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•Five rounds- scoring explained before each round
•Chocolates for answers based on QM’s discretion
•Chocolates for innovative funny/answers or an answer so brilliant
the QM wishes it was the actual answer, instead, so guess away.
•Hint- Merlin’s baggy Y fronts not an answer
•QM knows how to perform the imperius curse and exercises final
1. Sammohito (spell)
2. Bahurupiya (Creature)
3. Neerastra bhawa (Spell)
4. Garunashav (creature)
5. Sharpatham (Spell)
6. Anisht Dev (Character)
7. Mrityu Dansham (Spell)
8. Choo Mantar Gali (Location)
9. Manachitra Manthan (Object)
10. Maya Mehnatkash (Character)
1. Sammohito - Imperio
2. Bahurupiya- Boggart
3. Neerastra bhawa- Expelliarmus
4. Garunashav- Hippogriff
5. Sharpatham- Stupefy
6. Anisht Dev- Lord Voldemort
7. Mrityu Dansham- Avada Kedavra
8. Choo Mantar Gali- Diagon Alley
9. Manachitra Manthan- Marauder's map
10. Maya Mehnatkash- Helga Hufflepuff
(POUNCE: +10/-10)
HOW 777 7990 TD HOW 782D
What is going on here?
Q2. What’s the Good Word?
• Distinct mother-of-pearl sheen
• Smoke in characteristic spirals
• Turns consumer “pale and sickly”
• Generic term is a misnomer
• Smells… different…?
Q3. What are these (Connect)?
Q4. This fungal condition can leave your skin covered with
purple pustules, and can apparently render you unable to
speak once it reaches the uvula. One of the cures
suggested to X to get rid of this “gruesome condition”
involved X taking the liver of a toad, binding it to the throat
and standing naked in a barrel of eels eyes by the full
moon, much to X’s irritation. The Ministry of Magic, too,
though much later, made the mistake of accepting as fact
that X suffered from this disease, although in a slightly
different context. What affliction am I talking about?
Q6. The Ilfracombe Incident occurred in 1932 when a Z attacked sunbathers at a
beach in Ilfracombe, Devon. The numerous onlookers were protected by Tilly Toke
and her family, the only wizards who were at the beach that day. They not only
warded off the Z, but also performed the largest batch of memory charms of all
time, ensuring that the Statute for Secrecy did not become redundant. Dodgy Dirk
was the only muggle to avoid this batch of memory charms, and was convinced of
seeing a giant lizard that punctured his lilo (air mattress). Z? Helpful (Probably)
map on next slide.
Q7. X was inspired by Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Pardoner’s Tale” from The
Canterbury Tales. The Pardoner from the tales is a person who produces
“miraculous relics” which he exchanges for large sums of money with people. He
insists that sinners cannot benefit from these relics, and hence manages to dupe
many. On one such occasion, he stumbles upon a few drunk and angry men,
whose friend had been killed by Y. The men while trying to find Y, find a large
quantity of gold coins, and end up plotting against and killing each other for the gold
(finding Y in the process maybe). In X, the men involved do find Y, but are no match
for Y’s wit (all but one man). Give me X and Y.
Q8. Josef X was a Polish wizard who played seeker with
the Grodzisk Goblins. He was widely regarded by the
wizarding world as one of the most innovative seekers ever.
He invented the X Y, a popular skill among agile seekers. Z
once performed the X Y on Aidan Lynch in a very dramatic
game of quidditch, only to lose narrowly. X Y and Z please.
Q9. X is a many eyed giant from Greek Mythology. His Greek epithet “Panoptes”
refers to his many eyes, and literally translates to “all seeing”. There exists a saying
called “the eyes of X”, which is used when one is being monitored too much in an
uncomfortable and invasive manner. He was sent as a servant by Hera to monitor
Io, who she had cursed to become a cow. Zeus, who loved Io, had Hermes kill X,
and free Io. After his death, Hera embedded his hundred eyes into the tail feathers
of a peacock. Who is X and what is the Harry Potter connection? (you’ll get this
answer even if you don’t know how to perform magic)
Q10. This is a book from the dark ages, written by Godelot, who had the elder wand
supposedly in his possession and was “learning from it”. Hermione Granger gets
irritated on reading the book for the first time, since it only mentions horcruxes, but
does not really tell the reader much about them. The book wails in a ghastly
manner when slammed shut, and can be found in the restricted section of the
Hogwarts library. The name of the book comes from Godelot’s description of his
wand- “my moste wicked and subtle friend, with bodie of Ellhorn, who knowes ways
of ________”. Just name the book.
