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Name of the Student ID.No.
Shubham Khandelwal 2013B3A4685P
HelpAge India, Goa
A Practice School-I station of
JULY, 2015
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Name of the ID.No Disciplines
Shubham Khandelwal 2013B3A4685P Mechanical
Prepared in full fulfillment of the
Practice School-I Course No.
HelpAge India, Goa
A Practice School-I station of
JULY, 2015
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The internship opportunity I had with HelpAge India was a great chance for learning and
professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to
meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship
Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and
special thanks to the MD of HelpAge India (Dr. Datta Prasad Pawaskar) who in spite of
being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on
the correct path and allowing me to carry out my project in their esteemed organization
and extending during the training.
I express my deepest thanks to Dr. Joanne D'Souza, PS Co-ordinator for taking part in
useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make
life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge her contribution gratefully.
It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude
to Bianca Ma'am, Rajorshi Sir and Lalu Sir for their careful and precious guidance which
were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically.
I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to
use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on
their improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue
cooperation with all of you in the future,
Shubham Khandelwal
Place: HelpAge India
Date: 09th July, 2015
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Practice School Division
Station: HelpAge India Centre: Goa
Duration: From 22/05/2015 To 16/07/2015
Date of Submission: 09/07/2015
Title of the Project:
ID No Names of Student Discipline
2013B3A4685P Shubham Khandelwal Mechanical
Name of Expert: Dr. Joanne De'souza Designation: PS Co-coordinator
Name of PS Faculty: Rajorshi Sen Gupta
Key Words: HelpAge India, AdvantAge Card, MMU, SAVE, HUG
Project Areas: Complete working of HelpAge India
Abstract: This report contains all the work done by me during my internship at HelpAge India. It contains key
programs of HelpAge India such as AdvantAge Card Programme, MMU, SAVE, HUG. It briefly explains the
features of advantage card programme like how it works, how it can help associates, how it is useful for the
elders and how one can register for advantage card. It also includes the problems faced in making associates
and members. This report also contains the information about the areas covered by us and members made by
us during last 45 days. It explains the methodology we adopted to talk to the patients during our MMU visits. At
the end of this report, I have also included the contributions that I have made to HelpAge India.
Recommendations are also made for better working of this NGO.
Signature of Students Signature of PS Faculty
Date: Date:
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Topic Page No.
1. Cover Page 1
2. Title page 2
3. Acknowledgement 3
4. Abstract 4
5. Table of Contents 5
6. Introduction 6-17
∑ History 7
∑ Major Programs 8-17
o AdvantAge Card 8-9
o SAVE 9- 10
o MMU 10-11
o AdvantAge-Active Ageing Centre 11-12
o Cataract Surgeries 13
o Physiocare 14
o HUG 14
o Health Camps 15
o Elder Helplines 16-17
7. Main Text 18-32
∑ AdvantAge Card-Making Associates 18
∑ AdvantAge Card-Making Members 19-21
∑ MMU visits 22-24
∑ WEAAD 25-29
∑ SAVE 30
∑ HUG 31
∑ Visit to missionaries of Charity and Mahiasharam 31-32
8. Conclusions and Recommendations 33-35
9. My Contribution To HelpAge India 36-38
10. Appendixes 39-40
11. Reference 41
12. Glossary 42
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HelpAge India is a leading charity in India working with and for disadvantaged elderly for
more than 3 decades. It was set up in 1978 and is registered under the Societies'
Registration Act of 1860. Traditionally the focus was to improve the quality of life of
destitute elders primarily in the rural areas through its welfare projects by providing free
rations, free medicines and consultations and conduct free cataract surgeries.
For the last few years, there has been an increased concentration on advocating for elder
rights, engaging with the government on framing of new legislation and pushing for the
implementation of the National Policy of Older Persons.
HelpAge is now also increasingly focusing on the concerns of urban elderly having realized
that even relatively economically advantaged elders face emotional and physical
Mathew Cherian
"It has been a long innings for all of us at HelpAge, but there is still so much left to be done.
We are now increasingly looking at not just providing relief to the needy elders, but also
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towards demanding what's rightfully theirs by working as a pressure group and joining the
force of senior citizens working closely with them, for them".
HelpAge India came into being in 1978 with Cecil Jackson Cole, founder of HelpAge
International (UK), as its first President. Around this time two other men figured
prominently in the HelpAge India story - John F. Pearson and Samson Daniel.
In April 1978, HelpAge India was registered in Delhi. Within three months it became
autonomous as financial support ceased from UK. Soon after, in July, the society was
awarded Certificates of Exemption under Sections 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act,
1961, thus indicating general confidence in the society’s affairs.
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In a country of rapidly increasing elder population and subsequent growing concerns to
ensure that their later years are lived with economic & social security and dignity, HelpAge
runs various programs.
Though over the last few decades the focus has primarily been on the destitute elder,
ensuring that the underprivileged elderly are reached through its various services in the
areas of financial, health and emotional security, there is now a growing focus on the
disadvantaged urban elder as well.
HelpAge is also slowly moving from Welfare to Development services for the elderly in
urban & rural areas. In rural India it is concentrating on long term sustainability of
programs through formation of Elder Self Help Groups, restoring dignity and economic
independence among the poor elder community, while in urban India it is urging elders to
stay active and form AdvantAge Groups under its AdvantAge Card program, which not only
helps provides the urban elder with benefits and discounts of various services, but also
urges them to ‘Get Active, Stay Active’.
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AdvantAge - Discount Card for Senior Citizens Now, claim discounts on products and
services at chemists, path labs, clinics, eye and dental care centres, wellness centres,
hotels, online travel sites and many more. Access smart living tips on care for your health,
financial planning, choosing Insurance schemes, planning holidays and more. All these are
yours with the AdvantAge Card, India’s first discount card exclusively for those 50 years
and above. Senior Citizens seeking to stretch household budgets after retirement will find
this discount card especially useful. It’s valid for life and there are no renewal fees! Over
4000 retail associates in 350 cities across India are waiting to serve you! So, go ahead and
apply for the AdvantAge Card today. It comes to you from HelpAge India, the country’s
largest NGO in age-care services.
The program, through the, lists out city wise and
location of all the retailers detailing out incentives in the form of attractive discount prices
at health services, special health aids, nursing care, hospital services, fitness, legal, local
and outstation travel, entertainment, clothing, etc.
HelpAge has 5,700 associates in 320 cities benefiting 1, 75000 members currently enrolled.
There are an ever growing number of the elderly people in our country. Simultaneously
the country is undergoing major economic and social changes which are directly impacting
societal norms and changing family mores are separating joint families, forcing the elderly
to fend for themselves. With pressures on the younger generation, increasing in
academics, technology enhancement and exposure and engagement with the virtual
world, the definition of physical time and spaces is rapidly changing.
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More time is spent today online than actual physical interaction with people. This is
adversely affecting the older generation and increasingly, the elderly suffer from isolation
and neglect. In order to counter this growing problem change needs to take place at the
formative stage. The way to do this is to start young at the school and college levels.
This is the biggest program of HelpAge India. In a nation where the reach of the public
health facilities is dismal and where private health care is prohibitively expensive, the old
in their post retirement years face enormous difficulty in accessing any kind of medical
attention. In addition to this is the problem of near absence of geriatric medical skill and
treatment. There are over 80 million elders over the age of 80 in the country, almost
totally bereft of specialized attention that they require. The situation that HelpAge India
faces in reaching its Health Care outreach programs to the elderly in urban and rural areas
is truly challenging.
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To reach basic healthcare to one million disadvantaged rural and urban people,
particularly the elderly in under-served communities, especially in remote geographical
location and difficult terrain.
In the next two years establish and operate at least one Mobile health clinic in each of the
poorest 200 districts of the country and extend it over the next three years to cover all 621
Operates Asia’s largest mobile health care network for elders with 99 mobile health vans
working in 1245 sites across 23 states. 14, 50,220 allopathic treatments (basic health care)
were provided to 2, 36,481 elderly in year 2014-15.
Most elders find themselves at a loss after an active work life, with no place to go, no
colleagues and often no support group. Studies indicate that in most cases this leads to a
feeling of complete isolation, neglect and loss of confidence and self-worth leading to
depression and health problems. This is a serious situation calling for urgent, remedial
action. The consequences of not doing so are alarming considering that India’s elderly
population is projected to reach 200 million by 2030.
