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Reflection On Loss And Grief
Loss and grief are aspects of life which, unfortunately, every person will experience at some point in time. As a student nurse, it is important to
begin to expand our knowledge with this topic as it is likely we will come across the experience of loss and grief over the course of our career.
Friedrich. and Wustenhagen (2017) describe grief as a strong emotion precipitated by the loss of a person or aspect of life. We can begin to prepare
for these consequences in order to provide the proper care and comfort to those experiencing loss. A fellow student and I facilitated a group discussion
with other students in our seminar to critically reflect on grief reactions, meaning–making theory and therapeutic communication from an article we more content...
Therapeutic communication is patient focused, establishes trust and includes caring for all aspects of health including mental, spiritual and physical
(Martin & Chanda, 2016). Students felt comfortable sharing ideas during the planned discussions. Prior to the facilitation, my partner and I had written
out a lengthy list of possible ideas we had wanted the participants to highlight, all of which they had outlined. After each student shared their idea, we
responded in a way to demonstrate active listening by reflecting. To reflect, I would respond by acknowledging the idea presented followed by
expanding slightly to further understand what was being conveyed. Reflecting generated a response from each student with them either agreeing, or
explaining it further. We used open–ended questions to generate a thoughtful response, essentially avoiding one–word answer statements. After a
student had presented an idea, I asked her if she could expand on it. Following the open–ended question, the student continued to convey her idea in a
way everyone understood, establishing effective communication with the group. Martin and Chanda (2016) outline the effectiveness of therapeutic
communication in creating a trusting relationship between the nurse and patient which allows the patient to express thoughts and feelings openly.
Building up rapport with our fellow students allowed them to feel
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The Death of my grandmother a life experience that changed my Identity
My sense of independence was shattered when my grandmother departed from this world. I lost my grandmother and this experience shattered my
perspective of life. Losing a loved one was like having a wisdom tooth pulled without any Novocain.
In spite of this painful occurrence happening to me at twenty–four years of age, emotions such as shock, anger, and guilt, came into play creating
chaos. I rerun her death in my mind, yet unable to completely forget the sadness, similar to a synopsis. These feelings can be frightening and
overwhelming; however I have learned how to cope and with the realization that life and death are phenomenal both intertwined. I speculate
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It was no longer just a report card that I was getting; in addition to each grade I receive will be a remembrance of my grandmother whom I so deeply
loved. I am determined to not only graduate college, but to graduate with superior grades enough to please her. To this day, it is a constant struggle, like
any older adults continuing there are
Conquest of higher learning many twists and turns ups and downs. I can say I know with having a loving family by my side to support me no matter
what the situation may be. Most importantly, I have my grandmother's memory deeply inbreeded. Even though it may not be physically, she will
always be in my heart, pushing me to be the finest that I am capable of being.
My sense of independence was shattered when my grandmother departed from this world. I lost my grandmother and this experience shattered my
perspective of life. Losing a loved one was like having a wisdom tooth pulled without any Novocain.
In spite of this painful occurrence happening to me at twenty–four years of age, emotions such as shock, anger, and guilt, came into play creating
chaos. I rerun her death in my mind, yet unable to completely forget the sadness, similar to a synopsis. These feelings can be frightening and
overwhelming; however I have learned how to cope and with the realization that life and death are phenomenal both intertwined. I speculate that when
one passes on they continue to be
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Reflection Paper On Grief And Loss
Grief, loss, and death are all emotions and experiences that we often associate with negative life events. In coping with grief, loss, and death there are
several different methods. Whether it's your personality type, economic situation, residential living conditions, or support system. We all cope with
pain and agony in different ways. In this reflective essay, I will talk about two of my personal experiences with grief and loss, and the methods I use
in order to cope with them. My parents' divorce, and lacking extended family presence have caused me to both grieve and flourish into the individual I
am today.
The rates of divorce within Canada have steadily increased over the years. In 2005, the number of divorced couples within Ontario was 28,805
(Statistics Canada, 2008)! One year later, my family would soon be added to that number. When I was in grade four my parents agreed upon
getting a divorce. To offer some insight into their relationship, my parents came together to Canada as refuges from Ethiopia. Therefore, my sister
and myself are first generation children living in Canada. My parents bickered often near the end of their marriage, and so the divorce was not a
shock to me. However, when the divorce occurred it still struck me as an overwhelmingly emotional event. When the fighting first occurred, my
father sat my sister and I down to have a conversation. He looked at us in the eyes and said, "Don't worry, your mother and I will never get a
divorce." I remember those empty words to this day. Remembering those words only brings emotions of grief and despair to my mind. After my
parents had settled on the idea of a divorce, the next step was deciding where the children (my sister, and myself) would stay. There was a meeting
planned with children services, as well as my parents. We all sat in a large conference room together. They sat my sister and I across from my mother
and father. Then they asked us, "Who would you like to stay with once the divorce is settled?" This poses a large question onto children of 9 (me) and
12 (sister) years old. Having to choose between two parents, ultimately assumed that I would be losing the parent that I didn't choose. In these
circumstances, my parents'
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Reflection Paper On Death
Reflection Paper
The death and dying class has helped in changing my perception about death and also has enlightened me about the cost of a traditional American
funeral. I learned so much from this class; I cannot write it all on this paper. Some of the information that I am going to write about are: the different
stages of death, how it is influenced and the little deaths we face in our lives. Green burial, embalming and home funeral, some of the different cultural
death, living will and advance directive, and the suicide contract, children understand of death, dying without a next of kin and the near death
Understanding Death
This class has helped me understood that death is not only the loss of our loved ones but also more content...
The family can keep the body at home for several days, bathe the body and build their coffin. They share memories of the deceased. Green burials
conserve land and cost less compared to traditional burial (Tripler, 2013). Finding out that embalming does not preserve the body forever was
interesting, when an embalmed body is exhumed most people will be horrified to look at it (Tripler, 2013). It was good to learn about other different
ways of burial in the United States.
Cultural death
There are different cultural death mentioned in this class, I found the day of the dead and Living with the Dead interesting. Knowing other people
culture have always been intriguing to me. It is interesting to learn about all this different death culture; many believe that death is not the end but
the beginning of a new journey. The Day of the Dead celebration is done based on the belief that making the spirit happy will provide good luck and
protection to the deceased family. According to Despelder and Strickland (2015), it is a belief that one's well–being depends on respectfully
remembering the death and the ritual is a moral obligation to the dead. Living with the dead, burial is delayed in other to allow family members to
grief and prepare for the afterlife and the burial is expensive. The body can be removed from the grave every couple of years for the "me'nene"
ceremony. These two cultures are different from mine, in my culture when someone dies all their deeds is what is
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Reflection Paper On Grief
Most individuals feel uncomfortable when talking to the terminally ill about dying or grief. Most of us try to avoid it and most often say the wrong
things or nothing at all. Now sometimes sitting and listening can be just what the patient needs, but if not then we need to be prepared on how to talk
to the terminally ill or their loved ones. I also did not feel too comfortable with talking about death and dying which was ironic being that I was an
intern at the Hospice House. Therefore, I joined my field educator's grief recovery group as a member. This was an 8–week learning experience which
helped me prepare for the seminar. I participated in the course with two other females. This client involvement helped me better understand the grief more content...
