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rnchat:          15 minutes to #RNchat 8:30pm EST. Try using or
        for maximum R&B.
                 3/19/2010 20:15

rnchat:          Welcome to tonight's #RNchat! If you're new just ask me questions or just watch. OK,
                 let's start with introductions. Tell us about yourself!
                 3/19/2010 20:30

oncnurse66:      I am new to twitter and this is my first chat. My name is Becky and I am an Oncology
                 nurse and a BSN Nursing Informatics student. #rnchat
                 3/19/2010 20:31

rnchat:          @oncnurse66 Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions. #RNchat
                 3/19/2010 20:33

rnchat:          @oncnurse66 We may see a slow start tonight but by 9p we may see an uptick. #RNchat
                 3/19/2010 20:35

rnchat:          T1 Outmoded Practices: What keeps outmoded practices from being retired? What blocks
                 innovation? h/t @Vaticuss #RNchat
                 3/19/2010 20:35

nursingpins:     Hey all running late - busy at the hosp. #rnchat
                 3/19/2010 20:36

nursechenene:    #RNchat T1 Rural providers that have been there all their lives and need to retire but
                 can't fill their positions.
                 3/19/2010 20:36

Kineticycle:     #rnchat Fear of change keeps innovation from happening.
                 3/19/2010 20:37

nursingpins:     The hospitals keep outmoded practices from going away - hospitals are the biggest
                 obstacle for nursing advancement. T1 #rnchat
                 3/19/2010 20:38

InfusionNurse:   Hi all! T1 - Nurses have "that's how we've always done it, why change if it works" attitude.
                 Many r afraid of change/technology! #RNchat
                 3/19/2010 20:38

lorryschoenly:   T1 We are all most comfortable practicing they way we originally learned and are
                 comfortable. It is 'safer' than changing..... #rnchat
                 3/19/2010 20:38

Kineticycle:     #rnchat T1 Tradition is not an excuse for avoiding evidence based care, if u dont like
                 change, ur going to dislike obsolescence even more.
                 3/19/2010 20:40

rnchat:          RT @Kineticycle: #rnchat T1 Tradition is not an excuse for avoiding evidence based care,
                 if u dont like change, ur going to dislike obsolescence even more.
                 3/19/2010 20:41

nursekama:       Hello! Hope its not too late to join. My name is Kama and I'm a Clinical Nurse Specialist,
                 Psych/Mental Health, Southwestern Ontario #RNchat
                 3/19/2010 20:42

rnchat:          @Vaticuss Welcome! Add #RNchat to your replies so we can see them them within the
stream. Join in and thanks for coming!
                3/19/2010 20:43

oncnurse66:     We work in a field that has to change with technology and updated evidence based
                practice I don't think that we have a choice #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:43

nursechenene:   #RNchat T1 We nurses have to stay current with profession to prove to facility change
                need to implement evidence based.
                3/19/2010 20:44

nursingpins:    On change - nurses are going to need help running the hospitals - has become too much
                to do it all. #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:44

Vaticuss:       RT @Vaticuss But as educators are we holding on to the practices we cherish at the
                costs of innovation? #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:45

nursechenene:   #RNchat Amen to that.
                3/19/2010 20:45

Vaticuss:       RT @Vaticuss When we keep adding new practices without retiring old ones, are we only
                adding to the frustration of our students? #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:45

nursingpins:    Nurses have run the hospitals so long - many things nurses do are not nursing duties -
                have done so long - now assumed. #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:45

StephenNP:      T1 - Nursing is leading the evidence-based practice initiative - we all need to embrace
                this culture and apply it to our practice #RNchat
                3/19/2010 20:46

Trybarefoot:    Evening #RNChat folks - just signing on - will hover a bit to catch up!
                3/19/2010 20:47

nursechenene:   Yes like calling the doctor's office for them and answering their pagers. Floored that a
                facility still condones this practice. #RNchat
                3/19/2010 20:47

nursingpins:    Last time I looked - nobody was following - glad things are better there @StephenNP
                3/19/2010 20:48

oncnurse66:     @nursingpins the hospital where I work now requires nurses to enter patient charges for
                services such as Sub Q injections #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:48

rnchat:         @Trybarefoot Good to see you! #RNchat
                3/19/2010 20:48

Vaticuss:       @nursingpins How do you mean? What changes are you seeking? #rnchat
                3/19/2010 20:49

rnchat:         @nursekama Good to see you again! #RNchat
                3/19/2010 20:49
nursingpins:       @oncnurse66 Much of that is from the Diploma School days - when nurses were hospital
                   slaves - continues. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:49

