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Question 1
Provide a discussion of the characteristics of the six air mass
classifications. Viewing Figure 7-1, which specific source
region supplies the moisture for winter snows in the north
Georgia mountains?
Question 2
What are the different kinds of fronts? Include in your
a. how they are created,
b. cross-sectional slope profiles, and
c. what clouds develop along the fronts [Refer to the animation
titled "Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts"].
(Refer to the animation titled “Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts.”)
Question 3
What weather changes normally occur with the passage of a
cold front? (Refer to the animation titled “Midlatitude
Question 4
Describe the four components of movement of a midlatitude
cyclone. Why in the conterminous United States do these
cyclones move generally from west to east?
Question 5
Compare and contrast the midlatitude cyclone to the tropical
cyclone (hurricane), for each one of the five characteristics
listed below. (Refer to the animation titled “Hurricanes.”)
Midlatitude cyclone
Tropical cyclone (hurricane)
latitude of origin
direction of movement
wind speed range
season of occurrence
source of energy
Question 6
Discuss the general sequence of thunderstorm development and
Question 7
What is a tornado, and what atmospheric conditions are needed
for a tornado to occur? Where worldwide do most tornadoes
occur? Which states have the highest incidence of tornadoes?
(Refer to the animation titled “Tornadoes.”)
Question 8
What information is conveyed in a climograph?
Question 9
Briefly describe the major climate groups of the modified
Köppen climate classification system: A, B, C, D, E, and F.
What are the principal climatic characteristics that define a
location as (give specific location examples for each):
Question 10a
tropical wet climate
Question 10b
tropical wet-and-dry
Question 10c
tropical monsoon
Question 11a
What countries in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have
climates similar to Athens, Georgia?
Question 11b
Describe, in terms of their annual temperature and precipitation
patterns, the climates for the following locations:
· Raleigh, North Carolina
· Yuma, Arizona
· Los Angeles, California
· Chicago, Illinois
· Sitka, Alaska
Question 12
What is the general difference between a desert climate and a
steppe climate?
Question 13
Why are the locations found along the 30th degree north
latitude dry and the locations along the equator wet? Include in
your discussion the impact of wind and pressure systems on
each location.
Question 14
What are the Milankovitch cycles, and in what ways might they
help explain past climate change?
Directions for Case Study 2
Case Study 2 allows the student to bring to the table a business
outsourcing project that they may have gone through. If this is
the case, please do not use real names of either the company or
individuals in the paper. If you have not gone through this
process, then research an outsourcing endeavor that interests
you, and write about it. You need to include the justification for
outsourcing the department, the process that has to take place
for a successful outsourcing, and the cost of this endeavor.
Please see Doc Sharing for Case Study #2.
Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs)
All terminal course objectives studied up through Week 5 are
being addressed in Case Study 2.
Given a specific project scope, a set of legal and management
requirements, and the availability of internal resources, evaluate
optional contract structures and recommend and justify the
preferred structure for that given situation.
Given a simple procurement need and a complex project that
requires one or more procurement activities, compare and
contrast the scope and functions of contract
procurement/management versus project management.
Given a specific project and its anticipated contract
administration and project management requirements, create a
procurement division of the responsibilities matrix and a project
division of responsibility matrix that consider the utilization of
internal resources in order to define any external resources that
will be required.
Given specific contract procurement conditions for a project,
identify and evaluate the factors that influence a contract
pricing strategy and recommend the strategy that is best suited
for the given conditions.
Given certain contract objectives and related project
requirements, formulate the sections of a project plan that
specify the budget, schedule, and technical requirements for the
Given the need to procure a major contract, select a set of
management and commercial requirements that are appropriate
for the size and complexity of the contract.
Given the need to solicit goods or services from external
sources, consolidate all contract and, if applicable, project
requirements into a checklist that will form the framework to
guide the development of a Request for Proposals (RFP).
Given the award and execution of a contract, analyze and select
effective management techniques to control quality, cost,
schedule, and scope adherence to the associated requirements
specified in the contract.
The weekly lectures and assigned readings serve as a starting
point. Please be advised that considerable relevant material is
also available on the Internet, so you might want to conduct a
search for some materials that may yield insights into the
procurement process that you will be undertaking. Remember to
properly cite any outside information you use.
