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AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Programming the Physical World
with Device Shadows and Rules
Dickson Yue
Solutions Architect, AWS
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
• Shadows
• Rules
• Sample code
• Demo
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Interact with with unreliable
connections thing
Device Shadow
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS IoT Device Shadows flow
1. Device publishes current state
2. Persist JSON data store
3. App requests device’s current state
4. App requests change the state
5. Device Shadow syncs
updated state
6. Device publishes current state
7. Device Shadow confirms state change
report {light: off}
get {light : off}
desire {light : on}
delta {light : on}
report {light : on}
reported {turbine: off}
desired{turbine: on}
reported {turbine: on}
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS IoT Device Shadow - Simple Yet
"state" : {
“desired" : {
"light": “on”
"reported" : {
"light" : “off”
"delta" : {
"light" : “on”
} },
"version" : 10
Report its current state to one or multiple shadows
Retrieve its desired state from shadow
Mobile App
Set the desired state of a device
Get the last reported state of the device
Delete the shadow
Shadow reports delta, desired and reported
states along with metadata and version
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Device gateway
reported: {temp:27,
humidity: 80%}
Amazon Alexa
AWS Lambda
Sensor Tag
Light Bulb
4. Update shadow
desired: {light: off}
2. Update shadow
1. Sensors update
MQTT over the WebSocket
Alexa + Lambda
$$ charged by
Prices are based on the number of
messages published to AWS IoT
(Publishing Cost), and the number
of messages delivered by AWS IoT
to devices or applications (Delivery
6. Update shadow
reported: {light: off}
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Create a thing
aws iot create-thing --thing-name $THINGSNAME --region $AWSREGION >things/thing-$THINGSNAME.json
CERTARN=$(aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile
./certs/$THINGSNAME-cert.pem --public-key-outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-publicKey.pem --private-key-
outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-privateKey.pem --output text --query 'certificateArn' --region $AWSREGION)
aws iot attach-thing-principal --thing-name $THINGSNAME --principal $CERTARN --region $AWSREGION
aws iot attach-principal-policy --principal $CERTARN --policy-name $POLICYNAME --region $AWSREGION
aws iot list-thing-principals --thing-name $THINGSNAME --region $AWSREGION
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Load cert and private key
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Connect through MQTT libary
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
def init():
global client
client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
client.clientid = clientid
client.tls_set( "../../certs/root.pem",
tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ciphers=None )
client.connect("", 8883, 10)
print "Mqtt Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Connect through Python SDK
from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTClient
def init():
global client
client = AWSIoTMQTTClient(clientid)
client.configureEndpoint(host, 8883)
client.configureCredentials(rootCAPath, privateKeyPath, certificatePath)
client.configureAutoReconnectBackoffTime(1, 32, 20)
client.configureDrainingFrequency(2) # Draining: 2 Hz
client.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(10) # 10 sec
client.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(5) # 5 sec
thingLightbulb = client.createShadowHandlerWithName(thingLightbulbName, True)
print "Unexpected error at init:", sys.exc_info()[0]
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Read sensor data from Grove
[ temp,hum ] = dht(dht_sensor_port,dht_sensor_type)
ppm = grovepi.analogRead(air_sensor)
aq = getairquality(ppm)
loudness = grovepi.analogRead(loudness_sensor)
light = grovepi.analogRead(light_sensor)
state = {
"temp" : temp,
"humidity" : hum,
"lightsensorvalue" : light,
"lightsensorresistance" : resistance,
"ppm" : ppm,
"airquality" : aq,
"loudness" : loudness,
"createdat" : nowstr
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Update shadow through MQTT
state = {
"temp" : temp,
"humidity" : hum,
"lightsensorvalue" : light,
"lightsensorresistance" : resistance,
"ppm" : ppm,
"airquality" : aq,
"loudness" : loudness,
"createdat" : nowstr
msg = {
"reported": state
topicshadow = "$aws/things/grove/shadow/update"
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and DevelopersAWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Connect through JavaScript
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Connect through JavaScript
var region = c.AWS.region; //'ap-northeast-1'
var iotEndpoint = c.AWS.iotEndpoint;
var identityPoolId = c.AWS.identityPoolId;
AWS.config.region = region;
