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Ruby off Rails

 by Stoyan Zhekov
Kyoto, 17-May-2008
Table of content
 ●   Coupling and Cohesion
 ●   Common needs for various web apps
 ●   ORM - Sequel (short overview)
 ●   Ruby Web Evolution
 ●   Enter Rack - The Middle Man
 ●   Thin, Ramaze, Tamanegi
 ●   Summary, Extras, Questions

08/05/19                                 2
Coupling and Cohesion (1)
 ●   Cohesion
 ●   Coupling

08/05/19                                                          3
Coupling and Cohesion (2)

Applications should be composed of components
 that show:
 ●   High cohesion
       –   doing small number of things and do them well
 ●   Low (loosely) coupling
       –   easy replace any component with another one

08/05/19                                                   4
Coupling and Cohesion (3)

             Google vs Amazon

08/05/19                               5
Coupling and Cohesion (4)


08/05/19                               6
What about Rails?

08/05/19                       7
Ruby on Rails
 ●   Full Stack – was good. Now?
 ●   Convention over configuration – good?
 ●   DRY – possible?
       –   Generators
       –   Plugins
       –   Libraries

08/05/19                                     8
Life without Rails

           Is it possible?

08/05/19                        9
Common needs for various web apps

 ●   Database handling: ORM
 ●   Request processing: CGI env, uploads
 ●   Routing/dispatching: map URLs to classes
 ●   Rendering/views: rendering libraries
 ●   Sessions: persist objects or data

08/05/19                                        10
Database ORM
 ●   Active Record ?= ActiveRecord
 ●   ActiveRecord – a lot of problems
 ●   Data Mapper – fast, but not ready
       –   No composite keys (when I started using it)
       –   Have it's own database drivers
 ●   Sequel – good, I like it

08/05/19                                                 11
ORM – Sequel (Why?)
 ●   Pure Ruby
 ●   Thread safe
 ●   Connection pooling
 ●   DSL for constructing DB queries
 ●   Lightweight ORM layer for mapping records to
     Ruby objects
 ●   Transactions with rollback

08/05/19                                            12
ORM – Sequel (Core)
 ●   Database Connect
      require 'sequel'
      DB = 'sqlite:///blog.db'

      DB = 'postgres://cico:12345@localhost:5432/mydb'

      DB =;postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/my_dbquot;,
       :max_connections => 10, :logger =>'log/db.log'))

08/05/19                                                                 13
ORM – Sequel (Core, 2)
DB << quot;CREATE TABLE users (name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL)quot;

DB.fetch(quot;SELECT name FROM usersquot;) do |row|
 p r[:name]

dataset = DB[:managers].where(:salary => 50..100).order(:name, :department)

paginated = dataset.paginate(1, 10) # first page, 10 rows per page
paginated.page_count #=> number of pages in dataset
paginated.current_page #=> 1

08/05/19                                                                      14
ORM – Sequel (Model)

           class Post < Sequel::Model(:my_posts)
            set_primary_key [:category, :title]

            belongs_to :author
            has_many :comments
            has_and_belongs_to_many :tags

            after_create do
             set(:created_at =>


08/05/19                                           15
ORM – Sequel (Model, 2)

           class Person < Sequel::Model
            one_to_many :posts, :eager=>[:tags]

            set_schema do
             primary_key :id
             text :name
             text :email
             foreign_key :team_id, :table => :teams

08/05/19                                              16

08/05/19               17
Ruby Web Evolution

           Webrick   Mongrel   Event     Thin   Ebb

05/19/08                                              18
Thin web server
 ●   Fast – Ragel and Event Machine
 ●   Clustering
 ●   Unix sockets (the only one I found) - nginx
 ●   Rack-based – Rails, Ramaze etc.
 ●   Rackup files support (follows)

05/19/08                                           19
Thin + Nginx
           thin start --servers 3 --socket /tmp/thin
           thin start --servers 3 –post 3000
           # nginx.conf
           upstream backend {
             server unix:/tmp/thin.0.sock;
             server unix:/tmp/thin.1.sock;
             server unix:/tmp/thin.2.sock;

05/19/08                                               20
The problem

           Merb    Ramaze       Sinatra    ...

