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Poetry Dedication Project
By Antolina Williams
 These poems are dedicated to my mother, who has always encouraged
me to follow my dreams and not let anything bring me down. My
mother will forever be my guide to a happy and successful life. I hope
that I can follow in her footsteps and one day encourage my children.
When You Are Old
WHEN you are old and gray and full of sleep
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead,
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
“When You Are Old” was written by William Butler Yeats and appeared in 1892. This poem was not
written to make an old woman regretful, but to make a young woman never to forget the narrator. This
poem represents a love lost, but not forgotten.
We are meant to feel and experience the poem from the perspective of his beloved. He intends to record
the intricate delights of her beauty and presence; these are features to be celebrated throughout history and
he knows the importance of sharing them with others. He makes a claim for the intensity and
exceptionality of his love by indicating that he---and only he---sees the devotion, the sacred, and the holy
in her. It‟s a heavy case to make, and yet Yeats emphatically punctuates his point by telling that only he
“loved the sorrows of your changing face.” The poem‟s second stanza leaves us expecting an epic love to
commence, but Yeats shocks us all when he completes the poem with the revelation that this love fled and
“paced upon the mountains overhead / And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.” Yeats, painfully so,
envisions Maud Gonne‟s future without him. Did he know so early in their relationship that they would
never be together? I highly doubt it. After building up this love, he banishes it amongst the mountains and
stars, purposefully out of reach. This ending makes the previous stanza, the metaphor of her “pilgrim
soul,” all the more startling.
The opening of the poem was slightly melancholic. In the last two lines of the second stanza, Yeats
introduces himself and claims he is different from „the many‟, “But one man loved the pilgrim soul in
you, /And loved the sorrows of your changing face”. It is at this point, that the reader discovers the
relationship between the poet and his subject. There is a tone of longing and yearning, as he announces
that he does not simply love her for her external beauty, but adores her “…pilgrim soul…” with a kind of
reverence. The use of “Love” is reminiscent of the personification of love in Greek Mythology. However,
it also allows Yeats to reference himself again without using the first person singular “I”.
„When You Are Old‟ is more than just another love poem. In it, Yeats asks the object of his affection to
consider a future, in which she may regret missed opportunities of love. His purpose may be to encourage
a return of his affections, or simply serve as an undying reminder of his adoration.
Mad Girl‟s Love Song
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan's men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I fancied you'd return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)"
“Mad Girl’s Love Song” was written by Sylvia Plath in 1951. A poem about a girl who spent her whole life waiting for
a man she gave herself to, against her beliefs, who was never to return.
The most visible device the author used in this book is repetition. One phrase the narrator repeats is “(I think I made
you up inside my head).” The emphasis repetition puts on this quote is that the narrator is wishing that this man is
made up, and trying to convince herself of it. The quotes signify that these are thoughts to her, and not out loud,
which means she is trying to convince herself it is true. The narrator also repeats the line, “I shut my eyes and all the
world drops dead.” This, along with the reference to God, Satan, and Seraphim, mean that getting “into bed” with the
man the narrator was speaking to was a sin, and therefore they never married. When the narrator tries to sleep, “All
the world drops dead,” which could represent nightmares and visions of hell because she feels guilty for her sin.
Plath uses repetition to emphasize certain phrases so the reader can decipher the true meaning. Another device the
author uses is personification. In the second stanza the narrator describes “the stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
and arbitrary blackness gallops in.” Clearly, stars cannot waltz and blackness can’t gallop. Stars “waltzing out” and
blackness galloping in are used to describe how they are leaving her without a second thought, self-assured, easily,
and quickly, as the man who left her might have done. The narrator continues to say “I should have loved a
Thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again.” The narrator is giving a car, Thunderbird,
the personification of being able to love and return to its lover, as she wished her man had done. The narrator is also
relaying the message that the car is a better man and companion than her lover is. Personification in this poem is
very meaningful and powerful to the underlying theme.
The first thing that struck me with this poem is the title, “Mad Girl’s Love Song.” The title has two underlying
meanings. One, the girl is mad, or angry, about the love in her life. This is true, because the narrator is very upset
that she gave herself to a man who left her. Also, that the girl is mad, or insane, over convincing herself that this
lover is “made up” and does not exist. The second thing about this poem that caught my attention is the author,
Sylvia Plath, who is extremely emotional and troubled. I liked the religious undertones of the poem, which represent
that sex before marriage is a sin to the narrator, and she is regretting her actions.
