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Responsive Web Designs | SEO Expate
BD Ltd.
What is Responsive Website Design?
There are two basic approaches to responsive web design: mobile-first and desktop-first.
Desktop-first web design means making a full-screen, detailed website first. Then
breaking it up and hiding or SEO Expate BD Ltd wrapping elements to make it fit smaller
screens. This has been the most common way to do things for a long time, but it can
make it hard to use and use some of the most important parts of the mobile version.
Moreover, plenty of responsive website designs have already been created by the SEO
Expate Bangladesh Ltd. developers.
With the rise of mobile devices, mobile-first web design has received attention in the last
decade. Mobile-first web design, also known as content-first design. It includes carefully
designing the content of your mobile website. Here, to be as intuitive and user-friendly as
possible before adding extra visual and narrative elements on top for the desktop version.
How do Responsive Website Function?
A typical website is made up of a collection of files (each web page—home page, about
page, etc.—is its file). Each file includes HTML code as well as content (text and
images). Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files use to style web pages (CSS). To simplify,
consider a standard (non-responsive) website to have a set of files. A few CSS files
govern the site’s appearance. A responsive website uses a different set of CSS files based
on the device used to view the site.The site appears and responds differently depending
on the device. For example, while a desktop computer displays a horizontally oriented
navigation menu, a mobile device displays a vertically aligned navigation menu with a
bigger font that is easier to see on a smaller screen.
Why is responsive web design so important, SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd.?
People used to only be able to get on the Internet from a desktop computer. Most of them
had the same size screen. The average visitor was in mind when websites were made.
People access websites today from a wide SEO Expate BD Ltd range of devices with
screens as small as a few inches and as large as 27 inches or more, and their expectations
have changed. People expect the website they are on to know that they are using a tablet
instead of a PC. They think that the site should change to fit their needs, not the other
way around.
Different devices also have different expectations when it comes to how they should be
used. People have been “trained” by the Apple iPhone to expect to be able to swipe left,
right, up, and down. When someone visits a website on their smartphone, they expect to
be able to click on a phone number and have the option to automatically call that number.
They also expect an address to have a “click here for directions” link that uses the GPS
on their phone. A responsive site takes all of this into account and changes itself
automatically to give users the best experience possible, no matter what device they use
to access the site.
The ConclusionFinally, the most popular design approach is responsive web
design. RWD is a web development method that enables dynamic changes to
the look and feel of a website. If Responsive Web Designs the screen and
orientation of the device used to view it are different. When it comes to
developing for a wide range of devices, responsive web design is one option
to consider. Because of this, the designers at SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd.
construct 100% mobile-friendly and flexible websites. A site’s layout can be
specified using RWD breakpoints.
Creating a comprehensive guide on responsive web design in 5000 words is a challenging
task, but I can provide you with an in-depth overview and outline to get you started.
Responsive web design is a crucial aspect of modern web development, ensuring that
websites look and function well on various devices and screen sizes. In this guide, we
will cover the following topics:
I. Introduction to Responsive Web Design (Approx. 300 words)
1 Definition of responsive web design.
2 The importance of responsive design in today's digital landscape.
3 Historical context: the evolution of web design.
Fundamentals of Responsive Web Design (Approx. 500 words)
1 Understanding viewport and screen resolutions.
2 Fluid layouts and flexible grids.
3 Media queries: breakpoints and their significance.
4 CSS frameworks for responsive design.
HTML and CSS for Responsive Design (Approx. 800 words)
1 Semantic HTML: structuring your content.
2 CSS styles for responsiveness.
3 Mobile-first design approach.
4 Creating responsive navigation menus.
5 Handling images and multimedia.
Media Queries and Breakpoints (Approx. 600 words)
1 What are media queries?
2 Writing effective media queries.
3 Common breakpoints for different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
4 Testing and debugging media queries.
Responsive Typography and Fonts (Approx. 500 words)
1 Font selection for responsive design.
2 Using relative units for typography (em, rem).
3 Line heights, spacing, and readability.
4 Adjusting font sizes with media queries.
Images and Multimedia (Approx. 600 words)
1 Responsive images using srcset and sizes attributes.
2 CSS techniques for handling images (max-width, object-fit).
3 Video and audio in responsive design.
4 Lazy loading and performance considerations.
Navigation and User Interface (Approx. 700 words)
