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In order to take care of business, you need to take care of yourself!
Instagram Collection - ProVisionsPMC
While you wait.... relax!
Insurmountable doesn't necessarily mean impossible. Change your
attitude and get results!
All you can do is tackle today. Do your best with the utmost integrity
and let tomorrow take care of itself.
Success is a journey...made easier with experienced guides.
Nothing is too hard with partners you can trust.
Sometimes taking a big risk has an even bigger payoff.
Shared values from top to bottom ... more important than you may
Sometimes taking a chance on the little guy pays off with bigger
Sometimes the best ideas come from getting lost in the maze too
many times.
The right decisions are not always the easiest.
Sometimes the brightest lights come out of the darkest places.
Sometimes all you need to fly are the basics.
The small (but strong) get their start in big spaces.
The greatest gains sometimes come from sticking your neck out.
The possibilities are endless if you'd just let your imagination grow.
Taking your first steps into the great'll never know how
far you can go unless you try.
Tired of getting the same results? Then it's time to turn the page and
start a new chapter.
Being different can lead to greater success. It's time to embrace your
With just a little courage anything can grow in the toughest places.
Today is your day to shine. Help someone else to shine too! A little
spark of encouragement goes a long way.
Part of your success is because of those you lead. Make the time to let
them know you couldn't do it without them.
Take the time to share your wisdom and experience with your teams.
Navigate with childlike faith.
Sometimes the little guy packs a bigger punch.
We all need a push every now and then to get where we are going.
Just make sure you trust them.
Look beyond the horizon....
Seasoned professionals should be thought of as a library with volumes
of information. They are not overqualified or ready for retirement.
Don't waste an opportunity to enhance your knowledge by
discounting the value they bring to the team.
Dreams can come true, make sure you have the right people behind
Dare to dream....
Time to drum up the courage to take the first steps. The possibilities
are endless!
In order to soar you need to spread your wings!
Think of the possibilities!
You're never start or try something new.
Imagine the possibilities with a little perseverance and courage!
Who have you helped today to be successful?
Take a moment to be thankful...then thank someone today.
Heroes come in all different shapes and sizes. Be someone's hero
today. Even the little things can have big impacts.
Sometimes a cry for help from a team member may be more of a
whisper. Are you listening?
Taking the road less traveled brings new adventures and sometimes
greater rewards.
Who are you thankful for today? Take a moment to let them know.
Imagine the possibilities. Sometimes you just need the right dream.
Overwhelmed? It never hurts to take a few moments to watch Mother
Nature at work and just breathe.
You can always find something to smile about even on the cloudy
days. You just might have to look a bit harder (or make your own).
Do things seem ominous? It may be a hard road sometimes reaching
your goals, but remember those obstacles get smaller as you get
Everybody needs a minute now and then.
If you don't explore new ideas or paths, think of the beauty you could
...use it wisely, use it for good, use it to make a positive impact on
Anything is possible....first you must believe in yourself!
Never underestimate the power of positive thinking!
Use today as an opportunity to draw from the talents and experience
of your diverse teams.
Keep going!
To...share your knowledge, be kind, help someone else, be a mentor,
be a positive influence, do the right thing, give others a chance.
The uncanny ability to take a lot of great ideas and make them
successful...the power of great leaders and their teams.
You're never too...busy, old, young, stressed, or tired to teach
someone else or learn something new. Look for enrichment
opportunities today.
Today, do a little dance and thank someone for being an important
part of your life.
Encouraging words never heard do more harm than good.
Sometimes it's our differences that help form the best partnerships.
They help bring out the best in everyone.
The journey may be long, but the view ahead is amazing.
Take 10 minutes today and renew your mind and spirit.
Your imagination can take you places you never thought you would
Let's be honest, losing isn't pleasant. Try to look at those moments as
lessons instead. Every situation presents unique learning experiences,
don't overlook those, and keep moving forward.
Just breathe......
There is strength in weakness.
Everyone needs a little help from time to time. They may not ask for it,
but the need is there. Lend a hand or give some words of
encouragement today. The benefits are bountiful.
Take time to listen to ideas from your teams and share yours with
others. Let's be collaborative and a positive influence this week.
The experiences you have, the choices you make, and the paths you
take come together to make you who you are. Whether good or bad,
learn from them all and know you are a library of information that can
help/teach others. You are worthy!
Today is a blank canvas, what masterpiece will you create? What
masterpiece can you help someone else create?
Learning new things is not always easy, give it your all and do your
best. It's all anyone should ask. Be patient with yourself and others.
It's a new day with endless possibilities and opportunities. Keep a
watchful eye on the horizon. You never know what may present itself
to benefit you, or where you can benefit others.