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId
var signedUrl = getSignedUrl();
var requestUrl = 'wss://' + host + canonicalUri + '?' + canonicalQuerystring;
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Connect through JavaScript
function initClient(requestUrl) {
var clientId = String(Math.random()).replace('.', '');
var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(requestUrl, clientId);
mqttClient = client;
var connectOptions = {
onSuccess: function() {
useSSL: true, timeout: 3, mqttVersion: 4,
onFailure: function() { console.error('connect failed'); }
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Update shadow through MQTT
function updateLightShadow(state) {
lightstate = state;
msg = "{"state": {"desired" : { "light":"" + lightstate + "" }}}";
topicshadow = topiclightbulbUpdate;
mqttClient.send(topicshadow, msg);
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Update shadow through Lambda
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var config = {iotendpoint: ''};
var iotdata = new AWS.IotData({endpoint:config.iotendpoint});
var newstate = reported.light === "on"? "off" : "on";
var state = {
"state" : {
"desired" :{
"light" : newstate
var params = {
payload: JSON.stringify(state),
thingName: thingName
iotdata.updateThingShadow(params, function(err, data) {
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Update shadow through Alexa
if ("AskLightControlIntent" === intentName) {
handleLightControlIntent(intent, session, callback);
function handleLightControlIntent(intent, session, callback) {
var switchSlot = intent.slots.Switch;
var sw = "";
sw = switchSlot.value;
speechOutput = "The light is now " + sw +".";
var data = sw=="on" ? LightblubShadow.on :;
var next = function(){
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Rules engine
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Extracting the value from messages
• Filter messages with certain criteria
• Move messages to other topics
• Move messages to other systems
• Transform the payload of messages
• Predict messages based on trends
• React based on messages
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
But how?
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
But how?
Highly available?
Easy to operate?
Easy to change?
Easy to implement?
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Rules Engine
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS IoT rules engine
Amazon Machine
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS IoT - SQL Reference
• Like scanning a database table
• Default source is an MQTT topic
• FROM mqtt(‘my/topic’)
• FROM mqtt(‘my/wildcard/+/topic’)
• FROM (‘my/topic’)
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Rules Engine
• Familiar SQL syntax
• SELECT * FROM topic WHERE filter
• Functions
• String manipulation (regex support)
• Mathematical operations
• Context based helper functions
• Crypto support
• UUID, timestamp, rand, etc.
• Execute Simultaneous Actions
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Quick example
SELECT reading, timestamp() as time
FROM example-topic/input
WHERE reading > 0
Republish to example-topic/output
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Quick example
Publish a message
Receive the re-published,
transformed message
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Monitoring DB
blue/1 {temp:15}
blue/2 {temp:16}
blue/3 {temp:12}
blue/4 {temp:40}
temp = *
temp = select temp, lux
temp > 30
temp = * Search
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
new: Elasticsearch Integration
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
new: Predict Function
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
ES Index
PUT awsiot-grove{
"mappings": {
"grove": {
"properties": {
"temp": { "type": "double" },
"humidity": { "type": "double“ },
"lightsensorvalue": { "type": "double“ },
"lightsensorresistance": { "type": "double“ },
"createdat": { "type": "date","format" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" },
"time": { "type": "date" },
"timestamp": { "type": "date" }
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
Get Started with AWS IoT Device SDK
(Ideal for embedded
(Ideal for Embedded
Linux Platforms)
Arduino Library
(Arduino Yun)
Mobile SDK
(Android and iOS)
AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
• Shadows
• Nodejs, Python, JavaScript code
• Rules
• Elasticsearch integration

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  • 7. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS IoT Device Shadow - Simple Yet { "state" : { “desired" : { "light": “on” }, "reported" : { "light" : “off” }, "delta" : { "light" : “on” } }, "version" : 10 } Device Report its current state to one or multiple shadows Retrieve its desired state from shadow Mobile App Set the desired state of a device Get the last reported state of the device Delete the shadow Shadow Shadow reports delta, desired and reported states along with metadata and version
  • 8. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers DEMO
