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Copyright, Ethics & Social
      Media: What the Connected
        Lawyer Needs to Know

The Copyright Society of the USA
Mid-Winter Meeting 2013; Omni Hotel Downtown Austin
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Raymond J. Dowd,
Author – Copyright Litigation Handbook (West 2012-2013)
Partner-Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller LLP
New York, NY
How is the “connected attorney”
different from the traditional
Prior to the 1976 Copyright Act, the
subject matter of copyright was
narrow, intentional
After the 1976 Act, every work of
authorship fell into the copyright
And the World Wide Web made global
publication instantaneous and
You’re now a publisher…

Rupert Murdoch
And you are now an advertiser
You are a blogger
- You are publishing text, photos and audio on
  the World Wide Web
- You are taking screen shots, cutting, pasting,
  grabbing and borrowing
- You are not paying anyone
- You are endorsing all of your friends
- Everything is free, easy and cool
- Except you can be sued for defamation
- You can lose your clients and license
- You can violate ethics rules
- You can lose your privacy and be hunted down
You can be a girl and lose your job
You are an Austin TX party animal
You are a shameless self-promoter
You are a twit
You can count how much of a twit you
Legal Birds
You can manage your profile
You can join the “in” crowd
You can be an “influencer” - join
groups and republish to thousands of
targeted individuals
You are an art collector – of other
people’s art
The Google Art Project
Your own personal Art
Project homepage
with your own Galleries
Dead City III, Fritz Grunbaum’s Collection
Moving from Attorney to
Advertiser/Publisher in the Matrix ..
What do you need to know?
Society of Professional Journalists
Code of Ethics
• Seek Truth and Report It
  ▫ Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in
    gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
• Minimize harm
  ▫ Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and
    colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.
• Act Independently
  ▫ Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest
    other than the public’s right to know.
• Be Accountable
  ▫ Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners,
    viewers, and each other.
Farah v. Esquire Magazine, Inc., 863
F.Supp.2d 29 (D.D.C. 2012)
- Esquire blog “parody” interview with “birther”
  book author claiming that author withdrew book
  and refunded money after Obama published
  long-form birth certificate
- $100 million defamation/false light lawsuit
- Qualified immunity by Anti-SLAPP suit –
  advocacy on public interest issue
- Satire on a matter of public concern not
Blogs: more play for untrue speech?
• while generally, “online speech stands on the
  same footing as other speech,” In re Anonymous
  Online Speakers, 661 Fed.Appx. 1168, 1173, No.
  09–71265, 2011 WL 61635, at *2 (9th Cir. Jan. 7,
  2011), blogs are a subspecies of online speech
  which inherently suggest that statements made
  there are not likely provable assertions of fact

 Obsidian Fin. Group, LLC v. Cox, 812 F. Supp.
 2d 1220, 1223 (D. Or. 2011)
FTC Publishes Final Guides Governing Endorsements,
• The Federal Trade Commission today announced that it has approved final
  revisions to the guidance it gives to advertisers on how to keep their
  endorsement and testimonial ads in line with the FTC Act.

 … long standing principle that “material connections” (sometimes payments
or free products) between advertisers and endorsers – connections that
consumers would not expect – must be disclosed. These examples address
what constitutes an endorsement when the message is conveyed by bloggers
or other “word-of-mouth” marketers. The revised Guides specify that while
decisions will be reached on a case-by-case basis, the post of a blogger who
receives cash or in-kind payment to review a product is considered an

Thus, bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material
connections they share with the seller of the product or service.
Under FTC Guidelines
• Can you endorse anyone on LinkedIn?
If you are not a journalist
• Can you protect your sources?
In re Grand Jury Subpoena, Judith Miller, 397 F.3d 964, 979-980, 365 U.S.App.D.C. 13,
28 - 29 (C.A.D.C., 2005)

 • .The Supreme Court went on to observe that “freedom of the press is
   a ‘fundamental personal right ... not confined to newspapers and
   periodicals. It necessarily embraces pamphlets and leaflets .... The
   press in its historic connotation comprehends every sort of
   publication which affords a vehicle of information and opinion.’ ” Id.
