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alex, connor, emily,
hillary, and shannon.
Meet the Team
Executive Summary
Situational Analysis
Company History and Brand
Product Evaluation
Consumer Analysis
Market Environment Evaluation
Competitive Evaluation
Website Redesign
Advertising Strategies
Timeline and Budget
Budget Bibliography
Group 8 is a full-service advertising
firm based in Austin, Texas.
8 has learned to grow alongside
Austin’s interesting and innovative
population. For 23 years our firm
has been a part of this dynamic
Austin. We have embodied the
Austin spirit. Our quirky
company culture reflects the fresh
and artistic fervor of the city and
work in.
At Group 8, we come up with the
best solutions to modern day
of innovation and creativity. Our
team members embrace diversity
of experience to create productive
and efficient campaigns for each of
our clients. With our in-house
services ranging from graphic
design, public relations,
strategic marketing and overall
8 provides clients with successful
and cost-effective solutions. We
don’t just eradicate a problem, we
successfully cultivate brands so
the agency, client, and consumer.
Financial Officer
Account Supervisor
Account Executive
Creative Director
This plansbook illustrates the
components of a three-month
campaign that creates a virtual
and physical community for KUT’s
podcast listeners as traffic is being
moved to its website. Group 8 was
inspired by the unique city culture
that surrounds us, creating a
campaign plan influenced by
Austin’s warmth, welcoming spirit
and diversity - a resource that has
proven essential for the overall
development of KUT growth and
With the client’s concern for
creating an online salon, we
decided to go back to the basics to
come up with a solution. Our
strategy is therefore aligned with
the idea of creating a community.
Humans are innately
group-oriented creatures; we are
not meant to live in solitude.
KUT’s success is defined through
listener satisfaction and through
the community they are able to
cultivate. Community (for our
intents and purposes) is a group
of people with a common interest
(KUT podcasts) that come together
to have nourishing conversations
and to explore their curiosity. To
embody this strategy, the KUT
podcasts will adopt a new strategy
-- Connecting the Curious. To
achieve this, Group 8 will
implement the following tactics:
Website Revamp - The website will
serve as the hub of the KUT
community and therefore needs to
be in pristine conditions to
encourage Austinites to listen to
podcasts and engage in
conversation with others who are
doing the same.
Zine - This miniature magazine will
provide interesting and intriguing
supplementary information about
KUT and introduce the audience
to the men and women who voice
their favorite shows. It will also
serve as the glue between all
events by including a detailed
calendar for each month of the
UT-Focused Initiatives - By further
establishing our presence at UT
austin we will positively reach out
to our second target market by
keeping KUT at the top of mind.
Austin Community Events - Austin
Community Events will play a
defining role in our initiative
towards connecting the curious.
Partnering with some of Austin’s
most popular local businesses
(as well as hidden gems), these
face-to-face specific gatherings
will allow listeners to interact,
share ideas, stories, and opinions.
In short, they will allow KUT to
recreate and reestablish a sense
of user community and implement
the physical salon within today’s
modern society.
Group 8 has been allotted $15,000
to distribute among the 3 month
campaign. We have created a
cost-effective budget that will
maximize results for KUT’s goal.
With a of the money going towards
the effectiveness of the website,
we are sure KUT will
successfully fulfill their goal of
creating an online salon.
KUT is already a significant part
of Austin. Group 8 will help them
continue to be a great part of the
create an online platform through
which they can start intriguing
conversations with their listeners
for years to come. Through the
implementation of community
events, the publishing of the zines,
and the UT focused initiatives as
a plus to the website, KUT will be
an even more integral part of an
Austinite’s every-day life.
KUT radio station has enlisted the
help of Group 8 to create a modern
version of the French salon for their
podcast listeners -- a place where
curious minds can meet to
exchange intellectual discourse.
With a budget of $15,000, KUT’s
vision is to foster curiosity and
promote discussions among
listeners. KUT listeners share a
if KUT provides a physical and
it will enforce their sense of
By harnessing Austin’s passion
for supporting local business, this
focus on cultivating an
intellectual community will garner
brand loyalty, and allow for an
exchange of ideas and opinions
about KUT podcast content.
Through website redesign, the
creation of a zine, utilizing UT
campus and Austin community
events, these tactics will provide
an avenue for discussion, leaving
patrons with a sense of belonging.
KUT’s already great podcast
and potential listeners in more
intimate ways. These connections
are invaluable, and will allow KUT
to position themselves as a
stimulator and provider of curious
and intellectual discussion. With
the help of Group 8, KUT will
become a modern avenue for
Connecting the Curious.
KUT is a listener-supported and
corporate-sponsored radio station
that is owned and operated by The
University of Texas at Austin. This
National Public Radio member
station has dedicated itself to
the last 58 years. This makes KUT
one of the oldest radio stations
in the city 26
. It has witnessed the
growth of Austin from its humble,
diverse roots to the
globally-recognized creative hub it
is today.
KUT’s mission statement reads,
“We’ve made it our mission to
deliver comprehensive and unique
insights in our programming that
can only come through
and talented people who reflect
what Austin is all about”3
Group 8’s strategy of connecting
the curious very clearly aligns
with this goal. KUT’s content is
uniquely tailored to the city’s
culture, however, we see a lack
of connection with the people of
Austin. Group 8 believes that KUT’s
engagement with the Austin
community in a more tangible way
will yield a powerful bond among
current and potential listeners.
KUT produces 12 different
from music and food to race and
politics. These podcasts can be
accessed on KUT’s website via
online streaming or as an iTunes
download. Once downloaded,
listeners can tune in at a time that
is most convenient to them. This
accessibility is key in addressing
rapidly changing demands for
content, such as on-the-go and
listen-at-leisure type mentalities.
Additionally, KUT’s podcasts
provide diverse, quality content,
and according to Producer
Rebecca McInroy, are focused on
“developing ideas as opposed to
selling you a product.”This
transparency and devotion to the
listener, as well as its affiliation
with NPR, gives the station
immense credibility.
We see an opportunity to unify the
a sub-section of KUT’s website in
which all the podcasts are
easily accessible and also linked to
their own individual pages. These
individual pages will help curious
the show’s contents and purpose.
Each of KUT’s individual podcasts
boast unique and specialized
content that draw in listeners from
multiple backgrounds,
demographics and interest bases.
According to Edison Research’s
2015-2016 podcast report, the
average loyal podcast listener is
between the ages of 25-44 with a
large focus on career betterment
and educational expansion. It is
no surprise that a large majority of
podcast listeners are considered
to be fairly affluent and educated.
Listeners generally hold a college
degree (or have some college
experience) and earn between
75K-150K annually 39
Given our expansive and
it is difficult to listen to just one
podcast. On average, a listener will
tune into 2-5 podcasts weekly. It is
also common to binge, with 15
percent of podcast listeners
consuming 11 or more episodes
weekly. Additionally, listeners are
extremely tech savvy and strongly
Although podcast content and
themes may vary immensely from
show to show, by targeting and
addressing the commonalities
between the average podcast
listener, KUT and Group 8 will
establish the first spoke in in our
wheel of connecting the curious.
We know that the common listener
is well-educated, financially stable
and have reached an age that
heavily focuses on career and self
fulfillment. Therefore, we are able
and passions, catering towards the
unique preferences of this target
market. KUT fans are dedicated
to their favorite podcasts, and
this following has fueled KUT’s
fire to expand listener reach and
8, we will establish an increasingly
establishing a community
promoting listener interaction and
According to an Austin-area
the strongest regional economy
among major metros across the
nation 49
.The majority of economic
growth is found in commercial
sectors, which has resulted in
population increases. With an
average of 110 people moving to
Austin every day 40
, KUT’s potential
reach in an ever-growing city
population is very promising.
