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AS Media Studies

                   Ashleigh Groom
AS Media Studies
•   Horror Genre
                                             •   Directed by Paddy Breathnach
                                             •   Distributed by Vertigo Films (UK)
                                             •   Stars: Lindsey Haun, Jack Huston, Max Kasch
                                             •   Written by Pearse Elliott   •   Production company: Capitol Films
Diegetic Sound:
 screaming, panting, gasping, crying, heavy breathing connotes terror and fear,
   being scared and is a typical convention of sound for a horror movie
 “its coming” sets up an enigma code, what it is? Entices the audience and adds an
   element of fear
 Characters are often heard whispering, connotes fear and is typical of the horror
 Scary story being told, Iconic of group of friends camping, creates a creepy

Non Diegetic Sound:
 Trailer starts with subtle, gentle soundtrack connoting an equilibrium, everything
  if fine. Becomes tense when scene moves to woods, builds up throughout the
  film becoming quicker and heavier towards end this connotes suspense, fear,
  terror, running away and makes the audience more tense and keeps them on the
  edge of their seat, keeps their attention.
   Setting in an empty woods connotes lonely, dark, unknown
 Dress codes- casual, everyday connotes that these are normal people, makes
    them more relatable and makes the film appear more realistic.
 Dark/natural lighting makes the scene more creepy so inflicts fear into the
 Cut leg with blood/bone, blood splattered on
car wind screen iconic of horror film connotes violence and torture
 Props – axe – connotes murder, terror, torture, violence which are all typical
    conventions of a horror film
 Skull appears over female characters face, connotes death, makes the audience
    wonder, will she die? And therefore entices them and will make them want to
    watch the film to find out

   Blood is seen a lot throughout, this connotes danger, torture, violence, injury
   Characters take drugs and experience
    hallucinations- audience doesn’t know what's
    real, they have to think about it, engaging
   Characters running through woods, typical
    convention of horror film, connotes fear and
   Scary story told around campfire, typical of
    the genre, done to scare the audience.
  Close up of characters faces through out, particularly blonde female
characters (implies she is the main character) done to show fear in their
faces as a reaction to what’s happening, makes the audience connect
more to the characters and feel their fear.
 Birds eye view camera shot of characters walking through woods, sets the
   scene, connotes being alone, abandoned
 Long shot of camp to set the scene, typical setting, camp in woods
 Close ups on characters faces when story is being told to show character
   reactions, makes the audience feel the same emotions e.g.
   scared, fear, anticipation
 Close up on broken leg, blood/injury is iconic of horror film, gore, meets
   audiences expectations
 Long shots of running through woods connotes fear and danger
 Simple editing – cut/fade with white/black effect
 Text speaking directly to audience telling scary story, typography of text is
   white, thin font connoting bare, creepy. The word ,legend, is used, makes the
   audience wonder is it true or not? Which then entices them, a typical convention
   of this genre
   ‘Shrooms’ title at end, font connotes creepy, strange

 Camera movement, camera tracks characters as they run, makes the audience
  feel like they are running with them
 180 degree rule editing when telling story creates continuity
 Cut away- close up of vines on hands and car and then cuts back to characters
  reactions, hallucinations
   The narrative of the text follows a group of friends who camp out in a woods.
    They take drugs, shrooms and experience hallucinations. Some one/thing
    appears to be attacking them but it is not known what, the audience don’t know
    what its real and what isn’t. This creates an enigma around the text and will make
    the audience want to see the film to find out.

   Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)- There are binary opposition between good
    and bad which is very conventional of the horror genre and also between
    reality/imaginary which isn’t used as often in this genre
   Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative
    theory by beginning at an equilibrium (the start of the trailer, everything is fine)
    then a disruption occurs (take the shrooms and experience hallucinations) and
    the realisation of the disruption (people begin to get attacked/murdered). The
    attempt to repair the disruption and the return to equilibrium are not shown so
    this makes the audience want to go and see the film to find out what happens.
   Character Theory (Propp) – It is not made clear who all of the characters of
    Vladimir Propps theory are in the trailer which gives the audience a reason to see
    the film, however the ‘villain’ is clearly shown to be the shrooms. This challenges
    audiences expectations because the villain in a horror film is usually a human.
  Opening Weekend:
£313,758 (UK) (25 November 2007) (199 Screens)
 Lifetime Gross:
$4,954,621 (worldwide) (10 February 2008)

On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #99.

 Film4 – 2.5*
 BBC- 2*
 Empire- 2*
When ‘Shrooms’ was released it received generally negative reviews. In 2010
the film held a 24% approval rating on the film rating website ‘Rotten
   Age 18-21
   Both genders
   Occupation: Students
   Income: Low income
   Demographics group E

  Hypodermic Syringe Model
   If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of
   it being scary, thrilling, exciting.
 Polysemic Readings
Preferred reading: That the film is scary, thrilling interesting and worth
seeing. That the film shows drugs in a negative way.
Oppositional reading: The trailer isn’t scary or have an effect of the
   From this text I learnt the importance of suspense.
   The use of the diegetic sound “it’s coming” showed using enigma codes is an
    effective way of making the audience feel anticipation and want to watch the
   Building up the soundtrack throughout the trailer is a good way of adding
   The woods is a good setting for a horror film as it has a creepy atmosphere and it
    connotes being alone, helpless, in the unknown
   Running is a common gesture code to connote fear
   Close ups are an effective way to show the characters emotions and make the
    audience feel their fear
•   Horror Genre
                                             •   Directed by James Watkins
                                             •   Distributed by Rollercoaster Films (UK)
                                             •   Stars: Kelly Reilly, Michael Fassbender, Jack O’connell
                                             •   Written by James Watkins   •   Production Company: Rollercoaster Films
Diegetic Sound:
 Rustling in forest, connotes that someone is there, someone is watching
 Screaming and crying from victims connotes fear, torture and danger, typical of
    this genre
 dog barking connotes danger and aggression
 Shouting from both victims and attackers connotes fear, danger, violence and
All of these diegetic sounds meet the audiences expectations
Non Diegetic Sound:
 Soundtrack at start is simple and connotes romance, peacefulness. Interrupted
    by hip hop soundtrack, connotes disruption and youths. After this the soundtrack
    becomes tense and heavy and builds up suspense as the trailer goes on, this is to
    make the audience feel tense as they watch adding an element of fear, which is
    what and audience expect from a horror movie.
   Characters dress codes (victims) are normal and conventional of
everyday people, this is very typical of the horror genre. The man is
wearing a blue shirt and trousers and the women is wearing a pink
dress, these are very conventional outfits for each gender and very
‘normal’. At the start of the trailer the two main characters dress code
s are clean and become very dirty and bloody as it progresses. This meets
the audiences expectations.
 The characters that are the attackers are dressed very casually, wearing casual, baggy
    trousers and t shirts/jumpers, this connotes youth. They maintain quite clean
    throughout, implying that they are in control, which is what the audience expects
    from the ‘bad guys’.
 The setting is by a beach in woods, its derelict, quiet, no one else there (apart from
    the protagonists) which meets the audiences expectations and is a conventional
    setting for a horror film.
 The colours red and brown are seen a lot, these connote dirt and blood and are often
    seen on the victims showing they are in danger
 At the start the two victims gesture codes show them hugging and kissing, an
    example of this is when they are in the lake, this connotes that they are very
    comfortable, relaxed and loving. This changes throughout the trailer as they
    becoming very quick and rushed, there is also a lot of running, this connotes that they
    are in fear and danger.
 A knife and blade are seen which connote danger, torture and pain, this meets
  audiences expectations.
 Fire is seen in the background, this connotes danger
 Bright lighting used at start to connote that the scene is at an equilibrium and
  dark lighting used after disruption occurs to connote danger.
   Characters are shown running frequently
    throughout the trailer which connotes fear,
    being chased, danger
   The car, being driven by the youths, nearly
    runs over the couple who dive out of the way.
    This is connotes violence, danger and being
    out of control.
   The main villain ‘Brett’ attempts to stab the
    man and torture him. These are conventional
    action codes for a horror film.
  Editing – simple fade/cut, editing gets quicker towards the end to build suspense
  Hand held camera used at start, connotes being filmed for a home video and makes
   the audience feel like they are actually there and makes it more personal. This is a
   conventional technical code for the horror genre.
 Point of view camera angle through the bushes
to a longshot of the couple at the camp fire, connotes
that someone is watching, danger
 Close ups on characters faces throughout the trailer, used to show the audience the
   characters reactions and emotions usually connoting fear or anger. This helps the
   audience to connect more and also inflicts emotions onto the audience, this is very
   conventional of horror movie trailers.
 Cut away to close ups of the knife
and the dog, this connotes danger and violence.

