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Building & Sustainble
Awareness, Branding,
MarComm, Activation
& Digital
Rafael Jeffry Anwar Sani
Digital Awareness is all about combining traditional PR with content
marketing, social media and search: transforming static news into
conversations and bypassing media to speak directly to your target audience
 News can be spread further, faster, and more directly to a specific target
audience than ever before in history. It allows us to maximize news like
never before. Instead of being satisfied with a single placement, your
news can be shared exponentially.
 Not only that, but we can now use social media, blogs, reviews and
content to not just share news, but CREATE DIALOGUE. Connect.
 3 Main Guidelines:
 Know your words! In the world of communications, understanding behavioral styles is
critical to personal and professional success and the realization that we are all 'hard-wired' to
use words differently is the first step. Some are pre-disposed to power words and verbs that
are interpreted as strength, authority and a 'can-do' approach. Others overuse the 'fluffy'
words, with lots of description, anecdotes and people linkages, creating a storytelling
lighthearted, collaborative interpretation. Others use words sparingly with attention focused
on the details and the facts with a reluctance to make commitments with time, information
and process - which some can interpret as lack of confidence and competence! What are
your words saying?
 3 Main Guidelines:
 Craft your words! Once you realize your 'hard-wired' words pre-disposition, the next step is
to craft your communication proactively to achieve the outcome desired. If you have the
luxury of a face to face interaction, you may be able to 'save' the situation by clarifying the
meaning of your communication after 'reading' facial expressions, body language and tone.
However if you are communicating by words alone, there is always a high risk of sending
the incorrect message through misinterpretation. How often have you read an email and
interpreted anger, satisfaction, frustration, disinterest, interest, or any number of emotions
that didn't actually exist?
 Train your team! Your team communication is only as strong as the weakest link, and there
are many teams who will check and inspect every 'product' they produce, but have no
process in place to inspect and 'quality control' team communications until it's too late!
We spend a great deal of time working with high performing teams and leaders who are
blissfully unaware of the importance of correct communication at all levels by all members
of the team. Here's a fun trick - have a read of some of your recent team member emails to
stake-holders / customers and be prepared to cringe with the words selected!
 3 Main Objectives:
 Identify Alliances! The first step is to take an honest look at the alliances you currently
have and evaluate whether they have a positive or negative impact on you. This is not easy,
as some of these 'relationships' have been formed over time and will feel like they are part
of the furniture in your world. Try and put on an impartial lens and truly evaluate the
relationship and it's ROI (return on Investment) for you. You may even need to consult
someone you trust (a mentor / coach / senior colleague) for their insights here. The
purpose of this activity is simply to take an honest fresh look at all your key workplace
relationships and evaluate which ones are healthy and which are unhealthy!
 3 Main Objectives:
 Surround Yourself! There is a saying that suggests we will become 'the sum' of those we
surround ourselves with, and if you were to look at those who you spend the most time
with, this often holds true! Great leaders understand the importance of surrounding
themselves with other great leaders and those who exhibit the qualities that they aspire to!
Look for opportunities to meet and mix with those who inspire you to greater heights. This
creates a mindset of growth and you will often meet others on the same positive path and
new alliances are formed. Get out of your comfort zone!
 Cull the Deadwood! Now we don't want to sound harsh and uncaring, however there are
often people in your world who need to be culled! They may be limiting your growth,
creating doubt in your abilities or simply creating a culture of negativity that is impacting
your success. Often these alliances are unhealthy and need to be culled to allow the freedom
to be who you deserve to be. Please don't allow historic relationship baggage to restrict this
and leave you only with regrets. Be firm but fair to you!
 3 Main Initiatives:
 Proactive positioning! Great leaders realize they are surrounded by opportunities every
day and with a simple refocus these will become clear and accessible. Proactively positioning
ourselves in the place and space where opportunities exist will allow these to be discovered,
whereas hiding away, head down, blinkers on and only focused on the work at hand will limit
this! If you have ever thought about buying a new car, you suddenly see them everywhere as
your awareness and focus has intensified. Apply this to opportunities and the possibilities
are endless!
 3 Main Initiatives:
 Understand the 'O' in SWOT! We often run a SWOT analysis of situations and focus
heavily on just the Strengths and Weaknesses, without giving as much love and attention to
the Opportunities that may exist as well. We are conditioned to just look for the tangibles in
a situation - what is good and what is bad without stretching our minds to consider
possibilities. Create a team culture of ongoing opportunity spotting, where these are the
starting quadrant of your SWOT analysis!