This article addresses what not to say to grievers, what to ask, and suggests using feeling words when talking to grievers. This article is helpful for
anyone who has to talk to the terminally ill or their loved ones because it better prepares you to do so. This type of method is what Kerry and
Charlotte are trained in and find to be the best practice for their profession.
The next article I researched was "Death, bereavement and college students: a descriptive analysis." The main focus of this research was to discover
how helpful talking about death was when they experienced a family member dying. The research was conducted at the Kansas State University. The
surveys were distributed to undergraduates enrolled in a one–semester lower division course. A total of 994 students completed the survey. The survey
was passed out in five separate semesters, thus replicated 4 different times. According to David E. Balk(1997), 81.8% of students who completed the
survey indicated that family death occurred. 7.2 % had reported that they had not talked to anyone about death. 43.6 % considered talking about death
very helpful or somewhat helpful at 42.8% by most of the students. 12.5% found talking was neither helpful nor unhelpful.0.9% found talking was not
helpful."(Balk,1997) These results indicate that overall talking helped the college students who experienced grief.
The last
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Reflection About Death
As strange as it may sound, death has always intrigued me. Growing up, my Halloween costumes tended to relate to death, such as corpses or
zombies. My fellow acquaintances were a tad apprehensive that I would end up a necrophiliac one day– which I can assure you that I am not. Death is
just an idea that has always struck my interest. No, I do not wish to die; however, I tend to wonder frequently about "the other side." Personally, I do
not believe in Christianity; I am not one who believes in heaven nor hell. I have my own theories of the afterlife, for I am not sure there is just one
simple answer.
Regardless, death is something that catches up to all of us, it is inevitable. Due to this being the fate of all living beings, I find it more
I do not mean to make people uncomfortable, but death seems to make people want to instantly turn the other cheek.
Unfortunately, death is not a topic that people freely converse about. Most people shy away from the thought, especially ever since the idiotic acronym
"YOLO" came about– which I find rather ignorant considering it is improper grammar usage and it makes no sense. Yes, I believe in living my life
and enjoying every moment, but I acknowledge death, I know it is there, stalking me. I have accepted the fact that someday I will be the one in the
softly padded coffin with my family and friends surrounding me. Why is that so hard for others to accept that? It is not the end of everything, it is just
the end of here and now for that one, specific soul.
Due to my comfortableness around and with death and dying, I think that is what truly lead me to yearn to be a mortician. Death is something that I
know to be inevitable, and we should celebrate death, not mourn it.
However, another reason I would also love being a mortician is to comfort the people who are grieving and make them see and understand how this is
a good thing– that is what I foresee as the greatest opportunity in funeral services. I want to make people understand that this is not the end of forever,
just the end of here and now. I want them to make sure that they know that, no matter what they believe in, we
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Reflection Paper on Death and the Power of God
Introduction Throughout the Introduction to Theology class we have covered a wide variety of topics. Today, we live in such a fast paced society
that things often get overlooked. I will be discussing a few topics which I feel are important topics today. One of my topics is something that most of
the people I know fear, death. Another important topic that will be discussed is the power of God.
One of the greatest fears that most people have in their lives is death. I wonder why this is so? Do people mostly fear the way that they will die? Do
they feel as if they haven't accomplished everything they have wanted to in their life? I feel these things attribute to the fear that people have with
death. There are more content...
In the end death is necessary here on Earth so overpopulation does not occur. The reason that I look forward to this day, is becauseJesus Christ lives
within my heart. When Jesus died on the cross for my sins he made this possible. This life here on Earth is just temporary. The life that I look
forward to is the eternity that I will spend in heaven with Jesus Christ. How amazing will it be to have an eternal life?
Power of God We all think that at times in our lives we have power. You might think to yourself, wow I built that table or man the house looks great
after painting it. These are examples that do not even come close to what the power of God is. God is the most powerful thing that has been
witnessed. God created everything. How can that not be the most powerful act ever? Can you create a tree? I hardly think so. Our Lord created
this wonderful planet that we live on. God is so powerful that he created this planet. His power can be seen throughout Earth and the rest of the
universe. He carved the wonderful mountains, rivers, and beautiful land that we see every day. Not only has he created the most beautiful planet but
God has also shown us in other ways his powers. He is an amazing God. How strong is our God? God is the strongest person on the face of this
world. God is strong mentally, physically, and emotionally. He has parted the Red Sea. Can you imagine witnessing this? Do you know
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Descriptive Essay About Death
I understood suffering and love and how they both went hand and hand when I looked down at my father's gravestone for the last time. The cemetery
was nice–well, as "nice" as a cemetery could be. Paved paths lined the land, so no one had an excuse to stomp all over the grass in their shoes. You'd
think the grass then would be an untouched summer green; instead, it always gave off the look to me as being half–dead. As if it could tell it resided in
a graveyard, so it of course mirrored the only thing it knew– death. It was a weathered day. Wind pulled on my jacket collar, a sharp breeze passing
completely through me. The air howled into my ears, screaming things I could not make sense of. The grey sky was two large stretched–out hands
reaching for each other. Layers upon layers of ashen cloud lined above me, hiding the blue and sunlight trapped behind. Yet, the briefest of sun rays
broke through small holes in the cinder haze, only to illuminate the top of the aging head stone just briefly. But the scene wasn't as off–putting as it
would have been to others. Instead, I found some comfort in the cold and darkness. It was as if the world was mourning his death. The wind, side by
side with me, in this time. I wondered then what it would be like if the earth could truly feel. Maybe life would be less cruel in that way. Mother
nature would look into me and see what lay beneath–a young boy hidden in my shadow casted onto the ground. A young boy with eyes down pouring
like the
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Grief And Loss Reflection Paper
The client population I work with at CK McClatchy High School are teenagers whose ages range from 14 to 19. The Student Support Center
where I work is an additional resource for students who seek emotional, social, behavioral, or academic support, so my role is to be available for
any student who walks in or is referred by school staff or a parent. Although I was quick to understand the best ways of working with my population
and I've grown comfortable working with teenagers in general, the aspect that I find challenging is working with teenagers who are grieving a death
in their family or community. I believe that this is the area in which I need to grow in because I have never experienced grief in my family as intense as
losing my mother, for example, which I think is a problem because I cannot apply my Use of Self. To better assist myself, in this paper I will analyze
one peer–reviewed article and two books about teen grief and link a theoretical perspective that demonstrates thoughtful evidence–based practice. In
their book titled Living Through Loss: Interventions Across the Life Span, Hooyman and Kramer (2010) provide useful information on adolescents
that is crucial to understand their grieving patterns. The authors analyze grief and loss in every developmental stage of our lives, and go in depth into
each stage. Hooyman and Kramer find the developmental considerations of adolescents crucial in understanding their grief. Essentially, taking into
consideration that
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Socrates Reflection On Death
When the thought of death and what it means to die is brought into conversation, many people are rather oblivious or attempt to act so due to not
knowing the truth and or how to handle such a serious matter. Regarding Plato's subject matter, in this case, of the subjectivity in association with death
and wickedness, the passage chosen is paramount to the understanding of the text because death itself leads way to how it should change our views of
the world that we inhabit, along with the acceptance that knowing that you don't know anything is key. Socrates himself brings from the shadows such
ideals in his arguments, because without said arguments he wouldn 't be able to stand with his ideology through every problematic
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In the Apology itself, it explores the many ideas of wisdom, death, skepticism, deception, and one's central values. Viewing the passage chosen in
an analytical and argumentative light, there is much in the sense of wisdom that we can derive from it. Death in itself can be considered taboo in
the eyes of the general public. It is something that we have to live with, experience with our loved ones, or just wait till the inevitable day that we
cannot prevent. Saying that death is frightening is somewhat of an exaggerated understatement. As a whole, the selected passage theorizes that
death itself shouldn't be a subject to undermine and be afraid of, but rather something to embrace as it is a "blessing" that should be taken head on.
