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Product Demonstration Module
What is Product Demonstration?
Standing in front of a crowd and talking intelligently about your
product, demonstrating it and then trying to convince your audience to
do whatever it is you want them to do is not an easy thing. Product
demonstrations require knowledge of the intrinsic details of your
product, strong salesmanship skills and good presentation etiquette.
10 Tips for a Successful Product Demonstration
The Product Specialist needs to be ready to demonstrate a product. From appearances (demo
area clean and stocked; clothes cleaned and pressed; hair combed and shoes shined) to education
(product knowledge is ingrained; the product is operational; the presentation has been practiced). Do
you have a back-up plan if the product fails? Are you ready to handle objections? Are you rested and
looking successful and confident?
Product Demonstration Tip #1 = Be prepared
The Product Specialist needs to be ready to demonstrate a product. From appearances (demo area clean
and stocked; clothes cleaned and pressed; hair combed and shoes shined) to education (product knowledge
is ingrained; the product is operational; the presentation has been practiced). Do you have a back-up plan if
the product fails? Are you ready to handle objections? Are you rested and looking successful and confident?
Product Demonstration Tip #2 = Stand during the demo
Often – and usually toward the end of a long demonstration day – an in-store demonstrator will want to sit
down. Don’t do it. Your customer will see this as a sign of disinterest. As presenter, you’ll appear more in
command and in control if you stand. Sitting implies laziness, disinterest, and tiredness. It will be easier to
hold the customers’ attention when you stand. And if you have customer brochures to hand out, don’t
hand them out until after the demonstration. It will be hard to hold the customer’s attention while they are
reading company information.
•Product Demonstration Tip #3 = Engage the Customer
Even if you were given a prepared presentation script, let the customer direct the demonstration. Turn the
demonstration into a conversation instead of a speech. Ask questions that have meaning and will lead to more
questions and discussion. “Most people have been raving about this feature, is this something you would use on a
daily basis?”
•Product Demonstration Tip #4 = Listen to the Customer
Even if you were given a prepared presentation script, let the customer direct the demonstration. Turn the
demonstration into a conversation instead of a speech. Ask questions that have meaning and will lead to more
questions and discussion. “Most people have been raving about this feature, is this something you would use on a
daily basis?”
•Product Demonstration Tip #5 = Involve the Customer
Confucius said it best. “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll
understand. “ When it comes to product demonstrations, showing a customer how the machine works isn’t good
enough. For greater results from your demo, have the customers hold the item; have them press the buttons; have
them touch, taste and smell the results. The next time the customer asks, “Can this machine do ____?”, Your
response should be, “Here…do it yourself; I’ll walk you through the process.”
•Product Demonstration Tip #6 = Be honest with the Customer
‘Fake it ‘til you make it’ may be a common catchphrase in self help seminars, but it won’t work in product
demonstrations. If the customer asks a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t fake it. Promise the
customer that you’ll get back to them with the answer—and don’t forget to do it; or send them to where
the answer can be found. “You’ll find more information about that on our company’s website at www…..” If
you’re not sure exactly how the product does something, don’t try to work through the problem together
with the customer. If the answer is not easily discovered, the product will seem complex and the
demonstrator inadequate.
•Product Demonstration Tip #7 = Be ready for the Customer’s questions
Before answering a customer question, repeat the question or ask for clarification if necessary. For example,
if the customer asks, “Does this come in red?”, a wise product demonstrator will ask a clarification question
such as, “Do you want this in red?” or “Are you saying that no other color will work for your
situation?” Customer questions and objections can easily be handled if you’re prepared for them. Make a
list of Frequently Asked Questions– and their proper responses—and practice the correct responses until
they roll off your tongue naturally and confidently. An objection about a product’s price tag, for instance,
can be handled naturally and confidently if you prepare an answer in advance. Prepare an answer for every
question and objection you anticipate.
•Product Demonstration Tip #8 = Demonstrate the greatness vs. Asserting the greatness.
Here’s a little secret: Your competitor’s website claims that they are the best in the business. And did you know that their
product brochure states that their product is state-of-the-art and best in class? When demonstrating a product, avoid
telling the customer how great the features are. Show him instead.
•Product Demonstration Tip #9 = Don’t overwhelm the Customer (Demonstrate—don’t train)
Here’s novel idea: when you demonstrate a product, just demonstrate the product. Your job is to demonstrate a product
not to train a purchaser on how the product operates. A fine line, I know, but an important distinction. For example,
when you took the car out for a demo ride you got a sense for how it handles, how it feels, how it looks. It wasn’t until
you got the car home that you opened the owners’ manual to learn how to program the radio. A customer who endures
a seemingly endless parade of menu screens, icons, and blinking cursors may lose focus, turn bleary-eyed, and eventually
tune out. You can’t show someone how easy your product is to use by making it look complicated.
•Product Demonstration Tip #10 = Plan to be spontaneous
When you add original thoughts, examples, and stories to your demonstration you attract the attention of your
customer. An interesting story may even answer a customer question or objection. Draw on personal experiences for a
spontaneous demonstration or jot down some stories in advance to be dropped into conversation when needed. “I got a
call last week from a customer who bought this same unit last year….”; “I have this same machine at home and my
What do we need to do in product
Here are the guidelines for the Product
• Make them feel that we are focusing on Quality of Service and Customer Satisfaction!
• Briefly introduce our Company, Focus on who we are and what we do.
• Discuss What Reverse Osmosis is and how our system is different from other systems.
• Discuss how Central Water Filtration concept works and the benefits of if for them. Like
putting one system to all the water points of the house or commercial area.
• If doing product demo on finished projects, house, or office discuss how our system will
be installed and the benefits of it for them.
• Then discuss our main products and the benefits of each of it.
• Then assemble the demo kit to show to them how RO system works.
• Do water test sampling (TDS, ELECTROLYSIS, PH READING, etc.)
• Explained to them each results and do comparisons.
• Highlight the service maintenance of our systems and the benefits of it to them.
• Then always engage client to the discussion / demo so that they will be more interested.
Our Certifications:
The Water Quality Association (WQA) - Is a not-for-profit association for the residential commercial, and industrial water
treatment industry. WQA represents more than 2,700 member companies around the globe. Our membership is comprised
of equipment manufacturers, suppliers, dealers and distributors of water quality improvement products and services.
WQA proudly serves as an educator of water treatment professionals, certifier of water treatment products, public
information resource and voice of the water quality improvement industry.
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) - Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the
development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer
products and environment. Our mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited
organization, we develop standards, and test and certify products and systems. We provide auditing, education and risk
management solutions for public health and the environment.
Bisphenol A Free (BPA) - Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and
other adverse health impacts. Used most commonly in polycarbonate plastic products and epoxy resins. The BPA-Free
Packaging logo indicates that the packaging was formulated using no BPA. BPA is omnipresent in the environment from a
multitude of sources making the complete elimination of BPA from products non attainable. BPA is found in dust, air and
water and could contaminate BPA free packaging. Given these limitations, trace amounts of BPA in packaging are
unavoidable and as part of the BPA Free Package program such trace amounts that do not exceed a reasonable threshold
based on a scientifically sound principle will be considered BPA-Free.
Safer alternative substances used in BPA-Free Packaging are not known human carcinogens or reproductive toxicants that
cause birth defects, reproductive harm, or developmental harm.
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) - Is a trade association that helps promote the policies that make housing
a national priority. Since 1942, NAHB has been serving its members, the housing industry, and the public at large.
Introducing Our Company!!!
Who is Advanced Living Solutions?
 Advanced Living Solutions, having been in business for over 17 years offering
central vacuum systems to over a thousand residential/commercial clients across
the GCC area. We exclusively represent two leading companies, BEAM
ELECTROLUX and DISAN, global leaders in their respective areas of specialty. We
take pride on our highly trained & qualified staff that aims to give the best
 Advanced Living Solutions, being a service and solution company, has added
water filtration solutions for all types of applications to our portfolio. We provide
a wide range of Sediment Filtration, Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems, Ionization
Systems, dispensers & water bottles. Our solutions not only ensures that the
water is clean but we enhance the water to make it the best water you can get.
Our solutions are comprehensive; not only cleaning and enhancing the water, our
methods of transporting, dispensing and storing water are just as innovative.
 Our solutions are designed to enhance quality of life and can be appreciated and
used by everyone.
Water Solutions
Since water is the essence of all life, It should be no surprise
that our first solution is for Water; our focus is on not only
potable / drinkable water, but also on water the way you want
to drink it, customized to your taste and health requirements.
Our Bodies are made up of 72% water; our skin is made up of
80% water and our blood is made up of 90% water! In order
for our bodies to perform its daily functions, we rely on clean
water. And don’t forget our kids, since their immune and
detoxification systems are not fully developed until adulthood,
clean and safe water is even more important for them during
their growth stage.
There are all sorts of types of water out there, and since most
of us live in Urban areas, with no direct access to natural
water sources, we depend on commercial water, which is
available to us thru distribution systems that are often filled
with chlorine, disinfection by-products, fluoride and other
harmful toxins.
Water Solutions
We are offering you filtration systems that are safe, environmentally
friendly and best of all, a system that you can depend on at home;
We start by filtering the water; even if the water is of high quality from
the municipality source, one can never be sure of the last few meters to
your tap, better to be safe than sorry.
Our solutions give you water at any point / source you like, providing
convenience, and eliminating the need to purchase bottled water,
making the solution both environmentally and hygienically more
We customize and enhance your water based on your health
requirements; removing all odors and chlorine and other toxic / harmful
elements, then adding beneficial minerals, the optimal PH alkalinity,
and even ionizing the water to enhance the potency and absorption of
minerals, hydrogen & oxygen by your body.
We provide options to have hot / cold water available immediately from
the tap, adding convenience and energy savings.
To complete our solution package, we also offer bottles to store /
transport your water that are both healthy & hygienic vessels to hold the
water as well as environmentally friendly.
