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A Project Report
“Study on Revaluation in Digital Marketing in INDIA from 2014 to
Mr. Prashant Kumar
Under the guidance of
Dr. Saurabh Gupta
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Invertis University, Bareilly
• Revolution of Digital Marketing
• The step and sudden growth of digital marketing has taken the
business world by storm. It is not the unprecedented growth that
has surprised everyone, as much as the realization of the impact it
has. Implications of this revolution are not only far reaching but
also all-encompassing. This trend itself has given rise to digital
marketing certification because the kind of expertise that is
needed for this area is something that most organizations did not
possess or were not aware of.
• Meaning-
• Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an
electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital
channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their
websites to connect with current and prospective customers. This
can also be referred as ‘online marketing’, ‘internet marketing’ or
‘web marketing’. In simple terms any form of marketing that exists
online is called as digital marketing
1.To Study the Digital Market Working.
2.Revolution of Digital Market in India.
3. Emerging Startups and market in India
Literature Review
• By Jasleen Kaur on 18th April 2018
• Digital Marketing industry in India is spread to almost all the
business sectors. Some of the applications of E-Marketing are
shopping and order tracking, online banking, payment
systems and content management.
• The power of digital marketing allows geophysical barriers to
disappear making all consumers and businesses on earth
potential customers and suppliers. It is known for its ability to
allow business to communicate and form a transaction
anywhere and anytime. Digital marketing industry in India is a
booming career today. In a country with a rapid growth
economy, it is expected to have a very high significant growth
in Digital marketing career. The growth in the digital
marketing trends is making a very substantial impact on
marketing and advertisement. The big picture of Digital
Marketing industry in India cannot be complete if short
preview of the past digital marketing statistics is not made.
• Global Innovation-: India, Next Big
By-Daniel Grasin, Nicholas Macmanus
• India is reaching an inflection point. Historically, it has failed to
capitalise on its underlying technological potential, playing a supporting
role in the global digital revolution. But after a recent visit to the country,
it’s clear things are changing. A surge of young innovators are putting India
in the vanguard of the digital revolution and transforming its digital
economy from an outsourcing force to a startup powerhouse. While India’s
physical infrastructure still lags behind many Western economies,
transformative technological developments are advancing at breakneck
• In only the last 2 years, over 200 million Indians have gained internet
connections, and over 5,000 startups have been created, consolidating
India’s position as the world’s third largest startup hub. There is a crackling
energy in the startup scene, a feeling that the country is entering a period
of profound change, in many ways reminiscent of Silicon Valley in the early
2000s. In fact, I believe there is every chance that India’s startup ecosystem
could match, or even eclipse, its American counterpart.
• While this may seem a mighty claim, it is
important to recognise that there is a unique
mixture of underlying social, economic and
demographic factors sowing the seeds for
exponential technological growth in India.
Urbanisation, rising wages and increasing internet
connections have created a tech savvy middle class
with disposable income and a desire to use digital
solutions to tackle life in a developing country.
• Add to this hundreds of millions of financially
underserved customers, a Government hell-bent
on digitising the nation, and one of the world’s
largest technology talent pools – and you have the
conditions for a startup boom.
By Prateek Thakur on 22nd Aug 2018
• I would like to throw some light on the Digital Marketing growth
and future in Healthcare
• .In today’s world, we are moving fast towards a Digital platform,
having almost all the services on the fingertips of the consumers
for convenience. Healthcare industry is also progressing towards
integrating the digital technology in healthcare along with the
regular practices to understand and serve the patients better. In
today’s online world, there is a great opportunity in healthcare to
use digital media to educate, inspire, motivate and engage the
target audiences.
• Digital health technologies encompass a wide range of tools,
such as wearable sensors and portable medical devices to digital
signboards, tele-medicine tools and practice management tools.
It is very important to target the right audience to achieve certain
• 1. Improve decision making
2. Patient engagement
3. Improve Communication
4. Need identification and tailormade services
5. Convenience and cost effective services
• Government Articles Analysis by CII
• Programs Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a national mission for
financial inclusion in India, which encompasses an integrated approach to bring
about comprehensive financial inclusion of all the households in the country. It
helps the citizens with universal access to banking facilities with at least one basic
banking account for every household, financial literacy, access to credit, insurance
and pension facility. The government also provides RuPay debit cards to the
beneficiaries which has an in-built accident insurance cover of INR 1,00,000.
