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Richard Haridien © November 2017 Page 1
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge
and my fortress; My God, in Him will I trust’. Surely He shall deliver
you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall
take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not
be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor
of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that
lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten
thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only
with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked.”
Psalm 91: 1-8
A. Introduction
Through this article I want to try to bring about a bit more and
deeper insights, appreciation and understanding concerning the
protection of God over us. This treatment is not at all the beginning
and end of this topic.
The first point is to highlight the fact that we should at all times
dwell in the secret place of the Most High. If we do that then we will
abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
To dwell in the secret place of the Most High does not only mean to
stay in the church building of a local church congregation – although
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we should avail ourselves to every opportunity to be present in His
House whenever He wants to serve us through His Word and
Sacrament. To dwell in the secret place of the Most High also means
to continuously seek after God. That means to walk with God on a
daily basis and strengthen and improve our relationship with Him.
In this secret place He will also share His thoughts and secrets with
us. We will hear, feel and experience Him in this secret place. As such
we will abide with Him under the shadow of the Almighty. This is a
reference to His protection and nearness. He shall cover us with His
feathers and under His wings we shall take refuge.
He shall protect and shield us against the terror by night; the
pestilence that walks in darkness; the arrow that flies by day; and
the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
This protective cover and safety is far-reaching and can involve every
sphere and aspect of our lives. I wish to sharpen our spiritual
awareness and sensitivity of what is really taking place around us
each and every day of our lives. To be spiritually aware and sensitive
is the opposite of bluntness and numbness. To be aware and
sensitive means we are also very awake and alert, knowledgeable,
take note, and connect the spiritual dots and linkages of happenings
around us. The late Bishop Hollander said: “We should be spiritually
aware and sensitive to such an extent that we see the devil when he
approaches us from Simonstown in slippers. However, sometimes
we do not even recognize it when he is standing right beside us in
Allow me to expand on a few areas of protection below:
B. Physical Protection
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When we pray that God should protect us, the first image that comes
to mind is protection of our physical bodies against such things as
car accidents; physical assaults and abuse; accidents and injuries at
home or workplace; even terror attacks, etc.
Do you realize that such protection is happening all the time?
Sometimes we are not even aware thereof. A certain car accident
involving us should have taken place at a certain spot, but we could
move safely past it because God’s angels pushed the offending car
out of the way! The late Chief Apostle Streickheizen said that before
he leaves his house to travel on the road, he prays and thank God in
advance for protecting him to reach his destination in safety. There
are so many cars on the country’s roads – mainly owing to
population growth, and industrial and economic improvements. This
in itself poses the risks and probabilities of motor vehicle accidents
that could take place on the busy roads.
Do you realize that a high percentage of home accidents and injuries
(even deaths) occur in the bathroom of all places? The kitchen is also
a dangerous place. In informal settlements the risk exist that shack
fires could occur during the night when people are supposed to
sleep. Sometimes as we were walking in the malls or streets, we
should have been apprehended or physically attacked by an attacker
but was spared that ordeal.
Bodily and modern-day illnesses such as cancer; aids; tuberculosis;
and other epidemics should have had an impact on our lives, but did
not. We also request that God protect us when we or our loved ones
are bound to undergo medical surgeries and medical procedures. We
continually pray for protection of our bodies against all forms of
illnesses and germs that could invade our bodies at any time. Besides
giving thanks, we also pray for our food before we eat or drink and
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ask that God’s hand of blessing be over it. The growth and
processing of food (plant and animal food) undergo many phases
and chemicals are added to preserve it a bit longer – however,
inadvertently such chemicals also enter our bodies when we
consume such foods. Do not even mention viruses or other medical
threats that enters the food processing supply chain.
However, we also realize that even though we enjoy God’s
protection, He can also allow certain unpleasant things to happen to
us – which has already been weighed and considered in His Godly
Wisdom and Will for us. During these times we should also accept
God’s providence, as it could have been so much worse.