Kineticycle:       #rnchat Welcome to all the new folks who have joined in tonight!
                   3/19/2010 20:50

Trybarefoot:       I'm Gerard (Nova Scotia) - consultant in health/health care - previously Manager Primary
                   Health Care - work w/ RNs always! #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 20:50

maryannagordon: T1It's not for lack of effort from nrsg schools. We teach EBP, but new grads get
                intimidated by seasoned nurses into doing old way #Rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:50

rnchat:            RT @Kineticycle: #rnchat Welcome to all the new folks who have joined in tonight!
                   3/19/2010 20:51

nursingpins:       Nursing care is only a small part of what nurses do - nurses run the hospitals @Vaticuss
                   and spend very little time nursing. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:51

Vaticuss:          @nursingpins So how can we inspire change? #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:52

InfusionNurse:     @maryannagordon T1 not all seasoned nurses r that way... #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 20:53

nursingpins:       We must demand it a as group - no national voice - Unions are on the way for many.
                   hospitals are happy as things are. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:54

Vaticuss:          @maryannagordon So is it just a matter of time until those nurses are gone? We can
                   teach it for years but getting into action...? #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:54

nursingpins:       Nurses can no longer run the hospitals and provide the care - has become too much - I'm
                   hoping EMR will help - but will not cure. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:56

maryannagordon: @InfusionNurse of course not, speaking in generalities - but when new nurses don't feel
                authorized to speak up, that's what happens #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:56

Vaticuss:          @oncnurse66 And why is capturing those charges met with such resistance? #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:56

InfusionNurse:     T1 - there's "personal" innovation - nurses wanting to change, but hindered by "process"
                   innovation #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 20:57

Vaticuss:          @oncnurse66 Why us there so much resistance to capturing charges for services?
                   3/19/2010 20:58

nursechenene:      As long as the EMR is not abused by the number crunchers by implementing more
                   charting windows to ease their stats configurations. #RNchat
3/19/2010 20:58

nursingpins:       Hospitals must hire (hospital management) people to do some of the non-nursing duties
                   we have assumed. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:58

nursechenene:      Otherwise an EMR is a great time saver #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 20:59

maryannagordon: @Vaticuss Maybe. Dont know. I think it has to be a concerted effort between nrsg
                schools and hospital educatrs, EBP not going away #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:59

Vaticuss:          @nursingpins But wouldn't CONVINCING be more effective than demanding? #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 20:59

oncnurse66:        @vaticuss it takes so much more time you are trying to care for the patient while bein
                   hounded to charge for your "services" #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:00

nursingpins:       If left to the hospitals - nurses will continue to do it all - It is taking mandates just to get
                   safe staffing! #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:00

rnchat:            Sorry - left of the hashtag for our second topic. Apologies! Coming up... #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:00

rnchat:            T2 NCLEX Difficulty: NCSBN is raising the bar. What do you think: does the bar need to
                   be raised? How are new grads doing? #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:01

Trybarefoot:       Signing off all - not familiar w/ NCLEX or NCSBN (?) - so don't think I can contribute
                   much value - will look forward to next time! #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:02

nursingpins:       T2 - great idea - the bar needs to be raised - new grads have no idea what they have got
                   themselves into - #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:02

Vaticuss:          @oncnurse66 I can understand that. But the revenue generated by the charges
                   justifies/accomodates nursing positions? #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:02

mandirocker:       @RNchat T2: A higher bar is scary for someone taking boards this summer :o/ but this
                   year my program brought in Kaplan, thankfully. #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:04

nursingpins:       The switch from nursing school to staff is a shock - no relation to school and reality (re
                   staffing) #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:04

nexthospitalmag: RT @nursingpins: The switch from nursing school to staff is a shock - no relation to
                 school and reality (re staffing) #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:05

InfusionNurse:     T2 - it is a licensure exam..think bar should always be high! #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:05
nursingpins:       @Vaticuss that response is typical administration - nursing should not be responsible for
                   ALL charges. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:06

Vaticuss:          @nursingpins Hm. More than a measure of how the grads are doing, measures the
                   success of the curricular practices of colleges. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:07

nursingpins:       Nurses need more than accommodation. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:08

maryannagordon: @nursingpins T1 no doubt, and we try to prepare them for that. We want to learn from
                their preceptors, but want them to teach, too #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:08

