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Honorary Fellowships of the Royal Society of
• Professor Henri B Kagan HonFRSC
• Sir Thomas Fulton Wilson McKillop HonFRSC FRSE
• Professor Sir John Edward Sulston HonFRSC FRS
• Professor Kurt Wuthrich HonFRSC HonFRSE
• Professor Ahmed Hassan Zewail HonFRSC
• X
• Who is X?
• Sherlock Holmes
• Bartholomew
• James
• Andrew
• Y
• Peter
• John
• X
• Thomas
• James the Greater
• Philip
• Matthew
• Jude
• Simon
• X-Jesus
• Y-Judas Iscariot
• Funda –Order of seating from left to right in
‘The Last Supper’
Knowing that moviemakers and novelists have a
penchant for naming their works from phrases in
poems, identify the poet of the given stanza and
the name of the critically acclaimed 2004 movie
which is blanked out in the stanza. The Wikipedia
page of the movie also adds that the title is taken
from the poem Eloisa to Abelard by X, the story of a
tragic love affair, where forgetfulness became the
heroine's only comfort.
“How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
______ _______ __ ___ ________ _____!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;”
• X - Alexander Pope,
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
“Biophysicist and Security Operations Center expert
Dr. Henry 'Hank’ Pym decided to become a
superhero after discovering a chemical substance
that would allow the user to alter his size. Armed
with a helmet that could control ants, Pym would
shrink down to the size of an insect to become the
mystery-solving Ant-Man. He soon shared his
discovery with his girlfriend, Janet Van Dyne, who
became his crime-fighting partner as the Wasp. The
duo would become founding members of
_________________, fighting recurring enemies
such as the mad scientist Egghead, the mutant
Whirlwind, and Pym's own robotic creation Ultron.”
Identify the group.
• The Avengers
While attending the Universal and Colonial
Exposition in Lyon in 1894, Edouard and André Y
noticed a stack of _______ that suggested to
Edouard the figure of a man without arms. Four
years later, André met French cartoonist Marius
Rossillon, popularly known as O'Galop, who showed
him a rejected image he had created for a Munich
brewery—a large, regal figure holding a huge glass
of beer and quoting the phrase "Nunc est X”
meaning “Now is the time to drink” from Horace’s
Odes. André immediately suggested replacing the
man with a figure made from _______. In
Spanish, Y has acquired the meaning of folds of
fatty skin around the waist. Identify X and Y.
• X-Bibendum
• Y-Michelin
It is a common mistake to interpret X to be a
blue sapphire. Evidence shows it was a ruby.
There has also been speculation that the
Kohinoor diamond is indeed X as there has been
nothing said about it since Krishna’s time. It was
gifted by the Sun God to Satrajit, brother of
Satyabhama. Krishna and Y had a fight for 28
days over this and Y gradually grew tired. As he
was the strongest living entity at that time, he
wondered who could be weakening him. It was
then that Y realized that he had been sparring
with none other than Sri Krishna himself.
Identify X and Y.
• X-Syamantaka Jewel
• Y-Jambavan
• -> Jimmy Snuka
• -> Jake "the Snake" Roberts
• -> Giant Gonzales
• -> King Kong Bundy
• -> Diesel
• -> Psycho Sid
• -> Kane
• -> Big Boss Man
• -> Triple H
• -> Ric Flair
• -> Big Show and A-Train
• -> Kane
• -> Randy Orton
• -> Mark Henry
• -> Batista
• -> Edge
• -> Shawn Michaels
• -> Shawn Michaels
• -> Triple H
• -> Triple H
• -> CM Punk
All these men are grudgingly a part of the most monumental feat of sports entertainment, which is?
• The Undertaker's Wrestlemania undefeated
X is a genus of flowering plants. It contains roughly
20 species of small understory trees native to the
tropical forests of Central and South America. X
cacao, the most well known species of the genus, is
used for making chocolate. X, the genus name, is
from the Greek and translates to “food of the gods,”
a designation that chocolate-lovers would agree is
befitting. Although Linnaeus was reputedly fond of
chocolate, he would have been familiar with early
Spanish writings describing the Mayan and Aztec
beliefs that cacao was a gift from the gods. X is also
a popular dessert shop in Mumbai.
