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       L C O H MONEY                                                                                                    T O P                                           D O O R S L A M M E R                                                                                                                                                T O P                                         B I K E                                                                    P R
                          T O P
     ALTERNATIVE TO V8 SUPERCARS!                                                                         F U E L                                                  T O P                             A L C O H O L                                                            T O P                        D O O R S L A M M E R categories I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             six professional        T O P B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The pinnacle of Drag Racing in Australia is Pro Series. Pro Series contains the top six categories, comprising of Top Fuel, Top Alcohol, Top Doorslammer, Top
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bike, Pro Stock Car and Pro Stock Motorcycle. The Pro Series category is made up of the premier classes in Australian Drag Racing, the teams and cars in Pro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Series are what many spectators come to see as the racing is always fast, loud and extremely exciting. All of the teams in Pro Series take their racing very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     seriously and approach the sport in a very professional manner, from the way the cars and teams look and perform to the promotional work performed by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     teams and drivers leading up to and during a racing event.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The six Pro Series categories represent the Professional area of ANDRA Pro Series Drag Racing, competing “heads-up” (even starts), using a Pro Start.

     ANDRA Pro Series Drag Racing is the most                                                                                                                                                                                          Top Fuel                               Top Alcohol                             Top Doorslammer                          Top Bike                                 Pro Stock                                 Pro Stock Motorcycle
     exciting form of Motorsport in this country!                                                                                                                                                                                      Top Fuel dragsters are the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       spectacular race vehicles on earth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Top Alcohol Eliminator combines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              supercharged alcohol-fuelled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Top Doorslammers are the ultimate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      drag racing sedans, using replicas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Reserved for top of the line, nitro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               burning motorcycles. Superchargers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pro Stock cars are the highest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        development of street appearing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pro Stock Motorcycles are the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  highest development of naturally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       These cars use 8-litre supercharged    vehicles from the dragster, funny       of production sedans and coupes          are also permitted. True motorcycle      four seat sedans or coupes using          aspirated, stock appearing
     One of drag racing’s unique features is that the fans can see        years, but the only competition was against the clock that                Drag Racing schedule was the addition of the popular Junior                        V8 engines burning nitro-methane       car and altered classes, running        with full racing chassis and             engines are used and can be up to        6.5 litre V8 engines fitted with          motorcycles.
     all of the action on the track from the stands and it looks          day. The sport emerged, as we know it now, in America during              Dragster class in 1995, where future drivers face each other                       fuel and can accelerate from zero to   heads-up. V8 engines are used with      large capacity V8 engines using          200 cubic inches.                        carburettors only.
     equally as spectacular on television.                                the fifties. It came to Australia around a decade later, with             in half scale replicas of Top Fuel dragsters.                                      500 kph in under five seconds!         over 6.55 litres capacity with large    methanol fuel and supercharging.
                                                                          events held on airstrips and closed public roads, and the first                                                                                                                                     superchargers.
     Unlike other areas of motorsport, drag racing is a                   Australian Nationals event was run in 1965 at Riverside near              The ANDRA Australian Drag Racing Series (ADRS) was
     participation sport. The ease with which a spectator can             Melbourne, close to where the West Gate Bridge now stands.                established in 1975, providing a national points series for the
     become a competitor is unique, which has given Drag Racing
     the highest participation rate of any form of motorsport in
                                                                          About ANDRA
                                                                                                                                                    ten categories. In 2005, with the generous backing of Rocket
                                                                                                                                                    Industries, the ADRS became the Rocket Allstars Racing
                                                                                                                                                    Series run over six rounds annually between Perth in the
                                                                                                                                                    west, and Mackay in the north.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     household names
     To the uninitiated, Drag Racing looks pretty simple. Two cars
                                                                          In 1973, seeking an identity of their own, drag racers involved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Australian Drag Racing has had a host of incredible personalities made famous by their on track and off track antics. Here are just a few of Australia’s Drag Racing Elite!
     racing down a track after getting the green light, and the first                                                                               Through the RARS and the six Pro Series Australian
     one to the finish line wins! Well, there’s a bit more to it than     in the Australian Street Rod Federation established the                   Championships for Top Fuel, Top Doorslammer, Top Alcohol,
     that, with pre-stage and stage lights, red light starts, reaction    Australian National Drag Racing Association, or ANDRA as its              Top Bike, Pro Stock and Pro Stock Motorcycle, ANDRA has
     times, and handicaps all there to spice up the action.               better known. ANDRA was delegated by the Confederation of                 provided drag racing with a solid national focus.
