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“The real noise is the echo that things have in us”
James Joyce
© Copyright: Raimondo Villano.
© Risearch, photo, creations, cover of Raimondo Villano.
All right reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by ani means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.
Editorial production: Prof. Dott. Maria Rosaria Giordano.
Editor: e-mail:
Advisor executive: Francesco Villano.
Publisher: Chiron - Ph@rma dpt.
© 2016 Chiron Foundation, via Maresca 12, scala A - 80058 Torre Annunziata (Napoli).
Website: - Secretariat:;
Sales:; Catalog: (business: editoria)
First edizion August 2017. Finished writing July 10, 2017.
Photo 1^ cover: Raimondo Villano, Enlighten me of immense (Ravello, 1989).
CDD 770 VIL ais 2017 en
LCC NX1-820
The intent of this second my work, which insists in the wake initiated with
'Romance', is to present a series of works that enclose poetic content, moral issues
and philosophical dilemmas with a result of high value that weaves humanity,
knowledge and talent .
Borrowing the aesthetic taste, elaborate proportions, settings, subject, light and
color according to a spectrum that is compared with my experience led, made of
inner life, passions, experiences, meetings, empathy.
Following a markedly narrative of a language to express or intuitive or symbolic
traits, quiet by nature, but often not separated from the philosophical reflection, I
leave substantially perceive a kind of ideal of a 'iconographic heartbeat'.
Not infrequently the works exude the aura of this beat that, in a narrative flow that
links a progeny of open content, joins the aura of light and color, transformed into
energy that reverberates.
Raimondo Villano
To my dears.
“A cot and an echo
I find
into the void and silence”
Antonia Pozzi, Story of water
“ The future has an ancient heart ”
Federico Garcia Lorca
È delle città come dei sogni: tutto l’immaginabile può essere sognato ma anche il sogno più
inatteso è un rebus che nasconde un desiderio oppure il suo rovescio, una paura. Le città
come i sogni sono costruite di desideri e di paure.
Italo Calvino
“It's the city like dreams: everything imaginable can be dreamed, but even
the most unexpected dream is a rebus that conceals a desire or its reverse, a
fear. Cities such as dreams are made of desires and fears”
“ The light attracts all but the twilight only the elect ”
Günter Grass
“ Nothing is in our power except our thoughts ”
“ My kingdom is not of this world, but the world is in my kingdom ”
Hans Urs von Balthasar
“ The destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things ”
Henry Miller
“ I entered life knowing that the law
is to get out. (...) He plays his own
part, those longer, some more
quickly, and leaves the scene. I have
seen many pass before, others will see
me go, and will give the same
performance to their successors ”
Umberto Eco, L’isola del giorno prima
“ Let the wind blow, leaf, and do not remain attached to your branch.
You are only the garment, not the body ”
Hans Urs von Balthasar
“ There was an imperfect time when I had you and that was perfection. There will be a future
time when I forget that happiness can arrive early if this is still pending elsewhere ”
Massimo Bisotti, Il quadro mai dipinto
“ We are such stuff as dreams are made on;
in space and time of a dream
It is enclosed our short life ”
William Shakespeare
Short profile of Raimondo Villano
Born in 1960. He lives between Rome and Torre Ann.ta. His wife is a biologist,
pharmacist, social worker and worthy professor of Sciences in Classic high schools and
state scientific; the son is a brilliant mathematician university. Role: General Manager
Villano International Business Team since 2012, with operations in 16 business areas,
consulting & service (including: international business, high-end real estate, insurance,
construction and restoration, import-export, food, information technology, health , art
and culture); Member (since 2013), Associate Professor in History of Health
Pharmaceutical Administration Department (since 2014) and Honorary Member of
Ruggero II University of Florida State (BR, Miami, Florida, USA, from 2015); Trader
(since 1976), independent financial operating Trader bags and forex (since 1983), Knight
S.M.O. Malta (since 2002, presented by Cav. Justice Fra 'Giorgio Maria Castriota
Scanderbeg, descendant of the Hero founder of the Kingdom of Albania); President
humanitarian Chiron Foundation (since 1985); CEO Chiron Publisher (since 2006).)
