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About NYWCA of Romania “ Knock and the door will  be  open to you !”   Hho we are?   The National Young Women’s Christian Association of Romania is a charitable  non – governmental organization with no-profit and apolitical, which has been constituted at  5 th  May of 1997 and which scope is to bring together women and girls of different traditions to promote the cultural value of the Christian spirit into community to improve the women life.
  NYWCAR  President  :  Andreea Diana Iancu     NYWCAR General Secretary  :  Aurora Livia Popescu   Office address:  Fabrica de Chibrituri  Street, No.34, ap. 2, sector 5,  Bucharest. Romania,   Tel/ Fax  :  + 40 21 335.24.26   E-mail : Mobile phone:  + 40 723 33 58 23 We can be contact at:
Our programs: ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION SEMINAR’s LEADERSHIP PROGRAM AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Iunie 1999, /Neptun, ROMANIA
WHERE: The  Leadership Program and Organizational Development  will take place in Brasov, a beautiful city at the bottom of the Tampa Mountains, an historical city. COSTS: The cost of the  Leadership Program and Organizational Development  will be covered by funds wich have been raised by  World Young Women Christian Association. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Aurora Popescu – President of the NYWCA of Romania Daniela Radu – member You can contact us to: National YWCA of  Romania Malcoci Street, No.1, bl.45, ap.71 5 District, Bucharest Tel: ++0401-423.34.77 E-mail: NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION SEMINAR’s LEADERSHIP PROGRAM AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT June 1-6 1999 NEPTUN,  ROMANIA
Our programs: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
  NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN’S  CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA   Project:   A woman well informed ! 14.09.2000 - 28.11.2001
PROJECT SUMARY The project wants to inform the women about the major aspects concerning their rights and duties in professional, family and society life. The purpose is to offer a moral and financial help so they can handle their problems and also to help the women in difficulty to recover the their trust in order to change their situation. The program contains also a series of seminaries and conferences, which will permit the information of the participants in all the activities, in the social, cultural and family life. The subjects will benefit a psychical comfort in an adequate ambiance (as much as in individual consultation and in-group meetings).  THE AREA WHERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED The individual project will be developed in Bucharest with the possibility of extension. The program will be split in two sections: one will be the conference / seminaries, which take part in the conference room and another, will be the individual consultation, which will take part in the office of National YWCA of Romania.  TO WHOM IT’S ADDRESS THIS PROJECT The program concerns women in need (regardless the social class). In Romania the women are facing different difficulties like: lack of legal support, lack of women initiatives, lack of self respect and confidence, unemployment, lack of knowledge of their rights, Romanian society impact over women life. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Project “A woman well informed !”
Our programs: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
PROJECT SUMARY The project wants to inform and to educate young people about their major rights – human rights. The purpose is to educate them in order to prevent and to stop all kind of hate and discrimination from childhood. In Romania, the educational system hadn’t incorporated yet classes with this kind of education, so, we thought it will be necessary.  The program will be done during one year in Romanian schools with children aged between 8 and 14 years; at the beginning, we will start the project in Bucharest, as centers of racism and intolerance. Two women, members of our association will teach a group of 30 children 12 times per month. In order to involve children, at the end of this project, the most actives of them will benefit of one-week holiday – a camp about  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Project:  “It is your choice!”
Our programs: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
WHO WE ARE? The National Young Women’s Christian Association of Romania is a charitable non-governmental organization with no-profit and apolitical, which has been constituted at 5 th  May of 1997 and which scope is to bring together women and girls of different traditions to promote the cultural value of the Christian spirit into community to improve the women life.  WHAT WE WANT TO DO? The National Young Women’s Christian Association of Romania understands it’s activity as an opportunity to involve women and girls; enables to define their identity and issue, to analyze and choose the effective methods of resolving the  problems that the women have in their life at all levels as working women life, mother, sister, daughter, and important part in the society.  The N.Y.W.C.A.R. will support a large women implication at all level of the spiritual, social, cultural, economy and political life through organizing conferences, trainings, courses, meet­ings, shows, mass-media, workshops, publicity and tourist activities PROJECT SUMMARY “ ANOTHER CHANCE” - English Course programme concerns women that face difficulties in finding a job. Considering that knowing a foreign language (mainly English language) has become one important aspect in getting a good job, we decided to help these women provided that when the target group was in school, the  educational system dropped English language classes in favor of French and Russian. Although there are various English courses organized by private schools, they are not accessible to unemployed women with low incomes in terms of finances and time. Through these courses, we want to provide a warm environment and a relaxed atmosphere as well as a moral support that allows the women involved in this course to find out about our activities and goals so that they might hopefully become future members. TARGHET GROUP The program it’s addressed to the women unemployment or with low income, that face difficulties in finding a job (it doesn’t matter the social class) Project: ”English Courses: “Another chance!”