As seen in the article of Socratic Skepticism, "Socrates of course, is found guilty and sentenced to death. But he is not afraid of death, because to
fear death is to think of oneself wise without really being so, "for it is to think that we know what we do not know"" (Priscilla 12). This coincides
with the idea that wisdom is knowing what you do not know. This is an idea that is scattered all throughout the Apology and is something that
Socrates believes in fully. Once Socrates's confrontation with the Oracle of Delphi comes into scene, it is then that he realizes such an important value
in life. Once one realizes that true wisdom is knowing that oneself is not wise, is when you are a truly
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Reflection Paper On Grief
Reflective Paper–A Personal Journey of Loss and Grief
As it applies to the Dual Process and
The Meaning Reconstruction Models
Tammy Reynolds
January TATI DL 2017
–2018 course
November 6, 2017
Claudia Mandler McKnight
Art Therapy, Spirituality,Grief and Loss
Final assignment
This reflection paper will attempt to explore the grief and loss of my father as it relates to Stroebe and Schut's Dual Process Model of Bereavement
and Neimeyer's Meaning Construction Model (cited in S. Lister, 2008).
I will expand on the two models and posit that the bereavement process is a combination of both the dual process and the meaning construction
models as it relates to my grieving process over the loss of my father more content...
The bereaved person will oscillate between the loss of the loved one, the meaning of the loss and how it relates to the person's life, their circumstances
and their relationship to the deceased. This is the definition of the restorative orientation when the individual oscillates between the emotions
surrounding the loss and at times engaging in activities that either ignore or deny the emotions of the loss. (S. Lister, and al., pg. 246).
The Meaning–Reconstruction Model
Neimeyer (cited in S. Lister and al., 2008) posits there are six propositions as it applies to grief and bereavement: The death of the loved one can either
validate or invalidate the perception that we have about death or our understanding of death; Grief is an intimate and personal process that examines
who we are and what our self–narrative is because of the loss; Grieving is something that we do because of a loss and not something that is done to
us; The grieving process either affirms or reconstructs our world because of the loss; Expressing and having feelings are important and vital to the
grieving process and that finding meaning or meaning–making efforts after also important. These feelings and emotions also have a function during
the grieving process; and, finally, the loss not only has a personal narrative but a social narrative for the bereaved. (S. Lister et al., pg. 247)
This model views significant
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Death Reflection Paper
Death is an impactful concept that fills nearly every facet of our modern, and historical society. Nevertheless, the wide reaching impact it has left on
humanity since our inception is constantly being unrealized and neglected. When it comes to awkward silences, death must be the most awkward by
far. The perspective beaten into me as an American poorly conceptualizesdeath, and leads to rampant fear and irony. Over the past two semesters that
perspective has been slowly eaten away as I started to question the origin of the thoughts I once found so concrete. The places my mind travels used to
scare and intimidate me, as if conditioned from a young age to reject that level of critical thinking and become nothing more than a one–dimensional
cog. The analysis of death taken on in this class showed me the brutal irony it embodies in our society. We live in a day to day immortality that is so
twisted and deceptive, all we find in our final moments is a hallow yet obvious realization. Secular and non–secular institutions play a big role in how
we imagine death, it is this irony however that exhibits humanities tragic disillusion.
As I've come to experience and research the origins of the guiding religions of the historical and modern world, the knowledge of discrepancies has
come to be the most interesting detail. Founded in an ancient world, many of these religions tend to lose specific details surrounding their origins.
While exploring the origins of Christianity, it became clear
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Losing a Loved One Essay example
Losing a Loved One
Losing a loved one is like having the rug swept from under you. We make plans for the day, and do not think twice about how those plans can be
taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my uncle's death. I
do not think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news. It is amazing how we take life for granted. The
tragedy never goes away. You just learn how to cope with it and keep moving on.
My mom had been going to school in Virginia and staying at my Aunt Ana's house. She had been away for two weeks and wanted to come home for
the weekend. My mom had suggested that I go back with her and more content...
I felt as if I was paralyzed, I felt that if I moved it would be real. I just had this blank look on my face. I had no reaction at first and I wanted to deny it,
all of it. I kept saying to myself, no it is a lie, they made a mistake. To my complete horror I was wrong.
My mom kept saying "I have got to go see Fran. I need to see with my brother" My mom ran down stairs to get ready to go, I followed her and just
stood there, still paralyzed. She hugged me and said that she loved me. I had never seen my mom so panicked. She went into the bathroom to take a
shower and I could still hear her sobbing through the door. I was all by myself, now. I was standing in the middle of thefamily room as the words "He
is dead" pierced my heart like daggers of ice. I was screaming OH, GOD NO, and started to cry uncontrollably. The realization that I would never see
my uncle again struck me. After I got myself under control I went and packed my things to leave with my mother. As soon as we were done we were
on the next flight to New Jersey.
I come from a big family with many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. As I was standing there all alone I thought back to the time
when I got to spend a week with Fran. Almost a year ago to the date, most of the family was together for my other uncle's wedding. All the cousins sat
at the same table and we had such a good time together. He was a busy person, he
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Reflection Paper About Death
This assignment was a unique experience. I never expected myself to be thinking of my death much less planning my funeral. It is one thing to think
about dying later in life and not worrying about what will be done than actually thinking about death as if it were near. Recently, talking about the end
of life had not been hard for me, but this assignment showed me that talking about dying and death in general is not similar to thinking about the death
of oneself or a loved one. A factor that I would say has played a role in me being hesitant in completing this assignment was because of what my
father has told me about what is acceptable for the living regarding death according to his culture. Berger (2010) talked about how death is
perceived differently in different culture. In the culture my dad was born and raised in nothing that could be associated with death could be done.