• The Jan Dhan Yojana will not only provide financial access but it will also
channelize all the government benefits (from Center / State / Local Body) to the
beneficiary’s accounts. The Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) will remove multiple
layers of intermediaries for a smooth flow of benefits with least leakages and
pilferages. The first phase of PMJDY, which was from 15 August 2014 to 14 August
2015, improved the financial inclusion in India significantly. Currently, the mission
is in its second phase with a healthy progress report.
The image shows the growth report
Challenges Data Analysis By Opposing Party Congress
The PMJDY mission is helping transform the socio-economic
condition of the underprivileged citizens. Nevertheless, it faces
many challenges that need attention and focused efforts.
• Duplicate accounts: The rise of duplicate accounts under PMJDY is
a worrying factor for banks. As per report by MicroSave, 31% of
multiple account holders having a bank account under PMJDY are
actively using alternate bank account.6 In multiple cases, single
person has opened more than one account in different banks
under the PMJDY mission. The absence of KYC norms resulted in
many duplicate accounts.
• Dormant and zero balance accounts: As per a report by
MicroSave, there are 28% dormant accounts (i.e. no transaction in
the last three months)7 and 24.31% zero balance accounts.8 Rising
dormant and zero balance accounts are causing concern to the
banks as they hardly provide any return. Though public sector
banks might find it sustainable, private sector banks do not find
this a viable business proposition.9
• • Banking literacy: The lack of banking or financial
literacy has been preventing many users to take
advantage of these services. The transaction frequency
and amount could be increased when people are aware
of the schemes such as Suraksha Bima Yojana and
Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana. There is a rising demand for
Bank Mitra (bank correspondents) who are usually not
properly trained with accurate knowledge, skill and
• • Logistics: The government as well as private players
need to work on offering more POS centers and ATMs
to increase the frequency of transactions. There are 1
million POS, 160,000 ATMs and 1,15,000 bank branches
in the country. 188 million RuPay cards have been
issued to the public. While the demand has been
created by issuing debit/credit cards, the logistics
should be improved to meet the demand
Research Methodology
Research Methodology:
• Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a specific matter
or problem that is also referred as research problem. In Methodology, researcher uses
different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem. Different sources use
different type of methods for solving the problem. If we think about the word
“Methodology”, it is the way of searching or solving the research problem.
Research Design:
• Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative or
qualitative research methodologies, but instead it can utilize elements of both, often within
the same study. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question,
design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what
is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect.
• Descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative.. Descriptive research involves
gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the
data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to
aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Because the human mind cannot
extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive statistics are very important in
reducing the data to manageable form. When in-depth, narrative descriptions of small
numbers of cases are involved, the research uses description as a tool to organize data into
patterns that emerge during analysis. Those patterns aid the mind in comprehending a
qualitative study and its implications.
Data Collection Technique:
• Secondary data
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from
other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data
and also may be available when primary data cannot be obtained at all.
Data Analysis
• The Change of Indian Market
•The Indian online market in 2011 was having less than 5 billion US
$ market share.
•But in year 2017 the Indian Online Market revenue was more 50
billion US $.
Market Share of different Mediums
Digital Revolution has completely changed the Indian market in few years the Indians who
always to buy their product by physical market has completely moved towards the online market.
As above image completely shows the most effective market which has largest share is Social
media which have 33% of market share then it comes mobile market which has 13% share.
It completely shows that Indians are moving towards modern lifestyle.
Fastest Growing Retail Market (2014-18)
•Leading retail market is Digital Content and Subscriptions with 27%.
•The emerging market is Digital Commerce with 14% in recent years.
The Share of Advertising Market
•In 2014 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 38.3 billion rupees and Mobile Advertising has 5.2
billion rupees of revenue.
•The change can been seen as Indian market changed and consumers were moving towards online
rather than physical market.
•Till 2019 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 135.4 billion rupees and Mobile Advertising has 27.1
billion rupees of revenue.
•Such change completely shows the Effect of digital revolution.
Companies Advertising Spending Changes
In 2014 the expenditure of companies were more focused on physical advertisement and
physical market as from spending of 6.4 billion US $ the only 0.94% was to spend on Digital
Ads and 0.17 on Mobile Internet Ads.