Additionally, the correlation
between population increase and
traffic congestion allows for our
primary target to listen to KUT
It is also important to note that
Austin is becoming a preferred
destination for young people 24
which connects to our secondary
target market. According to Mintel
research, Millennials are two-
and-a-half times more likely than
Generation X, and six times as
likely as Baby Boomers, to use their
in the car 24
. By embracing
technology as a driving force of
KUT’s campaign will make a great
impact within its target market
and the community as a whole; it
will become its own platform for
connecting the curious.
Furthermore, marketing trends
show that more and more
companies are partnering with
social influencers to create mobile-
based content, and take part in
a modified website combined
with live events throughout
the community, KUT has the
opportunity to tap into this trend
and engage with both primary and
secondary target markets.
Loyal listener base
Quality, diverse content
NPR-affiliation gives credibility
the point
KUT on UT campus (close to
secondary target market)
Content can be shared, talked
about (stimulates conversation)
Austin’s community supports all
things local (brand loyal)
Austin is event-oriented (sense of
Recorded on a university campus
(access to intellectual community)
allows for more people to tap into
Traffic congestion allows
commuters to spend more time in
their cars
Austin is a modern and artistic city
Individuals today are more tech
savvy and active online
Nonprofits rely on a donation-
based fund; At the mercy of the
Radio is a diminishing medium
Cluttered website interface
So many podcasts leads to
Limited marketing budget
No forum (place for discussion)
Hard to establish bond between
new listener/host (no face to the
Non-KUT affiliated podcast
websites (
Music streaming sites
Oversaturated podcast market
Vast, diverse Austin community (if
you target everyone, you target no
Consumers’short attention spans
Negative reviews for KUT app
According to Edison Research,
there are currently 250,000
unique podcasts in more than
100 languages, and over 8 million
individual episodes have been
published in the iTunes Store to
date, each one with a loyal niche
audience 39
. A strong, meaningful
connection is what can make all
the difference in building KUT’s
audience and influence - the
construction of a diverse and
curious community of people.
During their morning commute to
work, 90 percent of drivers listen to
music on radio stations and music
do not produce podcasts, music
streaming services are an indirect
competitor in the sense that a
potential podcast listener could
choose to turn on music instead of
KUT’s array podcast shows. The
most popular streaming services
active users, respectively.
With a primarily Austin-based
target market, Group 8 is focusing
our direct competitor analysis on
locally-produced podcasts and
radio stations. As the podcast
industry expands, so do the
sources and amount of competitor
content. With this in mind, KUT is
competing with multiple podcast
sources for listener attention.
KUT faces a wide range of local
competitors from independently-
produced podcasts like On Story,
as well as FM radio-based podcast
channels like 101X The Alternative
Independent Austin Podcasts:
The top independent podcast
or The Hodgecast maintain focus
on their online presence and social
media growth. Purely website-
based, these podcasts feature
simple designs and posts with
simple, to the point content. One
important factor to note is that
a majority of these websites do
offer listeners the ability to share
their opinions through comments
and easily accessible social
media sharing links. The listed
direct competitor podcasts on the
matter the channel’s size,
representation or budget,
great content will always find
an audience and recognition.
It is because of this that each
of these competing channels
were nominated for the“Best of
Austin- Media”award10
. These
independent podcast channels
will venture from the studio to
record live from Austin institutions
like Lucy’s Fried Chicken, but they
do not hold the prominence and
access to outside resources
that KUT boasts. In comparison
to these channels, KUT’s access
to rich media sources, respected
guest speakers and legitimate
SXSW) gives them a clear upper
hand within the Austin podcast
Public Austin Podcasts:
KUT does face competitors with a
establishment, the most notable
examples being Statesman Shots
and On Story. Because of their
notoriety, these channels have
similar access to recognizable
guest speakers and unique
recording opportunities. However,
KUT still has a competitive edge
over these podcasts because of
their well-rounded yet pertinent
broad news in Austin, causing the
day-to-day episode themes to vary
immensely. This makes it difficult
to measure similarities in listener
psychographics and connect
listeners by similarities of passion.
channels like On Story limit their
audience by specifically focusing
on The Austin Film Festival. Thus,
On Story lacks relevancy after
the festival is over. KUT manages
to find an ideal middle ground,
offering a large variety of podcast
niche options that maintain
relevancy no matter the time of
the year.
content which in turn has created
a community of cult followers
(some of which can recognize
podcast DJ’s simply by the sound
of their voice). Group 8 will help
KUT stand out even more by
creating interactions with podcast
listeners that surpass any of
the competitor’s methods. This
integration of communication
sources both modern and classic
will provide KUT with an additional
boost in listener loyalty, as well
as a distinctive factor to help this
established channel to continue
flourishing within this increasingly
competitive market.
The Hodgecast:
Local comedy podcast hosted by Charlie Hodge; Nominated as top
podcast in Austin Chronicle’s“Best of Austin”awards.
The House Hookup:
Local independent podcast with a focus on Austin’s House Music scene;
Nominated as top podcast in Austin Chronicle’s“Best of Austin”awards.
Statesman Shots:
Podcast under news source Statesman with theme involving local Austin
events and news; Has similar amount of credibility as KUT because of
hosting source.
On Story:
Created by The Austin Film Festival, looks into the world of film with
behind the scenes information and performer interviews; Voted best
storytelling podcast by Indie Wire.
Podcast hosted by comedian/actor Chris Hardwick, interview based
podcast focusing on what it really means to be a nerd; Voted top
comedy podcast in the Comedy Awards and named a favorite podcast of
Double Toasted:
Austin podcast that reviews movies, events and pop culture with a
comedic tone; Voted top podcast in Austin Chronicle’s“Best of Austin”
Streaming Music Sites:
AM/FM Radio Stations
Objectives of research
To identify:
Who listens to KUT podcasts?
Who is our ideal primary and
secondary target market?
Why do KUT podcast listeners
prefer these shows over other
What makes KUT unique?
What are our target market’s
general demographics and
What mediums and methods of
advertising does our target market
most positively respond to?
Primary Research
The goal of our primary research
was to discover and interact with
the loyal listeners of KUT on a
more personal level to understand
what they admired about the KUT
brand. We accomplished this by
conducting personal and casual
interviews as well as discussions
feelings over the topic at hand.
These interviews provided Group 8
backgrounds and viewpoints. The
understand what drives a listener
to A) want to form an emotional
and B) what drives an individual
to attend a local event within the
Austin community. As a result,
this research showed that content
generally fuels the desire to build a
connection with the online brand,
to communicate and participate
both physically and online
and B) what drives an individual
to attend a local event within the
Austin community. As a result,
this research showed that content
generally fuels the desire to build a
connection with the online brand,
to communicate and participate
both physically and online.
Secondary Research
Group 8 explored several online
resources in order to gather
the most accurate information
possible. First, we gathered various
and PRIZM. There we were able to
gather detailed research in regards
to our target market’s
This data helped us to paint a
detailed picture of who we should
databases, Group 8 also scoured
several scholarly journals in
order to obtain concrete data
and percentages with reference
to donation patterns, event
effectiveness studies and market
information. Local Austin-based
publications and websites played
one of the most tremendous
roles in regards to our research.
These diverse sources provided
us with information that allowed
our agency to truly understand
and grasp the Austin community,
event and website effectiveness
and effective marketing objectives
within this unique city. Here, we
discovered what truly makes a
- current listeners are already
familiar with KUT’s podcast
schedule and programs. These
individuals are open to the world
and expanding their physical and
emotional horizons. They travel
often, shop in local businesses
and higher end department stores,
and keep up with the area’s art
and independent film scene. KUT
listeners are tech-savvy and tend
to live in trendier apartments
and condos on the urban fringe.