C. Spiritual Protection
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high
thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every
thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...” 2 Corinthians 10:
Most of us are aware of these verses, but only some is actually
practicing it. If we consider the ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus to the
Church, it actually does require of us to invade new territories –
hostile territories. The powers of darkness that have ruled regions
for centuries will not give up without a fight. They must be
confronted, subdued and driven out. This requires spiritual warfare.
Warfare is nothing new. The Bible is filled with it. Apostles and
apostolic children of God will be a people of warfare, whether they
use the term or not.
Why talk about warfare and attack when we are treating a topic such
as ‘protection’? There is a saying that goes: “The best form of
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defense is attack!” We also do not only attack the evils spirits for the
sake of it, but mainly in response and obedience to the ‘Great
Commission’ of Jesus.
Paul was saying that the weapons of his apostolic ministry were
mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. “Stronghold” is the
Greek word for ‘ochuroma’, meaning a fortified place such as a
fortress or a castle. It is established by demonic influence through a
wisdom that is earthly, sensual and devilish. Satan and his demons
have fortified themselves from invasion. They have built strongholds
in every region of the world to resist the advancement of God’s
Kingdom. These strongholds must be dealt with if we are to see the
fulfillment of the Great Commission. Apostles and God’s people have
the ability to confront them and pull them down.
Paul links strongholds with arguments. This is the Greek word
‘logismos’, meaning reasoning, thought, computation or logic. It
carries the idea of holding something safely. It is simply a way people
think based on their way of life, traditions, experiences, or past
teaching. Unfortunately, most thinking is against the knowledge of
God. Ideologies, religions, and philosophies can be strongholds of
this sort. The Church needs apostolic grace today to refute the
arguments that people in our modern world use to reject the Gospel.
Although every believer has rank to cast out devils, apostles walk
and minister in the highest rank. Evil spirits and angels recognize it.
Apostles are the spiritual commanders of the Church. Apostles are
also standard bearers – commanders who lift the standard and rally
the army of God (see Isaiah 59:19).
Apostolic ministry is a ministry of warfare. It entails commanding,
mobilizing, rallying, and gathering the army of God to challenge and
pull down the strongholds of the enemy. The apostolic invades new
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territories and breaks through. It is the first to encounter the
spiritual resistance of the powers of darkness and the first to
penetrate the barriers they erect. The apostolic revolves around the
concept of sending and being sent. God has always been a ‘sending’
God. Our prayers move God. He responds to our prayers by sending
forth His Spirit and angels to assist and protect us.
D. Economic Protection
“I will repay (restore) to you the years that the swarming locusts has
eaten, the crawling locusts, the consuming locusts, and the chewing
locusts. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name
of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you, and my
people shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I am
in the midst of Israel; I am the Lord your God and there is no other.”
Joel 2: 25-2
God’s people do have plenty. With this I mean such things as
moveable and immovable properties; jobs; incomes; businesses;
bank saving accounts; financial investments; pension, provident and
annuity funds; vehicles; furniture; holiday time-share investments;
etc. Consider: “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your
storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless
you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy
28: 8
Obviously not everyone has the same level of income, prosperity and
wealth. We do have amongst us people of God with very little to show
or which they can call their own in this material world. We do have
respect and a feeling of empathy and camaraderie with them.
Regardless of the above mentioned worldly possessions, every child
of God is also blessed with plenty from a spiritual point of view. “For
in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are
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complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (see
Colossians 2: 2-10. In other words, there should be nothing that we
should lack or want.
However, I am not proposing or advancing a prosperity gospel – no,
God forbids! We must be satisfied and content with what God has
given us – both naturally and spiritually. That does not mean that we
should not also strive to improve our situations – we should always
strive for improvement and to stretch ourselves.
This article is calling us to protect and look after that which God has
given us through grace. It will grieve God, as the giver of all good
gifts, if He sees that we are squandering, neglecting, and demeaning
those things that He indeed has provided for us. Remember the
parable of Jesus about the talents! We should not only look after what
He has given us, but should also strive to multiply and increase it.
Obviously in referring to the increasing of our natural gifts, we
should guard against being taken over by a spirit of greed and
ambition that undermine others.