Academies: History Health Ministry-Art B.C., former papal Tiberina, Melitensi Studies,
Medical Tradition Smithsonian Institution-USA, International Society History
Pharmacy, Acc. History Italian Pharmacy, Soc. Napoletana National History, a. h. Noble
College Chemical Pharmaceutical. Over 100 conferences and chairman in dozens of
conferences. He works with important national and international magazines. It is
Advisory Board Member for the US Publisher DPC, which publishes in more than 150
nations. Studies: classics; degree and abil .: Pharmacy (1985); courses certificates:
Medicinal herbs, cosmetic techniques, Corporate Security, HACCP, History, Social
Doctrine of the Church, Theology. Graduations h.c.: Human and Social Sciences
(2009); History and Philosophy (2010); Communication Sciences (2013); Diplomacy and
International Studies (2015). He was: He was author, organizer and chairman Safety
Course for managers, getting the Cape High Patronage of the UN and the State (2000),
Diplomatic Adviser A.E.R.E.C. dpt E.N.V.A. 2011-15, Secretary International Committee
Biothecnologies Wabt-Unesco 2008-13, member of World Academy Biomedical Technology (UNESCO 2007-12), 11 years in
the scientific Health Security Committee of IBD (company responsible for security Courts Appeals Court Naples), non-
profit research on cancer Beaumont Foundation Board chaired by the condidato Nobel Tarro and with the Prefect Naples
(2011-12), European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations 2004-2015. For 32 years a member and owner of a major
pharmacy until 2010. Partner since 1990 Secretary at age 29 1990-95 (among the youngest of Italy), 2000-01 President
Rotary Club Pompei-Vesuvio, 14 years Chief Archive of Governors for District 2100-Italian (over 3,000 Rotarians and ca 80
Club) and at ICR for Italy Rotary; in Italy: Professional Ethics, Global Action, Computer; among the many
international roles: archeology Pompeii-Carthage; Committee Prize Magna Grecia; author and presenter at the World
Council of Rotary Legislation Proposal for the creation of the International Day for the protection of Life (2001-04). From
1986 to 1990 President in Naples, national coordinator and founder Federation of Young Pharmacists; National Union
Representative Federative. Assist. Prof. Microbiology Fac. F.cia Na (1985-90, Chair Prof. Lembo-Ist. Sup. Health). Member
Internat Group. Study ISHP History Pharmacopeia (Univ. Berne, 2012-13). Proponent and Godfather of various
Honorary Members, including: Archbishop. Pompeii Mons. Francesco Saverio Toppi, from 2013 Servant of God in the
Cause of Beatification and Canonization (Rotary, 1992); Dino De Laurentiis (proposed in 2000), Hollywood film producer
and Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement (Rotary, 2001); Antonio Greek, President TA Court (Rotary, 2000); Giulio
Tarro, virologist candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2000 and 2015 (Asas, 2011); Gianni Rivera, Deputy Football
World Champion (AEREC, 2012). International Awards: Honorary Diploma for outstanding services in an individual
capacity in the 5 Avenues from President Rotary International (Evanston, 2001: only 100 / year / 1.5 million members);
Merit-Crime Task Force Rotary Italy, Albania, the former Yugoslavia, San Marino (Zurich 2001); Sapientia Mundi-Ethics
(Rm 2008); Union Legion d'Oro-Work (Rm 2010); Veritas in Charitate-Religion (2011); Bonifaciano-Culture and Society
(2011); Norman EtAc-Publishing Medal aurata (Rm 2014); Norman EtAc-Health Galen (Rm 2014); NormaNational
Awardsn EtAc-Health 2nd ed. Galen (Rm 2015); Norman EtAc-Photographic Art Medal aurata (Rm 2015). : Aesculapius-
Health Patroc. Council Presidency Ministers (Rm 1987); LXVIII Piccinini Asas-Mi.BAC-historical and Scientific Research
(Rm 2006); LXV Stramezzi-Health (Rm 2007); Capitoline-humanitarian activities (Rm 2010); Tiberino- Culture (Rm
2012); LXXIV Serono-History and Literature (Rm 2012), AEREC-Culture (Rm 2013); Merit Merit Public Health (Rome,
DPR 2013): only 269 from 1800; Tiber-Science (Rm 2014); LXXIV Piccinini Asas-Mi.BACT-historical and Scientific
Research (Rm 2014); Silver Medal for Merit of Public Health (Rome, DPR 2016).
Author of a wide and qualified publications that amounts to more than 790 healthcare, professional publications,
scientific, historical, religious, aesthetic, much of which was in magazines with critical review, indexing and with
impact factor; more than 50 books (including 14 with total 35 editions and 19 reprints, many also translated into
English, French, German and Spanish) with prestigious publishers like Zanichelli, with sponsorship from the Ministry
of Cultural Heritage, Unesco, Rotary, University, etc., reviewed by heads of national importance, in more than 120
Italian libraries (including: Quirinale, national Academy Sciences, Ministries) and in over 40 countries (including:
national Health Institute-USA, Nationale de France, Congress UK), in institutes of Culture, Universities, Museums. At
the Frankfurt Book Fair he debuted his book. Over 60 multimedia works (in multiple languages and multiple
editions and reprints) often of considerable merit and published by prestigious publishers and sponsorships (including
Bayer S.p.A.). Catalogues: Library of Congress UK Authority (NACO); Bibliothèque nationale de France; Deutsche
Nationalbibliothek; Library of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pat .; Library of Science S.M. Order of Malta;
The library of the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI; 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals IBC-Cambridge
UK since 2010; OPAC SBN with over 160 works; Authority Ministry BAC tab. Various books have appreciations from
institutional authorities, including some European sovereigns and over the head of state and the Holy Father.