   When male character is badly injured there is a high angle shot of the women and a
    low angle shot of the man, this connotes to the audience that the women is now in
    control, he is relying on her.
   180 degree rule is used between characters confrontations to create continuity
   The typography of ‘Eden Lake’ at the end is white, has a stencil font and it patchy, this
    connotes a danger/warning signal.
   The narrative of the text follows a couple who go on a romantic break to Eden Lake. While
    there they are terrorised and tortured by a group of teenagers. This both meets and
    challenges audiences expectations as while torture and violence is conventional of a horror
    movie, the fact that the villains are younger than the victims is unconventional. This relates
    to the current (especially at the time of release) moral panic of youths being violent and out
    of control. It is very typical of horror films to reflect a moral panic.

   Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)- There are binary opposition between good and bad
    shown through the action codes of the characters and also between light and dark. The
    events of the trailer reflect the second binary opposition, at the start when everything was
    fine there was bright lighting and when the disruption occurred the lighting was very dark.
   Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative theory by
    beginning at an equilibrium (the start of the trailer, everything is fine) then a disruption
    occurs (youths some along) and the realisation of the disruption (steal car, pull out
    knife), the attempt to repair the disruption (victims are shown to try and fight back) but the
    reinstatement of the equilibrium is not shown as this makes the audience want to watch
    the film to find out if in fact the equilibrium is restored.
   Character Theory (Propp) – When applying Vladimir Propps character theory, the
    villain Is clearly shown to be the youths, particularly ‘Brett’. The hero appears to
    be the woman from the couple and the man the princess. This challenges the
    audiences expectations as the hero is normally a man and the princess a woman.
    No other characters are really shown in the trailer apart from the villains, hero
    and princess which is conventional of the genre.
  Opening Weekend:
£192,027 (UK) (14 September 2008) (184 Screens)
 Lifetime Gross:
Worldwide: $3,983,997

On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #93

 Guardian- 4*
 Empire- 4*
 RottenTomatoes- 4*
According to the film rating website ‘Rotten Tomatoes’, ‘Eden Lake’ was
given a 83% approval rating.

It was described in reviews as "an effectively harrowing Brit thriller-cum-
horror pic," and "this looks to me like the best British horror film in years:
nasty, scary and tight as a drum,"
   Age 18-21
   Both genders
   Occupation: Students
   Income: Low income
   Demographics group E

  Hypodermic Syringe Model
   If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of
   it being scary, thrilling, exciting.
 Two-step-flow theory
The main character, Jack O’connel, will act as the opinion leader as he was
recently a predominant character in the TV series ‘Skins’ so fans of him and
the show will trust his choice in film and choose to watch the film.
   I learnt teenage characters are good in a horror film, and would make the
    film more appealing to the target audience my trailer will be aimed at.
   Doing a camera shot being the bushes is a really good way to connote
    the victims are being watched and inject the audience with fear
   Simple fades/cuts/dim to black editing are effective and increasing the
    speed of them throughout my trailer will help to build suspense
   Mud and blood are good visual codes for a horror film as it meets
    audiences expectations
•   Horror Genre
                                             •   Directed and written by Bryan Bertino
                                             •   Distributed by Rogue Pictures
                                             •   Stars: Scott Speedman, Liv Tyler and
                                                 Gemma Ward
                                             •   Production Company: Rogue Pictures
Diegetic Sound:
 Creaking of swing, creepy, connotes that someone is out there, don’t know who’s
   swinging on it so sets up and enigma code and is scary for the audience.
 Banging, loud, someone is there, makes the audience scared, who is it?
 Whispering connotes being scared, hiding, fear
 Screaming connotes being scared, pain, fear
 Record player, not necessarily conventional of horror film, jamming of record
   player builds up suspense and gets faster as the trailer building up suspense more
   and more. This directly effects the audience and makes them feel tense and is
   very conventional of this genre.
 The victims asks “why are you doing this to us” and the villain replies “because
   you were home” – this adds an element of fear because its connoting unprovoked
   violence, could happen to anyone for no reason
Non Diegetic Sound:
 Piano soundtrack at the start, simple, connotes romance and love.
 Soundtrack becomes heavier and faster, building up suspense.
 Moments of silence, connotes being alone, danger, makes the audience feel fear
   Characters dress codes (victims) are normal. The man is wearing a suit which connotes
    romance and a wedding. The women starts in a silk dress which connotes romance
    and then changes into everyday clothing which just connotes being a normal,
    everyday person. This is conventional as the victims are usually shown as everyday
    people in horror genres and romance is usually a subtle theme that occurs in horror
 The characters that are the attackers are dressed in everyday clothes, but with masks
    on. This connotes mystery and makes the audience scared as they don’t know who the
    attackers are, this meets the audiences expectations as hidden identity and masks are
    very conventional of horror films.
 The setting is in a large house in the middle of no where by some woods, this is a
    conventional setting for a horror film trailer as it connotes being alone and helpless.
 At the start the two victims gesture codes show them hugging and kissing, connoting
romance, love and being comfortable in their surrounding
as well as having privacy. This changes throughout the trailer
as their gesture codes then connotes that they are in fear and
danger by hiding, running, heavily breathing etc.
   An axe and gun is used as a prop, this meets audiences expectations of the horror
    genre and connotes violence, murder, threat and anger.