 Believe in creating Karma! Whether you are spiritual or skeptical, one thing is for certain -
a continual focus and belief in an outcome will dramatically increase the chance of this
happening. Believe, focus and see the opportunities that could exist and they will manifest
themselves and you will reap the rewards. We have a daily mantra that embeds this belief
and keeps our mind open and aware of all opportunities... and it works!
 3 Keys:
 KEY 1 - The Process (or system) Sounds simple but successful businesses always have a
defined, documented and deliverable process for all areas of their business. It needs to be
'idiot proof' and in a simple step-by-step format to make it easy for everyone to understand,
follow and be held accountable to!... is there an area in your business that doesn't have this?
If we were to ask to see your documented processes is there one for every key area of your
business (customer acquisition, conversion, retention, production, project execution etc.)...
or is it all in your head?
 3 Keys:
 KEY 2 - The Performance (or skills) So you have a detailed process for your people to
follow, but are you sure that each person has all the required skills to perform each step at
the desired level? It’s not just about training here, this key encompasses coaching, mentoring,
performance management and ongoing development. Can you guarantee you have done
everything possible to ensure each person in your team can competently follow every step
of your processes in key 1?
 KEY 3 - The People (or staff) This is the 'round peg - square hole' syndrome where you
have a defined process and have provided all the training and skills but some people just
don't 'want' to use their skills and follow your process, because they are the wrong people or
may need some behavioral change! We know that some people (regardless of the skills and
system) are just in the wrong place in your business and need to be moved or have their
behaviors modified (if that's possible). Do you have round pegs in your square holes?
Repurpose + Value = Content Marketing
 Incorporate content marketing into your mix is to repurpose content you already have (press
releases & bylines) into fresh content. A single press release can be re-purposed into a
Slideshare presentation, a blog post, a guest blog post, a Pinterest infographic, a LinkedIn
news update, a post on a relevant trade publications Facebook page, an editorial opinion
article for the local newspaper’s website and more.
 Share, re-purpose, share again – and repeat the same process a few more times! One piece
of content can flow out to multiple sources.
 Instead of simply putting your press release on the wire, turn it into a blog post that
connects the news to an engaging viewpoint; use it as the launchpad to discuss a related
issue, educate, or dive into a juicy Q&A. Find ways to take an offline PR campaign to
social… and vice versa.
 When you re-purpose, don’t simply rewrite the piece. Go one step further to transform your
news braggadocio into content that provides VALUE.
Internet & Social Media
Digital Media – Target Audience
Internet Usage – Target Audience
Millenial vs Gen X
Goodbye, Silo’s – Hello, Cross-Promotion
 Today’s Awareness doesn’t allow for silos. Content marketing, search engine optimization, social media,
customer service – all of these things are blended into the total solution that we are responsible for. If you
don’t know the basics, there is no time like the present to dive in.
 Once you have your content underway – take it even further with the second major piece of digital PR:
SEO. This particular function should not belong to the IT silo, or the web programmer silo – it’s a
marketing function that should cross into all PR activity. Even if it isn’t yet deliberate, it’s having an impact
by virtue of what you are publishing online – and you can boost your impact by taking a mindful
approach, instead of accidental.
 Integrate search keywords to expose your news to those who are searching for similar content. Use your
keyword research to drive trends press releases, byline articles and blog posts, and learn how to correctly
integrate keywords into each piece of writing for maximum impact.
 Then share it like crazy on social media! The third piece of the content/search/social trifecta (in no
particular order). And, for heaven’s sake, learn how to build Twitter lists so you can monitor journalists on
Learning & learning
Be curious… insatiable in your thirst for knowledge!
 Learn, learn, learn. It’s never been more important to ALWAYS
continue learning – fresh skills are critical to your success as a
marketing or public relations professional. Whether you are a
seasoned pro or brand new to the industry – challenge yourself to
constantly learn and apply new skills/technology to what you are
doing, and adapt processes to fit your environment. It is critical to
invest in YOU. = #1?
Mobile Advertising
What is the difference between Digital Awareness and Traditional Awareness?
 Traditional uses high circulation, readership, and viewer ratings to
determine who to approach when selling in content to media houses and
publishers. Even traditional PR’s who claim to ‘do digital’ still use this this
 Digital doesn’t exclusively focus on the number of followers on social
media sites and readers before approaching them. It also focuses on
evaluating domain authority and non-paid opportunities for link citations.
The success of Digital PR is, as a result, more measurable than Traditional
How does Digital fit into my marketing strategy?
