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Every year, millions of people around the world embrace the opportunity to
learn something new and leverage that knowledge to open doors in life.
Students are working hard to find success in
school. Young professionals are identifying
expertise they want to master for career
opportunities. And people looking to stay fresh in the
workforce are reskilling to be ready for change.
Everyone’s learning journey is unique and more and more,
we are seeing that journey become lifelong.
In any given month, Quizlet’s engaging study activities
are used by more than 50 million learners looking to
practice and master what they need to learn for school,
work or as part of their personal interests. Now with 150
employees across three offices in San Francisco, Denver
and London, we remain committed to students, helping
them effectively prepare for any test, assessment or
learning goal with confidence.
The Quizlet 2019 Impact Report highlights some of the many
stories that inspire us to build the best study tools possible.
Join us in celebrating recent achievements of students
and educators across the Quizlet community, including
a blogger and public health major on her way to starting
a non-profit, a once-undocumented student now turned
Teacher of the Year, and a history buff and technologist who
became a TV game show winner!
Thank you to our users, partners, and investors for believing
with us that anyone can be successful in their learning
journey if given the right tools and guidance. ■
Tanya Ambrose, a senior at Georgia State University, has confronted her fair share of challenges.
But, as she details in her blog, All About the Scrub Life,
Tanya turned every perceived roadblock into an opportunity.
Tanya spent most of her life in Antigua before
moving to the United States in 2009. After arriving in
New York City, Tanya enrolled in community college
and earned her associate’s degree in Liberal Arts. Shortly
after, she began a nursing program where she excelled in her
studies. Unfortunately, Tanya lost her grandmother that year
and life overtook academics in her priorities. As a result, she
had to withdraw from her nursing program.
Once life settled, to continue her dream of making a positive
impact in healthcare, Tanya took a job caring for people at
a nursing home. Through her work, she became inspired to
pursue a degree in public health and got accepted to Georgia
State University.
Tanya discovered Quizlet when she started studying nursing
and, though she’s changed states and programs, she says
that studying with Quizlet has especially helped build
her confidence as she’s gotten back into the rhythm of
academic life.
“At first I didn’t believe my classmate when I was told about
Quizlet because I just couldn’t believe there was such a thing
that existed. Since then, the app keeps getting better and has
never failed me.”
As a public health major, Tanya is required to memorize an
extensive amount of terms and definitions as well as the
application of these concepts in the healthcare field. Her
go-to study partner is Quizlet.
“I like that I’m able to create my own study sets. I especially
love that I can find almost every subject area. I’m able to get
in depth explanations about certain topics that I may not
find in my textbook,” she says. “Quizlet has made studying
somewhat less stressful. I love that I have it at the palm of my
hands which makes it easier for me to study while on the go.
I especially love the match sets, it helps me with my critical
thinking and memory.”
Tanya is a senior on-track to graduate in May 2020 with
her undergraduate degree. Next on her plate is pursuing a
master’s degree in public health concentrating in maternal,
infant, and child health on a global level so she can help
improve the health and well-being of families both in the
United States and her home country of Antigua. How? She
wants to have her own non-profit organization geared
towards helping those from low income populations.
Readers can learn more about Tanya and follow her journey
by checking out her blog All About the Scrub Life and her
Instagram page @AllAboutTheScrubLife. ■
of users
of users
Quizlet is my #1 go to study resource.
I love creating my own sets because
that in itself is great for review. A specific case
of how Quizlet has helped me to succeed
is AP European History: I got a 5 on the AP
Euro exam and I don’t think I would have
accomplished that without my countless hours
spent studying on Quizlet. Thank you so much
for making my life as a student easier!”
Quizlet is my go to study assistant. I am
constantly making Quizlets for all my
classes. It makes studying more fun and
Quizlet has been really helpful for
studying. For example, using my own
study set, I studied for science Olympiad
and ended up getting top placements in the
state. Yay.”
I am really grateful for Quizlet and use it
to memorize material for tests and
quizzes at my high school. I especially
love the Learn mode because I learn best
with repetition. I also love how Quizlet
has optional autofill so I can get different
definitions other than my own.”
game show
Johnny Trutor, a Norwich University instructional technologist, got a call in early December 2017
from a producer to inform him that he qualified to compete on the television game show “Jeopardy!”.
Until that call, Johnny’s day was like most others.
He was working with faculty to design new
curriculum plans that used apps like Quizlet for
Norwich’s professors.
Now, Johnny had a world-famous game show to prepare
for. Luckily, he wasn’t new to trivia as he’d been watching
“Jeopardy!” with his family every week since he was seven
years old. Supportive fans of the show helped Johnny
compile facts from prior years of “Jeopardy!” so that he
could study every category possible.
“I put all the possible information I could study for ‘Jeopardy!’
into my Quizlet app. In fact, I asked myself over 5,000
questions from the history of the show going back to 1984.”
Knowing he had certain subjects he was weaker in than
others, Johnny was able to use Quizlet to help him focus on
areas that needed more practice.
