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Pmr Observation Report
On 11/8/16 I met with Dr. Hillman. I obtained written orders for Carrie Miller behavioral counselor as recommended by Dr. Johnson
Neuropsychologist. The orders were faxed to both Rainbow Rehab and Carrie Miller. I made multiple calls to Dr. Hettle and Dr. Pelshaw to try and
make a sooner pediatric PMR appointment. There are no sooner appointments in any location. I have been updated throughout the reporting period by
Rainbow rehab and Carrie Miller. There continues to be inconsistencies with Mrs. Edwards, Etwan Wilson'smother in keeping appointments. Etwan is
not in school yet. An IEP was supposed to be set up before he could go back to school. Mom has changed school locations, needed to have
immunizations updated, obtain a birth certificate.
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Evoked R–states with Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) and yoga stretching
Psychology 1100 051
The present article summarizes Ghoncheh and Smith's (2004) 5 week study of the evoked effects of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and yoga
stretching on R–states. Smith's (1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2002) Attentional Behavioral Cognitive (ABC) relaxation theory proposes 15 psychological
relaxation–related states (R–States): Sleepiness, Disengagement, Physical Relaxation, Mental Quiet, Rested/Refreshed, At Ease/At Peace, Energized,
Aware, Joy, Thankfulness and Love, Prayerfulness, Childlike Innocence, Awe and Wonder, Mystery, and Timeless/Boundless/Infinite. Smith's theory
(1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2002) suggests "that different more content...
Each group met once mid–week for 30 minutes and each session targeted the same 11 muscle–group combinations. Uniform scripts were presented to
both groups (Smith, 1999b). For a period of 5 weeks, each group practiced a sustained focus on either tensing up and letting go (PMR) or stretching (
yoga) (as cited by Ghoncheh & Smith, 2004). Ghoncheh and Smith, (2004) measured the impact of their exercise by using the Smith Relaxation States
Inventory test (SRSI; Smith, 2001); a 30 item self report questionnaire measuring the 15 R–states and 3 stress states (Somatic Stress, Worry, and
Negative Emotion). A 1 to 4 scale was used to rate their present feelings. Over the 5 week period participants were required to complete 12 tests; 10
before and after each session and 2 additional tests completed 3 minutes after the posttests of week 1 and 5. Findings registered the predicted results
with R–states; Disengagement, Physical Relaxation, Joy, and Mental Quiet scoring higher with PMR, while yoga stretching induced contradictory
effects with unpredicted R–state Physical Relaxation, scoring higher at week 1. In addition R–state findings Energized and Aware did not differ
between the 2 independent variables at week 1 and week 5 (Ghoncheh & Smith, 2004). Both relaxation methods show distinctness in evoking different
R–states, supporting Smith's (1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2002) ABC theory and prove to be inconsistent with both Benson's (1975) and
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Tension Free Energy Research Paper
3 Keys to Calm, Tension–Free Energy
In today's life humans are continuously subjected to nervous system stimulation which is caused by increasing pressures from having to be more
productive, being stuck in traffic and generally all the demands that technology creates such as social media, e–mails, and short messages. There never
seems to be any respite from the incessant demands which have related conditions such as high blood pressure, depression and even heart attacks.
We are enslaved by external stimulation but there is a solution to cope with all this excessive stimulation.
Put in motion the natural relaxation of your body
The body consists of a natural relationship between relaxing and stimulation. We as humans handle the more content...
This does not mean to fall asleep and try and sleep it off. When the body goes through a relaxation process while you are still awake you change how
your nervous system functions. You get out of the continuous stress situation into a healthy rhythm and balances the way it reacts to all the stress.
It is a simple exercise whereby you find a quiet space and focus on your inner body like breathing and clearing your mind.
Releasing the Tension
The calming exercise is only the first step because once you start doing these exercises you will experience how the excess stress has effected your
body and you might start having busy thoughts, muscle pains and similar symptoms.
This is normal because they were probably there before but you were focusing on the outside world and did not notice the way your body was
feeling. Once you take the time to focus on the inside you will become aware of all the tensions stored there.
Therefore you need to progress further with the inner thoughts and take note of what is happening on the inside in a non judgmental way. If you have
thoughts or feelings without judging them as 'bad' and accepting them then over time these tensions will fade and you will start to relax and release the
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Pelshaw Pmr Reflection
On 1/18/17 we met with Dr. Pelshaw PMR for an initial evaluation. I had reminded Ms. Edwards of the appointment in the morning along with the
location. She was 25 minutes late for the appointment. I was told normally Dr. Pelshaw will not see patients even 1 minute late. I explained the
severity of his injury and Dr. Pelshaw agreed to see us. The recent Rainbow team meeting was discussed along with concerns about impulsivity, poor
concentration, difficulty sleeping, urinary frequency and constipation. Dr. Pelsahw said he felt that the constipation is causing the frequency. Ms
Edwards said he has not had a bowel movement for a long time, Miralax was added. For the concentration and impulsivity Dr. Pelshaw added
Depakote and Concerta.
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Never Give Up Research Paper
I know exactly what you're going through. I've been where you are and I remember all too clearly the pain that I felt in the days and weeks after
my breakup. Feelings of hopelessness, depression and anxiety come and go. But what can you do to get back to living life or at least lessen those
awful feelings after your breakup? What can you do when you've lost hope completely in trying to win your ex back?
While other people may encourage you to simply move on and forget about your ex, I encourage you to keep your dream alive. If getting back
together with your boyfriend or your husband is honestly what is going to make you happy then that is what you need to do. If the love that you once
felt together was something unique and special then you shouldn't just throw it away. Don't' quit. Don't give up. You simply can't replace someone you
love with any other human more content...
Do you have those days when the only thing that occupies your mind is trying to figure out what you can do today to bring you one step closer to
being back in his arms? Even though this is very normal it can be debilitating to your life. You don't want to eat or talk to people and you feel like you
might cry at a moment's notice.