Houses of Dreams
You took my empty dreams
And filled them every one
With tenderness and nobleness,
April and the sun.
The old empty dreams
Where my thoughts would throng
Are far too full of happiness
To even hold a song.
Oh, the empty dreams were dim
And the empty dreams were wide,
They were sweet and shadowy houses
Where my thoughts could hide.
But you took my dreams away
And you made them all come true --
My thoughts have no place now to play,
And nothing now to do.
“Houses of Dreams” was written by Sara Teasdale in 1917. This poem was mostly written for a love interest.
First stanza starts out sounding happy, making the punch at the end even more powerful. Here the “taking of
the dreams” sounds like a nice thing. The one filling the speaker’s dreams has good intents but doesn’t seem to
have a clue of what he’s doing to her and the effects he’s having on her. Spring is the season of young love.
“Old” suggests a familiarity and fondness. Paradox with “empty” and then “throng” (a verb one would use for a
multitude)—alone doesn’t always mean lonely. Foreshadowing—no more song now. A life without music is a
sad one, not a “happy” one. She had privacy, a mental refuge. I get the impression that the speaker is an
introvert who values quiet, time alone, the broad spaces her imagination gives her. “Shadowy” creates a mental
picture of a naturally lit house, no artificiality (e.g., fluorescent lighting is artificial and fills a room, leaving few
shadows; natural light, like sunlight or fire, leaves quite a few shadows in the room). The “taking of the dreams”
reappears, but now the words are harsher, jolting in contrast to the previous stanzas. That line followed with
“you made them all come true” creates a slightly unpleasant, unsettled feeling. The idea of “dreams coming
true” should be a happy one, but their coming true is juxtaposed with a separation, something sad. It’s never
stated, but I can’t help but wonder if the persona is being pressured (or is feeling pressured) to reciprocate and
fulfill her love interest’s dreams as well. However, that’s a subjective impression, not an absolute that I got from
the poem itself.
When our dreams have all come true, our lives still seem empty because dreaming and longing are perhaps
built into our genetic code. When our dreams come true, our lives seem, paradoxically, more constricted than
before. That sense of longing is not to be feared, but rather cultivated, because in it we are made more human.
As others have remarked, this does have a hypnotic effect when read aloud, a lullaby of sorts.
I Thought Of You
I thought of you and how you love this beauty,
And walking up the long beach all alone
I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder
As you and I once heard their monotone.
Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me
The cold and sparkling silver of the sea --
We two will pass through death and ages lengthen
Before you hear that sound again with me.
“I Thought of You” was written by Sara Teasdale in 1907. “I Thought of You” is a poem in which she tries to
put her feelings of loneliness and the regret of not choosing her first love proposal. She was total loner in her
marriage and in those years is when she realizes; how she missed her first love. By the time she found him, he
was already settled with his family.
Even though this is a small poem, she has put in words that describe her loneliness. The first stanza shows that
she thought about her lover, during her loneliness and how she missed those days when they were at sight of
each other. She has expressed her feel as waves breaking through the sound of thunder.
In the second stanza, she says that, in those days she could feel the echo of her long lost beautiful days that kept
haunting her, which is now beyond her or in fact is irreversible. And when she walks through the dark night at
the sea, it brings back all those memories to her. The last two lines could be understood in two ways. One
context could be with her love, that through death they shall go together after ages, shall reunite and until then
they may have to wait to hear each other and the beautiful sound of the waves together. Or it could be
interrupted as since her husband had never spent time with her, death would depart them for ages and time will
have to cycle again till they get together and hear together. This poet depicts all the loneliness that Sarah had felt
in her life and how she missed all those dear to her. A poem beautifully expressed, yet made complicated with
the thoughts put in contrasting style of words.
In my opinion I think this poem is brilliant... full free rolling memory bliss! The monotone part for me is where
she has lapsed in to remembrance so all the sense of the world are dulled and become monotone in the
background of the subconscious. Death also dulls the sense and maybe through the sea of tears and memory she
can see over the dunned horizon and find lodged in her heart and in her reminiscence find that the lapping
rolling waves will be once more in the background when she casts her eyes over them in the next life.
Touched by An Angel
We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.
Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.
We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.
“Touched by An Angel” was written by Maya Angelou in 1985. It describes the power of love.
