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Instant feedback = 
immediate advantage 
Is your company ready for real-time feedback? 
Authors: Claudine Petit (Head of Marketing CEUR, QuestBack) 
Radu Immenroth (Group Product Director, QuestBack) 
w w w . q u e s t b a c k . C O M
Real-time Feedback Solutions 2 
1. Welcome to now: 
What do your customers think 
about your products and ser-vices? 
What do you know about 
their opinions and how do you 
act on them quickly? New communication 
channels have produced a real flood of cus-tomer 
data, and considerably reduced the dis-tance 
between customers and companies in 
terms of speed of reaction and content. Many 
customers now use the opportunities the In-ternet 
provides to make their voices heard. 
And companies have the chance to use this 
feedback, often called “real-time feedback” to 
improve their customer relationships. 
David Edelman from Harvard Business 
Manager brings the revolutionary 
nature of these new channels into 
sharp focus in his analysis, “The new 
rules of marketing”. 
But how can organizations quickly 
evaluate “real-time” feedback from 
these multiple touchpoints in a 
structured way? For which indus-tries 
is real-time feedback most valuable? 
And what must companies do to transform 
themselves from feedback recipients, to gen-uine 
managers of real-time feedback? Pro-jects 
that, for example, achieve a significant 
improvement in customer loyalty, prove the 
financial value of real-time feedback manage-ment. 
In one case, that meant an increase in 
repeat purchases of 44 % for a brand owner, 
and a simultaneous reduction in the number 
of customers switching to competitors. One 
QuestBack customer can also provide an 
impressive illustration of how real-time feed-back 
management delivers ROI: The number 
of customers generating annual revenue of 
more than €6000 rather than €500 increased by 
30 %. 
This white paper offers companies 
the opportunity to systematically 
assess their readiness for real-time 
feedback in multiple dimensions, 
and answers questions such as: 
Real-world examples from companies like Hilti, 
SWISS, and the user experience consult-ants 
USECON, illustrate exactly where the 
challenges and opportunities for companies 
lie. After all, business success is to a large 
extent dependent on successful customer 
Increase revenues by up 
to 30 % with real-time 
» Even if the fundamentals of the 
Customer Decision Journey don’t 
seem that revolutionary, the impact 
on marketing is profound. (…) Our 
analysis of dozens of marketing 
budgets shows that 70-90 % of the 
money is spent on ads and retail 
campaigns that relate to the 
“consider” and “purchase” phases of 
the sales process. However, influence 
on the user is significantly stronger 
in the “rating”, “enjoy, recommend 
and loyalty” phases.« *1 
A. What fundamental requirements must be 
B. Which processes must be established? 
C. What does it mean for personnel and 
IT infrastructures? 
D. What are the methodological requirements 
to be aware of?
Real-time Feedback Solutions 3 
2. What is real-time? 
Depending on company and customer requirements, 
real-time feedback varies in terms of capture and 
reaction times. It can mean for example, that feedback 
is captured at the point of usage or immediately 
afterwards, but that the evaluation comes later, if it’s 
not related to an urgent request. However, if the feed-back 
indicates that a customer request needs to be 
resolved immediately, it’s clear that evaluation and 
reaction needs to happen more quickly. 
Depending on the form, real-time feedback manage-ment 
should take in relation to; feedback capture, 
evaluation and reaction for a particular company, and 
it’s important that businesses align their methods, 
processes and technologies accordingly. This is 
the only way that the respective requirements can 
be mapped. The following checklist provides an 
initial opportunity to assess the real-time feedback 
management requirements of your business. 
Who uses real-time feedback? 
The fact that a company receives a lot of feedback from 
customers does not, on it’s own, automatically mean 
there is a need for real-time feedback. The question 
is rather, to what extent do feedback channels 
have an effect on the success of the company? 
For example, feedback clearly has an effect if a 
brand wants to differentiate on customer service, or 
when customer loyalty and therefore the number of 
repeat buyers increases as a result. Here the quantity 
of feedback or ‘Big Data’ factor comes into play. If 
there are a large number of touchpoints i.e. interac-tions 
between companies and customers, then it’s 
likely that real-time feedback management will reveal 
very valuable information. However, a single piece of 
feedback can also have an enormous impact when 
in comes to a major customer. In both cases then, a 
systematic and personalized approach to customer 
care is very valuable. 
This is proven by the experience of SWISS, part of 
the Lufthansa Group: 
» By implementing an online questionnaire 
using the QuestBack System, we can 
continuously track all our important KPIs – 
including the particularly significant 
Arrival Experience«, 
explains Samuel Rodenhausen, Market Research 
Manager at SWISS, about the implementation of 
their system. Through the rapid availability of survey 
answers, SWISS can react to feedback immediately: 
if the customer wants to be contacted, it can happen 
quickly, impacting positively on customer loyalty. 
Real-time Feedback Solutions 4 
Early detection or fire fighting – what 
can real-time feedback achieve? 
What can companies do today with the flood of 
data coming in? It’s possible to fundamentally 
differentiate between two functions of real-time 
feedback management – alerts and reporting. The 
alert function helps address customer problems or 
needs as quickly as possible. 
If, after using the online shop, an existing customer 
completes a questionnaire about usage problems, 
the right system can inform the relevant customer 
adviser about it immediately via email. A call the 
next day shows the customer that he is being taken 
seriously and is valued. If the problem can then be 
solved, you have a customer that is happier and 
more loyal than before the problem occurred. 
Taking a long-term view of customer value, 
customer satisfaction and the depth of a customer 
relationship become central economic factors 
(Diag. 1*2) that can be maintained and enhanced 
through feedback management. 