In 2019 till the, total Advertisement Expenditure of companies are 8.53 US $ and 2.17
Billion US $ are now spend on Digital Ads and 1.23 US $ on Mobile Internet Ads.
The payment revolution in Indian Market
Mobile wallet has become a mainstream payment instrument in India. Global Data’s survey
shows that the share of cash or cheque (cash on delivery) in total e-commerce transaction
value declined from 31% in 2013 to 16% in 2017, whereas the mobile wallet share jumped
from just 7% to 29% during the same period. The usage of payment cards dropped from
38% to 32% during this period.
Digital shift
The last 24 months have seen amazing shifts in the digitization of payments in
India. Demonetization provided a strong impetus for consumers to move to non-cash payment
methods, and while the transaction levels seen in the months immediately post demonetization
have not sustained, a new normal has been found. Increase in adoption of digital instruments has
been aided by the increase in merchant outlets, as well as proliferation of UPI that provides a
simple and convenient way to transfer money across bank accounts.
The number of merchants accepting card payments has more than doubled in the last two years to
Top 5 Startups after the Digital Revolution and who
took a large market share.
2. OYO
3.Paytm Mall
• The Indian environment completely changed after the 2014 the,
digital market emerges very rapidly. People started moving towards
online market for the better deals and comfort.
• Shows the most effective market which has largest share is Social
media which have 33% of market share then it comes mobile
market which has 13% share.
• In year 2017 the Indian Online Market revenue was more 50 billion
US $.
• Leading retail market is Digital Content and Subscriptions with 27%.
• The emerging market is Digital Commerce with 14% in recent years.
• 2014 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 38.3 billion rupees and
Mobile Advertising has 5.2 billion rupees of revenue.
• Till 2019 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 135.4 billion
rupees and Mobile Advertising has 27.1 billion rupees of revenue.
• In 2019 till then, total Advertisement Expenditure of companies are
8.53 US $ and 2.17 Billion US $ are now spend on Digital Ads and
1.23 US $ on Mobile Internet Ads
• The mobile wallet share jumped from just 7% to 29%
during the same period. The usage of payment cards
dropped from 38% to 32% during this period.
• Since the launch of UPI, 20 banks have launched their
UPI-based apps and mobile apps of 17 are available on
the Google play store, Hot said. SBI and HDFC Bank
are to join UPI soon.
• Currently, on a daily basis, about 4,000 transactions
are taking place from about 300,000 customers who
have downloaded a UPI-based bank app, he added.
• Other executives associated with UPI said the
upgraded version will be compatible with the first
• Government has taken the good steps for the betterment of the
digital environment but the awareness about the schemes and
policies are very less.
• This is future growing environment hence; the change in future
government can affect the growth of this.
• As startup nature is emerging frequently this lead to the
financing problem Indian company does not show high
participating nature in investing small startups. Companies
should finance high in Indian startups.
• As Indian companies which do not invest in such startups other
foreign investors shows high participating nature and invest high
in such startups this, lead to the ownership transfer to the
foreign companies which is not good for the Indian digital
environment growth.
• Government should make the different policies for the funds
rising for Indian startups.
• The rural areas must be focused more in the policies as many
small scale startups are emerging from rural areas too.
• Everything has the limit the internet and books have limited
information which the author and the writer has given
about that so lack of information is always be there.
• The facts and figures keeps on changing day to day life the
information given in this project may be changes in little
time so we cannot consider this as perfect source of
• First Limitation of the Project was Time constraint due to
less availability of time some of the factors regarding the
topic Financial Inclusion left Untouched.
• Second Limitation of the Project was Unavailability of Data.
Only up till 2018 the authentic Data is available on the sites.
• This type of data are confidential too the government has
does not shows real data on the internet.
• And different magazines and books show the different data.
• The environment of Indian living standard and
business environment completely changed after 2014
the digital world has completely overtook the physical
• The startup nature has shown the huge growth in the
Indian environment before 2014 were only less than
20 startups were there in one year’s now more than
100 startups can be seen in one year.
• The funding from foreign companies has taken major
part in the Indian market and Indian startups have
took completely advantage of this.