  • 9. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
  • 10. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
  • 11. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers
  • 12. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS IoT Device gateway reported: {temp:27, humidity: 80%} Light Amazon Alexa Service AWS Lambda Sensor Tag Light Bulb Shadow 4. Update shadow desired: {light: off} Environment Monitor 2. Update shadow Switch 1. Sensors update MQTT MQTT over the WebSocket HTTP Alexa + Lambda $$ charged by Prices are based on the number of messages published to AWS IoT (Publishing Cost), and the number of messages delivered by AWS IoT to devices or applications (Delivery Cost). 6. Update shadow reported: {light: off}
  • 13. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Create a thing AWSREGION='us-east-1’ THINGSNAME="lightbulb02” POLICYNAME='smarthome-devices’ aws iot create-thing --thing-name $THINGSNAME --region $AWSREGION >things/thing-$THINGSNAME.json CERTARN=$(aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-cert.pem --public-key-outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-publicKey.pem --private-key- outfile ./certs/$THINGSNAME-privateKey.pem --output text --query 'certificateArn' --region $AWSREGION) aws iot attach-thing-principal --thing-name $THINGSNAME --principal $CERTARN --region $AWSREGION aws iot attach-principal-policy --principal $CERTARN --policy-name $POLICYNAME --region $AWSREGION aws iot list-thing-principals --thing-name $THINGSNAME --region $AWSREGION
  • 14. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Load cert and private key certfile="../../certs/grove-cert.pem", keyfile="../../certs/grove-privateKey.pem", rootCA="../../certs/root.pem",
  • 15. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Connect through MQTT libary import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt def init(): global client try: client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.clientid = clientid client.tls_set( "../../certs/root.pem", certfile="../../certs/grove-cert.pem", keyfile="../../certs/grove-privateKey.pem", tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ciphers=None ) client.connect("", 8883, 10) client.loop_forever() except: print "Mqtt Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
  • 16. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Connect through Python SDK from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTClient def init(): global client try: client = AWSIoTMQTTClient(clientid) client.configureEndpoint(host, 8883) client.configureCredentials(rootCAPath, privateKeyPath, certificatePath) client.configureAutoReconnectBackoffTime(1, 32, 20) client.configureDrainingFrequency(2) # Draining: 2 Hz client.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(10) # 10 sec client.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(5) # 5 sec client.connect() thingLightbulb = client.createShadowHandlerWithName(thingLightbulbName, True) thingLightbulb.shadowRegisterDeltaCallback(lightbulbShadowCallback_Delta) except: print "Unexpected error at init:", sys.exc_info()[0]
  • 17. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Read sensor data from Grove try: [ temp,hum ] = dht(dht_sensor_port,dht_sensor_type) ppm = grovepi.analogRead(air_sensor) aq = getairquality(ppm) loudness = grovepi.analogRead(loudness_sensor) light = grovepi.analogRead(light_sensor) state = { "temp" : temp, "humidity" : hum, "lightsensorvalue" : light, "lightsensorresistance" : resistance, "ppm" : ppm, "airquality" : aq, "loudness" : loudness, "createdat" : nowstr }
  • 18. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Update shadow through MQTT state = { "temp" : temp, "humidity" : hum, "lightsensorvalue" : light, "lightsensorresistance" : resistance, "ppm" : ppm, "airquality" : aq, "loudness" : loudness, "createdat" : nowstr } msg = { "state":{ "reported": state } } topicshadow = "$aws/things/grove/shadow/update" client.publish(topicshadow,json.dumps(msg),1)
  • 19. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and DevelopersAWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Connect through JavaScript
  • 20. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Connect through JavaScript var region = c.AWS.region; //'ap-northeast-1' var iotEndpoint = c.AWS.iotEndpoint; var identityPoolId = c.AWS.identityPoolId; AWS.config.region = region; AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId }); AWS.config.credentials.get(function(){ var signedUrl = getSignedUrl(); initClient(signedUrl); }); var requestUrl = 'wss://' + host + canonicalUri + '?' + canonicalQuerystring;
