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Radiation Exposure Among Health Care Workers
Radiation Exposure among Health Care Workers
Radiation is actuality of life and in terms of defining; it is the emission (sending out) of energy from
any source. We live in a world in which radiation is unsurprisingly present everywhere and has been
since the creation of this planet. Light and heat from nuclear reaction in sun are crucial to our
survival. Radioactive materials occur naturally all through the environment and our bodies contain
radioactive materials for example carbon–14, and potassium–40 naturally (Knoll, 1989). All life on
Earth has evolved in the presence of this radiation. One can categorize radiation according to the
effects it produces on matter, into non–ionizing and ionizing radiation. Non–ionizing ... Show more
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Figure 1 below depicts the exposure sources of radiation.
Source: 2014. Where does radiation exposure come from? Sources and distribution of average
radiation exposure to the world population.
Radiation is one cause, along with hundreds that result in cancer. Radiation is invisible to the naked
eye, making it more difficult for our senses to detect. The fundamental background of cosmic rays,
gamma rays, and natural radioactivity within the body gives rise to an annual dose of about 1 mSv
or more to an average person in the world. It is simple, in some situations, to control non–natural
sources of radiation for the reason that we can adjust or eliminate the procedure producing the
radiation, however there is always a balance to be made. It is vital, for example, to be aware of the
doses from medical x–ray examinations, but it would not be smart to lessen the doses where it
would result to a loss of vital diagnostic information that could not have been found with radiation.
This is all part of the cost and benefits of using radiation.
Radiation affects people by depositing energy in body tissue, which can cause cell damage or cell
death. In several cases there may be no obvious effect. In other cases, the cell might survive but
grow to be abnormal, either temporarily or permanently. Furthermore, an abnormal cell could
become malignant. Both large and small doses of
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The United States And Soviet Union
Since the end of World War II, long before the earliest events of the Heroes of Catholic Education
Series, a strange set of occurrences began to manifest itself as the United States and Soviet Union
faced each other as rivals in the subsequent Cold War. The Anomaly Phenomenon, a term denoting
the appearance of peculiar formations that defy scientific explanation, made its first appearance in
the small period of relative peace–shortly after World War II, but before the Cold War and the
formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Most people are unaware of it, sometimes out of
ignorance and other times because of government agencies seeking to prevent it from creating
unnecessary civil disorder, leaving only a few people who are aware of it.
With that being said, it is absurd for one to assert that the Anomaly Phenomenon itself is being
suppressed by someone, a group, an institution or a government. In fact, there are as many potential
customers willing to purchase Anomalies for large sums of money for the purpose of scientific
research. The scope of the ones interested in purchasing them from those who harvest them are
usually academics, universities, corporations, research groups, NGOs, governments, civilian and
military researchers, and even wealthy individuals willing to add them to their collections of rare
To begin, in order to understand the Anomaly Phenomenon, one must first take in account the
definition of an "Anomaly." Within the lore of the
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A Brief Note On The Attack Recovery Plan
Radiological Attack Recovery Plan Thesis Statement: It is essential for all the bodies of authority as
well as the public to have a proper plan to mitigate the impacts caused by a possible radiological
attack exposure. The local, public, and national emergency preparedness in responding to a
radiological detonation could lead to saving of many lives. 1. Introduction I. Define radiological
emergency, causes and effects of radiological emergency, areas prone to radiological emergencies A
radiological emergency is an emergency in which there is or there seems to be a hazard due to
radiation exposure from a radioactive source. This may result from a variety of reasons such as
uncontrolled sources, misuse of equipment or malicious acts. Although there has been no successful
terrorist attack has happened in the US since 9/11, terrorism experts are wary that one is likely to
occur in the near future. Numerous terrorism plans of various proportions have been foiled in the
US. These include plans to detonate radiological dispersal devices (RDD) (Eggen & Sxhmidt,
2002). Al Qaeda has expressed intent to obtain and use nuclear devices in the United States with
Osama bin Laden having declared it a duty on Muslims to acquire nuclear devices (Ferguson et al,
2004, Lawrence, 2005). Although nuclear attacks are way too complicated for terrorists a simpler
equally psychologically effective means exists. The use of radio active materials on various soft
targets offers cost and simplicity
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The Human Body Is A Complex System
The human body is a complex system that is composed of billions of cells, undergoing growth,
division and death in an orderly fashion on a daily basis. When this process occurs in an abnormal
manner, the outcome is typically referred to as a tumor. In today's world, tumor is a term that is
commonly heard throughout the world. Also referred to as neoplasm, a tumor is an abnormal growth
of tissue resulting from the rapid cell division due to some form of mutation (Cooper). They are
classified into four main groups: benign, in situ, malignant and those with uncertain or unknown
behaviour. Of the four classes of tumor, malignant neoplasms are those tumors that are typically
referred to as cancers (Cooper). These tumors involve abnormal cell growth that has the potential to
invade and destroy the surrounding tissue, possibly forming metastases and becoming fatal. Eye
tumors are secondary tumors that results from a primary tumor that has spread from other parts of
the body and have invaded the eye. There are two primary types that occur within the eye:
retinoblastoma in children, and melanoma in adults.
Ocular melanoma is a rare cancer that occurs in the adult eye (Guénel et al.). Although there are
other types of eye cancer, ocular melanoma is the most commonly occurring and the most
dangerous. It is a malignant tumor that metastasizes and become fatal in about half of all occurring
cases. It is the second most common type of melanoma that occurs and accounts for 5% of all
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The Miraculous Substance Of Radium Girls
In the early 1900's radium was "the latest miracle substance" (Hersher & Blum, 2014). Salesmen
promised that it extended lifespans, increased sex drive, made women more beautiful, and had many
other fantastic effects. The world was infatuated with radium and displayed this by putting it in
slews of items including face cream, bread, chocolate, suppositories, toy sets for children, drinking
water (as shown in figure 1), toothpaste, watch faces, and many more products. (List from, 2007) It was used often in pharmaceuticals and described by advertisers as "nature's
way to health." "Doctors used it to treat everything from colds to cancer." (Hersher & Blum, 2014)
However, the "magical" substance that was radium turned out to ... Show more content on ...
Figure 3 shows a factory worker who suffered from a lethal chin sarcoma. She was but one of all the
factory workers who suffered as a direct result of radium poisoning. "There was one woman who the
dentist went to pull a tooth and he pulled her entire jaw out when he did it, their legs broke
underneath them. Their spines collapsed." (Hersher & Blum, 2014) says Deborah Blum, the author
of the novel The Poisoners Handbook. Most of the women were dead before age 30, others suffered
longer and died soon after. It is now known that radium, shown in figure 4, is a potent carcinogen (a
substance the cause's cancer (Wilbraham, Staley, Marta, & Waterman, 2005)). It emits a form of
ionizing radiation which "includes electromagnetic radiation (e.g., gamma rays and X–rays) as well
as particles (e.g., alpha particles, beta particles, high–speed neutrons, high–speed electrons, high–
speed protons, etc.)" (National Library of Medicine, n.d.). Acute studies have been done on the
effects of radium exposure on the human body by organizations like the Geneva World Health
Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and Monographs on the Evaluation
of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. As a result of their findings, The National Library of
Medicine states that sufficient evidence has been provided showing that prolonged exposure to
Raduim–224, Radium–226,
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The Atomic Bomb Was Necessary
The Atomic Bomb was needed to be Used then, but not now Cullen J. Babcock I002 FALL 15 HIST
102 Dr. Lilia Anand American Military University Abstract The Atomic Bomb or known Atom
Bomb was created by a scientist, which assembled the first bomb. He and General Leslie Graves
officially and successfully tested it in New Mexico, July 21, 1945. Despite this, two refugees from
Italy and Germany in the early 1940's, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard were the first to ever produce a
controlled chain reaction. The bomb was created to use during WW2 and end it. This was big for
America as president Franklin was notified that Germany was working on a similar weapon to use
on America and its Allies. This bomb was needed to win the war and it took approximately 160,000
lives as a result while also having many affects on the people then, the people today, and the
environment (Henretta, Edwards, & Self, 2012). The US was the first and only country to this day to
drop an atomic bomb on another country, not once, but twice. This did end the war; however, the
results were quite devastating to Japan. The environment and lives lost were all greatly impacted
however, the world as a whole would be impacted for years to come. It also had its political
reasoning behind it to show the global power of America. The devastation caused by the bombs also
created deterrence from using them in the future at the time. Furthermore, now as other countries
have improved technological
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Task 1.2- Properties ( Part Of P1 )
Task 1.2– Properties (Part of P1)
Describe the properties of . . . and. Radiation. Things should be including:
Their range in air
What they are stopped by
Their penetrating and ionising powers
How they are affected by electrical and magnetic fields.
How they are commonly detected.
Any other properties.
Alpha, beta and gamma come from nuclear of an atom and they called radioactive, because it gives
off radiation. These radiations absorb by different thickness of materials such as: Alpha radiation
only travel few centimetre in the air, beta radiation travels tens centimetre in the air however gamma
travel many meter in the air. If the substance is thicker, the more radiation it will absorbed. ... Show
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Beta radiation is an electron with the charge of –1. Its atomic number is –1 and atomic mass is 0. It
is more penetrating than alpha radiation plus, has a less ionising power than alpha. It absorbed by
thin aluminium sheet and used to control the thickness of different material such as thickness of the
paper, plastic and aluminium. They use a detector to check if there is more or less particle being
released or absorb. If the material is thicker then it need to the material will start to absorb the
particle however if the material is too thin more beta particle will start to pass through, that's how
they finds out the thickness of the material. It is not very dangerous if it goes into our body because
it usually get through the body, however it is very dangerous if it outside the body because it can
penetrate the skin and cause damage to human cells. It is deflected by electrical and magnetic field
because it has negative charge as I said positive and negative attract to each other.
Gamma radiation has 0 charges and 0 atomic mass and atomic number. It has a very high
penetrating power than alpha and beta because it does not stop for many centimetres. The ionising
power of gamma radiation is very low according to alpha and beta radiation. It is used to treat
cancer and testing equipment; however it can be very dangerous for human health if it comes in
contact with
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The All Purpose Isotope Essay
Terbium: The All–purpose Isotope
John Patrick Lopez
Santa Fe College
This paper will run through the potential and numerous clinical uses of terbium in nuclear medicine.
Terbium is a rare metal and is still under clinical trials in Europe and is the only element in the
periodic table with four clinically relevant radioisotopes with remarkable nuclear decay
characteristics and could possibly be used in a vast array of nuclear medicine procedures, including
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The four forms of terbium under clinical trials are 149Tb,
152Tb, 155Tb, and 161Tb. 149Tb is being clinically tested as an alpha particle emitting
radionuclide for alpha–immunotherapy. Due to it's relatively short half–life of 4.1 hours and low
energy emittance of alpha particles, make it principally well suited for application in unification
with small–molecular–weight targeting agents, including peptides, which are quickly vacated from
the body. 152Tb with a half like of 17.5 hours emits positrons perfect for postitron emission
tomography imaging. 155Tb emits gamma rays and has a half life of 5.32 days with relatively low
energies of 86.55 and 105.3 keV respectively, it is being tested for diagnostic purposes for positron
emission tomography and single–photon emission computed tomography cameras. 161Tb produces
beta minus particles and is being tested for therapeutic purposes while showing great promise with
tumor visualization and remission. The
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Retinoblastoma
Cancer comes in many forms and can attack just about anyone. Some cancers take more time to
grow, spread and show signs of attack, but it is very important for everyone to be very careful and
cautious because anyone can be a victim for this cruel cancer. Retinoblastoma is one of the cancers
that can become very fatal to someone's vision if not treated. Retinoblastoma is caused when the
cancer cells start to grow with no control. Cells can become cancer cells in any part of the body so it
is very essential for it to be treated as soon as possible. It can also extend to any other parts of the
body. Retinoblastoma is started in the retina of the eye and is most common in children.
The very first thing anyone should do when they are diagnosed with cancer is to consult with their
doctor about treatment plans. Retinoblastoma has many treatment options for the patient. One of the
main treatments of retinoblastoma is surgery. If the retinoblastoma is detected while it is a small
tumor, surgery is not necessary. If the tumor is not found in time and is quite large, the eye's vision
has most likely been already damaged. If this is ever the case, then there is a procedure called,
enucleation, and this procedure removes the whole eye and a part of the optic nerve that was
connected. Meanwhile, during the enucleation procedure, an orbital implant is put in, taking the
place of the eye. The orbital implant contains contents such as, silicone or hydroxyapatite. This
substance is very alike
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Radioactive Sickness
Causative Agent: A total body exposure of one hundred roentgens of radiation will cause radiation
sickness. Although certain medical devices will give you exposure to radiation, the grays of
radiation are miniscule and will not cause radiation sickness. There are a few sources that can lead
to a high enough exposure of roentgens of radiation. One of these sources involves accidents or
attacks involving nuclear facilities. The other has to do with accidents or being the target of
radioactive or nuclear weapons and devices, this includes the use of a conventional explosive device
that disperses radioactive material, known as a dirty bomb. Historical Information: Back in 1902
when Marie & Pierre Curie were isolating radium, a radioactive ... Show more content on ...
Radiation in the body is measured by total body exposure; that being the total combine radiation
source of outside and inside the body. Radiation sickness occurs when ionized radiation damages or
destroys cells in your body. The areas of the body most susceptible to radiation are cells in the lining
of your intestinal tract which include your stomach, and the hematopoietic cells in bone marrow.
There are two main types of radiation sickness acute and chronic. Symptoms/ Diagnosis: The
symptoms of acute radiation sickness vary based on the exposure. A mild exposure is one to two
grays, the symptoms of this included nausea and vomiting within six hours. A moderate exposure of
two to six grays, the symptom of a mild exposure will be increased to within two hours with the
added symptoms of diarrhea, headache, and fever. All of the symptoms of mild exposure will
happen with twenty–four hours. Severe exposure of six to eight grays will increase the onset of
moderate exposure symptoms to within four hours. A very severe exposure, which is eight to ten
grays and higher will result in the symptoms occurring within two hours, with the beginning
symptoms in about 10 minutes, as well as new symptoms which include dizziness, disorientation,
and fatigue. With the later symptoms of the sickness most exposures will led to dizziness,
disorientation, and fatigue ranging from 1 to 4 weeks. Chronic is usually
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Steps to Survival Essay
The Day in Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon is that one terrifying, unanticipated, and shocking day when
bombs drop on many large and important cities in the United States. This day puts many people into
situations that they are not used to. They must adapt to the world rather than try to live their regular
live which is now nonexistent. If one is sick, good luck getting medication; scared, good luck
finding food when the supply runs out. The mentally and physically strong survive and the weak die,
that is the rule of life. Randy Bragg was forced into a leading position because he knew that a leader
is needed if his family wanted to survive. He is forced to put his selfishness aside for the survival of
him and his family and was willing to do ... Show more content on ...