So, we pray for God’s protection over all our belongings. This include
all our movable and immovable properties; investments; jobs;
businesses; bank accounts; etc. This protection should even extend
and cover all assets belonging to our children and grandchildren. If
perhaps we have lost anything in the past through one or other
reason, we pray that God repay (restore) us for the years that the
locusts has eaten away of those things that belong to us – remember
what happened to our friend from the Old Testament, Job.
Do not be afraid to mention any particular aspect of our belongings
that seems under threat. So we call on God to send special angels to
fight for us in those particular areas. Like Satan has demons that
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specialize in finance, property, employment, etc., so likewise God
has specialist angels to cover us in particular areas.
Sometimes the work environment has become so hostile and toxic
that our survival can only depend on God’s intervention. However,
God will also tell us in no uncertain terms to get out of a particular
job situation if we need to. That is why we have to be spiritually
aware and sensitive to know and perceive what is really going on.
E. Sexual Protection
“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which
is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may
prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (see
Romans 12: 1-2)
“Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one
who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into
subjection, lest when I have preached to others, I myself should
become disqualified.” (see 1 Corinthians 9: 26-27)
Enough said!
One of the most critical areas of our spiritual walk with God centers
on sexual sin – strange but true. This is also the area in our lives that
could make us extremely vulnerable. The Bible is replete of
references to the dangers of sexual perversion and sexual sin. Of all
sin, sin against our own bodies is the ugliest.
God urges us to live clean and pure lives as His children. Sure, He
allows a man and a woman to become one in the sexual act as they
give themselves fully to one another. Outside this marital bond is
where the danger lies. Jesus even went so far to say that if a man
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desires after a woman in his mind (thoughts) he has already sinned
and transgressed the ninth commandment: “Thou shalt not covet
they neighbor’s wife.” He also said, “Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.” (see Matthew 5:8)
God’s temple is holy, as God is holy. God’s temple (or His House)
has a pure and heavenly dimension, but is equally also cascaded into
numerous earthly dwellings. Thus the same principles and standards
of holiness should apply to all of those ‘dwellings’ of God. God
cannot be anything other than holy. Sin cannot come near Him. The
cascading dwelling places of God includes His Eternal Kingdom; His
Church as a global and unified entity; each and every church
denomination or Christian grouping; each and every local church
congregation that gathers in the name of the Triune God; each and
every believer that professes to be a child of God. So, the smallest
place or unit where God’s honor and secret dwells is in the heart,
soul, and body of His child.
We realize this and with reverence ensure that this secret dwelling
place of God remains holy and worthy of His Presence. This remains
our ‘reasonable’ service.
However, we are no angels whilst we are still traversing this earthly
vale. We are constantly bombarded by the enemy’s antics (mass
media no less) to try to trip us up. This is where the battle is. If we
dwell constantly in the secret place of the Most High, we will be
covered by the shadow of the Almighty.
To fight against all sin requires God’s Grace and help. To fight
against sexual sin, we require God’s Grace in abundance! If we are
remorseful and repentant, we get strengthened and purified by His
Word and His Grace. That is part of the reasons why we want to enter
into the congregation of the reborn whenever there is a divine
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service. God’s Word is truth – and the truth makes us free (from sin
as well). Moreover, we also overcome the devil through the ‘blood of
the Lamb’, meaning the forgiveness of sin and worthy partaking of
the sacrament of Holy Communion. (see Revelation 12:11)
You know that if it was not for God’s Grace and Protection, we would
have succumbed to many advances and ‘attacks’ of sexual
predators. Satan has many demons specializing in sexual perversion
that influence human beings in one way or the other. If a child of
God struggle in this area, special prayers and fasting needs to be
offered to invoke God’s protection. The fact that very little is
preached from the altar about sexual sin does not mean that it does
not exist, or that it is not so important. On the contrary we should
not be lulled into a false sense of security.
