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      CGEE, Brasília (Brazil), 5 December 2012

Prospective Foresight in Brazil:
An overview and cases
Claudio Porto
CEO Macroplan, Prospectiva, Estratégia & Gestão

       Permitida a distribuição e reprodução desde que citada a fonte
Claudio Porto

   CEO of Macroplan – Prospectiva, Estratégia & Gestão

      30 years working on prospective foresight

   Macroplan is recognized in the Brazilian marketplace as one of the most
    experienced consulting Brazilian companies in prospective studies and strategic

      Almost 80 prospective studies produced to date

   The evolution of Prospective Foresight in Brazil

   Five emblematic cases

    1. Scenarios of the Brazilian Economy, BNDES (1984-90)

    2. Scenarios about the future of the Amazon Region (ELETRONORTE) (1988,

    3. Introduction and Consolidation of the use of Scenarios in Petrobras (1989,

    4. Scenarios in the State of Minas Gerais (2003-2007)

    5. Brazil in transition: current landscape and future trends 2011-2022 (2011)

   Summary and conclusions
The Evolution of Prospective Foresight in Brazil -
From the 1970’s to today

 Until the 1970’s: embryos (IDESP and IUPERJ)

 1980’s: emergence (the precursors)

 1990’s: dissemination

 2000 to today: generalization in large companies or institutions
The choice of cases

 Criteria: the relevance of its impacts, using an elegant application of the
   idea of the “Greek Triangle” built by Michel Godet (1991)


                                   THE GREEK

    APPROPRIATION                                                   ACTION
      (Desire)                                                  (Accomplishment)
The 1980’s
1980’s - The Brazilian Context

1. External crisis (including the consequences of the oil prices shock in our
    economy and default of the Brazilian external debt)

2. Low economic growth (“the lost decade”, average 1.55% /year) and
    social crisis (39% of population in poverty in 1989)

3. Hyperinflation (1,973% in 1989)

4. Economy: closed and technologically outdated

5. Politics: transition from a military regimen to democracy.
1º      First Case
        BNDES economy scenarios (1984)

                                »   The National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES is
                                    currently the main financial institution for long-term investments in all
                                    segments of the Brazilian economy. In 2011 the ampount of it’s
                                    disbursements was about US$ 70 billion

                                »   1984: BNDES implemented a strategic planning process that included the
                                    use of two macroeconomic scenarios:

                                                    ECONOMIC GROWTH SCENARIO
ADJUSTMENT SCENARIO (THE “OFFICIAL” VISION)                                                         • Confidencial
                                                    • External debt renegotiation in the long
 • Scrolling annual external debt                                                                   • Information leak
                                                      term and with better conditions
 • Economy: continuity of restrictive policies                                                      • High repercussion
                                                    • Economic policy: resumption of
   in accordance with the IMF                                                                         in society

                                                     COMPETITIVE INTEGRATION SCENARIO
                                                     • Updated industrial structure
                                                     • Open and competitive economy
                                                     • External debt renegotiation in the long
                                                       term and with better conditions
1º   First Case
     BNDES economy scenarios (1984) - Impacts


     » The possibility of a new cycle of economic growth


     » By the elected President of the Republic (1989), supported by a strong
        national desire to overcome recession


     » Beginning of the openness of the Brazilian economy
2º      Second Case (Part one)
        The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1988)

                                         » ELETRONORTE is a state-owned company
                                            that generates and provides electric power
                                            to the nine states of the Amazon Region
                                            and also provides energy to buyers from
                                            other regions of the country. Total installed
                                            capacity = 9.294,33 megawatts and
                                            transmission systems have over 9.888,02
                                            km of lines.
     • AMAZON REGION = 49,29%
       BRAZIL´S TOTAL AREA               » Mission: Acting in energy markets in an
                                            integrated, cost-effective and sustainable
2º      Second Case (Part one)
        The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1988)

     » Aim: supporting its assessments of demand for electric energy and investment plan.

     » Three scenarios of Amazon Region from 1989-2010

         NATIONAL PROJECT              DEVELOPMENT               RESTRICTION
                                1                            2                                3
     » Two important contributions of this study

         » introduced the embryo of the sustainable development concept  increasing influence
            in the company’s decisions

         » Introduced the use of scenarios to prospect the market of electrical energy in Brazil
            instead of extrapolative forecasts  A pioneering initiative that becomes standard in
            the electrical sector in the 1990’s.
The 1990’s
1990’s - The Brazilian Context

1. Stabilization of the economy after the Real Plan in 1994

2. Continuous opening of the Brazilian economy

3. Privatization in several economic sectors, end of monopolies and
    increased competition

4. Modernization of public institutions (remarkable: regulation)

5. Increased soundness of the financial system

6. Consolidation of democracy
3º    Third Case
      Scenarios of Oil & Gas Industry – (PETROBRAS, 1989, 1992, 1996)

 » Petrobras is a publicly traded joint-stock corporation whose main shareholder is the
     Government of Brazil. It acts as an energy company in the following sectors:
     exploration and production, refinement, marketing and transportation of oil and
     natural gas, petrochemicals, distribution of oil, electricity, biofuels and other renewable
     energy sources. The company leads the Brazilian oil sector.

 » Petrobras Business Plan 2012-2016: investments totaling US$ 236.5 billion (R$ 416,5
     billion) - an average of US $ 47,3 billion per year.