  • 21. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Connect through JavaScript function initClient(requestUrl) { var clientId = String(Math.random()).replace('.', ''); var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(requestUrl, clientId); mqttClient = client; var connectOptions = { onSuccess: function() { client.subscribe(topiclightbulb); client.subscribe(topicgrove); }, useSSL: true, timeout: 3, mqttVersion: 4, onFailure: function() { console.error('connect failed'); } }; client.connect(connectOptions); client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost; client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived; }
  • 22. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Update shadow through MQTT function updateLightShadow(state) { lightstate = state; msg = "{"state": {"desired" : { "light":"" + lightstate + "" }}}"; topicshadow = topiclightbulbUpdate; console.log(msg); mqttClient.send(topicshadow, msg); }
  • 23. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Button Control Voice Control
  • 24. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Update shadow through Lambda var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var config = {iotendpoint: ''}; var iotdata = new AWS.IotData({endpoint:config.iotendpoint}); var newstate = reported.light === "on"? "off" : "on"; var state = { "state" : { "desired" :{ "light" : newstate } } } var params = { payload: JSON.stringify(state), thingName: thingName }; iotdata.updateThingShadow(params, function(err, data) { callback(data); });
  • 25. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Update shadow through Alexa if ("AskLightControlIntent" === intentName) { handleLightControlIntent(intent, session, callback); } function handleLightControlIntent(intent, session, callback) { var switchSlot = intent.slots.Switch; var sw = ""; if(switchSlot) sw = switchSlot.value; speechOutput = "The light is now " + sw +"."; var data = sw=="on" ? LightblubShadow.on :; var next = function(){ callback(sessionAttributes, buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession)); } updateShadow("lightbulb",JSON.stringify(data),next);
  • 26. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Rules engine
  • 27. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Extracting the value from messages • Filter messages with certain criteria • Move messages to other topics • Move messages to other systems • Transform the payload of messages • Predict messages based on trends • React based on messages
  • 28. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers But how? instance database ?
  • 29. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers But how? Highly available? Scalable? Easy to operate? Easy to change? Easy to implement? instance database
  • 30. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Rules Engine
  • 31. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS IoT rules engine predict, republish Amazon Machine Learning index archive, analyze Amazon DynamoDB AWS Lambda Amazon Redshift process
  • 32. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers AWS IoT - SQL Reference SELECT DATA FROM TOPIC WHERE FILTER • Like scanning a database table • Default source is an MQTT topic EXAMPLES: • FROM mqtt(‘my/topic’) • FROM mqtt(‘my/wildcard/+/topic’) • FROM (‘my/topic’)
  • 33. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Rules Engine • Familiar SQL syntax • SELECT * FROM topic WHERE filter • Functions • String manipulation (regex support) • Mathematical operations • Context based helper functions • Crypto support • UUID, timestamp, rand, etc. • Execute Simultaneous Actions
  • 34. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Quick example SELECT reading, timestamp() as time FROM example-topic/input WHERE reading > 0 Republish to example-topic/output
  • 35. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Quick example Publish a message Receive the re-published, transformed message
  • 36. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Secure Pub/Sub broker Rules Log {1,2,3,4} Monitoring DB {1,2,3,4} Alarm {4} blue/1 {temp:15} blue/2 {temp:16} blue/3 {temp:12} blue/4 {temp:40} temp = * temp = select temp, lux temp > 30 temp = * Search {1,2,3,4}
  • 37. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers new: Elasticsearch Integration
  • 38. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers new: Predict Function
  • 39. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers DEMO
  • 40. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers ES Index PUT awsiot-grove{ "mappings": { "grove": { "properties": { "temp": { "type": "double" }, "humidity": { "type": "double“ }, "lightsensorvalue": { "type": "double“ }, "lightsensorresistance": { "type": "double“ }, "createdat": { "type": "date","format" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }, "time": { "type": "date" }, "timestamp": { "type": "date" } } } } }
  • 41. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Get Started with AWS IoT Device SDK C-SDK (Ideal for embedded OS) JavaScript-SDK (Ideal for Embedded Linux Platforms) Arduino Library (Arduino Yun) Mobile SDK (Android and iOS) Java-SDKPython
  • 42. AWS Cloud Kata for Start-Ups and Developers Summary • Shadows • Nodejs, Python, JavaScript code • Rules • Elasticsearch integration