Affluent, highly educated and
enjoy social gatherings at casual
restaurants and bars, fitness clubs
and clothing boutiques43
. As stated
above, KUT listeners are extremely
digitally-oriented - they share their
opinions on Twitter and Facebook,
post pictures from their trip to
the Food and Wine Festival and
regularly check The Wall Street
Journal’s site. They are experiential
people who care to continually
This target market loves to be a
part of a movement and have an
intimate connection with a brand.
KUT’s podcasts boast high levels
of loyalty because they have
the hosts. They relate listening to
the podcast as talking to a friend,
and this shows in advertising
sales and event promotions. An
impressive 63 percent of loyal
podcast listeners have bought
something or attended an event
based specifically on a podcast
host’s recommendation or
endorsement 19
Additionally, research from NPR’s
profit records has shown that over
34 percent of profits and donations
to the station come from loyal,
on those who know and love KUT
and the content that is produced,
we will be able to establish an
online and tangible community,
connecting those curious listeners
KUT is owned and operated by
The University of Texas at Austin,
and located on the first floor of
the Belo Center for New Media.
This building is the heart of UT’s
daily, yet few students engage
with or even know about KUT. This
is our chance to connect with
developing intellects and establish
a connection early. There are over
4,600 communications students at
UT, an enormous untapped market
into the entire student population
at UT. The goal here is to open our
door to those right on our porch,
welcome them into our home, and
have them join our family.
These students reflect many of
the qualities of the primary target
market, and they are also the most
brand loyal generation to date 46
This sense of loyalty follows these
individuals far past their time at
university. UT alumni are especially
passionate about their ties to the
school and the resources that it
provides to students. Just this year,
alumni organization Texas Exes
brought in over $12 million in
donations alone1
. KUT needs to
establish a relationship with these
students now in order to ensure
their loyalty in the years to come.
In the following sections, Group
8 has outlined opportunities for
improvement to better showcase
KUT podcasts, to gain the user’s
trust, generate more revenue, and
establish a virtual salon where
listeners can voice their opinions
and share them with their friends
in the KUT community.
A website is an extension of a
online visibility, provide constant
accessibility, build customer
relations, and foster creativity.20
Whenever a listener becomes
captivated by a particular podcast
show or topic, it is their natural
reaction to seek additional
information online. Within today’s
digital world, a brand can either
capitalize on this curiosity by
delivering a stimulating, user-
friendly website, or diminish
credibility by displaying a busy
In fact, 94 percent of people polled
stated that design elements are
exponentially more powerful
than content, in terms of website
Therefore, the primary focus of
KUT’s website redesign is to create
a user-friendly home base with
a conversation platform, where
listeners can interact with their
favorite podcast content and one
another. The KUT website redesign
will connect the curious listener in
a digital realm that has never been
tapped into before.
The“Podcast”tab on the KUT
homepage will direct all consumer
traffic to an eye catching, easy-
to-use podcast navigation page.
Research shows that with clear
labels and prominent navigation
options, users tend to browse
rather than search.48
navigation page will implement
square layout to showcase the
large vibrant icons that correspond
with each particular podcast. A
user will have the ability to click
through to learn more about a
particular podcast, or reveal a
brief description by scrolling their
mouse over each podcast icon.
This is a great way for KUT to frame
their existing podcasts and invite
more listeners to interact with the
different shows.
Once a user clicks through to a
particular podcast, they will be
given the option of listening to the
latest show, or scroll down reveal
other previously archived shows.
The key to a successful podcast
page is making it easy for the
users to listen and interact with
their favorite show at anytime. The
current KUT page requires a user
navigate to another site, like iTunes
or Freepress, before they can start
listening. KUT needs to embed the
audio files into their page to make
it effortless for consumers to start
KUT site.
The KUT listener wants to feel
like they are a part of a bigger
community, but not at the risk of
their security. The new website
will give listeners the option of
sharing their favorite KUT podcasts
on social media, voicing their
opinions about it with friends on
their personal profile, or starting
a dialogue directly with others
on the KUT site. KUT will monitor
the posts to get an idea of what
sparks their listeners’attention,
while also ensuring that all posts
are appropriate. To make this
process easier and encourage
discussion, KUT will not require
listeners to create an account or
sign in. The site will directly link
with a listener’s pre-existing social
media account like Facebook, or let
them comment anonymously. This
authentication makes it easier for
both KUT and the user, because
the listener does not have to worry
about remembering a password,
and KUT does not have to worry
about keeping the usernames and
passwords secure27
To make donating easy and fun,
Group 8 has included a donation
sidebar for each podcast page.
This sidebar encourages listeners
to donate to their favorite shows,
while reminding them that these
podcasts are free to the public, but
not free to produce. It’s important
that the donate button stands out
from the rest of your website and
remains different color from the
rest of the navigation options.2
This sidebar would also include
some target monthly donation
amounts, and showcase any free
merchandise that will be awarded
to listeners who donate these
specific amounts. Example: A free
Zine will be mailed to anyone who
donates $5+ a month. The website
redesign understands that KUT
relies on donations that come in
from loyal, familiar listeners and
wants to make the process a little
more personal and really make
the listener feel connected to the
You can’t have KUT without
UT, so let’s not forget about the
promising community KUT has
right at its doorstep. UT students
are the younger version of the
current primary target market and,
as current listeners, can easily
become future KUT donors.These
students are educated, active and
by definition are overall inquisitive,
curious people . Thus, the best
way to reach out to them is by
within their space.
The lobby area right outside of the
KUT station is one where students
sit to study, meet other classmates
or simply wait for the elevator. By
in this area every week, we will
be able to introduce students to
the world of KUT podcasts. These
signs will serve as a way to expand
awareness -- some signs will
announce KUT is playing live in
the bathrooms, while others will
share upcoming events or zine
release dates. As Communications
students come across these boards
before class, KUT will become a
part of their daily lives and will
keep KUT at the top of their minds.
These lobby signs will increase
engagement and satisfaction,
making individuals more likely
to share their experience with
Surprisingly, some of the most
effective places for advertising at
are the elevators. The average
elevator ride lasts from 15 to 80
This is an ideal time to
advertise because time spent in
an elevator is exclusive, with no
external factors to distract from
the main message. KUT elevator
decals will individually feature
four podcasts (Two Guys in Your
Head, The Secret Ingredient, The
Write Up and Views and Brews),
with decals covering both the front
and back of the elevator doors on
each floor. Both the Belo Center
for New Media and Jesse H. Jones
Communication Center will have
these elevator installations. An
individual uses an elevator an
average of 4 times a day31
, allowing
massive reach and exposure with
this advertising campaign. When
communications students get on
the elevator, they have limited
productive distractions
other than waiting for the
elevator ride to be over. For
this reason, these decals will
of the KUT brand. They will be
especially effective because
research shows that the
advertising recall rate for ads
inside an elevator is considerably
higher than traditional media
The public restroom is typically
an unremarkable place. Yet the
average person makes use of
a restroom around 6-7 times
, making it an enormous
untapped opportunity. The main
restrooms in the Belo Center for
New Media serve as productive
areas for streaming KUT podcasts.
Restrooms are places where
awkward silences or unwanted
sounds are the norm, but by
utilizing a podcast stream there,
KUT can spark their curiosity by
engaging them in a unique and
creative way. When they are
played on the speakers, students
will easily be able to use Shazam to
identify which podcast is playing.
Research proves that music or
streamed sound helps make
a regularly dull or uneventful
experience into something
productive and as interesting as
It is also important to note that
background sound or music in a
public restroom not only improves
the ambiance for the user, but it
also provides a level of acoustic
privacy. Taking this into
consideration, the podcasts will be
building hours for the extent of
the three months of the campaign.
