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Spring 2010

                          Resolution 35
                          News from the Restorative Justice Consortium

                                                      Getting Qualified in
                                                      Restorative Practice
                                                      New Zealand’s
                                                      Restorative Journey
                                                      Victim Empathy and
                                                      Restorative Processes

Company number: 4199237
Charity number: 1097969                                        

                                                 Director’s Introduction
       Contents                                  W
                                                          elcome to the Spring Edition of
                                                                                                  OCJR has also commissioned RJC to
                                                                                                  undertake a review and re-publication of the
                                                                                                  2004 Home Office Best Practice Guidance
     02      Director’s Introduction                                                              for Restorative Practitioners in the light of
                                                 To coincide with our April 20th
                                                                                                  recent developments in practice and
                                                 Practitioners Day in Birmingham, this issue
     03      News in Brief                                                                        research developments. While we believe that
                                                 of Resolution focuses on practice issues.
                                                                                                  the Best Practice Guidance remains the
                                                 Throughout 2009 we worked closely with
                                                                                                  sound foundation of good practice, and the
                                                 Skills for Justice on the development of new
     04      The RJC’s Standards &                                                                source document for the new NOS, the huge
                                                 National Occupational Standards (NOS) in
             Accreditation Board                                                                  spread of restorative practices (particularly
                                                 Restorative Practice. The new NOS are
                                                                                                  in schools, care homes and in policing) and
                                                 about to be published and this year’s
     05      Interview with Lawrence                                                              the publication of new research evidence
                                                 Practitioners’ Network Day is set up to
             Kershen QC, RJC Chair                                                                since 2004 means a review can ensure that
                                                 enable all those working in the field to
                                                                                                  the guidance fully reflects both practice and
                                                 understand the new standards and how to
     06      Mary’s Story                                                                         research developments. We look forward to
                                                 work with them. Along with the usual mix of
                                                                                                  working with OCJR, with our members and
                                                 opportunities to network and learn from
     07      Readers’ Corner Review                                                               partners, and with the research experts on
                                                 each other, delegates will have a new
                                                                                                  this review during 2010.
                                                 opportunity to bring their own practice
     08      New Zealand’s Restorative
                                                 issues or concerns to a senior practitioner.
             Journey                                                                              The RJC was founded as a consortium of
                                                 The full programme is available on the RJC
                                                                                                  organisations interested in and supportive of
     10      Getting Qualified in                                                                 Restorative Justice. Since then we have
             Restorative Pracitce                                                                 brought the field together, led work on
                                                 Building on the National Occupational
                                                                                                  standards and accreditation, and become
                                                 Standards, Skills for Justice will be piloting
     11      What Have I Done? Victim                                                             the national voice for restorative practice.
                                                 a new Development Award in Restorative
             Empathy and Restorative Processes                                                    The Board has therefore decided we need a
                                                 Practice during 2010. On page ten Linda
                                                                                                  new name, building on the strength of our
                                                 Millington explains more about the
                                                                                                  existing brand and role, but making it clear
                                                 qualification, the pilot and the evaluation.
     12      Events and Vacancies                                                                 we are more than a consortium of
                                                 For organisations and individuals who want
                                                                                                  organisations. The RJC will become the
                                                 to know more an information workshop will
                                                                                                  Restorative Justice Council this year,,
                                                 be held in London on 1st April, and a further
     Editor’s note                               workshop will form part of the RJC
                                                                                                  building three key areas of work:
                                                                                                  professional (ensuring quality); public (the
                                                 Practitioners Day in Birmingham on 20th
     Resolution is here to reflect                                                                national voice); and practice (through
     restorative practice in all its forms.                                                       consultancy, enabling restorative services to
     Please get in touch if you would like to                                                     grow). The new name, logo and branding
                                                 Building on our track record in relation to
     submit an article, have suggestions for                                                      will be launched later this year. Our thanks
                                                 standards and accreditation, we are
     a feature, ideas for what you would                                                          to all our funders, members and supporters
                                                 delighted that the Office for Criminal Justice
     like covered, news of an event or would                                                      who have made this work possible.
                                                 Reform (OCJR) has funded the RJC to take
     simply like to share an experience with
                                                 forward work to lay the foundations for
     other readers.
                                                 future expansion of restorative justice with
                                                 quality assurance.
     Chris Igoe, Editor.
                                                 First, OCJR have funded the RJC to work as
                                                 a partner in the Skills for Justice
     Resolution is the quarterly
                                                 qualification pilot. Through this work RJC
     newsletter of the:
                                                 will help make sure that practitioners from a
     Restorative Justice Consortium
                                                 wide range of backgrounds and across the
     Beacon House, 113 Kingsway
                                                 country can take part, to ensure that the
     London, WC2B 6PP.
                                                 qualification will work for the whole field of
                                                 restorative practice. This funding will also
     T: 020 7831 5700.
                                                 enable the RJC to develop the first ever
                                                 national register of accredited practitioners,
                                                 following on from the pilot.
     Company number: 4199237.
     Charity number: 1097969.
                                                 OCJR have also provided funding to enable
                                                                                                  Lizzie Nelson
                                                 us to provide secretariat support to the
     ©2010 RJC. Not to be reproduced                                                              Director
                                                 RJC Standards and Accreditation Board
     without permission.                                                                          Restorative Justice Consortium
                                                 (SAB) (see Les Davey’s article on the SAB
                                                 on page four), and matched funding
     The articles in this newsletter
                                                 towards redevelopment of the RJC
     express the personal views of the
                                                 website. The RJC website is the largest e-       With great regret, Deborah Ginns has had to
     authors and do not necessarily
                                                 resource on RJ in Europe, but needs re-          withdraw from her post as Co-Director due
     reflect the views of the RJC.
                                                 designing to make it a great resource for        to unforeseen personal circumstances. We
                                                 all our stakeholders. We need to know what       want to thank Deborah for all the ideas and
     The image on the front cover is
                                                 you want from a new website, so if you have      creativity Deborah contributed in her short
                                                 ideas please let me know by emailing             time with RJC, and wish her all the very best
                                                     for the future.

News In Brief
Alan Duncan MP supports                     RJC builds public awareness                 Matrix economic analysis puts
“the miracle of Restorative                 of Restorative Justice                      Restorative Justice benefit to
Justice” at RJC conference                  RJC worked closely with the producers       society at over £1billion
Speaking at the RJC’s Restorative           of the ITV Tonight programme                Independent expert analysis of the
Justice and the Law conference,             “Facing the Enemy”. The programme           economic benefits of Restorative
                                            interviewed victims and offenders who       Justice has revealed that Restorative
Shadow Minister for Prisons Alan
                                            had participated in Restorative             Justice would be likely to lead to a net
Duncan MP pledged to “urgently
                                            Justice, and asked the question why,        benefit of over £1billion over ten
investigate what legislation or
                                            despite very strong research evidence,      years. The report concludes that
Ministerial edict might be necessary
                                            the Government has not invested             diverting young offenders from
to see RJ implemented on a
                                            further in Restorative Justice?             community orders to a pre-court
nationwide basis.”                                                                      Restorative Justice conferencing
David Howarth MP, Shadow Justice                                                        scheme would produce a saving to
                                            RJC member Marian Liebmann
Minister for the Liberal Democrats,                                                     society of almost £275 million over
                                            advised producers and actors of “After      the lifetime of offenders (£7,050 per
told delegates that “Restorative
                                            the Accident” which was broadcast on        offender). The cost of implementing
Justice is the future of our criminal
                                            Radio 4 Friday 26th February.               the scheme would be paid back in the
justice system”.
                                                                                        first year and during the course of two
A copy of the speeches and all the          RJC Trustee Wendy Freshman and              parliaments (10 years) society would
day’s    presentation         slides  and   RJC members Kent Police supported           benefit by over £1billion.
materials       are        available   at   the BBC in their coverage of the       expansion of Restorative Justice in         Restorative Justice produced the
                                            Kent. A highlight of this work was the      greatest benefit to society of all the
Daily Mail Online supports RJ               BBC interview with Kathy Key who            schemes considered in the analysis.
                                            met the man responsible for the death       The full report ‘Economic analysis of
“It not only gives victims the chance                                                   interventions     for    young   adult
to move on by speaking to the offender      of her daughter.
                                                                                        offenders’ is available on the RJC
about the incident and why it               New     Crown     Prosecution               website.
happened, but also encourages                                                           /?Restorative_Justice:RJ_Works
offenders to face up to their actions by    Service guidance on use of RJ
hearing how their behaviour affected        The Crown Prosecution Service has
another person's life.” So says the         revised it’s Code for Crown                 About Us
Daily Mail in their online report of        Prosecutors and issued new Director’s       Restorative Justice empowers the
Zoe Harrison’s meeting with Aaron           Guidance on Conditional Cautioning          people most affected by crime and
Burns - the violent offender who            for adults and young people.                conflict to deal with its effects.
mugged her.         Zoe said “He has
offended so much he needs someone to        Conditional cautions are now available      Restorative Justice can give victims the
tell him the effect his actions have had    for both adults and young people. The       chance to tell offenders the real impact
                                            decision whether to use a conditional       of their crime, to get answers, receive an
on someone like me. There could have                                                    apology and move on with their lives. It
been no one better to tell it to him.”      caution rests with the prosecution          holds offenders to account whilst giving
                                            service. In selecting which conditions      them the chance to understand the real
Success     for    restorative              should form part of the caution, The        impact of what they’ve done and to do
policing awareness event                    Director’s Guidance gives priority to       something to repair the harm.
Greater Manchester Police (GMP)             reparative conditions including a           Restorative principles are also being
hosted an event on the 26th Feb to          written apology and Restorative             used successfully outside the Criminal
raise awareness of restorative              Justice.                                    Justice System, for example, in schools,
                                                                                        workplaces, care homes, health services
policing. GMP held the event ahead of       The guidance goes on to state that          and communities, often without the
a pilot of restorative justice in two       “Restorative justice processes can be       labels of victim and offender being
divisions in May. The hope is for RJ to     used as a condition of the caution if       necessary.
be rolled out across Manchester by the      both victim and offender consent to
end of the year for low level, first time                                               The Restorative Justice Consortium is
                                            this. Alternatively, they can be used as    the national voice for Restorative
offenders with expansion of the use of      the decision-making process whereby         Justice. We provide information about
RJ as experience and skills are             conditions, such as compensation,           Restorative Justice to the public,
developed within the force.                 rehabilitative activities, or other kinds   support and resource our members who
                                            of reparation, are agreed.”                 deliver Restorative Justice and promote
The event prompted supportive media                                                     the development and use of restorative
coverage on GMTV and the                    Detailed information is available at        practices and approaches.
Manchester Evening News.          