InfusionNurse:     @mandirocker ..good luck! #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:08

Vaticuss:          @nursingpins So, what charges should rn be respnsbl for? #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:09

InfusionNurse:     @Trybarefoot ..see you next chat. #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:09

nursingpins:       T1 - I agree - nurses MUST teach the new ones - frustration is fueling a lot of our hostility
                   for each other. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:10

nursekama:         @InfusionNurse Does pre-licensure education address the transition experience? Are u
                   all familiar w/ NTF: #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:10

Vaticuss:          @nursingpins FYI: Im not administration! :). #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:10

rnchat:            Final topic coming up in a moment! #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:11

maryannagordon: @Vaticuss T1 I agree, curriculum must change to ensure new grads meet the needs of
                hospitals. I'm at OHSU, our OCNE curriculum tries #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:11

mandirocker:       @nursingpins I agree, I have had experience with both floor nursing as a Nurse Extern &
                   School Clinical....MAJOR difference. #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:11

nursingpins:       @Vaticuss -Sorry. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:11

maryannagordon: @nursekama great resource, thanks - will pass on to my students #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:12

rnchat:            RT @nursekama: @InfusionNurse Does pre-licensure education address the transition
                   experience? Are u all familiar w/ NTF: #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:12

oncnurse66:        @vaticussT1 The computer program should automatically charge for the services when
the sub q injection is charged #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:12

rnchat:            T3 Happy Certified Nurses Day!: What are the things you most appreciate about what
                   CNAs do (or have done) in your practice? #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:13

rnchat:            Please note: you may continue to discuss any topic if another one starts, just ad T2, etc.
                   3/19/2010 21:13

Vaticuss:          @maryannagordon And I agree. But what can be cut? Who is willing to let go of hospital
                   corners, rolling gauze, iv drip rates... #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:13

nursingpins:       Nurses could not get by without CNAs - underpaid and under appreciated. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:14

maryannagordon: T1 for those not familiar with OCNE (Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education) I suggest
                read about it at #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:14

InfusionNurse:     @nursekama ..that's a great resource for new it only for Canadian grads?
                   3/19/2010 21:14

Vaticuss:          @oncnurse66 See, now that is innovation! Great response! #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:14

Vaticuss:          @Vaticuss Its not like colleges have a lot of fluff in the curriculum. #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:16

RNMark:            Dudes! Here for my dose of ADD/ADHD! #RNChat
                   3/19/2010 21:16

maryannagordon: @Vaticuss T1 OCNE curriculum doesn't teach any of that. Focuses on what students will
                need to know in real world, uses simulation #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:16

rnchat:            @RNMark Hope we have enough of the good stuff ;) #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:17

InfusionNurse:     T3 - still new (only 2nd yr) so didn't do much but to send cards and emails.. #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:17

nursekama:         T2 @InfusionNurse I don't see why the resources wouldn't be applicable to American
                   grads...check out transition theory. :) #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:17

Vaticuss:          @maryannagordon Sounds progressive! #rnchat
                   3/19/2010 21:18

InfusionNurse:     LOL....RT @RNMark: Dudes! Here for my dose of ADD/ADHD! #RNchat
                   3/19/2010 21:18

davedawes:         #RNchat Sorry I have only arrived! Late night RCN meeting. Are we on T3 already?
                   3/19/2010 21:18
maryannagordon: @Vaticuss OCNE let go of teachng every single thing. Instead, we teach a few things
                deeply (CHF, DM, MI, HTN), most frequently seen #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:19

InfusionNurse:      @nursekama T2 - wow, impressive...
                    3/19/2010 21:20

nursingpins:        @InfusionNurse that is funny -re: ADD/ADHD - really LOL #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:20

maryannagordon: @VaticussT1 yes, is 1st of its kind, other states now modeling curricula after it - duel
                enrollment between comm. colleges & OHSU #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:21

Vaticuss:           @maryannagordon Any measurement stats to support this method? (said hopefully!)
                    3/19/2010 21:21

InfusionNurse:      @davedawes ..kinda all over the T's..1-3... #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:21

RNMark:             @maryannagordon OCNE model makes sense but risks loss of broad integrative thinking.
                    Maybe not now but someday. #RNChat
                    3/19/2010 21:21

maryannagordon: @RNMark disagree. Based on Tanner's Model of Clinical Judgment, it's ALL about broad
                integrative thinking, putting it all together #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:23

nursingpins:        Good night all, got to run - thanks Phil - later #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:24