 » Strategic planning was formally adopted by PETROBRAS in 1989 and based on scenario
3º    Third Case
      Scenarios of Oil & Gas Industry – (PETROBRAS, 1989, 1992)

                                »   A participative process

                                »   The scenarios and strategic Options in 1992 (Strategic Plan 1992-

 1. Trans-nationalization - hegemony of big               STRATEGIC OPTIONS
    private oil companies                                 •   Consolidation and strengthening in the
 2. Fragmented Cooperation - shared                           national market
    hegemony in the petroleum industry                    •   Expansion of international operations
 NATIONAL SCENARIOS AND FOCUS ON OIL INDUSTRY             •   Integration, competitiveness and business
 •   Neoliberal                                               excellence
 •   Permanency of the crisis
 •   Welfare state
3º    Third Case
      Scenarios of Oil & Gas Industry – (PETROBRAS, 1989, 1992)

 »   Loss of monopoly and emergence of competition
 »   Increasing uncertainty and new challenges in the industry

 »   Assimilation of scenarios and prospective methods by a large portion of the senior management and technical
     staff of the company

 »   Preparation of the company and its managers and professionals to deal successfully with the end of monopoly,
     increasing competition and higher uncertainty
 »   PETROBRAS developed a skilled decision making process when faced with uncertainties. Today, the
     construction of scenarios, which started in the company over 23 years ago, is part of their culture and strategic
     management process
2º      Second Case (Part two)
        The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1998)

 » In 1998, ELETRONORTE decided to revisit the 10 years old prospective study

 » The prospects of 1989 against the real events of the previous 10 years were evaluated

 » Four scenarios were devised for the Amazon Region looking into the following 20 years:

                                                                    STAGNATION AND POVERTY
                       OF LIFE                 DEGRADATION
                   1                    2                       3                        4
     Second Case (Part two)
     The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1988) - Impacts


 » A systemic view of the main issues and challenges resulting from the economic
     exploitation of the Amazon Region


 » Relevant contribution to a gradual formation of a political convergence concerning the
     sustainable development of the Amazon Region.

 » Recognizing of the potential of economic exploitation of biodiversity


 » The search for new sustainable production standards for the Amazon Region
2000’s to
2000’s to Today –
The Brazilian Context

1. Prolonged economic stability

2. Overcoming of external restrictions

3. Increasing social inclusion: “Brazil, a medium class country”

4. Increasing insertion of Brazil into global economy

5. Brazil emerges as an attractive land of economic opportunities

6. New challenges and uncertainties facing the future of the country in the medium
   and long terms
4º                                    Fourth Case
                                      Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007)

             • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER
               THAN FRANCE)

             • POPULATION: NEARLY 20
                                      MILLION PEOPLE

             • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG
                                      BRAZILIAN STATES

                                        Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Strategic

                                                                                                                                                                                   “To turn Minas
                                                                    Sustained development of domestic
                                                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL                           EQUITY AND
                                                                                                                          SUSTAINABILITY                          WELFARE

                                          WASTE of
                                                                                 CONQUEST of a
                                                                                  better future                                               INTEGRATED
                                                                                                                                           PERSPECTIVE OF THE                    Gerais into the best     Guidelines
     Minas Gerais

                                                          II         I
                                                                                                                                            HUMAN CAPITAL
                    Minas Gerais                                                                        Minas Gerais
                    environment                                                                         environment                                             NETWORK CITIES

                                                                                                                                                                                   state to live in”    • Projects
                                                          IV         III
                      Conservative                                                                       Creative
                      Inefficient                                                                        Competitive
                                       DECADENCE and                               OVERCOMING
                      Excluding       impoverishment                               adversities           Inclusive
                                                                                                                                               STATE FOR

                                                                    Domestic economy with
                                                                    intermittent growth
4º                                    Fourth Case
                                      Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007)

                                                                                                                         Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023

             • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER                                                                                                                                                 Sustained development of
                                                                                                                                                                                         domestic economy
               THAN FRANCE)

             • POPULATION: NEARLY 20
                                                                                                                            WASTE of                                                                  CONQUEST of a
                                      MILLION PEOPLE                                                                      opportunities                                                                better future
                      Minas Gerais

             • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG                                                                                                                                              II          I
                                        Minas Gerais’                                                                                                                                                                        Minas Gerais’
                                      BRAZILIAN STATES
                                        environment                                                                                                                                                                          environment
                                                                                                                                                                             IV              III
                                                   Conservative                                                                                                                                                               Creative
                                                   Inefficient
                                        Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023
                                                                                                                         DECADENCE and                                                                  OVERCOMING            Competitive
                                                                                                                         impoverishment                                                                   adversities

                                                   Excluding                                                                                                                                                         • Strategic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Inclusive

                                                                                                                                                                                               “To turn Minas
                                                                    Sustained development of domestic
                                                                                                                            ENVIRONMENTAL                           EQUITY AND
                                                                                                                             SUSTAINABILITY                          WELFARE

                                          WASTE of
                                                                                 CONQUEST of a
                                                                                  better future                                                  INTEGRATED
                                                                                                                                              PERSPECTIVE OF THE                             Gerais into the best       Guidelines
     Minas Gerais

                                                          II         I
                                                                                                                                               HUMAN CAPITAL
                    Minas Gerais                                                                        Minas Gerais
                    environment                                                                         environment                                                NETWORK CITIES

                                                                                                                                                                                             state to live in”          • Projects
                                                          IV         III
                      Conservative                                                                       Creative
                      Inefficient
                      Excluding
                                       DECADENCE and
                                                                                                          Competitive
                                                                                                          Inclusive
                                                                                                                                                  STATE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                         Domestic economy with

                                                                    Domestic economy with
                                                                    intermittent growth
                                                                                                                                                                                         intermittent growth
4º                                    Fourth Case
                                      Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007)

             • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER
               ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                                                                                                                                   EQUITY AND
                THAN FRANCE
             • POPULATION: NEARLY 20
                                      MILLION PEOPLE                                                                                                                   INTEGRATED
                                                                                                                                                                PERSPECTIVE OF THE
             • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG                                                                                                                              HUMAN CAPITAL
                                      BRAZILIAN STATES
                                                                                                                                                                                                             NETWORK CITIES
                                        Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Strategic

