topic is related
to a gap in knowledge, you should clarify what is known and
where the conflict or gap in
knowledge exists. If you choose an applied problem, identify
the issue to be addressed and include an accurate and detailed
overview of the issue. In
general, include all information that you think is necessary to
establish a comprehensive analysis and foundation for
understanding your chosen research
topic, including a theoretical framework or the theory that is
guiding your proposal.
This section should address your research question(s). Consider
the following questions: What is the purpose of the proposed
research? How does the
purpose reasonably fit within the research problem? Further,
what are the assumptions and potential limitations associated
with the identified problem
or gap in knowledge or applied problem?
This section should also discuss your target audience, such as
academics, mental health professionals, organizations, and so
on. (This may be a broad
audience for research that is oriented toward contributing to
theory or a specific organization or community for research that
is focused on addressing
applied problems and interventions.) Discuss your target
audience in relation to this proposal and why your research
would be relevant for this
audience. For example, in what way would your research help
address how we understand a phenomenon or help an
organization address a critical
Your target audience will depend on your area of study. For
example, for students on a general track in this degree program,
your research concept
paper might center on researching a general issue in the area of
psychology. If you have a concentration in child and
developmental psychology, your
proposed research must focus on a specific psychological need
or issue surrounding children, adolescents, and/or teens. If you
have a concentration in
industrial and organizational psychology, your proposed
research must focus on factors contributing to the advancement
of an organization’s
performance through application of psychology.
2. Literature Review. This section is an analysis of the scholarly
debate on the theory and research related to your research
question. The literature review
should not be a collection of summaries. Rather, it should be
organized according to the message you want to convey and
appropriately synthesize the
literature into your message. This suggests that you will draw
from multiple sources in order to best communicate your points.
Organize your review so
that it provides a logical argument for the background of your
proposed research and how your research fits into the big
3. Research Design. This should include a detailed plan to
collect and analyze data, as well as highlight the types of
sources you would use. You may choose
a qualitative or quantitative approach. However, your choice of
method, design, sampling, data collection, analysis, and overall
process should be
justified and logically fit with your research question(s).
Proposals that involve implementation of interventions will
have a program evaluation
component that must include research design.
This section will also require you to discuss the reliability and
validity of your measurements. Finally, you should consider
how you will operationalize or
measure the main concepts/variables you are researching and
include a description of your data sources.
4. Ethical Considerations. This should include a thorough
explanation of the ethical considerations related to the topic and
to your proposed study. Your
explanation should address the ethical ramifications of the
problem, the population under study, the data-collection
instruments and their analysis, and
so on. This section should incorporate peer-reviewed literature
as well as relevant codes of conduct (i.e., the American
Psychological Association).
5. Conclusion. In this final section of the text, you will
summarize your study and explain why your proposed research
is significant, highlighting the
practical implications of your potential findings for your target
audience(s). This section should also include an analysis of
your research’s potential
contribution to the field of psychology.
Guidelines for Submission: Your research concept paper should
be 15–20 pages long and should follow American Psychological
Association (APA) style. It should
include a title page, a table of contents, references, and (if
applicable) appendices. In the “real world,” there are usually no
page-length requirements, so the
given page range is a suggestion, and you should use your
professional judgment regarding the length of your paper. You
may include illustrations, photographs,
graphs, charts, and other non-textual materials as needed to
support your research concept, but please be sure to format all
of these in APA style. Refer to the
module resources and the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, sixth edition (required in previous
courses) for guidance in APA style
Capstone Component 2: Presentation
For this component, you will develop a presentation that
articulates a convincing need for the proposal you have
developed. The presentation should be
engaging and appealing to your target audience(s). You should
envision yourself giving this presentation before your target
audience(s). This could be, for
example, a boss, fellow scholars at a conference, or a grant
This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of
the problem you have identified and the need to conduct
research or implement and evaluate an
intervention. Remember that you are seeking support of the
proposal, so knowing your audience and tailoring your message
to them is crucial.
Since you will not actually deliver this presentation in person,
you must create a self-sustaining presentation. A narrated
presentation is strongly suggested. The
presentation should adhere to the principles of an effective
presentation, and all of your sources should be cited properly.
There is no minimum or maximum
number of slides required. You should use your judgment to
create a presentation of appropriate length that will convey all
of the necessary information while
keeping the attention of your audience.
Capstone Component 3: Professional Reflection
For the final component of your capstone, you will write a
three- to five-page paper in which you discuss the process and
outcomes of this project, the
experience of giving and receiving feedback from peers, and
how you incorporated feedback from your instructor. You will
also touch briefly on how your
coursework culminated in the capstone project and what you can
take from this project into your workplace. This may include
discussions of unforeseen
problems or obstacles and any surprises. The paper should also
discuss your identified strengths and problems that you
encountered while completing the
project. Finally, the paper will examine how the capstone
project will be useful in the job market or in furthering your
Some of the issues that you could address in this final
component of this capstone may include:
own experience at SNHU.
academic program?
you apply what you have learned to your future
academic and/or professional life?
incorporation of empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for
collaboration and diversity of
Milestone One: Resource Collection
In Module Two, you will collect potential peer-reviewed
resources for your proposal. Summarize the literature in a three-
to five-page paper. Discuss how each
resource relates to your research questions or intervention you
have chosen. In this paper, you may summarize each article in
preparation for the synthesis you
will do as part of Milestone Two. This milestone will be graded
with the Milestone One Rubric. If you have any questions after
reading the feedback for this
submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your
instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the
Milestone Two: Literature Review
In Module Four, you will provide a five- to seven-page paper
integrating your review of the existing research and theory and
tying it to your fully developed
topic. You should have incorporated feedback to revise your
research questions and support for the basic or applied study.
