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RCI Replication of Activities
     Project Management (PM) Initiative – Serbia to the Region
                                          For workforce development RCI has supported local individuals
                 to get PM training and certification and, as a result, double the
                                          amount of people receiving assistance. After the success of the
                                          pilot, RCI developed a report “Regional Project Management
                                          Capacity Assessment” ( which
                                          highlighted needs and interest from several countries. RCI is
                                          now initiating a replication of the PM activities in Albania and
                                          Bosnia and Herzegovina, and three more (Moldova, Macedonia
                                          and Kosovo) are interested to be included in 2011.
                                          eBiz Projects - Macedonia to Bosnia and Herzegovina
                                          In 2007, USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the
                                          RCI Regional IT Conference, where one of the best practices
                                          shown was the Macedonia eBiz Project with activities in tex-
RCI, throughout its existence,            tiles, shoe manufacturing and tourism. After this visit and further
has been innovative and often             activity development in partnership with the Norwegian Gov-
introduced different economic             ernment, the eBiz program was replicated in Bosnia and Her-
development activities that add           zegovina as the Excellence in Innovation Project (
value to existing country
programs, are picked up as a              Quality Mark (QM) tourism standards – Bulgaria to Albania
                                          and Macedonia
new activity or are replicated in
                                          In 2007, RCI looked into the successful USAID program in Bul-
other countries. Some of these
                                          garia on standards in tourism - the Quality Mark (QM), focused
examples are presented here.
                                          on small hotels and B&Bs. The QM added value to the old star
                                          system by standardizing a hotel’s service, management, and
                                          environmental policies. RCI developed guidebooks and held
                                          awareness events throughout the region. In 2010, the USAID
                                          Albania Rritje Project and Exploring Macedonia each took on
                                          the QM initiative. Other countries have expressed interest. In
                                          Macedonia, the EBRD TAM/BAS project contributed funds to
                                          start the program there.
                                          ITMark / CMMI, IT companies’ training and certification
                                          standards – Bulgaria to the Region
                                          RCI has been a leader in the region in the development of the
                                          IT sector from the beginning of the project. In 2007, building on
                                          our successful program of IT training and certification of com-
                                          panies in ITMark and CMMI, the regional German assistance
                                          GTZ ORF Programme also supported these efforts. By cost
                                          sharing with GTZ, RCI was able to increase the number of
                                          companies and countries assisted.
                                          The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.	

  RCI Western Balkans Supplement
  !"#$#%&'()%*+),+-%+"')           Overview
                                   In partnership with National Geographic Traveler (NGT) and
  ./01/'-)/-)/)%#2"&-$)            through cost-sharing with regional USAID missions and pro-
  3+-%&'/%&#')                     jects, the RCI Project finalized in May 2010 the Western Bal-
                                   kans supplement “Land of Discovery: 46 Outstanding Ways to
                                   Experience Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Mace-
                                   donia, Montenegro and Serbia”.

                                   The supplement was conceptualized and developed through
                                   roundtable discussions and familiarization trips throughout the
                                   region. The sites were chosen according to the following key
                                       • Historical / World Heritage Sites and ruins;
                                       • Unique villages / towns;
                                       • Churches, cathedrals, monasteries and mosques;
                                       • Art and museums;
                                       • Festivals and celebrations;
                                       • Local music / musical instruments;
 RCI collaborated with National        • Outdoor markets / specialty stores / boutiques;
Geographic Traveler and USAID          • Distinctive foods or dishes, cafes and restaurants;
missions in the Western Balkans        • Unique crafts, wood, glass, fabric, etc.;
to produce this regional tourism       • Beaches, lakes, parks and gardens;
promotion tool.                        • Resorts and spas, B&Bs, agri-tourism;
                                       • Outdoor activities (hiking, biking, skiing);
                                       • Wildlife, birds, fish, animals, etc.

                                   The NGT Western Balkans supplement was disseminated with
                                   the May / June 2010 issue of the National Geographic Maga-
                                   zine and Traveler to about 240,000 subscribers from the UK,
                                   Netherlands and Germany.

                                   What next?
                                   Building on the success of the Western Balkans supplement,
                                   RCI is looking into continuing the cooperation with National Ge-
                                   ographic in several areas, such as possible supplement fo-
                                   cused on the Caucasus region and development of NG
                                   Geotourism web sites for the RCI region.
                                   The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.

Regional Competitiveness Initiative Website
Overview                         The website pools together a broad range of RCI resources. In addi-
                                 tion to background information on RCI, the website contains:

                                 •   Sector-specific information on RCI activities in IT, tourism, agri-
                                     business and workforce development;
                                 •   Scopes of work for RCI and other USAID competitiveness pro-
                                     jects in Europe and Eurasia;
                                 •   All research papers produced under RCI, as well as agendas and
                                     presentations from RCI events since 2005;
                                 •   Archived RCI newsletters, as well as RCI news items on the front
                                 •   Front-page links to World Economic Forum competitiveness rank-
                                     ings for RCI countries;
                                 •   Competitiveness studies from various think tanks and research
                                 •   A thematic calendar of events to promote information-sharing and
 In May 2010, RCI launched its
                                 Designed to serve the region, the RCI website is a work in progress
website,     that will evolve according to the needs of regional stakeholders. The
The goal of the website is to    interest of those stakeholders since the website’s inception has been
allow E&E missions, projects,    very strong. In its few short months of operation, the RCI website has
                                 been visited 2023 times by 1146 different people. 63.82% of those
and stakeholders to access and   visitors viewed more than one page. Other data collected about the
share information on regional    RCI website include:
                                 Most Viewed Pages
                                 • 6,223 page-views, 4,643 unique views;
                                 • The most viewed page is the home page (43%), followed by the
                                    Sarajevo event main page (5%), USAID scopes of work (5%),
                                    and Sarajevo Reports (2%).

                                 Geographic Origin
                                 • E&E region (over 35%);
                                 • The U.S. (44%).

                                  Traffic Source
                                 • 52% have come from direct traffic (e.g., clicking the link in email
                                     announcements, or typing the address directly);
                                 • 26% from sites linking to the RCI website;
                                 • 21% from search engines. Keywords include “rci project”, “region-
                                     al competitiveness”, and “rci usaid”.

                                 The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.


One of RCI’s tasks as a           Below is a summary list of reports developed in recent years
regional project is to research   under the Regional Competitiveness Initiative:
and analyze the most current      • At the 2008 RCI Annual Event in Budva, Montenegro, RCI
economic issues, then present        presented the report “Competitiveness in the Europe and
opinions and possible solutions      Eurasia Region: Past, Present and Future”, by Neal Na-
to the regional USAID                thanson from USAID Washington, who then updated the re-
Missions, Projects and other         port into “Europe and Eurasia Region: An Overview of
local stakeholders.                  USAID Supported Competitiveness Projects”.
!                                 • At the 2009 RCI Annual Event in Kyiv, Ukraine, with the
                                     global economic and financial crisis affecting the region,
                                     RCI focused on this most urgent topic with “Causes of the
                                     Crisis, Its Transmission to Eastern Europe, and Impacts on
                                     Economic and Social Conditions”, presented by Dr. Paul
                                     Marer from the Central European University in Budapest.
                                  • At that same event, RCI presented the reports “Technology
                                     and Innovation Competitiveness in Eastern and Southeast-
                                     ern Europe” by Goran Radman, former South East Europe
                                     Director for Microsoft and “Workforce Competitiveness in
                                     the Next Decade” by Dr. Eric Butler.
                                  • At the 2010 RCI Annual Event in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Her-
                                     zegovina, Dr. Paul Marer presented an update on the global
                                     crisis with “The Global Economic Crises: Impact on Eastern
                                     Europe” and “The Greece-Euro Crises and their impacts in
                                     Eastern Europe”.
                                  • Other interesting presentations were made on efforts to
                                     overcome the crisis by Dr. Krassen Stanchev from the Insti-
                                     tute for Market Economics, “Coming Out of the Crisis: Cau-
                                     casus, Moldova and Ukraine”, and by Dr. Dragana Radevic
                                     from CEED Consulting Montenegro, “Coming out of the
                                     Global Economic Crisis: Current Status, Effects, and Re-
                                     sponses - Sub-regional focus on the Western Balkans”.
                                  • RCI also develops sector-specific reports. In 2009 for in-
                                     stance, at a workshop on workforce development activities
                                     in Macedonia, RCI presented “USAID Macedonia Workforce
                                     Development Assessment: Taking Steps toward a 21st
                                     Century Workforce” by Dr. Eric Butler.
                                  All of these reports and many more can be found on the RCI website -
                         Feel free to use them in your work and dissemi-
                                  nate to your partners and clients.
                                  The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.