Don't discount prospective team members who are more seasoned or
mature than others. You will be missing out on a wealth of
information and experience.
Don't discount prospective team members who are more seasoned or
mature than others. You will be missing out on a wealth of
information and experience.
Sometimes the randomness in our days pays off, and sometimes it
doesn't. It can be a great teacher if you let it.
It takes guts, determination, perseverance, and a strong team to tackle
the tough things. Are you partners with people who have those
Beautiful...but they didn't start out that way. The same can apply to
your dreams and ideas. Keep going, persevere, add determination and
support from those around you. You'll get there and then use what
you've learned to mentor others.
Doing what is right may not always be easy, but in the end, it always
pays big rewards.
...the beauty that is created when differences come together in one
Passion highlight’s purpose. What's yours?
Whether at sunrise or sunset, take a moment to be grateful for all this
world has to offer, and all you have been given.
Do something positive today for your teams. The ripples created by
one act, no matter how small, have the potential for a greater reach.
Accomplishments, whether big or small, can make you feel
empowered to tackle anything. What can you tackle today? Who can
you inspire to accomplish something today?
Take time to appreciate the beauty this world has to offer. Take extra
time to acknowledge the contributions of your teams. Big or small,
they aid in your success!
Just imagine the view! Keep going, stay strong, stay focused and don't
give up.
...The external rewards may or may not happen. However, the internal
rewards never fail to take you to new heights.
Courage is not the absence of fear......but the determination to ignore
There's nothing more gratifying than getting through the tough
things. Once you're on the other side, take a moment and appreciate
who you are becoming. You are amazing!
What's your passion? You don't have to do it perfectly. You just need
to do it! The fact you tried is the perfection.
Make it a point to have some balance in your life. If you don't, make
sure you have a life preserver close by. You are too important, so take
the time to take care of yourself!
Stress at work? Problems you just can't seem to find solutions for?
Take some time and do something for yourself, something fun and
relaxing. I've found when you walk away for a bit and put your mind
on something else, the solutions present themselves in the most
creative ways.
Take one day at a time. Life's a journey so make sure you embrace
each day, take care of yourself, and don't forget to pause and enjoy
the view.
What can you do this week to help? Nothing is too small, even a word
of encouragement goes a long way. Take care of yourself as well. Great
impacts often start with small gestures.
Some obstacles can be formidable. Embrace the challenge...learn from
them, grow because of them, and thrive in the person you are
You may not see it, feel it, or believe it. But on the other side of life's
storms there is a pot of gold. That "pot" is the amazing person you
have become.
The most productive thing you can do this weekend is something you
enjoy. Rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. It will help you tackle
what's next with renewed strength and vision.
Beauty grows in adversity. It's hard sometimes to allow the work to
get done, don't fight it...learn from it and then be there to help others
through it.
Believe it or not, you are! Everything you've been through and done
has prepared you for what's next. Believe in yourself!
Keep it simple...often the little things provide the most joy. Take some
time this week and find a little joy for yourself and then pass it on to
Be yourself...there's no one better!
Creative solutions often come from challenging situations. Don't let
those challenges drown your mind. Be open to new ideas and involve
your teams.
If you stop trying you stop learning.
When where you're going seems so big and ominous...taking one
small step at a time will get you there.
Sheer determination will help get you where you're going.
The best leaders are often the ones who don't want it at first. They
grow into it.
Start your day with will help end your day with a smile.
Overwhelming situations coming at you from every direction? Don't
panic and tackle one at a time.
Into every life a little rain must fall...make sure you take the time to
dance in the puddles!
Wherever the winds take you, establish roots and bloom until the next
winds blow. Remember you're creating something beautiful.
...especially if it's you! Amazing things are born from creativity.
Find at least one thing to smile about today, then help two others do
the same. Smiles go a long way!
The path you are on changes from time to time. What doesn't change
are the opportunities you stumble upon to help you grow so you're
ready for the next change in direction.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Sometimes
it's better to take the long way so you can learn and grow more. You'll
probably end up at the same place, but if you don’t, you'll still be
stronger and wiser.
Sometimes the answer is a combination of several possible solutions.
The key is to have an open and inquisitive mind.
Just because there are a few weeds doesn't mean the garden isn't
beautiful. The same applies to you. Perfection means being
yourself...weeds and all!
It's the little things that matter. Make it a point today to tell someone
they did a great job.
Life doesn't have a specific map you follow. What it does have are
endless possibilities. Don't spend all your time worrying and
wondering about what lies ahead. Instead enjoy the journey and learn
new things so you can help someone else on theirs.
When things get to be too much...remember the sun will set today.