 Digital should follow closely with your SEO and digital marketing
strategies for maximum effect. However, Digital can strengthen weaker
landing pages and increase the site traffic of slower moving stock – even
if it does not directly follow your overall marketing objective. When used
with SEO, Digital can take advantage of key search term trends and
maximize coverage on what people are already searching for on the
Digital tactics include:
Surveys converted into publish-ready news stories
Feature placements
Thought leadership
Press releases
Charity/celebrity engagement
Bespoke campaigns
Blog writing
Spokesperson statements
Digital Strategy
Basic Fundamentals
 Analysis & Research (SWOT & Competitor)
 Titles, Content & Timing
 Reality (Applicable)
 Simplicity, Effective & Measurable
 Integrate (O2O) – Online to Offline
 Presence, blog/buzz, interaction & engagement
Digital Business
 Platform Agnostic
 Social Media Spectrum
 Niche presence in Platforms
 Positioning & Owning space
 Objective Destination
 Community through SocMed
 Key Power Influencers / Opinion Formers
 Tech savvy organic community
 SEO Intersection
 PR, SocMed & SEO Amplification
 Keyword Marketing
 Digital & Analog Marketing Channels
 Social Participation + PR = Links
 Build brand presence, ranking, referral traffic &
Best Practices
Best Practices
Redirecting Traffic
1. Collaborate with influencers.
 Word of mouth, press coverage and endorsements,
have long relied on one effective marketing tactic:
third-party credibility. No matter who your target
market is, the best way to earn credibility is to have
people of influence tell others why they appreciate
your product or service.
Geo Targeting?
Rich Media – Target Audience
Rich Media – Target Audience
Product Integration
Within the Box of Widgets
Communicate your 'why.'
 In today’s world of watchdog technologies, brands are
scrutinized with every consumer touch point. From YouTube
videos that expose poor customer service to Twitter
comments that belittle brands for not living up to their
promise, companies can no longer mask inefficiencies. This is
both a challenge and an opportunity for brands to establish
and implement core values that humanize them and make
them more relatable to the public.
Create content, not ads.
 Ad buying has adjusted to the digital world. Tools like
sponsored posts and native advertising, allow brands to
create rich user-specific content that tells a relevant story
rather than a repetitive promotion or sales pitch. The days of
guaranteeing mass viewership of catchy slogans are
dwindling. Consumers now have choice over what content
they engage with and brands need to understand what drives
them. From responsive video series to interactive social
media campaigns, brands need to become clever and more
customized than ever with their online content.
Give traditional press exclusivity.
 Commuter papers, trade journals, dailies and broadcast shows still carry
third-party credibility and weight in today’s digital world. Keep in mind
these publications are dealing with more competition than ever. A mass
press release, for that matter, is not likely going to gain you a coveted
feature in your national newspaper or a slot on the local morning show. If
you want to land earned editorial with traditional press, offer the outlet
you are targeting an exclusive angle. Your brand has many layers. Find the
right outlets to tell each aspect of your brand story to.
 While the tools and landscape may have changed, the core of what
motivates the public to appreciate a product, service or a brand has not.
Brand loyalty still comes from the public relating to a brand’s culture and
values and a belief that its offerings add great value.
Marketing Funnel
Re-Invent The Wheel?
The traditional press release is no more.
 The age of the standard press release is no more. Unless you’re Apple —
or you have some truly groundbreaking product — you’re wasting your
resources if you’re continuing to write and distribute traditional press
releases to journalists and outlets to get them to cover your news. Rather
than trying to gain media coverage through ineffective press releases of a
time gone by, it’s critical for PR professionals and marketers to embrace
new and different ways of getting news about our offerings and
accomplishments to our audience members. Take advantage of social
media, develop relationships with industry leaders and influencers, and
incorporate quality visuals in your messages to get the attention of
journalists and outlets that can help you spread your message.
Best Practices
Re-Invent The Wheel?
Thought leadership will become a growing PR budget priority.
 Thought leadership and executive branding Thought leadership is a newer
marketing trend where business leaders and companies position
themselves as leaders in their spaces, and it serves as a great framework for
related PR tactics and campaigns.
 So, before leaders set out to promote their images and their companies’
messages, they need to control the original content around their brands.
By focusing on thought leadership, you can surround yourself and your
audience with the right kind of content — content that’s valuable,
educational, and engaging. As thought leadership continues to grow in
popularity (and as the base of successful awareness strategies), agencies
will need to adjust their budgets to allow for greater thought leadership
development and execution
Re-Invent The Wheel?
Content amplification will become (even more) critical.