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What Is HelpAge India Doing
HelpAge has always encouraged Senior Citizen Associations to form small groups of like-
minded people to engage in community work. However, it was soon realized that these
groups of elders need a physical space with at least a minimal infrastructure for them to
come together to engage in social work and pursue their interests. Hence, there was an
urgent need for AdvantAge Centres.
HelpAge India envisages setting up AdvantAge Centres across the country. This follows the
successful AdvantAge Active Ageing programs and is structured along the lines of the
already well established Age care Centres supported by HelpAge India in multiple
The centre will be set up at a location which belongs to or is rented by a Senior Citizen
Association and will be managed by elders. While the initial start-up infrastructure would
be funded, the socially useful work that the elders will engage in is required to become
self-funding by the seniors within a specified time period.
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∑ 81 per cent of blind cases in India are due to cataract
∑ 2 million new cases of cataract are reported every year in India
∑ 1 ophthalmologist for 100,000 people in India
∑ 60-69 years old are at 2.74 times greater risk of losing vision
∑ 70+ are at 4.86 times greater risk of losing vision
The goal of the project is restoration of vision and self-dependence of cataract affected
deprived senior citizens in India.
Every individual hopes to live an independent life with dignity and carry out daily activities
of their life, unassisted. However, the natural process of ageing is accompanied by a host
of degenerative physical problems such as reduced muscle power and tone, reduced range
of motion and bone density.
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With this in mind, HelpAge India provides physiocare that is aimed at enabling and
supporting the elderly to maintain their fitness and mobility level, enhance their
independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) as well as improve their self-confidence
and self-esteem.
With changing times, families and relationships are getting redefined. The family values
which were understood and passed over from one generation to the next are getting lost
in a fast paced life. Virtues of spending time together are losing their relevance among
loved ones. Thus, there is a need to evolve ways to bridge the gap between generations.
This is where the Help Unite Generations or HUG program comes in. It encourages you to
give a thought, to look and think differently about elders and be more sensitive towards
their needs.
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HelpAge India has introduced the Help Unite Generations or HUG program. This program is
being launched in cities across India through events whose aim has been to provide a
platform wherein elders and youngster bond, exchange HUG bands and contact details to
help stay in touch. HelpAge has taken the initiative to make people aware of the
importance of spending time with the elderly, which in effect is a gift in kind to elders. The
HUG program is also being given impetus through advocacy, outreach initiatives as
Student Action for Value Education in educational institutions, through Senior Citizen
Associations as well.
An important feature of HelpAge India's healthcare initiative for the elderly is organizing
health camps in rural as well as urban areas of the country. Since 2010, HelpAge in
association with its network has successfully organized both general and specialized health
camps for the elderly. A general camp team is comprised of general physician, pharmacist
and assistant.
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A specialized health camp has a team of specialized doctors like dentists,
ophthalmologists, gynecologist, orthopedic besides general physician, pharmacist and
assistant. The health camps ensuring diagnosis, treatment and referrals for general
ailments, dental care, gynecological conditions and ophthalmic diseases are carried out.
These camps also focus on preventive health care program through Information,
Education and Communication and Behavior Change Communication activities among the
The Toll-free HelpAge Senior Citizen Helpline offers assistance to older persons in need of
care and protection. It links the elderly to services and resources for long-term solution to
their problems. Helplines provide information regarding medical assistance and
emergency services; gives advice, guidance and support in calls related to dispute and
elder abuse. Through the helpline, senior citizens have easy access to professional help
from volunteer medical specialists, financial specialist, legal advisers, family counselors
and psychologists. The helpline also coordinates with the police, NGOs, government
agencies, old age homes and centers working for older persons. HelpAge Elder Helplines
operates from 23 locations across the nation.
The goal of the Elder Helpline is to service queries of elders, provide information and
address the problems of isolation abuse and neglect.
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It is aimed that in 5 years, the helplines will be operational in 350 districts of the country.
And it would service at least 600,000 queries of and by the elderly.
The helpline is operated six days a week, from 9:15 am to 5:15 pm on weekdays, and from
10 am to 2pm on Saturdays. It is operated by trained helpline counselors supported by
social volunteers, social work professionals, students and interns.
Runs Elder Helplines in 20 state capitals.
Rescue of abandoned elders, counseling to elders in distress, legal support, help desks,
recreation tours, special talks, information related to services available, volunteering.
Out of the programmes mentioned above, at HelpAge India Goa, programmes
on which we worked upon are:
AdvantAge Card,
MMU and
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During our internship at HelpAge India we were divided into five groups. We worked on
different programmes of HelpAge India. This main text shows work done by us in different
programmes during our internship at HelpAge India:
In this our task was to form tie-up of HelpAge India with as many associates as possible. So
approached different firms like pharmacy stores, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, health care
centres, dental clinics, etc and presented them about the Advantage Card Scheme and its
benefits to them and the society.
This program provides free publicity for newer firms and firms located in far off corners,
remote places, and harder to reach locations like offices located on higher floors and
cannot be seen easily by pedestrians as our database provides the full address of that firm.
Areas covered by us are as follows:
∑ Calangute
∑ Miramar
∑ Dona Paula
∑ Panjim
∑ Ponda
∑ Vasco etc
The reason for undertaking the program was that it is a very helpful for elders and gives
us an idea about how the marketing of various firms works.
We went to Miramar on 29th May and 1st June, Calangute on 2nd June, 3rd June and 5th
June, Dona Paula on 10th June, Bicholim on 11th June and Ponda on 30th June
In total we made 21 associates during our internship at HelpAge India.
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List of Associates made by Group A alone are shown in Appendix I.
This list includes some big names like GTDC, Dr. Mohan’s, Manipal Hospital, etc.
AdvantAge Card (Making Members)
We visited IInd Innings Home in Bicholim on 27th May, 2015. IInd Innings Home is a
recreational centre situated near Bicholim Urban Cooperative Bank, Bicholim, Goa. It was
established on 2nd October 2008. There we interacted with the members. We told them
about HelpAge India and our Advantage Card Program. We informed them about the
guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. We organized a small physiotherapy session. We clicked
pictures and at the end of the meet we helped them fill the membership form for
Advantage card program. We filled 15 forms on that day.
Some of the pictures of the visit are as follows:
Interaction Session:
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Physiotherapy Session:
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Form Filling Session:
Facilities that are provided at the 2md innings house in Bicholim are:
∑ A.C.
∑ T.V
∑ Library
∑ Carrom Board
∑ Chess
∑ Harmonium
∑ Tabla
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MMUs are mobile health vans that provide basic health care virtually at the doorsteps of
destitute elderly. The program provides 1.7 million free treatments annually, through its
97 Mobile Medical Units working in 1085 community locations in 20 states across India.
The program has been recognized as Asia's largest Mobile Medical Program for the elderly.
We visited villages Kudne, Naveli and Virdi on 24th June and Mencuri and Vazari on 25th
June, 2015. We met many villagers and experienced their problems. We talked about the
normal problems they face in their daily life. We also inquired about whether the
treatment and medicines they are getting are of good quality or not.
Arrival Of MMU Patients waiting for their number
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A pic with the patients A typical MMU Card of a patient
Patients waiting Akshay helping a patient
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Doctor attending a patient Medical details of a patient
Some patients
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Elder abuse (also called "elder mistreatment," "senior abuse," "abuse in later life," "abuse
of older adults," "abuse of older women," and "abuse of older men") is "a single, or
repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there
is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person." This
definition has been adopted by the World Health Organization from a definition put
forward by Action on Elder Abuse in the UK. Laws protecting the elderly from abuse are
similar to, and related to, laws dependent adults from abuse.
The core element to the harm of elder abuse is the "expectation of trust" of the older
person toward their abuser. Thus, it includes harms by people the older person knows or
with whom they have a relationship, such as a spouse, partner or family member, a friend
or neighbour, or people that the older person relies on for services. Many forms of elder
abuse are recognized as types of domestic violence or family violence.
In 2006 the International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) designated June
15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) and an increasing number of events are
held across the globe on this day to raise awareness of elder abuse, and highlight ways to
challenge such abuse.
On 15th June, 2015 we visited Panjim Bus Stand and INOX to spread awareness for
Placards made by us for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:
These some of the pics clicked by us:
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On 16th June, 2015, we visited the Deep Vihar Secondary School in Headland Sada and
Mother of Mercy English High School in Baina, Goa to spread awareness for World Elder
Abuse Awareness Day.
There we met Principal and arranged a small awareness session in some classrooms.