Stanza one states, how we are absent from joy because “we lived coiled in shells of loneliness.” “When love leaves its holy temple and
comes to our sight.” Love frees us into life. Stanza two describes how love is a train of overpowering emotions that brings back old
memories of Joy, and erases past pain. However, if we are fearless, love strikes away the chains of fear from our body and mind. Stanza
three is about how love freed us from lack of confidence, and with strong emotions come light. If we dare to be courageous and take
chances, we eventually see how love can cost all we are. However, it is only love that can liberate us. The predominant symbols of this
poem seem to be 1) Angel, love Holy temple and life; 2) Train, pain, bold and souls; (3) dare and cost; 4) light and liberating. This poem
has lot of symbolisms that help convey its message. The word “Angel” is defined as an act of kindness by Dungeon creatures that
intermediate from Heaven and Earth. According to the dictionary of symbolisms, Angels are immaterial beings made of pure spirit
where man consist of a “body and soul.” Angels are known as the messenger of God that travels from Heaven and Earth. Angels is
symbolic for protection, and nature. Therefore, Love is describes as a profound, tender, passionate affection for another person.
However, “love can cost all we are” means betrayal, pain, loss of oneself, and destruction. Holy temple is defined as a church where
every individual goes to worship God. The word “Holy” means pure and divine. According to the dictionary Pain is a physical
symptom. It is ironic that “ancient histories of pain” refers to an individual‟s emotional pain instead of physical injury. The soul is a
spirit that intertwines with the body and mind as one.
The basic tone of the poem is very passionate and heartfelt. The repetition of the word “love” in every stanza indicates that this poem is
very passionate. Therefore, “Love strikes away the chain of fears from our souls” shows how love can erases an individual sorrows, and
pain physically, emotionally, and mentally. The lines “live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves its high holy temple and comes
into our sight to liberate us into life” indicates relief and happiness.
I can interpret that “Touched by an Angel” is about how love can be fulfilling and rewarding for every individual, however love is a risk
that can cause heartbreaks and depression to a certain individual once they fell in love. Depression and heartbreaks can lead to
Thank You, Mom
Dear mother,
I love you and want you to know,
I think of you often wherever I go.
You lift me up;
you're very divine;
I am lucky to have a great mother like mine.
Your endless affection makes you special and rare;
I'm always amazed by how much you care.
What you've given to me I can never repay,
Thank you, Mom.
“Thank you, Mom” was written September 21, 2012. To thank my mom for
everything she has ever done for me.
This poem is my thanks to a wonderful mother, who never let me down. My
mother is the most incredible woman I have ever met. She was my guide down
the right path. She never lost faith in me. She never turned her back on me. My
rhyme and rhythm express my love throughout this poem. My mother will
always be my strength, no matter what. She has always worked hard to
provide for me and my brothers. As I am her daughter, I must truly
understand. I will one day be in her shoes and I will cherish every moment of
it. Many may think their mother is invincible, but I know that is not true. We
need to get on our own two feet and take responsibility. Mom will not always
be here for us to depend on, so now is the time to show her who we can be.
Mom will forever be mom, nothing will ever change that. Mom will be the light
to the dark path. This is why I thank her now with this poem.
Best As It Is
Couldn't come up with anything else to say
Tried to pull out unspoken words that could help explain this
Thought that if I wrote more the right answer would come to me
Mind clouded with things,
but none of them helped
Dismissed the thought whenever it popped into my mind
Tried to find more words to make this poem longer,
but figured that its best as it is
No other words should be needed to express it
Only word needed is love
“Best as It Is” was written January 8, 2012. This poem expresses that not everything
has to change in order to be the best.
This poem is to show that change is not always the best option. My mother does not
have to change anything about her to get me to love her. Everyone and everything
has their own flaws. Change is sometimes better, but it can also be worse. There are
those little things that make everyone and anyone unique in their own way. Unique
is always better. If everything was the same the world would be bland and boring.
There is not always a need for another’s opinion, but when there is, go to the ones
whose opinion you truly care about and want. For me, I think things are best just as
they are. When things are best as they are, you tend to love them more than you
already did. That is why my mom should never change, no matter what anyone says.
I will love every flaws my mom has to offer and nothing will ever be able to change
that. So no matter how old, or how wrinkly my mom gets, she is best as she is.
She‟ll Still Care
She tries to think of what to say,
Whenever you come her way,
She looks for you in silent dreams,
She calls for you in silent screams,
She tries to get your attention everyday,
What will you say?