   (quoting Lovell v. Griffin, 303 U.S. 444, 450, 452, 58 S.Ct. 666, 82
   L.Ed. 949 (1938)). Are we then to create a privilege that protects
   only those reporters employed by Time Magazine, the New York
   Times, and other media giants, or do we extend that protection as
   well to the owner of a desktop printer producing a weekly newsletter
   to inform his neighbors, lodge brothers, co-religionists, or co-
   conspirators? Perhaps more to the point today, does the privilege
   also protect the proprietor of a web log: the stereotypical “blogger”
   sitting in his pajamas at his personal computer posting on the World
   Wide Web his best product to inform whoever happens to browse
   his way? If not, why not?
Attorney Ethics: Publicity Regarding
Civil Matters and Attorney/Client
 • Should you publish information regarding a civil
Know the Law: N.Y. Rule of Professional
Conduct 3.6: Trial Publicity
a)   A lawyer who is participating in or has participated
     in a criminal or civil matter shall not make an
     extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or
     reasonably should know will be disseminated by
     means of public communication and will have a
     substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an
     adjudicative proceeding in the matter.
b) [Subsection (b) sets forth a variety of specific types of
   statements which are likely to prejudice an
   adjudicative proceeding.         Attorneys who are
   contemplating making statements about a pending
   case should familiarize themselves with this
N.Y. Rule of Professional Conduct 3.6:
Trial Publicity (Cont.)
c)     Provided that the statement complies with paragraph (a), a lawyer may
       state the following without elaboration:
 •   The claim, offense or defense and, except when prohibited by law, the
     identity of the persons involved;
 •   Information contained in a public record;
 •   That an investigation of a matter is in progress;
 •   The scheduling or result of any step in litigation;
 •   A request for assistance in obtaining evidence and information necessary
 •   A warning of danger concerning the behavior of a person involved, when
     there is reason to believe that there exists the likelihood of substantial harm
     to an individual or to the public interest; and
 •   In a criminal matter:
     o    The identity, age, residence, occupation and family status of the accused;
     o    If the accused has not been apprehended, information necessary to aid in
          apprehension of that person;
     o    The identity of investigating and arresting officers or agencies and the length of
          the investigation; and
     o    The fact, time and place of arrest, resistance, pursuit and use of weapons, and a
          description of physical evidence seized, other than as contained only in a
          confession, admission or statement.
Blogging 101                 The Legacy of Jim Letten

When Assistant U.S.
Attorney Sal Perricone had
been commenting on , the New
Orleans paper The Times-
Picayune’s online affiliate
site, it led to quite the
scandal. And the eventual
resignation of US Attorney
Jim Letten.
The Litigation Privilege
Lawyers are absolutely immune from civil liability for statements
or conduct that may have injured, offended, or otherwise
damaged an opposing party during the litigation process. This
protection, often referred to as the "litigation privilege” shields a
litigator regardless of malice, bad faith, or ill will of any kind. See,
e.g., Sinrod v. Stone, 20 A.D.3d 560, 561 (2d Dep’t, 2005)
(“Statements made by parties, attorneys, and witnesses in the course
of a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding are absolutely privileged,
notwithstanding the motive with which they are made, so long as they
are material and pertinent to the issue to be resolved in the
proceeding”); Long v. Marubeni America Corp., 406 F.Supp.2d 285,
294-295 (S.D.N.Y., 2005) (litigation privilege extends to absolute
privilege for out-of-court assertions, when made to interested parties,
and that fairly reflect a party's in-court litigation position).
The Litigation Privilege (Cont.)
• The litigation privilege has been codified in New
  York as McKinney's Civil Rights Law § 74: “A
  civil action cannot be maintained against any
  person, firm or corporation, for the publication
  of a fair and true report of any judicial
  proceeding, legislative proceeding or other
  official proceeding, or for any heading of the
  report which is a fair and true headnote of the
  statement published . . . .”
Exception to the Litigation Privilege
• The litigation privilege does not apply where
  there has been a deliberate institution of
  baseless litigation for the precise purpose of
  fabricating a reporting privilege. Williams v.
  Williams, 23 N.Y.2d 592, 599 (1969).
Attorney-Client Privilege Concerns
• Confidential, attorney-client privileged information
  is generally protected from discovery. However, the
  privilege can be voluntarily waived by the holder of
  the privilege when the confidential information is
  disclosed to third parties.