It is not only about going out and getting it but also about getting it fast. That is why in Pat Frank's
Alas, Babylon the group of survivors put together their gasoline and only drove the most fuel
efficient car. Ideas like this could help one survive until the nuclear war ends or until there is no
need to travel anymore. The only other physical preparation varies from a number of things that are
essential and sometimes overlooked by many. The most important steps to survival are those that are
instinct and essential. When the bombs are dropped there is not much time depending on how far
away the bomb is to prepare. Some basic things that most people do not think of like are "opening
windows and doors downstairs and filling up pails and bath tubs with water" (Frank 97). Any water
after the bombs would become radiated. This means once one run out of water in the pails and tubs,
one will need to find a way to make the radiated water drinkable, or find an alternate source of
water. In Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon, this alternate source was the "artesian water" which "smelled
like rotten eggs" but was better than no water at all (Frank 151). Another alternate source of water is
wells and water tanks, no contaminated water or particles have a chance to get into the water so it is
safe to drink (Kearny 71). Water is an essential item that many people take for granted in normal
life. Many
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Fluorescence Spectroscopy And The Emission Wavelength Of...
Abstract Fluorescent properties are used to study protein and small molecule interactions.
Fluorescent spectrophotometry determined the excitation wavelength of eosin isothiocyanate to be
525 nm and its emission wavelength was 545 nm. Glycogen phosphorylase was similarly studied.
The excitation wavelength was 330 nm and the emission wavelength was 360 nm. The emission
wavelength could be indicative of the presence of the fluorophore, tryptophan. The potential
interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 1–anilino–8–naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS)
was studied through fluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). BSA had an
emission wavelength of 358 nm which could also be indicative of a tryptophan. When BSA and
ANS were mixed together, the emission wavelength was longer suggesting that the molecules
interact with each other and follow FRET.
Fluorescence spectroscopy is a useful technique to determine the proteins and nucleic acids of a
macromolecule. Some molecules, fluorophores, can absorb light at certain wavelengths and then
emit it at another wavelength. When the molecule absorbs light it is excitation and the light released
is emission. The light particles, photons, hit a fluorophore to excite the molecule (Voet et. al 2013).
Excitation occurs by the valence electrons of the molecule receiving energy and moving to a higher
energy state from the ground state. The excited electrons will later return to the ground state because
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Nuclear Chemical And Physical Changes
Nuclear chemistry is the study of the chemical and physical changes in the nucleus of an atom. The
field of nuclear chemistry deals with radioactive elements such as radium, radon and the whole
actinides series and the equipment to deal with such elements; such as nuclear reactors. However the
subject itself varies because it deals with the scientific areas such as physics, biology, geology and
chemistry. Nuclear chemistry has help us discover more about the nucleus and has provided
advances in medicine, nuclear weapons and instruments to help scientists in those fields. 1, 2
Nuclear chemistry focuses on creating electrical energy for power generation and, in some cases,
propel ships. This electrical energy generation comes from the nuclear reactors in nuclear power
plants. Nuclear reactors are built to start up and contain a nuclear chain reaction. These nuclear
chain reactions can come in two forms: linear chain reaction and a critical mass. Both reactions are
caused by nuclear fission; this is when then nuclei of certain isotopes are bombarded with neutrons,
causing them to split into smaller fragments of the nuclei: smaller atoms, a staggering amount of
energy and spare neutrons. Since neutrons have no charge, they can pass through the energy fields of
the electrons and protons. A linear chain reaction is a series of nuclear fissions going in one straight
line. In a linear chain reaction, some of the spare neutrons, caused by fission, produced will hit other
nuclei and
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What We Can Learn about Stars Using Spectra
What we can Learn about Stars using Spectra The stars have always been a source of wonder
because they are so distant. We have been unable to know much about these celestial bodies for so
long; however, with the use of spectra scientists are able to learn more than you would think.
Emission and absorption spectra have been hiding a vast amount of knowledge, astronomers and
physicists are just now learning how to sift through all of the information that the spectra hold. We
have been able to learn about what kinds of elements specific stars are composed of, how distant the
stars are, and the temperature of the stars. The spectra of stars have revolutionized our knowledge
but there were issues in getting the information that we needed. The earths atmosphere was the
biggest issue that was encountered. As light comes through our atmosphere the wavelengths at the
shorter end of the spectrum like blue and violet are more easily scattered than longer wavelengths
like red, orange, and yellow that are more difficult to scatter. This means that we detect more light
that is toward the yellow end of the spectrum rather than the true colors that were actually emitted.
To fix the problem we would have to remove the atmosphere. That was not an actual option for
scientists, so they had to send telescopes up into space. Once scientists were able to launch the
equipment they needed into space they were able to receive the actual spectral patterns for stars.
They gathered data in the form
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Medical Imaging And Ionizing Radiation Effects On Human...
Medical Imaging and Ionizing Radiation Effects on Human Health
Ionizing radiation that is used in medical imaging releases free radicals. These radicals can interfere
with the molecular chemical bonds that is responsible for regulating the cellular function inside the
cell. The interaction between free radicals and the molecules inside the cell might lead to genetic
mutations in the DNA and it can damage cellular enzymes leading to the proliferation of cancer
cells. In the United States, 50% of the environmental exposure to ionizing radiation is mainly
attributed to medical imaging. Computed tomography (CT) scans are the main source of X–rays, a
form of ionizing radiation. The purpose of this project is to present an overview of the main reasons
for exposure, explaining the possible future effects of ionizing radiation on human health,
enlightening the imaging modalities with ionizing radiation, addressing the population at risk, and
explaining the main principles and recommendations to avoid and limit the exposure to ionizing
radiation. _
Key Words: Computed tomography (CT) scans. X–rays.
Medical Imaging and Ionizing Radiation Effects on Human Health
Introduction: Ionizing radiation is a form of radiation that is characterized by displacing electrons
from atoms or molecules, forming ions. Some examples
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Essay about X-ray Absorption and X-ray Fluorescence...
X–ray probe production by a synchrotron light source.
To optimize the properties of nano–material and atomic level needs an elemental probe with
resolution of <1nm. The nano scale probe helpful to provide the reproducible control over defects.
The production of x–rays by relativistic electrons in accelerators is about 60 years old. The
accelerator facilities used as synchrotron radiation sources have advanced significantly over the
years, growing in utility to become a premier research tool for the study of materials. The evolution
of these facilities is typically described as a sequence of generations of synchrotron radiation
Fourth generation sources are currently being designed and demonstrated. Two approaches have
been ... Show more content on ...
The Hard X–ray Nano–probe Beam line is a precision platform for scanning probe and full–field
microscopy with 3–30 keV X–rays. The combination of high–stability X–ray optics and precision
motion sensing and control enables detailed studies of the internal features of samples with a
resolution approaching 30 nm. The Hard X–ray Nano–probe is a combination scanning probe and
full–field imaging microscope for fluorescence mapping, nano–diffraction and transmission
imaging. Future improvements in X–ray optics fabrication and precision sensing and motion control
will be incorporated into the beam line to enable imaging at a resolution approaching 10 nm [1].
X–Ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM):
The basic principle behind the X–ray Fluorescence microscopy (XFM) is the exposure of X–ray
beam on the sample. The technique is employed to establish the elemental concentrations for wide
range of samples in multiple locations of cells and tissue samples. It has excellent sensitivity for the
detection of trace elements. This technique is enabling to image the whole cell along with the
quantification of elements on the per cell basis. This is because of the large penetration depth of the
hard X–rays used. Cryogenic approach is used to investigate the samples in their natural or hydrated
state. Due to the third generation synchrotron drastic development was
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Optical Fiber Sensors Essay
Optical fiber sensors are very important devices to detect and monitor ionizing radiation in nuclear
based technologies such as industrial radiography, nuclear medicine, spacecraft and satellite
instrumentation, and also in nuclear power facilities. Reliability of other conventional radiation
detectors in space and terrestrial application is much affected by electromagnetic interference and
exposure to fire and explosion potential hazards. However the functionality of optical fiber at
extremely high dose radiation still a challenge where radiation induced attenuation can be increased
for permanent damage of the sensor. There is a need to develop a new sensing material with small
dimension and low mass such as single mode silica optical ... Show more content on
2013). There is a need to replace 3H–based sensor to detect neutron in context of nuclear
nonproliferation(Runkle 2011) and silica optical fiber with better resistant to radiation damage (Xue
et al. 2012) is the other very close a safe cheaper possible neutron sensor to be considered. In
addition, its other characteristic of having low attenuation losses provides a wide bandwidth for
long–distance wireless communication so that the exposure of radiation to workers can be avoided
during radiation detection and monitoring operation.
Ionizing radiation such as x–ray, gamma, alpha, beta and neutron radiations, are not only harmful to
human health(Azzam et al. 2012) and environment(Mothersill&Seymour 2014), but also can
damage the electronic devices(Wang et al. 2014). The source of these ionizing radiations are from
radioactive materials, x–ray tubes, particle accelerators such as ion beams, nuclear weapons and
reactors, cosmic rays from space and from natural rocks and minerals. Exposure of extremely high
energy electromagnetic radiation such as x–ray can lead to failure in silicon sensors(Klanner et al.
2013). The increasing radiation induced attenuation can lead to permanent damage of optical
fiber(Kovačević et al. 2013). So there is a need to develop better sensors with good radiation
resistance such as Ge doped optical fiber sensors in radiant environment.
SiO2 and plastic type optical fiber are two types of material used in any research and development
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Case Study : ' Mr. Rocky Mountain '
Mr. Rocky Mountain is one of my patients in the radiation oncology clinic. I choose this case for the
reason that later on I found out the Mr. Rocky is a father of one of my acquaintance and now my
friend and the extent of his sickness. This paper will prove that illness narrative provide adequate
subjective assessment and telling story of their illness allows the narrator to disclose what is
important to their lives, what matter to them most. To provide effective care to the patient,
understanding the patient interpretation of illness must occur. Stories narrative by patient is an
articulation of their knowledge. The act of understanding one's narrative story becomes a biggest
part of formulating the plan of care. The first time I met ... Show more content on ...
Interviewing Mr. Rocky along with his family become comfortable at the same time melancholy, his
approach changes from quiet and limited words he became warmth and tells about his life journey.
He thinks that his previous vices cause the sickness. "I have many vices during my younger years
with my friends, we smoke and drink before our legal age" this what Mr. Rocky usually answered
during my interview. He believes that that sickness started when his body has the entire bad toxin
from tobacco and alcohol build up in his body and he system cannot remove that toxin anymore.
The sickness is a consequences of his bad habit in the past, however he's optimistic about his
sickness, this is God's way to put him back to right track. After being diagnosed with sickness he
stayed away from tobacco and alcohol, his family becomes more engaged with his health and he
adhere to the advice of the doctors. After battling when sickness and following all the treatment that
he was told changed his lifestyle, few months after when he find out that the sickness spreads to his
different part of the body, he felt devastated. In addition, Mrs. Muddy and Snowy is heartbroken as
well. This is very sensitive issue for them that throughout my interview as a nurse, I consoling them
as a family friend. Mr. Rocky believes since the sickness spread to his body it will be harder for him
to fight this battle, he complained of physical weakness that his he feels his body is giving up. " I
will do
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Patients
The numbers of people who are dying due to crucial diseases such as cancer have increased,
according to world health organization (WHO) cited in Jane et al (2008), in
2005, 7.6 million people died from cancer, a figure expected to increase to 9 million people by 2015
, and increasing further to 11.4 million dying in 2030. Therefore, scientists have attempted to find
appropriate solution for those problems. Since the nineteenth century, solutions have been
introduced by scientists, that use radiation for the diagnosis of diseases instead of surgery (Pope,
1999), which has led to great
advances in medicine because diagnostic technology such as CT and X–rays scanning, nuclear
medicine (PET) and mammography, ... Show more content on ...
Figure (1)
2.1 Ionizing radiation:It has a high frequency, which start from 〖10〗^16 Hz, within the
ultrasound band of the spectrum. Thus, it has a high energy,which leads to easily
penetrating matter such as skin (Podgorsak, 2006), whenit interactswith matter, the
interactions are in two main different ways:if ionizing radiationdirectly interacts,it is
calleda chargedparticle. On the other hand, if it indirectlyinteracts,it is known
uncharged particle (Knoll, 2010).
2.1.1 Charged particle: This type interacts directly with matter, which can be
generatedfrom fast electrons such as Beta particles or from heavy charged particle
such as; alpha particle.
Beta particle:Most radioactive nucleuses are not stable. Therefore, they start
emitting radiation to be stable, Beta particle is of the type radiation (Graham et al,2012).
This is emitted by radioactive nucleus, the atomic mass number of radioactive nucleus
decreases by one .On the other hand ,atomic number remain the same. It can be seen
from the equation:
(_Z^A)X→(_Z+1^A)Y+β^– ................. (Knoll, 2010)
Thus, z= is atomic mass number of radioactive nucleus
A= Atomic number
X= is radioactive nucleus before emitting
Y= Radioactive nucleus after emitting
Secondly: Alphaparticle produces from the same way of Beta particle; how
ever, the main difference alphaparticle isheavy charged particle and is used in
diverse applications in the medicine (Carson
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Types Of Radiation That Can Bring About Occupational Exposure
There are three types of radiation that can bring about occupational exposure. Alpha radiation can be
stopped by something as thin as a piece of paper or one's hand (BBC, 2014). Those at risk for this
exposure are those who install and maintain smoke detectors, which use Americium–241. In this
mechanism, an electron current interrupts smoke particles, causing the alarm to trigger when it
senses smoke (Bennett, 2017). Radium 226, which is an element that is injected into tumors to battle
cancer, can affect radiology technicians and physicians that must come in close contact (Bennett,
2017). Plutonium 238, which no longer used, was used as batteries for pacemakers, leaving surgery
personnel vulnerable to its effects (Bennett, 2017). ... Show more content on ...
Ability to pass more than paper allows it to measure thickness of substances such as plastic and
paint in manufacturing processes (Judge, 2017). Another, more commonly identified source of beta
radiation is a sunburn, leaving anyone working in the sun, including construction and landscaping
workers (Ward, 2017). Covering potentially exposed area with a protective garment is the best way
for either medical workers or those who work outside to guard themselves from exposure.
Gamma radiation can only be stopped by thick materials, concrete and lead (BBC, 2014). This type
of radiation is mostly used in the medical setting, treating cancer, and used in the sterilization of
equipment used in medical settings (BBC, 2014). Radiation used in sterilization of equipment can
pass through plastic, rubber, and kill bacteria and viruses (BBC, 2014). Tracers are either eaten or
injected. They show where the tracer has built up in body, indicating abnormal areas, possibly
cancer or tumors (BBC, 2014). This leaves medical workers being at risk for exposure to these rays,
which can lead to genetic mutations long–term. Lead aprons and barrier walls would be the best
route to mitigate these types of rays, since they cannot be avoided by these workers.