Types of Filtration Systems
There are many types of filters for various uses, our selected offerings are:
Sediment filters: Used for whole house water filtration when the water source is not a major
concern; meaning if the filtered water is not specifically for drinking / cooking. Sediment filters
remove sediments before they accumulate in the tanks, deteriorating the water texture and
quality as well as contributing to the eventual erosion of the actual tanks, and it also removes
chlorine before using for showers / brushing your teeth, washing your face/ hands.
Recommended for personal hygiene use such as showers & bathroom faucets.
Reverse Osmosis: Although this process is not the most efficient in terms of speed and amount
of filtered water created (since it does have significant amount of wastewater), however, the
result cannot be argued! When put through our selected several stage filter the outcome is pure
water. This water is so pure that we actually recommend reconstituting minerals to it that are
beneficial to both individual taste and health.
Mineral / Alkaline Filters: Mainly used after using Reverse Osmosis, in order to add back
beneficial minerals in the case of the mineral filter. The Alkaline filter will create an optimal PH
level, which should be between 7-9, to counteract the acidic buildup in the human body. Both of
these can be used as standalone on any water source you have in order to enhance the quality
of water you drink.
Ionizers: These machines pass a current over conductive plates, generally made from Platinum. When the water is passed
through these electrically charged plates, the effect is creating smaller water molecules that are more easily absorbed by
the body, translating in to better overall hydration, something of paramount importance to everyone, especially in our
regional climates.
Ionizers can also create water that is:
Alkaline: Counteracting the body’s acidic composition and acting as a natural detoxifier. Increasing the body's antioxidant
levels has been linked in numerous studies with higher energy levels, anti-aging effects and disease inhibiting properties in
everything from ulcers and arteriosclerosis to diabetes and even cancers.
Cooking with alkaline water dramatically improves the flavor of vegetables, rice, pastas, soups and teas. In addition,
though most plants prefer slightly acidic soil (see below), certain plants such as eucalyptus, fichus, juniper, aloe, yucca,
lilacs and irises thrive on alkaline water.
Higher Alkaline water levels (pH of 10 or more) are great for thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables to remove harmful
bacteria and pesticides; makes a great stain remover for removing coffee, oil, grass and other stubborn stains; and
dramatically enhances kitchen, bath and other household cleaning chores.
Acidic: When Acidic water is applied topically to skin, it exfoliates the skin removing dead cells and acts as an astringent
which tightens the skin, removes fine lines and wrinkles. And, because acidic water kills surface bacteria on the skin, it also
helps fight acne and blemishes without harmful chemical residues. Shampooing and rinsing your hair with acidic water
enhances shine, manageability and reduces breakage. Acidic water can also enhance certain plant growth such as roses,
sunflowers, begonias, many vegetables including squash and melons, azaleas, rhododendrons, hibiscus, tomatoes,
strawberries and blueberries.
Heaters /Chillers
Heaters / Chillers: These devices have been selected
to be the perfect standalone filter (built in RO system)
and heater / chiller in one, or they can be used just as
a heater / chiller and connected to a water line with
water that is already filtered.
The benefits asides from the obvious, convenience to
have hot (up to boiling) / cold water available
immediately from the tap. You no longer need to
store water in the fridge to cool / continuously boil
water every time you want to have a hot beverage.
We also offer dispensers that dispense sparkling
water, amount of carbonation can be adjusted to your
Double Wall Bottles
After we filter the water and enhance it with our mineral / Alkaline filters
and even Ionize the water, you do not want to put it back into any plastic
bottles. Not only is this adding to environmental waste, but it is also
proven to be unhygienic. As part of our complete solution, we offer you a
range of bottles to fit your every need and are child safe and child proof
as well.
The bottles we have selected are tested and specified for the highest
quality of water preservation. We also focus on double walled / vacuum
bottles, with benefits including high insulation holding the temperature
of your water / beverage longer and eliminates condensation that can
damage / mark your furniture.
Overall, the best and safest vessel to hold your filtered water is glass /
stainless steel (food grade) bottles, and purchasing silicone sleeves makes
glass bottles more child friendly and protects them from breakage.
Central Vacuum
Advanced Living Solutions has been providing central vacuum systems in Dubai
for 17 years now. We offer services not limited to residential but to commercial
establishments as well. We represent two of the leading companies in their
respective areas of specialty.
• Lightweight control: vacuuming is light housekeeping,
not a weight-lifting exercise or obstacle course.
• The quiet way to clean: Experience a quiet moment listening to the birds
outside or listening to music while vacuuming.
• Nothing to sneeze at: Leave the allergies outside. Indoor air pollution is one of
the most common problems for allergy sufferers.
*NAHB stands for National
Association of Home Builders.
Residential Applications
• Advanced Living Solutions is the sole distributor of Beam in the GCC.
• Electrolux is the world's largest manufacturer of vacuum cleaners.
• BEAM by Electrolux Central Vacuum Systems has become the world's
leading manufacturer and marketer of central vacuum systems.
Approximately one-third of all central vacuum systems are produced by
BEAM by Electrolux Central Vacuum Systems. The company also is the
global market leader in all vacuums. Beam, Electrolux and Eureka Central
Vacuum Systems and accessories are sold in more than 50 countries.
Residential Units could cover homes, apartments, flats or villas with areas of
3,500 - 15,000 square feet.
 Cleans 3,500 to 15,000 square feet
 Self – Cleaning Filter
GORE technology filters 98% of particles down to 0.3 microns. No
need to ever purchase a filter bag or clean your filter.
 Built-in utility inlet for garage or basement use
 Quiet Pak™ Sound Insulation System
Makes BEAM the quietest central vacuum in the industry.
 Anti-Vibration Mounting System
 Twist-Lock bucket is easy to remove, empty and replace
 It can handle any residential floor plan or even light commercial
• Disan specialised solutions has been out on the market installed to
more than 50 countries all over the world providing Commercial
installations that are ideal for large establishments like hotels, hospitals,
factories, platforms, restaurants and even large mansions / palaces. The
clear position of Disan, as specialist of central vacuum, is the best
guarantee for a competitive and innovative product.
Commercial Applications
Types of Water:
• Drinking Water – Usually comes from bottled water or tap water. Used also for cooking and other
food preparations. Total Dissolve Solids are usually lower than raw water but still might contain
contaminants on the water.
• Regular Water – Usually used for bathing and washing in the house or establishment. Total
Dissolve Solids are usually high because of particles present in the water.
Benefits of our Products to Our Clients:
R.O. Water Systems
Reverse Osmosis is a process in which dissolved inorganic solids (such
as salts and other minerals that have dissolved in the water) are
removed from a solution (such as water). This is accomplished by high
pressure pumps pushing the tap water through a semi permeable
membrane. The membrane (which is about as thick as cellophane)
allows only the water to pass through, not the impurities or
contaminates. These impurities and contaminates are flushed down
the drain as waste water.
These are some of the benefits of R.O Water Filter System:
 Superior Quality Water
 Great Tasting Water
 R.O take out all sediments, good and bad minerals, our system adds only essential
minerals that our body needs.
 Convenient, readily available anytime from your tap and no need to buy and carry
anymore bottled water from supermarket.
 Improved Health & Well Being by not drinking water from the plastic bottle.
 Environmentally Friendly (no plastic bottles will be used)
 Protecting your Children’s health.
 Comfort in knowing exactly where the water you drink comes from.
 Cost Saving.
 No need to store water on plastic gallons or plastic bottles.
Types of filter stages used in R.O Water Filter Systems:
(1st stage) 5 – Micron Sediment Filter: It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand
(2nd stage) Block Carbon Filter: It removes free chlorine, odor, organic contaminants,
pesticides and chemicals that contributed to taste and odor.
(3rd stage) 1 Micron Sediment Filter: Removes fine particles and rusts.
(4th stage) TFC Membrane: This membrane removes the following hard water
contaminants that may be present in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium,
mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium among others.
(5th stage) Post Carbon Filter: It removes any residual impurities and odors from the tank
and provides a finer conditioning of pure water.
(6th stage) Alkaline / Mineral Filter: Gives back healthy and beneficial minerals such as
ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion, which were taken away while
purifying the water.
Central Water Filtration System
• Using centralized water filtration system that supply filtered water for
the entire house, villa, office, school, or office. Pipes are usually
installed on several water points of the establishments. So filtered
water is available at all faucets in the house any time.
Whole House Water Filter
Used mainly for when the water source is not a major concern;
meaning if the water is not specifically for drinking / cooking. Uses
are for the entire house like bathing, cleaning, laundry and
Types of filter used in Whole House Water Filter:
(1st stage) 5 – Micron Sediment Filter: It is effective in removing dirt, rust and
sand particles.
(2nd Stage) Post Carbon Block Filter: It takes out 99% of the chlorine and
organic chemicals. It provides reduction of taste, odor, and color.
(3rd stage) 5 – Micron Sediment Filter: It is effective in removing dirt, rust and
sand particles.
(4th stage / optional) UV Water Sterilizer: Use for sterilizing the water to
kill viruses and bacteria's.
These are some of the benefits of Whole House Water Filter:
 Cleaned, filtered water emerges from every water point in the house
 Healthier showers and baths, chlorine is removed.
 Extended life of water using appliances, water tanks and household pipes
(removed sediments).
 Softer, brighter and longer lasting clothing
 Decrease the usage of laundry soaps
 Healthier skin and hair, free of contaminants
Water Ionizers
Ionized water is electronically enhanced water created through
electrolysis. It is produced by running normal tap water over negative
(cathode) and positive (anode) electrodes, which ionizes the minerals
in the water by creating positive (hydrogen) and negative (hydroxyl)
ions. The electrodes are composed of titanium and coated with
platinum, which is an excellent and durable conductor.
