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Refatoração em Larga
     Danilo Sato - @dtsato
8 países

  0+ esc ritórios

                                          On & off shore

1600+ pessoas
                       $200m receita
8 países

  0+ esc ritórios

                                               On & off shore

1600+ pessoas
                           $200m receita
                   Estam os contratando!
                                   r ent-opportunitie
Por que mudamos
Por que mudamos
• Adicionar funcionalidade
Por que mudamos
• Adicionar funcionalidade
• Arrumar bugs
Por que mudamos
• Adicionar funcionalidade
• Arrumar bugs
• Melhorar o design
Por que mudamos
• Adicionar funcionalidade
• Arrumar bugs
• Melhorar o design
• Otimização
Por que mudamos
• Adicionar funcionalidade
• Arrumar bugs
• Melhorar o design
• Otimização
"Refatoração é uma técnica
 disciplinada para reestruturar
código, alterando sua estrutura
    interna sem alterar seu
   comportamento externo"




             Extr air Método




             Eliminar Duplicação
•   Extrair Método

•   Mover Método

•   Extrair Classe

•   Remover Mediador

•   Auto-Encapsular Atributo

•   Decompor Condicional

•   ...




                  Eliminar Duplicação
Outros tipos...

Outros tipos...

              Código   Código
Outros tipos...

                  Código   Código
Teste   Teste
Outros tipos...

                  Código      Código
Teste   Teste

                      Se paração de
                     Respons abilidades
Outros tipos...

Outros tipos...

Teste           Código
Outros tipos...

Teste           Código
Outros tipos...

Teste             Código

                Mudança no Design
Ainda mais...
“Big Picture”
“Big Picture”
“Big Picture”
“Big Picture”
“Big Picture”

Coding Kata!
Coding Kata!

CheckoutControllerTest   CheckoutController

                         Order        Cart
m/dtsato/refact oring-experiment
ht tp://

   CheckoutControllerTest            CheckoutController

                                     Order        Cart
public class CheckoutControllerTest {

    private   CheckoutController checkoutController;
    private   Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily be a mock
    private   Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be a mock
    private   ModelMap model = new ModelMap();

    @Before public void setup() {
        checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order);

    @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() {
        String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout"));
        assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}"));

    @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() {
        String result = checkoutController.placeOrder(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced"));

@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {
                                                   “Extrair Clas
    private final Cart cart;                       OrderControll
                                                                 er em
    private final Order order;                     placeOrder()
                                                                gerando get/s
    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;
    private final OrderController orderController = new OrderController(this);

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return orderController.placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }

    public Order getOrder() { return order; }
    public Cart getCart() { return cart; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {
    private final Cart cart;
                                                    “Inline” inic
    private final Order order;                                     ialização de
    private final OrderController orderController = orderController
                                                    new OrderController(this);

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return orderController.placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }

    public Order getOrder() { return order; }
    public Cart getCart() { return cart; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return new OrderController(this).placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }

    public Order getOrder() { return order; }
    public Cart getCart() { return cart; }
public class OrderController {
    private final CheckoutController checkoutController;

    public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) {
        this.checkoutController = checkoutController;

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("order", checkoutController.getOrder());
        return "orderPlaced";

                                            “Introduzir a
                                                          tributo” orde
                                            cart em Order               r e
public class OrderController {
    private final CheckoutController checkoutController;

    public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) {
        this.checkoutController = checkoutController;

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("order", checkoutController.getOrder());
        return "orderPlaced";
public class OrderController {
    private final CheckoutController checkoutController;
    private final Order order;
    private final Cart cart;

    public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) {
        this.checkoutController = checkoutController;
        order = this.checkoutController.getOrder();
        cart = this.checkoutController.getCart();

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";
⌘⌥P / ⌥    / ⌘Y
                                             “Introduzir p
                                                           arâmetro” ord
                                             e cart no con               er
public class OrderController {                             strutor de
    private final CheckoutController checkoutController; ler e inic
    private final Order order;
    private final Cart cart;

    public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) {
        this.checkoutController = checkoutController;
        order = this.checkoutController.getOrder();
        cart = this.checkoutController.getCart();

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";
public class OrderController {
    private final CheckoutController checkoutController;
    private final Order order;
    private final Cart cart;

    public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController,
                            Order order, Cart cart) {
        this.checkoutController = checkoutController;
        this.order = order;
        this.cart = cart;

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";
                                             “Remoção Segu
                                                           ra” do atribu
public class OrderController {               e parâmetro                 to
    private final CheckoutController checkoutController;
    private final Order order;
    private final Cart cart;

    public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController,
                            Order order, Cart cart) {
        this.checkoutController = checkoutController;
        this.order = order;
        this.cart = cart;

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";
public class OrderController {
    private final Order order;
    private final Cart cart;

    public OrderController(Order order, Cart cart) {
        this.order = order;
        this.cart = cart;

    public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {;
        model.addAttribute("order", order);
        return "orderPlaced";
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }

    public Order getOrder() { return order; }
    public Cart getCart() { return cart; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {
                                                   “Remoção Segu
    private final Cart cart;                                     ra” de getCar
                                                   e getOrder()                t()
    private final Order order;                                   em
    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }

    public Order getOrder() { return order; }
    public Cart getCart() { return cart; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {      “Inline” méto
                                                                 do placeOrder
                                                   mudar argumen               e
    private final Cart cart;                                     tos para usar
                                                   cart e order
    private final Order order;                                  no teste

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {
        return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model);

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
public class CheckoutControllerTest {

    private   CheckoutController checkoutController;
    private   Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily be a mock
    private   Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be a mock
    private   ModelMap model = new ModelMap();

    @Before public void setup() {
        checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order);

    @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() {
        String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout"));
        assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}"));

    @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() {
        String result = new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced"));

public class CheckoutControllerTest {
                                                    “  Introduzir at
    private   CheckoutController checkoutController;                  ributo”
    private                                           or be a ntro
              Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily derComock ller no
    private                                           inicialia ando
              Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be z mock no
    private   ModelMap model = new ModelMap();

    @Before public void setup() {
        checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order);

    @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() {
        String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout"));
        assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}"));

    @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() {
        String result = new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced"));

public class CheckoutControllerTest {

    private   CheckoutController checkoutController;
    private   Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily be a mock
    private   Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be a mock
    private   ModelMap model = new ModelMap();
    private   OrderController orderController;

   @Before public void setup() {
       checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order);
       orderController = new OrderController(order, cart);

   @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() {
       String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model);
       assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout"));
       assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}"));

