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In the peaceful streets of Verona; there lived two noble families with their long
lasting disagreement, from generation to generation. Little that they know, their mere
fight will not be able to stand between the love of the new generation.
Gregory: The Capulet family has been the higher and has been more superior to the
Montague’s from the start.
Samson: Our employers have always been the mightier from your puny family.
Abraham: Hmph, the only thing puny here is your brain, Samson. Gregory, I believe the
Capulet doesn’t tolerate such nonsense, or did you learn that from your
employers themselves?
Samson: If you are going to be like that ….
Gregory: Then, we might as well finish this with our swords….
Abraham: Only a muscle-head and uneducated person would carry their swords in such a
place like this.
--As Gregory and Samson encircle Abraham Benvolio sees the scene and
approaches … As Gregory and Samson swing their swords, Benvolio
takes out his sword and blocks the two … -
Abraham: S-Sire!
Benvolio: I believe these two started to just attack, or was it you that started this,
Abraham: Sire! I have no intention of getting into a ruckus to the other family.
Benvolio: That’s all I need to know.
Gregory: I’ll be damned, the numbers are equal now, Samson…
Benvolio: You don’t have to worry about the numbers, Gregory. We have no intention of
fighting the both of you.
Gregory: We’re not letting you guys escape us!
Tybalt: You idiot, don’t worry about them. Aren’t you guys just running with your tails
between your legs now, Dear Benvolio?
Abraham: Sire, I know you are better than being provoked by that person.
Benvolio: The family pride is always at stake when Tybalt is in this kind of situation. Also,
I’m not so kind if it’s regarding the Capulets
Abraham: Sire...
Benvolio: I’m not the one you should challenge, Tybalt. I’m pretty sure you’ve met my
cousin. Romeo the successor to the Montague’s’, I believe he’s the one you
should look for.
Abraham: Indeed, Lord Romeo’s physique is highly exceptional in his age.
Tybalt: That mere sixteen-year-old? I have no time to play with brats, Benvolio. I’m pretty
damn sure you’re the only one at my level in terms of fighting. – Tybalt
attacks Benvolio-
Benvolio: - Blocks the attack and prepares to fight-
- The citizens in mayhem –
Prince Escalus: Enough.
- The citizens giving way for the ruler
- Benvolio and the rest freezes –
Prince Escalus: It has always been so peaceful in this city of mine. Even with the feuding
of the Capulet and the Montague it has never reached this far where, you
fools would fight in such a place where many may be injured. What do you
have to say about this, Montague?
Benvolio: I let my pride be provoked by the opposing family and allowed ego to take
over my actions.
Prince Escalus: Capulets, I believe it was you who started this fight, Tybalt.
Tybalt: There is no doubt about that, Lord Escalus.
Prince Escalus: The Montagues have no intention of fighting; I want you to understand
that, Tybalt. Montagues, I expect you to never have this kind of trouble
again. Now you both, you are only allowed to battle each other to death
with my permission and in my palace. I’ll send a letter to both families
regarding this scene. The second time for this to happen, I will annihilate
anyone who disturbs my city with my bare hands. – Leaves-
-The Capulets return home… -
*Crowded area *
Benvolio: Oh, is that Romeo I see? I didn’t expect to see him here when he was so lost in
his thoughts earlier this morning…
*Benvolio calling out to Romeo; Romeo doesn’t notice Benvolio until Benvolio
has a grip on Romeo’s shoulder thus, startling Romeo.*
Romeo: Oh, it’s just you …
Benvolio: Why so cold, Cousin?
Romeo: Am not, it’s just your imagination. Also, you’re quite heavy, so could you please
remove your arm from my shoulder.
Benvolio: Just tell me your problems, Romeo. Maybe this cousin of yours might be able
to help.
Romeo: Nothing is wrong, Benvolio.
Benvolio: Why are alone in this place mopping then?
Romeo: It’s not called mopping if I’m just lost in my thoughts…
Benvolio: Come on, I’m all ears for you.
Romeo: You do not have any intention of leaving me alone, don’t you?
Benvolio: Foolish, it’s as if you haven’t met me at all, Romeo.
Romeo: You vow to never speak of this to anyone?
Benvolio: You have my word, dear cousin.
Romeo: I presume you’ve heard of Rosaline.
Benvolio: Ah, that woman who is deemed as Aphrodite herself who chose to live a life of
chastity. You no longer need to speak more of your situation, Cousin. You
might as well consider yourself a speck of dust to her.
Romeo: ….Don’t you dare speak word of this.
Benvolio: Romeo, there are a lot of fish in the sea and a lot of beauties in this city.
Peter: Pardon, Sirs … The Capulet are going to hold a masquerade party this evening
with the following peoplelisted here. Here is a copy of the guests. This is
something Lord Capulet traditionally holds, we’ll welcome you whole-
Benvolio: A celebration… Romeo, this is ideal for you… We’ll attend… - Peter leaves-
Romeo: Benvolio, how could you? That is the enemies’ party.
Benvolio: Oh Romeo, I’m not a fool. The reasons for accepting it, is for you and consider
this… It’s a masquerade party.
Romeo: This is idiotic. What if someone recognizes us? They could easily annihilate us
with a blink of an eye.
