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 Confident Women Conference
       Portfolio Version
       Event was held at
       Rosen Plaza Hotel
          250 Guests

            Presented by:
        Elizabeth Stephenson
    Elizabeth Stephenson Events
 Event Planner, Designer and Owner
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

                                Table of Contents
PAGE 1       Review of Goals

PAGE 2       Goal Solutions

PAGE 3       Plans for Future Conferences
                    I. Planning them around themes
                    II. Planning them using “Mentoring Cities”
PAGE 4                      A. Chart of Slower Growth Model
PAGE 5                              + Pros and Cons List
PAGE 6                      B. Chart of Faster Growth Model
PAGE 7                              + Pros and Cons List
PAGE 8              III. Ideas for a National Conference

PAGE 9       Current Conferences: the logistics are done, time to add “Wow factor”
PAGE 10            I. Theme Idea: Option 1
PAGE 11                    A. Option 1A
PAGE 12                    B. Option 1B
PAGE 14            II. Theme Idea: Option 2
PAGE 16            III. Services
PAGE 17                    A. Audio Visuals
PAGE 19                    B. DJ/Master of Ceremonies

PAGE 20      Intellectual Property Notice

                         Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

    Review of WOAMTEC’s Confident Women Conference Goals

-Facilitate comfortable, easy networking

-Showcase member services

-Educate/Encourage the members thru powerful lectures

-Inspire buzz by the attendees’ afterwards

- Increase the return rate for the guests

-Make this a “must attend” event

-Prepare for future conferences

-Make Kathleen and the staff money

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

  Goal Solutions for WOAMTEC’s Confident Women Conference

-Facilitate comfortable, easy networking
> good space planning, warm lighting, appropriate background music

-Showcase member services
>assist with booth set up by providing access to needed resources

-Educate and encourage the members thru powerful lectures
>excellent speakers, a quality sound system

-Inspire buzz by the attendees’ afterwards
>achieved thru impressive design, achieving the other goals

- Increase the return rate for the guests
>achieved thru impressive design, achieving the other goals

-Make this a “must attend” event
>achieved thru impressive design, achieving the other goals

-Prepare for future conferences
>see following page

-Make Kathleen and the staff money
>proper budgeting, use of trades, get the best bang for the buck, buy
universally reusable supplies

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

         Plans for

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

                           Plans for Future Conferences
    I.      Planning it around themes
Based on our first meeting, I believe Kathleen’s goal for the future conferences, in addition
to the aforementioned goals, is to ensure that everyone feels included/as though they’re not
missing out no matter what city they live in and to create ease of operation.
        So, possible solutions are as follows:
               A. Ensure nobody is left out > create equality thru:
                       1. Quality of the show
                       2. Similar styles
                       3. Same amenities (ex. Advertising opportunities…)
                       4. Plan themes that can be recreated in future cities
                       >Choose a theme that won’t age, and then have every city use that
                       theme for the first cycle of conferences in every city. This will create
                       equality, while making each conference in every city desirable to attend
                       in order to see how they interpreted the theme. We could create
                       inspiration members to travel to every city to see their show. I would
                       suggest starting with Orlando, set the precedent there, then forward it
                       to our satellite cities.
                       THEME Examples:
                       -Green, the new gold standard
                       -Revolutionaries, changing our world
                       -Superheroes, saving one business at a time
                       -Pioneers, it’s not all been done before
                       -Getting Educated, class isn’t over
               B. Ease of operations > create guidelines, not restrictions:
                       1. Guideline example: limos give rides to the largest chapter
                       2. Restriction example: must use a Hilton for every conference
                       >Why? Because Hiltons may not be the best for every city, giving
                       these cities a list of guidelines to follow will give everyone the
                       flexibility to determine what is appropriate for them.
                       >No corporate contracts

    II.    Planning it using “Mentoring Cities”
As new cities start hosting events I believe that it is important to maintain the highest
standards every time and to set a good precedent for future conferences held in that city. I
suggest the use of “mentoring cities” to assist the event hosts in creating high quality
conferences. This could be done by bringing in the pros from older chapters to plan and
execute the first conference in a virgin city. They should work closely with the new team
there to guide, counsel, and execute. After that the members in the new city will know how
to achieve our standards and will be able to do so for another virgin city.
        *Please see the following charts for examples of mentoring city strategies.