   Roses and wine is shown at the start of the scene which connotes love and
    romance, this is not conventional of a horror film and shows that everything is at
    an equilibrium at the start
   Dark lighting is used throughout the trailer with the light appearing to come from
    natural sources, this creates a lot of shadows and connotes mystery and hidden
    information. Shadows are iconic of horror films.
   Villains in masks are often shown in the background lurking in the shadows, this
    is conventional of horror genres and makes the audience actively involved in the
    film because they are wanting the character to turn around and see.
   There is a medium shot of blood splattered on a wall, connotes murder, violence,
    death and is conventional of horror.
   Editing – fades are used at first but develops into cuts which get faster as the trailer
    goes one, this builds suspense and make the audience feel the suspense.
 Establishing long shot of house at start, sets the scene
so the audience know where its taken place. Also connotes
that the house is being watched.

   Point of view shot from main characters, shows the audience what the characters can
    see and therefore connects the audience with the characters
   Long shot of woman standing in the kitchen in the foreground with masked mam
    stood in the background lurking in the shadows, tells the audience she is in danger,
    audience want her to look round therefore making them more involved, shadows
    connote mystery, a dark side.
   Close up of phone in the fire, connotes abandonment, helplessness, alone, cut off
   Near the end there is a long shot of a young masked girl stepping out from the
    shadows. This connotes mystery and is done to scare the audience. Goes against the
    audiences expectations by one of the villain being so young.
   A hand held camera is sometimes used, this connotes chaos and makes the audience
    feel like they are there in the scene.
   Close up of her hand locking the door, connotes she is scared, doesn’t feel safe,

   At the end there is a close up of the masked villains face with a blurred effect, this
    connotes fear and mystery and sets up and enigma code, who are they?

   Simple white font is used which is conventional of a horror film and has shadows
    going over it, connoting mystery and evil. The text says “inspired by true events”.
    This inflicts fear into the audience which is what they expect from a horror film
    and will therefore want to see the film.
   The narrative of the text follows a couple staying over for the night in a large
    house in the middle on nowhere who then get terrorised by a group of people
    who are hidden in masks with unknown identities.

 Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)- There are binary opposition between good
  and bad shown through the dress codes, the ‘bad’ guys wear masks and the
  ‘good’ characters don’t.
 Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative
  theory by beginning at an equilibrium (the start of the trailer, everything is fine)
  then a disruption occurs (banging on the door) and the realisation of the
  disruption (burnt phone, writing on window, axe through door), the attempt to
  repair the disruption is only slightly shown (man with gun) but the end result, the
  reinstatement of the equilibrium, is not shown as this makes the audience want
  to watch the film to find out if in fact the equilibrium is restored.
   Character Theory (Propp) – When applying Vladimir Propps character theory, the
    villain Is clearly shown to be the masked people. It is unclear who the other two
    characters are, and isn’t shown if one of them is a hero or princess so therefore
    could challenge this theory. This is quite conventional of some horror films as
    there isn’t always a hero, just victims.
  Opening Weekend:
$20,997,985 (USA) (1 June 2008) (2466 Screens)
 Lifetime Gross:
Worldwide: $82,391,145

On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #3

 Guardian- 3*
 Timeout- 2*
 RottenTomatoes- 2*
The film received mixed reviews from critics. It holds a rating of 45%
approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 146 reviews; a rating of 50%
amongst Top Critics.

The film was described as "suspenseful,“ and "highly effective,“. Another
review stated "The movie deserves more stars for its bottom-line craft, but
all the craft in the world can't redeem its story."[
   Age 18-25
   Both genders
   Occupation: Students
   Income: Low to middle income
   Demographics group E and C1

   Hypodermic Syringe Model
    If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of
    it being scary, thrilling, exciting.
 I learnt how good use of diegetic sound can help inject fear into the audience, for
  example creaking and banging
 Using the dress code of a mask on the villains is scary for the audience as the
  hidden identity make sit tense and mysterious
 Point of view shots are a good way to but the audience in the characters shoes
  and make them feel their emotions
•   Horror Genre
                                             •   Directed by James Wan
                                             •   Distributed by Lions Gate Entertainment (UK)
                                             •   Stars: Cary Elwes, Leigh Whannell and Danny Glover
                                             •   Written by   •   Production companies: Evolution Entertainment, Saw
                                                 Productions Inc.
Diegetic Sound:
 Yelling and screaming from victims connotes pain, panic and suffering, typical of
   horror genre
Non Diegetic Sound:
 Voice over talking about killing – enigma code, who is it? Get the audience
   actively thinking about the text
 “let the games begin” used as a catchphrase, audience becomes familiar with it
 Voice over of victims ‘he wants us to saw through out feet’ connotes blood, gore,
   torture. Different concept from other horror films as they have to inflict the pain
   upon themselves so draws audiences attention
 Soundtrack is heavy and suspenseful, sounds mechanical and builds up
   throughout the trailer making the audience suspenseful, very conventional of this
   There is a medium long shot of a figure with dark, hooded, cloaked dress codes. This
    connotes dark, evil, mysterious and death (grim reaper) and makes the audience
    wonder who this person is

   The characters that are victims are casually dressed implying that they are just normal
    people. This is a typical convention of the horror genre.
   The settings vary but all are dirty and abandoned.
   Newspaper articles are shown about murders, tells the audience what’s happening,
    connotes that this had been going on a while, more than one victim, serial killer
   Medium point of view show of a saw on the floor as voice over says about swing
    through their foot. Put the audience in the body of the victim, makes it personal,
    makes the audience feel the victims fear.
   Close ups of victims showing their fear and pain, audience feels their emotions, typical
    of horror genre.
   Blood stains connote danger, violence, pain, murder, torture.
   A bore is shown, mysterious connotations, sets up an enigma code, what is the
    relevance of this? Makes the audience want to find out
 Editing – cuts, get faster at the end, builds suspense
 Video camera effect at start, connoted being watched, stalked, recorded

 Medium shots of victims in lethal contraptions to show the audience the way in
  which they could die to meet audiences expectations of a horror film
 High angle shot of man hitting something with a slab, from point of view of
  victim, makes the audience feel the fear of the victim, makes him appear more
  violent and dangerous.
 Cracking, fuzzing effect used like an old TV, connotes technology/mechanical like
  a video game
 Text is white with a green tint and a glow. Simple font. Conventional of horror
  genre and connotes a video game.
   The narrative of the text follows a man who doesn’t kill his victims, he finds ways
    for them to kill themselves in a number or torturous, gruesome ways.

 Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer doesn’t particularly follows Tvzetan
  Todorovs narrative theory as there isn’t a clear structure to the narrative. No
  equilibrium is seen at the beginning which is quite unconventional of a horror
  movie trailer.
 Character Theory (Propp) – This text challenges Vladimir Propps theory by not
  showing a character for each clear role suggested in the theory. The is a lot of
  mystery surrounding what character plays which role which can be quite
  conventional of a movie trailer of the horror genre.
  Opening Weekend:
£1,239,813 (UK) (3 October 2004) (301 Screens)
 Lifetime Gross:
Worldwide: $103,096,345

On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #3

 Empire- 4*
 BBC- 4*
 RottenTomatoes- 2.5*
The film received mixed to positive reviews. Reviewing website Rotten
Tomatoes reports that 48% of 162 critics gavethe film a positive review, with
an average rating of 5.4 out of 10.
   Age 18-25
   Both genders
   Occupation: Students
   Income: Low income
   Demographics group E

  Hypodermic Syringe Model
   If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of
   it being scary, thrilling, exciting.
Preferred reading: That the film is scary, thrilling interesting and worth
Oppositional reading: The trailer isn’t scary or have an effect of the
 From this text I learnt how effective using unusual and abstract shots can be, it
  makes the text more interesting
 Using casual dress codes for the victims is effective because it makes the
  audience more fearful – it could be them
 Voice overs are a good use of non-diegetic sound
AS Media Studies

   Suitable only for 15 years and over- No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No
    one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.
   Discrimination- The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.
   Drugs- Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug
    misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols
    or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.
   Horror- Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.
   Imitable behaviour- Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming)
    should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be
   Language- There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest
    terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated
    use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.
   Nudity- Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no
    constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
   Sex- Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal
    references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless
    justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to
    be acceptable.
   Theme- No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
   Violence- Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The
    strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also
    unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any
    portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
Suitable only for adults
 No-one younger than 18 may see an ‘18’ film in a cinema.
 No-one younger than 18 may rent or buy an ‘18’ rated video.
 In line with the consistent findings of the BBFC’s public consultations and The Human Rights Act
    1998, at ‘18’ the BBFC’s guideline concerns will not normally override the principle that adults should
    be free to choose their own entertainment. Exceptions are most likely in the following areas:
 where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a
    criminal offence
 where material or treatment appears to the BBFC to risk harm to individuals or, through their
    behaviour, to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal
    drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or
    sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault
 where there are more explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context. Such
    images may be appropriate in ‘R18’ works, and in ‘sex works’ (see below) would normally be confined
    to that category.
 In the case of video works (including video games), which may be more accessible to younger
    viewers, intervention may be more frequent than for cinema films.
Sex education at ‘18’
 Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer
    sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted.
Sex works at ‘18’
 Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing
    only material which may be simulated are generally passed ‘18’. Sex works containing clear images of
    real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images
    will be confined to the ‘R18’ category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at ‘R18’ is also
    unacceptable in a sex work at ‘18’.
   From this I have learnt that censorship is very important because it
    ensures that a film is suitable for an audience of a certain age and stops
    younger audiences from seeing something that may be unsuitable for
   I have decided to make my trailer certificate 15 because I do not think it
    will feature anything that is unsuitable for people aged 15 and above
AS Media Studies
Links to my Questionnaire
   I used the first question in my questionnaire to find
    out what age and gender my audience would be.
    From the survey I found that it would be both
    genders, with the majority being female, and aged
    between 15 and 18.

                                    The next question
                                     told me that my
                                     trailer will be
                                     aimed at and
                                     audience of
                                     students and/or
                                     unemployed. This
                                     fits with the target
                                     audience age
                                     range of 15-18.
   This question told me
    the majority of
    people who took the
    survey chose comedy
    as their favourite
    genre, however half
    of them still said
    horror was, so I will
    continue to make a
    horror film as I feel
    my ideas are strong        This question reassured
    for this genre.             me that a high
                                percentage of over half
                                the participants enjoy
                                horror films and another
                                13% don’t mind them. I
                                know I will have a large
                                target audience.
   This question tells me that my
                                                                audience watch films fairly
                                                                frequently, but not too much.
                                                                With the highest percentage
                                                                being 1-2 films a fortnight and
                                                                only 14% watch 3-4. I think this
                                                                is a reasonable amount.

   From this question I have found out that my
    audience consume a range of different types of
    media. From the survey I now know that the best
    type of media for advertising would be TV and
    internet as these have the highest percentage of
    use. The feedback has also told me 100% of the
    audience use film as their preferred type of media,
    this is good as I am making a trailer for a film so I
    know it will have a large audience.
   From this question I
    know some good              This question was            This was one of the most
    Intertexts to watch          very helpful because          helpful questions in the
    as I know my                 it tells me what my           questionnaire, it tells me
    audience like them.                                        trailers that my target
    This can tell me what        target audience want          audience like so I can see
    works well in a horror       to see in a horror film       what they use to make the
    film and what my             so I know what I              trailer enticing, and it also
    target audience              could include in my           has told me aspects of
    enjoy so I can ensure                                      trailers that appeal to my
    my trailer is                film trailer to make          target audience, like
    appealing to them.           them want to then             suspense.
                                 see the film.
   The results from this question tells me the target
    audience will like the ages of the characters in my
    film, with the highest percentage saying they
    would prefer to see teenagers in a horror film.

   100% of my target audience chose a mix of both
    genders for characters they would prefer in a
    horror film, so I know to definitely use both
    genders in my trailer.
   From the comment
                                This question has            left here I know the
   The feedback from            told me what my              ideas for my trailer
    this question has told       target audience              are approved of.
    me that my target            would like to see in a
    audience likes the           trailer for my film
    ideas for my trailer.        ideas, I now know
                                 what to include to
                                 make it enticing for
                                 my target audience.
   From this questionnaire I now know I’m definitely going to use
    teenagers, aged between 166 and 19 of both genders in my trailer.
   I know I’m going to use the woods as a setting as one of the feedback
    comments stated they liked the idea of the setting.
   My target audience enjoy scary films that build suspense so I know the
    narrative of my trailer will reflect this. I also found out that good acting is
    an important factor which I will need to consider.
   I know that suspense, dramatic build up of music, good enigmas and a
    realistic story line would make my trailer appeal to my target audience.
Hypodermic Syringe Theory
 My trailer will be injecting the ideology of it being scary, suspenseful and thrilling
  directly into the passive audience.

Polysemic Readings
 Preferred reading – the preferred reading of this text would be that its scary,
   realistic and thrilling with a narrative that makes the audience want to see the
 Oppositional reading – the oppositional reading would be that the text isn’t
   scary or realistic and doesn’t make the audience want to see the film

Two-step flow theory
 When applying the theory, the producer and the actors will act as the opinion
  leader, because the audience trust their opinions the audience will want to watch
  the film
Uses and Gratifications Theory
 My target audience will use my trailer for personal identity, as they would be the
   same age as the characters in the trailer and they could use if to see how they
   would react in the same situation. They could also use the text for integration and
   social interaction as they would be able to discuss it with their friends and share
   opinions. The main reason when applying the uses and gratifications theory my
   audience will use this text is for entertainment.
   Age: 15-19
   Gender: Mixed
   Marital status: single
   Education: Secondary school/ higher education
   Occupation: Student, part-time employment
   Income: Low income but has some disposable income
    Demographics group- E (unemployed students, casual workers)

Psychographics: My target audience will enjoy going to the cinema and like trying
new things. They like being social and often use different media texts as a subject of
conversation. Watches mainly mainstream films. Likes adrenaline and a challenge.
(Aspirers, mainstreamers, explorers)
AS Media Studies
   Video based production:
- 2 minuets opening sequence
           - a trailer

        Horror or thriller

  Decision: A horror trailer
 Group of teenage friends go camping in a woods, 3 mysterious ‘men(?)’ in masks
terrorise them/ kill/ torture them