This will be an intriguing new way
of reaching our secondary target
market without being invasive.
Stickers labeled with a“Listener’s
Schedule”and a link to the KUT
doors of the stalls and the mirror.
This will encourage traffic flow to
the KUT’s online community, and
introduce the podcast content to
curious listeners.
as the most effective outdoor
media. According to our research,
bridge ads are effective because
for New Media and Jesse H. Jones
Communication Center connect
great minds through the newly
built Moody Skybridge. A banner
as a metaphorical representation
of our overall strategy message:
connecting the curious. A banner
announcing this idea with KUT’s
website at the bottom will allow
us to attract our target audience.
The truly curious will use his or her
phone to look up the website and
investigate further. At Dean Keaton
alone, the daily average exposure
can range between 200 and 50,000
cars 12
. Even students commuting
to class will be exposed to the sign
and quickly associate the bridge
sign with the physical space KUT
occupies in Belo. Hundreds, even
thousands, of curious minds will
be connected and led to a fully-
quickly access the podcast of their
Short for magazine, a zine is a self-
published, small-circulation, non-
commercial booklet or magazine
that is usually produced by one
person or a few individuals. Often
or specialized subject matter.
Creating and distributing a zine
allows for a tangible connection
between the reader and KUT,
showcasing engaging content and
stimulating listener curiosity.
Group 8 is confident that this
publication will serve as a is a very
natural product of KUT’s quality
and community members can
hold, share and take value in. The
content will explore the realm of
KUT’s podcasts and community.
The key here is to present quick,
bite-sized interviews, images,
upcoming events and insights. To
will reach out through social media
and poll listeners in order to obtain
questions for interviews, as well
as gain insights into what content
listeners are seeking. Thus, KUT
gains vital information while also
to contribute in a meaningful and
interactive way. As a teaser for
the project, KUT will document the
creation of their very first zine on
social media, illustrating the step-
by-step process from interviewing
This social media documentation
will spur interest and curiosity
among users, and create buzz
about this new initiative.
A new zine will be created on a
monthly basis. They will given as
a“thank you”gift for donations
and with the purchase of event
tickets. This frequency increases
awareness through a regular print
source for consumers, reinforcing
credibility and allowing KUT to
Austin area will allow the KUT‘zine
to be read, shared and collected by
KUT fans both old and new.
Without question, events and local
gatherings play a defining role in
what makes Austin culture unique.
From the Kite Festival to globally-
recognized powerhouses like
SXSW, Austin has established itself
as an event-oriented community.
With a focus on local partnerships
and events, KUT will align itself
culture that have shaped Austin’s
vivid, world-renowned identity,
while strengthening its strategy of
connecting the curious. With over
18 local events occurring today
alone (April 28)8
, it is easy to see
just how much this city values
face-to-face interactions. With
the help of Group 8, KUT podcasts
will broaden their local presence,
establishing themselves not only
as a digital leader, but also as a
within the Austin community.
Group 8 has established three key
categories for these partnerships:
Educational, Artistic and Socially-
Conscious Events. By focusing
within this spectrum, we will be
directly targeting KUT podcast
listeners both old and new,
to converse and share ideas at the
locations they already know and
love. Our research has shown that
both our primary and secondary
target markets share a deep
connection with their city and the
local culture that surrounds it. By
attention, KUT will be forming a
and brand loyalty amongst their
listeners and fans.
We have provided a specific
example for each category, but
these community events can be
tailored to any of the podcasts
based on their content. This
successful range of KUT events
will not only provide the Austin
community with an even deeper
sense of pride for their city, it will
also allow listeners to gather in a
comfortable, positive and
collaborative environment. This in
and strengthen, as well as create
the local listener base that KUT
Based on its content, KUT podcasts
attract enlightened minds who
crave new knowledge and
experiences. Thus, KUT needs to
provide a physical space where
these intellectuals can meet,
learn and exchange ideas. Yet,
the typical lecture can be boring.
Many educational speeches tend
to crowd multitudes of individuals
sit silently listening to a speaker
boast about themselves. To help
avoid this issue and incorporate a
sense of community, Group 8 has
created an educational event that
surpasses the common lecture,
connecting the curious through
interaction and engagement.
The KUT Roundtable is a monthly
peer-learning event where all
attendees contribute as both
teacher and learner. Beforehand,
each of the RSVP’d listeners will
receive information about the
of the presenter and host, and links
to recommended supplemental
resources, allowing attendee to
familiarize themselves with the
content. These events are typically
able to host about 75 participants
multiple ways. First, we will attract
our primary target market (current
listeners) through word of mouth
via event mentions and reminders
on each podcast. Second, KUT
will advertise the events using
social media sharing and flyering
throughout the city of Austin.
reaching out to UT organizations
who may have connections to
the topic/theme, as well as invite
members of organizations like
Free Minds, a UT based group for
dropouts who are interested in
coming back to college as well
as older youths (aged 10 and up)
from The Thinkery, who could use
this opportunity to become more
informed on the world around
them and expand their minds in a
positive, engaging environment.
This is beneficial because it
welcomes individuals from diverse
access to this kind of opportunity.
guests sitting at their designated
tables to hear the presenter’s
opening remarks on the topic for
the evening. Dinner or snacks will
be served and conversation will
be facilitated around each table.
This will play a part in fostering
engaging discussion that explores
the intersection of contemporary
unique views, research and
teaching within a relevant topic.
The beauty of Roundtable is that it
turns a typically unconnected and
a lecture, into a series fueled by
conversation and connection. This
background, belief and worldview
into one mentally-stimulating
location. Rather than the host and
speaker distancing themselves
from the audience, they are now
sitting next to them as equals, and
may even act as the student.
Considered an Austin hotspot,
Spider House Patio Bar & Cafe
has established a reputation as
the epitome of weirdness and
Austinite culture. With their funky
lights always shining bright and
full food and beverage options
available, it is impossible not to
stay for a while. Spider House has
acted as an honest and genuine
local gem in a city that is constantly
facing commercialization, keeping
Austin’s nightlife alive with regular
shows, events and readings.
One of Spider House’s most
popular events is their weekly
Poetry Slam, which takes place on
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m9
. This event
showcases 12 local spoken-word
artists who use their prose and
spontaneously appointed judges
to compete for a $100 prize. This
is far from your typical beret-
donning, finger-snapping poetry
night; Poetry Slam features raw
thematic elements that receive
the audience. Overall, this event’s
success shines through; Spider
by showcasing these artists
and featuring them in podcast
recordings or candid interviews
in zine. The Write Up has proven
time and time again that they are
dedicated to discovering and
exposing the most notable local
written and spoken word artists
to the world, and partnering with
the Poetry Slam will give both
The Write Up and local poets
the increased notoriety they
deserve. Through establishment
by association, KUT would be
connecting with both our primary
and secondary target market, who
frequent these events. Spider
House’s unique angle and focus
on artistic thought brings in many
KUT listeners who are passionate
or curious to place themselves
in a stimulating environment that
supports face-to-face discussion
and free thought. In addition to
our primary target frequenting this
Located only minutes from the
UT campus, Spider House is just
a quick walk away. This provides
students with a convenient
meeting space to share ideas
and participate in local events
House’s Poetry Slam has been
known to bring in more than 300
RSVP responses per week. The
Write Up, with its dedication to
expressing the creative process
of local writers, poets and
playwrights, would be a perfect
KUT podcast station to align itself
with this unique event. Through a
community partnership between
Spider House and The Write Up,
KUT would be able to establish
the salon environment they
desire. This would also provide an
awareness on up-and-coming
local poets in the Austin area. With
KUT co-hosting Spider House’s
weekly Poetry Slam, an extremely
symbiotic relationship would form.
