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Religion, Morality and Life:

We all make moral decisions.
Believers base their morality
upon the faith they follow.
Religion & Technology look at
          these key areas:
 Animals In Medical Research
 Cloning
 Fertility Treatment
 Contraceptive Methods
 Abortion
 Transplant Surgery
 Euthanasia

   Definition.- It’s the
    use of animals in
    experiments and
    development projects
    usually to determine
    toxicity, dosing and
    efficacy of test drugs
    before deciding to
    apply them on
Do animals have rights?
In the wild, animals behave
instinctively.In     the     animal
they do not have any rights.
Animal rights have come about
slowly throughout history. Animals
are vulnerable, defenseless and
are fully available to human
beings. Those who harm animals
should be accused of violating
their legal rights. Concepts that
should underlie the rights of
animals are, among
others,individual value, comfort,
respect, freedom, equality and
Do animals have a soul?
What does the Bible say?
               Animals have a soul in the sense
                that they possess life. A common
                Hebrew word translated life (soul) is
                nephesh. Nephesh is used for the life
                or breath of both animals and man
                (Gen. 1: 20, 30; 19: 17). Life is that
                state that is the opposite of death. It is
                a state of animation, breathing, and
                awareness. Men and animals alike
                possess a soul in the sense of breath
                (nephesh). However, in the sense of
                possessing a part or element that lives
                forever, as man possesses, animals
                do not possess an eternal spirit (cp.
                Matt. 25: 46). The animal simply and
                totally returns to the dust, the spirit of
                man continues to exist (Eccl. 3: 21, cp.
                12: 7).
               The fact that animals do not possess
                an eternal soul in the sense that man
                does, does not de-emphasize their
                value as companions to man. Pets can
                and do become an important part in
                the lives of millions. Also, in man's
                charge over the animal kingdom, it
                behooves man to protect and not
                abuse the animals (Gen. 1: 26-28).
Christian attitudes towards
               Animal Testing
   For most of history Christians largely ignored
    animal suffering.
   The growth of the environmental movement has
    also radically changed Christian ideas about the
    role human beings play in relation to nature.
   Few Christians nowadays think that nature
    exists to serve humanity, and there is a general
    acceptance that human dominion over nature
    should be seen as stewardship and partnership
    rather than domination and exploitation.
   Definition.- Cloning can be
    defined as the process by
    which there are obtained
    genetically identical copies of
    an organism, cell or molecule
    already developed of asexual
 Types of Cloning:
 -“Therapeutic Cloning”.- for the
    purpose of creating
    replacement organs for people
    in need of transplants who can
    not find a suitable donor.
 - “Reproductive Cloning”.- An
    identical copy of an animal,
    plant or even huma, however it
    is ILLEGAL to clone humans.
    The most famous clone was
    Dolly the sheep.
What does the Bible                         What do Christians
say?                                        say?
   There is no direct teaching about
    cloning in the Bible                   Christians believe that human
                                            beings are created in the image of
                                            God, and therefore, are unique
                                            and should not be copied. Human
                                            life is something to be valued and
                                            not treated like a commodity to be
                                            bought and sold.

