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How I Fixed
Mark Minasi Conference 2009
           Roger A. Grimes
Roger’s BIO
– CPA, CISSP, CEH, SSPP, CISA, TICSA, yada, yada
– 22-year Windows security consultant, instructor, and author
– Microsoft ACE Infosec Security Architect
– Author or co-author of eight books on computer security,
    • Network Security: The Complete Reference (McGraw-Hill, co-
      author of chapters on Computer Defenses and IDSs)
    • Windows Vista Security: Security Vista Against Malicious
      Attacks (Wiley, 2007 co-author)
    • Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening (Dec.
    • Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit (contrib author)
    • Honeypots for Windows (Apress, December 2004)
– Author of over 200 national magazine articles on computer
– Runs 8 honeypots tracking hacker and malware behavior
– InfoWorld security columnist and Blogger
Roger’s Books
The views expressed here are only my own,
and are not the views of my employer or
Mark Minasi
On the Bright Side...
 Not everyone is hacked everyday
This presentation is based on my previous
Fixing the Internet whitepaper and articles
How Bad Is It?
 Each year, over 1-in-3 US adults gets their
 identity information stolen over the Internet
 1-in-9 have their identity stolen multiple
 times a year
 1-in-9 have their stolen identity used in a
 given year
How Bad Is It?
 An average hacker can break into any Internet
 connected company relatively easy
 There is little you can do to stop hackers

 Break-ins are so common, than even when
 tens of millions of identities are stolen or
 millions of dollars are taken, it often doesn’t
 make the news cycle anymore
  99% of all malware exists to steal your money
  The big criminal gangs make hundreds of
  millions of dollars each year
    McColo, Rockphish, Russian Business Network
 Not a single person from any of the major
 criminal gangs has been arrested or
Every Internet Browser Has Many Exploits
    3 top browsers exploited in an hour
 Every “secure” browser is lucky to last a day
 when it is released before it is exploited
How Bad Is It?
 Firewalls don’t work
 Antivirus software doesn’t work
 Fully patching your software doesn’t work
 Spam and phishing as bad as ever
    Spam is 70-90% of all email traffic
    10% or more of all Internet traffic is malicious
Why do we keep doing the same things and
 expecting different results??
How Bad Is It?
Malware more sophisticated than ever
 Not one attack vector, but 20 +
 It’ hides now, doesn’t try to be cute
 Root-kit loading
 USB infecting
 Roving “mothership” web servers
Big Holes Still Being Found in the Internet
  Kaminsky DNS exploit
  Huge MPS/BGP exploit being announced at
  the next BlackHat
  Kinda kills the “many eyes” concept that
  supposedly makes our software secure
  Even DJBDNS’s software got hacked twice in a
Can’t Be Perfect Even If You’re Perfect
  Even if all the software goes security
  vulnerability free, it won’t stop hacking
  Today, 99.999% of malicious hacking occurs
  because an end-user is tricked into installing
  trojan malware
    Antivirus 2008 anyone??
How Bad Is It?
 After everything every vendor has tried,
 pushed, and promoted, computer security
 has only gotten substantially worse over the
 last 10 years...and even worse over the last 3
 Nothing any vendor is doing appears likely to
 significantly improve computer security over
 the next 10 years
Problems with Current Solutions
  Whack-a-mole solutions
  Point-specific defenses (which hackers just
  move around to the next weak link)
  Security defenses develop slower than
  No one is trying to solve the underlying
  systematic security problems
  No single group dedicated to fixing Internet
Why Does It Matter?
 Can’t we just live with the current state of

  I mean, we have survived so far without a
  major disruption to our global Internet
Why Does It Matter?
 Because the Internet is becoming more and
 more mission critical for real-life

 It isn’t just for email and ASCII porn anymore

 Global society is becoming more reliant on
 the Internet for basic and mission critical
Why Does It Matter?
 SQL Slammer (2003) showed us that most of
 the world’s most important, mission-critical
 networks are on the Internet
    Most major banks went down for multiple days
 Foreign hackers are routinely breaking into
 our most sensitive, secure, gov’t networks
Why Does It Matter?
 Where do you buy your airplane tickets?
 How did you buy your last concert tickets?
 I use web sites to make stock trades, schedule
 bulky garbage pick-ups, trip plans, pay college
 tuition for my daughters, Skype to call, etc.
 My InfoWorld column is only online
 How do you think your electronic funds
 transfer for your paycheck is transmitted?
Why Does It Matter?
 What was yesterday’s “nice-to-have” web site
 becomes today’s “use it or pay more” for a
 regular human
 The Iloveyou worm shutdown phone
 networks and delayed the delivery of
Why Does It Matter?
 The guy in charge of running the Whitehouse
 is bragging about using Gmail and Googledocs
 Your healthcare records are going online
 Stuff that should never be on the Internet
 (e.g. Nuclear power plants, electrical grids,
 911 systems) are on the Internet!!
Why Does It Matter?
 Even the mission critical stuff that all the
 experts assure us isn’t on the on
 the Internet
 Even if it isn’t “on the Internet”, it usually
 shares the same physical telecom lines with
 the if the Internet implodes, so
 too, does the non-Internet stuff
Why Does It
  there is a
  tipping point
  waiting to
So How Is the Internet Broken?
  Ask yourself, “Why do malicious hackers
So How Is the Internet Broken?
  Answer: Because we can’t catch them