Both KUT and Spider House would
provide one another with a brand
new range of audience members
and creative minds, which would
filled with opportunities for both
This partnership would also prove
to be beneficial for the artists that
participate in this weekly event.
As the original Austin success
story, Whole Foods Market has
established a name for itself as
brands in the nation. What makes
this retail juggernaut unique is the
fact that it stands for something,
and does so in ways outside of
the typical marketing and PR
realm. Whole Foods has played
a pivotal role changing the way
on sustainability while integrating
each individual store into the local
community. In fact, Whole Foods’
community giving well exceeds 5
percent of their total net profits 14
Whole Foods values its consumers,
with its target goal going beyond
from profits and focusing
specifically on the impact and
experiences it provides customers.
This is the type of community
partner that KUT needs to align
itself with. Both KUT and Whole
Foods are Austin originals, and
have a devotion to bettering not
only individual consumers, but the
Austin community as a whole.
Specifically, KUT’s podcast The
Secret Ingredient would prompt
the perfect union between the
two brands. The Secret Ingredient
has made a name for itself as a
leading podcast in the world of
local and sustainable food, history
and politics. Its content makes
it the perfect partner for Whole
Foods to host informative, socially-
conscious and consumer-focused
At these events, Whole Foods
would host a KUT-sponsored
cooking demonstration in their
demonstration room, which can
hold a total of 50 people. KUT
and Whole Foods would sell
tickets to these events, while also
inviting individuals from outside
groups like The Thinkery to attend
for free. By recognizing these
organizations, we would take part
in expanding the community’s
typically may not have the ability
or funds to participate. Ultimately,
after factoring additional costs for
ingredients and staffing, the KUT at
Whole Foods events would occur
in a profit-share style, with KUT
receiving 20 percent of sales
profits. AWhole Foods professional
chef would walk the audience
that corresponds to a particular
episode theme of The Secret
Ingredient. Then, once the meal
is made and all guests have a
dish to eat, KUT would record an
intimate, live episode of The Secret
Ingredient for the audience. In
other words, KUT andWhole Foods
will provide“dinner and a show”
for the 50 demonstration guests.
This intimate, interactive event
would provide guests with a
more tangible experience with
the KUT brand. By viewing a live
recording of The Secret Ingredient,
the station creates a memorable
experience that keeps KUT at
top-of-mind, and sparks consumer
interest in becoming new KUT
podcast listeners. Engagement
like this is invaluable, and fosters
brand loyalty in both KUT and
Whole Foods’target market.
Both our primary and secondary
targets frequent Whole Foods,
which would result in an overlap of
consumer bases and opportunities
for both companies. In these
community partnership events,
both entities would partake in an
exchange of value - KUT brings
in traffic that provides Whole
Foods with potential customers,
while Whole Foods provides a
venue and a new pool of people
that could become KUT podcast
listeners. In addition, our listeners
these events most beneficial. Not
only would KUT’s demonstrations
provide a chef prepared meal
and fascinating entertainment
for those who attend, it will also
help to tie together the concept
of connecting the curious through
the encouragement of listener-to-
listener communications.
What: Paper Flyers
Cost: $1.50 per Flyer (50 per event)
Location: UT Campus (high foot
traffic areas)
When: Display 2 weeks prior to the
What: KUT Radio Promotion
Cost: Free
Location: AM and PM Drive
When: The week of the event
What: Poster on Easel
Cost: Easel ($60) & Poster ($20)
Location: Belo Lobby
When: The week of the event
What: Zine
Cost: 300 per month ($2 each)
Location: Mailed to donors/Sold in
Belo lobby and at events.
When: Distributed first week of the
The main objectives of this
campaign series was to increase
brand interaction by 259%, new
listener numbers by 32%, as well
as establish a new measurement
another, which will ideally increase
by 20%. This will be measured via
website traffic numbers, amount of
comments received within online
KUT forums, social media shares,
RSVPs and attendance of
community events, and attitudinal
measures of the campaign’s
We have chosen to implement our
campaign in September October
and November. Group 8 predicts
that we will experience the most
promising listener interaction
during these months for two main
reasons. First, both markets will be
more willing to participate in local
events during a time of the year
that is less associated with a busier
holiday schedule or dramatically
hot or cold weather, which is
notorious for higher levels of
depressive behavior and staying
our campaign series with our
secondary target market (UT
students) in mind. By hosting our
year with more limited stress levels
and high student presence on
campus, we will be able to
increase our event attendance and
establish connections with these
important future listeners.
Having witnessed the growth
of Austin over the last 23 years,
Group 8 understands the
deep-rooted history of the city and
the unique community it attracts
and cultivates. We are confident
will expand KUT’s already
prominent brand presence even
further throughout this
ever-changing city.
Our two-pronged approach to
first revamp the website and then
encourage community interaction
where listeners can meet face to
face will give KUT an edge over
other podcasts. In today’s society,
the tangible product, one that can
directly be interacted with outside
of a computer screen, is slowly
disappearing. This absence, as
well as an ever present sense of
nostalgia, has played a large role
in our desire to return to our roots
once again. With our interactive,
communication-focused model,
KUT will reach its specified target
market, spurring synergy between
its well-respected podcasts. Time
and time again, history has never
failed to show us that humans are
instinctively social beings. We
cannot live in isolation. From the
first nomads living and traveling
in bands to historical events like
Woodstock, uniting over 400,000
people with a mutual passion for
music and art, human beings have
always found a way to come
together and become a
community. Group 8 will ensure
Austinites continue to embrace
KUT as part of their community for
years to come.
Group 8 is confident that the
strategy will successfully cultivate
a diverse KUT community that
interacts through the sharing of
Curious will effectively bring
together curious minds from all
walks of life into a digital and
physical area where they can
explore the endless possibilities
that come from vivacious
discussion. Choose to connect the
curious. Choose Group 8.
One factor to be noted is that
although there are many local
podcast options in Austin, the
content of each podcast differs
immensely and is quite dependent
on the preferences of the listener
themselves. For example, one
may assume that typically there
may not be a large amount of
Two Guys on Your Head and the
independently-produced Steve
former professional wrestler Steve
Austin that looks into professional
wrestling culture).
Additional businesses and
locations for community
partnership considerations:
Johnson’s Backyard Garden, Alamo
Drafthouse, Jester King, Blanton
Museum, Amy’s Ice Cream, Quacks,
Torchy’s, Mondo Gallery, Stubbs,
Texas State Capitol.
An elevator ride lasts from 15-80
seconds and is an ideal time to
The advertising recall rate is
media vehicles.
People generally want to take
part in interactive advertising
advertising which can be seen as
disruptive or irritating, interactive
marketing strategies are seen as
being more fun, entertaining and
61% of people are more likely to
buy from a company that delivers
custom content
33% of respondents favor a print
media compared to just 21%
preferring an email
Rules of thumb for website icons:
Make them as large as feasible,
place frequently used icons in a
persistent task bar, and arrange
them either in a square (first
choice) or in a horizontal layout.
Use of whitespace between
margins increases comprehension
by almost 20%.
On sites with clear labels and
tend to browse rather than search.
The most surprising revelation
was that design elements are
exponentially more powerful
than content, in terms of mistrust.
When asked to describe why they
mistrusted a website, 94 percent
of comments were directly related
to web design elements, while
only 6 percent referenced specific
Corporate partnership is driven
(75%) and customer feedback
One of the top recommendations
for establishing a functioning
community environment is to look
for partners. Partners are critical
to the future success and image of
your project.They are invaluable in
name out there.