These are some of the benefits of Water Ionizers:
 Alkaline water acts as Anti-Oxidant and Detoxifies the Body
 Alkaline water fights certain type of gastrointestinal disease
 Alkaline water aids Digestion
 Alkaline water improves Body Hydration Efficiency
 Alkaline water enhances Oxygen Intake
 Alkaline water improves Flavor in Cooking
 Acidic water is best for skin exfoliation and other skin diseases
 Acidic water is best for cleaning the kitchen and the whole house
 Acidic water effectively cleans glass, mirrors, and knives
Water Dispensers
Our Water dispensers are comes in two types: First type are usually
connected thru the central water filtration system or to the undersink
water filtration system. Second type is the water dispenser with a built-
in RO system. It could be counter top or floor standing with secured
locked button for hot, cold and sparkling water. Other options comes
with UV out, State of the art touch screen control buttons and even ice
bank technology for more hygienic purposes. It can be used for homes,
offices, schools, and commercial areas.
These are some of the benefits of Water Dispensers:
 Connected directly from the RO system for limitless water supply.
 No need to change water bottles / gallons
 Best design & material quality to ensure long lasting operation and maintain
quality water
 Energy efficient and Environmentally Economical
 Hot & cold water available anytime
 Sparkling water options available
 Safety lock for hot water
 Option of UV Light at the end of tap to prevent growth of bacteria
 No more monthly payments for water bottles, no hassle,
never run out of water again, no more water spill.
 Different models to suit individual looks
Water Quality Test Procedures:
• TDS Meter Testing
• Water Electrolysis Procedure
• Demonstration Kit Set Up
• PH Meter Reading (for ionizer)
What is TDS Meter Testing?
• Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in
a given volume of water, expressed in units of mg per unit volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million
• Immerse the meter in the water/solution up to the maximum immersion level (2”).
• Lightly tap or stir the meter to remove any air bubbles.
Pockets of air between the electrodes may interfere with the electrical current.
• Wait 10-20 seconds for the reading to stabilize.
In hot (or ice cold) water, wait 20-30 seconds for the meter to compensate for temperature.
• As the water temperature will adjust to room temperature, the reading will change to
accommodate the proper compensation.
• To ensure greater accuracy, turn the meter off and on for each reading.
• Shake any water off the meter after each use.
This is to remove the droplets of water that may adhere to the surface between the
sensors and the housing around them. These drops may interfere with readings.
What is Water Electrolysis Procedure??
Water Electrolysis Procedure:
• If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your
demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water
and turn black, dirty in their water. This electronic color tester is an effective sales tool that
visually demonstrates the difference between high TDS water and low TDS water.
• Use it as an effective visual demonstration for displaying the differences between a customer's
tap water and reverse osmosis pure water.
• Tap water will turn a blackish-green within seconds and repulse anybody from drinking it.
• It is usually used to show to client the microscopic good and bad particles that is present in the
• Usually done with bottled water and RO water to compare the difference from their TDS level
Demonstration Kit Set Up:
DEMO SUITCASE Light Commercial RO System:
• 4-Stage Demo Suitcase kit usually used for product demonstration.
• This system is economical and designed for commercial and demonstrative
application. Also a perfect tool for introducing pure clean water to restaurants,
food processing industries, shopping centers, schools and hotels in a cost-effective
• Demo Suitcase works as good as a our 6-stage RO system, reduces up to
+99% of the chlorine, as well as objectionable odors and sediment. Demo
Suitcase also reduces the following hard water contaminants that may be present
in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium,
fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium. It is a wonderful tool to help people with
better knowledge for their own RO systems!
Cartridge Filters of a 4-Stage Demo Kit
• Stage 1 (5 Micron Sediment Filter) - This 5micron sediment filter is made of 100% pure
polypropylene fibers. High capacity filter removes dusts, particles and rusts.
• Stage 2 (Carbon Block Filter) - Composed of high-performance carbon that removes free chlorine,
odor, organic contaminants, pesticides and chemicals that contributed to taste and odor.
• Stage 3 (TFC Membrane) - Made in USA. High rejection TFC type membrane with the capacity of
producing 80 gallons per day. This membrane removes the following hard water contaminants
that may be present in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium,
fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium.
• Stage 4 (Post Carbon Filter) - NSF approved. This post carbon filter is designed to improve taste. It
removes any residual impurities and odors from the tank and provides a finer conditioning of
pure water.
Installation Guide:
1.Loosen the fitting nuts and the cap from the RO membrane housing as shown in the picture.
Unpack the RO membrane and insert to its housing (rubber gasket towards to the open end). When
completed, tighten up the cap with the RO membrane housing and the fittings nut.
2.Turn off water supply. Loose the stainless steel pipe connector.
3.Have feed water connector ready and connect it to the stainless steel pipe.
4.Get deliver valve and seal it with Teflon tape for 14 circles. Then connector it with the feed water
5.Get tubing white, connect it with deliver valve and the inlet water.
6.Get tubing white, connect it with "Drain Out“.
7.Get tubing white, connect it with "Out Let“.
8.Make sure that you complete No. 1 to No. 7. If so, turn on water supply and plug in electricity.
PS. Let the system run and make water for 2 minutes before officially use / drink it.
What is pH in water??
• In chemistry, pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous
solution. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and
solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure water
has a pH very close to 7.
How to measure pH in Water??
The pH of water tells you how acidic or basic it is. pH scores range from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A
measurement above 7 is basic. A measurement below 7 is acidic. The pH of water can be measured by three different
methods, a pH meter with a probe, a field kit, and litmus paper. This article will show you how to measure the pH of
water using each of these methods.
1. Calibrate the probe and meter following the manufacturer specifications.
2. Collect a sample of the water in a clean container. The container can be made of glass or plastic. The water
sample must be deep enough to cover the tip of the probe. Make sure not to splash or agitate the water when
you take your sample. This may cause the pH reading to be inaccurate.
3. Rinse the probe with water from the sample before placing it in the sample container.
4. Put the probe into the sample.
5. Adjust the meter for temperature if the meter you are using requires a temperature adjustment. Make this
adjustment according to the manufacturer specifications.
6. Wait for the meter to come to equilibrium. The meter has equilibrated when the measurement becomes steady.
7. Read the pH measurement of the sample from the probe according to the manufacturer specifications.
What are the benefits of these TEST??
Benefits of Water Test For Clients:
• Clients will see the difference from a normal tap water, to bottled water and from a RO filtered
water by means of TDS reading and Electrolysis test.
• TDS reading may indicate the measurement of good and bad particles combined in the water. The
higher the TDS reading is the water is more susceptible to harmful contaminants or impurities.
• Electrolysis test help clients to see the dissolved good and bad particles in the water that are not
visible to our naked eyes. From there they will see the big difference of normal tap water, bottled
water to RO water.
• The demo kit on the other hand is good selling tool that can be used for showing to clients on
how reverse osmosis is usually done. It will give them general information on how RO water is
being produce and what it will benefit them.
• pH meter test is usually applicable if the client is concerned with the acidity of the water. It is
usually used if a water ionizer is the one that we are showing to them.
How to be a good seller:
Tips for Selling Units More Effectively:
Justifying the value
• No one really wants another monthly payment. If you go into a home to " sell them an RO," that means
another payment, which also means you're fighting an uphill battle from the get-go. What if you could show
customers it costs nothing to have all the benefits of pure water ? What if it even made them a profit ?
Good news ! That's exactly what you can show them, if you take the time.
• As soon as you're ready to start talking about ROs, you need to ask a few questions. I recommend you have a
sheet prepared to record answers. Figure 1 is one of our forms, which we simply call the "Drinking Water
Survey Form." You want to preface your questioning by saying it "helps determine what equipment to
recommend, and to see how much money you can be saving." We suggest you write the answers down
immediately to the form questions. Take a minute to review this technique.
• I hope you see how this exercise convinces the customer that you're not there just to take their money,
you're there to give them better water and save them money. Another advantage of the form: If there's a
rebuttal, something classic like, " I'll buy it in two months," or " I'll get it next spring when my tax return
money comes in," with a completed form you're already in a great position to overcome this. You've
demonstrated to the customer that by not making the correct decision tonight, they'll not only be continuing
with untreated water buy they'll be wasting money. This is a powerful position to be in, and it works.
Figure 1. The Drinking Water Survey Form
• Do you buy bottled water for drinking ?
• About how much per month do you spend on drinking water ?
• Do you use bottled water for cooking ?
• If you don't want to drink the water because of its taste or because you wonder what's in it, would you
prefer to boil rice and noodles, etc., in water that was pure and free of chlorine and other chemicals ?
• How many people live in your home ?
• How many commercial beverages including coffee, tea, soft drinks, milk, beer, wine, cool Aid, juice, etc.,
would you say the average member of your household drinks every day ?
• How much would you say an average commercial beverage costs ?
• I am not saying your family is never going to want to drink soda again; but if you had pure, delicious, healthy
water to drink, what percentage of the time would you say they would reach for delicious water ?
• You can have the pure, delicious and healthy water you want for drinking and cooking and it won't cost you a
penny more that you spend now - in fact, you will be saving quite a bit of money, how does that sound ?
The tea bag test
Here's an interesting item to add to your demonstration. The premise is to boil RO water and customers "raw"
tap water in separate containers and make tea with both. One serving suggestion with this test: use orange
pekoe tea, not herbal. It's the most common tea in any supermarket.
Put a tea bag in each container. The tea made in the RO water will be much more fragrant and clear. The tea
made in the tap water will be brown, have a lot less fragrance and have an oil slick on the surface with particles
floating in the water. The harder the water, the more distinct the contrast is between the two. The best part of
this demonstration is the difference gets even clearer the longer you leave it. One sales person I know asks
clients to leave the water overnight and look at it in the morning, for an even bigger impact. Be sure to get the
water really boiling, not just warm. I guarantee this demonstration is worth the trouble. (Video)
Video Link:
Doggie's Choice
Another demonstration technique includes putting a bowl of RO water and a bowl of tap water, fresh from the
tap, on the floor. Use identical bowls to make sure the test subject-the family dog- isn't used to drinking out of one
of the bowls. Have the family bring their pet in (this test will work with birds, also). The animal will almost always
choose RO water, as they can smell the fact that it has no chlorine. This is the reason why many dogs and cats
drink out of the toilet bowl, toilet water has sat in the bowl long enough for the chlorine to dissipate. Remember,
many people will buy an RO system for their animals, fish or plants, while they'd be unwilling to spend the money
on themselves.