 It’s low cost, low risk, and high return
   Rob a bank, get $5,000 (maybe), and 10 years in
   Rob off the Internet, make hundreds of millions,
   and never even get close to being caught
So How Is the Internet Broken?
  Answer: Because we can’t catch them

 I can’t think of a single Internet problem that
 doesn’t boil down to problems of identity and
So How Is the Internet Broken?
  There is pervasive anonymity
    You really have no idea I am who I say I am
 There is a lack of accountability
    We can’t find the hackers to arrest them
    We have a hard time prosecuting all the
    companies that knowingly help criminals
    There is no way to tell the good companies
    from the bad
  We have to rebuild all software and hardware
  connected to the Internet to fix it
  Replace pervasive anonymity with pervasive
  Hold people and companies accountable for
  bad things and continued poor practices
  Dream Team of Security Experts
  Rebuild the Internet and everything
  connected to it
  New Internet-wide security services available
  to everyone (think DNS, but for security)
  Come up a global, open, group to provide
  Will probably have to be gov’t sponsored
    Companies are motivated by greed
    There is no money in fixing the commons
    Most companies are very risk adverse
    It will take a “man-on-the-moon” project
Dream Team    Executive     Vendor/      Vendor/      Vendor/      Vendor/      Vendor/
              Committee     member       member       member       member       member
                            Director     Director     Director     Director     Director

         Component          Component    Component    Component    Component    Component
          Tactical           Tactical

                           Component    Component    Component    Component    Component
             Technical      Technical
              Teams         Members      Members      Members      Members      Members

                                           Public, End-User
                                          Shared Committee
Dream Team (2 year max.)
  Made up of global vendors, gov’t,
  independent security experts, and public
  No single entity controls outcome
  One vote per member
  Open meetings, open discussions
  Any solutions are completely voluntary in
    Try to use more “carrot” and less “stick”
Dream Team
  What can be agreed upon is tabled, but
  majority rules
  Global participating
  Solutions are standard and protocols, not
  Solutions are 100% open source, although
  vendors are welcome to develop commercial
  products and implementations
Dream Team - Challenges
  Global, but also decisive (the UN problem)
  How to convince vendors in their own self-
  interests to participate?
  How to make a global committee responsive?
  How to avoid balkanization, standard splits?
Possible Internet Security Solutions
  Global Security Service
  End-to-End Trust
  Using Existing Web Standards
Global Security Service
  Build a global Internet infrastructure service
  to provide coordination, advertising, and
  publication of the various global security
   DNS          UDDI        IF-MAP        Security
Global Security Service
  DNS-like - fault-tolerant, distributed “root” servers
  dedicated to directing querying clients to the
  appropriate security service server(s).
  UDDI – like -Each participating global, sub-root server
  would to serve up IP addresses to the corresponding
  needed security services (and to advertise and publish
  such services).
  IF-MAP-like - in that the existing sub-root servers
  would allow participating members to report and
  respond in a global, holistic, multi-service manner.
Global Security Service
IF-MAP Standard
  If you are not familiar with IF-MAP, in a nutshell, the
  Trusted Computing Group’s
  ( IF-MAP standard
  /IFMAP_FAQ_april_28.pdf) allows participating
  devices to report security events and receive
  notifications from other security devices to be able to
  respond in a coordinated fashion.
Global Security Service
IF-MAP Example:
  Your firewall detects an outbound email originating
  from a regular end-user workstation that does not
  typically use port 25 outbound
  Firewall notifies antivirus software to scan machine
  Antivirus software unable to clean computer or
  unable to find anything, tells NAC/NAP client to
  shutdown and 802.1x switch kills network port link
Global Security Service
New Security Service:
  Be like local IF-MAP solution, but provide information
Global Security Service

