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Prepared By:
1. Deepa Jha
2. Bevika Shrestha
3. Bhim Kumari B.K
4. Khusbu Rai
5. Isha Dangaura Tharu
6. Ashok Kumar Mahato
7. Uddhab Burlakoti
Group4 1
Content to be discuss
• Prevention from contact:
Rat proof storage of food items, closing of rat openings, proper
disposal of waste including garbage.
• Prevention from bites
• Integrated control measures of arthropods and rodents :
Killing through use of chemicals, insecticides, pesticides , gases
Group4 2
They are phylum of invertebrates that have of segmented body and jointed
appendages ,a usually chitinious exoskeleton such as insects , arachnids,
Any of an order Rodentia of relatively small gnawing mammal such as mouse,
squirrel or beaver that have in both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel
shaped edge .
Group4 3
A mice infestation in our home creates many inconveniences. Mice are known to
chew through food packaging which could leave our family vulnerable to illnesses
like salmonellosis, rat – bite fever, and Lassa fever. So that rat proof storage of food
items is must needed:
They are several ways to keep food away from mice or rodents:
1. Transferring food into containers:
storing of food in the pantry won’t guarantee the food safety as they can still gnaw
through your food packaging so it is important to transfer the food materials into
air-tight containers, heavy metal as well as glass and heavy-duty plastic containers.
Group4 4
• Lock and lock easy essential
container food storage bin
• Stainless steel canister set
• Vtopmart airtight food storage container
2.Using refrigerators and freezers:
Another method to help protect food from mice is to use freezer or refrigerator. In
pantry due to small gaps, they can squeeze and gnaw our food packaging whereas
the freezer or refrigerator are sealed shut, so they cannot squeeze themselves and
destroy our food materials.
Group4 5
3. Sealing entry points of the house:
Mice or rodents can devise different ways
to invade into our house or pantry. Even the
slightest crack or small crack can be a viable
point for these pests. They can even chew
holes through your door and window,
floors which can be a passage for them. So to
prevent them from invading we can use following
materials to prevent their entry.
• Caulk and steel wool
• Cement and metal
• Glass and heavy duty plastics
Group4 6
4. Using mice repellents:
Using different rat repellents work well
in preventing any rodent infestations.
Some of the repellent techniques are:
*Setting up traps :
• Traditional snap trap
• Glue board or glue trap
• Electronic rodent trap
• Catch and release trap
Group4 7
Seal any opening or holes you find to stop rodents from entering.
These are techniques of closing of rat openings :
• Exterior hole or openings:
Group4 8
Method of closing external openings or hole
1. Fill small holes with steel wool and seal
around the wool with caulk:
Buy steel wool online or at a hardware
store. Stuff the steel wool into the hole to
cover it completely, then put caulk around
the edges to keep the mice from simply
pulling it out.
Group4 9
2. Close larger holes with metal sheeting or
• Look for a cement mix online or at your local
hardware store, or buy metal sheeting that you
can affix over the opening.
• Measure the hole before you buy your materials
so you'll know how much you need . Make sure
you haven't left any gaps in the cement or
sheeting that a mouse could still get through.
• You can also use hardware cloth or lath screen
(backing material for plaster) to cover the holes.
Just don't use wood, which rodents can chew
Group4 10
3. Seal cracks around doors and windows with caulk
or foam:
• Go around the outside of your house and make sure
all of your doors and windows fit tightly. If you see
any gaps, use caulk or foam to close them up. It'll not
only help keep your home cleaner and more energy-
efficient but also keep mice and other pests from
getting in.
• During cold weather, you can find outside cracks
from inside your home. If you feel a draft, a mouse
could use that crack as an entry point. Go outside
and seal it up.
Group4 11
4. Cover vents with steel screens to keep rodents
• Some holes on the outside of your home are
meant to be there. Unfortunately, these holes
also present opportunities for rodents to enter.
• Buy steel screens at your local hardware store or
online and cover the vents with these. That way,
the vent will still work properly but won't serve as
a doorway for outdoor pests.
• Use caulk to seal the screen in place if you can't
use the vent cover itself to hold the screen on.
• Check roof vents and chimneys as well. Install
screens so rodents can't get through these holes.
Group4 12
Interior hole
1. Trap mice inside your home before sealing up the holes:
• Look for signs that mice have entered your home, such as mouse
droppings. If you have mice living in your home, sealing up the
interior holes could trap them in your walls—and create a terrible
stench when they die.
• Use regular mouse traps to eliminate the intruders before closing
interior mouse holes. If there aren't any visible holes, drill a small
hole in your wall and place a loaded trap right in front of it.
• Set snap traps with a pea-sized drop of peanut butter perpendicular
to the wall, so they form a "T" shape with the wall. You can also put
them anywhere you see signs of frequent rodent activity, including
droppings or nesting materials.
• If you aren't successful in trapping the rodents on your own,
contact a local exterminator to take care of the problem for you.
Group4 13
2.Caulk up holes in and around cabinets and doors:
• Buy a tube of caulk online or at your local hardware
store and go around your home looking for any
cracks. Pay particular attention to the base and
backs of cabinets where they meet exterior walls .
• If you have a fireplace, check for possible holes in
that area. The warmth makes it an attractive area
for rodents to nest.
• When in doubt, run caulk over any crevices you see.
Even if a rodent can't get through it now, it might
expand if it isn't sealed.
Group4 14
3. Cover vents and drains with steel screens:
• Even if you've already covered the exterior
opening of a vent or drain, cover the
interior opening as well. Floor drains in
basements, garages, or laundry rooms can
be easy access points for rodents . Typically,
you can place the screen directly under the
vent or drain covering and seal it in place
with the cover itself.
Group4 15
4.Seal cracks along baseboards and in
• Use sealant or caulk if your baseboards
aren't completely flush with the floor.
Check for gaps also well the wall meets the
floor in the backs of closets, particularly
around the corners.
• Check your attic and basement as well. Pay
close attention to exterior walls, as they
can potentially give rodents direct entry
into your home.
Group4 16
Proper Disposal Of Waste Including Garbage
What is Waste Disposal?
Waste disposal means removing, discarding,
recycling or destroying unwanted materials called
waste that is produced from agriculture, domestic
usage or industrial products. Following the correct
methods for waste disposal will ensure lesser
pollution and hazards for the environment.
Proper waste management is necessary with steps
involving the proper collection of waste and
scientific treatments that may contribute less to
water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution.
Group4 17
Methods of Waste Disposal :
• The various methods of waste disposal
known are as follows:
• Landfill
• Incineration
• Biogas Generation
• Composting
• Waste compaction
• Vermicomposting
Group4 18
• Landfill :
In this process, the waste type involves non-
reusable and non-recyclable substances
which are spread in a thin layer in specific
low-lying lands or areas.
These areas are dug deep where waste is
disposed inside then a layer of soil will be
used to cover it back.
These areas are declared unfit for activities
like construction of buildings for the next 20
years. That site can be made use for building
parks or playgrounds in the near future. It is
one of the hugely adopted methods of
waste disposal in a bulk manner.
Group4 19
• Incineration:
Incineration is the treatment of waste or
waste disposal by the means of burning
where the garbage turns into the
incombustible matter like gases and ashes.
Incinerators are believed to be
environmentally very dangerous as the
resultants are heavy metals, which are
placed in landfills ultimately making air,
water, and soil polluted.
Group4 20
• Generation of Biogas:
Food items, animal waste, municipal waste,
vegetable/fruit peels and organic industrial wastes
are biodegradable waste which means these can
be decomposed by bacteria or other organisms.
Using these wastes, biogas is produced at small as
well as a large scale where bacteria, fungi, and
other microbes easily degrade the substances.
Group4 21
• Waste Compaction:
Waste compaction involves a proper
technique that includes shredding the
waste into smaller pieces, pushing to mix
properly and placing it in such a way to fill
Recycling is also one of the best methods
to reduce waste and it can be performed
for cans, plastic bottles, cardboards,
paper, metal, textiles, electronics,
batteries, tires, etc. Reusing these kinds of
wastes is possible through recycling.
Group4 22
• Composting:
Composting is one of the waste disposal
methods that begin from our kitchen. It deals
with all organic materials including food scraps,
garden waste, fruits and vegetable peels. When
these substances are buried and left under the
soil for some days, those decay under the action
of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms
Group4 23
• Vermicomposting:
Also known as vermiculture ,
vermicomposting is one of the waste disposal
methods and it is performed by the
decomposition process using white worms,
red wigglers, earthworms and other worms
to break the organic matter like vegetable or
food waste
Preventing bites from arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, mites spider,
scorpions, crabs , prawn , flies and fleas , is important to reduce the risk of
various diseases they can transmit. Here are some general preventive
measures we can take:
• Use insect repellents :
Apply EPA- approved insect repellents containing active ingredients like
DEET ( Diethyltoluamide), picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) to
exposed skin and clothing . Follow the instructions on the product label.
Group4 25
• Wear protective clothing :
Cover your body as much as possible by wearing long sleeves ,long pants ,
socks ,and closed-toe shoes .for additional protection , you can also treat
your clothing with permethrin , an insect repellent specifically designed for
• Avoid peak activity times:
Many arthropods are most active during dawn and dusk , so try to limit
outdoor activities during these times when possible.
• Use bed nets :
When sleeping in areas with a high risk of insect-borne diseases , use bed
nets treated with insecticides to create a barrier between you and the
Group4 26
• Check for ticks :
If you are in an area where ticks are common , thoroughly check your body
and clothing for ticks after spending time outdoors. Pay close attention to
hidden areas such as the hairline, underarms ,groin and behind the knees.
Promptly any ticks you find using tweezers , grasping them close to the skin’s
surface and pulling straight out with steady pressure.
• Reduce mosquito breeding sites:
Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water , so eliminate standing water around
your home , such as in flower pots , buckets , or birdbaths. Regularly empty
and clean water containers to prevent mosquito larvae from developing.
Group4 27
• Protect your living area :
Use window screens , door sweeps , and other physical barriers to
prevent arthropods from entering your home or living area.
• Be cautious in high – risk areas:
If you are travelling to an area known for insect – borne diseases , take
extra precautions . Consider using bed nets , wearing protective
clothing , and using insect repellents consistently.
Group4 28
• Call for expert for the vector control:
If we have persistent arthropod problem , or if we have unsure how to
handle it effectively.
Group4 29
Preventing rodents bites is important to avoid the risk of diseases and
infectious that can be transmitted by these rodents. Here are some
preventive measures :
• Avoid handling wild rodents:
Refrain from touching or attempting to handle wild rodents, such as
squirrels, rats, or mice as they may bite when feel threatened or
cornered. This applies to other wild animals as well, as they may carry
diseases that can be transmitted through bites.
Group4 30
• Seal entry points:
Rodents can enter our home through small opening and gaps. Inspect
our home and seal any potential entry points, such as cracks in walls
gaps around window and doors and opening for utility pipes. Use caulk
, steel, wool , or other suitable material to block these entryways.
• Store food properly:
Keep all food , including pet food, in secure containers that rodents
cannot access. Rodents are attracted to food sources, so make sure
your pantry and kitchen areas are clean.
Group4 31
• Trim vegetation :
Trim tree branches, shrubs as rodents can use them as pathways to
access your property or home
• Remove clutter:
Declutter your living spaces , as it reduces potential hiding spots for
rodents . Keeps storage areas organized and free of clutter.
Group4 32
• Set traps:
Consider using snap traps or humane traps to catch rodents that may
have already entered our home . Follow the instruction provided with
the traps and place them in areas where rodents are likely to frequents.
• Be careful in areas with rodents activity:
If we are in area where rodents are know to be present, such as barns,
warehouses, or construction sites, exercise caution and be aware of our
surrounding . Take extra precaution to avoid close contact with rodents
and their nesting areas.
Group4 33
• Dispose of garbage correctly:
Rodents are scavengers, so disposes of our garbage in tightly sealed
containers. Outdoor garbage bins should have secure lids that cannot
be easily opened by rodents .
• Eliminate standing water :
Rodents need water to survive , so remove any standing water sources
around our property or home. This includes fixing leaky pipes,
ensuring proper drainage , and emptying stagnant water from
containers gutters and flower pots.
Group4 34
• Maintain a clean environment :
Rodents are more likely to inhabit cluttered and dirty areas. Keep our
living spaces clean and tidy , and regularly vacuum or sweep floors to
remove food particles or crumbs . Clean up any spills immediately , as
they can attract rodents.
• Consult with professionals :
If we suspect a rodent infestation or have tried various preventive
measures without success, it’s advisable to consult with professional
rodent control services . They can assess the situation, implement
effective control methods, and provide ongoing monitoring and
prevention strategies.
Group4 35
8.3 Integrated control measures of
arthropods and rodents:
Killing through use of :-
Group4 36
1. Some chemicals used to kill arthropods are:
Chemicals are those substances that are made up of different elements and have
specific properties. They are used in various sectors and in case of arthropods they
are used to kill them.
For example:
• Pyrethroids:
Pyrethroids are synthetic chemicals that
target the nervous system of arthropods.
• Organophosphate:
Organophosphate inhibit the activity of enzyme called acetylcholine steroids which
is responsible for breaking down the neuro transmitor acetylcholine in the nervous
Group4 37
Some of the chemicals used to kill Rodents are:
• Anticoagulant rodenticides:
These chemicals interfere with the blood clotting process in rodents, causing them
to die from internal bleeding.
• Acute toxic rodenticides:
These are fast-acting poison that cause rapid death in rodents.
• Non- anticoagulant rodenticides:
They affect newer rodenticides by affecting their nervous system, metabolism or
physiological processes leading to death.
Group4 38
Some of the insecticides which can be useful
to kill arthropods are:
• Neonicotinoids: They act on specific receptors in the insect’s nervous
system, causing paralysis and death.
• Botanical insecticides: Certain botanical insecticides derived from
plants, such as neem oil, contain natural compound that can be toxic
to arthropods.
Group4 39
Some of the insecticides used to kill rodents
• Non–anticoagulant Rodenticides:
Some rodenticides like bromethalin and zinc affects the rodent’s nervous
system, causing swelling in the brain and subsequent death whereas zinc
phosphide, when ingested reacts with stomach acid to release toxic
phosphine gas, which is lethal to rodents.
• Cholecalciferol:
Cholecalciferol also known as vitamin D, is a rodenticide that causes
excessive level of calcium and phosphorus in the rodent’s body, leading to
kidney failure and death.
Group4 40
• Pesticides are substances that are used to
manage(to control, repel or kill)
various types of vectors , including insects
weeds ,fungi , rodents and other organisms
that are considered harmful or unwanted.
• In Nepal various pesticides are used for the
integrated control measures of
arthropods(like insects ,ticks, mites)
and rodents (mice, rats)in agricultural,
public health, and other settings .
Group4 41
Group4 42
Here are some commonly used pesticides that are
used in Nepal for arthropods control:
They are derived from chrysanthemum
flowers . They act on the nervous system of
insects ,leading to paralysis and to death .
Eg : deltamethrin.
These are widely used pesticides for
arthropods control . They work by
inhibiting the activity of acetylcholinesterase , an enzyme essential for
normal nerve function in insects . This leads to overstimulations of the
nervous system and eventually paralysis . Eg ; malathion , fenitrothion.
Group4 43
It shows the similar mode of action to organophosphates as they also
inhibit acetylcholinesterase . They are effective against a wide range of
arthropods . eg; carbaryl , methomyl .
They act on the nervous system of insects by binding to specific
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by disrupting the nerve impulse
transmission , leading to paralysis and death . Eg:
Clothianidi, imidacloprid.
Commonly used pesticides for control of rodents
1.Anticoagulant Rodenticides:
These are most commonly used rodent control . These chemicals interfere with the
blood clotting mechanism in rodents leading to internal bleeding and eventually
leads death . Eg ; warfarin ,diphacinone, brodifacoum etc
2.Zinc Phosphide:
It is another rodenticides used in Nepal ,it acts by releasing toxic phosphine gas
when ingested by rodents .The gas affects cellular respiration and leads to rodent
It is an anticoagulant rodenticide with a delayed –action formula. It works by
inhibiting the production of clotting factors in rodents ,leading to hemorrhaging
and death .
Group4 45
Gases can be used as fumigant to control arthropods in certain situations. Fumigations
involves the application of a gas or vapor form of pesticides to treat an enclosed area
reaching arthropods present in various life stages (eggs , larvae , pupae , adults)
Here are some example of gases used for arthropod control:
1.Methyl Bromide:
mostly used fumigants for controlling arthropods in stored grains , flour mills ,and
agricultural commodities , it acts by inhibiting respiratory enzymes in vectors interfering
with cellular respiration , and causing their death.
Act as a respiratory poison in arthropods , disrupting cellular respiration andleading to their
mortality.IT is effective against wide range of arthropods , stored product vectors and
burrowing insects .
Group4 46
3.Sulfuryl Fluoride: It is a fumigant used for structural fumigation to control vector
such as termites , beetles and drywood termites . It acts by disrupting the energy
production mechanism of vectors ,damaging enzymes and inhibiting metabolic
4.Ethylene oxide : It works by damaging DNA and inhibiting cellular functions , leading
to death of arthropods.
Several gaseous used to control rodents :Here are some gaseous that are used for the
control of rodents , they are:
1.Phosphine(Aluminum Phosphide):
It works by releasing phosphine gas upon contact with moisture in the air or in the
vector body . Phosphine interfere with cellular respiration ,leading to cellular
dysfunction and ultimately causing death.
Group4 47
• It act as a respiratory and eye irritant ,causing discomfort and distress
to the vectors. It also has repellent effect ,driving the rodents out of
the treated area.
5.Methyl Bromide:
• Works by disrupting the vectors respiratory system and metabolism ,
leading to death . However it has been phased out in many countries
due to its ozone depleting properties.
• Use of these chemical pesticides and gases to control arthropods and
rodents require specialized training and proper safety precautions to
ensure safety of humans and non target organisms.
Group4 48
Trapping is a method used in integrated pest management (IPM)
programs to control arthropods (insects and other small invertebrates)
and rodents (such as rats and mice). It involves the use of traps, which
are devices designed to capture and contain these pests. Trapping can
be an effective control measure because it targets specific pests while
minimizing the use of chemical pesticides.
Group4 49
• Integrated control measures for arthropods (insects and arachnids)
and rodents can be effectively implemented through trapping.
Trapping is a popular and environmentally friendly method for
managing populations of these pests. Here are some integrated
control measures using trapping for arthropods and rodents:
• Proper identification: Identify the target pest species accurately to
determine the most suitable trapping method. Different pests may
require specific traps or baits.
Group4 50
• In the context of arthropod control, various types
of traps are available, depending on the target
species and the specific situation. Some common
types of arthropod traps include:
• Insect traps: These traps are designed to attract
and capture insects. They may use pheromones,
light sources, food baits, or sticky surfaces to lure
and trap the insects.
• Fly traps: Specifically designed to capture flies,
these traps often utilize bait or sticky surfaces to
attract and catch the pests.
Group4 51
• Yellow sticky traps: These traps consist of yellow-
colored sticky cards or tapes that are hung or
placed near plants to capture flying insects, such
as aphids and whiteflies.
• Pitfall traps: These traps are typically used to
catch ground-dwelling insects, such as beetles
and ants. They consist of containers partially
buried in the ground, with the top level with the
surface, allowing insects to fall into them
Group4 52
• When it comes to rodent control, traps are
commonly used as a humane and environmentally
friendly alternative to rodenticides. The following are
some commonly used traps for rodents:
• Snap traps: These are traditional mechanical traps
designed to quickly and humanely kill rodents. They
consist of a wooden, plastic, or metal base with a
spring-loaded bar that snaps shut when triggered by
the rodent.
• Live traps: Also known as cage traps or box traps,
these traps are designed to capture rodents alive.
They typically consist of a metal cage with a spring-
loaded door that closes when the rodent enters the
Group4 53
• Glue traps: These traps use a sticky adhesive surface
to capture rodents. Once the rodent steps onto the
glue, it becomes stuck and unable to move.
• Multiple-catch traps: These traps are designed to
capture multiple rodents without the need for
resetting the trap after each capture. They often
feature a mechanism that allows additional rodents to
enter the trap but prevents them from escaping.
• It's important to note that trapping is most effective
when used as part of an integrated pest management
strategy, which may include other control measures
such as habitat modification, sanitation, exclusion, and
monitoring. The specific trapping methods and devices
used will depend on the target pest and the
circumstances surrounding the pest infestation.
Group4 54
Group4 55
• Medical Entomology( F. Eldridge and John D. Edman
• www. close-a- Mouse – Hole
Group4 56

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prevention and integrated control measures of arthropods

  • 1. PREVENTION AND INTEGRATED CONTROL MEASURES OF ARTHROPODS Prepared By: 1. Deepa Jha 2. Bevika Shrestha 3. Bhim Kumari B.K 4. Khusbu Rai 5. Isha Dangaura Tharu 6. Ashok Kumar Mahato 7. Uddhab Burlakoti Group4 1
  • 2. Content to be discuss • Prevention from contact: Rat proof storage of food items, closing of rat openings, proper disposal of waste including garbage. • Prevention from bites • Integrated control measures of arthropods and rodents : Killing through use of chemicals, insecticides, pesticides , gases trapping. Group4 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION ARTHROPODS : They are phylum of invertebrates that have of segmented body and jointed appendages ,a usually chitinious exoskeleton such as insects , arachnids, crustaceans. RODENTS : Any of an order Rodentia of relatively small gnawing mammal such as mouse, squirrel or beaver that have in both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel shaped edge . Group4 3
  • 4. PREVENTION FROM CONTACT: RAT PROOF STORAGE OF FOOD ITEMS A mice infestation in our home creates many inconveniences. Mice are known to chew through food packaging which could leave our family vulnerable to illnesses like salmonellosis, rat – bite fever, and Lassa fever. So that rat proof storage of food items is must needed: They are several ways to keep food away from mice or rodents: 1. Transferring food into containers: storing of food in the pantry won’t guarantee the food safety as they can still gnaw through your food packaging so it is important to transfer the food materials into air-tight containers, heavy metal as well as glass and heavy-duty plastic containers. Group4 4
  • 5. CONTI… • Lock and lock easy essential container food storage bin • Stainless steel canister set • Vtopmart airtight food storage container 2.Using refrigerators and freezers: Another method to help protect food from mice is to use freezer or refrigerator. In pantry due to small gaps, they can squeeze and gnaw our food packaging whereas the freezer or refrigerator are sealed shut, so they cannot squeeze themselves and destroy our food materials. Group4 5
  • 6. 3. Sealing entry points of the house: Mice or rodents can devise different ways to invade into our house or pantry. Even the slightest crack or small crack can be a viable point for these pests. They can even chew holes through your door and window, floors which can be a passage for them. So to prevent them from invading we can use following materials to prevent their entry. • Caulk and steel wool • Cement and metal • Glass and heavy duty plastics Group4 6
  • 7. CONT… 4. Using mice repellents: Using different rat repellents work well in preventing any rodent infestations. Some of the repellent techniques are: *Setting up traps : • Traditional snap trap • Glue board or glue trap • Electronic rodent trap • Catch and release trap Group4 7
  • 8. CLOSING OF RAT OPENINGS Seal any opening or holes you find to stop rodents from entering. These are techniques of closing of rat openings : • Exterior hole or openings: Group4 8
  • 9. Method of closing external openings or hole 1. Fill small holes with steel wool and seal around the wool with caulk: Buy steel wool online or at a hardware store. Stuff the steel wool into the hole to cover it completely, then put caulk around the edges to keep the mice from simply pulling it out. Group4 9
  • 10. 2. Close larger holes with metal sheeting or cement: • Look for a cement mix online or at your local hardware store, or buy metal sheeting that you can affix over the opening. • Measure the hole before you buy your materials so you'll know how much you need . Make sure you haven't left any gaps in the cement or sheeting that a mouse could still get through. • You can also use hardware cloth or lath screen (backing material for plaster) to cover the holes. Just don't use wood, which rodents can chew through. Group4 10
  • 11. 3. Seal cracks around doors and windows with caulk or foam: • Go around the outside of your house and make sure all of your doors and windows fit tightly. If you see any gaps, use caulk or foam to close them up. It'll not only help keep your home cleaner and more energy- efficient but also keep mice and other pests from getting in. • During cold weather, you can find outside cracks from inside your home. If you feel a draft, a mouse could use that crack as an entry point. Go outside and seal it up. Group4 11
  • 12. 4. Cover vents with steel screens to keep rodents out: • Some holes on the outside of your home are meant to be there. Unfortunately, these holes also present opportunities for rodents to enter. • Buy steel screens at your local hardware store or online and cover the vents with these. That way, the vent will still work properly but won't serve as a doorway for outdoor pests. • Use caulk to seal the screen in place if you can't use the vent cover itself to hold the screen on. • Check roof vents and chimneys as well. Install screens so rodents can't get through these holes. Group4 12
  • 13. Interior hole 1. Trap mice inside your home before sealing up the holes: • Look for signs that mice have entered your home, such as mouse droppings. If you have mice living in your home, sealing up the interior holes could trap them in your walls—and create a terrible stench when they die. • Use regular mouse traps to eliminate the intruders before closing interior mouse holes. If there aren't any visible holes, drill a small hole in your wall and place a loaded trap right in front of it. • Set snap traps with a pea-sized drop of peanut butter perpendicular to the wall, so they form a "T" shape with the wall. You can also put them anywhere you see signs of frequent rodent activity, including droppings or nesting materials. • If you aren't successful in trapping the rodents on your own, contact a local exterminator to take care of the problem for you. Group4 13
  • 14. 2.Caulk up holes in and around cabinets and doors: • Buy a tube of caulk online or at your local hardware store and go around your home looking for any cracks. Pay particular attention to the base and backs of cabinets where they meet exterior walls . • If you have a fireplace, check for possible holes in that area. The warmth makes it an attractive area for rodents to nest. • When in doubt, run caulk over any crevices you see. Even if a rodent can't get through it now, it might expand if it isn't sealed. Group4 14
  • 15. 3. Cover vents and drains with steel screens: • Even if you've already covered the exterior opening of a vent or drain, cover the interior opening as well. Floor drains in basements, garages, or laundry rooms can be easy access points for rodents . Typically, you can place the screen directly under the vent or drain covering and seal it in place with the cover itself. Group4 15
  • 16. 4.Seal cracks along baseboards and in closets: • Use sealant or caulk if your baseboards aren't completely flush with the floor. Check for gaps also well the wall meets the floor in the backs of closets, particularly around the corners. • Check your attic and basement as well. Pay close attention to exterior walls, as they can potentially give rodents direct entry into your home. Group4 16
  • 17. Proper Disposal Of Waste Including Garbage What is Waste Disposal? Waste disposal means removing, discarding, recycling or destroying unwanted materials called waste that is produced from agriculture, domestic usage or industrial products. Following the correct methods for waste disposal will ensure lesser pollution and hazards for the environment. Proper waste management is necessary with steps involving the proper collection of waste and scientific treatments that may contribute less to water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution. Group4 17
  • 18. Methods of Waste Disposal : • The various methods of waste disposal known are as follows: • Landfill • Incineration • Biogas Generation • Composting • Waste compaction • Vermicomposting Group4 18
  • 19. • Landfill : In this process, the waste type involves non- reusable and non-recyclable substances which are spread in a thin layer in specific low-lying lands or areas. These areas are dug deep where waste is disposed inside then a layer of soil will be used to cover it back. These areas are declared unfit for activities like construction of buildings for the next 20 years. That site can be made use for building parks or playgrounds in the near future. It is one of the hugely adopted methods of waste disposal in a bulk manner. Group4 19
  • 20. • Incineration: Incineration is the treatment of waste or waste disposal by the means of burning where the garbage turns into the incombustible matter like gases and ashes. Incinerators are believed to be environmentally very dangerous as the resultants are heavy metals, which are placed in landfills ultimately making air, water, and soil polluted. Group4 20
  • 21. • Generation of Biogas: Food items, animal waste, municipal waste, vegetable/fruit peels and organic industrial wastes are biodegradable waste which means these can be decomposed by bacteria or other organisms. Using these wastes, biogas is produced at small as well as a large scale where bacteria, fungi, and other microbes easily degrade the substances. Group4 21
  • 22. • Waste Compaction: Waste compaction involves a proper technique that includes shredding the waste into smaller pieces, pushing to mix properly and placing it in such a way to fill voids. Recycling is also one of the best methods to reduce waste and it can be performed for cans, plastic bottles, cardboards, paper, metal, textiles, electronics, batteries, tires, etc. Reusing these kinds of wastes is possible through recycling. Group4 22
  • 23. • Composting: Composting is one of the waste disposal methods that begin from our kitchen. It deals with all organic materials including food scraps, garden waste, fruits and vegetable peels. When these substances are buried and left under the soil for some days, those decay under the action of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms Group4 23
  • 24. Group4 • Vermicomposting: Also known as vermiculture , vermicomposting is one of the waste disposal methods and it is performed by the decomposition process using white worms, red wigglers, earthworms and other worms to break the organic matter like vegetable or food waste 24
  • 25. PREVENTION FROM ARTHROPOD BITES Preventing bites from arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, mites spider, scorpions, crabs , prawn , flies and fleas , is important to reduce the risk of various diseases they can transmit. Here are some general preventive measures we can take: • Use insect repellents : Apply EPA- approved insect repellents containing active ingredients like DEET ( Diethyltoluamide), picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) to exposed skin and clothing . Follow the instructions on the product label. Group4 25
  • 26. CONT.. • Wear protective clothing : Cover your body as much as possible by wearing long sleeves ,long pants , socks ,and closed-toe shoes .for additional protection , you can also treat your clothing with permethrin , an insect repellent specifically designed for fabrics. • Avoid peak activity times: Many arthropods are most active during dawn and dusk , so try to limit outdoor activities during these times when possible. • Use bed nets : When sleeping in areas with a high risk of insect-borne diseases , use bed nets treated with insecticides to create a barrier between you and the arthropods. Group4 26
  • 27. CONTI….. • Check for ticks : If you are in an area where ticks are common , thoroughly check your body and clothing for ticks after spending time outdoors. Pay close attention to hidden areas such as the hairline, underarms ,groin and behind the knees. Promptly any ticks you find using tweezers , grasping them close to the skin’s surface and pulling straight out with steady pressure. • Reduce mosquito breeding sites: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water , so eliminate standing water around your home , such as in flower pots , buckets , or birdbaths. Regularly empty and clean water containers to prevent mosquito larvae from developing. Group4 27
  • 28. CONT…. • Protect your living area : Use window screens , door sweeps , and other physical barriers to prevent arthropods from entering your home or living area. • Be cautious in high – risk areas: If you are travelling to an area known for insect – borne diseases , take extra precautions . Consider using bed nets , wearing protective clothing , and using insect repellents consistently. Group4 28
  • 29. • Call for expert for the vector control: If we have persistent arthropod problem , or if we have unsure how to handle it effectively. Group4 29
  • 30. PREVENTION FROM RODENTS BITES Preventing rodents bites is important to avoid the risk of diseases and infectious that can be transmitted by these rodents. Here are some preventive measures : • Avoid handling wild rodents: Refrain from touching or attempting to handle wild rodents, such as squirrels, rats, or mice as they may bite when feel threatened or cornered. This applies to other wild animals as well, as they may carry diseases that can be transmitted through bites. Group4 30
  • 31. • Seal entry points: Rodents can enter our home through small opening and gaps. Inspect our home and seal any potential entry points, such as cracks in walls gaps around window and doors and opening for utility pipes. Use caulk , steel, wool , or other suitable material to block these entryways. • Store food properly: Keep all food , including pet food, in secure containers that rodents cannot access. Rodents are attracted to food sources, so make sure your pantry and kitchen areas are clean. Group4 31
  • 32. • Trim vegetation : Trim tree branches, shrubs as rodents can use them as pathways to access your property or home • Remove clutter: Declutter your living spaces , as it reduces potential hiding spots for rodents . Keeps storage areas organized and free of clutter. Group4 32
  • 33. • Set traps: Consider using snap traps or humane traps to catch rodents that may have already entered our home . Follow the instruction provided with the traps and place them in areas where rodents are likely to frequents. • Be careful in areas with rodents activity: If we are in area where rodents are know to be present, such as barns, warehouses, or construction sites, exercise caution and be aware of our surrounding . Take extra precaution to avoid close contact with rodents and their nesting areas. Group4 33
  • 34. • Dispose of garbage correctly: Rodents are scavengers, so disposes of our garbage in tightly sealed containers. Outdoor garbage bins should have secure lids that cannot be easily opened by rodents . • Eliminate standing water : Rodents need water to survive , so remove any standing water sources around our property or home. This includes fixing leaky pipes, ensuring proper drainage , and emptying stagnant water from containers gutters and flower pots. Group4 34
  • 35. • Maintain a clean environment : Rodents are more likely to inhabit cluttered and dirty areas. Keep our living spaces clean and tidy , and regularly vacuum or sweep floors to remove food particles or crumbs . Clean up any spills immediately , as they can attract rodents. • Consult with professionals : If we suspect a rodent infestation or have tried various preventive measures without success, it’s advisable to consult with professional rodent control services . They can assess the situation, implement effective control methods, and provide ongoing monitoring and prevention strategies. Group4 35
  • 36. 8.3 Integrated control measures of arthropods and rodents: Killing through use of :- • CHEMICALS • INSECTICIDES • PESTICIDES • GASES • TRAPPING Group4 36
  • 37. 1. Some chemicals used to kill arthropods are: Chemicals are those substances that are made up of different elements and have specific properties. They are used in various sectors and in case of arthropods they are used to kill them. For example: • Pyrethroids: Pyrethroids are synthetic chemicals that target the nervous system of arthropods. • Organophosphate: Organophosphate inhibit the activity of enzyme called acetylcholine steroids which is responsible for breaking down the neuro transmitor acetylcholine in the nervous system. Group4 37
  • 38. Some of the chemicals used to kill Rodents are: • Anticoagulant rodenticides: These chemicals interfere with the blood clotting process in rodents, causing them to die from internal bleeding. • Acute toxic rodenticides: These are fast-acting poison that cause rapid death in rodents. • Non- anticoagulant rodenticides: They affect newer rodenticides by affecting their nervous system, metabolism or physiological processes leading to death. Group4 38
  • 39. Some of the insecticides which can be useful to kill arthropods are: • Neonicotinoids: They act on specific receptors in the insect’s nervous system, causing paralysis and death. • Botanical insecticides: Certain botanical insecticides derived from plants, such as neem oil, contain natural compound that can be toxic to arthropods. Group4 39
  • 40. Some of the insecticides used to kill rodents are: • Non–anticoagulant Rodenticides: Some rodenticides like bromethalin and zinc affects the rodent’s nervous system, causing swelling in the brain and subsequent death whereas zinc phosphide, when ingested reacts with stomach acid to release toxic phosphine gas, which is lethal to rodents. • Cholecalciferol: Cholecalciferol also known as vitamin D, is a rodenticide that causes excessive level of calcium and phosphorus in the rodent’s body, leading to kidney failure and death. Group4 40
  • 41. PESTICIDES:- • Pesticides are substances that are used to manage(to control, repel or kill) various types of vectors , including insects weeds ,fungi , rodents and other organisms that are considered harmful or unwanted. • In Nepal various pesticides are used for the integrated control measures of arthropods(like insects ,ticks, mites) and rodents (mice, rats)in agricultural, public health, and other settings . Group4 41
  • 43. Here are some commonly used pesticides that are used in Nepal for arthropods control: 1.Pyrethroids: They are derived from chrysanthemum flowers . They act on the nervous system of insects ,leading to paralysis and to death . Eg : deltamethrin. 2.Organophosphates: These are widely used pesticides for arthropods control . They work by inhibiting the activity of acetylcholinesterase , an enzyme essential for normal nerve function in insects . This leads to overstimulations of the nervous system and eventually paralysis . Eg ; malathion , fenitrothion. Group4 43
  • 44. Group4 3.Carbamates: It shows the similar mode of action to organophosphates as they also inhibit acetylcholinesterase . They are effective against a wide range of arthropods . eg; carbaryl , methomyl . 4.Neonicotinoids: They act on the nervous system of insects by binding to specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by disrupting the nerve impulse transmission , leading to paralysis and death . Eg: Clothianidi, imidacloprid. 44