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AfUE The Scottish Approach to Evidence Jan 2017


  • 2. Meet the Team Executive Summary Situational Analysis Introduction Company History and Brand Evaluation Product Evaluation Consumer Analysis Market Environment Evaluation SWOT Competitive Evaluation Competitors Research Primary Secondary Tactics Website Redesign KUT at UT Zine Events Advertising Strategies Evaluation Timeline and Budget Conclusion Appendix Bibliography Budget Bibliography
  • 3. Group 8 is a full-service advertising firm based in Austin, Texas. Foundedin1993byagroupofeight enthusiasticcommunicators,Group 8 has learned to grow alongside Austin’s interesting and innovative population. For 23 years our firm has been a part of this dynamic community.Wehavegrownupwith Austin. We have embodied the Austin spirit. Our quirky company culture reflects the fresh and artistic fervor of the city and providesourstrategicthinkerswith theperfectcreativeenvironmentto work in. At Group 8, we come up with the best solutions to modern day problemsthroughtheprioritization of innovation and creativity. Our team members embrace diversity of experience to create productive and efficient campaigns for each of our clients. With our in-house services ranging from graphic design, public relations, advertising,financialmanagement, strategic marketing and overall integratedcommunications,Group 8 provides clients with successful and cost-effective solutions. We don’t just eradicate a problem, we successfully cultivate brands so thatthereisastrongbondbetween the agency, client, and consumer. Shannon: Financial Officer Hillary: Account Supervisor Emily: Research Analyst/Account Executive Alex: Account Executive Connor: Creative Director
  • 4. This plansbook illustrates the components of a three-month campaign that creates a virtual and physical community for KUT’s podcast listeners as traffic is being moved to its website. Group 8 was inspired by the unique city culture that surrounds us, creating a campaign plan influenced by Austin’s warmth, welcoming spirit and diversity - a resource that has proven essential for the overall development of KUT growth and reach. With the client’s concern for creating an online salon, we decided to go back to the basics to come up with a solution. Our strategy is therefore aligned with the idea of creating a community. Humans are innately group-oriented creatures; we are not meant to live in solitude. KUT’s success is defined through listener satisfaction and through the community they are able to cultivate. Community (for our intents and purposes) is a group of people with a common interest (KUT podcasts) that come together to have nourishing conversations and to explore their curiosity. To embody this strategy, the KUT podcasts will adopt a new strategy -- Connecting the Curious. To achieve this, Group 8 will implement the following tactics: Website Revamp - The website will serve as the hub of the KUT community and therefore needs to be in pristine conditions to encourage Austinites to listen to podcasts and engage in conversation with others who are doing the same. Zine - This miniature magazine will provide interesting and intriguing supplementary information about KUT and introduce the audience to the men and women who voice their favorite shows. It will also serve as the glue between all events by including a detailed calendar for each month of the campaign. UT-Focused Initiatives - By further establishing our presence at UT austin we will positively reach out to our second target market by keeping KUT at the top of mind. Austin Community Events - Austin Community Events will play a defining role in our initiative towards connecting the curious. Partnering with some of Austin’s most popular local businesses (as well as hidden gems), these face-to-face specific gatherings will allow listeners to interact, share ideas, stories, and opinions. In short, they will allow KUT to recreate and reestablish a sense of user community and implement the physical salon within today’s modern society. Group 8 has been allotted $15,000 to distribute among the 3 month campaign. We have created a cost-effective budget that will maximize results for KUT’s goal. With a of the money going towards the effectiveness of the website, we are sure KUT will successfully fulfill their goal of creating an online salon. KUT is already a significant part of Austin. Group 8 will help them continue to be a great part of the Austincommunitybyhelpingthem create an online platform through which they can start intriguing conversations with their listeners for years to come. Through the implementation of community events, the publishing of the zines, and the UT focused initiatives as a plus to the website, KUT will be an even more integral part of an Austinite’s every-day life.
  • 6. KUT radio station has enlisted the help of Group 8 to create a modern version of the French salon for their podcast listeners -- a place where curious minds can meet to exchange intellectual discourse. With a budget of $15,000, KUT’s vision is to foster curiosity and promote discussions among listeners. KUT listeners share a commonwealthofknowledge,and if KUT provides a physical and virtualplatformforthemtointeract, it will enforce their sense of community. By harnessing Austin’s passion for supporting local business, this focus on cultivating an intellectual community will garner brand loyalty, and allow for an exchange of ideas and opinions about KUT podcast content. Through website redesign, the creation of a zine, utilizing UT campus and Austin community events, these tactics will provide an avenue for discussion, leaving patrons with a sense of belonging. Group8’sstrategywillcomplement KUT’s already great podcast contentbytappingintobothcurrent and potential listeners in more intimate ways. These connections are invaluable, and will allow KUT to position themselves as a stimulator and provider of curious and intellectual discussion. With the help of Group 8, KUT will become a modern avenue for Connecting the Curious.
  • 7. KUT is a listener-supported and corporate-sponsored radio station that is owned and operated by The University of Texas at Austin. This National Public Radio member station has dedicated itself to bringingunbiased,comprehensive programmingtotheAustinareafor the last 58 years. This makes KUT one of the oldest radio stations in the city 26 . It has witnessed the growth of Austin from its humble, diverse roots to the globally-recognized creative hub it is today. KUT’s mission statement reads, “We’ve made it our mission to deliver comprehensive and unique insights in our programming that can only come through collaborationwithsmart,dedicated and talented people who reflect what Austin is all about”3 . Group 8’s strategy of connecting the curious very clearly aligns with this goal. KUT’s content is uniquely tailored to the city’s culture, however, we see a lack of connection with the people of Austin. Group 8 believes that KUT’s engagement with the Austin community in a more tangible way will yield a powerful bond among current and potential listeners.
  • 8. KUT produces 12 different podcasts,discussingtopicsranging from music and food to race and politics. These podcasts can be accessed on KUT’s website via online streaming or as an iTunes download. Once downloaded, listeners can tune in at a time that is most convenient to them. This accessibility is key in addressing rapidly changing demands for content, such as on-the-go and listen-at-leisure type mentalities. Additionally, KUT’s podcasts provide diverse, quality content, and according to Producer Rebecca McInroy, are focused on “developing ideas as opposed to selling you a product.”This transparency and devotion to the listener, as well as its affiliation with NPR, gives the station immense credibility. We see an opportunity to unify the numerouspodcastsbyestablishing a sub-section of KUT’s website in which all the podcasts are easily accessible and also linked to their own individual pages. These individual pages will help curious mindsgetabetterunderstandingof the show’s contents and purpose.
  • 9. Each of KUT’s individual podcasts boast unique and specialized content that draw in listeners from multiple backgrounds, demographics and interest bases. According to Edison Research’s 2015-2016 podcast report, the average loyal podcast listener is between the ages of 25-44 with a large focus on career betterment and educational expansion. It is no surprise that a large majority of podcast listeners are considered to be fairly affluent and educated. Listeners generally hold a college degree (or have some college experience) and earn between 75K-150K annually 39 . Given our expansive and ever-growingaccesstonewmedia, it is difficult to listen to just one podcast. On average, a listener will tune into 2-5 podcasts weekly. It is also common to binge, with 15 percent of podcast listeners consuming 11 or more episodes weekly. Additionally, listeners are extremely tech savvy and strongly prefertheinternetoverothermedia 39 . Although podcast content and themes may vary immensely from show to show, by targeting and addressing the commonalities between the average podcast listener, KUT and Group 8 will establish the first spoke in in our wheel of connecting the curious. We know that the common listener is well-educated, financially stable and have reached an age that heavily focuses on career and self fulfillment. Therefore, we are able tospeculateindividualpersonalities and passions, catering towards the unique preferences of this target market. KUT fans are dedicated to their favorite podcasts, and this following has fueled KUT’s fire to expand listener reach and involvement.WiththehelpofGroup 8, we will establish an increasingly meaningfulbondbetweenKUTand theirlistenerswhilesimultaneously establishing a community promoting listener interaction and communication.