                                                                          Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) as the governing body of drag
     The variety in classes, competitor ages and types of vehicles        racing in Australia.
     as well as regional competitions and clubs means that Drag
     Racing is fertile ground for any organisation who wants to be        ANDRA introduced a new system of classes, brackets and                    Fans and Supporters
     associated with a diverse community.                                 handicaps that we know today as Group Two. This opened up
                                                                          Australian drag racing beyond simple “heads up” competition,              Drag Racing globally is unique as far as motorsports go,                              Victor Bray          Ben Bray          Phil Read         Phil Lamattina        Jim Read         Aaron Tremayne          Jay Upton       Amanda Shepherd        Gary Phillips      Darren Morgan      Tyronne Tremayne        John Zappia
                                                                          which remains the basis of the professional categories in Pro             we are very much a family orientated sport and very proud
                                                                          Series. In 1981 more new categories using “dial your own”                 of it. On any Drag Racing weekend all over Australia you
     Where it all began                                                   handicaps were introduced as Group Three, and they remain                 will find Mum, Dad and the kids at the track, either as keen
                                                                          the most popular areas of Australian drag racing.                         competitors or loyal spectators. Our sport boasts many
     There’s been some suggestion the first drag race anywhere                                                                                      second, third and fourth generation racers that have been
     actually happened in Australia in 1930, when a Mrs. J. Jones         In 1991, Group Four was introduced, combining the                         raised around the sport and are now more than happy to
     set an official time of 18.25 seconds for the standing start         excitement of the “heads-up” start with the accessibility                 involve their own families in what this exciting motorsport
     quarter-mile in her supercharged Alfa at Bondi Beach near            of handicap competition, using the 9.90 fixed index. The                  has to offer.
     Sydney. That predates the Americans by at least twenty               final component of the comprehensive ANDRA Pro Series

     Amongst the World’s Best!
     ANDRA Drag Racing has been recognised as the best in the            Australian drag racing industry now boasts around $65 million

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CURRENT PRO SERIES DRAG RACING PARTNERS
     world outside the United States. In 1994 ANDRA became a             worth of venues. A conservative estimate of the investment of
     foundation member of the Drag Racing Commission of the              ANDRA Members in race vehicles and equipment produces a
     Federation Internationale de l’Automobile, and enjoys a healthy     total value of over $410 million.
     relationship with drag racing bodies around the world.
                                                                         On average, an ANDRA National Championship event now
     Over the past 15 years, ANDRA Licence holder numbers have           represents an investment by the race teams alone of nearly
     grown from less than 900 to over 3500 nationally, without           $1.8 million.
     counting the thousands of racers who take part in ANDRA
     off-street events using temporary licences. Based on event          Through ANDRA, Australian drag racing has shaken off its
     attendances, ANDRA Drag Racing became one of the country’s          “larrikin” image. ANDRA Drag Racing is now a credible, popular
     most popular spectator motor sports in the late nineties.           form of motor sport. Maintaining and growing that is a great
                                                                         challenge, and in view of our successes to date, it’s one ANDRA
     Based on replacement value and the dollars put in by forward        is looking forward to.
     thinking state governments over the past five years, the

     The driving
     force of ANDRA
     Drag Racing Australia Group Ltd (DRAG Ltd) was formed in 2003
                                                                         T O P                                         D O O R S L A M M E R                                                                                                                                                    T O P                                       B I K E                                                                      P R O                                          S T
                      T O P                                F U E L                                                 T O P                             A L C O H O L                                                                   T O P                    D O O R S L A M M E R                                                                                                            T O P                            B I K E                                              P
                                                                                                                                      DALE BRITTAIN
     to act as the single commercial focus of ANDRA Pro Series drag                                                                   Marketing Consultant
     racing activities.DRAG Ltd comprises of the Australian National
                                                                                                                                           P (02) 6293 9088 F (02) 6293 9855
     Drag Racing Association (ANDRA), Willowbank Raceway in QLD,                                 ANDRA
                                                                                                                          WESTERN SYDNEY
                                                                                                                                    M 0418 697 784WILLOWBANK RACEWAY
                                                                                                                                                    E MOTORPLEX
                                                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL DRAGWAY
     Western Sydney International Dragway in NSW and the Perth                                                                       A Unit 20/1 Drew St, Greenway ACT 2900
     Motorplex in WA. These three venues currently stage the twelve
     events of ANDRA Pro Series Drag Racing.