• Accidental or inadvertent disclosure is usually held
  to be a complete waiver. See, e.g., Underwater
  Storage Underwater Storage Inc. v U.S. Rubber
  Company, 314 F.Supp. 546 (D.D.C. 1970).
Attorney- Client Privilege Concerns
Implied privilege waiver has arisen in social media. In
Lenz v. Universal Music Corp., 2010 WL 4789099
(N.D.Cal. 2010), an employee, via e-mails, a blog, and
Internet chat sessions, disclosed information about
her attorneys’ litigation strategy. Statements made in
social media included a statement that her attorneys
were “pretty well salivating over getting their teeth
into UMG [the employer] again.” This statement
waived the privilege with respect to why the lawsuit
was commenced. Employee disclosed in a Gmail chat
that her attorneys hoped that opinion would clarify a
“cloudy” decision. This statement waived the privilege
relating to the attorneys’ legal strategies.
Duty of Impartiality – Hearing Officer
  Stengle v. Office of Dispute Resolution, 631 F. Supp. 2d
  564, 577 (M.D. Pa. 2009)
Regardless of whether Stengle's blog activity qualified as “advocacy,”
her conduct in that regard had the potential to raise questions as to
her impartiality and indeed did just that. Plaintiff acknowledges that
two attorneys, […] stated that they intended to file formal recusal
motions because they questioned Plaintiff's ability to be impartial in
light of her blog entries. …While those attorneys never filed the
contemplated motions, that fact does not alter the essential inference
to be drawn from this factual array. Again, actual disruptiveness need
not occur; ODR Defendants need only target potential disruptiveness.
From these facts, one can readily infer that Plaintiff's blog had the
potential to induce recusal motions from those who came before her in
her hearing officer capacity. If such a motion were to be filed, either
one of two things could happen. Plaintiff could recuse herself, or she
could elect to deny the motion and hear the case to its conclusion. In
either instance, governmental efficiency would be adversely affected.
Why Does Social Media Matter?
The Lesson
Social media and related technology provide a
host of ways to disclose information to unintended
audiences. Clients and attorneys should take care
to protect the attorney-client privilege by ensuring
that privileged information is not accidentally
Corporate Information Posted on Blogs
• Blogging or posting on to other
  social networking sites about
  work-related information has
  cased a lot of uproar
How Can Twitter affect the Courtroom?
 • Jurors tweeting about the
   trials they are a part of

 • Posting photos of celebrities
   involved in cases
Social Media & Your Location
• Logging onto your Facebook,
  Twitter, FourSquare, Apps on
  smartphones all can help to
  pin-point your location
• Law enforcers around the
  country are using geolocation
  to track down criminals that
  are using social media during
  their crime sprees
Facebook & the courtroom

Courtroom affects:

   • “friending” opposing
     counsel or the judge
   • Chatting about what is
     going on in trial
   • Posting to Facebook or
     Twitter revealing
     evidence regarding
     character or credibility
Discovery of Social Networking Sites:
Private Accounts
• SNS content is not shielded from discovery
  simply because it is “locked” or “private”
• Courts have held that a requesting party is not
  entitled to access all non-relevant material on an
  SNS, but merely locking a profile from public
  access does not prevent discovery either.
Social Media is Discoverable
• Social media is generally discoverable
  • Include social media in document preservation demands
    and in document preservation client memos
  • Social media websites are ESI and should be handled as
  • Various tools to collect, process, and review social media
  • Preserve chain of custody
Attorney Ethics and Social Media
• Lester v. Allied Concrete Company
  • Attorney fined over $500K for telling client to delete
    negative information from Facebook. Client independently
    sanctioned $180K for following attorney’s advice.
• Zimmerman v. Weis Markets
  • Anyone posting photos or information to a public site has no reasonable
    expectation to privacy. Plaintiff ordered to provide log-in information
    and passwords.
  • McMillen v. Hummingbird Speedway
  ▫ Plaintiff ordered to turn over social media usernames and passwords.
    Plaintiff claimed injury related to a car race. But Facebook page referenced
    attending another post-incident race.
  ▫ “unrealistic to expect that such disclosures would be considered
Fair Use Analysis
• “fair use of a copyrighted work … for purposes
  such as criticism, comment, news reporting,
  teaching (including multiple copies for
  classroom use), scholarship, or research, . . .
           is not copyright infringement.”