!"#$"%#&'      In May 2010, RCI, in collaboration with the European Software
               Institute (ESI) Center for Eastern Europe, launched the website
      - a platform for regional capacity in IT Train-
               ing and Certification. The main objective of this website is to
               support the establishment of an Excellence Network for Eastern
               Europe and promote cooperation and partnership between IT
               training and certification service providers.

               The website features:

               •   A catalogue of Excellence Centers and Service providers of
                   IT training and certification services;
               •   The quality services that can be found within the network
                   are in areas of: Strategic Management, Operational Man-
                   agement, Project Management, Software Development PI,
                   ICT Services PI, Information Security, Vendor Specific and
                   University programs;
               •   31 quality service organizations as members of the net-
                   work, which are registering more than 60 training and/or
                   certification services;
               •   Organizations from 15 countries: Albania, Armenia, Azer-
                   baijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Croatia,
                   Kosovo, Moldova, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia,
                   Turkey and Ukraine;
               •   A news section where registered organizations can share
                   information about their events/ trainings, success stories, in-
                   troduction of new services, project implementation, etc.

               The site has a user-friendly interface both for the compnies that
               presents their products and services and for potential clients
               interested in purchasing them.
               The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.


!"#$%#$%&'(&)*+,#-.&/0,*-#0$1&    SIGMA-SB dooel – Skoje was founded in 1995. The firm has
-0&12+,,&+$3&243#*2&              been successful in the development and the deployment of all-
                                  in-one systems -- planning, design, and implementation of
4$-4"5"#141&#$&6*"054&+$3&        complete cutting-edge IT solutions to improve the business
6*"+1#+&                          processes of its clients. The technical excellence of the firm re-
                                  sulted in the rapid growth of its business, but on an organiza-
                                  tional level the company faced serious challenges.
 A small business in Macedonia
talks about how training          A possible solution was to deploy a model which would provide
                                  improvement in the process of service delivery. The choice was
received with the assistance of
                                  made in 2007 to get the firm IT Mark certified, with the support
USAID’s Regional                  of USAID’s Regional Competitiveness Initiative.
Competitiveness Initiative
                                  “We knew that for small-l and medium-sized enterprises adopt-
helped improve the firm’s
                                  ing world-class models such as CMMI was a lengthy and chal-
management, response time,        lenging process, which required a lot of time and effort, and that
and customer satisfaction.        deterred us from initiating a CMMI-based process improvement
                                  program,” said Slavcho Boujarski, general manager of the firm.
                                  “So when ESI Center Bulgaria in the framework of the USAID-
                                  funded RCI program presented to us the IT Mark methodology,
                                  which is based on the concept of subdividing the CMMI path
                                  into a series of smaller objectives, we recognized its affordabil-
                                  ity – we could achieve the milestones with moderate efforts and
                                  in a shorter period of time.”
                                  Just after its first IT Mark certification, Sigma SB signed two
                                  new contracts in which the firm was able use its newly acquired
                                  skill to plan and guarantee product delivery to the client.
                                  Major benefits reported by the company management included:
                                  increased customer satisfaction with the quality of work (less
                                  bugs and better fulfillment of the requirements); shortened re-
                                  sponse time; the ability to provide new higher-level services;
                                  and the development of new services.
                                  Building on this success, the company continued its process
                                  improvement program after the project with RCI was complet-
                                  ed. In 2010 the company achieved a higher level of certification,
                                  “IT Mark Premium”, and planned to become certified for CMMI
                                  maturity Level 2 in 2011.
                                  The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.!

RCI Improves IT Competitiveness
Leveraging Resources to           RCI and its regional IT partner ESI Center Bulgaria/Eastern Eu-
                                  rope have developed and implemented a specific model to
Improve IT                        support IT training and certification activities, while leveraging
Competitiveness in the            co-funding from other donors and partners.
E&E Region                        RCI’s model is part of a systematic approach used to support
                                  regional competitiveness. It is based on the IT Competitiveness
                                  Pyramid, which is used to assist regional clusters of firms to
                                  improve their processes and obtain the internationally recog-
                                  nized certifications, CMMI and IT Mark. All activities are imple-
One of the major objectives of    mented in partnership with regional stakeholders from donor
RCI is to ensure the sustaina-    organizations, business associations, firms and individuals.
bility of ICT activities and to   These stakeholders provide a significant part of the financing
obtain commitment from other      for and offer further support after the initial pilot projects.
stakeholders and donors in the
region to the activities per-     The participation of other stakeholders not only leverages the
formed.                           RCI funds spent on the program but also ensures strong com-
                                  mitment and long-term sustainability for the initiatives.
                                  The first programs based on the IT Competitiveness Pyramid
                                  were launched in 2005-2007. They have impacted the whole
                                  region and proved their sustainability:
                                  •   After the completion of the USAID program in Bulgaria, oth-
                                      er programs such as EBRD Business Advisory Services
                                      Program and the Bulgarian Competitiveness Program,
                                      funded by EU, continued their support for the CMMI /IT
                                      Mark initiative. The ESI Center Bulgaria has become a re-
                                      gional excellence center in Eastern Europe and the Cauca-
                                  •   The RCI IT program in Macedonia was recognized as a de-
                                      velopment model for the region. In 2008 the German GTZ
                                      decided to fund a large-scale regional program based on
                                      the original RCI model, which supported more than 50 firms
                                      from six countries.
                                  •   RCI activities in Moldova were implemented in partnership
                                      with local firms and the CEED project funded by USAID.
                                      This not only contributed to the overall competitiveness of
                                      the Moldovan IT sector but also resulted in the creation of
                                      the excellence center for IT QLab that will develop local ca-
                                      pacity for IT training and certification in Moldova.
                                  The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.

!"#$"%#&'                           The website features:
                                    • 48 IT companies presenting 111 of their own products and
                                       solutions for different economic sectors, including tourism
                                       and travel, agribusiness, furniture, food, textiles, medicine /
                                       pharmaceutical, banking / finance, building, manufacturing
                                       and automotive;
                                    • Solutions presented by companies from 15 countries – Al-
                                       bania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bul-
                                       garia, Georgia, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Macedonia,
                                       Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine;
                                    • A paper version of the web catalogue with a circulation
In May 2010, RCI, in collabora-        1400 copies. Of those, over 1300 copies are disseminated
tion with the European Soft-           to companies and industrial associations in Eastern Europe
ware Institute (ESI) Center for        and the Caucasus;
Eastern Europe, launched the        • Three companies, which shared feedback and acknowl-
website,           edgment that, through the IT2Business catalogue, they
                                       started successful business relations with companies from
a platform for cross sector links
                                       other countries or sectors.
between ICT solution develop-
ers and companies from other
                                    Most Viewed Pages
economic sectors. The goal of
this website is the worldwide       • 6540 visits;
promotion in different econom-      • The most viewed page is the catalogue and search page
ic sectors of successful IT           (40%), followed by the home page (8%), welcome note
products and solutions devel-         (15%), and resources repository (10%).
oped by regional (Eastern Eu-
rope and Caucasus)                  Traffic Source
companies.                          • 62% have come from direct traffic (e.g., clicking the link in
!                                      email announcements, or typing the address directly);
                                    • 20% redirected links from partners sites - RCI, ICT associa-
                                       tions and companies in Moldova, Armenia, Bosnia and Her-
                                       zegovina, Romania, the ESI Center Bulgaria site,
                                       www.quality2it.org0 etc.;
                                    • 17% from search engines.
                                    • The average time spent in the site is 3.25 minutes with a
                                       peak time of 24 minutes.