                           Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                        Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

II.Planning it using “Mentoring Cities” (cont.)
Please see previous chart for examples of a mentoring city strategy based on slower growth

                                A. Slower Growth Model

-Cities only over extend themselves once

-Planners work where they are familiar

-Local Planners will likely have more/better connections to utilize the best of their resources

-Reasonable speed to allow a more conscientious growth

- Since WOAMTEC is currently adding more than one city a quarter then new chapters will
have a longer chance to grow themselves before getting into conferences.

-Could use the current conference to announce the planting of a new chapter and where the
future conference will be held. This will give members an early opportunity to contribute
their assistance to the plans.

-Slower growth, won’t have conferences born in as many different cities as quickly

-Chapter may feel as though they have to wait their turn even though their city is eager to
have a conference and have the resources available themselves.

-No one wants to hold anyone back from getting a conference sooner rather than later. As
WOAMTEC is currently adding more than one city a quarter then some chapters will be
forced to get in line.

                           Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                         Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

II.Planning it using “Mentoring Cities” (cont.)
Please see previous chart for examples of a mentoring city strategy based on faster growth

                                Faster Growth Model

-Faster growth, ability to have conferences born in many different cities very quickly

-Cities don’t have to wait their turn for a conference for very long

-Quickly accommodates the growth of new cities and gets the ball rolling in new plantings,
thus quickly inspiring unity, camaraderie, loyalty.

-Mentor cities continuously over extend themselves

-Planners are continuously working where they are unfamiliar

-Local Planners will likely have more/better connections to utilize the best of their resources;
mentoring city planners likely will not have access to these resources.

-Overwhelming speed does not allow a more conscientious growth; planners must quickly
move their focus to another new city.

- New chapters may not have a long enough chance to grow themselves before getting into

-Could cause too short of a notice to give members an early opportunity to contribute their
assistance to the plans, or prepare funding for participation.

                           Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                         Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

   III.      Ideas for a National Conference

             -For the sake of ease, I would suggest always having Orlando plan the national
             conference, but with the assistance of the local hosting city members.

             -Originally held in Orlando, possibly always held here, or keep it moving to new

             -Have new cities bid on the National Conference, like the Olympics, having it
             locally will be great for all of the same reasons that we want to bid on the

             -Have cities or members submit concept ideas

          A. Orlando’s Conference: “Getting Educated”
                 1. Held at UCF’s Student Union, which is large enough to hold everyone
                 2. Team up with a student group in order to get the student rate
                 (basically free), we will both benefit
                 3. School theme
                        -Lectures based on class titles
                        ex. Susie Reale’s Building Better Relationships = Chemistry 101

                             Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                          Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

         Plans for
        The logistics are almost done, time to add some “Wow!”
                    Opportunities for Strategic Aesthetics
                                (in order of importance)
                              -The dining table linens
                           -The dining table centerpieces
                              -The projection screens
                                -The stage/podium
                      -The perimeter through accent lighting
                   -The entrance to the ballroom near registration
                                  -The booth areas

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
   June 17, 2010

   Option #1: Spring Revival

I propose to use event décor and a unifying “theme” of Spring               Revival to further
                          reinforce the Conference Slogan.

From the moment that guests enter the ballroom they will be encouraged to not just
                              survive, but thrive!

  The current weakness of our economy and the difficulties of everyday life may have
 also put a dampen on our professional spirits. The revival of a professional woman is
perfectly represented by the changing of seasons. As nature is dormant in the winter,
it is simply surviving, but then the spring comes and it shakes off the snow and begins
      to bloom coming into a period of growth and prosperity during the summer.