Chlorine is a green colored gas can be fatal if breathed in (Chlorine Safety Data Sheet). Sources of
chlorine include
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Gamma Radiation Research Paper
Radiation is often negatively connotated; however, this impression is inappropriate. Radiation is
extremely beneficial in the standards of medicine and is a very predominant as well as an effective
way of not only creating energy, but testing how old a fossil is or even how a substance will stand to
the test of time. On behalf of the advancements brought to the surface by these developments, the
possibility of genetically altering crops with radiation has become possible. With the advancements
brought to the light in the early twentieth century, gamma radiation began to hold its own. Gamma
radiation is extremely beneficial to society because of its contributions the agrarian culture in the
world. Having a basic fundamental understanding of ... Show more content on ...
Atomic gardening, also referred to as gamma gardening, was founded in the 1950s. Gamma gardens
are arranged in a spherical pattern with a removable radiation source in the center. The plants that
were subjected to this would be laid out almost like slices of pie. Starting at the center of this
spherical shape, the plants would radiate outwards from where the radiation source was. This layout
was specifically chosen so that there would be different levels of exposure though out the
experiments varying along the radius of the garden. The plants towards the outer edges would have
growth abnormalities and other defects. In contrast, the plants closest to the center would usually be
found dead by the end of the duration of the experiment. Because the plants towards the outer rim of
the garden survived and feature a wide variety of mutations, they were taking under much interest
and studied. Most gamma gardens were on national laboratories in then the U.S.S.R., Europe and
the U.S. A disease resistant peppermint plant is an example of a crop developed from this scientific
experimenting. In contribution to the discoveries from gamma gardening, pesticides and more
resistance to common plant variables have been discovered and
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Radiation Concentration Of Unknown Samples Using A Uv...
etermination of iodine concentration of Unknown samples using a UV–Visible Spectrophotometer.
The purpose of this experiment is to use UV/Visible Spectrophotometer to determine the
concentration on three unknown samples of iodine (A, B and C), this is done by measuring the
absorbance of different known concentration of iodine using a UV/Visible Spectrophotometer and
plotting a calibration curve of Absorbance Vs Concentration (as shown in Fig 4). This is used to find
the concentration of the unknown samples as the absorbance was measured using a UV
Spectrophotometer. The wavelength used to measure the absorbance is 287.20 nm and the method
number used was '40'. The concentration of Samples A, B and C are 1.48*10–4M, 1.03*10–4M ...
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When a light set at a specific wavelength enters the cuvette which contains the solution that need to
be tested, some of the incident light (I0) is absorbed by the solution, and the rest of the light which
leaves the solution (the transmitted light I) is detected, the amount of light absorbed depends on the
concentration of the solution. The amount of light that goes into the solution and the amount of light
that leaves the solution gives a value of the absorbance (A) of the solution which can be calculated
by using the equation: (A= –log (I/I0)). This equation assumes that all the incident light is either
transmitted or absorbed, therefore, reflection or scattering are insignificant. [1]
The quantity of light absorbed is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the amount of light
absorbed by the substance. The amount of light absorbed by a substance is directly proportional to
the concentration of the substance (As the concentration increases, the absorbance also increases
provided that the wavelength is constant). [1]
A=lc [1]
Where is the substance and wavelength specific absorption coefficient,
I is the length the light travels through the sample and c is the concentration of the sample. [1]
To comprehend the theory behind how a spectrophotometer works, an understanding of the
relationship between energy and light must be required. Light contains tiny packs
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The Effect Of Light And Total Respiration Of The Plant...
For all living organisms including plants, respiration is the process of converting chemical energy
into a usable form of energy (Biol 171L Lab 7). Even if an organism does not have an energy
source, they will keep respiring. For autotrophic plants, the process of obtaining energy is called
photosynthesis. It harvests solar energy, carbon dioxide, and water to form a usable form of energy
(Tanaka 2009). The factors that go into this process includes the pigment the plant possesses, and
the intensity, wavelength, and direction of the light. Plants that contain the pigment chlorophyll–a
are the ones we see as the leaves of common trees, or grass.
Because chlorophyll–a takes in violet–blue, and orange–red lights to use in photosynthesis, it
reflects green, and that is the color we see. This study investigates the relationship between the
wavelength of light and the total respiration of the plant Elodea. The purpose is to see the effect of
the presence or absence of certain wavelengths can have on the process of photosynthesis. Because
Elodea is a plant that reflects green light, it can be assumed that red lights, the complimentary color
to green will be absorbed the most contributing to the process of photosynthesis and respiration
making the most oxygen.
In this lab, varying wavelengths were used to test how light affects photosynthesis and respiration as
a whole. The absorbance of lights from 380 nm to 720 nm of chlorophyll pigment from the Elodea
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Why Ireland Is The Only Country Of The World?
Introduction Did you know that Ireland is the only country in the world ever to have two female
presidents in a row? Ireland has a history of cultures that treated women and men equally. The Celtic
women had a lot more freedom than Greek and Roman women during the same time. Girls could
learn to fight with weapons alongside boys. Males were mainly rulers, but occasionally a woman
was a queen or military leader. I chose this culture because my paternal grandparents are both
descended from Irish ancestors. I could have done Taiwan, but reading about politics in Taiwan
gives me a headache. Also, Ireland is a place that I'm interested in. Ireland is a small country that
was an English conquest until Ireland decided that they wanted to ... Show more content on ...
Ireland has an average temperature of 50˚F. People: As mentioned in the Introduction, many groups
have settled in Ireland. Most native Irish now claim Celtic ancestry. The Celts spoke Gaelic, which
is still spoken today. English is also a commonly spoken language. Religion: A majority (84.16%) of
Irish are Roman Catholics. A small amount (1.07%) are Islamic, 12.06% either don't have a religion,
didn't state a religion, or have an unmentioned religion, and 2.81% belong to the Church of Ireland.
Religion has played a substantial part in Ireland's relations with England. England tried to quell
Roman Catholicism, but parents sent their children to "Hedge Schools" that taught Catholicism.
Later Catholics overthrew the English. Politics: Ireland has a president and a prime minister, along
with a parliament. The president is mainly a ceremonial role, similar to the jobs of the modern kings
and queens of England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, or Spain. There are about 7 main
governmental parties in Ireland. A few are: the Fine Gael, the Fianna Fáil, the Green Party, and the
Sinn Féin. Economics: Ireland has about 5 major exports: live animals, meat, software, and dairy are
a few. Historically, agriculture and animal products were Ireland's exports. Ireland mainly imports
products from England, the United States, and Germany. Ireland has to import a tremendous amount
of wood because Ireland lacks forests. Impact: Irish people have made a fair
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
In the early stages, symptoms indicating that prostate cancer may have developed are rarely seen,
but there are some clinical signs and symptoms that can help determine the presence of this cancer.
A neoplasm is a new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body. "If the neoplasm is
large enough to encroach on the bladder neck, signs and symptoms of urinary obstruction occur
(difficulty and frequency of urination, urinary retention, and decreased size and force of the urinary
stream)" (Pellico, 2013, p. 956). Urinary obstruction could, therefore, potentially indicate prostate
cancer. Another symptom that may be present in the early stages of prostate cancer is hematuria,
which is blood in urine. As the cancer begins to grow, it ... Show more content on ...
"The level of PSA in the blood is proportional to the total prostatic mass and does not necessarily
indicate malignancy" (Pellico, 2013, p. 956). However, if an individual has abnormally high levels
of PSA in the body, it could indicate that the individual has prostate cancer (Pellico, 2013).
The treatment of prostate cancer depends on the stage of the disease and which symptoms a patient
may be experiencing. One type of treatment used is radiation therapy. The two major forms of
radiation therapy are teletherapy and brachytherapy. Teletherapy involves almost seven weeks of
radiation therapy at a prescribed dosage. Alternatively, Brachytherapy uses radioactive seeds that are
implanted while the patient is under anesthesia. In Brachytherapy, "[e]ighty to 100 seeds are placed
directly in the prostate, and the patient returns home after the procedure" (Pellico, 2013, p. 957).
However, the patient should avoid close contact with infants or a woman who is, or may become
pregnant. If a patient is receiving radiation therapy, the nurse can start implementing safety
procedures to ensure the wellbeing of the patient. The nurse should also answer any questions a
family member may have about the procedure, such as equipment being used, how long the
procedure may be, potential of immobilization, and likelihood that the patient may experience pain.
The nurse should also regularly check the patient's skin, oral mucosa, nutrition status, and
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The Safety Of A Food Supply
The stability of a food supply is often the most important thing a society can offer to its people.
However, in a changing global environment filled with bacteria, viruses, and disease, scientists and
farmers have continually tried to find ways to make food safer for consumers. The normal way
currently is to use pesticides and preservatives to keep diseases at bay and keep food from going bad
and possibly causing harm to those who eat it. Some researchers, however, are still looking for safer
and more effective ways to preserve food, and the idea of food irradiation has been around since the
early 1900's. Anything involving radiation often scared consumers and makes them not trust the
quality of the food, because they do not believe that ... Show more content on ...
The FDA greatly expanded the use of food irradiation in the year 1986, even though it was already
used for things such as wheat, flour, and potatoes. Before this time, radiation was thought of in food
terms as an additive, not a process the food must go through. In fact, by 1988, some nineteen major
countries had laws in place that allowed for certain foods to be irradiated to help better preserve
them. The world is beginning to realize this form of preservation as a viable option, and the only
thing left is for the consumer and the government to decide whether or not this should be a
commonly used method.
Food irradiation has many variables that make it exactly what it is. There are different types of
irradiation that work on different types of food, and accomplish different tasks such as sterilization,
disease prevention, or even acting as an insect repellent. The thing that truly defines the different
types, however, is the type of radiation used. The most effective types include electron beam
radiation, gamma ray radiation, and x–ray radiation. Electron beam radiation is the shortest in terms
of time needed to irradiate the food, but it also does not penetrate very deep, only about half a
centimeter. This type of ray radiation is used to merely disinfect things like wheat and some grains.
Gamma ray radiation is the use of Cobalt–60 in most places to irradiate the food. In fact, this type of
radiation can penetrate up to six inches.
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The Use Of Radiation And Its Effects On Living Organisms
Research Assignment
Contemporary Physics
Michael A. Torch
Dr. David R. Simpson
Health Physicist
Radiation has been present since the birth of the universe. Upon its discovery in the early 19th
century, humans have used radiation for its beneficial purposes that date back decades. However,
when used precariously or in large quantities, radiation can be dangerous. It can cause detrimental
effects to living organisms. Medical facilities, nuclear power plants, research laboratories and
academic industries all need professionals who understand radiation hazards, as well as their
prevention and control [1]. The health physicist prevents its workers, the public, and the
environment from potential hazards of radiation. They also ensure its safe use. This control demands
knowledge and understanding in various disciplines that range from physics, biology, engineering,
chemistry, genetics, ecology, environmental sciences, medicine and physiology, to biophysics [1].
This well–rounded and extensively required expertise makes the job of the health physicist both
challenging and rewarding.
Health physicists work in a variety of disciplines that include research, industry, education,
environmental protection, and government regulation enforcement. While the health physicist
usually concentrates in one of these areas, a professional health physicist typically performs duties
across several fields [1].
Radiation is detected from use across a variety of instrumentation. One in
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Gamma Rays Are The Most Interesting Wave Of The...
Gamma rays are the most interesting wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. In 1900, Paul Villard
discovered Gamma rays unexpectedly while he was conducting a radioactivity experiment
(ARPANSA). He differentiated gamma rays from x–rays because he realized that gamma rays had a
greater penetration power depth through his further study and research (ARPANSA). Gamma
radiation studies revealed that they are very dangerous, but scientist also found a way to protect
against gamma radiation and many beneficial usages.
Gamma radiation is in the highest energy level of the electromagnetic spectrum (Electromagnetic
Spectrum). And the electromagnetic spectrum reveals the different types and range of radiation as
well as their wavelengths, ... Show more content on ...
The research logically proved that if a person was farther away from the radiation, they would be
affected less by the bombing. The research clearly revealed why a high dose of gamma radiation
was dangerous because the bombs and explosions immediately killed people, and had many ways to
destroy person's health.
Unlike high dose of gamma radiation, a small dose of radiation had a significant and negative effects
on the victims in China. This study strongly proved that gamma radiation negatively affected the
health because the accidental Ir–192 gamma radiation caused a variety of cancer even with small
doses of radiation: .05 – .65 Gy (Li). Iridium 192 is a radioactive isotope that has a half–life of
73.82 days which means that these radiations may occur rapidly. Also, the victims who were
exposed to this radiation had limited knowledge that certain machinery expelled the gamma
radiation (Li). 54 people were conducted on a 10–year test to check their health. The method was
very simple because the researchers gathered and then studied blood samples, bone marrow, and
their T cell subsets (Li). The results revealed basic clinical symptoms such as an increase in
dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, insomnia for 90.7 % of the people in the first month, but as time
passed by, the study
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American Astronauts Mission To Space
Humans are delicate biological mechanisms capable of fantastic feats unlike those of any other
beings we coexist with on Earth. We alone have achieved leaving our lovely home planet and
venturing into space. I authored an accurate science fiction story about a crew of American
astronauts who, in a future year, are sent on a mission to a planet in a neighboring solar system. The
crew deals with space weather disrupting their flight, the physical challenges of moving through a
variety of gravity fields, rocket mechanics, and the challenges and differences of a new planetary
environment and atmosphere. The most emotionally difficult moment for the crew though in their
long journey is when a crew member passes away while in transit between destinations ... Show
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Galactic cosmic rays are protons with the ability to penetrate other molecules and heavy nuclei (3),
while solar particle events are protons or ions with low to medium energy (3). Galactic cosmic rays
have had all of their electrons stripped, originate outside of the Milky Way from events such as
supernovas (6), and travel at close to the speed of light (7). Galactic cosmic rays, specifically the
nuclei of heavier elements, have the capability to strike almost any object, human or metal
spacecraft included, and break apart the atoms (7). The broken atoms then release subatomic
particles, which act as radiation (7). Solar particle events are caused from solar storms, and are
protons or ions with the ability to penetrate space suits, and occasionally even the physical
spacecrafts (12).