Tomorrow's sun will rise again and so will you. New days bring new
opportunities...hang in there!
Sometimes taking a moment to enjoy the simple things our world has
to offer can help make complicated situations easier to navigate
Think you've made the wrong decision? You may not see it yet, but
often those decisions were necessary, so you end up where you're
supposed to be. There are lessons to be learned along the road that
will help you as you move forward. Focus on those instead of what you
think was a mistake. Because it just may have been the right decision
to make at that moment so you can get where you are going.
Your life is a story with twists and turns, plots that thicken from time
to time, cliffhangers now and then, heroes and heroine's, mysteries
that appear unsolvable, and moments you wished would never come.
But through it all you keep going, keep turning the page...even when
you think you can't go on. Today it's time to start the next chapter.
You've got a helper to get you through...just ask!
Your inner strength runs deep. Time to scrape off the muck and tap
into those roots.
Waiting is never fun, but the rewards are almost always better than
you imagined.
We all make mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up or dwelling on
them, own up to them, learn from them, and move on. You tried and
that's what matters!
Sometimes the support you have (and need) is the support you can't
see or feel. Trust it's there!
When problems get to be overwhelming, sometimes the best thing to
do is not run away from them but change your scenery for a bit so you
can see and think clearly. The answers often come when you focus on
something else.
Each of us is given endless possibilities every day to create beauty in
other's lives. It doesn't have to be grand, it just has to come from your
Who you are now is nothing compared to who you will become.
Today, no matter what, stand tall and know you are so much more
than your circumstances.
On those days when there just isn't enough caffeine to keep you
going, try two things. Find chocolate and do something to lift up
someone else.
Faced with uncertainty or uncomfortable situations? Take a lesson
from nature and draw from the unseen strength you possess inside.
It's there, you just need to find a quiet place and call on it.
On the other side of the storms in our lives is peace. While the calm
may not last for long what does last is the strength you've gained and
the lessons you've learned. Use these to help you sail through the next
storm, but more importantly use them to help others get through the
storms they go through. Everyone needs support from time to time.
Everyone has those days where the problems just keep rolling in. The
more you struggle the worse it will get. Tackle one at a time and make
the first your fears. Once you've conquered those, you'll have the
strength to take on the rest.
"When the day is done and you have done your best, wait the results
in peace." Author unknown
The wave of one act of kindness gains momentum through the ripples
it creates.
There's nothing wrong with a little pampering now and then. After all,
you're amazing and deserve it.
Sometimes the elephant in the room is you. You're amazing, gifted,
strong, and unique. So be yourself, it's contagious and the best thing
to be!
Woven into every day are decisions and choices we each have to make.
Be prepared to accept what comes next, be conscious of the possible
consequences, take into consideration how others may be impacted,
and be resolved to see it through.
Things don't always work out like you planned or thought they would.
What's important is you tried and that's a win any day!
Strength in leadership comes when leaders put the interests of others
before their own.
It's important to recognize not everyone learns the same way or at the
same pace. If you're the trainer make the time to get to know your
trainees and be patient. If you're the trainee be patient with yourself
and know you'll get there. Take notes, ask questions, and don't give
Remember, when you've had a rough day and someone tries to help,
it's the thought that counts. Don't forget to say thanks!
We've all been there, that rocky barren place where nothing seems to
go right. An uplifting word of encouragement can help change the
scenery. Who can you lift up today?
A little daydreaming during your hectic day may help you find
solutions to some of your challenges. Take some time and put your
creativity to work.
When you find yourself at the end of your rope, go back and start at
the beginning. Realize you haven't failed; you've succeeded because
you gave yourself another chance.
If you're having one of those days or weeks, take a moment to
remember simpler times and how the prospect of new adventures
excited you. Grab on to those memories and keep moving forward.
New adventures lie waiting for you just around the corner.
Build on what you've just takes time, perseverance, and
Strong foundations start with believing in yourself! From there the
possibilities are endless.
Servant leaders demonstrate truth, grace, and leave lasting legacies.
Each one of us has special talents and gifts. Don't keep them tied up in
a box with a pretty bow or save them for special occasions. Share them
with others and brighten someone else's life today. After all, they are
the best gift you could ever give.
When the tough times come, and they will, remember when you were
a kid, and nothing seemed too hard or impossible for you to do? Same
principle applies now, only you're wiser and stronger. You'll get
there... just keep going.
Sometimes it's not about building what you're called to do first, but
more about building you. (MPN)
Are you too busy being busy? Is your office decorated with Post-it
Notes? Wouldn't it be better to "decorate" with productivity? You've
got the talent and the creativity...maybe it's time to reevaluate your
priorities and focus on the things which will produce the best returns
and results.