           The room could feature one of two ways to represent this theme:
                                A. Greenery Galore
                            B. Modern Mother Nature

                               Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                            Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
  June 17, 2010

  Option #1 A. Greenery Galore

 The Greenery Galore concept would best be fulfilled with all natural colors throughout the
            ballroom such as grass green, sky blue, golden yellow and brown.

                                           I propose:
                               -Green linens for the dining tables
           -Wild flowers or something typically found in a garden for centerpieces
-The stage screens to display photos or video of brilliant blue skies and billowing white clouds
                   -Stage back draping in any of the aforementioned colors

This theme is simple, poignant and very cost effective; it doesn’t require a lot of input to have a
 big impact and it drives home the theme well and guests will leave with their spirits lifted for

  Green linens                                                              Projected Display

                                    Centerpieces possibilities

                              Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                           Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
 June 17, 2010

 Option #1 B Modern Mother Nature

The Modern Mothern Nature concept is cute, colorful and fun. It uses décor that people
have never seen before, is happy and inspired by the red, purple and fuchsia colors used in the
                    brochures for a unified look from beginning to end.

                                             I propose:
                                 -(1 or 2) 10’ or 14’ LED Tree(s)
    -Bright linens in any or all of the aforementioned colors or using a patterned overlay.
                    -Contemporary floral arrangements on the dining tables
               -The stage screens to display graphic designs inspired by nature
                    -Stage back draping in any of the aforementioned colors
                -If possible, white, pink or red lounge furniture would be ideal

                     Lounge Furniture
                                                                         “Adele” Linen by BBJ

      Centerpieces possibilities                                             Projected Display

                            Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                         Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

Option #1 B Modern Mother Nature


                             LED Cherry Blossom Trees!
                             available in red or white, sizes 14’ or 10’

  These would be perfect for placing on either side of the stage, or near the front
                      entrance on either side of the door.

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                       Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010

Option #2 “Upgrade”

     If you’re not going to just survive, but thrive professionally then you are
                    going to have to Upgrade your work efforts.
  If you’re not going to just survive, but thrive personally in your appearance,
                then you are going to have to Upgrade your style.

  Based on the event’s slogan and the title of the lectures (all using references
  to accessories) “Upgrade” marries the two abstract ideas with one inclusive
  concept. I propose to use event décor and a unifying theme of “Upgrade”
                   to further reinforce the conference slogan.

             “That little glimpse of light makes that diamond really shine,
                              and you already is a star.
                                Unless you’re flawless
                then ya dynasty ain't complete without a chief like me.
                            Partner let me upgrade you!”
                                      -Beyonce, “Upgrade”

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                       Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
 June 17, 2010

 Option #2 “Upgrade”

                  Upgrade from silver to gold with monochromatic gold décor.
           Use a kaleidoscope of metallic colors for texture and added visual interest.
This particular look would go well with the silver and black décor that is already planned. Furthermore, the use of
   non-floral décor would be an excellent investment should WOAMTEC choose to buy elements to be used in
            decorating future events. These particular pieces are very versatile and would store easily.
          I suggest playing up a luxurious look with lots of sparkle and metallic tones.

                                              I propose:
                      -Reusing the same back drapes as done in October 2009
                         -Metallic table cloths or black with silver overlays
                                       -Sparkling centerpieces
                  -Stage screens to display a continuous slideshow of luxury items

                                                                                          Gold Backdrop
  Gold Linen by BBJ

                      Centerpiece Possibilities
                 Could spell WOAMTEC in bejeweled letters                        Luxury Items on Display

                                  Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                                  Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010


   A. Audio/Visuals
                Provided by AV Matters

   Attached is a quote for:
   - 2 wireless microphones, ability to play music during event or during vocal
   - a 9X12 screen with dress kit
   -4000 lumen projector.
   -It also includes delivery, setup, strike and a technician to manage the event.
   - Service includes background music and stage cues which could take the place
   of a DJ.