The ice cube demo
Similar to the tea bag test but not as dramatic, it involves putting an ice cube made from tap water into a glass
container filled with RO water. As the ice cube melts, white flakes that look like dandruff leach into the pristine
water. You can make this demo look even worse by bobbing the ice cube with your finger. Also, if the homeowner
is a scotch-and-water drinker, offer to mix a drink for them with RO water. I have sold many a system using this
technique, as real whisky connoisseurs can definitely taste the difference.
The TDS test & Color test
In your exhibition / trade show or in your show room. If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test
works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap
water and turn black, dirty in their water. How to use the "TDS tester or Electronic Color tester", please
visit or please check Water Quality Testing Video.
Video Link:
The taste test
This test is the climax of the demonstration- the last test you do before going for the close. When performing this test,
again move quickly so the chlorine doesn't dissipate from water.
Line the family up and give each member a small amount of RO water in a glass. Explain that you're going to have a
tasting, like a fancy wine tasting, and the first thing you have to do is "cleanse the pallet" by swishing the RO water in
the mouth and swallowing or spitting it out in the sink. Get each member to do this twice so the pallet and tongue are
completely cleansed. Now, quickly fill glasses with tap water and get each member to taste, swishing it around the
mouth as they did with the RO water. If you've done this right, you will, at the minimum, get loud moans of disgust, as
by contrast the can now really taste the chlorine and any dissolved solids in their water. About a third of the time
they'll run over to the sink and spit out their tap water in revulsion.
This is a great set up for the close. All you do is hold up RO water and their tap water, asking, "if it didn't cost a penny
more, which water would you like your family to drink ? " They always point to the RO water and that means they've
just told you they want to buy it. Refer back to the savings you worked out with them at the beginning using the
Drinking Water Survey, showing them they can be saving $30 or $40 per month and getting better water.
Now you have a few tips that will make a big difference in selling ROs. Maybe you've already used some of these
techniques, but have discontinued them for some reason. Remember that people buy for emotional reasons.
Demonstrations that involve sight, smell, taste and as many other senses as possible are far more effective that lectures.
Also, involve the whole family in your demonstration. Many decisions today are made " for the children," and who
would turn down an RO system when their kids are spitting tap water into the sink in revulsion? Refresh your
demonstration and get a bigger piece of the RO pie.
Frequently Asked Questions???
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is Reverse Osmosis (RO) System?
RO Systems is a Home Drinking Water System that uses the principles of reverse osmosis to remove 95-99% of all the
mineral and chemical contaminants from raw tap water. Giving you the quality that is better than bottled water with the
convenience of a faucet mounted on your kitchen sink.
Q: How does Reverse Osmosis differ from a sediment Water Filter?
Ordinary water filters use a screen to separate only particles of dirt sediment from water. Reverse osmosis employs a
semipermeable membrane that removes not only particles but also an extremely high percentage of dissolved
contaminants-molecule by molecule- from raw tap water.
Q: What is the membrane and how does it work?
The membrane consists of several thin layers or sheets of film that are bonded together and rolled in a spiral configuration
around a plastic tub (This is also known as a thin film composite or TFC membrane.) The material of the membrane is
semipermeable : it allows water molecules pass through while acting as a barrier to dissolved solids (i.e.: mineral chemical
contaminants). When the feed water stream passes across the surface of the membrane, the molecules penetrate the
membranes surface, working their way around the spiral and collecting in the center tube. The remaining contaminants are
concentrated and washed from the surface of the membrane down the drain.
Q: Can you explain Osmosis?
Assume a membrane is semipermeable, allowing water to pass through while being closed to dissolved salts. Place a
membrane between two compartments in a container as shown in the figure to the right. Then place a salt solution in
one half of the container and pure water in the other half. Now a fundamental scientific principle comes into play. That
is, two different concentrations of liquids within the same system will try to reach equilibrium (i.e. the same
concentration of contaminants) on both sides of the membrane. Of course the only way for this to happen is for pure
water to pass through the membrane to the salt water side in an attempt to reach equilibrium is called OSMOSIS.
Q: What is Reverse Osmosis?
Reverse Osmosis is the reversal of the natural flow of osmosis. In a water purification system, the goal is not to dilute
the salt solution, but to separate the pure water from the salt and other contaminants. When the natural osmotic flow
is reversed, water from the salt solution is forced through the membrane in the opposite direction by application of
pressure-thus the term REVERSE OSMOSIS. Through this process, we are able to produce pure water by screening out
the salts and other contaminants.
Q: What is the actual process of the R.O. System?
The raw tap water first flows through a 5 micron particle
• FILTER[1] to remove dirt, rust and other sediment. The water then flows into a carbon block cartridge
• FILTER[2] which takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. The next stage of the process is
• FILTER[3] 1 micron sediment filter or the Block carbon filter to filter multi-chemical compounds and suspension.
• FILTER[4] The reverse osmosis membrane (TFC) which will separate 95-99% of the dissolved contaminants from the
water molecules. The contaminants are then washed down the drain. The next stage of the PUREPRO RO SYSTEMS
process is the small CARBON FILTER
• FILTER[5] removes the remaining traces of chemicals, tastes and odors.
• FILTER[6] Optional Mineral or Alkaline Filter will be the last stage to bring back all the essential minerals that have
been taken out during the filtration process.
Typical Flow Chart The R.O. water is stored in a TANK. Inside the tank is a balloon-like rubber diaphragm, pre-charged
with 8-10 psi of air. As the tank fills, the air pressure increases and pushes the water out when the faucet is opened.
The final element of the system is a FAUCET [7]. It is installed on the kitchen counter or the sink.
Q: How did Reverse Osmosis get its start?
Although the idea of reverse osmosis has been known for over 10 years, the practical application is a recent
development. In 1962 the U.S Government funded the first R.O. plant which processed 1000 gallons clean
water per day. Today, there are more than 3000 large R.O. treatment plants, each producing more than a
million gallons of drinking water each day. In 1991, the U.S. Army bought 8,000 large membranes to their
mobile water purification units for troops in Desert Storm. In 1993, the U.S. Government bought another
6,300 large membranes to purify flood water in the Midwest.
Q: Will R.O. remove Sodium from the water?
YES! Reverse Osmosis was originally designed to make sea water drinkable for the navy. It is ideal for anyone
on a low sodium diet.
Q: Does R.O. remove Bacteria? Cryptosporidium?
YES! An R.O. membrane has a pore size much smaller than bacteria virus, pyrogen or the cryptosporidium
parasite. When functioning properly it will remove all microorganisms from tap water and produce sterile
water .
Q: How will RO filtered water affect mixed beverages?
Because reverse osmosis removes invisible contaminants that mask flavor, it allows the natural taste of your
beverages to come through. You will be able to use less coffee and still get the full flavor. Concentrated
beverages like orange juice will taste tangier. You will probably be drinking a lot more water as well, since
many people drink soda, Kool-Aid, concentrated juices, and beer as an alternative to bad-tasting tap water.
Also, PurePro eliminates most of the lime build up on drip coffee makers, preventing the need for frequent
cleaning. No longer will you find the white scum on the inside of pans after boiling water.
Q: Don't people need minerals removed from the water?
Most of the minerals that we receive are from the foods we eat. Only a very small percentage comes from the
water we drink. And that’s also the reason why we added a 6th stage mineral or alkaline filter to bring back all
the essential minerals that our body needs, within reasonable levels.
Q: Can the RO system be connected to an extra faucet?
Yes. It only takes a 1/4" tee and tubing to run the water to a refrigerator or a extra faucet. Some families
run RO system to all of their bathrooms.
Q: What factors affect the quantity and the quality of the water produced?
There are four major variables to consider:
1. PRESSURE. The greater the water pressure, the better the quantity and quality of the water produced.
Water pressure of 60 psi ideal. Our systems include one booster pump to make sure the water pressure is
2.TEMPERATURE. 25 C is the ideal water temperature for R.O. , acceptable operating range is between 4C –
3.TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS). The higher the amount of dissolved contaminants in the water, the
lower the quantity of water produced. A high level of TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS can be overcome with
additional water pressure.
4. MEMBRANE. Different membranes have different characteristics. Some produce more water than
others; some have better contaminant rejection capabilities; some have greater resistance to chemical
abrasion for longer life. Our RO systems come with Thin Film Composite(TFC) membranes which combine
the best of these characteristics and are considered the finest membrane in the world.
Q: What contaminants does Reverse Osmosis Remove?
The PurePro System contains a quality carbon filter which will remove more than 98% of organic chemicals from
the water. These include THMs(chloroform), DBCP, lindane, TCEs(trichloroethylene), PCEs(tetrachloroethylene),
carbon tetrachloride chlorine, In addition to these organic chemicals, below is a partial list of other contaminants
removed by the Re1812-70 TFC membrane. The percentage of removal shown below is a conservative estimate.
Material/Element % Removed Material/Element % Removed
Barium 97% Potassium 92%
Bicarbonate 94% Radium 97%
Cadmium 97% Selenium 97%
Calcium 97% Silicate 96%
Chromate 92% Silver 85%
Copper 97% Sodium 92%
Detergents 97% Strontium 97%
Fluoride 90% Sulfate 97%
Lead 97% PCBs 97%
Magnesium 97% Insecticides 97%
Nickel 97% Herbicides 97%
Total Dissolve Solids95%
Q: What are the essential minerals that Alkaline and Mineral Filters brings back to the filtered water?
The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionized Water. The
Alkaline filter simply gives back minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion,
which were taken away while purifying the water. The Alkaline filter is effective and give the water pH value
of 8.00~9.50 and produces perfectly ph-balanced alkaline water, that helps minimize the fluctuations of
your body's pH. Turn acidic drinking water into alkali calcium ion water.