Push her aside?
Add ego to your pride?
She's tired of watching you walk away,
She wants a love to stay,
She needs you to tell her,
If she's right or wrong,
She sings a song,
That explains how she feels,
But you're never there,
You never care,
So now that you know,
Why don't you go?
Because either way,
Hate her,
Love her,
She'll still love you…
“She’ll Still Care” was written November 1, 2011. This poem is about
I was never one for small talk, or much talk at all for that matter. She
understands that. She doesn't press me, or force me to participate in
silly discussion that has no meaning for me. I come from a rather large
family, and being the oldest girl, much is expected from me. My mom
lets me be myself. She would never turn her back on me. We will always
stick together. My mom is my best friend. I can talk to her whenever I
need to, but she does not pry. My mom would fight and defend for me.
I would never have to look far for her. My mom is my support and I
would fall if she did not care, but of course she does. That is why I have
not fallen off my path. She will always care, no matter what I do or have
done. My mom is my rock. She will never turn away from me and I will
never do the same. One day I will need to be the “rock” instead and I
will look back on what my mom has done for me.
Heart To Heart
Heart to heart
Mind to mind
We are connected
With every bind
Breath to breath
Thought to thought
Teaching each other
Everything we were taught
Smell to smell
Sight to sight
Bringing with us
Courage and might
Heart to heart
Mind to mind
We are connected
With every bind
“Heart To Heart” was written March 26, 2011. This poem is about
My mom is my best friend. I can talk to her about anything. Our instincts tell us
to start looking for a partner, a confidant, a person that can help shoulder the
burdens that we carry, someone that we can reciprocate all of the
aforementioned things with. Sometimes we use people that we are associated
with just to temporarily abate the feelings of loneliness and the pressing feeling
of paranoia. But the feelings never entirely go away. So, what do we turn to?
Some go to reasonable means to combat these feelings, means being: buying a
dog, and exercising feelings at gyms. Some go to more extreme methods, these
being bullying, further isolation (resulting in awkwardness in social situations
and annoyance at others rather than focusing on the faults of self), or by
becoming murders of a justified cause. Nothing can truly beat a mother has a
companion because they know how to read what you are thinking, nothing can
get passed them. I have always thought like my mom. My mom is the best friend
and comfort for me and it will always stay that way.
To Be A Lady (Like My Mother)
To be a lady like my mother, is how I long to be
To be a lady like my mother and posses her qualities
To be graceful like a bird in flight and gentle like the wind
With just a kiss, a hug, and a song, all the hurts I'll be able to mend
To hold myself with grace and pride
As I walk the garden path and understand the words of nature
Just like my mother hath
To look like a fragile rose in winter while sitting in a dress of white
Surrounded by friends and family, as my husband holds me tight
To combine all these qualities together in a fusion
So as not to be just a goodly formed illusion
To be an angel, to all whom I meet
Never to delve in lies or deceit and to have a little girl of my own
With whom all this I can share
To give her all the means to be a lady too, who cares
I can't wait for the coming of the day
When people will look at me and say, look how much like her mother she be
A true and honest, good hearted lady
Just like my mother
“To Be a Lady (Like My Mother)” was written October 3, 2010. This poem is about
She is all that I envy. I want what she has. Every day I see her, she has a smile on
her face. Another good day. I envied you; from the very first time I could walk and
talk. To make friends and to fit in was such an easy thing for you, because you had
that energy… that fire. You are a human being who has your own thoughts and
feelings and I realized I had feelings too. I am your equal in mind, but still I wish to
be just like you. I will continue to work hard and do my best. I will show you all
that I can do. You are forever my role model. I strive for the best to make you
proud. Though I wish to be like you, I still want to be me. You are my motivation to
work hard at everything I do. I will push forward and become someone new.
Inspiration is at every corner, but mine is right in front of me, staring me right in
my face, and that will forever be you.
My Bibliography
 Angelou, Maya. "Touched by An Angel." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1985. Web. 25 May.
2013. <>.
 Plath, Sylvia. "Mad Girl's Love Song." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . New York City:
Mademoiselle, 1953. Web. 26 May. 2013.
< >.
 Teasdale, Sara. "Houses of Dreams." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1917. Web. 25 May. 2013.
 Teasdale, Sara. "I Thought of You." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1907. Web. 25 May. 2013.
 Yeats, William Butler. "When You Are Old." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1892. Web. 25 May.