  • 10. According to an Austin-area evaluation,Austinremainsarguably the strongest regional economy among major metros across the nation 49 .The majority of economic growth is found in commercial sectors, which has resulted in population increases. With an average of 110 people moving to Austin every day 40 , KUT’s potential reach in an ever-growing city population is very promising. Additionally, the correlation between population increase and traffic congestion allows for our primary target to listen to KUT podcastsforlongerperiodsoftime. It is also important to note that Austin is becoming a preferred destination for young people 24 , which connects to our secondary target market. According to Mintel research, Millennials are two- and-a-half times more likely than Generation X, and six times as likely as Baby Boomers, to use their mobiledevicestolistentopodcasts in the car 24 . By embracing technology as a driving force of 21stcenturymarketingmovements, KUT’s campaign will make a great impact within its target market and the community as a whole; it will become its own platform for connecting the curious. Furthermore, marketing trends show that more and more companies are partnering with social influencers to create mobile- based content, and take part in meetupsandgiveaways30 .Through a modified website combined with live events throughout the community, KUT has the opportunity to tap into this trend and engage with both primary and secondary target markets.
  • 11. Strengths: Loyal listener base Quality, diverse content NPR-affiliation gives credibility Sponsoredcontentissimpleandto the point “On-demand”listening KUT on UT campus (close to secondary target market) Opportunities: Content can be shared, talked about (stimulates conversation) Austin’s community supports all things local (brand loyal) Austin is event-oriented (sense of belonging) Recorded on a university campus (access to intellectual community) RapidlygrowingAustinpopulation allows for more people to tap into Traffic congestion allows commuters to spend more time in their cars Austin is a modern and artistic city Individuals today are more tech savvy and active online Weaknesses: Nonprofits rely on a donation- based fund; At the mercy of the consumer Radio is a diminishing medium Cluttered website interface So many podcasts leads to fragmentation Limited marketing budget No forum (place for discussion) Hard to establish bond between new listener/host (no face to the name) Threats: Non-KUT affiliated podcast websites ( Music streaming sites Oversaturated podcast market Vast, diverse Austin community (if you target everyone, you target no one) Consumers’short attention spans Negative reviews for KUT app
  • 12. According to Edison Research, there are currently 250,000 unique podcasts in more than 100 languages, and over 8 million individual episodes have been published in the iTunes Store to date, each one with a loyal niche audience 39 . A strong, meaningful connection is what can make all the difference in building KUT’s audience and influence - the construction of a diverse and curious community of people. During their morning commute to work, 90 percent of drivers listen to music on radio stations and music streamingservices24 .Althoughthey do not produce podcasts, music streaming services are an indirect competitor in the sense that a potential podcast listener could choose to turn on music instead of KUT’s array podcast shows. The most popular streaming services includeSpotifyandPandora,which boastover100millionand65million active users, respectively. With a primarily Austin-based target market, Group 8 is focusing our direct competitor analysis on locally-produced podcasts and radio stations. As the podcast industry expands, so do the sources and amount of competitor content. With this in mind, KUT is competing with multiple podcast sources for listener attention. KUT faces a wide range of local competitors from independently- produced podcasts like On Story, as well as FM radio-based podcast channels like 101X The Alternative Austin. Independent Austin Podcasts: The top independent podcast stationssuchasTheHouseHookup or The Hodgecast maintain focus on their online presence and social media growth. Purely website- based, these podcasts feature simple designs and posts with simple, to the point content. One important factor to note is that a majority of these websites do offer listeners the ability to share their opinions through comments and easily accessible social media sharing links. The listed direct competitor podcasts on the followingpage,actasproofthatno matter the channel’s size, representation or budget, great content will always find an audience and recognition. It is because of this that each of these competing channels were nominated for the“Best of Austin- Media”award10 . These independent podcast channels will venture from the studio to record live from Austin institutions like Lucy’s Fried Chicken, but they do not hold the prominence and access to outside resources that KUT boasts. In comparison to these channels, KUT’s access to rich media sources, respected guest speakers and legitimate out-of-studiorecordingevents(like SXSW) gives them a clear upper hand within the Austin podcast community.
  • 13. Public Austin Podcasts: KUT does face competitors with a similaramountoflocalandnational establishment, the most notable examples being Statesman Shots and On Story. Because of their notoriety, these channels have similar access to recognizable guest speakers and unique recording opportunities. However, KUT still has a competitive edge over these podcasts because of their well-rounded yet pertinent content. ChannelslikeStatesmancoververy broad news in Austin, causing the day-to-day episode themes to vary immensely. This makes it difficult to measure similarities in listener psychographics and connect listeners by similarities of passion. Ontheotherhand,extremelyniche channels like On Story limit their audience by specifically focusing on The Austin Film Festival. Thus, On Story lacks relevancy after the festival is over. KUT manages to find an ideal middle ground, offering a large variety of podcast niche options that maintain relevancy no matter the time of the year. KUTalreadyproducesoutstanding content which in turn has created a community of cult followers (some of which can recognize podcast DJ’s simply by the sound of their voice). Group 8 will help KUT stand out even more by creating interactions with podcast listeners that surpass any of the competitor’s methods. This integration of communication sources both modern and classic will provide KUT with an additional boost in listener loyalty, as well as a distinctive factor to help this established channel to continue flourishing within this increasingly competitive market.
  • 14. Direct The Hodgecast: Local comedy podcast hosted by Charlie Hodge; Nominated as top podcast in Austin Chronicle’s“Best of Austin”awards. The House Hookup: Local independent podcast with a focus on Austin’s House Music scene; Nominated as top podcast in Austin Chronicle’s“Best of Austin”awards. Statesman Shots: Podcast under news source Statesman with theme involving local Austin events and news; Has similar amount of credibility as KUT because of hosting source. On Story: Created by The Austin Film Festival, looks into the world of film with behind the scenes information and performer interviews; Voted best storytelling podcast by Indie Wire. Nerdist: Podcast hosted by comedian/actor Chris Hardwick, interview based podcast focusing on what it really means to be a nerd; Voted top comedy podcast in the Comedy Awards and named a favorite podcast of Austinites. Double Toasted: Austin podcast that reviews movies, events and pop culture with a comedic tone; Voted top podcast in Austin Chronicle’s“Best of Austin” awards. Indirect Streaming Music Sites: Spotify Pandora Others: AM/FM Radio Stations
  • 15. Objectives of research To identify: Who listens to KUT podcasts? Who is our ideal primary and secondary target market? Why do KUT podcast listeners prefer these shows over other options? What makes KUT unique? What are our target market’s general demographics and psychographics? What mediums and methods of advertising does our target market most positively respond to? Primary Research The goal of our primary research was to discover and interact with the loyal listeners of KUT on a more personal level to understand what they admired about the KUT brand. We accomplished this by conducting personal and casual interviews as well as discussions thatigniteddiscussionandgenuine feelings over the topic at hand. These interviews provided Group 8 withtheabilitytoconnectandgain opinionsofindividualsfrommultiple backgrounds and viewpoints. The informationgatheredallowedusto understand what drives a listener to A) want to form an emotional connectionwithapodcastchannel and B) what drives an individual to attend a local event within the Austin community. As a result, this research showed that content generally fuels the desire to build a connection with the online brand, andthatindividualsvaluetheability to communicate and participate both physically and online connectionwithapodcastchannel and B) what drives an individual to attend a local event within the Austin community. As a result, this research showed that content generally fuels the desire to build a connection with the online brand, andthatindividualsvaluetheability to communicate and participate both physically and online. Secondary Research Group 8 explored several online resources in order to gather the most accurate information possible. First, we gathered various informationandstatisticsviaMintel and PRIZM. There we were able to gather detailed research in regards to our target market’s demographicsandpsychographics. This data helped us to paint a detailed picture of who we should betargetingandwhy.Inadditionto databases, Group 8 also scoured several scholarly journals in order to obtain concrete data and percentages with reference to donation patterns, event effectiveness studies and market information. Local Austin-based publications and websites played one of the most tremendous roles in regards to our research. These diverse sources provided us with information that allowed our agency to truly understand and grasp the Austin community, event and website effectiveness and effective marketing objectives within this unique city. Here, we discovered what truly makes a companyrelatableandemotionally connectableinthisever-expanding area.