The Mineral Filter improves the qualities of clean water by adding necessary for proper human
development and health minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and others readily
found in many natural mineral waters. This natural calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ions can be
absorbed 100% by the body. It is easily absorbed in the body because it has structurally smaller molecules
which help the body take in more water and replenish quickly lost water. Makes the water cleaner and
healthier. Mainly installed with RO systems to complement their absolute filtration qualities.
Produce Demo Module

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Produce Demo Module

  • 2. What is Product Demonstration? Standing in front of a crowd and talking intelligently about your product, demonstrating it and then trying to convince your audience to do whatever it is you want them to do is not an easy thing. Product demonstrations require knowledge of the intrinsic details of your product, strong salesmanship skills and good presentation etiquette.
  • 3. 10 Tips for a Successful Product Demonstration
  • 4. The Product Specialist needs to be ready to demonstrate a product. From appearances (demo area clean and stocked; clothes cleaned and pressed; hair combed and shoes shined) to education (product knowledge is ingrained; the product is operational; the presentation has been practiced). Do you have a back-up plan if the product fails? Are you ready to handle objections? Are you rested and looking successful and confident? Product Demonstration Tip #1 = Be prepared The Product Specialist needs to be ready to demonstrate a product. From appearances (demo area clean and stocked; clothes cleaned and pressed; hair combed and shoes shined) to education (product knowledge is ingrained; the product is operational; the presentation has been practiced). Do you have a back-up plan if the product fails? Are you ready to handle objections? Are you rested and looking successful and confident? Product Demonstration Tip #2 = Stand during the demo Often – and usually toward the end of a long demonstration day – an in-store demonstrator will want to sit down. Don’t do it. Your customer will see this as a sign of disinterest. As presenter, you’ll appear more in command and in control if you stand. Sitting implies laziness, disinterest, and tiredness. It will be easier to hold the customers’ attention when you stand. And if you have customer brochures to hand out, don’t hand them out until after the demonstration. It will be hard to hold the customer’s attention while they are reading company information.
  • 5. •Product Demonstration Tip #3 = Engage the Customer Even if you were given a prepared presentation script, let the customer direct the demonstration. Turn the demonstration into a conversation instead of a speech. Ask questions that have meaning and will lead to more questions and discussion. “Most people have been raving about this feature, is this something you would use on a daily basis?” •Product Demonstration Tip #4 = Listen to the Customer Even if you were given a prepared presentation script, let the customer direct the demonstration. Turn the demonstration into a conversation instead of a speech. Ask questions that have meaning and will lead to more questions and discussion. “Most people have been raving about this feature, is this something you would use on a daily basis?” •Product Demonstration Tip #5 = Involve the Customer Confucius said it best. “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand. “ When it comes to product demonstrations, showing a customer how the machine works isn’t good enough. For greater results from your demo, have the customers hold the item; have them press the buttons; have them touch, taste and smell the results. The next time the customer asks, “Can this machine do ____?”, Your response should be, “Here…do it yourself; I’ll walk you through the process.”
  • 6. •Product Demonstration Tip #6 = Be honest with the Customer ‘Fake it ‘til you make it’ may be a common catchphrase in self help seminars, but it won’t work in product demonstrations. If the customer asks a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t fake it. Promise the customer that you’ll get back to them with the answer—and don’t forget to do it; or send them to where the answer can be found. “You’ll find more information about that on our company’s website at www…..” If you’re not sure exactly how the product does something, don’t try to work through the problem together with the customer. If the answer is not easily discovered, the product will seem complex and the demonstrator inadequate. •Product Demonstration Tip #7 = Be ready for the Customer’s questions Before answering a customer question, repeat the question or ask for clarification if necessary. For example, if the customer asks, “Does this come in red?”, a wise product demonstrator will ask a clarification question such as, “Do you want this in red?” or “Are you saying that no other color will work for your situation?” Customer questions and objections can easily be handled if you’re prepared for them. Make a list of Frequently Asked Questions– and their proper responses—and practice the correct responses until they roll off your tongue naturally and confidently. An objection about a product’s price tag, for instance, can be handled naturally and confidently if you prepare an answer in advance. Prepare an answer for every question and objection you anticipate.
  • 7. •Product Demonstration Tip #8 = Demonstrate the greatness vs. Asserting the greatness. Here’s a little secret: Your competitor’s website claims that they are the best in the business. And did you know that their product brochure states that their product is state-of-the-art and best in class? When demonstrating a product, avoid telling the customer how great the features are. Show him instead. •Product Demonstration Tip #9 = Don’t overwhelm the Customer (Demonstrate—don’t train) Here’s novel idea: when you demonstrate a product, just demonstrate the product. Your job is to demonstrate a product not to train a purchaser on how the product operates. A fine line, I know, but an important distinction. For example, when you took the car out for a demo ride you got a sense for how it handles, how it feels, how it looks. It wasn’t until you got the car home that you opened the owners’ manual to learn how to program the radio. A customer who endures a seemingly endless parade of menu screens, icons, and blinking cursors may lose focus, turn bleary-eyed, and eventually tune out. You can’t show someone how easy your product is to use by making it look complicated. •Product Demonstration Tip #10 = Plan to be spontaneous When you add original thoughts, examples, and stories to your demonstration you attract the attention of your customer. An interesting story may even answer a customer question or objection. Draw on personal experiences for a spontaneous demonstration or jot down some stories in advance to be dropped into conversation when needed. “I got a call last week from a customer who bought this same unit last year….”; “I have this same machine at home and my husband….”
  • 8. What do we need to do in product demonstration??
  • 9. Here are the guidelines for the Product Demonstration: • Make them feel that we are focusing on Quality of Service and Customer Satisfaction! • Briefly introduce our Company, Focus on who we are and what we do. • Discuss What Reverse Osmosis is and how our system is different from other systems. • Discuss how Central Water Filtration concept works and the benefits of if for them. Like putting one system to all the water points of the house or commercial area. • If doing product demo on finished projects, house, or office discuss how our system will be installed and the benefits of it for them. • Then discuss our main products and the benefits of each of it. • Then assemble the demo kit to show to them how RO system works. • Do water test sampling (TDS, ELECTROLYSIS, PH READING, etc.) • Explained to them each results and do comparisons. • Highlight the service maintenance of our systems and the benefits of it to them. • Then always engage client to the discussion / demo so that they will be more interested.
  • 11. The Water Quality Association (WQA) - Is a not-for-profit association for the residential commercial, and industrial water treatment industry. WQA represents more than 2,700 member companies around the globe. Our membership is comprised of equipment manufacturers, suppliers, dealers and distributors of water quality improvement products and services. WQA proudly serves as an educator of water treatment professionals, certifier of water treatment products, public information resource and voice of the water quality improvement industry. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) - Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products and environment. Our mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited organization, we develop standards, and test and certify products and systems. We provide auditing, education and risk management solutions for public health and the environment. Bisphenol A Free (BPA) - Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and other adverse health impacts. Used most commonly in polycarbonate plastic products and epoxy resins. The BPA-Free Packaging logo indicates that the packaging was formulated using no BPA. BPA is omnipresent in the environment from a multitude of sources making the complete elimination of BPA from products non attainable. BPA is found in dust, air and water and could contaminate BPA free packaging. Given these limitations, trace amounts of BPA in packaging are unavoidable and as part of the BPA Free Package program such trace amounts that do not exceed a reasonable threshold based on a scientifically sound principle will be considered BPA-Free. Safer alternative substances used in BPA-Free Packaging are not known human carcinogens or reproductive toxicants that cause birth defects, reproductive harm, or developmental harm. National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) - Is a trade association that helps promote the policies that make housing a national priority. Since 1942, NAHB has been serving its members, the housing industry, and the public at large.
  • 13. Who is Advanced Living Solutions?  Advanced Living Solutions, having been in business for over 17 years offering central vacuum systems to over a thousand residential/commercial clients across the GCC area. We exclusively represent two leading companies, BEAM ELECTROLUX and DISAN, global leaders in their respective areas of specialty. We take pride on our highly trained & qualified staff that aims to give the best service.  Advanced Living Solutions, being a service and solution company, has added water filtration solutions for all types of applications to our portfolio. We provide a wide range of Sediment Filtration, Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems, Ionization Systems, dispensers & water bottles. Our solutions not only ensures that the water is clean but we enhance the water to make it the best water you can get. Our solutions are comprehensive; not only cleaning and enhancing the water, our methods of transporting, dispensing and storing water are just as innovative.  Our solutions are designed to enhance quality of life and can be appreciated and used by everyone.
  • 14. Water Solutions Since water is the essence of all life, It should be no surprise that our first solution is for Water; our focus is on not only potable / drinkable water, but also on water the way you want to drink it, customized to your taste and health requirements. Our Bodies are made up of 72% water; our skin is made up of 80% water and our blood is made up of 90% water! In order for our bodies to perform its daily functions, we rely on clean water. And don’t forget our kids, since their immune and detoxification systems are not fully developed until adulthood, clean and safe water is even more important for them during their growth stage. There are all sorts of types of water out there, and since most of us live in Urban areas, with no direct access to natural water sources, we depend on commercial water, which is available to us thru distribution systems that are often filled with chlorine, disinfection by-products, fluoride and other harmful toxins.
  • 15. Water Solutions We are offering you filtration systems that are safe, environmentally friendly and best of all, a system that you can depend on at home; We start by filtering the water; even if the water is of high quality from the municipality source, one can never be sure of the last few meters to your tap, better to be safe than sorry. Our solutions give you water at any point / source you like, providing convenience, and eliminating the need to purchase bottled water, making the solution both environmentally and hygienically more friendly. We customize and enhance your water based on your health requirements; removing all odors and chlorine and other toxic / harmful elements, then adding beneficial minerals, the optimal PH alkalinity, and even ionizing the water to enhance the potency and absorption of minerals, hydrogen & oxygen by your body. We provide options to have hot / cold water available immediately from the tap, adding convenience and energy savings. To complete our solution package, we also offer bottles to store / transport your water that are both healthy & hygienic vessels to hold the water as well as environmentally friendly.