Our programs: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
DESCRIEREA PROGRAMULUI Proiectul “ Ai grija de sanatatea ta!” se adreseaza elevilor din clasele IX – XII de liceu. Acest program priveste educatia tinerilor privind cunoasterea si protectia impotriva celor mai raspandite boli (boli cu transmitere sexuala, punandu-se accent pe HIV/SIDA) precum si riscul consumului de alcool, tutun si droguri.  In cadrul programului se vor organiza seminarii in care persoane specializate vor prezenta problemele referitoare la tematica programului. Acestea se vor finaliza cui dezbateri libere referitoare la aceste teme sau teme noi abordate de catre auditori. GRUPUL TINTA Programul se va desfasura in trei licee din urmatoarele localitati: Liceul “Traian”- Deva:  Liceul “Nicolae Titulescu” - Pucioasa Colegiul National ”Mihai Viteazul ”- Bucuresti. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Our programs: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTIAN ASOCIATION OF ROMANIA PROGRAM:  CHILDREN  NOT FOR SALE!   30 June 2009  The program is sponsored by  Lydia Project PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The program is organized in a consortium that includes the BRAMAT Belarus, Armenia, Romania and Moldova  The program  3  phases: 1. Research , documentation and information on the situation of children with problems of violence in the family. exploitation and trafficking;  2. Rownd   tables  in  all 4  partner countries  of the program  (one in Romania will take place on 30 June 2009)  3.Un course is a week in Chisinau in the period 6-12 July 2009.  ANTFCR  YWCA of Romania  will organize a round table on the day of 30 Ju ne n2009, based on an advance documentation and information relating to the situation of children in Romania.   The documentation will include:     - Statistics about family violence and exploitation;    - Children disappeared;    - Trafficking in children. In round table organized by  National Association of Young  WOMEN IN ROMANIA-Christian  ANTFCR people will participate  invited in the following areas:      - Police,      - Media        - Hall-Social      - NGOs in Bucharest.  Contact  : Program Coordinator Romania  Tamara Pistol: tel: 0767940567 E-mail:  Lydia and sponsored by Project -  Williams Fiona Hulbert  Partner prorgram ANTFCR:  Tel / Fax  0 213352426;  Address:  Fabrica de chibrituri Street,  no  34.   ap 2, sect 5 Bucharest, Romania.  President : Diana Andreea Iancu  tel: 0726405997;  E-mail:  Secretary General; Aurora Livia  Popescu   Tel 0723335823;  E-mail:
YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTIAN ASOCIATION OF ROMANIA PROGRAM:  CHILDREN NOT FOR SALE!   January  2 01 0  The program is sponsored by  Lydia Project PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The program is organized in a consortium that includes the BRAMAT Belarus, Armenia, Romania and Moldova  Continuing the project "Children are not for sale” in Romaina  the phase 4. After our research documentation  and information on the situation of  children with problems of violence in  the family, exploitation and trafficking will share the actual situation on the schools in order to inform prevent and  to train the  children   about their rights about the issue and to know to where to address when whey will be in danger. Will be done directly to the beneficiary ( students from 3  high  school from 3 city)  as following: -National Colegium “Traian”from Deva.  -- National Colegium “Nicolae Titulescu” from Pucioasa,  - Tehnic Coleguim “ Petru Rares” from Bucharest. Children are not for sale will include in Romania one mouth with  seminaries with the theme:  1.TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS 2.VIOLENCE CHILDREN 3.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHILDREN ABANDONED OR EXPOSURE  ABUSE OF ADULTS IN CARE WHICH  REMAIN 4.  LABOR MINORS Contact  : Program Coordinator Romania  Tamara Pistol: tel:  E-mail:   Lydia and sponsored by Project -  Williams Fiona Hulbert  Partner prorgram ANTFCR:  Tel / Fax  0 213352426 ;  Address:  Fabrica de chibrituri Street,no   34   ap. 2, sect 5 Bucharest, Romania.  President : Diana Andreea Iancu  tel: 0726405997;  E-mail:  Secretary General; Aurora Livia  Popescu   Tel 0723335823;  E-mail:
Our programs:  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