     The RJC Standards and Accreditation Board
     The final report of the RJC                      range of experience, skills and attributes    3. Review the Trainers Voluntary Code of
     Accreditation Project was presented to           offered for this work, but wanting to keep    Practice, and develop a Practitioner
     the RJC AGM in October 2009 by                   the SAB itself to an operating number of      Code of Practice. As part of this
     independent consultants John Pepin               12, we decided to create an ‘Advisory         workstream, the SAB will review the
     Associates (JPA). One of their key               Group’. The Advisory Group will receive       existing Voluntary Code for Trainers and
     recommendations was that the RJC                 SAB documents and minutes as agreed           make recommendations to the RJC
     establish a Board, working to the overall        by the board for comment, to ensure their     Board on how this should be
     Board of the RJC, to take forward the            skills and experience are also fed in to      strengthened, and recommend policy on
     work on standards and accreditation.             SAB thinking, but will not attend             whether the RJC should accredit trainers
                                                      meetings or have a vote. As with the          or badge training providers. This
     Les Davey, CEO of the International              board, although we currently have 10 on       workstream will also develop a Voluntary
     Institute for Restorative Practices UK           the ‘Advisory Group’, we may add more         Code of Practice for Practitioners, to
     Office (IIRP UK), a member of the RJC            members up to a maximum of 12.                ensure non-accredited practitioners can
     Board of Trustees since November 2008,                                                         join the new national register as associate
     agreed to be the Chair of the new                The Standards and Accreditation Board         members, whilst working towards an
     ‘Standards and Accreditation Board’              (SAB) held its inaugural meeting in           accreditation.
     (SAB). Les was influential in the                December 2009 and will meet quarterly,
     development of the Home Office's Best            with further work to be done via email        4. Work to develop internal policies for
     Practice Guidance, as well as the original       and phone in between. At the Inaugural        the SAB, including clear policies on
     2006 and new 2009 National                       meeting five workstreams were identified      conflict of interest, and terms of
     Occupation Standards for Restorative             for the SAB workprogramme during              reference for both the SAB and the
     Practice.                                        2010/11. These will be taken forward by       Advisory Panel.
                                                      SAB members in between meetings.
     Debra Clothier (Nacro) agreed to take on                                                       5. Finally to ensure that the SAB is
     the role of SAB Vice-Chair. Debra                The workstreams are:                          advising the RJC in all our work on
     managed the Nacro Restorative Justice                                                          standards and accreditation, the fifth
     pilots in Hampshire before joining the           1. Support Skills for Justice’s pilot of a    workstream is about the SAB supporting
     RJC as Chief Executive between 2002              new        Continuing        Professional     RJC staff in their work in relation to
     and 2006. Debra is a trained victim-             Development Award, based on the new           professional standards and support for
     offender mediator and rejoined Nacro in          National Occupational Standards. The          practitioners – including advising and
     2006 as National Policy Development              role of the SAB will be to help to find       supporting the development of the
     Manager. In her role with the SAB Debra          partner agencies for the pilot, and to        Practitioners’ Network Day.
     will work with Les driving forward the           ensure through the evaluation that the
     SAB’s work programme and monitoring              award is as suitable and accessible to        So as can be seen, the Standards and
     progress on agreed action points.                practitioners as possible. At the same        Accreditation Board has really hit the
                                                      time, the SAB members involved in this        ground running and is already making a
      We had a fantastic response from our            workstream will help the RJC to create a      good     start      on    turning      the
     members following the call for applicants        National Register of Accredited               recommendations of the JPA report
     to join the Board (SAB), with more than          Practitioners, to follow on directly from     into practical actions and reality. We are
     enough suitable applicants to make up a          the pilot.                                    really excited about this new
     strong and representative board. The                                                           programme of work for the RJC and feel
     SAB is made up of people representing            2. Develop policy on which awards             confident that at long last our members
     the diverse range of stakeholders with an        (including the Continuing Professional        have a body with a realistic prospect of
     interest in standards and accreditation of       Development Award mentioned above)            shaping, implementing and supporting
     restorative       practice,     including        the RJC should badge with RJC support.        various types of accreditation based
     practitioners, trainers, managers and            This process will include reviewing all the   upon sound and recognised Standards
     commissioners of restorative practice.           awards available to the field at present,     for Practice.
                                                      including Higher Education Awards, and
     In view of the number of suitable                developing advice to practitioners on         Les Davey
     applicants, rather than lose the wide            which awards the RJC would endorse.           Chair, RJC Standards and Accreditation Board.
      Pictured from left to right: Les Davey, Chair

      Chair SAB, and former RJC CEO; Ben Lyon,
      SAB, RJC Trustee; Debra Clothier, Vice

      SAB board member, and RJC Trustee.

Interview with Lawrence Kershen QC, RJC Chair
                                          continue the cycle only in a harsher       and other forms of dispute resolution by
                                          form.                                      dialogue, like restorative practices,
                                                                                     share common objectives and principles
                                          It seemed to me that these youths had      and similar process management skills.
                                          themselves been brutalised and their
                                          ability to empathise numbed by the         You’ve been a Trustee of the RJC for a
                                          force of circumstance, so they were cut    number of years – what’s your vision
                                          off from the impact of their actions on    for the organisation now you’re taking
                                          others. To interrupt that cycle, to        over the Chair of the Board?
                                          maybe awaken some awareness of the
                                          consequences of their actions, there       The RJC has led the field and the
                                          needed to be a dialogue between those      restorative justice movement for 13
                                          ladies and these kids, so that they        years. We’ve become the national
                                          could share their stories and              voice for Restorative Justice and
                                          understand one another. But I knew of      practices, bringing everyone together
                                          no such process. With a heavy heart I      and helping our members through
                                          did what I had to and passed custodial     events and support, and we’ve worked
                                          sentences.                                 to      develop      standards       and
                                                                                     accreditation for the field. I feel we’ve
                                          Not long afterwards I went to an RJC       out-grown our original role as a
                                          talk by Howard Zehr, discovered there      network and a consortium of
RJC: As a QC, what got you interested     was something called Restorative           organisations. With this in mind the
in restorative practices?                 Justice – and I was off!                   Board has taken the decision to re-
                                                                                     name the organisation the Restorative
LK: My practice included a lot of         What was it about Zehr’s talk that         Justice Council. This new name makes
criminal defence work, and I saw at       convinced you Restorative Justice          clear that quality assurance is at the
first-hand individuals who had fallen     could break that cycle?                    heart of the organisation, through our
foul of the law, and what had led them                                               work on standards and accreditation.
to that point. It seemed that we were     RJ seemed to offer processes where         The name also keeps close to our
putting huge resources into trying the    victims could speak freely about their     existing name and our USP as the
issue of guilt, but very little into      experiences, and ask the offender all      national voice for the sector. For me,
dealing with the underlying behaviours    their unanswered questions. And the        justice has never been just about
and consequences of the offence.          offender could hear and see the effects    criminal justice, but about wider social
                                          of what he had done, and perhaps also      justice. The Restorative Justice
But sitting as a Recorder in the Crown    tell his story. Inherent in it was the     Council will continue to represent the
Court it became painfully obvious that    possibility of transforming both           whole field of restorative practice – in
those affected by crime had no            parties’ perceptions of what had taken     schools, workplaces, in the community
opportunity to talk about the             place. I also took away a vision of a      as our original charitable aims make
consequences of the crime, let alone      justice system in which in Zehr’s          clear –and I want to make sure that
confront the wrongdoer (except by         words “crime harms, justice heals”. I      all our branding around the new name
looking daggers at the dock). If the      joined the RJC that day, and have          reflects the breadth of our vision. My
overall goal of the Criminal Justice      since worked on a voluntary basis to       key priorities as Chair will be to
System was to reduce crime and make       help to bring RJ into the mainstream.      strengthen the Board of the
us safer, it wasn’t doing what it was                                                Restorative Justice Council so that we
supposed to.                              Tell us about your work as a               can build a strong and financially
                                          commercial mediator.                       secure organisation, support our
In one case I remember in particular,                                                excellent and committed staff, and
four under-21 year olds were to be        Since being accredited by CEDR             deliver excellent services to all our
sentenced for a serious knife-point       London, in 1994, I have mediated in a      stakeholders, using the resources given
robbery of a travel agency where two      wide range of civil and commercial         us by our funders and members to
older ladies were working. Given their    disputes, but also non-business areas      greatest effect – to work towards our
ages, roles, pleas and records, the       including charities, faith communities,    vision of making restorative practices
sentencing was a minefield. Custody       neighbours and cases involving the         available to all.
seemed inevitable. But as the             police. By 1999 I stopped practice at
mitigation unfolded each had a more       the Bar to work exclusively in             Lawrence Kershen QC became Chair
tragic history than the one before – of   mediation. I also train in mediation and   of the RJC in March 2010. Our
abandonment, abuse, delinquency and       negotiation skills, both in the UK and     thanks to Peter Patrick, Chair of
punishment. And here I was, about to      abroad. It seems to me that mediation      RJC, 2007-10.

                                                                                Mary’s Story

        Mary Foley - Copyright The Forgiveness Project ©

     In 2005 Mary Foley’s 15-year-old                said, “but we couldn’t save her.”               with two knives - all hyped up, smoking
     daughter, Charlotte, was murdered                                                               weed and ready to do damage.
     during a 16th birthday party in East            I didn’t know what to do. I immediately Unfortunately it was Charlotte that felt
     London. In February 2006 18-year-old            went hot. I walked up and down the corridor Beatriz’s wrath.
     Beatriz Martins- Paes was jailed for            of the hospital. I couldn’t believe it. For the
     life for the unprovoked attack. A year          days that followed I couldn’t function. For the first few days I didn’t think about
     later Mary received a letter from her.          People came to the house but I felt forgiveness. I just thought about my baby,
                                                     paralysed. I wasn’t sure any of it was real.    Charlotte, not knowing she was going to be
     It was in the early hours of Sunday                                                             stabbed that night, and me not being there
     morning that the Police rang to tell me         Finally, after two weeks, it sunk in that to hold her in my arms. It was very hard to
     Charlotte had been stabbed. It was like         Charlotte didn’t just die, she had been swallow. I had so much hope for Charlotte.
     being catapulted into this different world      murdered by Beatriz who was also at the She was growing up into a beautiful young
     – but still death was the last thing on my      party. But then I began hearing rumours lady who wanted to be a social worker to
     mind. Even at the hospital, when I saw all      that it was another girl’s fault – a girl work with young people. All her future
     these young people distraught and               who was supposed to have been at the promise was stolen from her and me.
     sobbing, it still didn’t sink in. It was only   party but never turned up. This girl had an
     when three doctors came into the room           ongoing feud with Beatriz and had made Two weeks after Charlotte’s death,
     that I knew something terrible had              arrangements with Beatriz to have it out through a lot of prayers and holding onto
     happened: “I’m so sorry, Mrs Foley,” one        at the party. So Beatriz had come armed my faith in Jesus Christ as my comforter

and with the help of my husband, God          me and I also think it would help her find        her killer” - I’m sure that’s what they
gave me the grace and strength to             closure. She’ll be in her thirties when she       think at times, and I understand that,
forgive. I didn’t say anything to my          finally gets out and I’d love her to have a       because some people are disgusted by the
husband or my family at that time             great career, a positive mind-set and most        very idea of forgiveness. It can seem like
because I felt they may not have              of all value her life and other people’s lives.   an act of betrayal. But, on the contrary,
understood. When I eventually told my                                                           it’s an act of freedom.
husband, he said, “I’m going to get there     Some people tell me I’m brave and strong
too one day”. But for myself I knew that      - but others don’t say much. Although no Story and photo provided courtesy of The
if I didn’t forgive, anger and bitterness     one has come up to me and said: “You Forgiveness Project
would turn me into a person Charlotte         can’t have loved your daughter to forgive
would not have liked, or my family and
friends for that fact.