We explained them about the main causes of Elder abuse and what measures should
be taken to avoid it. At the end students greeted us with a bye and later we met
security guards and explained them about the same.
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HelpAge’s birth is synonymous with Sponsored Walks with school children. Special events
were organized in the early formative years, where school children walked for the cause
spreading awareness on the importance of being sensitive to the needs of the elderly.
More than two lakh children took part in the program in 1979. Samson Daniel, to whom
much of the credit for the formation of HelpAge goes, was the pioneer of Sponsored Walks
in India.
With an existing school program, HelpAge was well on its way to bring two generations
together, bringing home the importance of love and care for the elderly in the young ones.
Most young adults today remember being a part of HelpAge’s School Education program.
In recent years, however, with the declining value system and the rapid birth of nuclear
families, the definition of a ‘Complete Family’ has seen a major change from one consisting
of Father, Mother, Siblings and Grandparents in many instances, to that of simply Father,
Mother and Child. Grandparents have slowly but surely are moving out of the ‘Complete
Family’ circle.
To tackle this evident problem, HelpAge has been trying to inculcate Value Education on
Agecare to be included in school curriculums, by organizing Principal Meets, meetings with
Academicians, Educationists, State Govt. Representatives from the education department
among others, to influence school curriculums in this regard. The response from them all
was extremely positive as they too felt the need for a wholesome education for the child.
The time to act was NOW!
Therein lay the birth of SAVE – Student Action for Value Education with its three core
∑ Inculcating the value of care and respect for the elderly in children and adolescents.
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∑ To prepare today’s children and youth in their old age.
∑ Creating an age-friendly society.
HelpAge hopes to spread the message of SAVE to colleges and other higher educational
institutions so the young are not only encouraged to bring about attitudinal and
behavioural awareness in society but also to simply be the change!!
We visited the Deep Vihar School and met Principal to hand over to her the official
proposal for the SAVE program from HelpAge India. We also visited Mother of Mercy
School and handed over 500 SAVE forms for students and 12 SAVE forms for teachers to
HelpAge India has introduced the Help Unite Generations or HUG program. This program is
being launched in cities across India through events whose aim has been to provide a
platform wherein elders and youngster bond, exchange HUG bands and contact details to
help stay in touch. HelpAge has taken the initiative to make people aware of the
importance of spending time with the elderly, which in effect is a gift in kind to elders.
We were never assigned HUG by HelpAge India - Goa.
We visited Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa's Home) in Panjim Market on 03rd July
as shown in Appendix II. There were around 40 female members and 4 small kids. Initially
we distributed cake amongst them. We talked to them and shared their experiences. They
were very much friendly in nature. One of the ladies was listening to FM Radio, one was
dancing, some were playing in the garden, etc. They wake up early around 5 in the
morning and pray in the church as part of their daily routine. They also sleep early in the
evening. They have a very fixed routine. We then moved to the Child's section. 1 Child was
playing outside and 3 other were sleeping inside. We collected information about those
We visited Mahilashram -Home for Aged in Anjuna, Goa on 09th July, 2015. Bianca Ma'am
introduced us to Mr. Kamal Pawaskar (Manager/Head of Mahilashram). He explained us
the whole history of that home. He showed us the whole 10,000 sq m area of the
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Mahilashram. The campus had very good furniture. Only Females are allowed inside the
campus in the night. There we met around 50 inmates aging 22 from 18 to 80. Some
weren't even able to speak. Those who could speak explained us about their daily routine
and problems.
There we(Group A,C and D) along with Goa Institute of Management(GIM) students
organized small games, sang songs, bhajans for their entertainment. They also had a
school outside the Home for children less than 5 in age. Most of the Children were
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During our internship at HelpAge India I have worked on various programs as described in
the main text. Now based on my observation and participation in these programs, the
conclusions which can be drawn from them are as follows:
1. MMU (Mobile Medicare Unit):
∑ MMU Doctor is a chain smoker and should be removed.
∑ Quality of Medicines provided by MMU is also not so good ( This we found out on
our MMU visit from one patient)
∑ MMU nurse knows more than the current MMU Doctor
∑ No Doctor wants to keep this job as there is lots of travelling plus the income earned
is also not good as compared to their private Clinic Income
2. AdvantAge Card
(i) Making Associates
∑ There is no government organization that has a tie-up with HelpAge India.
This time we made tie-up of GTDC with HelpAge India.
∑ We did not find owner of the shop most of the times which was a big
problem as it is hard to get the form signed without owner.
∑ Travel agencies are easier to convince as they are too many in Goa.
∑ Medical Shops are very hard to convince as they have one big medical
association so they always ask us to wait for some time as they need to
talk to other members of the association.
(ii) Making Members
∑ No-one is ready to listen to Scheme as either they are not free or they
don't have any elder in their house
∑ It is easier to convince people when they are in groups
∑ Rs 50 fee is a big hurdle in making members
3. SAVE (Student Action for Value Education)
∑ There is nothing to do for Volunteers on SAVE Visit
∑ We just had to deliver some parcels to schools on our SAVE Visit.
∑ Schools are very much interested in this programme as it leads to teaching of moral
values for school going Child.
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During our internship at HelpAge India we worked on various programs as described in the
main text. Now based on our observation and participation in these programs, we would
like to add our recommendations so that each program can function more successfully:
1. AdvantAge Card
1.1.Making Associates
∑ More government organizations should be included
Since government organizations have a wider reach, they can make a larger
impact through this Advantage cad program. So an attempt should be made
to tie-up with government hospitals, medical stores, hotels etc.
∑ Instead of more medical stores, more clinics, hospitals should be included.
Since the margin of profit is quite less in case of medical stores they are very
reluctant to tie-up and moreover senior citizens can get medicines from
government medical stores at a very low price so instead we should target
more and more hospitals.
∑ Booklet of associates should be updated more frequently (monthly basis)
Every firm that wants to tie-up with HelpAge India wants to see its name in
the associate’s booklet as early as possible. Presently the booklet is updated
on a quarterly basis. So attract more associates the booklet should be
updated on a monthly basis rather than quarterly.
1.2. Making Members
∑ Group of members should be targeted.
It’s easy to convince senior citizens in groups rather than individuals. Because
in a group, senior citizens can discuss the program with each other and can
register collectively. But if we target them individually them it would be quite
difficult to convince.
∑ Fee of Rs. 50 (if possible) should be reduced.
We know that a one time fee of Rs. 50 is not big enough, but it still acts as a
hurdle while convincing the senior citizens as earlier the cost was Rs. 0. So
the cost of AdvantAge Card should be reduced to Rs.10-15 in order to include
more members.
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∑ Members already created should be encouraged to add more members
(AdvantAge Group)
Now this is a very important point as we know the reach of advantage group.
We should encourage already created members to form an AdvantAge group
so that they can solve some social problems occurring in their society.
2. MMU (Mobile Medical Unit)
∑ Quality of doctor in MMU should be improved.
During our visit with MMU we observed that the doctor in the MMU used to
smoke. Now this is not at all acceptable as it will have a bad impact on the
patients. So we should try to have good doctors in MMU for its better
∑ To attract good doctors some benefits or perks can be provided to them.
The job of a doctor in MMU is very tedious as it involves a lot of travelling and it
consumes the whole day so it’s quite difficult to recruit doctors in MMU. So in
order to attract good doctors we can give some perks or extra benefits to them.
∑ Quality of medicines given should be improved.
While working on an advantage card program, we received some negative
feedback from a doctor on the medicines provided by the MMU. So they there
should be some measure to check whether proper medicines are provided or
3. SAVE (Student Action For Value Education)
∑ Should include more schools as part of the program
Presently, very few schools are included as a part of the SAVE program so there
should be an attempt made to increase the no. of schools so as to increase the
reach of SAVE program
∑ Visits to the schools should be more frequent
Presently the visit to the schools are not that much frequent. Visits should be
done more frequently to increase the effectiveness of the SAVE program.
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My Contribution
HelpAge India
It has been a great journey this summer with HelpAge India. I have learnt a lot, worked a
lot and enjoyed a lot as well at HelpAge India. Our major contributions are:
1. Contribution to AdvantAge Card Programme
∑ Here our task was to bring the tie-up of various firms with HelpAge India and
to register members for AdvantAge Card.
∑ In total we made tie-up with 21 associates, but our biggest contribution to
this program is the tie-up of GTDC (Goa Tourism Development Corporation),
Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and Manipal Hospital with HelpAge
Now I will discuss why these organisations are very important:
Why GTDC is important?