According to a Harvard Business Review report, 
increased customer loyalty has another effect that 
can impact revenues: loyal customers don’t go 
through the early stages of the buying decision 
every time, but make repeat purchases on the 
basis of their existing trust in the company.*3 
Identify the trend, react rapidly 
Nevertheless, repeat purchases a consistently 
excellent buying experience. Used at a management 
level, the reporting function can reveal interactions 
that may signify wider trends via dashboards (Diag. 2) 
Are complaints about delivery times increasing? 
Is there a delay in reaction from support at the 
moment? Where are there positive customer 
experiences that can improve the situation? The 
overview a dashboard provides can also trigger 
another real-time alert in a second-step, and 
activate the appropriate response: Are more 
personnel required in support? Should customer 
advisors intervene to apologize and compensate 
customers for delivery delays? In this way, 
real-time feedback management becomes a 
management instrument for marketing, sales, 
or support as well as every other business area 
involved in the customer experience. 
How much is a customer worth? 
Industry Timeframe Customer value 
Loyal café visitor 1 year 1400 € 
Typical supermarket customer 10 years 50,000 € 
Regular Pizzeria customer Lifetime 8000 € 
Loyal credit card customer Lifetime 12000 € 
Typical car buyer Lifetime 150,000 € 
Loyal luxury car owner Lifetime 320,000 € 
Diag. 1: According to Bernd Strauss, Wolfgang Seidel, “Complaint management – unhappy customers as a 
profitable target group”, 4th edition, 2007, Hanser Publishers, page 27
Real-time Feedback Solutions 5 
Tool or philosophy – What are the 
prerequisites for successful real-time 
feedback management? 
For real-time feedback management to have an 
impact, it must develop into something more valuable 
than a “tool”. The prerequisite for this is a clear com-mitment 
from management to integrate feedback 
into corporate strategy. This means that feedback 
in all its dimensions needs to be incorporated: in the 
design of business processes, the implementation 
of IT infrastructure, as well as in the development of 
the organizational structure and personnel planning. 
According to a prediction from Gartner, half the 
Fortune 1000 companies will have developed a 
“Voice of the customer” strategy by 2015, but only 
10 % of them will actually have implemented it *4. 
That leaves room for organizations to gain competi-tive 
Are your business processes already 
Real-time feedback can’t be implemented “just 
like that”. It is rather the logical consequence of 
making the entire organization customer focused. 
Only when all business units focus on ensuring 
that a customer has a positive experience at every 
touchpoint, can the corresponding automated and 
rule-based system processes be aligned to maximize 
the impact of the customer-oriented strategy. 
Many companies have already taken the first step 
in this direction. They are strengthening measures 
to make the brand experience tangible for 
customers at as many touchpoints as possible, 
and fostering the dialog between customers and 
the company through digital media such as apps 
and onsite touchpads. 
Do you know your touchpoints? 
The days when examining the point of sale was 
all that was needed to get a picture of interaction 
with customers are long gone. Nevertheless, many 
companies aren’t aware of all their touchpoints, 
from comments on Facebook, to conversations with 
sales people, and interactions with middlemen such 
as delivery services or sales partners. That’s why, 
when starting out with real-time feedback manage-ment, 
all touchpoints must first be identified and the 
most relevant selected. Relevance is a question of 
definition which, in this case, is described by using 
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 
A simple example from the cosmetics industry 
illustrates the innovation potential that is often left 
untapped here. A McKinsey study found that more 
than 60 % of face cream users only gather infor-mation 
about the product after they have already 
bought it – a touchpoint that was completely over-looked 
until then*5, but which is obviously of cen-tral 
importance to satisfaction during the customer 
journey, and therefore provides a good opportunity 
to collect real-time feedback. 
DIAG 2. Example of trends across different touchpoints at a 
supermarket chain in the USECON dashboard. 
(Customer Project QuestBack Central Europe)
Real-time Feedback Solutions 6 
When is interaction and intervention 
Information is worthless until it results in action. 
Effective feedback management must therefore 
have a certain level of intelligence in order to 
decide when intervention is necessary and when 
not. Threshold levels need to be set for the touch-point 
KPIs that trigger an action. This also helps 
avoid overreaction. Ideally, real-time feedback 
works like a personal conversation, in that sub-sequent 
questions and reactions should emerge 
naturally during the course of the discussion. 
These must flow into the relevant processes that, 
for example, determine escalation levels when a 
customer needs to be contacted, highlight where 
existing customer history enhances the current 
feedback, or ensure that the relevant employee 
actually has access to this information. To en-sure 
that happens, the supporting processes and 
responsibilities must be clearly defined. 
Are the responsibilities defined? 
Even with the highest level of automation, there 
must be people available that can make decisions 
at any point along the real-time feedback loop. It’s 
important that there is a a project manager outside 
of IT, that is accountable for the issue and ensures 
that, for example, feedback content is delivered 
to the right place, whether that means marketing, 
management or the relevant support person. 
What role does privacy play? 
A real-time feedback management system 
initially asks questions anonymously and must 
give the customer a choice over whether people 
can be surveyed individually if required. This can 
happen via a relevant question during the survey 
process that allows the customer to agree to be 
approached. It also means however, that from this 
moment on an expectation exists. The customer 
wants to be taken seriously, and that means he 
expects an appropriate and immediate reaction. 
The customer will only give up his privacy if he gets 
an appropriate service in return.
Real-time Feedback Solutions 7 
Which channels are available? 
While touchpoint tracking identifies the relevant 
channels, the IT infrastructure must ensure that as 
many channels as possible feed into a consistent, 
comprehensive view of feedback data. But the flow 
of feedback in the other direction is also critical: Can 
feedback be collected from everywhere, wherever it 
originates? Real-time feedback also has to account 
for the fact that respondents are on the move. That’s 
why questionnaires must work as well on mobile 
devices as they do on desktop computers. 
How fast is your customer journey? 