                                                                                                                                                                                     “To turn Minas
                                                                    Sustained development of domestic
                                                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL                             EQUITY AND
                                                                                                                          SUSTAINABILITY                            WELFARE

                                          WASTE of
                                                                                 CONQUEST of a
                                                                                  better future                                               INTEGRATED
                                                                                                                                           PERSPECTIVE OF THE
                                                                                                                                                                           STATE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                   Gerais into the best     Guidelines
     Minas Gerais

                                                          II         I
                                                                                                                                            HUMAN CAPITAL

                    Minas Gerais                                                                        Minas Gerais
                    environment                                                                         environment                                               NETWORK CITIES

                                                                                                                                                                                     state to live in”    • Projects
                                                          IV         III
                      Conservative                                                                       Creative
                      Inefficient                                                                        Competitive
                                       DECADENCE and                               OVERCOMING
                      Excluding       impoverishment                               adversities           Inclusive
                                                                                                                                               STATE FOR

                                                                    Domestic economy with
                                                                    intermittent growth
4º                                    Fourth Case
                                      Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007)

 • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER

           CHOSEN AS A NEARLY 20
                                      MILLION PEOPLE
                                                                                                                         MINAS GERAIS OVER A PERIOD OF 20 YEARS:
             • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG
                                      BRAZILIAN STATES
                                                                                “TO TURN MINAS GERAIS INTO THE BEST STATE TO LIVE IN”
                                        Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Strategic

                                                                                                                                                                                      “To turn Minas
                                                                    Sustained development of domestic
                                                                                                                            ENVIRONMENTAL                           EQUITY AND
                                                                                                                             SUSTAINABILITY                          WELFARE

                                          WASTE of
                                                                                 CONQUEST of a
                                                                                  better future                                                  INTEGRATED
                                                                                                                                              PERSPECTIVE OF THE                    Gerais into the best     Guidelines
     Minas Gerais

                                                          II         I
                                                                                                                                               HUMAN CAPITAL
                    Minas Gerais                                                                        Minas Gerais
                    environment                                                                         environment                                                NETWORK CITIES

                                                                                                                                                                                      state to live in”    • Projects
                                                          IV         III
                      Conservative                                                                       Creative
                      Inefficient                                                                        Competitive
                                       DECADENCE and                               OVERCOMING
                      Excluding       impoverishment                               adversities           Inclusive
                                                                                                                                                  STATE FOR

                                                                    Domestic economy with
                                                                    intermittent growth
4º                                    Fourth Case
                                      Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007)

                            THE VISION WAS THEN SPLIT INTO:
             • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER
               THAN FRANCE)

             • •POPULATION: NEARLY 20
                  STRATEGIC GUIDELINES
                                      MILLION PEOPLE

             • •ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG
                                      BRAZILIAN STATES
                                               DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE
                                        Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Strategic

                                                                                                                                                                                   “To turn Minas
                                                                    Sustained development of domestic
                                                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL                           EQUITY AND
                                                                                                                          SUSTAINABILITY                          WELFARE

                                          WASTE of
                                                                                 CONQUEST of a
                                                                                  better future                                               INTEGRATED
                                                                                                                                           PERSPECTIVE OF THE                    Gerais into the best     Guidelines
     Minas Gerais

                                                          II         I
                                                                                                                                            HUMAN CAPITAL
                    Minas Gerais                                                                        Minas Gerais
                    environment                                                                         environment                                             NETWORK CITIES

                                                                                                                                                                                   state to live in”    • Projects
                                                          IV         III
                      Conservative                                                                       Creative
                      Inefficient                                                                        Competitive
                                       DECADENCE and                               OVERCOMING
                      Excluding       impoverishment                               adversities           Inclusive
                                                                                                                                               STATE FOR

                                                                    Domestic economy with
                                                                    intermittent growth
4º       Fourth Case
         Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007)

     »   The threat of losing many opportunities unless making severe adjustments in the state and its

     »   Choice of strategies aligned with the scenarios

     »   Realization of the urgent need for modernization of the state government toward higher

     »   Public policies aligned with the scenarios

     »   “The shock of management” in state government
Summary and
BNDES                         ELETRONORTE                    PETROBRAS                     MINAS GERAIS
                (1984)                        (1988, 1998)                   (1989, 1992, 1996)            (2003-2023)

                                              The anticipation of

                                                                                                           The threat of losing many
                                              political, economic, and       Loss of monopoly and
                                                                                                           opportunities unless
                The possibility of a new      environmental issues           emergence of competition
                                                                                                           making severe adjustments
                cycle of economic growth      resulting from the
                                                                                                           in the state and its
                                              economic exploitation of       Increasing uncertainty
                                              the Amazon Region

                                              Contribution to a gradual
                                                                                                           Choice of strategies aligned
                By the elected President      formation of a political

                                                                             Assimilation of prospective   with the scenarios
                (1989)                        convergence concerning
                                                                             methods by a large portion
                                              Amazon region’s biggest
                                                                             of the senior management      Realization of the urgent
                A strong national desire to   challenge.
                                                                             and technical staff of the    need for modernization of
                overcome recession
                                                                             company                       the state government
                                              The potential of economic
                                                                                                           toward higher efficiency
                                              exploitation of biodiversity

                                                                                                           Public policies aligned with
                                                                             Preparation of managers
                                                                                                           the scenarios
                The beginning of the          The search for new             and professionals to deal

                openness of the Brazilian     production standards on        successfully with the end
                                                                                                           “The shock of
                economy                       sustainable base               of monopoly, competition
                                                                                                           management” in state
                                                                             and higher uncertainty

   The use and dissemination of prospective foresight in Brazil made significant progress
    during the last 30 years.