Submittal Format
Case Study 2 should be prepared in MS Word format. Any
resources used beyond the ebook need to be cited in your
document--including links to relevant websites. Your document
shall be written as an executive summary or bulleted list/tables
clearly identifying your purpose, relevant data, decision-
making/thought process, and conclusion. Your document will be
your "go-to" plan for your outsourcing process. You need to
quickly and succinctly understand the steps that you'll
undertake for contracting. This means having minimal
paragraph-style text, and instead, introducing a variety of
tables, graphs, and charts.
While this report should be fashioned as an executive summary,
it does encompass the entire contracting process. As such, it
shall be between 5 and 8 single-sided pages in length, using 10-
point Times New Roman font, and 1.5-inch line spacing. The
page requirements do NOT include any cover sheets that you
may include with your report.
Submission Details
See Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for
due date information. A firm 5% per day penalty for late
submissions will be assessed. The file name for your submitted
assignments should be formatted as follows: "CS2-
Case Study 2 is worth a total of 70 points. The 70 points will be
allocated as follows:
Correlation of the assessment with the TCOs outlined above and
material covered through Week 5.
Compliance with format requirements outlined above.
Assessment of which business processes you would outsource.
Determine whether it would be cost effective to outsource the
business unit, and also, whether or not it might be helpful or
detrimental to your core business.
Assessment of any issues that may arise (both in the short-term
and long-term) for each outsourced business process.
Assessment of the type of contract chosen for each business unit
outsourced. Provide a rationale for your choice.
Assessment of the evaluation criteria used to rank the proposals.
Again, a rationale for your choice needs to be included.
Strength of argument on the number of vendors selected to
provide the services.
Assessment of timeline for bid activities and time duration for
each contracting process.
Total: 70
Explain the purpose of the paper here in this section. Refer to
the case study directions for the explanation of this paper
Current Situation
Describe the current/existing situation in this section, again,
refer to the case study directions for the explanation.
Describe what you may consider outsourcing here, evaluate
your options and provide potential business processes for
candidates. For those papers that require you to assess what
you are retaining in-house, you would include that here as well.
This section should use tables and/or bullets to highlight some
of the portions of your assessment. This is also, where you
would fully describe the business impact of your in-house and
outsourcing position. (Note – in the 3rd case study, this is also
where you could define the performance measures you propose.)
This should be the largest section of your paper!
Vendor Considerations
You are not looking to actually name your vendors in this
section, unless you happen to already know the potential
candidates. When developing your procurement plan to begin
with, sometimes you know this information up front –
sometimes it requires some research after you have been given
permission to pursue the outsourcing opportunities. What you
want to describe here is the number of vendors you would select
to solicit for bid, describing why that is the appropriate number.
You would also describe what you propose for eventual awards
– a single vendor or multiple vendors to perform the job for
you. Again, you would thoroughly defend your position.
Contract Structure
This is the section that you would describe the pricing structure
for each proposed process you plan to outsource. You need to
fully describe why you select the given option for this particular
process outsourcing.
Evaluation Criteria
In this section you would provide the evaluation criteria you
propose be included in the RFP for each process you propose to
outsource. You need to explain why you chose these particular
criteria and how you propose these be used during the
evaluation process.
This section would describe the timeline for getting to the
Contract Administration phase. You could extend beyond that
phase, but please use caution – contracts typically last more
than a month or two! You would want to provide reasonable
time for each of the phases – outline the various tasks for each
phase and explain why you propose this particular timeline to
accomplish the project.
Question 1
What is the hydrologic cycle? Explain the role of evaporation,
advection, and runoff in the hydrologic cycle. (Refer to the
animation titled "Hydrologic Cycle.")
Question 2
What is the relationship among an ocean's temperature, density,
and salinity? Where would you expect to find high ocean
salinity? Low ocean salinity?
Question 3
Why do most oceanic areas experience two high tides and two
low tides each day? Describe and explain flood tides, ebb tides,
spring tides, and neap tides. (Refer to the animation titled
Question 4
What is the difference between porosity and permeability?
Question 5
What are the zones of aeration, saturation, and confined water?
Include in your discussion the following terms: water table,
aquifer, piezometric surface, and groundwater.
Question 6
It is safe to say the biosphere is a system made up of
biogeochemical cycles. Briefly describe these cycles.
Question 7
What is the relationship of a food chain to a food pyramid?
Question 8
Describe the four basic conditions that help determine the
natural distribution of any species or group of organisms.
Question 9
How does climate exert environmental constraints on biota?
Question 10
What are the beneficial effects of wildfire?
