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Queen of Summer Fae
The forest burns as she runs. Flames of damnation send all who hunt her down, down,
down. To the call of despair they fall, as their anguish cries out for her love, her touch,
her affection. She is the dead, she is death. Men lose their lives to her blue flames flames born of a broken heart, countless times trampled, countless times mangled twigs fill her hair, chopsticks of control. She is the faerie Queen - Life of Summer is
born through her, in her, out her. Birth canal, pain, life and sacrifice. Rebirth. Fabled by
men, told by boys...all who hunt the faerie Queen shall perish in pain - pleasure,
delusion, pain, lust, cravings, insatiable thirst. No raindrop can quench her, there, his,
its, primal, beast, natures desire. Born of nature, natural, unnatural, prenatal birth. Too
soon she came, to late the moon arrived. He hides his face in fear, the constellations do
not show - no light is given to them by summer and Spring. The path is lost, it cannot be
seen. even her eyes of blue, visions locked in the abyss of sorrow.
She runs and laughs. Her orbs – followers; the minions of her creations, desires, hold up
her crown of thorns and robe of pine leaves. She hears their footsteps, feels their rush.
"Come, come too me, stop me, ravish me, touch me, hold me, kiss me, take me" - she
calls out to them, in a whisper, they hear her call - lust in their hearts, lust in their ears.
The beast is unleashed, primal man, reproduce, attain, treasure, rarity! Laughter fills the
air. They pursue quicker and quicker, blood in their shoes, eyes diluted in darkness cravings fulfilled, to be attained. to be followed. Follow her, chase, her attain the
Queen, attain the myth, attain the impossible - they run, quicker and quicker, shredded
cloth, concealing shredded skin. Nature whips at their side, their chest, their man-hoods;
pushing them forward, urging them to continue...her power. The trees fall and listen to
her command - death all around, slavery of Gaia. Closer and closer they come, as
flames start to consume - the forest burns, as it must - chase through flames, ignoring
their sting. Pleasure, aphrodisiac, numbing the scorched flesh. "Come to me, take me,
have me, I beseech you, I call upon you mortal man - come for your faerie Queen".
They scream and cry; in site, only a touch, a breadth away - their skin is melting, their
hearts imploding - desire urges them forward - family, friends, children, loved ones, Gd, all lost by her affliction to men. Come she calls, she turns and in their eyes, as the
darkness dilutes and the pain ceases, blooded tears run down their face - we understand
now, no mortal man may see the beauty of the faerie Queen - all must perish who chase
It. She smiles, giggles - another game, another prey; all fall down to the faerie Queen the Queen of summer Fae.
Her lips are made of rubies, blooded roses used to enhance their fullness. Her skin the
lost moon light, down her neck through her breasts, nipples pink hues of strawberries
waiting to be kissed, suckled, eaten. Her body is the willow tree, fluid, moving; that
which sways in the wind. Hair of auburn fire, topaz, sapphire and greens of the northern
lights – flames; they consume by their beauty alone. Her eyes though - her eyes where
the soul should lurk and dreams be seen - empty vessels, void-less of life, of dreams and
desire. All natural energy has soul - hers lost, among thorns, among the rocks in the
river, which spike the flesh of those who grab its security. This is the faerie Queen - the
one who leads those lost in desire to her flames, consumes their heart, their dreams, to
fulfill the void-less eyes - the soul taking and never returned - desire in her pain to pain
the forest. The faerie Queen, whom all the other fairies follow - lost in the void of her
inner darkness - lost in the dream of fear, that will take her and rebirth her anew. Down
the unknown path of the forest she runs; down that path men shall follow. This is the
faerie Queen - find her and lose your desire, lose your heart, let her void becomes yours,
so that for an instance, a second in her immortal existence she may feel human sacrifice your soul for great Desire and her pain for mortality.
The druid's in a circle they stand. It is power, it is ceremony - they hear the Forest call
out to them. "Hear my plea, brothers and sisters of flesh and bone. My life is threatened,
the Faerie Queen of Summer burns me, no life to renew, no nourishment to provide. My
honey is dry, my rivers empty, poisoned water and dying figs. Beauty lost, for her
damnation. My Forest, my life is burned by her loneliness. Help me brothers and sisters
of flesh and bone. Stop the Faerie Queen, let a new birth be taken - I will choose the
next immortal and provide them with thy power of Gaia. Save my forest, save the lost
men, save the energy that fulfills the cycle of life".