For example, measuring oneself such as the length of one's hand, feet, height, etc. was not acceptable because my dad had been taught that this was
only done for those that were dead in order to find the right casket. For some time, I believed what my father told me but as I grew I realized that
talking about dying and death was okay, that indeed it was helpful and in some aspects necessary, but like I previously said, when it becomes more
real (as it did in this assignment), it feels odd.
There were many things that I found surprising and interesting in doing this assignment. For starters, one of
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Death Reflection Paper
This to me is the thesis of this entire lecture. Death is a scary thing to go through, whether a person is hit by a bus or dying from a terminal illness.
It is hard on the induvial as well as their families. My mother had a heart attack two years ago in April and went into a coma. We spent two days in
the hospital talking with her and hoping she would wake up, but one by one her organs shut down and she was on a ventilator. It did not take us
long to realize she was leaving this world. She was young, 52 years old, we could have put her on life support, but we knew it was futile. Even
though my parents are divorced and have been since I was 11 I am so proud of my family for how we handled her last days with respect and
dignity. This statement really impacted me. I found myself getting emotional while watching this lecture, thinking about the loved ones I have seen
through the end of life, from my grandfather at 15 to my mother at 28. When we love someone, we want them to get better and be here for us. No
young lady less than 30 wants to be without her mother. Dr. Rae is right though, it is selfish to delay someone's homecoming simply because we are
not ready to let them go. I find comfort in the fact that I will see them both again in paradise, but that does not mean it does not hurt. It is also
difficult to face an end of life with someone who has not accepted the Lord as their savior even though you may have witnessed to them countless
times. Not knowing if you will see
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Reflection On Death And Dying
Taking Death and Dying has really widened my world view. Before this class I knew death was a taboo but did not realize how much it played into
my daily life and the lives of everyone around us. I also did not realize how rarely death was ever discussed and how little I actually knew about it
and the experiences surrounding dying. I did not know what hospice was or that it even existed. From this class I have realized the importance of
knowing about death in order to live a better life. And to have fewer regrets not just involving ourselves and things we wished we had done but also
involving things we wished we had done for others who have died or are dying. Death is essential to every being and we will all experience it
eventually. One of my main takeaways is the knowledge this class has given me in order to help my mom be able to make more educated decisions
about my grandfather. And to be able to reevaluate my previous experiences with death and my own future.
Before this class, I was aware that people still missed those that passed away even years later, but I still believed in the idea of closure. Despite
knowing from my own personal experience with Buttercup, my cat, dying I still believed in closure. Buttercup was a very special cat; he was a
stray we adopted off the street. As a stray, he chooses to show up on our doorstep, and we took care of him for six years before he died unexpectedly of
a previously undiagnosed heart condition. Every missed him greatly and we
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Reflection Paper On Death And Dying
Section A: I am Mexican–American, born to Mexican immigrant parents, and by birthright an American citizen. In my phenotype, I do not look like a
stereotypical American, with blonde hair, blue eyes, or a light complexion. I have black hair, dark brown eyes, and a light brown skin complexion.
While exploring my Mexican–American or Chicana identity, I can relate to the development described in the Model of Death and Dying. Since, I
have the privileges of an American, but have witnessed discrimination against my Mexican counterparts. Part I: The model of Death and Dying first
stage is denial. Growing up, I did not think of myself as Mexican–American. In school, I was taught American history, we celebrated American
holidays, I spoke English, I was being educated in every academic aspect, but not about my Mexican heritage. Thus, I exclusively identified as an
American. I did not associate with being Mexican, I spoke the language–Spanish, but I could not understand the impact that discrimination, stereotypes,
and legal status has on people. The second stage of the model is anger, once enrolled in college, I registered in a Spanish literature class. On the first
day of class, the professor read us a paper written by a previous student of his, in which he described how he was constantly treated differently than his
counterparts for being a darker Mexican–American. His peers undermined his intelligence and questioned his enrollment in university, additionally,
would often mock him
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Descriptive Essay About My Funeral
Today was funeral day. My mom's funeral. It was a dark October thursday, the clouds were brewing a storm. A slight breeze disturbed my neck. My
uncomfortable suit sleeves bellowed in the cold breeze.. I hadn't felt any emotions since the day of her death, which was weeks ago, almost as if my
emotion is grey. It was warm then, as my mind was too. Nowadays, up until today, my mind has been a dark fog, as if my mind was released into the
sky, darkening everyone's day, arriving at my mom's funeral or just to cuddle up with their friends andfamily in front of a warm crackling fire, telling
the stories of their childhood and how times were better. Not me, my dad usually ignored me and he only worked on managing my mom's fortune.
Yeah. My mom' more content...
It was rather calming, even in this time of darkness. I stumbled and started to kick my dress shoes off. I was drenched by now, and I literally had
nothing to lose. I feel like a dark abyss. Am I making this to dark? Should I crack a couple jokes about my newly dead mom? My mourning now
depressed father, cooped up with so much work of my dead moms fortune he has no time to even properly to go through the coping stages of losing
someone? Yeah, my life is great! Might as well make fun of everything that's wrong with me. Isn't that what most comedians do? They always end up
killing themselves. Now that's funny! Okay, it 's really not, I'm just a cruel teenager going through some stuff. I'm dark and sarcastic, dead mom or
not. Why am I going on about this? I'm running out of breath, but I'm not sweaty or anything, it is now turning dark and colder, my blurred vision now
getting worse and worse. The street lights turn on, showing big orange blurry bulbs down the cobbled road.
My bare feet pattered against the wet stones making little splashed by step. I wonder how long I have been running, for I wasn't out of breath.
Which was weird, for the only physical thing I ever usually do is shoot hoops and longboard. I was nowhere near out of breath, which felt kinda
good. My feet were cramping terribly but I proceed to round a dark corner. This was when the beginning of my short life changed
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Reflection Paper On The Death Of Death
Jackie O
Just like that, gone.
We get into the car and leave for the airport to get to Dallas. We get into the Air Force One and start our short flight. We land at Love Field and meet
with the Johnsons. We get out to ecstatic fans cheering. We walked by what seemed miles of fences, that had hundreds of people behind them.
We get into the X–100 and start our way to the luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart. When we finally turn down Main Street, I could almost feel the
energy coming from the 150,000 plus people that were there for the ten mile motorcade route.
We turn off Main Street at Dealey Plaza, and faster than you can say shoot I found myself reaching for pieces of John's head.
I see building after buildings rush past me as we speed down the road to get to Parkland Memorial Hospital. We get there and they try a tracheostomy
and other things, but nothing worked, John was gone. He was officially pronounced dead at 1 pm that afternoon. My day went from greeting people
that were ecstatic to a day of mourning.
At two pm on November 22 was such a relieving time for me, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with murder of an officer.