Someone has said, "Integrity is carrying out a commitment even after
the circumstances in which it was made have changed. "
It doesn't matter if you accomplish a lot or a little today. What matters
is you accomplished something, you stuck to it, and didn't give up.
Celebrate your determination and perseverance and keep it in mind
when you tackle tomorrow.
"Happiness is a state of mind. It's just according to the way you look at
things." Walt Disney
Life is sort of like boot's where your past experiences prepare
you for future challenges. Don't forget the lessons you've learned.
Outward appearance does not equal inward potential.
Before you can lead you need to serve.
We all have them.... days where we just can't seem to get our "spark"
lit. One way to get it ignited is to do something for someone else
who's in the same boat. It will get you going and if they will do the
same for someone else, imagine all that can be accomplished.
Regardless of where you are in life, you still have the ability to make
an impact, share your wisdom and lessons learned. Never think for a
moment you've lost your usefulness. You can still bloom in and
through the lives of others. Volunteer...our world needs all the help it
can get.
Be who you were created to be, not a cheap imitation of someone else.
Believe in who you were made to be.
Regardless of what others say, do, imply, or how they treat you, never
for a moment allow them to take away the knowledge that you are
valued, you are important, and you matter!
Sometimes doing the right thing, and the best thing for you, can feel
lonely (even scary). But look over the horizon, there are others who
have done the same. Don't sacrifice your integrity because you're
afraid. Keep your head up and keep going. It will be alright.
There will be times when things get to be too much and making the
right decision seems almost impossible. Take a moment and give
yourself some space. Find a place where you can block out all the
"noise", close your eyes and focus on the one thing that makes you
feel at peace. The answer will come, and you'll be ready to take the
next steps with confidence.
Everyone has a past...don't let it hold you back.
"Beginning well is a momentary thing, ending well is a lifelong thing."
Ravi Zacharias
The place you choose to spend time mentoring your teams doesn't
matter, the time does. Find the time because the rewards for everyone
are great.
Life's a long, sometimes lonely road. All you need to remember is one
step at a time, one day at a time, and have the support of one true
friend. The rest will take care of itself.
Some of your biggest mistakes or heartaches can open doors to your
greatest achievements.
Whatever course you're on, regardless of the obstacles you may
encounter or the difficulties you may run into, stay on the course.
Everything you've been through and learned up to now has prepared
you to get through this one and finish successfully.
Broken crayons still color.
Help first. By helping first, you break the cycle of misunderstanding.
You feel better about yourself, and you get others to feel better about
themselves. Justin Bariso
Today, take some inspiration from Mother Nature. Against a lot of
odds this Live Oak still stands strong after an estimated 500 years. You
probably won't live to be as old as the Angel Oak, but what you start
building today can inspire others for years to come.
If your day seems overwhelming, focus on accomplishing one thing,
then accomplish another. It doesn't matter if they are big or small, it
all works together building something great! You've got this!!!
Your thoughts control your life, but you CAN control your thoughts.
Today ignite a positive spark in your mind and keep it charged every
day. Start with "I can do it " and don't look back.
Don't lose who you are, or what you were meant to become, by
settling for the status quo. You have so much to offer ... maybe it's
time to take the first step.
Regardless of the path you are on, some things are true for everyone.
There's what's in the past, the present and the future. Always
remember, there is light to guide your way, even if you struggle to see
it at times.
Sometimes words can't describe all you're feeling. That's ok...just take
a moment to appreciate where you are, what you're doing, and most
importantly who you are!
If you're going to labor on something, make it a labor of love and the
future, not your past.
Take captive every negative thought or eventually they'll take you
One of the biggest mistakes a leader can make is not admitting their
"Trying to hurt me because of my past is like trying to rob my old
house...I don't live there anymore." MPN
Perfect doesn't mean without flaws, it means whole and complete.
You can't defeat what you can't define.
As a leader it's not about you or your success, it's about what you do
for your teams to further theirs.
Don't rush to move ahead. Learn all you can where you are, and when
the time is right you'll move forward with strength, wisdom, and the
skills you need to be successful in the next role.

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20090524 Quotable Quotes And Comments To Tune Your Mind to Becoming Better ...
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Rest a Little PPMC 2021 Instagram Collection

  • 1. © REST A LITTLE In order to take care of business, you need to take care of yourself! 2021 PRO-VISIONS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SERVICES Instagram Collection - ProVisionsPMC
  • 2. © While you wait.... relax! Insurmountable doesn't necessarily mean impossible. Change your attitude and get results!