The youngest of the clan, the oldest of the souls - the Chief Druid is chosen for this task.
His eyes are sharp, provided by the eagles gaze, his skin is lined and darkened - stored
energy from the sun and scars of battles won and lost. He seeks to fulfill the Lady’s
wish - Gaia the life force, where all druids attain their abilities; healing and protection salvation of all that is connected with the soul, with their soul, with the Light that is
provided by the Moon and path guided by the North Star.
The circle is closed , the power released - parting of ways and blessings of kin bestowed
- a Rock for strength and direction, Water: life and healing, Fire: purity, cleansing and
emotion and Air: his companion that clears his path and directs the destination - her
laughter to guide the way, her touch that foresees what will be.
The Beast of the forest they call him, the hunter with the raven who flies on his left. Into
a tavern he enters - the kill has been complete. All myth turn to falsity and all falsity in
lies revealed in his arrow. The room is quiet, silence required when the Beast enters. He
is said, once, to have been a mortal man, but ate his own heart to attain peace. The Beast
was born, the curse of life lifted from his eyes. His soul damned, sold to the highest
prey? Next will be the faerie Queen. He hears her stories, smirks in anticipation - a prey
who burns mortal men with her flame? His Desire shall be met - there is no lust in his
heart, no desire in his loans - death of a Queen, death of a Myth, death of the
uncatchable prey - the hunt is what he craves. A beast made of flesh and blood - even
the Erkling fears his hunt.
Lost in the shadows, the life of the forest hide - flesh and pain decay, the Beast shall
also? The raven crows and tells him secrets – Infliction and Anguish - his companies in
the nightmares of reality. The coat of a lion, the king of a pride, its head his hood;
dragons leather consumes and constricts his body, muscles torn and outlined in its hold
and no boots worn, for fear is felt through the vibrations of the prey; tasted with the toes
and savored in the mind. The Beast of the forest, eyes black and hollow, white pupils
dilating when his cravings are met. Fear is food and the Beast must be fed – or – the
raven shall crow and demand its payment.
The tavern is behind him, with its blood still on his tongue - purposes all must be
served, then severed; no one may see the Beast and wish to live - dreams for fools and
hope for children. The hunt has begun, the raven guides his path - through the forest, on
roads un-traveled and paths haunted with the corpses. T
his is the path He has Chosen, this is My Destiny...
Tears sear the flesh as they fall down. No mortal man my touch my skin. Tears sear the
flesh as they fall down. Scars have formed, jagged pink tattoos, that only those close
enough will notice. Displays of little bulbs, seedlings forever trapped by the markings
of flesh and forced to continue its endless cycle of liquid fire, illusions of nourishments,
but forever burnt and trapped on the ivory. No cure can be found, she has been assured therefore dance and sing and let your flames burn as Medusa snakes stoned! All beauty
is a curse, a danger to this world - she realized as a child, powerful to powerless - the
chosen faerie Queen; to bring Life but burns down the one who she was Chosen by. It is
the curse of the beautiful! The Moon hides its face in fear and the stars have lost their
light - in the attempt of guidance her salvation. Nor even the Sun can pierce the flame
that consumes her. All is naught - nothing but a voided contract of flesh to flesh; let the
body be pleased and my orgasm be attained; come mortal men I call in your dreams,
follow me into the night. Leave your wives and family, come seek the pleasure of the
Faerie Queen - follow my voice and let you be mine. Flesh to flesh, ashes to ashes dust
to dust - live now and die in gratification of my love. Come to me, let me whisper in
your ear all that I desire of you, come to your resting place, come to the arms of the
faerie Queen...
The Wind sends its warning, the trees part their branches - the thunder is coming, the
Storm is Now. He follows the earth, every-move he takes – barefoot – feet feeling
Gaia’s call; her guidance to his duty.
Crunch. Snap. Crack.
Earth speaks to his movements, allowing the young master to be guided to the Queen the executions table. His staff in his right hand, crystal around the neck, draped in the
white of a silken cloak and darkest blue of the oceans blanket - here the Druid is, the
new Forest to be burned down by the faerie Queen. “She calls to men”, the Wind says,
“they leave their slumber for her bosom - stop her before they arrive, before she
consumes them. Find her, look for the pale moonlight that dances in the forest, that is
where she lies”. The tigress patiently waiting for its prey.