Two teenagers are home alone together, 3 girls dressed as dolls start to terrorise
them and want to turn them into dolls
I have now decided to do a horror movie trailer,
with the narrative being about two teenagers who
are home alone on a Saturday night, the evening
starts at an equilibrium with them thinking they
are going to enjoy a nice night together. Weird
things start to happen, one thing being that start
to find dolls everywhere. 3 girls dressed as dolls
appear, they start to attack the couple. The 3 dolls
are deranged girls who want to turn the couple
into dolls. The boy will die. At the end the parents
come home and its left at a cliff hanger.
   Dolls House
   Dollface
   Dolly

Final decision: Dolls House
Lizzy Holes’ House – Front room, kitchen, hallway, bathroom, bedroom, garden.
   Boy: - Jay (James), 17 years old
                 - Casual clothing
   Girlfriend: - Chelsie, 16 years old
                 - Casual clothing
   Attackers: Girls dressed as Dolls
                 - Old fashioned dresses, doll mask
-   knife/other weapons
-   Fake blood
   - need to scan in-

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  • 1. AS Media Studies Ashleigh Groom
  • 3. Horror Genre • Directed by Paddy Breathnach • Distributed by Vertigo Films (UK) • Stars: Lindsey Haun, Jack Huston, Max Kasch • Written by Pearse Elliott • Production company: Capitol Films
  • 4. Diegetic Sound:  screaming, panting, gasping, crying, heavy breathing connotes terror and fear, being scared and is a typical convention of sound for a horror movie  “its coming” sets up an enigma code, what it is? Entices the audience and adds an element of fear  Characters are often heard whispering, connotes fear and is typical of the horror genre  Scary story being told, Iconic of group of friends camping, creates a creepy atmosphere Non Diegetic Sound:  Trailer starts with subtle, gentle soundtrack connoting an equilibrium, everything if fine. Becomes tense when scene moves to woods, builds up throughout the film becoming quicker and heavier towards end this connotes suspense, fear, terror, running away and makes the audience more tense and keeps them on the edge of their seat, keeps their attention.
  • 5. Setting in an empty woods connotes lonely, dark, unknown  Dress codes- casual, everyday connotes that these are normal people, makes them more relatable and makes the film appear more realistic.  Dark/natural lighting makes the scene more creepy so inflicts fear into the audience.  Cut leg with blood/bone, blood splattered on car wind screen iconic of horror film connotes violence and torture  Props – axe – connotes murder, terror, torture, violence which are all typical conventions of a horror film  Skull appears over female characters face, connotes death, makes the audience wonder, will she die? And therefore entices them and will make them want to watch the film to find out  Blood is seen a lot throughout, this connotes danger, torture, violence, injury
  • 6. Characters take drugs and experience hallucinations- audience doesn’t know what's real, they have to think about it, engaging  Characters running through woods, typical convention of horror film, connotes fear and terror.  Scary story told around campfire, typical of the genre, done to scare the audience.
  • 7.  Close up of characters faces through out, particularly blonde female characters (implies she is the main character) done to show fear in their faces as a reaction to what’s happening, makes the audience connect more to the characters and feel their fear.  Birds eye view camera shot of characters walking through woods, sets the scene, connotes being alone, abandoned  Long shot of camp to set the scene, typical setting, camp in woods  Close ups on characters faces when story is being told to show character reactions, makes the audience feel the same emotions e.g. scared, fear, anticipation  Close up on broken leg, blood/injury is iconic of horror film, gore, meets audiences expectations  Long shots of running through woods connotes fear and danger  Simple editing – cut/fade with white/black effect  Text speaking directly to audience telling scary story, typography of text is white, thin font connoting bare, creepy. The word ,legend, is used, makes the audience wonder is it true or not? Which then entices them, a typical convention of this genre
  • 8. ‘Shrooms’ title at end, font connotes creepy, strange  Camera movement, camera tracks characters as they run, makes the audience feel like they are running with them  180 degree rule editing when telling story creates continuity  Cut away- close up of vines on hands and car and then cuts back to characters reactions, hallucinations
  • 9. The narrative of the text follows a group of friends who camp out in a woods. They take drugs, shrooms and experience hallucinations. Some one/thing appears to be attacking them but it is not known what, the audience don’t know what its real and what isn’t. This creates an enigma around the text and will make the audience want to see the film to find out.  Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)- There are binary opposition between good and bad which is very conventional of the horror genre and also between reality/imaginary which isn’t used as often in this genre  Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative theory by beginning at an equilibrium (the start of the trailer, everything is fine) then a disruption occurs (take the shrooms and experience hallucinations) and the realisation of the disruption (people begin to get attacked/murdered). The attempt to repair the disruption and the return to equilibrium are not shown so this makes the audience want to go and see the film to find out what happens.
  • 10. Character Theory (Propp) – It is not made clear who all of the characters of Vladimir Propps theory are in the trailer which gives the audience a reason to see the film, however the ‘villain’ is clearly shown to be the shrooms. This challenges audiences expectations because the villain in a horror film is usually a human.
  • 11.  Opening Weekend: £313,758 (UK) (25 November 2007) (199 Screens)  Lifetime Gross: $4,954,621 (worldwide) (10 February 2008) On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #99. Ratings  Film4 – 2.5*  BBC- 2*  Empire- 2*
  • 12. When ‘Shrooms’ was released it received generally negative reviews. In 2010 the film held a 24% approval rating on the film rating website ‘Rotten Tomatoes’.
  • 13. Age 18-21  Both genders  Occupation: Students  Income: Low income  Demographics group E  Hypodermic Syringe Model If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of it being scary, thrilling, exciting.  Polysemic Readings Preferred reading: That the film is scary, thrilling interesting and worth seeing. That the film shows drugs in a negative way. Oppositional reading: The trailer isn’t scary or have an effect of the audience.
  • 14. From this text I learnt the importance of suspense.  The use of the diegetic sound “it’s coming” showed using enigma codes is an effective way of making the audience feel anticipation and want to watch the film.  Building up the soundtrack throughout the trailer is a good way of adding suspense  The woods is a good setting for a horror film as it has a creepy atmosphere and it connotes being alone, helpless, in the unknown  Running is a common gesture code to connote fear  Close ups are an effective way to show the characters emotions and make the audience feel their fear
  • 15. Horror Genre • Directed by James Watkins • Distributed by Rollercoaster Films (UK) • Stars: Kelly Reilly, Michael Fassbender, Jack O’connell • Written by James Watkins • Production Company: Rollercoaster Films
  • 16. Diegetic Sound:  Rustling in forest, connotes that someone is there, someone is watching  Screaming and crying from victims connotes fear, torture and danger, typical of this genre  dog barking connotes danger and aggression  Shouting from both victims and attackers connotes fear, danger, violence and aggression All of these diegetic sounds meet the audiences expectations Non Diegetic Sound:  Soundtrack at start is simple and connotes romance, peacefulness. Interrupted by hip hop soundtrack, connotes disruption and youths. After this the soundtrack becomes tense and heavy and builds up suspense as the trailer goes on, this is to make the audience feel tense as they watch adding an element of fear, which is what and audience expect from a horror movie.