This literature review should focus on
relating the existing theory and research to your project. The
literature review is not just a summary of research articles. This
milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Two Rubric. If you have any questions after reading
the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor.
Remember that your instructor is a
resource you should utilize throughout the course.
Milestone Three: Methodology, Design, and Data
In Module Six, you will revise your chosen methodology,
design, and data-collection tools as needed. Also, define the
process from the selection of participants
(and stakeholders as applicable) through data collection to data
analysis, including any limitations, delimiters, and assumptions.
Include all ethical
considerations. Paint a picture of the entire process to show how
you will conduct the study. This milestone will be graded with
the Milestone Three Rubric. If
you have any questions after reading the feedback for this
submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your
instructor is a resource you should
utilize throughout the course.
Capstone Project Submission: Research Proposal, Presentation,
and Professional Reflection
In Module Nine, you will submit your full capstone project. It
should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the
critical elements of the final product. It
should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout
the course. This submission will be evaluated with the Final
Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
This rubric will be applied to all three components as a whole,
and no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible
Indicators of Success” are examples
for you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to
demonstrate proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor
proscriptive and should be used as
guides for illustrating how your capstone embodies the
outcome. All outcomes are weighted equally.
PSY-790-01: Advocate for and extend psychology’s role and
responsibility in promoting agency and the psychological well-
being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
relevant issues within his or her area of specialization?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to
effectively communicate a need or gap related to well-being?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to
persuasively connect possible solutions to the well-being of
individuals, communities, and organizations?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
the implications of a specific issue in relation to the
psychological well-being of individuals,
communities, and organizations or of a gap in our understanding
of psychological phenomena?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
key stakeholders and/or users from relevant individuals,
communities, and organizations?
PSY-790-02: Adapt to shifting demands and ill-structured
problems by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and
appropriateness of various information and potential courses of
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to
persuasively argue for addressing a specific problem or gap in
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to select
relevant and appropriate resources to guide efforts in addressing
a specific problem or gap?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically
assess and evaluate the extent to which the potential data are
valid and reliable?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
limitations, assumptions, and biases associated with the
identified problem or gap in knowledge?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to
persuasively argue for addressing a specific problem or gap in
PSY-790-03: Design, conduct, and evaluate research through
the lens of its potential to advance knowledge in psychology as
well as the psychological well-being of individuals,
communities, and organizations
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to develop
informed research questions that have direct applications for
promoting the psychological well-
being of individuals, communities, or organizations?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate
and synthesize existing research for the purpose of advancing
knowledge in psychology?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
limitations, assumptions, and ethical considerations in existing
research and the impact of that on
the student’s project?
PSY-790-04: Integrate psychological theories, methods, and
research to generate new knowledge and promote agency and
the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess an
issue or gap in knowledge by critically evaluating the relevance,
priority, and appropriateness of
various explanations, related information, and possible courses
of action?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
and integrate relevant theories to generate new knowledge or
promote agency and psychological
well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to select
appropriate research methods, designs, data-collection tools,
and data-analysis tools?
PSY-790-05: Incorporate empathy, reflectivity, and an
appreciation for collaboration and diversity of perspectives into
to promote agency and the psychological well-being of
individuals, communities, and organizations
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to offer a
perspective to others in a manner that demonstrates empathy
and appreciation for others’ views?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically
reflect on and integrate the work of others (including instructor
and peer feedback and published
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to
incorporate diverse perspectives?
PSY-790-06: Protect the integrity and professional
responsibility of psychology through the demonstration of
comportment in all aspects of the profession
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess
research plans for their ethical ramifications and make resulting
adjustments that maintain the
integrity of the investigation and protect the psychological well-
being of others?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
ethical ramifications and needs in others’ work?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to connect
ethical adjustments and mitigation efforts with appropriate
ethical guidelines?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
the ethical considerations associated with the individuals,
communities, and organizations most
likely to be affected by the identified gap or problem?

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  • 1. Running Head: Final Project Final Project Final Project Sandy Pennington Southern New Hampshire University Final Project Introduction The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is a “member” of the autonomic nervous system, which also comprise the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and the Sympathetic Nervous System (ENS). Occasionally referred to as the rest and digest system, PSNS is critical in conserving energy because it slows down the heart rate, upsurges intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the importance of this system, understanding its components and mechanism is key to psychologists, biologists, and other related specialists. There is plenty of work about it already. Nonetheless, there are still a couple of gaps of knowledge about several of its elements, contrivances, processes. The current study seeks to bridge some of these gaps covered in the research questions sections below. Research Questions What happens during lover’s touch, cuddling and massage in the