1 Creating responsive navigation menus.
2 Mobile-friendly buttons and touch targets.
3 Hidden content patterns (off-canvas, accordion menus).
4 Form design for different screen sizes.
. Performance Optimization (Approx. 400 words)
1 Importance of performance in responsive design.
2 Minification and compression of assets.
3 Content delivery networks (CDNs).
4 Testing website speed and optimizing.
Testing and Debugging (Approx. 400 words)
1 Browser developer tools for responsive design.
2 Testing on various devices and browsers.
3 Cross-browser compatibility.
4 Common responsive design issues and their solutions.
Best Practices and Future Trends (Approx. 400 words)
1 Accessibility considerations.
2 SEO implications of responsive design.
3 Progressive web apps (PWAs) and responsive design.
4 The future of responsive design (e.g., foldable screens).
Conclusion (Approx. 200 words)
1 Recap of key points in responsive web design.
2 Encouragement for continuous learning and adaptation.
3 The role of responsive design in the ever-changing digital landscape.
Additional Resources (Approx. 100 words)
1 Recommended books, courses, and websites for further learning.
2 Tools and frameworks for responsive design.
This guide will provide a solid SEO Expate BD Ltd foundation for understanding and
implementing responsive web design effectively. Depending on your audience and their
level of expertise, you can adjust the depth and complexity of each section to fit their
Certainly, let's continue to expand on the topic of responsive web design:
Mobile-First Development (Approx. 400 words)
1 The philosophy of mobile-first design.
2 Advantages of starting with mobile design.
3 Building up to larger screens with media queries.
4 Mobile optimization tips and tricks.
Responsive Frameworks and Libraries (Approx. 600 words)
1 Overview of popular responsive design frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, Foundation).
2 Pros and cons of using responsive frameworks.
3 Customization and theming options.
4 Examples of responsive projects built with frameworks.
Cross-Browser Compatibility (Approx. 500 words)
1 The importance of cross-browser testing.
2 Strategies for handling browser-specific CSS.
3 Using polyfills for missing features.
4 Keeping up with browser updates and standards.
User Experience (Approx. 600 words)
1 Designing for touch and gesture interactions.
2 Optimizing user interfaces for mobile and touch devices.
3 Gestalt principles in responsive design.
4 Usability testing for responsive websites.
Performance Optimization (Advanced) (Approx. 600 words)
1 Advanced performance techniques (e.g., critical CSS, code splitting).
2 Reducing HTTP requests and optimizing asset loading.
3 Server-side rendering (SSR) for improved performance.
4 Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation.
SEO and Responsive Design (Approx. 400 words)
1 SEO-friendly responsive design practices.
2 Impact of page load times on SEO rankings.
3 Structured data and schema markup for mobile users.
4 Mobile-first indexing by search engines.
Accessibility in Responsive Design (Approx. 500 words)
1 Principles of web accessibility.
2 Designing for screen readers and keyboard navigation.
3 Using ARIA roles and attributes.
4 Accessibility testing tools and resources.
Internationalization (Approx. 400 words)
1 Adapting content and design for a global audience.
2 Multilingual websites and responsive design challenges.
3 Handling different date and time formats.
4 Currency and unit conversions in responsive design.
Continuous Improvement and Maintenance (Approx. 300 words)
1 Monitoring website performance and user feedback.
2 A/B testing and data-driven design decisions.
3 Regular updates to accommodate new devices.
4 The importance of keeping up with web standards.
Conclusion and Future Trends (Approx. 200 words)
1 The ever-evolving nature of web design.
2 Staying ahead of emerging technologies (e.g., AR/VR, voice interfaces).
3 The role of AI in responsive design.
4 Encouragement to explore new horizons in web development.
This extended guide should provide even more comprehensive coverage of responsive
web design, offering insights into advanced topics SEO Expate BD Ltd and
considerations. Remember to adapt the content to your specific audience's needs and
prior knowledge. Additionally, feel free to dive deeper into any of these topics if you
need to meet your 5000-word requirement.
20 Excellent Websites With Responsive Web
Design 2023
This article will examine responsive website design examples and what makes them
Get ready to maximize your business growth by embracing digital marketing as part of
your effective marketing strategies. Additionally, your web presence should guarantee a
responsive web design to make the most of this strategy. So, get inspired by these
websites that will surely give you awesome web design ideas.