                                    The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.


RCI: Excellence in IT
!"#$"%#&'                          Events and Statistics
                                   RCI, in cooperation with its partner the European Software In-
                                   stitute (ESI) Center for Eastern Europe, has three kinds of
                                   events related to excellence and certification: awareness, train-
                                   ing, and appraisals. The events took place in 13 countries in
                                   Southeast and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.
                                   Summary statistics for the period June 2005 – October 2010:
                                   • Excellence events: 67
                                   • Companies involved in the excellence events: 413
One of RCI’s most strategic        • Companies certified: 37
sectors is information technol-    • Excellence trainees and participants: 1,777
ogy (IT). RCI is a leader in de-   • Qualified individuals: 827
veloping IT in each country and    • Associations involved in the excellence activity: 11
enhancing competitiveness in
                                   Feedback from participant companies:
the Western Balkans and the
                                   • 82% of companies increased their competitiveness by more
Caucasus. One of the main
                                      than 20%;
activities RCI supports is the
                                   • 85% of firms reported increased client satisfaction and 58%
excellence of IT companies
                                      reported decreased “time to market”;
through training and certifica-
tion. The result is that the IT    • 37% of companies reported sales increase of 20%-50% due
companies improve their or-           to the CMMI / ITMark implementation program.
ganization, processes and          Testimonials from Beneficiaries
products, which leads to higher    “The most visible result we have seen is having real-time re-
productivity and expanded          porting on what is really happening within our company. Our
business opportunities.            managers have online access to all of their projects and can
!                                  instantly see which tasks are on time, which are lagging behind
                                   schedule so they can push the team or add more resources to
                                   the team to get the task done on time.”
                                                                 IT Company from Macedonia
                                     “When implementing ITMark and as recommended by CMMI
                                   we introduced a new practice in our work with banks: When we
                                   receive requirements we create a prototype of our vision of the
                                   product and then discuss it again with the client. In 80% of the
                                   cases our vision appeared to differ a lot from the client’s vision.
                                   Previously this created a lot of rework. Now we can assure a
                                   correct vision of the requirements and final product that are un-
                                   derstood correctly by us and the clients.”
                                                                  IT Company from Moldova


 RCI Events
!"#$%#$%&'(%)'*)"&")%#($+,&                                         One of the main strategic goals of RCI is to share knowledge
-'+.)*(,/)"-&-#$0)&1223&                                            and information across borders and regions. RCI implements
                                                                    this through electronic media such as the RCI web site, quarter-
                                                                    ly Newsletters, bi-weekly tourism & agribusiness information,
80%                                                                 and the bi-monthly InfoShare. To add more value, RCI’s most
                                                                    successful tools are the events that bring stakeholders from all
                                                        Fair        countries and regions together to share their experiences and
                                                                    learn from each other.
 0%                                                                 Evaluation
        Networking       Quality of     Materials and
       opportunities   presentations   documentations               General assessment of the usefulness of RCI events is over-
                                                                    whelmingly positive.

                                                                        •   Relevance: 96-100% indicated that they found RCI
                                                                            events relevant to their work
                                                                        •   Meeting expectations: 92-100% of attendees said that
                                                                            events have met their expectation
                                                                        •   Continued interest: 93-100% of respondents are likely to
                                                                            attend RCI events in the future

                                                                    The different aspects of RCI meetings receive very positive rat-
                                                                    ings (excellent or good at a rate of 86-96%).

    RCI is contributing to the                                      From 2005 to 2010, RCI has organized about 50 events attended
   regional dialogue on                                             by a total of over 3500 participants, which have included
   competitiveness by holding                                       representatives of the private sector (over 40%), local
   regular events ranging from                                      governments, and USAID projects and missions.
   roundtable for 10-15
   practitioners on a specific topic
                                                                    The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.
   (agribusiness, tourism, etc.) to
   annual events with over 100

Global Engagement Initiative in Action
“Regional Opportunities                                      On June 28, 2011 in Izmir, Turkey, at EBILTEM (a local university
for Growth Conference”                                       entrepreneurship center), CEED Global and its local partner BATI-
                                                             BINOM (Western Anatolia Chamber) implemented a two day ICT
28 June, 2011                                                business-to-business matchmaking event - "Regional Opportunities
                                                             for Growth Conference." The B2B event was made possible by the
Izmir, Turkey                                                Global Engagement Initiative with the support of the Regional Com-
                                                             petitiveness Initiative (RCI).

                                                             Informatics, Electronics, and Telecommunication were among the key
                                                             new technological industries represented at the event. The goal was
                                                             to establish a platform for effective collaboration and regional
                                                             integration among ICT companies from the South East Europe region.
                                     [Insert Photo Credit]

                                                             A total of 60 companies participated at the B2B company
                                                             matchmaking of which 19 were from Eastern Europe where CEED
                                                             has offices (Bulgaria, Kosovo, Slovenia, Romania, Macedonia,
                                                             Albania, BiH), and 41 were local firms, universities and organizations.
                                                             In the morning opening session, Dr. Serdal from TEMEL presented
Turkey is the fastest growing                                information on business and trade development in the Izmir region.
                                                             This was followed by a presentation by Mr. Peter Statev, Chairman at
market in the region. This event                             the Bulgarian ICT Cluster who spoke about the IT market situation in
helped strengthen Southeast                                  Eastern Europe, and based on his personal experience, provided the
Europe – Turkish business                                    audience with the business know-how on how a foreign company can
contacts and highlighted                                     open a representative office in Turkey.
opportunities for increasing trade
                                                             Later, one of the leading Turkish producers, VESTEL Electronics,
and investment.                                              spoke about its R&D management, presenting a video demonstration
                                                             on new areas of technological involvement. The last speaker from the
                                                             Bulgarian IT Association, BASSCOM President George Brashnarov,
                                                             spoke on the topic of internationalization and cooperation.

                                                             The afternoon program continued in the form of "Speed Networking"
                                                             to increase communication and collaboration opportunities by having
                                                             prearranged face-to-face meetings with individual companies. These
                                                             15 minute meetings (80 in total) allowed company representatives to
                                                             exchange information and created the opportunity to talk in further
                                                             detail about actual business ideas.

                                                             The event resulted in 15 potential co-operation connections and post-
                                                             event contacts. Following the success of the event, the two organizing
                                                             partners CEED and BATI-BINOM agreed to continue this regional
                                                             collaborative work, and do another follow-up event focused on estab-
                                                             lishing further business partnerships. The participating companies
                                                             themselves also expressed the need for continued and deeper in-
                                                             volvement so that the regional ICT networking could further expand
                                                             and flourish.


The US Agency for International                                                                                   On March 1 2013, the Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK)
Development and the Norwegian                                                                                     recognized six startup companies that received USAID grant
Ministry of Foreign Affairs work together                                                                         support to build their innovative businesses. The awardees
to finance business innovation and job                                                                            include an internet service provider, a developer of educational
creation in Kosovo	
                                                                                              software for kids, and a developer of videogames for Facebook,
                                                                                                                iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

                                                                                                                  Designed to propel business innovation and create jobs in

                                                                                                                  Kosovo, the USAID Innovation Grant Fund provides support, on
                                                                                                                  a competitive basis, of up to $5,000 to selected ICK incubator
                                                                                                                  tenants to develop their product or service and bring their
                                                                                                                  innovation to the market.

                                                                   USAID Mission Director Maureen Shauket and Norwegian
                                                                                                                  Acting Ambassador Jon Hansen both spoke at the event,
                                                                                                                  highlighting the importance of accelerating business growth in
Innovation Grant Fund recipient Ms. Blerta                                                                        Kosovo. “I am very pleased to be able to award grant
Thaçi of Eduapps LLC, together with USAID
                                                                                                                  certificates to the first six ICK tenant companies, two of which
Mission Director Maureen Shauket and
Acting Ambassador of the Norwegian
                                                                                                                  have women co-owners. With these grants, you will be able to
Embassy Jon Hansen at the Awards                                                                                  promote your businesses, test your new products and services,
Ceremony                                                                                                          and launch your products in the market.” said Mission Director
                                                                                                                Maureen Shauket.