                        17 U.S.C. § 107.
Use of Copyrighted Materials: Fair Use
• Purpose and character of the use, including
  whether use is commercial or non-profit
• Nature of the copyrighted work
• Amount and substantiality of portion used in
  relation to copyrighted work as a whole
• The effect of the use upon the potential market
  for or value of the copyrighted work
Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group,
Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010)
• A. Purpose and Character of the Use
• The court finds that the purpose and character of Nelson's
  blog is both commercial and educational in nature. His blog
  on the Las Vegas housing market is designed to provide
  important information to potential and current homeowners
  and provide recent developments in the industry as well as
  Nelson's opinion on the state of the market as whole.
  However, the underlying purpose of providing this
  information is to create business for himself as a duly licensed
  realtor operating in that market. Thus, although Nelson's blog
  gathers varied information and provides it to the public free of
  charge, the purpose of providing that information is
  commercial in nature. Therefore, the court finds that this
  factor weighs against the fair use of the copyrighted
Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group,
Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010)
B. Nature of the Work
• The nature of the Work is split between factual news
  reporting and reporter commentary. The portion
  copied by Nelson contains factual news reporting
  about a new federal housing program which
  supports Nelson's fair use of the copyrighted
  information. See e.g., Los Angeles News Service v.
  CBS Broadcasting, Inc., 305 F.3d 924 (9th
  Cir.2002) (re-publication of a video depicting a
  news report was a fair use because it was
  informational rather than creative).
Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group,
Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010)
• C. Amount of Copyrighted Work Used
• In his blog, Nelson reproduced only the first
  eight sentences of a thirty sentence news article.
  The court finds that this use weighs in favor of a
  fair use of the copyrighted material. See e.g, CBS
  Broadcasting, Inc., 305 F.3d at 941 (copying
  only as much as necessary in a greater work to
  provide relevant factual information weighs in
  favor of fair use).
Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group,
Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010)
• D. Effect on Potential Market for Copyrighted
• The court finds that Nelson's use of the copyrighted
  material is likely to have little to no effect on the market
  for the copyrighted news article. Nelson's copied portion
  of the Work did not contain the author's commentary. As
  such, his use does not satisfy a reader's desire to view
  and read the article in its entirety the author's original
  commentary and thereby does not dilute the market for
  the copyrighted work. Additionally, Nelson directed
  readers of his blog to the full text of the Work. Therefore,
  Nelson's use supports a finding of fair use.
Copyright Litigation Handbook (West
2012-2013) by Raymond J. Dowd

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Ray dowd copyright, ethics & social media- what the connected lawyer needs to know- csusa presentation 2.16

  • 1. Copyright, Ethics & Social Media: What the Connected Lawyer Needs to Know The Copyright Society of the USA Mid-Winter Meeting 2013; Omni Hotel Downtown Austin Saturday, February 16, 2013 Raymond J. Dowd, Author – Copyright Litigation Handbook (West 2012-2013) Partner-Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller LLP New York, NY
  • 2. How is the “connected attorney” different from the traditional attorney?
  • 3. Prior to the 1976 Copyright Act, the subject matter of copyright was narrow, intentional
  • 4. After the 1976 Act, every work of authorship fell into the copyright matrix
  • 5. And the World Wide Web made global publication instantaneous and unavoidable
  • 6. You’re now a publisher… Rupert Murdoch
  • 7. And you are now an advertiser
  • 8. You are a blogger - You are publishing text, photos and audio on the World Wide Web - You are taking screen shots, cutting, pasting, grabbing and borrowing - You are not paying anyone - You are endorsing all of your friends - Everything is free, easy and cool - Except you can be sued for defamation - You can lose your clients and license - You can violate ethics rules - You can lose your privacy and be hunted down
  • 9. You can be a girl and lose your job
  • 10. You are an Austin TX party animal
  • 11.
  • 12. You are a shameless self-promoter
  • 13.
  • 14. You are a twit
  • 15.
  • 16. You can count how much of a twit you are
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. You can manage your profile
  • 21.
  • 22. You can join the “in” crowd
  • 23.
  • 24. You can be an “influencer” - join groups and republish to thousands of targeted individuals
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. You are an art collector – of other people’s art
  • 29.
  • 30. The Google Art Project
  • 31. Your own personal Art Project homepage with your own Galleries
  • 32. Dead City III, Fritz Grunbaum’s Collection
  • 33. Moving from Attorney to Advertiser/Publisher in the Matrix .. What do you need to know?