X was the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra after the
division of Bombay State and the fifth Deputy Prime
Minister of India. After the resignation of Krishna Menon
as Defense Minister in 1962 in the wake of India-China
Border Conflict, X was given that portfolio by Prime
minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He handled the delicate post-
war situation firmly and took several decisions to
empower the armed forces and negotiated with China to
end the hostilities. When X was appointed Federal
Defence minister following the China war in 1962, a
popular saying arose in Maharashtra meaning, Sahyadri
came rushing on the call by the Himalaya. His name was
controversially used by the Congress in an important
work of infrastructure which was conceived by the BJP
and Shiv Sena. Identify X.
• Yeshwantrao Chavan
Duke Nukem has Super Radiation. Looten
Plunder has Deforestation. Sly Sludge has a
Smog. Verminous Skumm has Toxics. Dr. Blight
has Hate. These duplicates were created by Dr.
Blight after he stole the original Xs. What?
• Planeteers’ Rings (Captain Planet)
January-Marilyn Cole
March-Ellen Michaels
April-Vicki Peters
May-Deanna Bakers
June-Debbie Davis
July-Carol O’Neal
August-Linda Summers
September-Susan Miller
October-Sharon Johansen
November- X
December-Mercy Rooney
Who is X? How is she immortalized?
• Lena Soderberg
• Standard Test Image
There is a history about an Indian temple in Kashi
Vishwanath which contains a large room with three
time-worn posts in it surrounded by ___________.
Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an
ancient prophecy, have been acting in accordance
with the immutable rules of the _______ since that
time. It is predicted from this that the universe will
last 585 billion years. There are many variations on
this legend. For instance, in some tellings, the
temple is a monastery and the priests are monks.
The temple or monastery may be said to be in
different parts of the world — including X, and may
be associated with any religion. It was first
introduced to the West by Édouard Lucas in 1883.
What is being talked about?
• Tower of Hanoi
• "In 1926 the brothers Bob, BIll and Barnamaby
Ollerton formed the Y X Company. Their first
model Y One was produced in large quantities
and was an instant hit. In 1967, the Z Racing X
Company overtook the Y X Company. The Z X's
combined reliability and easy handling, and
became a favourite for teams across Europe.”
This is the history of X's in a certain movie
universe. Identify X, Y and Z
• Y - Cleansweep, X - Broom, Z- Nimbus
After winning the game, X caused more
controversy when he was told that Y had lost
three teeth, and replied: "If that's all that's
wrong with him, I'll pay him the crowns.”
X said the reason he did not go over to check on
Y's condition was because a number of _______
players were standing around Y and making
threatening gestures in his direction.
Identify X and Y.
• X-Harald Schumacher
• Y-Patrick Battiston
Richard Colvin Reid, also known as the Shoe
Bomber, is an Englishman who attempted to
detonate explosives packed into the shoes he was
wearing, while on American Airlines Flight 63 from
Paris to Miami. According to his father, Reid became
depressed and blamed racism for some of his
problems. His father advised him to convert to
Islam, telling him that Muslims were more
egalitarian and they got better food in prison. An
attempt was made by the South Asia bureau of Wall
Street Journal to retrace the steps of "shoe
bomber" Richard Reid trying to set up a meeting
with Sheik Gilani, a spiritual leader. What resulted?
• Execution of Daniel Pearl
• There is perhaps no other single sporting event
in the world more valuable to the winners than
X. The winners end up approximately
£120,000,000 better off than the losers, mainly
due to the increased commercial television
revenue. To slightly alleviate this loss, by
convention, the two finalists agree that the loser
take all the gate revenue from the game.
• The Championship play-offs
An Okinawan Japanese immigrant to the United
States, _________ learned karate originally from
his father, who had been a fisherman.
_________ initially had a job working for the
father of his best friend, Sato, who was also
taught karate by __________'s father. When
________ fell in love with a young woman
named Yukie, who was arranged to marry
Sato, Sato felt dishonoured by this, and
challenged _________ to a fight to the death. To
avoid the fight, _________ left Okinawa and
immigrated to the United States.