 Years ago, if you could get yourself published in publications like TechCrunch or
Forbes, your site would probably crash from all of the traffic. Outside of doing
well on “Shark Tank,” there really aren’t as many opportunities to drive that
volume of traffic to your website anymore. Sure, there are plenty of channels to
promote your messaging, but you have to know how to leverage and amplify your
content to get more eyes on it. And it all starts with the quality of the content
you’re trying to get in front of your audience.
 When you start with good content, amplifying it to your targeted audience
becomes much easier, and you’ll find even more avenues for you and your team to
distribute it. In addition to social media, including new content in lead generation,
and nurturing events — from infographics to whitepapers and articles — the
sales process, marketing newsletters, and even email signatures can get more of
the right eyes on your content and amplify your message.
Re-Invent The Wheel?
Negative brand advocates will be prevented through content.
 Sometimes, people can be unreasonable and a little impulsive, and with such easy
access to social media, every person has the ability to share bad experiences with
his or her network. You never know who has a column at a publication you’re
targeting, a massive social following you’d like to reach, or who just connected on
LinkedIn with a person you’re trying to develop a relationship with. And that’s
 To prevent this in PR, establish processes to avoid negative experiences in the first
place. That starts with training your team to handle situations and experiences
effectively — before they turn into PR nightmares. Take it from Jay Baer who just
released his new book, “Hug Your Haters.” It showcases why ignoring your haters
can be a toxic spiral and how to solve the real issues at hand. That’s a helpful
resource if your team is struggling through this process.
Re-Invent The Wheel?
Negative brand advocates will be prevented through content.
I’ve found that another great way to do this is through content.
 We use content in our hiring process to educate and attract candidates, during new
hires’ onboarding processes to introduce them to our culture and services, and
throughout their time with our company to keep them up-to-date about our
industry. When your team is educated and engaged, they can help facilitate better
experiences with your clients, and those experiences reduce your chances of
falling victim to the social ranting and negative brand advocacy of a disgruntled
Re-Invent The Wheel?
Online reputation management will be necessary.
 When you pitch a story or a piece of content to a publication editor or journalist,
the first thing a lot of them do is search who you are and what your company
does. Because they receive hundreds of pitches each day as a result of the rise in
guest contributors, they might only have a few seconds to look into you, and that
search can go one of two ways: They either like what they see and follow through,
or they don’t.
 When someone searches you and finds solid content around your brand, your
expertise, and your company, you essentially pass his or her test. Thus, your
chance of acceptance to his or her publication increases. But if there isn’t much
content (or if the content you do have is negative), a relationship with you isn’t
worth the risk. To better manage your online reputation and get your message to
the right audiences, it’s important to consistently create and publish quality
Re-Invent The Wheel?
True influence will win over number of followers.
 Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that brands and company executives are
spending a significant amount of money to gain the attention of leading industry
influencers with hundreds of thousands of social media followers to gain access
to their networks, increase their own following, and promote their messages. And
while this can mean a higher number of people in your “followers” section on
your profile, it doesn’t guarantee that those people are right for you and your
 My company works with many influential clients who may have a few thousand
followers, but they earned them naturally — not from buying them, follow-backs,
or other shady ways to make it look as if they have influence — and they’ve seen
great success on social. It’s ultimately better to have a slightly smaller, higher-
quality network that loves your brand and content than it is to have a larger one
with no engagement. Focus on developing a network and building influence
among a targeted, valuable audience and social following to stay ahead in 2017.
Re-Invent The Wheel?
Use of paid promotion and social ads will continue to rise.
 With thought leadership strategies serving as such a great base for public relations
efforts, we’re seeing more and more leaders produce and distribute content around
their brands and expertise to fuel those PR efforts. And, although amplifying
content in sales and marketing processes can help get it to the right audiences,
another method of distribution is on the rise.
 The public relations industry has seen dramatic evolution over the years (especially
in the last few). It’s an exciting time to be a communications professional, and if we
want to continue evolving with our field, we have to pay attention to upcoming
trends and changes in our practices.
Marketing Funnel
Stop relying on Google
 Marketers should take heed. Google is one basket, but it doesn’t deserve all your marketing eggs. Search
engine optimization is important, but a searcher can accomplish her goal through more means than just
Google. I advise digital marketers to rely less on Google, and engage more direct forms of interacting
with their target market.
Mobile. Just mobile
The importance of mobile search, mobile optimization, mobile conversions, and mobile ubiquity cannot be overstated.
Mobile devices and our collective addiction to them are fixtures of the modern marketing era.