Vaticuss:           @InfusionNurse Sry. Prolly my fault. It's my first time. (blush) #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:24

RNMark:             @InfusionNurse My TweetModel: Show up>blather>enjoy feeling of failure :) #RNChat
                    3/19/2010 21:24

rnchat:             @davedawes You can discuss any topic actually, but we are on T3 - :)
                    3/19/2010 21:24

Vaticuss:           @RNMark Ha! #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:25

maryannagordon: also guilty, 1st time - will try to be better about T1, T2, T3 and blathering! #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:27

InfusionNurse:      @Vaticuss ..oh @philbaumann said we can continue to discuss any of the
                    topics..glad to see u here! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:27

rnchat:             @nursingpins Have a good one! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:27

mikeskobba:         In the NICU the certified lactation nurses really push practice and support families in
breast feeding. #RNChat
                  3/19/2010 21:27

rnchat:           Wow! Our hour is almost up! Crazy! #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:28

InfusionNurse:    @nursingpins ..night, have a good weekend!! #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:28

rnchat:           @Vaticuss It's cool... Twitter chats are confusing at first, but you'll be hooked :) You can
                  try #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:28

InfusionNurse:    LOVE it!!! LOL..RT @RNMark: @InfusionNurse My TweetModel: Show up>blather>enjoy
                  feeling of failure :) #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:28

nursechenene:     #RNchat I enjoy it.
                  3/19/2010 21:28

rnchat:           Before we wrap up, what parting ideas or thoughts would you like to share? #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:29

Vaticuss:         @maryannagordon Double ha! :). #rnchat
                  3/19/2010 21:29

maryannagordon: @rnchat oh, is it only for an hour? Wow! Cool connection, any idea how many people
                watch/participate? Same group every time? #rnchat
                  3/19/2010 21:29

oncnurse66:       Nite all. I enjoyed my first time on #rnchat #rnchat
                  3/19/2010 21:30

InfusionNurse:    Is it true that only a wet baby likes "change"?? LOL...j/k! Thanks for a great chat!! See
                  you all RNchatters!!! Good night! #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:31

rnchat:           @oncnurse66 Glad you could make it to #RNchat tonight! Stay tuned to upcoming times.
                  3/19/2010 21:31

rnchat:           BTW: we're putting #RNchat on Facebook & LinkedIn
         - Fan and connect.
                  3/19/2010 21:32

maryannagordon: @Vaticuss T1 we just graduated 1st BSN cohort last June, 2nd group graduating soon -
                research on new grad capabilities ongoing #rnchat
                  3/19/2010 21:32

Vaticuss:         @rnchat Parting thoughts: I really am going to try to use "blather" more often. Thanks
                  Mark! #rnchat
                  3/19/2010 21:33

nursekama:        Thanks everyone! Looking forward to the next #RNchat
                  3/19/2010 21:33

rnchat:           @maryannagordon I'll have to sort through to get numbers, but the constitution varies,
keeps evolving. Yes, super fast hour! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:33

rnchat:             THANK YOU everybody for showing up! Transcript for tonight's chat will be up soon. Next
                    chat is Tuesday 3/23 12pm EST! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:34

InfusionNurse:      @philbaumann..thanks for moderating, great job! Glad to see new and "been here, done
                    that" friends on here.... #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:34

Vaticuss:           @maryannagordon Lots of potential in that model. Will be looking for future
                    measurements! #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:35

rnchat:             @InfusionNurse Yes, me too. Always nice to see you here! :) #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:36

Vaticuss:           @InfusionNurse Good night all. #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:36

RNMark:             @maryannagordo concerned that limiting scope of studies creates artificial limits based on
                    awareness of options. #RNChat
                    3/19/2010 21:36

maryannagordon: Enjoyed the chat, everyone, looking forward to the next! Thanks, I'll actually try to
                "blather" less next time! #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:37

rnchat:             @maryannagordon We love blather! ;) See you next time! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:39

rnchat:             @Vaticuss Good night! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:39

rnchat:             @nursekama Thank you - enjoy your weekend! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 21:40

RNMark:             @maryannagordon OH NO! Blather is Best Part: separates humans from rest of food
                    chain, lawyers, etc. #RNChat #RNChat
                    3/19/2010 21:41

oncnurse66:         RT @nursingpins: T2 - great idea - the bar needs to be raised - new grads have no idea
                    what they have got themselves into - #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 21:49

maryannagordon: @RNMark my husband always quotes Shakespeare, "first we kill all the lawyers!" (he
                went to law school!) Blather atcha next time! #rnchat
                    3/19/2010 22:18