                                       Protocol/ Application
                                      Application specific
            Network                      global
             Security                                                                Security
            Boundary    S
                        C                                                       U
                        U                                                       R
                        R                                                       I
                        T    Local
                                            Internet/                           T
      regulated         Y                                              Local
                                            Network                   IF-MAP
                        D                                             service
                        E                    Cloud                              E
                        F                                                       E
                        E                                                       N
                        N                                                       S
                        S                                                       E
                        E                                                       S
Global Security Service
  Your network or web server comes under attack by a
  DDoS attack. Your local IF-MAP security device could
  connect to a root Internet security server and get
  directed to one or more services to allow an efficient
  response and defense to the attack. Your network
  could get subscribed on-the-fly to an anti-DDoS
  service, fire up additional availability resources on
  new IP spaces, or lead all the other participating
  networks into shunting off the offending bot-infected
Global Security Service
  Your company participates in a global
  whitelist/blacklist of IP addresses. Your company’s
  whitelist/blacklist servers/service could contact the
  global root servers to get instantaneous updates of
  the Russian Business Networks’ changing IP address
Global Security Service
  Your anti-spam device or anti-phishing filter can learn
  instantly when a massive new spam or phishing attack
  occurs instead of waiting for a vendor update or
  allowing only the already existing global email
  servicers to learn about the attack.
Global Security Service
  Supposed a MySQL-based Slammer type, zero-day,
  worm gets launched that can be successful against all
  existing, contactable MySQL servers on the Internet.
  Your firewall could be notified of the zero day attack
  and shut down the port until a better remedy is
    SQL Slammer infected most SQL servers on the Internet in
    under 10 minutes. It went off at 1AM EST. By the time
    sysadmins were alerted, it was over
Global Security Service

                                         Global                        Global
                      Global                             Global
       Global                             Early                       security
                   anti-malware                         phish list
      Black-list                         Warning                     server, etc.

                                  Internet, private
                                    entities, etc.
End to End Trust Solution
Trust Components
  OS Boot Process and Loading
  Device and User Identity
  Network Stack and Protocols
  Network Transmission Devices and Packets
  Communication Sessions
End to End Trust Solution
Not Microsoft’s End-to-End Trust
 Based originally on Trusted Computing Group’s work
End-to-End Trust
 Make each Internet egress network responsible and
 accountable for the security and trust of the endpoints in their
  This applies to corporate environments, as well as, ISPs being
 responsible for the security of their end-user clients (to a
 variable degree).
 Each egress network access point would be known as a “trust
 network”, and the management and technical teams
 responsible and accountable for implementing improved
 security trust mechanisms (e.g. egress filtering, two-factor
 authentication, anti-malware, secure coding practices, etc.).
End-to-End Trust
 A world-wide community consortium of computer security
 experts would transparently decide what levels of trust are
 assigned to the various trust components and how various
 trust networks earn increasing levels of trust.
 Egress points with poorly demonstrated levels of security will
 be given a low trust rating, and that rating known to all
 participants (e.g. world-wide trust rating list).
 This should encourage trust networks to improve their security
 to be rated higher, and at the same time hold accountable
 questionable networks (e.g. Russian Business Network’s
 malicious IP space).
End-to-End Trust
Trust Assurance Levels
  Various trust assurance level values are
  assigned to each trust component in the trust
          Authentication +
       Infrastructure Trust +
        Identity Assurance =
  Aggregate Trust Assurance Level
End-to-End Trust
  Trust Assurance Levels

       Authentication Type              Trust Assurance Level Assignment

       Simple user name and password                  Low

       Username, PIN, and Biometric /                Medium

       Smartcard, Biometric and PIN                   High
End-to-End Trust
  Trust Assurance Levels
            Infrastructure Example Scenarios                      Trust Assurance Level Assignment

  Logon session originating from a known malicious IP    Low
  address space

  Logon session originating from a trusted, classified   High
  government network

  Smart card using “short” 1024-bit public key           Medium

  Questionable Service Provider who has been “warned”    Low
  about continued, past illegal activities

  Network packet with “too many” hops, indicating        Low
  excessive routing

  Logon session originating from a shared wireless       Low
  network available to the public or Internet cafe

  Logon session originating from static, unchanging IP   Medium
End-to-End Trust
  Trust Assurance Levels
     Aggregated Trust Level Example Scenarios               Aggregated Trust Assurance Level Assignment

 Anonymous identity, password only, coming from an        Lowest
 untrusted service provider

 True Identity with compromised biometrics coming from    Low
 trusted service provider
 Anonymous identity with 3 party attestation, using       Medium
 password on trusted origination point