Q11. Solve
Solve using above hints-
(Love has nothing to do
with the answer as such)
Common Funda will fetch
points too…
Q13. Give X and Y
The incantation for the spell X is derived from a Latin word, which in English, can
also refer to the inner space of a tubular structure or a cellular compartment. The
Latin word, in scientific terms, is also an SI unit of a particular quantity.
The incantation for the spell Y is derived from the name of the Greek Goddess of
the Night, who even Zeus was terrified of. She was the mother of Hypnos (sleep)
and Erebus. Y is also an RPG developed by Westwood Pacific and published by
Electronic Arts in 2000, where the protagonist has to fight against an army of
Q14. Meteolojinx Recanto is the incantation to a counter charm against weather
changing charms. The incantation for this spell is likely derived from meteorology,
the study of weather, which originates from the Greek word metéōron, "high in the
sky", as well as the English verb recant (from the Latin recantare, of which the first
person singular present indicative active is recanto), “to withdraw or retract”. When
Yaxley had ordered “Reg Cattermole” (Ron Weasley in disguise) to stop the ran in
his office, and after a failed attempt by Ron at doing so, someone had taught Ron
this incantation to stop the rain, as it had worked for a ministry worker named
Bletchley. Who?
Q15. What’s going on!?
Requires no spell or wand Requires Spell and wand
Thought processes remain the
same as before
Thought process changed; one
forgets who one was
Can be reversed by same person Affected person cannot reverse this
Monitored by authorities Not strictly monitored
Q1. The Diricawl is a flightless bird that originated in X (a country). It has the ability
to disappear and reappear at will, on sensing danger, and uses this innovative
method to avoid trouble. Interestingly, muggles were once fully aware of the
presence of the diricawl, but used to call it by another name. Its ability to vanish into
thin air, however, seems to have caused a big misunderstanding among humans.
The misguided yet significantly important conclusions that muggles drew because
of the diricawl’s ability is the main reason why the International Confederation of
Wizards has never rectified the erroneous nature of the muggle viewpoint. By what
name do the muggles know the Diricawl? X?
Q2. Bistro X is a Harry Potter theme based restaurant/café in platinum plaza,
TT Nagar, Bhopal, which serves Chinese and North Indian cuisines (It has been
rated at 3.8/5 by Zomato). In the real world (i.e. in the Harry Potter universe) X
is a part of Y; Y is crowded with wizards on at least two particular days in a
year. There are usually a number of plain-clothed Ministry of Magic employees
on hand to deal with any inconvenient Muggle memories that may need
altering, on those days. In the muggle perception (or the muggle world) X is just
a souvenir shop modelled on Ollivander’s Wand Shop in Y, that sells Harry
Potter merchandise. Y is supposedly built on the grave of the Iceni queen
Boudicca. X or Y.
Q3. What is this?
Q4. Australia House (opened by King George V in 1918) serves as the High
Commission of Australia in London. Why is it in a Harry Potter quiz (the Harry
Potter connect)?
Q5. The Three Witches, also known as the X (two word term), are characters
in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth that ultimately lead Macbeth to his death in
the play. In the Harry Potter world, X is a popular band on the Wizarding Wireless
Network, comprising of eight male members. Johnny Greenwood, the lead guitarist
from Radiohead, portrayed Kirley Duke, the lead guitarist of X, in the Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire movie. His bandmate Phil Selway was on the drums. A variant of
the name X, Y was used as a the title of a Discworld novel by Terry Prachett. Y is also
a Canadian folk music band that started initially with three members, who named the
band Y after the ancient pre-Christian triple goddess Urd. Ginny Weasley and
Nymphadora Tonks are known fans of X. Their most famous songs include “Do the
Hippogriff”, “Magic Works” and “This is the Night”. X and Y please…
Q6. List of What? Or what is X?