                                           The more liberal Christian
                                            churches believe and accept that
                                            medical research is important and
                                            experimentation should be
                                            allowed. They follow the idea that
                                            Jesus himself was a healer.
   Definition.- A contraceptive is
    the use of various devices,
    sexual practices, chemicals,
    drugs, or surgical procedures.
    This means that something
    becomes a contraceptive if its
    purpose is to prevent a woman
    from becoming pregnant.
    There are several types of
    contraceptives that have been
    officially labeled as such
    because they have shown
    reliability in preventing
    conception from occurring.
Contraceptive Methods
   Daily contraceptive tablets
    The contraceptive tablet is also known as " the pill" is a type of
    contraception in the shape of small tablets that one takes every day.
    The majority of the pills contain two types of feminine synthetic
    hormones, which are elaborated in a laboratory and are similar to
    the ones normally secreted from the ovary. They are oestrogen and
    progesterone and mixed are called oral contraceptives.
    There are different types of oral combined contraceptives. The
    oestrogen and the progesterone prevent the pregnancy, stopping
    the secretion of the hypophysis gland , which stops ovulation and
    retains the ovum in the ovary. That is to say ovulation does not take
    place (is not produced). Progesterone also prevents the sperm from
    reaching the ovum, by means of a double mechanism:
    1) altering the cervical mucus
    2) modifying the endometrium of the uterus. A type of pill contains a
       single type of hormone,progesterone, and is called " mini-pill. " It
       disables ovulation and prevents the sperm from fertilizing the
 Contraceptive tablets do not
  prevent sexually transmitted
 Condoms must always be
 Side effects:
  The different contraceptive
  tablets can affect every woman
  in a different way. In some
  women they produce
  nauseas,headache, changes
  of humor or often the tablets
  help to improve acne. The
  effects go away after the first
  three or four cycles.
The Patch
   It is a thin sheet of color beige that
    contains an adhesive that allows
    its permanency on the skin for one
    week. The patch has been
    designed in order that you can
    carry out normal activities like
    baths, showers and exercises. It is
    recommended that you should
    verify that the patch does not
    become detached after each of
    these activities. The efficiency of
    the contraceptive patch is
    comparable to the rest of hormonal
Female Condom
   (also known as a
    femidom) It is a device
    that is used during sexual
    intercourse as a barrier
    contraceptive and to
    reduce the risk of
    sexually transmited
    The female condom is a
    thin, soft, loose-fitting
    sheath placed in the
    vagina to prevent errant
    sperm from bypassing the
Intrauterine Device (IUD)
   The intrauterine device is
    a T-shaped piece of
    plastic about the size of a
    fifty cent coin that is
    placed inside the uterus
    to prevent pregnancy.
    They are two types of
    IUDs available: One is
    covered with copper, the
    other releases the
    hormone progesterone.
Male Contraception
Condom.- is a thin and elastic      Vasectomy.- is a surgical
case to cover the penis during      procedure for male
the coitus, in order to avoid the   sterilisation and/or
fertilization - acting as           permanent birth control.
contraceptive method - and the
possible contagion of sexually
                                    During the procedure, the
transmitted diseases.               vasa diferentia of a man
                                    are cut, and then
                                    tied/sealed in a manner to
                                    prevent sperm from
                                    entering into the seminal
                                    stream (ejaculate).
What does the Bible say about Pre-
          Marital Sex?
   ”Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is
     without the body; but he that committeth
     fornication sinneth against his own body”. Paul to the
     Conservative Christians do not agree with any sex
     before a person is married St. Paul said in the Bible that

    you should devote yourself to God and not have sex,
    but if you can not do that, then the only right way to
    have sex is in marriage where the holy union is blessed
    by God.
   Christians do not believe in FORNICATION which is sex

    only for pleasure but they believe in procreation.
What do the Christians say about
Conservative Christians believe that
contraception interferes with the will of God.
God said to Adam, “be fruitful and multiply”.

Christians do not need contraception as they
are having sex to procreate and they are
only having sex within marriage. Each and every
sexual act must be open to the possibility of
What is an abortion?.-
An abortion is the termination of
pregnancy by the removal or
expulsion from the uterus of a foetus
or embryo prior to viability. When an
abortion occurs spontaneously is
called a miscarriage, an it can also be
purposely induced.
When does human life begin?
There are different perspectives
about this issue.
While some people say that life
begins when the unborn child
reaches “viability”, the point
where he or she can survive
outside the womb. (Viability is
now 20 weeks into pregnancy)
Pro-life associations defend that
human life begins at conception:
“The life of a baby begins long
before he or she is born. A new
individual human being begins at
fertilization, when the sperm and
ovum meet to form a single cell.”
What does the Bible say about
The Bible does not talk about    You are the one who put me