  • 2. Parasympathetic Nervous System. Is there any relationship between the acts of touching, hugging, cuddling, and massage and good health? What is positive about the parasympathetic nervous system being activated? Literature Review The Parasympathetic Nervous System and the lover’s touch and its associated mechanisms are not new concepts in research. Numerous scholars, theorists, and researcher have already contemplated about them but particularly separately. Pichon and Chapelot (2010) explored the homeostatic significance of the parasympathetic nervous system in the behavior of people. The researchers theorized and confirmed that the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) reflects organisms’ capacities to assimilate metabolic and behavioral demands, thereby improving its homeostasis adeptness. Lover’s touch, touch through cuddling, and touch through massage all trigger some human behavior. In this study, the work of Pichon and Chapelot (2010) will be helpful in establishing how PSNS facilitates the integration of human behaviors associated with the touches. Hurley (2018), on the other hand examined the activation mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. According to the author, the PSNS decreases anxiety and stress. Hurley (2018) also explored how the mechanism mitigates and controls these mental defects and also discussed some of the ways of activating PSNS, which include by touching the lips gently, being mindful (avoiding multitasking), and by using visualization. In this research, this work will help to establish knowledge on happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. Elsewhere, Penn Medicine (2018) had a look at the health effect of cuddling, snuggling, holding hands, touching, kissing, and hugging and established that they produce more than just magical moments as they can essentially enhance overall health. The report found that science shows that these touches help people to lose weight, lower blood pressure, and fight off
  • 3. sickness just to mention a few. Another study Zur and Nordmarken (2018) also established a link between these touching activities and good health. Zur and Nordmarken (2018) concluded that touch is a piece of the most indispensable elements of human development, a thoughtful mechanism of communication, and a critical cog of the health, growth and development of newborns, and a powerful healing force. In the present study, these resources will be essential in constructing the knowledge of how the acts of touching; hugging, cuddling, and massage promote good health. Lover’s Touch When a lover’s touch occurs, the reproductive organs receive parasympathetic innervation from the spinal cord. The sacral parasympathetic pathway then sends these signals to the target organs via the pelvic nerve. This leads to the activation of the postganglionic neurons in the target parasympathetic ganglia, which subsequently leads to the dilation of penile and clitoral arteries. The corresponding smooth muscles of the cavernous sinusoid relax which lead to expansion of sinusoidal spaces (Purves, Augustine, Fitzpatrick, et al., 2001). As a result of this, blood in the aforementioned tissue is increased which in- turn leads to a drastic rise in pressure and expansion of the cavernous spaces thus achieving arousal. The parasympathetic nervous system also raises the heart rate and excites the brain. Touch through cuddling During cuddling, the physical touch works to activate pressure receptors within the body. Immediately, signals are sent to the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is an important element in the parasympathetic nervous system (Zur & Nordmarken, 2018). It acts as a safety valve when the body or brain is suddenly overexcited or put under heightened stress. When cuddling, the vagus nerve relaxes and the feeling is carried all along the body according to Penn Medicine (2018). Because of the nerve relaxing, blood pressure drops and one feels calm and secure. Touch through massage Many a times, stressful situations affect individuals. During the
  • 4. stressful period, stress hormones are released resulting in physiological changes such as increased heart rate, quickening in breathing, muscle tension and sweating. Knowing how to use the parasympathetic nervous system to control anxiety and stress promotes long lasting sobriety by reducing the urge to turn to addictive substances (Diego & Field, 2009). When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, changes in the body occur rapidly. Once the parasympathetic nervous system is activated to decrease activity, calmness and relaxation is achieved. Through massage, the parasympathetic nervous system works to reduce the body’s blood pressure and the heart rate. Massage stimulates the sensory and proprioceptive nerve fibers of the skin and underlying tissues (Diego & Field, 2009). Through the PNS, the stimulus is dispersed to the target body part. This achieves a soothing effect that enhances relaxation. Massage often causes the skin and muscles to dilate through receptor stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. What happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated? As one progresses in recovery, worry and anxiety tend to creep in. issues like deadlines and family concerns occasionally induce stress. When the stress hormone is released physiological changes occur. Lanese (2019) avers that these responses are called fight or flight responses. The responses occur when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. Stress contributes to high blood pressure and anxiety. The parasympathetic nervous system works to relax and slow down the body’s response (Hurley, 2018). It counter-acts the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes rapid changes to the body. The brain continually releases corticotrophin and adrenocorticotropic hormones that keep the body on high alert until it perceived that the danger is over (Lanese, 2019). When the threat is deemed over, the hormone levels decline and the parasympathetic system works to inhibit the stress response by slowing down high energy activities within the body as writes
  • 5. Hurley (2018). When the parasympathetic system is activated, it enhances relaxation to the mind and body. What benefits do we get? There are several benefits that can be derived from parasympathetic nervous system when activated. They include improving self-esteem and reducing stress and anxiety. Improving self-esteem occurs when the hormones are released and they calm the body, therefore, the body is able to sense security and safety (Zur & Nordmarken, (2018). Studies have been able to show that lovers who often cuddle and hug each other tend to have high self-esteem (Penn Medicine, 2018). Reduced stress and anxiety, on the other hand occur when one is hugged or cuddle to feel better. The brain will naturally produce dopamine, which relaxes the body. Naturally, the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system leads to the secretion of Dopamine and Oxytocin, which reduces cortisol’s levels that are accountable for stress and anxiety. Above all, the parasympathetic nervous system’s activation contributes positively to health. The mechanism triggers the secretion of vital hormones, which improve people’s mental and physical states. A good example of health benefit would include better heart health and increased immunity (Penn Medicine, 2018). Studies have found that people with ineffective parasympathetic nervous system struggle to cope in certain stressful situations. Additionally, they tend to have problems with their self-esteem. The mechanism is also a natural therapy for high blood pressure and mood disorders (Pichon and Chapelot, 2010). Therefore, activities such as cuddling, massages, and touching of are crucial for human health. Research Questions The parasympathetic nervous system has been observed to have a long-term effect on the health of individuals. Given the stupendous structure of the human nervous system, it is necessary to understand how the parasympathetic nervous system affects health and what roles it plays in neuroscience