• Mr. Miyagi, (Karate Kid)
In Jewish folklore, an X is an animated
anthropomorphic being, created entirely from
inanimate matter. The word was used to mean an
amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and
medieval writing. The most famous X narrative
involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-
century rabbi of Prague. There are many tales
differing on how the X was brought to life and
afterwards controlled. X is also found in the
“Pokedex” at number 76. Fans of Tolkien’s trilogy
claim that Y (A character in his trilogy) is actually an
allusion to X from Jewish folklore.
Identify ‘X’.
• X - Golem, Y - Gollum
An old woman on pilgrimage recognized that X
would not walk past a certain image of
Jesus, refused to drink water from a holy spring and
smelled bad, hellishly bad. A Carmelite nun from
the district of Allgau in southern Bavaria told Mr.
and Mrs. Michel that X had been buried in undue
hurry in a cheap coffin. Almost two years after the
burial, on 25 February 1978, her remains were
replaced in a new oak coffin lined with tin. The
official reports (to date undisputed by any
authorities) state that the body bore the signs of
consistent deterioration. Ernst Alt and Arnold Renz
were disallowed from entering the mortuary. What
was inspired from X?
• Exorcism of Emily Rose
• X was a motivational poster produced by
the British government in 1939 during the
beginning of the Second World War, intended
to raise the morale of the British public in the
aftermath of widely predicted mass air attacks
on major cities. It‟s use during that time was
limited and was little known. However it was
rediscovered in 2000 and was reissued to
various private companies. Since then it has
been used as a decorative theme for a range of
products. X?
Connect the two related lists and fill in
the blanks
List X
• 1)USA -7
• 2)_________-6
• 3)Puerto Rico-5
• 4)Sweden-3
List Y
• 1)__________-6
• 2)India,United Kingdom-5
• 3)USA,Iceland,Jamaica,Sweden-3
• Venezuela
• List X-Best at Miss Universe
• List Y-Best at Miss World
• X was a baseball player whose playing career
spanned from 1923-1939. He set many major league
records which has since been surpassed. His career
came to an end when he was diagnosed with a disease
Y. Y is famous in North America as X‟s disease. X
and Y?
• X-Lou Gehrig
• Y-Motor Neuron Disease
X is possibly the only film on which both Morgan
Freeman and Amitabh Bachchan have worked. X
received an academy award in 2005. It took one
year for the two isolated cinematographers
Laurent Chalet and Jérôme Maison to shoot the
film, which was shot around the French
scientific base of Dumont d'Urville in Adélie
Land. In spite of being an exceptional film, X has
attracted some controversy amongst social/
political commentators on monogamy and
between atheists and proponents of Intelligent
design. Identify X.
• March of the Penguins
• The following transcript of an excerpt from the interrogation of screenwriter John Howard
• Lawson by HUAC chairman J. Parnell Thomas
• Thomas: Are you a member of the Communist Party or have you ever been a member of
• the Communist Party?
• Lawson: It's unfortunate and tragic that I have to teach this committee the basic
• principles of Americanism.
• Thomas: That's not the question. That's not the question. The question is—have you
• ever been a member of the Communist Party?
• Lawson: I am framing my answer in the only way in which any American citizen can frame his
answer to...
• Thomas: Then you deny it?
• Lawson: ...a question that invades his...absolutely invades his privacy.
• Thomas: Then you deny... You refuse to answer that question, is that correct?
• Lawson: I have told you that I will offer my beliefs, my affiliations and everything else
• to the American public and they will know where I stand as they do from what I have written.
• Thomas: Stand away from the stand...
• Lawson: I have written for Americanism for many years...
• Thomas: Stand away from the stand...
• Lawson: And I shall continue to fight for the Bill of Rights, which you are trying to destroy.
• Thomas: Officer, take this man away from the stand
• --- What followed this investigation of Lawson and 9 other hollywood screenwriters/directors
• which had deep impact on the industry which can still be seen in the present when Dalton
• was finally give due credit in 2011 for screenwriting 'Roman Holiday" in 1953.