2013. < >.

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Poetry dedication project

  • 1. Poetry Dedication Project By Antolina Williams
  • 2. Dedication  These poems are dedicated to my mother, who has always encouraged me to follow my dreams and not let anything bring me down. My mother will forever be my guide to a happy and successful life. I hope that I can follow in her footsteps and one day encourage my children.
  • 3. When You Are Old WHEN you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true; But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face. And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead, And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
  • 4. “When You Are Old” was written by William Butler Yeats and appeared in 1892. This poem was not written to make an old woman regretful, but to make a young woman never to forget the narrator. This poem represents a love lost, but not forgotten. We are meant to feel and experience the poem from the perspective of his beloved. He intends to record the intricate delights of her beauty and presence; these are features to be celebrated throughout history and he knows the importance of sharing them with others. He makes a claim for the intensity and exceptionality of his love by indicating that he---and only he---sees the devotion, the sacred, and the holy in her. It‟s a heavy case to make, and yet Yeats emphatically punctuates his point by telling that only he “loved the sorrows of your changing face.” The poem‟s second stanza leaves us expecting an epic love to commence, but Yeats shocks us all when he completes the poem with the revelation that this love fled and “paced upon the mountains overhead / And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.” Yeats, painfully so, envisions Maud Gonne‟s future without him. Did he know so early in their relationship that they would never be together? I highly doubt it. After building up this love, he banishes it amongst the mountains and stars, purposefully out of reach. This ending makes the previous stanza, the metaphor of her “pilgrim soul,” all the more startling. The opening of the poem was slightly melancholic. In the last two lines of the second stanza, Yeats introduces himself and claims he is different from „the many‟, “But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, /And loved the sorrows of your changing face”. It is at this point, that the reader discovers the relationship between the poet and his subject. There is a tone of longing and yearning, as he announces that he does not simply love her for her external beauty, but adores her “…pilgrim soul…” with a kind of reverence. The use of “Love” is reminiscent of the personification of love in Greek Mythology. However, it also allows Yeats to reference himself again without using the first person singular “I”. „When You Are Old‟ is more than just another love poem. In it, Yeats asks the object of his affection to consider a future, in which she may regret missed opportunities of love. His purpose may be to encourage a return of his affections, or simply serve as an undying reminder of his adoration.
  • 5. Mad Girl‟s Love Song "I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head.) The stars go waltzing out in blue and red, And arbitrary blackness gallops in: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane. (I think I made you up inside my head.) God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade: Exit seraphim and Satan's men: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. I fancied you'd return the way you said, But I grow old and I forget your name. (I think I made you up inside my head.) I should have loved a thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. (I think I made you up inside my head.)"
  • 6. “Mad Girl’s Love Song” was written by Sylvia Plath in 1951. A poem about a girl who spent her whole life waiting for a man she gave herself to, against her beliefs, who was never to return. The most visible device the author used in this book is repetition. One phrase the narrator repeats is “(I think I made you up inside my head).” The emphasis repetition puts on this quote is that the narrator is wishing that this man is made up, and trying to convince herself of it. The quotes signify that these are thoughts to her, and not out loud, which means she is trying to convince herself it is true. The narrator also repeats the line, “I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.” This, along with the reference to God, Satan, and Seraphim, mean that getting “into bed” with the man the narrator was speaking to was a sin, and therefore they never married. When the narrator tries to sleep, “All the world drops dead,” which could represent nightmares and visions of hell because she feels guilty for her sin. Plath uses repetition to emphasize certain phrases so the reader can decipher the true meaning. Another device the author uses is personification. In the second stanza the narrator describes “the stars go waltzing out in blue and red, and arbitrary blackness gallops in.” Clearly, stars cannot waltz and blackness can’t gallop. Stars “waltzing out” and blackness galloping in are used to describe how they are leaving her without a second thought, self-assured, easily, and quickly, as the man who left her might have done. The narrator continues to say “I should have loved a Thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again.” The narrator is giving a car, Thunderbird, the personification of being able to love and return to its lover, as she wished her man had done. The narrator is also relaying the message that the car is a better man and companion than her lover is. Personification in this poem is very meaningful and powerful to the underlying theme. The first thing that struck me with this poem is the title, “Mad Girl’s Love Song.” The title has two underlying meanings. One, the girl is mad, or angry, about the love in her life. This is true, because the narrator is very upset that she gave herself to a man who left her. Also, that the girl is mad, or insane, over convincing herself that this lover is “made up” and does not exist. The second thing about this poem that caught my attention is the author, Sylvia Plath, who is extremely emotional and troubled. I liked the religious undertones of the poem, which represent that sex before marriage is a sin to the narrator, and she is regretting her actions.