                                                                                                                  The ICK Foundation was established and operates with funding
                                                                                                                  from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managerial
                                                                                                                  and technical support from founders Athene Prosjektledelse
“We came to ICK as a group of young                                                                               Norway, the Kosovo Association of Information and
students with ideas. ICK helped us develop                                                                        Communication Technology (STIKK), and the main
into a functioning company with products
that are ready to be offered in the
                                                                                                                  implementing partner Crimson Capital. It is designed to assist
marketplace." Innovation Grant Fund                                                                               entrepreneurs in developing innovative and commercially
recipient Ms. Blerta Thaçi of EduApps LLC.                                                                        successful companies that create future-oriented jobs. ICK
                                                                                                                provides workspace, mentoring, and training to select
                                                                                                                  entrepreneurs, and has already supported 19 companies on a
                                                                                                                  cost-shared basis.

                                                                                                                  The USAID Innovation Grant Fund is made possible via a grant
                                                                                                                  from the USAID Regional Competitiveness Initiative (RCI) to
                                                                                                                  ICK as a center of excellence, and is an example of close donor
                                                                                                                  cooperation and co-financing. Under the grant, ICK is also
                                                                                                                  providing training in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and iOS
                                                                                                                  programming to local professionals.

Opportunities are just around the corner
                                                         Many entrepreneurs today have products and services ready to
                                                         be used, but they lack connections and networks through which
Sometimes people                                         to channel them. CEED’s main objective is to enable entrepre-
                                                         neurs and their management teams to develop their companies
conduct their search                                     by gaining practical know-how, mentoring, peer-to-peer learn-
in multiple directions                                   ing, and regional and international business cooperation.
                                 [Insert Photo Credit]

including a variety of                                   In Jan. 2013, CEED Albania launched its Top Class Program
                                                         targeted to small and medium enterprises, aiming to increase
industries and tools,                                    their business knowledge, and expand their networks in order
but in many cases                                        to create new business opportunities. The main goal of the
                                                         event was to introduce the participants to each other and to
solutions are found                                      create a positive atmosphere in which new business relation-
much closer                                              ships would breed.
                                                         This activity afforded participants the opportunity to spend a
                                                         whole day in a relaxed business environment getting to know
                                                         each other, and thus sparked many business possibilities. Even
  CEED Albania started its
                                                         by the end of the first event, the participation in the Top Class
  second generation of the Top
                                                         Program enabled some of the entrepreneurs to look at new
  Class program by organizing                            business opportunities. Impress Studio, a graphic designing
  Team Building.                                         company made an agreement with the company BTC, which is
                                                         the authorized dealer of Kaspersky computer viruses for Alba-
                                                         nia, and Elite Travel, a tourism operator, for exchanging prod-
                                                         ucts and services according to their current needs.
                                                         “I am very satisfied with the organization of this first event and
                                                         people I have met. I am grateful to CEED for creating this pro-
                                                         gram and enabling me to meet with new business partners”
                                                         said Arvid Tartari, the representative of Impress Studio.
                                                         Andi Bogdani from BTC also felt that this first event exceeded
                                                         his expectations; “I have found a new partner. Impress Studio
                                                         will prepare the marketing materials for my company and at the
                                                         same time agreed to use the antivirus services that we are
                                                         providing” said Bogdani.
RCI/CEED Trip to Israel and Jordan under the Global
Engagement Initiative
Entrepreneurs hit the                                      From 01-07 December 2012, the CEED leadership team from SEAF
                                                           led a group of 20 entrepreneurs from Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria,
ground running, not                                        Greece, Kosovo, Romania, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the
ducking                                                    United States to Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan to map the land-
                                                           scape and meet visionaries, technologists, financiers, and entrepre-
                                                           neurs in three technology clusters.

                                                           With the help of the well-known Israeli investor, Yossi Vardi, and Dr.
                                                           Glenn Yago, Director the Milken Institute in Jerusalem, CEED was
                                                           able to introduce members of the group to a Who’s Who of change
                                                           makers in Israel. Erel Margalit (Founder of Jerusalem Venture Part-
                                                           ners), Bob Rosenschein (founder of, and Jonathan
                                   [Insert Photo Credit]

                                                           Medved (Founder of Our Crowd) were just a few of the marquee
                                                           names among the 40+ people who met in intimate surroundings with
                                                           the group to share their stories, compare experiences, and discuss
                                                           their outlooks for the future. Many sessions included new and experi-
                                                           enced entrepreneurs pitching their businesses and meeting with our
Twenty entrepreneur members of                             group to look for synergies and ways to work together.

the USAID-sponsored CEED                                   In Ramallah, the team visited with entrepreneurs, investors, and gov-
program journeyed to Israel,                               ernment officials over a working lunch at the Movenpick Hotel. The
Palestine, and Jordan to immerse                           meetings opened up the team’s eyes to a wealth of talent, especially
                                                           in ICT, that the West Bank has to offer.
themselves in three different
entrepreneurial ecosystems.                                In Jordan, Samer Asfour, the Senior Economic Counselor to His Maj-
                                                           esty, King Abdullah II provided us with an excellent overview of the
                                                           booming tech sector in Amman. Over the next two days, the delega-
                                                           tion met with investors, entrepreneurs, and industry facilitators who all
                                                           made a convincing case to the group that Jordan can be their gate-
                                                           way to the Arabic-speaking, Middle Eastern market.

                                                           Participants left with a platinum Rolodex of contacts in all three clus-
                                                           ters. They also acquired a perspective on the opportunities and chal-
                                                           lenges involved in doing business in the Middle East.

                                                           “Being exposed to the differing ecosystems in the region was very
                                                           interesting. Juxtaposing the Israeli model with the Jordanian model
                                                           created a very tangible and visible difference in their levels of sophis-
                                                           tication, government support and general evolution. This was a fan-
                                                           tastic event!”—Jon Mooney (United States)
USAID is attracting investors to                           At “SEEnnovate,” an Access to Finance Forum in Sarajevo held
open businesses in the SEE                                 on June 19, 2012 that was organized by RCI in coordination
region                                                     with USAID projects FIRMA, FARMA, PARE, PFS, and RCC,
                                                           with additional support by the Swedish International
                                                           Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Centers for
                                                           Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED), twenty
                                                           entrepreneurs from Bosnia and Herzegovina presented their
                                                           businesses to investors who attended the conference. At least
                                                           two of these presentations will result in investment deals.
                                                           The event gathered close to 200 participants, including
                                   [Insert Photo Credit]

                                                           representatives of more than 30 international investments
                                                           funds, some of which were visiting Southeast Europe for the
                                                           first time. Two of the investment funds present at the event--
                                                           Meta Group from Italy and Globe Forum from Sweden-- have
                                                           decided to expand their businesses in order to support early
                                                           stage financing instruments in the region, including further
                                                           developing the venture capital industry and business angels’
                                                           The event also announced launch of the Enterprise
                                                           Development and Innovation Facility Platform (EDIF), a new
                                                           EUR 142 million (USD 192 million) instrument to support
                                                           innovative SMEs in the Western Balkans, and the EUR 100
                                                           million (USD 192 million) Venture Capital Investment Program
                                                           (VCIP) for early and growth stage companies operating in the
The event gathered close to                                technology sector. RCI is actively working with its regional
200 participants including                                 partners at the institutional and local levels to prepare them to
representatives of more than                               apply for the incoming funding from EDIF.
30 international investments
funds, some of which were
visiting Southeast Europe for
the first time.