Your web presence can do so much to generate more leads for your business in this
modern world. It can also unlock more opportunities for new players in the industry or
established brands. Hence, the web design must look attractive and user-friendly on
diverse devices. That’s how SEO Expate BD Ltd important a responsive web design is to
positively impact the SEO, conversion rates and user experience. It must render content
nicely on different portals to provide an optimal experience no matter how the customer
accesses a website. Gratefully, almost all themes and templates are created with great
emphasis on responsive web design. So you can pick the best premium ones with ease.
Meanwhile, many websites can motivate and help you decide which features to integrate
into your project.
Responsive Web Design: What It Is And How To Use It
Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s
practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the
iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next
five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will
the madness stop? It won’t, of course.
In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being
unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites,
creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at
least impractical. Should we just suffer the consequences of losing visitors from one
device, for the benefit of gaining visitors from another? Or is there another option?
What Is Responsive Web Design?
Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should
respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and
The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use
of CSS media queries. As the user switches from their laptop to iPad, the website should
automatically switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities.
One may also have to consider the settings on their devices; if they have a VPN for iOS
on their iPad, for example, the website should not block the user’s access to the page. In
other words, the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the
user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a different design and development
phase for each new gadget on the market.
The Concept Of Responsive Web Design
Ethan Marcotte wrote an introductory article about the approach, Responsive Web
Design, for A List Apart. It stems from the notion of responsive architectural design,
whereby a room or space automatically adjusts to the number and flow of people within
“Recently, an emergent discipline called “responsive architecture” has begun asking how
physical spaces can respond to the presence of people passing through them. Through a
combination of embedded robotics and tensile materials, architects are experimenting
with art installations and wall structures that bend, flex, and expand as crowds approach
them. Motion sensors can be SEO Expate BD Ltd paired with climate control systems to
adjust a room’s temperature and ambient lighting as it fills with people. Companies have
already produced “smart glass technology” that can automatically become opaque when a
room’s occupants reach a certain density threshold, giving them an additional layer of
Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and we have a similar yet whole new idea.
Why should we create a custom Web design for each group of users; after all, architects
don’t design a building for each group size and type that passes through it? Like
responsive architecture, Web design should automatically adjust. It shouldn’t require
countless custom-made solutions for each new category of users.
Obviously, we can’t use motion sensors and robotics to accomplish this the way a
building would. Responsive Web design requires a more abstract way of thinking.
However, some ideas are already being practiced: fluid layouts, media queries and scripts
that can reformat Web pages and mark-up effortlessly (or automatically).
But responsive Web design is not only about adjustable screen resolutions and
automatically resizable images, but rather about a whole new way of thinking about
design. Let’s talk about all of these features, plus additional ideas in the making.
We are indeed entering a new age of Web design and development. Far too many options
are available now, and there will be far too many in the future to continue adjusting and
creating custom solutions for each screen size, device and advancement in technology.
We should rather start a new era today: creating websites that are future-ready right now.
Understanding how to make a design responsive to the user doesn’t require too much
learning, and it can definitely be a lot less stressful and more productive than learning
how to design and code properly for every single device available.
Responsive Web design and the techniques discussed above are not the final answer to
the ever-changing mobile world. Responsive Web design is a mere concept that when
implemented correctly can improve the user experience, but not completely solve it for
every user, device and platform. We will need to constantly work with new devices,
resolutions and technologies to continually improve the user experience as technology
evolves in the coming years.
Besides saving us from frustration, responsive Web design is also best for the user. Every
custom solution makes for a better user experience. With responsive Web design, we can
create custom solutions for a SEO Expate BD Ltd wider range of users, on a wider range
of devices. A website can be tailored as well for someone on an old laptop or device as it
can for the vast majority of people on the trendiest gadgets around, and likewise as much
for the few users who own the most advanced gadgets now and in the years to come.
Responsive Web design creates a great custom experience for everyone. As Web
designers, we all strive for that every day on every project anyway, right?
Responsive design refers to a site or application design that responds to the environment
in which it is viewed. It encompasses a number of CSS and HTML features and
techniques and is now essentially just how we build websites by default. Consider the
sites that you visit on your phone — it is probably fairly unusual to come across a site
that is the desktop version scaled down, or where you need to scroll sideways to find
things. This is because the web has moved to this approach of designing responsively.
It has also become much easier to achieve responsive designs with the help of the layout
methods you have learned in these lessons. If you are new to web development today you
have many more tools at your disposal than in the early days of responsive design. It is
therefore worth checking the age of any materials you are using. While the historical
articles are still useful, modern use of CSS and HTML makes it far easier to create
elegant and useful designs, no matter what device your visitor views the site with.