   Unfortunately, we are still missing a long term prospective and strategic view for the
    country. We – society, state, companies – are excessively focused on short term tactic

   However, there has been an increasing demand for a long term view from new
    leaderships. Our current development stage itself requires such view.

   I am, therefore, optimistic: this is likely the decade when Brazil – as a nation and a
    society – will pursue and build a long term vision of development.

   And all of us, with the methods and tools of prospective foresight , will be able to
    make relevant contributions to this project.

                                            Thank you.  
Remarkable Prospective Projects
      supported by Macroplan
                                                               12.   Construção de Cenários para o Setor Energético e o segmento
1.    Cenários do ambiente de atuação das micro e pequenas           de Óleo e Gás 2002-2010 e elaboração da Visão de Futuro do
      empresas do Rio de Janeiro 2012-2013 (2012)                    Projeto Tendências Tecnológicas para o CTPETRO – Fundo
                                                                     Setorial do Petróleo (Mar-Jul, 2002).
2.    Análise de tendências de longo prazo e elaboração do
      Plano Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Integrado horizonte     13.   Atualização dos Cenários Sócio-Econômicos e Energéticos da
      2030 (2011)                                                    Amazônia para o Horizonte 1998/2020 - ELETRONORTE (Out,
                                                                     2000 - Abril, 2001)
3.    Quatro cenários da cidade de Belo Horizonte 2010-2030
      (2009)                                                   14.   Elaboração dos cenários focalizados no mercado de
                                                                     distribuição de combustíveis no Brasil – horizonte 2002/2006
4.    Cenários do Ambiente de Atuação do do Sistema                  (2001)
      Eletrobras 2020 (2010)
                                                               15.   Mapeamento das Incertezas e Construção dos Cenários do
5.    Quatro Cenários Econômicos para o Brasil 2008-2014             Mercado de Energia Elétrica – Horizonte 2001-2011 ( 2001).
6.    Cenários Exploratórios do Rio de Janeiro no Horizonte    16.   Cenários da Educação a Distância no Brasil – Horizonte 2010;
      2007-2027 (2007)                                               como etapa integrante do processo de planejamento
7.    Cenários Exploratórios de Minas Gerais no Horizonte            estratégico do desenvolvimento da Educação à Distância do
      2007-2023 (2007)                                               SENAC São Paulo para o horizonte 2000-2005 (Fev-Abril 2000)
8.    Cenários do ambiente de atuação das organizações         17.   Cenários do setor de Telecomunicações no Brasil no Horizonte
      públicas de PD&I do Agronegócio no Horizonte 2023              1996/2010 para a EMBRATEL (1996)
      (Embrapa, 2007)                                          18.   Consultoria metodológica à Secretaria de Assuntos
9.    Três Cenários para o Desenvolvimento do Estado do              Estratégicos da Presidência da República na construção de
      Espírito Santo (2006)                                          Cenários Exploratórios do Brasil no Horizonte 2020 (Jan - Jun,
10.   “O Ensino Superior no Mundo e no Brasil –                      1996)
      Condicionantes, Tendências e Cenários para o Horizonte   19.   Consultoria à elaboração de análise prospectiva e Cenários de
      2003-2025” (2003)                                              Educação Profissional e do ambiente de atuação do SENAI –
11.    Cenários de Desenvolvimento para a elaboração do              Horizonte 1995-2010 ( 1995)
      Plano Estratégico do Sistema Petrobras – 2004-2015       20.   Cenários para o Mato Grosso do Sul no horizonte 1995-2010
      (2003 – 2004)                                                  (Mar-Set, 1995)

   BELFORT-SANTOS – “Avaliação do Modelo de Planejamento Estratégico de uma Empresa - O Caso Petrobras”. Dissertação de Mestrado. Departamento de Engenharia Industrial – PUC-Rio, 1996.
   BNDES – “BNDES Trimestral”, BNDES: 28 de janeiro de 2010. Disponível em Acessado em 09.02.2010.
   BNDES – “Cenários para a economia brasileira até o ano 2000”. BNDES, Depto. de Planejamento. Rio de Janeiro, 1987.
   BNDES – “Cenários para a economia brasileira 1984-1990”. BNDES, Depto. de Planejamento. Rio de Janeiro: agosto, 1984.
   ELETRONORTE – “Dez Anos de Cenários Exploratórios da Amazônia. Eletronorte, maio, 1998.
   ELETRONORTE – “Cenários Socioenergéticos para a Amazônia – 1998-2020”. Eletronorte, janeiro, 1999.
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   GODET, Michel – “De L’anticipation à l’action - Manuel de Prospective et de Stratégie”. Paris: Dunod, 1991.
   GODET, Michel & DURANCE, Philippe – “Prospective Stratégique – Problèmes et Méthodes”. Cahier du Lipsor nº 20, Janvier, 2007, 2ème édition.
   HEIJDEN, Kees Van Der – “Scenarios: the art of strategic conversation”. England: John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
   KAHN, Herman & WIENER, Anthony – “The Year 2000”. The Hudson Institute, 1967.
   MARQUES, E. – “Geração de cenários para o planejamento estratégico”. BNDES, Depto. de Planejamento. Rio de Janeiro, maio, 1984.
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   PETROBRAS – “Plano Estratégico de Negócios 2009-2013”. Disponível em Acessado em 09.02.2010.
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 Acessado em 04.02.10.
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 Acessado em 04.02.10.
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   PORTO, Claudio – “Macrocenários da Amazônia 2000 – 2020”. PARCERIAS ESTRATÉGICAS, N. 12 ISSN 1413-9375, setembro, 2001.
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Prospective Foresight in Brazil: An overview and cases