  • 3. © All you can do is tackle today. Do your best with the utmost integrity and let tomorrow take care of itself. Success is a journey...made easier with experienced guides.
  • 4. © Nothing is too hard with partners you can trust. Sometimes taking a big risk has an even bigger payoff.
  • 5. © Shared values from top to bottom ... more important than you may realize. Sometimes taking a chance on the little guy pays off with bigger results.
  • 6. © Sometimes the best ideas come from getting lost in the maze too many times. The right decisions are not always the easiest.
  • 7. © Sometimes the brightest lights come out of the darkest places. Sometimes all you need to fly are the basics.
  • 8. © The small (but strong) get their start in big spaces. The greatest gains sometimes come from sticking your neck out.
  • 9. © The possibilities are endless if you'd just let your imagination grow. Taking your first steps into the great'll never know how far you can go unless you try.
  • 10. © Tired of getting the same results? Then it's time to turn the page and start a new chapter. Being different can lead to greater success. It's time to embrace your uniqueness.
  • 11. © With just a little courage anything can grow in the toughest places. Today is your day to shine. Help someone else to shine too! A little spark of encouragement goes a long way.
  • 12. © Part of your success is because of those you lead. Make the time to let them know you couldn't do it without them. Take the time to share your wisdom and experience with your teams.
  • 13. © Navigate with childlike faith. Sometimes the little guy packs a bigger punch.
  • 14. © We all need a push every now and then to get where we are going. Just make sure you trust them. Look beyond the horizon....
  • 15. © Seasoned professionals should be thought of as a library with volumes of information. They are not overqualified or ready for retirement. Don't waste an opportunity to enhance your knowledge by discounting the value they bring to the team. Dreams can come true, make sure you have the right people behind you.
  • 16. © Dare to dream.... Time to drum up the courage to take the first steps. The possibilities are endless!
  • 17. © In order to soar you need to spread your wings! Think of the possibilities!
  • 18. © You're never start or try something new. Imagine the possibilities with a little perseverance and courage!
  • 19. © Who have you helped today to be successful? Take a moment to be thankful...then thank someone today.
  • 20. © Heroes come in all different shapes and sizes. Be someone's hero today. Even the little things can have big impacts. Sometimes a cry for help from a team member may be more of a whisper. Are you listening?
  • 21. © Taking the road less traveled brings new adventures and sometimes greater rewards. Who are you thankful for today? Take a moment to let them know.
  • 22. © Imagine the possibilities. Sometimes you just need the right dream. Overwhelmed? It never hurts to take a few moments to watch Mother Nature at work and just breathe.
  • 23. © You can always find something to smile about even on the cloudy days. You just might have to look a bit harder (or make your own). Do things seem ominous? It may be a hard road sometimes reaching your goals, but remember those obstacles get smaller as you get closer.
  • 24. © Everybody needs a minute now and then. If you don't explore new ideas or paths, think of the beauty you could miss.
  • 25. © ...use it wisely, use it for good, use it to make a positive impact on others. Anything is possible....first you must believe in yourself!
  • 26. © Never underestimate the power of positive thinking! Use today as an opportunity to draw from the talents and experience of your diverse teams.
  • 27. © Keep going! To...share your knowledge, be kind, help someone else, be a mentor, be a positive influence, do the right thing, give others a chance.
  • 28. © The uncanny ability to take a lot of great ideas and make them successful...the power of great leaders and their teams. You're never too...busy, old, young, stressed, or tired to teach someone else or learn something new. Look for enrichment opportunities today.
  • 29. © Today, do a little dance and thank someone for being an important part of your life. Encouraging words never heard do more harm than good.
  • 30. © Sometimes it's our differences that help form the best partnerships. They help bring out the best in everyone. The journey may be long, but the view ahead is amazing.
  • 31. © Take 10 minutes today and renew your mind and spirit. Your imagination can take you places you never thought you would go.
  • 32. © Let's be honest, losing isn't pleasant. Try to look at those moments as lessons instead. Every situation presents unique learning experiences, don't overlook those, and keep moving forward. Just breathe......
  • 33. © There is strength in weakness. Everyone needs a little help from time to time. They may not ask for it, but the need is there. Lend a hand or give some words of encouragement today. The benefits are bountiful.
  • 34. © Take time to listen to ideas from your teams and share yours with others. Let's be collaborative and a positive influence this week. The experiences you have, the choices you make, and the paths you take come together to make you who you are. Whether good or bad, learn from them all and know you are a library of information that can help/teach others. You are worthy!
  • 35. © Today is a blank canvas, what masterpiece will you create? What masterpiece can you help someone else create? Learning new things is not always easy, give it your all and do your best. It's all anyone should ask. Be patient with yourself and others.