SwedishCareers:     RT @rnchat THANK YOU everybody for showing up! Transcript for tonight's chat will be
                    up soon. Next chat is Tuesday 3/23 12pm EST! #RNchat
                    3/19/2010 22:37

SwedishCareers:     YES! RNs tweet & FB! Yay! RT @rnchat BTW: we're putting #RNchat on Facebook
           & LinkedIn
                    3/19/2010 22:38
JennyBizRN:   RT @nursingpins: The hospitals keep outmoded practices from going away - hospitals are
              the biggest obstacle for nursing advancement. T1 #rnchat
              3/19/2010 23:20

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RNchat Transcript March 19, 2010

  • 1. rnchat: 15 minutes to #RNchat 8:30pm EST. Try using or for maximum R&B. 3/19/2010 20:15 rnchat: Welcome to tonight's #RNchat! If you're new just ask me questions or just watch. OK, let's start with introductions. Tell us about yourself! 3/19/2010 20:30 oncnurse66: I am new to twitter and this is my first chat. My name is Becky and I am an Oncology nurse and a BSN Nursing Informatics student. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:31 rnchat: @oncnurse66 Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions. #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:33 rnchat: @oncnurse66 We may see a slow start tonight but by 9p we may see an uptick. #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:35 rnchat: T1 Outmoded Practices: What keeps outmoded practices from being retired? What blocks innovation? h/t @Vaticuss #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:35 nursingpins: Hey all running late - busy at the hosp. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:36 nursechenene: #RNchat T1 Rural providers that have been there all their lives and need to retire but can't fill their positions. 3/19/2010 20:36 Kineticycle: #rnchat Fear of change keeps innovation from happening. 3/19/2010 20:37 nursingpins: The hospitals keep outmoded practices from going away - hospitals are the biggest obstacle for nursing advancement. T1 #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:38 InfusionNurse: Hi all! T1 - Nurses have "that's how we've always done it, why change if it works" attitude. Many r afraid of change/technology! #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:38 lorryschoenly: T1 We are all most comfortable practicing they way we originally learned and are comfortable. It is 'safer' than changing..... #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:38 Kineticycle: #rnchat T1 Tradition is not an excuse for avoiding evidence based care, if u dont like change, ur going to dislike obsolescence even more. 3/19/2010 20:40 rnchat: RT @Kineticycle: #rnchat T1 Tradition is not an excuse for avoiding evidence based care, if u dont like change, ur going to dislike obsolescence even more. 3/19/2010 20:41 nursekama: Hello! Hope its not too late to join. My name is Kama and I'm a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Psych/Mental Health, Southwestern Ontario #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:42 rnchat: @Vaticuss Welcome! Add #RNchat to your replies so we can see them them within the
  • 2. stream. Join in and thanks for coming! 3/19/2010 20:43 oncnurse66: We work in a field that has to change with technology and updated evidence based practice I don't think that we have a choice #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:43 nursechenene: #RNchat T1 We nurses have to stay current with profession to prove to facility change need to implement evidence based. 3/19/2010 20:44 nursingpins: On change - nurses are going to need help running the hospitals - has become too much to do it all. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:44 Vaticuss: RT @Vaticuss But as educators are we holding on to the practices we cherish at the costs of innovation? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:45 nursechenene: #RNchat Amen to that. 3/19/2010 20:45 Vaticuss: RT @Vaticuss When we keep adding new practices without retiring old ones, are we only adding to the frustration of our students? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:45 nursingpins: Nurses have run the hospitals so long - many things nurses do are not nursing duties - have done so long - now assumed. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:45 StephenNP: T1 - Nursing is leading the evidence-based practice initiative - we all need to embrace this culture and apply it to our practice #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:46 Trybarefoot: Evening #RNChat folks - just signing on - will hover a bit to catch up! 3/19/2010 20:47 nursechenene: Yes like calling the doctor's office for them and answering their pagers. Floored that a facility still condones this practice. #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:47 nursingpins: Last time I looked - nobody was following - glad things are better there @StephenNP #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:48 oncnurse66: @nursingpins the hospital where I work now requires nurses to enter patient charges for services such as Sub Q injections #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:48 rnchat: @Trybarefoot Good to see you! #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:48 Vaticuss: @nursingpins How do you mean? What changes are you seeking? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:49 rnchat: @nursekama Good to see you again! #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:49