“I knew that if I didn’t
                                               Readers’ Corner Review
forgive, anger and                             AIM - Practice Guidance in Restorative
bitterness would turn me
                                               Approaches to Sexually Harmful Behaviour
                                               The Aim Project leads the field in
into a person Charlotte                        restorative approaches to child and
would not have liked.”                         adolescent      sexually     harmful
                                               behaviour (SHB). The project is
At first forgiveness was about freeing         based in Manchester and managed by
me, because without forgiveness I felt I       Vince Mercer. He has prepared three
would have ended up a prisoner. I didn’t       sets of practice guidance*, targeted
think much about the perpetrator. It was       specifically at victim contact
only in court, when I heard about the          workers, referral order workers and
physical domestic abuse Beatriz’s              restorative approaches to SHB
mother encountered and Beatriz herself
being exposed to that violent background
that I started to feel some compassion         AIM has developed a specialist                   a service a capable as AIM? If not are
for her and understood why she may             assessment process that builds upon and          these guidance notes alone sufficient to
have done what she did. But, there is no       acknowledges the Home Office Best                undertake this type of serious and
excuse for her, because she still had a        Practice Guidelines.** It is both                complex casework?          This area of
choice and she alone made that choice.         comprehensive and sensitive towards the          restorative practice is for the
                                               participants      and    their     special       experienced and well trained. However,
Forgiveness relieved me of a burden I          vulnerability. It addresses not only the         the wise YOT worker or manager will
                                               risks but the opportunities too; and is          have a set of these guidelines on the shelf,
didn’t want to carry. It allowed me to
                                               notable for its underlying “cause no             ready to hand.
use what had happened to Charlotte as          harm” theme. There is no insistence on
a way to educate young people of the           any one process and a degree of flexibility      Ben Lyon
consequences of carrying a knife for           to match the needs of each case.                 RJ Practitioner, Register of Restorative
protection.                                                                                     Practitioners & RJC Trustee.
                                               Experienced restorative practitioners will
Some months after the trial, Beatrix           recognise many of the issues raised, for         This trilogy of guidance is available
wrote to me saying she was very sorry          they are present in so many serious cases.       through the AIM Project website
and that she didn’t mean to kill               They will learn from them too. I        for £70 + p&p
                                               particularly valued Vince’s work on the          or £30 +p&p for each booklet
Charlotte. She said it had been a
                                               complexities of denial, shame, forgiveness       individually.
moment of madness. I was pleased to            and redemption. It is amazing that we
get the letter and wrote back telling her      still pay homage to simplistic overseas          *Restorative Justice & Sexually Harmful
I’d forgiven her. Later she sent a 14-         models of RP when such advanced                  Behaviour; Referral Orders & Sexually
page letter with more detail about her         restorative practice as this has developed       Harmful Behaviour; Victim Contact &
life and asking me about Charlotte. I          within our own community.                        Sexually         Harmful          Behaviour.
was struck that both these girls had                                                            The AIM Project,
shared a couple of the same insecurities.      This guidance does raise some concern.
So I wrote back again – this time telling      Youth Offending Teams have to deal with **Best Practice Guidance for Restorative
                                               SHB offences, yet do they have access to Practitioners and their Managers ( Home Office).
her all about my beautiful daughter.

It was nearly a year before the next letter
came and this one was different. In it
Beatriz said that I was the only person
who could help her. It was a real cry for
help – a desperate letter. She’s obviously
carrying so much pain and guilt. I now
feel ready to meet Beatriz. It would help

     New Zealand’s Restorative Journey
                                               introduced a philosophical sea change        The Origins of Restorative Justice in
                                               in the youth justice system. Prior to this   the Adult Court
                                               many youth offenders were sent to child
                                               welfare institutions, or in serious cases,   The absence of legislative backing for
                                               detention      centres,    borstals     or   restorative justice in adult courts did
                                               corrective training institutions. The        not deter proponents of the idea from
                                               failure of this system to prevent re-        using restorative processes in the adult
                                               offending, and other factors, such as        setting. From 1995, adult courts began
                                               concern for children’s rights, evidence      accepting restorative justice conference
                                               of     the     negative     impact      of   recommendations,       which     started
                                               institutionalism on children, and the        filtering through on an ad hoc basis. The
                                               failure of the criminal justice system to    conferences themselves were delivered
                                               take account of issues for victims           through community groups with
                                               influenced calls for change.                 support by the local judiciary.

                                                The procedure now followed in respect In 1998 in a Court of Appeal case (R
     New Zealand is a world leader in of youth offenders is is explained by His v Clotworthy) it was decided that
     adopting restorative justice practices in Honour Judge F.W.M. McElrea:               restorative justice processes should
     the youth justice system. The Children,                                              be taken into account when
     Young Persons and their Families Act “A           typical     restorative    justice sentencing that they can have an
     1989 heralded the introduction of the conference involves the prior admission impact on the length of sentences to
     “Family Group Conference” (FGC). of responsibility by the offender, the be imposed.
     Recently, educators have started voluntary                attendance      of     all
     applying the principles of restorative     participants and the assistance of a After the 1999 election, the new
     justice to the disciplinary procedures neutral person as facilitator. The Labour government committed itself to
     adopted in schools. This article outlines outcome of the conference is the a reform of sentencing practice and
     the restorative justice system in New drawing up of a plan to address the policy, which in 2002 saw the
     Zealand, before considering the wrong done, and an agreement as to enactment of the Sentencing Act and
     congruity of these ideas in the school how that plan will be implemented and Victims Rights Act. Basic provisions in
     system.                                    monitored. The court is usually, but not the Sentencing Act include that in
                                                necessarily, involved.                    sentencing or otherwise dealing with an
     Restorative Justice in New Zealand                                                   offender, the court must take into
     Courts                                     About one-third of conferences are not account any outcomes of restorative
                                                directed by the court but are justice processes that have occurred, or
     It has been noted that New Zealand diversionary conferences, initiated and that the court is satisfied are likely to
     may be particularly open to the attended, but not run, by the police. If occur, in relation to the particular case.
     principle of restorative justice because agreement can be reached as to an Similarly, the court must take into
     the indigenous Mäori population had a outcome that does not involve the account any agreement, response or
     well developed system of custom and laying of charges, then no charges are measure to make amends.
     practice that ensured the stability of laid, so long as the outcome is
     their societies, one which had much in implemented.”                                 There are also provisions in the Victims
     common        with     the     restorative                                           Rights Act 2002 supporting restorative
     philosophy. When someone offended,         The youth court usually accepts such practices, in particular that an officer
     the voices of all parties could be heard plans, recognising that the Act places of the court should encourage a
     through a system of family and tribal the primary power of disposition with suitable person to arrange and
     meetings and decisions arrived at by the FGC. However, in serious cases, the facilitate a meeting between a victim
     consensus. Steps were then taken to court can use a wide range of court- and an offender to resolve issues
     restore the future social order of the imposed sanctions                             relating to the offence.
     wider community. Retribution against
     an individual offender was not seen as The key restorative device is the FGC. In the adult criminal justice system
     the primary mechanism for achieving The FGC is mandatory for virtually all restorative justice can occur:
     justice.                                   youth offender cases and the FGC, not
                                                the court, determines the manner in • as part of the Police Adult Diversion
     Restorative Justice in the Youth Court     which the offending should be process - restorative justice used in this
                                                addressed. Full decision-making power way provides a more meaningful
     The enactment of the Children, Young is therefore devolved to the community intervention for an offender with better
     Persons and their Families Act 1989 in which the offending took place.               prospects for rehabilitation.

from Criminal Justice to Education
• pre-sentence - following a guilty plea     offender rather than looking at, and         discuss specific conflicts as they arise
the most common process is for a             addressing, the cause of the offending.      and how members of the class should
restorative justice conference to be held                                                 approach potential conflict situations
to inform sentencing. The purpose of         If we measure success as preventing          before they happen.
the restorative justice report is not to     further offending, both systems have
make sentencing recommendations but          traditionally been found lacking. After      The restorative thinking room is a room
to set out agreements as information         being punished the offender is likely to     set aside for students who have become
for a Judge; the Judge is required to        return to life in the respective             involved in a conflict situation and who
take the outcome of the process into         community so it is important to think        may need time away from peers to
account along with any other reports.        about the condition in which that            regain their composure and work with a
                                             person will return. In the school setting,   staff    member       through     several
• post-sentence - a more recent              the final consequences; suspensions and      restorative questions.
development in the general field of          exclusions; prevent the offender
restorative justice has been its use as      receiving an education, although             A restorative mini conference is held for
part of the parole system for                involvement in education is crime-           more serious conflict situations. It
prisoners. The Parole Board is now           prevention at its best.                      includes the victim, the offender, a staff
obliged to “take into account” the                                                        member and perhaps one other
outcome of any restorative justice           Both systems have tended to neglect the      individual and can be quickly arranged
conference or process. This way of           victims of the offending, both in            and held.
working does achieve better outcomes         addressing the harm caused to them
for victims and a common experience          and in giving them a voice in                The full restorative conference is
has been that victims are often more         determining the way in which the wrong       loosely based on the youth justice
generous and forgiving than expected.        can be righted.                              family group conference and is used for
                                                                                          the most serious of conflict issues. It
                                             Such perceived shortcomings have             includes a larger number of
Restorative Justice in Education
                                             influenced the adoption of restorative       participants and can take several
                                             justice practices in New Zealand’s           hours.
The differences between youth justice
                                             criminal court systems. Since the same
and adult justice in delivery of
                                             shortcomings can be identified in the        As in the court system, restorative
restorative justice processes present
                                             education setting, it was inevitable that    justice conferences are being used in
two potential models for reform. The
                                             restorative justice practices be             the school setting in different ways:
main difference is that the FGC is
                                             extended into the school setting.
mandatory for virtually all youth
                                                                                          As a diversionary procedure in suitable
offenders, while uptake in the adult
                                             The New Zealand experience of                cases prior to, and as an alternative to,
setting is much more sporadic,
                                             Restorative Justice in Schools               a formal disciplinary investigation
depending as it does on the agreement
                                                                                          being launched.
of all involved for it to occur.             Restorative justice conferencing, based
                                             on the FGC concept, was formally             As a procedure to be used to determine
Historically, there are clear similarities   introduced in the late 1990’s, initially     a suitable sentence/punishment/plan
between the ways behaviour in the            into five schools. Suspension in those       Following the example of the Youth
wider community and in the school            schools went down.                           Court, a school could conduct its usual
community have been regulated.                                                            investigations in order to be satisfied
School disciplinary procedures were          In 2005 a report on the experiences of       that the conduct occurred, but then
similar to the procedure traditionally       15 schools which were using restorative      have a restorative justice conference
followed by courts, both in the way          practices described five common              with power to decide disposition.
responsibility was established and in        restorative practice methods:
the way consequences were visited                                                         The final and full vision of restorative
upon those found guilty.                     The restorative chat is a one on one         justice in schools envisages a fully
                                             private conversation between staff and       restorative approach to the entire way
The main similarity has been the belief      student where an issue is discussed          the school orders itself in all its
that a tariff-based deterrent sentence       using a series of questions based on a       relationships and every aspect of its
has been considered necessary to             restorative approach that aims to            functioning; thus becoming a fully
prevent future offending by the culprit      explore the events, their consequences       restorative    therapeutic      learning
and others in the respective                 and how any harm can be repaired.            community.
communities. The focus in both arenas
has therefore traditionally been on          The restorative classroom is an open         Judge David J Carruthers, Chairman of
finding a suitable punishment for the        dialogue held within the classroom to        the New Zealand Parole Board.