Find a nice, quiet, out of the way place where you can be alone for a few minutes. Close your eyes and take a deep, cleansing breath. Feel the stress
in your body and let go of it. Know that the feelings that you are having are normal. They are a self–defense mechanism in your body put there to help
you to avoid painful situations. What we are going to do is change things up a little bit and instead of thinking negative thoughts or visualizing you
getting hurt, we are going to think positive and pleasant
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Upsr and Pmr Examinations Should Be Abolished
UPSR and PMR examinations should be abolished
Education is an ongoing and continuous process to develop knowledge, skills, mores and norms. Napoleon Hill states that education comes from your
within, you get it by struggle, effort and thought. According to the Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus, the word examination can be defined
as the process of assigned or being responsible for marking, assessing testing and evaluating capability of a candidate according to the standards set by
the Ministry. Meanwhile, the term abolishment brings denotation the act of destroying completely a practice or a system. Nowadays, we could find
students are studying only for their exams. Hence, the Education director General, Tan Sri Aliimuddin Md more content...
In the contrary, teachers totally disagree to the abolishment as they find students will lose their interest to study in school. In UPSR, students will
master all the basic skills such as mathematics, languages and science in the primary level. Meanwhile, PMR is the medium for them to learn in
depth advance levels of tabulating data, statistics, life sciences and so on. If public examinations are abolished, students will lose the chance to learn
to master all these skills. Sociologists argue that UPSR and PMR are the stepping stones for the students towards their biggest examination, SPM.
Students did only study when they are being forced and put in pressure. Unless they have exams ahead, they will be very lazy to study. I believe that
students will face great difficulties when they step to Form Five as they have to cram everything at the eleventh hour. One year is not enough to learn
all the subjects and this affects grades and achievement. Assuredly, their performance would be not so good if they study at the very last minute.
Teachers also feel that Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) is an important tool to measure student¶s capability re stream students either to Science
Stream or Arts Stream because it is impossible for all the students to be in the same stream and study comparative subjects as every student¶s ability,
and choice differs.
Besides, politicians and experts in education field states their
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Authoritarian Pmr Screed Essay
You will make yourself comfortable... Once feeling comfortable and safe in your chosen place... You will close your eyes... Listen to my voice... Any
noises in the background are unimportant... From now on, you will only hear my voice... Concentrate on your breathing... Breathe in... Hold it for a
few seconds... Breathe out... Notice how each breath in, is equal to the amount of time it takes to breathe out... Repeat this one more time... Now you
are going to relax your mind and body by allowing any tension to flow from your head, to the extremities of your toes... Keep concentrating... You are in
control... You will be in control throughout this session...Continue with yourbreathing as you would normally ... Now relax more content...
Go through the suggestions from here:
You will listen to my voice taking you through the changes you want to make... As you are completely relaxed... you will respond to my suggestion...
From now, you will stop smoking... This is your wish and desire on which you will act on from now... No one is able to make the change except
yourself... Think of the positives gained by yourself in total command... your response is yours only... You are the only benefactor... Think of the harm
cigarettes cause...think of lungs being completely black... foul smell from your mouth...your clothes smelling ... continue with your breathing in and
out...think of your family... Think of spending money on buying cigarettes as money going down the drain...Don't turn them into passive smokers...
your health and that of your family matters...You will continue with further sessions which will help you achieve the change...
You are now going to come back in this room feeling much more relaxed and refreshed... feeling less tensed as at the
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Moving Inwards Research Paper
Try to get a feeling for the physical sensations around you and in you. Understand the different feelings you have, the different sensations and
slowly begin to reach out your arms and explore the space around you. Try to notice how you feel as you do this. Do you want to stay where you
are, alone in the space, or do you want to move to a different space, and become more connected with others? Do you feel drawn to move inwards? If
so, move inwards exploring the space around you. If you make contact with another person, stay with it, and if you want to stay in contact squeeze
their hand. If they want to stay in touch with you they will squeeze back. If this happens become as one entity, and if you want to be more in contact
continue to move
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Lambert's Cove-Personal Narrative
I had hoped Connor would be able to join me at Lambert's Cove this week but he can't so I am on my own. It's not so bad, a vacation by myself;
not as much fun as with someone else but I'm better at this alone thing than I've ever been. Tonight I pull on my board shorts and walk out of my
rental onto the sand. I feel like something inside needs release and I take off running. Not that I'm one for exercise but this is more than that, its
running away and running to and releasing energy and storing it up. Finally, spent, I stop at a dune rising from the mostly flat sand and let the breeze
wrap around me, leaning into the push of air with a smile. Music drifts from somewhere, a boat, a house, maybe my own mind and I begin to sing as I
look out over the more content...
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket. I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless and in this moment I
am happy. Connor's face comes to mind, wind ruffling his hair, a smile on his face. My heart twists in the way only love can do, full of warmth
and light and yet with the sharp stab of missing him here and I continue to sing. I wish you were here I wish you were here I wish you were here I
wish you were here. Shaking my head at my weird mood, I flop down, burying my feet and hands in the dry sand, feeling the leftover sun's warmth
and thinking of eyes as blue as the ocean I lay my head onto the sand. The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it. I'm counting
UFOs. I signal them with my lighter and in this moment I am happy, happy. Smiling at the words I'm singing, I don't have a lighter but the love in my
heart for a certain stubborn Irishman is bright enough to signal the farthest
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Inner Advisor Script
SCRIPT: Meeting Your Inner Advisor
Begin to relax by taking a comfortable position, loosening any restricting clothing, you may want to lie down or sit comfortably ... Find your space
Facing the wall to free your attention from the people around you... We're making arrangements for unrestricted time . . . take a few deep breaths in
through the nose... Out through the mouth... and begin to let go of tension as you release each breath . . . Closing your eyes...