Just on the International Space Station, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or
NASA, reported astronauts received around ten times more radiation than the average human in the
same measured time span (1). Although this statistic proves the risk to their personal health that
astronauts have taken for the sake of science, a mission to another planet would require the
astronauts leave the safety of Earth's magnetic field (1), where the International Space Station
resides. These astronauts would have even less of a buffer to protect them
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Lethal Anti Cancer Drugs And The Treatment Of Treatment
"Chemotherapy is employed as part of a multimodal approach to the treatment of many tumors"
(Copra, 2016, pp.1). During the process of chemotherapy very potent anti–cancer drugs are used to
interfere with the cancer cells ability to produce new DNA. There are approximately fifty different
forms of chemotherapy that can be intermixed to provide the most efficient treatment of the cancer
cells. They can receive chemotherapy medication orally or through an IV. If an IV is used, the
patients are physically stuck with a needle during treatment, but due to the repetitive sticks, the
veins cannot withstand that process for any length of time. In those cases, the patient can choose to
have a life port place on either side of the front ... Show more content on ...
By taking other medications for nausea and low blood count, it can minimize many of the side
effects caused by the chemotherapy. Even with the alternative medications, the patient may still
suffer from the side effects. The long term side effects are, but not limited to, the development of
other cancers, or permanent damage many vital organs such as the lungs and kidneys within the
body. Finding ways to combat the damage from long–term cellular damage can be impossible.
(Chopra, 2016; Schulmeister, 2014) Studies have shown that females will tend to have a higher rate
of adverse reactions with the use of chemotherapy over males. Over fifty–one percent of adverse
reactions are listed as not preventable, forty–two percent as probably avoidable, and only a mere
seven percent are listed as preventable. With advancements in chemotherapy growing, so do the
adverse reactions. The drugs are becoming more intense, and they offer a higher success rate with a
lower risk of re–occurrence. The unfortunate side is the greater adverse reactions, such as
nausea/vomiting, anemia, alopecia, constipation/ diarrhea, and fatigue. (Chopra, 2016; Schulmeister,
Radiation Therapy
The process of radiation therapy uses small amounts of very high–energy radiation to destroy the
cancerous cells, making them unable to reproduce. "About 60% of all patients with cancer receive
radiation therapy for curative intent, tumor control, or palliation of
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Nuclear Medicine : A Global Link For The Scientific Community
Nuclear medicine is a relatively new process of medical practice in which radioactive material is
used to treat disease, inflammation, infection, and clotting disorders. (Nuclear Medicine
Radiochemistry Society, n.d.) The treatment of these conditions comes in medicinal form, through
radiopharmaceuticals. "[Radiopharmaceuticals] may be put into a vein, taken by mouth, or placed in
a body cavity. Depending on the drug and how it's given, these materials travel to various parts of
the body to treat cancer or relieve its symptoms" (American Cancer Society, 2014). By examining
the complications which are attempting to be solved, it is evident that the medicinal uses of
radioisotopes are a global link for the scientific community. However, in ... Show more content on ...
A major characteristic of radioactive material is that it decays from one element to another through
particle and gamma decay. Essentially, all radioactive materials are byproducts of previously
decayed elements. In order to utilize the radioisotopes of their choice, providers must artificially
employ forms of specific radionuclide formation. This process is induced in a variety of ways,
namely, production in a particle accelerator or creation in a nuclear reactor.
"Overall there are some 3800 radioisotopes. At present there are up to 200 radioisotopes used on a
regular basis [in medical practice], and most must be produced artificially" (NMRS, 2003). Man–
made radioisotopes can be made through a cyclotron (a circular particle accelerator) or in a nuclear
reactor but "nuclear reactors are currently producing the vast majority of the isotopes" (Nuclear
Resource and Information Center, 2010). Consequently, focusing on the mechanics of their creation
in a nuclear reactor is the most effective way to analyze radioisotopes in medicine. "The
radioisotope most widely used in medicine is technetium–99m, employed in some 80% of all
nuclear medicine procedures–70,000 every day" (Hore–Lacy, 2009), and is the decayed
transmutation of molybdenum–99 within a technetium–99m generator. These technetium–99m
generators are actually
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Efficient Wireless Power Transfer Through Magnetic...
Imagine a situation where no electrical device has to be plugged into a wall. In this case, a laptop or
cell phone can charge itself easily and seamlessly just by being placing inside a room. This is the
ability of many experimental wireless power devices that will be adapted to domestic use in the
future. Today, the prevailing methods of energy transfer are wires and batteries. Wired connections
are perhaps the most common. With this energy transfer method, energy is delivered from a power
plant to a home. In the case of batteries, energy is stored as chemical energy in the battery cell. Once
it is needed, the chemical energy can be released as electrical energy. However, both these methods
have flaws. Both suffer from mild inefficiency ... Show more content on ...
This process eliminates the use of wires between the transmitter and receiver therefore making it
wireless. For example, solar power is essentially radiative wireless energy transfer. The sun is the
transmitter, the photovoltaic solar cell is the receiver, and the sunlight is a high frequency
electromagnetic wave (Little et al.). The process can be adapted for everyday use if electricity is
transformed into light by a light source and then absorbed by a photocell that transforms the light
back into electricity. However, due to issues with efficiency, this application will never be practical
unless a more efficient solar cell is developed. Of course, the efficiency can be increased if a
focused beam of light is used instead, but this still lags far behind compared to the efficiency of a
standard wired connection. For home use, this method is impractical, but in other fields, its
advantages outweigh its disadvantages.
Radiative energy transfer has many advantages and disadvantages. A distinct disadvantage that
makes this method impractical for home use is that the transfer can affect other objects and requires
that no object blocks the space between the receiver and transmitter (Kurs et al.). With this in mind,
there are a number of things to be concerned about. First, it requires that no object blocks the line of
sight between the receiver and the transmitter. Second, efficiency is
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Types Of Radiation : Gamma And Gamma
Physics Essay There are three types of radiation – Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha is 2 protons and 2
neutrons is the most ionising but the least penetrating. It is the most dangerous but is stopped by a
few cm of air or a piece of paper. Beta is a high speed electron from the nucleus. It is moderately
ionising and stopped by a few cm of aluminium. Gamma is a high frequency electromagnetic wave
and is the least ionising but the most penetrating. It is the least dangerous but is only stopped by a
few cm of lead or several cm of concrete. Radiation is used in smoke detectors, metal detectors, to
test the thickness of paper or plastic, to sterilise medical equipment, to preserve food, as a medical
tracer for imaging, as a treatment for cancer ... Show more content on ...
The radioactive isotopes must decay into something that is not radioactive or toxic. They use a
radiation detector to follow the radioactivity around the body. Radioactive iodine–131 can be used
to see if the thyroid gland in the neck is working properly. Iodine is present in small amounts in the
body and up to ¼ of the total amount of iodine can be stored in the thyroid gland. The amount of
iodine entering the gland can be seen by detecting the radioactivity emitted from the radioactive
iodine. Radiation can also be used as to test the thickness of paper and plastic. They need to use
different forms of radiation when testing different object e.g. using gamma to test the thickness of
metal or beta to test the thickness of plastic. The thicker the material, the more radiation is absorbed
and the less radiation reaches the detector. It then sends signals to the equipment that adjusts the
thickness of the material so that the right amount of radiation goes through. Anyone who works
there must be protected by a lead or concrete shield to protect them against the radiation. Another
use for radiation is in smoke detectors. One sort of smoke detector uses American–241 which emits
alpha radiation. The alpha particles pass between two charged metal plates, causing air particles to
split into positively and negatively charged ions (which means they ionise). The ions
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Radio Frequency Identification ( Rfid ) Essay
Abstract–Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology for automated identification of
people and products, and is getting more involved in our daily lives. RFID consists of a RFID tag or
transponder, a RFID reader or transceiver, and the data processing system has been evolving with
time. RFID technology is also helpful when used with money, but there is a main limitation while
using RFID technology. It is privacy and security. That is why, Electrical and computer engineers
work with this limitation, so RFID would be the future for all engineers.
Index–Terms–RFID Electromagnetics, term paper I.INTRODUCTION
For many people, using a card to access a building or a door, a key to start a car or validating an
underground ticket have become a routine without realizing that they are making use of a
technology that captures data because of the magnetic field. The technology is known as Radio
Frequency IDentification or RFID. [1] Just as people use RFID in their daily lives, this technology is
also used in objects, as the travel from manufacture to storage and finally the point of sale. Also,
they carry RFID tags like people do. People show their RFID cards and objects don't. These tags are
read in different ways and need greater detection distances.
"RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) can be defined as an automatic identification technology
which uses radio–frequency electromagnetic fields to identify objects carrying tags when they come
close to a reader." [2]
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Neutron Stars : A Neutron Star
Neutron stars are "an incredibly object made of neutron's, like a giant atomic nucleus." In the year
1934 two astronomers at CIT made predictions that a collapse of a large star or sun would produce a
neutron star. When a star 's mass exceeds roughly 1.4M and has a iron core. It is no longer able to
support itself, the core collapse from exponential forces. This is referred to as a type ii supernova or
a core–collapse supernova. These newly discovered neutron stars had notable characteristics. A
smaller radius of around six miles and masses that were on average between "one and several times
the sun". Neutron stars also had capacity for how large their masses could be, at max it could be two
to three solar masses. Although these neutron ... Show more content on ...
They inferred that since the star was originally much larger and its mass stayed the same throughout
its transition into a neutron star, that its rotation must have increased when its size decreased.
Naturally known as conservation of angular momentum. These rapidly spinning neutron stars would
look to be pulsing because of the strong magnetic field that emits radiation in the form of two
narrow beams. As the neutron star spun it would only send a signal every time its rotation pointed
the narrow beam at earth. The magnetic field of a neutron star rip's both "positively and negatively
charged particles off the star's surface and accelerate them to nearly the speed of light." These
charged particles radiate as they accelerate. The radiation is in the form of electromagnetic energy
that can be in various wavelengths. The amount of energy that a neutron star gives off dictates what
type electromagnetic wave it will produce. A higher charged neutron star will give off a shorter
wavelength. Astronomers at earth are able to take any type of wavelength produced and measure it.
The main reason this is possible is solely because the neutron star guides the charges given off in a
tight cone shape that it is easily picked up when facing earth. These beams are sometimes so
powerful (usually when it is a young
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Nuclear Force Research Papers
Nuclear forces have been around the human race since the beginning of time, though it was not until
recently that people began to understand it. Nuclear decay has helped scientists discover how long
unstable isotopes maintain their unstable state before becoming a more stable isotope. The study of
nuclear chemistry has given people in the medical field powerful tools to combat feared illnesses
such as cancer. Nuclear forces have also provided an alternative energy source to coal and natural
gas. The field of nuclear chemistry encompasses many aspects including nuclear decay, radioactive
elements in medicine, and nuclear energy. Alpha, beta, gamma – to many people those three words
are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet, though ... Show more content on ...
Nuclear medicine however has made it possible to treat cancer. One of the forms of cancer
treatments that involve radioactive materials is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy utilizes X and
gamma rays to target and kill the cancer cells. "Radiation therapy kills cancer cells by damaging
their DNA. Radiation can either damage the DNA directly or create charged particles in cells that in
turn damage the DNA." ("Radiation Therapy for Cancer") Radiation therapy affects only the
selected area of treatment, whereas other treatments such as chemo therapy affects the entire body.
Radiation therapy can be administered two different ways. The first method of administration is
internally. Radiation is injected directly into the blood stream where it travels to the cancerous area.
The other method of administering radiation therapy is externally. "Many types of external–beam
radiation therapy are delivered using a machine called a linear accelerator (also called a LINAC). A
LINAC uses electricity to form a stream of fast–moving subatomic particles. This creates high–
energy radiation that may be used to treat cancer." ("Radiation Therapy for
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Nuclear Energy And Its Effects
1. Background
Nuclear energy can be produced by fission, by splitting a nucleus into smaller products, (precisely
equal parts). These products are equal to half of the original mass. In the process of nuclear fission,
energy and neutrons will be emitted. Along with the emission of neutrons, also during the process of
fission, a large amount of a product's energy is released.
Every day we are surrounded by so much radiation however, only some radiation can be harmful to
us. Radiation such as microwaves, radio waves, and infrared are classes as 'non–ionizing' and are
not a threat to humans. Radiation classed as 'Ionizing' radiation is most definitely harmful to us
because it has the capability of removing electrons from other atoms and then ... Show more content
on ...
They also have a less powerful ionizing rate compared to alpha particles.
Gamma rays are energy, also known as electromagnetic radiation. They have no charge or mass.
They move through the air extremely quickly (at the speed of light) and to ionize them, they need to
directly hit the nucleus of an atom. This suggests that gamma rays have a very low ionizing rate and
can travel much t=further through the air compared to alpha and beta particles.
Nuclear–fuelled power plants are very similar to fossil fuelled power pants, in which they both turn
water into steam in order to control the turbine generators that produce energy; the only difference is
the source of heat. At nuclear power plants, a nuclear reactor produces and controls the amount of
energy that is released when atoms of Uranium split, which is called fission. The heat that is used to
make this steam is created by this form of fission. Uranium fuelled nuclear power plants are a clean
and efficient way of boiling water to produce the steam that is used to operate the turbine generators
within the power plant.
Figure 1 shows the equation for the nuclear fission of uranium–235.
2. Discussion
Even though we use Nuclear energy to give places electricity, Nuclear energy is used in many more
things than just in the production of electricity. Such as; Hospitals, schools, households or business',
Nuclear Radiation can be used to treat heavy medical
... Get more on ...
The Natural Radioactivity Of Soil Samples
Abstract The concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K are measured in the material collected from
two locations. The collected materials are tested using gamma ray spectrometry. The activity
concentration of the naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in building material it
varies from 12.6 to 121.4, 13.6 to 142 and from 69.5 to 620.6 Bqkg_1, respectively. The radium
equivalent activity, the absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose and hazard index is also calculated
Keywords Radionuclides, radiological hazard, building material radioactive 1. Introduction Natural
sources exist in several geological formations such as soils, rocks, sediments, vegetation, water and
air emit radiation. While 4% is of artificial origin (Chougan–kar et al., 2003; El–Daly and Hussein,
2008) [1]. The natural radioactivity of soil samples determined from the 226Ra, 232Th and40K
contents. Rocks and soils contribute considerably to indoor and outdoor exposure to the
environmental radioactivity by gamma radiation emitting mainly from 226Ra, 232Th and 40K
contents, and beta radiation. The soil radioactivity is a good indicator of the distribution and
accumulation of radioactivity in the environment and knowledge of these concentrations provides
useful information in the monitoring of environment radioactivity (kessaratikoon and Awaekechi,
2008) [2]. Even though these radionuclides are extensively distributed, their concentrations have
been proven to depend on the local geological
... Get more on ...
The Effects Of Radiation On Tissue And Its Effects On The...