Western Balkans Geotourism MapGuide Portal
Promoting the Western Balkans as a                                Overview
Tourism Destination                                               The Western Balkans (WB) Mapguide website is a regional portal
                                                                  designed by and co-branded with National Geographic. The
                                                                  MapGuide project took one year to complete. It is the first regional
                                                                  joint effort to promote the Western Balkans as a single destination
                                                                  by highlighting the rich natural and cultural wealth of the area. The
                                                                  effort was supported by the USAID RCI project, and was
                                                                  implemented by the National Geographic Maps Division and the
                                                                  Western Balkans Geotourism Stewardship Council (WBGSC).
                                                                  WBGSC is a regional partnership of representatives from the six
                                                                  participating countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
                                                                  Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. WBGSC has
                                                                  assumed ownership of the Mapguide and will be responsible for
                                                                  its continued management.
                                                                  WB Mapguide is an interactive information platform that highlights
                                                                  the natural, culturaland historic attractions of Western Balkans
In June, 2012, the Western Balkans Geotourism                     destinations. It provides travelers with an online map that
Stewardship Council in partnership with National                  authentically captures and conveys the region through the eyes of
Geographic Maps Division launched in the Western                  the local people.
Balkans Mapguide portal (
                                                                  During its first nine months of existence (data as of 4 March
an effort supported by RCI/ USAID
                                                                  2013), the portal was visited 28,088 times by 23,826 different
                                                                  people from more than 100 countries. Other data collected about
                                                                  the regional portal include:
                                                                  Most Viewed Pages
                                                                  • 70,268 page-views; 57,446 unique views
                                                                  • The most viewed page is the home page (18%), followed by the
                                                                  Macedonia main page (5%), and the Interactive Map (4%).
                                                                  Geographic Origin
                                                                  • WB Countries – 41.12%
                                                                  • U.K. – 4.6%; Germany – 3.6%; Italy – 2.52%, Netherlands – 2%
Just a few months since its launch, Google                        • US & Canada – 13%
demonstrates positive results for the effort– many
attractions uploaded to the portal appear on the first            Traffic Source
page of search results
                                                                  • 57.34% have come from search engines (keywords include
Comments on attractions posted on the portal: “It is not          different events and attractions from the region)
just for the great canyons of 8 waterfalls and the                • 29.36% from sites linking to the WB Mapguide Portal;
fantastic rafting experience we had, but through this             • 13.30% direct traffic
adventure you can really feel the Albanian hospitality
and the spirit of the commitment of the team. U guys              WB MapGuide Portal
rock! We'll come back soon.”; “Hotel Manastir is one of
most authentic hotel in Macedonia. My Folk Seminar is             • 219 nominations in 11 categories
always in that hotel every summer.”