The more touchpoints that interaction with your 
customers involves, the more relevant incidents 
accumulate. The right system must be able to define 
the level of detail that measured via feedback 
monitoring. For example, QuestBack currently delivers 
half-hourly reporting on the relevant KPIs according 
to need. But it’s important to differentiate between 
the speed of feedback provision and the reaction 
to it. Does someone have to be contacted imme-diately 
in order to ensure customer satisfaction? 
This is known as a “transactional survey”. Or is 
it sufficient to ask a customer twice a year about 
his satisfaction within the context of a regular 
“relational survey”. 
Other time-critical aspects can also play a role 
however. It’s especially important 
during the test and development 
phases of products, to measure 
the user experience and make 
improvements in order to avoid 
costly development mistakes. 
This is how USECON, a user experience 
consultancy, with the help of the EFS panel (EFS 
= Enterprise Feedback Suite) from QuestBack 
developed an efficient survey platform that among 
other things, enables a repeat survey among panel 
participants. This can be used to survey users at 
different times and in different situations, whether 
that means the early development phases of a 
new product, or across the entire product cycle. 
For its part, QuestBack customer SWISS is 
using its newly deployed feedback system to allow 
customers to provide feedback on every element 
of the service they receive. This enables teething 
problems to be localized immediately when new 
products are introduced. Time-related consid-erations 
are therefore always oriented towards a 
system’s real-world use cases. 
Which visualizations are required? 
It makes sense that a relevant visualization of 
target KPIs and drill down dimensions is defined for 
management reports. That’s how dashboards 
earn their name and simplify the navigation of a 
company’s KPI landscape. (See DIAG. 3) 
DIAG: 3, Example of a QuestBack dashboard 
for an NPS evaluation 
Real-time Feedback Solutions 8 
Is integration into existing systems like 
SAP possible? 
The full potential of real-time feedback can only 
be realized in combination with other systems. 
(DIAG.4.). The combination of customer feedback 
and operational data enables prioritization: Where 
is there a danger that a major customer will switch? 
Was a regular or very good customer affected by 
a system crash? Who is least affected by delivery 
Customer CRM 
Contacts Touchpoints Customer Workflow Questback Workflow 
DIAG. 4: QuestBack workflow for implementation of real-time feedback management 
Participiant Import 
Exchange Server 
Automatic Invitation 
Engagement / Action Dashbord Reporting 
Case Data 
Data Export 
E-Mail Alerts Survey
Real-time Feedback Solutions 9 
Is the deployed system 
intelligent enough? 
There are numerous systems available to evaluate 
data. The main differences lie in their scalability 
and controllability. The system you select needs a 
memory and appropriate rules for exceptions, 
DIAG.5 Sample customer journey from SWISS airlines 
priorities and escalation levels. The longer the 
company journey, the more significant these 
properties are. (DIAG. 5).
Real-time Feedback Solutions 10 
D. Methodology 
Which is the right survey concept? 
During the planning of a real-time feedback 
management system, it’s especially important that 
all parameters are aligned with one another. The 
KPIs identified through touchpoint tracking must 
be fed into a survey concept that is actually used. 
Otherwise the result is false results and ineffective 
interaction and control maneuvers. 
Which are the relevant KPIs? 
Within the context of so-called touchpoint tracking, 
the requirements for an effective real-time feed-back 
management system need to be established. 
Touchpoint tracking takes place along the entire 
customer journey, in other words the path that a 
customer takes with a company, including the first 
contact via an Internet ad, through to visiting the 
website and the purchase of a product, all the way 
up to a call to a support hotline, and participation 
in an annual customer survey via a smartphone. 
app Brand 
DIAG 6: Every touchpoint has a different effect on the 
customer experience. 
The combination of all touchpoints is the basis 
of the customer experience. Through analysis of 
the interaction at each touchpoint, it’s possible to 
define what influence each has on the customer 
experience or, even better, on revenue. QuestBack 
can currently measure and evaluate around 
50 touchpoints. A study from McKinsey revealed 
that a differentiated experience at touchpoints 
is especially important. It showed that to a large 
extent, the influence of different touchpoints is 
dependent on whether a customer is still in the 
consideration phase, or already in an evaluation or 
buying decision phase. In the consideration phase, 
he is mainly influenced by consumer-led marketing 
such as test reviews or recommendations, and 
rarely by interaction with sales people. *5 
How do you get reliable results? 
When it comes to alerts, it’s about asking the 
right questions and helping customers at the right 
moment (see survey concept). For reporting, tried 
and trusted market research criteria are more impor-tant. 
For segmentation and validation in particular, 
the results must be selective and reliable. That’s 
because the conclusions and resulting decisions 
made on information extracted from the dashboard 
can have a direct effect on revenue. Reliability is 
therefore critical at this level of evaluation. 
Real-time Feedback Solutions 11 
3. Customer case study HILTI 
– the exception is the rule 
The following project analysis demonstrates 
an example from HILTI, that demonstrates 
what the actual implementation of a 
real-time feedback management system 
looks like, what the requirements were, and how the 
three dimensions of process, IT and methodology 
each played a role in the success of the project. 
HILTI AG provides leading technology products, 
systems and services to the construction industry. 
Because two-thirds of its 22,000 strong workforce 
are in sales and technology roles and have direct 
contact with customers, there are around 200,000 
touchpoints per day. Customer satisfaction is 
therefore extremely important for HILTI. 
• Customer focus: As a premium provider, customer 
service and feedback is particularly important. 
As a result, Hilti has been measuring customer 
satisfaction since 1994, making the company a 
pioneer within the construction industry. 
explains Steffen Müller, Head of Corporate Market 
research at HILTI AG. 