WhatsApp: +880 1409957452
Address: Head Office Shajapur Kagji para, Majhira, Shajahanpur
5801, Bogura, Banlgladesh

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Responsive Web Designs.pdf

  • 1. Responsive Web Designs | SEO Expate BD Ltd. What is Responsive Website Design? There are two basic approaches to responsive web design: mobile-first and desktop-first. Desktop-first web design means making a full-screen, detailed website first. Then breaking it up and hiding or SEO Expate BD Ltd wrapping elements to make it fit smaller screens. This has been the most common way to do things for a long time, but it can make it hard to use and use some of the most important parts of the mobile version. Moreover, plenty of responsive website designs have already been created by the SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd. developers. With the rise of mobile devices, mobile-first web design has received attention in the last decade. Mobile-first web design, also known as content-first design. It includes carefully designing the content of your mobile website. Here, to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible before adding extra visual and narrative elements on top for the desktop version. How do Responsive Website Function? A typical website is made up of a collection of files (each web page—home page, about page, etc.—is its file). Each file includes HTML code as well as content (text and images). Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files use to style web pages (CSS). To simplify, consider a standard (non-responsive) website to have a set of files. A few CSS files govern the site’s appearance. A responsive website uses a different set of CSS files based on the device used to view the site.The site appears and responds differently depending on the device. For example, while a desktop computer displays a horizontally oriented navigation menu, a mobile device displays a vertically aligned navigation menu with a bigger font that is easier to see on a smaller screen.
  • 2. Why is responsive web design so important, SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd.? People used to only be able to get on the Internet from a desktop computer. Most of them had the same size screen. The average visitor was in mind when websites were made. People access websites today from a wide SEO Expate BD Ltd range of devices with screens as small as a few inches and as large as 27 inches or more, and their expectations have changed. People expect the website they are on to know that they are using a tablet instead of a PC. They think that the site should change to fit their needs, not the other way around.
  • 3. Different devices also have different expectations when it comes to how they should be used. People have been “trained” by the Apple iPhone to expect to be able to swipe left, right, up, and down. When someone visits a website on their smartphone, they expect to be able to click on a phone number and have the option to automatically call that number. They also expect an address to have a “click here for directions” link that uses the GPS on their phone. A responsive site takes all of this into account and changes itself automatically to give users the best experience possible, no matter what device they use to access the site. The ConclusionFinally, the most popular design approach is responsive web design. RWD is a web development method that enables dynamic changes to the look and feel of a website. If Responsive Web Designs the screen and orientation of the device used to view it are different. When it comes to developing for a wide range of devices, responsive web design is one option to consider. Because of this, the designers at SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd. construct 100% mobile-friendly and flexible websites. A site’s layout can be specified using RWD breakpoints. Creating a comprehensive guide on responsive web design in 5000 words is a challenging task, but I can provide you with an in-depth overview and outline to get you started. Responsive web design is a crucial aspect of modern web development, ensuring that websites look and function well on various devices and screen sizes. In this guide, we will cover the following topics: I. Introduction to Responsive Web Design (Approx. 300 words) 1 Definition of responsive web design. 2 The importance of responsive design in today's digital landscape. 3 Historical context: the evolution of web design. Fundamentals of Responsive Web Design (Approx. 500 words) 1 Understanding viewport and screen resolutions. 2 Fluid layouts and flexible grids. 3 Media queries: breakpoints and their significance. 4 CSS frameworks for responsive design.
  • 4. HTML and CSS for Responsive Design (Approx. 800 words) 1 Semantic HTML: structuring your content. 2 CSS styles for responsiveness. 3 Mobile-first design approach. 4 Creating responsive navigation menus. 5 Handling images and multimedia. Media Queries and Breakpoints (Approx. 600 words) 1 What are media queries? 2 Writing effective media queries. 3 Common breakpoints for different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). 4 Testing and debugging media queries. Responsive Typography and Fonts (Approx. 500 words) 1 Font selection for responsive design.