  • 17. Characters dress codes (victims) are normal and conventional of everyday people, this is very typical of the horror genre. The man is wearing a blue shirt and trousers and the women is wearing a pink dress, these are very conventional outfits for each gender and very ‘normal’. At the start of the trailer the two main characters dress code s are clean and become very dirty and bloody as it progresses. This meets the audiences expectations.  The characters that are the attackers are dressed very casually, wearing casual, baggy trousers and t shirts/jumpers, this connotes youth. They maintain quite clean throughout, implying that they are in control, which is what the audience expects from the ‘bad guys’.  The setting is by a beach in woods, its derelict, quiet, no one else there (apart from the protagonists) which meets the audiences expectations and is a conventional setting for a horror film.  The colours red and brown are seen a lot, these connote dirt and blood and are often seen on the victims showing they are in danger  At the start the two victims gesture codes show them hugging and kissing, an example of this is when they are in the lake, this connotes that they are very comfortable, relaxed and loving. This changes throughout the trailer as they becoming very quick and rushed, there is also a lot of running, this connotes that they are in fear and danger.
  • 18.  A knife and blade are seen which connote danger, torture and pain, this meets audiences expectations.  Fire is seen in the background, this connotes danger  Bright lighting used at start to connote that the scene is at an equilibrium and dark lighting used after disruption occurs to connote danger.
  • 19. Characters are shown running frequently throughout the trailer which connotes fear, being chased, danger  The car, being driven by the youths, nearly runs over the couple who dive out of the way. This is connotes violence, danger and being out of control.  The main villain ‘Brett’ attempts to stab the man and torture him. These are conventional action codes for a horror film.
  • 20.  Editing – simple fade/cut, editing gets quicker towards the end to build suspense  Hand held camera used at start, connotes being filmed for a home video and makes the audience feel like they are actually there and makes it more personal. This is a conventional technical code for the horror genre.  Point of view camera angle through the bushes to a longshot of the couple at the camp fire, connotes that someone is watching, danger  Close ups on characters faces throughout the trailer, used to show the audience the characters reactions and emotions usually connoting fear or anger. This helps the audience to connect more and also inflicts emotions onto the audience, this is very conventional of horror movie trailers.  Cut away to close ups of the knife and the dog, this connotes danger and violence.  When male character is badly injured there is a high angle shot of the women and a low angle shot of the man, this connotes to the audience that the women is now in control, he is relying on her.  180 degree rule is used between characters confrontations to create continuity  The typography of ‘Eden Lake’ at the end is white, has a stencil font and it patchy, this connotes a danger/warning signal.
  • 21. The narrative of the text follows a couple who go on a romantic break to Eden Lake. While there they are terrorised and tortured by a group of teenagers. This both meets and challenges audiences expectations as while torture and violence is conventional of a horror movie, the fact that the villains are younger than the victims is unconventional. This relates to the current (especially at the time of release) moral panic of youths being violent and out of control. It is very typical of horror films to reflect a moral panic.  Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)- There are binary opposition between good and bad shown through the action codes of the characters and also between light and dark. The events of the trailer reflect the second binary opposition, at the start when everything was fine there was bright lighting and when the disruption occurred the lighting was very dark.  Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative theory by beginning at an equilibrium (the start of the trailer, everything is fine) then a disruption occurs (youths some along) and the realisation of the disruption (steal car, pull out knife), the attempt to repair the disruption (victims are shown to try and fight back) but the reinstatement of the equilibrium is not shown as this makes the audience want to watch the film to find out if in fact the equilibrium is restored.
  • 22. Character Theory (Propp) – When applying Vladimir Propps character theory, the villain Is clearly shown to be the youths, particularly ‘Brett’. The hero appears to be the woman from the couple and the man the princess. This challenges the audiences expectations as the hero is normally a man and the princess a woman. No other characters are really shown in the trailer apart from the villains, hero and princess which is conventional of the genre.
  • 23.  Opening Weekend: £192,027 (UK) (14 September 2008) (184 Screens)  Lifetime Gross: Worldwide: $3,983,997 On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #93 Ratings  Guardian- 4*  Empire- 4*  RottenTomatoes- 4*
  • 24. According to the film rating website ‘Rotten Tomatoes’, ‘Eden Lake’ was given a 83% approval rating. It was described in reviews as "an effectively harrowing Brit thriller-cum- horror pic," and "this looks to me like the best British horror film in years: nasty, scary and tight as a drum,"
  • 25. Age 18-21  Both genders  Occupation: Students  Income: Low income  Demographics group E  Hypodermic Syringe Model If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of it being scary, thrilling, exciting.  Two-step-flow theory The main character, Jack O’connel, will act as the opinion leader as he was recently a predominant character in the TV series ‘Skins’ so fans of him and the show will trust his choice in film and choose to watch the film.
  • 26. I learnt teenage characters are good in a horror film, and would make the film more appealing to the target audience my trailer will be aimed at.  Doing a camera shot being the bushes is a really good way to connote the victims are being watched and inject the audience with fear  Simple fades/cuts/dim to black editing are effective and increasing the speed of them throughout my trailer will help to build suspense  Mud and blood are good visual codes for a horror film as it meets audiences expectations
  • 27. Horror Genre • Directed and written by Bryan Bertino • Distributed by Rogue Pictures • Stars: Scott Speedman, Liv Tyler and Gemma Ward • Production Company: Rogue Pictures
  • 28. Diegetic Sound:  Creaking of swing, creepy, connotes that someone is out there, don’t know who’s swinging on it so sets up and enigma code and is scary for the audience.  Banging, loud, someone is there, makes the audience scared, who is it?  Whispering connotes being scared, hiding, fear  Screaming connotes being scared, pain, fear  Record player, not necessarily conventional of horror film, jamming of record player builds up suspense and gets faster as the trailer building up suspense more and more. This directly effects the audience and makes them feel tense and is very conventional of this genre.  The victims asks “why are you doing this to us” and the villain replies “because you were home” – this adds an element of fear because its connoting unprovoked violence, could happen to anyone for no reason Non Diegetic Sound:  Piano soundtrack at the start, simple, connotes romance and love.  Soundtrack becomes heavier and faster, building up suspense.  Moments of silence, connotes being alone, danger, makes the audience feel fear
  • 29. Characters dress codes (victims) are normal. The man is wearing a suit which connotes romance and a wedding. The women starts in a silk dress which connotes romance and then changes into everyday clothing which just connotes being a normal, everyday person. This is conventional as the victims are usually shown as everyday people in horror genres and romance is usually a subtle theme that occurs in horror films.  The characters that are the attackers are dressed in everyday clothes, but with masks on. This connotes mystery and makes the audience scared as they don’t know who the attackers are, this meets the audiences expectations as hidden identity and masks are very conventional of horror films.  The setting is in a large house in the middle of no where by some woods, this is a conventional setting for a horror film trailer as it connotes being alone and helpless.  At the start the two victims gesture codes show them hugging and kissing, connoting romance, love and being comfortable in their surrounding as well as having privacy. This changes throughout the trailer as their gesture codes then connotes that they are in fear and danger by hiding, running, heavily breathing etc.
  • 30. An axe and gun is used as a prop, this meets audiences expectations of the horror genre and connotes violence, murder, threat and anger.  Roses and wine is shown at the start of the scene which connotes love and romance, this is not conventional of a horror film and shows that everything is at an equilibrium at the start  Dark lighting is used throughout the trailer with the light appearing to come from natural sources, this creates a lot of shadows and connotes mystery and hidden information. Shadows are iconic of horror films.  Villains in masks are often shown in the background lurking in the shadows, this is conventional of horror genres and makes the audience actively involved in the film because they are wanting the character to turn around and see.  There is a medium shot of blood splattered on a wall, connotes murder, violence, death and is conventional of horror.