Even though the guy who killed my John paid for what he did, I will never be able live with myself because I didn't protect him. If I would've reacted
to the first gunshot, maybe John would still be alive.
Three days later was the funeral of John, November 25, 1963. We buried him at the Arlington National Cemetery.
John moved to the
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Reflection On Loss And Grief

  • 1. Reflection On Loss And Grief Loss and grief are aspects of life which, unfortunately, every person will experience at some point in time. As a student nurse, it is important to begin to expand our knowledge with this topic as it is likely we will come across the experience of loss and grief over the course of our career. Friedrich. and Wustenhagen (2017) describe grief as a strong emotion precipitated by the loss of a person or aspect of life. We can begin to prepare for these consequences in order to provide the proper care and comfort to those experiencing loss. A fellow student and I facilitated a group discussion with other students in our seminar to critically reflect on grief reactions, meaning–making theory and therapeutic communication from an article we more content... Therapeutic communication is patient focused, establishes trust and includes caring for all aspects of health including mental, spiritual and physical (Martin & Chanda, 2016). Students felt comfortable sharing ideas during the planned discussions. Prior to the facilitation, my partner and I had written out a lengthy list of possible ideas we had wanted the participants to highlight, all of which they had outlined. After each student shared their idea, we responded in a way to demonstrate active listening by reflecting. To reflect, I would respond by acknowledging the idea presented followed by expanding slightly to further understand what was being conveyed. Reflecting generated a response from each student with them either agreeing, or explaining it further. We used open–ended questions to generate a thoughtful response, essentially avoiding one–word answer statements. After a student had presented an idea, I asked her if she could expand on it. Following the open–ended question, the student continued to convey her idea in a way everyone understood, establishing effective communication with the group. Martin and Chanda (2016) outline the effectiveness of therapeutic communication in creating a trusting relationship between the nurse and patient which allows the patient to express thoughts and feelings openly. Building up rapport with our fellow students allowed them to feel Get more content on
  • 2. The Death of my grandmother a life experience that changed my Identity My sense of independence was shattered when my grandmother departed from this world. I lost my grandmother and this experience shattered my perspective of life. Losing a loved one was like having a wisdom tooth pulled without any Novocain. In spite of this painful occurrence happening to me at twenty–four years of age, emotions such as shock, anger, and guilt, came into play creating chaos. I rerun her death in my mind, yet unable to completely forget the sadness, similar to a synopsis. These feelings can be frightening and overwhelming; however I have learned how to cope and with the realization that life and death are phenomenal both intertwined. I speculate more content... It was no longer just a report card that I was getting; in addition to each grade I receive will be a remembrance of my grandmother whom I so deeply loved. I am determined to not only graduate college, but to graduate with superior grades enough to please her. To this day, it is a constant struggle, like any older adults continuing there are Conquest of higher learning many twists and turns ups and downs. I can say I know with having a loving family by my side to support me no matter what the situation may be. Most importantly, I have my grandmother's memory deeply inbreeded. Even though it may not be physically, she will always be in my heart, pushing me to be the finest that I am capable of being. My sense of independence was shattered when my grandmother departed from this world. I lost my grandmother and this experience shattered my perspective of life. Losing a loved one was like having a wisdom tooth pulled without any Novocain. In spite of this painful occurrence happening to me at twenty–four years of age, emotions such as shock, anger, and guilt, came into play creating chaos. I rerun her death in my mind, yet unable to completely forget the sadness, similar to a synopsis. These feelings can be frightening and overwhelming; however I have learned how to cope and with the realization that life and death are phenomenal both intertwined. I speculate that when one passes on they continue to be Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection Paper On Grief And Loss Grief, loss, and death are all emotions and experiences that we often associate with negative life events. In coping with grief, loss, and death there are several different methods. Whether it's your personality type, economic situation, residential living conditions, or support system. We all cope with pain and agony in different ways. In this reflective essay, I will talk about two of my personal experiences with grief and loss, and the methods I use in order to cope with them. My parents' divorce, and lacking extended family presence have caused me to both grieve and flourish into the individual I am today. The rates of divorce within Canada have steadily increased over the years. In 2005, the number of divorced couples within Ontario was 28,805 (Statistics Canada, 2008)! One year later, my family would soon be added to that number. When I was in grade four my parents agreed upon getting a divorce. To offer some insight into their relationship, my parents came together to Canada as refuges from Ethiopia. Therefore, my sister and myself are first generation children living in Canada. My parents bickered often near the end of their marriage, and so the divorce was not a shock to me. However, when the divorce occurred it still struck me as an overwhelmingly emotional event. When the fighting first occurred, my father sat my sister and I down to have a conversation. He looked at us in the eyes and said, "Don't worry, your mother and I will never get a divorce." I remember those empty words to this day. Remembering those words only brings emotions of grief and despair to my mind. After my parents had settled on the idea of a divorce, the next step was deciding where the children (my sister, and myself) would stay. There was a meeting planned with children services, as well as my parents. We all sat in a large conference room together. They sat my sister and I across from my mother and father. Then they asked us, "Who would you like to stay with once the divorce is settled?" This poses a large question onto children of 9 (me) and 12 (sister) years old. Having to choose between two parents, ultimately assumed that I would be losing the parent that I didn't choose. In these circumstances, my parents' Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection Paper On Death Reflection Paper The death and dying class has helped in changing my perception about death and also has enlightened me about the cost of a traditional American funeral. I learned so much from this class; I cannot write it all on this paper. Some of the information that I am going to write about are: the different stages of death, how it is influenced and the little deaths we face in our lives. Green burial, embalming and home funeral, some of the different cultural death, living will and advance directive, and the suicide contract, children understand of death, dying without a next of kin and the near death experience. Understanding Death This class has helped me understood that death is not only the loss of our loved ones but also more content... The family can keep the body at home for several days, bathe the body and build their coffin. They share memories of the deceased. Green burials conserve land and cost less compared to traditional burial (Tripler, 2013). Finding out that embalming does not preserve the body forever was interesting, when an embalmed body is exhumed most people will be horrified to look at it (Tripler, 2013). It was good to learn about other different ways of burial in the United States. Cultural death There are different cultural death mentioned in this class, I found the day of the dead and Living with the Dead interesting. Knowing other people culture have always been intriguing to me. It is interesting to learn about all this different death culture; many believe that death is not the end but the beginning of a new journey. The Day of the Dead celebration is done based on the belief that making the spirit happy will provide good luck and protection to the deceased family. According to Despelder and Strickland (2015), it is a belief that one's well–being depends on respectfully remembering the death and the ritual is a moral obligation to the dead. Living with the dead, burial is delayed in other to allow family members to grief and prepare for the afterlife and the burial is expensive. The body can be removed from the grave every couple of years for the "me'nene" ceremony. These two cultures are different