    @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() {
        String result = orderController.placeOrder(model);
        assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced"));
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
                                                   “Remoção Segu
                                                                 ra” do atribu
                                                   e parâmetro o               to
@Controller public class CheckoutController {                    rder no
    private final Cart cart;
    private final Order order;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.order = order;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }
@Controller public class CheckoutController {

    private final Cart cart;

    @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart) {
        this.cart = cart;

    @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) {
        // other stuff
        model.addAttribute("cart", cart);
        return "checkout";

    String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; }

Identificar Objetivo
Identificar Objetivo
Identificar Objetivo
    Design “ativo”
Identificar Objetivo
            Design “ativo”

•   Design OO
Identificar Objetivo
              Design “ativo”

•   Design OO

•   Direção do Projeto
Identificar Objetivo
              Design “ativo”

•   Design OO

•   Direção do Projeto

•   Decisões Arquiteturais
Identificar Objetivo
    Design “passivo”
Identificar Objetivo
             Design “passivo”

•   Maus Cheiros
Identificar Objetivo
               Design “passivo”

•   Maus Cheiros

•   Métricas
Identificar Objetivo
               Design “passivo”

•   Maus Cheiros

•   Métricas

•   Visualizações
Traçar Estratégia
Traçar Estratégia

    ?            ?

Traçar Estratégia
Traçar Estratégia

• Isole o Impacto das Mudanças
Traçar Estratégia

• Isole o Impacto das Mudanças
• Baby Steps
Traçar Estratégia

• Isole o Impacto das Mudanças
• Baby Steps
• Mantenha os testes passando
Traçar Estratégia

•   Isole o Impacto das Mudanças
•   Baby Steps
•   Mantenha os testes passando
•   Ir para trás antes de ir para frente

         Event                      Event
                       dtsato/kata-ref actoring-calenda
http ://


           Event                             Event
def index(params)
  scope = Event

  case params[:timeframe]
  when 'tomorrow'
    scope = scope.between_day( + 1)
  when 'this_week'
    scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day)
  when 'custom'
    if params[:start_date].blank?
      params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y')
    if params[:end_date].blank?
      params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'),
DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day)
  when 'hour'
    scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H:
  when 'today'
    scope = scope.between_day(

  @events = scope.all
def index(params)
  scope = Event                      switch/case
  case params[:timeframe]
  when 'tomorrow'
    scope = scope.between_day( + 1)
  when 'this_week'
    scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day)
  when 'custom'
    if params[:start_date].blank?
      params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y')
    if params[:end_date].blank?
      params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'),
DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day)
  when 'hour'
    scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H:
  when 'today'
    scope = scope.between_day(

  @events = scope.all
def index(params)
  scope = Event

  case params[:timeframe]
  when 'tomorrow'
    scope = scope.between_day( + 1)
  when 'this_week'
                                                                string parsing
    scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day)
  when 'custom'
    if params[:start_date].blank?
      params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y')
    if params[:end_date].blank?
      params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'),
DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day)
  when 'hour'
    scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H:
  when 'today'
    scope = scope.between_day(

  @events = scope.all
def index(params)
  scope = Event

  case params[:timeframe]
  when 'tomorrow'
    scope = scope.between_day( + 1)
  when 'this_week'
    scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day)
  when 'custom'
    if params[:start_date].blank?
      params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y')
    if params[:end_date].blank?
      params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'),
DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day)
  when 'hour'
    scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H:
  when 'today'
    scope = scope.between_day(
                                                  vários named scopes
  @events = scope.all
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => ["at >= ? AND at <= ?", start_date, end_date ] }

 named_scope :between_hour_on_day, lambda { |start_hour|
   end_date = start_hour + 1.hour-1.second
   { :conditions => {:at => start_hour..end_date} }

  named_scope :between_day, lambda { |date|
    start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day
    end_date = start_date.end_of_day
    { :conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date} }
jeitos diferentes de
                                                  fazer a mesma
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => ["at >= ? AND at <= ?", start_date, end_date ] }

 named_scope :between_hour_on_day, lambda { |start_hour|
   end_date = start_hour + 1.hour-1.second
   { :conditions => {:at => start_hour..end_date} }

  named_scope :between_day, lambda { |date|
    start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day
    end_date = start_date.end_of_day
    { :conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date} }
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => ["at >= ? AND at <= ?", start_date, end_date ] }

 named_scope :between_hour_on_day, lambda { |start_hour|
   end_date = start_hour + 1.hour-1.second
   { :conditions => {:at => start_hour..end_date} }
                                                        mais lógica
  named_scope :between_day, lambda { |date|
    start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day
    end_date = start_date.end_of_day
    { :conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date} }


 • Isolar testes unitários do banco de dados

 • Tratar dos maus cheiros
O Plano

1. Centralizar a lógica de manipulação de datas

2. Unificar named scopes

3. Extrair lógica do Controller

4. Quebrar timeframe em vários pedaços
def index(params)
  case params[:timeframe]
  when 'tomorrow'
    date = + 1
    start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day
    end_date = start_date.end_of_day
  when 'this_week'
    start_date =
    end_date = ( + 6 ).end_of_day
  when 'custom'
    start_date = params[:start_date].blank? ? :
DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y')
    end_date = params[:end_date].blank? ? ( - 2) :
DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day
  when 'hour'
    start_date = DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')
    end_date = start_date + 1.hour-1.second
  when 'today'
    date =
    start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day
    end_date = start_date.end_of_day

  @events = Event.between_dates(start_date, end_date)
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}}
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}}

  lib/calendar_search_controller.rb |     27 +++++++++++++--------------
  lib/event.rb                      |     13 +------------
  spec/event_spec.rb                |     37 -------------------------------------
  3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 63   deletions(-)
              0 .49367 secon
 Finished in           res
 13 examp les, 0 failu

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}}

  lib/calendar_search_controller.rb |     27 +++++++++++++--------------
  lib/event.rb                      |     13 +------------
  spec/event_spec.rb                |     37 -------------------------------------
  3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 63   deletions(-)
Antes                                          Depois
                             ds                   Finished in
              0 .49367 secon                                  0.25355 seco
 Finished in           res                        7 examples,              nds
 13 examp les, 0 failu                                        0 failures

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date|
    {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}}

  lib/calendar_search_controller.rb |     27 +++++++++++++--------------
  lib/event.rb                      |     13 +------------
  spec/event_spec.rb                |     37 -------------------------------------
  3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 63   deletions(-)
O Plano

1. Centralizar a lógica de manipulação de datas

2. Unificar named scopes

3. Extrair lógica do Controller

4. Quebrar timeframe em vários pedaços
class CalendarSearchController
  attr_reader :events

  def index(params)
    timeframe = TimeFrame.for(params[:timeframe], params[:start_date],
params[:end_date], params[:hour])
    @events = Event.between_dates(timeframe.start_date, timeframe.end_date)

                       mudança nos testes:
it "should create time frame from params and retrieve events" do
  timeframe =,
  TimeFrame.should_receive(:for).with('today', 'start', 'end',

  events = [,]