  • 31. Editing – fades are used at first but develops into cuts which get faster as the trailer goes one, this builds suspense and make the audience feel the suspense.  Establishing long shot of house at start, sets the scene so the audience know where its taken place. Also connotes that the house is being watched.  Point of view shot from main characters, shows the audience what the characters can see and therefore connects the audience with the characters  Long shot of woman standing in the kitchen in the foreground with masked mam stood in the background lurking in the shadows, tells the audience she is in danger, audience want her to look round therefore making them more involved, shadows connote mystery, a dark side.  Close up of phone in the fire, connotes abandonment, helplessness, alone, cut off  Near the end there is a long shot of a young masked girl stepping out from the shadows. This connotes mystery and is done to scare the audience. Goes against the audiences expectations by one of the villain being so young.  A hand held camera is sometimes used, this connotes chaos and makes the audience feel like they are there in the scene.
  • 32. Close up of her hand locking the door, connotes she is scared, doesn’t feel safe, danger.  At the end there is a close up of the masked villains face with a blurred effect, this connotes fear and mystery and sets up and enigma code, who are they?  Simple white font is used which is conventional of a horror film and has shadows going over it, connoting mystery and evil. The text says “inspired by true events”. This inflicts fear into the audience which is what they expect from a horror film and will therefore want to see the film.
  • 33. The narrative of the text follows a couple staying over for the night in a large house in the middle on nowhere who then get terrorised by a group of people who are hidden in masks with unknown identities.  Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)- There are binary opposition between good and bad shown through the dress codes, the ‘bad’ guys wear masks and the ‘good’ characters don’t.  Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative theory by beginning at an equilibrium (the start of the trailer, everything is fine) then a disruption occurs (banging on the door) and the realisation of the disruption (burnt phone, writing on window, axe through door), the attempt to repair the disruption is only slightly shown (man with gun) but the end result, the reinstatement of the equilibrium, is not shown as this makes the audience want to watch the film to find out if in fact the equilibrium is restored.
  • 34. Character Theory (Propp) – When applying Vladimir Propps character theory, the villain Is clearly shown to be the masked people. It is unclear who the other two characters are, and isn’t shown if one of them is a hero or princess so therefore could challenge this theory. This is quite conventional of some horror films as there isn’t always a hero, just victims.
  • 35.  Opening Weekend: $20,997,985 (USA) (1 June 2008) (2466 Screens)  Lifetime Gross: Worldwide: $82,391,145 On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #3 Ratings  Guardian- 3*  Timeout- 2*  RottenTomatoes- 2*
  • 36. The film received mixed reviews from critics. It holds a rating of 45% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 146 reviews; a rating of 50% amongst Top Critics. The film was described as "suspenseful,“ and "highly effective,“. Another review stated "The movie deserves more stars for its bottom-line craft, but all the craft in the world can't redeem its story."[
  • 37. Age 18-25  Both genders  Occupation: Students  Income: Low to middle income  Demographics group E and C1  Hypodermic Syringe Model If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of it being scary, thrilling, exciting.
  • 38.  I learnt how good use of diegetic sound can help inject fear into the audience, for example creaking and banging  Using the dress code of a mask on the villains is scary for the audience as the hidden identity make sit tense and mysterious  Point of view shots are a good way to but the audience in the characters shoes and make them feel their emotions
  • 39. Horror Genre • Directed by James Wan • Distributed by Lions Gate Entertainment (UK) • Stars: Cary Elwes, Leigh Whannell and Danny Glover • Written by • Production companies: Evolution Entertainment, Saw Productions Inc.
  • 40. Diegetic Sound:  Yelling and screaming from victims connotes pain, panic and suffering, typical of horror genre Non Diegetic Sound:  Voice over talking about killing – enigma code, who is it? Get the audience actively thinking about the text  “let the games begin” used as a catchphrase, audience becomes familiar with it  Voice over of victims ‘he wants us to saw through out feet’ connotes blood, gore, torture. Different concept from other horror films as they have to inflict the pain upon themselves so draws audiences attention  Soundtrack is heavy and suspenseful, sounds mechanical and builds up throughout the trailer making the audience suspenseful, very conventional of this genre
  • 41. There is a medium long shot of a figure with dark, hooded, cloaked dress codes. This connotes dark, evil, mysterious and death (grim reaper) and makes the audience wonder who this person is  The characters that are victims are casually dressed implying that they are just normal people. This is a typical convention of the horror genre.  The settings vary but all are dirty and abandoned.  Newspaper articles are shown about murders, tells the audience what’s happening, connotes that this had been going on a while, more than one victim, serial killer  Medium point of view show of a saw on the floor as voice over says about swing through their foot. Put the audience in the body of the victim, makes it personal, makes the audience feel the victims fear.  Close ups of victims showing their fear and pain, audience feels their emotions, typical of horror genre.  Blood stains connote danger, violence, pain, murder, torture.  A bore is shown, mysterious connotations, sets up an enigma code, what is the relevance of this? Makes the audience want to find out
  • 42.  Editing – cuts, get faster at the end, builds suspense  Video camera effect at start, connoted being watched, stalked, recorded  Medium shots of victims in lethal contraptions to show the audience the way in which they could die to meet audiences expectations of a horror film  High angle shot of man hitting something with a slab, from point of view of victim, makes the audience feel the fear of the victim, makes him appear more violent and dangerous.  Cracking, fuzzing effect used like an old TV, connotes technology/mechanical like a video game  Text is white with a green tint and a glow. Simple font. Conventional of horror genre and connotes a video game.
  • 43. The narrative of the text follows a man who doesn’t kill his victims, he finds ways for them to kill themselves in a number or torturous, gruesome ways.  Narrative Theory (Todorov)- The trailer doesn’t particularly follows Tvzetan Todorovs narrative theory as there isn’t a clear structure to the narrative. No equilibrium is seen at the beginning which is quite unconventional of a horror movie trailer.  Character Theory (Propp) – This text challenges Vladimir Propps theory by not showing a character for each clear role suggested in the theory. The is a lot of mystery surrounding what character plays which role which can be quite conventional of a movie trailer of the horror genre.
  • 44.  Opening Weekend: £1,239,813 (UK) (3 October 2004) (301 Screens)  Lifetime Gross: Worldwide: $103,096,345 On its opening weekend, the film ranked at #3 Ratings  Empire- 4*  BBC- 4*  RottenTomatoes- 2.5*
  • 45. The film received mixed to positive reviews. Reviewing website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 48% of 162 critics gavethe film a positive review, with an average rating of 5.4 out of 10.
  • 46. Age 18-25  Both genders  Occupation: Students  Income: Low income  Demographics group E  Hypodermic Syringe Model If the audience is passive, the trailer is injecting the them with the idea of it being scary, thrilling, exciting. Preferred reading: That the film is scary, thrilling interesting and worth seeing. Oppositional reading: The trailer isn’t scary or have an effect of the audience.
  • 47.  From this text I learnt how effective using unusual and abstract shots can be, it makes the text more interesting  Using casual dress codes for the victims is effective because it makes the audience more fearful – it could be them  Voice overs are a good use of non-diegetic sound