∑ It is a government organisation
∑ It offers a wide range of services, namely:
® GTDC Packages
® GTDC Hotels (12 hotels in Goa)
® GTDC Cruises
® GTDC Halls
® GTDC Venues
® GTDC Vehicles
∑ It is one of the best ways to explore Goa
Why Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre is important?
∑ It is one of the best diabetes speciality in South India.
∑ It has 10 branches in India and one outside India as well
® Goa
® Chennai
® Chunampet
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® Coimbatore
® Gudiyatham
® Madurai
® Vellore
® Hyderabad
® Pondicherry
® Bhubaneswar
® Muscat
Why Manipal Hospital is Important?
∑ It is one of the largest private hospital in Goa
∑ Offers the highest number of specialities ,
∑ have the highest number of full time doctors
∑ 24/7 services of Pharmacy, Laboratory and Paediatric and Neonatal
∑ It has 6- world class operation theatres and is a 235 bed facility and Highest
standards of clinical expertise & nursing care, state-of-the-art hospital facilities
ÿ Now the most important thing is that GTDC and Dr. Mohan’s were not
assigned to us, we approached them on our own, we could have approached
smaller firms instead which are easier to convince but we wanted tie-up with
some big organisations.
2. Contribution on WEAAD (World Elder Abuse Awareness Day)
On 12th
June was the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
∑ We helped HelpAge India to spread awareness about elder abuse at the Panjim
Bus Terminal and at INOX, Miramar
∑ .We talked to many people, young students, senior citizens etc. and explained
them about elder abuse and on how they can stop/fight elder abuse.
38 | P a g e
∑ We also visited the Deep Vihar Secondary School in Headland Sada and Mother
of Mercy English High School in Baina, Goa and arranged a small awareness
session in some classrooms. We explained them about the main causes of
Elder abuse and what measures should be taken to avoid it.
3. Article Sent to The Gerontologist:
We (group A) along with group C have prepared an article on Active Ageing and
have submitted it to The Gerontologist. The Gerontologist is the best journal for
senior citizens with an impact factor of 3.2. If the article is published then it will have
a huge positive impact on HelpAge India as through this people will come to know
about the working of HelpAge India.
4. Contribution to MMU Programme:
During our visit with MMU we noticed that the doctor of the MMU was a chain smoker. In
the above pic we can see him smoking and in the other he was caught sleeping while the
MMU was getting late to leave.
This shows that the doctor is not at all interested in his job and thus not appropriate for
MMU and for patients also. Some of the patients also told us that they are not happy with
this doctor.
So by noticing all this we informed HelpAge India Goa Manager Mr. Pawaskar about this
and we hope that some strict should take place against this doctor.
39 | P a g e
List Of Associates made by Group A
Miramar Barista Lavazza 20% Food and beverages
Trinity Medical Store 5% Total bill of medicines
Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes
Specialties Centre
10% All services provided
Calangute Dada Arts 10% Designing services
Dada Tours and
5% Travel Bookings,
adventure trips etc.
Shantadurga Travels
and Tourism Services
5% Travel services
10% Designing services
Goa Tours Planner 4-5% Travel services
Bicholim Shantadurga Medical
2% Total bill of medicines
Jeevanjyoti Medical
4% Total bill of medicines
Ayurvedic Skin and
Heart Care Center
100% Consultation fee
Panaji Goa Tourism
Corporation Hotels
Food Court 10% Food and beverages
Seabird Tours and
4-5% Travel services
Dona Paula Radiance Diagnostics Signed to be collected
Manipal Hospitals ongoing
Ponda Ann Dental Clinic 50% Consultation fee
Shantadurga Medical
2% Total bill of medicines
Dr. Mahesh P. Patil 50% Ayurvedic
10% Ayurvedic medicines
20% Ayurvedic
Consultation and yoga
Kalika Medical Store 2-5% Total bill of Medicines
40 | P a g e
Task Allotted to Group A by HelpAge India
25-05-2015 Office
26-05-2015 Office
27-05-2015 SCA Meeting Bicholim
28-05-2015 Office-Documentation of SCA Meeting Bicholim
29-05-2015 AdvantAge Associate-Miramar
30-05-205 Office-Quiz
01-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Miramar
02-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Calangute
03-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Calangute
04-06-2015 Office-GD1
05-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Pending Work
06-06-2015 Office
08-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Panjim Members
09-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Panjim Members
10-06-2015 Report-SCA Meeting Bicholim and Briefing for WEAAD
11-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Bicholim
12-06-2015 AdvantAge Card -Pending Work
13-06-2015 Office
15-06-2015 WEAAD-Awareness and Drive
16-06-2015 WEAAD-Awareness and Drive
17-06-2015 Reporting of WEAAD
18-06-2015 Submission of WEAAD Report and SAVE
19-06-2015 SAVE
20-06-2015 Review
22-06-2015 MMU
23-06-2015 Office- AdvantAge Card and Quiz
24-06-2015 MMU
25-06-2015 MMU
26-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Panjim Follow Up
27-06-2015 Review
29-06-2015 MANIPAL HOSPITAL and AdvantAge Card Awareness-Big FM and Radio INDIGO
30-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Ponda and GD2
01-07-2015 AdvantAge Card
02-07-2015 CFR (Contact manager) and Annual Report to Mother of Mercy School
03-07-2015 Missionaries of Charity
04-07-2015 Review
06-07-2015 AdvantAge Card-Porvorim and Goan Foodie
08-07-2015 GTDC
09-07-2015 Mahilashram Home for Aged-Anjuna Assagao Junction(Casestudy)-Family,
History and Background
10-07-2015 AdvantAge Card-Final Follow Up and Submission of Case Study
11-07-2015 Seminar
41 | P a g e
42 | P a g e
∑ Mobile Medical Units (MMU): These are mobile health vans that provides basic
healthcare virtually at the doorsteps of destitute elderly. The program provides 1.7
million free treatments annually, through its 97 Mobile Medical Units working in
1085 community locations in 20 states across India.
∑ Elder Helplines: HelpAge India Elder Helplines operate across India in 20 state
capitals attending to calls reporting abuse, abandonment, harassment by family
members and others, legal queries and provide rescue services during emergencies.
It provides information to elders on access to various elderly schemes and address
problems such as isolation abuse & neglect, facilitate emergency responses and
provide linkages with the government, police, referral rescue & relief services.
∑ Student Action for Value Education (SAVE) - Student Action for Value Education
(SAVE) aims to inculcate care and respect for the elderly through HelpAge India's
long standing program with schools across the country; the HUG (Help Unite
Generations) initiative aims at involving college students and young professionals to
engage with elders and keep in regular touch with them, providing them
companionship in their lonely, later years.
∑ AdvantAge Card program: This benefit card offers discounts from retail associates
on various products, services and facilities ranging from health and wellness to
holiday homes. It helps card holders to stretch household budgets, especially of
those elder citizens living on limited or fixed incomes and, more importantly,
encourages elder citizens to be physically active as the card requires their visiting
the retail outlets themselves. Currently it has over 1.50 lakh members across 300
towns and cities in India with over 5200 Associates.
∑ WEAAD: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched on June 15,
2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World
Health Organization at the United Nations. The purpose of WEAAD is to provide an
opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding
of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social,
economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect.
∑ HUG: HelpAge India has introduced the Help Unite Generations or HUG program.
This program is being launched in cities across India through events whose aim has
been to provide a platform wherein elders and youngsters bond, exchange HUG
bands and contact details to help stay in touch.