  • 16. Types of Filtration Systems There are many types of filters for various uses, our selected offerings are: Sediment filters: Used for whole house water filtration when the water source is not a major concern; meaning if the filtered water is not specifically for drinking / cooking. Sediment filters remove sediments before they accumulate in the tanks, deteriorating the water texture and quality as well as contributing to the eventual erosion of the actual tanks, and it also removes chlorine before using for showers / brushing your teeth, washing your face/ hands. Recommended for personal hygiene use such as showers & bathroom faucets. Reverse Osmosis: Although this process is not the most efficient in terms of speed and amount of filtered water created (since it does have significant amount of wastewater), however, the result cannot be argued! When put through our selected several stage filter the outcome is pure water. This water is so pure that we actually recommend reconstituting minerals to it that are beneficial to both individual taste and health. Mineral / Alkaline Filters: Mainly used after using Reverse Osmosis, in order to add back beneficial minerals in the case of the mineral filter. The Alkaline filter will create an optimal PH level, which should be between 7-9, to counteract the acidic buildup in the human body. Both of these can be used as standalone on any water source you have in order to enhance the quality of water you drink.
  • 17. Ionizers Ionizers: These machines pass a current over conductive plates, generally made from Platinum. When the water is passed through these electrically charged plates, the effect is creating smaller water molecules that are more easily absorbed by the body, translating in to better overall hydration, something of paramount importance to everyone, especially in our regional climates. Ionizers can also create water that is: Alkaline: Counteracting the body’s acidic composition and acting as a natural detoxifier. Increasing the body's antioxidant levels has been linked in numerous studies with higher energy levels, anti-aging effects and disease inhibiting properties in everything from ulcers and arteriosclerosis to diabetes and even cancers. Cooking with alkaline water dramatically improves the flavor of vegetables, rice, pastas, soups and teas. In addition, though most plants prefer slightly acidic soil (see below), certain plants such as eucalyptus, fichus, juniper, aloe, yucca, lilacs and irises thrive on alkaline water. Higher Alkaline water levels (pH of 10 or more) are great for thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables to remove harmful bacteria and pesticides; makes a great stain remover for removing coffee, oil, grass and other stubborn stains; and dramatically enhances kitchen, bath and other household cleaning chores. Acidic: When Acidic water is applied topically to skin, it exfoliates the skin removing dead cells and acts as an astringent which tightens the skin, removes fine lines and wrinkles. And, because acidic water kills surface bacteria on the skin, it also helps fight acne and blemishes without harmful chemical residues. Shampooing and rinsing your hair with acidic water enhances shine, manageability and reduces breakage. Acidic water can also enhance certain plant growth such as roses, sunflowers, begonias, many vegetables including squash and melons, azaleas, rhododendrons, hibiscus, tomatoes, strawberries and blueberries.
  • 18. Heaters /Chillers Dispensers Heaters / Chillers: These devices have been selected to be the perfect standalone filter (built in RO system) and heater / chiller in one, or they can be used just as a heater / chiller and connected to a water line with water that is already filtered. The benefits asides from the obvious, convenience to have hot (up to boiling) / cold water available immediately from the tap. You no longer need to store water in the fridge to cool / continuously boil water every time you want to have a hot beverage. We also offer dispensers that dispense sparkling water, amount of carbonation can be adjusted to your taste.
  • 19. Double Wall Bottles Bottles: After we filter the water and enhance it with our mineral / Alkaline filters and even Ionize the water, you do not want to put it back into any plastic bottles. Not only is this adding to environmental waste, but it is also proven to be unhygienic. As part of our complete solution, we offer you a range of bottles to fit your every need and are child safe and child proof as well. The bottles we have selected are tested and specified for the highest quality of water preservation. We also focus on double walled / vacuum bottles, with benefits including high insulation holding the temperature of your water / beverage longer and eliminates condensation that can damage / mark your furniture. Overall, the best and safest vessel to hold your filtered water is glass / stainless steel (food grade) bottles, and purchasing silicone sleeves makes glass bottles more child friendly and protects them from breakage.
  • 20. Central Vacuum Advanced Living Solutions has been providing central vacuum systems in Dubai for 17 years now. We offer services not limited to residential but to commercial establishments as well. We represent two of the leading companies in their respective areas of specialty. • Lightweight control: vacuuming is light housekeeping, not a weight-lifting exercise or obstacle course. • The quiet way to clean: Experience a quiet moment listening to the birds outside or listening to music while vacuuming. • Nothing to sneeze at: Leave the allergies outside. Indoor air pollution is one of the most common problems for allergy sufferers. *NAHB stands for National Association of Home Builders.
  • 21. Residential Applications • Advanced Living Solutions is the sole distributor of Beam in the GCC. • Electrolux is the world's largest manufacturer of vacuum cleaners. • BEAM by Electrolux Central Vacuum Systems has become the world's leading manufacturer and marketer of central vacuum systems. Approximately one-third of all central vacuum systems are produced by BEAM by Electrolux Central Vacuum Systems. The company also is the global market leader in all vacuums. Beam, Electrolux and Eureka Central Vacuum Systems and accessories are sold in more than 50 countries.
  • 22. Residential Units could cover homes, apartments, flats or villas with areas of 3,500 - 15,000 square feet.  Cleans 3,500 to 15,000 square feet  Self – Cleaning Filter GORE technology filters 98% of particles down to 0.3 microns. No need to ever purchase a filter bag or clean your filter.  Built-in utility inlet for garage or basement use  Quiet Pak™ Sound Insulation System Makes BEAM the quietest central vacuum in the industry.  Anti-Vibration Mounting System  Twist-Lock bucket is easy to remove, empty and replace  It can handle any residential floor plan or even light commercial applications.
  • 23. • Disan specialised solutions has been out on the market installed to more than 50 countries all over the world providing Commercial installations that are ideal for large establishments like hotels, hospitals, factories, platforms, restaurants and even large mansions / palaces. The clear position of Disan, as specialist of central vacuum, is the best guarantee for a competitive and innovative product. Commercial Applications
  • 24. Types of Water: • Drinking Water – Usually comes from bottled water or tap water. Used also for cooking and other food preparations. Total Dissolve Solids are usually lower than raw water but still might contain contaminants on the water. • Regular Water – Usually used for bathing and washing in the house or establishment. Total Dissolve Solids are usually high because of particles present in the water.
  • 25. Benefits of our Products to Our Clients:
  • 26. R.O. Water Systems Reverse Osmosis is a process in which dissolved inorganic solids (such as salts and other minerals that have dissolved in the water) are removed from a solution (such as water). This is accomplished by high pressure pumps pushing the tap water through a semi permeable membrane. The membrane (which is about as thick as cellophane) allows only the water to pass through, not the impurities or contaminates. These impurities and contaminates are flushed down the drain as waste water.
  • 27.
  • 28. These are some of the benefits of R.O Water Filter System:  Superior Quality Water  Great Tasting Water  R.O take out all sediments, good and bad minerals, our system adds only essential minerals that our body needs.  Convenient, readily available anytime from your tap and no need to buy and carry anymore bottled water from supermarket.  Improved Health & Well Being by not drinking water from the plastic bottle.  Environmentally Friendly (no plastic bottles will be used)  Protecting your Children’s health.  Comfort in knowing exactly where the water you drink comes from.  Cost Saving.  No need to store water on plastic gallons or plastic bottles.
  • 29. Types of filter stages used in R.O Water Filter Systems: (1st stage) 5 – Micron Sediment Filter: It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles. (2nd stage) Block Carbon Filter: It removes free chlorine, odor, organic contaminants, pesticides and chemicals that contributed to taste and odor. (3rd stage) 1 Micron Sediment Filter: Removes fine particles and rusts. (4th stage) TFC Membrane: This membrane removes the following hard water contaminants that may be present in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium among others. (5th stage) Post Carbon Filter: It removes any residual impurities and odors from the tank and provides a finer conditioning of pure water. (6th stage) Alkaline / Mineral Filter: Gives back healthy and beneficial minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion, which were taken away while purifying the water.
  • 30. Central Water Filtration System • Using centralized water filtration system that supply filtered water for the entire house, villa, office, school, or office. Pipes are usually installed on several water points of the establishments. So filtered water is available at all faucets in the house any time.
  • 31. Whole House Water Filter Used mainly for when the water source is not a major concern; meaning if the water is not specifically for drinking / cooking. Uses are for the entire house like bathing, cleaning, laundry and gardening. Types of filter used in Whole House Water Filter: (1st stage) 5 – Micron Sediment Filter: It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles. (2nd Stage) Post Carbon Block Filter: It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides reduction of taste, odor, and color. (3rd stage) 5 – Micron Sediment Filter: It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles.
  • 32. (4th stage / optional) UV Water Sterilizer: Use for sterilizing the water to kill viruses and bacteria's. These are some of the benefits of Whole House Water Filter:  Cleaned, filtered water emerges from every water point in the house  Healthier showers and baths, chlorine is removed.  Extended life of water using appliances, water tanks and household pipes (removed sediments).  Softer, brighter and longer lasting clothing  Decrease the usage of laundry soaps  Healthier skin and hair, free of contaminants
  • 33. Water Ionizers Ionized water is electronically enhanced water created through electrolysis. It is produced by running normal tap water over negative (cathode) and positive (anode) electrodes, which ionizes the minerals in the water by creating positive (hydrogen) and negative (hydroxyl) ions. The electrodes are composed of titanium and coated with platinum, which is an excellent and durable conductor.