  @controller.index(:timeframe => 'today', :start_date => 'start', :end_date =>
'end', :hour => 'hour') == events
describe "Acceptance tests" do
  around(:each) do |example|
    Event.transaction {; raise ActiveRecord::Rollback }

 before do
   @controller =
   @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')

 it "should return today's events" do
   today_events = [Event.create(:at => @today), Event.create(:at => @today)]
   tomorrow = @today + 1

   tomorrow_events = [Event.create(:at => tomorrow), Event.create(:at => tomorrow)]

   @controller.index(:timeframe => 'today') == today_events

  it   "should return tomorrow's events" ...
  it   "should return this week's events" ...
  it   "should return events for specified date range" ...
  it   "should default date range to this business week" ...
  it   "returns events for a specified hour" ...
describe "Acceptance tests" do
  around(:each) do |example|                                    Depois
    Event.transaction {; raise ActiveRecord::Rollback }
                                                     Finished in
                                                                 0.24538 seco
 before do                                           6 examples,              nds
                                                                 0 failures
   @controller =
   @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')

 it "should return today's events" do
   today_events = [Event.create(:at => @today), Event.create(:at => @today)]
   tomorrow = @today + 1

   tomorrow_events = [Event.create(:at => tomorrow), Event.create(:at => tomorrow)]

   @controller.index(:timeframe => 'today') == today_events

  it   "should return tomorrow's events" ...
  it   "should return this week's events" ...
  it   "should return events for specified date range" ...
  it   "should default date range to this business week" ...
  it   "returns events for a specified hour" ...
class TimeFrame <, :end_date)
  def self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour)
    case type
    when 'tomorrow'
      date = + 1, date.end_of_day)
    when 'this_week', ( + 6 ).end_of_day)
    when 'custom'
      start_date = start_date.blank? ? :
DateTime.strptime(start_date, '%m/%d/%Y')
      end_date = end_date.blank? ? ( - 2) :
DateTime.strptime(end_date, '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day, end_date)
    when 'hour'
      start_date = DateTime.strptime(hour, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')
      end_date = start_date + 1.hour-1.second, end_date)
    when 'today'
      date =, date.end_of_day)
describe TimeFrame do
  before do
    @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')

  describe "today's event" do
    it "should use beginning and end of day" do
      timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil)

      timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day
      timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day
describe TimeFrame do
  before do
    @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')

  describe "today's event" do
    it "should use beginning and end of day" do
      timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil)

      timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day
      timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day
  Rakefile                            |    4 ++
  lib/calendar_search_controller.rb   |   24 +---------
  lib/time_frame.rb                   |   24 ++++++++++
  spec/acceptance_tests.rb            |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  spec/calendar_search_controller_spec.rb |   75 ++++---------------------------
  spec/time_frame_spec.rb                 |   63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
describe d in 0 .25355 secon
 Finishe TimeFrame do es
  before les, 0 failur
  7 examp do
    @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')

  describe "today's event" do
    it "should use beginning and end of day" do
      timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil)

      timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day
      timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day
  Rakefile                            |    4 ++
  lib/calendar_search_controller.rb   |   24 +---------
  lib/time_frame.rb                   |   24 ++++++++++
  spec/acceptance_tests.rb            |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  spec/calendar_search_controller_spec.rb |   75 ++++---------------------------
  spec/time_frame_spec.rb                 |   63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
Antes                                          Depois
                             ds             Finished in
describe d in 0 .25355 secon
      she TimeFrame do
                                                         0.17938 seco
 Fini                                       8 examples,
  before les, 0 failures
  7 ex amp do
                                                         0 failures
    @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')

  describe "today's event" do
    it "should use beginning and end of day" do
      timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil)

      timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day
      timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day
  Rakefile                            |    4 ++
  lib/calendar_search_controller.rb   |   24 +---------
  lib/time_frame.rb                   |   24 ++++++++++
  spec/acceptance_tests.rb            |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  spec/calendar_search_controller_spec.rb |   75 ++++---------------------------
  spec/time_frame_spec.rb                 |   63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
O Plano

1. Centralizar a lógica de manipulação de datas

2. Unificar named scopes

3. Extrair lógica do Controller

4. Quebrar timeframe em vários pedaços
class TimeFrame
  attr_reader :start_date, :end_date

  class Today < TimeFrame
    def initialize
      date =
      @start_date, @end_date = date.at_beginning_of_day, date.end_of_day


describe TimeFrame::Today do
  it "should use beginning and end of day" do
    timeframe =

    timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day
    timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day

class TimeFrame
  def self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour)
    case type
    when 'tomorrow' then
    when 'this_week' then
    when 'custom' then, end_date)
    when 'hour' then
    when 'today' then

describe TimeFrame::Today do
  describe "parsing" do
    it "should parse today's timeframe" do
      TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should
class TimeFrame
  ...          Antes
 .def .self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour)
   ... ...
     case type
               0 .17938 secon
     when 'tomorrow' then
 Finished in
     when les, 0 failures
  8 examp 'this_week' then
     when 'custom' then, end_date)
     when 'hour' then
     when 'today' then

describe TimeFrame::Today do
  describe "parsing" do
    it "should parse today's timeframe" do
      TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should
class TimeFrame
  ...         Antes                                      Depois
  def .self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour)         .
 ....  ...
    case type
                             ds              Finished in
    when d in 0 .17938 secon
      she 'tomorrow' then
                                                          0.19023 seco
 Fini                                        13 examples,
    when les, 0 failures
  8 examp 'this_week' then
                                                           0 failures
    when 'custom' then, end_date)
    when 'hour' then
    when 'today' then

describe TimeFrame::Today do
  describe "parsing" do
    it "should parse today's timeframe" do
      TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should
class TimeFrame
  ...         Antes                                      Depois
  def .self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour)         .
 ....  ...
    case type
                             ds              Finished in
    when d in 0 .17938 secon
      she 'tomorrow' then
                                                          0.19023 seco
 Fini                                        13 examples,
    when les, 0 failures
  8 examp 'this_week' then
                                                           0 failures
    when 'custom' then, end_date)
    when 'hour' then
    when 'today' then

describe TimeFrame::Today do
  describe "parsing" do
  lib/time_frame.rb       |   59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
    it "should parse today's timeframe" do
  spec/time_frame_spec.rb |   44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
      TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should
  2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

“Big Picture”

• Mudanças Arquiteturais
• Unificação de abordagens diferentes
• Substituição de componentes/frameworks
“Big Picture”
“Big Picture”

Escopo    Risco   Esforço   Comunicação
Mikado Method

    Criar pacote para Stranger
            Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method

Criar projeto para
Stranger Eons Ltda.