43 | P a g e

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PS-Project Report 2

  • 1. 1 | P a g e A REPORT ON INTERNSHIP AT A NON-PROFIT, NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION- HELPAGE INDIA BY Name of the Student ID.No. Shubham Khandelwal 2013B3A4685P AT HelpAge India, Goa A Practice School-I station of BIRLA INSTITTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, PILANI JULY, 2015
  • 2. 2 | P a g e A REPORT ON INTERNSHIP AT A NON-PROFIT, NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION- HELPAGE INDIA BY Name of the ID.No Disciplines Student Shubham Khandelwal 2013B3A4685P Mechanical Prepared in full fulfillment of the Practice School-I Course No. BITS F221 AT HelpAge India, Goa A Practice School-I station of BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, PILANI JULY, 2015
  • 3. 3 | P a g e ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The internship opportunity I had with HelpAge India was a great chance for learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period. Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to the MD of HelpAge India (Dr. Datta Prasad Pawaskar) who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my project in their esteemed organization and extending during the training. I express my deepest thanks to Dr. Joanne D'Souza, PS Co-ordinator for taking part in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge her contribution gratefully. It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Bianca Ma'am, Rajorshi Sir and Lalu Sir for their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically. I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future, Sincerely, Shubham Khandelwal Place: HelpAge India Date: 09th July, 2015
  • 4. 4 | P a g e BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE PILANI (RAJASTHAN) Practice School Division Station: HelpAge India Centre: Goa Duration: From 22/05/2015 To 16/07/2015 Date of Submission: 09/07/2015 Title of the Project: INTERNSHIP AT A NON-PROFIT, NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION- HELPAGE INDIA ID No Names of Student Discipline 2013B3A4685P Shubham Khandelwal Mechanical Name of Expert: Dr. Joanne De'souza Designation: PS Co-coordinator Name of PS Faculty: Rajorshi Sen Gupta Key Words: HelpAge India, AdvantAge Card, MMU, SAVE, HUG Project Areas: Complete working of HelpAge India Abstract: This report contains all the work done by me during my internship at HelpAge India. It contains key programs of HelpAge India such as AdvantAge Card Programme, MMU, SAVE, HUG. It briefly explains the features of advantage card programme like how it works, how it can help associates, how it is useful for the elders and how one can register for advantage card. It also includes the problems faced in making associates and members. This report also contains the information about the areas covered by us and members made by us during last 45 days. It explains the methodology we adopted to talk to the patients during our MMU visits. At the end of this report, I have also included the contributions that I have made to HelpAge India. Recommendations are also made for better working of this NGO. Signature of Students Signature of PS Faculty Date: Date:
  • 5. 5 | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Page No. 1. Cover Page 1 2. Title page 2 3. Acknowledgement 3 4. Abstract 4 5. Table of Contents 5 6. Introduction 6-17 ∑ History 7 ∑ Major Programs 8-17 o AdvantAge Card 8-9 o SAVE 9- 10 o MMU 10-11 o AdvantAge-Active Ageing Centre 11-12 o Cataract Surgeries 13 o Physiocare 14 o HUG 14 o Health Camps 15 o Elder Helplines 16-17 7. Main Text 18-32 ∑ AdvantAge Card-Making Associates 18 ∑ AdvantAge Card-Making Members 19-21 ∑ MMU visits 22-24 ∑ WEAAD 25-29 ∑ SAVE 30 ∑ HUG 31 ∑ Visit to missionaries of Charity and Mahiasharam 31-32 8. Conclusions and Recommendations 33-35 9. My Contribution To HelpAge India 36-38 10. Appendixes 39-40 11. Reference 41 12. Glossary 42
  • 6. 6 | P a g e INTRODUCTION HelpAge India is a leading charity in India working with and for disadvantaged elderly for more than 3 decades. It was set up in 1978 and is registered under the Societies' Registration Act of 1860. Traditionally the focus was to improve the quality of life of destitute elders primarily in the rural areas through its welfare projects by providing free rations, free medicines and consultations and conduct free cataract surgeries. For the last few years, there has been an increased concentration on advocating for elder rights, engaging with the government on framing of new legislation and pushing for the implementation of the National Policy of Older Persons. HelpAge is now also increasingly focusing on the concerns of urban elderly having realized that even relatively economically advantaged elders face emotional and physical problems. Mathew Cherian CEO "It has been a long innings for all of us at HelpAge, but there is still so much left to be done. We are now increasingly looking at not just providing relief to the needy elders, but also
  • 7. 7 | P a g e towards demanding what's rightfully theirs by working as a pressure group and joining the force of senior citizens working closely with them, for them". HISTORY HelpAge India came into being in 1978 with Cecil Jackson Cole, founder of HelpAge International (UK), as its first President. Around this time two other men figured prominently in the HelpAge India story - John F. Pearson and Samson Daniel. In April 1978, HelpAge India was registered in Delhi. Within three months it became autonomous as financial support ceased from UK. Soon after, in July, the society was awarded Certificates of Exemption under Sections 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961, thus indicating general confidence in the society’s affairs.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e CECIL JACKSON COLE JOHN F. PEARSON SAMSON DANIEL MAJOR PROGRAMS In a country of rapidly increasing elder population and subsequent growing concerns to ensure that their later years are lived with economic & social security and dignity, HelpAge runs various programs. Though over the last few decades the focus has primarily been on the destitute elder, ensuring that the underprivileged elderly are reached through its various services in the areas of financial, health and emotional security, there is now a growing focus on the disadvantaged urban elder as well. HelpAge is also slowly moving from Welfare to Development services for the elderly in urban & rural areas. In rural India it is concentrating on long term sustainability of programs through formation of Elder Self Help Groups, restoring dignity and economic independence among the poor elder community, while in urban India it is urging elders to stay active and form AdvantAge Groups under its AdvantAge Card program, which not only helps provides the urban elder with benefits and discounts of various services, but also urges them to ‘Get Active, Stay Active’. ADVANTAGE – BENEFIT CARDS FOR ELDERS
  • 9. 9 | P a g e AdvantAge - Discount Card for Senior Citizens Now, claim discounts on products and services at chemists, path labs, clinics, eye and dental care centres, wellness centres, hotels, online travel sites and many more. Access smart living tips on care for your health, financial planning, choosing Insurance schemes, planning holidays and more. All these are yours with the AdvantAge Card, India’s first discount card exclusively for those 50 years and above. Senior Citizens seeking to stretch household budgets after retirement will find this discount card especially useful. It’s valid for life and there are no renewal fees! Over 4000 retail associates in 350 cities across India are waiting to serve you! So, go ahead and apply for the AdvantAge Card today. It comes to you from HelpAge India, the country’s largest NGO in age-care services. The program, through the, lists out city wise and location of all the retailers detailing out incentives in the form of attractive discount prices at health services, special health aids, nursing care, hospital services, fitness, legal, local and outstation travel, entertainment, clothing, etc. HelpAge has 5,700 associates in 320 cities benefiting 1, 75000 members currently enrolled. SAVE – STUDENT ACTION FOR VALUE EDUCATION There are an ever growing number of the elderly people in our country. Simultaneously the country is undergoing major economic and social changes which are directly impacting societal norms and changing family mores are separating joint families, forcing the elderly to fend for themselves. With pressures on the younger generation, increasing in academics, technology enhancement and exposure and engagement with the virtual world, the definition of physical time and spaces is rapidly changing.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e More time is spent today online than actual physical interaction with people. This is adversely affecting the older generation and increasingly, the elderly suffer from isolation and neglect. In order to counter this growing problem change needs to take place at the formative stage. The way to do this is to start young at the school and college levels. MOBILE MEDICAL UNITS (MMU) This is the biggest program of HelpAge India. In a nation where the reach of the public health facilities is dismal and where private health care is prohibitively expensive, the old in their post retirement years face enormous difficulty in accessing any kind of medical attention. In addition to this is the problem of near absence of geriatric medical skill and treatment. There are over 80 million elders over the age of 80 in the country, almost totally bereft of specialized attention that they require. The situation that HelpAge India faces in reaching its Health Care outreach programs to the elderly in urban and rural areas is truly challenging.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e MISSION OBJECTIVE To reach basic healthcare to one million disadvantaged rural and urban people, particularly the elderly in under-served communities, especially in remote geographical location and difficult terrain. In the next two years establish and operate at least one Mobile health clinic in each of the poorest 200 districts of the country and extend it over the next three years to cover all 621 districts. CURRENT PROGRAM STATUS Operates Asia’s largest mobile health care network for elders with 99 mobile health vans working in 1245 sites across 23 states. 14, 50,220 allopathic treatments (basic health care) were provided to 2, 36,481 elderly in year 2014-15. ADVANTAGE - ACTIVE AGEING CENTRES Most elders find themselves at a loss after an active work life, with no place to go, no colleagues and often no support group. Studies indicate that in most cases this leads to a feeling of complete isolation, neglect and loss of confidence and self-worth leading to depression and health problems. This is a serious situation calling for urgent, remedial action. The consequences of not doing so are alarming considering that India’s elderly population is projected to reach 200 million by 2030.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e What Is HelpAge India Doing HelpAge has always encouraged Senior Citizen Associations to form small groups of like- minded people to engage in community work. However, it was soon realized that these groups of elders need a physical space with at least a minimal infrastructure for them to come together to engage in social work and pursue their interests. Hence, there was an urgent need for AdvantAge Centres. HelpAge India envisages setting up AdvantAge Centres across the country. This follows the successful AdvantAge Active Ageing programs and is structured along the lines of the already well established Age care Centres supported by HelpAge India in multiple locations. The centre will be set up at a location which belongs to or is rented by a Senior Citizen Association and will be managed by elders. While the initial start-up infrastructure would be funded, the socially useful work that the elders will engage in is required to become self-funding by the seniors within a specified time period. CATARACT SURGERIES