“I was strongest in history, geography and languages. So
I spent more time studying categories like physics and
Shakespeare. Once I had reviewed all 5,000 questions in my
study sets, I knew I was ready to compete and win.”
And win, he did. Johnny competed on “Jeopardy!” in front
of a live audience in Los Angeles in March 2018 and won the
first show, which allowed him to compete a second time. In
total, Johnny won $15,000.
When asked how he first learned about Quizlet, Johnny
credited someone he taught early in his career. “I had a
student named Will who was using Quizlet to study for our
history tests and he did a phenomenal job. He showed me
what Quizlet was about, and I started integrating it into
my classes. I’ve tried a lot of learning tools having been a
professor and a teaching technology specialist, and Quizlet is
the best out there to help you learn and retain large amounts
of information.”
With his new found accomplishments, Johnny felt it was
time to change up his contributions and took a position as
a learning and development strategist at the University of
Vermont Medical Hospital. Today, he works with a variety of
departments to train staff on the latest skills and processes
that keep the hospital functioning and offering the highest
quality care. It challenges him to know a lot about a lot of
different subjects and apply it to helping people, which he
finds rewarding.
Johnny’s local news in Vermont, Seven Days, asked him why
he chose to compete on “Jeopardy!”, and he remarked, “It’s
the Cadillac of game shows. It’s not only what you know. It’s
how you put information together.”
And when asked if he would have done anything
differently to prepare for the show, Johnny simply said,
“I would probably have flown in to LA a couple of days
earlier so that I could acclimate to Pacific Coast time
before heading to the studio.”
When Johnny is not at the hospital or spending time with his
wife, he can be found hosting pub trivia nights twice a week
in his hometown in Vermont. ■
Photo credit: Sony Pictures Entertainment
For secondary students in the UK, the month of August is a nail biter as they await
the release of their GCSE test scores. The exams are high pressure;
they determine which universities students will qualify for.
For schools, August isn’t the crucial month; it’s
October. October is when schools find out how
they did in national comparative league tables.
These tables measure school performance in terms of how
well pupils do on public examinations at key points during
their school careers. This performance data is crucial for
parents to determine the schools in which they want to
send their children.
In October 2019, Weydon School received the great news
that its students’ GCSE scores were the highest in the
county. Of the eight subjects across English, Maths, Science
and others, Weydon Year 11 students came in at 62.5 points
per pupil.
What does Weydon School attribute the success to? Deputy
Principal, Matthew Venton, says the exams outcome can be
attributed to a few things, including a very special surprise
from the 2019 year of graduating students.
“In a great show of collaboration and commitment to
successful learning, our graduating class from 2019
created an enormous folder of Quizlet sets for each
other and then in a tremendous act of generosity gifted
these sets to our teachers, to help prepare the next years’
students for their GCSEs.”
Made for students by students, the Quizlet account, aptly
named “Weydon GCSE Revision,” was created with 200
study sets that boasted 6,000 individual items students
could study. Already, it has grown to include 227 study
sets and more than 8,000 terms, definitions, questions and
answers. The comprehensive sets cover every GCSE subject
imaginable, from geography ecosystems and tropical
forests, to Spanish vocab words and verb conjugations.
“Weydon is known for its dedicated teachers who embrace
a technology-enabled learning environment,” said Matthew.
“We aim to use Quizlet everyday as a tool to reduce the
effects of time versus knowledge retention. As a resource,
Quizlet is used by both the students and teachers
throughout the year.”
Quizlet Live is also used by the teachers during lessons, as
a “way to go over and repeat the material learnt.” Matthew
says it brings students together to work as a team.
“It’s impressive to see a community of students care about
younger learners and want to help prepare them for the most
important exam of their school careers,” he adds. “We’ve
decided to keep the Quizlet study sets a tradition, so that every
year, our new graduating class can contribute to the knowledge
and success of students that will follow after them.” ■
Made for
by students:
acing GCSE
study sets
study terms
I tend to be a very visual learner so
Quizlet flashcards especially are a very
fast and helpful way for me to learn.
I get chronic ocular migraines which means
that, even though I am a visual learner, I often
can’t see. The Quizlet function that reads
flashcards out to you makes it so that I can
still study independently and use my time in a
productive manner, even when I can’t see.”
I used Quizlet many times for my
undergrad work to help me remember
vocabulary words. I use it now in graduate
school and I am doing service learning
hours for ELL students. What is especially
helpful is for these students to hear the
pronunciation of the sentences. This feature
is so valuable for them!”
Quizlet has not only helped me
succeed in school but it’s helped me
reach my fullest potential. Without using
Quizlet, I wouldn’t have been maintaining a 4.0
GPA or doing extraordinary in my classes. it’s
such an easy website to use that really makes a
difference in your performance”
Quizlet never lets me down for anything. It
is the best site I have ever used to study.”
I am a special education teacher
pursuing National Board Certification.
I successfully used Quizlet to study for and
pass my Praxis exams in Special Education,
Math and ELA.”