Success Story: Western Balkans MapGuide Portal	

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RCI Success Stories

  • 1. RCI Replication of Activities Regionalization  of  successful   Project Management (PM) Initiative – Serbia to the Region For workforce development RCI has supported local individuals bilateral  approaches   to get PM training and certification and, as a result, double the amount of people receiving assistance. After the success of the pilot, RCI developed a report “Regional Project Management Capacity Assessment” ( which highlighted needs and interest from several countries. RCI is now initiating a replication of the PM activities in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and three more (Moldova, Macedonia and Kosovo) are interested to be included in 2011. eBiz Projects - Macedonia to Bosnia and Herzegovina In 2007, USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the RCI Regional IT Conference, where one of the best practices shown was the Macedonia eBiz Project with activities in tex- RCI, throughout its existence, tiles, shoe manufacturing and tourism. After this visit and further has been innovative and often activity development in partnership with the Norwegian Gov- introduced different economic ernment, the eBiz program was replicated in Bosnia and Her- development activities that add zegovina as the Excellence in Innovation Project ( value to existing country programs, are picked up as a Quality Mark (QM) tourism standards – Bulgaria to Albania and Macedonia new activity or are replicated in In 2007, RCI looked into the successful USAID program in Bul- other countries. Some of these garia on standards in tourism - the Quality Mark (QM), focused examples are presented here. on small hotels and B&Bs. The QM added value to the old star system by standardizing a hotel’s service, management, and environmental policies. RCI developed guidebooks and held awareness events throughout the region. In 2010, the USAID Albania Rritje Project and Exploring Macedonia each took on the QM initiative. Other countries have expressed interest. In Macedonia, the EBRD TAM/BAS project contributed funds to start the program there. ITMark / CMMI, IT companies’ training and certification standards – Bulgaria to the Region RCI has been a leader in the region in the development of the IT sector from the beginning of the project. In 2007, building on our successful program of IT training and certification of com- panies in ITMark and CMMI, the regional German assistance GTZ ORF Programme also supported these efforts. By cost sharing with GTZ, RCI was able to increase the number of companies and countries assisted. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.  
  • 2. ! RCI Western Balkans Supplement !"#$#%&'()%*+),+-%+"') Overview In partnership with National Geographic Traveler (NGT) and ./01/'-)/-)/)%#2"&-$) through cost-sharing with regional USAID missions and pro- 3+-%&'/%&#') jects, the RCI Project finalized in May 2010 the Western Bal- kans supplement “Land of Discovery: 46 Outstanding Ways to Experience Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Mace- donia, Montenegro and Serbia”. The supplement was conceptualized and developed through roundtable discussions and familiarization trips throughout the region. The sites were chosen according to the following key themes: • Historical / World Heritage Sites and ruins; • Unique villages / towns; • Churches, cathedrals, monasteries and mosques; • Art and museums; • Festivals and celebrations; • Local music / musical instruments; RCI collaborated with National • Outdoor markets / specialty stores / boutiques; Geographic Traveler and USAID • Distinctive foods or dishes, cafes and restaurants; missions in the Western Balkans • Unique crafts, wood, glass, fabric, etc.; to produce this regional tourism • Beaches, lakes, parks and gardens; promotion tool. • Resorts and spas, B&Bs, agri-tourism; • Outdoor activities (hiking, biking, skiing); • Wildlife, birds, fish, animals, etc. Coverage The NGT Western Balkans supplement was disseminated with the May / June 2010 issue of the National Geographic Maga- zine and Traveler to about 240,000 subscribers from the UK, Netherlands and Germany. What next? Building on the success of the Western Balkans supplement, RCI is looking into continuing the cooperation with National Ge- ographic in several areas, such as possible supplement fo- cused on the Caucasus region and development of NG Geotourism web sites for the RCI region. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners. !
  • 3. ! Regional Competitiveness Initiative Website Overview The website pools together a broad range of RCI resources. In addi- tion to background information on RCI, the website contains: • Sector-specific information on RCI activities in IT, tourism, agri- business and workforce development; • Scopes of work for RCI and other USAID competitiveness pro- jects in Europe and Eurasia; • All research papers produced under RCI, as well as agendas and presentations from RCI events since 2005; • Archived RCI newsletters, as well as RCI news items on the front page; • Front-page links to World Economic Forum competitiveness rank- ings for RCI countries; • Competitiveness studies from various think tanks and research institutes; • A thematic calendar of events to promote information-sharing and coordination. In May 2010, RCI launched its Designed to serve the region, the RCI website is a work in progress website, that will evolve according to the needs of regional stakeholders. The The goal of the website is to interest of those stakeholders since the website’s inception has been allow E&E missions, projects, very strong. In its few short months of operation, the RCI website has been visited 2023 times by 1146 different people. 63.82% of those and stakeholders to access and visitors viewed more than one page. Other data collected about the share information on regional RCI website include: competitiveness. Most Viewed Pages • 6,223 page-views, 4,643 unique views; • The most viewed page is the home page (43%), followed by the Sarajevo event main page (5%), USAID scopes of work (5%), and Sarajevo Reports (2%). Geographic Origin • E&E region (over 35%); • The U.S. (44%). Traffic Source • 52% have come from direct traffic (e.g., clicking the link in email announcements, or typing the address directly); • 26% from sites linking to the RCI website; • 21% from search engines. Keywords include “rci project”, “region- al competitiveness”, and “rci usaid”. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners. !
  • 4. ! "#$!"%&%'()*!'+,!-+'./&0&! One of RCI’s tasks as a Below is a summary list of reports developed in recent years regional project is to research under the Regional Competitiveness Initiative: and analyze the most current • At the 2008 RCI Annual Event in Budva, Montenegro, RCI economic issues, then present presented the report “Competitiveness in the Europe and opinions and possible solutions Eurasia Region: Past, Present and Future”, by Neal Na- to the regional USAID thanson from USAID Washington, who then updated the re- Missions, Projects and other port into “Europe and Eurasia Region: An Overview of local stakeholders. USAID Supported Competitiveness Projects”. ! • At the 2009 RCI Annual Event in Kyiv, Ukraine, with the global economic and financial crisis affecting the region, RCI focused on this most urgent topic with “Causes of the Crisis, Its Transmission to Eastern Europe, and Impacts on Economic and Social Conditions”, presented by Dr. Paul Marer from the Central European University in Budapest. • At that same event, RCI presented the reports “Technology and Innovation Competitiveness in Eastern and Southeast- ern Europe” by Goran Radman, former South East Europe Director for Microsoft and “Workforce Competitiveness in the Next Decade” by Dr. Eric Butler. • At the 2010 RCI Annual Event in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Her- zegovina, Dr. Paul Marer presented an update on the global crisis with “The Global Economic Crises: Impact on Eastern Europe” and “The Greece-Euro Crises and their impacts in Eastern Europe”. • Other interesting presentations were made on efforts to overcome the crisis by Dr. Krassen Stanchev from the Insti- tute for Market Economics, “Coming Out of the Crisis: Cau- casus, Moldova and Ukraine”, and by Dr. Dragana Radevic from CEED Consulting Montenegro, “Coming out of the Global Economic Crisis: Current Status, Effects, and Re- sponses - Sub-regional focus on the Western Balkans”. • RCI also develops sector-specific reports. In 2009 for in- stance, at a workshop on workforce development activities in Macedonia, RCI presented “USAID Macedonia Workforce Development Assessment: Taking Steps toward a 21st Century Workforce” by Dr. Eric Butler. All of these reports and many more can be found on the RCI website - Feel free to use them in your work and dissemi- nate to your partners and clients. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners. !
  • 5. ! "#$!%&'()*+!,$-!./01)*/! !"#$"%#&' In May 2010, RCI, in collaboration with the European Software Institute (ESI) Center for Eastern Europe, launched the website - a platform for regional capacity in IT Train- ing and Certification. The main objective of this website is to support the establishment of an Excellence Network for Eastern Europe and promote cooperation and partnership between IT training and certification service providers. The website features: • A catalogue of Excellence Centers and Service providers of IT training and certification services; • The quality services that can be found within the network are in areas of: Strategic Management, Operational Man- agement, Project Management, Software Development PI, ICT Services PI, Information Security, Vendor Specific and University programs; • 31 quality service organizations as members of the net- work, which are registering more than 60 training and/or certification services; • Organizations from 15 countries: Albania, Armenia, Azer- baijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine; • A news section where registered organizations can share information about their events/ trainings, success stories, in- troduction of new services, project implementation, etc. The site has a user-friendly interface both for the compnies that presents their products and services and for potential clients interested in purchasing them. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners. ! !
  • 6. ! "#$!%&'!()%*+,-!$.!/0*),+0&1! !"#$%#$%&'(&)*+,#-.&/0,*-#0$1& SIGMA-SB dooel – Skoje was founded in 1995. The firm has -0&12+,,&+$3&243#*2& been successful in the development and the deployment of all- in-one systems -- planning, design, and implementation of 4$-4"5"#141&#$&6*"054&+$3& complete cutting-edge IT solutions to improve the business 6*"+1#+& processes of its clients. The technical excellence of the firm re- sulted in the rapid growth of its business, but on an organiza- tional level the company faced serious challenges. A small business in Macedonia talks about how training A possible solution was to deploy a model which would provide improvement in the process of service delivery. The choice was received with the assistance of made in 2007 to get the firm IT Mark certified, with the support USAID’s Regional of USAID’s Regional Competitiveness Initiative. Competitiveness Initiative “We knew that for small-l and medium-sized enterprises adopt- helped improve the firm’s ing world-class models such as CMMI was a lengthy and chal- management, response time, lenging process, which required a lot of time and effort, and that and customer satisfaction. deterred us from initiating a CMMI-based process improvement program,” said Slavcho Boujarski, general manager of the firm. “So when ESI Center Bulgaria in the framework of the USAID- funded RCI program presented to us the IT Mark methodology, which is based on the concept of subdividing the CMMI path into a series of smaller objectives, we recognized its affordabil- ity – we could achieve the milestones with moderate efforts and in a shorter period of time.” Just after its first IT Mark certification, Sigma SB signed two new contracts in which the firm was able use its newly acquired skill to plan and guarantee product delivery to the client. Major benefits reported by the company management included: increased customer satisfaction with the quality of work (less bugs and better fulfillment of the requirements); shortened re- sponse time; the ability to provide new higher-level services; and the development of new services. Building on this success, the company continued its process improvement program after the project with RCI was complet- ed. In 2010 the company achieved a higher level of certification, “IT Mark Premium”, and planned to become certified for CMMI maturity Level 2 in 2011. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.! !