  • 5. 2 Using relative units for typography (em, rem). 3 Line heights, spacing, and readability. 4 Adjusting font sizes with media queries. Images and Multimedia (Approx. 600 words) 1 Responsive images using srcset and sizes attributes. 2 CSS techniques for handling images (max-width, object-fit). 3 Video and audio in responsive design. 4 Lazy loading and performance considerations. Navigation and User Interface (Approx. 700 words) 1 Creating responsive navigation menus. 2 Mobile-friendly buttons and touch targets. 3 Hidden content patterns (off-canvas, accordion menus). 4 Form design for different screen sizes. . Performance Optimization (Approx. 400 words) 1 Importance of performance in responsive design. 2 Minification and compression of assets. 3 Content delivery networks (CDNs). 4 Testing website speed and optimizing. Testing and Debugging (Approx. 400 words) 1 Browser developer tools for responsive design. 2 Testing on various devices and browsers. 3 Cross-browser compatibility. 4 Common responsive design issues and their solutions.
  • 6. Best Practices and Future Trends (Approx. 400 words) 1 Accessibility considerations. 2 SEO implications of responsive design. 3 Progressive web apps (PWAs) and responsive design. 4 The future of responsive design (e.g., foldable screens). Conclusion (Approx. 200 words) 1 Recap of key points in responsive web design. 2 Encouragement for continuous learning and adaptation. 3 The role of responsive design in the ever-changing digital landscape. Additional Resources (Approx. 100 words) 1 Recommended books, courses, and websites for further learning. 2 Tools and frameworks for responsive design. This guide will provide a solid SEO Expate BD Ltd foundation for understanding and implementing responsive web design effectively. Depending on your audience and their level of expertise, you can adjust the depth and complexity of each section to fit their needs. Certainly, let's continue to expand on the topic of responsive web design: Mobile-First Development (Approx. 400 words) 1 The philosophy of mobile-first design. 2 Advantages of starting with mobile design. 3 Building up to larger screens with media queries. 4 Mobile optimization tips and tricks. Responsive Frameworks and Libraries (Approx. 600 words) 1 Overview of popular responsive design frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, Foundation). 2 Pros and cons of using responsive frameworks.
  • 7. 3 Customization and theming options. 4 Examples of responsive projects built with frameworks. Cross-Browser Compatibility (Approx. 500 words) 1 The importance of cross-browser testing. 2 Strategies for handling browser-specific CSS. 3 Using polyfills for missing features. 4 Keeping up with browser updates and standards. User Experience (Approx. 600 words) 1 Designing for touch and gesture interactions. 2 Optimizing user interfaces for mobile and touch devices. 3 Gestalt principles in responsive design. 4 Usability testing for responsive websites. Performance Optimization (Advanced) (Approx. 600 words) 1 Advanced performance techniques (e.g., critical CSS, code splitting). 2 Reducing HTTP requests and optimizing asset loading. 3 Server-side rendering (SSR) for improved performance. 4 Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation. SEO and Responsive Design (Approx. 400 words) 1 SEO-friendly responsive design practices. 2 Impact of page load times on SEO rankings. 3 Structured data and schema markup for mobile users. 4 Mobile-first indexing by search engines. Accessibility in Responsive Design (Approx. 500 words)
  • 8. 1 Principles of web accessibility. 2 Designing for screen readers and keyboard navigation. 3 Using ARIA roles and attributes. 4 Accessibility testing tools and resources. Internationalization (Approx. 400 words) 1 Adapting content and design for a global audience. 2 Multilingual websites and responsive design challenges. 3 Handling different date and time formats. 4 Currency and unit conversions in responsive design. Continuous Improvement and Maintenance (Approx. 300 words) 1 Monitoring website performance and user feedback. 2 A/B testing and data-driven design decisions. 3 Regular updates to accommodate new devices. 4 The importance of keeping up with web standards. Conclusion and Future Trends (Approx. 200 words) 1 The ever-evolving nature of web design. 2 Staying ahead of emerging technologies (e.g., AR/VR, voice interfaces). 3 The role of AI in responsive design. 4 Encouragement to explore new horizons in web development. This extended guide should provide even more comprehensive coverage of responsive web design, offering insights into advanced topics SEO Expate BD Ltd and considerations. Remember to adapt the content to your specific audience's needs and prior knowledge. Additionally, feel free to dive deeper into any of these topics if you need to meet your 5000-word requirement.