  • 36. © It's a new day with endless possibilities and opportunities. Keep a watchful eye on the horizon. You never know what may present itself to benefit you, or where you can benefit others. Don't discount prospective team members who are more seasoned or mature than others. You will be missing out on a wealth of information and experience.
  • 37. © Don't discount prospective team members who are more seasoned or mature than others. You will be missing out on a wealth of information and experience. Sometimes the randomness in our days pays off, and sometimes it doesn't. It can be a great teacher if you let it.
  • 38. © It takes guts, determination, perseverance, and a strong team to tackle the tough things. Are you partners with people who have those characteristics? Beautiful...but they didn't start out that way. The same can apply to your dreams and ideas. Keep going, persevere, add determination and support from those around you. You'll get there and then use what you've learned to mentor others.
  • 39. © Doing what is right may not always be easy, but in the end, it always pays big rewards. ...the beauty that is created when differences come together in one place.
  • 40. © Passion highlight’s purpose. What's yours? Whether at sunrise or sunset, take a moment to be grateful for all this world has to offer, and all you have been given.
  • 41. © Do something positive today for your teams. The ripples created by one act, no matter how small, have the potential for a greater reach. Accomplishments, whether big or small, can make you feel empowered to tackle anything. What can you tackle today? Who can you inspire to accomplish something today?
  • 42. © Take time to appreciate the beauty this world has to offer. Take extra time to acknowledge the contributions of your teams. Big or small, they aid in your success! Just imagine the view! Keep going, stay strong, stay focused and don't give up.
  • 43. © ...The external rewards may or may not happen. However, the internal rewards never fail to take you to new heights. Courage is not the absence of fear......but the determination to ignore it.
  • 44. © There's nothing more gratifying than getting through the tough things. Once you're on the other side, take a moment and appreciate who you are becoming. You are amazing! What's your passion? You don't have to do it perfectly. You just need to do it! The fact you tried is the perfection.
  • 45. © Make it a point to have some balance in your life. If you don't, make sure you have a life preserver close by. You are too important, so take the time to take care of yourself! Stress at work? Problems you just can't seem to find solutions for? Take some time and do something for yourself, something fun and relaxing. I've found when you walk away for a bit and put your mind on something else, the solutions present themselves in the most creative ways.
  • 46. © Take one day at a time. Life's a journey so make sure you embrace each day, take care of yourself, and don't forget to pause and enjoy the view. What can you do this week to help? Nothing is too small, even a word of encouragement goes a long way. Take care of yourself as well. Great impacts often start with small gestures.
  • 47. © Some obstacles can be formidable. Embrace the challenge...learn from them, grow because of them, and thrive in the person you are becoming. You may not see it, feel it, or believe it. But on the other side of life's storms there is a pot of gold. That "pot" is the amazing person you have become.
  • 48. © The most productive thing you can do this weekend is something you enjoy. Rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. It will help you tackle what's next with renewed strength and vision. Beauty grows in adversity. It's hard sometimes to allow the work to get done, don't fight it...learn from it and then be there to help others through it.
  • 49. © Believe it or not, you are! Everything you've been through and done has prepared you for what's next. Believe in yourself! Keep it simple...often the little things provide the most joy. Take some time this week and find a little joy for yourself and then pass it on to others.
  • 50. © Be yourself...there's no one better! Creative solutions often come from challenging situations. Don't let those challenges drown your mind. Be open to new ideas and involve your teams.
  • 51. © If you stop trying you stop learning. When where you're going seems so big and ominous...taking one small step at a time will get you there.
  • 52. © Sheer determination will help get you where you're going. The best leaders are often the ones who don't want it at first. They grow into it.
  • 53. © Start your day with will help end your day with a smile. Overwhelming situations coming at you from every direction? Don't panic and tackle one at a time.
  • 54. © Into every life a little rain must fall...make sure you take the time to dance in the puddles! Wherever the winds take you, establish roots and bloom until the next winds blow. Remember you're creating something beautiful.
  • 55. © ...especially if it's you! Amazing things are born from creativity. Find at least one thing to smile about today, then help two others do the same. Smiles go a long way!
  • 56. © The path you are on changes from time to time. What doesn't change are the opportunities you stumble upon to help you grow so you're ready for the next change in direction. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Sometimes it's better to take the long way so you can learn and grow more. You'll probably end up at the same place, but if you don’t, you'll still be stronger and wiser.
  • 57. © Sometimes the answer is a combination of several possible solutions. The key is to have an open and inquisitive mind. Just because there are a few weeds doesn't mean the garden isn't beautiful. The same applies to you. Perfection means being yourself...weeds and all!