Perhaps you have thoughts right now about other things you think you "should" be doing. Acknowledge these thoughts. Become aware of what types
of tasks, activities, and demands are going through your mind right now.
Focus on and acknowledge the thoughts that come up for you over the more content...
Your inner advisor is also the part of you that can know and experience truth. It is where you know something to be true or valid. It is almost
always quiet, It has a certain peace. It is where you know something in a centered way... Scan your body for where you feel your inner advisor...
Keep Breathing slowly and notice if you feel centered in your belly, or head... Maybe a spot between your eyes... Feel and notice your centered inner
Keep with you this wise and calm feeling now as you prepare to reawaken your body to return to the day ahead.
Wiggle your fingers and toes. Open your hands...then close them... and open them once again.
Roll your shoulders forward...and back...feeling your muscles reawakening.
Lean your left ear toward your left shoulder...return to center...and move your right ear toward your right shoulder...then return to center.
Stretch a bit, feeling the energy flowing through your body.
Take a deep breath, reaching your arms up above your head as you inhale, and lowering your arms out to the sides and down as you exhale.
Take one more deep breath in, feeling fully alert and awake as you exhale. Return to your usual activities feeling calm and
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Mental Rest Research Paper
Everybody in life needs to relax at some point or another. Relaxation is a critical element in the human body, as a result, it helps the human body
replenish, mentally and physically. Mentally relaxing at some point will help a good amount of people with whatever emotion they are going through.
For instance, if you don't oftenly get hold of a good rest once in awhile, you can become frequently disrespectful or frustrated. Therefore, people that
work for long periods of time can get very frustrated at other employees; in other words, they aren't getting the sufficient rest that the human being
needs. Mental rest should not be taken lightly, the effect of it being taken lightly can cause a person to be disrespectful and others around to not
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Pmr Ince Research Paper
Thank you for this opportunity to apply for a peer specialist position for SAM , INC. It is an honor to have had the chance to apply and conduct an
interview for this position regardless of the final decision. As stated by Plato, he utters "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Through my experiences, I began to discover the truth behind this quote. It does not matter exactly how happy or successful an individual appears. For
example, either the battle has been won or it is still an ongoing struggle, but it's a battle they have secured not a war. Which means they remain
continuously fighting though day to day struggles to avoid additional battles to come. Also, it is important to be kind to everyone because even though more content...
Hope is anything that possesses one to keep going; belief is what one uses to keeps fighting until the end; endurance is whatever enables one to
continue without stopping; then resistance is our defense in order to withstand any obstacles one may possibly encounter. Through countless
have experienced pain from within, more than physical. It is in this experience that motivates me to want on the road to become a Peer ince I
identify exactly how bad it can become. In addition to that i have learned to look at both sides of any situation also where the other party is
coming from, then place myself in their shoes. Even if I don't agree with it, I can comprehend where they are coming from as well as
understanding that everyone's minds work differentlyue to past experience. In addition to there always being little positive in both sides or
situation since no matter how bad of a day or life one may have had there is always good there. On the bad days it may be harder to discover
nonetheless it's there just concealed, one just has to look really hard and it can be found. Also I would appreciate nothing more than to be able to help
offer assisting in finding the positive moments.. However in all of this we must most importantly know our limit's and not to over extend them, because
we all have them personal plus towards
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Revolimb Revofit Research Paper
Revolimb Revofit is a first and new generation of technology micro– adjustable prosthetic limb control by BAO dial. Adjust panels can allow the
wearer to tighten or loosen the fit of the socket without ever having to remove it. You can easily and quickly modify the fit, feel and performance of
your prosthesis by adjustment socket compression around your limb. That is very easy to use and can be operated by those with compromised hand
function. Now, as patients change throughout the days, months, and years, they can have a socket that will change all the time. Using the Boa system,
the patients are able to change the socket volume by dialing which mean that they can adjust it on their limb without take on or off the socket.
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Mindful Deep Breathing Research
What's Mindful Deep breathing? A Simple How you can Guide as well as Free Deep breathing
Here We explore a short definition from the practice and it is Western Mental benefits. At the conclusion there is really a Mindfulness Deep breathing
Guide for your own personel personal exercise.
Mindfulness performs a main role within the teaching associated with Buddhist deep breathing where it's affirmed which "correct" or even "right"
mindfulness may be the critical element in the road to liberation as well as subsequent enlightenment.
Referred to as "a calm understanding of one's entire body functions, emotions, content associated with consciousness, or even consciousness by itself, it
may be the seventh component of the Respectable more content...
o Particularly the contact from the body about the chair under you. o Notice when the weight drops down evenly with the body. o Notice if you're
leaning slightly left or the best.
In exactly the same way spot the sensation about the soles you as nicely
o Where may be the point associated with contact most powerful? is it about the heel the actual toe within or outside the foot?
Again the actual hands and also the arms simply feeling the actual weight of the hands in your knees
This is not an exercise attempting to stop your ideas
o Just permit them to arrive and proceed. o The thing is just to understand the exercise and when your ideas drift a person off simply gently return to
the exercise.
Also spot the sounds
o Frequently sounds appear to be a distraction however they can increase your physical exercise. o Gauge the length of every sound without any
evaluation, absolutely no expectation.
(temporarily stop)
Once you realize that the mind offers wandered away, just lightly bring attention to your entire body
How does the body feel? Sensation of Rest, do a person perhaps really feel restless
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Essay on Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative – Father A sudden change in colour had awoken me. Orangeflashed over my eyelids. I squinted, this light is what disturbed me.
As I gradually widened the gap for my eyes to peer through, I noticed that a streak of radiant orange had appeared through a slit between the
curtains that had obviously not been properly drawn together. The curtains seemed to be a fair distance away so I opted for the easier alternative. I
twisted my body so I now had my back to the window. I tried to get back to sleep, but I could feel the intensity of the suns rays on my shoulder that
had broke through into my room. Annoyed at this, I turned once again and lay on my back. I took a deep breath, more content...