  • 6. and psychobiology. The primary research questions for this study to help in comprehending the essential roles of the system include; How does the parasympathetic nervous system get activated? What happens when the parasympathetic nervous system gets activated? What are the health benefits of activation of the parasympathetic nervous system? How does the parasympathetic nervous system affect human psychology? Parasympathetic nervous system and the field of Psychology The nervous system has immense impacts on human behavior since it influences the ability to express emotions, learn, and utilize energy under different situations. A closer breakdown of the systemic parts of the nervous system reveals that its two major subdivisions are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system contains another two subdivisions that are seen to actively control the voluntary and involuntary actions of the human body. The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system are considered the main divisions that influence human psychology. The somatic nervous system is involved in control of voluntary actions that are processed through motor neurons and sensory neurons. The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary functions that prepare the body for stress-related activities (Thayer, 2017). It is within the autonomic nervous system that the parasympathetic nervous system is classified as a division, which controls use of metabolic energy during relaxation. The parasympathetic nervous system is referred to as the rest and digests system because it serves to increase intestinal and gland activity, while slowing down the heart rate to induce calmness. As human beings grow older, the parasympathetic nervous system undergoes maturation by learning to induce the correct behavior in varying environments. In order to perform
  • 7. correct behavior, the parasympathetic nervous system develops innate desires that are regulated by hormonal secretion and gland relaxation. Therefore, the thought-processes of a person are regulated by these shifts in the parasympathetic nervous system to act accordingly in a given surrounding. A proper understanding of the parasympathetic nervous system should have medical implications on the field of psychology by modulating several levels of psychobiological foundation. Human beings can benefit from medical interventions that invoke a parasympathetic nervous system response to lower levels of blood pressure and mental stress. Drawing evidence from previous researches on ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the approach can be applied to resolve metabolic complications facing individuals. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system will largely be used to ensure the human body functions under relaxed conditions. Synthesis with previous scholarly research The autonomic nervous system applies heart rate variability to shift between sympathetic and parasympathetic activation. According to Hatch et al., (2019), the autonomic nervous system regulates cardiovascular homeostasis and can be used to change electrochemical conduction as well as vascular tone. It is critical for the heart rate variability to be greatly regulated so that individuals remain responsive to physiological changes in the best way that facilitates normal functioning (Thayer, 2017). As one engages in activities that lead to activation of parasympathetic nervous system, they enhance their heart rate variability to avoid health altercations such as major depressive disorder and cardiovascular disorders. The parasympathetic nervous system has a cranial division that supplies nerves to the lacrimal glands, salivary glands, sexual organs, urinary bladder, upper and lower gastrointestinal tract (Mathias & Bannister, 2013). All these areas are modified by parasympathetic activation that shifts their hyper-reaction to physiological changes back to the body’s normal functioning.
  • 8. The nervous system requires the parasympathetic activation to diminish the power of psychological defenses and neutralize hyperactivity caused by fear and traumatic events. In this way, parasympathetic activation can be used to induce normal behavior in times when human actions are dominated by fear- based emotional reactivity. As one progresses in recovery, worry and anxiety tend to creep in. The environment, such as deadlines, family issues, may at times induce stress. When the stress hormone is released physiological changes occur. These responses are better known as fight or flight responses. We will look into this response when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. The response is meant to be a survival tactic that allows mammals to react fast to a situation that was threatening. Unfortunately, the same response to non-life threatening stressors that trigger high anxiety levels receive the same fight or flight responses from the human body. Stress contributes to high blood pressure and anxiety. The parasympathetic nervous system works to relax and slow down the body’s response. It counter-acts the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system once activated has rapid changes to the body. The brain continually releases corticotropin and adrenocorticotropic hormones that keep the body on high alert until it perceived that the danger is over (Colonnello & Heinrichs, 2016). When the threat is deemed over, the hormone levels decline and the parasympathetic system works to inhibit the stress response by slowing down high energy activities within the body. When the parasympathetic system is activated, it enhances relaxation to the mind and body. Activation of the parasympathetic system can be learnt. When achieved, individuals’ moods are lifted, the immune system is strengthened and blood pressure lowers to a normal rate. Some of the techniques that can be used can be; getting a massage, spending time in nature, meditation, exercise, hobbies, among numerous others. The parasympathetic activation can help individuals to
  • 9. treat neurological and psychiatric diseases. Neurological and psychiatric conditions are extremely costly to treat due to the burdensome nature of the medical conditions (Hatch et al., 2019). Furthermore, individuals face non-life threatening impulses in their daily routines that receive potentially confounding responses. According to pharmacological treatments of the neurological and psychiatric medical conditions associated with the nervous system there are several side-effects that necessitate the alternative treatment offered by parasympathetic activation. Pharmaceutical treatment of autonomic nervous system anomalies has been observed to cause inflammation, metabolic dysfunction, oxidative stress, and hypothalamic pituitary- adrenaline dysfunction. It is high time that neuroscientists and psychiatrists acknowledge the role of moderate parasympathetic activation. Diego & Field (2009) state that moderate to light pressure on an individual during a massage provides far reaching benefits to an individual that may be suffering from stress-related disorders. The increased release of stress hormones due to the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system can be regulated by parasympathetic activation which is achieved through activities that lower the heart rate variability to induce a state of calm. Further evidence points to the close relationship between the autonomic nervous system and obesity, which has become an increasing global concern. Parasympathetic activation is involved in regulation of metabolic energy and cardiovascular variability to eliminate hypertension. Scientific evidence shows that excess weight among obese people inhibits ANS regulation that results in metabolic alterations that are also visible in patients with cardiovascular disorders (Guarino et al, 2017). Given the need for regulation of sympathetic nervous system, vagal nerve modulation achieved through deep to moderate massages, can be viewed as therapeutic targets for improving cardiovascular variability. Sympathetic activation is a necessary process for human