• Hollywood Blacklist
• On 12 October 1969, a caller to Detroit radio
station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about
an urban legend and its clues. That can be considered
the real start of the rumour‟s spread. The „evidences‟
included album arts, cryptic messages which can be
heard on songs playing backwards. The subject of
this, X poked fun at this by naming one of his live
album Y, parodying the urban legend.
• X-Paul McCartney
• „Paul is Dead‟
• Y-Paul is Live
• After the World Cup final of 1938, which Italy won
4-2 by defeating Hungary, the Hungarian goalkeeper
said, “I may have let four in, but at least I
______________”. What did he say and why?
• I may have let four goals in, but at least I saved their
• Before the game, each of the Italian players received
a telegram from Benito Mussolini saying "Vincere o
morire!” meaning “Win or Die”.
• X started his professional career as a sports journalist
for the Sportsworld magazine. In 2004, he joined the
Trinamool Congress, where he is currently the vice-
president. In 2009 he was made the head of the
Passenger Services Committee of the Indian
Railways. In 2012 Presidential Election, he became
the first person from his community to cast vote in th
presidential election. X?
• Derek O‟Brien.
• Philip Jackson was born in Scotland during
the Second World War and now works at the Edward
Lawrence Studio in Midhurst, West Sussex and lives
nearby. He went to the Farnham School of Art. After
leaving school, he was a press photographer for a
year and then joined a design company as a sculptor.
Half of his time is spent on commissions and the
other half on his gallery sculpture. What is his claim
to fame?
Sculptures at Old Trafford
Identify X
• X was born as ________ in Gujranwala (now in Pakistan), to a Hindu father
and Sikh mother.
• He was later brought up by eminent educationist __________, the founder
of many public schools including the Delhi Public School and the Summer
Fields School. It is said that upon his influence he converted to Christianity
and changed his surname. However, his entry to the Puri's Jagannath Temple
(which is reserved only for Hindus)and subsequent statements of his
colleagues in the Congress Party clarifies that he is very much a Hindu. He
has adopted the surname of his guardian who raised and educated him as a
token of gratitude.
• Active in the Congress' youth organisation and a disciple of Sanjay Gandhi, he
was first elected to the Lok Sabha in 1980. He served as a Union Minister first
in the Civil Aviation department and then in the Labor department. The
official report of the Nanavati Commission of the Government of India on the
__________ found 'credible evidence' against X, saying he 'very probably'
had a hand in organising _________. The Indian
government, however, decided not to prosecute X due to lack of concrete
• Jagdish Tytler

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Quiz meet

  • 2. Honorary Fellowships of the Royal Society of Chemistry,2002 • Professor Henri B Kagan HonFRSC • Sir Thomas Fulton Wilson McKillop HonFRSC FRSE FRS • Professor Sir John Edward Sulston HonFRSC FRS • Professor Kurt Wuthrich HonFRSC HonFRSE ForMemRS • Professor Ahmed Hassan Zewail HonFRSC ForMemRS • X • Who is X?
  • 4. • Bartholomew • James • Andrew • Y • Peter • John • X • Thomas • James the Greater • Philip • Matthew • Jude • Simon
  • 5. Answer • X-Jesus • Y-Judas Iscariot • Funda –Order of seating from left to right in ‘The Last Supper’
  • 6. Knowing that moviemakers and novelists have a penchant for naming their works from phrases in poems, identify the poet of the given stanza and the name of the critically acclaimed 2004 movie which is blanked out in the stanza. The Wikipedia page of the movie also adds that the title is taken from the poem Eloisa to Abelard by X, the story of a tragic love affair, where forgetfulness became the heroine's only comfort. “How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. ______ _______ __ ___ ________ _____! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;”
  • 7. Answer • X - Alexander Pope, • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • 8. “Biophysicist and Security Operations Center expert Dr. Henry 'Hank’ Pym decided to become a superhero after discovering a chemical substance that would allow the user to alter his size. Armed with a helmet that could control ants, Pym would shrink down to the size of an insect to become the mystery-solving Ant-Man. He soon shared his discovery with his girlfriend, Janet Van Dyne, who became his crime-fighting partner as the Wasp. The duo would become founding members of _________________, fighting recurring enemies such as the mad scientist Egghead, the mutant Whirlwind, and Pym's own robotic creation Ultron.” Identify the group.