  • 34. Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics • Seek Truth and Report It ▫ Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. • Minimize harm ▫ Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect. • Act Independently ▫ Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s right to know. • Be Accountable ▫ Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers, and each other.
  • 35.
  • 36. Farah v. Esquire Magazine, Inc., 863 F.Supp.2d 29 (D.D.C. 2012) - Esquire blog “parody” interview with “birther” book author claiming that author withdrew book and refunded money after Obama published long-form birth certificate - $100 million defamation/false light lawsuit - Qualified immunity by Anti-SLAPP suit – advocacy on public interest issue - Satire on a matter of public concern not defamation
  • 37. Blogs: more play for untrue speech? • while generally, “online speech stands on the same footing as other speech,” In re Anonymous Online Speakers, 661 Fed.Appx. 1168, 1173, No. 09–71265, 2011 WL 61635, at *2 (9th Cir. Jan. 7, 2011), blogs are a subspecies of online speech which inherently suggest that statements made there are not likely provable assertions of fact Obsidian Fin. Group, LLC v. Cox, 812 F. Supp. 2d 1220, 1223 (D. Or. 2011)
  • 38. FTC Publishes Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials • The Federal Trade Commission today announced that it has approved final revisions to the guidance it gives to advertisers on how to keep their endorsement and testimonial ads in line with the FTC Act. … long standing principle that “material connections” (sometimes payments or free products) between advertisers and endorsers – connections that consumers would not expect – must be disclosed. These examples address what constitutes an endorsement when the message is conveyed by bloggers or other “word-of-mouth” marketers. The revised Guides specify that while decisions will be reached on a case-by-case basis, the post of a blogger who receives cash or in-kind payment to review a product is considered an endorsement. Thus, bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service.
  • 39. Under FTC Guidelines • Can you endorse anyone on LinkedIn?
  • 40. If you are not a journalist • Can you protect your sources?
  • 41. In re Grand Jury Subpoena, Judith Miller, 397 F.3d 964, 979-980, 365 U.S.App.D.C. 13, 28 - 29 (C.A.D.C., 2005) • .The Supreme Court went on to observe that “freedom of the press is a ‘fundamental personal right ... not confined to newspapers and periodicals. It necessarily embraces pamphlets and leaflets .... The press in its historic connotation comprehends every sort of publication which affords a vehicle of information and opinion.’ ” Id. (quoting Lovell v. Griffin, 303 U.S. 444, 450, 452, 58 S.Ct. 666, 82 L.Ed. 949 (1938)). Are we then to create a privilege that protects only those reporters employed by Time Magazine, the New York Times, and other media giants, or do we extend that protection as well to the owner of a desktop printer producing a weekly newsletter to inform his neighbors, lodge brothers, co-religionists, or co- conspirators? Perhaps more to the point today, does the privilege also protect the proprietor of a web log: the stereotypical “blogger” sitting in his pajamas at his personal computer posting on the World Wide Web his best product to inform whoever happens to browse his way? If not, why not?
  • 42. Attorney Ethics: Publicity Regarding Civil Matters and Attorney/Client Privilege • Should you publish information regarding a civil matter?
  • 43. Know the Law: N.Y. Rule of Professional Conduct 3.6: Trial Publicity a) A lawyer who is participating in or has participated in a criminal or civil matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communication and will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the matter. b) [Subsection (b) sets forth a variety of specific types of statements which are likely to prejudice an adjudicative proceeding. Attorneys who are contemplating making statements about a pending case should familiarize themselves with this subsection.]
  • 44. N.Y. Rule of Professional Conduct 3.6: Trial Publicity (Cont.) c) Provided that the statement complies with paragraph (a), a lawyer may state the following without elaboration: • The claim, offense or defense and, except when prohibited by law, the identity of the persons involved; • Information contained in a public record; • That an investigation of a matter is in progress; • The scheduling or result of any step in litigation; • A request for assistance in obtaining evidence and information necessary thereto; • A warning of danger concerning the behavior of a person involved, when there is reason to believe that there exists the likelihood of substantial harm to an individual or to the public interest; and • In a criminal matter: o The identity, age, residence, occupation and family status of the accused; o If the accused has not been apprehended, information necessary to aid in apprehension of that person; o The identity of investigating and arresting officers or agencies and the length of the investigation; and o The fact, time and place of arrest, resistance, pursuit and use of weapons, and a description of physical evidence seized, other than as contained only in a confession, admission or statement.