Rory Yakubov, a math teacher in Matawan, New Jersey, has been championing
the use of Quizlet in her algebra and geometry courses since 2017.
“My students are now more in control of their
learning than ever. They are not constrained to
a set of math problems on paper,” she explains.
“They are now able to practice problems and then practice
them again – all at their fingertips on their phones. My
students never even have to question what to study – they
know I have already put it all in a Quizlet study set for them.”
Rory’s student comments: “Math is like a foreign language,
but the words are a mixture of numbers and letters at
random.” Luckily, teachers like Rory use Quizlet to help
students practice and master advanced math operations.
Rory creates practice equations using numbers, letters and
symbols just like traditional workbooks offer, but Quizlet’s
Flashcards activity allows her students to quiz themselves by
working out the problem first. If they get stuck, they can flip
the digital card on the screen to learn the answer. It’s more
interactive and a lot less frustrating for them, she says.
Rory organizes her Quizlet study sets based on units in each
of the math classes she teaches. Then she creates study sets
with equations and adds mathematical notation onto each
digital study card.
With more and more teachers interested in using Quizlet for
math, Rory was able to host a “Quizlet and Math” webinar in
fall 2019 as part of the monthly Quizlet Teacher Series. For
those interested in seeing how she seamlessly integrates
Quizlet into algebra and geometry classrooms, Rory’s
webinar can be found on Quizlet’s Youtube channel.
Rory has seen amazing progress in her students when using
“When my students do well on an assessment, usually one
of the things I hear is “I did the Quizlets!” It is so meaningful
to me because I was able to give them easy access to
practice, and they are now reaping the benefits — successful
grades — because of it!”
To find out more about Rory, check out her Instagram
@iteachalgebra, her Twitter @yakubovmath, and her
website, ■
+ math
= student
of learning
active users
a month
where Quizlet
is used
Quizlet has helped me find a way to
study more efficiently. Using Quizlet
Learn helps me remember and study the most.
In Spanish 1 I didn’t use Quizlet and it was
a lot harder to memorize words and study
conjugations. I started using Quizlet during
Spanish 2 and continue to use it through
Spanish 3 because it helped me so much.”
I’ve scored much better test scores when I
use Quizlet and study with it. I am very
glad to use Quizlet as my most reliable and
helpful studying platform.”
Quizlet is like my best friend at this point.
For science, all of my terms are on here
and I can easily study for my tests and quizzes.
I love Quizlet!”
Quizlet is just an easy way for me to
study without the studying feeling
overbearing or annoying.”
I can study on the go, because
all I have to do is pull out my phone!”
As a language student, Quizlet has
been absolutely invaluable in making
sure I succeeded on my exams. There were so
many mornings in high school where I used
the app to run through vocabulary on the
bus and make sure I knew what was what. I’m
now double majoring in Spanish and History
at university and I don’t think I’d be able to do
that if it wasn’t for all those Quizlet flashcards!”
Quizlet has changed the way I study
forever. I aced my exams and always
had the answer when the teacher asked.
I ended up with a perfect score on my
final language exam. I beat some native
speakers! Thank you so much Quizlet!”
James Bailey, of Wiltshire, England is studying for the Biology, Maths and Spanish
A-level exams in the Sixth Form which consists of students ages 16-19.
Five years ago, James’ Spanish teacher
recommended the class study key Spanish
vocabulary and James turned to Quizlet, initially
studying language sets that had been created by other
students. In December 2017, James made his first set for
another class and realized Quizlet’s impact and use beyond
the Spanish classroom. The timing couldn’t be better,
because James was about to embark on some of the most
important tests of his life.
James’ teachers warned that he would likely fail several
subjects on his upcoming GCSE exam, based on past
performance in class. Determined to make sure that
wouldn’t happen, as GCSEs would eventually affect his
college options, James studied on Quizlet to give each
subject the focus it deserved. With his tenacity and the help
of Quizlet, James was able to achieve eight A*, two A, and
two B scores on his GCSEs — a complete shock to him and
some of his teachers. Now with raised confidence in how
to effectively study, James is using Quizlet to prepare for
his A-Level exams which qualify him to move onto the next
grade. James has already created more than 280 sets on a
wide variety of subjects and has found his stride in raising
his test scores and grades.
“One of the main ways that Quizlet was an improvement
for me was the long-term learning aspect. I found the
repetition of the Learn and Write modes to be very effective
in solidifying knowledge, whilst also working for last-minute
revision. The diagram feature has been a big improvement
for me as well, as there is nothing else like it.”
After James completes his education, he aspires to pursue
a career in statistics, possibly working with clients and
businesses with data collection and analysis. And, out
of pure interest, he hopes to continue his study of the
Spanish language. ■
for the
with ease
1 in 2
1 in 7
1 in 3
1 in 3
1 in 18
1 in 5
1 in 7
1 in 125
How many K-12 students
learn with Quizlet each month?
At the end of the 2018-2019 academic
year, Julio Navarette, Spanish
teacher, won Teacher of the Year at
American High School in Fremont, California.