• Goal setting and touchpoint inventory: In 
addition to regular telephone surveys on satisfaction 
and loyalty, Hilti wanted to collect feedback 
directly after each of the 200,000 daily contacts 
with the company, such as a meeting with an 
account manager, a sales conversation in a Hilti 
center, an online order, a complaint to the hotline, 
or the repair of a drill by an engineer. To measure 
customer satisfaction at the “moment of truth”, 
i.e. directly after an individual transaction, Hilti 
decided in 2010 to extend the telephone survey 
with an online survey. 
200,000 daily touchpoints – 
customer satisfaction has the 
highest priority at HILTI 
» The data on overall customer satisfaction 
and loyalty are a benchmark of success for 
us. They also influence the compensation of 
many employees, right up to management 
Real-time Feedback Solutions 12 
The technical implementation 
• Technical solution: The online questionnaire 
based on the enterprise feedback suite (EFS) 
from QuestBack is connected through a direct 
interface to Hilti’s SAP system. This makes the 
buying history of each customer available for 
analysis. The software is web-based, and can be 
used within any standard browser. Completion 
of the questionnaire is easy from a wide range of 
digital devices. 
The methodology 
• Survey triggers and process: Hilti uses the 
online questionnaire in 15 market organizations 
with more than 80 % share of sales. Each customer 
who has had some contact with an account 
manager, a Hilti Center, an online order, the 
hotline or a repair service is invited to partici-pate 
via email. The online survey takes just two 
minutes to complete, and is focused on the 
current customer situation (DIAG.8). This ensures 
valid data about a real customer case is produced. 
How satisfied are you with the recent visit from your Account Manager 
Please give a rating using a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means »very dissatisfied« and 10 means »very satisfied« 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Don‘t 
Quality of advice given Flexibility for local questions 
DIAG. 8: Example of a real-time feedback questionnaire 
DIAG. 7: RTF workflow process at Hilti 
10 - Very 
1 - Very 
Use of your time 
Understands what you need 
Open item
Real-time Feedback Solutions 13 
Resulting processes 
• Alerts and reporting: If a customer complains 
in the online survey, the relevant team contacts 
him within two working days to solve the problem. 
» Most customers are impressed with a 
call within 2 days of taking part in the 
online survey«, 
says Steffen Müller. Through the evaluation of the 
online survey, Hilti can strengthen relationships 
between the customer and the company. The 
evolution of customer satisfaction is illustrated 
by weekly cockpit charts for every interaction 
• Overall benefit of the system: The values 
for overall customer satisfaction and loyalty 
have increased significantly since the introduc-tion 
of real-time feedback in comparison with 
the company’s closest competitors. In addi-tion, 
a great deal of insight about process im-provements 
has been generated, and Hilti has 
received feedback from more than 18,000 
customers, representing a significantly better 
response rate of up to 20 %. 
DIAG. 9: Real-time feedback influences the fundamental structure and quality control of the organization.
Real-time Feedback Solutions 14 
4. Conclusion and Outlook 
Real-time feedback management requires 
a sophisticated and highly integrated 
technical solution. However, the technical 
concept and implementation are just two 
of the building blocks for the entire concept. Only 
when all the requirements in terms of processes, 
infrastructure, data and methodologies are fulfilled, is 
it time to consider the technical integration. The effort 
of fulfilling these requirements will be rewarded with 
a measureable return on investment. Implementing 
a real-time feedback management system lays the 
foundations for a rapid, technology-driven enhance-ment 
of the business, and the opportunities to use 
feedback management as a strategic tool will only 
grow in the future. It can be safely assumed that 
within the next few years, new channels and new 
global touchpoints will evolve that also need to be 
integrated into the feedback system from a technical 
and process perspective. The feedback loop is 
becoming increasingly closed, as every touchpoint 
can be covered within a survey, improvements are 
made following every survey, interactions following 
those improvements can themselves be evaluated, 
and so on. This opens the way to the evolution of a 
feedback economy that treats customer orientation 
as the foundation of the business model. Studies show 
that most companies have recognized the need for 
action in this area. In a survey from DMA and neolane, 
77% of the companies asked named personalization 
in real-time, i.e. the individual and feedback-related 
alignment of offers and content, as the most important 
challenge facing their organizations. *6. The exciting 
question is, to what extent these companies will ad-dress 
this challenge, and develop and implement an 
appropriate feedback strategy.
Real-time Feedback Solutions 15 
5. Real-time 
feedback management 
A company’s willingness to drive a 
measureable dialog with customers 
along the entire length of the customer 
journey usually indicates that the 
organization has already taken the first step 
along this path by orienting the entire structure 
of the company towards customers. 
In order for real-time feedback to have maximum 
impact, the company must identify and analyze 
the relevant touchpoints, and the challenges and 
opportunities in interactions with customers. This 
analysis can be used as the starting point for the col-lection 
and evaluation of customer feedback, and 
defining appropriate reactions to it. These preliminary 
tasks determine how a company must organize 
its processes, methodologies and IT landscape. 
Particularly important here, is whether a customer 
uses customer feedback to identify trends, or as 
the basis for long-term management decisions. 
All implementation scenarios have one thing in 
common: To collect, analyze and react to customer 
feedback as quickly as possible. Initial experiences 
with real-time feedback show that fast reactions can 
significantly affect customer loyalty, which in turn 
has a direct impact on revenues. With its 200,000 
touchpoints, Hilti has impressively demonstrated how 
a flood of data can be transformed into increased 
customer satisfaction and more repeat purchases. 
This required a comprehensive integration with 
existing IT systems like SAP, through which feedback 
data is further enhanced and systematically utilized. 
Because of the wide-ranging impact of real-time 
feedback, its implementation is a key management 
task and requires appropriate personnel and organi-zational 
structures. As soon as these structures are 
in place, future channels can be easily integrated into 
the IT and process landscape and monetized. 