Still feeling the tiredness, but also knowing that getting back to the state that I was about ten minutes ago would prove to be more unlikely as the
seconds and minutes ticked by. Perhaps it was too silent, which made me think, about something. I had been lying in bed for what seemed to me
to be a long time. But I couldn't know for sure. I didn't care, I was enjoying myself. Lying there, still with not a worry or thought in my mind. I
knew it wouldn't last for long. Why should I deserve peace and quiet? After all, I had already had my sleep. I sighed once again, this time in
annoyance. Damn noise. I had a relatively good idea of what the noise was. It was familiar in my head. At first I thought an engine? I decided that
it was time for me to awake and get on with it, instead of lying in bed. After all, I wasn't going to be left alone. I don't deserve that, do I? It was
noticeable yet still. This was caused by the window that stood between me and the outside. It cut out some of the noise. Shame it didn't do the same
with light. Damn light. I realized that I had been delaying myself from moving. I was still tired, but finally managed to persuade myself to shuffle
my body and as a result of that I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up on the edge. Once again the sun had crept up my body and this
time penetrated my pupil, causing my
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Telekinesis-Personal Narrative
My eyes scan the computer as I read about telekinesis. With telekinesis you're able to move objects with your mind. I believe I have that. Well I
guess it's time to see. I get up and grab an apple and go outside to the field by my house. I set the apple down on a picnic table in the middle of the
field and walk away from it. I turn back around and I look at the bright red apple. My eyes narrow and the apple is thrown across the field. I close
my eyes and breathe in, smelling the freshly cut grass. I awake with a jolt in the middle of the field. That was a weird dream. It's times like right now
when I'm the most relaxed. Yes I understand, I just threw something across the field in my dream by using my mind and I'm not even
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Thinking about what I had just witnessed. They have never fought so badly before. It's never gotten to this point. I get my phone out and send a
quick text to Shawn. Annabelle: Hey. Can I go to your house? I sit and wait for a response. Within three minutes I get a reply. Shawn: Of course.
You know you're always welcome here Annabells. However we're going out to dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant with extended family. You'll
have to come with if that's okay? I sigh. That means I have to get dressed up. Annabelle: Yeah. That's okay. Let me get ready. I'll be on my way in a
few minutes. I set my phone down and go to my closet. I pick out the pretty dress that I have that's got the ombrГ© effect. The bottom's a beautiful
dark blue with the top a light blue. It's the only dress I own that I can wear to someplace fancy. I don't own any fancy clothes. As I am putting the
dress on my phone pings. My eyes dart to the phone and I gets up to see what it was. A text message. Duh. That makes sense. I did just text Shawn. I
open the text. Unknown: Nice blue dress you have on. Do you have a date tonight? My eyes widen and I breathe in heavily. For a few minutes all I
can hear is the sound of my
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Constantly Smooth Research Paper
CONSCIOUSNESS: Our AWARENESS of OURSELVES and our ENVIRONMENT. Constantly Shifting Example: Focusing the words coming out of
my mouth. But with a little shift, your mind might wander off to probably like: Why is my chair so uncomfortable? What will I have for dinner
tonight? Why am I even here? What do we learn? Allows us to plan our future, reflect on the past, and consider consequences.
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Personal Narrative: The Four State Of Rest
I've posted about this (a lot), but I've been keeping myself pretty busy, lately. Most Sunday evenings, I look at my calendar and see that my week is
fully scheduled – from when I wake up until dinner time. Between preparing for and teaching several yoga classes each week, actively drumming up
business to grow my company, and spending time with my toddler (not to mention, staying married), I'm booked. When I have "free time," it's because
I scheduled it in.
But something has been bothering me: I get almost no downtime or rest, and that doesn't bother me, at all.
This is not like me. I love down time with my friends and family. I deeply love to rest: I'm a voracious reader and love to journal. I love to meditate. I
love all things navel– more content...
First State of Rest : STOP + EXCHANGE
There are Four States of Rest according to David Whyte.
In the First State of Rest, we give up on what we have been doing, or how we have been. We, simply, stop. This means shifting our attention from outer
targets, and not into an inner, static bulls–eye, or some imagined perfect stillness, but to an inner state of natural exchange.
The Template of Natural Exchange is the breath.
We are rested when we are a living exchange between what lies inside (inhale), and what lies outside (exhale).
The breath is also our template for the definition of rest:
Rest is an inner state of natural exchange
Second State of Rest: GROUNDING
The Second State of Rest is slowly coming home, a physical journey into the body and into yourself. This means stepping into a deep internal
connection. To embark on this physical journey home, we ask ourselves:
how does rest help me to be
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Taos Hum
There has been reports of weird noises in a small town of Taos, New Mexico. Many people can't sleep at night, some want to rip their ear's out. But
many claim they hear nothing, and that people who hear it are bluffing.You are about to experience the Taos hum.
A variety of theories have been offered as an explanation, ranging from the mundane to the fantastic, the psychological to the paranormal. Secret
government mind control experiments, underground UFO bases and everything in between have been blamed. It all started in the 1990's when a man
named Joe Mullins, a professor emeritus of engineering at the University of New
Mexico, conducted research into the Taos Hum. Based on a survey of residents, about 2 percent of the general population was believed to be "hearers" more content...