* * *
Some books: Global Information Society, 1996; Rotary for Man, 2001; Safety Management in Pharmacy (pres. Dr. Renzulli,
already the UN Security Consultant, 2004); Art and history Pharmacy (pres. Professor Ledermann, Presid. International Society
History Pharmacy, 2nd ed., 2006); History and activities of the SMOM (4th ed., 2007); pharmaceutical meridians between
secular and Catholic moral ethics (pres. Professor Tarro, Comm. Naz.le Bioethics, 3rd ed., 2008); Thesaurus Pharmacologicus
(pres. Presid. Pharmacists Dr. Italian Mandelli 2009); Time carved in silence eternity. Reflections on diachronic investigation for
memory homo faber (pres. Eminent historian Fra 'von Lobstein and critic Prof. Carosella, 6 repr., 2010); pharmaceutical
operations the Kingdom of Naples (pres .: Presid. Acc. It. History Pharmacy Dr. Corvi, 2010); Logos and Theophany in the digital
time (pres. Mons. Trafny, Presid. Dpt Science-Faith Pontifical Council for Culture, 2012); Religious aspects and ecclesial
dimension SMOM (2013); Pharmacy Museum: echo of the past to a future redemption (pres. Professor Ledermann, Director of
Library Switzerland, 2015); Photographs - about 200 of his works, selected for philosophical themes and creative among those
realized in over 40 years (2015). Among the more than 60 multimedia: art and history Pharmacy Brief (patroc. AISF, 2002);
Influenza A / H1N1 (patroc. Unesco, 2009).
It is amateur photographer since 1971. Good photographic expertise analogue and digital combined with aesthetic sense and
creativity. It has used important cameras, mainly professional: 35 mm: analog Minolta; numerous analog and digital Nikon pro,
including: Nikon F2 lens with 52 mm f 1.2 Nikon, Nikon FE with 28mm wide-angle and tele 150 Nikkor, Nikon D-3200 Zoom Zoom
Nikon Nikon 28-55 and 70-300 ( with matching factor 450), Nikon Coolpix; Leika M2, Leika R4. 6 x 6: Rolleiflex TLR Zeiss Planar f
2.8 c. exposure; Rolleiflex TLR Zeiss Tessar f 3,5; Rolleiflex SL 66 pro Planar HFT; Hasselblad 500 CM Planar * H. 6 x 9: Voitglander,
Linhoff Master Technique. 9 x 12: Linhoff Master technique with back cinerollex, optical Shneider 150 mm, tilt c/standarda
accopppiamento. Currently used: Nikon D-35 digital SLR 3200, Rolleiflex SL66 pro analog; Nikon Coolpix Digital. He used various
professional auxiliary equipment: Linhoff tripod, light meter Lunasix, panoramic heads, winding Zeta, various optics Zeiss and
Leitz. Always with his father, a distinguished amateur photographer and cineamatore (for many years the Secretary and then
President of Provincial in Naples FEDIC-Italian Film Club Federation) does a lot of experiences of cinematography and
photography before then; in film, in particular with: P3 8 mm Bolex camera, slow motion Agfa Gevaert, editing and sound on film 8
mm and playing with magnetic sound Heurtier (late 60s and early 80s). Always follow with interest and meaningful educational
benefit all phases of recovery and processing of numerous documentaries of father made sound on film 8 mm Kodacolor,
including: 'Infinity' by Giacomo Leopardi; ‘Val di Fiemme'; 'Gethsemane between Paestum and Capaccio'; 'Jabberwocky' by Leopardi;
'Marina di Camerota' (1968-1977 approx). Also participates to main official ceremonies of public screening, including: Cavalese
(square) and Molina di Fiemme (square); Basilica of Pompeii; Paestum; Marina di Camerota (Hotel Egle and square); National Short
Film Festival 'FilmVideo' (Montecatini Terme, Kursaal); Rotary Club (Sorrento, Hotel President, 1972). Take part in various editions
of National Short Film Festival 'FilmVideo' in Montecatini Terme; to one of editions (probably in late 60s), which also projects a
father documentary, it is Federico Fellini (Kursaal, 1967-1977). Follows advice his father and their main artistic productions of friends
cineamatori FEDIC Di Gennaro Mario (Optical valiant and professional photographer), Gaetano SANNINO, Mario De Santis,
Antonio PRECCHIA, Rag. Antonio IF (1967-78). Does many photo processing experiences b / w and color with different additive
and subtractive methods in dark room with his father using magnifiers UPA and DURTS M609 (especially in the 70s and early 80s).