  • 1. MUTUAL LEARNING WORKSHOP ON SCENARIOS CGEE, Brasília (Brazil), 5 December 2012 Prospective Foresight in Brazil: An overview and cases Claudio Porto CEO Macroplan, Prospectiva, Estratégia & Gestão Permitida a distribuição e reprodução desde que citada a fonte
  • 2. Claudio Porto  CEO of Macroplan – Prospectiva, Estratégia & Gestão  30 years working on prospective foresight  Macroplan is recognized in the Brazilian marketplace as one of the most experienced consulting Brazilian companies in prospective studies and strategic management  Almost 80 prospective studies produced to date
  • 3. Contents  The evolution of Prospective Foresight in Brazil  Five emblematic cases 1. Scenarios of the Brazilian Economy, BNDES (1984-90) 2. Scenarios about the future of the Amazon Region (ELETRONORTE) (1988, 1998) 3. Introduction and Consolidation of the use of Scenarios in Petrobras (1989, 1992) 4. Scenarios in the State of Minas Gerais (2003-2007) 5. Brazil in transition: current landscape and future trends 2011-2022 (2011)  Summary and conclusions
  • 4. The Evolution of Prospective Foresight in Brazil - From the 1970’s to today  Until the 1970’s: embryos (IDESP and IUPERJ)  1980’s: emergence (the precursors)  1990’s: dissemination  2000 to today: generalization in large companies or institutions
  • 5. The choice of cases  Criteria: the relevance of its impacts, using an elegant application of the idea of the “Greek Triangle” built by Michel Godet (1991) ANTICIPATION (Reason) THE GREEK TRIANGLE APPROPRIATION ACTION (Desire) (Accomplishment)
  • 7. 1980’s - The Brazilian Context 1. External crisis (including the consequences of the oil prices shock in our economy and default of the Brazilian external debt) 2. Low economic growth (“the lost decade”, average 1.55% /year) and social crisis (39% of population in poverty in 1989) 3. Hyperinflation (1,973% in 1989) 4. Economy: closed and technologically outdated 5. Politics: transition from a military regimen to democracy.
  • 8. First Case BNDES economy scenarios (1984) » The National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES is currently the main financial institution for long-term investments in all segments of the Brazilian economy. In 2011 the ampount of it’s disbursements was about US$ 70 billion » 1984: BNDES implemented a strategic planning process that included the use of two macroeconomic scenarios: ECONOMIC GROWTH SCENARIO ADJUSTMENT SCENARIO (THE “OFFICIAL” VISION) • Confidencial • External debt renegotiation in the long • Scrolling annual external debt • Information leak term and with better conditions • Economy: continuity of restrictive policies • High repercussion • Economic policy: resumption of in accordance with the IMF in society development COMPETITIVE INTEGRATION SCENARIO • Updated industrial structure • Open and competitive economy • External debt renegotiation in the long term and with better conditions
  • 9. First Case BNDES economy scenarios (1984) - Impacts ANTICIPATION » The possibility of a new cycle of economic growth APPROPRIATION » By the elected President of the Republic (1989), supported by a strong national desire to overcome recession ACTION AND CONSEQUENCES » Beginning of the openness of the Brazilian economy
  • 10. Second Case (Part one) The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1988) » ELETRONORTE is a state-owned company that generates and provides electric power to the nine states of the Amazon Region and also provides energy to buyers from other regions of the country. Total installed capacity = 9.294,33 megawatts and transmission systems have over 9.888,02 km of lines. • AMAZON REGION = 49,29% BRAZIL´S TOTAL AREA » Mission: Acting in energy markets in an integrated, cost-effective and sustainable way
  • 11. Second Case (Part one) The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1988) » Aim: supporting its assessments of demand for electric energy and investment plan. » Three scenarios of Amazon Region from 1989-2010 INTEGRATION WITH THE FOCUS ON ENDOGENOUS ECOLOGIC AND CULTURAL NATIONAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTION 1 2 3 » Two important contributions of this study » introduced the embryo of the sustainable development concept  increasing influence in the company’s decisions » Introduced the use of scenarios to prospect the market of electrical energy in Brazil instead of extrapolative forecasts  A pioneering initiative that becomes standard in the electrical sector in the 1990’s.
  • 13. 1990’s - The Brazilian Context 1. Stabilization of the economy after the Real Plan in 1994 2. Continuous opening of the Brazilian economy 3. Privatization in several economic sectors, end of monopolies and increased competition 4. Modernization of public institutions (remarkable: regulation) 5. Increased soundness of the financial system 6. Consolidation of democracy
  • 14. Third Case Scenarios of Oil & Gas Industry – (PETROBRAS, 1989, 1992, 1996) » Petrobras is a publicly traded joint-stock corporation whose main shareholder is the Government of Brazil. It acts as an energy company in the following sectors: exploration and production, refinement, marketing and transportation of oil and natural gas, petrochemicals, distribution of oil, electricity, biofuels and other renewable energy sources. The company leads the Brazilian oil sector. » Petrobras Business Plan 2012-2016: investments totaling US$ 236.5 billion (R$ 416,5 billion) - an average of US $ 47,3 billion per year. » Strategic planning was formally adopted by PETROBRAS in 1989 and based on scenario analysis.