                      Criar pacote para Stranger
                              Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method

Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                      Criar pacote para Stranger
                              Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method

                                                   Código de UI em projeto

Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                      Criar pacote para Stranger
                              Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method

                                                    Mover código UI para
                                                       novo projeto

 Criar projeto UI
                                                   Código de UI em projeto

Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                      Criar pacote para Stranger
                              Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method
    Quebrar dependência
circular entre Aplicação e UI

                                                          Mover código UI para
                                                             novo projeto

       Criar projeto UI
                                                         Código de UI em projeto

      Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
      Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                            Criar pacote para Stranger
                                    Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method
Extrair ApplicationInterface

    Quebrar dependência
circular entre Aplicação e UI

                                                          Mover código UI para
                                                             novo projeto

       Criar projeto UI
                                                         Código de UI em projeto

      Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
      Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                            Criar pacote para Stranger
                                    Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method
Extrair ApplicationInterface
                                                           Injetar instância de

    Quebrar dependência
circular entre Aplicação e UI

                                                          Mover código UI para
                                                             novo projeto

       Criar projeto UI
                                                         Código de UI em projeto

      Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
      Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                            Criar pacote para Stranger
                                    Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method
Extrair ApplicationInterface
                                                           Injetar instância de

    Quebrar dependência
circular entre Aplicação e UI

                                                          Mover código UI para
                                                             novo projeto

       Criar projeto UI
                                                         Código de UI em projeto

      Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
      Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                            Criar pacote para Stranger
                                    Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method
Extrair ApplicationInterface
                                                           Injetar instância de

    Quebrar dependência
circular entre Aplicação e UI

                                                          Mover código UI para    ✔
                                                             novo projeto
       Criar projeto UI
                                                         Código de UI em projeto

      Criar projeto para                                 Criar teste de aceitação
      Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                            Criar pacote para Stranger
                                    Eons Ltda.
Mikado Method
Extrair ApplicationInterface
                                                           Injetar instância de

    Quebrar dependência
circular entre Aplicação e UI

                                                          Mover código UI para    ✔
                                                             novo projeto
       Criar projeto UI
                                                         Código de UI em projeto

      Criar projeto para    ✔                            Criar teste de aceitação ✔
      Stranger Eons Ltda.                                  para nova aplicação

                            Criar pacote para Stranger
                                    Eons Ltda.
Uma história

Uma história


Uma história


Uma história


A verdade




A verdade





A verdade




A verdade




      vai quebrar
        tudo !!!
Arquitetura de




Arquitetura de




Arquitetura de




Arquitetura de




Arquitetura de




Arquitetura de




Arquitetura de
• Go:
 • “Branch by Abstraction”
 • Migrar de iBatis para Hibernate
 • Migrar de Velocity/JsTemplate para JRuby
    on Rails
Arquitetura de
    • Go:
     • “Branch by Abstraction”
     • Migrar de iBatis para Hibernate
     • Migrar de Velocity/JsTemplate para JRuby
         on Rails
                                  0 11/05/make-large
                           l y-with-branch-by
scale-cha nges-incremental
"Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" - Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John
Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts
"Refactoring to Patterns" - Joshua Kerievsky
"Working Effectively with Legacy Code" - Michael Feathers
"Beheading the Software Beast: Relentless Restructurings with The Mikado Method" -
Daniel Brolund, Ola Ellnestam
Créditos (fotos):
S etembro (18h):
     Segun da-Feira, 12 de
                                / join-revolution
Danilo Sato - @dtsato

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Refatoração em Larga Escala

  • 1. Refatoração em Larga Escala Danilo Sato - @dtsato ThoughtWorks
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. 8 países 0+ esc ritórios 2 On & off shore 1600+ pessoas $200m receita US
  • 9. 8 países 0+ esc ritórios 2 On & off shore 1600+ pessoas $200m receita US Estam os contratando! s r ent-opportunitie http://thou
  • 10.
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  • 12. Por que mudamos código? • Adicionar funcionalidade
  • 13. Por que mudamos código? • Adicionar funcionalidade • Arrumar bugs
  • 14. Por que mudamos código? • Adicionar funcionalidade • Arrumar bugs • Melhorar o design
  • 15. Por que mudamos código? • Adicionar funcionalidade • Arrumar bugs • Melhorar o design • Otimização
  • 16. Por que mudamos código? • Adicionar funcionalidade • Arrumar bugs • Melhorar o design • Otimização
  • 17.
  • 18.
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  • 49. CheckoutControllerTest CheckoutController Order Cart
  • 50. m/dtsato/refact oring-experiment ht tp:// - 9/01/refactoring http://paulham experiment CheckoutControllerTest CheckoutController Order Cart
  • 51. public class CheckoutControllerTest { private CheckoutController checkoutController; private Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily be a mock private Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be a mock private ModelMap model = new ModelMap(); @Before public void setup() { checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order); } @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() { String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}")); } @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() { cart.addTo("dummy"); String result = checkoutController.placeOrder(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{order=Order{cart=Cart{contents=[[dummy]]}}}")); } }
  • 52. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 53. @Controller public class CheckoutController { “Extrair Clas se” private final Cart cart; OrderControll er em private final Order order; placeOrder() gerando get/s et @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 54. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; private final OrderController orderController = new OrderController(this); @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return orderController.placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } public Order getOrder() { return order; } public Cart getCart() { return cart; } }
  • 55. @Controller public class CheckoutController { ⌘⌥N private final Cart cart; “Inline” inic private final Order order; ialização de private final OrderController orderController = orderController new OrderController(this); @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return orderController.placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } public Order getOrder() { return order; } public Cart getCart() { return cart; } }
  • 56. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return new OrderController(this).placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } public Order getOrder() { return order; } public Cart getCart() { return cart; } }
  • 57. public class OrderController { private final CheckoutController checkoutController; public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) { this.checkoutController = checkoutController; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { checkoutController.getOrder().place(checkoutController.getCart()); model.addAttribute("order", checkoutController.getOrder()); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 58. ⌘⌥F “Introduzir a tributo” orde cart em Order r e Controller public class OrderController { private final CheckoutController checkoutController; public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) { this.checkoutController = checkoutController; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { checkoutController.getOrder().place(checkoutController.getCart()); model.addAttribute("order", checkoutController.getOrder()); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 59. public class OrderController { private final CheckoutController checkoutController; private final Order order; private final Cart cart; public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) { this.checkoutController = checkoutController; order = this.checkoutController.getOrder(); cart = this.checkoutController.getCart(); } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 60. ⌘⌥P / ⌥ / ⌘Y “Introduzir p arâmetro” ord e cart no con er public class OrderController { strutor de OrderControl private final CheckoutController checkoutController; ler e inic ializar private final Order order; private final Cart cart; public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController) { this.checkoutController = checkoutController; order = this.checkoutController.getOrder(); cart = this.checkoutController.getCart(); } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 61. public class OrderController { private final CheckoutController checkoutController; private final Order order; private final Cart cart; public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController, Order order, Cart cart) { this.checkoutController = checkoutController; this.order = order; this.cart = cart; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 62. ⌘⌫ “Remoção Segu ra” do atribu public class OrderController { e parâmetro to private final CheckoutController checkoutController; checkoutContr oller private final Order order; private final Cart cart; public OrderController(CheckoutController checkoutController, Order order, Cart cart) { this.checkoutController = checkoutController; this.order = order; this.cart = cart; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 63. public class OrderController { private final Order order; private final Cart cart; public OrderController(Order order, Cart cart) { this.order = order; this.cart = cart; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) {; model.addAttribute("order", order); return "orderPlaced"; } }
  • 64. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } public Order getOrder() { return order; } public Cart getCart() { return cart; } }
  • 65. @Controller public class CheckoutController { ⌘⌫ “Remoção Segu private final Cart cart; ra” de getCar e getOrder() t() private final Order order; em CheckoutContr oller @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } public Order getOrder() { return order; } public Cart getCart() { return cart; } }
  • 66. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 67. ⌘⌥N @Controller public class CheckoutController { “Inline” méto do placeOrder mudar argumen e private final Cart cart; tos para usar cart e order private final Order order; no teste @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } @RequestMapping("/place/order") public String placeOrder(ModelMap model) { return new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model); } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 68. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 69. public class CheckoutControllerTest { private CheckoutController checkoutController; private Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily be a mock private Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be a mock private ModelMap model = new ModelMap(); @Before public void setup() { checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order); } @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() { String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}")); } @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() { cart.addTo("dummy"); String result = new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{order=Order{cart=Cart{contents=[[dummy]]}}}")); } }
  • 70. public class CheckoutControllerTest { ⌘⌥F “ Introduzir at private CheckoutController checkoutController; ributo” private or be a ntro Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily derComock ller no teste, private inicialia ando Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be z mock no setUp() private ModelMap model = new ModelMap(); @Before public void setup() { checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order); } @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() { String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}")); } @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() { cart.addTo("dummy"); String result = new OrderController(order, cart).placeOrder(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{order=Order{cart=Cart{contents=[[dummy]]}}}")); } }
  • 71. public class CheckoutControllerTest { private CheckoutController checkoutController; private Cart cart = new Cart(); // could as easily be a mock private Order order = new Order(); // could as easily be a mock private ModelMap model = new ModelMap(); private OrderController orderController; @Before public void setup() { checkoutController = new CheckoutController(cart, order); orderController = new OrderController(order, cart); } @Test public void checkout_should_add_an_upsell() { String result = checkoutController.goCheckout(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("checkout")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{cart=Cart{contents=[[iPad]]}}")); } @Test public void place_order_in_checkout_should_make_an_order() { cart.addTo("dummy"); String result = orderController.placeOrder(model); assertThat(result, equalTo("orderPlaced")); assertThat(model.toString(), equalTo("{order=Order{cart=Cart{contents=[[dummy]]}}}")); } }
  • 72. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 73. ⌘⌫ “Remoção Segu ra” do atribu e parâmetro o to @Controller public class CheckoutController { rder no CheckoutContr oller private final Cart cart; private final Order order; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart, Order order) { this.cart = cart; this.order = order; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 74. @Controller public class CheckoutController { private final Cart cart; @Autowired public CheckoutController(Cart cart) { this.cart = cart; } @RequestMapping("/go/to/checkout/") public String goCheckout(ModelMap model) { // other stuff cart.addTo(findUpsell(cart)); model.addAttribute("cart", cart); return "checkout"; } String findUpsell(Cart cart) { return cart.size() == 0 ? "iPad" : "iPod Nano"; } }