  • 7. RCI Improves IT Competitiveness Leveraging Resources to RCI and its regional IT partner ESI Center Bulgaria/Eastern Eu- rope have developed and implemented a specific model to Improve IT support IT training and certification activities, while leveraging Competitiveness in the co-funding from other donors and partners. E&E Region RCI’s model is part of a systematic approach used to support regional competitiveness. It is based on the IT Competitiveness Pyramid, which is used to assist regional clusters of firms to improve their processes and obtain the internationally recog- nized certifications, CMMI and IT Mark. All activities are imple- One of the major objectives of mented in partnership with regional stakeholders from donor RCI is to ensure the sustaina- organizations, business associations, firms and individuals. bility of ICT activities and to These stakeholders provide a significant part of the financing obtain commitment from other for and offer further support after the initial pilot projects. stakeholders and donors in the region to the activities per- The participation of other stakeholders not only leverages the formed. RCI funds spent on the program but also ensures strong com- mitment and long-term sustainability for the initiatives. The first programs based on the IT Competitiveness Pyramid were launched in 2005-2007. They have impacted the whole region and proved their sustainability: • After the completion of the USAID program in Bulgaria, oth- er programs such as EBRD Business Advisory Services Program and the Bulgarian Competitiveness Program, funded by EU, continued their support for the CMMI /IT Mark initiative. The ESI Center Bulgaria has become a re- gional excellence center in Eastern Europe and the Cauca- sus. • The RCI IT program in Macedonia was recognized as a de- velopment model for the region. In 2008 the German GTZ decided to fund a large-scale regional program based on the original RCI model, which supported more than 50 firms from six countries. • RCI activities in Moldova were implemented in partnership with local firms and the CEED project funded by USAID. This not only contributed to the overall competitiveness of the Moldovan IT sector but also resulted in the creation of the excellence center for IT QLab that will develop local ca- pacity for IT training and certification in Moldova. The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners.
  • 8. ! "#$!$%&'()*+,))!-,.)*/,! !"#$"%#&' The website features: • 48 IT companies presenting 111 of their own products and solutions for different economic sectors, including tourism and travel, agribusiness, furniture, food, textiles, medicine / pharmaceutical, banking / finance, building, manufacturing and automotive; • Solutions presented by companies from 15 countries – Al- bania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bul- garia, Georgia, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine; • A paper version of the web catalogue with a circulation In May 2010, RCI, in collabora- 1400 copies. Of those, over 1300 copies are disseminated tion with the European Soft- to companies and industrial associations in Eastern Europe ware Institute (ESI) Center for and the Caucasus; Eastern Europe, launched the • Three companies, which shared feedback and acknowl- website, edgment that, through the IT2Business catalogue, they started successful business relations with companies from a platform for cross sector links other countries or sectors. between ICT solution develop- ers and companies from other Most Viewed Pages economic sectors. The goal of this website is the worldwide • 6540 visits; promotion in different econom- • The most viewed page is the catalogue and search page ic sectors of successful IT (40%), followed by the home page (8%), welcome note products and solutions devel- (15%), and resources repository (10%). oped by regional (Eastern Eu- rope and Caucasus) Traffic Source companies. • 62% have come from direct traffic (e.g., clicking the link in ! email announcements, or typing the address directly); • 20% redirected links from partners sites - RCI, ICT associa- tions and companies in Moldova, Armenia, Bosnia and Her- zegovina, Romania, the ESI Center Bulgaria site, www.quality2it.org0 etc.; • 17% from search engines. • The average time spent in the site is 3.25 minutes with a peak time of 24 minutes. ! The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners. ! !
  • 9. ! RCI: Excellence in IT !"#$"%#&' Events and Statistics RCI, in cooperation with its partner the European Software In- stitute (ESI) Center for Eastern Europe, has three kinds of events related to excellence and certification: awareness, train- ing, and appraisals. The events took place in 13 countries in Southeast and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Summary statistics for the period June 2005 – October 2010: • Excellence events: 67 • Companies involved in the excellence events: 413 One of RCI’s most strategic • Companies certified: 37 sectors is information technol- • Excellence trainees and participants: 1,777 ogy (IT). RCI is a leader in de- • Qualified individuals: 827 veloping IT in each country and • Associations involved in the excellence activity: 11 enhancing competitiveness in Feedback from participant companies: the Western Balkans and the • 82% of companies increased their competitiveness by more Caucasus. One of the main than 20%; activities RCI supports is the • 85% of firms reported increased client satisfaction and 58% excellence of IT companies reported decreased “time to market”; through training and certifica- tion. The result is that the IT • 37% of companies reported sales increase of 20%-50% due companies improve their or- to the CMMI / ITMark implementation program. ganization, processes and Testimonials from Beneficiaries products, which leads to higher “The most visible result we have seen is having real-time re- productivity and expanded porting on what is really happening within our company. Our business opportunities. managers have online access to all of their projects and can ! instantly see which tasks are on time, which are lagging behind schedule so they can push the team or add more resources to the team to get the task done on time.” IT Company from Macedonia “When implementing ITMark and as recommended by CMMI we introduced a new practice in our work with banks: When we receive requirements we create a prototype of our vision of the product and then discuss it again with the client. In 80% of the cases our vision appeared to differ a lot from the client’s vision. Previously this created a lot of rework. Now we can assure a correct vision of the requirements and final product that are un- derstood correctly by us and the clients.” IT Company from Moldova ! !
  • 10. ! RCI Events Overview !"#$%#$%&'(%)'*)"&")%#($+,& One of the main strategic goals of RCI is to share knowledge -'+.)*(,/)"-&-#$0)&1223& and information across borders and regions. RCI implements this through electronic media such as the RCI web site, quarter- 100% 90% ly Newsletters, bi-weekly tourism & agribusiness information, 80% and the bi-monthly InfoShare. To add more value, RCI’s most 70% 60% successful tools are the events that bring stakeholders from all Poor 50% 40% Fair countries and regions together to share their experiences and 30% Good Excellent learn from each other. 20% 10% 0% Evaluation Networking Quality of Materials and opportunities presentations documentations General assessment of the usefulness of RCI events is over- whelmingly positive. • Relevance: 96-100% indicated that they found RCI events relevant to their work • Meeting expectations: 92-100% of attendees said that events have met their expectation • Continued interest: 93-100% of respondents are likely to attend RCI events in the future The different aspects of RCI meetings receive very positive rat- ings (excellent or good at a rate of 86-96%). Statistics RCI is contributing to the From 2005 to 2010, RCI has organized about 50 events attended regional dialogue on by a total of over 3500 participants, which have included competitiveness by holding representatives of the private sector (over 40%), local regular events ranging from governments, and USAID projects and missions. roundtable for 10-15 practitioners on a specific topic The RCI project is implemented by SEGURA/IP3 Partners. (agribusiness, tourism, etc.) to & annual events with over 100 participants. !
  • 11. Global Engagement Initiative in Action “Regional Opportunities On June 28, 2011 in Izmir, Turkey, at EBILTEM (a local university for Growth Conference” entrepreneurship center), CEED Global and its local partner BATI- BINOM (Western Anatolia Chamber) implemented a two day ICT 28 June, 2011 business-to-business matchmaking event - "Regional Opportunities for Growth Conference." The B2B event was made possible by the Izmir, Turkey Global Engagement Initiative with the support of the Regional Com- petitiveness Initiative (RCI). Informatics, Electronics, and Telecommunication were among the key new technological industries represented at the event. The goal was to establish a platform for effective collaboration and regional integration among ICT companies from the South East Europe region. [Insert Photo Credit] A total of 60 companies participated at the B2B company matchmaking of which 19 were from Eastern Europe where CEED has offices (Bulgaria, Kosovo, Slovenia, Romania, Macedonia, Albania, BiH), and 41 were local firms, universities and organizations. In the morning opening session, Dr. Serdal from TEMEL presented Turkey is the fastest growing information on business and trade development in the Izmir region. This was followed by a presentation by Mr. Peter Statev, Chairman at market in the region. This event the Bulgarian ICT Cluster who spoke about the IT market situation in helped strengthen Southeast Eastern Europe, and based on his personal experience, provided the Europe – Turkish business audience with the business know-how on how a foreign company can contacts and highlighted open a representative office in Turkey. opportunities for increasing trade Later, one of the leading Turkish producers, VESTEL Electronics, and investment. spoke about its R&D management, presenting a video demonstration on new areas of technological involvement. The last speaker from the Bulgarian IT Association, BASSCOM President George Brashnarov, spoke on the topic of internationalization and cooperation. The afternoon program continued in the form of "Speed Networking" to increase communication and collaboration opportunities by having prearranged face-to-face meetings with individual companies. These 15 minute meetings (80 in total) allowed company representatives to exchange information and created the opportunity to talk in further detail about actual business ideas. The event resulted in 15 potential co-operation connections and post- event contacts. Following the success of the event, the two organizing partners CEED and BATI-BINOM agreed to continue this regional collaborative work, and do another follow-up event focused on estab- lishing further business partnerships. The participating companies themselves also expressed the need for continued and deeper in- volvement so that the regional ICT networking could further expand and flourish.