     DRAG Ltd is a non-profit organization intended to be a single,
     user friendly point of contact for commercial interests. The
     company will co-ordinate exposure and sponsorship for the
                                                                                          TEAM AND RACER NEEDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BRAND AND COMMUNICATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  fast fact...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OVER 1,000,000 HITS PER MONTH!!
     sport and the tracks, as well as other projects at the national
     level.                                                                                                             “This is an extremely important and progressive step for the sport
                                                                                          RULES AND TECHNICAL                                                                                                 MEDIA MANAGEMENT
     Drag racing has developed some extremely viable products, as                                                       of drag racing in Australia. A great deal of the success drag racing
     evidenced by the growth of significant corporate partnerships                                                      has enjoyed has been the result of a co-operative approach from                                                                                                          The drag racing industry has a vibrant internet network. This is an attractive
     within the sport. The unique nature of drag racing means that                                                      everyone involved, and Drag Racing Australia Group Ltd is simply                                                                                                         area for marketers as each of the main websites averages slightly more than
     careful co-ordination of events and series is necessary to                                                         another example of that. ANDRA now has a bigger stake in the                                                                                                             1,000,000 hits per month.
                                                                                         LICENSING AND INSURANCE
     guarantee maximum exposure.                                                                                        commercial future of drag racing.”
                                                                                                                                                                         ANDRA CEO, Tony Thornton                                                                                                                       W W W. A N D R A . C O M . A U
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WWW.WSID.COM.AU • WWW.WILLOWBANK-RACEWAY.COM.AU • WWW.MOTORPLEX.COM.AU

                                                                                                                        WITH OVER 4,000 COMPETITORS, DRAG RACING IS AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST MOTORSPORT CATEGORY
P   A L C O H O L                                                                                                   T 2009 / 2010 PRO SERIESR S L A M M E R
                                                                                                                      O P D O O                                                                                                                                                                                    T O P                                            B I K E                                                                         P R
                                                                     T O P                             F U E DRAG RACING CALENDAR C O H O L
                                                                                                              L      T O P A L                                                                                                         T O P                               D O O R S L A M M E R                                                                                                                          T O P                             B I
                                                                                                                            AUG 2009             Willowbank                              TBC
                                                                                                                            SEP 2009                WSID                        Australian Nationals
                                                                                         WILLOWBANK                         OCT 2009           Perth Motorplex                     Pro Stock Open                                                                                                                                 EVENT CAPACITY
                                                                                                                            NOV 2009
                                                                                                                            DEC 2009
                                                                                                                                               Perth Motorplex
                                                                                                                                               Perth Motorplex
                                                                                                                                                                                 Goldenstate Titles
                                                                                                                                                                                    Top Fuel Open
                                                                                                                            JAN 2010           Perth Motorplex                    Top Fuel Open 2

                                                                               WESTERN SYDNEY
                                                                                                                            JAN 2010           Perth Moterplex                Top Alc/PS M/Cycle Open                  willowbank raceway
                                                                         INTERNATIONAL DRAGWAY                              FEB 2010                WSID                                 TBC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Willowbank Raceway at Ipswich, just forty minutes from central Brisbane, is Australia’s leading championship drag racing facility
                                                                                                                            FEB 2010           Perth Motorplex                 2010 Westernationals                    and widely regarded as one of the nations finest motor sports facilities.

                                                                                                                            APR 2010             Willowbank                             TBC                            The home of high profile events such as the country’s biggest drag race, the annual Winternationals in June, Willowbank Raceway
                                                                   COMING SOON
                                                                                                                            MAY 2010                WSID                         2010 Nitro Champs                     provides the excitement of the worlds fastest acceleration and most spectacular form of motor sport to over 120,000 fans per year.