  • 34. These are some of the benefits of Water Ionizers:  Alkaline water acts as Anti-Oxidant and Detoxifies the Body  Alkaline water fights certain type of gastrointestinal disease  Alkaline water aids Digestion  Alkaline water improves Body Hydration Efficiency  Alkaline water enhances Oxygen Intake  Alkaline water improves Flavor in Cooking  Acidic water is best for skin exfoliation and other skin diseases  Acidic water is best for cleaning the kitchen and the whole house  Acidic water effectively cleans glass, mirrors, and knives
  • 35. Water Dispensers Our Water dispensers are comes in two types: First type are usually connected thru the central water filtration system or to the undersink water filtration system. Second type is the water dispenser with a built- in RO system. It could be counter top or floor standing with secured locked button for hot, cold and sparkling water. Other options comes with UV out, State of the art touch screen control buttons and even ice bank technology for more hygienic purposes. It can be used for homes, offices, schools, and commercial areas.
  • 36. These are some of the benefits of Water Dispensers:  Connected directly from the RO system for limitless water supply.  No need to change water bottles / gallons  Best design & material quality to ensure long lasting operation and maintain quality water  Energy efficient and Environmentally Economical  Hot & cold water available anytime  Sparkling water options available  Safety lock for hot water  Option of UV Light at the end of tap to prevent growth of bacteria  No more monthly payments for water bottles, no hassle, never run out of water again, no more water spill.  Different models to suit individual looks
  • 37. Water Quality Test Procedures: • TDS Meter Testing • Water Electrolysis Procedure • Demonstration Kit Set Up • PH Meter Reading (for ionizer)
  • 38. What is TDS Meter Testing? • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water, expressed in units of mg per unit volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million (ppm). • Immerse the meter in the water/solution up to the maximum immersion level (2”). • Lightly tap or stir the meter to remove any air bubbles. Pockets of air between the electrodes may interfere with the electrical current. • Wait 10-20 seconds for the reading to stabilize. In hot (or ice cold) water, wait 20-30 seconds for the meter to compensate for temperature. • As the water temperature will adjust to room temperature, the reading will change to accommodate the proper compensation. • To ensure greater accuracy, turn the meter off and on for each reading. • Shake any water off the meter after each use. This is to remove the droplets of water that may adhere to the surface between the sensors and the housing around them. These drops may interfere with readings.
  • 39. What is Water Electrolysis Procedure??
  • 40. Water Electrolysis Procedure: • If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water and turn black, dirty in their water. This electronic color tester is an effective sales tool that visually demonstrates the difference between high TDS water and low TDS water. • Use it as an effective visual demonstration for displaying the differences between a customer's tap water and reverse osmosis pure water. • Tap water will turn a blackish-green within seconds and repulse anybody from drinking it. • It is usually used to show to client the microscopic good and bad particles that is present in the water. • Usually done with bottled water and RO water to compare the difference from their TDS level reading.
  • 42. DEMO SUITCASE Light Commercial RO System: • 4-Stage Demo Suitcase kit usually used for product demonstration. • This system is economical and designed for commercial and demonstrative application. Also a perfect tool for introducing pure clean water to restaurants, food processing industries, shopping centers, schools and hotels in a cost-effective way. • Demo Suitcase works as good as a our 6-stage RO system, reduces up to +99% of the chlorine, as well as objectionable odors and sediment. Demo Suitcase also reduces the following hard water contaminants that may be present in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium. It is a wonderful tool to help people with better knowledge for their own RO systems!
  • 43. Cartridge Filters of a 4-Stage Demo Kit System: • Stage 1 (5 Micron Sediment Filter) - This 5micron sediment filter is made of 100% pure polypropylene fibers. High capacity filter removes dusts, particles and rusts. • Stage 2 (Carbon Block Filter) - Composed of high-performance carbon that removes free chlorine, odor, organic contaminants, pesticides and chemicals that contributed to taste and odor. • Stage 3 (TFC Membrane) - Made in USA. High rejection TFC type membrane with the capacity of producing 80 gallons per day. This membrane removes the following hard water contaminants that may be present in your water: lead, cooper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium. • Stage 4 (Post Carbon Filter) - NSF approved. This post carbon filter is designed to improve taste. It removes any residual impurities and odors from the tank and provides a finer conditioning of pure water.
  • 44. Installation Guide: 1.Loosen the fitting nuts and the cap from the RO membrane housing as shown in the picture. Unpack the RO membrane and insert to its housing (rubber gasket towards to the open end). When completed, tighten up the cap with the RO membrane housing and the fittings nut. 2.Turn off water supply. Loose the stainless steel pipe connector. 3.Have feed water connector ready and connect it to the stainless steel pipe. 4.Get deliver valve and seal it with Teflon tape for 14 circles. Then connector it with the feed water connector. 5.Get tubing white, connect it with deliver valve and the inlet water. 6.Get tubing white, connect it with "Drain Out“. 7.Get tubing white, connect it with "Out Let“. 8.Make sure that you complete No. 1 to No. 7. If so, turn on water supply and plug in electricity. PS. Let the system run and make water for 2 minutes before officially use / drink it.
  • 45. What is pH in water?? • In chemistry, pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure water has a pH very close to 7.
  • 46. How to measure pH in Water?? The pH of water tells you how acidic or basic it is. pH scores range from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A measurement above 7 is basic. A measurement below 7 is acidic. The pH of water can be measured by three different methods, a pH meter with a probe, a field kit, and litmus paper. This article will show you how to measure the pH of water using each of these methods. 1. Calibrate the probe and meter following the manufacturer specifications. 2. Collect a sample of the water in a clean container. The container can be made of glass or plastic. The water sample must be deep enough to cover the tip of the probe. Make sure not to splash or agitate the water when you take your sample. This may cause the pH reading to be inaccurate. 3. Rinse the probe with water from the sample before placing it in the sample container. 4. Put the probe into the sample. 5. Adjust the meter for temperature if the meter you are using requires a temperature adjustment. Make this adjustment according to the manufacturer specifications. 6. Wait for the meter to come to equilibrium. The meter has equilibrated when the measurement becomes steady. 7. Read the pH measurement of the sample from the probe according to the manufacturer specifications.
  • 47. What are the benefits of these TEST??
  • 48. Benefits of Water Test For Clients: • Clients will see the difference from a normal tap water, to bottled water and from a RO filtered water by means of TDS reading and Electrolysis test. • TDS reading may indicate the measurement of good and bad particles combined in the water. The higher the TDS reading is the water is more susceptible to harmful contaminants or impurities. • Electrolysis test help clients to see the dissolved good and bad particles in the water that are not visible to our naked eyes. From there they will see the big difference of normal tap water, bottled water to RO water. • The demo kit on the other hand is good selling tool that can be used for showing to clients on how reverse osmosis is usually done. It will give them general information on how RO water is being produce and what it will benefit them. • pH meter test is usually applicable if the client is concerned with the acidity of the water. It is usually used if a water ionizer is the one that we are showing to them.
  • 49. How to be a good seller:
  • 50. Tips for Selling Units More Effectively: Justifying the value • No one really wants another monthly payment. If you go into a home to " sell them an RO," that means another payment, which also means you're fighting an uphill battle from the get-go. What if you could show customers it costs nothing to have all the benefits of pure water ? What if it even made them a profit ? Good news ! That's exactly what you can show them, if you take the time. • As soon as you're ready to start talking about ROs, you need to ask a few questions. I recommend you have a sheet prepared to record answers. Figure 1 is one of our forms, which we simply call the "Drinking Water Survey Form." You want to preface your questioning by saying it "helps determine what equipment to recommend, and to see how much money you can be saving." We suggest you write the answers down immediately to the form questions. Take a minute to review this technique. • I hope you see how this exercise convinces the customer that you're not there just to take their money, you're there to give them better water and save them money. Another advantage of the form: If there's a rebuttal, something classic like, " I'll buy it in two months," or " I'll get it next spring when my tax return money comes in," with a completed form you're already in a great position to overcome this. You've demonstrated to the customer that by not making the correct decision tonight, they'll not only be continuing with untreated water buy they'll be wasting money. This is a powerful position to be in, and it works.
  • 51. Figure 1. The Drinking Water Survey Form Questions: • Do you buy bottled water for drinking ? • About how much per month do you spend on drinking water ? • Do you use bottled water for cooking ? • If you don't want to drink the water because of its taste or because you wonder what's in it, would you prefer to boil rice and noodles, etc., in water that was pure and free of chlorine and other chemicals ? • How many people live in your home ? • How many commercial beverages including coffee, tea, soft drinks, milk, beer, wine, cool Aid, juice, etc., would you say the average member of your household drinks every day ? • How much would you say an average commercial beverage costs ? • I am not saying your family is never going to want to drink soda again; but if you had pure, delicious, healthy water to drink, what percentage of the time would you say they would reach for delicious water ? • You can have the pure, delicious and healthy water you want for drinking and cooking and it won't cost you a penny more that you spend now - in fact, you will be saving quite a bit of money, how does that sound ?
  • 52. The tea bag test Here's an interesting item to add to your demonstration. The premise is to boil RO water and customers "raw" tap water in separate containers and make tea with both. One serving suggestion with this test: use orange pekoe tea, not herbal. It's the most common tea in any supermarket. Put a tea bag in each container. The tea made in the RO water will be much more fragrant and clear. The tea made in the tap water will be brown, have a lot less fragrance and have an oil slick on the surface with particles floating in the water. The harder the water, the more distinct the contrast is between the two. The best part of this demonstration is the difference gets even clearer the longer you leave it. One sales person I know asks clients to leave the water overnight and look at it in the morning, for an even bigger impact. Be sure to get the water really boiling, not just warm. I guarantee this demonstration is worth the trouble. (Video) Video Link:
  • 53. Doggie's Choice Another demonstration technique includes putting a bowl of RO water and a bowl of tap water, fresh from the tap, on the floor. Use identical bowls to make sure the test subject-the family dog- isn't used to drinking out of one of the bowls. Have the family bring their pet in (this test will work with birds, also). The animal will almost always choose RO water, as they can smell the fact that it has no chlorine. This is the reason why many dogs and cats drink out of the toilet bowl, toilet water has sat in the bowl long enough for the chlorine to dissipate. Remember, many people will buy an RO system for their animals, fish or plants, while they'd be unwilling to spend the money on themselves. The ice cube demo Similar to the tea bag test but not as dramatic, it involves putting an ice cube made from tap water into a glass container filled with RO water. As the ice cube melts, white flakes that look like dandruff leach into the pristine water. You can make this demo look even worse by bobbing the ice cube with your finger. Also, if the homeowner is a scotch-and-water drinker, offer to mix a drink for them with RO water. I have sold many a system using this technique, as real whisky connoisseurs can definitely taste the difference.