     Getting Qualified in Restorative Practice
     Skills for Justice is pleased to
     announce the launch of a programme
     to pilot a new qualification in
     restorative practice. We will be
     working in partnership with the
     Restorative Justice Consortium (RJC)
     and the Office for Criminal Justice
     Reform (OCJR) to offer this exciting
     opportunity for practitioners to gain
     formal recognition for their skills in
     restorative practice.

     The new qualification will be suitable for
     practitioners based in England, Wales
     and Northern Ireland and approved onto
     the      Qualifications    and     Credit         • Maintain quality assurance of restorative restorative processes to their best
     Framework, making it a nationally                   processes                                 effect. Your organisation will be able to
     recognised qualification. In 2009 Skills                                                      develop and retain a highly skilled and
     for Justice carried out a consultation on         The qualification is not a training motivated workforce as well as have the
     both the structure of the qualification           programme but a competence based opportunity to value the contribution of
     and the national occupational standards           qualification. This means it will be volunteers. The qualification can
     which underpin the qualification. This            assessed on what you do on a day-to- become part of your organisation’s
     means we have a qualification which is            day basis rather than sitting any exams. learning and development strategy.
     based on best practice, is up-to-date and         The qualification will also take into
     fit for purpose.                                  account any relevant training that you Next steps
                                                       have recently undertaken.                   We are now looking for people to take
     Funding has been secured from both
                                                                                                   part in the pilot, both volunteers and paid
     the OCJR and the Children’s Workforce             Who is the qualification suitable for?      workers. We will also need assessors
     Development Council. We have been                 The qualification has been designed with and/or expertise witnesses to help with
     very grateful for the advice and                  a wide range of restorative practitioners the assessment of the qualification.
     guidance we have received from                    in mind, including both paid and unpaid Ideally the assessors and expert
     Norfolk     Constabulary    and   the             workers. These include police, youth witnesses should be based in the same
     Association of Panel Members on                   offending teams, community based organisation as the people taking the
     setting up the pilot.                             teams, schools, prisons, health services, qualification, and have a background in
                                                       and care homes.                             restorative practice. You may already be
     What will the qualification look like?
                                                                                                   an assessor or willing to train as assessor
                                                       What’s in it for me?
     The qualification will be made up of                                                          as part of your career development.
     five units, four of which are mandatory           Both the pilot and the award will provide
     and one optional unit (Please note that           you with an opportunity to build on your What to find out more?
     unit titles are subject to confirmation).         professional training with a qualification
                                                                                                   Please come along to our information
                                                       in restorative practice. You will have the
                                                                                                   workshop on Thursday 1 April at
     The mandatory units are:                          chance to achieve a nationally
                                                                                                   Euston House Training, Meeting and
     • Assess the circumstances of an                  accredited qualification which links to
       incident towards identifying a                                                              Conference Venue, 11.00 to 14.00.
                                                       the Best Practice Guidance for
       restorative response                            Restorative Practitioners (2004). It will To register for the workshop, or find
     • Prepare participants and agree an               also give you the opportunity to meet out more about the pilot, please
       appropriate restorative process
                                                       and share good practice with others who contact           Linda       Millington     at
     • Facilitate participants’ interaction
       within a restorative process                    work in a range of restorative practice or
     • Evaluate the outcomes from a restorative        settings.Through the RJC, it will also on 07795 815781.
       process                                         give you full membership of the first
                                                       national     register     of    accredited RJC will also be running a workshop at
     The optional units are:                           practitioners.                              the Annual RJC Annual Practitioners
     • Co-working the restorative process                                                          Day on Tuesday 20 April at the
     • Implement and monitor agreed outcomes           Why should my organisation take part Birmingham and Midland Institute
       from a restorative process                      in this programme?                          Birmingham. Contact the RJC office on
     • Facilitate informal restorative processes                                                   020 7831 5700 to book your place.
                                                       Taking part will mean that your
     • Provide expert advice on restorative practice   organisation can have confidence that
     • Contribute to the promotion of                  both you and your colleagues have the
     restorative practice                              right skills and knowledge to use

What Have I Done? Victim Empathy and Restorative Processes
I read a quote recently along the lines         hitting someone ever again and put the           proofs, we were really starting to think…
that ‘the finest human quality is the ability   incident behind you & live a better life. Key    what have we done?
to see the effect of one’s actions on           lessons from running the groups were the
                                                                                                 We are absolutely clear that victim empathy
others’. I clearly remember as a teenager       need for persistence and patience, the
                                                                                                 work cannot be considered a restorative
the penny dropping that my actions              benefit of using a variety of approaches, and
                                                                                                 process in itself, and is not to be used as an
actually affected other people. Before          the need for the flexibility to drop an
                                                                                                 alternative to a restorative process (which
that I was in such a self-centred bubble        exercise and move on, or continue for longer
                                                                                                 involves some level of communication
that I could only think of myself. It’s         if things were going well.
                                                                                                 between those harmed and those who caused
interesting to consider whether this            One thing quickly became clear – the fact        the harm). Rather it can be useful
realisation (which I think some people          that the young people were experts at            preparation for young people who may need
never reach) can be encouraged and              shifting the blame, making excuses and           to think a little deeper about what they have
developed, and whether a victim                 minimising their offences. This is hardly        done before being ready to engage, or for
empathy/awareness course can help that          surprising, and in fact we all make excuses      those who are denied the opportunity for a
process along.                                  in our lives, as a way to keep up our self       restorative process, for example because the
                                                esteem and maintain a sense of worth. In         people they hurt can’t be traced or don’t
About three years ago I and a group of          the group this was a tricky area, particularly   wish to be involved. The course has been
practitioners at Oxfordshire Youth              as a significant number of offences of           designed to reflect the restorative stages,
Offending Service (YOS) set up a                violence have some element of disputed or        from telling the story, to considering the
groupwork programme for young people            shared harm, and offences committed in a         impact on the person who was hurt, the
who had committed violent offences which        group allow each person to shift                 ripple effect and finally what the young
we called the ‘Assault Awareness Course’.       responsibility onto the others. It felt          person might like to do to repair the harm
This partly arose from the concern locally      important to recognise that the young            caused. In this sense the course can also be
and nationally about the rise in knife          person wasn’t culpable for every aspect of       used to help the young person to decide what
crime. As we were planning the course, we       the offence, and to clearly help them to map     they would like to do to make amends.
started to look around to see what victim       out the areas that they had choice about and
                                                                                                 The book includes a dvd featuring clients
awareness exercises and programmes were         were responsible for. Once this was
                                                                                                 from Oxfordshire speaking about their
out there. There was some good stuff, but       acknowledged, they were then encouraged
                                                                                                 experiences, and also a psychometric victim
also a lot that involved worksheets             to take full responsibility for ‘their part’,
                                                                                                 empathy scale. Designed by Richard
featuring lists of questions and boxes for      and to take on board what that means. We
                                                                                                 Beckett, who had created a similar scale for
written answers, which we felt might not        decided that ‘responsibility’ has three
                                                                                                 adult sex offenders, this scale offers an
fit some of the young people’s learning         elements; of looking back and accepting
                                                                                                 assessment tool both for measuring
styles. We were extremely lucky to have         culpability (“I was responsible”), of
                                                                                                 someone’s level of empathy, but also any
Clair Aldington, an artist who was running      recognising that you need to do something
                                                                                                 change as a result of the course (or other
a Creative Arts Development Project with        about it (“I’ll take responsibility”) and of
                                                                                                 intervention such as a restorative process or
the YOS at the time, and the author, art        looking forward to ensure that you avoid
                                                                                                 offending behaviour work).
therapist and restorative practitioner          doing the same thing again (“I’ll be more
Marian Liebmann, who contributed from           responsible”).                                   It was interesting sharing some of the
her experience and knowledge from these                                                          exercises at a recent training event in
                                                The exercises that were trialled in
perspectives. As a result the course                                                             Oxford. It became clear that there are more
                                                Oxfordshire have led to a victim empathy
integrated the creative arts into many of                                                        excellent ideas around, and it was amusing
                                                course book, ‘What Have I Done’ , just
the exercises.                                                                                   that one exercise that we thought we had
                                                published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers at
                                                                                                 invented has been used in Leicester YOS for
Running the Assault Awareness groups            £29.95. Although primarily aimed at young
                                                                                                 years. My sincere hope is that this course
was both challenging and immensely              people in the criminal justice system, the
                                                                                                 will be useful to practitioners, but also that
rewarding. We decided to tell the young         hope is that it will also prove a useful
                                                                                                 you will all feed back any improvements,
people coming onto the course that they         resource for schools, care homes and other
                                                                                                 additions and suggestions, so that it will be
would have to talk about their offence, and     youth settings, and for adults in the
                                                                                                 superseded by something better in the
share their thoughts and feelings with the      community and in custody.
group. This made the experience very real.      It is an interesting experience to have
There were the usual difficulties around        developed a victim empathy course book.          Pete Wallis
mobile phones, erratic attendance and           Victim empathy is a slippery concept, and I      Senior Practitioner (Restorative Justice)
young people slumped in sullen silence          have always been a bit suspicious of victim      Oxfordshire Youth Offending Service
with arms crossed, glaring when asked to        empathy courses. For a start there doesn’t
share ‘what is your favourite food?’ There      appear to be conclusive evidence that            What Have I Done? is
were also times when there was a real buzz      enhanced empathy dissuades people from           available at
of interest in the topic, when the group        committing crimes. There is also a concern
didn’t want to leave at the end of the hour,    that practitioners might take the easy option    catalogue/new.php.
and when they were carrying on with the         of putting clients through victim empathy
discussion on their way out. There were         courses as an alternative to exploring a         Quote RJCWHAT to
moving moments of painful sharing, of           restorative process. I also wonder whether       receive a 10%
honesty and openness, and of mutual             courses that use scenarios and case studies      discount.
support and encouragement. One young            to get a discussion going really hit home –
person wrote on their feedback; I have          our book encourages working on the real
learnt that I will ‘think twice’ before         thing. So when Clair, Marian and I saw the
Events & Vacancies
        For up-to-date information on RJ events go to:

        RJC Annual                               The Forgiveness Project                         The 6th Biennial Conference
     Practitioners’ Day                          ‘Is violence ever justified?’                   of The European Forum for
     Training and Networking for                    A Lecture by Archbishop                         Restorative Justice
      Restorative Practitioners                         Desmond Tutu                             Doing Restorative Justice in Europe
          Tuesday 20th April                    12.00pm Wednesday 12th May 2010                    Established Practices and
    Birmingham & Midland Institute               St. John’s, Smith Square, London
                                                                                                    Innovative Programmes
   £50 RJC members (£95 Standard)              Archbishop Desmond Tutu will deliver The            Thursday 17th - 19th June 2010
                                               Forgiveness Project’s inaugural annual
 This year’s Practitioners’ Network and        lecture and be joined for a panel                           Bilbao, Spain
 Training Day is timed to coincide with        discussion by Pat Magee, convicted of
 the planned publication of the 2010           planting the 1984 Brighton bomb, Jo              The 6th Conference marks the 10th
 National Occupational Standards               Berry, daughter of Sir Anthony Berry MP          anniversary of the European Forum for
 (NOS) in restorative practice, and the        who was killed in the bombing, and Mary          Restorative Justice. This milestone is an
 launch of a new Development Award,            Kayitesi Blewitt, who lost more than 50          opportunity to look back at restorative
                                               members of her family in the Rwandan             justice practices developed in Europe so
 based on the NOS, by Skills for Justice.
                                               genocide. Chaired by BBC broadcaster             far and to look forward to new practices,
                                               Edward Stourton. Event sponsored by
 Speakers will include Les Davey, Chair                                                         possibilities and opportunities.
                                               Anglo American.
 of the RJC Standards and
                                                                                                For information and       booking     visit
 Accreditation Board and Niall Kearney,        Tickets £35, £25, £10 By telephone
                                               020 7222 1061 Online   
 Chair of the European Forum for
 Restorative Justice on practice
 developments in Europe, as well as
 Duncan Prime from the Office for               Offender Management 2010                        13th IIRP World Conference
 Criminal Justice Reform, which leads           Reducing re-offending in                          Wednesday 13th – 15th October 2010
 for the government on Restorative
                                                      partnership                                          Hull, England

                                                    Annual one day conference                   The IIRP's 13th World Conference,
 For more information and booking                       Tuesday 8th June 2010                   "Restorative        Practices      Across
 call 020 7831 5700 or                 visit                                                    Disciplines," will be held October 13–15,             Cavendish Conference Centre, London
                                                                                                2010, in Hull, England, UK, in
                                               With contributions from leading experts in
                                                                                                collaboration with Hull City Council.
                                               the field, this conference brings together
                                                                                                The conference will feature several
                                               representatives from all corners of the
     Advertise   with    RJC                   criminal justice arena, to build on
                                                                                                plenary speakers, including Hull's
     the national voice for                                                                     Director of Children and Young People's
                                               achievements and innovative best practices
                                                                                                Services, Nigel Richardson, whose vision
     Restorative      Justice.                 by     increasing     dialogue    between
                                                                                                of a family-friendly city has led to
     From just £100 reach all our              stakeholders in the management of
                                                                                                training in restorative practices for
     members with news of your                 offenders.
                                                                                                23,000 professionals and volunteers
     training, events and vacancies.
                                               For further information contact Sarah Spencer    throughout the city.
     Contact Chris Igoe on 020 7831
                                               on       020      7324        4359,      visit
     5700 for details.
                                                   More information visit

Join the RJC
If you believe in Restorative Justice, join the Restorative Justice Consortium and help support our work.
Supporters receive a free copy of our quarterly newsletter Resolution, and our monthly e-bulletins, with all the
latest restorative justice news. In addition, full members of the RJC receive discounts on all RJC events, free
telephone advice and support from the RJC, and the opportunity to advertise on our website, the largest
restorative justice e-resource in Europe.
We rely on our membership to help us promote the use of Restorative Justice; your support will help us do
even more.
Supporting membership start from just £30 for the year so join now at

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Resolution 35 - News from the Restorative Justice Consortium (Spring 2010)