  • 10. While attending the Universal and Colonial Exposition in Lyon in 1894, Edouard and André Y noticed a stack of _______ that suggested to Edouard the figure of a man without arms. Four years later, André met French cartoonist Marius Rossillon, popularly known as O'Galop, who showed him a rejected image he had created for a Munich brewery—a large, regal figure holding a huge glass of beer and quoting the phrase "Nunc est X” meaning “Now is the time to drink” from Horace’s Odes. André immediately suggested replacing the man with a figure made from _______. In Spanish, Y has acquired the meaning of folds of fatty skin around the waist. Identify X and Y.
  • 12. It is a common mistake to interpret X to be a blue sapphire. Evidence shows it was a ruby. There has also been speculation that the Kohinoor diamond is indeed X as there has been nothing said about it since Krishna’s time. It was gifted by the Sun God to Satrajit, brother of Satyabhama. Krishna and Y had a fight for 28 days over this and Y gradually grew tired. As he was the strongest living entity at that time, he wondered who could be weakening him. It was then that Y realized that he had been sparring with none other than Sri Krishna himself. Identify X and Y.
  • 14. • -> Jimmy Snuka • -> Jake "the Snake" Roberts • -> Giant Gonzales • -> King Kong Bundy • -> Diesel • -> Psycho Sid • -> Kane • -> Big Boss Man • -> Triple H • -> Ric Flair • -> Big Show and A-Train • -> Kane • -> Randy Orton • -> Mark Henry • -> Batista • -> Edge • -> Shawn Michaels • -> Shawn Michaels • -> Triple H • -> Triple H • -> CM Punk All these men are grudgingly a part of the most monumental feat of sports entertainment, which is?
  • 15. Answer • The Undertaker's Wrestlemania undefeated streak
  • 16. X is a genus of flowering plants. It contains roughly 20 species of small understory trees native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. X cacao, the most well known species of the genus, is used for making chocolate. X, the genus name, is from the Greek and translates to “food of the gods,” a designation that chocolate-lovers would agree is befitting. Although Linnaeus was reputedly fond of chocolate, he would have been familiar with early Spanish writings describing the Mayan and Aztec beliefs that cacao was a gift from the gods. X is also a popular dessert shop in Mumbai.
  • 18. X was the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra after the division of Bombay State and the fifth Deputy Prime Minister of India. After the resignation of Krishna Menon as Defense Minister in 1962 in the wake of India-China Border Conflict, X was given that portfolio by Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He handled the delicate post- war situation firmly and took several decisions to empower the armed forces and negotiated with China to end the hostilities. When X was appointed Federal Defence minister following the China war in 1962, a popular saying arose in Maharashtra meaning, Sahyadri came rushing on the call by the Himalaya. His name was controversially used by the Congress in an important work of infrastructure which was conceived by the BJP and Shiv Sena. Identify X.
  • 20. Duke Nukem has Super Radiation. Looten Plunder has Deforestation. Sly Sludge has a Smog. Verminous Skumm has Toxics. Dr. Blight has Hate. These duplicates were created by Dr. Blight after he stole the original Xs. What?
  • 21. Answer • Planeteers’ Rings (Captain Planet)
  • 22. 1972 January-Marilyn Cole February-P.J.Lansing March-Ellen Michaels April-Vicki Peters May-Deanna Bakers June-Debbie Davis July-Carol O’Neal August-Linda Summers September-Susan Miller October-Sharon Johansen November- X December-Mercy Rooney Who is X? How is she immortalized?
  • 23. Answer • Lena Soderberg • Standard Test Image
  • 24. There is a history about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by ___________. Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been acting in accordance with the immutable rules of the _______ since that time. It is predicted from this that the universe will last 585 billion years. There are many variations on this legend. For instance, in some tellings, the temple is a monastery and the priests are monks. The temple or monastery may be said to be in different parts of the world — including X, and may be associated with any religion. It was first introduced to the West by Édouard Lucas in 1883. What is being talked about?