Most importantly, its very existence seemed to disturb their psychological equilibrium. Many felt
"singled out" by a phenomenon that was clearly "unnatural" .Many scientist have come from around the United States to come see this so called Taos
Hum, but nothing was recorded and it all led to the same thing, Nothing.Before all this happened many Citizens have protested and have gone to the the
american congress seeking their help to investigate more into the mysterious noise. In fact, it was so common that the good citizens and sufferers
banded together in 1993
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Pmr Observation Report

  • 1. Pmr Observation Report On 11/8/16 I met with Dr. Hillman. I obtained written orders for Carrie Miller behavioral counselor as recommended by Dr. Johnson Neuropsychologist. The orders were faxed to both Rainbow Rehab and Carrie Miller. I made multiple calls to Dr. Hettle and Dr. Pelshaw to try and make a sooner pediatric PMR appointment. There are no sooner appointments in any location. I have been updated throughout the reporting period by Rainbow rehab and Carrie Miller. There continues to be inconsistencies with Mrs. Edwards, Etwan Wilson'smother in keeping appointments. Etwan is not in school yet. An IEP was supposed to be set up before he could go back to school. Mom has changed school locations, needed to have immunizations updated, obtain a birth certificate. Get more content on
  • 2. Evoked R–states with Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) and yoga stretching Psychology 1100 051 The present article summarizes Ghoncheh and Smith's (2004) 5 week study of the evoked effects of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and yoga stretching on R–states. Smith's (1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2002) Attentional Behavioral Cognitive (ABC) relaxation theory proposes 15 psychological relaxation–related states (R–States): Sleepiness, Disengagement, Physical Relaxation, Mental Quiet, Rested/Refreshed, At Ease/At Peace, Energized, Aware, Joy, Thankfulness and Love, Prayerfulness, Childlike Innocence, Awe and Wonder, Mystery, and Timeless/Boundless/Infinite. Smith's theory (1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2002) suggests "that different more content... Each group met once mid–week for 30 minutes and each session targeted the same 11 muscle–group combinations. Uniform scripts were presented to both groups (Smith, 1999b). For a period of 5 weeks, each group practiced a sustained focus on either tensing up and letting go (PMR) or stretching ( yoga) (as cited by Ghoncheh & Smith, 2004). Ghoncheh and Smith, (2004) measured the impact of their exercise by using the Smith Relaxation States Inventory test (SRSI; Smith, 2001); a 30 item self report questionnaire measuring the 15 R–states and 3 stress states (Somatic Stress, Worry, and Negative Emotion). A 1 to 4 scale was used to rate their present feelings. Over the 5 week period participants were required to complete 12 tests; 10 before and after each session and 2 additional tests completed 3 minutes after the posttests of week 1 and 5. Findings registered the predicted results with R–states; Disengagement, Physical Relaxation, Joy, and Mental Quiet scoring higher with PMR, while yoga stretching induced contradictory effects with unpredicted R–state Physical Relaxation, scoring higher at week 1. In addition R–state findings Energized and Aware did not differ between the 2 independent variables at week 1 and week 5 (Ghoncheh & Smith, 2004). Both relaxation methods show distinctness in evoking different R–states, supporting Smith's (1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2002) ABC theory and prove to be inconsistent with both Benson's (1975) and Get more content on
  • 3. Tension Free Energy Research Paper 3 Keys to Calm, Tension–Free Energy In today's life humans are continuously subjected to nervous system stimulation which is caused by increasing pressures from having to be more productive, being stuck in traffic and generally all the demands that technology creates such as social media, e–mails, and short messages. There never seems to be any respite from the incessant demands which have related conditions such as high blood pressure, depression and even heart attacks. We are enslaved by external stimulation but there is a solution to cope with all this excessive stimulation. Put in motion the natural relaxation of your body The body consists of a natural relationship between relaxing and stimulation. We as humans handle the more content... This does not mean to fall asleep and try and sleep it off. When the body goes through a relaxation process while you are still awake you change how your nervous system functions. You get out of the continuous stress situation into a healthy rhythm and balances the way it reacts to all the stress. It is a simple exercise whereby you find a quiet space and focus on your inner body like breathing and clearing your mind. Releasing the Tension The calming exercise is only the first step because once you start doing these exercises you will experience how the excess stress has effected your body and you might start having busy thoughts, muscle pains and similar symptoms. This is normal because they were probably there before but you were focusing on the outside world and did not notice the way your body was feeling. Once you take the time to focus on the inside you will become aware of all the tensions stored there. Therefore you need to progress further with the inner thoughts and take note of what is happening on the inside in a non judgmental way. If you have thoughts or feelings without judging them as 'bad' and accepting them then over time these tensions will fade and you will start to relax and release the
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  • 5. Pelshaw Pmr Reflection On 1/18/17 we met with Dr. Pelshaw PMR for an initial evaluation. I had reminded Ms. Edwards of the appointment in the morning along with the location. She was 25 minutes late for the appointment. I was told normally Dr. Pelshaw will not see patients even 1 minute late. I explained the severity of his injury and Dr. Pelshaw agreed to see us. The recent Rainbow team meeting was discussed along with concerns about impulsivity, poor concentration, difficulty sleeping, urinary frequency and constipation. Dr. Pelsahw said he felt that the constipation is causing the frequency. Ms Edwards said he has not had a bowel movement for a long time, Miralax was added. For the concentration and impulsivity Dr. Pelshaw added Depakote and Concerta. Get more content on
  • 6. Never Give Up Research Paper I know exactly what you're going through. I've been where you are and I remember all too clearly the pain that I felt in the days and weeks after my breakup. Feelings of hopelessness, depression and anxiety come and go. But what can you do to get back to living life or at least lessen those awful feelings after your breakup? What can you do when you've lost hope completely in trying to win your ex back? While other people may encourage you to simply move on and forget about your ex, I encourage you to keep your dream alive. If getting back together with your boyfriend or your husband is honestly what is going to make you happy then that is what you need to do. If the love that you once felt together was something unique and special then you shouldn't just throw it away. Don't' quit. Don't give up. You simply can't replace someone you love with any other human more content... Do you have those days when the only thing that occupies your mind is trying to figure out what you can do today to bring you one step closer to being back in his arms? Even though this is very normal it can be debilitating to your life. You don't want to eat or talk to people and you feel like you might cry at a moment's notice. Find a nice, quiet, out of the way place where you can be alone for a few minutes. Close your eyes and take a deep, cleansing breath. Feel the stress in your body and let go of it. Know that the feelings that you are having are normal. They are a self–defense mechanism in your body put there to help you to avoid painful situations. What we are going to do is change things up a little bit and instead of thinking negative thoughts or visualizing you getting hurt, we are going to think positive and pleasant Get more content on