  • 78. Identificar Objetivo Design “ativo”
  • 79. Identificar Objetivo Design “ativo” • Design OO
  • 80. Identificar Objetivo Design “ativo” • Design OO • Direção do Projeto
  • 81. Identificar Objetivo Design “ativo” • Design OO • Direção do Projeto • Decisões Arquiteturais
  • 82. Identificar Objetivo Design “passivo”
  • 83. Identificar Objetivo Design “passivo” • Maus Cheiros
  • 84. Identificar Objetivo Design “passivo” • Maus Cheiros • Métricas
  • 85. Identificar Objetivo Design “passivo” • Maus Cheiros • Métricas • Visualizações
  • 89. Traçar Estratégia • Isole o Impacto das Mudanças
  • 90. Traçar Estratégia • Isole o Impacto das Mudanças • Baby Steps
  • 91. Traçar Estratégia • Isole o Impacto das Mudanças • Baby Steps • Mantenha os testes passando
  • 92. Traçar Estratégia • Isole o Impacto das Mudanças • Baby Steps • Mantenha os testes passando • Ir para trás antes de ir para frente
  • 93. CalendarSearchController CalendarSearchController Test Event Event
  • 94. r dtsato/kata-ref actoring-calenda http :// CalendarSearchController CalendarSearchController Test Event Event
  • 95. def index(params) scope = Event case params[:timeframe] when 'tomorrow' scope = scope.between_day( + 1) when 'this_week' scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day) when 'custom' if params[:start_date].blank? params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y') end if params[:end_date].blank? params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'), DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day) when 'hour' scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H: %M')) when 'today' scope = scope.between_day( end @events = scope.all end
  • 96. def index(params) scope = Event switch/case case params[:timeframe] when 'tomorrow' scope = scope.between_day( + 1) when 'this_week' scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day) when 'custom' if params[:start_date].blank? params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y') end if params[:end_date].blank? params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'), DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day) when 'hour' scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H: %M')) when 'today' scope = scope.between_day( end @events = scope.all end
  • 97. def index(params) scope = Event case params[:timeframe] when 'tomorrow' scope = scope.between_day( + 1) when 'this_week' string parsing scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day) when 'custom' if params[:start_date].blank? params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y') end if params[:end_date].blank? params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'), DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day) when 'hour' scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H: %M')) when 'today' scope = scope.between_day( end @events = scope.all end
  • 98. def index(params) scope = Event case params[:timeframe] when 'tomorrow' scope = scope.between_day( + 1) when 'this_week' scope = scope.between_dates(, ( + 6 ).end_of_day) when 'custom' if params[:start_date].blank? params[:start_date] ='%m/%d/%Y') end if params[:end_date].blank? params[:end_date] = ( - 2).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end scope = scope.between_dates(DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y'), DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day) when 'hour' scope = scope.between_hour_on_day(DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H: %M')) when 'today' scope = scope.between_day( end vários named scopes @events = scope.all end
  • 99. class Event < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => ["at >= ? AND at <= ?", start_date, end_date ] } } named_scope :between_hour_on_day, lambda { |start_hour| end_date = start_hour + 1.hour-1.second { :conditions => {:at => start_hour..end_date} } } named_scope :between_day, lambda { |date| start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day end_date = start_date.end_of_day { :conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date} } } end
  • 100. jeitos diferentes de fazer a mesma class Event < ActiveRecord::Base coisa named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => ["at >= ? AND at <= ?", start_date, end_date ] } } named_scope :between_hour_on_day, lambda { |start_hour| end_date = start_hour + 1.hour-1.second { :conditions => {:at => start_hour..end_date} } } named_scope :between_day, lambda { |date| start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day end_date = start_date.end_of_day { :conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date} } } end
  • 101. class Event < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => ["at >= ? AND at <= ?", start_date, end_date ] } } named_scope :between_hour_on_day, lambda { |start_hour| end_date = start_hour + 1.hour-1.second { :conditions => {:at => start_hour..end_date} } } mais lógica named_scope :between_day, lambda { |date| start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day end_date = start_date.end_of_day { :conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date} } } end
  • 102. Objetivos Ativo: • Isolar testes unitários do banco de dados Passivo: • Tratar dos maus cheiros
  • 103. O Plano 1. Centralizar a lógica de manipulação de datas 2. Unificar named scopes 3. Extrair lógica do Controller 4. Quebrar timeframe em vários pedaços
  • 104. def index(params) case params[:timeframe] when 'tomorrow' date = + 1 start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day end_date = start_date.end_of_day when 'this_week' start_date = end_date = ( + 6 ).end_of_day when 'custom' start_date = params[:start_date].blank? ? : DateTime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%Y') end_date = params[:end_date].blank? ? ( - 2) : DateTime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day when 'hour' start_date = DateTime.strptime(params[:hour], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') end_date = start_date + 1.hour-1.second when 'today' date = start_date = date.at_beginning_of_day end_date = start_date.end_of_day end @events = Event.between_dates(start_date, end_date) end
  • 105. class Event < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}} } end
  • 106. class Event < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}} } end lib/calendar_search_controller.rb | 27 +++++++++++++-------------- lib/event.rb | 13 +------------ spec/event_spec.rb | 37 ------------------------------------- 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
  • 107. Antes . ............ ds 0 .49367 secon Finished in res 13 examp les, 0 failu class Event < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}} } end lib/calendar_search_controller.rb | 27 +++++++++++++-------------- lib/event.rb | 13 +------------ spec/event_spec.rb | 37 ------------------------------------- 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
  • 108. Antes Depois ....... . ............ ds Finished in 0 .49367 secon 0.25355 seco Finished in res 7 examples, nds 13 examp les, 0 failu 0 failures class Event < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :between_dates, lambda { |start_date, end_date| {:conditions => {:at => start_date..end_date}} } end lib/calendar_search_controller.rb | 27 +++++++++++++-------------- lib/event.rb | 13 +------------ spec/event_spec.rb | 37 ------------------------------------- 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
  • 109. O Plano 1. Centralizar a lógica de manipulação de datas 2. Unificar named scopes 3. Extrair lógica do Controller 4. Quebrar timeframe em vários pedaços
  • 110. class CalendarSearchController attr_reader :events def index(params) timeframe = TimeFrame.for(params[:timeframe], params[:start_date], params[:end_date], params[:hour]) @events = Event.between_dates(timeframe.start_date, timeframe.end_date) end end mudança nos testes: it "should create time frame from params and retrieve events" do timeframe =, TimeFrame.should_receive(:for).with('today', 'start', 'end', 'hour').and_return(timeframe) events = [,] Event.should_receive(:between_dates).with(timeframe.start_date, timeframe.end_date).and_return(events) @controller.index(:timeframe => 'today', :start_date => 'start', :end_date => 'end', :hour => 'hour') == events end
  • 111. describe "Acceptance tests" do around(:each) do |example| Event.transaction {; raise ActiveRecord::Rollback } end before do @controller = @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y') DateTime.stub!(:now).and_return(@today) end it "should return today's events" do today_events = [Event.create(:at => @today), Event.create(:at => @today)] tomorrow = @today + 1 tomorrow_events = [Event.create(:at => tomorrow), Event.create(:at => tomorrow)] @controller.index(:timeframe => 'today') == today_events end it "should return tomorrow's events" ... it "should return this week's events" ... it "should return events for specified date range" ... it "should default date range to this business week" ... it "returns events for a specified hour" ... end
  • 112. describe "Acceptance tests" do around(:each) do |example| Depois ...... Event.transaction {; raise ActiveRecord::Rollback } end Finished in 0.24538 seco before do 6 examples, nds 0 failures @controller = @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y') DateTime.stub!(:now).and_return(@today) end it "should return today's events" do today_events = [Event.create(:at => @today), Event.create(:at => @today)] tomorrow = @today + 1 tomorrow_events = [Event.create(:at => tomorrow), Event.create(:at => tomorrow)] @controller.index(:timeframe => 'today') == today_events end it "should return tomorrow's events" ... it "should return this week's events" ... it "should return events for specified date range" ... it "should default date range to this business week" ... it "returns events for a specified hour" ... end