  • 13. 13 | P a g e KEY FACTS ∑ 81 per cent of blind cases in India are due to cataract ∑ 2 million new cases of cataract are reported every year in India ∑ 1 ophthalmologist for 100,000 people in India ∑ 60-69 years old are at 2.74 times greater risk of losing vision ∑ 70+ are at 4.86 times greater risk of losing vision MISSION OBJECTIVE The goal of the project is restoration of vision and self-dependence of cataract affected deprived senior citizens in India. PHYSIOCARE Every individual hopes to live an independent life with dignity and carry out daily activities of their life, unassisted. However, the natural process of ageing is accompanied by a host of degenerative physical problems such as reduced muscle power and tone, reduced range of motion and bone density.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e With this in mind, HelpAge India provides physiocare that is aimed at enabling and supporting the elderly to maintain their fitness and mobility level, enhance their independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) as well as improve their self-confidence and self-esteem. HUG - HELP UNITE GENERATIONS With changing times, families and relationships are getting redefined. The family values which were understood and passed over from one generation to the next are getting lost in a fast paced life. Virtues of spending time together are losing their relevance among loved ones. Thus, there is a need to evolve ways to bridge the gap between generations. This is where the Help Unite Generations or HUG program comes in. It encourages you to give a thought, to look and think differently about elders and be more sensitive towards their needs.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e HelpAge India has introduced the Help Unite Generations or HUG program. This program is being launched in cities across India through events whose aim has been to provide a platform wherein elders and youngster bond, exchange HUG bands and contact details to help stay in touch. HelpAge has taken the initiative to make people aware of the importance of spending time with the elderly, which in effect is a gift in kind to elders. The HUG program is also being given impetus through advocacy, outreach initiatives as Student Action for Value Education in educational institutions, through Senior Citizen Associations as well. HEALTH CAMPS An important feature of HelpAge India's healthcare initiative for the elderly is organizing health camps in rural as well as urban areas of the country. Since 2010, HelpAge in association with its network has successfully organized both general and specialized health camps for the elderly. A general camp team is comprised of general physician, pharmacist and assistant.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e A specialized health camp has a team of specialized doctors like dentists, ophthalmologists, gynecologist, orthopedic besides general physician, pharmacist and assistant. The health camps ensuring diagnosis, treatment and referrals for general ailments, dental care, gynecological conditions and ophthalmic diseases are carried out. These camps also focus on preventive health care program through Information, Education and Communication and Behavior Change Communication activities among the community. ELDER HELPLINES The Toll-free HelpAge Senior Citizen Helpline offers assistance to older persons in need of care and protection. It links the elderly to services and resources for long-term solution to their problems. Helplines provide information regarding medical assistance and emergency services; gives advice, guidance and support in calls related to dispute and elder abuse. Through the helpline, senior citizens have easy access to professional help from volunteer medical specialists, financial specialist, legal advisers, family counselors and psychologists. The helpline also coordinates with the police, NGOs, government agencies, old age homes and centers working for older persons. HelpAge Elder Helplines operates from 23 locations across the nation. MISSION OBJECTIVE The goal of the Elder Helpline is to service queries of elders, provide information and address the problems of isolation abuse and neglect.
  • 17. 17 | P a g e OUTREACH IN FIVE YEARS It is aimed that in 5 years, the helplines will be operational in 350 districts of the country. And it would service at least 600,000 queries of and by the elderly. OPERATION The helpline is operated six days a week, from 9:15 am to 5:15 pm on weekdays, and from 10 am to 2pm on Saturdays. It is operated by trained helpline counselors supported by social volunteers, social work professionals, students and interns. CURRENT PROGRAM STATUS Runs Elder Helplines in 20 state capitals. SERVICES PROVIDED Rescue of abandoned elders, counseling to elders in distress, legal support, help desks, recreation tours, special talks, information related to services available, volunteering. Out of the programmes mentioned above, at HelpAge India Goa, programmes on which we worked upon are: AdvantAge Card, MMU and SAVE
  • 18. 18 | P a g e MAIN BODY During our internship at HelpAge India we were divided into five groups. We worked on different programmes of HelpAge India. This main text shows work done by us in different programmes during our internship at HelpAge India: ADVANTAGE CARD (MAKING ASSOCIATES) In this our task was to form tie-up of HelpAge India with as many associates as possible. So approached different firms like pharmacy stores, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, health care centres, dental clinics, etc and presented them about the Advantage Card Scheme and its benefits to them and the society. This program provides free publicity for newer firms and firms located in far off corners, remote places, and harder to reach locations like offices located on higher floors and cannot be seen easily by pedestrians as our database provides the full address of that firm. Areas covered by us are as follows: ∑ Calangute ∑ Miramar ∑ Dona Paula ∑ Panjim ∑ Ponda ∑ Vasco etc The reason for undertaking the program was that it is a very helpful for elders and gives us an idea about how the marketing of various firms works. We went to Miramar on 29th May and 1st June, Calangute on 2nd June, 3rd June and 5th June, Dona Paula on 10th June, Bicholim on 11th June and Ponda on 30th June In total we made 21 associates during our internship at HelpAge India.
  • 19. 19 | P a g e List of Associates made by Group A alone are shown in Appendix I. This list includes some big names like GTDC, Dr. Mohan’s, Manipal Hospital, etc. AdvantAge Card (Making Members) We visited IInd Innings Home in Bicholim on 27th May, 2015. IInd Innings Home is a recreational centre situated near Bicholim Urban Cooperative Bank, Bicholim, Goa. It was established on 2nd October 2008. There we interacted with the members. We told them about HelpAge India and our Advantage Card Program. We informed them about the guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. We organized a small physiotherapy session. We clicked pictures and at the end of the meet we helped them fill the membership form for Advantage card program. We filled 15 forms on that day. Some of the pictures of the visit are as follows: Interaction Session:
  • 20. 20 | P a g e Physiotherapy Session:
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Form Filling Session: Facilities that are provided at the 2md innings house in Bicholim are: ∑ A.C. ∑ T.V ∑ DVD ∑ Library ∑ Carrom Board ∑ Chess ∑ Harmonium ∑ Tabla
  • 22. 22 | P a g e MMU (MOBILE MEDICARE UNIT) VISIT MMUs are mobile health vans that provide basic health care virtually at the doorsteps of destitute elderly. The program provides 1.7 million free treatments annually, through its 97 Mobile Medical Units working in 1085 community locations in 20 states across India. The program has been recognized as Asia's largest Mobile Medical Program for the elderly. We visited villages Kudne, Naveli and Virdi on 24th June and Mencuri and Vazari on 25th June, 2015. We met many villagers and experienced their problems. We talked about the normal problems they face in their daily life. We also inquired about whether the treatment and medicines they are getting are of good quality or not. Arrival Of MMU Patients waiting for their number
  • 23. 23 | P a g e A pic with the patients A typical MMU Card of a patient Patients waiting Akshay helping a patient
  • 24. 24 | P a g e Doctor attending a patient Medical details of a patient Some patients
  • 25. 25 | P a g e WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY (WEAAD) Elder abuse (also called "elder mistreatment," "senior abuse," "abuse in later life," "abuse of older adults," "abuse of older women," and "abuse of older men") is "a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person." This definition has been adopted by the World Health Organization from a definition put forward by Action on Elder Abuse in the UK. Laws protecting the elderly from abuse are similar to, and related to, laws dependent adults from abuse. The core element to the harm of elder abuse is the "expectation of trust" of the older person toward their abuser. Thus, it includes harms by people the older person knows or with whom they have a relationship, such as a spouse, partner or family member, a friend or neighbour, or people that the older person relies on for services. Many forms of elder abuse are recognized as types of domestic violence or family violence. In 2006 the International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) designated June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) and an increasing number of events are held across the globe on this day to raise awareness of elder abuse, and highlight ways to challenge such abuse. On 15th June, 2015 we visited Panjim Bus Stand and INOX to spread awareness for WEAAD. Placards made by us for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: These some of the pics clicked by us:
  • 26. 26 | P a g e
  • 27. 27 | P a g e
  • 28. 28 | P a g e On 16th June, 2015, we visited the Deep Vihar Secondary School in Headland Sada and Mother of Mercy English High School in Baina, Goa to spread awareness for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. There we met Principal and arranged a small awareness session in some classrooms. We explained them about the main causes of Elder abuse and what measures should be taken to avoid it. At the end students greeted us with a bye and later we met security guards and explained them about the same.