abortion but some Bible          together inside my mother’s body,
   extracts                      and I praise you because of the
say:                             wonderful way you created me.
Before I formed you in
“                                Everything you do is marvelous!
                                 Of this I have no doubt.
the womb I knew you,             Nothing about me is hidden from you!
before you were born I           I was secretly woven together deep
set you apart.”                  in the earth below, but with your own
                  Jeremiah 1.5   eyes you saw my body being formed.
                                 Even before I was born, you had
                                 written in your book everything I
                                 would do.”
                                                            PSALM 139
Different Christian beliefs about
For Christians, abortion is not a matter of choice for
women’s rights. It’s a matter of life or death of a human
being made in the image ofGod. The Church has always
proclaimed that human life is sacred from the moment of
conception. But like society, which is split over pro-life and
pro-choice abortion positions, so too is the Christian
church. Not all Christians think the same thing, and so not
all Christians agree or disagree with abortion.
Do Christians consider any
While for Catholics abortion is ALWAYS
wrong, for other faiths such as Protestants it
can be allowed in some circumstances: a
rape, abuse or incest, if the mother’s life
would be in danger, disabled baby.
Abortion Law in Spain

    The strengths of this law are:

-   Abortion allowed under any circumstances at
    up to 14 weeks’ gestation and declares the
    procedure a woman’s right.
-   Abortion up to 22 weeks if certified by 2 doctors
    that the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the woman’s life or health, as
    well as in cases of fetal impairment and beyond 22 weeks in cases of
    severe fetal impairment.
-   It also grants 16- and17-year-olds abortion access, provided that they notify
    at least one parent or legal guardian. Notification is not required if the teen
    believes it would result in “domestic violence, threats, coercion, abuse..”
Definition and Types.- It is the replacing of
an organ that is no longer functioning with
an organ from a donor that does function.
Organs are donated by living and deceased
donors in order to save the life of a recipient.
Types of transplants
- Autograft.- Transplant of tissue to the same person.

- Allograft and allotransplantation.- An allograft is a transplant of an organ
  or tissue between two genetically non-identical members of the same

- Isograft.- A subset of allografts in which organs or tissues are transplanted
  from a donor to a genetically identical recipient (such as an identical twin).

- Xenograft and xenotransplantation.- A transplant of organs or tissue from
  one species to another. (e.g. a porcine heart valve transplant)

- Split transplants.- Sometimes a deceased-donor organ, usually a liver, may
  be divided between two recipients, especially an adult and a child.