F. Mental and Psychological Protection
“That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar;
he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen; his body was wet
with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers
and his nails like birds’ claws.” (see Daniel 4: 33)
The human being is certainly not a one-dimensional and bland
being. On the contrary, he is multi-dimensional and a many-
splendored being. Each human being has a few spheres or
dimensions that overlaps and support each other. So, a man can be
a husband; a son; a father; a grandfather; employee; golfer; hiker;
author; mentor; academic; inventor; social scientist; preacher; etc.
at the same time. On a deeper level he is also a spiritual being that
seeks to maintain and improves his relationship with God. He also
functions on an emotional and mental level in dealing with feelings,
view-points, stresses and strains of life.
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Regarding the mental and psychological level much can be said. A
lot of what we have to deal with in this sphere has nothing to do with
the deeply spiritual. However, sometimes it also has a lot to do with
it (no contradiction). The Bible verse above is about an incident in
the life of Nebuchadnezzar who was a great king that ruled over a
vast dominion (Babylon) during the time of Daniel when the Israelites
were in exile. He was powerful and proud, and did not want to give
any honor to Almighty God. God then brought him down, to such a
point where he ‘lost his mind’ and crawled around like an animal.
In our day and age, we as God’s children are also bombarded with
many things – stresses and strains of daily life. It certainly taxes our
nerves and mental capacities. The best way to handle it is with God’s
help and protection.
We also have feelings and emotions. We also experience days of
turmoil and depression. This is where our Christian solidarity and
prayers of compassion and intercession for our fellow man comes
Over and above this, a child of God is also attacked on a spiritual
level by the enemy in an effort to break us, or to make us lose our
minds. Even here God’s Grace will cover us. Jesus demonstrated
powerfully how He had command over evil spirits that infiltrated
certain individuals. We should do well to find some balance in our
lives. Sometimes we should just step aside – out of the rat-race so
to speak – and breathe a bit. Separate ourselves and go out into
nature (God’s physical creation) and enjoy all the sights and sounds
around us. Let us take it in with all our senses and really appreciate
and enjoy life. Find inner peace and connect inwardly with our God
in the secret dwelling place of the Most High. Look after ourselves!
This is also our own responsibility. Go on and treat ourselves
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sometimes – we deserve it; we work hard enough. Rest! Even God
the Almighty rested on the 7th day after the creation, and He blessed
God loves us, and only have thoughts of peace for us, to give us a
future and a hope. To end up in His Eternal Glory.
G. Conclusion
So, in this article we have treated some aspects of the topic of God’s
protection over us as His children. I am sure in future when we do
pray for God’s protection, that we are aware and know that there are
many areas of our lives that we need protection and cover for. The
secret is to always strive to abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
Richard Haridien © November 2017

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Protected by God

  • 1. Richard Haridien © November 2017 Page 1 PROTECTED BY GOD: FAR-REACHING COVER Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him will I trust’. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked.” Psalm 91: 1-8 A. Introduction Through this article I want to try to bring about a bit more and deeper insights, appreciation and understanding concerning the protection of God over us. This treatment is not at all the beginning and end of this topic. The first point is to highlight the fact that we should at all times dwell in the secret place of the Most High. If we do that then we will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. To dwell in the secret place of the Most High does not only mean to stay in the church building of a local church congregation – although
  • 2. Page 2 we should avail ourselves to every opportunity to be present in His House whenever He wants to serve us through His Word and Sacrament. To dwell in the secret place of the Most High also means to continuously seek after God. That means to walk with God on a daily basis and strengthen and improve our relationship with Him. In this secret place He will also share His thoughts and secrets with us. We will hear, feel and experience Him in this secret place. As such we will abide with Him under the shadow of the Almighty. This is a reference to His protection and nearness. He shall cover us with His feathers and under His wings we shall take refuge. He shall protect and shield us against the terror by night; the pestilence that walks in darkness; the arrow that flies by day; and the destruction that lays waste at noonday. This protective cover and safety is far-reaching and can involve every sphere and aspect of our lives. I wish to sharpen our spiritual awareness and sensitivity of what is really taking place around us each and every day of our lives. To be spiritually aware and sensitive is the opposite of bluntness and numbness. To be aware and sensitive means we are also very awake and alert, knowledgeable, take note, and connect the spiritual dots and linkages of happenings around us. The late Bishop Hollander said: “We should be spiritually aware and sensitive to such an extent that we see the devil when he approaches us from Simonstown in slippers. However, sometimes we do not even recognize it when he is standing right beside us in gumboots!” Allow me to expand on a few areas of protection below: B. Physical Protection