 True identity of long-term, outstanding character, on    High
 highly trusted service provider, using Smartcard + PIN
header                  header
                           including crypto info   including crypto info

End-to-End Trust               Overall Trust           Overall Trust
                               Ranking = 4             Ranking = 3

  Trust Assurance Levels
                              Network Trust           Network Trust
(at the packet level)          Ranking = 3             Ranking = 2

                              Session Trust           Session Trust
                               Ranking = 4             Ranking = 3

                              Identity Trust          Identity Trust
                               Ranking =5              Ranking =2

                              Physical Trust          Physical Trust
                               Ranking = 3             Ranking = 4

                             Signed &                Signed &
                           Encrypted Data          Encrypted Data
                              Payload                 Payload
End-to-End Trust
 These global trust ratings would be sharable and
 available to each communicating trust network.
 Each receiving trust network can decide how to treat
 incoming traffic based on the originator’s trust rating;
 and even provide custom trust ratings to trusted
 private trading partners (regardless of the packet’s
 tagged trust).
 Traffic with higher ratings of trust should be inspected
 less and be delivered faster to end-points.
End-to-End Trust
Trust Gateways
 Each trusted network should implement a trust
 gateway device (which can be a separate component
 or integrated into other egress/ingress point devices
 and software
 The trust gateway device is responsible for tagging
 egress traffic with a community decided upon trust
 rating, and appropriately handling (and handing off)
 incoming traffic based upon the trust rating with
 which it is marked.
End-to-End Trust

                              Community      Trust
                                Rating      Server Trust
     Network                    Server
                                                   Server                 Network
       Trust                                                                Trust
     Boundary   S
                C                                                     U
                U                                                     R
                R                                                     I
                T                 Internet/                           T
                Y    Trust
                    Gateway       Network                    Trust
                                                            Gateway   D
                E                  Cloud                              E
                F                                                     E
                E                                                     N
                N                                                     S
                S                                                     E
                E                                                     S
End-to-End Trust - In Conclusion
  Thus, a roving malware network, with constantly
  changing IP addresses could be tracked and identified
  by the global trust servers. No longer could malware
  writers hide behind fast-fluxing IP and DNS domain
  name changes.
End-to-End Trust - In Conclusion
  Another example, could be a previously highly trusted
  network or web site becomes infiltrated by malware.
  During the active attack, the compromised network or
  host could be assigned a lower trust rating, and that lower
  trust rating communicated to all participating parties.
  Once the malware was cleaned up and the network or
  host running clean again, its trust rating could be
  improved, maybe slowly at first. But certainly after a set
  period of time, it could regain its original trust rating, or
  actually improve it beyond the original if newer, more
  secure practices were used.
End-to-End Trust - In Conclusion
  Currently, there is no way for the Internet community,
  globally, to be aware that a particular, popular host or
  network is compromised.
  With more and more legitimate sites being used to
  host malware, we need some sort of warning system.
Use Existing Web Standards
 The Best Part??

All of the previously mentioned stuff can be
  implemented using web service standards
  that exist today!

      We need only agree upon a solution
Use Existing Web Standards
 x.500 Directories
 x.509 digital certificates
 Trusted Network Connect
 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip
 Network Access Control (e.g. NAP, etc.)
Use Existing Web Standards
 WS-* (Web Service Extensions)
 SAML 2.0
Use Existing Web Standards
 Basic Components

            Provider     Authentication
            website      Providers (AP)

Use Existing Web Standards
 You, your company, your client...can be all
 three components at some point
Basic Layers                                                            Auditors

                Authentication     Authentication     Authentication          AP
                  Provider           Provider           Provider             Layer

               Content Provider   Content Provider   Content Provider         CP

                  End-User           End-User           End-User
Use Existing Web Standards
 Your company can provide the authentication
 You can run an authentication/trust gateway
 Or you can buy into an authentication service
 that does all the heavy lifting
Basic Layers
                                                         Legacy            Non-Compliant
                                                        Password           Authentication
                                                         System               System

        AP                                              Authentication           Authentication
       Layer   Authentication     Authentication          Gateway                  Gateway
                 Provider           Provider               Service                  Server

               Content Provider   Content Provider   Content Provider     CP

Not a Pipe Dream
Many national/regional infrastructures are already
 headed down this path model
  Singapore’s National Authentication Framework
  Italian Inter-Regional Identity Federation (ICAR-INF3)
  European STORK project (
  United States Federal Bridge Certification Authority
* But none focused global, none focusing purely on
  security and how to “fix” the Internet
Likelihood For Internet Fix To Happen?
 Not likely until a tipping point event happens
 Then we’ll collectively run around with our heads in
 the sand and wonder how we could have let this
 (See global financial crisis, 9-11, etc.)
 We are not very good at proactive defenses until the
 big damage has occurred
The End
Fixing the Internet

It’s just that easy.