  • 10. survival that should operate along with parasympathetic activation. Health concerns arise when hyper-activity of the sympathetic nervous system lead to the overproduction of stress hormones that have the potential to generate symptoms of depression and cardiovascular dysfunction. It becomes extremely important to understand ways of inducing parasympathetic activation as a reverse mechanism of hypertension (Colonnello & Heinrichs, 2016). Neurological and psychiatric conditions affected by the autonomic nervous system’s regulation can be modulated through parasympathetic activation. The potential of using parasympathetic activation as an alternative treatment approach is so great that it has substantial implications for people suffering from obesity. It is crucial for people to understand the brain’s subdivisions that are involved in self-regulation and control of normal routines. In recent years, neuroscientists have begun to appreciate the awareness of neurotransmitter influence on body functions. The parasympathetic nervous system provides one of the essential subdivisions of the brain that has promising yields in psychiatric and neuroscience treatments. In conclusion, the parasympathetic nervous system has long-term health effects because its activation triggers the release of important hormones. The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is a “member” of the autonomic nervous system, which also comprises the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and the Sympathetic Nervous System (ENS). Occasionally referred to as the rest and digest system, PSNS is critical in conserving energy because it slows down the heart rate, upsurges intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. Above all, recent evidence establishes a strong bond between PSNS and behavior; hence, psychology. Given the importance of this system, specialists have safely argued that its activation is healthy and positive for humans. In this connection, this study seeks to assess the implication of touch on the Parasympathetic Nervous System from a biological point of view and establish
  • 11. how the system is a subject in the field of psychology. Problem Statement Understanding the components and mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System is key to psychologists, biologists, and other related specialists. There is plenty of work about it already. Nonetheless, there are still a couple of gaps of knowledge about several of its elements, contrivances, and processes. The effect of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage are mainly loosely addressed subjects. The majority of the existing studies, while they investigate the link between touch and PSNS, for example, they do not specify whether the two are associated along positive or negative lines. Others are broad and complex; hence, throwing the confidentiality and reliability of their findings into big questions. Thus, there is a necessity for specific and straightforward information regarding the effect of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage on PSNS. The current study seeks to bridge some of these gaps. The primary purpose of this research study is to determine and display the effect of activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Research Questions What happens during lover’s touch, cuddling and massage in the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Is there any relationship between the acts of touching, hugging, cuddling, and massage and good health? What is positive about the parasympathetic nervous system being activated? Objectives The study anticipates achieving the following: To provide a comprehensive review of all processes and outcomes that take place in the Parasympathetic Nervous System during lover’s touch, cuddling, and massage. To establish the relationship between the acts of touching, hugging, cuddling, and massage, and good health To assess and document the importance of activating the parasympathetic nervous system being Literature Review
  • 12. The Parasympathetic Nervous System and the lover’s touch and its associated mechanisms are not new concepts in research. Numerous scholars, theorists, and researcher have already contemplated about them but mainly separately. Pichon and Chapelot (2010) explored the homeostatic significance of the parasympathetic nervous system in the behavior of people. The researchers theorized and confirmed that the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) reflects organisms' capacities to assimilate metabolic and behavioral demands, thereby improving its homeostasis adeptness. Lover's touch, touch through cuddling and touch through massage all trigger some human behavior. In this study, the work of Pichon and Chapelot (2010) will help in establishing how PSNS facilitates the integration of human behaviors associated with the touches. Hurley (2018), on the other hand, examined the activation mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. According to the author, the PSNS decreases anxiety and stress. Hurley (2018) also explored howthe mechanism mitigates and controls these mental defects and also discussed some of the ways of activating PSNS, which include by touching the lips gently, being mindful (avoiding multitasking), and by using visualization. In this research, this work will help to establish knowledge on happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. Elsewhere, Penn Medicine (2018) had a look at the health effect of cuddling, snuggling, holding hands, touching, kissing, and hugging and established that they produce more than just magical moments as they can substantially enhance overall health. The report found that science shows that these touches help people to lose weight, lower blood pressure, and fight off sickness, only to mention a few. Another study, Zur and Nordmarken (2018) also established a link between these touching activities and good health. Zur and Nordmarken (2018) concluded that touch is a piece of the most indispensable elements of human development, a thoughtful mechanism of communication, and a critical cog of the health, growth, and
  • 13. development of newborns, and a powerful healing force. In the present study, these resources will be essential in constructing the knowledge of how the acts of touching; hugging, cuddling, and massage promote good health. Methodology Experimental research method and participant observation methods will be the primary study designs of this research. Experimental research design is a quantitative method of data collection, while participant observation is a qualitative methodology. Thus, the study will employ both the qualitative and quantitative techniques in data collection. The experimental design is appropriate for this study because of the level of accuracy, confidentiality, and reliability involved. Diego and Field (2009) argue that the design is essential in ensuring that the right type of data and a sufficient sample size and power are available to answer the research questions of interest as clearly and efficiently as possible. The design’s past applications also supports its choice for such studies. According to Bordens and Abbott (2018), the model has been previously applied to analyze primary dependent variables that influence the autonomic nervous system to a success. The variables to be measured using the experimental study design include; heart rate variability, sympathetic skin response, and levels of serum cortisol, as well as norepinephrine. Study-participants, including the researcher, will undergo relaxation activities during the experiment as observation and self-reports are used as the primary data collection techniques. Contrarily, the participant observation design is chosen for the sake of the quality of the qualitative data to be collected. According to Morse (2030), participant observation facilitates a better understanding of subjects by researchers because the researchers are also participants. Thus, the participant observation method is applicable because it will provide the researchers with a first-hand experience of the relaxation effect associated with parasympathetic activation (Diego & Field, 2009). In this connection, the method will offer real-time information that is factual and free from errors or