  • 1. Spring 2010 Resolution 35 News from the Restorative Justice Consortium Getting Qualified in Restorative Practice New Zealand’s Restorative Journey Victim Empathy and Restorative Processes Company number: 4199237 Charity number: 1097969
  • 2. 02 Director’s Introduction Contents W elcome to the Spring Edition of Resolution. OCJR has also commissioned RJC to undertake a review and re-publication of the 2004 Home Office Best Practice Guidance 02 Director’s Introduction for Restorative Practitioners in the light of To coincide with our April 20th recent developments in practice and Practitioners Day in Birmingham, this issue 03 News in Brief research developments. While we believe that of Resolution focuses on practice issues. the Best Practice Guidance remains the Throughout 2009 we worked closely with sound foundation of good practice, and the Skills for Justice on the development of new 04 The RJC’s Standards & source document for the new NOS, the huge National Occupational Standards (NOS) in Accreditation Board spread of restorative practices (particularly Restorative Practice. The new NOS are in schools, care homes and in policing) and about to be published and this year’s 05 Interview with Lawrence the publication of new research evidence Practitioners’ Network Day is set up to Kershen QC, RJC Chair since 2004 means a review can ensure that enable all those working in the field to the guidance fully reflects both practice and understand the new standards and how to 06 Mary’s Story research developments. We look forward to work with them. Along with the usual mix of working with OCJR, with our members and opportunities to network and learn from 07 Readers’ Corner Review partners, and with the research experts on each other, delegates will have a new this review during 2010. opportunity to bring their own practice 08 New Zealand’s Restorative issues or concerns to a senior practitioner. Journey The RJC was founded as a consortium of The full programme is available on the RJC organisations interested in and supportive of website 10 Getting Qualified in Restorative Justice. Since then we have Restorative Pracitce brought the field together, led work on Building on the National Occupational standards and accreditation, and become Standards, Skills for Justice will be piloting 11 What Have I Done? Victim the national voice for restorative practice. a new Development Award in Restorative Empathy and Restorative Processes The Board has therefore decided we need a Practice during 2010. On page ten Linda new name, building on the strength of our Millington explains more about the existing brand and role, but making it clear qualification, the pilot and the evaluation. 12 Events and Vacancies we are more than a consortium of For organisations and individuals who want organisations. The RJC will become the to know more an information workshop will Restorative Justice Council this year,, be held in London on 1st April, and a further Editor’s note workshop will form part of the RJC building three key areas of work: professional (ensuring quality); public (the Practitioners Day in Birmingham on 20th Resolution is here to reflect national voice); and practice (through April. restorative practice in all its forms. consultancy, enabling restorative services to Please get in touch if you would like to grow). The new name, logo and branding Building on our track record in relation to submit an article, have suggestions for will be launched later this year. Our thanks standards and accreditation, we are a feature, ideas for what you would to all our funders, members and supporters delighted that the Office for Criminal Justice like covered, news of an event or would who have made this work possible. Reform (OCJR) has funded the RJC to take simply like to share an experience with forward work to lay the foundations for other readers. future expansion of restorative justice with quality assurance. Chris Igoe, Editor. E: First, OCJR have funded the RJC to work as a partner in the Skills for Justice Resolution is the quarterly qualification pilot. Through this work RJC newsletter of the: will help make sure that practitioners from a Restorative Justice Consortium wide range of backgrounds and across the Beacon House, 113 Kingsway country can take part, to ensure that the London, WC2B 6PP. qualification will work for the whole field of restorative practice. This funding will also T: 020 7831 5700. enable the RJC to develop the first ever E: national register of accredited practitioners, W: following on from the pilot. Company number: 4199237. Charity number: 1097969. OCJR have also provided funding to enable Lizzie Nelson us to provide secretariat support to the ©2010 RJC. Not to be reproduced Director RJC Standards and Accreditation Board without permission. Restorative Justice Consortium (SAB) (see Les Davey’s article on the SAB on page four), and matched funding The articles in this newsletter towards redevelopment of the RJC express the personal views of the website. The RJC website is the largest e- With great regret, Deborah Ginns has had to authors and do not necessarily resource on RJ in Europe, but needs re- withdraw from her post as Co-Director due reflect the views of the RJC. designing to make it a great resource for to unforeseen personal circumstances. We all our stakeholders. We need to know what want to thank Deborah for all the ideas and The image on the front cover is you want from a new website, so if you have creativity Deborah contributed in her short © ideas please let me know by emailing time with RJC, and wish her all the very best for the future.
  • 3. 03 News In Brief Alan Duncan MP supports RJC builds public awareness Matrix economic analysis puts “the miracle of Restorative of Restorative Justice Restorative Justice benefit to Justice” at RJC conference RJC worked closely with the producers society at over £1billion Speaking at the RJC’s Restorative of the ITV Tonight programme Independent expert analysis of the Justice and the Law conference, “Facing the Enemy”. The programme economic benefits of Restorative interviewed victims and offenders who Justice has revealed that Restorative Shadow Minister for Prisons Alan had participated in Restorative Justice would be likely to lead to a net Duncan MP pledged to “urgently Justice, and asked the question why, benefit of over £1billion over ten investigate what legislation or despite very strong research evidence, years. The report concludes that Ministerial edict might be necessary the Government has not invested diverting young offenders from to see RJ implemented on a further in Restorative Justice? community orders to a pre-court nationwide basis.” Restorative Justice conferencing David Howarth MP, Shadow Justice scheme would produce a saving to RJC member Marian Liebmann Minister for the Liberal Democrats, society of almost £275 million over advised producers and actors of “After the lifetime of offenders (£7,050 per told delegates that “Restorative the Accident” which was broadcast on offender). The cost of implementing Justice is the future of our criminal Radio 4 Friday 26th February. the scheme would be paid back in the justice system”. first year and during the course of two A copy of the speeches and all the RJC Trustee Wendy Freshman and parliaments (10 years) society would day’s presentation slides and RJC members Kent Police supported benefit by over £1billion. materials are available at the BBC in their coverage of the expansion of Restorative Justice in Restorative Justice produced the Kent. A highlight of this work was the greatest benefit to society of all the Daily Mail Online supports RJ BBC interview with Kathy Key who schemes considered in the analysis. met the man responsible for the death The full report ‘Economic analysis of “It not only gives victims the chance interventions for young adult to move on by speaking to the offender of her daughter. offenders’ is available on the RJC about the incident and why it New Crown Prosecution website. happened, but also encourages /?Restorative_Justice:RJ_Works offenders to face up to their actions by Service guidance on use of RJ hearing how their behaviour affected The Crown Prosecution Service has another person's life.” So says the revised it’s Code for Crown About Us Daily Mail in their online report of Prosecutors and issued new Director’s Restorative Justice empowers the Zoe Harrison’s meeting with Aaron Guidance on Conditional Cautioning people most affected by crime and Burns - the violent offender who for adults and young people. conflict to deal with its effects. mugged her. Zoe said “He has offended so much he needs someone to Conditional cautions are now available Restorative Justice can give victims the tell him the effect his actions have had for both adults and young people. The chance to tell offenders the real impact decision whether to use a conditional of their crime, to get answers, receive an on someone like me. There could have apology and move on with their lives. It been no one better to tell it to him.” caution rests with the prosecution holds offenders to account whilst giving service. In selecting which conditions them the chance to understand the real Success for restorative should form part of the caution, The impact of what they’ve done and to do policing awareness event Director’s Guidance gives priority to something to repair the harm. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) reparative conditions including a Restorative principles are also being hosted an event on the 26th Feb to written apology and Restorative used successfully outside the Criminal raise awareness of restorative Justice. Justice System, for example, in schools, workplaces, care homes, health services policing. GMP held the event ahead of The guidance goes on to state that and communities, often without the a pilot of restorative justice in two “Restorative justice processes can be labels of victim and offender being divisions in May. The hope is for RJ to used as a condition of the caution if necessary. be rolled out across Manchester by the both victim and offender consent to end of the year for low level, first time The Restorative Justice Consortium is this. Alternatively, they can be used as the national voice for Restorative offenders with expansion of the use of the decision-making process whereby Justice. We provide information about RJ as experience and skills are conditions, such as compensation, Restorative Justice to the public, developed within the force. rehabilitative activities, or other kinds support and resource our members who of reparation, are agreed.” deliver Restorative Justice and promote The event prompted supportive media the development and use of restorative coverage on GMTV and the Detailed information is available at practices and approaches. Manchester Evening News.
  • 4. 04 The RJC Standards and Accreditation Board The final report of the RJC range of experience, skills and attributes 3. Review the Trainers Voluntary Code of Accreditation Project was presented to offered for this work, but wanting to keep Practice, and develop a Practitioner the RJC AGM in October 2009 by the SAB itself to an operating number of Code of Practice. As part of this independent consultants John Pepin 12, we decided to create an ‘Advisory workstream, the SAB will review the Associates (JPA). One of their key Group’. The Advisory Group will receive existing Voluntary Code for Trainers and recommendations was that the RJC SAB documents and minutes as agreed make recommendations to the RJC establish a Board, working to the overall by the board for comment, to ensure their Board on how this should be Board of the RJC, to take forward the skills and experience are also fed in to strengthened, and recommend policy on work on standards and accreditation. SAB thinking, but will not attend whether the RJC should accredit trainers meetings or have a vote. As with the or badge training providers. This Les Davey, CEO of the International board, although we currently have 10 on workstream will also develop a Voluntary Institute for Restorative Practices UK the ‘Advisory Group’, we may add more Code of Practice for Practitioners, to Office (IIRP UK), a member of the RJC members up to a maximum of 12. ensure non-accredited practitioners can Board of Trustees since November 2008, join the new national register as associate agreed to be the Chair of the new The Standards and Accreditation Board members, whilst working towards an ‘Standards and Accreditation Board’ (SAB) held its inaugural meeting in accreditation. (SAB). Les was influential in the December 2009 and will meet quarterly, development of the Home Office's Best with further work to be done via email 4. Work to develop internal policies for Practice Guidance, as well as the original and phone in between. At the Inaugural the SAB, including clear policies on 2006 and new 2009 National meeting five workstreams were identified conflict of interest, and terms of Occupation Standards for Restorative for the SAB workprogramme during reference for both the SAB and the Practice. 2010/11. These will be taken forward by Advisory Panel. SAB members in between meetings. Debra Clothier (Nacro) agreed to take on 5. Finally to ensure that the SAB is the role of SAB Vice-Chair. Debra The workstreams are: advising the RJC in all our work on managed the Nacro Restorative Justice standards and accreditation, the fifth pilots in Hampshire before joining the 1. Support Skills for Justice’s pilot of a workstream is about the SAB supporting RJC as Chief Executive between 2002 new Continuing Professional RJC staff in their work in relation to and 2006. Debra is a trained victim- Development Award, based on the new professional standards and support for offender mediator and rejoined Nacro in National Occupational Standards. The practitioners – including advising and 2006 as National Policy Development role of the SAB will be to help to find supporting the development of the Manager. In her role with the SAB Debra partner agencies for the pilot, and to Practitioners’ Network Day. will work with Les driving forward the ensure through the evaluation that the SAB’s work programme and monitoring award is as suitable and accessible to So as can be seen, the Standards and progress on agreed action points. practitioners as possible. At the same Accreditation Board has really hit the time, the SAB members involved in this ground running and is already making a We had a fantastic response from our workstream will help the RJC to create a good start on turning the members following the call for applicants National Register of Accredited recommendations of the JPA report to join the Board (SAB), with more than Practitioners, to follow on directly from into practical actions and reality. We are enough suitable applicants to make up a the pilot. really excited about this new strong and representative board. The programme of work for the RJC and feel SAB is made up of people representing 2. Develop policy on which awards confident that at long last our members the diverse range of stakeholders with an (including the Continuing Professional have a body with a realistic prospect of interest in standards and accreditation of Development Award mentioned above) shaping, implementing and supporting restorative practice, including the RJC should badge with RJC support. various types of accreditation based practitioners, trainers, managers and This process will include reviewing all the upon sound and recognised Standards commissioners of restorative practice. awards available to the field at present, for Practice. including Higher Education Awards, and In view of the number of suitable developing advice to practitioners on Les Davey applicants, rather than lose the wide which awards the RJC would endorse. Chair, RJC Standards and Accreditation Board. Pictured from left to right: Les Davey, Chair Chair SAB, and former RJC CEO; Ben Lyon, SAB, RJC Trustee; Debra Clothier, Vice SAB board member, and RJC Trustee.