The master is off; to beseech the Queen to stop her flames and quell her thirst - it might
be to late, advises the Flame of his soul, her humanity may be dead - find the Queen and
save the Forest, protect the cycle, hunt the flame that has consumed all in its wake save man from himself. It is the honour of the Druid - to protect all that is sacred.
Protect the cycle that spins the threads of time, those in it and those to be bought by it.
She can hear the footsteps - laughter crinkles her lips and escapes her eyes. Here he is,
here my mortal toy comes. His footsteps are soft, there is no urgency in his chase - a
strong will, but all that breaks when my beauty will consume your body and your loins
will burn for the taste of mine! “Let the beast of man be free and ravish me”, she
whispers to him. His steps are steady, his staff marking the ground - recollection of
memories of those past, present and to come; the connection of earth back to earth and
its balance understood. He can feel the warmth of the Forest as it grows, closer and
closer he comes to her flames...Eyes steady, preparation for the confrontation "Follow
me, come to me, hear my call mortal man. Do you desire me! Then come lay your head
upon my lap and let me show you the wonders of Summer…" Lust is her device, her
staff made out of lips and sound - wordless beings bought into action by those not
prepared. "Come to me! Be mine! Into my flames you will find your hearts desire.
Through the flame and past its pain - you may be mine". Topaz, opal, sapphire and
emerald, emerging flames consume his path ahead; they are alive and call him forth their beauty dark and transgressing the purity of the forest - all must be corrected.
Into the flames that consume all - mortal men flesh melt - fall into her flame!
"Ik" a word of power, a wave of his staff - the path is opened as the flames scream the
toneless voices of victims passed. The moonlight is there, her skin shining its
translucent hue of a light that should be shared among the sky. Her laughter is real and
so is her beauty, a reality created by those who crave her - a falsity in the Eyes of Life.
Empty eyes turn to see the face of her next victim...stunned silence is taken upon
instead "Run! Run quickly!" her subjects advice. She stumbles and falls; this is unlawful!
She stands and curses "You will be mine!" Fire, dark as the emptiness that surrounds
her, escapes her, shifts her burning hair into tendrils that lash out like spears, looking for
the enemy it must be wary of.
A silent walk, in strength and peace, no harm shall come to this Druid tonight. The
flames fall and die out as they feel his presence.
"Run! Run from this mortal man. He will kill you Queen, Run!"
"You cannot run from all that is and that which is everywhere." he whispers into her
"You cannot touch me! You will harm me! I am a Queen! I am the god of this plane.
You cannot touch me!"
Her hand in his, rough and silk, moonlight and aged sun - his hands hold her firm. In
her eyes, he sees all that was there, what could have been and should have - her soul
was taken and death was appointed in its place. Dreams unfulfilled and innocence
stolen. The faerie Queen - once human, then shaped and molded into the dark flame of
Loneliness - The Pain which Consumes All.
His smile is pure, and eyes reassuring.
"Her death is not necessary, Gaia. She is still life, in their I see its pure incandescent
light" - let it burn he tells the Queen.
Her cry awakens the shadows of the forest; the new day will be born.
Tears fall down her face, no longer do they burn, no longer are they reminders of her
beauty; now they heal, as they fall down her eyes, dropping to the ground – the first
Tulip of summer Blooms, then Another.
The River Weeps, Alive once more. Water pure, as life intended.
The Forest is Reborn.
In time all shall be well, in time all roses and rivers shall cry out in song and rejoice, but
now let the faerie Queens tears fill this Forest and consume her Heart that was once
Lost, but now Found. Her arms surround his neck and hold him tight "Please save me.
Never leave my side" she pleads of him. He smiles and leads her forward - her hair the
shade of soft orange leaves, her eyes the blue of the spring sky. The leaves twirl and
wrap themselves around her, first her right breast, then her left, down to her most sacred
parts; hidden from site and protected now by Gaia’s Life - only to be touched by those
to be chosen by the Northern Stars Light. The Forest Opens and the Moon Rises; its fear
lost in the previous world.
Its Light now Guides the Path for the Faerie Queen.
Release it
An arrow falls through the forest – its fangs sensing the prey.
He has pierced her thigh and sees the light of ruby tears fall down her leg!
She has fallen.
In her silence He approaches. The Queen is stunned.
This cannot be. Where is my Savor, where is the mortal man who walked through my
flames and quenched my thirst?
The Beast arrives at his prey to see its fear - a smile spiders its way across his face.
This is his craving, this is the taste he hunts for.
The Raven flies over head "Take our trophy. Let all be warned that not even the Faerie
Queen may harm us". Hidden in the darkness of his cloak, The Dagger revealed.
Her blood is sweet, the perfume of roses it reveals.
Now is the time where all goes wrong and the Raven is Lost.
There gaze is met is;
Lost in the fire that burns within; The Dagger must be dropped –
"Kill her!”
The Beast cries out! The forest shifts by his roar!
"Kill the faerie Queen!"
He lays down his crossbow, places to rest his arrows and removes his cloak.
Lifted by torn muscles, her wound covered by the lions head.
The Beast walks…
This is all He can do now.
Her beauty is what stopped him - not her moonless skin, nor her lips of promises - her
beauty that lies underneath, that which only a Beast should not see - the Crack in the
mirror of His Illusion. Her hand flutters, stutters its way up to his chest. Waiting, hoping
to feel a beating life?
Nothing? Nothing...
Thump Thump.
The Heart of the Beast reborn in the flames of the Faerie Queen.
A tragic end to the villain of the night, the plague of the Beast ended – safety secured to
man and the life of the Forest.
Death left this heart and now flies South on the wings of lies.
Out of the bushes, the Druid steps forth. The Beast and Healer, Light and Dark –
contact is made - the balance restored. He moves towards the girl and in his hand, he
carries the emerald light - the snake removed from her thigh; light to replace its poison
sting. The scar cannot be mended - it is the reminder.
The noise has stopped, the Forest silent. It is time to bring this to an end.
Hand in hand they all three walk, the Faerie Queen the center of this adventure, the
young master his hands of Agape , to her right,
Beast holding tightly on her left - defender against that which he knows lurks in the
Three walk together in power –
not born of hate, nor lust or greed – but of
Lux, Agape, Storge, Phileo and Eros.
This is the power the Druid holds dear in his heart and this is what he now shares with
his Queen and the Beast. Their path revealed, into the moonlight of the open Forest they
Fae smiles to the stars, there life now reborn by her laughter. Her head turning to the
moon, giving up her light for its purpose - she has become the nourishment and life of
the night, of all that is Spring and Summer. Her steps plant seedlings, waiting to reach
out and grab their Sun. Her eyes, now the eyes with which the Forest is revealed to
those who have lost their path and seek their destination – destiny. She releases the
hands of her companions, to dance with the Spirit of the Wind,
Laugh with the Earth,
Contemplate with Water, and
Meditates with the Flame of Creation –
The four elements in balance once more.
She seeks out her companions, but turns to find they are no longer there. Confidents
lost. Her heart is troubled.
" Where to? How to? Why?" she asks the Wind "Everywhere, in your heart, in your memories. I and my brother are there. With you
always, you are safe. I will protect you. Follow the path, the stars be your guide, for you
are their fire which illuminates their Life. Follow where the moon sets and the sun rises,
there you will find nothing but your greatest treasure...the adventure of your greatest
journey. For your journey, for Agape."
With eyes closed and hands extended, she reaches for the hand of the Druid and Beast.
She climbs onto the broken ashes of light that illuminate the sky and follows the
guidance of the rising Star.
Should you ever get lost in the Forest, all alone, just ask for the faerie Queen to guide
your way home. They say she illuminates the stars and leads men to their True Love, so
ask the faerie Queen and she will guide you on your way home.
If it is shelter you seek, she will provide, you will discover the cave that will house your
wearisome eyes. If it is food or water, nourishment you beg for, do not cry, but call out
and the spring will be known to you and bush of berries to feed you through the night. If
the darkness haunts you and your path is lost, call upon the faerie Queen and let her hair
of fire, the shades of sunset hues, burn for your heart - it will dissipate the darkness,
make your path known, its warmth forever eternal.
So do not cry, do not be afraid; for in the Forest they say, the faerie Queen watches over
all travelers and imparts them with her knowledge...
Is this the end of the Faerie Queen and her partners? Or is this as far as her story goes?
Who knows,
We will see,
for only
The Wind can decide our Destiny...
Done by Darren Sussman

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Queen of summer fae revised 2

  • 1. Queen of Summer Fae The forest burns as she runs. Flames of damnation send all who hunt her down, down, down. To the call of despair they fall, as their anguish cries out for her love, her touch, her affection. She is the dead, she is death. Men lose their lives to her blue flames flames born of a broken heart, countless times trampled, countless times mangled twigs fill her hair, chopsticks of control. She is the faerie Queen - Life of Summer is born through her, in her, out her. Birth canal, pain, life and sacrifice. Rebirth. Fabled by men, told by boys...all who hunt the faerie Queen shall perish in pain - pleasure, delusion, pain, lust, cravings, insatiable thirst. No raindrop can quench her, there, his, its, primal, beast, natures desire. Born of nature, natural, unnatural, prenatal birth. Too soon she came, to late the moon arrived. He hides his face in fear, the constellations do not show - no light is given to them by summer and Spring. The path is lost, it cannot be seen. even her eyes of blue, visions locked in the abyss of sorrow. She runs and laughs. Her orbs – followers; the minions of her creations, desires, hold up her crown of thorns and robe of pine leaves. She hears their footsteps, feels their rush. "Come, come too me, stop me, ravish me, touch me, hold me, kiss me, take me" - she calls out to them, in a whisper, they hear her call - lust in their hearts, lust in their ears. The beast is unleashed, primal man, reproduce, attain, treasure, rarity! Laughter fills the air. They pursue quicker and quicker, blood in their shoes, eyes diluted in darkness cravings fulfilled, to be attained. to be followed. Follow her, chase, her attain the Queen, attain the myth, attain the impossible - they run, quicker and quicker, shredded cloth, concealing shredded skin. Nature whips at their side, their chest, their man-hoods; pushing them forward, urging them to continue...her power. The trees fall and listen to her command - death all around, slavery of Gaia. Closer and closer they come, as flames start to consume - the forest burns, as it must - chase through flames, ignoring their sting. Pleasure, aphrodisiac, numbing the scorched flesh. "Come to me, take me, have me, I beseech you, I call upon you mortal man - come for your faerie Queen". They scream and cry; in site, only a touch, a breadth away - their skin is melting, their hearts imploding - desire urges them forward - family, friends, children, loved ones, Gd, all lost by her affliction to men. Come she calls, she turns and in their eyes, as the darkness dilutes and the pain ceases, blooded tears run down their face - we understand now, no mortal man may see the beauty of the faerie Queen - all must perish who chase It. She smiles, giggles - another game, another prey; all fall down to the faerie Queen the Queen of summer Fae. Her lips are made of rubies, blooded roses used to enhance their fullness. Her skin the lost moon light, down her neck through her breasts, nipples pink hues of strawberries waiting to be kissed, suckled, eaten. Her body is the willow tree, fluid, moving; that which sways in the wind. Hair of auburn fire, topaz, sapphire and greens of the northern lights – flames; they consume by their beauty alone. Her eyes though - her eyes where the soul should lurk and dreams be seen - empty vessels, void-less of life, of dreams and desire. All natural energy has soul - hers lost, among thorns, among the rocks in the river, which spike the flesh of those who grab its security. This is the faerie Queen - the one who leads those lost in desire to her flames, consumes their heart, their dreams, to fulfill the void-less eyes - the soul taking and never returned - desire in her pain to pain the forest. The faerie Queen, whom all the other fairies follow - lost in the void of her inner darkness - lost in the dream of fear, that will take her and rebirth her anew. Down the unknown path of the forest she runs; down that path men shall follow. This is the
  • 2. faerie Queen - find her and lose your desire, lose your heart, let her void becomes yours, so that for an instance, a second in her immortal existence she may feel human sacrifice your soul for great Desire and her pain for mortality. The druid's in a circle they stand. It is power, it is ceremony - they hear the Forest call out to them. "Hear my plea, brothers and sisters of flesh and bone. My life is threatened, the Faerie Queen of Summer burns me, no life to renew, no nourishment to provide. My honey is dry, my rivers empty, poisoned water and dying figs. Beauty lost, for her damnation. My Forest, my life is burned by her loneliness. Help me brothers and sisters of flesh and bone. Stop the Faerie Queen, let a new birth be taken - I will choose the next immortal and provide them with thy power of Gaia. Save my forest, save the lost men, save the energy that fulfills the cycle of life". The youngest of the clan, the oldest of the souls - the Chief Druid is chosen for this task. His eyes are sharp, provided by the eagles gaze, his skin is lined and darkened - stored energy from the sun and scars of battles won and lost. He seeks to fulfill the Lady’s wish - Gaia the life force, where all druids attain their abilities; healing and protection salvation of all that is connected with the soul, with their soul, with the Light that is provided by the Moon and path guided by the North Star. The circle is closed , the power released - parting of ways and blessings of kin bestowed - a Rock for strength and direction, Water: life and healing, Fire: purity, cleansing and emotion and Air: his companion that clears his path and directs the destination - her laughter to guide the way, her touch that foresees what will be. The Beast of the forest they call him, the hunter with the raven who flies on his left. Into a tavern he enters - the kill has been complete. All myth turn to falsity and all falsity in lies revealed in his arrow. The room is quiet, silence required when the Beast enters. He is said, once, to have been a mortal man, but ate his own heart to attain peace. The Beast was born, the curse of life lifted from his eyes. His soul damned, sold to the highest prey? Next will be the faerie Queen. He hears her stories, smirks in anticipation - a prey who burns mortal men with her flame? His Desire shall be met - there is no lust in his heart, no desire in his loans - death of a Queen, death of a Myth, death of the uncatchable prey - the hunt is what he craves. A beast made of flesh and blood - even the Erkling fears his hunt. Lost in the shadows, the life of the forest hide - flesh and pain decay, the Beast shall also? The raven crows and tells him secrets – Infliction and Anguish - his companies in the nightmares of reality. The coat of a lion, the king of a pride, its head his hood; dragons leather consumes and constricts his body, muscles torn and outlined in its hold and no boots worn, for fear is felt through the vibrations of the prey; tasted with the toes and savored in the mind. The Beast of the forest, eyes black and hollow, white pupils dilating when his cravings are met. Fear is food and the Beast must be fed – or – the raven shall crow and demand its payment. The tavern is behind him, with its blood still on his tongue - purposes all must be served, then severed; no one may see the Beast and wish to live - dreams for fools and hope for children. The hunt has begun, the raven guides his path - through the forest, on roads un-traveled and paths haunted with the corpses. T his is the path He has Chosen, this is My Destiny... Tears sear the flesh as they fall down. No mortal man my touch my skin. Tears sear the flesh as they fall down. Scars have formed, jagged pink tattoos, that only those close enough will notice. Displays of little bulbs, seedlings forever trapped by the markings
  • 3. of flesh and forced to continue its endless cycle of liquid fire, illusions of nourishments, but forever burnt and trapped on the ivory. No cure can be found, she has been assured therefore dance and sing and let your flames burn as Medusa snakes stoned! All beauty is a curse, a danger to this world - she realized as a child, powerful to powerless - the chosen faerie Queen; to bring Life but burns down the one who she was Chosen by. It is the curse of the beautiful! The Moon hides its face in fear and the stars have lost their light - in the attempt of guidance her salvation. Nor even the Sun can pierce the flame that consumes her. All is naught - nothing but a voided contract of flesh to flesh; let the body be pleased and my orgasm be attained; come mortal men I call in your dreams, follow me into the night. Leave your wives and family, come seek the pleasure of the Faerie Queen - follow my voice and let you be mine. Flesh to flesh, ashes to ashes dust to dust - live now and die in gratification of my love. Come to me, let me whisper in your ear all that I desire of you, come to your resting place, come to the arms of the faerie Queen... The Wind sends its warning, the trees part their branches - the thunder is coming, the Storm is Now. He follows the earth, every-move he takes – barefoot – feet feeling Gaia’s call; her guidance to his duty. Crunch. Snap. Crack. Earth speaks to his movements, allowing the young master to be guided to the Queen the executions table. His staff in his right hand, crystal around the neck, draped in the white of a silken cloak and darkest blue of the oceans blanket - here the Druid is, the new Forest to be burned down by the faerie Queen. “She calls to men”, the Wind says, “they leave their slumber for her bosom - stop her before they arrive, before she consumes them. Find her, look for the pale moonlight that dances in the forest, that is where she lies”. The tigress patiently waiting for its prey. "Run"! The master is off; to beseech the Queen to stop her flames and quell her thirst - it might be to late, advises the Flame of his soul, her humanity may be dead - find the Queen and save the Forest, protect the cycle, hunt the flame that has consumed all in its wake save man from himself. It is the honour of the Druid - to protect all that is sacred. Protect the cycle that spins the threads of time, those in it and those to be bought by it. She can hear the footsteps - laughter crinkles her lips and escapes her eyes. Here he is, here my mortal toy comes. His footsteps are soft, there is no urgency in his chase - a strong will, but all that breaks when my beauty will consume your body and your loins will burn for the taste of mine! “Let the beast of man be free and ravish me”, she whispers to him. His steps are steady, his staff marking the ground - recollection of memories of those past, present and to come; the connection of earth back to earth and its balance understood. He can feel the warmth of the Forest as it grows, closer and closer he comes to her flames...Eyes steady, preparation for the confrontation "Follow me, come to me, hear my call mortal man. Do you desire me! Then come lay your head upon my lap and let me show you the wonders of Summer…" Lust is her device, her staff made out of lips and sound - wordless beings bought into action by those not prepared. "Come to me! Be mine! Into my flames you will find your hearts desire. Through the flame and past its pain - you may be mine". Topaz, opal, sapphire and emerald, emerging flames consume his path ahead; they are alive and call him forth their beauty dark and transgressing the purity of the forest - all must be corrected. Into the flames that consume all - mortal men flesh melt - fall into her flame!
  • 4. "Ik" a word of power, a wave of his staff - the path is opened as the flames scream the toneless voices of victims passed. The moonlight is there, her skin shining its translucent hue of a light that should be shared among the sky. Her laughter is real and so is her beauty, a reality created by those who crave her - a falsity in the Eyes of Life. Empty eyes turn to see the face of her next victim...stunned silence is taken upon instead "Run! Run quickly!" her subjects advice. She stumbles and falls; this is unlawful! She stands and curses "You will be mine!" Fire, dark as the emptiness that surrounds her, escapes her, shifts her burning hair into tendrils that lash out like spears, looking for the enemy it must be wary of. A silent walk, in strength and peace, no harm shall come to this Druid tonight. The flames fall and die out as they feel his presence. "Run! Run from this mortal man. He will kill you Queen, Run!" "You cannot run from all that is and that which is everywhere." he whispers into her ear. "You cannot touch me! You will harm me! I am a Queen! I am the god of this plane. You cannot touch me!" Her hand in his, rough and silk, moonlight and aged sun - his hands hold her firm. In her eyes, he sees all that was there, what could have been and should have - her soul was taken and death was appointed in its place. Dreams unfulfilled and innocence stolen. The faerie Queen - once human, then shaped and molded into the dark flame of Loneliness - The Pain which Consumes All. His smile is pure, and eyes reassuring. "Her death is not necessary, Gaia. She is still life, in their I see its pure incandescent light" - let it burn he tells the Queen. Her cry awakens the shadows of the forest; the new day will be born. Tears fall down her face, no longer do they burn, no longer are they reminders of her beauty; now they heal, as they fall down her eyes, dropping to the ground – the first Tulip of summer Blooms, then Another. The River Weeps, Alive once more. Water pure, as life intended. The Forest is Reborn. In time all shall be well, in time all roses and rivers shall cry out in song and rejoice, but now let the faerie Queens tears fill this Forest and consume her Heart that was once Lost, but now Found. Her arms surround his neck and hold him tight "Please save me. Never leave my side" she pleads of him. He smiles and leads her forward - her hair the shade of soft orange leaves, her eyes the blue of the spring sky. The leaves twirl and wrap themselves around her, first her right breast, then her left, down to her most sacred parts; hidden from site and protected now by Gaia’s Life - only to be touched by those to be chosen by the Northern Stars Light. The Forest Opens and the Moon Rises; its fear lost in the previous world. Its Light now Guides the Path for the Faerie Queen. Release it An arrow falls through the forest – its fangs sensing the prey. He has pierced her thigh and sees the light of ruby tears fall down her leg! She has fallen. In her silence He approaches. The Queen is stunned. This cannot be. Where is my Savor, where is the mortal man who walked through my flames and quenched my thirst?
  • 5. The Beast arrives at his prey to see its fear - a smile spiders its way across his face. This is his craving, this is the taste he hunts for. The Raven flies over head "Take our trophy. Let all be warned that not even the Faerie Queen may harm us". Hidden in the darkness of his cloak, The Dagger revealed. Her blood is sweet, the perfume of roses it reveals. Now is the time where all goes wrong and the Raven is Lost. There gaze is met is; Lost in the fire that burns within; The Dagger must be dropped – "Kill her!” “NOW!" The Beast cries out! The forest shifts by his roar! "Kill the faerie Queen!" He lays down his crossbow, places to rest his arrows and removes his cloak. Lifted by torn muscles, her wound covered by the lions head. The Beast walks… This is all He can do now. Her beauty is what stopped him - not her moonless skin, nor her lips of promises - her beauty that lies underneath, that which only a Beast should not see - the Crack in the mirror of His Illusion. Her hand flutters, stutters its way up to his chest. Waiting, hoping to feel a beating life? Nothing? Nothing... Beat. Thump, Thump Thump. The Heart of the Beast reborn in the flames of the Faerie Queen. A tragic end to the villain of the night, the plague of the Beast ended – safety secured to man and the life of the Forest. Death left this heart and now flies South on the wings of lies. Out of the bushes, the Druid steps forth. The Beast and Healer, Light and Dark – contact is made - the balance restored. He moves towards the girl and in his hand, he carries the emerald light - the snake removed from her thigh; light to replace its poison sting. The scar cannot be mended - it is the reminder. The noise has stopped, the Forest silent. It is time to bring this to an end. Hand in hand they all three walk, the Faerie Queen the center of this adventure, the young master his hands of Agape , to her right, Beast holding tightly on her left - defender against that which he knows lurks in the shadows. Three walk together in power – not born of hate, nor lust or greed – but of Lux, Agape, Storge, Phileo and Eros. This is the power the Druid holds dear in his heart and this is what he now shares with his Queen and the Beast. Their path revealed, into the moonlight of the open Forest they walk. Fae smiles to the stars, there life now reborn by her laughter. Her head turning to the moon, giving up her light for its purpose - she has become the nourishment and life of the night, of all that is Spring and Summer. Her steps plant seedlings, waiting to reach out and grab their Sun. Her eyes, now the eyes with which the Forest is revealed to those who have lost their path and seek their destination – destiny. She releases the hands of her companions, to dance with the Spirit of the Wind,
  • 6. Laugh with the Earth, Contemplate with Water, and Meditates with the Flame of Creation – The four elements in balance once more. She seeks out her companions, but turns to find they are no longer there. Confidents lost. Her heart is troubled. " Where to? How to? Why?" she asks the Wind "Everywhere, in your heart, in your memories. I and my brother are there. With you always, you are safe. I will protect you. Follow the path, the stars be your guide, for you are their fire which illuminates their Life. Follow where the moon sets and the sun rises, there you will find nothing but your greatest treasure...the adventure of your greatest journey. For your journey, for Agape." With eyes closed and hands extended, she reaches for the hand of the Druid and Beast. She climbs onto the broken ashes of light that illuminate the sky and follows the guidance of the rising Star. Should you ever get lost in the Forest, all alone, just ask for the faerie Queen to guide your way home. They say she illuminates the stars and leads men to their True Love, so ask the faerie Queen and she will guide you on your way home. If it is shelter you seek, she will provide, you will discover the cave that will house your wearisome eyes. If it is food or water, nourishment you beg for, do not cry, but call out and the spring will be known to you and bush of berries to feed you through the night. If the darkness haunts you and your path is lost, call upon the faerie Queen and let her hair of fire, the shades of sunset hues, burn for your heart - it will dissipate the darkness, make your path known, its warmth forever eternal. So do not cry, do not be afraid; for in the Forest they say, the faerie Queen watches over all travelers and imparts them with her knowledge... Is this the end of the Faerie Queen and her partners? Or is this as far as her story goes? Who knows, We will see, for only The Wind can decide our Destiny... Done by Darren Sussman