Or if you don’t like my plan, how would you fix it?


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Roger Grimes How I Fixed The Internets

  • 1. How I Fixed the Internets Mark Minasi Conference 2009 Roger A. Grimes e:
  • 2. Roger’s BIO – CPA, CISSP, CEH, SSPP, CISA, TICSA, yada, yada – 22-year Windows security consultant, instructor, and author – Microsoft ACE Infosec Security Architect – Author or co-author of eight books on computer security, including: • Network Security: The Complete Reference (McGraw-Hill, co- author of chapters on Computer Defenses and IDSs) • Windows Vista Security: Security Vista Against Malicious Attacks (Wiley, 2007 co-author) • Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening (Dec. 2005) • Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit (contrib author) • Honeypots for Windows (Apress, December 2004) – Author of over 200 national magazine articles on computer security – Runs 8 honeypots tracking hacker and malware behavior – InfoWorld security columnist and Blogger
  • 4. The views expressed here are only my own, and are not the views of my employer or Mark Minasi
  • 5. On the Bright Side... Not everyone is hacked everyday
  • 6. This presentation is based on my previous work... Fixing the Internet whitepaper and articles /Fixing_the_Internet_Final.pdf /2008/05/fixing_the_inte.html /2008/05/defending_fixin.html central/internet-fix-no-pipe-dream-452
  • 7. How Bad Is It? Each year, over 1-in-3 US adults gets their identity information stolen over the Internet 1-in-9 have their identity stolen multiple times a year 1-in-9 have their stolen identity used in a given year
  • 8. How Bad Is It? An average hacker can break into any Internet connected company relatively easy There is little you can do to stop hackers Break-ins are so common, than even when tens of millions of identities are stolen or millions of dollars are taken, it often doesn’t make the news cycle anymore
  • 9. Crimeware 99% of all malware exists to steal your money The big criminal gangs make hundreds of millions of dollars each year McColo, Rockphish, Russian Business Network Not a single person from any of the major criminal gangs has been arrested or prosecuted
  • 10. Every Internet Browser Has Many Exploits CanSecWest 3 top browsers exploited in an hour Every “secure” browser is lucky to last a day when it is released before it is exploited
  • 11. How Bad Is It? Firewalls don’t work Antivirus software doesn’t work Fully patching your software doesn’t work Spam and phishing as bad as ever Spam is 70-90% of all email traffic 10% or more of all Internet traffic is malicious Why do we keep doing the same things and expecting different results??
  • 12. How Bad Is It? Malware more sophisticated than ever Not one attack vector, but 20 + It’ hides now, doesn’t try to be cute Fast-fluxing Root-kit loading USB infecting Roving “mothership” web servers
  • 13. Big Holes Still Being Found in the Internet Kaminsky DNS exploit Huge MPS/BGP exploit being announced at the next BlackHat Kinda kills the “many eyes” concept that supposedly makes our software secure Even DJBDNS’s software got hacked twice in a year
  • 14. Can’t Be Perfect Even If You’re Perfect Even if all the software goes security vulnerability free, it won’t stop hacking Today, 99.999% of malicious hacking occurs because an end-user is tricked into installing trojan malware Antivirus 2008 anyone??
  • 15. How Bad Is It? After everything every vendor has tried, pushed, and promoted, computer security has only gotten substantially worse over the last 10 years...and even worse over the last 3 years Nothing any vendor is doing appears likely to significantly improve computer security over the next 10 years
  • 16. Problems with Current Solutions Whack-a-mole solutions Point-specific defenses (which hackers just move around to the next weak link) Security defenses develop slower than malware No one is trying to solve the underlying systematic security problems No single group dedicated to fixing Internet security
  • 17. Why Does It Matter? Can’t we just live with the current state of things? I mean, we have survived so far without a major disruption to our global Internet society
  • 18. Why Does It Matter? Because the Internet is becoming more and more mission critical for real-life It isn’t just for email and ASCII porn anymore Global society is becoming more reliant on the Internet for basic and mission critical services
  • 19. Why Does It Matter? SQL Slammer (2003) showed us that most of the world’s most important, mission-critical networks are on the Internet Most major banks went down for multiple days Foreign hackers are routinely breaking into our most sensitive, secure, gov’t networks
  • 20. Why Does It Matter? Where do you buy your airplane tickets? How did you buy your last concert tickets? I use web sites to make stock trades, schedule bulky garbage pick-ups, trip plans, pay college tuition for my daughters, Skype to call, etc. My InfoWorld column is only online How do you think your electronic funds transfer for your paycheck is transmitted?
  • 21. Why Does It Matter? What was yesterday’s “nice-to-have” web site becomes today’s “use it or pay more” for a regular human Crackberries...anyone... The Iloveyou worm shutdown phone networks and delayed the delivery of newspapers