  • 9. 20 Excellent Websites With Responsive Web Design 2023 This article will examine responsive website design examples and what makes them great. Get ready to maximize your business growth by embracing digital marketing as part of your effective marketing strategies. Additionally, your web presence should guarantee a responsive web design to make the most of this strategy. So, get inspired by these websites that will surely give you awesome web design ideas. Your web presence can do so much to generate more leads for your business in this modern world. It can also unlock more opportunities for new players in the industry or established brands. Hence, the web design must look attractive and user-friendly on diverse devices. That’s how SEO Expate BD Ltd important a responsive web design is to positively impact the SEO, conversion rates and user experience. It must render content nicely on different portals to provide an optimal experience no matter how the customer accesses a website. Gratefully, almost all themes and templates are created with great emphasis on responsive web design. So you can pick the best premium ones with ease. Meanwhile, many websites can motivate and help you decide which features to integrate into your project.
  • 10. Responsive Web Design: What It Is And How To Use It Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will the madness stop? It won’t, of course. In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical. Should we just suffer the consequences of losing visitors from one device, for the benefit of gaining visitors from another? Or is there another option? What Is Responsive Web Design? Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from their laptop to iPad, the website should automatically switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities. One may also have to consider the settings on their devices; if they have a VPN for iOS on their iPad, for example, the website should not block the user’s access to the page. In other words, the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the
  • 11. user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market. The Concept Of Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte wrote an introductory article about the approach, Responsive Web Design, for A List Apart. It stems from the notion of responsive architectural design, whereby a room or space automatically adjusts to the number and flow of people within it: “Recently, an emergent discipline called “responsive architecture” has begun asking how physical spaces can respond to the presence of people passing through them. Through a combination of embedded robotics and tensile materials, architects are experimenting with art installations and wall structures that bend, flex, and expand as crowds approach them. Motion sensors can be SEO Expate BD Ltd paired with climate control systems to adjust a room’s temperature and ambient lighting as it fills with people. Companies have already produced “smart glass technology” that can automatically become opaque when a room’s occupants reach a certain density threshold, giving them an additional layer of privacy.” Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and we have a similar yet whole new idea. Why should we create a custom Web design for each group of users; after all, architects don’t design a building for each group size and type that passes through it? Like responsive architecture, Web design should automatically adjust. It shouldn’t require countless custom-made solutions for each new category of users. Obviously, we can’t use motion sensors and robotics to accomplish this the way a building would. Responsive Web design requires a more abstract way of thinking. However, some ideas are already being practiced: fluid layouts, media queries and scripts that can reformat Web pages and mark-up effortlessly (or automatically). But responsive Web design is not only about adjustable screen resolutions and automatically resizable images, but rather about a whole new way of thinking about design. Let’s talk about all of these features, plus additional ideas in the making. Conclusion We are indeed entering a new age of Web design and development. Far too many options are available now, and there will be far too many in the future to continue adjusting and creating custom solutions for each screen size, device and advancement in technology. We should rather start a new era today: creating websites that are future-ready right now. Understanding how to make a design responsive to the user doesn’t require too much
  • 12. learning, and it can definitely be a lot less stressful and more productive than learning how to design and code properly for every single device available. Responsive Web design and the techniques discussed above are not the final answer to the ever-changing mobile world. Responsive Web design is a mere concept that when implemented correctly can improve the user experience, but not completely solve it for every user, device and platform. We will need to constantly work with new devices, resolutions and technologies to continually improve the user experience as technology evolves in the coming years. Besides saving us from frustration, responsive Web design is also best for the user. Every custom solution makes for a better user experience. With responsive Web design, we can create custom solutions for a SEO Expate BD Ltd wider range of users, on a wider range of devices. A website can be tailored as well for someone on an old laptop or device as it can for the vast majority of people on the trendiest gadgets around, and likewise as much for the few users who own the most advanced gadgets now and in the years to come. Responsive Web design creates a great custom experience for everyone. As Web designers, we all strive for that every day on every project anyway, right? Summary Responsive design refers to a site or application design that responds to the environment in which it is viewed. It encompasses a number of CSS and HTML features and techniques and is now essentially just how we build websites by default. Consider the sites that you visit on your phone — it is probably fairly unusual to come across a site that is the desktop version scaled down, or where you need to scroll sideways to find things. This is because the web has moved to this approach of designing responsively. It has also become much easier to achieve responsive designs with the help of the layout methods you have learned in these lessons. If you are new to web development today you have many more tools at your disposal than in the early days of responsive design. It is therefore worth checking the age of any materials you are using. While the historical articles are still useful, modern use of CSS and HTML makes it far easier to create elegant and useful designs, no matter what device your visitor views the site with.
  • 13. Website: Email: WhatsApp: +880 1409957452 Address: Head Office Shajapur Kagji para, Majhira, Shajahanpur 5801, Bogura, Banlgladesh