Varied experiences of professional level, also first place at Photo Studio of Cav. Mario DI GENNARO (Torre Annunziata, from late
'60s) and then at industrial darkroom MILONE, development center of most important, if not first, of Campania (Sant'Antonio
Abate, from mid-year 70). In last years of high school (which is in charge of the House of Sciences) and in those university (where it
has conducted several research institutes from inside) acquires good skills of use of optical microscopes (Leika and Nikon) even
with optical diving and photographic trinocular head. In addition, it is following to long time most studies, research and then,
by light microscopy, photography and filming of scientific documentary on cellular reproduction made of 16 mm sound by valiant
cineamatore FEDIC Gaetano SANNINO, then put on Italian and foreign educational circuits (early 70s). Does occasional small
experience with professional cameras Harriflex 35 mm (late 70s) and Bolex 16 mm and 16 mm projector von pro Microtechnology (mid
70s). Experiences further assessments were made, always with his father, at: prestigious Photographic studios, including: Sbrescia and
Velotto ROMANO DI PAOLO in Naples and Pompeii (first half of '70s); some Boards of photographic competitions (second half years' 70
years). At the invitation of Professor, he held various 'classes' of photography during time of Art History classes in some of his classic
'Benedict High School Cross' (1977-78). Collaborated on the picture of the long plain cover of the famous artist and singer Peppino di
Capri Naples entitled "With strange ideas in his head" (Record Label Splash, Naples 1979). Paired with a friend, she get the award and
collaborated on the professional photographic school of remembrance year-end of all classes of secondary schools in his city; in the
following year he should desist, in the face of numerous complaints of professional photographers (1980). He has practice with video
projectors and used with mastery, often University for research and teaching, professional diaprojectors Leika Pradovit (late 70s to mid-
80s). He participates in various national competitions, paired with his father earning some winnings and several placings in top ten
(80). He has made photos and graphic of covers art of all his cd rom and dvd and many of his books and other authors (mid-90s). His
photos are also included in many of his books and multimedia various (late 90s). Publishes a book in 5 languages and dozens of
photographic audiovisual media, containing some hundreds of its valuable works selected for philosophical themes and creative among
those realized in over 40 years (since 2001). Its main research lines are: nature, landscape, art and architecture, portraiture, plasticity of
the human body, before only in b / w and even in color (70s-80s); portraiture and landscape (90); portraiture and historical and cultural
heritage (from the 2000s); works for creative themes, including: street photo, art photo, cityscape, landscape, nature, portrait, flowers,
animals, birds, flora, cat & dog (from the late '2000); works for philosophical issues (from 2013). The intent of this work strand (which is
in embryo in 'Photo' and perfected with 'Romance', 'Sinesthesis', 'Pulse') is to present a series of works that enclose poetic content, moral
issues and philosophical dilemmas with a result of the high value that weaves humanity, knowledge and talent. Making use of aesthetic
taste, the author elaborates proportions, settings, subject, light and color according to a spectrum that is compared with its worn lived,
made of inner life, passions, experiences, meetings, empathy. Following a markedly narrative of a language at times explicit or intuitive or
symbolic, quiet by nature, but often not separated from the philosophical reflection, author leaves substantially perceive a kind of ideal
of a 'iconographic heartbeat'. Not infrequently the works exude the aura of this beat that, in a narrative flow that links a progeny of open
content, joins the aura of light and color, transformed into energy that reverberates. He is a member of several tens of closed Groups
and private Community administered in social networks Facebook and Google, which receives a significant liking (from 2014). He is a
member of the Nikon Club Italy (from 2015) and Gold Medal by Norman Academy Inc. for Photographic Art (Rm 2015).