  • 3. Page 3 When we pray that God should protect us, the first image that comes to mind is protection of our physical bodies against such things as car accidents; physical assaults and abuse; accidents and injuries at home or workplace; even terror attacks, etc. Do you realize that such protection is happening all the time? Sometimes we are not even aware thereof. A certain car accident involving us should have taken place at a certain spot, but we could move safely past it because God’s angels pushed the offending car out of the way! The late Chief Apostle Streickheizen said that before he leaves his house to travel on the road, he prays and thank God in advance for protecting him to reach his destination in safety. There are so many cars on the country’s roads – mainly owing to population growth, and industrial and economic improvements. This in itself poses the risks and probabilities of motor vehicle accidents that could take place on the busy roads. Do you realize that a high percentage of home accidents and injuries (even deaths) occur in the bathroom of all places? The kitchen is also a dangerous place. In informal settlements the risk exist that shack fires could occur during the night when people are supposed to sleep. Sometimes as we were walking in the malls or streets, we should have been apprehended or physically attacked by an attacker but was spared that ordeal. Bodily and modern-day illnesses such as cancer; aids; tuberculosis; and other epidemics should have had an impact on our lives, but did not. We also request that God protect us when we or our loved ones are bound to undergo medical surgeries and medical procedures. We continually pray for protection of our bodies against all forms of illnesses and germs that could invade our bodies at any time. Besides giving thanks, we also pray for our food before we eat or drink and
  • 4. Page 4 ask that God’s hand of blessing be over it. The growth and processing of food (plant and animal food) undergo many phases and chemicals are added to preserve it a bit longer – however, inadvertently such chemicals also enter our bodies when we consume such foods. Do not even mention viruses or other medical threats that enters the food processing supply chain. However, we also realize that even though we enjoy God’s protection, He can also allow certain unpleasant things to happen to us – which has already been weighed and considered in His Godly Wisdom and Will for us. During these times we should also accept God’s providence, as it could have been so much worse. C. Spiritual Protection “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...” 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5 Most of us are aware of these verses, but only some is actually practicing it. If we consider the ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus to the Church, it actually does require of us to invade new territories – hostile territories. The powers of darkness that have ruled regions for centuries will not give up without a fight. They must be confronted, subdued and driven out. This requires spiritual warfare. Warfare is nothing new. The Bible is filled with it. Apostles and apostolic children of God will be a people of warfare, whether they use the term or not. Why talk about warfare and attack when we are treating a topic such as ‘protection’? There is a saying that goes: “The best form of
  • 5. Page 5 defense is attack!” We also do not only attack the evils spirits for the sake of it, but mainly in response and obedience to the ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus. Paul was saying that the weapons of his apostolic ministry were mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. “Stronghold” is the Greek word for ‘ochuroma’, meaning a fortified place such as a fortress or a castle. It is established by demonic influence through a wisdom that is earthly, sensual and devilish. Satan and his demons have fortified themselves from invasion. They have built strongholds in every region of the world to resist the advancement of God’s Kingdom. These strongholds must be dealt with if we are to see the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Apostles and God’s people have the ability to confront them and pull them down. Paul links strongholds with arguments. This is the Greek word ‘logismos’, meaning reasoning, thought, computation or logic. It carries the idea of holding something safely. It is simply a way people think based on their way of life, traditions, experiences, or past teaching. Unfortunately, most thinking is against the knowledge of God. Ideologies, religions, and philosophies can be strongholds of this sort. The Church needs apostolic grace today to refute the arguments that people in our modern world use to reject the Gospel. Although every believer has rank to cast out devils, apostles walk and minister in the highest rank. Evil spirits and angels recognize it. Apostles are the spiritual commanders of the Church. Apostles are also standard bearers – commanders who lift the standard and rally the army of God (see Isaiah 59:19). Apostolic ministry is a ministry of warfare. It entails commanding, mobilizing, rallying, and gathering the army of God to challenge and pull down the strongholds of the enemy. The apostolic invades new