Benvolio: It’s a party; I doubt they would want to fight us in such a place after what took
out earlier this morning
Romeo: This morning?
Benvolio: Ah, no… This morning, Abraham was being threatened by Samson and Gregory,
I tried to stop it to get any worse but, Tybalt arrived… We were then caught
by the Lord Escalus and got scolded… Any fight out in the open will result
to death brought by Lord Escalus himself.
Romeo: … Cousin, are you saying that, if they ever found out that we were killed by the
Capulet’s, the Lord himself will bring death to them?
Benvolio: Do you understand now? How safe we are even if we are to approach the
If you do, I’ll see you tonight, Romeo. – Leaves-
Romeo: - Reads the list- If Rosaline is to be there, I might as well attend the masquerade.
*Late afternoon at the Capulet’s*
Paris: Lord Capulet, I apologizefor the disturbance for this late afternoon. But, it is
something that cannot be delayed… Some may say that this is such a hasty
deci- - cut off-
Capulet: Spit it out this instance, Paris.
Paris: Lord Capulet, I wish to marry your daughter, Juliet.
Capulet: You have guts to appear at this time, considering that you’ve only met my
daughter just a few weeks ago…
Lady Capulet: Dear, don’t be so harsh to this young man…
Capulet: Harsh? Not at all my love, this kind of presence and determination is what I
simply want for our beloved daughter.
Lady Capulet: An immediate approval from my husband; consider yourself fortunate,
young man
Capulet: But not too fortunate; you are to marry Juliet once she reaches the age of
Paris: Do I have your word Lord Capulet?
Capulet: Lose the ‘Lord’. From this day on I am your father-in-law.
-Cut scene -
Lady Capulet: Juliet? Are you here, my child?
Juliet: I’m just getting prepared for tonight, Mother.
Lady Capulet: Do you still remember Paris?
Juliet: He was that man I met two weeks ago, right? The one related to the Prince Escalus.
Lady Capulet: Juliet, you should have met him. Count Paris, he arrived here a few minutes
ago and left after his business with your Father.
Juliet: He could have just done his business while in the celebration, couldn’t he?
Lady Capulet: Juliet, do you know what he came here for?
Juliet: I doubt it is something I can guess, Mother.
Lady Capulet: He came here for you, for your hand in marriage.
Juliet: Marriage?
Lady Capulet: You foolish child. He might have befriended you a few weeks ago but, no
one can resist that young and pure beauty of yours, Juliet.
Nurse: I agree; I have been by your side for all these years and I can never doubt that
your beauty excels any other women’s.
Lady Capulet: Not even that woman Rosaline can be compared to your beauty, Juliet.
Juliet: Mother, I never agreed to be married to anyone.
Lady Capulet: Don’t be such a brat, Juliet. Count Paris is such an ideal match for you; and
sadly dear, you can’t call off something that your Father already decided.
Juliet, you are to marry Paris in two years from now. This evening I want you
to give him all your attention and try giving your heart to him. Do you
understand, Juliet?
Juliet: Yes, Mother. – Lady Capulet leaves-
*Masquerade Party*
Mercutio: You’re unbelievable, Benvolio.
Benvolio: Come on Brethren, there’s nothing wrong with helping our Romeo.
Mercutio: Keep in mind that, even if this is just a party; this is still an enemy territory.
Benvolio: I’ll remember that; that being said, even if this is the enemy territory this is still
a party.
Romeo: This would be all? Have all the guests arrive?
Mercutio: Romeo?
Benvolio: Don’t tell me Rosaline is supposed to be here?
Romeo: - Sees Juliet and has become dazed- Rosa— who?
–Cut scene-
Tybalt: Is that a Montague I see?
Capulet: An enemy at our celebration.
Tybalt: Not just one but two of them are here. –Prepares sword-
Capulet: I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Tybalt.
Tybalt: Uncle…
Capulet: Do not get me mistaken you lass, I do despise the Montague’s and nothing can
change that. But, I will not allow you to dent this name of Capulet that this
family holds. You have done more than enough today, Tybalt.
-Cut scene- Song starts: River flows in you Lindsey Stirlingedit-
Romeo: I believe this would be our first time meeting, fair Maiden?
Juliet: I believe so; I doubt I would forget such a fellow like you…
Romeo: It would be such a shame to not have you as my partner in this song, Milady.
Juliet: - Accepts the dance [waltz] - I expect you to never make me forget this dance;
our dance.
Romeo: With my pleasure.
Juliet: That being said; promise me that this will not be our last dance.
Romeo: - kiss but not seen by any other Capulet- You have my word. – They dance
until the song finishes.-
Nurse: - Grab Juliet – Young Lady, that was a fine dance but, Lord Capulet has been
trying to call you.
Romeo: How would she be related to the Capulet’s?
Nurse: “How” you ask? This girl here is Lord Capulet’s, beautiful daughter, Juliet. –Pushes
Juliet to her father’s direction- Now go, young Lady… - Juliet walks away
from Romeo-
Romeo: - 1 step backwards- I see; it was nice meeting you, Juliet. – Immediately
regroups with Benvolio and Mercutio—
Romeo: W-We should go…
Benvolio: Come on, just because Rosaline is here with—
Romeo: It’s not that.
Mercutio: You’ve been found out?
Romeo: I just kissed the Capulet’s daughter…
- Mercutio and Benvolio leaves; Romeo leaps over the fence into the
-Balcony scenery-
Juliet: Oh Romeo, why do you have to be Romeo?
Forget your Father and refuse your name
Or else, if you won’t; just vow that you love me and I’ll no longer be a
Romeo: Should I listen for more or—
Juliet: It’s only your name that’s my enemy
what is a name anyway?
The flower that we call rose, would still smell as sweet as it is, if it was called
by another name.
Romeo would be just as perfect even if he wasn’t called Romeo.
Romeo, lose your name, which really has nothing to do with you--
And take all of me in exchange.
Romeo: I take your word. Call me but love and I will take a new name. From now on, I will
never be Romeo again.
Juliet: I have not heard you say a hundred words. But, I recognize your voice… Are you
not Romeo, and a Montague?
Romeo: Neither of those things, Juliet because, it is an enemy to you.
Juliet: If they found you, they will murder you.
Romeo: One upset look from you is much worse than your relatives’ swords; Juliet, just
look at me kindly and I am invincible against their hatred. The darkness can
hide me from their sight. If you do not love me, then let them find me here.
I would rather have them kill me than having to live without your love.
Juliet: I will give them everything to keep them for finding you here.
Romeo: I do not have any plans of leaving if we are not to make any faithful vows of love,
dear Juliet.
Juliet: I already gave my vow of love, Romeo even if you are to not ask for it while, you
had not given yours, Romeo.
Romeo: Juliet, I swear I would give you—
Juliet: Not here. I’m not satisfied with our vows a being swore to the inconstant moon.
Do not swear at all, Romeo. Not in our current situation. I do admit you
bring me joy but, I can’t take joy in our vows of this evening. It’s too sudden.
It’s much like lightning, which flashes and then disappears before you can
say, “it’s a lightning.” My Dear, I hope you enjoy the same sweet peace and
rest I feel in my heart.
Romeo: Take your rest, my love. But, I will be back for tomorrow and we shall be one.
-Cut scene-
Romeo: Friar, I need to speak to you!
Friar: At this time of night, Romeo?
Romeo: I met someone at the celebration…
Friar: Wait, Romeo. The only celebration at this day is…
Romeo: That’s right, the Capulet’s
Friar: And this woman made you completely forget about Rosaline?
Romeo: Yeah, completely out of my mind and heart.
Friar: And? Who is this fortunate woman that you’ve met?
Romeo: Juliet, the Capulet’s only daughter. I know it sounds crazy, but I need you for—
Friar: Isn’t that good news Romeo?
Romeo: But, the Family feud…
Friar: You who fell in love with the Capulet’s daughter might have been a bad thing
unless she returned those feelings, and I suppose she has?
Romeo: She has; I would have gave her my vow of love to her and—
Friar: That’s not the right way for vowing your love to the woman you fell in love, Romeo.
Haste makes waste. But in your case, I will marry the two of you.
Romeo: Friar, I’m amazed you knew what I wanted to say at this time of night.
Friar: I’ve known you for years, Romeo. You might as well consider me your older brother.
Though, I admit your sudden change of attention to Juliet; I was sure that
you were completely enslaved by Rosaline. But, for the purpose of stopping
the Capulet-Montague fight, I shall leave it to you Romeo. Tomorrow, you
and Juliet shall be husband and wife.
-Friar’s cell-
Friar: In the good and the bad, in sickness and in health; I now pronounce you husband
and wife.
Balthazar: It feels like it only has been a few weeks seeing you grow into a man, Master
Nurse: I get what you mean; children nowadays grow up so fast.
Juliet: I know that this is such a good time to celebration and all…
Romeo: But for this morning, it has to kept secret for now.
Juliet: Only my nurse and Balthazar know of this marriage besides my husband, Friar and
Romeo: And the celebration has to be hold but, the only guests are my wife and I…,
Nurse: Oh my, but Juliet has a curfew at six at the evening
Romeo: Then I will be the one who will come to her.
Balthazar: But Sire, the orchard walls, and to infiltrate an enemy territory even…
Juliet: Tonight is a full moon; even without any lamps, the moon can guide Romeo to me.
Nurse: I see, and for the walls… I will prepare a ladder for the two of you.
Juliet: Thank you for your loyalty to a mere thirteen-year-old.
Romeo: We can’t stay here any longer; the Capulet’s might realize that the two of you
are missing.
Nurse: Ah yes, we should get going, Juliet.
Romeo: Balthazar, I’ll need you to guide them home; don’t get too close to them. A
Montague seen with a Capulet might cause uproar again.
Balthazar: You’re not coming with us, Sire?
Romeo: I still have to look for Mercutio; Father has been looking for him because of
-Cut scene—
Benvolio: So, I was saying; about yesterday did Romeo really—
Mercutio: -Stops walking and stops Benvolio—
Tybalt: It has been a while,
Mercutio: By ‘a while’, you mean yesterday?
Tybalt: Yes, yes; yesterday evening, at the Capulet manor.
Benvolio: We were found out?
Mercutio: Of course; just be thankful we made it out unscathed last night.
Tybalt: If it weren’t for Uncle, I would kill you then and there, without any further
hesitation – Prepares sword-
Benvolio: This again…. This idiot never learns … Mercutio; we need to make a run for it.
Tybalt: Yeah, run to your heart’s content. It is not you whom I am looking for. Where is
Romeo appears—
Romeo: Tybalt!
Tybalt: There you are; weren’t you trying to be Casanova last night to my dear cousin?
It’s meaningless, you know? She is to be married to Count Paris in three
Romeo: That’s… That’s can’t happen…
Tybalt: Sorry Casanova… But having my cousin’s precious heart would take more than a
dance. Come; fight me to death, Romeo.
Romeo: I won’t fight you, Tybalt. Not in this situation.
Tybalt: You want to get my cousin’s heart, no? I am the only one against the Montague
marrying a Capulet; getting rid of me is the best way to finally have her
heart, Romeo.
Romeo: Not in a million years Tybalt; I will not fight you to death. There is another way,
rather than having the Capulet-Montague fight, this new generation should
be the one creating peace. Tybalt, The Capulet and Montague have no clear
reason of fighting; just drop your sword now.
Tybalt: I will drop my sword; after I’ve killed you, Romeo.
Mercutio: Tybalt, I will be your opponent in place of Romeo.
Romeo: You—!
Mercutio: Romeo, Benvolio; run. I’ll fight him instead. The Prince only warned the
Montague-Capulet. If the enemy isn’t a Montague then the charges might
be decreased and this fight should be just labeled as defense against Tybalt.
Romeo: Mercutio… No we can’t leave you here.
Benvolio: Romeo, we can’t fight Tybalt.
Mercutio: I’ll just have to leave him injured don’t I? I have no reason for killing him… -
Prepares sword— -Tybalt does the same—
Benvolio: -Pulls Romeo to the side— Romeo, let’s go.
Tybalt: Hmph, I have no time for you. But, if I defeat you, Romeo will have no choice but
to fight me. –Attacks—
Romeo: No!! – Jumps between them—
Mercutio: Romeo! Get out of the—
Tybalt: -Stabs Mercutio causing him death—
Romeo: Mercutio!! –Holds Mercutio’s limp body—
Mercutio: I told you to run, you idiot –Coughs—
Romeo: Mercutio, hang in there.
Tybalt: -Laughs— this wouldn’t have happened if you just fought me, Romeo.
Romeo: I’ve had enough of you, Tybalt.
Tybalt: You’re only saying that, Rome— -Beheaded/injured by Romeo causing Death—
Romeo: Not another word, Tybalt…
Mercutio: Hah, I can’t believe you would avenge me that fast although I haven’t died yet.
Romeo: Stop talking; please… I can’t believe you can still joke at a time like this…
Mercutio: Why not? At this situation I might as well give my last words…
You and Benvolio have been really my truest pair of friends; if I were to have
brothers I want them to be like you guys… I don’t really have anyone else to
dedicate any of my last words. You both, it should a good time to run –
Romeo: Mercutio…
Benvolio: Romeo, let’s run – Grabs Romeo—
Police: Don’t move!! – Runs after them.—
-Cut scene –
Messenger: Sire! A Capulet named Tybalt and Mercutio was found dead at a street. An
officer who happened to be patrolling the streets happened to witness the
Prince Escalus: A Capulet again?! You, other messenger; report this immediately to the
Capulet one of you stay and tell me the report.
Messenger: A trainee officer was patrolling before noon. He had witnessed the victim
Mercutio trying to make Romeo Montague and Benvolio Montague leave
the scene and insisted to fight Tybalt instead of Romeo. Romeo Montague
kept pleading for peace which disgusted Tybalt Capulet. Romeo then,
jumps in between of the combatants before they strike. Unfortunately,
Mercutio was still stabbed by Tybalt causing death. In grief and anger,
Romeo used Mercutio’s sword to strike Tybalt at his neck causing
immediate death.
Prince Escalus: …
Bring me the head of the family and those who are involved from each
family this instance.
Messenger: Understood.
-Montague and Capulets arrive—
Montague: Sire, our entire family has heard of the report before and your message to
our family from former incident… I, as the suspect’s father, never wish this
to happen but please, spare my son.
Capulet: … Despite that it my nephew that has been killed due to this incident, I, as the
uncle of the deceased, will lift the weight of punishment. That young fellow
was just merely protecting himself from Tybalt and his harsh attitude.
Prince Escalus: … I have heard everything that I needed to know. It such a shame that this
incident has to happen…Capulet; control the actions of your people.
Capulet: Understood, if such an incident happens again, please take me instead.
Prince Escalus: You have my word, Capulet. Montague; Romeo, you shall disappear from
my peaceful city with no trace of your existence tomorrow morning. That is
-Cut Scene—
Juliet: Ah, Romeo.
Nurse: Juliet! Juliet!
Juliet: What is it, Nurse?
Nurse: This is terrible, the marriage was just this morning and this immediately happens…
Juliet: What are you speaking of?
Nurse: Your cousin, Tybalt, has been killed.
Juliet: Cousin… But, isn’t going to happen either way? He, who always looks for a battle,
it is no wonder he— -Cuts off—
Nurse: He was killed by Romeo.
Juliet: My husband will never do a thing! He will not fight anyone who is my kinsmen.
Nurse: Tybalt’s body was seen in an empty street; his neck slashed with a sword used by
Romeo. Right now, one of Lord Escalus messenger has come summoning
your Father.