C H I R O N 2 0 1 7

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Raimondo Villano
Attività Chiron 2008-09
Attività Chiron  2008-09Attività Chiron  2008-09
Attività Chiron 2008-09
Raimondo Villano
R. VILLANO Portfolio vol. 1 (cat & dog)
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R. VILLANO Portfolio vol. 1 (cat & dog)
Raimondo Villano
R. Villano - Il tempo digitale
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R. Villano - Il tempo digitale
Raimondo Villano
Rotary International District 2100 Italy - Study Group Exchange
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Rotary International District 2100 Italy - Study Group Exchange
Raimondo Villano
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Villano - SMOM Granpriorati e Sottopriorati - Presidenti Acismom
Raimondo Villano
R. VILLANO - Portfolio vol. 1 (portrait)
R. VILLANO - Portfolio vol. 1 (portrait)R. VILLANO - Portfolio vol. 1 (portrait)
R. VILLANO - Portfolio vol. 1 (portrait)
Raimondo Villano
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Villano-Prevenzione e cura. Morsi di animali
Raimondo Villano
R. Villano - THESAURUS, Tecniche di laboratorio
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Raimondo Villano
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Raimondo Villano
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Recensioni a libri di R. Villano (parte 5)
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Raimondo Villano
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Attività Chiron 2008-09
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R. VILLANO - A I S T H E S I S (EN-2017 part 4-5)

  • 1. “The real noise is the echo that things have in us” James Joyce
  • 3. © Copyright: Raimondo Villano. © Risearch, photo, creations, cover of Raimondo Villano. All right reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by ani means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Editorial production: Prof. Dott. Maria Rosaria Giordano. Editor: e-mail: Advisor executive: Francesco Villano. Publisher: Chiron - Ph@rma dpt. © 2016 Chiron Foundation, via Maresca 12, scala A - 80058 Torre Annunziata (Napoli). Website: - Secretariat:; Sales:; Catalog: (business: editoria) First edizion August 2017. Finished writing July 10, 2017. Photo 1^ cover: Raimondo Villano, Enlighten me of immense (Ravello, 1989). CDD 770 VIL ais 2017 en LCC NX1-820
  • 4. Preface The intent of this second my work, which insists in the wake initiated with 'Romance', is to present a series of works that enclose poetic content, moral issues and philosophical dilemmas with a result of high value that weaves humanity, knowledge and talent . Borrowing the aesthetic taste, elaborate proportions, settings, subject, light and color according to a spectrum that is compared with my experience led, made of inner life, passions, experiences, meetings, empathy. Following a markedly narrative of a language to express or intuitive or symbolic traits, quiet by nature, but often not separated from the philosophical reflection, I leave substantially perceive a kind of ideal of a 'iconographic heartbeat'. Not infrequently the works exude the aura of this beat that, in a narrative flow that links a progeny of open content, joins the aura of light and color, transformed into energy that reverberates. Raimondo Villano
  • 6. “A cot and an echo I find into the void and silence” Antonia Pozzi, Story of water
  • 7. “ The future has an ancient heart ” Federico Garcia Lorca
  • 8. È delle città come dei sogni: tutto l’immaginabile può essere sognato ma anche il sogno più inatteso è un rebus che nasconde un desiderio oppure il suo rovescio, una paura. Le città come i sogni sono costruite di desideri e di paure. Italo Calvino “It's the city like dreams: everything imaginable can be dreamed, but even the most unexpected dream is a rebus that conceals a desire or its reverse, a fear. Cities such as dreams are made of desires and fears”
  • 9. “ The light attracts all but the twilight only the elect ” Günter Grass
  • 10. “ Nothing is in our power except our thoughts ” Cartesio
  • 11. “ My kingdom is not of this world, but the world is in my kingdom ” Hans Urs von Balthasar
  • 12. “ The destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things ” Henry Miller
  • 13. “ I entered life knowing that the law is to get out. (...) He plays his own part, those longer, some more quickly, and leaves the scene. I have seen many pass before, others will see me go, and will give the same performance to their successors ” Umberto Eco, L’isola del giorno prima
  • 14. “ Let the wind blow, leaf, and do not remain attached to your branch. You are only the garment, not the body ” Hans Urs von Balthasar
  • 15. “ There was an imperfect time when I had you and that was perfection. There will be a future time when I forget that happiness can arrive early if this is still pending elsewhere ” Massimo Bisotti, Il quadro mai dipinto
  • 16. “ We are such stuff as dreams are made on; in space and time of a dream It is enclosed our short life ” William Shakespeare