  • 22. Why Does It Matter? The guy in charge of running the Whitehouse is bragging about using Gmail and Googledocs Your healthcare records are going online Stuff that should never be on the Internet (e.g. Nuclear power plants, electrical grids, 911 systems) are on the Internet!!
  • 23. Why Does It Matter? Even the mission critical stuff that all the experts assure us isn’t on the on the Internet Even if it isn’t “on the Internet”, it usually shares the same physical telecom lines with the if the Internet implodes, so too, does the non-Internet stuff
  • 24. Why Does It Matter? Somewhere, there is a tipping point event waiting to happen
  • 25. So How Is the Internet Broken? Ask yourself, “Why do malicious hackers hack?”
  • 26. So How Is the Internet Broken? Answer: Because we can’t catch them It’s low cost, low risk, and high return Rob a bank, get $5,000 (maybe), and 10 years in jail Rob off the Internet, make hundreds of millions, and never even get close to being caught
  • 27. So How Is the Internet Broken? Answer: Because we can’t catch them I can’t think of a single Internet problem that doesn’t boil down to problems of identity and integrity
  • 28. So How Is the Internet Broken? There is pervasive anonymity You really have no idea I am who I say I am There is a lack of accountability We can’t find the hackers to arrest them We have a hard time prosecuting all the companies that knowingly help criminals There is no way to tell the good companies from the bad
  • 29. Summary We have to rebuild all software and hardware connected to the Internet to fix it Replace pervasive anonymity with pervasive identity Hold people and companies accountable for bad things and continued poor practices
  • 30. Summary Dream Team of Security Experts Rebuild the Internet and everything connected to it New Internet-wide security services available to everyone (think DNS, but for security)
  • 31. Summary Come up a global, open, group to provide solutions Will probably have to be gov’t sponsored Companies are motivated by greed There is no money in fixing the commons Most companies are very risk adverse It will take a “man-on-the-moon” project
  • 32. Dream Team Executive Vendor/ Vendor/ Vendor/ Vendor/ Vendor/ Committee member member member member member Director Director Director Director Director (Strategic Decisions) Component Component Component Component Component Component Tactical Tactical Lead Tactical Lead Tactical Lead Tactical Lead Tactical Lead Leads Component Component Component Component Component Technical Technical Team Technical Team Technical Team Technical Team Technical Team Teams Members Members Members Members Members Public, End-User Shared Committee Participation
  • 33. Dream Team (2 year max.) Made up of global vendors, gov’t, independent security experts, and public No single entity controls outcome One vote per member Open meetings, open discussions Any solutions are completely voluntary in nature Try to use more “carrot” and less “stick”
  • 34. Dream Team What can be agreed upon is tabled, but majority rules Global participating Solutions are standard and protocols, not products Solutions are 100% open source, although vendors are welcome to develop commercial products and implementations
  • 35. Dream Team - Challenges Global, but also decisive (the UN problem) How to convince vendors in their own self- interests to participate? How to make a global committee responsive? How to avoid balkanization, standard splits?
  • 36. Possible Internet Security Solutions Global Security Service End-to-End Trust Using Existing Web Standards
  • 37. Global Security Service Build a global Internet infrastructure service to provide coordination, advertising, and publication of the various global security initiatives Internet DNS UDDI IF-MAP Security Service
  • 38. Global Security Service DNS-like - fault-tolerant, distributed “root” servers dedicated to directing querying clients to the appropriate security service server(s). UDDI – like -Each participating global, sub-root server would to serve up IP addresses to the corresponding needed security services (and to advertise and publish such services). IF-MAP-like - in that the existing sub-root servers would allow participating members to report and respond in a global, holistic, multi-service manner.
  • 39. Global Security Service IF-MAP Standard If you are not familiar with IF-MAP, in a nutshell, the Trusted Computing Group’s ( IF-MAP standard ( /IFMAP_FAQ_april_28.pdf) allows participating devices to report security events and receive notifications from other security devices to be able to respond in a coordinated fashion.
  • 40. Global Security Service IF-MAP Example: Your firewall detects an outbound email originating from a regular end-user workstation that does not typically use port 25 outbound Firewall notifies antivirus software to scan machine Antivirus software unable to clean computer or unable to find anything, tells NAC/NAP client to shutdown and 802.1x switch kills network port link
  • 41. Global Security Service New Security Service: Be like local IF-MAP solution, but provide information globally