  • 5. 05 Interview with Lawrence Kershen QC, RJC Chair continue the cycle only in a harsher and other forms of dispute resolution by form. dialogue, like restorative practices, share common objectives and principles It seemed to me that these youths had and similar process management skills. themselves been brutalised and their ability to empathise numbed by the You’ve been a Trustee of the RJC for a force of circumstance, so they were cut number of years – what’s your vision off from the impact of their actions on for the organisation now you’re taking others. To interrupt that cycle, to over the Chair of the Board? maybe awaken some awareness of the consequences of their actions, there The RJC has led the field and the needed to be a dialogue between those restorative justice movement for 13 ladies and these kids, so that they years. We’ve become the national could share their stories and voice for Restorative Justice and understand one another. But I knew of practices, bringing everyone together no such process. With a heavy heart I and helping our members through did what I had to and passed custodial events and support, and we’ve worked sentences. to develop standards and accreditation for the field. I feel we’ve Not long afterwards I went to an RJC out-grown our original role as a talk by Howard Zehr, discovered there network and a consortium of RJC: As a QC, what got you interested was something called Restorative organisations. With this in mind the in restorative practices? Justice – and I was off! Board has taken the decision to re- name the organisation the Restorative LK: My practice included a lot of What was it about Zehr’s talk that Justice Council. This new name makes criminal defence work, and I saw at convinced you Restorative Justice clear that quality assurance is at the first-hand individuals who had fallen could break that cycle? heart of the organisation, through our foul of the law, and what had led them work on standards and accreditation. to that point. It seemed that we were RJ seemed to offer processes where The name also keeps close to our putting huge resources into trying the victims could speak freely about their existing name and our USP as the issue of guilt, but very little into experiences, and ask the offender all national voice for the sector. For me, dealing with the underlying behaviours their unanswered questions. And the justice has never been just about and consequences of the offence. offender could hear and see the effects criminal justice, but about wider social of what he had done, and perhaps also justice. The Restorative Justice But sitting as a Recorder in the Crown tell his story. Inherent in it was the Council will continue to represent the Court it became painfully obvious that possibility of transforming both whole field of restorative practice – in those affected by crime had no parties’ perceptions of what had taken schools, workplaces, in the community opportunity to talk about the place. I also took away a vision of a as our original charitable aims make consequences of the crime, let alone justice system in which in Zehr’s clear –and I want to make sure that confront the wrongdoer (except by words “crime harms, justice heals”. I all our branding around the new name looking daggers at the dock). If the joined the RJC that day, and have reflects the breadth of our vision. My overall goal of the Criminal Justice since worked on a voluntary basis to key priorities as Chair will be to System was to reduce crime and make help to bring RJ into the mainstream. strengthen the Board of the us safer, it wasn’t doing what it was Restorative Justice Council so that we supposed to. Tell us about your work as a can build a strong and financially commercial mediator. secure organisation, support our In one case I remember in particular, excellent and committed staff, and four under-21 year olds were to be Since being accredited by CEDR deliver excellent services to all our sentenced for a serious knife-point London, in 1994, I have mediated in a stakeholders, using the resources given robbery of a travel agency where two wide range of civil and commercial us by our funders and members to older ladies were working. Given their disputes, but also non-business areas greatest effect – to work towards our ages, roles, pleas and records, the including charities, faith communities, vision of making restorative practices sentencing was a minefield. Custody neighbours and cases involving the available to all. seemed inevitable. But as the police. By 1999 I stopped practice at mitigation unfolded each had a more the Bar to work exclusively in Lawrence Kershen QC became Chair tragic history than the one before – of mediation. I also train in mediation and of the RJC in March 2010. Our abandonment, abuse, delinquency and negotiation skills, both in the UK and thanks to Peter Patrick, Chair of punishment. And here I was, about to abroad. It seems to me that mediation RJC, 2007-10.
  • 6. 06 Mary’s Story Mary Foley - Copyright The Forgiveness Project © In 2005 Mary Foley’s 15-year-old said, “but we couldn’t save her.” with two knives - all hyped up, smoking daughter, Charlotte, was murdered weed and ready to do damage. during a 16th birthday party in East I didn’t know what to do. I immediately Unfortunately it was Charlotte that felt London. In February 2006 18-year-old went hot. I walked up and down the corridor Beatriz’s wrath. Beatriz Martins- Paes was jailed for of the hospital. I couldn’t believe it. For the life for the unprovoked attack. A year days that followed I couldn’t function. For the first few days I didn’t think about later Mary received a letter from her. People came to the house but I felt forgiveness. I just thought about my baby, paralysed. I wasn’t sure any of it was real. Charlotte, not knowing she was going to be It was in the early hours of Sunday stabbed that night, and me not being there morning that the Police rang to tell me Finally, after two weeks, it sunk in that to hold her in my arms. It was very hard to Charlotte had been stabbed. It was like Charlotte didn’t just die, she had been swallow. I had so much hope for Charlotte. being catapulted into this different world murdered by Beatriz who was also at the She was growing up into a beautiful young – but still death was the last thing on my party. But then I began hearing rumours lady who wanted to be a social worker to mind. Even at the hospital, when I saw all that it was another girl’s fault – a girl work with young people. All her future these young people distraught and who was supposed to have been at the promise was stolen from her and me. sobbing, it still didn’t sink in. It was only party but never turned up. This girl had an when three doctors came into the room ongoing feud with Beatriz and had made Two weeks after Charlotte’s death, that I knew something terrible had arrangements with Beatriz to have it out through a lot of prayers and holding onto happened: “I’m so sorry, Mrs Foley,” one at the party. So Beatriz had come armed my faith in Jesus Christ as my comforter
  • 7. 07 and with the help of my husband, God me and I also think it would help her find her killer” - I’m sure that’s what they gave me the grace and strength to closure. She’ll be in her thirties when she think at times, and I understand that, forgive. I didn’t say anything to my finally gets out and I’d love her to have a because some people are disgusted by the husband or my family at that time great career, a positive mind-set and most very idea of forgiveness. It can seem like because I felt they may not have of all value her life and other people’s lives. an act of betrayal. But, on the contrary, understood. When I eventually told my it’s an act of freedom. husband, he said, “I’m going to get there Some people tell me I’m brave and strong too one day”. But for myself I knew that - but others don’t say much. Although no Story and photo provided courtesy of The if I didn’t forgive, anger and bitterness one has come up to me and said: “You Forgiveness Project would turn me into a person Charlotte can’t have loved your daughter to forgive would not have liked, or my family and friends for that fact. “I knew that if I didn’t Readers’ Corner Review forgive, anger and AIM - Practice Guidance in Restorative bitterness would turn me Approaches to Sexually Harmful Behaviour The Aim Project leads the field in into a person Charlotte restorative approaches to child and would not have liked.” adolescent sexually harmful behaviour (SHB). The project is At first forgiveness was about freeing based in Manchester and managed by me, because without forgiveness I felt I Vince Mercer. He has prepared three would have ended up a prisoner. I didn’t sets of practice guidance*, targeted think much about the perpetrator. It was specifically at victim contact only in court, when I heard about the workers, referral order workers and physical domestic abuse Beatriz’s restorative approaches to SHB mother encountered and Beatriz herself generally. being exposed to that violent background that I started to feel some compassion AIM has developed a specialist a service a capable as AIM? If not are for her and understood why she may assessment process that builds upon and these guidance notes alone sufficient to have done what she did. But, there is no acknowledges the Home Office Best undertake this type of serious and excuse for her, because she still had a Practice Guidelines.** It is both complex casework? This area of choice and she alone made that choice. comprehensive and sensitive towards the restorative practice is for the participants and their special experienced and well trained. However, Forgiveness relieved me of a burden I vulnerability. It addresses not only the the wise YOT worker or manager will risks but the opportunities too; and is have a set of these guidelines on the shelf, didn’t want to carry. It allowed me to notable for its underlying “cause no ready to hand. use what had happened to Charlotte as harm” theme. There is no insistence on a way to educate young people of the any one process and a degree of flexibility Ben Lyon consequences of carrying a knife for to match the needs of each case. RJ Practitioner, Register of Restorative protection. Practitioners & RJC Trustee. Experienced restorative practitioners will Some months after the trial, Beatrix recognise many of the issues raised, for This trilogy of guidance is available wrote to me saying she was very sorry they are present in so many serious cases. through the AIM Project website and that she didn’t mean to kill They will learn from them too. I for £70 + p&p particularly valued Vince’s work on the or £30 +p&p for each booklet Charlotte. She said it had been a complexities of denial, shame, forgiveness individually. moment of madness. I was pleased to and redemption. It is amazing that we get the letter and wrote back telling her still pay homage to simplistic overseas *Restorative Justice & Sexually Harmful I’d forgiven her. Later she sent a 14- models of RP when such advanced Behaviour; Referral Orders & Sexually page letter with more detail about her restorative practice as this has developed Harmful Behaviour; Victim Contact & life and asking me about Charlotte. I within our own community. Sexually Harmful Behaviour. was struck that both these girls had The AIM Project, shared a couple of the same insecurities. This guidance does raise some concern. So I wrote back again – this time telling Youth Offending Teams have to deal with **Best Practice Guidance for Restorative SHB offences, yet do they have access to Practitioners and their Managers ( Home Office). her all about my beautiful daughter. It was nearly a year before the next letter came and this one was different. In it Beatriz said that I was the only person who could help her. It was a real cry for help – a desperate letter. She’s obviously carrying so much pain and guilt. I now feel ready to meet Beatriz. It would help
  • 8. 08 New Zealand’s Restorative Journey introduced a philosophical sea change The Origins of Restorative Justice in in the youth justice system. Prior to this the Adult Court many youth offenders were sent to child welfare institutions, or in serious cases, The absence of legislative backing for detention centres, borstals or restorative justice in adult courts did corrective training institutions. The not deter proponents of the idea from failure of this system to prevent re- using restorative processes in the adult offending, and other factors, such as setting. From 1995, adult courts began concern for children’s rights, evidence accepting restorative justice conference of the negative impact of recommendations, which started institutionalism on children, and the filtering through on an ad hoc basis. The failure of the criminal justice system to conferences themselves were delivered take account of issues for victims through community groups with influenced calls for change. support by the local judiciary. The procedure now followed in respect In 1998 in a Court of Appeal case (R New Zealand is a world leader in of youth offenders is is explained by His v Clotworthy) it was decided that adopting restorative justice practices in Honour Judge F.W.M. McElrea: restorative justice processes should the youth justice system. The Children, be taken into account when Young Persons and their Families Act “A typical restorative justice sentencing that they can have an 1989 heralded the introduction of the conference involves the prior admission impact on the length of sentences to “Family Group Conference” (FGC). of responsibility by the offender, the be imposed. Recently, educators have started voluntary attendance of all applying the principles of restorative participants and the assistance of a After the 1999 election, the new justice to the disciplinary procedures neutral person as facilitator. The Labour government committed itself to adopted in schools. This article outlines outcome of the conference is the a reform of sentencing practice and the restorative justice system in New drawing up of a plan to address the policy, which in 2002 saw the Zealand, before considering the wrong done, and an agreement as to enactment of the Sentencing Act and congruity of these ideas in the school how that plan will be implemented and Victims Rights Act. Basic provisions in system. monitored. The court is usually, but not the Sentencing Act include that in necessarily, involved. sentencing or otherwise dealing with an Restorative Justice in New Zealand offender, the court must take into Courts About one-third of conferences are not account any outcomes of restorative directed by the court but are justice processes that have occurred, or It has been noted that New Zealand diversionary conferences, initiated and that the court is satisfied are likely to may be particularly open to the attended, but not run, by the police. If occur, in relation to the particular case. principle of restorative justice because agreement can be reached as to an Similarly, the court must take into the indigenous Mäori population had a outcome that does not involve the account any agreement, response or well developed system of custom and laying of charges, then no charges are measure to make amends. practice that ensured the stability of laid, so long as the outcome is their societies, one which had much in implemented.” There are also provisions in the Victims common with the restorative Rights Act 2002 supporting restorative philosophy. When someone offended, The youth court usually accepts such practices, in particular that an officer the voices of all parties could be heard plans, recognising that the Act places of the court should encourage a through a system of family and tribal the primary power of disposition with suitable person to arrange and meetings and decisions arrived at by the FGC. However, in serious cases, the facilitate a meeting between a victim consensus. Steps were then taken to court can use a wide range of court- and an offender to resolve issues restore the future social order of the imposed sanctions relating to the offence. wider community. Retribution against an individual offender was not seen as The key restorative device is the FGC. In the adult criminal justice system the primary mechanism for achieving The FGC is mandatory for virtually all restorative justice can occur: justice. youth offender cases and the FGC, not the court, determines the manner in • as part of the Police Adult Diversion Restorative Justice in the Youth Court which the offending should be process - restorative justice used in this addressed. Full decision-making power way provides a more meaningful The enactment of the Children, Young is therefore devolved to the community intervention for an offender with better Persons and their Families Act 1989 in which the offending took place. prospects for rehabilitation.
  • 9. 09 from Criminal Justice to Education • pre-sentence - following a guilty plea offender rather than looking at, and discuss specific conflicts as they arise the most common process is for a addressing, the cause of the offending. and how members of the class should restorative justice conference to be held approach potential conflict situations to inform sentencing. The purpose of If we measure success as preventing before they happen. the restorative justice report is not to further offending, both systems have make sentencing recommendations but traditionally been found lacking. After The restorative thinking room is a room to set out agreements as information being punished the offender is likely to set aside for students who have become for a Judge; the Judge is required to return to life in the respective involved in a conflict situation and who take the outcome of the process into community so it is important to think may need time away from peers to account along with any other reports. about the condition in which that regain their composure and work with a person will return. In the school setting, staff member through several • post-sentence - a more recent the final consequences; suspensions and restorative questions. development in the general field of exclusions; prevent the offender restorative justice has been its use as receiving an education, although A restorative mini conference is held for part of the parole system for involvement in education is crime- more serious conflict situations. It prisoners. The Parole Board is now prevention at its best. includes the victim, the offender, a staff obliged to “take into account” the member and perhaps one other outcome of any restorative justice Both systems have tended to neglect the individual and can be quickly arranged conference or process. This way of victims of the offending, both in and held. working does achieve better outcomes addressing the harm caused to them for victims and a common experience and in giving them a voice in The full restorative conference is has been that victims are often more determining the way in which the wrong loosely based on the youth justice generous and forgiving than expected. can be righted. family group conference and is used for the most serious of conflict issues. It Such perceived shortcomings have includes a larger number of Restorative Justice in Education influenced the adoption of restorative participants and can take several justice practices in New Zealand’s hours. The differences between youth justice criminal court systems. Since the same and adult justice in delivery of shortcomings can be identified in the As in the court system, restorative restorative justice processes present education setting, it was inevitable that justice conferences are being used in two potential models for reform. The restorative justice practices be the school setting in different ways: main difference is that the FGC is extended into the school setting. mandatory for virtually all youth As a diversionary procedure in suitable offenders, while uptake in the adult The New Zealand experience of cases prior to, and as an alternative to, setting is much more sporadic, Restorative Justice in Schools a formal disciplinary investigation depending as it does on the agreement being launched. of all involved for it to occur. Restorative justice conferencing, based on the FGC concept, was formally As a procedure to be used to determine Historically, there are clear similarities introduced in the late 1990’s, initially a suitable sentence/punishment/plan between the ways behaviour in the into five schools. Suspension in those Following the example of the Youth wider community and in the school schools went down. Court, a school could conduct its usual community have been regulated. investigations in order to be satisfied School disciplinary procedures were In 2005 a report on the experiences of that the conduct occurred, but then similar to the procedure traditionally 15 schools which were using restorative have a restorative justice conference followed by courts, both in the way practices described five common with power to decide disposition. responsibility was established and in restorative practice methods: the way consequences were visited The final and full vision of restorative upon those found guilty. The restorative chat is a one on one justice in schools envisages a fully private conversation between staff and restorative approach to the entire way The main similarity has been the belief student where an issue is discussed the school orders itself in all its that a tariff-based deterrent sentence using a series of questions based on a relationships and every aspect of its has been considered necessary to restorative approach that aims to functioning; thus becoming a fully prevent future offending by the culprit explore the events, their consequences restorative therapeutic learning and others in the respective and how any harm can be repaired. community. communities. The focus in both arenas has therefore traditionally been on The restorative classroom is an open Judge David J Carruthers, Chairman of finding a suitable punishment for the dialogue held within the classroom to the New Zealand Parole Board.