  • 49.  Suitable only for 15 years and over- No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.  Discrimination- The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.  Drugs- Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.  Horror- Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.  Imitable behaviour- Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.  Language- There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.  Nudity- Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.  Sex- Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.  Theme- No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.  Violence- Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
  • 50. Suitable only for adults  No-one younger than 18 may see an ‘18’ film in a cinema.  No-one younger than 18 may rent or buy an ‘18’ rated video.  In line with the consistent findings of the BBFC’s public consultations and The Human Rights Act 1998, at ‘18’ the BBFC’s guideline concerns will not normally override the principle that adults should be free to choose their own entertainment. Exceptions are most likely in the following areas:  where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence  where material or treatment appears to the BBFC to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault  where there are more explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context. Such images may be appropriate in ‘R18’ works, and in ‘sex works’ (see below) would normally be confined to that category.  In the case of video works (including video games), which may be more accessible to younger viewers, intervention may be more frequent than for cinema films. Sex education at ‘18’  Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted. Sex works at ‘18’  Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material which may be simulated are generally passed ‘18’. Sex works containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images will be confined to the ‘R18’ category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at ‘R18’ is also unacceptable in a sex work at ‘18’.
  • 51. From this I have learnt that censorship is very important because it ensures that a film is suitable for an audience of a certain age and stops younger audiences from seeing something that may be unsuitable for them.  I have decided to make my trailer certificate 15 because I do not think it will feature anything that is unsuitable for people aged 15 and above
  • 53. Links to my Questionnaire
  • 54. I used the first question in my questionnaire to find out what age and gender my audience would be. From the survey I found that it would be both genders, with the majority being female, and aged between 15 and 18.  The next question told me that my trailer will be aimed at and audience of students and/or unemployed. This fits with the target audience age range of 15-18.
  • 55. This question told me the majority of people who took the survey chose comedy as their favourite genre, however half of them still said horror was, so I will continue to make a horror film as I feel my ideas are strong  This question reassured for this genre. me that a high percentage of over half the participants enjoy horror films and another 13% don’t mind them. I know I will have a large target audience.
  • 56. This question tells me that my audience watch films fairly frequently, but not too much. With the highest percentage being 1-2 films a fortnight and only 14% watch 3-4. I think this is a reasonable amount.  From this question I have found out that my audience consume a range of different types of media. From the survey I now know that the best type of media for advertising would be TV and internet as these have the highest percentage of use. The feedback has also told me 100% of the audience use film as their preferred type of media, this is good as I am making a trailer for a film so I know it will have a large audience.
  • 57. From this question I know some good  This question was  This was one of the most Intertexts to watch very helpful because helpful questions in the as I know my it tells me what my questionnaire, it tells me audience like them. trailers that my target This can tell me what target audience want audience like so I can see works well in a horror to see in a horror film what they use to make the film and what my so I know what I trailer enticing, and it also target audience could include in my has told me aspects of enjoy so I can ensure trailers that appeal to my my trailer is film trailer to make target audience, like appealing to them. them want to then suspense. see the film.
  • 58. The results from this question tells me the target audience will like the ages of the characters in my film, with the highest percentage saying they would prefer to see teenagers in a horror film.  100% of my target audience chose a mix of both genders for characters they would prefer in a horror film, so I know to definitely use both genders in my trailer.
  • 59. From the comment  This question has left here I know the  The feedback from told me what my ideas for my trailer this question has told target audience are approved of. me that my target would like to see in a audience likes the trailer for my film ideas for my trailer. ideas, I now know what to include to make it enticing for my target audience.
  • 60. From this questionnaire I now know I’m definitely going to use teenagers, aged between 166 and 19 of both genders in my trailer.  I know I’m going to use the woods as a setting as one of the feedback comments stated they liked the idea of the setting.  My target audience enjoy scary films that build suspense so I know the narrative of my trailer will reflect this. I also found out that good acting is an important factor which I will need to consider.  I know that suspense, dramatic build up of music, good enigmas and a realistic story line would make my trailer appeal to my target audience.
  • 61. Hypodermic Syringe Theory  My trailer will be injecting the ideology of it being scary, suspenseful and thrilling directly into the passive audience. Polysemic Readings  Preferred reading – the preferred reading of this text would be that its scary, realistic and thrilling with a narrative that makes the audience want to see the film  Oppositional reading – the oppositional reading would be that the text isn’t scary or realistic and doesn’t make the audience want to see the film Two-step flow theory  When applying the theory, the producer and the actors will act as the opinion leader, because the audience trust their opinions the audience will want to watch the film
  • 62. Uses and Gratifications Theory  My target audience will use my trailer for personal identity, as they would be the same age as the characters in the trailer and they could use if to see how they would react in the same situation. They could also use the text for integration and social interaction as they would be able to discuss it with their friends and share opinions. The main reason when applying the uses and gratifications theory my audience will use this text is for entertainment.
  • 63. Age: 15-19  Gender: Mixed  Marital status: single  Education: Secondary school/ higher education  Occupation: Student, part-time employment  Income: Low income but has some disposable income  Demographics group- E (unemployed students, casual workers) Psychographics: My target audience will enjoy going to the cinema and like trying new things. They like being social and often use different media texts as a subject of conversation. Watches mainly mainstream films. Likes adrenaline and a challenge. (Aspirers, mainstreamers, explorers)
  • 65. Video based production: - 2 minuets opening sequence - a trailer  Horror or thriller Decision: A horror trailer
  • 66. Narrative: Group of teenage friends go camping in a woods, 3 mysterious ‘men(?)’ in masks terrorise them/ kill/ torture them Or Two teenagers are home alone together, 3 girls dressed as dolls start to terrorise them and want to turn them into dolls
  • 67. I have now decided to do a horror movie trailer, with the narrative being about two teenagers who are home alone on a Saturday night, the evening starts at an equilibrium with them thinking they are going to enjoy a nice night together. Weird things start to happen, one thing being that start to find dolls everywhere. 3 girls dressed as dolls appear, they start to attack the couple. The 3 dolls are deranged girls who want to turn the couple into dolls. The boy will die. At the end the parents come home and its left at a cliff hanger.
  • 68. Dolls House  Dollface  Dolly Final decision: Dolls House
  • 69. Lizzy Holes’ House – Front room, kitchen, hallway, bathroom, bedroom, garden.
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  • 74. Boy: - Jay (James), 17 years old  - Casual clothing
  • 75. Girlfriend: - Chelsie, 16 years old  - Casual clothing
  • 76. Attackers: Girls dressed as Dolls  - Old fashioned dresses, doll mask
  • 77. - knife/other weapons - Fake blood
  • 78. - need to scan in-