What was most special to Julio, however,
was receiving this honor at American high
school; an irony that resonated with him
as he reflected on his struggles of living
most of his life undocumented. Julio shared
his personal journey of entering the U.S.
in elementary school, and the ways he
supports undocumented students now in his
classroom, at this summer’s online Quizlet
Teacher Unconference. We sat down with
Julio to learn more about his championing for
all students in his classes.
undocumented to
Teacher of
the Year:
learning for
all students
Why did you decide to
become a teacher?
Teaching runs in my family. I have aunts and uncles who are
teachers in Mexico, and I come from a humble family of
hard-working women who have been great teachers in their
own way. As a child, my sister and I would entertain ourselves
by playing la escuelita, each taking turns being the teacher
while the other was the student. In high school, I started
tutoring at my brother’s elementary school, and in college
I continued tutoring high school students. I started in the
teaching profession as a substitute teacher. When I had the
opportunity to take on a long-term sub position teaching
Spanish, I knew that I had found my calling.
What is the hardest part of
the profession?
Our profession is underfunded and overworked. I compare
a year of teaching to the experience I had running the
Honolulu marathon; once the school year begins it’s a non-
stop race to the end. There’s a tremendous rush of energy in
the beginning, followed by countless challenges and fatigue,
all while attempting to find the perfect pace to ensure a
steady way forward while trying to avoid burning out. Of
course there’s another burst of energy as the finish line is in
sight, ending with overwhelming satisfaction and celebration.
Except that teaching is not nearly as simple as what I’ve
described. This year I serve as the World Languages
Department Chair, the teacher representative for my school’s
PTSA, the advisor of Science and Ecology club, and all while
teaching close to 200 students in six class periods without a
prep. I don’t complain, I love what I do, but I also don’t deny
that our profession is in dire need of resources and support.
Any advice you can give other
teachers working with
undocumented students
in the classroom?
It’s important to note that we cannot directly ask students
about their immigration status, but what we can do is
create a safe and welcoming space for all students to
feel acknowledged and supported. We can keep an open
mind and listen to students who choose to open up to us
about their identities, including their immigration status. We
can inform ourselves on issues affecting undocumented
students and their families, and we should work together
with students to find resources and information
When did you first use Quizlet?
What made you continue to use it?
I first started integrating Quizlet into my teaching practice
during the 2016-2017 school year. That year, I was teaching
Spanish 1, and I found that my students were learning
vocabulary faster and were using more Spanish in class after
having practiced at home with Quizlet. I decided to create a
Quizlet class that year and upload study sets for each of the
units. After hearing from many students that they liked using
Quizlet to learn and practice at their own pace, and with
interactive activities, I decided to continue using it. It also
helped that the interface is user-friendly, and it didn’t take
very long to create new study sets.
					CONTINUED >>>
How have you used Quizlet in
your Spanish classes?
Quizlet has been an effective tool for my students to practice
and develop their Spanish language skills. I assign weekly
homework assignments on Quizlet to get my students
learning and practicing the vocabulary, grammar, and other
concepts they’re learning in class. Having taught all levels
of Spanish at my school, I have been able to create study
sets that go along with all of the units in our program. This
makes it a lot easier for students to access an effective study
tool, no matter which teacher they have. I often get students
whom I don’t teach requesting to join the Quizlet classes I’ve
Quizlet has been a great practice and study tool in my
classes, even if I’m not the one creating the content. In AP
Spanish class, I’ve asked students to create their own study
sets with new vocabulary words they encounter as we
grapple with higher-level readings. The students then add
their study sets to our Quizlet class so that everyone in the
class has access to a wealth of information to help them learn
and practice new terms. To ensure that students are actually
practicing and learning the study sets they’ve created, I give
students individualized assessments based on the terms they
included in their own Quizlet study sets. This is an excellent
form of individualized and differentiated instruction.
What success has Quizlet
had with students?
Giving students an entire week to complete their Quizlet
assignments gives them the flexibility and autonomy to
practice when it is most convenient and effective for them.
I have had students come to me in private and tell me
that they feel their practice on Quizlet has helped them to
improve their Spanish, and build their confidence in using the
content and skills they’re learning. Apart from the fact that
students of all learning styles and levels can find success and
an entry point into the curriculum by having a personalized
tool in which they can practice at their own pace, Quizlet is
a tremendous asset in the building of a positive competitive
culture within our classroom. Students love Quizlet Live
so much that they often ask, even beg, to play it in class.
This form of healthy competition has created positive
relationships among my students. The energy and excitement
in my classroom during a Quizlet Live match is palpable –
students are learning because they don’t want to let their
teammates down, and teams work together to make sure that
everyone understands the material. It’s a win win.
Have you shared your success
with Quizlet among other teachers
at your school?