  • 17. Short profile of Raimondo Villano Born in 1960. He lives between Rome and Torre Ann.ta. His wife is a biologist, pharmacist, social worker and worthy professor of Sciences in Classic high schools and state scientific; the son is a brilliant mathematician university. Role: General Manager Villano International Business Team since 2012, with operations in 16 business areas, consulting & service (including: international business, high-end real estate, insurance, construction and restoration, import-export, food, information technology, health , art and culture); Member (since 2013), Associate Professor in History of Health Pharmaceutical Administration Department (since 2014) and Honorary Member of Ruggero II University of Florida State (BR, Miami, Florida, USA, from 2015); Trader (since 1976), independent financial operating Trader bags and forex (since 1983), Knight S.M.O. Malta (since 2002, presented by Cav. Justice Fra 'Giorgio Maria Castriota Scanderbeg, descendant of the Hero founder of the Kingdom of Albania); President humanitarian Chiron Foundation (since 1985); CEO Chiron Publisher (since 2006).) Academies: History Health Ministry-Art B.C., former papal Tiberina, Melitensi Studies, Medical Tradition Smithsonian Institution-USA, International Society History Pharmacy, Acc. History Italian Pharmacy, Soc. Napoletana National History, a. h. Noble College Chemical Pharmaceutical. Over 100 conferences and chairman in dozens of conferences. He works with important national and international magazines. It is Advisory Board Member for the US Publisher DPC, which publishes in more than 150 nations. Studies: classics; degree and abil .: Pharmacy (1985); courses certificates: Medicinal herbs, cosmetic techniques, Corporate Security, HACCP, History, Social Doctrine of the Church, Theology. Graduations h.c.: Human and Social Sciences (2009); History and Philosophy (2010); Communication Sciences (2013); Diplomacy and International Studies (2015). He was: He was author, organizer and chairman Safety Course for managers, getting the Cape High Patronage of the UN and the State (2000), Diplomatic Adviser A.E.R.E.C. dpt E.N.V.A. 2011-15, Secretary International Committee
  • 18. Biothecnologies Wabt-Unesco 2008-13, member of World Academy Biomedical Technology (UNESCO 2007-12), 11 years in the scientific Health Security Committee of IBD (company responsible for security Courts Appeals Court Naples), non- profit research on cancer Beaumont Foundation Board chaired by the condidato Nobel Tarro and with the Prefect Naples (2011-12), European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations 2004-2015. For 32 years a member and owner of a major pharmacy until 2010. Partner since 1990 Secretary at age 29 1990-95 (among the youngest of Italy), 2000-01 President Rotary Club Pompei-Vesuvio, 14 years Chief Archive of Governors for District 2100-Italian (over 3,000 Rotarians and ca 80 Club) and at ICR for Italy Rotary; in Italy: Professional Ethics, Global Action, Computer; among the many international roles: archeology Pompeii-Carthage; Committee Prize Magna Grecia; author and presenter at the World Council of Rotary Legislation Proposal for the creation of the International Day for the protection of Life (2001-04). From 1986 to 1990 President in Naples, national coordinator and founder Federation of Young Pharmacists; National Union Representative Federative. Assist. Prof. Microbiology Fac. F.cia Na (1985-90, Chair Prof. Lembo-Ist. Sup. Health). Member Internat Group. Study ISHP History Pharmacopeia (Univ. Berne, 2012-13). Proponent and Godfather of various Honorary Members, including: Archbishop. Pompeii Mons. Francesco Saverio Toppi, from 2013 Servant of God in the Cause of Beatification and Canonization (Rotary, 1992); Dino De Laurentiis (proposed in 2000), Hollywood film producer and Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement (Rotary, 2001); Antonio Greek, President TA Court (Rotary, 2000); Giulio Tarro, virologist candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2000 and 2015 (Asas, 2011); Gianni Rivera, Deputy Football World Champion (AEREC, 2012). International Awards: Honorary Diploma for outstanding services in an individual capacity in the 5 Avenues from President Rotary International (Evanston, 2001: only 100 / year / 1.5 million members); Merit-Crime Task Force Rotary Italy, Albania, the former Yugoslavia, San Marino (Zurich 2001); Sapientia Mundi-Ethics (Rm 2008); Union Legion d'Oro-Work (Rm 2010); Veritas in Charitate-Religion (2011); Bonifaciano-Culture and Society (2011); Norman EtAc-Publishing Medal aurata (Rm 2014); Norman EtAc-Health Galen (Rm 2014); NormaNational Awardsn EtAc-Health 2nd ed. Galen (Rm 2015); Norman EtAc-Photographic Art Medal aurata (Rm 2015). : Aesculapius- Health Patroc. Council Presidency Ministers (Rm 1987); LXVIII Piccinini Asas-Mi.BAC-historical and Scientific Research (Rm 2006); LXV Stramezzi-Health (Rm 2007); Capitoline-humanitarian activities (Rm 2010); Tiberino- Culture (Rm 2012); LXXIV Serono-History and Literature (Rm 2012), AEREC-Culture (Rm 2013); Merit Merit Public Health (Rome, DPR 2013): only 269 from 1800; Tiber-Science (Rm 2014); LXXIV Piccinini Asas-Mi.BACT-historical and Scientific Research (Rm 2014); Silver Medal for Merit of Public Health (Rome, DPR 2016).