  • 113. class TimeFrame <, :end_date) def self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour) case type when 'tomorrow' date = + 1, date.end_of_day) when 'this_week', ( + 6 ).end_of_day) when 'custom' start_date = start_date.blank? ? : DateTime.strptime(start_date, '%m/%d/%Y') end_date = end_date.blank? ? ( - 2) : DateTime.strptime(end_date, '%m/%d/%Y').end_of_day, end_date) when 'hour' start_date = DateTime.strptime(hour, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') end_date = start_date + 1.hour-1.second, end_date) when 'today' date =, date.end_of_day) end end end
  • 114. describe TimeFrame do before do @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y') DateTime.stub!(:now).and_return(@today) end describe "today's event" do it "should use beginning and end of day" do timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil) timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day end end ... end
  • 115. describe TimeFrame do before do @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y') DateTime.stub!(:now).and_return(@today) end describe "today's event" do it "should use beginning and end of day" do timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil) timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day end Rakefile | 4 ++ end lib/calendar_search_controller.rb | 24 +--------- ... lib/time_frame.rb | 24 ++++++++++ end spec/acceptance_tests.rb | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ spec/calendar_search_controller_spec.rb | 75 ++++--------------------------- spec/time_frame_spec.rb | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
  • 116. Antes ....... ds describe d in 0 .25355 secon Finishe TimeFrame do es before les, 0 failur 7 examp do @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y') DateTime.stub!(:now).and_return(@today) end describe "today's event" do it "should use beginning and end of day" do timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil) timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day end Rakefile | 4 ++ end lib/calendar_search_controller.rb | 24 +--------- ... lib/time_frame.rb | 24 ++++++++++ end spec/acceptance_tests.rb | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ spec/calendar_search_controller_spec.rb | 75 ++++--------------------------- spec/time_frame_spec.rb | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
  • 117. Antes Depois ........ ....... ds Finished in describe d in 0 .25355 secon she TimeFrame do 0.17938 seco nds Fini 8 examples, before les, 0 failures 7 ex amp do 0 failures @today = DateTime.strptime('06/01/2011', '%m/%d/%Y') DateTime.stub!(:now).and_return(@today) end describe "today's event" do it "should use beginning and end of day" do timeframe = TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil) timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day end Rakefile | 4 ++ end lib/calendar_search_controller.rb | 24 +--------- ... lib/time_frame.rb | 24 ++++++++++ end spec/acceptance_tests.rb | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ spec/calendar_search_controller_spec.rb | 75 ++++--------------------------- spec/time_frame_spec.rb | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
  • 118. O Plano 1. Centralizar a lógica de manipulação de datas 2. Unificar named scopes 3. Extrair lógica do Controller 4. Quebrar timeframe em vários pedaços
  • 119. class TimeFrame attr_reader :start_date, :end_date class Today < TimeFrame def initialize date = @start_date, @end_date = date.at_beginning_of_day, date.end_of_day end end ... end describe TimeFrame::Today do it "should use beginning and end of day" do timeframe = timeframe.start_date.should == @today.at_beginning_of_day timeframe.end_date.should == @today.end_of_day end ... end
  • 120. class TimeFrame ... def self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour) case type when 'tomorrow' then when 'this_week' then when 'custom' then, end_date) when 'hour' then when 'today' then end end end describe TimeFrame::Today do ... describe "parsing" do it "should parse today's timeframe" do TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should be_an_instance_of(TimeFrame::Today) end ... end end
  • 121. class TimeFrame ... Antes .def .self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour) ... ... case type ds 0 .17938 secon when 'tomorrow' then Finished in when les, 0 failures 8 examp 'this_week' then when 'custom' then, end_date) when 'hour' then when 'today' then end end end describe TimeFrame::Today do ... describe "parsing" do it "should parse today's timeframe" do TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should be_an_instance_of(TimeFrame::Today) end ... end end
  • 122. class TimeFrame ... Antes Depois ............ def .self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour) . .... ... case type ds Finished in when d in 0 .17938 secon she 'tomorrow' then 0.19023 seco nds Fini 13 examples, when les, 0 failures 8 examp 'this_week' then 0 failures when 'custom' then, end_date) when 'hour' then when 'today' then end end end describe TimeFrame::Today do ... describe "parsing" do it "should parse today's timeframe" do TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should be_an_instance_of(TimeFrame::Today) end ... end end
  • 123. class TimeFrame ... Antes Depois ............ def .self.for(type, start_date, end_date, hour) . .... ... case type ds Finished in when d in 0 .17938 secon she 'tomorrow' then 0.19023 seco nds Fini 13 examples, when les, 0 failures 8 examp 'this_week' then 0 failures when 'custom' then, end_date) when 'hour' then when 'today' then end end end describe TimeFrame::Today do ... describe "parsing" do lib/time_frame.rb | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- it "should parse today's timeframe" do spec/time_frame_spec.rb | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- TimeFrame.for('today', nil, nil, nil).should 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) be_an_instance_of(TimeFrame::Today) end ... end end
  • 125. “Big Picture” • Mudanças Arquiteturais • Unificação de abordagens diferentes • Substituição de componentes/frameworks
  • 127. “Big Picture” Escopo Risco Esforço Comunicação
  • 128.
  • 129. Mikado Method Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 130. Mikado Method Criar projeto para Stranger Eons Ltda. Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 131. Mikado Method Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 132. Mikado Method Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 133. Mikado Method Mover código UI para novo projeto Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 134. Mikado Method Quebrar dependência circular entre Aplicação e UI Mover código UI para novo projeto Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 135. Mikado Method Extrair ApplicationInterface Quebrar dependência circular entre Aplicação e UI Mover código UI para novo projeto Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 136. Mikado Method Extrair ApplicationInterface Injetar instância de ApplicationInterface Quebrar dependência circular entre Aplicação e UI Mover código UI para novo projeto Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 137. Mikado Method ✔ Extrair ApplicationInterface Injetar instância de ✔ ApplicationInterface Quebrar dependência ✔ circular entre Aplicação e UI Mover código UI para novo projeto Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 138. Mikado Method ✔ Extrair ApplicationInterface Injetar instância de ✔ ApplicationInterface Quebrar dependência ✔ circular entre Aplicação e UI Mover código UI para ✔ novo projeto ✔ ✔ Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para Criar teste de aceitação Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 139. Mikado Method ✔ Extrair ApplicationInterface Injetar instância de ✔ ApplicationInterface Quebrar dependência ✔ circular entre Aplicação e UI Mover código UI para ✔ novo projeto ✔ ✔ Criar projeto UI Código de UI em projeto separado Criar projeto para ✔ Criar teste de aceitação ✔ Stranger Eons Ltda. para nova aplicação ✔ Criar pacote para Stranger Eons Ltda.
  • 141. Uma história APP SVC
  • 142. Uma história APP SVC
  • 143. Uma história APP SVC
  • 144. A verdade APP Model View Controller
  • 145. A verdade APP Model View Controller Helper
  • 146. A verdade APP Model View SVC Controller Helper
  • 147. A verdade APP Model View SVC Controller vai quebrar tudo !!! Helper
  • 148. Arquitetura de transição APP Model View Controller SVC Helper
  • 149. Arquitetura de transição APP Model View Controller SVC Helper
  • 150. Arquitetura de transição APP Model View Controller SVC Helper
  • 151. Arquitetura de transição APP Model View Controller SVC Helper
  • 152. Arquitetura de transição APP Model View Controller SVC Helper
  • 153. Arquitetura de transição APP Model View Controller SVC Helper
  • 154. Arquitetura de Transição • Go: • “Branch by Abstraction” • Migrar de iBatis para Hibernate • Migrar de Velocity/JsTemplate para JRuby on Rails
  • 155. Arquitetura de Transição • Go: • “Branch by Abstraction” • Migrar de iBatis para Hibernate • Migrar de Velocity/JsTemplate para JRuby on Rails - 0 11/05/make-large http://continuo - l y-with-branch-by scale-cha nges-incremental abstraction/
  • 156. Referências Livros: "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" - Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts "Refactoring to Patterns" - Joshua Kerievsky "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" - Michael Feathers "Beheading the Software Beast: Relentless Restructurings with The Mikado Method" - Daniel Brolund, Ola Ellnestam Créditos (fotos): Links: branch-by-abstraction/ Código:
  • 157.
  • 158. S etembro (18h): Segun da-Feira, 12 de / join-revolution http://thought
  • 159. Obrigado! Danilo Sato - @dtsato ThoughtWorks