from mine, in my culture when someone dies all their deeds is what is Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection Paper On Grief Most individuals feel uncomfortable when talking to the terminally ill about dying or grief. Most of us try to avoid it and most often say the wrong things or nothing at all. Now sometimes sitting and listening can be just what the patient needs, but if not then we need to be prepared on how to talk to the terminally ill or their loved ones. I also did not feel too comfortable with talking about death and dying which was ironic being that I was an intern at the Hospice House. Therefore, I joined my field educator's grief recovery group as a member. This was an 8–week learning experience which helped me prepare for the seminar. I participated in the course with two other females. This client involvement helped me better understand the grief more content... This article addresses what not to say to grievers, what to ask, and suggests using feeling words when talking to grievers. This article is helpful for anyone who has to talk to the terminally ill or their loved ones because it better prepares you to do so. This type of method is what Kerry and Charlotte are trained in and find to be the best practice for their profession. The next article I researched was "Death, bereavement and college students: a descriptive analysis." The main focus of this research was to discover how helpful talking about death was when they experienced a family member dying. The research was conducted at the Kansas State University. The surveys were distributed to undergraduates enrolled in a one–semester lower division course. A total of 994 students completed the survey. The survey was passed out in five separate semesters, thus replicated 4 different times. According to David E. Balk(1997), 81.8% of students who completed the survey indicated that family death occurred. 7.2 % had reported that they had not talked to anyone about death. 43.6 % considered talking about death very helpful or somewhat helpful at 42.8% by most of the students. 12.5% found talking was neither helpful nor unhelpful.0.9% found talking was not helpful."(Balk,1997) These results indicate that overall talking helped the college students who experienced grief. The last Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection About Death As strange as it may sound, death has always intrigued me. Growing up, my Halloween costumes tended to relate to death, such as corpses or zombies. My fellow acquaintances were a tad apprehensive that I would end up a necrophiliac one day– which I can assure you that I am not. Death is just an idea that has always struck my interest. No, I do not wish to die; however, I tend to wonder frequently about "the other side." Personally, I do not believe in Christianity; I am not one who believes in heaven nor hell. I have my own theories of the afterlife, for I am not sure there is just one simple answer. Regardless, death is something that catches up to all of us, it is inevitable. Due to this being the fate of all living beings, I find it more content... I do not mean to make people uncomfortable, but death seems to make people want to instantly turn the other cheek. Unfortunately, death is not a topic that people freely converse about. Most people shy away from the thought, especially ever since the idiotic acronym "YOLO" came about– which I find rather ignorant considering it is improper grammar usage and it makes no sense. Yes, I believe in living my life and enjoying every moment, but I acknowledge death, I know it is there, stalking me. I have accepted the fact that someday I will be the one in the softly padded coffin with my family and friends surrounding me. Why is that so hard for others to accept that? It is not the end of everything, it is just the end of here and now for that one, specific soul. Due to my comfortableness around and with death and dying, I think that is what truly lead me to yearn to be a mortician. Death is something that I know to be inevitable, and we should celebrate death, not mourn it. However, another reason I would also love being a mortician is to comfort the people who are grieving and make them see and understand how this is a good thing– that is what I foresee as the greatest opportunity in funeral services. I want to make people understand that this is not the end of forever, just the end of here and now. I want them to make sure that they know that, no matter what they believe in, we Get more content on
  • 7. Reflection Paper on Death and the Power of God Introduction Throughout the Introduction to Theology class we have covered a wide variety of topics. Today, we live in such a fast paced society that things often get overlooked. I will be discussing a few topics which I feel are important topics today. One of my topics is something that most of the people I know fear, death. Another important topic that will be discussed is the power of God. Death One of the greatest fears that most people have in their lives is death. I wonder why this is so? Do people mostly fear the way that they will die? Do they feel as if they haven't accomplished everything they have wanted to in their life? I feel these things attribute to the fear that people have with death. There are more content... In the end death is necessary here on Earth so overpopulation does not occur. The reason that I look forward to this day, is becauseJesus Christ lives within my heart. When Jesus died on the cross for my sins he made this possible. This life here on Earth is just temporary. The life that I look forward to is the eternity that I will spend in heaven with Jesus Christ. How amazing will it be to have an eternal life? Power of God We all think that at times in our lives we have power. You might think to yourself, wow I built that table or man the house looks great after painting it. These are examples that do not even come close to what the power of God is. God is the most powerful thing that has been witnessed. God created everything. How can that not be the most powerful act ever? Can you create a tree? I hardly think so. Our Lord created this wonderful planet that we live on. God is so powerful that he created this planet. His power can be seen throughout Earth and the rest of the universe. He carved the wonderful mountains, rivers, and beautiful land that we see every day. Not only has he created the most beautiful planet but God has also shown us in other ways his powers. He is an amazing God. How strong is our God? God is the strongest person on the face of this world. God is strong mentally, physically, and emotionally. He has parted the Red Sea. Can you imagine witnessing this? Do you know Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Death I understood suffering and love and how they both went hand and hand when I looked down at my father's gravestone for the last time. The cemetery was nice–well, as "nice" as a cemetery could be. Paved paths lined the land, so no one had an excuse to stomp all over the grass in their shoes. You'd think the grass then would be an untouched summer green; instead, it always gave off the look to me as being half–dead. As if it could tell it resided in a graveyard, so it of course mirrored the only thing it knew– death. It was a weathered day. Wind pulled on my jacket collar, a sharp breeze passing completely through me. The air howled into my ears, screaming things I could not make sense of. The grey sky was two large stretched–out hands reaching for each other. Layers upon layers of ashen cloud lined above me, hiding the blue and sunlight trapped behind. Yet, the briefest of sun rays broke through small holes in the cinder haze, only to illuminate the top of the aging head stone just briefly. But the scene wasn't as off–putting as it would have been to others. Instead, I found some comfort in the cold and darkness. It was as if the world was mourning his death. The wind, side by side with me, in this time. I wondered then what it would be like if the earth could truly feel. Maybe life would be less cruel in that way. Mother nature would look into me and see what lay beneath–a young boy hidden in my shadow casted onto the ground. A young boy with eyes down pouring like the Get more content on
  • 9. Grief And Loss Reflection Paper The client population I work with at CK McClatchy High School are teenagers whose ages range from 14 to 19. The Student Support Center where I work is an additional resource for students who seek emotional, social, behavioral, or academic support, so my role is to be available for any student who walks in or is referred by school staff or a parent. Although I was quick to understand the best ways of working with my population and I've grown comfortable working with teenagers in general, the aspect that I find challenging is working with teenagers who are grieving a death in their family or community. I believe that this is the area in which I need to grow in because I have never experienced grief in my family as intense as losing my mother, for example, which I think is a problem because I cannot apply my Use of Self. To better assist myself, in this paper I will analyze one peer–reviewed article and two books about teen grief and link a theoretical perspective that demonstrates thoughtful evidence–based practice. In their book titled Living Through Loss: Interventions Across the Life Span, Hooyman and Kramer (2010) provide useful information on adolescents that is crucial to understand their grieving patterns. The authors analyze grief and loss in every developmental stage of our lives, and go in depth into each stage. Hooyman and Kramer find the developmental considerations of adolescents crucial in understanding their grief. Essentially, taking into consideration that Get more content on