  • 6. Page 6 territories and breaks through. It is the first to encounter the spiritual resistance of the powers of darkness and the first to penetrate the barriers they erect. The apostolic revolves around the concept of sending and being sent. God has always been a ‘sending’ God. Our prayers move God. He responds to our prayers by sending forth His Spirit and angels to assist and protect us. D. Economic Protection “I will repay (restore) to you the years that the swarming locusts has eaten, the crawling locusts, the consuming locusts, and the chewing locusts. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you, and my people shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel; I am the Lord your God and there is no other.” Joel 2: 25-2 God’s people do have plenty. With this I mean such things as moveable and immovable properties; jobs; incomes; businesses; bank saving accounts; financial investments; pension, provident and annuity funds; vehicles; furniture; holiday time-share investments; etc. Consider: “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 28: 8 Obviously not everyone has the same level of income, prosperity and wealth. We do have amongst us people of God with very little to show or which they can call their own in this material world. We do have respect and a feeling of empathy and camaraderie with them. Regardless of the above mentioned worldly possessions, every child of God is also blessed with plenty from a spiritual point of view. “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are
  • 7. Page 7 complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (see Colossians 2: 2-10. In other words, there should be nothing that we should lack or want. However, I am not proposing or advancing a prosperity gospel – no, God forbids! We must be satisfied and content with what God has given us – both naturally and spiritually. That does not mean that we should not also strive to improve our situations – we should always strive for improvement and to stretch ourselves. This article is calling us to protect and look after that which God has given us through grace. It will grieve God, as the giver of all good gifts, if He sees that we are squandering, neglecting, and demeaning those things that He indeed has provided for us. Remember the parable of Jesus about the talents! We should not only look after what He has given us, but should also strive to multiply and increase it. Obviously in referring to the increasing of our natural gifts, we should guard against being taken over by a spirit of greed and ambition that undermine others. So, we pray for God’s protection over all our belongings. This include all our movable and immovable properties; investments; jobs; businesses; bank accounts; etc. This protection should even extend and cover all assets belonging to our children and grandchildren. If perhaps we have lost anything in the past through one or other reason, we pray that God repay (restore) us for the years that the locusts has eaten away of those things that belong to us – remember what happened to our friend from the Old Testament, Job. Do not be afraid to mention any particular aspect of our belongings that seems under threat. So we call on God to send special angels to fight for us in those particular areas. Like Satan has demons that
  • 8. Page 8 specialize in finance, property, employment, etc., so likewise God has specialist angels to cover us in particular areas. Sometimes the work environment has become so hostile and toxic that our survival can only depend on God’s intervention. However, God will also tell us in no uncertain terms to get out of a particular job situation if we need to. That is why we have to be spiritually aware and sensitive to know and perceive what is really going on. E. Sexual Protection “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (see Romans 12: 1-2) “Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” (see 1 Corinthians 9: 26-27) Enough said! One of the most critical areas of our spiritual walk with God centers on sexual sin – strange but true. This is also the area in our lives that could make us extremely vulnerable. The Bible is replete of references to the dangers of sexual perversion and sexual sin. Of all sin, sin against our own bodies is the ugliest. God urges us to live clean and pure lives as His children. Sure, He allows a man and a woman to become one in the sexual act as they give themselves fully to one another. Outside this marital bond is where the danger lies. Jesus even went so far to say that if a man