Question 1
Contrast and explain the concepts of ecosystem and byome.
Question 2
Describe typical xerophytic and hygrophytic adaptations of
Question 3
Name a common tree or other flora that is an example (use no
example more than once) of each of the following:
a. gymnosperm
b. angiosperm
c. conifer
d. deciduous
e. evergreen
f. hardwood
g. softwood
h. needleleaf
i. broadleaf
j. Bryophyte
k. Pteridophyte
Question 4
Explain the concept of vertical zonation.
Question 5
List and briefly describe the major forest biomes in order from
low to high latitude.
Question 6
Using examples, discuss how both plants and animals have
adapted to harsh environmental conditions.
Question 7
Describe and explain the global distribution of the desert biome.
Question 8
List and briefly describe the five principal soil-forming factors.
Question 9
Discuss the composition of soil.
Question 10
Distinguish between field capacity and wilting point.
Question 11
Describe the various horizons from the surface down to
Question 12
Discuss the importance of temperature and moisture on the
creation of the five pedogenic regimes.
Question 13
Describe the characteristics of the major soil order in the
location where you live. Compare and contrast your soil order
to that of Mollisols and Spodsols.
Question 14
Name a soil order associated with each characteristic:
a. the largest worldwide distribution by area
b. the most fertile soil
c. the most thoroughly leached and weathered soil
d. the soil order that developed from volcanic ash
Question 15
Using Figure 12-39 briefly describe the soils that you would
encounter traveling in a straight line from Brunswick, Georgia,
to Bismarck, North Dakota.
Question 1
Briefly describe the four regions of the Earth’s vertical
structure. Please include any of the subdivisions in these
Question 2
What are the principal categories of common rock-forming
minerals? Please provide a common example of each category.
Question 3
Distinguish among igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock
types and their individual subclasses. Provide a common
example of each subclass. (Refer to the animation titled
"Metamorphic Rock Foliation.")
Question 4
How can it be that sedimentary rocks are the most widely
exposed type on the continents, yet igneous rocks comprise 80
percent of the Earth’s crust?
Question 5
Describe the internal and external processes that shape the
Earth’s surface. (a) Provide examples of each of these two
groups and (b) describe how they can be operating at the same
Question 6
What is the difference between the theory of plate tectonics and
the continental drift hypothesis conceived earlier by Alfred
Wegener? (Refer to the animation titled "Collision of Indian
with Eurasia.")
Question 7
What evidence from the seafloor supports the idea of seafloor
Question 8
Discuss the three kinds of plate boundaries. (Refer to the
animations titled "Divergent Boundaries," "Seafloor Spreading,"
and "Terrane Formation.")
Question 9
Explain the differences in stress direction and displacement
among the four basic kinds of faults. (Refer to the animations
titled "Faulting.")
Question 10
Describe and explain the general formation, shape, and structure
of shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes, and cinder cones.
(Refer to the animations titled "Volcanoes" and "Formation of
Crater Lake.")
Question 11
Explain the difference between intrusive and extrusive
volcanism. Briefly describe the landforms associated with each.
(Refer to the animation titled "Formation of Crater Lake.")
Question 12
Describe the mechanics of an earthquake. Include in your
discussion the location of the earthquake source, seismic waves,
and a brief discussion of earthquake hazards. (Refer to the
animations titled "Earthquake Waves" and "Seismographs.")
Question 1
What types of glaciers are found in high mountain regions?
Question 2
Describe the mechanics of glacial advance and retreat. (Refer to
the animations titled "Flow of Ice within a Glacier" and
"Glacial Processes.")
Question 3
Define each of the following glacial landscape features. Present
an explanation of the circumstances and processes that created
each. If possible, give a well-known specific example of each,
e.g., the Matterhorn.
a. drumlin
b. cirque
c. horn
d. glacial trough
e. moraine
f. fjord
g. hanging valley
h. till
i. firn
j. arête
Question 4
Describe the various depositional features left by (a) mountain
glaciers and (b) continental glaciers. (Refer to the animation
titled "Flow of Ice within a Glacier" and "Glacial Processes.")
Question 5
What evidence supports the concept that present climates are
considerably cooler than those that have prevailed throughout
most of the Earth's history?
Question 6
Explain the roles of beach drifting, tides, and currents in sand
transportation. (Refer to the animations titled "Wave Motion
and Wave Refraction" and "Coastal Sediment Transport" and
Question 7
Using the animation titled "Wave Motion and Wave Refraction,"
describe the processes that cause elevated coastlines to erode
and wear away.