• The startups like OYO, ZOMOTO, PAYTM etc are
growing at a high rate as everyone is able to access
internet easily. These type of startups have a great
opportunity to grown in Indian environment.

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  • 1. A Project Report On “Study on Revaluation in Digital Marketing in INDIA from 2014 to 2018” BY Mr. Prashant Kumar Under the guidance of Dr. Saurabh Gupta Assistant Professor Department of Management Invertis University, Bareilly
  • 2. INTRODUCTION • Revolution of Digital Marketing • The step and sudden growth of digital marketing has taken the business world by storm. It is not the unprecedented growth that has surprised everyone, as much as the realization of the impact it has. Implications of this revolution are not only far reaching but also all-encompassing. This trend itself has given rise to digital marketing certification because the kind of expertise that is needed for this area is something that most organizations did not possess or were not aware of. • Meaning- • Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their websites to connect with current and prospective customers. This can also be referred as ‘online marketing’, ‘internet marketing’ or ‘web marketing’. In simple terms any form of marketing that exists online is called as digital marketing
  • 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.To Study the Digital Market Working. 2.Revolution of Digital Market in India. 3. Emerging Startups and market in India
  • 4. Literature Review • By Jasleen Kaur on 18th April 2018 • Digital Marketing industry in India is spread to almost all the business sectors. Some of the applications of E-Marketing are shopping and order tracking, online banking, payment systems and content management. • The power of digital marketing allows geophysical barriers to disappear making all consumers and businesses on earth potential customers and suppliers. It is known for its ability to allow business to communicate and form a transaction anywhere and anytime. Digital marketing industry in India is a booming career today. In a country with a rapid growth economy, it is expected to have a very high significant growth in Digital marketing career. The growth in the digital marketing trends is making a very substantial impact on marketing and advertisement. The big picture of Digital Marketing industry in India cannot be complete if short preview of the past digital marketing statistics is not made.
  • 5. • Global Innovation-: India, Next Big By-Daniel Grasin, Nicholas Macmanus • India is reaching an inflection point. Historically, it has failed to capitalise on its underlying technological potential, playing a supporting role in the global digital revolution. But after a recent visit to the country, it’s clear things are changing. A surge of young innovators are putting India in the vanguard of the digital revolution and transforming its digital economy from an outsourcing force to a startup powerhouse. While India’s physical infrastructure still lags behind many Western economies, transformative technological developments are advancing at breakneck speed. • In only the last 2 years, over 200 million Indians have gained internet connections, and over 5,000 startups have been created, consolidating India’s position as the world’s third largest startup hub. There is a crackling energy in the startup scene, a feeling that the country is entering a period of profound change, in many ways reminiscent of Silicon Valley in the early 2000s. In fact, I believe there is every chance that India’s startup ecosystem could match, or even eclipse, its American counterpart.
  • 6. • While this may seem a mighty claim, it is important to recognise that there is a unique mixture of underlying social, economic and demographic factors sowing the seeds for exponential technological growth in India. Urbanisation, rising wages and increasing internet connections have created a tech savvy middle class with disposable income and a desire to use digital solutions to tackle life in a developing country. • Add to this hundreds of millions of financially underserved customers, a Government hell-bent on digitising the nation, and one of the world’s largest technology talent pools – and you have the conditions for a startup boom.