  • 19. Author of a wide and qualified publications that amounts to more than 790 healthcare, professional publications, scientific, historical, religious, aesthetic, much of which was in magazines with critical review, indexing and with impact factor; more than 50 books (including 14 with total 35 editions and 19 reprints, many also translated into English, French, German and Spanish) with prestigious publishers like Zanichelli, with sponsorship from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Unesco, Rotary, University, etc., reviewed by heads of national importance, in more than 120 Italian libraries (including: Quirinale, national Academy Sciences, Ministries) and in over 40 countries (including: national Health Institute-USA, Nationale de France, Congress UK), in institutes of Culture, Universities, Museums. At the Frankfurt Book Fair he debuted his book. Over 60 multimedia works (in multiple languages and multiple editions and reprints) often of considerable merit and published by prestigious publishers and sponsorships (including Bayer S.p.A.). Catalogues: Library of Congress UK Authority (NACO); Bibliothèque nationale de France; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek; Library of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pat .; Library of Science S.M. Order of Malta; The library of the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI; 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals IBC-Cambridge UK since 2010; OPAC SBN with over 160 works; Authority Ministry BAC tab. Various books have appreciations from institutional authorities, including some European sovereigns and over the head of state and the Holy Father. * * * Some books: Global Information Society, 1996; Rotary for Man, 2001; Safety Management in Pharmacy (pres. Dr. Renzulli, already the UN Security Consultant, 2004); Art and history Pharmacy (pres. Professor Ledermann, Presid. International Society History Pharmacy, 2nd ed., 2006); History and activities of the SMOM (4th ed., 2007); pharmaceutical meridians between secular and Catholic moral ethics (pres. Professor Tarro, Comm. Naz.le Bioethics, 3rd ed., 2008); Thesaurus Pharmacologicus (pres. Presid. Pharmacists Dr. Italian Mandelli 2009); Time carved in silence eternity. Reflections on diachronic investigation for memory homo faber (pres. Eminent historian Fra 'von Lobstein and critic Prof. Carosella, 6 repr., 2010); pharmaceutical operations the Kingdom of Naples (pres .: Presid. Acc. It. History Pharmacy Dr. Corvi, 2010); Logos and Theophany in the digital time (pres. Mons. Trafny, Presid. Dpt Science-Faith Pontifical Council for Culture, 2012); Religious aspects and ecclesial dimension SMOM (2013); Pharmacy Museum: echo of the past to a future redemption (pres. Professor Ledermann, Director of Library Switzerland, 2015); Photographs - about 200 of his works, selected for philosophical themes and creative among those realized in over 40 years (2015). Among the more than 60 multimedia: art and history Pharmacy Brief (patroc. AISF, 2002); Influenza A / H1N1 (patroc. Unesco, 2009).
  • 20. It is amateur photographer since 1971. Good photographic expertise analogue and digital combined with aesthetic sense and creativity. It has used important cameras, mainly professional: 35 mm: analog Minolta; numerous analog and digital Nikon pro, including: Nikon F2 lens with 52 mm f 1.2 Nikon, Nikon FE with 28mm wide-angle and tele 150 Nikkor, Nikon D-3200 Zoom Zoom Nikon Nikon 28-55 and 70-300 ( with matching factor 450), Nikon Coolpix; Leika M2, Leika R4. 6 x 6: Rolleiflex TLR Zeiss Planar f 2.8 c. exposure; Rolleiflex TLR Zeiss Tessar f 3,5; Rolleiflex SL 66 pro Planar HFT; Hasselblad 500 CM Planar * H. 6 x 9: Voitglander, Linhoff Master Technique. 9 x 12: Linhoff Master technique with back cinerollex, optical Shneider 150 mm, tilt c/standarda accopppiamento. Currently used: Nikon D-35 digital SLR 3200, Rolleiflex SL66 pro analog; Nikon Coolpix Digital. He used various professional auxiliary equipment: Linhoff tripod, light meter Lunasix, panoramic heads, winding Zeta, various optics Zeiss and Leitz. Always with his father, a distinguished amateur photographer and cineamatore (for many years the Secretary and then President of Provincial in Naples FEDIC-Italian Film Club Federation) does a lot of experiences of cinematography and photography before then; in film, in particular with: P3 8 mm Bolex camera, slow motion Agfa Gevaert, editing and sound on film 8 mm and playing with magnetic sound Heurtier (late 60s and early 80s). Always follow with interest and meaningful educational benefit all phases of recovery and processing of numerous documentaries of father made sound on film 8 mm Kodacolor, including: 'Infinity' by Giacomo Leopardi; ‘Val di Fiemme'; 'Gethsemane between Paestum and Capaccio'; 'Jabberwocky' by Leopardi; 'Marina di Camerota' (1968-1977 approx). Also participates to main official ceremonies of public screening, including: Cavalese (square) and Molina di Fiemme (square); Basilica of Pompeii; Paestum; Marina di Camerota (Hotel Egle and square); National Short Film Festival 'FilmVideo' (Montecatini