  • 10. Socrates Reflection On Death When the thought of death and what it means to die is brought into conversation, many people are rather oblivious or attempt to act so due to not knowing the truth and or how to handle such a serious matter. Regarding Plato's subject matter, in this case, of the subjectivity in association with death and wickedness, the passage chosen is paramount to the understanding of the text because death itself leads way to how it should change our views of the world that we inhabit, along with the acceptance that knowing that you don't know anything is key. Socrates himself brings from the shadows such ideals in his arguments, because without said arguments he wouldn 't be able to stand with his ideology through every problematic more content... In the Apology itself, it explores the many ideas of wisdom, death, skepticism, deception, and one's central values. Viewing the passage chosen in an analytical and argumentative light, there is much in the sense of wisdom that we can derive from it. Death in itself can be considered taboo in the eyes of the general public. It is something that we have to live with, experience with our loved ones, or just wait till the inevitable day that we cannot prevent. Saying that death is frightening is somewhat of an exaggerated understatement. As a whole, the selected passage theorizes that death itself shouldn't be a subject to undermine and be afraid of, but rather something to embrace as it is a "blessing" that should be taken head on. As seen in the article of Socratic Skepticism, "Socrates of course, is found guilty and sentenced to death. But he is not afraid of death, because to fear death is to think of oneself wise without really being so, "for it is to think that we know what we do not know"" (Priscilla 12). This coincides with the idea that wisdom is knowing what you do not know. This is an idea that is scattered all throughout the Apology and is something that Socrates believes in fully. Once Socrates's confrontation with the Oracle of Delphi comes into scene, it is then that he realizes such an important value in life. Once one realizes that true wisdom is knowing that oneself is not wise, is when you are a truly Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection Paper On Grief 2 Reflective Paper–A Personal Journey of Loss and Grief As it applies to the Dual Process and The Meaning Reconstruction Models Tammy Reynolds January TATI DL 2017 –2018 course November 6, 2017 Claudia Mandler McKnight Art Therapy, Spirituality,Grief and Loss Final assignment Introduction This reflection paper will attempt to explore the grief and loss of my father as it relates to Stroebe and Schut's Dual Process Model of Bereavement and Neimeyer's Meaning Construction Model (cited in S. Lister, 2008). I will expand on the two models and posit that the bereavement process is a combination of both the dual process and the meaning construction models as it relates to my grieving process over the loss of my father more content... The bereaved person will oscillate between the loss of the loved one, the meaning of the loss and how it relates to the person's life, their circumstances and their relationship to the deceased. This is the definition of the restorative orientation when the individual oscillates between the emotions surrounding the loss and at times engaging in activities that either ignore or deny the emotions of the loss. (S. Lister, and al., pg. 246). The Meaning–Reconstruction Model Neimeyer (cited in S. Lister and al., 2008) posits there are six propositions as it applies to grief and bereavement: The death of the loved one can either validate or invalidate the perception that we have about death or our understanding of death; Grief is an intimate and personal process that examines who we are and what our self–narrative is because of the loss; Grieving is something that we do because of a loss and not something that is done to
  • 12. us; The grieving process either affirms or reconstructs our world because of the loss; Expressing and having feelings are important and vital to the grieving process and that finding meaning or meaning–making efforts after also important. These feelings and emotions also have a function during the grieving process; and, finally, the loss not only has a personal narrative but a social narrative for the bereaved. (S. Lister et al., pg. 247) This model views significant Get more content on
  • 13. Death Reflection Paper Death is an impactful concept that fills nearly every facet of our modern, and historical society. Nevertheless, the wide reaching impact it has left on humanity since our inception is constantly being unrealized and neglected. When it comes to awkward silences, death must be the most awkward by far. The perspective beaten into me as an American poorly conceptualizesdeath, and leads to rampant fear and irony. Over the past two semesters that perspective has been slowly eaten away as I started to question the origin of the thoughts I once found so concrete. The places my mind travels used to scare and intimidate me, as if conditioned from a young age to reject that level of critical thinking and become nothing more than a one–dimensional cog. The analysis of death taken on in this class showed me the brutal irony it embodies in our society. We live in a day to day immortality that is so twisted and deceptive, all we find in our final moments is a hallow yet obvious realization. Secular and non–secular institutions play a big role in how we imagine death, it is this irony however that exhibits humanities tragic disillusion. As I've come to experience and research the origins of the guiding religions of the historical and modern world, the knowledge of discrepancies has come to be the most interesting detail. Founded in an ancient world, many of these religions tend to lose specific details surrounding their origins. While exploring the origins of Christianity, it became clear Get more content on
  • 14. Losing a Loved One Essay example Losing a Loved One Losing a loved one is like having the rug swept from under you. We make plans for the day, and do not think twice about how those plans can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my uncle's death. I do not think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news. It is amazing how we take life for granted. The tragedy never goes away. You just learn how to cope with it and keep moving on. My mom had been going to school in Virginia and staying at my Aunt Ana's house. She had been away for two weeks and wanted to come home for the weekend. My mom had suggested that I go back with her and more content... I felt as if I was paralyzed, I felt that if I moved it would be real. I just had this blank look on my face. I had no reaction at first and I wanted to deny it, all of it. I kept saying to myself, no it is a lie, they made a mistake. To my complete horror I was wrong. My mom kept saying "I have got to go see Fran. I need to see with my brother" My mom ran down stairs to get ready to go, I followed her and just stood there, still paralyzed. She hugged me and said that she loved me. I had never seen my mom so panicked. She went into the bathroom to take a shower and I could still hear her sobbing through the door. I was all by myself, now. I was standing in the middle of thefamily room as the words "He is dead" pierced my heart like daggers of ice. I was screaming OH, GOD NO, and started to cry uncontrollably. The realization that I would never see my uncle again struck me. After I got myself under control I went and packed my things to leave with my mother. As soon as we were done we were on the next flight to New Jersey. I come from a big family with many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. As I was standing there all alone I thought back to the time when I got to spend a week with Fran. Almost a year ago to the date, most of the family was together for my other uncle's wedding. All the cousins sat at the same table and we had such a good time together. He was a busy person, he Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection Paper About Death This assignment was a unique experience. I never expected myself to be thinking of my death much less planning my funeral. It is one thing to think about dying later in life and not worrying about what will be done than actually thinking about death as if it were near. Recently, talking about the end of life had not been hard for me, but this assignment showed me that talking about dying and death in general is not similar to thinking about the death of oneself or a loved one. A factor that I would say has played a role in me being hesitant in completing this assignment was because of what my father has told me about what is acceptable for the living regarding death according to his culture. Berger (2010) talked about how death is perceived differently in different culture. In the culture my dad was born and raised in nothing that could be associated with death could be done. For example, measuring oneself such as the length of one's hand, feet, height, etc. was not acceptable because my dad had been taught that this was only done for those that were dead in order to find the right casket. For some time, I believed what my father told me but as I grew I realized that talking about dying and death was okay, that indeed it was helpful and in some aspects necessary, but like I previously said, when it becomes more real (as it did in this assignment), it feels odd. There were many things that I found surprising and interesting in doing this assignment. For starters, one of Get more content on