Question 8
What is a tsunami, and why is it sometimes (although
incorrectly) called a tidal wave?
Question 9
Describe the development of spits, baymouth bars, tombolos,
and the various types of coral reefs.
Question 10
Refer to the animation titled "Coastal Stabilization Structures"
and discuss the effect of human activities on coastal
stabilization of beach development.
Question 1
How is it possible for percolating groundwater both to erode
and deposit?
Question 2
Why is there a scarcity of surface drainage in a karst area?
Question 3
What is the difference between a hot spring, a geyser, and a
Question 4
Produce a list of the landforms that are created in an arid
environment with sedimentary bedrock.
Question 5
Describe the hydrography of a typical desert.
Question 6
How important is the wind in the erosion of desert landforms?
Question 7
Why is a desert lake in a basin of interior drainage likely to be a
saline lake?
Question 8
Describe the erosion and landform sequences created when a
higher elevation plateau is eroded to become a lower elevation
plateau. Utilize examples from several of our western national
Question 9
For each of the following landscape features, explain the
process by which the feature was created and/or controlled.
a. erg
b. playa
c. bornhardt
d. barchan dune
e. pediment
f. loess
g. butte
Question 1
What is the difference between mechanical and chemical
weathering? Provide at least two examples of each.
Question 2
What relationship exists between climate and weathering?
Question 3
What is mass wasting? Give examples of landform features
created by these gravitational effects. Include in your discussion
the effect of speed and moisture content on the landform
Question 4
Compare and contrast suspension, saltation, and traction as
means of material transport by streams. (Refer to the animation
"Sediment Transport by Streams.")
Question 5
Identify and discuss the main drainage patterns. State the
reasons the patterns develop.
Question 6
Describe the characteristics of a meandering stream and suggest
reasons as to its importance in the widening of a river valley.
(Refer to the animation "Meandering Streams.")
Question 7
Describe the relationship among stream order, stream number,
stream length, and the stream's drainage area.
Question 8
Discuss the three ways a stream can modify the shape of its
Question 9
What unique landscape features are found on a flood plain?
Briefly explain the cause of each. (Refer to the animation titled
"Meandering Streams.")
Question 10
Discuss the sequence of events that cause stream rejuvenation.
(Refer to the animation titled "Stream Terrace Formation.")

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  • 1. Question 1 Provide a discussion of the characteristics of the six air mass classifications. Viewing Figure 7-1, which specific source region supplies the moisture for winter snows in the north Georgia mountains? Question 2 What are the different kinds of fronts? Include in your discussion a. how they are created, b. cross-sectional slope profiles, and c. what clouds develop along the fronts [Refer to the animation titled "Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts"]. (Refer to the animation titled “Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts.”) Question 3 What weather changes normally occur with the passage of a cold front? (Refer to the animation titled “Midlatitude Cyclones.”) Question 4 Describe the four components of movement of a midlatitude cyclone. Why in the conterminous United States do these cyclones move generally from west to east? Question 5 Compare and contrast the midlatitude cyclone to the tropical cyclone (hurricane), for each one of the five characteristics listed below. (Refer to the animation titled “Hurricanes.”) Midlatitude cyclone Tropical cyclone (hurricane)
  • 2. latitude of origin direction of movement wind speed range season of occurrence source of energy Question 6 Discuss the general sequence of thunderstorm development and dissipation. Question 7 What is a tornado, and what atmospheric conditions are needed for a tornado to occur? Where worldwide do most tornadoes occur? Which states have the highest incidence of tornadoes? (Refer to the animation titled “Tornadoes.”)