  • 58. © It's the little things that matter. Make it a point today to tell someone they did a great job. Life doesn't have a specific map you follow. What it does have are endless possibilities. Don't spend all your time worrying and wondering about what lies ahead. Instead enjoy the journey and learn new things so you can help someone else on theirs.
  • 59. © When things get to be too much...remember the sun will set today. Tomorrow's sun will rise again and so will you. New days bring new opportunities...hang in there! Sometimes taking a moment to enjoy the simple things our world has to offer can help make complicated situations easier to navigate through.
  • 60. © Think you've made the wrong decision? You may not see it yet, but often those decisions were necessary, so you end up where you're supposed to be. There are lessons to be learned along the road that will help you as you move forward. Focus on those instead of what you think was a mistake. Because it just may have been the right decision to make at that moment so you can get where you are going. Your life is a story with twists and turns, plots that thicken from time to time, cliffhangers now and then, heroes and heroine's, mysteries that appear unsolvable, and moments you wished would never come. But through it all you keep going, keep turning the page...even when you think you can't go on. Today it's time to start the next chapter. You've got a helper to get you through...just ask!
  • 61. © Your inner strength runs deep. Time to scrape off the muck and tap into those roots. Waiting is never fun, but the rewards are almost always better than you imagined.
  • 62. © We all make mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up or dwelling on them, own up to them, learn from them, and move on. You tried and that's what matters! Sometimes the support you have (and need) is the support you can't see or feel. Trust it's there!
  • 63. © When problems get to be overwhelming, sometimes the best thing to do is not run away from them but change your scenery for a bit so you can see and think clearly. The answers often come when you focus on something else. Each of us is given endless possibilities every day to create beauty in other's lives. It doesn't have to be grand, it just has to come from your heart.
  • 64. © Who you are now is nothing compared to who you will become. Today, no matter what, stand tall and know you are so much more than your circumstances.
  • 65. © On those days when there just isn't enough caffeine to keep you going, try two things. Find chocolate and do something to lift up someone else. Faced with uncertainty or uncomfortable situations? Take a lesson from nature and draw from the unseen strength you possess inside. It's there, you just need to find a quiet place and call on it.
  • 66. © On the other side of the storms in our lives is peace. While the calm may not last for long what does last is the strength you've gained and the lessons you've learned. Use these to help you sail through the next storm, but more importantly use them to help others get through the storms they go through. Everyone needs support from time to time. Everyone has those days where the problems just keep rolling in. The more you struggle the worse it will get. Tackle one at a time and make the first your fears. Once you've conquered those, you'll have the strength to take on the rest.
  • 67. © "When the day is done and you have done your best, wait the results in peace." Author unknown The wave of one act of kindness gains momentum through the ripples it creates.
  • 68. © There's nothing wrong with a little pampering now and then. After all, you're amazing and deserve it. Sometimes the elephant in the room is you. You're amazing, gifted, strong, and unique. So be yourself, it's contagious and the best thing to be!
  • 69. © Woven into every day are decisions and choices we each have to make. Be prepared to accept what comes next, be conscious of the possible consequences, take into consideration how others may be impacted, and be resolved to see it through. Things don't always work out like you planned or thought they would. What's important is you tried and that's a win any day!
  • 70. © Strength in leadership comes when leaders put the interests of others before their own. It's important to recognize not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace. If you're the trainer make the time to get to know your trainees and be patient. If you're the trainee be patient with yourself and know you'll get there. Take notes, ask questions, and don't give up.
  • 71. © Remember, when you've had a rough day and someone tries to help, it's the thought that counts. Don't forget to say thanks! We've all been there, that rocky barren place where nothing seems to go right. An uplifting word of encouragement can help change the scenery. Who can you lift up today?
  • 72. © A little daydreaming during your hectic day may help you find solutions to some of your challenges. Take some time and put your creativity to work. When you find yourself at the end of your rope, go back and start at the beginning. Realize you haven't failed; you've succeeded because you gave yourself another chance.
  • 73. © If you're having one of those days or weeks, take a moment to remember simpler times and how the prospect of new adventures excited you. Grab on to those memories and keep moving forward. New adventures lie waiting for you just around the corner. Build on what you've just takes time, perseverance, and patience.
  • 74. © Strong foundations start with believing in yourself! From there the possibilities are endless. Servant leaders demonstrate truth, grace, and leave lasting legacies.
  • 75. © Each one of us has special talents and gifts. Don't keep them tied up in a box with a pretty bow or save them for special occasions. Share them with others and brighten someone else's life today. After all, they are the best gift you could ever give. When the tough times come, and they will, remember when you were a kid, and nothing seemed too hard or impossible for you to do? Same principle applies now, only you're wiser and stronger. You'll get there... just keep going.