The essentials at a 
*1 SOURCE: “Communication. The new rules of marketing“, DAVID C. EDELMANN, HARVARD BUSNIESS MANAGER, 2. AUGUST 2011 
*2 SOURCE: BERND STAUSS, WOLFGANG SEIDEL, „Complaint management unhappy customers as profitable target group- “ , 4. Edition 
2007, HANSER Publishers, S. 27 
w w w . q u e s t b a c k . c om 
Company Profile 
questback is a global leader in enterprise feedback management, market research solutions, 
social crm, customer experience management, and hr management. 
the company‘s software solutions enable organizations to gain actionable insights and build 
stronger relationships with customers and employees. founded in 2000, questback is head-quartered 
in oslo, norway and privately held with 17 offices worldwide. more than 4,000 global 
customers rely on questback – including volvo, ernst & young, coca-cola and general mills.

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Realtime feedback whitepaper

  • 1. Instant feedback = immediate advantage Is your company ready for real-time feedback? Authors: Claudine Petit (Head of Marketing CEUR, QuestBack) Radu Immenroth (Group Product Director, QuestBack) w w w . q u e s t b a c k . C O M
  • 2. Real-time Feedback Solutions 2 1. Welcome to now: What do your customers think about your products and ser-vices? What do you know about their opinions and how do you act on them quickly? New communication channels have produced a real flood of cus-tomer data, and considerably reduced the dis-tance between customers and companies in terms of speed of reaction and content. Many customers now use the opportunities the In-ternet provides to make their voices heard. And companies have the chance to use this feedback, often called “real-time feedback” to improve their customer relationships. David Edelman from Harvard Business Manager brings the revolutionary nature of these new channels into sharp focus in his analysis, “The new rules of marketing”. But how can organizations quickly evaluate “real-time” feedback from these multiple touchpoints in a structured way? For which indus-tries is real-time feedback most valuable? And what must companies do to transform themselves from feedback recipients, to gen-uine managers of real-time feedback? Pro-jects that, for example, achieve a significant improvement in customer loyalty, prove the financial value of real-time feedback manage-ment. In one case, that meant an increase in repeat purchases of 44 % for a brand owner, and a simultaneous reduction in the number of customers switching to competitors. One QuestBack customer can also provide an impressive illustration of how real-time feed-back management delivers ROI: The number of customers generating annual revenue of more than €6000 rather than €500 increased by 30 %. This white paper offers companies the opportunity to systematically assess their readiness for real-time feedback in multiple dimensions, and answers questions such as: Real-world examples from companies like Hilti, SWISS, and the user experience consult-ants USECON, illustrate exactly where the challenges and opportunities for companies lie. After all, business success is to a large extent dependent on successful customer interactions. Increase revenues by up to 30 % with real-time feedback » Even if the fundamentals of the Customer Decision Journey don’t seem that revolutionary, the impact on marketing is profound. (…) Our analysis of dozens of marketing budgets shows that 70-90 % of the money is spent on ads and retail campaigns that relate to the “consider” and “purchase” phases of the sales process. However, influence on the user is significantly stronger in the “rating”, “enjoy, recommend and loyalty” phases.« *1 A. What fundamental requirements must be fulfilled? B. Which processes must be established? C. What does it mean for personnel and IT infrastructures? D. What are the methodological requirements to be aware of?
  • 3. Real-time Feedback Solutions 3 2. What is real-time? DIFFERENT KINDS OF REAL-TIME? Depending on company and customer requirements, real-time feedback varies in terms of capture and reaction times. It can mean for example, that feedback is captured at the point of usage or immediately afterwards, but that the evaluation comes later, if it’s not related to an urgent request. However, if the feed-back indicates that a customer request needs to be resolved immediately, it’s clear that evaluation and reaction needs to happen more quickly. Depending on the form, real-time feedback manage-ment should take in relation to; feedback capture, evaluation and reaction for a particular company, and it’s important that businesses align their methods, processes and technologies accordingly. This is the only way that the respective requirements can be mapped. The following checklist provides an initial opportunity to assess the real-time feedback management requirements of your business. CHECKLIST A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Who uses real-time feedback? The fact that a company receives a lot of feedback from customers does not, on it’s own, automatically mean there is a need for real-time feedback. The question is rather, to what extent do feedback channels have an effect on the success of the company? For example, feedback clearly has an effect if a brand wants to differentiate on customer service, or when customer loyalty and therefore the number of repeat buyers increases as a result. Here the quantity of feedback or ‘Big Data’ factor comes into play. If there are a large number of touchpoints i.e. interac-tions between companies and customers, then it’s likely that real-time feedback management will reveal very valuable information. However, a single piece of feedback can also have an enormous impact when in comes to a major customer. In both cases then, a systematic and personalized approach to customer care is very valuable. This is proven by the experience of SWISS, part of the Lufthansa Group: » By implementing an online questionnaire using the QuestBack System, we can continuously track all our important KPIs – including the particularly significant Arrival Experience«, explains Samuel Rodenhausen, Market Research Manager at SWISS, about the implementation of their system. Through the rapid availability of survey answers, SWISS can react to feedback immediately: if the customer wants to be contacted, it can happen quickly, impacting positively on customer loyalty. CASE STUDY