  • 7. Houses of Dreams You took my empty dreams And filled them every one With tenderness and nobleness, April and the sun. The old empty dreams Where my thoughts would throng Are far too full of happiness To even hold a song. Oh, the empty dreams were dim And the empty dreams were wide, They were sweet and shadowy houses Where my thoughts could hide. But you took my dreams away And you made them all come true -- My thoughts have no place now to play, And nothing now to do.
  • 8. “Houses of Dreams” was written by Sara Teasdale in 1917. This poem was mostly written for a love interest. First stanza starts out sounding happy, making the punch at the end even more powerful. Here the “taking of the dreams” sounds like a nice thing. The one filling the speaker’s dreams has good intents but doesn’t seem to have a clue of what he’s doing to her and the effects he’s having on her. Spring is the season of young love. “Old” suggests a familiarity and fondness. Paradox with “empty” and then “throng” (a verb one would use for a multitude)—alone doesn’t always mean lonely. Foreshadowing—no more song now. A life without music is a sad one, not a “happy” one. She had privacy, a mental refuge. I get the impression that the speaker is an introvert who values quiet, time alone, the broad spaces her imagination gives her. “Shadowy” creates a mental picture of a naturally lit house, no artificiality (e.g., fluorescent lighting is artificial and fills a room, leaving few shadows; natural light, like sunlight or fire, leaves quite a few shadows in the room). The “taking of the dreams” reappears, but now the words are harsher, jolting in contrast to the previous stanzas. That line followed with “you made them all come true” creates a slightly unpleasant, unsettled feeling. The idea of “dreams coming true” should be a happy one, but their coming true is juxtaposed with a separation, something sad. It’s never stated, but I can’t help but wonder if the persona is being pressured (or is feeling pressured) to reciprocate and fulfill her love interest’s dreams as well. However, that’s a subjective impression, not an absolute that I got from the poem itself. When our dreams have all come true, our lives still seem empty because dreaming and longing are perhaps built into our genetic code. When our dreams come true, our lives seem, paradoxically, more constricted than before. That sense of longing is not to be feared, but rather cultivated, because in it we are made more human. As others have remarked, this does have a hypnotic effect when read aloud, a lullaby of sorts.
  • 9. I Thought Of You I thought of you and how you love this beauty, And walking up the long beach all alone I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder As you and I once heard their monotone. Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me The cold and sparkling silver of the sea -- We two will pass through death and ages lengthen Before you hear that sound again with me.
  • 10. “I Thought of You” was written by Sara Teasdale in 1907. “I Thought of You” is a poem in which she tries to put her feelings of loneliness and the regret of not choosing her first love proposal. She was total loner in her marriage and in those years is when she realizes; how she missed her first love. By the time she found him, he was already settled with his family. Even though this is a small poem, she has put in words that describe her loneliness. The first stanza shows that she thought about her lover, during her loneliness and how she missed those days when they were at sight of each other. She has expressed her feel as waves breaking through the sound of thunder. In the second stanza, she says that, in those days she could feel the echo of her long lost beautiful days that kept haunting her, which is now beyond her or in fact is irreversible. And when she walks through the dark night at the sea, it brings back all those memories to her. The last two lines could be understood in two ways. One context could be with her love, that through death they shall go together after ages, shall reunite and until then they may have to wait to hear each other and the beautiful sound of the waves together. Or it could be interrupted as since her husband had never spent time with her, death would depart them for ages and time will have to cycle again till they get together and hear together. This poet depicts all the loneliness that Sarah had felt in her life and how she missed all those dear to her. A poem beautifully expressed, yet made complicated with the thoughts put in contrasting style of words. In my opinion I think this poem is brilliant... full free rolling memory bliss! The monotone part for me is where she has lapsed in to remembrance so all the sense of the world are dulled and become monotone in the background of the subconscious. Death also dulls the sense and maybe through the sea of tears and memory she can see over the dunned horizon and find lodged in her heart and in her reminiscence find that the lapping rolling waves will be once more in the background when she casts her eyes over them in the next life.
  • 11. Touched by An Angel We, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies old memories of pleasure ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity In the flush of love's light we dare be brave And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.