  • 7. Upsr and Pmr Examinations Should Be Abolished UPSR and PMR examinations should be abolished Education is an ongoing and continuous process to develop knowledge, skills, mores and norms. Napoleon Hill states that education comes from your within, you get it by struggle, effort and thought. According to the Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus, the word examination can be defined as the process of assigned or being responsible for marking, assessing testing and evaluating capability of a candidate according to the standards set by the Ministry. Meanwhile, the term abolishment brings denotation the act of destroying completely a practice or a system. Nowadays, we could find students are studying only for their exams. Hence, the Education director General, Tan Sri Aliimuddin Md more content... In the contrary, teachers totally disagree to the abolishment as they find students will lose their interest to study in school. In UPSR, students will master all the basic skills such as mathematics, languages and science in the primary level. Meanwhile, PMR is the medium for them to learn in depth advance levels of tabulating data, statistics, life sciences and so on. If public examinations are abolished, students will lose the chance to learn to master all these skills. Sociologists argue that UPSR and PMR are the stepping stones for the students towards their biggest examination, SPM. Students did only study when they are being forced and put in pressure. Unless they have exams ahead, they will be very lazy to study. I believe that students will face great difficulties when they step to Form Five as they have to cram everything at the eleventh hour. One year is not enough to learn all the subjects and this affects grades and achievement. Assuredly, their performance would be not so good if they study at the very last minute. Teachers also feel that Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) is an important tool to measure studentВ¶s capability re stream students either to Science Stream or Arts Stream because it is impossible for all the students to be in the same stream and study comparative subjects as every studentВ¶s ability, and choice differs. Besides, politicians and experts in education field states their Get more content on
  • 8. Authoritarian Pmr Screed Essay AUTHORITARIAN PMR SCREED You will make yourself comfortable... Once feeling comfortable and safe in your chosen place... You will close your eyes... Listen to my voice... Any noises in the background are unimportant... From now on, you will only hear my voice... Concentrate on your breathing... Breathe in... Hold it for a few seconds... Breathe out... Notice how each breath in, is equal to the amount of time it takes to breathe out... Repeat this one more time... Now you are going to relax your mind and body by allowing any tension to flow from your head, to the extremities of your toes... Keep concentrating... You are in control... You will be in control throughout this session...Continue with yourbreathing as you would normally ... Now relax more content... Go through the suggestions from here: You will listen to my voice taking you through the changes you want to make... As you are completely relaxed... you will respond to my suggestion... From now, you will stop smoking... This is your wish and desire on which you will act on from now... No one is able to make the change except yourself... Think of the positives gained by yourself in total command... your response is yours only... You are the only benefactor... Think of the harm cigarettes cause...think of lungs being completely black... foul smell from your mouth...your clothes smelling ... continue with your breathing in and out...think of your family... Think of spending money on buying cigarettes as money going down the drain...Don't turn them into passive smokers... your health and that of your family matters...You will continue with further sessions which will help you achieve the change... You are now going to come back in this room feeling much more relaxed and refreshed... feeling less tensed as at the Get more content on
  • 9. Moving Inwards Research Paper Try to get a feeling for the physical sensations around you and in you. Understand the different feelings you have, the different sensations and slowly begin to reach out your arms and explore the space around you. Try to notice how you feel as you do this. Do you want to stay where you are, alone in the space, or do you want to move to a different space, and become more connected with others? Do you feel drawn to move inwards? If so, move inwards exploring the space around you. If you make contact with another person, stay with it, and if you want to stay in contact squeeze their hand. If they want to stay in touch with you they will squeeze back. If this happens become as one entity, and if you want to be more in contact continue to move Get more content on
  • 10. Lambert's Cove-Personal Narrative I had hoped Connor would be able to join me at Lambert's Cove this week but he can't so I am on my own. It's not so bad, a vacation by myself; not as much fun as with someone else but I'm better at this alone thing than I've ever been. Tonight I pull on my board shorts and walk out of my rental onto the sand. I feel like something inside needs release and I take off running. Not that I'm one for exercise but this is more than that, its running away and running to and releasing energy and storing it up. Finally, spent, I stop at a dune rising from the mostly flat sand and let the breeze wrap around me, leaning into the push of air with a smile. Music drifts from somewhere, a boat, a house, maybe my own mind and I begin to sing as I look out over the more content... The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket. I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless and in this moment I am happy. Connor's face comes to mind, wind ruffling his hair, a smile on his face. My heart twists in the way only love can do, full of warmth and light and yet with the sharp stab of missing him here and I continue to sing. I wish you were here I wish you were here I wish you were here I wish you were here. Shaking my head at my weird mood, I flop down, burying my feet and hands in the dry sand, feeling the leftover sun's warmth and thinking of eyes as blue as the ocean I lay my head onto the sand. The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it. I'm counting UFOs. I signal them with my lighter and in this moment I am happy, happy. Smiling at the words I'm singing, I don't have a lighter but the love in my heart for a certain stubborn Irishman is bright enough to signal the farthest Get more content on