  • 12.   SIX KOSOVO COMPANIES RECEIVE USAID-FUNDED GRANTS TO SUPPORT INNOVATION   The US Agency for International On March 1 2013, the Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) Development and the Norwegian recognized six startup companies that received USAID grant Ministry of Foreign Affairs work together support to build their innovative businesses. The awardees to finance business innovation and job include an internet service provider, a developer of educational creation in Kosovo   software for kids, and a developer of videogames for Facebook,   iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Designed to propel business innovation and create jobs in Gjergj  Filipaj  Innovation  Centre  Kosovo     Kosovo, the USAID Innovation Grant Fund provides support, on a competitive basis, of up to $5,000 to selected ICK incubator tenants to develop their product or service and bring their innovation to the market.   USAID Mission Director Maureen Shauket and Norwegian Acting Ambassador Jon Hansen both spoke at the event, highlighting the importance of accelerating business growth in Innovation Grant Fund recipient Ms. Blerta Kosovo. “I am very pleased to be able to award grant Thaçi of Eduapps LLC, together with USAID certificates to the first six ICK tenant companies, two of which Mission Director Maureen Shauket and Acting Ambassador of the Norwegian have women co-owners. With these grants, you will be able to Embassy Jon Hansen at the Awards promote your businesses, test your new products and services, Ceremony and launch your products in the market.” said Mission Director   Maureen Shauket. The ICK Foundation was established and operates with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managerial and technical support from founders Athene Prosjektledelse “We came to ICK as a group of young Norway, the Kosovo Association of Information and students with ideas. ICK helped us develop Communication Technology (STIKK), and the main into a functioning company with products that are ready to be offered in the implementing partner Crimson Capital. It is designed to assist marketplace." Innovation Grant Fund entrepreneurs in developing innovative and commercially recipient Ms. Blerta Thaçi of EduApps LLC. successful companies that create future-oriented jobs. ICK   provides workspace, mentoring, and training to select entrepreneurs, and has already supported 19 companies on a cost-shared basis. The USAID Innovation Grant Fund is made possible via a grant from the USAID Regional Competitiveness Initiative (RCI) to ICK as a center of excellence, and is an example of close donor cooperation and co-financing. Under the grant, ICK is also providing training in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and iOS programming to local professionals.  
  • 13. Opportunities are just around the corner Many entrepreneurs today have products and services ready to be used, but they lack connections and networks through which Sometimes people to channel them. CEED’s main objective is to enable entrepre- neurs and their management teams to develop their companies conduct their search by gaining practical know-how, mentoring, peer-to-peer learn- in multiple directions ing, and regional and international business cooperation. [Insert Photo Credit] including a variety of In Jan. 2013, CEED Albania launched its Top Class Program targeted to small and medium enterprises, aiming to increase industries and tools, their business knowledge, and expand their networks in order but in many cases to create new business opportunities. The main goal of the event was to introduce the participants to each other and to solutions are found create a positive atmosphere in which new business relation- much closer ships would breed. This activity afforded participants the opportunity to spend a whole day in a relaxed business environment getting to know each other, and thus sparked many business possibilities. Even CEED Albania started its by the end of the first event, the participation in the Top Class second generation of the Top Program enabled some of the entrepreneurs to look at new Class program by organizing business opportunities. Impress Studio, a graphic designing Team Building. company made an agreement with the company BTC, which is the authorized dealer of Kaspersky computer viruses for Alba- nia, and Elite Travel, a tourism operator, for exchanging prod- ucts and services according to their current needs. “I am very satisfied with the organization of this first event and people I have met. I am grateful to CEED for creating this pro- gram and enabling me to meet with new business partners” said Arvid Tartari, the representative of Impress Studio. Andi Bogdani from BTC also felt that this first event exceeded his expectations; “I have found a new partner. Impress Studio will prepare the marketing materials for my company and at the same time agreed to use the antivirus services that we are providing” said Bogdani.
  • 14. RCI/CEED Trip to Israel and Jordan under the Global Engagement Initiative Entrepreneurs hit the From 01-07 December 2012, the CEED leadership team from SEAF led a group of 20 entrepreneurs from Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, ground running, not Greece, Kosovo, Romania, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the ducking United States to Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan to map the land- scape and meet visionaries, technologists, financiers, and entrepre- neurs in three technology clusters. With the help of the well-known Israeli investor, Yossi Vardi, and Dr. Glenn Yago, Director the Milken Institute in Jerusalem, CEED was able to introduce members of the group to a Who’s Who of change makers in Israel. Erel Margalit (Founder of Jerusalem Venture Part- ners), Bob Rosenschein (founder of, and Jonathan [Insert Photo Credit] Medved (Founder of Our Crowd) were just a few of the marquee names among the 40+ people who met in intimate surroundings with the group to share their stories, compare experiences, and discuss their outlooks for the future. Many sessions included new and experi- enced entrepreneurs pitching their businesses and meeting with our Twenty entrepreneur members of group to look for synergies and ways to work together. the USAID-sponsored CEED In Ramallah, the team visited with entrepreneurs, investors, and gov- program journeyed to Israel, ernment officials over a working lunch at the Movenpick Hotel. The Palestine, and Jordan to immerse meetings opened up the team’s eyes to a wealth of talent, especially in ICT, that the West Bank has to offer. themselves in three different entrepreneurial ecosystems. In Jordan, Samer Asfour, the Senior Economic Counselor to His Maj- esty, King Abdullah II provided us with an excellent overview of the booming tech sector in Amman. Over the next two days, the delega- tion met with investors, entrepreneurs, and industry facilitators who all made a convincing case to the group that Jordan can be their gate- way to the Arabic-speaking, Middle Eastern market. Participants left with a platinum Rolodex of contacts in all three clus- ters. They also acquired a perspective on the opportunities and chal- lenges involved in doing business in the Middle East. “Being exposed to the differing ecosystems in the region was very interesting. Juxtaposing the Israeli model with the Jordanian model created a very tangible and visible difference in their levels of sophis- tication, government support and general evolution. This was a fan- tastic event!”—Jon Mooney (United States)
  • 15. INVESTORS FLOCK TO SARAJEVO FOR USAID “SEENOVATE“ ACCESS TO FINANCE EVENT USAID is attracting investors to At “SEEnnovate,” an Access to Finance Forum in Sarajevo held open businesses in the SEE on June 19, 2012 that was organized by RCI in coordination region with USAID projects FIRMA, FARMA, PARE, PFS, and RCC, with additional support by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Centers for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED), twenty entrepreneurs from Bosnia and Herzegovina presented their businesses to investors who attended the conference. At least two of these presentations will result in investment deals. The event gathered close to 200 participants, including [Insert Photo Credit] representatives of more than 30 international investments funds, some of which were visiting Southeast Europe for the first time. Two of the investment funds present at the event-- Meta Group from Italy and Globe Forum from Sweden-- have decided to expand their businesses in order to support early stage financing instruments in the region, including further developing the venture capital industry and business angels’ networks. The event also announced launch of the Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility Platform (EDIF), a new EUR 142 million (USD 192 million) instrument to support innovative SMEs in the Western Balkans, and the EUR 100 million (USD 192 million) Venture Capital Investment Program (VCIP) for early and growth stage companies operating in the The event gathered close to technology sector. RCI is actively working with its regional 200 participants including partners at the institutional and local levels to prepare them to representatives of more than apply for the incoming funding from EDIF. 30 international investments funds, some of which were visiting Southeast Europe for the first time.
  • 16.       SUCCESS STORY: Western Balkans Geotourism MapGuide Portal Promoting the Western Balkans as a Overview Tourism Destination The Western Balkans (WB) Mapguide website is a regional portal designed by and co-branded with National Geographic. The MapGuide project took one year to complete. It is the first regional joint effort to promote the Western Balkans as a single destination by highlighting the rich natural and cultural wealth of the area. The effort was supported by the USAID RCI project, and was implemented by the National Geographic Maps Division and the Western Balkans Geotourism Stewardship Council (WBGSC). WBGSC is a regional partnership of representatives from the six participating countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. WBGSC has assumed ownership of the Mapguide and will be responsible for its continued management. WB Mapguide is an interactive information platform that highlights the natural, culturaland historic attractions of Western Balkans In June, 2012, the Western Balkans Geotourism destinations. It provides travelers with an online map that Stewardship Council in partnership with National authentically captures and conveys the region through the eyes of Geographic Maps Division launched in the Western the local people. Balkans Mapguide portal ( During its first nine months of existence (data as of 4 March an effort supported by RCI/ USAID 2013), the portal was visited 28,088 times by 23,826 different people from more than 100 countries. Other data collected about the regional portal include: Most Viewed Pages • 70,268 page-views; 57,446 unique views • The most viewed page is the home page (18%), followed by the Macedonia main page (5%), and the Interactive Map (4%). Geographic Origin • WB Countries – 41.12% • U.K. – 4.6%; Germany – 3.6%; Italy – 2.52%, Netherlands – 2% Just a few months since its launch, Google • US & Canada – 13% demonstrates positive results for the effort– many attractions uploaded to the portal appear on the first Traffic Source page of search results • 57.34% have come from search engines (keywords include Comments on attractions posted on the portal: “It is not different events and attractions from the region) just for the great canyons of 8 waterfalls and the • 29.36% from sites linking to the WB Mapguide Portal; fantastic rafting experience we had, but through this • 13.30% direct traffic adventure you can really feel the Albanian hospitality and the spirit of the commitment of the team. U guys WB MapGuide Portal rock! We'll come back soon.”; “Hotel Manastir is one of most authentic hotel in Macedonia. My Folk Seminar is • 219 nominations in 11 categories always in that hotel every summer.” Success Story: Western Balkans MapGuide Portal