Social conversion – lead generation
Enough has been said about the power of social networks. Not quite enough as been said about the importance of social
conversions. For ecommerce and lead generation sites, social provides a growing opportunity to improve conversion rates
and gain new conversion channels.
New payment methods
The Traditional Way?

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RJAS69 Branding

  • 1. Building & Sustainble Awareness, Branding, MarComm, Activation & Digital Rafael Jeffry Anwar Sani +628170061969
  • 4. Background Digital Awareness is all about combining traditional PR with content marketing, social media and search: transforming static news into conversations and bypassing media to speak directly to your target audience online.  News can be spread further, faster, and more directly to a specific target audience than ever before in history. It allows us to maximize news like never before. Instead of being satisfied with a single placement, your news can be shared exponentially.  Not only that, but we can now use social media, blogs, reviews and content to not just share news, but CREATE DIALOGUE. Connect.
  • 5. Background  3 Main Guidelines:  Know your words! In the world of communications, understanding behavioral styles is critical to personal and professional success and the realization that we are all 'hard-wired' to use words differently is the first step. Some are pre-disposed to power words and verbs that are interpreted as strength, authority and a 'can-do' approach. Others overuse the 'fluffy' words, with lots of description, anecdotes and people linkages, creating a storytelling lighthearted, collaborative interpretation. Others use words sparingly with attention focused on the details and the facts with a reluctance to make commitments with time, information and process - which some can interpret as lack of confidence and competence! What are your words saying?
  • 6. Background  3 Main Guidelines:  Craft your words! Once you realize your 'hard-wired' words pre-disposition, the next step is to craft your communication proactively to achieve the outcome desired. If you have the luxury of a face to face interaction, you may be able to 'save' the situation by clarifying the meaning of your communication after 'reading' facial expressions, body language and tone. However if you are communicating by words alone, there is always a high risk of sending the incorrect message through misinterpretation. How often have you read an email and interpreted anger, satisfaction, frustration, disinterest, interest, or any number of emotions that didn't actually exist?  Train your team! Your team communication is only as strong as the weakest link, and there are many teams who will check and inspect every 'product' they produce, but have no process in place to inspect and 'quality control' team communications until it's too late! We spend a great deal of time working with high performing teams and leaders who are blissfully unaware of the importance of correct communication at all levels by all members of the team. Here's a fun trick - have a read of some of your recent team member emails to stake-holders / customers and be prepared to cringe with the words selected!
  • 7. Background  3 Main Objectives:  Identify Alliances! The first step is to take an honest look at the alliances you currently have and evaluate whether they have a positive or negative impact on you. This is not easy, as some of these 'relationships' have been formed over time and will feel like they are part of the furniture in your world. Try and put on an impartial lens and truly evaluate the relationship and it's ROI (return on Investment) for you. You may even need to consult someone you trust (a mentor / coach / senior colleague) for their insights here. The purpose of this activity is simply to take an honest fresh look at all your key workplace relationships and evaluate which ones are healthy and which are unhealthy!
  • 8. Background  3 Main Objectives:  Surround Yourself! There is a saying that suggests we will become 'the sum' of those we surround ourselves with, and if you were to look at those who you spend the most time with, this often holds true! Great leaders understand the importance of surrounding themselves with other great leaders and those who exhibit the qualities that they aspire to! Look for opportunities to meet and mix with those who inspire you to greater heights. This creates a mindset of growth and you will often meet others on the same positive path and new alliances are formed. Get out of your comfort zone!  Cull the Deadwood! Now we don't want to sound harsh and uncaring, however there are often people in your world who need to be culled! They may be limiting your growth, creating doubt in your abilities or simply creating a culture of negativity that is impacting your success. Often these alliances are unhealthy and need to be culled to allow the freedom to be who you deserve to be. Please don't allow historic relationship baggage to restrict this and leave you only with regrets. Be firm but fair to you!
  • 9. Background  3 Main Initiatives:  Proactive positioning! Great leaders realize they are surrounded by opportunities every day and with a simple refocus these will become clear and accessible. Proactively positioning ourselves in the place and space where opportunities exist will allow these to be discovered, whereas hiding away, head down, blinkers on and only focused on the work at hand will limit this! If you have ever thought about buying a new car, you suddenly see them everywhere as your awareness and focus has intensified. Apply this to opportunities and the possibilities are endless!