  • 3. Question 8 What information is conveyed in a climograph? Question 9 Briefly describe the major climate groups of the modified Köppen climate classification system: A, B, C, D, E, and F. What are the principal climatic characteristics that define a location as (give specific location examples for each): Question 10a tropical wet climate Question 10b tropical wet-and-dry Question 10c tropical monsoon Question 11a What countries in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have climates similar to Athens, Georgia? Question 11b Describe, in terms of their annual temperature and precipitation patterns, the climates for the following locations: · Raleigh, North Carolina · Yuma, Arizona · Los Angeles, California · Chicago, Illinois · Sitka, Alaska Question 12 What is the general difference between a desert climate and a steppe climate? Question 13
  • 4. Why are the locations found along the 30th degree north latitude dry and the locations along the equator wet? Include in your discussion the impact of wind and pressure systems on each location. Question 14 What are the Milankovitch cycles, and in what ways might they help explain past climate change? Directions for Case Study 2 Background: Case Study 2 allows the student to bring to the table a business outsourcing project that they may have gone through. If this is the case, please do not use real names of either the company or individuals in the paper. If you have not gone through this process, then research an outsourcing endeavor that interests you, and write about it. You need to include the justification for outsourcing the department, the process that has to take place for a successful outsourcing, and the cost of this endeavor. Please see Doc Sharing for Case Study #2. Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) All terminal course objectives studied up through Week 5 are being addressed in Case Study 2. 1 Given a specific project scope, a set of legal and management requirements, and the availability of internal resources, evaluate optional contract structures and recommend and justify the preferred structure for that given situation. 2 Given a simple procurement need and a complex project that requires one or more procurement activities, compare and contrast the scope and functions of contract procurement/management versus project management. 3 Given a specific project and its anticipated contract
  • 5. administration and project management requirements, create a procurement division of the responsibilities matrix and a project division of responsibility matrix that consider the utilization of internal resources in order to define any external resources that will be required. 4 Given specific contract procurement conditions for a project, identify and evaluate the factors that influence a contract pricing strategy and recommend the strategy that is best suited for the given conditions. 5 Given certain contract objectives and related project requirements, formulate the sections of a project plan that specify the budget, schedule, and technical requirements for the contract. 6 Given the need to procure a major contract, select a set of management and commercial requirements that are appropriate for the size and complexity of the contract. 7 Given the need to solicit goods or services from external sources, consolidate all contract and, if applicable, project requirements into a checklist that will form the framework to guide the development of a Request for Proposals (RFP). 8 Given the award and execution of a contract, analyze and select effective management techniques to control quality, cost, schedule, and scope adherence to the associated requirements specified in the contract. Resources The weekly lectures and assigned readings serve as a starting point. Please be advised that considerable relevant material is also available on the Internet, so you might want to conduct a search for some materials that may yield insights into the procurement process that you will be undertaking. Remember to
  • 6. properly cite any outside information you use. Submittal Format Case Study 2 should be prepared in MS Word format. Any resources used beyond the ebook need to be cited in your document--including links to relevant websites. Your document shall be written as an executive summary or bulleted list/tables clearly identifying your purpose, relevant data, decision- making/thought process, and conclusion. Your document will be your "go-to" plan for your outsourcing process. You need to quickly and succinctly understand the steps that you'll undertake for contracting. This means having minimal paragraph-style text, and instead, introducing a variety of tables, graphs, and charts. While this report should be fashioned as an executive summary, it does encompass the entire contracting process. As such, it shall be between 5 and 8 single-sided pages in length, using 10- point Times New Roman font, and 1.5-inch line spacing. The page requirements do NOT include any cover sheets that you may include with your report. Submission Details See Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. A firm 5% per day penalty for late submissions will be assessed. The file name for your submitted assignments should be formatted as follows: "CS2- studentlastname". Grading Case Study 2 is worth a total of 70 points. The 70 points will be allocated as follows: Points Criteria 5 Correlation of the assessment with the TCOs outlined above and material covered through Week 5.