LOCATION OF THE ROJECT:  The program will take place in 3  schools: - Tehnic  College  Petru Rares., Bucharest: -  Traian High school in Deva;  - The National College Nicolae Titulescu . PROJECT ACTIVITIES  Activities fall into 3 categories: 1.Courses / seminars during the school year 2.The construction of a website that will be presented to all project issues  where they can access online free legal advice and psychological.  3.Organization of 1 contests (annual) evaluation / testing to every school PROGRAM:  “ THE YOUTH RIGHTS OF THE ROMANIAN YOUNG WOMEN GIRLS AND TEENAGERS FOR AN  EUROPEAN   LIFE” is  sponsorized by  The World YWCA . The World YWCA is a global network of women and young women leading social and economic change in 125 countries. The World YWCA is a global network of women and young women leading social and economic change in 125 countries.  It advocates for peace, justice, human rights and care of the environment, and has been at the forefront of raising the status of women for over 150 years. The World YWCA develops women's leadership to find local solutions to the global inequalities women face. CONTACT: NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN’S  CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA Address :  Fabrica de chibrituri Street,no 34 ap. 2, sect 5 Bucharest, Romania.  Tel/Fax +4021 335 24 26 Mail:   [email_address] President : Andreea Diana Iancu  Tel: +40726405997;  E-mail:  Program Coodinator & General  Secretary  : Aurora Livia Popescu Tel: +40724541110; 40723335823 E-mail: NATIONA L YOUNG WOMEN  CHRISTINAN ASSOCIATION OF  ROMANIA ASOCIATIA NATIONALA  A   TINERELOR  FEMEI  CRESTINE  DIN  ROMANIA Program: “ THE YOUTH RIGHTS OF THE ROMANIAN YOUNG WOMEN GIRLS AND TEENAGERS  FOR AN EUROPEAN LIFE” April 2010 – March 2011
PROJECT SUMMARY This project  comes up into Romanian young women and girls help, professional training about their rights. Statistics confirm that in Romania many people, especially young women and teenagers don’t have the basic skills regarding their rights, and especially their labor rights from Romanian legislation and also in EU. Nowadays, they face a lot of difficulties or even abuses when trying to find a job.  Through awareness raising sessions the NYWCAR programmer wants to impose a non formal education for young people; counseling techniques, informative sessions about the labor rights, about professional reconversion, basic   information about the   Human Rights and Labour under the EU instruments   European and the Romanian Labor Code etc. The professional issue has a great impact upon the other aspects of life, so it is important for every body to know their   rights and their alternative and how to achieve that. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THEME DABATED Courses / seminars during the school year that will address the following topics:   1 The Human Rights instruments under EU law. Council of Europe brief introduction: Purpose, Members. Structure 'legal tools; 2. Ways to protect and promote human rights in Romania ".   Rights for young people. 3. Career orientation: How to write a CV? How can answer to an interview? How to follow finding results?   4. Rights as an employee in Romania and the EU. . Rights under the social insurance payments and medical  5. Mobbing what it is ? How can you protect against mobbing?  6. Retraining "(with participation as person invite engaged in the Employment Agencies territorial.)  7.  The rights of young women / young family. Domestic violence. Social impact on personal and professional life.
AWARENESS  FOR  YOUR  HEALTH! Educational Health Program This program is organized by : THE NATIONAL  YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN  ASSOCIATION FROM ROMANIA (NY WCAR) It is sponsorised by World YWC’a Tel: 021-335.2426 [email_address]   In collaboration with: *  The high school “Nicolae Titulescu” – Pucioasa *  The high school “Traian” – Deva *  The high school “Lucian Blaga” - Bucharest
AWARENESS  FOR  YOUR  HEALTH! Responsable of Program: NYWCAR:  Anca Ungureanu and Aurora Popescu High school “Traian”- Deva:  Director: Prof.  Lazar Rodica Tel: 0254 220 975 Lecturers: Dr.  Selaru Adina High school “Nicolae Titulescu” - Pucioasa Director Prof.  Mihaela Diaconescu Lectures: Prof.  Mihaela Diaconescu Tel: 0245760277 High school ”Lucian Blaga”- Bucuresti Director: teacher.  Valeria Andrei Tel: 0212550437 Lector: Prof. Psychologist  Mara Priceputu
AWARENESS  FOR  YOUR  HEALTH! PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This Project “Awareness for your health!” is addressed to all the pupils at high schools from 9 th  to 12 th  class. This  program concerns the youth education in knowledge and protection against the most spread diseases (diseases with sexual conveyance like HIV/AIDS) and also the risk of alcohol consumption, tobacco and drugs .  During the program specialized persons will organize seminars in which they will refer to the main subjects of this program. These themes will end up with free debates referring to these themes or new ones proposed by listeners.