  • 12. “Touched by An Angel” was written by Maya Angelou in 1985. It describes the power of love. Stanza one states, how we are absent from joy because “we lived coiled in shells of loneliness.” “When love leaves its holy temple and comes to our sight.” Love frees us into life. Stanza two describes how love is a train of overpowering emotions that brings back old memories of Joy, and erases past pain. However, if we are fearless, love strikes away the chains of fear from our body and mind. Stanza three is about how love freed us from lack of confidence, and with strong emotions come light. If we dare to be courageous and take chances, we eventually see how love can cost all we are. However, it is only love that can liberate us. The predominant symbols of this poem seem to be 1) Angel, love Holy temple and life; 2) Train, pain, bold and souls; (3) dare and cost; 4) light and liberating. This poem has lot of symbolisms that help convey its message. The word “Angel” is defined as an act of kindness by Dungeon creatures that intermediate from Heaven and Earth. According to the dictionary of symbolisms, Angels are immaterial beings made of pure spirit where man consist of a “body and soul.” Angels are known as the messenger of God that travels from Heaven and Earth. Angels is symbolic for protection, and nature. Therefore, Love is describes as a profound, tender, passionate affection for another person. However, “love can cost all we are” means betrayal, pain, loss of oneself, and destruction. Holy temple is defined as a church where every individual goes to worship God. The word “Holy” means pure and divine. According to the dictionary Pain is a physical symptom. It is ironic that “ancient histories of pain” refers to an individual‟s emotional pain instead of physical injury. The soul is a spirit that intertwines with the body and mind as one. The basic tone of the poem is very passionate and heartfelt. The repetition of the word “love” in every stanza indicates that this poem is very passionate. Therefore, “Love strikes away the chain of fears from our souls” shows how love can erases an individual sorrows, and pain physically, emotionally, and mentally. The lines “live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life” indicates relief and happiness. I can interpret that “Touched by an Angel” is about how love can be fulfilling and rewarding for every individual, however love is a risk that can cause heartbreaks and depression to a certain individual once they fell in love. Depression and heartbreaks can lead to destructions.
  • 13. Thank You, Mom Dear mother, I love you and want you to know, I think of you often wherever I go. You lift me up; you're very divine; I am lucky to have a great mother like mine. Your endless affection makes you special and rare; I'm always amazed by how much you care. What you've given to me I can never repay, Thank you, Mom.
  • 14. “Thank you, Mom” was written September 21, 2012. To thank my mom for everything she has ever done for me. This poem is my thanks to a wonderful mother, who never let me down. My mother is the most incredible woman I have ever met. She was my guide down the right path. She never lost faith in me. She never turned her back on me. My rhyme and rhythm express my love throughout this poem. My mother will always be my strength, no matter what. She has always worked hard to provide for me and my brothers. As I am her daughter, I must truly understand. I will one day be in her shoes and I will cherish every moment of it. Many may think their mother is invincible, but I know that is not true. We need to get on our own two feet and take responsibility. Mom will not always be here for us to depend on, so now is the time to show her who we can be. Mom will forever be mom, nothing will ever change that. Mom will be the light to the dark path. This is why I thank her now with this poem.
  • 15. Best As It Is Couldn't come up with anything else to say Tried to pull out unspoken words that could help explain this Thought that if I wrote more the right answer would come to me Mind clouded with things, but none of them helped Dismissed the thought whenever it popped into my mind Tried to find more words to make this poem longer, but figured that its best as it is No other words should be needed to express it Only word needed is love
  • 16. “Best as It Is” was written January 8, 2012. This poem expresses that not everything has to change in order to be the best. This poem is to show that change is not always the best option. My mother does not have to change anything about her to get me to love her. Everyone and everything has their own flaws. Change is sometimes better, but it can also be worse. There are those little things that make everyone and anyone unique in their own way. Unique is always better. If everything was the same the world would be bland and boring. There is not always a need for another’s opinion, but when there is, go to the ones whose opinion you truly care about and want. For me, I think things are best just as they are. When things are best as they are, you tend to love them more than you already did. That is why my mom should never change, no matter what anyone says. I will love every flaws my mom has to offer and nothing will ever be able to change that. So no matter how old, or how wrinkly my mom gets, she is best as she is.