  • 15. Third Case Scenarios of Oil & Gas Industry – (PETROBRAS, 1989, 1992) » A participative process » The scenarios and strategic Options in 1992 (Strategic Plan 1992- 2001) PETROBRAS’ SCENARIOS GLOBAL SCENARIOS AND FOCUS ON OIL INDUSTRY 1. Trans-nationalization - hegemony of big STRATEGIC OPTIONS private oil companies • Consolidation and strengthening in the 2. Fragmented Cooperation - shared national market hegemony in the petroleum industry • Expansion of international operations NATIONAL SCENARIOS AND FOCUS ON OIL INDUSTRY • Integration, competitiveness and business • Neoliberal excellence • Permanency of the crisis • Welfare state
  • 16. Third Case Scenarios of Oil & Gas Industry – (PETROBRAS, 1989, 1992) ANTICIPATION » Loss of monopoly and emergence of competition » Increasing uncertainty and new challenges in the industry APPROPRIATION » Assimilation of scenarios and prospective methods by a large portion of the senior management and technical staff of the company ACTION AND CONSEQUENCES » Preparation of the company and its managers and professionals to deal successfully with the end of monopoly, increasing competition and higher uncertainty » PETROBRAS developed a skilled decision making process when faced with uncertainties. Today, the construction of scenarios, which started in the company over 23 years ago, is part of their culture and strategic management process
  • 17. Second Case (Part two) The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1998) » In 1998, ELETRONORTE decided to revisit the 10 years old prospective study » The prospects of 1989 against the real events of the previous 10 years were evaluated » Four scenarios were devised for the Amazon Region looking into the following 20 years: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMIC GROWTH AT SUSTAINABLE MODERATE INTEGRATION THE EXPENSE OF 3 STAGNATION AND POVERTY DEVELOPMENT AND BETTER QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL OF LIFE DEGRADATION 1 2 3 4
  • 18. Second Case (Part two) The scenarios of the Amazon Region and electric energy (Eletronorte, 1988) - Impacts ANTICIPATION » A systemic view of the main issues and challenges resulting from the economic exploitation of the Amazon Region APPROPRIATON » Relevant contribution to a gradual formation of a political convergence concerning the sustainable development of the Amazon Region. » Recognizing of the potential of economic exploitation of biodiversity ACTION AND CONSEQUENCES » The search for new sustainable production standards for the Amazon Region
  • 19. 2000’s to Today
  • 20. 2000’s to Today – The Brazilian Context 1. Prolonged economic stability 2. Overcoming of external restrictions 3. Increasing social inclusion: “Brazil, a medium class country” 4. Increasing insertion of Brazil into global economy 5. Brazil emerges as an attractive land of economic opportunities 6. New challenges and uncertainties facing the future of the country in the medium and long terms
  • 21. Fourth Case Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007) • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER THAN FRANCE) • POPULATION: NEARLY 20 MILLION PEOPLE • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG BRAZILIAN STATES Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023 COMPETITIVE • Strategic TERRITORIAL “To turn Minas Brazil INTEGRATION Sustained development of domestic economy ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABILITY WELFARE WASTE of opportunities CONQUEST of a better future INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE OF THE Gerais into the best Guidelines Minas Gerais II I HUMAN CAPITAL Minas Gerais Minas Gerais INVESTMENT environment environment NETWORK CITIES state to live in” • Projects IV III &BUSINESS  Conservative  Creative  Inefficient  Competitive DECADENCE and OVERCOMING  Excluding impoverishment adversities  Inclusive STATE FOR RESULTS Domestic economy with intermittent growth
  • 22. Fourth Case Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007) Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023 Brazil • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER Sustained development of domestic economy THAN FRANCE) • POPULATION: NEARLY 20 WASTE of CONQUEST of a MILLION PEOPLE opportunities better future Minas Gerais • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG II I Minas Gerais’ Minas Gerais’ BRAZILIAN STATES environment environment IV III  Conservative  Creative  Inefficient Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023 DECADENCE and OVERCOMING  Competitive impoverishment adversities COMPETITIVE  Excluding • Strategic  Inclusive TERRITORIAL “To turn Minas Brazil INTEGRATION Sustained development of domestic economy ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABILITY WELFARE WASTE of opportunities CONQUEST of a better future INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE OF THE Gerais into the best Guidelines Minas Gerais II I HUMAN CAPITAL Minas Gerais Minas Gerais INVESTMENT environment environment NETWORK CITIES state to live in” • Projects IV III &BUSINESS  Conservative  Creative  Inefficient  Excluding DECADENCE and impoverishment OVERCOMING adversities  Competitive  Inclusive STATE FOR Domestic economy with RESULTS Domestic economy with intermittent growth intermittent growth
  • 23. Fourth Case Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007) COMPETITIVE TERRITORIAL INTEGRATION • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABILITY) THAN FRANCE WELFARE • POPULATION: NEARLY 20 MILLION PEOPLE INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE OF THE • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG HUMAN CAPITAL BRAZILIAN STATES INVESTMENT NETWORK CITIES &BUSINESS Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023 COMPETITIVE • Strategic TERRITORIAL “To turn Minas Brazil INTEGRATION Sustained development of domestic economy ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABILITY WELFARE WASTE of opportunities CONQUEST of a better future INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE OF THE STATE FOR Gerais into the best Guidelines Minas Gerais II I HUMAN CAPITAL RESULTS Minas Gerais Minas Gerais INVESTMENT environment environment NETWORK CITIES state to live in” • Projects IV III &BUSINESS  Conservative  Creative  Inefficient  Competitive DECADENCE and OVERCOMING  Excluding impoverishment adversities  Inclusive STATE FOR RESULTS Domestic economy with intermittent growth