  • 26. • "In 1926 the brothers Bob, BIll and Barnamaby Ollerton formed the Y X Company. Their first model Y One was produced in large quantities and was an instant hit. In 1967, the Z Racing X Company overtook the Y X Company. The Z X's combined reliability and easy handling, and became a favourite for teams across Europe.” This is the history of X's in a certain movie universe. Identify X, Y and Z
  • 27. Answer • Y - Cleansweep, X - Broom, Z- Nimbus
  • 28. After winning the game, X caused more controversy when he was told that Y had lost three teeth, and replied: "If that's all that's wrong with him, I'll pay him the crowns.” X said the reason he did not go over to check on Y's condition was because a number of _______ players were standing around Y and making threatening gestures in his direction. Identify X and Y.
  • 29. Answer • X-Harald Schumacher • Y-Patrick Battiston
  • 30. Richard Colvin Reid, also known as the Shoe Bomber, is an Englishman who attempted to detonate explosives packed into the shoes he was wearing, while on American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami. According to his father, Reid became depressed and blamed racism for some of his problems. His father advised him to convert to Islam, telling him that Muslims were more egalitarian and they got better food in prison. An attempt was made by the South Asia bureau of Wall Street Journal to retrace the steps of "shoe bomber" Richard Reid trying to set up a meeting with Sheik Gilani, a spiritual leader. What resulted?
  • 31. Answer • Execution of Daniel Pearl
  • 32. • There is perhaps no other single sporting event in the world more valuable to the winners than X. The winners end up approximately £120,000,000 better off than the losers, mainly due to the increased commercial television revenue. To slightly alleviate this loss, by convention, the two finalists agree that the loser take all the gate revenue from the game.
  • 34. An Okinawan Japanese immigrant to the United States, _________ learned karate originally from his father, who had been a fisherman. _________ initially had a job working for the father of his best friend, Sato, who was also taught karate by __________'s father. When ________ fell in love with a young woman named Yukie, who was arranged to marry Sato, Sato felt dishonoured by this, and challenged _________ to a fight to the death. To avoid the fight, _________ left Okinawa and immigrated to the United States.
  • 35. Answer • Mr. Miyagi, (Karate Kid)
  • 36. In Jewish folklore, an X is an animated anthropomorphic being, created entirely from inanimate matter. The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and medieval writing. The most famous X narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th- century rabbi of Prague. There are many tales differing on how the X was brought to life and afterwards controlled. X is also found in the “Pokedex” at number 76. Fans of Tolkien’s trilogy claim that Y (A character in his trilogy) is actually an allusion to X from Jewish folklore. Identify ‘X’.
  • 37. • X - Golem, Y - Gollum
  • 38. An old woman on pilgrimage recognized that X would not walk past a certain image of Jesus, refused to drink water from a holy spring and smelled bad, hellishly bad. A Carmelite nun from the district of Allgau in southern Bavaria told Mr. and Mrs. Michel that X had been buried in undue hurry in a cheap coffin. Almost two years after the burial, on 25 February 1978, her remains were replaced in a new oak coffin lined with tin. The official reports (to date undisputed by any authorities) state that the body bore the signs of consistent deterioration. Ernst Alt and Arnold Renz were disallowed from entering the mortuary. What was inspired from X?
  • 40. • X was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the aftermath of widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities. It‟s use during that time was limited and was little known. However it was rediscovered in 2000 and was reissued to various private companies. Since then it has been used as a decorative theme for a range of products. X?
  • 42. Connect the two related lists and fill in the blanks List X • 1)USA -7 • 2)_________-6 • 3)Puerto Rico-5 • 4)Sweden-3
  • 43. List Y • 1)__________-6 • 2)India,United Kingdom-5 • 3)USA,Iceland,Jamaica,Sweden-3
  • 44. Answer • Venezuela • List X-Best at Miss Universe • List Y-Best at Miss World
  • 45. • X was a baseball player whose playing career spanned from 1923-1939. He set many major league records which has since been surpassed. His career came to an end when he was diagnosed with a disease Y. Y is famous in North America as X‟s disease. X and Y?