  • 54. The TDS test & Color test In your exhibition / trade show or in your show room. If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water and turn black, dirty in their water. How to use the "TDS tester or Electronic Color tester", please visit or please check Water Quality Testing Video. Video Link: The taste test This test is the climax of the demonstration- the last test you do before going for the close. When performing this test, again move quickly so the chlorine doesn't dissipate from water. Line the family up and give each member a small amount of RO water in a glass. Explain that you're going to have a tasting, like a fancy wine tasting, and the first thing you have to do is "cleanse the pallet" by swishing the RO water in the mouth and swallowing or spitting it out in the sink. Get each member to do this twice so the pallet and tongue are completely cleansed. Now, quickly fill glasses with tap water and get each member to taste, swishing it around the mouth as they did with the RO water. If you've done this right, you will, at the minimum, get loud moans of disgust, as by contrast the can now really taste the chlorine and any dissolved solids in their water. About a third of the time they'll run over to the sink and spit out their tap water in revulsion.
  • 55. This is a great set up for the close. All you do is hold up RO water and their tap water, asking, "if it didn't cost a penny more, which water would you like your family to drink ? " They always point to the RO water and that means they've just told you they want to buy it. Refer back to the savings you worked out with them at the beginning using the Drinking Water Survey, showing them they can be saving $30 or $40 per month and getting better water. Conclusion Now you have a few tips that will make a big difference in selling ROs. Maybe you've already used some of these techniques, but have discontinued them for some reason. Remember that people buy for emotional reasons. Demonstrations that involve sight, smell, taste and as many other senses as possible are far more effective that lectures. Also, involve the whole family in your demonstration. Many decisions today are made " for the children," and who would turn down an RO system when their kids are spitting tap water into the sink in revulsion? Refresh your demonstration and get a bigger piece of the RO pie.
  • 57. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is Reverse Osmosis (RO) System? RO Systems is a Home Drinking Water System that uses the principles of reverse osmosis to remove 95-99% of all the mineral and chemical contaminants from raw tap water. Giving you the quality that is better than bottled water with the convenience of a faucet mounted on your kitchen sink. Q: How does Reverse Osmosis differ from a sediment Water Filter? Ordinary water filters use a screen to separate only particles of dirt sediment from water. Reverse osmosis employs a semipermeable membrane that removes not only particles but also an extremely high percentage of dissolved contaminants-molecule by molecule- from raw tap water. Q: What is the membrane and how does it work? The membrane consists of several thin layers or sheets of film that are bonded together and rolled in a spiral configuration around a plastic tub (This is also known as a thin film composite or TFC membrane.) The material of the membrane is semipermeable : it allows water molecules pass through while acting as a barrier to dissolved solids (i.e.: mineral chemical contaminants). When the feed water stream passes across the surface of the membrane, the molecules penetrate the membranes surface, working their way around the spiral and collecting in the center tube. The remaining contaminants are concentrated and washed from the surface of the membrane down the drain.
  • 58. Q: Can you explain Osmosis? Assume a membrane is semipermeable, allowing water to pass through while being closed to dissolved salts. Place a membrane between two compartments in a container as shown in the figure to the right. Then place a salt solution in one half of the container and pure water in the other half. Now a fundamental scientific principle comes into play. That is, two different concentrations of liquids within the same system will try to reach equilibrium (i.e. the same concentration of contaminants) on both sides of the membrane. Of course the only way for this to happen is for pure water to pass through the membrane to the salt water side in an attempt to reach equilibrium is called OSMOSIS. Q: What is Reverse Osmosis? Reverse Osmosis is the reversal of the natural flow of osmosis. In a water purification system, the goal is not to dilute the salt solution, but to separate the pure water from the salt and other contaminants. When the natural osmotic flow is reversed, water from the salt solution is forced through the membrane in the opposite direction by application of pressure-thus the term REVERSE OSMOSIS. Through this process, we are able to produce pure water by screening out the salts and other contaminants.
  • 59. Q: What is the actual process of the R.O. System? The raw tap water first flows through a 5 micron particle • FILTER[1] to remove dirt, rust and other sediment. The water then flows into a carbon block cartridge • FILTER[2] which takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. The next stage of the process is • FILTER[3] 1 micron sediment filter or the Block carbon filter to filter multi-chemical compounds and suspension. • FILTER[4] The reverse osmosis membrane (TFC) which will separate 95-99% of the dissolved contaminants from the water molecules. The contaminants are then washed down the drain. The next stage of the PUREPRO RO SYSTEMS process is the small CARBON FILTER • FILTER[5] removes the remaining traces of chemicals, tastes and odors. • FILTER[6] Optional Mineral or Alkaline Filter will be the last stage to bring back all the essential minerals that have been taken out during the filtration process. Typical Flow Chart The R.O. water is stored in a TANK. Inside the tank is a balloon-like rubber diaphragm, pre-charged with 8-10 psi of air. As the tank fills, the air pressure increases and pushes the water out when the faucet is opened. The final element of the system is a FAUCET [7]. It is installed on the kitchen counter or the sink.
  • 60. Q: How did Reverse Osmosis get its start? Although the idea of reverse osmosis has been known for over 10 years, the practical application is a recent development. In 1962 the U.S Government funded the first R.O. plant which processed 1000 gallons clean water per day. Today, there are more than 3000 large R.O. treatment plants, each producing more than a million gallons of drinking water each day. In 1991, the U.S. Army bought 8,000 large membranes to their mobile water purification units for troops in Desert Storm. In 1993, the U.S. Government bought another 6,300 large membranes to purify flood water in the Midwest. Q: Will R.O. remove Sodium from the water? YES! Reverse Osmosis was originally designed to make sea water drinkable for the navy. It is ideal for anyone on a low sodium diet. Q: Does R.O. remove Bacteria? Cryptosporidium? YES! An R.O. membrane has a pore size much smaller than bacteria virus, pyrogen or the cryptosporidium parasite. When functioning properly it will remove all microorganisms from tap water and produce sterile water .
  • 61. Q: How will RO filtered water affect mixed beverages? Because reverse osmosis removes invisible contaminants that mask flavor, it allows the natural taste of your beverages to come through. You will be able to use less coffee and still get the full flavor. Concentrated beverages like orange juice will taste tangier. You will probably be drinking a lot more water as well, since many people drink soda, Kool-Aid, concentrated juices, and beer as an alternative to bad-tasting tap water. Also, PurePro eliminates most of the lime build up on drip coffee makers, preventing the need for frequent cleaning. No longer will you find the white scum on the inside of pans after boiling water. Q: Don't people need minerals removed from the water? Most of the minerals that we receive are from the foods we eat. Only a very small percentage comes from the water we drink. And that’s also the reason why we added a 6th stage mineral or alkaline filter to bring back all the essential minerals that our body needs, within reasonable levels.
  • 62. Q: Can the RO system be connected to an extra faucet? Yes. It only takes a 1/4" tee and tubing to run the water to a refrigerator or a extra faucet. Some families run RO system to all of their bathrooms. Q: What factors affect the quantity and the quality of the water produced? There are four major variables to consider: 1. PRESSURE. The greater the water pressure, the better the quantity and quality of the water produced. Water pressure of 60 psi ideal. Our systems include one booster pump to make sure the water pressure is adequate. 2.TEMPERATURE. 25 C is the ideal water temperature for R.O. , acceptable operating range is between 4C – 30C. 3.TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS). The higher the amount of dissolved contaminants in the water, the lower the quantity of water produced. A high level of TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS can be overcome with additional water pressure. 4. MEMBRANE. Different membranes have different characteristics. Some produce more water than others; some have better contaminant rejection capabilities; some have greater resistance to chemical abrasion for longer life. Our RO systems come with Thin Film Composite(TFC) membranes which combine the best of these characteristics and are considered the finest membrane in the world.
  • 63. Q: What contaminants does Reverse Osmosis Remove? The PurePro System contains a quality carbon filter which will remove more than 98% of organic chemicals from the water. These include THMs(chloroform), DBCP, lindane, TCEs(trichloroethylene), PCEs(tetrachloroethylene), carbon tetrachloride chlorine, In addition to these organic chemicals, below is a partial list of other contaminants removed by the Re1812-70 TFC membrane. The percentage of removal shown below is a conservative estimate. Material/Element % Removed Material/Element % Removed Barium 97% Potassium 92% Bicarbonate 94% Radium 97% Cadmium 97% Selenium 97% Calcium 97% Silicate 96% Chromate 92% Silver 85% Copper 97% Sodium 92% Detergents 97% Strontium 97% Fluoride 90% Sulfate 97% Lead 97% PCBs 97% Magnesium 97% Insecticides 97% Nickel 97% Herbicides 97% Total Dissolve Solids95%
  • 64. Q: What are the essential minerals that Alkaline and Mineral Filters brings back to the filtered water? The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionized Water. The Alkaline filter simply gives back minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion, which were taken away while purifying the water. The Alkaline filter is effective and give the water pH value of 8.00~9.50 and produces perfectly ph-balanced alkaline water, that helps minimize the fluctuations of your body's pH. Turn acidic drinking water into alkali calcium ion water. The Mineral Filter improves the qualities of clean water by adding necessary for proper human development and health minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and others readily found in many natural mineral waters. This natural calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ions can be absorbed 100% by the body. It is easily absorbed in the body because it has structurally smaller molecules which help the body take in more water and replenish quickly lost water. Makes the water cleaner and healthier. Mainly installed with RO systems to complement their absolute filtration qualities.