  • 24. Fourth Case Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007) • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER AFTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUR SCENARIOS, THE FIRST ONE OF THEM WAS THAN FRANCE) • POPULATION: REFERENCE FOR THE CREATION OF THE VISION OF THE FUTURE FOR CHOSEN AS A NEARLY 20 MILLION PEOPLE MINAS GERAIS OVER A PERIOD OF 20 YEARS: • ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG BRAZILIAN STATES “TO TURN MINAS GERAIS INTO THE BEST STATE TO LIVE IN” Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023 COMPETITIVE • Strategic TERRITORIAL “To turn Minas Brazil INTEGRATION Sustained development of domestic economy ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABILITY WELFARE WASTE of opportunities CONQUEST of a better future INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE OF THE Gerais into the best Guidelines Minas Gerais II I HUMAN CAPITAL Minas Gerais Minas Gerais INVESTMENT environment environment NETWORK CITIES state to live in” • Projects IV III &BUSINESS  Conservative  Creative  Inefficient  Competitive DECADENCE and OVERCOMING  Excluding impoverishment adversities  Inclusive STATE FOR RESULTS Domestic economy with intermittent growth
  • 25. Fourth Case Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007) THE VISION WAS THEN SPLIT INTO: • AREA: 586,528 KM² (LARGER THAN FRANCE) • •POPULATION: NEARLY 20 STRATEGIC GUIDELINES MILLION PEOPLE • •ECONOMY: THIRD AMONG PORTFOLIO OF STRUCTURING AND LEVERAGING PROJECTS FOR THE BRAZILIAN STATES DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE Scenarios for Minas Gerais State 2003-2023 COMPETITIVE • Strategic TERRITORIAL “To turn Minas Brazil INTEGRATION Sustained development of domestic economy ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABILITY WELFARE WASTE of opportunities CONQUEST of a better future INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE OF THE Gerais into the best Guidelines Minas Gerais II I HUMAN CAPITAL Minas Gerais Minas Gerais INVESTMENT environment environment NETWORK CITIES state to live in” • Projects IV III &BUSINESS  Conservative  Creative  Inefficient  Competitive DECADENCE and OVERCOMING  Excluding impoverishment adversities  Inclusive STATE FOR RESULTS Domestic economy with intermittent growth
  • 26. Fourth Case Scenarios and development strategy of the state of Minas Gerais (2003, 2007) ANTICIPATION » The threat of losing many opportunities unless making severe adjustments in the state and its government APPROPRIATION » Choice of strategies aligned with the scenarios » Realization of the urgent need for modernization of the state government toward higher efficiency ACTION AND CONSEQUENCES » Public policies aligned with the scenarios » “The shock of management” in state government
  • 27. Summary and Conclusions
  • 28. BNDES ELETRONORTE PETROBRAS MINAS GERAIS (1984) (1988, 1998) (1989, 1992, 1996) (2003-2023) The anticipation of Anticipation The threat of losing many political, economic, and Loss of monopoly and opportunities unless The possibility of a new environmental issues emergence of competition making severe adjustments cycle of economic growth resulting from the in the state and its economic exploitation of Increasing uncertainty government the Amazon Region Contribution to a gradual Choice of strategies aligned By the elected President formation of a political Appropriation Assimilation of prospective with the scenarios (1989) convergence concerning methods by a large portion Amazon region’s biggest of the senior management Realization of the urgent A strong national desire to challenge. and technical staff of the need for modernization of overcome recession company the state government The potential of economic toward higher efficiency exploitation of biodiversity Public policies aligned with Preparation of managers the scenarios The beginning of the The search for new and professionals to deal Action openness of the Brazilian production standards on successfully with the end “The shock of economy sustainable base of monopoly, competition management” in state and higher uncertainty government
  • 29. Conclusions  The use and dissemination of prospective foresight in Brazil made significant progress during the last 30 years.  Unfortunately, we are still missing a long term prospective and strategic view for the country. We – society, state, companies – are excessively focused on short term tactic questions.  However, there has been an increasing demand for a long term view from new leaderships. Our current development stage itself requires such view.  I am, therefore, optimistic: this is likely the decade when Brazil – as a nation and a society – will pursue and build a long term vision of development.  And all of us, with the methods and tools of prospective foresight , will be able to make relevant contributions to this project. Thank you.