  • 14. skewed by environmental influencers. However, the study will be heavily dependent on the experimental study design. Its role in the research will be to facilitate the collection of data that displays the physical responses of stressed participants when passed through relaxing activities. The relaxing activities selected for this study are the use of massage and heat therapy applied over a controlled period, such as five days a week for two weeks. The baseline serum cortisol and plasma norepinephrine will be monitored over the time of the experimental study design (Lee et al., 2011). The fluctuations in the levels of these primary variables associated with activation of the parasympathetic nervous system are collected for analysis using self-reports and health monitors. Another substantiation of the experimental study design for this study is that the tests and procedures are carried out over a long period requiring longitudinal observation. The environment for carrying out this study will have to be controlled to obtain error-free results. The experimental study design is reliable because the researcher can observe any additional variables that may influence the research. Additionally, primary data is collected through the use of these data collection tools. Both informed consent and the Institution Review Board will be the study’s primary participant selection criteria. Because the project involves human subjects, it will be sent for a review by IRB, after informed consent will be used to recruit the required number of participants. After IRB’s approval of the study, all details of the experiment will be unveiled to prospective participants, including all the risks involved where the volunteers will be considered (Morse, 2030). In this sense, quota sampling will be used for population selection. The researchers will look for volunteers to raise a given quota of the categories of the participants required. For example, they will require ten men and ten women who should include five adults and five children. For data analysis, the study will go with Excel and SPSS for
  • 15. analyzing quantitative data because of its familiarity. First, all the collected data will be recorded in an Excel sheet using the right tabular form. The data will then be imported into the SPSS software, where it will be assigned specific commands. The results will then be retrieved in the form of graphs and charts, which will be analyzed to postulate conclusions based on the analysis. Qualitative analysis will be used for the qualitative data (Mitchell, Jolley, & Alumni and Friends Memorial Book Fund, 2013). The primary rationale is that participant observation deals with small and focused samples as opposed to large samples that quantitative analysis uses, which is appropriate for qualitative analysis. Using this method, data will be classified into patterns where it will be analyzed to conclude results. The dissemination methods of the results of the study to the relevant stakeholders, users, and interested parties will include sharing them on social media and organizations’ websites. Publishing the results in newspapers and magazines is also a viable option considering the limited resources at the disposal of the project. Understanding the components and mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System is key to psychologists, biologists, and other related specialists. Most so, how and what activates this system and the effects of this activation requires proper understanding, this is where this study comes in. Touch is one of the factors that activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The proposed study seeks to explore how different touches (lover’s touch, cuddling, and massage) activate the PSNS. Through this, the research would be able to establish the relationship between the touches, the touches and the PSNS, and the importance of activating the system. The study is important because there is a currently a gap of knowledge regarding in this field. There is plenty of work about it already. Nonetheless, there are still a missing link of information regarding several of its elements, contrivances, and processes. The effect of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage are mainly loosely addressed subjects. The majority of the
  • 16. existing studies, while they investigate the link between touch and the PSNS, for example, they do not specify whether the two are associated along positive or negative lines. Others are broad and complex; hence, throwing the confidentiality and reliability of their findings into big questions. Thus, there is a necessity for specific and straightforward information regarding the effect of a lover's touch, cuddling, and massage on PSNS. The current study would bridge some of these gaps. The study would primarily determine and display the effect of activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The findings of the study would realize positive implications regarding the PSNS. First, it would facilitate a full understanding of how lover’s touch, hugging, cuddling, and massage activates the PSNS. Then there would come the derivation of knowledge, both primary and secondary regarding the effect of this activation. In this way, the study would facilitate the clarification of the link between the PSNS and psychology. All the touches to be investigated and behavioral. On the other hand, psychology is one of the modern fields that studies behavior. The specific branch is called behavioral psychology. Thus, lover’s touch, hugging, massage, and cuddling are subjects of study under behavioral psychology. As such, by investigating their link with the PSNS, the outcome of the study would as well aid in the recognition, understanding, and appreciation of the association between the PSNS and the field of behavioral psychology. Practically, the study will facilitate this field by deriving knowledge regarding some of the factors that activates the PSNS. There will also be knowledge regarding the importance of the activation of the PSNS. One of the implication of the study to the target audience is that I would make them increase the activation of the PSNS or reduce it by engaging in cuddling, hugging, and massage if need be or avoiding them. The decision to increase or reduce would depend on the outcome of the study. That is, if the study will find out that the activation of the PSNS is beneficial or not. Given all this weight, clearly, this study is important and hence worth
  • 17. undertaking. Reference Bordens, K. S., & Abbott, B. B. (2018). Research design and methods: A process ap proach. [New York]: McGraw-Hill Education. Colonnello, V., & Heinrichs, M. (2016). Oxytocin and self- consciousness. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 67. Diego M. A, Field T, (2009). Moderate pressure massage elicits a parasympathetic nervous system response. Int J Neurosci. 119(5):630-8. doi: 10.1080/00207450802329605. Guarino, D., Nannipieri, M., Iervasi, G., Taddei, S., & Bruno, R. M. (2017). The role of the autonomic nervous system in the pathophysiology of obesity. Frontiers in physiology, 8, 665. Hatch, J., & Goldstein, B. I. (2019). Depression and Cardiovascular Risk: Epidemiology, Mechanisms, and Implications. In Neurobiology of Depression (pp. 185-196). Academic Press. Holdstein, B. I. (2019). Depression and Cardiovascular Risk: Epidemiology, Mechanisms, and Implications. In Neurobiology of Depression (pp. 185-196). Academic Press. Hurley, T. (2018). Activating the parasympathetic nervous system to decrease stress and anxiety. Canyon Vista Recovery Center. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from