Juliet: Leave! No more; I don’t want to hear another word. – Nurse leaves—
Juliet: It doesn’t matter what you’ve done … Romeo, I will be waiting for you.
-Cut scene—
-Cut scene—

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Romeo and juliet death **Incomplete**

  • 1. In the peaceful streets of Verona; there lived two noble families with their long lasting disagreement, from generation to generation. Little that they know, their mere fight will not be able to stand between the love of the new generation. Gregory: The Capulet family has been the higher and has been more superior to the Montague’s from the start. Samson: Our employers have always been the mightier from your puny family. Abraham: Hmph, the only thing puny here is your brain, Samson. Gregory, I believe the Capulet doesn’t tolerate such nonsense, or did you learn that from your employers themselves? Samson: If you are going to be like that …. Gregory: Then, we might as well finish this with our swords…. Abraham: Only a muscle-head and uneducated person would carry their swords in such a place like this. --As Gregory and Samson encircle Abraham Benvolio sees the scene and approaches … As Gregory and Samson swing their swords, Benvolio takes out his sword and blocks the two … - Abraham: S-Sire! Benvolio: I believe these two started to just attack, or was it you that started this, Abraham? Abraham: Sire! I have no intention of getting into a ruckus to the other family. Benvolio: That’s all I need to know. Gregory: I’ll be damned, the numbers are equal now, Samson… Benvolio: You don’t have to worry about the numbers, Gregory. We have no intention of fighting the both of you. Gregory: We’re not letting you guys escape us! Tybalt: You idiot, don’t worry about them. Aren’t you guys just running with your tails between your legs now, Dear Benvolio? Abraham: Sire, I know you are better than being provoked by that person. Benvolio: The family pride is always at stake when Tybalt is in this kind of situation. Also, I’m not so kind if it’s regarding the Capulets Abraham: Sire... Benvolio: I’m not the one you should challenge, Tybalt. I’m pretty sure you’ve met my cousin. Romeo the successor to the Montague’s’, I believe he’s the one you should look for. Abraham: Indeed, Lord Romeo’s physique is highly exceptional in his age. Tybalt: That mere sixteen-year-old? I have no time to play with brats, Benvolio. I’m pretty damn sure you’re the only one at my level in terms of fighting. – Tybalt attacks Benvolio- Benvolio: - Blocks the attack and prepares to fight- - The citizens in mayhem – Prince Escalus: Enough.
  • 2. - The citizens giving way for the ruler - Benvolio and the rest freezes – Prince Escalus: It has always been so peaceful in this city of mine. Even with the feuding of the Capulet and the Montague it has never reached this far where, you fools would fight in such a place where many may be injured. What do you have to say about this, Montague? Benvolio: I let my pride be provoked by the opposing family and allowed ego to take over my actions. Prince Escalus: Capulets, I believe it was you who started this fight, Tybalt. Tybalt: There is no doubt about that, Lord Escalus. Prince Escalus: The Montagues have no intention of fighting; I want you to understand that, Tybalt. Montagues, I expect you to never have this kind of trouble again. Now you both, you are only allowed to battle each other to death with my permission and in my palace. I’ll send a letter to both families regarding this scene. The second time for this to happen, I will annihilate anyone who disturbs my city with my bare hands. – Leaves- -The Capulets return home… - *Crowded area * Benvolio: Oh, is that Romeo I see? I didn’t expect to see him here when he was so lost in his thoughts earlier this morning… *Benvolio calling out to Romeo; Romeo doesn’t notice Benvolio until Benvolio has a grip on Romeo’s shoulder thus, startling Romeo.* Romeo: Oh, it’s just you … Benvolio: Why so cold, Cousin? Romeo: Am not, it’s just your imagination. Also, you’re quite heavy, so could you please remove your arm from my shoulder. Benvolio: Just tell me your problems, Romeo. Maybe this cousin of yours might be able to help. Romeo: Nothing is wrong, Benvolio. Benvolio: Why are alone in this place mopping then? Romeo: It’s not called mopping if I’m just lost in my thoughts… Benvolio: Come on, I’m all ears for you. Romeo: You do not have any intention of leaving me alone, don’t you? Benvolio: Foolish, it’s as if you haven’t met me at all, Romeo. Romeo: You vow to never speak of this to anyone? Benvolio: You have my word, dear cousin. Romeo: I presume you’ve heard of Rosaline. Benvolio: Ah, that woman who is deemed as Aphrodite herself who chose to live a life of chastity. You no longer need to speak more of your situation, Cousin. You might as well consider yourself a speck of dust to her. Romeo: ….Don’t you dare speak word of this.