Editor's Notes

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  63. Mec&amp;#xE2;nica: IDE resolve, ferramentas, cat&amp;#xE1;logos...\n
  64. Exerc&amp;#xED;cios para praticar\nMelhoram uma habilidade espec&amp;#xED;fica: TDD, Algoritmos, Design, C&amp;#xF3;digo ruim? etc...\n
  65. \n
  66. Cobertura 100%\nApplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o Java/Spring\n
  67. \n
  68. Objetivo: extrair placeOrder para outro controller\n
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  81. \n
  82. Foco n&amp;#xED;vel um pouco mais alto\n
  83. \n
  84. N&amp;#xE3;o tem segredo para identificar objetivo\n
  85. N&amp;#xE3;o tem segredo para identificar objetivo\n
  86. N&amp;#xE3;o tem segredo para identificar objetivo\n
  87. \n
  88. \n
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  94. \n
  95. Michael Feathers: Effect Sketches\nCluster de m&amp;#xE9;todos/atributos\nMova c&amp;#xF3;digo repetido para um mesmo lugar\n
  96. Michael Feathers: Effect Sketches\nCluster de m&amp;#xE9;todos/atributos\nMova c&amp;#xF3;digo repetido para um mesmo lugar\n
  97. Michael Feathers: Effect Sketches\nCluster de m&amp;#xE9;todos/atributos\nMova c&amp;#xF3;digo repetido para um mesmo lugar\n
  98. Michael Feathers: Effect Sketches\nCluster de m&amp;#xE9;todos/atributos\nMova c&amp;#xF3;digo repetido para um mesmo lugar\n
  99. Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o Rails. Cobertura 100%\nForm de busca de eventos\nEm Ruby -&gt; n&amp;#xE3;o tem mesmas ferramentas avan&amp;#xE7;adas de refatora&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o\n
  100. \n
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  109. \n
  110. * Escopo &amp;#xFA;nico: between_dates\n* Mais feio (indo para tr&amp;#xE1;s antes de ir para frente)\n* Isolando mudan&amp;#xE7;a (toda a l&amp;#xF3;gica de datas num &amp;#xFA;nico lugar)\n
  111. * Remo&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de c&amp;#xF3;digo &gt; Adi&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de c&amp;#xF3;digo\n* Testes mais r&amp;#xE1;pidos pois os testes dos 3 named scopes acessavam o BD\n
  112. * Remo&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de c&amp;#xF3;digo &gt; Adi&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de c&amp;#xF3;digo\n* Testes mais r&amp;#xE1;pidos pois os testes dos 3 named scopes acessavam o BD\n
  113. * Remo&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de c&amp;#xF3;digo &gt; Adi&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de c&amp;#xF3;digo\n* Testes mais r&amp;#xE1;pidos pois os testes dos 3 named scopes acessavam o BD\n
  114. \n
  115. Skinny Controller\nTestes do Controller usam mocks para testar colabora&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o\n
  116. Testes do controller moveram para teste de aceita&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o (cucumber?)\n\n
  117. * Timeframe s&amp;#xF3; cont&amp;#xEA;m start/end\n* L&amp;#xF3;gica ainda &amp;#xE9; feia\n
  118. * Teste n&amp;#xE3;o acessa mais o BD!\n* Adi&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de muitos testes\n* Pouca mudan&amp;#xE7;a no c&amp;#xF3;digo em si\n
  119. * Teste n&amp;#xE3;o acessa mais o BD!\n* Adi&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de muitos testes\n* Pouca mudan&amp;#xE7;a no c&amp;#xF3;digo em si\n
  120. * Teste n&amp;#xE3;o acessa mais o BD!\n* Adi&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de muitos testes\n* Pouca mudan&amp;#xE7;a no c&amp;#xF3;digo em si\n
  121. \n
  122. * Separa&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o de subclasses em TimeFrame para remover switch/case\n* Testes mudam junto\n
  123. * Factory method ainda tem switch/case (discutir poss&amp;#xED;vel uso de metaprograma&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o)\n* Redu&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o total dos testes unit&amp;#xE1;rios: de 0.4936 para 0.19023 (61%)\n
  124. * Factory method ainda tem switch/case (discutir poss&amp;#xED;vel uso de metaprograma&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o)\n* Redu&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o total dos testes unit&amp;#xE1;rios: de 0.4936 para 0.19023 (61%)\n
  125. * Factory method ainda tem switch/case (discutir poss&amp;#xED;vel uso de metaprograma&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o)\n* Redu&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o total dos testes unit&amp;#xE1;rios: de 0.4936 para 0.19023 (61%)\n
  126. \n
  127. \n
  128. L&amp;#xED;der T&amp;#xE9;cnico: compartilha a vis&amp;#xE3;o\nWorkshops de arquitetura presente vs. futura\n
  129. L&amp;#xED;der T&amp;#xE9;cnico: compartilha a vis&amp;#xE3;o\nWorkshops de arquitetura presente vs. futura\n
  130. L&amp;#xED;der T&amp;#xE9;cnico: compartilha a vis&amp;#xE3;o\nWorkshops de arquitetura presente vs. futura\n
  131. L&amp;#xED;der T&amp;#xE9;cnico: compartilha a vis&amp;#xE3;o\nWorkshops de arquitetura presente vs. futura\n
  132. Escolha objetivo, comece de forma inocente, aprenda e desenho um grafo, rollback quando est&amp;#xE1; quebrado, trabalhe das folhas para a ra&amp;#xED;z\n
  133. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  134. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  135. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  136. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  137. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  138. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  139. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  140. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  141. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  142. 1. Rollback ao decidir separar o projeto UI\n2. Depend&amp;#xEA;ncia circular entre Aplica&amp;#xE7;&amp;#xE3;o e UI\n
  143. \n
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  146. Exemplo\n
  147. Exemplo\n
  148. Exemplo\n
  149. Exemplo\n
  150. Exemplo\n
  151. Exemplo\n
  152. Exemplo\n
  153. Exemplo\n
  154. Exemplo\n
  155. Exemplo\n
  156. Exemplo\n
  157. Exemplo\n
  158. Exemplo\n
  159. Exemplo\n
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