Since x–rays were discovered in 1895, there have been several improvements made to diagnostic x–
ray to make it safer for both the patient and the radiographer. Some of these improvements include,
aluminum filters, protective housing, lead shields/ aprons, and quicker exposure film. These changes
have undoubtedly improved the diagnostic radiation process, however both patient and radiographer
will still receive some dose of radiation. "The effects of radiation on tissue are divided into two
types: deterministic and stochastic. A deterministic effect describes ionizing radiation–induced
damage that occurs once a certain threshold is exceeded and increases in severity the greater the
dose.1. (pg2–3) Some of the more extreme deterministic effects that occur with exposure to high
amounts of radiation in a short period of time are: Skin Erythema/Necrosis, cataracts, sterility,
radiation sickness, and death. Stochastic effects are probabilistic and there is no threshold amount
that must be reached. As the amount of exposure increases so does probability of effects. However
the amount of exposure does not correspond to the severity of the effects. Some of the stochastic
risk can include development of various types of cancer and hereditary defects. It is more difficult to
track the long–term stochastic effects that occur during chronic low–doses exposure because there
are other additional factors that must be taken into account. "We are all exposed to background
radiation. The
... Get more on ...

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Radiation Exposure Among Health Care Workers

  • 1. Radiation Exposure Among Health Care Workers Radiation Exposure among Health Care Workers Introduction Radiation is actuality of life and in terms of defining; it is the emission (sending out) of energy from any source. We live in a world in which radiation is unsurprisingly present everywhere and has been since the creation of this planet. Light and heat from nuclear reaction in sun are crucial to our survival. Radioactive materials occur naturally all through the environment and our bodies contain radioactive materials for example carbon–14, and potassium–40 naturally (Knoll, 1989). All life on Earth has evolved in the presence of this radiation. One can categorize radiation according to the effects it produces on matter, into non–ionizing and ionizing radiation. Non–ionizing ... Show more content on ... Figure 1 below depicts the exposure sources of radiation. Source: 2014. Where does radiation exposure come from? Sources and distribution of average radiation exposure to the world population. Radiation is one cause, along with hundreds that result in cancer. Radiation is invisible to the naked eye, making it more difficult for our senses to detect. The fundamental background of cosmic rays, gamma rays, and natural radioactivity within the body gives rise to an annual dose of about 1 mSv or more to an average person in the world. It is simple, in some situations, to control non–natural sources of radiation for the reason that we can adjust or eliminate the procedure producing the radiation, however there is always a balance to be made. It is vital, for example, to be aware of the doses from medical x–ray examinations, but it would not be smart to lessen the doses where it would result to a loss of vital diagnostic information that could not have been found with radiation. This is all part of the cost and benefits of using radiation. Radiation affects people by depositing energy in body tissue, which can cause cell damage or cell death. In several cases there may be no obvious effect. In other cases, the cell might survive but grow to be abnormal, either temporarily or permanently. Furthermore, an abnormal cell could become malignant. Both large and small doses of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The United States And Soviet Union Background Since the end of World War II, long before the earliest events of the Heroes of Catholic Education Series, a strange set of occurrences began to manifest itself as the United States and Soviet Union faced each other as rivals in the subsequent Cold War. The Anomaly Phenomenon, a term denoting the appearance of peculiar formations that defy scientific explanation, made its first appearance in the small period of relative peace–shortly after World War II, but before the Cold War and the formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Most people are unaware of it, sometimes out of ignorance and other times because of government agencies seeking to prevent it from creating unnecessary civil disorder, leaving only a few people who are aware of it. With that being said, it is absurd for one to assert that the Anomaly Phenomenon itself is being suppressed by someone, a group, an institution or a government. In fact, there are as many potential customers willing to purchase Anomalies for large sums of money for the purpose of scientific research. The scope of the ones interested in purchasing them from those who harvest them are usually academics, universities, corporations, research groups, NGOs, governments, civilian and military researchers, and even wealthy individuals willing to add them to their collections of rare curiosities. To begin, in order to understand the Anomaly Phenomenon, one must first take in account the definition of an "Anomaly." Within the lore of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. A Brief Note On The Attack Recovery Plan Radiological Attack Recovery Plan Thesis Statement: It is essential for all the bodies of authority as well as the public to have a proper plan to mitigate the impacts caused by a possible radiological attack exposure. The local, public, and national emergency preparedness in responding to a radiological detonation could lead to saving of many lives. 1. Introduction I. Define radiological emergency, causes and effects of radiological emergency, areas prone to radiological emergencies A radiological emergency is an emergency in which there is or there seems to be a hazard due to radiation exposure from a radioactive source. This may result from a variety of reasons such as uncontrolled sources, misuse of equipment or malicious acts. Although there has been no successful terrorist attack has happened in the US since 9/11, terrorism experts are wary that one is likely to occur in the near future. Numerous terrorism plans of various proportions have been foiled in the US. These include plans to detonate radiological dispersal devices (RDD) (Eggen & Sxhmidt, 2002). Al Qaeda has expressed intent to obtain and use nuclear devices in the United States with Osama bin Laden having declared it a duty on Muslims to acquire nuclear devices (Ferguson et al, 2004, Lawrence, 2005). Although nuclear attacks are way too complicated for terrorists a simpler equally psychologically effective means exists. The use of radio active materials on various soft targets offers cost and simplicity ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Human Body Is A Complex System The human body is a complex system that is composed of billions of cells, undergoing growth, division and death in an orderly fashion on a daily basis. When this process occurs in an abnormal manner, the outcome is typically referred to as a tumor. In today's world, tumor is a term that is commonly heard throughout the world. Also referred to as neoplasm, a tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue resulting from the rapid cell division due to some form of mutation (Cooper). They are classified into four main groups: benign, in situ, malignant and those with uncertain or unknown behaviour. Of the four classes of tumor, malignant neoplasms are those tumors that are typically referred to as cancers (Cooper). These tumors involve abnormal cell growth that has the potential to invade and destroy the surrounding tissue, possibly forming metastases and becoming fatal. Eye tumors are secondary tumors that results from a primary tumor that has spread from other parts of the body and have invaded the eye. There are two primary types that occur within the eye: retinoblastoma in children, and melanoma in adults. Ocular melanoma is a rare cancer that occurs in the adult eye (Guénel et al.). Although there are other types of eye cancer, ocular melanoma is the most commonly occurring and the most dangerous. It is a malignant tumor that metastasizes and become fatal in about half of all occurring cases. It is the second most common type of melanoma that occurs and accounts for 5% of all ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Miraculous Substance Of Radium Girls In the early 1900's radium was "the latest miracle substance" (Hersher & Blum, 2014). Salesmen promised that it extended lifespans, increased sex drive, made women more beautiful, and had many other fantastic effects. The world was infatuated with radium and displayed this by putting it in slews of items including face cream, bread, chocolate, suppositories, toy sets for children, drinking water (as shown in figure 1), toothpaste, watch faces, and many more products. (List from, 2007) It was used often in pharmaceuticals and described by advertisers as "nature's way to health." "Doctors used it to treat everything from colds to cancer." (Hersher & Blum, 2014) However, the "magical" substance that was radium turned out to ... Show more content on ... Figure 3 shows a factory worker who suffered from a lethal chin sarcoma. She was but one of all the factory workers who suffered as a direct result of radium poisoning. "There was one woman who the dentist went to pull a tooth and he pulled her entire jaw out when he did it, their legs broke underneath them. Their spines collapsed." (Hersher & Blum, 2014) says Deborah Blum, the author of the novel The Poisoners Handbook. Most of the women were dead before age 30, others suffered longer and died soon after. It is now known that radium, shown in figure 4, is a potent carcinogen (a substance the cause's cancer (Wilbraham, Staley, Marta, & Waterman, 2005)). It emits a form of ionizing radiation which "includes electromagnetic radiation (e.g., gamma rays and X–rays) as well as particles (e.g., alpha particles, beta particles, high–speed neutrons, high–speed electrons, high– speed protons, etc.)" (National Library of Medicine, n.d.). Acute studies have been done on the effects of radium exposure on the human body by organizations like the Geneva World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. As a result of their findings, The National Library of Medicine states that sufficient evidence has been provided showing that prolonged exposure to Raduim–224, Radium–226, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Atomic Bomb Was Necessary The Atomic Bomb was needed to be Used then, but not now Cullen J. Babcock I002 FALL 15 HIST 102 Dr. Lilia Anand American Military University Abstract The Atomic Bomb or known Atom Bomb was created by a scientist, which assembled the first bomb. He and General Leslie Graves officially and successfully tested it in New Mexico, July 21, 1945. Despite this, two refugees from Italy and Germany in the early 1940's, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard were the first to ever produce a controlled chain reaction. The bomb was created to use during WW2 and end it. This was big for America as president Franklin was notified that Germany was working on a similar weapon to use on America and its Allies. This bomb was needed to win the war and it took approximately 160,000 lives as a result while also having many affects on the people then, the people today, and the environment (Henretta, Edwards, & Self, 2012). The US was the first and only country to this day to drop an atomic bomb on another country, not once, but twice. This did end the war; however, the results were quite devastating to Japan. The environment and lives lost were all greatly impacted however, the world as a whole would be impacted for years to come. It also had its political reasoning behind it to show the global power of America. The devastation caused by the bombs also created deterrence from using them in the future at the time. Furthermore, now as other countries have improved technological ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Task 1.2- Properties ( Part Of P1 ) Task 1.2– Properties (Part of P1) Describe the properties of . . . and. Radiation. Things should be including: Their range in air What they are stopped by Their penetrating and ionising powers How they are affected by electrical and magnetic fields. How they are commonly detected. Any other properties. Alpha, beta and gamma come from nuclear of an atom and they called radioactive, because it gives off radiation. These radiations absorb by different thickness of materials such as: Alpha radiation only travel few centimetre in the air, beta radiation travels tens centimetre in the air however gamma travel many meter in the air. If the substance is thicker, the more radiation it will absorbed. ... Show more content on ... Beta radiation is an electron with the charge of –1. Its atomic number is –1 and atomic mass is 0. It is more penetrating than alpha radiation plus, has a less ionising power than alpha. It absorbed by thin aluminium sheet and used to control the thickness of different material such as thickness of the paper, plastic and aluminium. They use a detector to check if there is more or less particle being released or absorb. If the material is thicker then it need to the material will start to absorb the particle however if the material is too thin more beta particle will start to pass through, that's how they finds out the thickness of the material. It is not very dangerous if it goes into our body because it usually get through the body, however it is very dangerous if it outside the body because it can penetrate the skin and cause damage to human cells. It is deflected by electrical and magnetic field because it has negative charge as I said positive and negative attract to each other. Gamma radiation has 0 charges and 0 atomic mass and atomic number. It has a very high penetrating power than alpha and beta because it does not stop for many centimetres. The ionising power of gamma radiation is very low according to alpha and beta radiation. It is used to treat cancer and testing equipment; however it can be very dangerous for human health if it comes in contact with ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The All Purpose Isotope Essay Terbium: The All–purpose Isotope John Patrick Lopez Santa Fe College Abstract This paper will run through the potential and numerous clinical uses of terbium in nuclear medicine. Terbium is a rare metal and is still under clinical trials in Europe and is the only element in the periodic table with four clinically relevant radioisotopes with remarkable nuclear decay characteristics and could possibly be used in a vast array of nuclear medicine procedures, including diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The four forms of terbium under clinical trials are 149Tb, 152Tb, 155Tb, and 161Tb. 149Tb is being clinically tested as an alpha particle emitting radionuclide for alpha–immunotherapy. Due to it's relatively short half–life of 4.1 hours and low energy emittance of alpha particles, make it principally well suited for application in unification with small–molecular–weight targeting agents, including peptides, which are quickly vacated from the body. 152Tb with a half like of 17.5 hours emits positrons perfect for postitron emission tomography imaging. 155Tb emits gamma rays and has a half life of 5.32 days with relatively low energies of 86.55 and 105.3 keV respectively, it is being tested for diagnostic purposes for positron emission tomography and single–photon emission computed tomography cameras. 161Tb produces beta minus particles and is being tested for therapeutic purposes while showing great promise with tumor visualization and remission. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Symptoms And Treatment Of Retinoblastoma Cancer comes in many forms and can attack just about anyone. Some cancers take more time to grow, spread and show signs of attack, but it is very important for everyone to be very careful and cautious because anyone can be a victim for this cruel cancer. Retinoblastoma is one of the cancers that can become very fatal to someone's vision if not treated. Retinoblastoma is caused when the cancer cells start to grow with no control. Cells can become cancer cells in any part of the body so it is very essential for it to be treated as soon as possible. It can also extend to any other parts of the body. Retinoblastoma is started in the retina of the eye and is most common in children. The very first thing anyone should do when they are diagnosed with cancer is to consult with their doctor about treatment plans. Retinoblastoma has many treatment options for the patient. One of the main treatments of retinoblastoma is surgery. If the retinoblastoma is detected while it is a small tumor, surgery is not necessary. If the tumor is not found in time and is quite large, the eye's vision has most likely been already damaged. If this is ever the case, then there is a procedure called, enucleation, and this procedure removes the whole eye and a part of the optic nerve that was connected. Meanwhile, during the enucleation procedure, an orbital implant is put in, taking the place of the eye. The orbital implant contains contents such as, silicone or hydroxyapatite. This substance is very alike ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Radioactive Sickness Causative Agent: A total body exposure of one hundred roentgens of radiation will cause radiation sickness. Although certain medical devices will give you exposure to radiation, the grays of radiation are miniscule and will not cause radiation sickness. There are a few sources that can lead to a high enough exposure of roentgens of radiation. One of these sources involves accidents or attacks involving nuclear facilities. The other has to do with accidents or being the target of radioactive or nuclear weapons and devices, this includes the use of a conventional explosive device that disperses radioactive material, known as a dirty bomb. Historical Information: Back in 1902 when Marie & Pierre Curie were isolating radium, a radioactive ... Show more content on ... Radiation in the body is measured by total body exposure; that being the total combine radiation source of outside and inside the body. Radiation sickness occurs when ionized radiation damages or destroys cells in your body. The areas of the body most susceptible to radiation are cells in the lining of your intestinal tract which include your stomach, and the hematopoietic cells in bone marrow. There are two main types of radiation sickness acute and chronic. Symptoms/ Diagnosis: The symptoms of acute radiation sickness vary based on the exposure. A mild exposure is one to two grays, the symptoms of this included nausea and vomiting within six hours. A moderate exposure of two to six grays, the symptom of a mild exposure will be increased to within two hours with the added symptoms of diarrhea, headache, and fever. All of the symptoms of mild exposure will happen with twenty–four hours. Severe exposure of six to eight grays will increase the onset of moderate exposure symptoms to within four hours. A very severe exposure, which is eight to ten grays and higher will result in the symptoms occurring within two hours, with the beginning symptoms in about 10 minutes, as well as new symptoms which include dizziness, disorientation, and fatigue. With the later symptoms of the sickness most exposures will led to dizziness, disorientation, and fatigue ranging from 1 to 4 weeks. Chronic is usually ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Steps to Survival Essay The Day in Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon is that one terrifying, unanticipated, and shocking day when bombs drop on many large and important cities in the United States. This day puts many people into situations that they are not used to. They must adapt to the world rather than try to live their regular live which is now nonexistent. If one is sick, good luck getting medication; scared, good luck finding food when the supply runs out. The mentally and physically strong survive and the weak die, that is the rule of life. Randy Bragg was forced into a leading position because he knew that a leader is needed if his family wanted to survive. He is forced to put his selfishness aside for the survival of him and his family and was willing to do ... Show more content on ... It is not only about going out and getting it but also about getting it fast. That is why in Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon the group of survivors put together their gasoline and only drove the most fuel efficient car. Ideas like this could help one survive until the nuclear war ends or until there is no need to travel anymore. The only other physical preparation varies from a number of things that are essential and sometimes overlooked by many. The most important steps to survival are those that are instinct and essential. When the bombs are dropped there is not much time depending on how far away the bomb is to prepare. Some basic things that most people do not think of like are "opening windows and doors downstairs and filling up pails and bath tubs with water" (Frank 97). Any water after the bombs would become radiated. This means once one run out of water in the pails and tubs, one will need to find a way to make the radiated water drinkable, or find an alternate source of water. In Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon, this alternate source was the "artesian water" which "smelled like rotten eggs" but was better than no water at all (Frank 151). Another alternate source of water is wells and water tanks, no contaminated water or particles have a chance to get into the water so it is safe to drink (Kearny 71). Water is an essential item that many people take for granted in normal life. Many ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Fluorescence Spectroscopy And The Emission Wavelength Of... Abstract Fluorescent properties are used to study protein and small molecule interactions. Fluorescent spectrophotometry determined the excitation wavelength of eosin isothiocyanate to be 525 nm and its emission wavelength was 545 nm. Glycogen phosphorylase was similarly studied. The excitation wavelength was 330 nm and the emission wavelength was 360 nm. The emission wavelength could be indicative of the presence of the fluorophore, tryptophan. The potential interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 1–anilino–8–naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) was studied through fluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). BSA had an emission wavelength of 358 nm which could also be indicative of a tryptophan. When BSA and ANS were mixed together, the emission wavelength was longer suggesting that the molecules interact with each other and follow FRET. Introduction Fluorescence spectroscopy is a useful technique to determine the proteins and nucleic acids of a macromolecule. Some molecules, fluorophores, can absorb light at certain wavelengths and then emit it at another wavelength. When the molecule absorbs light it is excitation and the light released is emission. The light particles, photons, hit a fluorophore to excite the molecule (Voet et. al 2013). Excitation occurs by the valence electrons of the molecule receiving energy and moving to a higher energy state from the ground state. The excited electrons will later return to the ground state because they ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Nuclear Chemical And Physical Changes Nuclear chemistry is the study of the chemical and physical changes in the nucleus of an atom. The field of nuclear chemistry deals with radioactive elements such as radium, radon and the whole actinides series and the equipment to deal with such elements; such as nuclear reactors. However the subject itself varies because it deals with the scientific areas such as physics, biology, geology and chemistry. Nuclear chemistry has help us discover more about the nucleus and has provided advances in medicine, nuclear weapons and instruments to help scientists in those fields. 1, 2 Nuclear chemistry focuses on creating electrical energy for power generation and, in some cases, propel ships. This electrical energy generation comes from the nuclear reactors in nuclear power plants. Nuclear reactors are built to start up and contain a nuclear chain reaction. These nuclear chain reactions can come in two forms: linear chain reaction and a critical mass. Both reactions are caused by nuclear fission; this is when then nuclei of certain isotopes are bombarded with neutrons, causing them to split into smaller fragments of the nuclei: smaller atoms, a staggering amount of energy and spare neutrons. Since neutrons have no charge, they can pass through the energy fields of the electrons and protons. A linear chain reaction is a series of nuclear fissions going in one straight line. In a linear chain reaction, some of the spare neutrons, caused by fission, produced will hit other nuclei and ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What We Can Learn about Stars Using Spectra What we can Learn about Stars using Spectra The stars have always been a source of wonder because they are so distant. We have been unable to know much about these celestial bodies for so long; however, with the use of spectra scientists are able to learn more than you would think. Emission and absorption spectra have been hiding a vast amount of knowledge, astronomers and physicists are just now learning how to sift through all of the information that the spectra hold. We have been able to learn about what kinds of elements specific stars are composed of, how distant the stars are, and the temperature of the stars. The spectra of stars have revolutionized our knowledge but there were issues in getting the information that we needed. The earths atmosphere was the biggest issue that was encountered. As light comes through our atmosphere the wavelengths at the shorter end of the spectrum like blue and violet are more easily scattered than longer wavelengths like red, orange, and yellow that are more difficult to scatter. This means that we detect more light that is toward the yellow end of the spectrum rather than the true colors that were actually emitted. To fix the problem we would have to remove the atmosphere. That was not an actual option for scientists, so they had to send telescopes up into space. Once scientists were able to launch the equipment they needed into space they were able to receive the actual spectral patterns for stars. They gathered data in the form ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Medical Imaging And Ionizing Radiation Effects On Human... Medical Imaging and Ionizing Radiation Effects on Human Health Abstract: Ionizing radiation that is used in medical imaging releases free radicals. These radicals can interfere with the molecular chemical bonds that is responsible for regulating the cellular function inside the cell. The interaction between free radicals and the molecules inside the cell might lead to genetic mutations in the DNA and it can damage cellular enzymes leading to the proliferation of cancer cells. In the United States, 50% of the environmental exposure to ionizing radiation is mainly attributed to medical imaging. Computed tomography (CT) scans are the main source of X–rays, a form of ionizing radiation. The purpose of this project is to present an overview of the main reasons for exposure, explaining the possible future effects of ionizing radiation on human health, enlightening the imaging modalities with ionizing radiation, addressing the population at risk, and explaining the main principles and recommendations to avoid and limit the exposure to ionizing radiation. _ Key Words: Computed tomography (CT) scans. X–rays. Medical Imaging and Ionizing Radiation Effects on Human Health Introduction: Ionizing radiation is a form of radiation that is characterized by displacing electrons from atoms or molecules, forming ions. Some examples ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay about X-ray Absorption and X-ray Fluorescence... X–ray probe production by a synchrotron light source. To optimize the properties of nano–material and atomic level needs an elemental probe with resolution of <1nm. The nano scale probe helpful to provide the reproducible control over defects. The production of x–rays by relativistic electrons in accelerators is about 60 years old. The accelerator facilities used as synchrotron radiation sources have advanced significantly over the years, growing in utility to become a premier research tool for the study of materials. The evolution of these facilities is typically described as a sequence of generations of synchrotron radiation sources. Fourth generation sources are currently being designed and demonstrated. Two approaches have been ... Show more content on ... The Hard X–ray Nano–probe Beam line is a precision platform for scanning probe and full–field microscopy with 3–30 keV X–rays. The combination of high–stability X–ray optics and precision motion sensing and control enables detailed studies of the internal features of samples with a resolution approaching 30 nm. The Hard X–ray Nano–probe is a combination scanning probe and full–field imaging microscope for fluorescence mapping, nano–diffraction and transmission imaging. Future improvements in X–ray optics fabrication and precision sensing and motion control will be incorporated into the beam line to enable imaging at a resolution approaching 10 nm [1]. X–Ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM): The basic principle behind the X–ray Fluorescence microscopy (XFM) is the exposure of X–ray beam on the sample. The technique is employed to establish the elemental concentrations for wide range of samples in multiple locations of cells and tissue samples. It has excellent sensitivity for the detection of trace elements. This technique is enabling to image the whole cell along with the quantification of elements on the per cell basis. This is because of the large penetration depth of the hard X–rays used. Cryogenic approach is used to investigate the samples in their natural or hydrated state. Due to the third generation synchrotron drastic development was ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Optical Fiber Sensors Essay Optical fiber sensors are very important devices to detect and monitor ionizing radiation in nuclear based technologies such as industrial radiography, nuclear medicine, spacecraft and satellite instrumentation, and also in nuclear power facilities. Reliability of other conventional radiation detectors in space and terrestrial application is much affected by electromagnetic interference and exposure to fire and explosion potential hazards. However the functionality of optical fiber at extremely high dose radiation still a challenge where radiation induced attenuation can be increased for permanent damage of the sensor. There is a need to develop a new sensing material with small dimension and low mass such as single mode silica optical ... Show more content on ... 2013). There is a need to replace 3H–based sensor to detect neutron in context of nuclear nonproliferation(Runkle 2011) and silica optical fiber with better resistant to radiation damage (Xue et al. 2012) is the other very close a safe cheaper possible neutron sensor to be considered. In addition, its other characteristic of having low attenuation losses provides a wide bandwidth for long–distance wireless communication so that the exposure of radiation to workers can be avoided during radiation detection and monitoring operation. Ionizing radiation such as x–ray, gamma, alpha, beta and neutron radiations, are not only harmful to human health(Azzam et al. 2012) and environment(Mothersill&Seymour 2014), but also can damage the electronic devices(Wang et al. 2014). The source of these ionizing radiations are from radioactive materials, x–ray tubes, particle accelerators such as ion beams, nuclear weapons and reactors, cosmic rays from space and from natural rocks and minerals. Exposure of extremely high energy electromagnetic radiation such as x–ray can lead to failure in silicon sensors(Klanner et al. 2013). The increasing radiation induced attenuation can lead to permanent damage of optical fiber(Kovačević et al. 2013). So there is a need to develop better sensors with good radiation resistance such as Ge doped optical fiber sensors in radiant environment. SiO2 and plastic type optical fiber are two types of material used in any research and development of ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Case Study : ' Mr. Rocky Mountain ' Mr. Rocky Mountain is one of my patients in the radiation oncology clinic. I choose this case for the reason that later on I found out the Mr. Rocky is a father of one of my acquaintance and now my friend and the extent of his sickness. This paper will prove that illness narrative provide adequate subjective assessment and telling story of their illness allows the narrator to disclose what is important to their lives, what matter to them most. To provide effective care to the patient, understanding the patient interpretation of illness must occur. Stories narrative by patient is an articulation of their knowledge. The act of understanding one's narrative story becomes a biggest part of formulating the plan of care. The first time I met ... Show more content on ... Interviewing Mr. Rocky along with his family become comfortable at the same time melancholy, his approach changes from quiet and limited words he became warmth and tells about his life journey. He thinks that his previous vices cause the sickness. "I have many vices during my younger years with my friends, we smoke and drink before our legal age" this what Mr. Rocky usually answered during my interview. He believes that that sickness started when his body has the entire bad toxin from tobacco and alcohol build up in his body and he system cannot remove that toxin anymore. The sickness is a consequences of his bad habit in the past, however he's optimistic about his sickness, this is God's way to put him back to right track. After being diagnosed with sickness he stayed away from tobacco and alcohol, his family becomes more engaged with his health and he adhere to the advice of the doctors. After battling when sickness and following all the treatment that he was told changed his lifestyle, few months after when he find out that the sickness spreads to his different part of the body, he felt devastated. In addition, Mrs. Muddy and Snowy is heartbroken as well. This is very sensitive issue for them that throughout my interview as a nurse, I consoling them as a family friend. Mr. Rocky believes since the sickness spread to his body it will be harder for him to fight this battle, he complained of physical weakness that his he feels his body is giving up. " I will do ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Patients 1.Introduction: The numbers of people who are dying due to crucial diseases such as cancer have increased, according to world health organization (WHO) cited in Jane et al (2008), in 2005, 7.6 million people died from cancer, a figure expected to increase to 9 million people by 2015 , and increasing further to 11.4 million dying in 2030. Therefore, scientists have attempted to find appropriate solution for those problems. Since the nineteenth century, solutions have been introduced by scientists, that use radiation for the diagnosis of diseases instead of surgery (Pope, 1999), which has led to great advances in medicine because diagnostic technology such as CT and X–rays scanning, nuclear medicine (PET) and mammography, ... Show more content on ... Figure (1) 2.1 Ionizing radiation:It has a high frequency, which start from 〖10〗^16 Hz, within the ultrasound band of the spectrum. Thus, it has a high energy,which leads to easily penetrating matter such as skin (Podgorsak, 2006), whenit interactswith matter, the interactions are in two main different ways:if ionizing radiationdirectly interacts,it is calleda chargedparticle. On the other hand, if it indirectlyinteracts,it is known uncharged particle (Knoll, 2010). 2.1.1 Charged particle: This type interacts directly with matter, which can be generatedfrom fast electrons such as Beta particles or from heavy charged particle such as; alpha particle. Beta particle:Most radioactive nucleuses are not stable. Therefore, they start emitting radiation to be stable, Beta particle is of the type radiation (Graham et al,2012).