  • 4. Real-time Feedback Solutions 4 Early detection or fire fighting – what can real-time feedback achieve? What can companies do today with the flood of data coming in? It’s possible to fundamentally differentiate between two functions of real-time feedback management – alerts and reporting. The alert function helps address customer problems or needs as quickly as possible. If, after using the online shop, an existing customer completes a questionnaire about usage problems, the right system can inform the relevant customer adviser about it immediately via email. A call the next day shows the customer that he is being taken seriously and is valued. If the problem can then be solved, you have a customer that is happier and more loyal than before the problem occurred. Taking a long-term view of customer value, customer satisfaction and the depth of a customer relationship become central economic factors (Diag. 1*2) that can be maintained and enhanced through feedback management. According to a Harvard Business Review report, increased customer loyalty has another effect that can impact revenues: loyal customers don’t go through the early stages of the buying decision every time, but make repeat purchases on the basis of their existing trust in the company.*3 Identify the trend, react rapidly Nevertheless, repeat purchases a consistently excellent buying experience. Used at a management level, the reporting function can reveal interactions that may signify wider trends via dashboards (Diag. 2) Are complaints about delivery times increasing? Is there a delay in reaction from support at the moment? Where are there positive customer experiences that can improve the situation? The overview a dashboard provides can also trigger another real-time alert in a second-step, and activate the appropriate response: Are more personnel required in support? Should customer advisors intervene to apologize and compensate customers for delivery delays? In this way, real-time feedback management becomes a management instrument for marketing, sales, or support as well as every other business area involved in the customer experience. How much is a customer worth? Industry Timeframe Customer value Loyal café visitor 1 year 1400 € Typical supermarket customer 10 years 50,000 € Regular Pizzeria customer Lifetime 8000 € Loyal credit card customer Lifetime 12000 € Typical car buyer Lifetime 150,000 € Loyal luxury car owner Lifetime 320,000 € Diag. 1: According to Bernd Strauss, Wolfgang Seidel, “Complaint management – unhappy customers as a profitable target group”, 4th edition, 2007, Hanser Publishers, page 27
  • 5. Real-time Feedback Solutions 5 Tool or philosophy – What are the prerequisites for successful real-time feedback management? For real-time feedback management to have an impact, it must develop into something more valuable than a “tool”. The prerequisite for this is a clear com-mitment from management to integrate feedback into corporate strategy. This means that feedback in all its dimensions needs to be incorporated: in the design of business processes, the implementation of IT infrastructure, as well as in the development of the organizational structure and personnel planning. According to a prediction from Gartner, half the Fortune 1000 companies will have developed a “Voice of the customer” strategy by 2015, but only 10 % of them will actually have implemented it *4. That leaves room for organizations to gain competi-tive advantage. B. PROCESS REQUIREMENTS Are your business processes already customer-oriented? Real-time feedback can’t be implemented “just like that”. It is rather the logical consequence of making the entire organization customer focused. Only when all business units focus on ensuring that a customer has a positive experience at every touchpoint, can the corresponding automated and rule-based system processes be aligned to maximize the impact of the customer-oriented strategy. Many companies have already taken the first step in this direction. They are strengthening measures to make the brand experience tangible for customers at as many touchpoints as possible, and fostering the dialog between customers and the company through digital media such as apps and onsite touchpads. Do you know your touchpoints? The days when examining the point of sale was all that was needed to get a picture of interaction with customers are long gone. Nevertheless, many companies aren’t aware of all their touchpoints, from comments on Facebook, to conversations with sales people, and interactions with middlemen such as delivery services or sales partners. That’s why, when starting out with real-time feedback manage-ment, all touchpoints must first be identified and the most relevant selected. Relevance is a question of definition which, in this case, is described by using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A simple example from the cosmetics industry illustrates the innovation potential that is often left untapped here. A McKinsey study found that more than 60 % of face cream users only gather infor-mation about the product after they have already bought it – a touchpoint that was completely over-looked until then*5, but which is obviously of cen-tral importance to satisfaction during the customer journey, and therefore provides a good opportunity to collect real-time feedback. DIAG 2. Example of trends across different touchpoints at a supermarket chain in the USECON dashboard. (Customer Project QuestBack Central Europe)
  • 6. Real-time Feedback Solutions 6 When is interaction and intervention required? Information is worthless until it results in action. Effective feedback management must therefore have a certain level of intelligence in order to decide when intervention is necessary and when not. Threshold levels need to be set for the touch-point KPIs that trigger an action. This also helps avoid overreaction. Ideally, real-time feedback works like a personal conversation, in that sub-sequent questions and reactions should emerge naturally during the course of the discussion. These must flow into the relevant processes that, for example, determine escalation levels when a customer needs to be contacted, highlight where existing customer history enhances the current feedback, or ensure that the relevant employee actually has access to this information. To en-sure that happens, the supporting processes and responsibilities must be clearly defined. Are the responsibilities defined? Even with the highest level of automation, there must be people available that can make decisions at any point along the real-time feedback loop. It’s important that there is a a project manager outside of IT, that is accountable for the issue and ensures that, for example, feedback content is delivered to the right place, whether that means marketing, management or the relevant support person. What role does privacy play? A real-time feedback management system initially asks questions anonymously and must give the customer a choice over whether people can be surveyed individually if required. This can happen via a relevant question during the survey process that allows the customer to agree to be approached. It also means however, that from this moment on an expectation exists. The customer wants to be taken seriously, and that means he expects an appropriate and immediate reaction. The customer will only give up his privacy if he gets an appropriate service in return.