  • 42. Global Security Service Global Internet Security Infrastructure Service Protocol/ Protocol/ Application Protocol/ Application specific Application global specific specific servers Network global servers global servers Network Security Security S Boundary S E E C Boundary C U U R R I I T Local Internet/ T Y regulated Y Local endpoints IF-MAP service Network IF-MAP D regulated D service E Cloud E F endpoints F E E N N S S E E S S
  • 43. Global Security Service Examples: Your network or web server comes under attack by a DDoS attack. Your local IF-MAP security device could connect to a root Internet security server and get directed to one or more services to allow an efficient response and defense to the attack. Your network could get subscribed on-the-fly to an anti-DDoS service, fire up additional availability resources on new IP spaces, or lead all the other participating networks into shunting off the offending bot-infected computers.
  • 44. Global Security Service Examples: Your company participates in a global whitelist/blacklist of IP addresses. Your company’s whitelist/blacklist servers/service could contact the global root servers to get instantaneous updates of the Russian Business Networks’ changing IP address space.
  • 45. Global Security Service Examples: Your anti-spam device or anti-phishing filter can learn instantly when a massive new spam or phishing attack occurs instead of waiting for a vendor update or allowing only the already existing global email servicers to learn about the attack.
  • 46. Global Security Service Examples: Supposed a MySQL-based Slammer type, zero-day, worm gets launched that can be successful against all existing, contactable MySQL servers on the Internet. Your firewall could be notified of the zero day attack and shut down the port until a better remedy is provided. SQL Slammer infected most SQL servers on the Internet in under 10 minutes. It went off at 1AM EST. By the time sysadmins were alerted, it was over
  • 47. Global Security Service Global Internet Security Infrastructure Service Global Global Global Global Global Early security anti-malware phish list Black-list Warning server, etc. signatures System Internet, private entities, etc.
  • 48. End to End Trust Solution Trust Components Hardware OS Boot Process and Loading Device and User Identity Network Stack and Protocols Applications Network Transmission Devices and Packets Communication Sessions
  • 49. End to End Trust Solution Not Microsoft’s End-to-End Trust Based originally on Trusted Computing Group’s work
  • 50. End-to-End Trust Make each Internet egress network responsible and accountable for the security and trust of the endpoints in their network. This applies to corporate environments, as well as, ISPs being responsible for the security of their end-user clients (to a variable degree). Each egress network access point would be known as a “trust network”, and the management and technical teams responsible and accountable for implementing improved security trust mechanisms (e.g. egress filtering, two-factor authentication, anti-malware, secure coding practices, etc.).
  • 51. End-to-End Trust A world-wide community consortium of computer security experts would transparently decide what levels of trust are assigned to the various trust components and how various trust networks earn increasing levels of trust. Egress points with poorly demonstrated levels of security will be given a low trust rating, and that rating known to all participants (e.g. world-wide trust rating list). This should encourage trust networks to improve their security to be rated higher, and at the same time hold accountable questionable networks (e.g. Russian Business Network’s malicious IP space).
  • 52. End-to-End Trust Trust Assurance Levels Various trust assurance level values are assigned to each trust component in the trust pathway Authentication + Infrastructure Trust + Identity Assurance = Aggregate Trust Assurance Level
  • 53. End-to-End Trust Trust Assurance Levels Authentication Type Trust Assurance Level Assignment Simple user name and password Low Username, PIN, and Biometric / Medium Token Smartcard, Biometric and PIN High
  • 54. End-to-End Trust Trust Assurance Levels Infrastructure Example Scenarios Trust Assurance Level Assignment Logon session originating from a known malicious IP Low address space Logon session originating from a trusted, classified High government network Smart card using “short” 1024-bit public key Medium Questionable Service Provider who has been “warned” Low about continued, past illegal activities Network packet with “too many” hops, indicating Low excessive routing Logon session originating from a shared wireless Low network available to the public or Internet cafe Logon session originating from static, unchanging IP Medium address
  • 55. End-to-End Trust Trust Assurance Levels Aggregated Trust Level Example Scenarios Aggregated Trust Assurance Level Assignment Anonymous identity, password only, coming from an Lowest untrusted service provider True Identity with compromised biometrics coming from Low trusted service provider rd Anonymous identity with 3 party attestation, using Medium password on trusted origination point True identity of long-term, outstanding character, on High highly trusted service provider, using Smartcard + PIN