  • 7. 5 Compliance with format requirements outlined above. 25 Assessment of which business processes you would outsource. Determine whether it would be cost effective to outsource the business unit, and also, whether or not it might be helpful or detrimental to your core business. 5 Assessment of any issues that may arise (both in the short-term and long-term) for each outsourced business process. 5 Assessment of the type of contract chosen for each business unit outsourced. Provide a rationale for your choice. 5 Assessment of the evaluation criteria used to rank the proposals. Again, a rationale for your choice needs to be included. 5 Strength of argument on the number of vendors selected to provide the services. 15 Assessment of timeline for bid activities and time duration for each contracting process. Total: 70 Purpose Explain the purpose of the paper here in this section. Refer to the case study directions for the explanation of this paper Current Situation Describe the current/existing situation in this section, again, refer to the case study directions for the explanation. Outsourcing/In-house Describe what you may consider outsourcing here, evaluate your options and provide potential business processes for candidates. For those papers that require you to assess what
  • 8. you are retaining in-house, you would include that here as well. This section should use tables and/or bullets to highlight some of the portions of your assessment. This is also, where you would fully describe the business impact of your in-house and outsourcing position. (Note – in the 3rd case study, this is also where you could define the performance measures you propose.) This should be the largest section of your paper! Vendor Considerations You are not looking to actually name your vendors in this section, unless you happen to already know the potential candidates. When developing your procurement plan to begin with, sometimes you know this information up front – sometimes it requires some research after you have been given permission to pursue the outsourcing opportunities. What you want to describe here is the number of vendors you would select to solicit for bid, describing why that is the appropriate number. You would also describe what you propose for eventual awards – a single vendor or multiple vendors to perform the job for you. Again, you would thoroughly defend your position. Contract Structure This is the section that you would describe the pricing structure for each proposed process you plan to outsource. You need to fully describe why you select the given option for this particular process outsourcing. Evaluation Criteria In this section you would provide the evaluation criteria you propose be included in the RFP for each process you propose to outsource. You need to explain why you chose these particular criteria and how you propose these be used during the evaluation process. Timeline This section would describe the timeline for getting to the Contract Administration phase. You could extend beyond that phase, but please use caution – contracts typically last more than a month or two! You would want to provide reasonable time for each of the phases – outline the various tasks for each
  • 9. phase and explain why you propose this particular timeline to accomplish the project. Question 1 What is the hydrologic cycle? Explain the role of evaporation, advection, and runoff in the hydrologic cycle. (Refer to the animation titled "Hydrologic Cycle.") Question 2 What is the relationship among an ocean's temperature, density, and salinity? Where would you expect to find high ocean salinity? Low ocean salinity? Question 3 Why do most oceanic areas experience two high tides and two low tides each day? Describe and explain flood tides, ebb tides, spring tides, and neap tides. (Refer to the animation titled "Tides.") Question 4 What is the difference between porosity and permeability? Question 5 What are the zones of aeration, saturation, and confined water? Include in your discussion the following terms: water table, aquifer, piezometric surface, and groundwater. Question 6 It is safe to say the biosphere is a system made up of biogeochemical cycles. Briefly describe these cycles. Question 7 What is the relationship of a food chain to a food pyramid? Question 8 Describe the four basic conditions that help determine the natural distribution of any species or group of organisms. Question 9 How does climate exert environmental constraints on biota? Question 10 What are the beneficial effects of wildfire? Question 1
  • 10. Contrast and explain the concepts of ecosystem and byome. Question 2 Describe typical xerophytic and hygrophytic adaptations of plants. Question 3 Name a common tree or other flora that is an example (use no example more than once) of each of the following: a. gymnosperm b. angiosperm c. conifer d. deciduous e. evergreen f. hardwood g. softwood h. needleleaf i. broadleaf j. Bryophyte k. Pteridophyte Question 4 Explain the concept of vertical zonation. Question 5 List and briefly describe the major forest biomes in order from low to high latitude. Question 6 Using examples, discuss how both plants and animals have adapted to harsh environmental conditions. Question 7 Describe and explain the global distribution of the desert biome. Question 8 List and briefly describe the five principal soil-forming factors. Question 9 Discuss the composition of soil. Question 10 Distinguish between field capacity and wilting point. Question 11 Describe the various horizons from the surface down to
  • 11. bedrock. Question 12 Discuss the importance of temperature and moisture on the creation of the five pedogenic regimes. Question 13 Describe the characteristics of the major soil order in the location where you live. Compare and contrast your soil order to that of Mollisols and Spodsols. Question 14 Name a soil order associated with each characteristic: a. the largest worldwide distribution by area b. the most fertile soil c. the most thoroughly leached and weathered soil d. the soil order that developed from volcanic ash Question 15 Using Figure 12-39 briefly describe the soils that you would encounter traveling in a straight line from Brunswick, Georgia, to Bismarck, North Dakota. Question 1 Briefly describe the four regions of the Earth’s vertical structure. Please include any of the subdivisions in these regions. Question 2 What are the principal categories of common rock-forming minerals? Please provide a common example of each category. Question 3 Distinguish among igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock types and their individual subclasses. Provide a common example of each subclass. (Refer to the animation titled "Metamorphic Rock Foliation.") Question 4 How can it be that sedimentary rocks are the most widely exposed type on the continents, yet igneous rocks comprise 80 percent of the Earth’s crust?