                                                                          MELBOURNE                                                                                                                                    While most of these enthusiasts are accommodated in the raceway’s huge grandstands and large viewing mound, the raceway also
                                                                           COMING SOON                                      JUN 2010             Willowbank                     2010 Winternationals                   provides a number of levels of excellent spectator and corporate accommodation designed to meet the needs of clients ranging from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the individual race fan after a higher level of viewing comfort, through to tables of ten, exclusive 18 seat corporate boxes and finally

      With 12 Major Events at World Class Venues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to the major corporation desiring to entertain hundreds of clients in an exciting, action packed atmosphere. Clients not only choose
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       from different styles of accommodation but also from a large range of events through the year.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CORPORATELY SPEAKING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CORPORATE SUITE                                                                BENDIGO BANK CORPORATE CLUB                                                   SKY MARQUEE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Located	immediately	behind	the	start	line	and	                              	•	 Ideal	for	the	individual,	group	or	family,	enjoy	                         •	 Situated	in	a	spacious	setting	with	elevated	viewing	from	the	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ensures one of the best seats in the house for all                              elevated viewing from the immediate right hand side                          spectator mound, the Sky Marquee allows easy access to all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          business and social functions.                                                  of the Raceway start line, just metres away from all                         amenities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Seating	18	people	on	a	two-tiered,	elevated	                                    the action.                                                               •	 Guests	are	able	to	wander	and	mingle	among	various	other	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          formation, while an executive suite catering to 36                          •	 Grandstand	style	seating	and	corporate	marquee	are	                           corporate parties allowing the experience to serve as a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          people can also be accessed.                                                    specially accommodate an enthusiast’s every need                             business networking opportunity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Air-conditioned	and	provide	panoramic,	elevated	                            •	 Inside	and	outside	seating	allows	you	to	capture	the	                      •	 Morning	and	afternoon	tea,	plus	full	buffet	meals	are	served	each	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          views of all the action happening on track.                                     raw noise and sound of Drag Racing                                           day and is complemented by a cash bar service.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •	 9	VIP	car	parking	passes	for	each	day	of	the	event.	                        •	 Access	to	Corporate	Club	including	admission                               •	 12	seat	corporate	table	for	the	Friday,	Saturday	&	Sunday	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Catering	and	beverage	package	supplied.	                                    •	 1	VIP	car	pass	                                                            •	 12	corporate	passes	inclusive	of	paddock	passes	for	the	Friday,	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Additional	beverages	may	be	purchased.	                                     •	 Closed	circuit	TV	coverage	of	on	track	action	                                Saturday	&	Sunday	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      •	 Meals	catering	Inclusive	                                                  •	 12	complimentary	Thursday	admission	passes	(corporate	not	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      •	 Cash	bar	                                                                     open this day)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Closed	circuit	TV	coverage	of	on	track	action	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Inclusive	buffet	lunch	and	dinner		
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Cash	bar

                                                                                                                                                                                   EVENT CAPACITY
        western sydney international dragway
       Western Sydney International Dragway is a world class drag strip, on par with anything in             The pit area is located on the north-western side of the track, behind the start line. It caters for up
       operation anywhere overseas and is built to strict NHRA specifications.                               to 500 competitors and their tender vehicles and trailers, and is enhanced with a grid of asphalt
                                                                                                             roads and turfed areas in what is the current unsealed area off the end of the asphalt.
       Spectators are accommodated on 9 metre high mounds on both sides of the track, in a stadium
       format. Prescribed safety regulations define distances between the racing surface and the height      The racing is overseen by officials based in the three-story control tower, behind the start
       and position of safety barriers, so there is a gap of 50 ft [15 metres] between the racing surface    line. Vehicles are organised in seven staging lanes behind this tower, and access the racing
       and spectators at the start line, with the spectator areas angling back at 3 degrees to half-track    surface through tunnels beneath the tower. The tower houses the meeting director, timing staff,
       distance, and then running parallel to the finish line. This has created a sporting stadium with      announcers, media and six corporate hospitality suites as well as daily staff offices, including
       unparalleled viewing opportunities.                                                                   sales, management, financial and secretarial activities.

        •	 14	corporate	suites	along	the	back	of	the	western	spectator	mound,	parallel	with	the	track.	      •	 The	Startline	Club	has	easy	access	to	the	competitor	paddock	area	and	trade/exhibition	area.	
        •	 Located	on	the	Western	side	of	the	track,	offer	uninterrupted	views	of	the	drag	strip.	           •	 Inside	and	outside	seating	and	includes,	
        •	 Catering	for	up	to	20	people	your	guests	can	watch	the	racing	in	air-conditioned	comfort	while	
           enjoying a delicious meal.
                                                                                                             •	 VIP	on	site	car	parking.

                                                                                                             CORPORATE SEMINAR CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       perth motorplex
        •	 Catering	from	10	to	70	people	your	guests	can	watch	the	racing	in	air	conditioned	comfort	
                                                                                                             •	 WSID	can	become	the	centre	of	your	workplace	marketing	or	promotional	activities	with	a	fully	
                                                                                                                equipped corporate seminar centre in one of the tower suites.                                          The Perth Motorplex, Kwinana Beach is conveniently located in Perth’s             CORPORATELY SPEAKING
                                                                                                             •	 The	image	projector	permits	the	display	of	DVDs,	video	or	computer-based	images	onto	a	                southern suburbs less than 30 minutes from the City centre. Opened
           while enjoying the fine dining and spectacular views from behind the Startline.
                                                                                                                screen to enhance any presentation.                                                                    in December 2000, the $20 million facility has become the centre of               SPEED SUITES
                                                                                                             •	 A	whiteboard	and	other	basic	meeting	room	requirements	will	ensure	you	can	have	your	image	            attraction for automotive based activities including Drag Racing, Dirt Track      •	 Provide	your	organization	with	a	unique	opportunity	for	relationship	
                                                                                                                or message presented in the best of formats.                                                           Speedway, Burnout competitions, Street Machine Car shows and Super                   marketing.
        •	 Positioned	high	on	the	western	side	of	the	race	track	above	the	Startline,	it	captures	the	raw	
                                                                                                             •	 Quality	catering	to	suits	your	needs.                                                                  Cross events.                                                                     •	 Elevated	high	above	the	drag	strip	for	premium	viewing
            noise and sound of Drag Racing.
                                                                                                             •	 Air	conditioned	environment.                                                                                                                                                             •	 Self-contained	with	air	conditioning,	refrigerator,	closed	circuit	
        •	 Available	as	individual	tickets	or	tables	of	ten.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The facility boasts excellent access from Anketell Rd leading to a generous          television, individual speaker system and tiered seating for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       car park where patrons can choose from convenience parking or free                   unparalleled views of the Drag Racing action.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       general parking. All spectator areas have great viewing with Silver tickets       •	 Capacity	for	20	-	25	guests	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Gold reserved seating tickets with pit paddock access being the most          •	 VIP	parking	and	pit	paddock	access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       popular.                                                                          •	 Full	buffet-style	meal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 All	beverages	(beer,	wine	and	soft	drinks)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Perth Motorplex has the latest state of the art stadium lighting -            •	 Butler	service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       certainly a great advantage as most major events are conducted at night           •	 Event	programs	to	follow	Drag	Racing	news	and	team	details

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Major events including Drag Racing and Speedway are conducted from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       October through to April each season with Street Drag Racing running each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and every Wednesday night from September through to May.                                                                   EVENT CAPACITY
Pro Series Proposal Final
Pro Series Proposal Final

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Pro Series Proposal Final

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  • 2. P A THE BEST VALUE FORO L L C O H MONEY T O P D O O R S L A M M E R T O P B I K E P R T O P ALTERNATIVE TO V8 SUPERCARS! F U E L T O P A L C O H O L T O P D O O R S L A M M E R categories I six professional T O P B The pinnacle of Drag Racing in Australia is Pro Series. Pro Series contains the top six categories, comprising of Top Fuel, Top Alcohol, Top Doorslammer, Top Bike, Pro Stock Car and Pro Stock Motorcycle. The Pro Series category is made up of the premier classes in Australian Drag Racing, the teams and cars in Pro Series are what many spectators come to see as the racing is always fast, loud and extremely exciting. All of the teams in Pro Series take their racing very seriously and approach the sport in a very professional manner, from the way the cars and teams look and perform to the promotional work performed by teams and drivers leading up to and during a racing event. The six Pro Series categories represent the Professional area of ANDRA Pro Series Drag Racing, competing “heads-up” (even starts), using a Pro Start. ANDRA Pro Series Drag Racing is the most Top Fuel Top Alcohol Top Doorslammer Top Bike Pro Stock Pro Stock Motorcycle exciting form of Motorsport in this country! Top Fuel dragsters are the most spectacular race vehicles on earth. Top Alcohol Eliminator combines supercharged alcohol-fuelled Top Doorslammers are the ultimate drag racing sedans, using replicas Reserved for top of the line, nitro burning motorcycles. Superchargers Pro Stock cars are the highest development of street appearing, Pro Stock Motorcycles are the highest development of naturally These cars use 8-litre supercharged vehicles from the dragster, funny of production sedans and coupes are also permitted. True motorcycle four seat sedans or coupes using aspirated, stock appearing One of drag racing’s unique features is that the fans can see years, but the only competition was against the clock that Drag Racing schedule was the addition of the popular Junior V8 engines burning nitro-methane car and altered classes, running with full racing chassis and engines are used and can be up to 6.5 litre V8 engines fitted with motorcycles. all of the action on the track from the stands and it looks day. The sport emerged, as we know it now, in America during Dragster class in 1995, where future drivers face each other fuel and can accelerate from zero to heads-up. V8 engines are used with large capacity V8 engines using 200 cubic inches. carburettors only. equally as spectacular on television. the fifties. It came to Australia around a decade later, with in half scale replicas of Top Fuel dragsters. 500 kph in under five seconds! over 6.55 litres capacity with large methanol fuel and supercharging. events held on airstrips and closed public roads, and the first superchargers. Unlike other areas of motorsport, drag racing is a Australian Nationals event was run in 1965 at Riverside near The ANDRA Australian Drag Racing Series (ADRS) was participation sport. The ease with which a spectator can Melbourne, close to where the West Gate Bridge now stands. established in 1975, providing a national points series for the become a competitor is unique, which has given Drag Racing the highest participation rate of any form of motorsport in Australia. About ANDRA ten categories. In 2005, with the generous backing of Rocket Industries, the ADRS became the Rocket Allstars Racing Series run over six rounds annually between Perth in the west, and Mackay in the north. household names To the uninitiated, Drag Racing looks pretty simple. Two cars In 1973, seeking an identity of their own, drag racers involved Australian Drag Racing has had a host of incredible personalities made famous by their on track and off track antics. Here are just a few of Australia’s Drag Racing Elite! racing down a track after getting the green light, and the first Through the RARS and the six Pro Series Australian one to the finish line wins! Well, there’s a bit more to it than in the Australian Street Rod Federation established the Championships for Top Fuel, Top Doorslammer, Top Alcohol, that, with pre-stage and stage lights, red light starts, reaction Australian National Drag Racing Association, or ANDRA as its Top Bike, Pro Stock and Pro Stock Motorcycle, ANDRA has times, and handicaps all there to spice up the action. better known. ANDRA was delegated by the Confederation of provided drag racing with a solid national focus. Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) as the governing body of drag The variety in classes, competitor ages and types of vehicles racing in Australia. as well as regional competitions and clubs means that Drag Racing is fertile ground for any organisation who wants to be ANDRA introduced a new system of classes, brackets and Fans and Supporters associated with a diverse community. handicaps that we know today as Group Two. This opened up Australian drag racing beyond simple “heads up” competition, Drag Racing globally is unique as far as motorsports go, Victor Bray Ben Bray Phil Read Phil Lamattina Jim Read Aaron Tremayne Jay Upton Amanda Shepherd Gary Phillips Darren Morgan Tyronne Tremayne John Zappia which remains the basis of the professional categories in Pro we are very much a family orientated sport and very proud Series. In 1981 more new categories using “dial your own” of it. On any Drag Racing weekend all over Australia you Where it all began handicaps were introduced as Group Three, and they remain will find Mum, Dad and the kids at the track, either as keen the most popular areas of Australian drag racing. competitors or loyal spectators. Our sport boasts many There’s been some suggestion the first drag race anywhere second, third and fourth generation racers that have been actually happened in Australia in 1930, when a Mrs. J. Jones In 1991, Group Four was introduced, combining the raised around the sport and are now more than happy to set an official time of 18.25 seconds for the standing start excitement of the “heads-up” start with the accessibility involve their own families in what this exciting motorsport quarter-mile in her supercharged Alfa at Bondi Beach near of handicap competition, using the 9.90 fixed index. The has to offer. Sydney. That predates the Americans by at least twenty final component of the comprehensive ANDRA Pro Series Amongst the World’s Best! ANDRA Drag Racing has been recognised as the best in the Australian drag racing industry now boasts around $65 million CURRENT PRO SERIES DRAG RACING PARTNERS world outside the United States. In 1994 ANDRA became a worth of venues. A conservative estimate of the investment of foundation member of the Drag Racing Commission of the ANDRA Members in race vehicles and equipment produces a Federation Internationale de l’Automobile, and enjoys a healthy total value of over $410 million. relationship with drag racing bodies around the world. On average, an ANDRA National Championship event now Over the past 15 years, ANDRA Licence holder numbers have represents an investment by the race teams alone of nearly grown from less than 900 to over 3500 nationally, without $1.8 million. counting the thousands of racers who take part in ANDRA off-street events using temporary licences. Based on event Through ANDRA, Australian drag racing has shaken off its attendances, ANDRA Drag Racing became one of the country’s “larrikin” image. ANDRA Drag Racing is now a credible, popular most popular spectator motor sports in the late nineties. form of motor sport. Maintaining and growing that is a great challenge, and in view of our successes to date, it’s one ANDRA Based on replacement value and the dollars put in by forward is looking forward to. thinking state governments over the past five years, the The driving C O H O L force of ANDRA Drag Racing Australia Group Ltd (DRAG Ltd) was formed in 2003 T O P D O O R S L A M M E R T O P B I K E P R O S T T O P F U E L T O P A L C O H O L T O P D O O R S L A M M E R T O P B I K E P DALE BRITTAIN to act as the single commercial focus of ANDRA Pro Series drag Marketing Consultant racing activities.DRAG Ltd comprises of the Australian National P (02) 6293 9088 F (02) 6293 9855 Drag Racing Association (ANDRA), Willowbank Raceway in QLD, ANDRA WESTERN SYDNEY M 0418 697 784WILLOWBANK RACEWAY E MOTORPLEX PERTH INTERNATIONAL DRAGWAY Western Sydney International Dragway in NSW and the Perth A Unit 20/1 Drew St, Greenway ACT 2900 Motorplex in WA. These three venues currently stage the twelve events of ANDRA Pro Series Drag Racing. DRAG Ltd is a non-profit organization intended to be a single, user friendly point of contact for commercial interests. The company will co-ordinate exposure and sponsorship for the TEAM AND RACER NEEDS TRACK FACILITIES EVENT MANAGEMENT EVENT PROMOTION EVENT LOGISTICS BRAND AND COMMUNICATION fast fact... OVER 1,000,000 HITS PER MONTH!! sport and the tracks, as well as other projects at the national level. “This is an extremely important and progressive step for the sport RULES AND TECHNICAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Drag racing has developed some extremely viable products, as of drag racing in Australia. A great deal of the success drag racing evidenced by the growth of significant corporate partnerships has enjoyed has been the result of a co-operative approach from The drag racing industry has a vibrant internet network. This is an attractive within the sport. The unique nature of drag racing means that everyone involved, and Drag Racing Australia Group Ltd is simply area for marketers as each of the main websites averages slightly more than careful co-ordination of events and series is necessary to another example of that. ANDRA now has a bigger stake in the 1,000,000 hits per month. LICENSING AND INSURANCE guarantee maximum exposure. commercial future of drag racing.” ANDRA CEO, Tony Thornton W W W. A N D R A . C O M . A U WWW.WSID.COM.AU • WWW.WILLOWBANK-RACEWAY.COM.AU • WWW.MOTORPLEX.COM.AU WITH OVER 4,000 COMPETITORS, DRAG RACING IS AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST MOTORSPORT CATEGORY
  • 3. P A L C O H O L T 2009 / 2010 PRO SERIESR S L A M M E R O P D O O T O P B I K E P R T O P F U E DRAG RACING CALENDAR C O H O L L T O P A L T O P D O O R S L A M M E R T O P B I AUG 2009 Willowbank TBC SEP 2009 WSID Australian Nationals WILLOWBANK OCT 2009 Perth Motorplex Pro Stock Open EVENT CAPACITY RACEWAY NOV 2009 DEC 2009 Perth Motorplex Perth Motorplex Goldenstate Titles Top Fuel Open 45,000 JAN 2010 Perth Motorplex Top Fuel Open 2 WESTERN SYDNEY JAN 2010 Perth Moterplex Top Alc/PS M/Cycle Open willowbank raceway INTERNATIONAL DRAGWAY FEB 2010 WSID TBC Willowbank Raceway at Ipswich, just forty minutes from central Brisbane, is Australia’s leading championship drag racing facility PERTH MOTORPLEX FEB 2010 Perth Motorplex 2010 Westernationals and widely regarded as one of the nations finest motor sports facilities. ADELAIDE APR 2010 Willowbank TBC The home of high profile events such as the country’s biggest drag race, the annual Winternationals in June, Willowbank Raceway COMING SOON MAY 2010 WSID 2010 Nitro Champs provides the excitement of the worlds fastest acceleration and most spectacular form of motor sport to over 120,000 fans per year. MELBOURNE While most of these enthusiasts are accommodated in the raceway’s huge grandstands and large viewing mound, the raceway also COMING SOON JUN 2010 Willowbank 2010 Winternationals provides a number of levels of excellent spectator and corporate accommodation designed to meet the needs of clients ranging from the individual race fan after a higher level of viewing comfort, through to tables of ten, exclusive 18 seat corporate boxes and finally With 12 Major Events at World Class Venues to the major corporation desiring to entertain hundreds of clients in an exciting, action packed atmosphere. Clients not only choose from different styles of accommodation but also from a large range of events through the year. CORPORATELY SPEAKING CORPORATE SUITE BENDIGO BANK CORPORATE CLUB SKY MARQUEE • Located immediately behind the start line and • Ideal for the individual, group or family, enjoy • Situated in a spacious setting with elevated viewing from the ensures one of the best seats in the house for all elevated viewing from the immediate right hand side spectator mound, the Sky Marquee allows easy access to all business and social functions. of the Raceway start line, just metres away from all amenities. • Seating 18 people on a two-tiered, elevated the action. • Guests are able to wander and mingle among various other formation, while an executive suite catering to 36 • Grandstand style seating and corporate marquee are