  • 18. system/ Pichon, A., & Chapelot, D. (2010). Homeostatic role of the parasympathetic nervous system in human behaviour. New York: Nova Science Publisher's. Lanese, N. (2019). Fight or Flight: The Sympathetic Nervous System. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from system.html Lee, Y. H., Park, B. N. R., & Kim, S. H. (2011). The effects of heat and massage application on the autonomic nervous system. Yonsei medical journal, 52(6), 982-989. Mathias, C. J., & Bannister, R. (Eds.). (2013). Autonomic failure: a textbook of clinical disorders of the autonomic nervous system. OUP Oxford. Maxwell, j. O. S. E. P. H. A. (2020). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach. S.l.: Sage Publications. Mitchell, M. L., Jolley, J. M., & Alumni and Friends Memorial Book Fund. (2013). Research Design Explained. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Morse, J. A. N. I. C. E. M. (2030). Mixed-Method Design: Principles and procedures. Place of publication not identified: TAYLOR & FRANCIS. Penn Medicine (2018). Can You Kiss and Hug Your Way to Better Health? Research Says Yes. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from wellness/2018/february/affection Thayer, J. F. (January 01, 2017). A Neurovisceral Integration Model of Heart Rate Variability. Encyclopedia article. Zur, O. & Nordmarken, N. (2018). To touch or not to touch: Exploring the myth of prohibition on touch in psychotherapy and counselling: Clinical, ethical & legal considerations. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from in-therapy/
  • 19. PSY 790 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview As the final step in your journey toward your master of science degree in psychology, you will complete a capstone project that integrates the knowledge and skills you have developed in previous coursework and over the duration of the term by creating a research concept paper and professional presentation that will be developed for an identified target audience. You will also reflect on your journey through the psychology program and how you plan to position yourself professionally. The capstone project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold to the final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six. The final capstone project will be submitted in Module Nine. This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are three separate components of the project, but they all operate together to make up the whole capstone experience and are not assessed separately. You will be evaluated on all three components as a unit in determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. Your instructor will guide you through this process, keeping a running narrative of your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the course outcomes as you progress through the class. Your work is expected to meet the highest professional
  • 20. standards. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: in promoting agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations -structured problems by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness of various information and potential courses of action onduct, and evaluate research through the lens of its potential to advance knowledge in psychology as well as the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations generate new knowledge and promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations collaboration and diversity of perspectives into efforts to promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations psychology through the demonstration of ethical comportment in all aspects of the profession
  • 21. Prompt For the capstone project, you will first develop a research concept paper that introduces your topic, research question, literature review, research methodology, and ethical considerations. You will also submit a presentation that should be developed for your identified target audience, as well as a personal and professional reflection. Capstone Component 1: Research Proposal For the first of three capstone components, you will develop a well-organized research concept paper that lays the foundation for a solid plan to implement research. First, you must choose a relevant problem that aligns with your focus within the field of psychology and with how you plan to position yourself professionally. You can choose a problem that has a gap in our understanding and then provide an explanation of psychological phenomena and variables. Or you can choose an applied problem that directly involves the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, or organizations. The following sections should be included: 1. Introduction/Problem. This should describe the problem (which may be a research problem or an applied problem), the purpose of the research, and the significance of the research. If your research topic is related to a gap in knowledge, you should clarify what is known and
  • 22. where the conflict or gap in knowledge exists. If you choose an applied problem, identify the issue to be addressed and include an accurate and detailed overview of the issue. In general, include all information that you think is necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis and foundation for understanding your chosen research topic, including a theoretical framework or the theory that is guiding your proposal. This section should address your research question(s). Consider the following questions: What is the purpose of the proposed research? How does the purpose reasonably fit within the research problem? Further, what are the assumptions and potential limitations associated with the identified problem or gap in knowledge or applied problem? This section should also discuss your target audience, such as academics, mental health professionals, organizations, and so on. (This may be a broad audience for research that is oriented toward contributing to theory or a specific organization or community for research that is focused on addressing applied problems and interventions.) Discuss your target audience in relation to this proposal and why your research would be relevant for this audience. For example, in what way would your research help address how we understand a phenomenon or help an organization address a critical problem? Your target audience will depend on your area of study. For example, for students on a general track in this degree program, your research concept paper might center on researching a general issue in the area of
  • 23. psychology. If you have a concentration in child and developmental psychology, your proposed research must focus on a specific psychological need or issue surrounding children, adolescents, and/or teens. If you have a concentration in industrial and organizational psychology, your proposed research must focus on factors contributing to the advancement of an organization’s performance through application of psychology. 2. Literature Review. This section is an analysis of the scholarly debate on the theory and research related to your research question. The literature review should not be a collection of summaries. Rather, it should be organized according to the message you want to convey and appropriately synthesize the literature into your message. This suggests that you will draw from multiple sources in order to best communicate your points. Organize your review so that it provides a logical argument for the background of your proposed research and how your research fits into the big picture. 3. Research Design. This should include a detailed plan to collect and analyze data, as well as highlight the types of sources you would use. You may choose a qualitative or quantitative approach. However, your choice of method, design, sampling, data collection, analysis, and overall process should be justified and logically fit with your research question(s).