                  How to connect them?

           CGI     Webrick     Mongrel    Thin

05/19/08                                         21
The solution - Rack

           Merb   Ramaze        Sinatra    ...

                  Rack – The Middle Man

           CGI    Webrick      Mongrel    Thin

05/19/08                                         22
What is Rack?

05/19/08                   23
What IS Rack?


             By Christian Neukirchen
05/19/08                                24
WHAT is Rack?
 ●   Specification (and implementation) of a minimal
     abstract Ruby API that models HTTP
       –   Request -> Response
 ●   An object that responds to call and accepts one
     argument: env, and returns:
       –   a status, i.e. 200
       –   the headers, i.e. {‘Content-Type’ => ‘text/html’}
       –   an object that responds to each: ‘some string’

05/19/08                                                       25
This is Rack!
      class RackApp
         def call(env)
            [ 200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, quot;Hi!quot;]

      app =

05/19/08                                                      26
Free Hugs

05/19/08                                      27
Hugs Application

               p 'Hug!'

05/19/08                      28
ruby hugs.rb

           %w(rubygems rack).each { |dep| require dep }

           class HugsApp
              def call(env)
                 [ 200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, quot;Hug!quot;]

 , :Port => 3000)

05/19/08                                                            29
   require 'hugs'
   app = {
    use Rack::Static, :urls => [quot;/cssquot;, quot;/imagesquot;], :root => quot;publicquot;
    use Rack::CommonLogger
    use Rack::ShowExceptions

       map quot;/quot; do
        run lambda { [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, [quot;Hi!quot;]] }

       map quot;/hugquot; do
   } app, :Port => 3000
05/19/08                                                                  30
Rack Building Blocks
 ●   request =
       –   request.get?
 ●   response ='Hi!')
       –   response.set_cookie('sess-id', 'abcde')
 ●   Rack::URLMap
 ●   Rack::Session
 ●   Rack::Auth::Basic
 ●   Rack::File
05/19/08                                             31
Rack Middleware

           Can I create my own use Rack::... blocks?
           class RackMiddlewareExample
            def initialize app
              @app = app

            def call env

05/19/08                                               32
Common needs for various web apps

 ●   Database handling: ORM Sequel
 ●   Request processing: Rack::Request(env)
 ●   Routing/dispatching: Rack 'map' and 'run'
 ●   Rendering/views: Tenjin, Amrita2
 ●   Sessions: Rack::Session

05/19/08                                         33
Does it scale?

05/19/08                    34

           require 'hugs'
           app = {
           use Rack::Static, :urls => [quot;/cssquot;, quot;/imagesquot;], :root => quot;publicquot;

           map quot;/quot; do
            run lambda { [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, [quot;Hi!quot;]] }

           map quot;/hugquot; do
  app, :Port => 3000

05/19/08                                                                       35
Hugs Service
 ●   rackup -s webrick -p 3000
 ●   thin start --servers 3 -p 3000 -R
 ●   SCGI
 ●   FastCGI
 ●   Litespeed
 ●   ....

05/19/08                                         36
Rack-based frameworks
 ●   Invisible – thin-based framework in 35 LOC
 ●   Coset – REST on Rack
 ●   Halcyon – JSON Server Framework
 ●   Merb
 ●   Sinatra
 ●   Ramaze
 ●   Rails !?
05/19/08                                              37
Rack coming to Rails
 ●   Rails already have Rack, but:
       –   raw req -> rack env -> Rack::Request ->CGIWrapper ->
 ●   Ezra Zygmuntowicz (merb)'s repo on github
       –   raw req -> rack env -> ActionController::RackRequest
       –   ./script/rackup -s thin -c 5 -e production

05/19/08                                                          38
 ●   What: A modular web application framework
 ●   Where:
 ●   How: gem install ramaze
 ●   git clone
 ●   Who: Michael Fellinger and Co.