  • 3. nursingpins: @oncnurse66 Much of that is from the Diploma School days - when nurses were hospital slaves - continues. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:49 Kineticycle: #rnchat Welcome to all the new folks who have joined in tonight! 3/19/2010 20:50 Trybarefoot: I'm Gerard (Nova Scotia) - consultant in health/health care - previously Manager Primary Health Care - work w/ RNs always! #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:50 maryannagordon: T1It's not for lack of effort from nrsg schools. We teach EBP, but new grads get intimidated by seasoned nurses into doing old way #Rnchat 3/19/2010 20:50 rnchat: RT @Kineticycle: #rnchat Welcome to all the new folks who have joined in tonight! 3/19/2010 20:51 nursingpins: Nursing care is only a small part of what nurses do - nurses run the hospitals @Vaticuss and spend very little time nursing. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:51 Vaticuss: @nursingpins So how can we inspire change? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:52 InfusionNurse: @maryannagordon T1 not all seasoned nurses r that way... #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:53 nursingpins: We must demand it a as group - no national voice - Unions are on the way for many. hospitals are happy as things are. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:54 Vaticuss: @maryannagordon So is it just a matter of time until those nurses are gone? We can teach it for years but getting into action...? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:54 nursingpins: Nurses can no longer run the hospitals and provide the care - has become too much - I'm hoping EMR will help - but will not cure. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:56 maryannagordon: @InfusionNurse of course not, speaking in generalities - but when new nurses don't feel authorized to speak up, that's what happens #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:56 Vaticuss: @oncnurse66 And why is capturing those charges met with such resistance? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:56 InfusionNurse: T1 - there's "personal" innovation - nurses wanting to change, but hindered by "process" innovation #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:57 Vaticuss: @oncnurse66 Why us there so much resistance to capturing charges for services? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:58 nursechenene: As long as the EMR is not abused by the number crunchers by implementing more charting windows to ease their stats configurations. #RNchat
  • 4. 3/19/2010 20:58 nursingpins: Hospitals must hire (hospital management) people to do some of the non-nursing duties we have assumed. #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:58 nursechenene: Otherwise an EMR is a great time saver #RNchat 3/19/2010 20:59 maryannagordon: @Vaticuss Maybe. Dont know. I think it has to be a concerted effort between nrsg schools and hospital educatrs, EBP not going away #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:59 Vaticuss: @nursingpins But wouldn't CONVINCING be more effective than demanding? #rnchat 3/19/2010 20:59 oncnurse66: @vaticuss it takes so much more time you are trying to care for the patient while bein hounded to charge for your "services" #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:00 nursingpins: If left to the hospitals - nurses will continue to do it all - It is taking mandates just to get safe staffing! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:00 rnchat: Sorry - left of the hashtag for our second topic. Apologies! Coming up... #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:00 rnchat: T2 NCLEX Difficulty: NCSBN is raising the bar. What do you think: does the bar need to be raised? How are new grads doing? #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:01 Trybarefoot: Signing off all - not familiar w/ NCLEX or NCSBN (?) - so don't think I can contribute much value - will look forward to next time! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:02 nursingpins: T2 - great idea - the bar needs to be raised - new grads have no idea what they have got themselves into - #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:02 Vaticuss: @oncnurse66 I can understand that. But the revenue generated by the charges justifies/accomodates nursing positions? #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:02 mandirocker: @RNchat T2: A higher bar is scary for someone taking boards this summer :o/ but this year my program brought in Kaplan, thankfully. #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:04 nursingpins: The switch from nursing school to staff is a shock - no relation to school and reality (re staffing) #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:04 nexthospitalmag: RT @nursingpins: The switch from nursing school to staff is a shock - no relation to school and reality (re staffing) #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:05 InfusionNurse: T2 - it is a licensure exam..think bar should always be high! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:05