  • 16. Death Reflection Paper This to me is the thesis of this entire lecture. Death is a scary thing to go through, whether a person is hit by a bus or dying from a terminal illness. It is hard on the induvial as well as their families. My mother had a heart attack two years ago in April and went into a coma. We spent two days in the hospital talking with her and hoping she would wake up, but one by one her organs shut down and she was on a ventilator. It did not take us long to realize she was leaving this world. She was young, 52 years old, we could have put her on life support, but we knew it was futile. Even though my parents are divorced and have been since I was 11 I am so proud of my family for how we handled her last days with respect and dignity. This statement really impacted me. I found myself getting emotional while watching this lecture, thinking about the loved ones I have seen through the end of life, from my grandfather at 15 to my mother at 28. When we love someone, we want them to get better and be here for us. No young lady less than 30 wants to be without her mother. Dr. Rae is right though, it is selfish to delay someone's homecoming simply because we are not ready to let them go. I find comfort in the fact that I will see them both again in paradise, but that does not mean it does not hurt. It is also difficult to face an end of life with someone who has not accepted the Lord as their savior even though you may have witnessed to them countless times. Not knowing if you will see Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection On Death And Dying Taking Death and Dying has really widened my world view. Before this class I knew death was a taboo but did not realize how much it played into my daily life and the lives of everyone around us. I also did not realize how rarely death was ever discussed and how little I actually knew about it and the experiences surrounding dying. I did not know what hospice was or that it even existed. From this class I have realized the importance of knowing about death in order to live a better life. And to have fewer regrets not just involving ourselves and things we wished we had done but also involving things we wished we had done for others who have died or are dying. Death is essential to every being and we will all experience it eventually. One of my main takeaways is the knowledge this class has given me in order to help my mom be able to make more educated decisions about my grandfather. And to be able to reevaluate my previous experiences with death and my own future. Before this class, I was aware that people still missed those that passed away even years later, but I still believed in the idea of closure. Despite knowing from my own personal experience with Buttercup, my cat, dying I still believed in closure. Buttercup was a very special cat; he was a stray we adopted off the street. As a stray, he chooses to show up on our doorstep, and we took care of him for six years before he died unexpectedly of a previously undiagnosed heart condition. Every missed him greatly and we Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection Paper On Death And Dying Section A: I am Mexican–American, born to Mexican immigrant parents, and by birthright an American citizen. In my phenotype, I do not look like a stereotypical American, with blonde hair, blue eyes, or a light complexion. I have black hair, dark brown eyes, and a light brown skin complexion. While exploring my Mexican–American or Chicana identity, I can relate to the development described in the Model of Death and Dying. Since, I have the privileges of an American, but have witnessed discrimination against my Mexican counterparts. Part I: The model of Death and Dying first stage is denial. Growing up, I did not think of myself as Mexican–American. In school, I was taught American history, we celebrated American holidays, I spoke English, I was being educated in every academic aspect, but not about my Mexican heritage. Thus, I exclusively identified as an American. I did not associate with being Mexican, I spoke the language–Spanish, but I could not understand the impact that discrimination, stereotypes, and legal status has on people. The second stage of the model is anger, once enrolled in college, I registered in a Spanish literature class. On the first day of class, the professor read us a paper written by a previous student of his, in which he described how he was constantly treated differently than his counterparts for being a darker Mexican–American. His peers undermined his intelligence and questioned his enrollment in university, additionally, would often mock him Get more content on
  • 19. Descriptive Essay About My Funeral Today was funeral day. My mom's funeral. It was a dark October thursday, the clouds were brewing a storm. A slight breeze disturbed my neck. My uncomfortable suit sleeves bellowed in the cold breeze.. I hadn't felt any emotions since the day of her death, which was weeks ago, almost as if my emotion is grey. It was warm then, as my mind was too. Nowadays, up until today, my mind has been a dark fog, as if my mind was released into the sky, darkening everyone's day, arriving at my mom's funeral or just to cuddle up with their friends andfamily in front of a warm crackling fire, telling the stories of their childhood and how times were better. Not me, my dad usually ignored me and he only worked on managing my mom's fortune. Yeah. My mom' more content... It was rather calming, even in this time of darkness. I stumbled and started to kick my dress shoes off. I was drenched by now, and I literally had nothing to lose. I feel like a dark abyss. Am I making this to dark? Should I crack a couple jokes about my newly dead mom? My mourning now depressed father, cooped up with so much work of my dead moms fortune he has no time to even properly to go through the coping stages of losing someone? Yeah, my life is great! Might as well make fun of everything that's wrong with me. Isn't that what most comedians do? They always end up killing themselves. Now that's funny! Okay, it 's really not, I'm just a cruel teenager going through some stuff. I'm dark and sarcastic, dead mom or not. Why am I going on about this? I'm running out of breath, but I'm not sweaty or anything, it is now turning dark and colder, my blurred vision now getting worse and worse. The street lights turn on, showing big orange blurry bulbs down the cobbled road. My bare feet pattered against the wet stones making little splashed by step. I wonder how long I have been running, for I wasn't out of breath. Which was weird, for the only physical thing I ever usually do is shoot hoops and longboard. I was nowhere near out of breath, which felt kinda good. My feet were cramping terribly but I proceed to round a dark corner. This was when the beginning of my short life changed Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection Paper On The Death Of Death Jackie O Just like that, gone. We get into the car and leave for the airport to get to Dallas. We get into the Air Force One and start our short flight. We land at Love Field and meet with the Johnsons. We get out to ecstatic fans cheering. We walked by what seemed miles of fences, that had hundreds of people behind them. We get into the X–100 and start our way to the luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart. When we finally turn down Main Street, I could almost feel the energy coming from the 150,000 plus people that were there for the ten mile motorcade route. We turn off Main Street at Dealey Plaza, and faster than you can say shoot I found myself reaching for pieces of John's head. I see building after buildings rush past me as we speed down the road to get to Parkland Memorial Hospital. We get there and they try a tracheostomy and other things, but nothing worked, John was gone. He was officially pronounced dead at 1 pm that afternoon. My day went from greeting people that were ecstatic to a day of mourning. At two pm on November 22 was such a relieving time for me, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with murder of an officer. Even though the guy who killed my John paid for what he did, I will never be able live with myself because I didn't protect him. If I would've reacted to the first gunshot, maybe John would still be alive. Three days later was the funeral of John, November 25, 1963. We buried him at the Arlington National Cemetery. John moved to the Get more content on