- Domino transplants.- In patients with cystic fibrosis, where both lungs need
  to be replaced, it is a technically easier operation with a higher rate of success
  to replace both the heart and lungs of the recipient with those of the donor. As
  the recipient's original heart is usually healthy, it can then be transplanted into
  a second recipient in need of a heart transplant.
What does the Bible say about
        organ donation?
The Bible does not specifically address the issue of organ
transplantation. Obviously, organ transplants would have
been unknown in Bible times.
One of the most compelling arguments for organ donation
is the love and compassion such an act demonstrates
toward others. The mandate to "love your neighbor" was
stated by Jesus (Matthew 5:43).
From the earliest days in the Old Testament, God's people
were commanded to demonstrate a love for God as well as
for their neighbors. Being willing to donate an organ from
our own bodies would seem to be an extreme example of
selfless sacrifice for another.
Describe the different Christian attitudes
          towards transplant surgery
Some people view organ donation as the ultimate form of mutilating the human
body. As stewards of God's creation, we should treat our bodies with respect,
and abstain from whatever is deleterious to them.
One of the biggest concerns among Christians is the concept that the entire
body needs to be present and preserved in some fashion for the resurrection.
Therefore, many Christians are reluctant to donate organs because they
believe that resurrection itself requires a "complete" body. However, when God
was handing out punishments at the Garden of Eden, He told Adam, "By the
sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return“
(Genesis 3:19). Thus, God said that one day our earthly bodies would return to
the soil.
Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, provided some insight as to the difference
between the physical body at death (which may be disposed of in a variety of
ways), and the spiritual body of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:35-49).
He then went on to comment: "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual
body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body" (v. 44). If we
based on these facts, Christians should not fear or reject organ donation
merely in an attempt to keep the physical body intact for the resurrection.
Definition.- The word "euthanasia" comes straight out of the Greek –
"eu", goodly or well + "thanatos", death = the good death. The
intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his
or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is "intentional". If death is not
intended, it is not an act of euthanasia) A good and easy death.
Types of Euthanasia.-
- Voluntary euthanasia.- The person requests the death because
  he/she doesn´t want to continue living
- Involuntary euthanasia.- When a person is unable to ask to die
  because they are in coma or PVS (persistent vegetative state). Others
  must make their decision for them. The person is killed against his/her
- Non-voluntary.- The person is unaware of what is happening
- Active.- when a specific action is undertaken to bring life to an end
  (e.g.: a person ending his/her own life)
- Passive.- when a person refuses to have any more treatment or
  operations and to live the rest of his/her life to the full. They are aware
  that refusing treatment will shorten or end their life.
What does the Bible say about it?
Christians believe that life is a special gift from God, and this affects all
their beliefs about the body and the care it should receive. As a gift it
should be treated with respect and dignity, since it is unique and
(“the Sanctity of Life”). Through his actions and teaching, Jesus made it
clear that everyone is valuable in the eyes of God. Death is seen as a
stage in life, not necessarily the end of life, and to end it prematurely is
against God’s plan.

The following are passages from the Bible:
“Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives
 in you! So if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For
 God’s temple is holy, and you yourselves are his temple.”
                                                   Corinthians 3:16-17

“Do not commit murder”
                                                      Exodus 20:13
What do Christians say?
Christians believe in the sanctity of life from the moment of
the birth until natural death. Christians believe life is a gift
of God, and therefore is sacred. It is not ours to dispose of
at will. Therefore, as it’s believed to be sacred, we do not
have the moral right to end it unless it is God´s will.
There are many different opinions on whether an individual
has the right to end their own life, or whether people are
merely “stewards” of their own lives and their life is really
something that belongs to God.
The mainstream Catholic view is that euthanasia is always
wrong. But for other faiths euthanasia is not something
which is desirable. It is the last option when life is so painful
that there is little quality left.
Morality, Ethics, the Sanctity of Life, the
Value of Life and the Quality of Life are
controversial issues. These are such vast
areas for thought and deliberation and
finding a just conclusion seems impossible.