  • 11. Inner Advisor Script SCRIPT: Meeting Your Inner Advisor Begin to relax by taking a comfortable position, loosening any restricting clothing, you may want to lie down or sit comfortably ... Find your space Facing the wall to free your attention from the people around you... We're making arrangements for unrestricted time . . . take a few deep breaths in through the nose... Out through the mouth... and begin to let go of tension as you release each breath . . . Closing your eyes... Perhaps you have thoughts right now about other things you think you "should" be doing. Acknowledge these thoughts. Become aware of what types of tasks, activities, and demands are going through your mind right now. Focus on and acknowledge the thoughts that come up for you over the more content... Your inner advisor is also the part of you that can know and experience truth. It is where you know something to be true or valid. It is almost always quiet, It has a certain peace. It is where you know something in a centered way... Scan your body for where you feel your inner advisor... Keep Breathing slowly and notice if you feel centered in your belly, or head... Maybe a spot between your eyes... Feel and notice your centered inner advisor. (Pause) Keep with you this wise and calm feeling now as you prepare to reawaken your body to return to the day ahead. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Open your hands...then close them... and open them once again. Roll your shoulders forward...and back...feeling your muscles reawakening. Lean your left ear toward your left shoulder...return to center...and move your right ear toward your right shoulder...then return to center. Stretch a bit, feeling the energy flowing through your body. Take a deep breath, reaching your arms up above your head as you inhale, and lowering your arms out to the sides and down as you exhale. Take one more deep breath in, feeling fully alert and awake as you exhale. Return to your usual activities feeling calm and Get more content on
  • 12. Mental Rest Research Paper Everybody in life needs to relax at some point or another. Relaxation is a critical element in the human body, as a result, it helps the human body replenish, mentally and physically. Mentally relaxing at some point will help a good amount of people with whatever emotion they are going through. For instance, if you don't oftenly get hold of a good rest once in awhile, you can become frequently disrespectful or frustrated. Therefore, people that work for long periods of time can get very frustrated at other employees; in other words, they aren't getting the sufficient rest that the human being needs. Mental rest should not be taken lightly, the effect of it being taken lightly can cause a person to be disrespectful and others around to not Get more content on
  • 13. Pmr Ince Research Paper Thank you for this opportunity to apply for a peer specialist position for SAM , INC. It is an honor to have had the chance to apply and conduct an interview for this position regardless of the final decision. As stated by Plato, he utters "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Through my experiences, I began to discover the truth behind this quote. It does not matter exactly how happy or successful an individual appears. For example, either the battle has been won or it is still an ongoing struggle, but it's a battle they have secured not a war. Which means they remain continuously fighting though day to day struggles to avoid additional battles to come. Also, it is important to be kind to everyone because even though more content... Hope is anything that possesses one to keep going; belief is what one uses to keeps fighting until the end; endurance is whatever enables one to continue without stopping; then resistance is our defense in order to withstand any obstacles one may possibly encounter. Through countless have experienced pain from within, more than physical. It is in this experience that motivates me to want on the road to become a Peer ince I identify exactly how bad it can become. In addition to that i have learned to look at both sides of any situation also where the other party is coming from, then place myself in their shoes. Even if I don't agree with it, I can comprehend where they are coming from as well as understanding that everyone's minds work differentlyue to past experience. In addition to there always being little positive in both sides or situation since no matter how bad of a day or life one may have had there is always good there. On the bad days it may be harder to discover nonetheless it's there just concealed, one just has to look really hard and it can be found. Also I would appreciate nothing more than to be able to help offer assisting in finding the positive moments.. However in all of this we must most importantly know our limit's and not to over extend them, because we all have them personal plus towards Get more content on
  • 14. Revolimb Revofit Research Paper Revolimb Revofit is a first and new generation of technology micro– adjustable prosthetic limb control by BAO dial. Adjust panels can allow the wearer to tighten or loosen the fit of the socket without ever having to remove it. You can easily and quickly modify the fit, feel and performance of your prosthesis by adjustment socket compression around your limb. That is very easy to use and can be operated by those with compromised hand function. Now, as patients change throughout the days, months, and years, they can have a socket that will change all the time. Using the Boa system, the patients are able to change the socket volume by dialing which mean that they can adjust it on their limb without take on or off the socket. Get more content on
  • 15. Mindful Deep Breathing Research What's Mindful Deep breathing? A Simple How you can Guide as well as Free Deep breathing Here We explore a short definition from the practice and it is Western Mental benefits. At the conclusion there is really a Mindfulness Deep breathing Guide for your own personel personal exercise. Mindfulness performs a main role within the teaching associated with Buddhist deep breathing where it's affirmed which "correct" or even "right" mindfulness may be the critical element in the road to liberation as well as subsequent enlightenment. Referred to as "a calm understanding of one's entire body functions, emotions, content associated with consciousness, or even consciousness by itself, it may be the seventh component of the Respectable more content... o Particularly the contact from the body about the chair under you. o Notice when the weight drops down evenly with the body. o Notice if you're leaning slightly left or the best. In exactly the same way spot the sensation about the soles you as nicely o Where may be the point associated with contact most powerful? is it about the heel the actual toe within or outside the foot? Again the actual hands and also the arms simply feeling the actual weight of the hands in your knees This is not an exercise attempting to stop your ideas o Just permit them to arrive and proceed. o The thing is just to understand the exercise and when your ideas drift a person off simply gently return to the exercise. Also spot the sounds