  • 7. By Prateek Thakur on 22nd Aug 2018 • I would like to throw some light on the Digital Marketing growth and future in Healthcare • .In today’s world, we are moving fast towards a Digital platform, having almost all the services on the fingertips of the consumers for convenience. Healthcare industry is also progressing towards integrating the digital technology in healthcare along with the regular practices to understand and serve the patients better. In today’s online world, there is a great opportunity in healthcare to use digital media to educate, inspire, motivate and engage the target audiences. • Digital health technologies encompass a wide range of tools, such as wearable sensors and portable medical devices to digital signboards, tele-medicine tools and practice management tools. It is very important to target the right audience to achieve certain goals: • 1. Improve decision making 2. Patient engagement 3. Improve Communication 4. Need identification and tailormade services 5. Convenience and cost effective services
  • 8. • Government Articles Analysis by CII • Programs Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a national mission for financial inclusion in India, which encompasses an integrated approach to bring about comprehensive financial inclusion of all the households in the country. It helps the citizens with universal access to banking facilities with at least one basic banking account for every household, financial literacy, access to credit, insurance and pension facility. The government also provides RuPay debit cards to the beneficiaries which has an in-built accident insurance cover of INR 1,00,000. • The Jan Dhan Yojana will not only provide financial access but it will also channelize all the government benefits (from Center / State / Local Body) to the beneficiary’s accounts. The Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) will remove multiple layers of intermediaries for a smooth flow of benefits with least leakages and pilferages. The first phase of PMJDY, which was from 15 August 2014 to 14 August 2015, improved the financial inclusion in India significantly. Currently, the mission is in its second phase with a healthy progress report. The image shows the growth report
  • 9. Challenges Data Analysis By Opposing Party Congress Expertise The PMJDY mission is helping transform the socio-economic condition of the underprivileged citizens. Nevertheless, it faces many challenges that need attention and focused efforts. • Duplicate accounts: The rise of duplicate accounts under PMJDY is a worrying factor for banks. As per report by MicroSave, 31% of multiple account holders having a bank account under PMJDY are actively using alternate bank account.6 In multiple cases, single person has opened more than one account in different banks under the PMJDY mission. The absence of KYC norms resulted in many duplicate accounts. • Dormant and zero balance accounts: As per a report by MicroSave, there are 28% dormant accounts (i.e. no transaction in the last three months)7 and 24.31% zero balance accounts.8 Rising dormant and zero balance accounts are causing concern to the banks as they hardly provide any return. Though public sector banks might find it sustainable, private sector banks do not find this a viable business proposition.9
  • 10. • • Banking literacy: The lack of banking or financial literacy has been preventing many users to take advantage of these services. The transaction frequency and amount could be increased when people are aware of the schemes such as Suraksha Bima Yojana and Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana. There is a rising demand for Bank Mitra (bank correspondents) who are usually not properly trained with accurate knowledge, skill and attitude. • • Logistics: The government as well as private players need to work on offering more POS centers and ATMs to increase the frequency of transactions. There are 1 million POS, 160,000 ATMs and 1,15,000 bank branches in the country. 188 million RuPay cards have been issued to the public. While the demand has been created by issuing debit/credit cards, the logistics should be improved to meet the demand
  • 11. Research Methodology Research Methodology: • Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a specific matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. In Methodology, researcher uses different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem. Different sources use different type of methods for solving the problem. If we think about the word “Methodology”, it is the way of searching or solving the research problem. Research Design: • Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative or qualitative research methodologies, but instead it can utilize elements of both, often within the same study. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. • Descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative.. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Because the human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive statistics are very important in reducing the data to manageable form. When in-depth, narrative descriptions of small numbers of cases are involved, the research uses description as a tool to organize data into patterns that emerge during analysis. Those patterns aid the mind in comprehending a qualitative study and its implications. Data Collection Technique: • Secondary data Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may be available when primary data cannot be obtained at all.
  • 12. Data Analysis • The Change of Indian Market •The Indian online market in 2011 was having less than 5 billion US $ market share. •But in year 2017 the Indian Online Market revenue was more 50 billion US $.
  • 13. Market Share of different Mediums Digital Revolution has completely changed the Indian market in few years the Indians who always to buy their product by physical market has completely moved towards the online market. As above image completely shows the most effective market which has largest share is Social media which have 33% of market share then it comes mobile market which has 13% share. It completely shows that Indians are moving towards modern lifestyle.
  • 14. Fastest Growing Retail Market (2014-18) •Leading retail market is Digital Content and Subscriptions with 27%. •The emerging market is Digital Commerce with 14% in recent years.
  • 15. The Share of Advertising Market •In 2014 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 38.3 billion rupees and Mobile Advertising has 5.2 billion rupees of revenue. •The change can been seen as Indian market changed and consumers were moving towards online rather than physical market. •Till 2019 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 135.4 billion rupees and Mobile Advertising has 27.1 billion rupees of revenue. •Such change completely shows the Effect of digital revolution.
  • 16. Companies Advertising Spending Changes In 2014 the expenditure of companies were more focused on physical advertisement and physical market as from spending of 6.4 billion US $ the only 0.94% was to spend on Digital Ads and 0.17 on Mobile Internet Ads. In 2019 till the, total Advertisement Expenditure of companies are 8.53 US $ and 2.17 Billion US $ are now spend on Digital Ads and 1.23 US $ on Mobile Internet Ads.