  • 29. 29 | P a g e
  • 30. 30 | P a g e STUDENT ACTION FOR VALUE EDUCATION (SAVE) HelpAge’s birth is synonymous with Sponsored Walks with school children. Special events were organized in the early formative years, where school children walked for the cause spreading awareness on the importance of being sensitive to the needs of the elderly. More than two lakh children took part in the program in 1979. Samson Daniel, to whom much of the credit for the formation of HelpAge goes, was the pioneer of Sponsored Walks in India. With an existing school program, HelpAge was well on its way to bring two generations together, bringing home the importance of love and care for the elderly in the young ones. Most young adults today remember being a part of HelpAge’s School Education program. In recent years, however, with the declining value system and the rapid birth of nuclear families, the definition of a ‘Complete Family’ has seen a major change from one consisting of Father, Mother, Siblings and Grandparents in many instances, to that of simply Father, Mother and Child. Grandparents have slowly but surely are moving out of the ‘Complete Family’ circle. To tackle this evident problem, HelpAge has been trying to inculcate Value Education on Agecare to be included in school curriculums, by organizing Principal Meets, meetings with Academicians, Educationists, State Govt. Representatives from the education department among others, to influence school curriculums in this regard. The response from them all was extremely positive as they too felt the need for a wholesome education for the child. The time to act was NOW! Therein lay the birth of SAVE – Student Action for Value Education with its three core values: ∑ Inculcating the value of care and respect for the elderly in children and adolescents.
  • 31. 31 | P a g e ∑ To prepare today’s children and youth in their old age. ∑ Creating an age-friendly society. HelpAge hopes to spread the message of SAVE to colleges and other higher educational institutions so the young are not only encouraged to bring about attitudinal and behavioural awareness in society but also to simply be the change!! We visited the Deep Vihar School and met Principal to hand over to her the official proposal for the SAVE program from HelpAge India. We also visited Mother of Mercy School and handed over 500 SAVE forms for students and 12 SAVE forms for teachers to Principal. HELP UNITE GENERATIONS (HUG) HelpAge India has introduced the Help Unite Generations or HUG program. This program is being launched in cities across India through events whose aim has been to provide a platform wherein elders and youngster bond, exchange HUG bands and contact details to help stay in touch. HelpAge has taken the initiative to make people aware of the importance of spending time with the elderly, which in effect is a gift in kind to elders. We were never assigned HUG by HelpAge India - Goa. VISIT TO MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY We visited Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa's Home) in Panjim Market on 03rd July as shown in Appendix II. There were around 40 female members and 4 small kids. Initially we distributed cake amongst them. We talked to them and shared their experiences. They were very much friendly in nature. One of the ladies was listening to FM Radio, one was dancing, some were playing in the garden, etc. They wake up early around 5 in the morning and pray in the church as part of their daily routine. They also sleep early in the evening. They have a very fixed routine. We then moved to the Child's section. 1 Child was playing outside and 3 other were sleeping inside. We collected information about those children. VISIT TO MAHILASHRAM HOME FOR AGED We visited Mahilashram -Home for Aged in Anjuna, Goa on 09th July, 2015. Bianca Ma'am introduced us to Mr. Kamal Pawaskar (Manager/Head of Mahilashram). He explained us the whole history of that home. He showed us the whole 10,000 sq m area of the
  • 32. 32 | P a g e Mahilashram. The campus had very good furniture. Only Females are allowed inside the campus in the night. There we met around 50 inmates aging 22 from 18 to 80. Some weren't even able to speak. Those who could speak explained us about their daily routine and problems. There we(Group A,C and D) along with Goa Institute of Management(GIM) students organized small games, sang songs, bhajans for their entertainment. They also had a school outside the Home for children less than 5 in age. Most of the Children were orphans.
  • 33. 33 | P a g e CONCLUSIONS During our internship at HelpAge India I have worked on various programs as described in the main text. Now based on my observation and participation in these programs, the conclusions which can be drawn from them are as follows: 1. MMU (Mobile Medicare Unit): ∑ MMU Doctor is a chain smoker and should be removed. ∑ Quality of Medicines provided by MMU is also not so good ( This we found out on our MMU visit from one patient) ∑ MMU nurse knows more than the current MMU Doctor ∑ No Doctor wants to keep this job as there is lots of travelling plus the income earned is also not good as compared to their private Clinic Income 2. AdvantAge Card (i) Making Associates ∑ There is no government organization that has a tie-up with HelpAge India. This time we made tie-up of GTDC with HelpAge India. ∑ We did not find owner of the shop most of the times which was a big problem as it is hard to get the form signed without owner. ∑ Travel agencies are easier to convince as they are too many in Goa. ∑ Medical Shops are very hard to convince as they have one big medical association so they always ask us to wait for some time as they need to talk to other members of the association. (ii) Making Members ∑ No-one is ready to listen to Scheme as either they are not free or they don't have any elder in their house ∑ It is easier to convince people when they are in groups ∑ Rs 50 fee is a big hurdle in making members 3. SAVE (Student Action for Value Education) ∑ There is nothing to do for Volunteers on SAVE Visit ∑ We just had to deliver some parcels to schools on our SAVE Visit. ∑ Schools are very much interested in this programme as it leads to teaching of moral values for school going Child.
  • 34. 34 | P a g e Recommendations During our internship at HelpAge India we worked on various programs as described in the main text. Now based on our observation and participation in these programs, we would like to add our recommendations so that each program can function more successfully: 1. AdvantAge Card 1.1.Making Associates ∑ More government organizations should be included Since government organizations have a wider reach, they can make a larger impact through this Advantage cad program. So an attempt should be made to tie-up with government hospitals, medical stores, hotels etc. ∑ Instead of more medical stores, more clinics, hospitals should be included. Since the margin of profit is quite less in case of medical stores they are very reluctant to tie-up and moreover senior citizens can get medicines from government medical stores at a very low price so instead we should target more and more hospitals. ∑ Booklet of associates should be updated more frequently (monthly basis) Every firm that wants to tie-up with HelpAge India wants to see its name in the associate’s booklet as early as possible. Presently the booklet is updated on a quarterly basis. So attract more associates the booklet should be updated on a monthly basis rather than quarterly. 1.2. Making Members ∑ Group of members should be targeted. It’s easy to convince senior citizens in groups rather than individuals. Because in a group, senior citizens can discuss the program with each other and can register collectively. But if we target them individually them it would be quite difficult to convince. ∑ Fee of Rs. 50 (if possible) should be reduced. We know that a one time fee of Rs. 50 is not big enough, but it still acts as a hurdle while convincing the senior citizens as earlier the cost was Rs. 0. So the cost of AdvantAge Card should be reduced to Rs.10-15 in order to include more members.
  • 35. 35 | P a g e ∑ Members already created should be encouraged to add more members (AdvantAge Group) Now this is a very important point as we know the reach of advantage group. We should encourage already created members to form an AdvantAge group so that they can solve some social problems occurring in their society. 2. MMU (Mobile Medical Unit) ∑ Quality of doctor in MMU should be improved. During our visit with MMU we observed that the doctor in the MMU used to smoke. Now this is not at all acceptable as it will have a bad impact on the patients. So we should try to have good doctors in MMU for its better performance ∑ To attract good doctors some benefits or perks can be provided to them. The job of a doctor in MMU is very tedious as it involves a lot of travelling and it consumes the whole day so it’s quite difficult to recruit doctors in MMU. So in order to attract good doctors we can give some perks or extra benefits to them. ∑ Quality of medicines given should be improved. While working on an advantage card program, we received some negative feedback from a doctor on the medicines provided by the MMU. So they there should be some measure to check whether proper medicines are provided or not. 3. SAVE (Student Action For Value Education) ∑ Should include more schools as part of the program Presently, very few schools are included as a part of the SAVE program so there should be an attempt made to increase the no. of schools so as to increase the reach of SAVE program ∑ Visits to the schools should be more frequent Presently the visit to the schools are not that much frequent. Visits should be done more frequently to increase the effectiveness of the SAVE program.