Aingingen: Ireland
Creaothceann: Scotland
Quodpot: America
Shuntbumps: England
Stitchstock: Germany
Swivenhodge: England
X: All over the world
Q7. Y is named after X Y, an English catholic who fought for the Spanish against
the Dutch protestant reformers in the Eighty Years War (15th
– 16th
centuries). X Y
was sentenced to be hang, drawn and quartered for high treason in 1606, but
instead died by breaking his neck after falling from the execution scaffold. His death
is celebrated on the 5th
of November every across England with bonfire nights. An
object associated with X Y became a pop-culture sensation, after the release of a
particular movie in 2005. An object associated with Harry himself, very very
importantly, also comes from Y. What are we talking about?
Q8. What are these Pottermore depictions of (5 points each)?
Q9. Before the wizarding community was forced into hiding, it was not unusual for a wizard to live
in the Muggle community and hold down what we would now think of as a Muggle job. It is widely
believed in wizarding circles that X, though little known, was one of the famous Knights of the
Round Table, and that he achieved this position through his friendship with Merlin. He has certainly
been excised from all Muggle volumes of King Arthur’s story, but wizarding versions of the tales
include X alongside Lancelot, Bedivere and Percival. These tales reveal him to be hot-headed and
peppery, and brave to the point of foolhardiness, but a good man in a corner. His most famous
encounter was with the Wyvern of Wye, a dragonish creature that was terrorising the West
Country. At their first encounter, the beast ate X’s handsome steed, bit his wand in half and melted
his sword and visor. Unable to see through the steam rising from his melting helmet, X barely
escaped with his life. However, rather than running away, he staggered into a nearby meadow,
grabbed a small, fat pony grazing there, leapt upon it and galloped back towards the wyvern with
nothing but his broken wand in his hand, prepared to meet a valiant death. The creature lowered
its fearsome head to swallow X and the pony whole, but the splintered and misfiring wand pierced
its tongue, igniting the gassy fumes rising from its stomach and causing the wyvern to explode.
Elderly witches and wizards still use the saying ‘I’ll take X’s pony’ to mean, ‘I’ll salvage the best I
can from a tricky situation.’ Who are we talking about? (Clue on request)
Q10. A fun one. In an episode of X, Y and Z are seen arguing with each other
about capturing a person who Y calls “A Golden Snitch”, much to the delight and
surprise of Z. Y then reveals to Z that Y had started reading the Harry Potter books
because Z loves them so much. Y even reveals that he had called in sick one day
to read Order of the Phoenix at home. Y and Z then go on to discuss Cedric
Diggory’s death, and how Y had been crushed and had cried the whole day sitting
on the toilet after learning about it. The conversation ends only when one of their
colleagues interrupts them and reminds them to return to their duties of actually
catching the “Golden Snitch”. (A major decision regarding the lives of Y and Z
depended on the “Golden Snitch” and who caught him)
“You know, Minister, I disagree with
Dumbledore on many counts ... but you
cannot deny he's got style.”
“One can never have enough socks. Another
Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get
a single pair.”
“If you want to know what a man’s like, take
a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not
his equals.”
“Kill me then! You will not win, You cannot
win! That wand will never, ever be yours.”
Q5. (Last words)
“Harry… Potter…”
“You know, Minister, I disagree with
Dumbledore on may counts ... but you cannot
deny he's got style.”
“One can never have enough socks. Another
Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get
a single pair.”
“If you want to know what a man’s like, take
a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not
his equals.”
“Kill me then! You will not win, You cannot
win! That wand will never, ever be yours.”
Q5. (Last words)
“Harry… Potter…”
Q1. The following magical creatures bear resemblances to some creatures that
muggles know. How can one distinguish them (experimentally or via observation)?