Yes. As the chair of the World Languages Department
at American High School, I’m always looking for ways
to support all of our students in their language skills
development. Our department provides teacher accounts to
any of the teachers who want to use Quizlet. I share all of the
study sets I’ve created with the other Spanish teachers in my
department, and I encourage them to share them with their
students. ■

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Quizlet 2019 Impact Report

  • 2. 2 Every year, millions of people around the world embrace the opportunity to learn something new and leverage that knowledge to open doors in life. Students are working hard to find success in school. Young professionals are identifying expertise they want to master for career opportunities. And people looking to stay fresh in the workforce are reskilling to be ready for change. Everyone’s learning journey is unique and more and more, we are seeing that journey become lifelong. In any given month, Quizlet’s engaging study activities are used by more than 50 million learners looking to practice and master what they need to learn for school, work or as part of their personal interests. Now with 150 employees across three offices in San Francisco, Denver and London, we remain committed to students, helping them effectively prepare for any test, assessment or learning goal with confidence. The Quizlet 2019 Impact Report highlights some of the many stories that inspire us to build the best study tools possible. Join us in celebrating recent achievements of students and educators across the Quizlet community, including a blogger and public health major on her way to starting a non-profit, a once-undocumented student now turned Teacher of the Year, and a history buff and technologist who became a TV game show winner! Thank you to our users, partners, and investors for believing with us that anyone can be successful in their learning journey if given the right tools and guidance. ■ Introduction 150PERSON COMPANY 3OFFICES
  • 3. 3 Turning roadblocks into stepping stones Tanya Ambrose, a senior at Georgia State University, has confronted her fair share of challenges. But, as she details in her blog, All About the Scrub Life, Tanya turned every perceived roadblock into an opportunity. Tanya spent most of her life in Antigua before moving to the United States in 2009. After arriving in New York City, Tanya enrolled in community college and earned her associate’s degree in Liberal Arts. Shortly after, she began a nursing program where she excelled in her studies. Unfortunately, Tanya lost her grandmother that year and life overtook academics in her priorities. As a result, she had to withdraw from her nursing program. Once life settled, to continue her dream of making a positive impact in healthcare, Tanya took a job caring for people at a nursing home. Through her work, she became inspired to pursue a degree in public health and got accepted to Georgia State University. Tanya discovered Quizlet when she started studying nursing and, though she’s changed states and programs, she says that studying with Quizlet has especially helped build her confidence as she’s gotten back into the rhythm of academic life. “At first I didn’t believe my classmate when I was told about Quizlet because I just couldn’t believe there was such a thing that existed. Since then, the app keeps getting better and has never failed me.” As a public health major, Tanya is required to memorize an extensive amount of terms and definitions as well as the application of these concepts in the healthcare field. Her go-to study partner is Quizlet. “I like that I’m able to create my own study sets. I especially love that I can find almost every subject area. I’m able to get in depth explanations about certain topics that I may not find in my textbook,” she says. “Quizlet has made studying somewhat less stressful. I love that I have it at the palm of my hands which makes it easier for me to study while on the go. I especially love the match sets, it helps me with my critical thinking and memory.” Tanya is a senior on-track to graduate in May 2020 with her undergraduate degree. Next on her plate is pursuing a master’s degree in public health concentrating in maternal, infant, and child health on a global level so she can help improve the health and well-being of families both in the United States and her home country of Antigua. How? She wants to have her own non-profit organization geared towards helping those from low income populations. Readers can learn more about Tanya and follow her journey by checking out her blog All About the Scrub Life and her Instagram page @AllAboutTheScrubLife. ■
  • 4. 4 HOW MANY SUBJECTS DO STUDENTS USE QUIZLET FOR? 90% STUDY MORE THAN 1 SUBJECT of users 35% STUDY 5 OR MORE SUBJECTS of users Our impact Quizlet is my #1 go to study resource. I love creating my own sets because that in itself is great for review. A specific case of how Quizlet has helped me to succeed is AP European History: I got a 5 on the AP Euro exam and I don’t think I would have accomplished that without my countless hours spent studying on Quizlet. Thank you so much for making my life as a student easier!” Quizlet is my go to study assistant. I am constantly making Quizlets for all my classes. It makes studying more fun and manageable!” TOP 5 SUBJECTAREAS STUDENTS STUDY ON QUIZLET Foreign Languages English Vocabulary History SocialStudies Sciences Professional Subjects(Law,EMT,etc.) Quizlet has been really helpful for studying. For example, using my own study set, I studied for science Olympiad and ended up getting top placements in the state. Yay.” I am really grateful for Quizlet and use it to memorize material for tests and quizzes at my high school. I especially love the Learn mode because I learn best with repetition. I also love how Quizlet has optional autofill so I can get different definitions other than my own.”