05/19/08                                              39
Why Ramaze?
 ●   Modular (low [loosely] coupling)
 ●   Rack-based
 ●   Easy to use
 ●   A lot of examples (~25) – facebook, rapaste
 ●   Free style of development
 ●   Friendly community - #ramaze
 ●   “All bugs are fixed within 48 hours of reporting.”

05/19/08                                              40
Deployment options
           ●   CGI           ●   Ebb
           ●   FastCGI       ●   Evented Mongrel
           ●   LiteSpeed     ●   Swiftiplied Mongrel
           ●   Mongrel       ●   Thin
           ●   SCGI          ●   Whatever comes along
           ●   Webrick           and fits into the Rack

05/19/08                                                  41
Templating engines
           ●   Amrita2     ●   RedCloth
           ●   Builder     ●   Remarkably
           ●   Erubis      ●   Sass
           ●   Ezmar       ●   Tagz
           ●   Haml        ●   Tenjin
           ●   Liquid      ●   XSLT
           ●   Markaby

05/19/08                                    42

05/19/08            43
Easy to use?
           %w(rubygems ramaze).each {|dep| require dep}

           class MainController < Ramaze::Controller
             def index; quot;Hiquot; end

           class HugsController < Ramaze::Controller
             map '/hug'
             def index; quot;Hug!quot; end

           Ramaze.start :adapter => :thin, :port => 3000

05/19/08                                                   44
Ramaze Usage
           class SmileyController <
              map '/smile'

             helper :smiley

             def index

05/19/08                              45
Ramaze Usage (2)
           module Ramaze
             module Helper
               module SmileyHelper
                  FACES = {
                   ':)' => '/images/smile.png',
                   ';)' => '/images/twink.png'}
                  REGEXP = Regexp.union(*FACES.keys)

                  def smiley(string)
                    string.gsub(REGEXP) { FACES[$1] }

05/19/08                                                46
Alternative Stack
 ●   ORM – Sequel
 ●   Web server – Thin + NginX
 ●   Rack Middleware
 ●   Ramaze framework
 ●   Templates – HAML, Tenjin, Amrita2

05/19/08                                 47
 ●   Not trying to tell you to not use Rails
 ●   Just keep your mind open
 ●   Sequel is good ORM
 ●   Use Rack – DIY framework, DIY server
 ●   Ramaze is cool and easy to use

05/19/08                                       48

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Ruby off Rails (english)