  • 12. Question 5 Describe the internal and external processes that shape the Earth’s surface. (a) Provide examples of each of these two groups and (b) describe how they can be operating at the same time. Question 6 What is the difference between the theory of plate tectonics and the continental drift hypothesis conceived earlier by Alfred Wegener? (Refer to the animation titled "Collision of Indian with Eurasia.") Question 7 What evidence from the seafloor supports the idea of seafloor spreading? Question 8 Discuss the three kinds of plate boundaries. (Refer to the animations titled "Divergent Boundaries," "Seafloor Spreading," and "Terrane Formation.") Question 9 Explain the differences in stress direction and displacement among the four basic kinds of faults. (Refer to the animations titled "Faulting.") Question 10 Describe and explain the general formation, shape, and structure of shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes, and cinder cones. (Refer to the animations titled "Volcanoes" and "Formation of Crater Lake.") Question 11 Explain the difference between intrusive and extrusive volcanism. Briefly describe the landforms associated with each. (Refer to the animation titled "Formation of Crater Lake.") Question 12 Describe the mechanics of an earthquake. Include in your discussion the location of the earthquake source, seismic waves, and a brief discussion of earthquake hazards. (Refer to the animations titled "Earthquake Waves" and "Seismographs.")
  • 13. Question 1 What types of glaciers are found in high mountain regions? Question 2 Describe the mechanics of glacial advance and retreat. (Refer to the animations titled "Flow of Ice within a Glacier" and "Glacial Processes.") Question 3 Define each of the following glacial landscape features. Present an explanation of the circumstances and processes that created each. If possible, give a well-known specific example of each, e.g., the Matterhorn. a. drumlin b. cirque c. horn d. glacial trough e. moraine f. fjord g. hanging valley h. till i. firn j. arête Question 4 Describe the various depositional features left by (a) mountain glaciers and (b) continental glaciers. (Refer to the animation titled "Flow of Ice within a Glacier" and "Glacial Processes.") Question 5 What evidence supports the concept that present climates are considerably cooler than those that have prevailed throughout most of the Earth's history? Question 6 Explain the roles of beach drifting, tides, and currents in sand transportation. (Refer to the animations titled "Wave Motion and Wave Refraction" and "Coastal Sediment Transport" and "Tides.") Question 7 Using the animation titled "Wave Motion and Wave Refraction,"
  • 14. describe the processes that cause elevated coastlines to erode and wear away. Question 8 What is a tsunami, and why is it sometimes (although incorrectly) called a tidal wave? Question 9 Describe the development of spits, baymouth bars, tombolos, and the various types of coral reefs. Question 10 Refer to the animation titled "Coastal Stabilization Structures" and discuss the effect of human activities on coastal stabilization of beach development. Question 1 How is it possible for percolating groundwater both to erode and deposit? Question 2 Why is there a scarcity of surface drainage in a karst area? Question 3 What is the difference between a hot spring, a geyser, and a fumarole? Question 4 Produce a list of the landforms that are created in an arid environment with sedimentary bedrock. Question 5 Describe the hydrography of a typical desert. Question 6 How important is the wind in the erosion of desert landforms? Question 7 Why is a desert lake in a basin of interior drainage likely to be a saline lake? Question 8 Describe the erosion and landform sequences created when a higher elevation plateau is eroded to become a lower elevation plateau. Utilize examples from several of our western national parks.
  • 15. Question 9 For each of the following landscape features, explain the process by which the feature was created and/or controlled. a. erg b. playa c. bornhardt d. barchan dune e. pediment f. loess g. butte Question 1 What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering? Provide at least two examples of each. Question 2 What relationship exists between climate and weathering? Question 3 What is mass wasting? Give examples of landform features created by these gravitational effects. Include in your discussion the effect of speed and moisture content on the landform features. Question 4 Compare and contrast suspension, saltation, and traction as means of material transport by streams. (Refer to the animation "Sediment Transport by Streams.") Question 5 Identify and discuss the main drainage patterns. State the reasons the patterns develop. Question 6 Describe the characteristics of a meandering stream and suggest reasons as to its importance in the widening of a river valley. (Refer to the animation "Meandering Streams.") Question 7 Describe the relationship among stream order, stream number, stream length, and the stream's drainage area. Question 8
  • 16. Discuss the three ways a stream can modify the shape of its valley. Question 9 What unique landscape features are found on a flood plain? Briefly explain the cause of each. (Refer to the animation titled "Meandering Streams.") Question 10 Discuss the sequence of events that cause stream rejuvenation. (Refer to the animation titled "Stream Terrace Formation.")