  • 76. © Sometimes it's not about building what you're called to do first, but more about building you. (MPN) Are you too busy being busy? Is your office decorated with Post-it Notes? Wouldn't it be better to "decorate" with productivity? You've got the talent and the creativity...maybe it's time to reevaluate your priorities and focus on the things which will produce the best returns and results.
  • 77. © Someone has said, "Integrity is carrying out a commitment even after the circumstances in which it was made have changed. " It doesn't matter if you accomplish a lot or a little today. What matters is you accomplished something, you stuck to it, and didn't give up. Celebrate your determination and perseverance and keep it in mind when you tackle tomorrow.
  • 78. © "Happiness is a state of mind. It's just according to the way you look at things." Walt Disney Life is sort of like boot's where your past experiences prepare you for future challenges. Don't forget the lessons you've learned.
  • 79. © Outward appearance does not equal inward potential. Before you can lead you need to serve.
  • 80. © We all have them.... days where we just can't seem to get our "spark" lit. One way to get it ignited is to do something for someone else who's in the same boat. It will get you going and if they will do the same for someone else, imagine all that can be accomplished. Regardless of where you are in life, you still have the ability to make an impact, share your wisdom and lessons learned. Never think for a moment you've lost your usefulness. You can still bloom in and through the lives of others. Volunteer...our world needs all the help it can get.
  • 81. © Be who you were created to be, not a cheap imitation of someone else. Believe in who you were made to be.
  • 82. © Regardless of what others say, do, imply, or how they treat you, never for a moment allow them to take away the knowledge that you are valued, you are important, and you matter! Sometimes doing the right thing, and the best thing for you, can feel lonely (even scary). But look over the horizon, there are others who have done the same. Don't sacrifice your integrity because you're afraid. Keep your head up and keep going. It will be alright.
  • 83. © There will be times when things get to be too much and making the right decision seems almost impossible. Take a moment and give yourself some space. Find a place where you can block out all the "noise", close your eyes and focus on the one thing that makes you feel at peace. The answer will come, and you'll be ready to take the next steps with confidence. Everyone has a past...don't let it hold you back.
  • 84. © "Beginning well is a momentary thing, ending well is a lifelong thing." Ravi Zacharias The place you choose to spend time mentoring your teams doesn't matter, the time does. Find the time because the rewards for everyone are great.
  • 85. © Life's a long, sometimes lonely road. All you need to remember is one step at a time, one day at a time, and have the support of one true friend. The rest will take care of itself. Some of your biggest mistakes or heartaches can open doors to your greatest achievements.
  • 86. © Whatever course you're on, regardless of the obstacles you may encounter or the difficulties you may run into, stay on the course. Everything you've been through and learned up to now has prepared you to get through this one and finish successfully. Broken crayons still color.
  • 87. © Help first. By helping first, you break the cycle of misunderstanding. You feel better about yourself, and you get others to feel better about themselves. Justin Bariso Today, take some inspiration from Mother Nature. Against a lot of odds this Live Oak still stands strong after an estimated 500 years. You probably won't live to be as old as the Angel Oak, but what you start building today can inspire others for years to come.
  • 88. © If your day seems overwhelming, focus on accomplishing one thing, then accomplish another. It doesn't matter if they are big or small, it all works together building something great! You've got this!!! Your thoughts control your life, but you CAN control your thoughts. Today ignite a positive spark in your mind and keep it charged every day. Start with "I can do it " and don't look back.
  • 89. © Don't lose who you are, or what you were meant to become, by settling for the status quo. You have so much to offer ... maybe it's time to take the first step. Regardless of the path you are on, some things are true for everyone. There's what's in the past, the present and the future. Always remember, there is light to guide your way, even if you struggle to see it at times.
  • 90. © Sometimes words can't describe all you're feeling. That's ok...just take a moment to appreciate where you are, what you're doing, and most importantly who you are! If you're going to labor on something, make it a labor of love and the future, not your past.
  • 91. © Take captive every negative thought or eventually they'll take you captive. One of the biggest mistakes a leader can make is not admitting their own.
  • 92. © "Trying to hurt me because of my past is like trying to rob my old house...I don't live there anymore." MPN Perfect doesn't mean without flaws, it means whole and complete. MPN
  • 93. © You can't defeat what you can't define. As a leader it's not about you or your success, it's about what you do for your teams to further theirs.
  • 94. © Don't rush to move ahead. Learn all you can where you are, and when the time is right you'll move forward with strength, wisdom, and the skills you need to be successful in the next role.