  • 7. Real-time Feedback Solutions 7 C. IT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Which channels are available? While touchpoint tracking identifies the relevant channels, the IT infrastructure must ensure that as many channels as possible feed into a consistent, comprehensive view of feedback data. But the flow of feedback in the other direction is also critical: Can feedback be collected from everywhere, wherever it originates? Real-time feedback also has to account for the fact that respondents are on the move. That’s why questionnaires must work as well on mobile devices as they do on desktop computers. How fast is your customer journey? The more touchpoints that interaction with your customers involves, the more relevant incidents accumulate. The right system must be able to define the level of detail that measured via feedback monitoring. For example, QuestBack currently delivers half-hourly reporting on the relevant KPIs according to need. But it’s important to differentiate between the speed of feedback provision and the reaction to it. Does someone have to be contacted imme-diately in order to ensure customer satisfaction? This is known as a “transactional survey”. Or is it sufficient to ask a customer twice a year about his satisfaction within the context of a regular “relational survey”. Other time-critical aspects can also play a role however. It’s especially important during the test and development phases of products, to measure the user experience and make improvements in order to avoid costly development mistakes. This is how USECON, a user experience consultancy, with the help of the EFS panel (EFS = Enterprise Feedback Suite) from QuestBack developed an efficient survey platform that among other things, enables a repeat survey among panel participants. This can be used to survey users at different times and in different situations, whether that means the early development phases of a new product, or across the entire product cycle. For its part, QuestBack customer SWISS is using its newly deployed feedback system to allow customers to provide feedback on every element of the service they receive. This enables teething problems to be localized immediately when new products are introduced. Time-related consid-erations are therefore always oriented towards a system’s real-world use cases. Which visualizations are required? It makes sense that a relevant visualization of target KPIs and drill down dimensions is defined for management reports. That’s how dashboards earn their name and simplify the navigation of a company’s KPI landscape. (See DIAG. 3) DIAG: 3, Example of a QuestBack dashboard for an NPS evaluation CASE STUDY
  • 8. Real-time Feedback Solutions 8 Is integration into existing systems like SAP possible? The full potential of real-time feedback can only be realized in combination with other systems. (DIAG.4.). The combination of customer feedback and operational data enables prioritization: Where is there a danger that a major customer will switch? Was a regular or very good customer affected by a system crash? Who is least affected by delivery bottlenecks? Customer CRM Customer Contacts Touchpoints Customer Workflow Questback Workflow DIAG. 4: QuestBack workflow for implementation of real-time feedback management Checks Participiant Import Questback Exchange Server Automatic Invitation Engagement / Action Dashbord Reporting Case Data Segmentation Data Export E-Mail Alerts Survey
  • 9. Real-time Feedback Solutions 9 Is the deployed system intelligent enough? There are numerous systems available to evaluate data. The main differences lie in their scalability and controllability. The system you select needs a memory and appropriate rules for exceptions, DIAG.5 Sample customer journey from SWISS airlines priorities and escalation levels. The longer the company journey, the more significant these properties are. (DIAG. 5).
  • 10. Real-time Feedback Solutions 10 D. Methodology requirements Which is the right survey concept? During the planning of a real-time feedback management system, it’s especially important that all parameters are aligned with one another. The KPIs identified through touchpoint tracking must be fed into a survey concept that is actually used. Otherwise the result is false results and ineffective interaction and control maneuvers. Which are the relevant KPIs? Within the context of so-called touchpoint tracking, the requirements for an effective real-time feed-back management system need to be established. Touchpoint tracking takes place along the entire customer journey, in other words the path that a customer takes with a company, including the first contact via an Internet ad, through to visiting the website and the purchase of a product, all the way up to a call to a support hotline, and participation in an annual customer survey via a smartphone. iPad app Android app Brand DIAG 6: Every touchpoint has a different effect on the customer experience. The combination of all touchpoints is the basis of the customer experience. Through analysis of the interaction at each touchpoint, it’s possible to define what influence each has on the customer experience or, even better, on revenue. QuestBack can currently measure and evaluate around 50 touchpoints. A study from McKinsey revealed that a differentiated experience at touchpoints is especially important. It showed that to a large extent, the influence of different touchpoints is dependent on whether a customer is still in the consideration phase, or already in an evaluation or buying decision phase. In the consideration phase, he is mainly influenced by consumer-led marketing such as test reviews or recommendations, and rarely by interaction with sales people. *5 How do you get reliable results? When it comes to alerts, it’s about asking the right questions and helping customers at the right moment (see survey concept). For reporting, tried and trusted market research criteria are more impor-tant. For segmentation and validation in particular, the results must be selective and reliable. That’s because the conclusions and resulting decisions made on information extracted from the dashboard can have a direct effect on revenue. Reliability is therefore critical at this level of evaluation. Mailing Hotline Cam-paign PoS Event Twitter You-tube Face-book Web-site iPhone app
  • 11. Real-time Feedback Solutions 11 3. Customer case study HILTI – the exception is the rule The following project analysis demonstrates an example from HILTI, that demonstrates what the actual implementation of a real-time feedback management system looks like, what the requirements were, and how the three dimensions of process, IT and methodology each played a role in the success of the project. HILTI AG provides leading technology products, systems and services to the construction industry. Because two-thirds of its 22,000 strong workforce are in sales and technology roles and have direct contact with customers, there are around 200,000 touchpoints per day. Customer satisfaction is therefore extremely important for HILTI. Prerequisites • Customer focus: As a premium provider, customer service and feedback is particularly important. As a result, Hilti has been measuring customer satisfaction since 1994, making the company a pioneer within the construction industry. explains Steffen Müller, Head of Corporate Market research at HILTI AG. • Goal setting and touchpoint inventory: In addition to regular telephone surveys on satisfaction and loyalty, Hilti wanted to collect feedback directly after each of the 200,000 daily contacts with the company, such as a meeting with an account manager, a sales conversation in a Hilti center, an online order, a complaint to the hotline, or the repair of a drill by an engineer. To measure customer satisfaction at the “moment of truth”, i.e. directly after an individual transaction, Hilti decided in 2010 to extend the telephone survey with an online survey. 200,000 daily touchpoints – customer satisfaction has the highest priority at HILTI » The data on overall customer satisfaction and loyalty are a benchmark of success for us. They also influence the compensation of many employees, right up to management level,«