  • 45. Commonly used pesticides for control of rodents 1.Anticoagulant Rodenticides: These are most commonly used rodent control . These chemicals interfere with the blood clotting mechanism in rodents leading to internal bleeding and eventually leads death . Eg ; warfarin ,diphacinone, brodifacoum etc 2.Zinc Phosphide: It is another rodenticides used in Nepal ,it acts by releasing toxic phosphine gas when ingested by rodents .The gas affects cellular respiration and leads to rodent mortality. 3.Bromadiolone: It is an anticoagulant rodenticide with a delayed –action formula. It works by inhibiting the production of clotting factors in rodents ,leading to hemorrhaging and death . Group4 45
  • 46. GASES: Gases can be used as fumigant to control arthropods in certain situations. Fumigations involves the application of a gas or vapor form of pesticides to treat an enclosed area reaching arthropods present in various life stages (eggs , larvae , pupae , adults) Here are some example of gases used for arthropod control: 1.Methyl Bromide: mostly used fumigants for controlling arthropods in stored grains , flour mills ,and agricultural commodities , it acts by inhibiting respiratory enzymes in vectors interfering with cellular respiration , and causing their death. 2.Phosphine: Act as a respiratory poison in arthropods , disrupting cellular respiration andleading to their mortality.IT is effective against wide range of arthropods , stored product vectors and burrowing insects . Group4 46
  • 47. 3.Sulfuryl Fluoride: It is a fumigant used for structural fumigation to control vector such as termites , beetles and drywood termites . It acts by disrupting the energy production mechanism of vectors ,damaging enzymes and inhibiting metabolic processes. 4.Ethylene oxide : It works by damaging DNA and inhibiting cellular functions , leading to death of arthropods. Several gaseous used to control rodents :Here are some gaseous that are used for the control of rodents , they are: 1.Phosphine(Aluminum Phosphide): It works by releasing phosphine gas upon contact with moisture in the air or in the vector body . Phosphine interfere with cellular respiration ,leading to cellular dysfunction and ultimately causing death. Group4 47
  • 48. 4.Chloropicrin: • It act as a respiratory and eye irritant ,causing discomfort and distress to the vectors. It also has repellent effect ,driving the rodents out of the treated area. 5.Methyl Bromide: • Works by disrupting the vectors respiratory system and metabolism , leading to death . However it has been phased out in many countries due to its ozone depleting properties. • Use of these chemical pesticides and gases to control arthropods and rodents require specialized training and proper safety precautions to ensure safety of humans and non target organisms. Group4 48
  • 49. TRAPPING: DEFINATION Trapping is a method used in integrated pest management (IPM) programs to control arthropods (insects and other small invertebrates) and rodents (such as rats and mice). It involves the use of traps, which are devices designed to capture and contain these pests. Trapping can be an effective control measure because it targets specific pests while minimizing the use of chemical pesticides. Group4 49
  • 50. INTERGRATED CONTROL MEASURES OF ARTHOPODS AND RODENTS BY TRAPPING • Integrated control measures for arthropods (insects and arachnids) and rodents can be effectively implemented through trapping. Trapping is a popular and environmentally friendly method for managing populations of these pests. Here are some integrated control measures using trapping for arthropods and rodents: • Proper identification: Identify the target pest species accurately to determine the most suitable trapping method. Different pests may require specific traps or baits. Group4 50
  • 51. • In the context of arthropod control, various types of traps are available, depending on the target species and the specific situation. Some common types of arthropod traps include: • Insect traps: These traps are designed to attract and capture insects. They may use pheromones, light sources, food baits, or sticky surfaces to lure and trap the insects. • Fly traps: Specifically designed to capture flies, these traps often utilize bait or sticky surfaces to attract and catch the pests. Group4 51
  • 52. • Yellow sticky traps: These traps consist of yellow- colored sticky cards or tapes that are hung or placed near plants to capture flying insects, such as aphids and whiteflies. • Pitfall traps: These traps are typically used to catch ground-dwelling insects, such as beetles and ants. They consist of containers partially buried in the ground, with the top level with the surface, allowing insects to fall into them Group4 52
  • 53. • When it comes to rodent control, traps are commonly used as a humane and environmentally friendly alternative to rodenticides. The following are some commonly used traps for rodents: • Snap traps: These are traditional mechanical traps designed to quickly and humanely kill rodents. They consist of a wooden, plastic, or metal base with a spring-loaded bar that snaps shut when triggered by the rodent. • Live traps: Also known as cage traps or box traps, these traps are designed to capture rodents alive. They typically consist of a metal cage with a spring- loaded door that closes when the rodent enters the trap. Group4 53
  • 54. • Glue traps: These traps use a sticky adhesive surface to capture rodents. Once the rodent steps onto the glue, it becomes stuck and unable to move. • Multiple-catch traps: These traps are designed to capture multiple rodents without the need for resetting the trap after each capture. They often feature a mechanism that allows additional rodents to enter the trap but prevents them from escaping. • It's important to note that trapping is most effective when used as part of an integrated pest management strategy, which may include other control measures such as habitat modification, sanitation, exclusion, and monitoring. The specific trapping methods and devices used will depend on the target pest and the circumstances surrounding the pest infestation. Group4 54
  • 56. Reference • • Medical Entomology( F. Eldridge and John D. Edman • www. close-a- Mouse – Hole • Group4 56