(+10/-5 each)
A) Knarl
B) Crup
C) Jarvey
A) A knarl looks like a hedgehog, but being highly mistrusting creatures, would
never accept a bowl of milk if offered. In fact it would go on to destroy the
garden of the person who offered it milk.
B) A crup is a wizard bred dog. The only difference between it and a Jack Russell
Terrier is that it has a forked tail, which wizard owners must remove in
accordance to the Statute of Secrecy.
C) A jarvey is a huge talking ferret. It is often quite rude, and is more than likely to
say something impolite to people that disturb it.
Q2. In Homer’s Iliad, Patroclus was a friend and wartime companion of Achilles, who
fought alongside him in the Trojan War. According to the Iliad, when the tide of the Trojan
War had turned against the Greeks and the Trojans were threatening their ships,
Patroclus convinced Achilles to let him lead the Myrmidons into combat. Achilles
consented, giving Patroclus the armor Achilles had received from his father, in order for
Patroclus to impersonate Achilles. Achilles then told Patroclus to return after beating
the Trojans back from their ships. Patroclus defied Achilles' order and pursued the Trojans
back to the gates of Troy. Patroclus killed many Trojans and Trojan allies, including a son
of Zeus, Sarpedon. While fighting, Patroclus' wits were removed by Apollo, after which
Patroclus was hit with the spear of Euphorbos. Hector then killed Patroclus by stabbing
him in the stomach with a spear. Achilles retrieved his body, which had been stripped of
armor by Hector and protected on the battlefield by Menelaus and Ajax. Something Harry
Potter does on one occasion in which he escapes from Lord Voldemort’s clutches is said
to have been inspired by the actions of Achilles in the above tale. What noble deed?
Harry Retrieving Cedric Diggory’s body to prevent it from
being in Voldemort’s hands
Q3. Last question of the Quiz
(+30/-15 on this slide, +10/-10 if you answer on the hint slide)
(Hint slide follows)

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Quizzitch, the essential Harry Potter Quiz

  • 2. THE RULES--- •Five rounds- scoring explained before each round •Chocolates for answers based on QM’s discretion •Chocolates for innovative funny/answers or an answer so brilliant the QM wishes it was the actual answer, instead, so guess away. •Hint- Merlin’s baggy Y fronts not an answer •QM knows how to perform the imperius curse and exercises final discretion
  • 3.
  • 5. 1. Sammohito (spell) 2. Bahurupiya (Creature) 3. Neerastra bhawa (Spell) 4. Garunashav (creature) 5. Sharpatham (Spell) 6. Anisht Dev (Character) 7. Mrityu Dansham (Spell) 8. Choo Mantar Gali (Location) 9. Manachitra Manthan (Object) 10. Maya Mehnatkash (Character)
  • 6.
  • 7. 1. Sammohito - Imperio 2. Bahurupiya- Boggart 3. Neerastra bhawa- Expelliarmus 4. Garunashav- Hippogriff 5. Sharpatham- Stupefy 6. Anisht Dev- Lord Voldemort 7. Mrityu Dansham- Avada Kedavra 8. Choo Mantar Gali- Diagon Alley 9. Manachitra Manthan- Marauder's map 10. Maya Mehnatkash- Helga Hufflepuff
  • 8.
  • 10. Q1. BOOK- MOVIE- ILLUSTRATED EDITION- HOW 777 7990 TD HOW 782D What is going on here?
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Q2. What’s the Good Word? • Distinct mother-of-pearl sheen • Smoke in characteristic spirals • Turns consumer “pale and sickly” • Generic term is a misnomer • Smells… different…?
  • 14.
  • 16. Q3. What are these (Connect)?
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Q4. This fungal condition can leave your skin covered with purple pustules, and can apparently render you unable to speak once it reaches the uvula. One of the cures suggested to X to get rid of this “gruesome condition” involved X taking the liver of a toad, binding it to the throat and standing naked in a barrel of eels eyes by the full moon, much to X’s irritation. The Ministry of Magic, too, though much later, made the mistake of accepting as fact that X suffered from this disease, although in a slightly different context. What affliction am I talking about?
  • 20.
  • 23.