  • 10. 10 Getting Qualified in Restorative Practice Skills for Justice is pleased to announce the launch of a programme to pilot a new qualification in restorative practice. We will be working in partnership with the Restorative Justice Consortium (RJC) and the Office for Criminal Justice Reform (OCJR) to offer this exciting opportunity for practitioners to gain formal recognition for their skills in restorative practice. The new qualification will be suitable for practitioners based in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and approved onto the Qualifications and Credit • Maintain quality assurance of restorative restorative processes to their best Framework, making it a nationally processes effect. Your organisation will be able to recognised qualification. In 2009 Skills develop and retain a highly skilled and for Justice carried out a consultation on The qualification is not a training motivated workforce as well as have the both the structure of the qualification programme but a competence based opportunity to value the contribution of and the national occupational standards qualification. This means it will be volunteers. The qualification can which underpin the qualification. This assessed on what you do on a day-to- become part of your organisation’s means we have a qualification which is day basis rather than sitting any exams. learning and development strategy. based on best practice, is up-to-date and The qualification will also take into fit for purpose. account any relevant training that you Next steps have recently undertaken. We are now looking for people to take Funding has been secured from both part in the pilot, both volunteers and paid the OCJR and the Children’s Workforce Who is the qualification suitable for? workers. We will also need assessors Development Council. We have been The qualification has been designed with and/or expertise witnesses to help with very grateful for the advice and a wide range of restorative practitioners the assessment of the qualification. guidance we have received from in mind, including both paid and unpaid Ideally the assessors and expert Norfolk Constabulary and the workers. These include police, youth witnesses should be based in the same Association of Panel Members on offending teams, community based organisation as the people taking the setting up the pilot. teams, schools, prisons, health services, qualification, and have a background in and care homes. restorative practice. You may already be What will the qualification look like? an assessor or willing to train as assessor What’s in it for me? The qualification will be made up of as part of your career development. five units, four of which are mandatory Both the pilot and the award will provide and one optional unit (Please note that you with an opportunity to build on your What to find out more? unit titles are subject to confirmation). professional training with a qualification Please come along to our information in restorative practice. You will have the workshop on Thursday 1 April at The mandatory units are: chance to achieve a nationally Euston House Training, Meeting and • Assess the circumstances of an accredited qualification which links to incident towards identifying a Conference Venue, 11.00 to 14.00. the Best Practice Guidance for restorative response Restorative Practitioners (2004). It will To register for the workshop, or find • Prepare participants and agree an also give you the opportunity to meet out more about the pilot, please appropriate restorative process and share good practice with others who contact Linda Millington at • Facilitate participants’ interaction within a restorative process work in a range of restorative practice or • Evaluate the outcomes from a restorative settings.Through the RJC, it will also on 07795 815781. process give you full membership of the first national register of accredited RJC will also be running a workshop at The optional units are: practitioners. the Annual RJC Annual Practitioners • Co-working the restorative process Day on Tuesday 20 April at the • Implement and monitor agreed outcomes Why should my organisation take part Birmingham and Midland Institute from a restorative process in this programme? Birmingham. Contact the RJC office on • Facilitate informal restorative processes 020 7831 5700 to book your place. Taking part will mean that your • Provide expert advice on restorative practice organisation can have confidence that • Contribute to the promotion of both you and your colleagues have the restorative practice right skills and knowledge to use
  • 11. 11 What Have I Done? Victim Empathy and Restorative Processes I read a quote recently along the lines hitting someone ever again and put the proofs, we were really starting to think… that ‘the finest human quality is the ability incident behind you & live a better life. Key what have we done? to see the effect of one’s actions on lessons from running the groups were the We are absolutely clear that victim empathy others’. I clearly remember as a teenager need for persistence and patience, the work cannot be considered a restorative the penny dropping that my actions benefit of using a variety of approaches, and process in itself, and is not to be used as an actually affected other people. Before the need for the flexibility to drop an alternative to a restorative process (which that I was in such a self-centred bubble exercise and move on, or continue for longer involves some level of communication that I could only think of myself. It’s if things were going well. between those harmed and those who caused interesting to consider whether this One thing quickly became clear – the fact the harm). Rather it can be useful realisation (which I think some people that the young people were experts at preparation for young people who may need never reach) can be encouraged and shifting the blame, making excuses and to think a little deeper about what they have developed, and whether a victim minimising their offences. This is hardly done before being ready to engage, or for empathy/awareness course can help that surprising, and in fact we all make excuses those who are denied the opportunity for a process along. in our lives, as a way to keep up our self restorative process, for example because the esteem and maintain a sense of worth. In people they hurt can’t be traced or don’t About three years ago I and a group of the group this was a tricky area, particularly wish to be involved. The course has been practitioners at Oxfordshire Youth as a significant number of offences of designed to reflect the restorative stages, Offending Service (YOS) set up a violence have some element of disputed or from telling the story, to considering the groupwork programme for young people shared harm, and offences committed in a impact on the person who was hurt, the who had committed violent offences which group allow each person to shift ripple effect and finally what the young we called the ‘Assault Awareness Course’. responsibility onto the others. It felt person might like to do to repair the harm This partly arose from the concern locally important to recognise that the young caused. In this sense the course can also be and nationally about the rise in knife person wasn’t culpable for every aspect of used to help the young person to decide what crime. As we were planning the course, we the offence, and to clearly help them to map they would like to do to make amends. started to look around to see what victim out the areas that they had choice about and The book includes a dvd featuring clients awareness exercises and programmes were were responsible for. Once this was from Oxfordshire speaking about their out there. There was some good stuff, but acknowledged, they were then encouraged experiences, and also a psychometric victim also a lot that involved worksheets to take full responsibility for ‘their part’, empathy scale. Designed by Richard featuring lists of questions and boxes for and to take on board what that means. We Beckett, who had created a similar scale for written answers, which we felt might not decided that ‘responsibility’ has three adult sex offenders, this scale offers an fit some of the young people’s learning elements; of looking back and accepting assessment tool both for measuring styles. We were extremely lucky to have culpability (“I was responsible”), of someone’s level of empathy, but also any Clair Aldington, an artist who was running recognising that you need to do something change as a result of the course (or other a Creative Arts Development Project with about it (“I’ll take responsibility”) and of intervention such as a restorative process or the YOS at the time, and the author, art looking forward to ensure that you avoid offending behaviour work). therapist and restorative practitioner doing the same thing again (“I’ll be more Marian Liebmann, who contributed from responsible”). It was interesting sharing some of the her experience and knowledge from these exercises at a recent training event in The exercises that were trialled in perspectives. As a result the course Oxford. It became clear that there are more Oxfordshire have led to a victim empathy integrated the creative arts into many of excellent ideas around, and it was amusing course book, ‘What Have I Done’ , just the exercises. that one exercise that we thought we had published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers at invented has been used in Leicester YOS for Running the Assault Awareness groups £29.95. Although primarily aimed at young years. My sincere hope is that this course was both challenging and immensely people in the criminal justice system, the will be useful to practitioners, but also that rewarding. We decided to tell the young hope is that it will also prove a useful you will all feed back any improvements, people coming onto the course that they resource for schools, care homes and other additions and suggestions, so that it will be would have to talk about their offence, and youth settings, and for adults in the superseded by something better in the share their thoughts and feelings with the community and in custody. future. group. This made the experience very real. It is an interesting experience to have There were the usual difficulties around developed a victim empathy course book. Pete Wallis mobile phones, erratic attendance and Victim empathy is a slippery concept, and I Senior Practitioner (Restorative Justice) young people slumped in sullen silence have always been a bit suspicious of victim Oxfordshire Youth Offending Service with arms crossed, glaring when asked to empathy courses. For a start there doesn’t share ‘what is your favourite food?’ There appear to be conclusive evidence that What Have I Done? is were also times when there was a real buzz enhanced empathy dissuades people from available at of interest in the topic, when the group committing crimes. There is also a concern didn’t want to leave at the end of the hour, that practitioners might take the easy option catalogue/new.php. and when they were carrying on with the of putting clients through victim empathy discussion on their way out. There were courses as an alternative to exploring a Quote RJCWHAT to moving moments of painful sharing, of restorative process. I also wonder whether receive a 10% honesty and openness, and of mutual courses that use scenarios and case studies discount. support and encouragement. One young to get a discussion going really hit home – person wrote on their feedback; I have our book encourages working on the real learnt that I will ‘think twice’ before thing. So when Clair, Marian and I saw the
  • 12. Events & Vacancies For up-to-date information on RJ events go to: RJC Annual The Forgiveness Project The 6th Biennial Conference Practitioners’ Day ‘Is violence ever justified?’ of The European Forum for Training and Networking for A Lecture by Archbishop Restorative Justice Restorative Practitioners Desmond Tutu Doing Restorative Justice in Europe Tuesday 20th April 12.00pm Wednesday 12th May 2010 Established Practices and Birmingham & Midland Institute St. John’s, Smith Square, London Innovative Programmes £50 RJC members (£95 Standard) Archbishop Desmond Tutu will deliver The Thursday 17th - 19th June 2010 Forgiveness Project’s inaugural annual This year’s Practitioners’ Network and lecture and be joined for a panel Bilbao, Spain Training Day is timed to coincide with discussion by Pat Magee, convicted of the planned publication of the 2010 planting the 1984 Brighton bomb, Jo The 6th Conference marks the 10th National Occupational Standards Berry, daughter of Sir Anthony Berry MP anniversary of the European Forum for (NOS) in restorative practice, and the who was killed in the bombing, and Mary Restorative Justice. This milestone is an launch of a new Development Award, Kayitesi Blewitt, who lost more than 50 opportunity to look back at restorative members of her family in the Rwandan justice practices developed in Europe so based on the NOS, by Skills for Justice. genocide. Chaired by BBC broadcaster far and to look forward to new practices, Edward Stourton. Event sponsored by Speakers will include Les Davey, Chair possibilities and opportunities. Anglo American. of the RJC Standards and For information and booking visit Accreditation Board and Niall Kearney, Tickets £35, £25, £10 By telephone 020 7222 1061 Online Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice on practice developments in Europe, as well as Duncan Prime from the Office for Offender Management 2010 13th IIRP World Conference Criminal Justice Reform, which leads Reducing re-offending in Wednesday 13th – 15th October 2010 for the government on Restorative Justice. partnership Hull, England Annual one day conference The IIRP's 13th World Conference, For more information and booking Tuesday 8th June 2010 "Restorative Practices Across call 020 7831 5700 or visit Disciplines," will be held October 13–15, Cavendish Conference Centre, London 2010, in Hull, England, UK, in With contributions from leading experts in collaboration with Hull City Council. the field, this conference brings together The conference will feature several representatives from all corners of the Advertise with RJC criminal justice arena, to build on plenary speakers, including Hull's the national voice for Director of Children and Young People's achievements and innovative best practices Services, Nigel Richardson, whose vision Restorative Justice. by increasing dialogue between of a family-friendly city has led to From just £100 reach all our stakeholders in the management of training in restorative practices for members with news of your offenders. 23,000 professionals and volunteers training, events and vacancies. For further information contact Sarah Spencer throughout the city. Contact Chris Igoe on 020 7831 on 020 7324 4359, visit 5700 for details. More information visit Join the RJC If you believe in Restorative Justice, join the Restorative Justice Consortium and help support our work. Supporters receive a free copy of our quarterly newsletter Resolution, and our monthly e-bulletins, with all the latest restorative justice news. In addition, full members of the RJC receive discounts on all RJC events, free telephone advice and support from the RJC, and the opportunity to advertise on our website, the largest restorative justice e-resource in Europe. We rely on our membership to help us promote the use of Restorative Justice; your support will help us do even more. Supporting membership start from just £30 for the year so join now at index.php?Join_the_RJC