  • 3. Benvolio: Romeo, there are a lot of fish in the sea and a lot of beauties in this city. There’s— Peter: Pardon, Sirs … The Capulet are going to hold a masquerade party this evening with the following peoplelisted here. Here is a copy of the guests. This is something Lord Capulet traditionally holds, we’ll welcome you whole- heartedly. Benvolio: A celebration… Romeo, this is ideal for you… We’ll attend… - Peter leaves- Romeo: Benvolio, how could you? That is the enemies’ party. Benvolio: Oh Romeo, I’m not a fool. The reasons for accepting it, is for you and consider this… It’s a masquerade party. Romeo: This is idiotic. What if someone recognizes us? They could easily annihilate us with a blink of an eye. Benvolio: It’s a party; I doubt they would want to fight us in such a place after what took out earlier this morning Romeo: This morning? Benvolio: Ah, no… This morning, Abraham was being threatened by Samson and Gregory, I tried to stop it to get any worse but, Tybalt arrived… We were then caught by the Lord Escalus and got scolded… Any fight out in the open will result to death brought by Lord Escalus himself. Romeo: … Cousin, are you saying that, if they ever found out that we were killed by the Capulet’s, the Lord himself will bring death to them? Benvolio: Do you understand now? How safe we are even if we are to approach the enemies? If you do, I’ll see you tonight, Romeo. – Leaves- Romeo: - Reads the list- If Rosaline is to be there, I might as well attend the masquerade. *Late afternoon at the Capulet’s* Paris: Lord Capulet, I apologizefor the disturbance for this late afternoon. But, it is something that cannot be delayed… Some may say that this is such a hasty deci- - cut off- Capulet: Spit it out this instance, Paris. Paris: Lord Capulet, I wish to marry your daughter, Juliet. Capulet: You have guts to appear at this time, considering that you’ve only met my daughter just a few weeks ago… Lady Capulet: Dear, don’t be so harsh to this young man… Capulet: Harsh? Not at all my love, this kind of presence and determination is what I simply want for our beloved daughter. Lady Capulet: An immediate approval from my husband; consider yourself fortunate, young man Capulet: But not too fortunate; you are to marry Juliet once she reaches the age of fifteen. Paris: Do I have your word Lord Capulet? Capulet: Lose the ‘Lord’. From this day on I am your father-in-law.
  • 4. -Cut scene - Lady Capulet: Juliet? Are you here, my child? Juliet: I’m just getting prepared for tonight, Mother. Lady Capulet: Do you still remember Paris? Juliet: He was that man I met two weeks ago, right? The one related to the Prince Escalus. Lady Capulet: Juliet, you should have met him. Count Paris, he arrived here a few minutes ago and left after his business with your Father. Juliet: He could have just done his business while in the celebration, couldn’t he? Lady Capulet: Juliet, do you know what he came here for? Juliet: I doubt it is something I can guess, Mother. Lady Capulet: He came here for you, for your hand in marriage. Juliet: Marriage? Lady Capulet: You foolish child. He might have befriended you a few weeks ago but, no one can resist that young and pure beauty of yours, Juliet. Nurse: I agree; I have been by your side for all these years and I can never doubt that your beauty excels any other women’s. Lady Capulet: Not even that woman Rosaline can be compared to your beauty, Juliet. Juliet: Mother, I never agreed to be married to anyone. Lady Capulet: Don’t be such a brat, Juliet. Count Paris is such an ideal match for you; and sadly dear, you can’t call off something that your Father already decided. Juliet, you are to marry Paris in two years from now. This evening I want you to give him all your attention and try giving your heart to him. Do you understand, Juliet? Juliet: Yes, Mother. – Lady Capulet leaves- *Masquerade Party* Mercutio: You’re unbelievable, Benvolio. Benvolio: Come on Brethren, there’s nothing wrong with helping our Romeo. Mercutio: Keep in mind that, even if this is just a party; this is still an enemy territory. Benvolio: I’ll remember that; that being said, even if this is the enemy territory this is still a party. Romeo: This would be all? Have all the guests arrive? Mercutio: Romeo? Benvolio: Don’t tell me Rosaline is supposed to be here? Romeo: - Sees Juliet and has become dazed- Rosa— who? –Cut scene- Tybalt: Is that a Montague I see? Capulet: An enemy at our celebration. Tybalt: Not just one but two of them are here. –Prepares sword- Capulet: I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Tybalt. Tybalt: Uncle… Capulet: Do not get me mistaken you lass, I do despise the Montague’s and nothing can change that. But, I will not allow you to dent this name of Capulet that this family holds. You have done more than enough today, Tybalt.
  • 5.
  • 6. -Cut scene- Song starts: River flows in you Lindsey Stirlingedit- Romeo: I believe this would be our first time meeting, fair Maiden? Juliet: I believe so; I doubt I would forget such a fellow like you… Romeo: It would be such a shame to not have you as my partner in this song, Milady. **Direct** Juliet: - Accepts the dance [waltz] - I expect you to never make me forget this dance; our dance. Romeo: With my pleasure. Juliet: That being said; promise me that this will not be our last dance. Romeo: - kiss but not seen by any other Capulet- You have my word. – They dance until the song finishes.- Nurse: - Grab Juliet – Young Lady, that was a fine dance but, Lord Capulet has been trying to call you. Romeo: How would she be related to the Capulet’s? Nurse: “How” you ask? This girl here is Lord Capulet’s, beautiful daughter, Juliet. –Pushes Juliet to her father’s direction- Now go, young Lady… - Juliet walks away from Romeo- Romeo: - 1 step backwards- I see; it was nice meeting you, Juliet. – Immediately regroups with Benvolio and Mercutio— Romeo: W-We should go… Benvolio: Come on, just because Rosaline is here with— Romeo: It’s not that. Mercutio: You’ve been found out? Romeo: I just kissed the Capulet’s daughter… - Mercutio and Benvolio leaves; Romeo leaps over the fence into the garden. -Balcony scenery- Juliet: Oh Romeo, why do you have to be Romeo? Forget your Father and refuse your name Or else, if you won’t; just vow that you love me and I’ll no longer be a Capulet. Romeo: Should I listen for more or— Juliet: It’s only your name that’s my enemy what is a name anyway? The flower that we call rose, would still smell as sweet as it is, if it was called by another name. Romeo would be just as perfect even if he wasn’t called Romeo. Romeo, lose your name, which really has nothing to do with you-- And take all of me in exchange.