  • 74. This is emitted by radioactive nucleus, the atomic mass number of radioactive nucleus decreases by one .On the other hand ,atomic number remain the same. It can be seen from the equation: (_Z^A)X→(_Z+1^A)Y+β^– ................. (Knoll, 2010) Thus, z= is atomic mass number of radioactive nucleus A= Atomic number X= is radioactive nucleus before emitting Y= Radioactive nucleus after emitting Secondly: Alphaparticle produces from the same way of Beta particle; how ever, the main difference alphaparticle isheavy charged particle and is used in diverse applications in the medicine (Carson ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Types Of Radiation That Can Bring About Occupational Exposure There are three types of radiation that can bring about occupational exposure. Alpha radiation can be stopped by something as thin as a piece of paper or one's hand (BBC, 2014). Those at risk for this exposure are those who install and maintain smoke detectors, which use Americium–241. In this mechanism, an electron current interrupts smoke particles, causing the alarm to trigger when it senses smoke (Bennett, 2017). Radium 226, which is an element that is injected into tumors to battle cancer, can affect radiology technicians and physicians that must come in close contact (Bennett, 2017). Plutonium 238, which no longer used, was used as batteries for pacemakers, leaving surgery personnel vulnerable to its effects (Bennett, 2017). ... Show more content on ... Ability to pass more than paper allows it to measure thickness of substances such as plastic and paint in manufacturing processes (Judge, 2017). Another, more commonly identified source of beta radiation is a sunburn, leaving anyone working in the sun, including construction and landscaping workers (Ward, 2017). Covering potentially exposed area with a protective garment is the best way for either medical workers or those who work outside to guard themselves from exposure. Gamma radiation can only be stopped by thick materials, concrete and lead (BBC, 2014). This type of radiation is mostly used in the medical setting, treating cancer, and used in the sterilization of equipment used in medical settings (BBC, 2014). Radiation used in sterilization of equipment can pass through plastic, rubber, and kill bacteria and viruses (BBC, 2014). Tracers are either eaten or injected. They show where the tracer has built up in body, indicating abnormal areas, possibly cancer or tumors (BBC, 2014). This leaves medical workers being at risk for exposure to these rays, which can lead to genetic mutations long–term. Lead aprons and barrier walls would be the best route to mitigate these types of rays, since they cannot be avoided by these workers. Chlorine is a green colored gas can be fatal if breathed in (Chlorine Safety Data Sheet). Sources of chlorine include ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Gamma Radiation Research Paper Radiation is often negatively connotated; however, this impression is inappropriate. Radiation is extremely beneficial in the standards of medicine and is a very predominant as well as an effective way of not only creating energy, but testing how old a fossil is or even how a substance will stand to the test of time. On behalf of the advancements brought to the surface by these developments, the possibility of genetically altering crops with radiation has become possible. With the advancements brought to the light in the early twentieth century, gamma radiation began to hold its own. Gamma radiation is extremely beneficial to society because of its contributions the agrarian culture in the world. Having a basic fundamental understanding of ... Show more content on ... Atomic gardening, also referred to as gamma gardening, was founded in the 1950s. Gamma gardens are arranged in a spherical pattern with a removable radiation source in the center. The plants that were subjected to this would be laid out almost like slices of pie. Starting at the center of this spherical shape, the plants would radiate outwards from where the radiation source was. This layout was specifically chosen so that there would be different levels of exposure though out the experiments varying along the radius of the garden. The plants towards the outer edges would have growth abnormalities and other defects. In contrast, the plants closest to the center would usually be found dead by the end of the duration of the experiment. Because the plants towards the outer rim of the garden survived and feature a wide variety of mutations, they were taking under much interest and studied. Most gamma gardens were on national laboratories in then the U.S.S.R., Europe and the U.S. A disease resistant peppermint plant is an example of a crop developed from this scientific experimenting. In contribution to the discoveries from gamma gardening, pesticides and more resistance to common plant variables have been discovered and ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Radiation Concentration Of Unknown Samples Using A Uv... etermination of iodine concentration of Unknown samples using a UV–Visible Spectrophotometer. Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to use UV/Visible Spectrophotometer to determine the concentration on three unknown samples of iodine (A, B and C), this is done by measuring the absorbance of different known concentration of iodine using a UV/Visible Spectrophotometer and plotting a calibration curve of Absorbance Vs Concentration (as shown in Fig 4). This is used to find the concentration of the unknown samples as the absorbance was measured using a UV Spectrophotometer. The wavelength used to measure the absorbance is 287.20 nm and the method number used was '40'. The concentration of Samples A, B and C are 1.48*10–4M, 1.03*10–4M ... Show more content on ... When a light set at a specific wavelength enters the cuvette which contains the solution that need to be tested, some of the incident light (I0) is absorbed by the solution, and the rest of the light which leaves the solution (the transmitted light I) is detected, the amount of light absorbed depends on the concentration of the solution. The amount of light that goes into the solution and the amount of light that leaves the solution gives a value of the absorbance (A) of the solution which can be calculated by using the equation: (A= –log (I/I0)). This equation assumes that all the incident light is either transmitted or absorbed, therefore, reflection or scattering are insignificant. [1] The quantity of light absorbed is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the amount of light absorbed by the substance. The amount of light absorbed by a substance is directly proportional to the concentration of the substance (As the concentration increases, the absorbance also increases provided that the wavelength is constant). [1] A=lc [1] Where is the substance and wavelength specific absorption coefficient, I is the length the light travels through the sample and c is the concentration of the sample. [1] To comprehend the theory behind how a spectrophotometer works, an understanding of the relationship between energy and light must be required. Light contains tiny packs ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Effect Of Light And Total Respiration Of The Plant... Intro: For all living organisms including plants, respiration is the process of converting chemical energy into a usable form of energy (Biol 171L Lab 7). Even if an organism does not have an energy source, they will keep respiring. For autotrophic plants, the process of obtaining energy is called photosynthesis. It harvests solar energy, carbon dioxide, and water to form a usable form of energy (Tanaka 2009). The factors that go into this process includes the pigment the plant possesses, and the intensity, wavelength, and direction of the light. Plants that contain the pigment chlorophyll–a are the ones we see as the leaves of common trees, or grass. Because chlorophyll–a takes in violet–blue, and orange–red lights to use in photosynthesis, it reflects green, and that is the color we see. This study investigates the relationship between the wavelength of light and the total respiration of the plant Elodea. The purpose is to see the effect of the presence or absence of certain wavelengths can have on the process of photosynthesis. Because Elodea is a plant that reflects green light, it can be assumed that red lights, the complimentary color to green will be absorbed the most contributing to the process of photosynthesis and respiration making the most oxygen. Methods: In this lab, varying wavelengths were used to test how light affects photosynthesis and respiration as a whole. The absorbance of lights from 380 nm to 720 nm of chlorophyll pigment from the Elodea sample ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Why Ireland Is The Only Country Of The World? Introduction Did you know that Ireland is the only country in the world ever to have two female presidents in a row? Ireland has a history of cultures that treated women and men equally. The Celtic women had a lot more freedom than Greek and Roman women during the same time. Girls could learn to fight with weapons alongside boys. Males were mainly rulers, but occasionally a woman was a queen or military leader. I chose this culture because my paternal grandparents are both descended from Irish ancestors. I could have done Taiwan, but reading about politics in Taiwan gives me a headache. Also, Ireland is a place that I'm interested in. Ireland is a small country that was an English conquest until Ireland decided that they wanted to ... Show more content on ... Ireland has an average temperature of 50˚F. People: As mentioned in the Introduction, many groups have settled in Ireland. Most native Irish now claim Celtic ancestry. The Celts spoke Gaelic, which is still spoken today. English is also a commonly spoken language. Religion: A majority (84.16%) of Irish are Roman Catholics. A small amount (1.07%) are Islamic, 12.06% either don't have a religion, didn't state a religion, or have an unmentioned religion, and 2.81% belong to the Church of Ireland. Religion has played a substantial part in Ireland's relations with England. England tried to quell Roman Catholicism, but parents sent their children to "Hedge Schools" that taught Catholicism. Later Catholics overthrew the English. Politics: Ireland has a president and a prime minister, along with a parliament. The president is mainly a ceremonial role, similar to the jobs of the modern kings and queens of England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, or Spain. There are about 7 main governmental parties in Ireland. A few are: the Fine Gael, the Fianna Fáil, the Green Party, and the Sinn Féin. Economics: Ireland has about 5 major exports: live animals, meat, software, and dairy are a few. Historically, agriculture and animal products were Ireland's exports. Ireland mainly imports products from England, the United States, and Germany. Ireland has to import a tremendous amount of wood because Ireland lacks forests. Impact: Irish people have made a fair ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In the early stages, symptoms indicating that prostate cancer may have developed are rarely seen, but there are some clinical signs and symptoms that can help determine the presence of this cancer. A neoplasm is a new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body. "If the neoplasm is large enough to encroach on the bladder neck, signs and symptoms of urinary obstruction occur (difficulty and frequency of urination, urinary retention, and decreased size and force of the urinary stream)" (Pellico, 2013, p. 956). Urinary obstruction could, therefore, potentially indicate prostate cancer. Another symptom that may be present in the early stages of prostate cancer is hematuria, which is blood in urine. As the cancer begins to grow, it ... Show more content on ... "The level of PSA in the blood is proportional to the total prostatic mass and does not necessarily indicate malignancy" (Pellico, 2013, p. 956). However, if an individual has abnormally high levels of PSA in the body, it could indicate that the individual has prostate cancer (Pellico, 2013). The treatment of prostate cancer depends on the stage of the disease and which symptoms a patient may be experiencing. One type of treatment used is radiation therapy. The two major forms of radiation therapy are teletherapy and brachytherapy. Teletherapy involves almost seven weeks of radiation therapy at a prescribed dosage. Alternatively, Brachytherapy uses radioactive seeds that are implanted while the patient is under anesthesia. In Brachytherapy, "[e]ighty to 100 seeds are placed directly in the prostate, and the patient returns home after the procedure" (Pellico, 2013, p. 957). However, the patient should avoid close contact with infants or a woman who is, or may become pregnant. If a patient is receiving radiation therapy, the nurse can start implementing safety procedures to ensure the wellbeing of the patient. The nurse should also answer any questions a family member may have about the procedure, such as equipment being used, how long the procedure may be, potential of immobilization, and likelihood that the patient may experience pain. The nurse should also regularly check the patient's skin, oral mucosa, nutrition status, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. The Safety Of A Food Supply The stability of a food supply is often the most important thing a society can offer to its people. However, in a changing global environment filled with bacteria, viruses, and disease, scientists and farmers have continually tried to find ways to make food safer for consumers. The normal way currently is to use pesticides and preservatives to keep diseases at bay and keep food from going bad and possibly causing harm to those who eat it. Some researchers, however, are still looking for safer and more effective ways to preserve food, and the idea of food irradiation has been around since the early 1900's. Anything involving radiation often scared consumers and makes them not trust the quality of the food, because they do not believe that ... Show more content on ... The FDA greatly expanded the use of food irradiation in the year 1986, even though it was already used for things such as wheat, flour, and potatoes. Before this time, radiation was thought of in food terms as an additive, not a process the food must go through. In fact, by 1988, some nineteen major countries had laws in place that allowed for certain foods to be irradiated to help better preserve them. The world is beginning to realize this form of preservation as a viable option, and the only thing left is for the consumer and the government to decide whether or not this should be a commonly used method. Food irradiation has many variables that make it exactly what it is. There are different types of irradiation that work on different types of food, and accomplish different tasks such as sterilization, disease prevention, or even acting as an insect repellent. The thing that truly defines the different types, however, is the type of radiation used. The most effective types include electron beam radiation, gamma ray radiation, and x–ray radiation. Electron beam radiation is the shortest in terms of time needed to irradiate the food, but it also does not penetrate very deep, only about half a centimeter. This type of ray radiation is used to merely disinfect things like wheat and some grains. Gamma ray radiation is the use of Cobalt–60 in most places to irradiate the food. In fact, this type of radiation can penetrate up to six inches. ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The Use Of Radiation And Its Effects On Living Organisms Research Assignment Contemporary Physics Michael A. Torch Dr. David R. Simpson Health Physicist Radiation has been present since the birth of the universe. Upon its discovery in the early 19th century, humans have used radiation for its beneficial purposes that date back decades. However, when used precariously or in large quantities, radiation can be dangerous. It can cause detrimental effects to living organisms. Medical facilities, nuclear power plants, research laboratories and academic industries all need professionals who understand radiation hazards, as well as their prevention and control [1]. The health physicist prevents its workers, the public, and the environment from potential hazards of radiation. They also ensure its safe use. This control demands knowledge and understanding in various disciplines that range from physics, biology, engineering, chemistry, genetics, ecology, environmental sciences, medicine and physiology, to biophysics [1]. This well–rounded and extensively required expertise makes the job of the health physicist both challenging and rewarding. Health physicists work in a variety of disciplines that include research, industry, education, environmental protection, and government regulation enforcement. While the health physicist usually concentrates in one of these areas, a professional health physicist typically performs duties across several fields [1]. Radiation is detected from use across a variety of instrumentation. One in ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Gamma Rays Are The Most Interesting Wave Of The... Gamma rays are the most interesting wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. In 1900, Paul Villard discovered Gamma rays unexpectedly while he was conducting a radioactivity experiment (ARPANSA). He differentiated gamma rays from x–rays because he realized that gamma rays had a greater penetration power depth through his further study and research (ARPANSA). Gamma radiation studies revealed that they are very dangerous, but scientist also found a way to protect against gamma radiation and many beneficial usages. Gamma radiation is in the highest energy level of the electromagnetic spectrum (Electromagnetic Spectrum). And the electromagnetic spectrum reveals the different types and range of radiation as well as their wavelengths, ... Show more content on ... The research logically proved that if a person was farther away from the radiation, they would be affected less by the bombing. The research clearly revealed why a high dose of gamma radiation was dangerous because the bombs and explosions immediately killed people, and had many ways to destroy person's health. Unlike high dose of gamma radiation, a small dose of radiation had a significant and negative effects on the victims in China. This study strongly proved that gamma radiation negatively affected the health because the accidental Ir–192 gamma radiation caused a variety of cancer even with small doses of radiation: .05 – .65 Gy (Li). Iridium 192 is a radioactive isotope that has a half–life of 73.82 days which means that these radiations may occur rapidly. Also, the victims who were exposed to this radiation had limited knowledge that certain machinery expelled the gamma radiation (Li). 