  • 5. 5 University professor turned “Jeopardy!” game show winner Johnny Trutor, a Norwich University instructional technologist, got a call in early December 2017 from a producer to inform him that he qualified to compete on the television game show “Jeopardy!”. Until that call, Johnny’s day was like most others. He was working with faculty to design new curriculum plans that used apps like Quizlet for Norwich’s professors. Now, Johnny had a world-famous game show to prepare for. Luckily, he wasn’t new to trivia as he’d been watching “Jeopardy!” with his family every week since he was seven years old. Supportive fans of the show helped Johnny compile facts from prior years of “Jeopardy!” so that he could study every category possible. “I put all the possible information I could study for ‘Jeopardy!’ into my Quizlet app. In fact, I asked myself over 5,000 questions from the history of the show going back to 1984.” Knowing he had certain subjects he was weaker in than others, Johnny was able to use Quizlet to help him focus on areas that needed more practice. “I was strongest in history, geography and languages. So I spent more time studying categories like physics and Shakespeare. Once I had reviewed all 5,000 questions in my study sets, I knew I was ready to compete and win.” And win, he did. Johnny competed on “Jeopardy!” in front of a live audience in Los Angeles in March 2018 and won the first show, which allowed him to compete a second time. In total, Johnny won $15,000. When asked how he first learned about Quizlet, Johnny credited someone he taught early in his career. “I had a student named Will who was using Quizlet to study for our history tests and he did a phenomenal job. He showed me what Quizlet was about, and I started integrating it into my classes. I’ve tried a lot of learning tools having been a professor and a teaching technology specialist, and Quizlet is the best out there to help you learn and retain large amounts of information.” With his new found accomplishments, Johnny felt it was time to change up his contributions and took a position as a learning and development strategist at the University of Vermont Medical Hospital. Today, he works with a variety of departments to train staff on the latest skills and processes that keep the hospital functioning and offering the highest quality care. It challenges him to know a lot about a lot of different subjects and apply it to helping people, which he finds rewarding. Johnny’s local news in Vermont, Seven Days, asked him why he chose to compete on “Jeopardy!”, and he remarked, “It’s the Cadillac of game shows. It’s not only what you know. It’s how you put information together.” And when asked if he would have done anything differently to prepare for the show, Johnny simply said, “I would probably have flown in to LA a couple of days earlier so that I could acclimate to Pacific Coast time before heading to the studio.” When Johnny is not at the hospital or spending time with his wife, he can be found hosting pub trivia nights twice a week in his hometown in Vermont. ■ Photo credit: Sony Pictures Entertainment
  • 6. 6 For secondary students in the UK, the month of August is a nail biter as they await the release of their GCSE test scores. The exams are high pressure; they determine which universities students will qualify for. For schools, August isn’t the crucial month; it’s October. October is when schools find out how they did in national comparative league tables. These tables measure school performance in terms of how well pupils do on public examinations at key points during their school careers. This performance data is crucial for parents to determine the schools in which they want to send their children. In October 2019, Weydon School received the great news that its students’ GCSE scores were the highest in the county. Of the eight subjects across English, Maths, Science and others, Weydon Year 11 students came in at 62.5 points per pupil. What does Weydon School attribute the success to? Deputy Principal, Matthew Venton, says the exams outcome can be attributed to a few things, including a very special surprise from the 2019 year of graduating students. “In a great show of collaboration and commitment to successful learning, our graduating class from 2019 created an enormous folder of Quizlet sets for each other and then in a tremendous act of generosity gifted these sets to our teachers, to help prepare the next years’ students for their GCSEs.” Made for students by students, the Quizlet account, aptly named “Weydon GCSE Revision,” was created with 200 study sets that boasted 6,000 individual items students could study. Already, it has grown to include 227 study sets and more than 8,000 terms, definitions, questions and answers. The comprehensive sets cover every GCSE subject imaginable, from geography ecosystems and tropical forests, to Spanish vocab words and verb conjugations. “Weydon is known for its dedicated teachers who embrace a technology-enabled learning environment,” said Matthew. “We aim to use Quizlet everyday as a tool to reduce the effects of time versus knowledge retention. As a resource, Quizlet is used by both the students and teachers throughout the year.” Quizlet Live is also used by the teachers during lessons, as a “way to go over and repeat the material learnt.” Matthew says it brings students together to work as a team. “It’s impressive to see a community of students care about younger learners and want to help prepare them for the most important exam of their school careers,” he adds. “We’ve decided to keep the Quizlet study sets a tradition, so that every year, our new graduating class can contribute to the knowledge and success of students that will follow after them.” ■ AUTHOR Made for students by students: acing GCSE exams
  • 7. 7 400 MILLION study sets created 14 BILLION study terms Our impact I tend to be a very visual learner so Quizlet flashcards especially are a very fast and helpful way for me to learn. I get chronic ocular migraines which means that, even though I am a visual learner, I often can’t see. The Quizlet function that reads flashcards out to you makes it so that I can still study independently and use my time in a productive manner, even when I can’t see.” I used Quizlet many times for my undergrad work to help me remember vocabulary words. I use it now in graduate school and I am doing service learning hours for ELL students. What is especially helpful is for these students to hear the pronunciation of the sentences. This feature is so valuable for them!” Quizlet has not only helped me succeed in school but it’s helped me reach my fullest potential. Without using Quizlet, I wouldn’t have been maintaining a 4.0 GPA or doing extraordinary in my classes. it’s such an easy website to use that really makes a difference in your performance” Quizlet never lets me down for anything. It is the best site I have ever used to study.” I am a special education teacher pursuing National Board Certification. I successfully used Quizlet to study for and pass my Praxis exams in Special Education, Math and ELA.”