  • 7. Romeo: I take your word. Call me but love and I will take a new name. From now on, I will never be Romeo again. Juliet: I have not heard you say a hundred words. But, I recognize your voice… Are you not Romeo, and a Montague? Romeo: Neither of those things, Juliet because, it is an enemy to you. Juliet: If they found you, they will murder you. Romeo: One upset look from you is much worse than your relatives’ swords; Juliet, just look at me kindly and I am invincible against their hatred. The darkness can hide me from their sight. If you do not love me, then let them find me here. I would rather have them kill me than having to live without your love. Juliet: I will give them everything to keep them for finding you here. Romeo: I do not have any plans of leaving if we are not to make any faithful vows of love, dear Juliet. Juliet: I already gave my vow of love, Romeo even if you are to not ask for it while, you had not given yours, Romeo. Romeo: Juliet, I swear I would give you— Juliet: Not here. I’m not satisfied with our vows a being swore to the inconstant moon. Do not swear at all, Romeo. Not in our current situation. I do admit you bring me joy but, I can’t take joy in our vows of this evening. It’s too sudden. It’s much like lightning, which flashes and then disappears before you can say, “it’s a lightning.” My Dear, I hope you enjoy the same sweet peace and rest I feel in my heart. Romeo: Take your rest, my love. But, I will be back for tomorrow and we shall be one. -Cut scene- Romeo: Friar, I need to speak to you! Friar: At this time of night, Romeo? Romeo: I met someone at the celebration… Friar: Wait, Romeo. The only celebration at this day is… Romeo: That’s right, the Capulet’s Friar: And this woman made you completely forget about Rosaline? Romeo: Yeah, completely out of my mind and heart. Friar: And? Who is this fortunate woman that you’ve met? Romeo: Juliet, the Capulet’s only daughter. I know it sounds crazy, but I need you for— Friar: Isn’t that good news Romeo? Romeo: But, the Family feud… Friar: You who fell in love with the Capulet’s daughter might have been a bad thing unless she returned those feelings, and I suppose she has? Romeo: She has; I would have gave her my vow of love to her and— Friar: That’s not the right way for vowing your love to the woman you fell in love, Romeo. Haste makes waste. But in your case, I will marry the two of you. Romeo: Friar, I’m amazed you knew what I wanted to say at this time of night. Friar: I’ve known you for years, Romeo. You might as well consider me your older brother. Though, I admit your sudden change of attention to Juliet; I was sure that
  • 8. you were completely enslaved by Rosaline. But, for the purpose of stopping the Capulet-Montague fight, I shall leave it to you Romeo. Tomorrow, you and Juliet shall be husband and wife. -Friar’s cell- Friar: In the good and the bad, in sickness and in health; I now pronounce you husband and wife. Balthazar: It feels like it only has been a few weeks seeing you grow into a man, Master Romeo. Nurse: I get what you mean; children nowadays grow up so fast. Juliet: I know that this is such a good time to celebration and all… Romeo: But for this morning, it has to kept secret for now. Juliet: Only my nurse and Balthazar know of this marriage besides my husband, Friar and I… Romeo: And the celebration has to be hold but, the only guests are my wife and I…, tonight. Nurse: Oh my, but Juliet has a curfew at six at the evening Romeo: Then I will be the one who will come to her. Balthazar: But Sire, the orchard walls, and to infiltrate an enemy territory even… Juliet: Tonight is a full moon; even without any lamps, the moon can guide Romeo to me. Nurse: I see, and for the walls… I will prepare a ladder for the two of you. Juliet: Thank you for your loyalty to a mere thirteen-year-old. Romeo: We can’t stay here any longer; the Capulet’s might realize that the two of you are missing. Nurse: Ah yes, we should get going, Juliet. Romeo: Balthazar, I’ll need you to guide them home; don’t get too close to them. A Montague seen with a Capulet might cause uproar again. Balthazar: You’re not coming with us, Sire? Romeo: I still have to look for Mercutio; Father has been looking for him because of yesterday. -Cut scene— Benvolio: So, I was saying; about yesterday did Romeo really— Mercutio: -Stops walking and stops Benvolio— Tybalt: It has been a while, Mercutio: By ‘a while’, you mean yesterday? Tybalt: Yes, yes; yesterday evening, at the Capulet manor. Benvolio: We were found out? Mercutio: Of course; just be thankful we made it out unscathed last night. Tybalt: If it weren’t for Uncle, I would kill you then and there, without any further hesitation – Prepares sword-