  • 10. Background  3 Main Initiatives:  Understand the 'O' in SWOT! We often run a SWOT analysis of situations and focus heavily on just the Strengths and Weaknesses, without giving as much love and attention to the Opportunities that may exist as well. We are conditioned to just look for the tangibles in a situation - what is good and what is bad without stretching our minds to consider possibilities. Create a team culture of ongoing opportunity spotting, where these are the starting quadrant of your SWOT analysis!  Believe in creating Karma! Whether you are spiritual or skeptical, one thing is for certain - a continual focus and belief in an outcome will dramatically increase the chance of this happening. Believe, focus and see the opportunities that could exist and they will manifest themselves and you will reap the rewards. We have a daily mantra that embeds this belief and keeps our mind open and aware of all opportunities... and it works!
  • 11. Background  3 Keys:  KEY 1 - The Process (or system) Sounds simple but successful businesses always have a defined, documented and deliverable process for all areas of their business. It needs to be 'idiot proof' and in a simple step-by-step format to make it easy for everyone to understand, follow and be held accountable to!... is there an area in your business that doesn't have this? If we were to ask to see your documented processes is there one for every key area of your business (customer acquisition, conversion, retention, production, project execution etc.)... or is it all in your head?
  • 12. Background  3 Keys:  KEY 2 - The Performance (or skills) So you have a detailed process for your people to follow, but are you sure that each person has all the required skills to perform each step at the desired level? It’s not just about training here, this key encompasses coaching, mentoring, performance management and ongoing development. Can you guarantee you have done everything possible to ensure each person in your team can competently follow every step of your processes in key 1?  KEY 3 - The People (or staff) This is the 'round peg - square hole' syndrome where you have a defined process and have provided all the training and skills but some people just don't 'want' to use their skills and follow your process, because they are the wrong people or may need some behavioral change! We know that some people (regardless of the skills and system) are just in the wrong place in your business and need to be moved or have their behaviors modified (if that's possible). Do you have round pegs in your square holes?
  • 13. Objectives Repurpose + Value = Content Marketing  Incorporate content marketing into your mix is to repurpose content you already have (press releases & bylines) into fresh content. A single press release can be re-purposed into a Slideshare presentation, a blog post, a guest blog post, a Pinterest infographic, a LinkedIn news update, a post on a relevant trade publications Facebook page, an editorial opinion article for the local newspaper’s website and more.  Share, re-purpose, share again – and repeat the same process a few more times! One piece of content can flow out to multiple sources.  Instead of simply putting your press release on the wire, turn it into a blog post that connects the news to an engaging viewpoint; use it as the launchpad to discuss a related issue, educate, or dive into a juicy Q&A. Find ways to take an offline PR campaign to social… and vice versa.  When you re-purpose, don’t simply rewrite the piece. Go one step further to transform your news braggadocio into content that provides VALUE.
  • 15. Digital Media – Target Audience
  • 16. Internet Usage – Target Audience
  • 17. Millenial vs Gen X Goodbye, Silo’s – Hello, Cross-Promotion  Today’s Awareness doesn’t allow for silos. Content marketing, search engine optimization, social media, customer service – all of these things are blended into the total solution that we are responsible for. If you don’t know the basics, there is no time like the present to dive in.  Once you have your content underway – take it even further with the second major piece of digital PR: SEO. This particular function should not belong to the IT silo, or the web programmer silo – it’s a marketing function that should cross into all PR activity. Even if it isn’t yet deliberate, it’s having an impact by virtue of what you are publishing online – and you can boost your impact by taking a mindful approach, instead of accidental.  Integrate search keywords to expose your news to those who are searching for similar content. Use your keyword research to drive trends press releases, byline articles and blog posts, and learn how to correctly integrate keywords into each piece of writing for maximum impact.  Then share it like crazy on social media! The third piece of the content/search/social trifecta (in no particular order). And, for heaven’s sake, learn how to build Twitter lists so you can monitor journalists on Twitter.
  • 18. Learning & learning Be curious… insatiable in your thirst for knowledge!  Learn, learn, learn. It’s never been more important to ALWAYS continue learning – fresh skills are critical to your success as a marketing or public relations professional. Whether you are a seasoned pro or brand new to the industry – challenge yourself to constantly learn and apply new skills/technology to what you are doing, and adapt processes to fit your environment. It is critical to invest in YOU.
  • 21. Fundamentals What is the difference between Digital Awareness and Traditional Awareness?  Traditional uses high circulation, readership, and viewer ratings to determine who to approach when selling in content to media houses and publishers. Even traditional PR’s who claim to ‘do digital’ still use this this method.  Digital doesn’t exclusively focus on the number of followers on social media sites and readers before approaching them. It also focuses on evaluating domain authority and non-paid opportunities for link citations. The success of Digital PR is, as a result, more measurable than Traditional PR.