  • 31. Remarkable Prospective Projects supported by Macroplan 12. Construção de Cenários para o Setor Energético e o segmento 1. Cenários do ambiente de atuação das micro e pequenas de Óleo e Gás 2002-2010 e elaboração da Visão de Futuro do empresas do Rio de Janeiro 2012-2013 (2012) Projeto Tendências Tecnológicas para o CTPETRO – Fundo Setorial do Petróleo (Mar-Jul, 2002). 2. Análise de tendências de longo prazo e elaboração do Plano Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Integrado horizonte 13. Atualização dos Cenários Sócio-Econômicos e Energéticos da 2030 (2011) Amazônia para o Horizonte 1998/2020 - ELETRONORTE (Out, 2000 - Abril, 2001) 3. Quatro cenários da cidade de Belo Horizonte 2010-2030 (2009) 14. Elaboração dos cenários focalizados no mercado de distribuição de combustíveis no Brasil – horizonte 2002/2006 4. Cenários do Ambiente de Atuação do do Sistema (2001) Eletrobras 2020 (2010) 15. Mapeamento das Incertezas e Construção dos Cenários do 5. Quatro Cenários Econômicos para o Brasil 2008-2014 Mercado de Energia Elétrica – Horizonte 2001-2011 ( 2001). 6. Cenários Exploratórios do Rio de Janeiro no Horizonte 16. Cenários da Educação a Distância no Brasil – Horizonte 2010; 2007-2027 (2007) como etapa integrante do processo de planejamento 7. Cenários Exploratórios de Minas Gerais no Horizonte estratégico do desenvolvimento da Educação à Distância do 2007-2023 (2007) SENAC São Paulo para o horizonte 2000-2005 (Fev-Abril 2000) 8. Cenários do ambiente de atuação das organizações 17. Cenários do setor de Telecomunicações no Brasil no Horizonte públicas de PD&I do Agronegócio no Horizonte 2023 1996/2010 para a EMBRATEL (1996) (Embrapa, 2007) 18. Consultoria metodológica à Secretaria de Assuntos 9. Três Cenários para o Desenvolvimento do Estado do Estratégicos da Presidência da República na construção de Espírito Santo (2006) Cenários Exploratórios do Brasil no Horizonte 2020 (Jan - Jun, 10. “O Ensino Superior no Mundo e no Brasil – 1996) Condicionantes, Tendências e Cenários para o Horizonte 19. Consultoria à elaboração de análise prospectiva e Cenários de 2003-2025” (2003) Educação Profissional e do ambiente de atuação do SENAI – 11. Cenários de Desenvolvimento para a elaboração do Horizonte 1995-2010 ( 1995) Plano Estratégico do Sistema Petrobras – 2004-2015 20. Cenários para o Mato Grosso do Sul no horizonte 1995-2010 (2003 – 2004) (Mar-Set, 1995)
  • 32. Bibliography  BELFORT-SANTOS – “Avaliação do Modelo de Planejamento Estratégico de uma Empresa - O Caso Petrobras”. Dissertação de Mestrado. Departamento de Engenharia Industrial – PUC-Rio, 1996.  BNDES – “BNDES Trimestral”, BNDES: 28 de janeiro de 2010. Disponível em Acessado em 09.02.2010.  BNDES – “Cenários para a economia brasileira até o ano 2000”. BNDES, Depto. de Planejamento. Rio de Janeiro, 1987.  BNDES – “Cenários para a economia brasileira 1984-1990”. BNDES, Depto. de Planejamento. Rio de Janeiro: agosto, 1984.  ELETRONORTE – “Dez Anos de Cenários Exploratórios da Amazônia. Eletronorte, maio, 1998.  ELETRONORTE – “Cenários Socioenergéticos para a Amazônia – 1998-2020”. Eletronorte, janeiro, 1999.  GODET, Michel. – “Prospective et Planification Stratégique”. Paris: Economica, 1985.  GODET, Michel – “De L’anticipation à l’action - Manuel de Prospective et de Stratégie”. Paris: Dunod, 1991.  GODET, Michel & DURANCE, Philippe – “Prospective Stratégique – Problèmes et Méthodes”. Cahier du Lipsor nº 20, Janvier, 2007, 2ème édition.  HEIJDEN, Kees Van Der – “Scenarios: the art of strategic conversation”. England: John Wiley & Sons, 1996.  KAHN, Herman & WIENER, Anthony – “The Year 2000”. The Hudson Institute, 1967.  MARQUES, E. – “Geração de cenários para o planejamento estratégico”. BNDES, Depto. de Planejamento. Rio de Janeiro, maio, 1984.  MARQUES, E. – “Um modelo de geração de cenários em planejamento estratégico”. In:Monteiro Filha, D. & Modenesi, R. (org.) – “BNDES, um banco de idéias. 50 anos refletindo o Brasil”. BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, p. 291. 2002.  MOURÃO, Júlio – “A Integração Competitiva e o Planejamento Estratégico no BNDES”. Revista do BNDES, V. 1, Nº 2, pp 3-26, dez, 1994.  MOURÃO, Júlio (coord.) – “Vitória do Futuro - Plano estratégico da cidade 1996-2020”. Prefeitura de Vitória, 1996.  PETROBRAS – “Plano Estratégico de Negócios 2009-2013”. Disponível em Acessado em 09.02.2010.  PMDI 2003-2023 – “Plano Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Integrado 2003-2023”. Disponível em:  Acessado em 04.02.10.  PMDI 2007-2023 – “Plano Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Integrado de Minas Gerais 2007-2023”. Disponível em:  Acessado em 04.02.10.  PORTO, Claudio – “Cenários no Brasil”, Seminário Internacional MILLENIUM: Prospectiva e Estratégia para a Era da Nova Economia. Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, set, 2000.  PORTO, Claudio – “Macrocenários da Amazônia 2000 – 2020”. PARCERIAS ESTRATÉGICAS, N. 12 ISSN 1413-9375, setembro, 2001.  PORTO, Claudio e GIAMBIAGI, Fabio, orgs – “2022 - Propostas para um Brasil Melhor no Ano do Bicentenário”  PREFEITURA DE BELO HORIZONTE – “Planejamento Estratégico de Belo Horizonte 2030 – A Cidade que Queremos”. Belo Horizonte, 2009.  REVISTA SENHOR – “Sem Mudança o Brasil Acaba”. São Paulo, Brasil, Nº 175, julho, 1984.  SAE/PR – “Cenários Exploratórios do Brasil 2020”. Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos da Presidência da República. Brasília, setembro, 1997.  SAE/PR – “Projeto Brasil 3 Tempos – Cenários Prospectivos”. Cadernos NAE, Nov, 2006. Disponível em Acessado em 05.02.10.  WACK, Pierre – “Cenários: Águas Desconhecidas Adiante”. Harvard Business Review, Boston, Set/Out 1985.  WACK, Pierre – “Cenários: Atravessando as Torrentes”. Harvard Business Review, Boston, Nov/Dez 1985.

Editor's Notes

  1. How the IMF helps to promote financial system soundnessThe IMF promotes financial system soundness in member countries through its ongoing multilateral and bilateral surveillance, the design of its lending programs, and the provision of technical assistance.Technical assistance provided by the IMF helps member countries to implement specific reforms to develop and strengthen their financial system. Such assistance may include training and advice on improving monetary and fiscal management; foreign exchange and capital market development; the design of payment systems and deposit insurance arrangements; the development of the legal, regulatory and supervisory frameworks governing the activities of financial institutions; and strategies for crisis management and resolution.