  • 9. Benvolio: This again…. This idiot never learns … Mercutio; we need to make a run for it. Tybalt: Yeah, run to your heart’s content. It is not you whom I am looking for. Where is Romeo? Romeo appears— Romeo: Tybalt! Tybalt: There you are; weren’t you trying to be Casanova last night to my dear cousin? It’s meaningless, you know? She is to be married to Count Paris in three days… Romeo: That’s… That’s can’t happen… Tybalt: Sorry Casanova… But having my cousin’s precious heart would take more than a dance. Come; fight me to death, Romeo. Romeo: I won’t fight you, Tybalt. Not in this situation. Tybalt: You want to get my cousin’s heart, no? I am the only one against the Montague marrying a Capulet; getting rid of me is the best way to finally have her heart, Romeo. Romeo: Not in a million years Tybalt; I will not fight you to death. There is another way, rather than having the Capulet-Montague fight, this new generation should be the one creating peace. Tybalt, The Capulet and Montague have no clear reason of fighting; just drop your sword now. Tybalt: I will drop my sword; after I’ve killed you, Romeo. Mercutio: Tybalt, I will be your opponent in place of Romeo. Romeo: You—! Mercutio: Romeo, Benvolio; run. I’ll fight him instead. The Prince only warned the Montague-Capulet. If the enemy isn’t a Montague then the charges might be decreased and this fight should be just labeled as defense against Tybalt. Romeo: Mercutio… No we can’t leave you here. Benvolio: Romeo, we can’t fight Tybalt. Mercutio: I’ll just have to leave him injured don’t I? I have no reason for killing him… - Prepares sword— -Tybalt does the same— Benvolio: -Pulls Romeo to the side— Romeo, let’s go. Tybalt: Hmph, I have no time for you. But, if I defeat you, Romeo will have no choice but to fight me. –Attacks— Romeo: No!! – Jumps between them— Mercutio: Romeo! Get out of the— Tybalt: -Stabs Mercutio causing him death— Romeo: Mercutio!! –Holds Mercutio’s limp body— Mercutio: I told you to run, you idiot –Coughs— Romeo: Mercutio, hang in there. Tybalt: -Laughs— this wouldn’t have happened if you just fought me, Romeo. Romeo: I’ve had enough of you, Tybalt. Tybalt: You’re only saying that, Rome— -Beheaded/injured by Romeo causing Death— Romeo: Not another word, Tybalt… Mercutio: Hah, I can’t believe you would avenge me that fast although I haven’t died yet.
  • 10. Romeo: Stop talking; please… I can’t believe you can still joke at a time like this… Mercutio: Why not? At this situation I might as well give my last words… You and Benvolio have been really my truest pair of friends; if I were to have brothers I want them to be like you guys… I don’t really have anyone else to dedicate any of my last words. You both, it should a good time to run – Unconscious— Romeo: Mercutio… Benvolio: Romeo, let’s run – Grabs Romeo— Police: Don’t move!! – Runs after them.— -Cut scene – Messenger: Sire! A Capulet named Tybalt and Mercutio was found dead at a street. An officer who happened to be patrolling the streets happened to witness the scene. Prince Escalus: A Capulet again?! You, other messenger; report this immediately to the Capulet one of you stay and tell me the report. Messenger: A trainee officer was patrolling before noon. He had witnessed the victim Mercutio trying to make Romeo Montague and Benvolio Montague leave the scene and insisted to fight Tybalt instead of Romeo. Romeo Montague kept pleading for peace which disgusted Tybalt Capulet. Romeo then, jumps in between of the combatants before they strike. Unfortunately, Mercutio was still stabbed by Tybalt causing death. In grief and anger, Romeo used Mercutio’s sword to strike Tybalt at his neck causing immediate death. Prince Escalus: … Bring me the head of the family and those who are involved from each family this instance. Messenger: Understood. -Montague and Capulets arrive— Montague: Sire, our entire family has heard of the report before and your message to our family from former incident… I, as the suspect’s father, never wish this to happen but please, spare my son. Capulet: … Despite that it my nephew that has been killed due to this incident, I, as the uncle of the deceased, will lift the weight of punishment. That young fellow was just merely protecting himself from Tybalt and his harsh attitude. Prince Escalus: … I have heard everything that I needed to know. It such a shame that this incident has to happen…Capulet; control the actions of your people. Capulet: Understood, if such an incident happens again, please take me instead. Prince Escalus: You have my word, Capulet. Montague; Romeo, you shall disappear from my peaceful city with no trace of your existence tomorrow morning. That is all.
  • 11. -Cut Scene— Juliet: Ah, Romeo. Nurse: Juliet! Juliet! Juliet: What is it, Nurse? Nurse: This is terrible, the marriage was just this morning and this immediately happens… Juliet: What are you speaking of? Nurse: Your cousin, Tybalt, has been killed. Juliet: Cousin… But, isn’t going to happen either way? He, who always looks for a battle, it is no wonder he— -Cuts off— Nurse: He was killed by Romeo. Juliet: My husband will never do a thing! He will not fight anyone who is my kinsmen. Nurse: Tybalt’s body was seen in an empty street; his neck slashed with a sword used by Romeo. Right now, one of Lord Escalus messenger has come summoning your Father. Juliet: Leave! No more; I don’t want to hear another word. – Nurse leaves— Juliet: It doesn’t matter what you’ve done … Romeo, I will be waiting for you. -Cut scene— -Cut scene—