  • 45. Blogging 101 The Legacy of Jim Letten When Assistant U.S. Attorney Sal Perricone had been commenting on , the New Orleans paper The Times- Picayune’s online affiliate site, it led to quite the scandal. And the eventual resignation of US Attorney Jim Letten.
  • 46. The Litigation Privilege Lawyers are absolutely immune from civil liability for statements or conduct that may have injured, offended, or otherwise damaged an opposing party during the litigation process. This protection, often referred to as the "litigation privilege” shields a litigator regardless of malice, bad faith, or ill will of any kind. See, e.g., Sinrod v. Stone, 20 A.D.3d 560, 561 (2d Dep’t, 2005) (“Statements made by parties, attorneys, and witnesses in the course of a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding are absolutely privileged, notwithstanding the motive with which they are made, so long as they are material and pertinent to the issue to be resolved in the proceeding”); Long v. Marubeni America Corp., 406 F.Supp.2d 285, 294-295 (S.D.N.Y., 2005) (litigation privilege extends to absolute privilege for out-of-court assertions, when made to interested parties, and that fairly reflect a party's in-court litigation position).
  • 47. The Litigation Privilege (Cont.) • The litigation privilege has been codified in New York as McKinney's Civil Rights Law § 74: “A civil action cannot be maintained against any person, firm or corporation, for the publication of a fair and true report of any judicial proceeding, legislative proceeding or other official proceeding, or for any heading of the report which is a fair and true headnote of the statement published . . . .”
  • 48. Exception to the Litigation Privilege • The litigation privilege does not apply where there has been a deliberate institution of baseless litigation for the precise purpose of fabricating a reporting privilege. Williams v. Williams, 23 N.Y.2d 592, 599 (1969).
  • 49. Attorney-Client Privilege Concerns • Confidential, attorney-client privileged information is generally protected from discovery. However, the privilege can be voluntarily waived by the holder of the privilege when the confidential information is disclosed to third parties. • Accidental or inadvertent disclosure is usually held to be a complete waiver. See, e.g., Underwater Storage Underwater Storage Inc. v U.S. Rubber Company, 314 F.Supp. 546 (D.D.C. 1970).
  • 50. Attorney- Client Privilege Concerns (Cont.) Implied privilege waiver has arisen in social media. In Lenz v. Universal Music Corp., 2010 WL 4789099 (N.D.Cal. 2010), an employee, via e-mails, a blog, and Internet chat sessions, disclosed information about her attorneys’ litigation strategy. Statements made in social media included a statement that her attorneys were “pretty well salivating over getting their teeth into UMG [the employer] again.” This statement waived the privilege with respect to why the lawsuit was commenced. Employee disclosed in a Gmail chat that her attorneys hoped that opinion would clarify a “cloudy” decision. This statement waived the privilege relating to the attorneys’ legal strategies.
  • 51. Duty of Impartiality – Hearing Officer Stengle v. Office of Dispute Resolution, 631 F. Supp. 2d 564, 577 (M.D. Pa. 2009) Regardless of whether Stengle's blog activity qualified as “advocacy,” her conduct in that regard had the potential to raise questions as to her impartiality and indeed did just that. Plaintiff acknowledges that two attorneys, […] stated that they intended to file formal recusal motions because they questioned Plaintiff's ability to be impartial in light of her blog entries. …While those attorneys never filed the contemplated motions, that fact does not alter the essential inference to be drawn from this factual array. Again, actual disruptiveness need not occur; ODR Defendants need only target potential disruptiveness. From these facts, one can readily infer that Plaintiff's blog had the potential to induce recusal motions from those who came before her in her hearing officer capacity. If such a motion were to be filed, either one of two things could happen. Plaintiff could recuse herself, or she could elect to deny the motion and hear the case to its conclusion. In either instance, governmental efficiency would be adversely affected.
  • 52. Why Does Social Media Matter?
  • 53. The Lesson Social media and related technology provide a host of ways to disclose information to unintended audiences. Clients and attorneys should take care to protect the attorney-client privilege by ensuring that privileged information is not accidentally disclosed.