  • 1. Ruby off Rails by Stoyan Zhekov Kyoto, 17-May-2008
  • 2. Table of content ● Coupling and Cohesion ● Common needs for various web apps ● ORM - Sequel (short overview) ● Ruby Web Evolution ● Enter Rack - The Middle Man ● Thin, Ramaze, Tamanegi ● Summary, Extras, Questions 08/05/19 2
  • 3. Coupling and Cohesion (1) ● Cohesion ● Coupling 08/05/19 3
  • 4. Coupling and Cohesion (2) Applications should be composed of components that show: ● High cohesion – doing small number of things and do them well ● Low (loosely) coupling – easy replace any component with another one 08/05/19 4
  • 5. Coupling and Cohesion (3) Google vs Amazon 08/05/19 5
  • 6. Coupling and Cohesion (4) VS 08/05/19 6
  • 8. Ruby on Rails ● Full Stack – was good. Now? ● Convention over configuration – good? ● DRY – possible? – Generators – Plugins – Libraries 08/05/19 8
  • 9. Life without Rails Is it possible? 08/05/19 9
  • 10. Common needs for various web apps ● Database handling: ORM ● Request processing: CGI env, uploads ● Routing/dispatching: map URLs to classes ● Rendering/views: rendering libraries ● Sessions: persist objects or data 08/05/19 10
  • 11. Database ORM ● Active Record ?= ActiveRecord ● ActiveRecord – a lot of problems – ● Data Mapper – fast, but not ready – No composite keys (when I started using it) – Have it's own database drivers ● Sequel – good, I like it 08/05/19 11
  • 12. ORM – Sequel (Why?) ● Pure Ruby ● Thread safe ● Connection pooling ● DSL for constructing DB queries ● Lightweight ORM layer for mapping records to Ruby objects ● Transactions with rollback 08/05/19 12
  • 13. ORM – Sequel (Core) ● Database Connect require 'sequel' DB = 'sqlite:///blog.db' DB = 'postgres://cico:12345@localhost:5432/mydb' DB =;postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/my_dbquot;, :max_connections => 10, :logger =>'log/db.log')) 08/05/19 13
  • 14. ORM – Sequel (Core, 2) DB << quot;CREATE TABLE users (name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL)quot; DB.fetch(quot;SELECT name FROM usersquot;) do |row| p r[:name] end dataset = DB[:managers].where(:salary => 50..100).order(:name, :department) paginated = dataset.paginate(1, 10) # first page, 10 rows per page paginated.page_count #=> number of pages in dataset paginated.current_page #=> 1 08/05/19 14
  • 15. ORM – Sequel (Model) class Post < Sequel::Model(:my_posts) set_primary_key [:category, :title] belongs_to :author has_many :comments has_and_belongs_to_many :tags after_create do set(:created_at => end end 08/05/19 15
  • 16. ORM – Sequel (Model, 2) class Person < Sequel::Model one_to_many :posts, :eager=>[:tags] set_schema do primary_key :id text :name text :email foreign_key :team_id, :table => :teams end end 08/05/19 16
  • 18. Ruby Web Evolution Webrick Mongrel Event Thin Ebb Machine 05/19/08 18
  • 19. Thin web server ● Fast – Ragel and Event Machine ● Clustering ● Unix sockets (the only one I found) - nginx ● Rack-based – Rails, Ramaze etc. ● Rackup files support (follows) 05/19/08 19
  • 20. Thin + Nginx thin start --servers 3 --socket /tmp/thin thin start --servers 3 –post 3000 # nginx.conf upstream backend { fair; server unix:/tmp/thin.0.sock; server unix:/tmp/thin.1.sock; server unix:/tmp/thin.2.sock; } 05/19/08 20
  • 21. The problem Merb Ramaze Sinatra ... How to connect them? CGI Webrick Mongrel Thin 05/19/08 21
  • 22. The solution - Rack Merb Ramaze Sinatra ... Rack – The Middle Man CGI Webrick Mongrel Thin 05/19/08 22
  • 24. What IS Rack? By Christian Neukirchen 05/19/08 24
  • 25. WHAT is Rack? ● Specification (and implementation) of a minimal abstract Ruby API that models HTTP – Request -> Response ● An object that responds to call and accepts one argument: env, and returns: – a status, i.e. 200 – the headers, i.e. {‘Content-Type’ => ‘text/html’} – an object that responds to each: ‘some string’ 05/19/08 25
  • 26. This is Rack! class RackApp def call(env) [ 200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, quot;Hi!quot;] end end app = 05/19/08 26