Terme, Kursaal); Rotary Club (Sorrento, Hotel President, 1972). Take part in various editions of National Short Film Festival 'FilmVideo' in Montecatini Terme; to one of editions (probably in late 60s), which also projects a father documentary, it is Federico Fellini (Kursaal, 1967-1977). Follows advice his father and their main artistic productions of friends cineamatori FEDIC Di Gennaro Mario (Optical valiant and professional photographer), Gaetano SANNINO, Mario De Santis, Antonio PRECCHIA, Rag. Antonio IF (1967-78). Does many photo processing experiences b / w and color with different additive and subtractive methods in dark room with his father using magnifiers UPA and DURTS M609 (especially in the 70s and early 80s). Varied experiences of professional level, also first place at Photo Studio of Cav. Mario DI GENNARO (Torre Annunziata, from late '60s) and then at industrial darkroom MILONE, development center of most important, if not first, of Campania (Sant'Antonio Abate, from mid-year 70). In last years of high school (which is in charge of the House of Sciences) and in those university (where it has conducted several research institutes from inside) acquires good skills of use of optical microscopes (Leika and Nikon) even with optical diving and photographic trinocular head. In addition, it is following to long time most studies, research and then, by light microscopy, photography and filming of scientific documentary on cellular reproduction made of 16 mm sound by valiant
  • 21. cineamatore FEDIC Gaetano SANNINO, then put on Italian and foreign educational circuits (early 70s). Does occasional small experience with professional cameras Harriflex 35 mm (late 70s) and Bolex 16 mm and 16 mm projector von pro Microtechnology (mid 70s). Experiences further assessments were made, always with his father, at: prestigious Photographic studios, including: Sbrescia and Velotto ROMANO DI PAOLO in Naples and Pompeii (first half of '70s); some Boards of photographic competitions (second half years' 70 years). At the invitation of Professor, he held various 'classes' of photography during time of Art History classes in some of his classic 'Benedict High School Cross' (1977-78). Collaborated on the picture of the long plain cover of the famous artist and singer Peppino di Capri Naples entitled "With strange ideas in his head" (Record Label Splash, Naples 1979). Paired with a friend, she get the award and collaborated on the professional photographic school of remembrance year-end of all classes of secondary schools in his city; in the following year he should desist, in the face of numerous complaints of professional photographers (1980). He has practice with video projectors and used with mastery, often University for research and teaching, professional diaprojectors Leika Pradovit (late 70s to mid- 80s). He participates in various national competitions, paired with his father earning some winnings and several placings in top ten (80). He has made photos and graphic of covers art of all his cd rom and dvd and many of his books and other authors (mid-90s). His photos are also included in many of his books and multimedia various (late 90s). Publishes a book in 5 languages and dozens of photographic audiovisual media, containing some hundreds of its valuable works selected for philosophical themes and creative among those realized in over 40 years (since 2001). Its main research lines are: nature, landscape, art and architecture, portraiture, plasticity of the human body, before only in b / w and even in color (70s-80s); portraiture and landscape (90); portraiture and historical and cultural heritage (from the 2000s); works for creative themes, including: street photo, art photo, cityscape, landscape, nature, portrait, flowers, animals, birds, flora, cat & dog (from the late '2000); works for philosophical issues (from 2013). The intent of this work strand (which is in embryo in 'Photo' and perfected with 'Romance', 'Sinesthesis', 'Pulse') is to present a series of works that enclose poetic content, moral issues and philosophical dilemmas with a result of the high value that weaves humanity, knowledge and talent. Making use of aesthetic taste, the author elaborates proportions, settings, subject, light and color according to a spectrum that is compared with its worn lived, made of inner life, passions, experiences, meetings, empathy. Following a markedly narrative of a language at times explicit or intuitive or symbolic, quiet by nature, but often not separated from the philosophical reflection, author leaves substantially perceive a kind of ideal of a 'iconographic heartbeat'. Not infrequently the works exude the aura of this beat that, in a narrative flow that links a progeny of open content, joins the aura of light and color, transformed into energy that reverberates. He is a member of several tens of closed Groups and private Community administered in social networks Facebook and Google, which receives a significant liking (from 2014). He is a member of the Nikon Club Italy (from 2015) and Gold Medal by Norman Academy Inc. for Photographic Art (Rm 2015).
  • 22. C H I R O N 2 0 1 7