  • 17. The payment revolution in Indian Market Mobile wallet has become a mainstream payment instrument in India. Global Data’s survey shows that the share of cash or cheque (cash on delivery) in total e-commerce transaction value declined from 31% in 2013 to 16% in 2017, whereas the mobile wallet share jumped from just 7% to 29% during the same period. The usage of payment cards dropped from 38% to 32% during this period.
  • 18. Digital shift The last 24 months have seen amazing shifts in the digitization of payments in India. Demonetization provided a strong impetus for consumers to move to non-cash payment methods, and while the transaction levels seen in the months immediately post demonetization have not sustained, a new normal has been found. Increase in adoption of digital instruments has been aided by the increase in merchant outlets, as well as proliferation of UPI that provides a simple and convenient way to transfer money across bank accounts. The number of merchants accepting card payments has more than doubled in the last two years to
  • 19. Top 5 Startups after the Digital Revolution and who took a large market share. 1.BYJU’S
  • 24. FINDINGS • The Indian environment completely changed after the 2014 the, digital market emerges very rapidly. People started moving towards online market for the better deals and comfort. • Shows the most effective market which has largest share is Social media which have 33% of market share then it comes mobile market which has 13% share. • In year 2017 the Indian Online Market revenue was more 50 billion US $. • Leading retail market is Digital Content and Subscriptions with 27%. • The emerging market is Digital Commerce with 14% in recent years. • 2014 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 38.3 billion rupees and Mobile Advertising has 5.2 billion rupees of revenue. • Till 2019 the Desktop Advertising has revenue of 135.4 billion rupees and Mobile Advertising has 27.1 billion rupees of revenue. • In 2019 till then, total Advertisement Expenditure of companies are 8.53 US $ and 2.17 Billion US $ are now spend on Digital Ads and 1.23 US $ on Mobile Internet Ads
  • 25. FINDINGS • The mobile wallet share jumped from just 7% to 29% during the same period. The usage of payment cards dropped from 38% to 32% during this period. • Since the launch of UPI, 20 banks have launched their UPI-based apps and mobile apps of 17 are available on the Google play store, Hot said. SBI and HDFC Bank are to join UPI soon. • Currently, on a daily basis, about 4,000 transactions are taking place from about 300,000 customers who have downloaded a UPI-based bank app, he added. • Other executives associated with UPI said the upgraded version will be compatible with the first version.
  • 26. SUGGESTIONS • Government has taken the good steps for the betterment of the digital environment but the awareness about the schemes and policies are very less. • This is future growing environment hence; the change in future government can affect the growth of this. • As startup nature is emerging frequently this lead to the financing problem Indian company does not show high participating nature in investing small startups. Companies should finance high in Indian startups. • As Indian companies which do not invest in such startups other foreign investors shows high participating nature and invest high in such startups this, lead to the ownership transfer to the foreign companies which is not good for the Indian digital environment growth. • Government should make the different policies for the funds rising for Indian startups. • The rural areas must be focused more in the policies as many small scale startups are emerging from rural areas too.
  • 27. Limitation • Everything has the limit the internet and books have limited information which the author and the writer has given about that so lack of information is always be there. • The facts and figures keeps on changing day to day life the information given in this project may be changes in little time so we cannot consider this as perfect source of information. • First Limitation of the Project was Time constraint due to less availability of time some of the factors regarding the topic Financial Inclusion left Untouched. • Second Limitation of the Project was Unavailability of Data. Only up till 2018 the authentic Data is available on the sites. • This type of data are confidential too the government has does not shows real data on the internet. • And different magazines and books show the different data.
  • 28. Conclusion • The environment of Indian living standard and business environment completely changed after 2014 the digital world has completely overtook the physical environment. • The startup nature has shown the huge growth in the Indian environment before 2014 were only less than 20 startups were there in one year’s now more than 100 startups can be seen in one year. • The funding from foreign companies has taken major part in the Indian market and Indian startups have took completely advantage of this. • The startups like OYO, ZOMOTO, PAYTM etc are growing at a high rate as everyone is able to access internet easily. These type of startups have a great opportunity to grown in Indian environment.