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Religion project

  • 2. Religion, Morality and Life: We all make moral decisions. Believers base their morality upon the faith they follow.
  • 3. Religion & Technology look at these key areas:  Animals In Medical Research  Cloning  Fertility Treatment  Contraceptive Methods  Abortion  Transplant Surgery  Euthanasia
  • 4. ANIMALS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH  Definition.- It’s the use of animals in experiments and development projects usually to determine toxicity, dosing and efficacy of test drugs before deciding to apply them on humans.
  • 5. Do animals have rights? In the wild, animals behave instinctively.In the animal kingdom they do not have any rights. Animal rights have come about slowly throughout history. Animals are vulnerable, defenseless and are fully available to human beings. Those who harm animals should be accused of violating their legal rights. Concepts that should underlie the rights of animals are, among others,individual value, comfort, respect, freedom, equality and compassion.
  • 6. Do animals have a soul? What does the Bible say?  Animals have a soul in the sense that they possess life. A common Hebrew word translated life (soul) is nephesh. Nephesh is used for the life or breath of both animals and man (Gen. 1: 20, 30; 19: 17). Life is that state that is the opposite of death. It is a state of animation, breathing, and awareness. Men and animals alike possess a soul in the sense of breath (nephesh). However, in the sense of possessing a part or element that lives forever, as man possesses, animals do not possess an eternal spirit (cp. Matt. 25: 46). The animal simply and totally returns to the dust, the spirit of man continues to exist (Eccl. 3: 21, cp. 12: 7).  The fact that animals do not possess an eternal soul in the sense that man does, does not de-emphasize their value as companions to man. Pets can and do become an important part in the lives of millions. Also, in man's charge over the animal kingdom, it behooves man to protect and not abuse the animals (Gen. 1: 26-28).
  • 7. Christian attitudes towards Animal Testing  For most of history Christians largely ignored animal suffering.  The growth of the environmental movement has also radically changed Christian ideas about the role human beings play in relation to nature.  Few Christians nowadays think that nature exists to serve humanity, and there is a general acceptance that human dominion over nature should be seen as stewardship and partnership rather than domination and exploitation.
  • 8. CLONING  Definition.- Cloning can be defined as the process by which there are obtained genetically identical copies of an organism, cell or molecule already developed of asexual form.  Types of Cloning: -“Therapeutic Cloning”.- for the purpose of creating replacement organs for people in need of transplants who can not find a suitable donor. - “Reproductive Cloning”.- An identical copy of an animal, plant or even huma, however it is ILLEGAL to clone humans. The most famous clone was Dolly the sheep.
  • 9. What does the Bible What do Christians say? say?  There is no direct teaching about cloning in the Bible  Christians believe that human beings are created in the image of God, and therefore, are unique and should not be copied. Human life is something to be valued and not treated like a commodity to be bought and sold.  The more liberal Christian churches believe and accept that medical research is important and experimentation should be allowed. They follow the idea that Jesus himself was a healer.
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  • 14. CONTRACEPTION  Definition.- A contraceptive is the use of various devices, sexual practices, chemicals, drugs, or surgical procedures. This means that something becomes a contraceptive if its purpose is to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. There are several types of contraceptives that have been officially labeled as such because they have shown reliability in preventing conception from occurring.
  • 15. Contraceptive Methods  Daily contraceptive tablets The contraceptive tablet is also known as " the pill" is a type of contraception in the shape of small tablets that one takes every day. The majority of the pills contain two types of feminine synthetic hormones, which are elaborated in a laboratory and are similar to the ones normally secreted from the ovary. They are oestrogen and progesterone and mixed are called oral contraceptives. There are different types of oral combined contraceptives. The oestrogen and the progesterone prevent the pregnancy, stopping the secretion of the hypophysis gland , which stops ovulation and retains the ovum in the ovary. That is to say ovulation does not take place (is not produced). Progesterone also prevents the sperm from reaching the ovum, by means of a double mechanism: 1) altering the cervical mucus 2) modifying the endometrium of the uterus. A type of pill contains a single type of hormone,progesterone, and is called " mini-pill. " It disables ovulation and prevents the sperm from fertilizing the ovum.
  • 16. Precaution  Contraceptive tablets do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases!  Condoms must always be used.  Side effects: The different contraceptive tablets can affect every woman in a different way. In some women they produce nauseas,headache, changes of humor or often the tablets help to improve acne. The effects go away after the first three or four cycles.