  • 25. Q6. The Ilfracombe Incident occurred in 1932 when a Z attacked sunbathers at a beach in Ilfracombe, Devon. The numerous onlookers were protected by Tilly Toke and her family, the only wizards who were at the beach that day. They not only warded off the Z, but also performed the largest batch of memory charms of all time, ensuring that the Statute for Secrecy did not become redundant. Dodgy Dirk was the only muggle to avoid this batch of memory charms, and was convinced of seeing a giant lizard that punctured his lilo (air mattress). Z? Helpful (Probably) map on next slide.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Q7. X was inspired by Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Pardoner’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales. The Pardoner from the tales is a person who produces “miraculous relics” which he exchanges for large sums of money with people. He insists that sinners cannot benefit from these relics, and hence manages to dupe many. On one such occasion, he stumbles upon a few drunk and angry men, whose friend had been killed by Y. The men while trying to find Y, find a large quantity of gold coins, and end up plotting against and killing each other for the gold (finding Y in the process maybe). In X, the men involved do find Y, but are no match for Y’s wit (all but one man). Give me X and Y.
  • 30.
  • 32. Q8. Josef X was a Polish wizard who played seeker with the Grodzisk Goblins. He was widely regarded by the wizarding world as one of the most innovative seekers ever. He invented the X Y, a popular skill among agile seekers. Z once performed the X Y on Aidan Lynch in a very dramatic game of quidditch, only to lose narrowly. X Y and Z please.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 36. Q9. X is a many eyed giant from Greek Mythology. His Greek epithet “Panoptes” refers to his many eyes, and literally translates to “all seeing”. There exists a saying called “the eyes of X”, which is used when one is being monitored too much in an uncomfortable and invasive manner. He was sent as a servant by Hera to monitor Io, who she had cursed to become a cow. Zeus, who loved Io, had Hermes kill X, and free Io. After his death, Hera embedded his hundred eyes into the tail feathers of a peacock. Who is X and what is the Harry Potter connection? (you’ll get this answer even if you don’t know how to perform magic)
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. Q10. This is a book from the dark ages, written by Godelot, who had the elder wand supposedly in his possession and was “learning from it”. Hermione Granger gets irritated on reading the book for the first time, since it only mentions horcruxes, but does not really tell the reader much about them. The book wails in a ghastly manner when slammed shut, and can be found in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library. The name of the book comes from Godelot’s description of his wand- “my moste wicked and subtle friend, with bodie of Ellhorn, who knowes ways of ________”. Just name the book.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 43.
  • 45. Q12. Solve using above hints- (Love has nothing to do with the answer as such) Common Funda will fetch points too…
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. Q13. Give X and Y The incantation for the spell X is derived from a Latin word, which in English, can also refer to the inner space of a tubular structure or a cellular compartment. The Latin word, in scientific terms, is also an SI unit of a particular quantity. The incantation for the spell Y is derived from the name of the Greek Goddess of the Night, who even Zeus was terrified of. She was the mother of Hypnos (sleep) and Erebus. Y is also an RPG developed by Westwood Pacific and published by Electronic Arts in 2000, where the protagonist has to fight against an army of necromancers
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51. Q14. Meteolojinx Recanto is the incantation to a counter charm against weather changing charms. The incantation for this spell is likely derived from meteorology, the study of weather, which originates from the Greek word metéōron, "high in the sky", as well as the English verb recant (from the Latin recantare, of which the first person singular present indicative active is recanto), “to withdraw or retract”. When Yaxley had ordered “Reg Cattermole” (Ron Weasley in disguise) to stop the ran in his office, and after a failed attempt by Ron at doing so, someone had taught Ron this incantation to stop the rain, as it had worked for a ministry worker named Bletchley. Who?
  • 52.
  • 54. Q15. What’s going on!? X Y Requires no spell or wand Requires Spell and wand Thought processes remain the same as before Thought process changed; one forgets who one was Can be reversed by same person Affected person cannot reverse this Monitored by authorities Not strictly monitored
  • 55.
  • 58. Q1.
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61. Q2.
  • 62.
  • 64. Q3.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. Q4.