  • 22. Fundamentals How does Digital fit into my marketing strategy?  Digital should follow closely with your SEO and digital marketing strategies for maximum effect. However, Digital can strengthen weaker landing pages and increase the site traffic of slower moving stock – even if it does not directly follow your overall marketing objective. When used with SEO, Digital can take advantage of key search term trends and maximize coverage on what people are already searching for on the Internet.
  • 23. Fundamentals Digital tactics include: Surveys converted into publish-ready news stories Feature placements Thought leadership Press releases Charity/celebrity engagement Bespoke campaigns Blog writing Spokesperson statements
  • 25. Basic Fundamentals  Analysis & Research (SWOT & Competitor)  Titles, Content & Timing  Reality (Applicable)  Simplicity, Effective & Measurable  Integrate (O2O) – Online to Offline  Presence, blog/buzz, interaction & engagement
  • 27. Digital  Platform Agnostic  Social Media Spectrum  Niche presence in Platforms  Positioning & Owning space  Objective Destination  Community through SocMed  Key Power Influencers / Opinion Formers  Tech savvy organic community
  • 28. Digital  SEO Intersection  PR, SocMed & SEO Amplification  Keyword Marketing  Digital & Analog Marketing Channels  Social Participation + PR = Links  Build brand presence, ranking, referral traffic & editorial
  • 32. Simplicity 1. Collaborate with influencers.  Word of mouth, press coverage and endorsements, have long relied on one effective marketing tactic: third-party credibility. No matter who your target market is, the best way to earn credibility is to have people of influence tell others why they appreciate your product or service.
  • 34. Rich Media – Target Audience
  • 35. Rich Media – Target Audience
  • 37. Within the Box of Widgets
  • 38. Simplicity Communicate your 'why.'  In today’s world of watchdog technologies, brands are scrutinized with every consumer touch point. From YouTube videos that expose poor customer service to Twitter comments that belittle brands for not living up to their promise, companies can no longer mask inefficiencies. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for brands to establish and implement core values that humanize them and make them more relatable to the public.
  • 39. Simplicity Create content, not ads.  Ad buying has adjusted to the digital world. Tools like sponsored posts and native advertising, allow brands to create rich user-specific content that tells a relevant story rather than a repetitive promotion or sales pitch. The days of guaranteeing mass viewership of catchy slogans are dwindling. Consumers now have choice over what content they engage with and brands need to understand what drives them. From responsive video series to interactive social media campaigns, brands need to become clever and more customized than ever with their online content.
  • 40. Simplicity Give traditional press exclusivity.  Commuter papers, trade journals, dailies and broadcast shows still carry third-party credibility and weight in today’s digital world. Keep in mind these publications are dealing with more competition than ever. A mass press release, for that matter, is not likely going to gain you a coveted feature in your national newspaper or a slot on the local morning show. If you want to land earned editorial with traditional press, offer the outlet you are targeting an exclusive angle. Your brand has many layers. Find the right outlets to tell each aspect of your brand story to.  While the tools and landscape may have changed, the core of what motivates the public to appreciate a product, service or a brand has not. Brand loyalty still comes from the public relating to a brand’s culture and values and a belief that its offerings add great value.
  • 42. Re-Invent The Wheel? The traditional press release is no more.  The age of the standard press release is no more. Unless you’re Apple — or you have some truly groundbreaking product — you’re wasting your resources if you’re continuing to write and distribute traditional press releases to journalists and outlets to get them to cover your news. Rather than trying to gain media coverage through ineffective press releases of a time gone by, it’s critical for PR professionals and marketers to embrace new and different ways of getting news about our offerings and accomplishments to our audience members. Take advantage of social media, develop relationships with industry leaders and influencers, and incorporate quality visuals in your messages to get the attention of journalists and outlets that can help you spread your message.
  • 44. Re-Invent The Wheel? Thought leadership will become a growing PR budget priority.  Thought leadership and executive branding Thought leadership is a newer marketing trend where business leaders and companies position themselves as leaders in their spaces, and it serves as a great framework for related PR tactics and campaigns.  So, before leaders set out to promote their images and their companies’ messages, they need to control the original content around their brands. By focusing on thought leadership, you can surround yourself and your audience with the right kind of content — content that’s valuable, educational, and engaging. As thought leadership continues to grow in popularity (and as the base of successful awareness strategies), agencies will need to adjust their budgets to allow for greater thought leadership development and execution
  • 45. Re-Invent The Wheel? Content amplification will become (even more) critical.  Years ago, if you could get yourself published in publications like TechCrunch or Forbes, your site would probably crash from all of the traffic. Outside of doing well on “Shark Tank,” there really aren’t as many opportunities to drive that volume of traffic to your website anymore. Sure, there are plenty of channels to promote your messaging, but you have to know how to leverage and amplify your content to get more eyes on it. And it all starts with the quality of the content you’re trying to get in front of your audience.  When you start with good content, amplifying it to your targeted audience becomes much easier, and you’ll find even more avenues for you and your team to distribute it. In addition to social media, including new content in lead generation, and nurturing events — from infographics to whitepapers and articles — the sales process, marketing newsletters, and even email signatures can get more of the right eyes on your content and amplify your message.