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10
WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference
June 17, 2010


  Client agrees that my ideas, concepts, or designs are property of Elizabeth
  Stephenson Events. Client hereby agrees to neither replicate nor suggest
  such designs to another company or individual without the express written
  permission of Elizabeth Stephenson.

                        Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events
                                      Modified 5/23/10

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Portfolio = Proposal for A Women\'s Networking Group

  • 1. PROPOSAL PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOAMTEC Confident Women Conference Portfolio Version Event was held at Rosen Plaza Hotel 250 Guests Presented by: Elizabeth Stephenson Elizabeth Stephenson Events Event Planner, Designer and Owner 678-907-1787
  • 2. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Table of Contents PAGE 1 Review of Goals PAGE 2 Goal Solutions PAGE 3 Plans for Future Conferences I. Planning them around themes II. Planning them using “Mentoring Cities” PAGE 4 A. Chart of Slower Growth Model PAGE 5 + Pros and Cons List PAGE 6 B. Chart of Faster Growth Model PAGE 7 + Pros and Cons List PAGE 8 III. Ideas for a National Conference PAGE 9 Current Conferences: the logistics are done, time to add “Wow factor” PAGE 10 I. Theme Idea: Option 1 PAGE 11 A. Option 1A PAGE 12 B. Option 1B PAGE 14 II. Theme Idea: Option 2 PAGE 16 III. Services PAGE 17 A. Audio Visuals PAGE 19 B. DJ/Master of Ceremonies PAGE 20 Intellectual Property Notice Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 3. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Review of WOAMTEC’s Confident Women Conference Goals -Facilitate comfortable, easy networking -Showcase member services -Educate/Encourage the members thru powerful lectures -Inspire buzz by the attendees’ afterwards - Increase the return rate for the guests -Make this a “must attend” event -Prepare for future conferences -Make Kathleen and the staff money Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 4. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Goal Solutions for WOAMTEC’s Confident Women Conference -Facilitate comfortable, easy networking > good space planning, warm lighting, appropriate background music -Showcase member services >assist with booth set up by providing access to needed resources -Educate and encourage the members thru powerful lectures >excellent speakers, a quality sound system -Inspire buzz by the attendees’ afterwards >achieved thru impressive design, achieving the other goals - Increase the return rate for the guests >achieved thru impressive design, achieving the other goals -Make this a “must attend” event >achieved thru impressive design, achieving the other goals -Prepare for future conferences >see following page -Make Kathleen and the staff money >proper budgeting, use of trades, get the best bang for the buck, buy universally reusable supplies Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 5. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Plans for Future Conferences Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 6. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Plans for Future Conferences I. Planning it around themes Based on our first meeting, I believe Kathleen’s goal for the future conferences, in addition to the aforementioned goals, is to ensure that everyone feels included/as though they’re not missing out no matter what city they live in and to create ease of operation. So, possible solutions are as follows: A. Ensure nobody is left out > create equality thru: 1. Quality of the show 2. Similar styles 3. Same amenities (ex. Advertising opportunities…) 4. Plan themes that can be recreated in future cities >Choose a theme that won’t age, and then have every city use that theme for the first cycle of conferences in every city. This will create equality, while making each conference in every city desirable to attend in order to see how they interpreted the theme. We could create inspiration members to travel to every city to see their show. I would suggest starting with Orlando, set the precedent there, then forward it to our satellite cities. THEME Examples: -Green, the new gold standard -Revolutionaries, changing our world -Superheroes, saving one business at a time -Pioneers, it’s not all been done before -Getting Educated, class isn’t over B. Ease of operations > create guidelines, not restrictions: 1. Guideline example: limos give rides to the largest chapter 2. Restriction example: must use a Hilton for every conference >Why? Because Hiltons may not be the best for every city, giving these cities a list of guidelines to follow will give everyone the flexibility to determine what is appropriate for them. >No corporate contracts II. Planning it using “Mentoring Cities” As new cities start hosting events I believe that it is important to maintain the highest standards every time and to set a good precedent for future conferences held in that city. I suggest the use of “mentoring cities” to assist the event hosts in creating high quality conferences. This could be done by bringing in the pros from older chapters to plan and execute the first conference in a virgin city. They should work closely with the new team there to guide, counsel, and execute. After that the members in the new city will know how to achieve our standards and will be able to do so for another virgin city. *Please see the following charts for examples of mentoring city strategies. Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 7. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 II.Planning it using “Mentoring Cities” (cont.) Please see previous chart for examples of a mentoring city strategy based on slower growth plans. A. Slower Growth Model Pros -Cities only over extend themselves once -Planners work where they are familiar -Local Planners will likely have more/better connections to utilize the best of their resources -Reasonable speed to allow a more conscientious growth - Since WOAMTEC is currently adding more than one city a quarter then new chapters will have a longer chance to grow themselves before getting into conferences. -Could use the current conference to announce the planting of a new chapter and where the future conference will be held. This will give members an early opportunity to contribute their assistance to the plans. Cons -Slower growth, won’t have conferences born in as many different cities as quickly -Chapter may feel as though they have to wait their turn even though their city is eager to have a conference and have the resources available themselves. -No one wants to hold anyone back from getting a conference sooner rather than later. As WOAMTEC is currently adding more than one city a quarter then some chapters will be forced to get in line. Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 8. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 II.Planning it using “Mentoring Cities” (cont.) Please see previous chart for examples of a mentoring city strategy based on faster growth plans. Faster Growth Model Pros -Faster growth, ability to have conferences born in many different cities very quickly -Cities don’t have to wait their turn for a conference for very long -Quickly accommodates the growth of new cities and gets the ball rolling in new plantings, thus quickly inspiring unity, camaraderie, loyalty. Cons -Mentor cities continuously over extend themselves -Planners are continuously working where they are unfamiliar -Local Planners will likely have more/better connections to utilize the best of their resources; mentoring city planners likely will not have access to these resources. -Overwhelming speed does not allow a more conscientious growth; planners must quickly move their focus to another new city. - New chapters may not have a long enough chance to grow themselves before getting into conferences. -Could cause too short of a notice to give members an early opportunity to contribute their assistance to the plans, or prepare funding for participation. Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 9. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 III. Ideas for a National Conference -For the sake of ease, I would suggest always having Orlando plan the national conference, but with the assistance of the local hosting city members. -Originally held in Orlando, possibly always held here, or keep it moving to new cities -Have new cities bid on the National Conference, like the Olympics, having it locally will be great for all of the same reasons that we want to bid on the Olympics. -Have cities or members submit concept ideas A. Orlando’s Conference: “Getting Educated” 1. Held at UCF’s Student Union, which is large enough to hold everyone 2. Team up with a student group in order to get the student rate (basically free), we will both benefit 3. School theme -Lectures based on class titles ex. Susie Reale’s Building Better Relationships = Chemistry 101 Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 10. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Plans for Current Conferences The logistics are almost done, time to add some “Wow!” Opportunities for Strategic Aesthetics (in order of importance) -The dining table linens -The dining table centerpieces -The projection screens -The stage/podium -The perimeter through accent lighting -The entrance to the ballroom near registration -The booth areas Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 11. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Option #1: Spring Revival I propose to use event décor and a unifying “theme” of Spring Revival to further reinforce the Conference Slogan. From the moment that guests enter the ballroom they will be encouraged to not just survive, but thrive! The current weakness of our economy and the difficulties of everyday life may have also put a dampen on our professional spirits. The revival of a professional woman is perfectly represented by the changing of seasons. As nature is dormant in the winter, it is simply surviving, but then the spring comes and it shakes off the snow and begins to bloom coming into a period of growth and prosperity during the summer. The room could feature one of two ways to represent this theme: A. Greenery Galore B. Modern Mother Nature Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 12. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Option #1 A. Greenery Galore The Greenery Galore concept would best be fulfilled with all natural colors throughout the ballroom such as grass green, sky blue, golden yellow and brown. I propose: -Green linens for the dining tables -Wild flowers or something typically found in a garden for centerpieces -The stage screens to display photos or video of brilliant blue skies and billowing white clouds -Stage back draping in any of the aforementioned colors This theme is simple, poignant and very cost effective; it doesn’t require a lot of input to have a big impact and it drives home the theme well and guests will leave with their spirits lifted for certain! Green linens Projected Display Centerpieces possibilities Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 13. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Option #1 B Modern Mother Nature The Modern Mothern Nature concept is cute, colorful and fun. It uses décor that people have never seen before, is happy and inspired by the red, purple and fuchsia colors used in the brochures for a unified look from beginning to end. I propose: -(1 or 2) 10’ or 14’ LED Tree(s) -Bright linens in any or all of the aforementioned colors or using a patterned overlay. -Contemporary floral arrangements on the dining tables -The stage screens to display graphic designs inspired by nature -Stage back draping in any of the aforementioned colors -If possible, white, pink or red lounge furniture would be ideal Lounge Furniture “Adele” Linen by BBJ Centerpieces possibilities Projected Display Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 14. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Option #1 B Modern Mother Nature Introducing… LED Cherry Blossom Trees! available in red or white, sizes 14’ or 10’ These would be perfect for placing on either side of the stage, or near the front entrance on either side of the door. Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 15. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Option #2 “Upgrade” If you’re not going to just survive, but thrive professionally then you are going to have to Upgrade your work efforts. If you’re not going to just survive, but thrive personally in your appearance, then you are going to have to Upgrade your style. Based on the event’s slogan and the title of the lectures (all using references to accessories) “Upgrade” marries the two abstract ideas with one inclusive concept. I propose to use event décor and a unifying theme of “Upgrade” to further reinforce the conference slogan. “That little glimpse of light makes that diamond really shine, and you already is a star. Unless you’re flawless then ya dynasty ain't complete without a chief like me. Partner let me upgrade you!” -Beyonce, “Upgrade” Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 16. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Option #2 “Upgrade” Upgrade from silver to gold with monochromatic gold décor. Or Use a kaleidoscope of metallic colors for texture and added visual interest. This particular look would go well with the silver and black décor that is already planned. Furthermore, the use of non-floral décor would be an excellent investment should WOAMTEC choose to buy elements to be used in decorating future events. These particular pieces are very versatile and would store easily. I suggest playing up a luxurious look with lots of sparkle and metallic tones. I propose: -Reusing the same back drapes as done in October 2009 -Metallic table cloths or black with silver overlays -Sparkling centerpieces -Stage screens to display a continuous slideshow of luxury items Gold Backdrop Gold Linen by BBJ Centerpiece Possibilities Could spell WOAMTEC in bejeweled letters Luxury Items on Display Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 17. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 Services A. Audio/Visuals Provided by AV Matters Attached is a quote for: - 2 wireless microphones, ability to play music during event or during vocal performance - a 9X12 screen with dress kit -4000 lumen projector. -It also includes delivery, setup, strike and a technician to manage the event. - Service includes background music and stage cues which could take the place of a DJ. . Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10
  • 18. WOAMTEC, Confident Women Conference June 17, 2010 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NOTICE Client agrees that my ideas, concepts, or designs are property of Elizabeth Stephenson Events. Client hereby agrees to neither replicate nor suggest such designs to another company or individual without the express written permission of Elizabeth Stephenson. Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Stephenson Events Modified 5/23/10