  • 5. nursingpins: @Vaticuss that response is typical administration - nursing should not be responsible for ALL charges. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:06 Vaticuss: @nursingpins Hm. More than a measure of how the grads are doing, measures the success of the curricular practices of colleges. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:07 nursingpins: Nurses need more than accommodation. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:08 maryannagordon: @nursingpins T1 no doubt, and we try to prepare them for that. We want to learn from their preceptors, but want them to teach, too #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:08 InfusionNurse: @mandirocker ..good luck! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:08 Vaticuss: @nursingpins So, what charges should rn be respnsbl for? #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:09 InfusionNurse: @Trybarefoot ..see you next chat. #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:09 nursingpins: T1 - I agree - nurses MUST teach the new ones - frustration is fueling a lot of our hostility for each other. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:10 nursekama: @InfusionNurse Does pre-licensure education address the transition experience? Are u all familiar w/ NTF: #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:10 Vaticuss: @nursingpins FYI: Im not administration! :). #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:10 rnchat: Final topic coming up in a moment! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:11 maryannagordon: @Vaticuss T1 I agree, curriculum must change to ensure new grads meet the needs of hospitals. I'm at OHSU, our OCNE curriculum tries #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:11 mandirocker: @nursingpins I agree, I have had experience with both floor nursing as a Nurse Extern & School Clinical....MAJOR difference. #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:11 nursingpins: @Vaticuss -Sorry. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:11 maryannagordon: @nursekama great resource, thanks - will pass on to my students #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:12 rnchat: RT @nursekama: @InfusionNurse Does pre-licensure education address the transition experience? Are u all familiar w/ NTF: #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:12 oncnurse66: @vaticussT1 The computer program should automatically charge for the services when
  • 6. the sub q injection is charged #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:12 rnchat: T3 Happy Certified Nurses Day!: What are the things you most appreciate about what CNAs do (or have done) in your practice? #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:13 rnchat: Please note: you may continue to discuss any topic if another one starts, just ad T2, etc. #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:13 Vaticuss: @maryannagordon And I agree. But what can be cut? Who is willing to let go of hospital corners, rolling gauze, iv drip rates... #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:13 nursingpins: Nurses could not get by without CNAs - underpaid and under appreciated. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:14 maryannagordon: T1 for those not familiar with OCNE (Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education) I suggest read about it at #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:14 InfusionNurse: @nursekama ..that's a great resource for new it only for Canadian grads? #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:14 Vaticuss: @oncnurse66 See, now that is innovation! Great response! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:14 Vaticuss: @Vaticuss Its not like colleges have a lot of fluff in the curriculum. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:16 RNMark: Dudes! Here for my dose of ADD/ADHD! #RNChat 3/19/2010 21:16 maryannagordon: @Vaticuss T1 OCNE curriculum doesn't teach any of that. Focuses on what students will need to know in real world, uses simulation #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:16 rnchat: @RNMark Hope we have enough of the good stuff ;) #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:17 InfusionNurse: T3 - still new (only 2nd yr) so didn't do much but to send cards and emails.. #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:17 nursekama: T2 @InfusionNurse I don't see why the resources wouldn't be applicable to American grads...check out transition theory. :) #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:17 Vaticuss: @maryannagordon Sounds progressive! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:18 InfusionNurse: LOL....RT @RNMark: Dudes! Here for my dose of ADD/ADHD! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:18 davedawes: #RNchat Sorry I have only arrived! Late night RCN meeting. Are we on T3 already? 3/19/2010 21:18
  • 7. maryannagordon: @Vaticuss OCNE let go of teachng every single thing. Instead, we teach a few things deeply (CHF, DM, MI, HTN), most frequently seen #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:19 InfusionNurse: @nursekama T2 - wow, impressive... #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:20 nursingpins: @InfusionNurse that is funny -re: ADD/ADHD - really LOL #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:20 maryannagordon: @VaticussT1 yes, is 1st of its kind, other states now modeling curricula after it - duel enrollment between comm. colleges & OHSU #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:21 Vaticuss: @maryannagordon Any measurement stats to support this method? (said hopefully!) #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:21 InfusionNurse: @davedawes ..kinda all over the T's..1-3... #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:21 RNMark: @maryannagordon OCNE model makes sense but risks loss of broad integrative thinking. Maybe not now but someday. #RNChat 3/19/2010 21:21 maryannagordon: @RNMark disagree. Based on Tanner's Model of Clinical Judgment, it's ALL about broad integrative thinking, putting it all together #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:23 nursingpins: Good night all, got to run - thanks Phil - later #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:24 Vaticuss: @InfusionNurse Sry. Prolly my fault. It's my first time. (blush) #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:24 RNMark: @InfusionNurse My TweetModel: Show up>blather>enjoy feeling of failure :) #RNChat 3/19/2010 21:24 rnchat: @davedawes You can discuss any topic actually, but we are on T3 - :) #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:24 Vaticuss: @RNMark Ha! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:25 maryannagordon: also guilty, 1st time - will try to be better about T1, T2, T3 and blathering! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:27 InfusionNurse: @Vaticuss ..oh @philbaumann said we can continue to discuss any of the topics..glad to see u here! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:27 rnchat: @nursingpins Have a good one! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:27 mikeskobba: In the NICU the certified lactation nurses really push practice and support families in
  • 8. breast feeding. #RNChat 3/19/2010 21:27 rnchat: Wow! Our hour is almost up! Crazy! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:28 InfusionNurse: @nursingpins ..night, have a good weekend!! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:28 rnchat: @Vaticuss It's cool... Twitter chats are confusing at first, but you'll be hooked :) You can try #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:28 InfusionNurse: LOVE it!!! LOL..RT @RNMark: @InfusionNurse My TweetModel: Show up>blather>enjoy feeling of failure :) #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:28 nursechenene: #RNchat I enjoy it. 3/19/2010 21:28 rnchat: Before we wrap up, what parting ideas or thoughts would you like to share? #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:29 Vaticuss: @maryannagordon Double ha! :). #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:29 maryannagordon: @rnchat oh, is it only for an hour? Wow! Cool connection, any idea how many people watch/participate? Same group every time? #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:29 oncnurse66: Nite all. I enjoyed my first time on #rnchat #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:30 InfusionNurse: Is it true that only a wet baby likes "change"?? LOL...j/k! Thanks for a great chat!! See you all RNchatters!!! Good night! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:31 rnchat: @oncnurse66 Glad you could make it to #RNchat tonight! Stay tuned to upcoming times. :) 3/19/2010 21:31 rnchat: BTW: we're putting #RNchat on Facebook & LinkedIn - Fan and connect. 3/19/2010 21:32 maryannagordon: @Vaticuss T1 we just graduated 1st BSN cohort last June, 2nd group graduating soon - research on new grad capabilities ongoing #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:32 Vaticuss: @rnchat Parting thoughts: I really am going to try to use "blather" more often. Thanks Mark! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:33 nursekama: Thanks everyone! Looking forward to the next #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:33 rnchat: @maryannagordon I'll have to sort through to get numbers, but the constitution varies,
  • 9. keeps evolving. Yes, super fast hour! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:33 rnchat: THANK YOU everybody for showing up! Transcript for tonight's chat will be up soon. Next chat is Tuesday 3/23 12pm EST! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:34 InfusionNurse: @philbaumann..thanks for moderating, great job! Glad to see new and "been here, done that" friends on here.... #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:34 Vaticuss: @maryannagordon Lots of potential in that model. Will be looking for future measurements! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:35 rnchat: @InfusionNurse Yes, me too. Always nice to see you here! :) #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:36 Vaticuss: @InfusionNurse Good night all. #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:36 RNMark: @maryannagordo concerned that limiting scope of studies creates artificial limits based on awareness of options. #RNChat 3/19/2010 21:36 maryannagordon: Enjoyed the chat, everyone, looking forward to the next! Thanks, I'll actually try to "blather" less next time! #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:37 rnchat: @maryannagordon We love blather! ;) See you next time! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:39 rnchat: @Vaticuss Good night! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:39 rnchat: @nursekama Thank you - enjoy your weekend! #RNchat 3/19/2010 21:40 RNMark: @maryannagordon OH NO! Blather is Best Part: separates humans from rest of food chain, lawyers, etc. #RNChat #RNChat 3/19/2010 21:41 oncnurse66: RT @nursingpins: T2 - great idea - the bar needs to be raised - new grads have no idea what they have got themselves into - #rnchat 3/19/2010 21:49 maryannagordon: @RNMark my husband always quotes Shakespeare, "first we kill all the lawyers!" (he went to law school!) Blather atcha next time! #rnchat 3/19/2010 22:18 SwedishCareers: RT @rnchat THANK YOU everybody for showing up! Transcript for tonight's chat will be up soon. Next chat is Tuesday 3/23 12pm EST! #RNchat 3/19/2010 22:37 SwedishCareers: YES! RNs tweet & FB! Yay! RT @rnchat BTW: we're putting #RNchat on Facebook & LinkedIn 3/19/2010 22:38
  • 10. JennyBizRN: RT @nursingpins: The hospitals keep outmoded practices from going away - hospitals are the biggest obstacle for nursing advancement. T1 #rnchat 3/19/2010 23:20