  • 17. The Patch  It is a thin sheet of color beige that contains an adhesive that allows its permanency on the skin for one week. The patch has been designed in order that you can carry out normal activities like baths, showers and exercises. It is recommended that you should verify that the patch does not become detached after each of these activities. The efficiency of the contraceptive patch is comparable to the rest of hormonal contraceptives.
  • 18. Female Condom  (also known as a femidom) It is a device that is used during sexual intercourse as a barrier contraceptive and to reduce the risk of sexually transmited diseases. The female condom is a thin, soft, loose-fitting sheath placed in the vagina to prevent errant sperm from bypassing the condom
  • 19. Intrauterine Device (IUD)  The intrauterine device is a T-shaped piece of plastic about the size of a fifty cent coin that is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. They are two types of IUDs available: One is covered with copper, the other releases the hormone progesterone.
  • 20. Male Contraception Condom.- is a thin and elastic Vasectomy.- is a surgical case to cover the penis during procedure for male the coitus, in order to avoid the sterilisation and/or fertilization - acting as permanent birth control. contraceptive method - and the possible contagion of sexually During the procedure, the transmitted diseases. vasa diferentia of a man are cut, and then tied/sealed in a manner to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal stream (ejaculate).
  • 21. What does the Bible say about Pre- Marital Sex?  ”Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body”. Paul to the Corinthians Conservative Christians do not agree with any sex before a person is married St. Paul said in the Bible that you should devote yourself to God and not have sex, but if you can not do that, then the only right way to have sex is in marriage where the holy union is blessed by God.  Christians do not believe in FORNICATION which is sex only for pleasure but they believe in procreation.
  • 22. What do the Christians say about Contraception? Conservative Christians believe that contraception interferes with the will of God. God said to Adam, “be fruitful and multiply”. Christians do not need contraception as they are having sex to procreate and they are only having sex within marriage. Each and every sexual act must be open to the possibility of pregnancy.
  • 23. ABORTION What is an abortion?.- An abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a foetus or embryo prior to viability. When an abortion occurs spontaneously is called a miscarriage, an it can also be purposely induced.
  • 24. When does human life begin? There are different perspectives about this issue. While some people say that life begins when the unborn child reaches “viability”, the point where he or she can survive outside the womb. (Viability is now 20 weeks into pregnancy) Pro-life associations defend that human life begins at conception: “The life of a baby begins long before he or she is born. A new individual human being begins at fertilization, when the sperm and ovum meet to form a single cell.”
  • 25. What does the Bible say about abortion? The Bible does not talk about You are the one who put me “ abortion but some Bible together inside my mother’s body, extracts and I praise you because of the say: wonderful way you created me. Before I formed you in “ Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt. the womb I knew you, Nothing about me is hidden from you! before you were born I I was secretly woven together deep set you apart.” in the earth below, but with your own Jeremiah 1.5 eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.” PSALM 139
  • 26. Different Christian beliefs about abortion? For Christians, abortion is not a matter of choice for women’s rights. It’s a matter of life or death of a human being made in the image ofGod. The Church has always proclaimed that human life is sacred from the moment of conception. But like society, which is split over pro-life and pro-choice abortion positions, so too is the Christian church. Not all Christians think the same thing, and so not all Christians agree or disagree with abortion.
  • 27. Do Christians consider any exceptions? While for Catholics abortion is ALWAYS wrong, for other faiths such as Protestants it can be allowed in some circumstances: a rape, abuse or incest, if the mother’s life would be in danger, disabled baby.
  • 28. Abortion Law in Spain The strengths of this law are: - Abortion allowed under any circumstances at up to 14 weeks’ gestation and declares the procedure a woman’s right. - Abortion up to 22 weeks if certified by 2 doctors that the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the woman’s life or health, as well as in cases of fetal impairment and beyond 22 weeks in cases of severe fetal impairment. - It also grants 16- and17-year-olds abortion access, provided that they notify at least one parent or legal guardian. Notification is not required if the teen believes it would result in “domestic violence, threats, coercion, abuse..”
  • 29. TRANSPLANT SURGERY Definition and Types.- It is the replacing of an organ that is no longer functioning with an organ from a donor that does function. Organs are donated by living and deceased donors in order to save the life of a recipient.