  • 12. Real-time Feedback Solutions 12 The technical implementation • Technical solution: The online questionnaire based on the enterprise feedback suite (EFS) from QuestBack is connected through a direct interface to Hilti’s SAP system. This makes the buying history of each customer available for analysis. The software is web-based, and can be used within any standard browser. Completion of the questionnaire is easy from a wide range of digital devices. The methodology • Survey triggers and process: Hilti uses the online questionnaire in 15 market organizations with more than 80 % share of sales. Each customer who has had some contact with an account manager, a Hilti Center, an online order, the hotline or a repair service is invited to partici-pate via email. The online survey takes just two minutes to complete, and is focused on the current customer situation (DIAG.8). This ensures valid data about a real customer case is produced. How satisfied are you with the recent visit from your Account Manager Please give a rating using a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means »very dissatisfied« and 10 means »very satisfied« 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Don‘t Quality of advice given Flexibility for local questions DIAG. 8: Example of a real-time feedback questionnaire DIAG. 7: RTF workflow process at Hilti Continue know 10 - Very satisfied 1 - Very dissatisfied Overall Use of your time Understands what you need Open item
  • 13. Real-time Feedback Solutions 13 Resulting processes • Alerts and reporting: If a customer complains in the online survey, the relevant team contacts him within two working days to solve the problem. » Most customers are impressed with a call within 2 days of taking part in the online survey«, says Steffen Müller. Through the evaluation of the online survey, Hilti can strengthen relationships between the customer and the company. The evolution of customer satisfaction is illustrated by weekly cockpit charts for every interaction point. • Overall benefit of the system: The values for overall customer satisfaction and loyalty have increased significantly since the introduc-tion of real-time feedback in comparison with the company’s closest competitors. In addi-tion, a great deal of insight about process im-provements has been generated, and Hilti has received feedback from more than 18,000 customers, representing a significantly better response rate of up to 20 %. DIAG. 9: Real-time feedback influences the fundamental structure and quality control of the organization.
  • 14. Real-time Feedback Solutions 14 4. Conclusion and Outlook Real-time feedback management requires a sophisticated and highly integrated technical solution. However, the technical concept and implementation are just two of the building blocks for the entire concept. Only when all the requirements in terms of processes, infrastructure, data and methodologies are fulfilled, is it time to consider the technical integration. The effort of fulfilling these requirements will be rewarded with a measureable return on investment. Implementing a real-time feedback management system lays the foundations for a rapid, technology-driven enhance-ment of the business, and the opportunities to use feedback management as a strategic tool will only grow in the future. It can be safely assumed that within the next few years, new channels and new global touchpoints will evolve that also need to be integrated into the feedback system from a technical and process perspective. The feedback loop is becoming increasingly closed, as every touchpoint can be covered within a survey, improvements are made following every survey, interactions following those improvements can themselves be evaluated, and so on. This opens the way to the evolution of a feedback economy that treats customer orientation as the foundation of the business model. Studies show that most companies have recognized the need for action in this area. In a survey from DMA and neolane, 77% of the companies asked named personalization in real-time, i.e. the individual and feedback-related alignment of offers and content, as the most important challenge facing their organizations. *6. The exciting question is, to what extent these companies will ad-dress this challenge, and develop and implement an appropriate feedback strategy.
  • 15. Real-time Feedback Solutions 15 5. Real-time feedback management A company’s willingness to drive a measureable dialog with customers along the entire length of the customer journey usually indicates that the organization has already taken the first step along this path by orienting the entire structure of the company towards customers. In order for real-time feedback to have maximum impact, the company must identify and analyze the relevant touchpoints, and the challenges and opportunities in interactions with customers. This analysis can be used as the starting point for the col-lection and evaluation of customer feedback, and defining appropriate reactions to it. These preliminary tasks determine how a company must organize its processes, methodologies and IT landscape. Particularly important here, is whether a customer uses customer feedback to identify trends, or as the basis for long-term management decisions. All implementation scenarios have one thing in common: To collect, analyze and react to customer feedback as quickly as possible. Initial experiences with real-time feedback show that fast reactions can significantly affect customer loyalty, which in turn has a direct impact on revenues. With its 200,000 touchpoints, Hilti has impressively demonstrated how a flood of data can be transformed into increased customer satisfaction and more repeat purchases. This required a comprehensive integration with existing IT systems like SAP, through which feedback data is further enhanced and systematically utilized. Because of the wide-ranging impact of real-time feedback, its implementation is a key management task and requires appropriate personnel and organi-zational structures. As soon as these structures are in place, future channels can be easily integrated into the IT and process landscape and monetized. The essentials at a glance *1 SOURCE: “Communication. The new rules of marketing“, DAVID C. EDELMANN, HARVARD BUSNIESS MANAGER, 2. AUGUST 2011 *2 SOURCE: BERND STAUSS, WOLFGANG SEIDEL, „Complaint management unhappy customers as profitable target group- “ , 4. Edition 2007, HANSER Publishers, S. 27 *3 SOURCE: “BRANDING IN THE DIGITAL AGE” FROM DAVID C. EDELMANN, QUOTED FROM THE HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW *4 SOURCE: “RESEARCH ROUNDUP FOR VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER”, JIM DAVIES, GARTNER RESEARCH, 4. FEBRUARY 2013 *5 SOURCE: “THE CONSUMER DECISION JOURNEY”, MCKINSEY QUARTERLY 2009 NR. 3 *6 SOURCE: “REAL-TIME MARKETING INSIGHTS STUDY“, NEOLANE AND DMA, JULY 2013
  • 16. w w w . q u e s t b a c k . c om Company Profile questback is a global leader in enterprise feedback management, market research solutions, social crm, customer experience management, and hr management. the company‘s software solutions enable organizations to gain actionable insights and build stronger relationships with customers and employees. founded in 2000, questback is head-quartered in oslo, norway and privately held with 17 offices worldwide. more than 4,000 global customers rely on questback – including volvo, ernst & young, coca-cola and general mills.