  • 8. 8 Rory Yakubov, a math teacher in Matawan, New Jersey, has been championing the use of Quizlet in her algebra and geometry courses since 2017. “My students are now more in control of their learning than ever. They are not constrained to a set of math problems on paper,” she explains. “They are now able to practice problems and then practice them again – all at their fingertips on their phones. My students never even have to question what to study – they know I have already put it all in a Quizlet study set for them.” Rory’s student comments: “Math is like a foreign language, but the words are a mixture of numbers and letters at random.” Luckily, teachers like Rory use Quizlet to help students practice and master advanced math operations. Rory creates practice equations using numbers, letters and symbols just like traditional workbooks offer, but Quizlet’s Flashcards activity allows her students to quiz themselves by working out the problem first. If they get stuck, they can flip the digital card on the screen to learn the answer. It’s more interactive and a lot less frustrating for them, she says. Rory organizes her Quizlet study sets based on units in each of the math classes she teaches. Then she creates study sets with equations and adds mathematical notation onto each digital study card. With more and more teachers interested in using Quizlet for math, Rory was able to host a “Quizlet and Math” webinar in fall 2019 as part of the monthly Quizlet Teacher Series. For those interested in seeing how she seamlessly integrates Quizlet into algebra and geometry classrooms, Rory’s webinar can be found on Quizlet’s Youtube channel. Rory has seen amazing progress in her students when using Quizlet. “When my students do well on an assessment, usually one of the things I hear is “I did the Quizlets!” It is so meaningful to me because I was able to give them easy access to practice, and they are now reaping the benefits — successful grades — because of it!” To find out more about Rory, check out her Instagram @iteachalgebra, her Twitter @yakubovmath, and her website, ■ Quizlet + math = student ownership of learning
  • 9. 9 OVER 50 MILLION active users a month Our impact 130 COUNTRIES where Quizlet is used Quizlet has helped me find a way to study more efficiently. Using Quizlet Learn helps me remember and study the most. In Spanish 1 I didn’t use Quizlet and it was a lot harder to memorize words and study conjugations. I started using Quizlet during Spanish 2 and continue to use it through Spanish 3 because it helped me so much.” I’ve scored much better test scores when I use Quizlet and study with it. I am very glad to use Quizlet as my most reliable and helpful studying platform.” Quizlet is like my best friend at this point. For science, all of my terms are on here and I can easily study for my tests and quizzes. I love Quizlet!” Quizlet is just an easy way for me to study without the studying feeling overbearing or annoying.” I can study on the go, because all I have to do is pull out my phone!” As a language student, Quizlet has been absolutely invaluable in making sure I succeeded on my exams. There were so many mornings in high school where I used the app to run through vocabulary on the bus and make sure I knew what was what. I’m now double majoring in Spanish and History at university and I don’t think I’d be able to do that if it wasn’t for all those Quizlet flashcards!” Quizlet has changed the way I study forever. I aced my exams and always had the answer when the teacher asked. I ended up with a perfect score on my final language exam. I beat some native speakers! Thank you so much Quizlet!”
  • 10. 10 James Bailey, of Wiltshire, England is studying for the Biology, Maths and Spanish A-level exams in the Sixth Form which consists of students ages 16-19. Five years ago, James’ Spanish teacher recommended the class study key Spanish vocabulary and James turned to Quizlet, initially studying language sets that had been created by other students. In December 2017, James made his first set for another class and realized Quizlet’s impact and use beyond the Spanish classroom. The timing couldn’t be better, because James was about to embark on some of the most important tests of his life. James’ teachers warned that he would likely fail several subjects on his upcoming GCSE exam, based on past performance in class. Determined to make sure that wouldn’t happen, as GCSEs would eventually affect his college options, James studied on Quizlet to give each subject the focus it deserved. With his tenacity and the help of Quizlet, James was able to achieve eight A*, two A, and two B scores on his GCSEs — a complete shock to him and some of his teachers. Now with raised confidence in how to effectively study, James is using Quizlet to prepare for his A-Level exams which qualify him to move onto the next grade. James has already created more than 280 sets on a wide variety of subjects and has found his stride in raising his test scores and grades. “One of the main ways that Quizlet was an improvement for me was the long-term learning aspect. I found the repetition of the Learn and Write modes to be very effective in solidifying knowledge, whilst also working for last-minute revision. The diagram feature has been a big improvement for me as well, as there is nothing else like it.” After James completes his education, he aspires to pursue a career in statistics, possibly working with clients and businesses with data collection and analysis. And, out of pure interest, he hopes to continue his study of the Spanish language. ■ Preparing for the A-level exams with ease
  • 11. 11 Worldwide popularity US 1 in 2 UK 1 in 7 UAE 1 in 3 SE 1 in 3 FR 1 in 18 HK 1 in 5 AU 1 in 7 PE 1 in 125 How many K-12 students learn with Quizlet each month?