  • 9. Page 9 desires after a woman in his mind (thoughts) he has already sinned and transgressed the ninth commandment: “Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s wife.” He also said, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.” (see Matthew 5:8) God’s temple is holy, as God is holy. God’s temple (or His House) has a pure and heavenly dimension, but is equally also cascaded into numerous earthly dwellings. Thus the same principles and standards of holiness should apply to all of those ‘dwellings’ of God. God cannot be anything other than holy. Sin cannot come near Him. The cascading dwelling places of God includes His Eternal Kingdom; His Church as a global and unified entity; each and every church denomination or Christian grouping; each and every local church congregation that gathers in the name of the Triune God; each and every believer that professes to be a child of God. So, the smallest place or unit where God’s honor and secret dwells is in the heart, soul, and body of His child. We realize this and with reverence ensure that this secret dwelling place of God remains holy and worthy of His Presence. This remains our ‘reasonable’ service. However, we are no angels whilst we are still traversing this earthly vale. We are constantly bombarded by the enemy’s antics (mass media no less) to try to trip us up. This is where the battle is. If we dwell constantly in the secret place of the Most High, we will be covered by the shadow of the Almighty. To fight against all sin requires God’s Grace and help. To fight against sexual sin, we require God’s Grace in abundance! If we are remorseful and repentant, we get strengthened and purified by His Word and His Grace. That is part of the reasons why we want to enter into the congregation of the reborn whenever there is a divine
  • 10. Page 10 service. God’s Word is truth – and the truth makes us free (from sin as well). Moreover, we also overcome the devil through the ‘blood of the Lamb’, meaning the forgiveness of sin and worthy partaking of the sacrament of Holy Communion. (see Revelation 12:11) You know that if it was not for God’s Grace and Protection, we would have succumbed to many advances and ‘attacks’ of sexual predators. Satan has many demons specializing in sexual perversion that influence human beings in one way or the other. If a child of God struggle in this area, special prayers and fasting needs to be offered to invoke God’s protection. The fact that very little is preached from the altar about sexual sin does not mean that it does not exist, or that it is not so important. On the contrary we should not be lulled into a false sense of security. F. Mental and Psychological Protection “That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar; he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen; his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws.” (see Daniel 4: 33) The human being is certainly not a one-dimensional and bland being. On the contrary, he is multi-dimensional and a many- splendored being. Each human being has a few spheres or dimensions that overlaps and support each other. So, a man can be a husband; a son; a father; a grandfather; employee; golfer; hiker; author; mentor; academic; inventor; social scientist; preacher; etc. at the same time. On a deeper level he is also a spiritual being that seeks to maintain and improves his relationship with God. He also functions on an emotional and mental level in dealing with feelings, view-points, stresses and strains of life.
  • 11. Page 11 Regarding the mental and psychological level much can be said. A lot of what we have to deal with in this sphere has nothing to do with the deeply spiritual. However, sometimes it also has a lot to do with it (no contradiction). The Bible verse above is about an incident in the life of Nebuchadnezzar who was a great king that ruled over a vast dominion (Babylon) during the time of Daniel when the Israelites were in exile. He was powerful and proud, and did not want to give any honor to Almighty God. God then brought him down, to such a point where he ‘lost his mind’ and crawled around like an animal. In our day and age, we as God’s children are also bombarded with many things – stresses and strains of daily life. It certainly taxes our nerves and mental capacities. The best way to handle it is with God’s help and protection. We also have feelings and emotions. We also experience days of turmoil and depression. This is where our Christian solidarity and prayers of compassion and intercession for our fellow man comes in. Over and above this, a child of God is also attacked on a spiritual level by the enemy in an effort to break us, or to make us lose our minds. Even here God’s Grace will cover us. Jesus demonstrated powerfully how He had command over evil spirits that infiltrated certain individuals. We should do well to find some balance in our lives. Sometimes we should just step aside – out of the rat-race so to speak – and breathe a bit. Separate ourselves and go out into nature (God’s physical creation) and enjoy all the sights and sounds around us. Let us take it in with all our senses and really appreciate and enjoy life. Find inner peace and connect inwardly with our God in the secret dwelling place of the Most High. Look after ourselves! This is also our own responsibility. Go on and treat ourselves
  • 12. Page 12 sometimes – we deserve it; we work hard enough. Rest! Even God the Almighty rested on the 7th day after the creation, and He blessed it! God loves us, and only have thoughts of peace for us, to give us a future and a hope. To end up in His Eternal Glory. G. Conclusion So, in this article we have treated some aspects of the topic of God’s protection over us as His children. I am sure in future when we do pray for God’s protection, that we are aware and know that there are many areas of our lives that we need protection and cover for. The secret is to always strive to abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Richard Haridien © November 2017