  • 30. Types of transplants - Autograft.- Transplant of tissue to the same person. - Allograft and allotransplantation.- An allograft is a transplant of an organ or tissue between two genetically non-identical members of the same species. - Isograft.- A subset of allografts in which organs or tissues are transplanted from a donor to a genetically identical recipient (such as an identical twin). - Xenograft and xenotransplantation.- A transplant of organs or tissue from one species to another. (e.g. a porcine heart valve transplant) - Split transplants.- Sometimes a deceased-donor organ, usually a liver, may be divided between two recipients, especially an adult and a child. - Domino transplants.- In patients with cystic fibrosis, where both lungs need to be replaced, it is a technically easier operation with a higher rate of success to replace both the heart and lungs of the recipient with those of the donor. As the recipient's original heart is usually healthy, it can then be transplanted into a second recipient in need of a heart transplant.
  • 31. What does the Bible say about organ donation? The Bible does not specifically address the issue of organ transplantation. Obviously, organ transplants would have been unknown in Bible times. One of the most compelling arguments for organ donation is the love and compassion such an act demonstrates toward others. The mandate to "love your neighbor" was stated by Jesus (Matthew 5:43). From the earliest days in the Old Testament, God's people were commanded to demonstrate a love for God as well as for their neighbors. Being willing to donate an organ from our own bodies would seem to be an extreme example of selfless sacrifice for another.
  • 32. Describe the different Christian attitudes towards transplant surgery Some people view organ donation as the ultimate form of mutilating the human body. As stewards of God's creation, we should treat our bodies with respect, and abstain from whatever is deleterious to them. One of the biggest concerns among Christians is the concept that the entire body needs to be present and preserved in some fashion for the resurrection. Therefore, many Christians are reluctant to donate organs because they believe that resurrection itself requires a "complete" body. However, when God was handing out punishments at the Garden of Eden, He told Adam, "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return“ (Genesis 3:19). Thus, God said that one day our earthly bodies would return to the soil. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, provided some insight as to the difference between the physical body at death (which may be disposed of in a variety of ways), and the spiritual body of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:35-49). He then went on to comment: "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body" (v. 44). If we based on these facts, Christians should not fear or reject organ donation merely in an attempt to keep the physical body intact for the resurrection.
  • 33. EUTHANASIA or MERCY KILLING Definition.- The word "euthanasia" comes straight out of the Greek – "eu", goodly or well + "thanatos", death = the good death. The intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is "intentional". If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia) A good and easy death. Types of Euthanasia.- - Voluntary euthanasia.- The person requests the death because he/she doesn´t want to continue living - Involuntary euthanasia.- When a person is unable to ask to die because they are in coma or PVS (persistent vegetative state). Others must make their decision for them. The person is killed against his/her will. - Non-voluntary.- The person is unaware of what is happening - Active.- when a specific action is undertaken to bring life to an end (e.g.: a person ending his/her own life) - Passive.- when a person refuses to have any more treatment or operations and to live the rest of his/her life to the full. They are aware that refusing treatment will shorten or end their life.
  • 34. What does the Bible say about it? Christians believe that life is a special gift from God, and this affects all their beliefs about the body and the care it should receive. As a gift it should be treated with respect and dignity, since it is unique and sacred (“the Sanctity of Life”). Through his actions and teaching, Jesus made it clear that everyone is valuable in the eyes of God. Death is seen as a stage in life, not necessarily the end of life, and to end it prematurely is against God’s plan. The following are passages from the Bible: “Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you! So if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you yourselves are his temple.” Corinthians 3:16-17 “Do not commit murder” Exodus 20:13
  • 35. What do Christians say? Christians believe in the sanctity of life from the moment of the birth until natural death. Christians believe life is a gift of God, and therefore is sacred. It is not ours to dispose of at will. Therefore, as it’s believed to be sacred, we do not have the moral right to end it unless it is God´s will. There are many different opinions on whether an individual has the right to end their own life, or whether people are merely “stewards” of their own lives and their life is really something that belongs to God. The mainstream Catholic view is that euthanasia is always wrong. But for other faiths euthanasia is not something which is desirable. It is the last option when life is so painful that there is little quality left.
  • 36. Conclusion Morality, Ethics, the Sanctity of Life, the Value of Life and the Quality of Life are controversial issues. These are such vast areas for thought and deliberation and finding a just conclusion seems impossible.