  • 12. 12 At the end of the 2018-2019 academic year, Julio Navarette, Spanish teacher, won Teacher of the Year at American High School in Fremont, California. What was most special to Julio, however, was receiving this honor at American high school; an irony that resonated with him as he reflected on his struggles of living most of his life undocumented. Julio shared his personal journey of entering the U.S. in elementary school, and the ways he supports undocumented students now in his classroom, at this summer’s online Quizlet Teacher Unconference. We sat down with Julio to learn more about his championing for all students in his classes. From undocumented to Teacher of the Year: championing learning for all students
  • 13. 13 Why did you decide to become a teacher? Teaching runs in my family. I have aunts and uncles who are teachers in Mexico, and I come from a humble family of hard-working women who have been great teachers in their own way. As a child, my sister and I would entertain ourselves by playing la escuelita, each taking turns being the teacher while the other was the student. In high school, I started tutoring at my brother’s elementary school, and in college I continued tutoring high school students. I started in the teaching profession as a substitute teacher. When I had the opportunity to take on a long-term sub position teaching Spanish, I knew that I had found my calling. What is the hardest part of the profession? Our profession is underfunded and overworked. I compare a year of teaching to the experience I had running the Honolulu marathon; once the school year begins it’s a non- stop race to the end. There’s a tremendous rush of energy in the beginning, followed by countless challenges and fatigue, all while attempting to find the perfect pace to ensure a steady way forward while trying to avoid burning out. Of course there’s another burst of energy as the finish line is in sight, ending with overwhelming satisfaction and celebration. Except that teaching is not nearly as simple as what I’ve described. This year I serve as the World Languages Department Chair, the teacher representative for my school’s PTSA, the advisor of Science and Ecology club, and all while teaching close to 200 students in six class periods without a prep. I don’t complain, I love what I do, but I also don’t deny that our profession is in dire need of resources and support. Any advice you can give other teachers working with undocumented students in the classroom? It’s important to note that we cannot directly ask students about their immigration status, but what we can do is create a safe and welcoming space for all students to feel acknowledged and supported. We can keep an open mind and listen to students who choose to open up to us about their identities, including their immigration status. We can inform ourselves on issues affecting undocumented students and their families, and we should work together with students to find resources and information When did you first use Quizlet? What made you continue to use it? I first started integrating Quizlet into my teaching practice during the 2016-2017 school year. That year, I was teaching Spanish 1, and I found that my students were learning vocabulary faster and were using more Spanish in class after having practiced at home with Quizlet. I decided to create a Quizlet class that year and upload study sets for each of the units. After hearing from many students that they liked using Quizlet to learn and practice at their own pace, and with interactive activities, I decided to continue using it. It also helped that the interface is user-friendly, and it didn’t take very long to create new study sets. CONTINUED >>>
  • 14. 14 How have you used Quizlet in your Spanish classes? Quizlet has been an effective tool for my students to practice and develop their Spanish language skills. I assign weekly homework assignments on Quizlet to get my students learning and practicing the vocabulary, grammar, and other concepts they’re learning in class. Having taught all levels of Spanish at my school, I have been able to create study sets that go along with all of the units in our program. This makes it a lot easier for students to access an effective study tool, no matter which teacher they have. I often get students whom I don’t teach requesting to join the Quizlet classes I’ve created. Quizlet has been a great practice and study tool in my classes, even if I’m not the one creating the content. In AP Spanish class, I’ve asked students to create their own study sets with new vocabulary words they encounter as we grapple with higher-level readings. The students then add their study sets to our Quizlet class so that everyone in the class has access to a wealth of information to help them learn and practice new terms. To ensure that students are actually practicing and learning the study sets they’ve created, I give students individualized assessments based on the terms they included in their own Quizlet study sets. This is an excellent form of individualized and differentiated instruction. What success has Quizlet had with students? Giving students an entire week to complete their Quizlet assignments gives them the flexibility and autonomy to practice when it is most convenient and effective for them. I have had students come to me in private and tell me that they feel their practice on Quizlet has helped them to improve their Spanish, and build their confidence in using the content and skills they’re learning. Apart from the fact that students of all learning styles and levels can find success and an entry point into the curriculum by having a personalized tool in which they can practice at their own pace, Quizlet is a tremendous asset in the building of a positive competitive culture within our classroom. Students love Quizlet Live so much that they often ask, even beg, to play it in class. This form of healthy competition has created positive relationships among my students. The energy and excitement in my classroom during a Quizlet Live match is palpable – students are learning because they don’t want to let their teammates down, and teams work together to make sure that everyone understands the material. It’s a win win. Have you shared your success with Quizlet among other teachers at your school? Yes. As the chair of the World Languages Department at American High School, I’m always looking for ways to support all of our students in their language skills development. Our department provides teacher accounts to any of the teachers who want to use Quizlet. I share all of the study sets I’ve created with the other Spanish teachers in my department, and I encourage them to share them with their students. ■