  • 56. header header including crypto info including crypto info End-to-End Trust Overall Trust Overall Trust Ranking = 4 Ranking = 3 Trust Assurance Levels Network Trust Network Trust (at the packet level) Ranking = 3 Ranking = 2 Session Trust Session Trust Ranking = 4 Ranking = 3 Identity Trust Identity Trust Ranking =5 Ranking =2 Physical Trust Physical Trust Ranking = 3 Ranking = 4 Signed & Signed & Encrypted Data Encrypted Data Payload Payload
  • 57. End-to-End Trust These global trust ratings would be sharable and available to each communicating trust network. Each receiving trust network can decide how to treat incoming traffic based on the originator’s trust rating; and even provide custom trust ratings to trusted private trading partners (regardless of the packet’s tagged trust). Traffic with higher ratings of trust should be inspected less and be delivered faster to end-points.
  • 58. End-to-End Trust Trust Gateways Each trusted network should implement a trust gateway device (which can be a separate component or integrated into other egress/ingress point devices and software The trust gateway device is responsible for tagging egress traffic with a community decided upon trust rating, and appropriately handling (and handing off) incoming traffic based upon the trust rating with which it is marked.
  • 59. End-to-End Trust Global Internet Security Infrastructure Service Community Community Trust Community Rating Trust Rating Server Trust Network Server Rating Server Network Trust Trust S Boundary S E E C Boundary C U U R R I I T Internet/ T Y Y Trust Gateway Network Trust Gateway D regulated D E Cloud E F endpoints F E E N N S S E E S S
  • 60. End-to-End Trust - In Conclusion Thus, a roving malware network, with constantly changing IP addresses could be tracked and identified by the global trust servers. No longer could malware writers hide behind fast-fluxing IP and DNS domain name changes.
  • 61. End-to-End Trust - In Conclusion Another example, could be a previously highly trusted network or web site becomes infiltrated by malware. During the active attack, the compromised network or host could be assigned a lower trust rating, and that lower trust rating communicated to all participating parties. Once the malware was cleaned up and the network or host running clean again, its trust rating could be improved, maybe slowly at first. But certainly after a set period of time, it could regain its original trust rating, or actually improve it beyond the original if newer, more secure practices were used.
  • 62. End-to-End Trust - In Conclusion Currently, there is no way for the Internet community, globally, to be aware that a particular, popular host or network is compromised. With more and more legitimate sites being used to host malware, we need some sort of warning system.
  • 63. Use Existing Web Standards The Best Part?? All of the previously mentioned stuff can be implemented using web service standards that exist today! We need only agree upon a solution
  • 64. Use Existing Web Standards IPv6 DNSSec x.500 Directories x.509 digital certificates Trusted Network Connect Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip Network Access Control (e.g. NAP, etc.)
  • 65. Use Existing Web Standards WS-* (Web Service Extensions) WS-Security WS-Federation WS-Trust OpenID RADIUS SAML 2.0
  • 66. Use Existing Web Standards Basic Components Content Provider Authentication website Providers (AP) Cloud Services End-User
  • 67. Use Existing Web Standards You, your company, your client...can be all three components at some point
  • 68. Basic Layers Auditors Authentication Authentication Authentication AP Provider Provider Provider Layer Content Provider Content Provider Content Provider CP Layer End-User End-User End-User End-User Layer
  • 69. Use Existing Web Standards Your company can provide the authentication service You can run an authentication/trust gateway device Or you can buy into an authentication service that does all the heavy lifting
  • 70. Basic Layers Legacy Non-Compliant Password Authentication System System AP Authentication Authentication Layer Authentication Authentication Gateway Gateway Provider Provider Service Server Content Provider Content Provider Content Provider CP Layer End-User
  • 71. Not a Pipe Dream Many national/regional infrastructures are already headed down this path model Singapore’s National Authentication Framework Italian Inter-Regional Identity Federation (ICAR-INF3) European STORK project ( United States Federal Bridge Certification Authority ( * But none focused global, none focusing purely on security and how to “fix” the Internet
  • 72. Likelihood For Internet Fix To Happen? Not likely until a tipping point event happens Then we’ll collectively run around with our heads in the sand and wonder how we could have let this happen (See global financial crisis, 9-11, etc.) We are not very good at proactive defenses until the big damage has occurred
  • 73. The End Fixing the Internet It’s just that easy. Or if you don’t like my plan, how would you fix it? Questions?