54 people were conducted on a 10–year test to check their health. The method was very simple because the researchers gathered and then studied blood samples, bone marrow, and their T cell subsets (Li). The results revealed basic clinical symptoms such as an increase in dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, insomnia for 90.7 % of the people in the first month, but as time passed by, the study ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. American Astronauts Mission To Space Humans are delicate biological mechanisms capable of fantastic feats unlike those of any other beings we coexist with on Earth. We alone have achieved leaving our lovely home planet and venturing into space. I authored an accurate science fiction story about a crew of American astronauts who, in a future year, are sent on a mission to a planet in a neighboring solar system. The crew deals with space weather disrupting their flight, the physical challenges of moving through a variety of gravity fields, rocket mechanics, and the challenges and differences of a new planetary environment and atmosphere. The most emotionally difficult moment for the crew though in their long journey is when a crew member passes away while in transit between destinations ... Show more content on ... Galactic cosmic rays are protons with the ability to penetrate other molecules and heavy nuclei (3), while solar particle events are protons or ions with low to medium energy (3). Galactic cosmic rays have had all of their electrons stripped, originate outside of the Milky Way from events such as supernovas (6), and travel at close to the speed of light (7). Galactic cosmic rays, specifically the nuclei of heavier elements, have the capability to strike almost any object, human or metal spacecraft included, and break apart the atoms (7). The broken atoms then release subatomic particles, which act as radiation (7). Solar particle events are caused from solar storms, and are protons or ions with the ability to penetrate space suits, and occasionally even the physical spacecrafts (12). Just on the International Space Station, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, reported astronauts received around ten times more radiation than the average human in the same measured time span (1). Although this statistic proves the risk to their personal health that astronauts have taken for the sake of science, a mission to another planet would require the astronauts leave the safety of Earth's magnetic field (1), where the International Space Station resides. These astronauts would have even less of a buffer to protect them ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Lethal Anti Cancer Drugs And The Treatment Of Treatment "Chemotherapy is employed as part of a multimodal approach to the treatment of many tumors" (Copra, 2016, pp.1). During the process of chemotherapy very potent anti–cancer drugs are used to interfere with the cancer cells ability to produce new DNA. There are approximately fifty different forms of chemotherapy that can be intermixed to provide the most efficient treatment of the cancer cells. They can receive chemotherapy medication orally or through an IV. If an IV is used, the patients are physically stuck with a needle during treatment, but due to the repetitive sticks, the veins cannot withstand that process for any length of time. In those cases, the patient can choose to have a life port place on either side of the front ... Show more content on ... By taking other medications for nausea and low blood count, it can minimize many of the side effects caused by the chemotherapy. Even with the alternative medications, the patient may still suffer from the side effects. The long term side effects are, but not limited to, the development of other cancers, or permanent damage many vital organs such as the lungs and kidneys within the body. Finding ways to combat the damage from long–term cellular damage can be impossible. (Chopra, 2016; Schulmeister, 2014) Studies have shown that females will tend to have a higher rate of adverse reactions with the use of chemotherapy over males. Over fifty–one percent of adverse reactions are listed as not preventable, forty–two percent as probably avoidable, and only a mere seven percent are listed as preventable. With advancements in chemotherapy growing, so do the adverse reactions. The drugs are becoming more intense, and they offer a higher success rate with a lower risk of re–occurrence. The unfortunate side is the greater adverse reactions, such as nausea/vomiting, anemia, alopecia, constipation/ diarrhea, and fatigue. (Chopra, 2016; Schulmeister, 2014) Radiation Therapy The process of radiation therapy uses small amounts of very high–energy radiation to destroy the cancerous cells, making them unable to reproduce. "About 60% of all patients with cancer receive radiation therapy for curative intent, tumor control, or palliation of ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Nuclear Medicine : A Global Link For The Scientific Community Nuclear medicine is a relatively new process of medical practice in which radioactive material is used to treat disease, inflammation, infection, and clotting disorders. (Nuclear Medicine Radiochemistry Society, n.d.) The treatment of these conditions comes in medicinal form, through radiopharmaceuticals. "[Radiopharmaceuticals] may be put into a vein, taken by mouth, or placed in a body cavity. Depending on the drug and how it's given, these materials travel to various parts of the body to treat cancer or relieve its symptoms" (American Cancer Society, 2014). By examining the complications which are attempting to be solved, it is evident that the medicinal uses of radioisotopes are a global link for the scientific community. However, in ... Show more content on ... A major characteristic of radioactive material is that it decays from one element to another through particle and gamma decay. Essentially, all radioactive materials are byproducts of previously decayed elements. In order to utilize the radioisotopes of their choice, providers must artificially employ forms of specific radionuclide formation. This process is induced in a variety of ways, namely, production in a particle accelerator or creation in a nuclear reactor. "Overall there are some 3800 radioisotopes. At present there are up to 200 radioisotopes used on a regular basis [in medical practice], and most must be produced artificially" (NMRS, 2003). Man– made radioisotopes can be made through a cyclotron (a circular particle accelerator) or in a nuclear reactor but "nuclear reactors are currently producing the vast majority of the isotopes" (Nuclear Resource and Information Center, 2010). Consequently, focusing on the mechanics of their creation in a nuclear reactor is the most effective way to analyze radioisotopes in medicine. "The radioisotope most widely used in medicine is technetium–99m, employed in some 80% of all nuclear medicine procedures–70,000 every day" (Hore–Lacy, 2009), and is the decayed transmutation of molybdenum–99 within a technetium–99m generator. These technetium–99m generators are actually ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Efficient Wireless Power Transfer Through Magnetic... Imagine a situation where no electrical device has to be plugged into a wall. In this case, a laptop or cell phone can charge itself easily and seamlessly just by being placing inside a room. This is the ability of many experimental wireless power devices that will be adapted to domestic use in the future. Today, the prevailing methods of energy transfer are wires and batteries. Wired connections are perhaps the most common. With this energy transfer method, energy is delivered from a power plant to a home. In the case of batteries, energy is stored as chemical energy in the battery cell. Once it is needed, the chemical energy can be released as electrical energy. However, both these methods have flaws. Both suffer from mild inefficiency ... Show more content on ... This process eliminates the use of wires between the transmitter and receiver therefore making it wireless. For example, solar power is essentially radiative wireless energy transfer. The sun is the transmitter, the photovoltaic solar cell is the receiver, and the sunlight is a high frequency electromagnetic wave (Little et al.). The process can be adapted for everyday use if electricity is transformed into light by a light source and then absorbed by a photocell that transforms the light back into electricity. However, due to issues with efficiency, this application will never be practical unless a more efficient solar cell is developed. Of course, the efficiency can be increased if a focused beam of light is used instead, but this still lags far behind compared to the efficiency of a standard wired connection. For home use, this method is impractical, but in other fields, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Radiative energy transfer has many advantages and disadvantages. A distinct disadvantage that makes this method impractical for home use is that the transfer can affect other objects and requires that no object blocks the space between the receiver and transmitter (Kurs et al.). With this in mind, there are a number of things to be concerned about. First, it requires that no object blocks the line of sight between the receiver and the transmitter. Second, efficiency is ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Types Of Radiation : Gamma And Gamma Physics Essay There are three types of radiation – Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha is 2 protons and 2 neutrons is the most ionising but the least penetrating. It is the most dangerous but is stopped by a few cm of air or a piece of paper. Beta is a high speed electron from the nucleus. It is moderately ionising and stopped by a few cm of aluminium. Gamma is a high frequency electromagnetic wave and is the least ionising but the most penetrating. It is the least dangerous but is only stopped by a few cm of lead or several cm of concrete. Radiation is used in smoke detectors, metal detectors, to test the thickness of paper or plastic, to sterilise medical equipment, to preserve food, as a medical tracer for imaging, as a treatment for cancer ... Show more content on ... The radioactive isotopes must decay into something that is not radioactive or toxic. They use a radiation detector to follow the radioactivity around the body. Radioactive iodine–131 can be used to see if the thyroid gland in the neck is working properly. Iodine is present in small amounts in the body and up to ¼ of the total amount of iodine can be stored in the thyroid gland. The amount of iodine entering the gland can be seen by detecting the radioactivity emitted from the radioactive iodine. Radiation can also be used as to test the thickness of paper and plastic. They need to use different forms of radiation when testing different object e.g. using gamma to test the thickness of metal or beta to test the thickness of plastic. The thicker the material, the more radiation is absorbed and the less radiation reaches the detector. It then sends signals to the equipment that adjusts the thickness of the material so that the right amount of radiation goes through. Anyone who works there must be protected by a lead or concrete shield to protect them against the radiation. Another use for radiation is in smoke detectors. One sort of smoke detector uses American–241 which emits alpha radiation. The alpha particles pass between two charged metal plates, causing air particles to split into positively and negatively charged ions (which means they ionise). The ions ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Radio Frequency Identification ( Rfid ) Essay Abstract–Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology for automated identification of people and products, and is getting more involved in our daily lives. RFID consists of a RFID tag or transponder, a RFID reader or transceiver, and the data processing system has been evolving with time. RFID technology is also helpful when used with money, but there is a main limitation while using RFID technology. It is privacy and security. That is why, Electrical and computer engineers work with this limitation, so RFID would be the future for all engineers. Index–Terms–RFID Electromagnetics, term paper I.INTRODUCTION For many people, using a card to access a building or a door, a key to start a car or validating an underground ticket have become a routine without realizing that they are making use of a technology that captures data because of the magnetic field. The technology is known as Radio Frequency IDentification or RFID. [1] Just as people use RFID in their daily lives, this technology is also used in objects, as the travel from manufacture to storage and finally the point of sale. Also, they carry RFID tags like people do. People show their RFID cards and objects don't. These tags are read in different ways and need greater detection distances. "RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) can be defined as an automatic identification technology which uses radio–frequency electromagnetic fields to identify objects carrying tags when they come close to a reader." [2] ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Neutron Stars : A Neutron Star Neutron stars are "an incredibly object made of neutron's, like a giant atomic nucleus." In the year 1934 two astronomers at CIT made predictions that a collapse of a large star or sun would produce a neutron star. When a star 's mass exceeds roughly 1.4M and has a iron core. It is no longer able to support itself, the core collapse from exponential forces. This is referred to as a type ii supernova or a core–collapse supernova. These newly discovered neutron stars had notable characteristics. A smaller radius of around six miles and masses that were on average between "one and several times the sun". Neutron stars also had capacity for how large their masses could be, at max it could be two to three solar masses. Although these neutron ... Show more content on ... They inferred that since the star was originally much larger and its mass stayed the same throughout its transition into a neutron star, that its rotation must have increased when its size decreased. Naturally known as conservation of angular momentum. These rapidly spinning neutron stars would look to be pulsing because of the strong magnetic field that emits radiation in the form of two narrow beams. As the neutron star spun it would only send a signal every time its rotation pointed the narrow beam at earth. The magnetic field of a neutron star rip's both "positively and negatively charged particles off the star's surface and accelerate them to nearly the speed of light." These charged particles radiate as they accelerate. The radiation is in the form of electromagnetic energy that can be in various wavelengths. The amount of energy that a neutron star gives off dictates what type electromagnetic wave it will produce. A higher charged neutron star will give off a shorter wavelength. Astronomers at earth are able to take any type of wavelength produced and measure it. The main reason this is possible is solely because the neutron star guides the charges given off in a tight cone shape that it is easily picked up when facing earth. These beams are sometimes so powerful (usually when it is a young ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Nuclear Force Research Papers Nuclear forces have been around the human race since the beginning of time, though it was not until recently that people began to understand it. Nuclear decay has helped scientists discover how long unstable isotopes maintain their unstable state before becoming a more stable isotope. The study of nuclear chemistry has given people in the medical field powerful tools to combat feared illnesses such as cancer. Nuclear forces have also provided an alternative energy source to coal and natural gas. The field of nuclear chemistry encompasses many aspects including nuclear decay, radioactive elements in medicine, and nuclear energy. Alpha, beta, gamma – to many people those three words are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet, though ... Show more content on ... Nuclear medicine however has made it possible to treat cancer. One of the forms of cancer treatments that involve radioactive materials is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy utilizes X and gamma rays to target and kill the cancer cells. "Radiation therapy kills cancer cells by damaging their DNA. Radiation can either damage the DNA directly or create charged particles in cells that in turn damage the DNA." ("Radiation Therapy for Cancer") Radiation therapy affects only the selected area of treatment, whereas other treatments such as chemo therapy affects the entire body. Radiation therapy can be administered two different ways. The first method of administration is internally. Radiation is injected directly into the blood stream where it travels to the cancerous area. The other method of administering radiation therapy is externally. "Many types of external–beam radiation therapy are delivered using a machine called a linear accelerator (also called a LINAC). A LINAC uses electricity to form a stream of fast–moving subatomic particles. This creates high– energy radiation that may be used to treat cancer." ("Radiation Therapy for ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Nuclear Energy And Its Effects 1. Background Nuclear energy can be produced by fission, by splitting a nucleus into smaller products, (precisely equal parts). These products are equal to half of the original mass. In the process of nuclear fission, energy and neutrons will be emitted. Along with the emission of neutrons, also during the process of fission, a large amount of a product's energy is released. Every day we are surrounded by so much radiation however, only some radiation can be harmful to us. Radiation such as microwaves, radio waves, and infrared are classes as 'non–ionizing' and are not a threat to humans. Radiation classed as 'Ionizing' radiation is most definitely harmful to us because it has the capability of removing electrons from other atoms and then ... Show more content on ... They also have a less powerful ionizing rate compared to alpha particles. Gamma rays are energy, also known as electromagnetic radiation. They have no charge or mass. They move through the air extremely quickly (at the speed of light) and to ionize them, they need to directly hit the nucleus of an atom. This suggests that gamma rays have a very low ionizing rate and can travel much t=further through the air compared to alpha and beta particles. Nuclear–fuelled power plants are very similar to fossil fuelled power pants, in which they both turn water into steam in order to control the turbine generators that produce energy; the only difference is the source of heat. At nuclear power plants, a nuclear reactor produces and controls the amount of energy that is released when atoms of Uranium split, which is called fission. The heat that is used to make this steam is created by this form of fission. Uranium fuelled nuclear power plants are a clean and efficient way of boiling water to produce the steam that is used to operate the turbine generators within the power plant. Figure 1 shows the equation for the nuclear fission of uranium–235. 2. Discussion Even though we use Nuclear energy to give places electricity, Nuclear energy is used in many more things than just in the production of electricity. Such as; Hospitals, schools, households or business', Nuclear Radiation can be used to treat heavy medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. The Natural Radioactivity Of Soil Samples Abstract The concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K are measured in the material collected from two locations. The collected materials are tested using gamma ray spectrometry. The activity concentration of the naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in building material it varies from 12.6 to 121.4, 13.6 to 142 and from 69.5 to 620.6 Bqkg_1, respectively. The radium equivalent activity, the absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose and hazard index is also calculated Keywords Radionuclides, radiological hazard, building material radioactive 1. Introduction Natural sources exist in several geological formations such as soils, rocks, sediments, vegetation, water and air emit radiation. While 4% is of artificial origin (Chougan–kar et al., 2003; El–Daly and Hussein, 2008) [1]. The natural radioactivity of soil samples determined from the 226Ra, 232Th and40K contents. Rocks and soils contribute considerably to indoor and outdoor exposure to the environmental radioactivity by gamma radiation emitting mainly from 226Ra, 232Th and 40K contents, and beta radiation. The soil radioactivity is a good indicator of the distribution and accumulation of radioactivity in the environment and knowledge of these concentrations provides useful information in the monitoring of environment radioactivity (kessaratikoon and Awaekechi, 2008) [2]. Even though these radionuclides are extensively distributed, their concentrations have been proven to depend on the local geological ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Effects Of Radiation On Tissue And Its Effects On The... Since x–rays were discovered in 1895, there have been several improvements made to diagnostic x– ray to make it safer for both the patient and the radiographer. Some of these improvements include, aluminum filters, protective housing, lead shields/ aprons, and quicker exposure film. These changes have undoubtedly improved the diagnostic radiation process, however both patient and radiographer will still receive some dose of radiation. "The effects of radiation on tissue are divided into two types: deterministic and stochastic. A deterministic effect describes ionizing radiation–induced damage that occurs once a certain threshold is exceeded and increases in severity the greater the dose.1. (pg2–3) Some of the more extreme deterministic effects that occur with exposure to high amounts of radiation in a short period of time are: Skin Erythema/Necrosis, cataracts, sterility, radiation sickness, and death. Stochastic effects are probabilistic and there is no threshold amount that must be reached. As the amount of exposure increases so does probability of effects. However the amount of exposure does not correspond to the severity of the effects. Some of the stochastic risk can include development of various types of cancer and hereditary defects. It is more difficult to track the long–term stochastic effects that occur during chronic low–doses exposure because there are other additional factors that must be taken into account. "We are all exposed to background radiation. The ... Get more on ...