AWARENESS  FOR  YOUR  HEALTH! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],We want :
AWARENESS  FOR  YOUR  HEALTH! Some of The themes:
TARGET GROUPS: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],This program  is developing in  high schools:
Educational Health Program: Awareness for your health! In Bucharest
In Pucioasa
In Deva
Some images
Presentation made by Mihaela Enachescu General Secretary of NYWCAR With your participation:
In Future...
Living in Bucharest….

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Program 2010

  • 1. About NYWCA of Romania “ Knock and the door will be open to you !” Hho we are? The National Young Women’s Christian Association of Romania is a charitable non – governmental organization with no-profit and apolitical, which has been constituted at 5 th May of 1997 and which scope is to bring together women and girls of different traditions to promote the cultural value of the Christian spirit into community to improve the women life.
  • 2.   NYWCAR President : Andreea Diana Iancu   NYWCAR General Secretary : Aurora Livia Popescu   Office address: Fabrica de Chibrituri Street, No.34, ap. 2, sector 5, Bucharest. Romania,   Tel/ Fax : + 40 21 335.24.26   E-mail : Mobile phone: + 40 723 33 58 23 We can be contact at:
  • 3.
  • 5.
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  • 7.
  • 8.   NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA Project:   A woman well informed ! 14.09.2000 - 28.11.2001
  • 9.
  • 10.
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  • 15. WHO WE ARE? The National Young Women’s Christian Association of Romania is a charitable non-governmental organization with no-profit and apolitical, which has been constituted at 5 th May of 1997 and which scope is to bring together women and girls of different traditions to promote the cultural value of the Christian spirit into community to improve the women life. WHAT WE WANT TO DO? The National Young Women’s Christian Association of Romania understands it’s activity as an opportunity to involve women and girls; enables to define their identity and issue, to analyze and choose the effective methods of resolving the problems that the women have in their life at all levels as working women life, mother, sister, daughter, and important part in the society. The N.Y.W.C.A.R. will support a large women implication at all level of the spiritual, social, cultural, economy and political life through organizing conferences, trainings, courses, meet­ings, shows, mass-media, workshops, publicity and tourist activities PROJECT SUMMARY “ ANOTHER CHANCE” - English Course programme concerns women that face difficulties in finding a job. Considering that knowing a foreign language (mainly English language) has become one important aspect in getting a good job, we decided to help these women provided that when the target group was in school, the educational system dropped English language classes in favor of French and Russian. Although there are various English courses organized by private schools, they are not accessible to unemployed women with low incomes in terms of finances and time. Through these courses, we want to provide a warm environment and a relaxed atmosphere as well as a moral support that allows the women involved in this course to find out about our activities and goals so that they might hopefully become future members. TARGHET GROUP The program it’s addressed to the women unemployment or with low income, that face difficulties in finding a job (it doesn’t matter the social class) Project: ”English Courses: “Another chance!”
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  • 20. YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTIAN ASOCIATION OF ROMANIA PROGRAM: CHILDREN NOT FOR SALE! 30 June 2009 The program is sponsored by Lydia Project PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The program is organized in a consortium that includes the BRAMAT Belarus, Armenia, Romania and Moldova The program 3 phases: 1. Research , documentation and information on the situation of children with problems of violence in the family. exploitation and trafficking; 2. Rownd tables in all 4 partner countries of the program (one in Romania will take place on 30 June 2009) 3.Un course is a week in Chisinau in the period 6-12 July 2009. ANTFCR YWCA of Romania will organize a round table on the day of 30 Ju ne n2009, based on an advance documentation and information relating to the situation of children in Romania. The documentation will include:   - Statistics about family violence and exploitation;   - Children disappeared;   - Trafficking in children. In round table organized by National Association of Young WOMEN IN ROMANIA-Christian ANTFCR people will participate invited in the following areas:     - Police,     - Media      - Hall-Social     - NGOs in Bucharest. Contact : Program Coordinator Romania Tamara Pistol: tel: 0767940567 E-mail: Lydia and sponsored by Project - Williams Fiona Hulbert Partner prorgram ANTFCR: Tel / Fax 0 213352426; Address: Fabrica de chibrituri Street, no 34. ap 2, sect 5 Bucharest, Romania. President : Diana Andreea Iancu tel: 0726405997; E-mail: Secretary General; Aurora Livia Popescu Tel 0723335823; E-mail:
  • 21. YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTIAN ASOCIATION OF ROMANIA PROGRAM: CHILDREN NOT FOR SALE! January 2 01 0 The program is sponsored by Lydia Project PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The program is organized in a consortium that includes the BRAMAT Belarus, Armenia, Romania and Moldova Continuing the project "Children are not for sale” in Romaina the phase 4. After our research documentation and information on the situation of children with problems of violence in the family, exploitation and trafficking will share the actual situation on the schools in order to inform prevent and to train the children about their rights about the issue and to know to where to address when whey will be in danger. Will be done directly to the beneficiary ( students from 3 high school from 3 city) as following: -National Colegium “Traian”from Deva. -- National Colegium “Nicolae Titulescu” from Pucioasa, - Tehnic Coleguim “ Petru Rares” from Bucharest. Children are not for sale will include in Romania one mouth with seminaries with the theme: 1.TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS 2.VIOLENCE CHILDREN 3.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHILDREN ABANDONED OR EXPOSURE ABUSE OF ADULTS IN CARE WHICH REMAIN 4. LABOR MINORS Contact : Program Coordinator Romania Tamara Pistol: tel: E-mail: Lydia and sponsored by Project - Williams Fiona Hulbert Partner prorgram ANTFCR: Tel / Fax 0 213352426 ; Address: Fabrica de chibrituri Street,no 34 ap. 2, sect 5 Bucharest, Romania. President : Diana Andreea Iancu tel: 0726405997; E-mail: Secretary General; Aurora Livia Popescu Tel 0723335823; E-mail:
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  • 23. LOCATION OF THE ROJECT: The program will take place in 3 schools: - Tehnic College Petru Rares., Bucharest: - Traian High school in Deva; - The National College Nicolae Titulescu . PROJECT ACTIVITIES Activities fall into 3 categories: 1.Courses / seminars during the school year 2.The construction of a website that will be presented to all project issues where they can access online free legal advice and psychological. 3.Organization of 1 contests (annual) evaluation / testing to every school PROGRAM: “ THE YOUTH RIGHTS OF THE ROMANIAN YOUNG WOMEN GIRLS AND TEENAGERS FOR AN EUROPEAN LIFE” is sponsorized by The World YWCA . The World YWCA is a global network of women and young women leading social and economic change in 125 countries. The World YWCA is a global network of women and young women leading social and economic change in 125 countries. It advocates for peace, justice, human rights and care of the environment, and has been at the forefront of raising the status of women for over 150 years. The World YWCA develops women's leadership to find local solutions to the global inequalities women face. CONTACT: NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA Address : Fabrica de chibrituri Street,no 34 ap. 2, sect 5 Bucharest, Romania. Tel/Fax +4021 335 24 26 Mail: [email_address] President : Andreea Diana Iancu Tel: +40726405997; E-mail: Program Coodinator & General Secretary : Aurora Livia Popescu Tel: +40724541110; 40723335823 E-mail: NATIONA L YOUNG WOMEN CHRISTINAN ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA ASOCIATIA NATIONALA A TINERELOR FEMEI CRESTINE DIN ROMANIA Program: “ THE YOUTH RIGHTS OF THE ROMANIAN YOUNG WOMEN GIRLS AND TEENAGERS FOR AN EUROPEAN LIFE” April 2010 – March 2011
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  • 25. AWARENESS FOR YOUR HEALTH! Educational Health Program This program is organized by : THE NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FROM ROMANIA (NY WCAR) It is sponsorised by World YWC’a Tel: 021-335.2426 [email_address]   In collaboration with: * The high school “Nicolae Titulescu” – Pucioasa * The high school “Traian” – Deva * The high school “Lucian Blaga” - Bucharest
  • 26. AWARENESS FOR YOUR HEALTH! Responsable of Program: NYWCAR: Anca Ungureanu and Aurora Popescu High school “Traian”- Deva: Director: Prof. Lazar Rodica Tel: 0254 220 975 Lecturers: Dr. Selaru Adina High school “Nicolae Titulescu” - Pucioasa Director Prof. Mihaela Diaconescu Lectures: Prof. Mihaela Diaconescu Tel: 0245760277 High school ”Lucian Blaga”- Bucuresti Director: teacher. Valeria Andrei Tel: 0212550437 Lector: Prof. Psychologist Mara Priceputu
  • 27. AWARENESS FOR YOUR HEALTH! PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This Project “Awareness for your health!” is addressed to all the pupils at high schools from 9 th to 12 th class. This program concerns the youth education in knowledge and protection against the most spread diseases (diseases with sexual conveyance like HIV/AIDS) and also the risk of alcohol consumption, tobacco and drugs . During the program specialized persons will organize seminars in which they will refer to the main subjects of this program. These themes will end up with free debates referring to these themes or new ones proposed by listeners.
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  • 29. AWARENESS FOR YOUR HEALTH! Some of The themes:
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  • 31. Educational Health Program: Awareness for your health! In Bucharest
  • 35. Presentation made by Mihaela Enachescu General Secretary of NYWCAR With your participation: