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                       Colossians 3:15- 17
                        And Let Christ Rule in You

Text: Colossians 3:15-17

FCF: We forfeit the peace of Christ by not thankfully allowing his Word to
dwell in us and through us.

Proposition: In thankfulness, let Christ rule your hearts in peace through
teaching the word to one another.

Irony – If I were to apply this passage correctly I would not be in a pulpit
and you would not be in a pew

This is You and Me in life, having the overflow of who we are in Christ
effect each other.

This is what Stephen Lee calls “Life on life”

Vs. 14
     And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in
perfect harmony.

     1) Paul has just finished talking about what we must put

           a. What is most interesting is that they are all
              relational elements!

  Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate
hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one
another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other;
as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

     2) The question is: “why would this be such a great focus
        for Paul?”

           a. After going into great detail about how we have
              wonderfully Received Christ (Chapters 1 and
              half of 2)

           b. and then Paul pastorally and fatherly warned us
              to remain steadfast in Christ (Second half of
              chapter 2)

           c. Then at the beginning of chapter 3 he has
              exhorted us to walk in the power of Christ

           a. Why, now, would everything he wants us to put on have to
              do with relationships?

“Above ALL these put on love…”

     3) I am going to suggest it has a whole lot to do with the
        key word of our passage tonight….

     4) Thankfulness!
           b. Vs. 15 – “And be thankful”
           c. Vs. 16 – “with thankfulness in your hearts to God”
           d. Vs. 17 – ‘giving thanks to God the Father through him”

        a. I like Jazz. The thing with Jazz is that in the middle of a
           song the tune can take long rabbit trails. However, every
           now then the soloist will re-introduce the melodic line so
           that we don’t forget what the main tune is.

                i. Like a melodic line in Jazz, while Paul addresses
                   all the ways we are love one another, he keeps re-
                   stating his melodic theme (Be thankful)

If our Whole lives have truly been radically
changed, turned rightside up, reformed, because a
relational and loving God pursued a rag tag, sinful,
unlovable group of people,

Should this not cause such an overwhelming sense of
gratitude to God

Should this not entice and entreat us to treat each
other any differently?

        b. Thankfulness is the fuel that will drive the engine of Paul’s

        c. Without this fuel of thankfulness, we will dry up, cease up
           and rust up, becoming nothing but a dead weight, only
           known for what we used to do.

  5) Perhaps your mind goes the same words of Christ
     that mine went to.

John 13:35
        By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have
love for one another.”

     1) In Romans, when is Paul is describing how we become
        because even though God has revealed himself so
        clearly he sates:

Rom. 1:21
        - “although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give
thanks to him”

     2) I say all this by way of introduction in order for you
        to feel the full weight of the importance of application
        that Paul is about to give to us.

In verses 15 -17, Paul is now answering the
application question of how do we “love, bind, Do-
togetherness, be in harmony?”

  - And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you
were called in one body. And be thankful.

     2) Well First, we “put on love” for “perfect harmony”
        through allowing the “peace of Christ” to rule in our

     1) In the peace of Christ we are unified in
        one body (Vs. 14-15)

a. What does it mean for the Peace of Christ Rule
   your heart?

b. To rule simply means to, well, rule, be owned by,
   controlled by, this person becomes first and last

             1. Apple store not opening on time when selling
                Iphone 4.

      ii. Christ first spoke of what he wanted to rule over when
          he said the words “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at

             1. One of the few things I know how to make is
                   a. When I fold egg whites in waffle batter
                         there is no scientist in the world that
                         can separate out these ingredients.

             2. We must allow Christ to fold into our life so
                intimately that we cannot separate him from
                our everyday activity.

     iii. Chapter 1 - thrones or dominions or rulers or
          authorities—all things were created through him
          and for him– He rules the world

     iv. Chapter 2 - He disarmed the rulers and authorities
         and put them to open shame, by triumphing over
         them in him. – He rules his enemies

      v. Chapter 3 - If then you have been raised with Christ,
         seek the things that are above, where Christ is,

                            seated at the right hand of God. - Why should he not
                            get to rule you?

                                1. By allowing him to fold into our life we then
                                   mold into his.

     3) But the ruling is peacefulness.

                                2. Free association with ruling “authority, power,
                                   distance, strong hand…

                a. There is presupposition behind having Christ’
                   peace be the master of your earthly relationships
                        vi. It is that your relationship with Christ has brought about
                            a peace that greatly affects you.

                                1. What is the worst feeling in the world?
                                2. What is the best feeling in the world?

                       vii. The peace which is yours in union with Christ effects
                            your everyday anxiety

Phil 4:6
      do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The continued effects of Christ in His empowering Spirit is the
same thing

Gal 5:22
           But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…

      a. Christ Ruling our hearts moves us from passive
         peacefulness to proactive peacefulness

                    1. Family - Brother and sister not speaking, just co-
                       inhabiting vs. a new married couple purposely
                       introducing to forms of peace.

      b. In a healthy body Proactive harmony prevails
         among the various parts.
                      a. Exampel 1

            ii.   This is not just fixing problems but building the
                  relational tank.

                    2. Example 2

4) This horizontal peace (A called out people to be in one
   body) is a direct result of our new found vertical
   peace found in Christ who now rules our hearts.

      a. THANKYOU Father that you were not passive
         in making peace with us but proactive in
         sending Jesus to pursue us.

2) In the peace of Christ we are unified in
   one body (Vs. 14-15)

3) In the Word of Christ this body is unified
   in wisdom (Vs. 16)

  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing
one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

     1) We are thankful because we have received the peace
        of Christ. We remember the peace of Christ because
        of the Word he has given to us.

           b. Where does our unity come from?

                  a. Similar social settings?

                  b. Similar social class?

                  c. Because we meet in the same building?

                  d. Because we happen like the same sports, foods or

                  e. Because we saw the same movie

                  f.   Or even it is because we meet in the same room as a
                       “Small group?” Even this can miss the mark at times.
  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing
one another in all wisdom

           a. I did some looking and I counted 15 different
              festivals and feast along with 5 more different
              days of fasting recorded in scripture that ancient
              Israel would practice in order to remember
              something about Yahweh.

           b. In Deuteronomy alone, as Moses was preparing a
              people to be unified under God in new land, his
              melodic line was “Remember”

                  iii.   You shall remember that you were
                  iv.    You shall remember what the Lord your God did
                   v.    You shall remember the Lord your God as
                  vi.    You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he
                         who gives you power
                 vii.    Remember and do not forget

           c. When Jesus died the angles words to the
              distraught disciples at the tomb were simply

       “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but
       has risen….. 8 And they remembered his words, 9 and returning
       from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the
       rest. – Luke 24:6-9

   2) By actively remember Christ, his words and works
      you and we actively participate in welcoming Christ
      to rule in His church.

           a. Example 1

           b. Example 2

           c. Example 3

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one
another in all wisdom

              d. Paul then moves from the individual interaction
                 and spreads out to the communal interaction.

in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with
thankfulness in your hearts to God.

              e. Psalms mentioned in the NT are always used in reference for a
                 communal gathering.1

              f.   In the OT, Hymns were also forms of praises either for the use
                   of prayer or singing within temples

              g. A clear example is Psalms 66 where the nation is exhorted
                 to praise God in “A SONG. A PSALM.”

Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the
children of man. – Psalm 66:5

              h. The universal Church of God remains publically
                 visible to a searching world through our love and
                 peace for one another

              i. You and I remain in this peace through our

              j. We remain in thankfulness by spending our
                 energy with one another to remind each other
                 what we have in Christ.

   3) In remembering we remain thankful.

       1 Cor. 14:26; Col, 3:16; Eph 5:19

      4) It is through the act of remembering that Christ’

                       i.   Do we allow ourselves to be used to remember Christ

                      ii.   De we allow others to remind us of how Christ is at

      5) A word of caution

              a. Just a few words of observation would give us
                 great caution

              b. First, we not only have authority but
                 responsibility to speak into each other’s life.

                      a. Today I have seen that we hold back in feeling we
                         have authority to speak into someone life unless
                         we have had the same experience of them.

                      b. Paul’s understanding is that if we have received the
                         same gift from Christ we have the reasonability to
                         remind each other of these gifts.

                              i. He uses the words teaching and
                      c. When I read Colossians 1:2 I read
    To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae:

                      d. This is any person who is a saint in Christ.

                           i. Not Just cute words - The couple who is just
                              dealing with the 3 or 4 miscarriage does not
                              need another cute Christian phrase.

                          ii. They need a confident word from Christ
                              coming from a believing heart.

           c. The richness and sincerity of our life in Christ
              produces the richness and sincerity of our words
              to one another.

           d. BUT…. Paul is very explicate in what we must say
              and the attitude in which we say it.

                   e. Some of us feel we have the gift of seeing how we
                      can correct others.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly

                   f. We speak Christ’s words, his thoughts.

                   g. We are not receiving permission here to come in
                      boldness and authority in what Garrett Nate’s
                      called peripheral aspects of the church.

                 i. Be slow to speak your personal opinions
                    about the forms of the church, and personal
                    preference of the Christian life.

                ii. Be bold to speak Christ’s words and
                    promises to one another.

    e. In caution, notice that this boldness is to be
       couched in the attitude of peace and
    f. Our words fall on listening and thankful years
       when they are said in a heart that is continually
       grateful to Christ and pursuing peace with his
                iii. Before we say anything ask yourselves if
                     your heart is both thankful to God and
                     peace focused in attitude.

4) In the peace of Christ we are unified in
   one body (Vs. 14-15)

5) In the Word of Christ this body is unified
   in wisdom (Vs. 16)

     6) Now in verse 17 Paul restates positively
        what he said in the negative form at the
        end of chapter 2.

          g. In verse 2:23 Paul said don’t’ do things for
             appearance through self-made religion and
             asceticism in order to stop indulging the flesh.

          h. Now, ironically, Paul says “in whatever you do”

  And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

          b. The end result of receiving Christ (1:1- 2:15) and not
             turning away from him (2:16-23) ends in true, thankful,
             worship of God within our own hearts and the full body of
             Christ. (3:17).

                 iii.   Brother at the convalescence center
                           a. “I have so much to be thankful for”

                           b. “People take the sun rise and sun set that
                              God has given to us so much for granted

                    c.    “I have fought a hart attach and cancer a
                         few times.” BUT I have so much to be
                         thankful for?

                    d. I like reading books but most recently I
                       just have been reading through Bible in
                       different versions because.

    c. Paul is repeating the answer in Colossians 3:1 (Set your

7) Thankfulness Protects from
    i. …Division – In thankfulness we remember
       Christ’s peace causing us to unity with one

    j. …Idolatry – In thankfulness we do not run to
       substitutes of Christ but feed off the promises of
       his Word

    k. …Legalism – In thankfulness we do not act as
       slaves of Christ mechanically following his
       commands but as children who do everything in
       the blessed name of our savior.

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  • 1. 1 Colossians 3:15- 17 And Let Christ Rule in You Text: Colossians 3:15-17 FCF: We forfeit the peace of Christ by not thankfully allowing his Word to dwell in us and through us. Proposition: In thankfulness, let Christ rule your hearts in peace through teaching the word to one another. Intro Irony – If I were to apply this passage correctly I would not be in a pulpit and you would not be in a pew This is You and Me in life, having the overflow of who we are in Christ effect each other. This is what Stephen Lee calls “Life on life” Vs. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 1) Paul has just finished talking about what we must put on. a. What is most interesting is that they are all relational elements!
  • 2. 2 12 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 2) The question is: “why would this be such a great focus for Paul?” a. After going into great detail about how we have wonderfully Received Christ (Chapters 1 and half of 2) b. and then Paul pastorally and fatherly warned us to remain steadfast in Christ (Second half of chapter 2) c. Then at the beginning of chapter 3 he has exhorted us to walk in the power of Christ a. Why, now, would everything he wants us to put on have to do with relationships? “Above ALL these put on love…” 3) I am going to suggest it has a whole lot to do with the key word of our passage tonight…. 4) Thankfulness! b. Vs. 15 – “And be thankful” c. Vs. 16 – “with thankfulness in your hearts to God” d. Vs. 17 – ‘giving thanks to God the Father through him”
  • 3. 3 a. I like Jazz. The thing with Jazz is that in the middle of a song the tune can take long rabbit trails. However, every now then the soloist will re-introduce the melodic line so that we don’t forget what the main tune is. i. Like a melodic line in Jazz, while Paul addresses all the ways we are love one another, he keeps re- stating his melodic theme (Be thankful) If our Whole lives have truly been radically changed, turned rightside up, reformed, because a relational and loving God pursued a rag tag, sinful, unlovable group of people, Should this not cause such an overwhelming sense of gratitude to God Should this not entice and entreat us to treat each other any differently? b. Thankfulness is the fuel that will drive the engine of Paul’s application. c. Without this fuel of thankfulness, we will dry up, cease up and rust up, becoming nothing but a dead weight, only known for what we used to do. 5) Perhaps your mind goes the same words of Christ that mine went to.
  • 4. 4 John 13:35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” 1) In Romans, when is Paul is describing how we become because even though God has revealed himself so clearly he sates: Rom. 1:21 - “although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him” 2) I say all this by way of introduction in order for you to feel the full weight of the importance of application that Paul is about to give to us. In verses 15 -17, Paul is now answering the application question of how do we “love, bind, Do- togetherness, be in harmony?” 15 - And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. 2) Well First, we “put on love” for “perfect harmony” through allowing the “peace of Christ” to rule in our hearts. 1) In the peace of Christ we are unified in one body (Vs. 14-15)
  • 5. 5 a. What does it mean for the Peace of Christ Rule your heart? b. To rule simply means to, well, rule, be owned by, controlled by, this person becomes first and last thought. 1. Apple store not opening on time when selling Iphone 4. ii. Christ first spoke of what he wanted to rule over when he said the words “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” 1. One of the few things I know how to make is waffles. a. When I fold egg whites in waffle batter there is no scientist in the world that can separate out these ingredients. 2. We must allow Christ to fold into our life so intimately that we cannot separate him from our everyday activity. iii. Chapter 1 - thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him– He rules the world iv. Chapter 2 - He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. – He rules his enemies v. Chapter 3 - If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is,
  • 6. 6 seated at the right hand of God. - Why should he not get to rule you? 1. By allowing him to fold into our life we then mold into his. 3) But the ruling is peacefulness. 2. Free association with ruling “authority, power, distance, strong hand… a. There is presupposition behind having Christ’ peace be the master of your earthly relationships vi. It is that your relationship with Christ has brought about a peace that greatly affects you. 1. What is the worst feeling in the world? 2. What is the best feeling in the world? vii. The peace which is yours in union with Christ effects your everyday anxiety Phil 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. The continued effects of Christ in His empowering Spirit is the same thing Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…
  • 7. 7 a. Christ Ruling our hearts moves us from passive peacefulness to proactive peacefulness 1. Family - Brother and sister not speaking, just co- inhabiting vs. a new married couple purposely introducing to forms of peace. b. In a healthy body Proactive harmony prevails among the various parts. a. Exampel 1 ii. This is not just fixing problems but building the relational tank. 2. Example 2 4) This horizontal peace (A called out people to be in one body) is a direct result of our new found vertical peace found in Christ who now rules our hearts. a. THANKYOU Father that you were not passive in making peace with us but proactive in sending Jesus to pursue us. 2) In the peace of Christ we are unified in one body (Vs. 14-15) 3) In the Word of Christ this body is unified in wisdom (Vs. 16)