  • 36. 36 | P a g e My Contribution To HelpAge India It has been a great journey this summer with HelpAge India. I have learnt a lot, worked a lot and enjoyed a lot as well at HelpAge India. Our major contributions are: 1. Contribution to AdvantAge Card Programme ∑ Here our task was to bring the tie-up of various firms with HelpAge India and to register members for AdvantAge Card. ∑ In total we made tie-up with 21 associates, but our biggest contribution to this program is the tie-up of GTDC (Goa Tourism Development Corporation), Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and Manipal Hospital with HelpAge India. Now I will discuss why these organisations are very important: Why GTDC is important? ∑ It is a government organisation ∑ It offers a wide range of services, namely: ® GTDC Packages ® GTDC Hotels (12 hotels in Goa) ® GTDC Cruises ® GTDC Halls ® GTDC Venues ® GTDC Vehicles ∑ It is one of the best ways to explore Goa Why Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre is important? ∑ It is one of the best diabetes speciality in South India. ∑ It has 10 branches in India and one outside India as well ® Goa ® Chennai ® Chunampet
  • 37. 37 | P a g e ® Coimbatore ® Gudiyatham ® Madurai ® Vellore ® Hyderabad ® Pondicherry ® Bhubaneswar ® Muscat Why Manipal Hospital is Important? ∑ It is one of the largest private hospital in Goa ∑ Offers the highest number of specialities , ∑ have the highest number of full time doctors ∑ 24/7 services of Pharmacy, Laboratory and Paediatric and Neonatal emergency. ∑ It has 6- world class operation theatres and is a 235 bed facility and Highest standards of clinical expertise & nursing care, state-of-the-art hospital facilities ÿ Now the most important thing is that GTDC and Dr. Mohan’s were not assigned to us, we approached them on our own, we could have approached smaller firms instead which are easier to convince but we wanted tie-up with some big organisations. 2. Contribution on WEAAD (World Elder Abuse Awareness Day) On 12th June was the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. ∑ We helped HelpAge India to spread awareness about elder abuse at the Panjim Bus Terminal and at INOX, Miramar ∑ .We talked to many people, young students, senior citizens etc. and explained them about elder abuse and on how they can stop/fight elder abuse.
  • 38. 38 | P a g e ∑ We also visited the Deep Vihar Secondary School in Headland Sada and Mother of Mercy English High School in Baina, Goa and arranged a small awareness session in some classrooms. We explained them about the main causes of Elder abuse and what measures should be taken to avoid it. 3. Article Sent to The Gerontologist: We (group A) along with group C have prepared an article on Active Ageing and have submitted it to The Gerontologist. The Gerontologist is the best journal for senior citizens with an impact factor of 3.2. If the article is published then it will have a huge positive impact on HelpAge India as through this people will come to know about the working of HelpAge India. 4. Contribution to MMU Programme: During our visit with MMU we noticed that the doctor of the MMU was a chain smoker. In the above pic we can see him smoking and in the other he was caught sleeping while the MMU was getting late to leave. This shows that the doctor is not at all interested in his job and thus not appropriate for MMU and for patients also. Some of the patients also told us that they are not happy with this doctor. So by noticing all this we informed HelpAge India Goa Manager Mr. Pawaskar about this and we hope that some strict should take place against this doctor.
  • 39. 39 | P a g e APPENDIX I List Of Associates made by Group A AREA NAME DISCOUNT OFFERED SERVICES Miramar Barista Lavazza 20% Food and beverages Trinity Medical Store 5% Total bill of medicines Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialties Centre 10% All services provided Calangute Dada Arts 10% Designing services Dada Tours and Travels 5% Travel Bookings, adventure trips etc. Shantadurga Travels and Tourism Services 5% Travel services Shantadurga Designing 10% Designing services Goa Tours Planner 4-5% Travel services Bicholim Shantadurga Medical Store 2% Total bill of medicines Jeevanjyoti Medical Store 4% Total bill of medicines Ayurvedic Skin and Heart Care Center 100% Consultation fee Panaji Goa Tourism Development Corporation Hotels Ongoing Food Court 10% Food and beverages Seabird Tours and Travels 4-5% Travel services Dona Paula Radiance Diagnostics Signed to be collected Manipal Hospitals ongoing Ponda Ann Dental Clinic 50% Consultation fee Shantadurga Medical Stores 2% Total bill of medicines Dr. Mahesh P. Patil 50% Ayurvedic consultation 10% Ayurvedic medicines Dr. ShubhadaTalwadkar 20% Ayurvedic Consultation and yoga classes Kalika Medical Store 2-5% Total bill of Medicines
  • 40. 40 | P a g e APPENDIX II Task Allotted to Group A by HelpAge India DATE TASK 25-05-2015 Office 26-05-2015 Office 27-05-2015 SCA Meeting Bicholim 28-05-2015 Office-Documentation of SCA Meeting Bicholim 29-05-2015 AdvantAge Associate-Miramar 30-05-205 Office-Quiz 01-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Miramar 02-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Calangute 03-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Calangute 04-06-2015 Office-GD1 05-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Pending Work 06-06-2015 Office 08-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Panjim Members 09-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Panjim Members 10-06-2015 Report-SCA Meeting Bicholim and Briefing for WEAAD 11-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Bicholim 12-06-2015 AdvantAge Card -Pending Work 13-06-2015 Office 15-06-2015 WEAAD-Awareness and Drive 16-06-2015 WEAAD-Awareness and Drive 17-06-2015 Reporting of WEAAD 18-06-2015 Submission of WEAAD Report and SAVE 19-06-2015 SAVE 20-06-2015 Review 22-06-2015 MMU 23-06-2015 Office- AdvantAge Card and Quiz 24-06-2015 MMU 25-06-2015 MMU 26-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Panjim Follow Up 27-06-2015 Review 29-06-2015 MANIPAL HOSPITAL and AdvantAge Card Awareness-Big FM and Radio INDIGO 30-06-2015 AdvantAge Card-Ponda and GD2 01-07-2015 AdvantAge Card 02-07-2015 CFR (Contact manager) and Annual Report to Mother of Mercy School 03-07-2015 Missionaries of Charity 04-07-2015 Review 06-07-2015 AdvantAge Card-Porvorim and Goan Foodie 07-07-2015 MANIPAL HOSPITAL and GTDC 08-07-2015 GTDC 09-07-2015 Mahilashram Home for Aged-Anjuna Assagao Junction(Casestudy)-Family, History and Background 10-07-2015 AdvantAge Card-Final Follow Up and Submission of Case Study 11-07-2015 Seminar
  • 41. 41 | P a g e References ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
  • 42. 42 | P a g e GLOSSARY ∑ Mobile Medical Units (MMU): These are mobile health vans that provides basic healthcare virtually at the doorsteps of destitute elderly. The program provides 1.7 million free treatments annually, through its 97 Mobile Medical Units working in 1085 community locations in 20 states across India. ∑ Elder Helplines: HelpAge India Elder Helplines operate across India in 20 state capitals attending to calls reporting abuse, abandonment, harassment by family members and others, legal queries and provide rescue services during emergencies. It provides information to elders on access to various elderly schemes and address problems such as isolation abuse & neglect, facilitate emergency responses and provide linkages with the government, police, referral rescue & relief services. ∑ Student Action for Value Education (SAVE) - Student Action for Value Education (SAVE) aims to inculcate care and respect for the elderly through HelpAge India's long standing program with schools across the country; the HUG (Help Unite Generations) initiative aims at involving college students and young professionals to engage with elders and keep in regular touch with them, providing them companionship in their lonely, later years. ∑ AdvantAge Card program: This benefit card offers discounts from retail associates on various products, services and facilities ranging from health and wellness to holiday homes. It helps card holders to stretch household budgets, especially of those elder citizens living on limited or fixed incomes and, more importantly, encourages elder citizens to be physically active as the card requires their visiting the retail outlets themselves. Currently it has over 1.50 lakh members across 300 towns and cities in India with over 5200 Associates. ∑ WEAAD: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched on June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. The purpose of WEAAD is to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect. ∑ HUG: HelpAge India has introduced the Help Unite Generations or HUG program. This program is being launched in cities across India through events whose aim has been to provide a platform wherein elders and youngsters bond, exchange HUG bands and contact details to help stay in touch.
  • 43. 43 | P a g e