corporate parties allowing the experience to serve as a great people can also be accessed. specially accommodate an enthusiast’s every need business networking opportunity. • Air-conditioned and provide panoramic, elevated • Inside and outside seating allows you to capture the • Morning and afternoon tea, plus full buffet meals are served each views of all the action happening on track. raw noise and sound of Drag Racing day and is complemented by a cash bar service. • 9 VIP car parking passes for each day of the event. • Access to Corporate Club including admission • 12 seat corporate table for the Friday, Saturday & Sunday • Catering and beverage package supplied. • 1 VIP car pass • 12 corporate passes inclusive of paddock passes for the Friday, • Additional beverages may be purchased. • Closed circuit TV coverage of on track action Saturday & Sunday • Meals catering Inclusive • 12 complimentary Thursday admission passes (corporate not • Cash bar open this day) • Closed circuit TV coverage of on track action • Inclusive buffet lunch and dinner • Cash bar EVENT CAPACITY 60,000 western sydney international dragway Western Sydney International Dragway is a world class drag strip, on par with anything in The pit area is located on the north-western side of the track, behind the start line. It caters for up operation anywhere overseas and is built to strict NHRA specifications. to 500 competitors and their tender vehicles and trailers, and is enhanced with a grid of asphalt roads and turfed areas in what is the current unsealed area off the end of the asphalt. Spectators are accommodated on 9 metre high mounds on both sides of the track, in a stadium format. Prescribed safety regulations define distances between the racing surface and the height The racing is overseen by officials based in the three-story control tower, behind the start and position of safety barriers, so there is a gap of 50 ft [15 metres] between the racing surface line. Vehicles are organised in seven staging lanes behind this tower, and access the racing and spectators at the start line, with the spectator areas angling back at 3 degrees to half-track surface through tunnels beneath the tower. The tower houses the meeting director, timing staff, distance, and then running parallel to the finish line. This has created a sporting stadium with announcers, media and six corporate hospitality suites as well as daily staff offices, including unparalleled viewing opportunities. sales, management, financial and secretarial activities. CORPORATELY SPEAKING CORPORATE SUITES • 14 corporate suites along the back of the western spectator mound, parallel with the track. • The Startline Club has easy access to the competitor paddock area and trade/exhibition area. • Located on the Western side of the track, offer uninterrupted views of the drag strip. • Inside and outside seating and includes, • Catering for up to 20 people your guests can watch the racing in air-conditioned comfort while enjoying a delicious meal. • VIP on site car parking. CORPORATE SEMINAR CENTRE perth motorplex TOWER SUITE • Catering from 10 to 70 people your guests can watch the racing in air conditioned comfort • WSID can become the centre of your workplace marketing or promotional activities with a fully equipped corporate seminar centre in one of the tower suites. The Perth Motorplex, Kwinana Beach is conveniently located in Perth’s CORPORATELY SPEAKING • The image projector permits the display of DVDs, video or computer-based images onto a southern suburbs less than 30 minutes from the City centre. Opened while enjoying the fine dining and spectacular views from behind the Startline. screen to enhance any presentation. in December 2000, the $20 million facility has become the centre of SPEED SUITES • A whiteboard and other basic meeting room requirements will ensure you can have your image attraction for automotive based activities including Drag Racing, Dirt Track • Provide your organization with a unique opportunity for relationship VIP MARQUEE or message presented in the best of formats. Speedway, Burnout competitions, Street Machine Car shows and Super marketing. • Positioned high on the western side of the race track above the Startline, it captures the raw • Quality catering to suits your needs. Cross events. • Elevated high above the drag strip for premium viewing noise and sound of Drag Racing. • Air conditioned environment. • Self-contained with air conditioning, refrigerator, closed circuit • Available as individual tickets or tables of ten. The facility boasts excellent access from Anketell Rd leading to a generous television, individual speaker system and tiered seating for car park where patrons can choose from convenience parking or free unparalleled views of the Drag Racing action. general parking. All spectator areas have great viewing with Silver tickets • Capacity for 20 - 25 guests and Gold reserved seating tickets with pit paddock access being the most • VIP parking and pit paddock access popular. • Full buffet-style meal • All beverages (beer, wine and soft drinks) The Perth Motorplex has the latest state of the art stadium lighting - • Butler service certainly a great advantage as most major events are conducted at night • Event programs to follow Drag Racing news and team details time. Major events including Drag Racing and Speedway are conducted from October through to April each season with Street Drag Racing running each and every Wednesday night from September through to May. EVENT CAPACITY 30,000