  • 8. 8 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 1) We are thankful because we have received the peace of Christ. We remember the peace of Christ because of the Word he has given to us. b. Where does our unity come from? a. Similar social settings? b. Similar social class? c. Because we meet in the same building? d. Because we happen like the same sports, foods or hobbies e. Because we saw the same movie f. Or even it is because we meet in the same room as a “Small group?” Even this can miss the mark at times. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom a. I did some looking and I counted 15 different festivals and feast along with 5 more different days of fasting recorded in scripture that ancient Israel would practice in order to remember something about Yahweh.
  • 9. 9 b. In Deuteronomy alone, as Moses was preparing a people to be unified under God in new land, his melodic line was “Remember” iii. You shall remember that you were iv. You shall remember what the Lord your God did v. You shall remember the Lord your God as vi. You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power vii. Remember and do not forget c. When Jesus died the angles words to the distraught disciples at the tomb were simply “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but has risen….. 8 And they remembered his words, 9 and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. – Luke 24:6-9 2) By actively remember Christ, his words and works you and we actively participate in welcoming Christ to rule in His church. a. Example 1 b. Example 2 c. Example 3 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom
  • 10. 10 d. Paul then moves from the individual interaction and spreads out to the communal interaction. in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. e. Psalms mentioned in the NT are always used in reference for a communal gathering.1 f. In the OT, Hymns were also forms of praises either for the use of prayer or singing within temples g. A clear example is Psalms 66 where the nation is exhorted to praise God in “A SONG. A PSALM.” Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man. – Psalm 66:5 h. The universal Church of God remains publically visible to a searching world through our love and peace for one another i. You and I remain in this peace through our thankfulness j. We remain in thankfulness by spending our energy with one another to remind each other what we have in Christ. 3) In remembering we remain thankful. 1 1 Cor. 14:26; Col, 3:16; Eph 5:19
  • 11. 11 4) It is through the act of remembering that Christ’ peace i. Do we allow ourselves to be used to remember Christ ii. De we allow others to remind us of how Christ is at work? 5) A word of caution a. Just a few words of observation would give us great caution b. First, we not only have authority but responsibility to speak into each other’s life. a. Today I have seen that we hold back in feeling we have authority to speak into someone life unless we have had the same experience of them. b. Paul’s understanding is that if we have received the same gift from Christ we have the reasonability to remind each other of these gifts. i. He uses the words teaching and admonishing c. When I read Colossians 1:2 I read 2 To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: d. This is any person who is a saint in Christ.
  • 12. 12 i. Not Just cute words - The couple who is just dealing with the 3 or 4 miscarriage does not need another cute Christian phrase. ii. They need a confident word from Christ coming from a believing heart. c. The richness and sincerity of our life in Christ produces the richness and sincerity of our words to one another. d. BUT…. Paul is very explicate in what we must say and the attitude in which we say it. e. Some of us feel we have the gift of seeing how we can correct others. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly f. We speak Christ’s words, his thoughts. g. We are not receiving permission here to come in boldness and authority in what Garrett Nate’s called peripheral aspects of the church.
  • 13. 13 i. Be slow to speak your personal opinions about the forms of the church, and personal preference of the Christian life. ii. Be bold to speak Christ’s words and promises to one another. e. In caution, notice that this boldness is to be couched in the attitude of peace and thankfulness. f. Our words fall on listening and thankful years when they are said in a heart that is continually grateful to Christ and pursuing peace with his Church. iii. Before we say anything ask yourselves if your heart is both thankful to God and peace focused in attitude. 4) In the peace of Christ we are unified in one body (Vs. 14-15) 5) In the Word of Christ this body is unified in wisdom (Vs. 16)
  • 14. 14 6) Now in verse 17 Paul restates positively what he said in the negative form at the end of chapter 2. g. In verse 2:23 Paul said don’t’ do things for appearance through self-made religion and asceticism in order to stop indulging the flesh. h. Now, ironically, Paul says “in whatever you do” 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. b. The end result of receiving Christ (1:1- 2:15) and not turning away from him (2:16-23) ends in true, thankful, worship of God within our own hearts and the full body of Christ. (3:17). iii. Brother at the convalescence center a. “I have so much to be thankful for” b. “People take the sun rise and sun set that God has given to us so much for granted
  • 15. 15 c. “I have fought a hart attach and cancer a few times.” BUT I have so much to be thankful for? d. I like reading books but most recently I just have been reading through Bible in different versions because. c. Paul is repeating the answer in Colossians 3:1 (Set your mind…) 7) Thankfulness Protects from i. …Division – In thankfulness we remember Christ’s peace causing us to unity with one another. j. …Idolatry – In thankfulness we do not run to substitutes of Christ but feed off the promises of his Word k. …Legalism – In thankfulness we do not act as slaves of Christ mechanically following his commands but as children who do everything in the blessed name of our savior.