  • 46. Answer • X-Lou Gehrig • Y-Motor Neuron Disease
  • 47. X is possibly the only film on which both Morgan Freeman and Amitabh Bachchan have worked. X received an academy award in 2005. It took one year for the two isolated cinematographers Laurent Chalet and Jérôme Maison to shoot the film, which was shot around the French scientific base of Dumont d'Urville in Adélie Land. In spite of being an exceptional film, X has attracted some controversy amongst social/ political commentators on monogamy and between atheists and proponents of Intelligent design. Identify X.
  • 48. Answer • March of the Penguins
  • 49. • The following transcript of an excerpt from the interrogation of screenwriter John Howard • Lawson by HUAC chairman J. Parnell Thomas • Thomas: Are you a member of the Communist Party or have you ever been a member of • the Communist Party? • Lawson: It's unfortunate and tragic that I have to teach this committee the basic • principles of Americanism. • Thomas: That's not the question. That's not the question. The question is—have you • ever been a member of the Communist Party? • Lawson: I am framing my answer in the only way in which any American citizen can frame his answer to... • Thomas: Then you deny it? • Lawson: ...a question that invades his...absolutely invades his privacy. • Thomas: Then you deny... You refuse to answer that question, is that correct? • Lawson: I have told you that I will offer my beliefs, my affiliations and everything else • to the American public and they will know where I stand as they do from what I have written. • Thomas: Stand away from the stand... • Lawson: I have written for Americanism for many years... • Thomas: Stand away from the stand... • Lawson: And I shall continue to fight for the Bill of Rights, which you are trying to destroy. • Thomas: Officer, take this man away from the stand • --- What followed this investigation of Lawson and 9 other hollywood screenwriters/directors • which had deep impact on the industry which can still be seen in the present when Dalton Trumbo • was finally give due credit in 2011 for screenwriting 'Roman Holiday" in 1953.
  • 51. • On 12 October 1969, a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about an urban legend and its clues. That can be considered the real start of the rumour‟s spread. The „evidences‟ included album arts, cryptic messages which can be heard on songs playing backwards. The subject of this, X poked fun at this by naming one of his live album Y, parodying the urban legend.
  • 52. Answer • X-Paul McCartney • „Paul is Dead‟ • Y-Paul is Live
  • 53. • After the World Cup final of 1938, which Italy won 4-2 by defeating Hungary, the Hungarian goalkeeper said, “I may have let four in, but at least I ______________”. What did he say and why?
  • 54. Answer • I may have let four goals in, but at least I saved their life. • Before the game, each of the Italian players received a telegram from Benito Mussolini saying "Vincere o morire!” meaning “Win or Die”.
  • 55. • X started his professional career as a sports journalist for the Sportsworld magazine. In 2004, he joined the Trinamool Congress, where he is currently the vice- president. In 2009 he was made the head of the Passenger Services Committee of the Indian Railways. In 2012 Presidential Election, he became the first person from his community to cast vote in th presidential election. X?
  • 57. • Philip Jackson was born in Scotland during the Second World War and now works at the Edward Lawrence Studio in Midhurst, West Sussex and lives nearby. He went to the Farnham School of Art. After leaving school, he was a press photographer for a year and then joined a design company as a sculptor. Half of his time is spent on commissions and the other half on his gallery sculpture. What is his claim to fame?
  • 58. Sculptures at Old Trafford
  • 59. Identify X • X was born as ________ in Gujranwala (now in Pakistan), to a Hindu father and Sikh mother. • He was later brought up by eminent educationist __________, the founder of many public schools including the Delhi Public School and the Summer Fields School. It is said that upon his influence he converted to Christianity and changed his surname. However, his entry to the Puri's Jagannath Temple (which is reserved only for Hindus)and subsequent statements of his colleagues in the Congress Party clarifies that he is very much a Hindu. He has adopted the surname of his guardian who raised and educated him as a token of gratitude. • Active in the Congress' youth organisation and a disciple of Sanjay Gandhi, he was first elected to the Lok Sabha in 1980. He served as a Union Minister first in the Civil Aviation department and then in the Labor department. The official report of the Nanavati Commission of the Government of India on the __________ found 'credible evidence' against X, saying he 'very probably' had a hand in organising _________. The Indian government, however, decided not to prosecute X due to lack of concrete evidence.