  • 68.
  • 70. Q5.
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 74. Q1. The Diricawl is a flightless bird that originated in X (a country). It has the ability to disappear and reappear at will, on sensing danger, and uses this innovative method to avoid trouble. Interestingly, muggles were once fully aware of the presence of the diricawl, but used to call it by another name. Its ability to vanish into thin air, however, seems to have caused a big misunderstanding among humans. The misguided yet significantly important conclusions that muggles drew because of the diricawl’s ability is the main reason why the International Confederation of Wizards has never rectified the erroneous nature of the muggle viewpoint. By what name do the muggles know the Diricawl? X?
  • 75.
  • 76. DODO!
  • 77. Q2. Bistro X is a Harry Potter theme based restaurant/café in platinum plaza, TT Nagar, Bhopal, which serves Chinese and North Indian cuisines (It has been rated at 3.8/5 by Zomato). In the real world (i.e. in the Harry Potter universe) X is a part of Y; Y is crowded with wizards on at least two particular days in a year. There are usually a number of plain-clothed Ministry of Magic employees on hand to deal with any inconvenient Muggle memories that may need altering, on those days. In the muggle perception (or the muggle world) X is just a souvenir shop modelled on Ollivander’s Wand Shop in Y, that sells Harry Potter merchandise. Y is supposedly built on the grave of the Iceni queen Boudicca. X or Y.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80. Q3. What is this?
  • 81.
  • 83. Q4. Australia House (opened by King George V in 1918) serves as the High Commission of Australia in London. Why is it in a Harry Potter quiz (the Harry Potter connect)?
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86. Q5. The Three Witches, also known as the X (two word term), are characters in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth that ultimately lead Macbeth to his death in the play. In the Harry Potter world, X is a popular band on the Wizarding Wireless Network, comprising of eight male members. Johnny Greenwood, the lead guitarist from Radiohead, portrayed Kirley Duke, the lead guitarist of X, in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie. His bandmate Phil Selway was on the drums. A variant of the name X, Y was used as a the title of a Discworld novel by Terry Prachett. Y is also a Canadian folk music band that started initially with three members, who named the band Y after the ancient pre-Christian triple goddess Urd. Ginny Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks are known fans of X. Their most famous songs include “Do the Hippogriff”, “Magic Works” and “This is the Night”. X and Y please…
  • 87.
  • 88. X Y
  • 89. Q6. List of What? Or what is X? Aingingen: Ireland Creaothceann: Scotland Quodpot: America Shuntbumps: England Stitchstock: Germany Swivenhodge: England X: All over the world
  • 90.
  • 92. Q7. Y is named after X Y, an English catholic who fought for the Spanish against the Dutch protestant reformers in the Eighty Years War (15th – 16th centuries). X Y was sentenced to be hang, drawn and quartered for high treason in 1606, but instead died by breaking his neck after falling from the execution scaffold. His death is celebrated on the 5th of November every across England with bonfire nights. An object associated with X Y became a pop-culture sensation, after the release of a particular movie in 2005. An object associated with Harry himself, very very importantly, also comes from Y. What are we talking about?
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95. VS Q8. What are these Pottermore depictions of (5 points each)?
  • 96.
  • 98. Q9. Before the wizarding community was forced into hiding, it was not unusual for a wizard to live in the Muggle community and hold down what we would now think of as a Muggle job. It is widely believed in wizarding circles that X, though little known, was one of the famous Knights of the Round Table, and that he achieved this position through his friendship with Merlin. He has certainly been excised from all Muggle volumes of King Arthur’s story, but wizarding versions of the tales include X alongside Lancelot, Bedivere and Percival. These tales reveal him to be hot-headed and peppery, and brave to the point of foolhardiness, but a good man in a corner. His most famous encounter was with the Wyvern of Wye, a dragonish creature that was terrorising the West Country. At their first encounter, the beast ate X’s handsome steed, bit his wand in half and melted his sword and visor. Unable to see through the steam rising from his melting helmet, X barely escaped with his life. However, rather than running away, he staggered into a nearby meadow, grabbed a small, fat pony grazing there, leapt upon it and galloped back towards the wyvern with nothing but his broken wand in his hand, prepared to meet a valiant death. The creature lowered its fearsome head to swallow X and the pony whole, but the splintered and misfiring wand pierced its tongue, igniting the gassy fumes rising from its stomach and causing the wyvern to explode. Elderly witches and wizards still use the saying ‘I’ll take X’s pony’ to mean, ‘I’ll salvage the best I can from a tricky situation.’ Who are we talking about? (Clue on request)
  • 99.