  • 17. She‟ll Still Care She tries to think of what to say, Whenever you come her way, She looks for you in silent dreams, She calls for you in silent screams, She tries to get your attention everyday, What will you say? Push her aside? Add ego to your pride? She's tired of watching you walk away, She wants a love to stay, She needs you to tell her, If she's right or wrong, She sings a song, That explains how she feels, But you're never there, You never care, So now that you know, Why don't you go? Because either way, Hate her, Love her, She'll still love you…
  • 18. “She’ll Still Care” was written November 1, 2011. This poem is about loyalty. I was never one for small talk, or much talk at all for that matter. She understands that. She doesn't press me, or force me to participate in silly discussion that has no meaning for me. I come from a rather large family, and being the oldest girl, much is expected from me. My mom lets me be myself. She would never turn her back on me. We will always stick together. My mom is my best friend. I can talk to her whenever I need to, but she does not pry. My mom would fight and defend for me. I would never have to look far for her. My mom is my support and I would fall if she did not care, but of course she does. That is why I have not fallen off my path. She will always care, no matter what I do or have done. My mom is my rock. She will never turn away from me and I will never do the same. One day I will need to be the “rock” instead and I will look back on what my mom has done for me.
  • 19. Heart To Heart Heart to heart Mind to mind We are connected With every bind Breath to breath Thought to thought Teaching each other Everything we were taught Smell to smell Sight to sight Bringing with us Courage and might Heart to heart Mind to mind We are connected With every bind
  • 20. “Heart To Heart” was written March 26, 2011. This poem is about companionship. My mom is my best friend. I can talk to her about anything. Our instincts tell us to start looking for a partner, a confidant, a person that can help shoulder the burdens that we carry, someone that we can reciprocate all of the aforementioned things with. Sometimes we use people that we are associated with just to temporarily abate the feelings of loneliness and the pressing feeling of paranoia. But the feelings never entirely go away. So, what do we turn to? Some go to reasonable means to combat these feelings, means being: buying a dog, and exercising feelings at gyms. Some go to more extreme methods, these being bullying, further isolation (resulting in awkwardness in social situations and annoyance at others rather than focusing on the faults of self), or by becoming murders of a justified cause. Nothing can truly beat a mother has a companion because they know how to read what you are thinking, nothing can get passed them. I have always thought like my mom. My mom is the best friend and comfort for me and it will always stay that way.
  • 21. To Be A Lady (Like My Mother) To be a lady like my mother, is how I long to be To be a lady like my mother and posses her qualities To be graceful like a bird in flight and gentle like the wind With just a kiss, a hug, and a song, all the hurts I'll be able to mend To hold myself with grace and pride As I walk the garden path and understand the words of nature Just like my mother hath To look like a fragile rose in winter while sitting in a dress of white Surrounded by friends and family, as my husband holds me tight To combine all these qualities together in a fusion So as not to be just a goodly formed illusion To be an angel, to all whom I meet Never to delve in lies or deceit and to have a little girl of my own With whom all this I can share To give her all the means to be a lady too, who cares I can't wait for the coming of the day When people will look at me and say, look how much like her mother she be A true and honest, good hearted lady Just like my mother
  • 22. “To Be a Lady (Like My Mother)” was written October 3, 2010. This poem is about envy. She is all that I envy. I want what she has. Every day I see her, she has a smile on her face. Another good day. I envied you; from the very first time I could walk and talk. To make friends and to fit in was such an easy thing for you, because you had that energy… that fire. You are a human being who has your own thoughts and feelings and I realized I had feelings too. I am your equal in mind, but still I wish to be just like you. I will continue to work hard and do my best. I will show you all that I can do. You are forever my role model. I strive for the best to make you proud. Though I wish to be like you, I still want to be me. You are my motivation to work hard at everything I do. I will push forward and become someone new. Inspiration is at every corner, but mine is right in front of me, staring me right in my face, and that will forever be you.
  • 23. My Bibliography  Angelou, Maya. "Touched by An Angel." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1985. Web. 25 May. 2013. <>.  Plath, Sylvia. "Mad Girl's Love Song." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . New York City: Mademoiselle, 1953. Web. 26 May. 2013. < >.  Teasdale, Sara. "Houses of Dreams." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1917. Web. 25 May. 2013. <>.  Teasdale, Sara. "I Thought of You." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1907. Web. 25 May. 2013. <>.  Yeats, William Butler. "When You Are Old." Trans. Array PoetrySoup . 1892. Web. 25 May. 2013. < >.