  • 27. Free Hugs 05/19/08 27
  • 28. Hugs Application p 'Hug!' 05/19/08 28
  • 29. ruby hugs.rb %w(rubygems rack).each { |dep| require dep } class HugsApp def call(env) [ 200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, quot;Hug!quot;] end end, :Port => 3000) 05/19/08 29
  • 30. Rack::Builder require 'hugs' app = { use Rack::Static, :urls => [quot;/cssquot;, quot;/imagesquot;], :root => quot;publicquot; use Rack::CommonLogger use Rack::ShowExceptions map quot;/quot; do run lambda { [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, [quot;Hi!quot;]] } end map quot;/hugquot; do run end } app, :Port => 3000 05/19/08 30
  • 31. Rack Building Blocks ● request = – request.get? ● response ='Hi!') – response.set_cookie('sess-id', 'abcde') ● Rack::URLMap ● Rack::Session ● Rack::Auth::Basic ● Rack::File 05/19/08 31
  • 32. Rack Middleware Can I create my own use Rack::... blocks? class RackMiddlewareExample def initialize app @app = app end def call env end end 05/19/08 32
  • 33. Common needs for various web apps ● Database handling: ORM Sequel ● Request processing: Rack::Request(env) ● Routing/dispatching: Rack 'map' and 'run' ● Rendering/views: Tenjin, Amrita2 ● Sessions: Rack::Session 05/19/08 33
  • 35. rackup require 'hugs' app = { use Rack::Static, :urls => [quot;/cssquot;, quot;/imagesquot;], :root => quot;publicquot; map quot;/quot; do run lambda { [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/plainquot;}, [quot;Hi!quot;]] } end map quot;/hugquot; do run end } app, :Port => 3000 05/19/08 35
  • 36. Hugs Service ● rackup -s webrick -p 3000 ● thin start --servers 3 -p 3000 -R ● SCGI ● FastCGI ● Litespeed ● .... 05/19/08 36
  • 37. Rack-based frameworks ● Invisible – thin-based framework in 35 LOC – ● Coset – REST on Rack ● Halcyon – JSON Server Framework ● Merb ● Sinatra ● Ramaze ● Rails !? 05/19/08 37
  • 38. Rack coming to Rails ● Rails already have Rack, but: – raw req -> rack env -> Rack::Request ->CGIWrapper -> CgiRequest ● Ezra Zygmuntowicz (merb)'s repo on github – – raw req -> rack env -> ActionController::RackRequest – ./script/rackup -s thin -c 5 -e production 05/19/08 38
  • 39. Ramaze ● What: A modular web application framework ● Where: ● How: gem install ramaze ● git clone ● Who: Michael Fellinger and Co. 05/19/08 39
  • 40. Why Ramaze? ● Modular (low [loosely] coupling) ● Rack-based ● Easy to use ● A lot of examples (~25) – facebook, rapaste ● Free style of development ● Friendly community - #ramaze ● “All bugs are fixed within 48 hours of reporting.” 05/19/08 40
  • 41. Deployment options ● CGI ● Ebb ● FastCGI ● Evented Mongrel ● LiteSpeed ● Swiftiplied Mongrel ● Mongrel ● Thin ● SCGI ● Whatever comes along ● Webrick and fits into the Rack 05/19/08 41
  • 42. Templating engines ● Amrita2 ● RedCloth ● Builder ● Remarkably ● Erubis ● Sass ● Ezmar ● Tagz ● Haml ● Tenjin ● Liquid ● XSLT ● Markaby 05/19/08 42
  • 44. Easy to use? %w(rubygems ramaze).each {|dep| require dep} class MainController < Ramaze::Controller def index; quot;Hiquot; end end class HugsController < Ramaze::Controller map '/hug' def index; quot;Hug!quot; end end Ramaze.start :adapter => :thin, :port => 3000 05/19/08 44
  • 45. Ramaze Usage class SmileyController < Ramaze::Controller map '/smile' helper :smiley def index smiley(':)') end end 05/19/08 45
  • 46. Ramaze Usage (2) module Ramaze module Helper module SmileyHelper FACES = { ':)' => '/images/smile.png', ';)' => '/images/twink.png'} REGEXP = Regexp.union(*FACES.keys) def smiley(string) string.gsub(REGEXP) { FACES[$1] } end end end end 05/19/08 46
  • 47. Alternative Stack ● ORM – Sequel ● Web server – Thin + NginX ● Rack Middleware ● Ramaze framework ● Templates – HAML, Tenjin, Amrita2 05/19/08 47
  • 48. Summary ● Not trying to tell you to not use Rails ● Just keep your mind open ● Sequel is good ORM ● Use Rack – DIY framework, DIY server ● Ramaze is cool and easy to use 05/19/08 48