  • 24. Proposals that involve implementation of interventions will have a program evaluation component that must include research design. This section will also require you to discuss the reliability and validity of your measurements. Finally, you should consider how you will operationalize or measure the main concepts/variables you are researching and include a description of your data sources. 4. Ethical Considerations. This should include a thorough explanation of the ethical considerations related to the topic and to your proposed study. Your explanation should address the ethical ramifications of the problem, the population under study, the data-collection instruments and their analysis, and so on. This section should incorporate peer-reviewed literature as well as relevant codes of conduct (i.e., the American Psychological Association). 5. Conclusion. In this final section of the text, you will summarize your study and explain why your proposed research is significant, highlighting the practical implications of your potential findings for your target audience(s). This section should also include an analysis of your research’s potential contribution to the field of psychology. Guidelines for Submission: Your research concept paper should be 15–20 pages long and should follow American Psychological Association (APA) style. It should include a title page, a table of contents, references, and (if applicable) appendices. In the “real world,” there are usually no
  • 25. page-length requirements, so the given page range is a suggestion, and you should use your professional judgment regarding the length of your paper. You may include illustrations, photographs, graphs, charts, and other non-textual materials as needed to support your research concept, but please be sure to format all of these in APA style. Refer to the module resources and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition (required in previous courses) for guidance in APA style formatting. Capstone Component 2: Presentation For this component, you will develop a presentation that articulates a convincing need for the proposal you have developed. The presentation should be engaging and appealing to your target audience(s). You should envision yourself giving this presentation before your target audience(s). This could be, for example, a boss, fellow scholars at a conference, or a grant provider. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the problem you have identified and the need to conduct research or implement and evaluate an intervention. Remember that you are seeking support of the proposal, so knowing your audience and tailoring your message to them is crucial. Since you will not actually deliver this presentation in person, you must create a self-sustaining presentation. A narrated
  • 26. presentation is strongly suggested. The presentation should adhere to the principles of an effective presentation, and all of your sources should be cited properly. There is no minimum or maximum number of slides required. You should use your judgment to create a presentation of appropriate length that will convey all of the necessary information while keeping the attention of your audience. Capstone Component 3: Professional Reflection For the final component of your capstone, you will write a three- to five-page paper in which you discuss the process and outcomes of this project, the experience of giving and receiving feedback from peers, and how you incorporated feedback from your instructor. You will also touch briefly on how your coursework culminated in the capstone project and what you can take from this project into your workplace. This may include discussions of unforeseen problems or obstacles and any surprises. The paper should also discuss your identified strengths and problems that you encountered while completing the project. Finally, the paper will examine how the capstone project will be useful in the job market or in furthering your education. Some of the issues that you could address in this final component of this capstone may include: own experience at SNHU.
  • 27. academic program? you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life? incorporation of empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for collaboration and diversity of perspectives? Milestones Milestone One: Resource Collection In Module Two, you will collect potential peer-reviewed resources for your proposal. Summarize the literature in a three- to five-page paper. Discuss how each resource relates to your research questions or intervention you have chosen. In this paper, you may summarize each article in preparation for the synthesis you will do as part of Milestone Two. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course. Milestone Two: Literature Review In Module Four, you will provide a five- to seven-page paper integrating your review of the existing research and theory and tying it to your fully developed topic. You should have incorporated feedback to revise your
  • 28. research questions and support for the basic or applied study. This literature review should focus on relating the existing theory and research to your project. The literature review is not just a summary of research articles. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course. Milestone Three: Methodology, Design, and Data In Module Six, you will revise your chosen methodology, design, and data-collection tools as needed. Also, define the process from the selection of participants (and stakeholders as applicable) through data collection to data analysis, including any limitations, delimiters, and assumptions. Include all ethical considerations. Paint a picture of the entire process to show how you will conduct the study. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course. Capstone Project Submission: Research Proposal, Presentation, and Professional Reflection In Module Nine, you will submit your full capstone project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be evaluated with the Final Project Rubric.
  • 29. Final Project Rubric This rubric will be applied to all three components as a whole, and no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible Indicators of Success” are examples for you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to demonstrate proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as guides for illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. All outcomes are weighted equally. PSY-790-01: Advocate for and extend psychology’s role and responsibility in promoting agency and the psychological well- being of individuals, communities, and organizations Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify relevant issues within his or her area of specialization? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to effectively communicate a need or gap related to well-being? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to persuasively connect possible solutions to the well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations?
  • 30. Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify the implications of a specific issue in relation to the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations or of a gap in our understanding of psychological phenomena? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify key stakeholders and/or users from relevant individuals, communities, and organizations? PSY-790-02: Adapt to shifting demands and ill-structured problems by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness of various information and potential courses of action Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to persuasively argue for addressing a specific problem or gap in knowledge? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to select relevant and appropriate resources to guide efforts in addressing a specific problem or gap? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically assess and evaluate the extent to which the potential data are valid and reliable? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify
  • 31. limitations, assumptions, and biases associated with the identified problem or gap in knowledge? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to persuasively argue for addressing a specific problem or gap in knowledge? PSY-790-03: Design, conduct, and evaluate research through the lens of its potential to advance knowledge in psychology as well as the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to develop informed research questions that have direct applications for promoting the psychological well- being of individuals, communities, or organizations? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate and synthesize existing research for the purpose of advancing knowledge in psychology? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify limitations, assumptions, and ethical considerations in existing research and the impact of that on the student’s project? PSY-790-04: Integrate psychological theories, methods, and research to generate new knowledge and promote agency and
  • 32. the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess an issue or gap in knowledge by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness of various explanations, related information, and possible courses of action? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify and integrate relevant theories to generate new knowledge or promote agency and psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to select appropriate research methods, designs, data-collection tools, and data-analysis tools? PSY-790-05: Incorporate empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for collaboration and diversity of perspectives into efforts to promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations Proficient
  • 33. 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to offer a perspective to others in a manner that demonstrates empathy and appreciation for others’ views? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically reflect on and integrate the work of others (including instructor and peer feedback and published material)? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to incorporate diverse perspectives? PSY-790-06: Protect the integrity and professional responsibility of psychology through the demonstration of ethical comportment in all aspects of the profession Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess research plans for their ethical ramifications and make resulting adjustments that maintain the integrity of the investigation and protect the psychological well-
  • 34. being of others? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify ethical ramifications and needs in others’ work? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to connect ethical adjustments and mitigation efforts with appropriate ethical guidelines? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify the ethical considerations associated with the individuals, communities, and organizations most likely to be affected by the identified gap or problem?