  • 101. Q10. A fun one. In an episode of X, Y and Z are seen arguing with each other about capturing a person who Y calls “A Golden Snitch”, much to the delight and surprise of Z. Y then reveals to Z that Y had started reading the Harry Potter books because Z loves them so much. Y even reveals that he had called in sick one day to read Order of the Phoenix at home. Y and Z then go on to discuss Cedric Diggory’s death, and how Y had been crushed and had cried the whole day sitting on the toilet after learning about it. The conversation ends only when one of their colleagues interrupts them and reminds them to return to their duties of actually catching the “Golden Snitch”. (A major decision regarding the lives of Y and Z depended on the “Golden Snitch” and who caught him)
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 105. “You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts ... but you cannot deny he's got style.” Q.1
  • 106. Q2. “One can never have enough socks. Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get a single pair.”
  • 107. Q3. “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
  • 108. Q4. “Kill me then! You will not win, You cannot win! That wand will never, ever be yours.”
  • 111. “You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on may counts ... but you cannot deny he's got style.” Q.1
  • 113. Q2. “One can never have enough socks. Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get a single pair.”
  • 114.
  • 115. Q3. “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
  • 116.
  • 117. Q4. “Kill me then! You will not win, You cannot win! That wand will never, ever be yours.”
  • 120.
  • 121. SCORES
  • 122. ROUND 5 3 QUESTIONS GANDA FUNDA (+30/-15)
  • 123. Q1. The following magical creatures bear resemblances to some creatures that muggles know. How can one distinguish them (experimentally or via observation)? (+10/-5 each) A) Knarl B) Crup C) Jarvey
  • 124.
  • 125. A) A knarl looks like a hedgehog, but being highly mistrusting creatures, would never accept a bowl of milk if offered. In fact it would go on to destroy the garden of the person who offered it milk. B) A crup is a wizard bred dog. The only difference between it and a Jack Russell Terrier is that it has a forked tail, which wizard owners must remove in accordance to the Statute of Secrecy. C) A jarvey is a huge talking ferret. It is often quite rude, and is more than likely to say something impolite to people that disturb it.
  • 126. Q2. In Homer’s Iliad, Patroclus was a friend and wartime companion of Achilles, who fought alongside him in the Trojan War. According to the Iliad, when the tide of the Trojan War had turned against the Greeks and the Trojans were threatening their ships, Patroclus convinced Achilles to let him lead the Myrmidons into combat. Achilles consented, giving Patroclus the armor Achilles had received from his father, in order for Patroclus to impersonate Achilles. Achilles then told Patroclus to return after beating the Trojans back from their ships. Patroclus defied Achilles' order and pursued the Trojans back to the gates of Troy. Patroclus killed many Trojans and Trojan allies, including a son of Zeus, Sarpedon. While fighting, Patroclus' wits were removed by Apollo, after which Patroclus was hit with the spear of Euphorbos. Hector then killed Patroclus by stabbing him in the stomach with a spear. Achilles retrieved his body, which had been stripped of armor by Hector and protected on the battlefield by Menelaus and Ajax. Something Harry Potter does on one occasion in which he escapes from Lord Voldemort’s clutches is said to have been inspired by the actions of Achilles in the above tale. What noble deed?
  • 127.
  • 128. Harry Retrieving Cedric Diggory’s body to prevent it from being in Voldemort’s hands
  • 129. Q3. Last question of the Quiz (+30/-15 on this slide, +10/-10 if you answer on the hint slide) (Hint slide follows)
  • 131.
  • 132.
  • 133.