  • 16. o Frequently sounds appear to be a distraction however they can increase your physical exercise. o Gauge the length of every sound without any evaluation, absolutely no expectation. (temporarily stop) Once you realize that the mind offers wandered away, just lightly bring attention to your entire body How does the body feel? Sensation of Rest, do a person perhaps really feel restless Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Personal Narrative Personal Narrative – Father A sudden change in colour had awoken me. Orangeflashed over my eyelids. I squinted, this light is what disturbed me. As I gradually widened the gap for my eyes to peer through, I noticed that a streak of radiant orange had appeared through a slit between the curtains that had obviously not been properly drawn together. The curtains seemed to be a fair distance away so I opted for the easier alternative. I twisted my body so I now had my back to the window. I tried to get back to sleep, but I could feel the intensity of the suns rays on my shoulder that had broke through into my room. Annoyed at this, I turned once again and lay on my back. I took a deep breath, more content... Still feeling the tiredness, but also knowing that getting back to the state that I was about ten minutes ago would prove to be more unlikely as the seconds and minutes ticked by. Perhaps it was too silent, which made me think, about something. I had been lying in bed for what seemed to me to be a long time. But I couldn't know for sure. I didn't care, I was enjoying myself. Lying there, still with not a worry or thought in my mind. I knew it wouldn't last for long. Why should I deserve peace and quiet? After all, I had already had my sleep. I sighed once again, this time in annoyance. Damn noise. I had a relatively good idea of what the noise was. It was familiar in my head. At first I thought an engine? I decided that it was time for me to awake and get on with it, instead of lying in bed. After all, I wasn't going to be left alone. I don't deserve that, do I? It was noticeable yet still. This was caused by the window that stood between me and the outside. It cut out some of the noise. Shame it didn't do the same with light. Damn light. I realized that I had been delaying myself from moving. I was still tired, but finally managed to persuade myself to shuffle my body and as a result of that I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up on the edge. Once again the sun had crept up my body and this time penetrated my pupil, causing my Get more content on
  • 18. Telekinesis-Personal Narrative My eyes scan the computer as I read about telekinesis. With telekinesis you're able to move objects with your mind. I believe I have that. Well I guess it's time to see. I get up and grab an apple and go outside to the field by my house. I set the apple down on a picnic table in the middle of the field and walk away from it. I turn back around and I look at the bright red apple. My eyes narrow and the apple is thrown across the field. I close my eyes and breathe in, smelling the freshly cut grass. I awake with a jolt in the middle of the field. That was a weird dream. It's times like right now when I'm the most relaxed. Yes I understand, I just threw something across the field in my dream by using my mind and I'm not even more content... Thinking about what I had just witnessed. They have never fought so badly before. It's never gotten to this point. I get my phone out and send a quick text to Shawn. Annabelle: Hey. Can I go to your house? I sit and wait for a response. Within three minutes I get a reply. Shawn: Of course. You know you're always welcome here Annabells. However we're going out to dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant with extended family. You'll have to come with if that's okay? I sigh. That means I have to get dressed up. Annabelle: Yeah. That's okay. Let me get ready. I'll be on my way in a few minutes. I set my phone down and go to my closet. I pick out the pretty dress that I have that's got the ombrГ© effect. The bottom's a beautiful dark blue with the top a light blue. It's the only dress I own that I can wear to someplace fancy. I don't own any fancy clothes. As I am putting the dress on my phone pings. My eyes dart to the phone and I gets up to see what it was. A text message. Duh. That makes sense. I did just text Shawn. I open the text. Unknown: Nice blue dress you have on. Do you have a date tonight? My eyes widen and I breathe in heavily. For a few minutes all I can hear is the sound of my Get more content on
  • 19. Constantly Smooth Research Paper CONSCIOUSNESS: Our AWARENESS of OURSELVES and our ENVIRONMENT. Constantly Shifting Example: Focusing the words coming out of my mouth. But with a little shift, your mind might wander off to probably like: Why is my chair so uncomfortable? What will I have for dinner tonight? Why am I even here? What do we learn? Allows us to plan our future, reflect on the past, and consider consequences. Get more content on
  • 20. Personal Narrative: The Four State Of Rest I've posted about this (a lot), but I've been keeping myself pretty busy, lately. Most Sunday evenings, I look at my calendar and see that my week is fully scheduled – from when I wake up until dinner time. Between preparing for and teaching several yoga classes each week, actively drumming up business to grow my company, and spending time with my toddler (not to mention, staying married), I'm booked. When I have "free time," it's because I scheduled it in. But something has been bothering me: I get almost no downtime or rest, and that doesn't bother me, at all. This is not like me. I love down time with my friends and family. I deeply love to rest: I'm a voracious reader and love to journal. I love to meditate. I love all things navel– more content... First State of Rest : STOP + EXCHANGE There are Four States of Rest according to David Whyte. In the First State of Rest, we give up on what we have been doing, or how we have been. We, simply, stop. This means shifting our attention from outer targets, and not into an inner, static bulls–eye, or some imagined perfect stillness, but to an inner state of natural exchange. The Template of Natural Exchange is the breath. We are rested when we are a living exchange between what lies inside (inhale), and what lies outside (exhale). The breath is also our template for the definition of rest: Rest is an inner state of natural exchange Second State of Rest: GROUNDING The Second State of Rest is slowly coming home, a physical journey into the body and into yourself. This means stepping into a deep internal connection. To embark on this physical journey home, we ask ourselves:
  • 21. how does rest help me to be Get more content on
  • 22. Taos Hum There has been reports of weird noises in a small town of Taos, New Mexico. Many people can't sleep at night, some want to rip their ear's out. But many claim they hear nothing, and that people who hear it are bluffing.You are about to experience the Taos hum. A variety of theories have been offered as an explanation, ranging from the mundane to the fantastic, the psychological to the paranormal. Secret government mind control experiments, underground UFO bases and everything in between have been blamed. It all started in the 1990's when a man named Joe Mullins, a professor emeritus of engineering at the University of New Mexico, conducted research into the Taos Hum. Based on a survey of residents, about 2 percent of the general population was believed to be "hearers" more content... Most importantly, its very existence seemed to disturb their psychological equilibrium. Many felt "singled out" by a phenomenon that was clearly "unnatural" .Many scientist have come from around the United States to come see this so called Taos Hum, but nothing was recorded and it all led to the same thing, Nothing.Before all this happened many Citizens have protested and have gone to the the american congress seeking their help to investigate more into the mysterious noise. In fact, it was so common that the good citizens and sufferers banded together in 1993 Get more content on