  • 54. Corporate Information Posted on Blogs • Blogging or posting on to other social networking sites about work-related information has cased a lot of uproar
  • 55. How Can Twitter affect the Courtroom? • Jurors tweeting about the trials they are a part of • Posting photos of celebrities involved in cases
  • 56. Social Media & Your Location Geolocation • Logging onto your Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, Apps on smartphones all can help to pin-point your location • Law enforcers around the country are using geolocation to track down criminals that are using social media during their crime sprees
  • 57. Facebook & the courtroom Courtroom affects: • “friending” opposing counsel or the judge • Chatting about what is going on in trial • Posting to Facebook or Twitter revealing evidence regarding character or credibility
  • 58. Discovery of Social Networking Sites: Private Accounts • SNS content is not shielded from discovery simply because it is “locked” or “private” • Courts have held that a requesting party is not entitled to access all non-relevant material on an SNS, but merely locking a profile from public access does not prevent discovery either.
  • 59. Social Media is Discoverable • Social media is generally discoverable • Include social media in document preservation demands and in document preservation client memos • Social media websites are ESI and should be handled as such • Various tools to collect, process, and review social media • Preserve chain of custody
  • 60. Attorney Ethics and Social Media Discovery • Lester v. Allied Concrete Company • Attorney fined over $500K for telling client to delete negative information from Facebook. Client independently sanctioned $180K for following attorney’s advice. • Zimmerman v. Weis Markets • Anyone posting photos or information to a public site has no reasonable expectation to privacy. Plaintiff ordered to provide log-in information and passwords. • McMillen v. Hummingbird Speedway ▫ Plaintiff ordered to turn over social media usernames and passwords. Plaintiff claimed injury related to a car race. But Facebook page referenced attending another post-incident race. ▫ “unrealistic to expect that such disclosures would be considered confidential.”
  • 61. Fair Use Analysis • “fair use of a copyrighted work … for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, . . . is not copyright infringement.” 17 U.S.C. § 107.
  • 62. Use of Copyrighted Materials: Fair Use Test • Purpose and character of the use, including whether use is commercial or non-profit • Nature of the copyrighted work • Amount and substantiality of portion used in relation to copyrighted work as a whole • The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work
  • 63. Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group, Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010) • A. Purpose and Character of the Use • The court finds that the purpose and character of Nelson's blog is both commercial and educational in nature. His blog on the Las Vegas housing market is designed to provide important information to potential and current homeowners and provide recent developments in the industry as well as Nelson's opinion on the state of the market as whole. However, the underlying purpose of providing this information is to create business for himself as a duly licensed realtor operating in that market. Thus, although Nelson's blog gathers varied information and provides it to the public free of charge, the purpose of providing that information is commercial in nature. Therefore, the court finds that this factor weighs against the fair use of the copyrighted information
  • 64. Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group, Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010) B. Nature of the Work • The nature of the Work is split between factual news reporting and reporter commentary. The portion copied by Nelson contains factual news reporting about a new federal housing program which supports Nelson's fair use of the copyrighted information. See e.g., Los Angeles News Service v. CBS Broadcasting, Inc., 305 F.3d 924 (9th Cir.2002) (re-publication of a video depicting a news report was a fair use because it was informational rather than creative).
  • 65. Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group, Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010) • C. Amount of Copyrighted Work Used • In his blog, Nelson reproduced only the first eight sentences of a thirty sentence news article. The court finds that this use weighs in favor of a fair use of the copyrighted material. See e.g, CBS Broadcasting, Inc., 305 F.3d at 941 (copying only as much as necessary in a greater work to provide relevant factual information weighs in favor of fair use).
  • 66. Righthaven LLC v. Realty One Group, Inc., 2010 WL 4125413 (D. Nev. 2010) • D. Effect on Potential Market for Copyrighted Work • The court finds that Nelson's use of the copyrighted material is likely to have little to no effect on the market for the copyrighted news article. Nelson's copied portion of the Work did not contain the author's commentary. As such, his use does not satisfy a reader's desire to view and read the article in its entirety the author's original commentary and thereby does not dilute the market for the copyrighted work. Additionally, Nelson directed readers of his blog to the full text of the Work. Therefore, Nelson's use supports a finding of fair use.
  • 67. Copyright Litigation Handbook (West 2012-2013) by Raymond J. Dowd