  • 46. Re-Invent The Wheel? Negative brand advocates will be prevented through content.  Sometimes, people can be unreasonable and a little impulsive, and with such easy access to social media, every person has the ability to share bad experiences with his or her network. You never know who has a column at a publication you’re targeting, a massive social following you’d like to reach, or who just connected on LinkedIn with a person you’re trying to develop a relationship with. And that’s scary.  To prevent this in PR, establish processes to avoid negative experiences in the first place. That starts with training your team to handle situations and experiences effectively — before they turn into PR nightmares. Take it from Jay Baer who just released his new book, “Hug Your Haters.” It showcases why ignoring your haters can be a toxic spiral and how to solve the real issues at hand. That’s a helpful resource if your team is struggling through this process.
  • 47. Re-Invent The Wheel? Negative brand advocates will be prevented through content. I’ve found that another great way to do this is through content.  We use content in our hiring process to educate and attract candidates, during new hires’ onboarding processes to introduce them to our culture and services, and throughout their time with our company to keep them up-to-date about our industry. When your team is educated and engaged, they can help facilitate better experiences with your clients, and those experiences reduce your chances of falling victim to the social ranting and negative brand advocacy of a disgruntled customer.
  • 48. Re-Invent The Wheel? Online reputation management will be necessary.  When you pitch a story or a piece of content to a publication editor or journalist, the first thing a lot of them do is search who you are and what your company does. Because they receive hundreds of pitches each day as a result of the rise in guest contributors, they might only have a few seconds to look into you, and that search can go one of two ways: They either like what they see and follow through, or they don’t.  When someone searches you and finds solid content around your brand, your expertise, and your company, you essentially pass his or her test. Thus, your chance of acceptance to his or her publication increases. But if there isn’t much content (or if the content you do have is negative), a relationship with you isn’t worth the risk. To better manage your online reputation and get your message to the right audiences, it’s important to consistently create and publish quality content.
  • 49. Re-Invent The Wheel? True influence will win over number of followers.  Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that brands and company executives are spending a significant amount of money to gain the attention of leading industry influencers with hundreds of thousands of social media followers to gain access to their networks, increase their own following, and promote their messages. And while this can mean a higher number of people in your “followers” section on your profile, it doesn’t guarantee that those people are right for you and your brand.  My company works with many influential clients who may have a few thousand followers, but they earned them naturally — not from buying them, follow-backs, or other shady ways to make it look as if they have influence — and they’ve seen great success on social. It’s ultimately better to have a slightly smaller, higher- quality network that loves your brand and content than it is to have a larger one with no engagement. Focus on developing a network and building influence among a targeted, valuable audience and social following to stay ahead in 2017.
  • 50. Re-Invent The Wheel? Use of paid promotion and social ads will continue to rise.  With thought leadership strategies serving as such a great base for public relations efforts, we’re seeing more and more leaders produce and distribute content around their brands and expertise to fuel those PR efforts. And, although amplifying content in sales and marketing processes can help get it to the right audiences, another method of distribution is on the rise.  The public relations industry has seen dramatic evolution over the years (especially in the last few). It’s an exciting time to be a communications professional, and if we want to continue evolving with our field, we have to pay attention to upcoming trends and changes in our practices.
  • 52. 2017? Stop relying on Google  Marketers should take heed. Google is one basket, but it doesn’t deserve all your marketing eggs. Search engine optimization is important, but a searcher can accomplish her goal through more means than just Google. I advise digital marketers to rely less on Google, and engage more direct forms of interacting with their target market. Mobile. Just mobile The importance of mobile search, mobile optimization, mobile conversions, and mobile ubiquity cannot be overstated. Mobile devices and our collective addiction to them are fixtures of the modern marketing era. Social conversion – lead generation Enough has been said about the power of social networks. Not quite enough as been said about the importance of social conversions. For ecommerce and lead generation sites, social provides a growing opportunity to improve conversion rates and gain new conversion channels. New payment methods