  • 17. Engaged,illuminatedandinterested - current listeners are already familiar with KUT’s podcast schedule and programs. These individuals are open to the world and expanding their physical and emotional horizons. They travel often, shop in local businesses and higher end department stores, and keep up with the area’s art and independent film scene. KUT listeners are tech-savvy and tend to live in trendier apartments and condos on the urban fringe. Affluent, highly educated and ethnicallymixed,theyoftentendto enjoy social gatherings at casual restaurants and bars, fitness clubs and clothing boutiques43 . As stated above, KUT listeners are extremely digitally-oriented - they share their opinions on Twitter and Facebook, post pictures from their trip to the Food and Wine Festival and regularly check The Wall Street Journal’s site. They are experiential people who care to continually challengethemselvesintellectually. This target market loves to be a part of a movement and have an intimate connection with a brand. KUT’s podcasts boast high levels of loyalty because they have establishedanemotionalbondwith the hosts. They relate listening to the podcast as talking to a friend, and this shows in advertising sales and event promotions. An impressive 63 percent of loyal podcast listeners have bought something or attended an event based specifically on a podcast host’s recommendation or endorsement 19 . Additionally, research from NPR’s profit records has shown that over 34 percent of profits and donations to the station come from loyal, familiarlisteners42 .Throughafocus on those who know and love KUT and the content that is produced, we will be able to establish an online and tangible community, connecting those curious listeners whoalreadyknowandlovetheKUT brand.
  • 18. KUT is owned and operated by The University of Texas at Austin, and located on the first floor of the Belo Center for New Media. This building is the heart of UT’s communicationsdepartmentwhere thousandsofcuriousmindswander daily, yet few students engage with or even know about KUT. This is our chance to connect with developing intellects and establish a connection early. There are over 4,600 communications students at UT, an enormous untapped market forKUTthatcouldeventuallytrickle into the entire student population at UT. The goal here is to open our door to those right on our porch, welcome them into our home, and have them join our family. These students reflect many of the qualities of the primary target market, and they are also the most brand loyal generation to date 46 This sense of loyalty follows these individuals far past their time at university. UT alumni are especially passionate about their ties to the school and the resources that it provides to students. Just this year, alumni organization Texas Exes brought in over $12 million in donations alone1 . KUT needs to establish a relationship with these students now in order to ensure their loyalty in the years to come.
  • 20. In the following sections, Group 8 has outlined opportunities for improvement to better showcase KUT podcasts, to gain the user’s trust, generate more revenue, and establish a virtual salon where listeners can voice their opinions and share them with their friends whomightnotcurrentlybeinvolved in the KUT community. A website is an extension of a brandandanopportunitypromote online visibility, provide constant accessibility, build customer relations, and foster creativity.20 Whenever a listener becomes captivated by a particular podcast show or topic, it is their natural reaction to seek additional information online. Within today’s digital world, a brand can either capitalize on this curiosity by delivering a stimulating, user- friendly website, or diminish credibility by displaying a busy layoutwithcomplicatednavigation. In fact, 94 percent of people polled stated that design elements are exponentially more powerful than content, in terms of website mistrust.48 Therefore, the primary focus of KUT’s website redesign is to create a user-friendly home base with a conversation platform, where listeners can interact with their favorite podcast content and one another. The KUT website redesign will connect the curious listener in a digital realm that has never been tapped into before.
  • 21. The“Podcast”tab on the KUT homepage will direct all consumer traffic to an eye catching, easy- to-use podcast navigation page. Research shows that with clear labels and prominent navigation options, users tend to browse rather than search.48 This navigation page will implement square layout to showcase the large vibrant icons that correspond with each particular podcast. A user will have the ability to click through to learn more about a particular podcast, or reveal a brief description by scrolling their mouse over each podcast icon. This is a great way for KUT to frame their existing podcasts and invite more listeners to interact with the different shows.
  • 22. Once a user clicks through to a particular podcast, they will be given the option of listening to the latest show, or scroll down reveal other previously archived shows. The key to a successful podcast page is making it easy for the users to listen and interact with their favorite show at anytime. The current KUT page requires a user navigate to another site, like iTunes or Freepress, before they can start listening. KUT needs to embed the audio files into their page to make it effortless for consumers to start listeningwhilekeepingthemonthe KUT site.
  • 23. The KUT listener wants to feel like they are a part of a bigger community, but not at the risk of their security. The new website will give listeners the option of sharing their favorite KUT podcasts on social media, voicing their opinions about it with friends on their personal profile, or starting a dialogue directly with others on the KUT site. KUT will monitor the posts to get an idea of what sparks their listeners’attention, while also ensuring that all posts are appropriate. To make this process easier and encourage discussion, KUT will not require listeners to create an account or sign in. The site will directly link with a listener’s pre-existing social media account like Facebook, or let them comment anonymously. This authentication makes it easier for both KUT and the user, because the listener does not have to worry about remembering a password, and KUT does not have to worry about keeping the usernames and passwords secure27 .
  • 24. To make donating easy and fun, Group 8 has included a donation sidebar for each podcast page. This sidebar encourages listeners to donate to their favorite shows, while reminding them that these podcasts are free to the public, but not free to produce. It’s important that the donate button stands out from the rest of your website and remains different color from the rest of the navigation options.2 This sidebar would also include some target monthly donation amounts, and showcase any free merchandise that will be awarded to listeners who donate these specific amounts. Example: A free Zine will be mailed to anyone who donates $5+ a month. The website redesign understands that KUT relies on donations that come in from loyal, familiar listeners and wants to make the process a little more personal and really make the listener feel connected to the brand.
  • 26. You can’t have KUT without UT, so let’s not forget about the promising community KUT has right at its doorstep. UT students are the younger version of the current primary target market and, as current listeners, can easily become future KUT donors.These students are educated, active and outspokenabouttheiropinions,and by definition are overall inquisitive, curious people . Thus, the best way to reach out to them is by implementingKUTpodcastcontent within their space.
  • 27. The lobby area right outside of the KUT station is one where students sit to study, meet other classmates or simply wait for the elevator. By puttinguplarge,quirkysignboards in this area every week, we will be able to introduce students to the world of KUT podcasts. These signs will serve as a way to expand awareness -- some signs will announce KUT is playing live in the bathrooms, while others will share upcoming events or zine release dates. As Communications students come across these boards before class, KUT will become a part of their daily lives and will keep KUT at the top of their minds. These lobby signs will increase engagement and satisfaction, making individuals more likely to share their experience with friends.50
  • 28. Surprisingly, some of the most effective places for advertising at bothUTcommunicationsbuildings are the elevators. The average elevator ride lasts from 15 to 80 seconds.31 This is an ideal time to advertise because time spent in an elevator is exclusive, with no external factors to distract from the main message. KUT elevator decals will individually feature four podcasts (Two Guys in Your Head, The Secret Ingredient, The Write Up and Views and Brews), with decals covering both the front and back of the elevator doors on each floor. Both the Belo Center for New Media and Jesse H. Jones Communication Center will have these elevator installations. An individual uses an elevator an average of 4 times a day31 , allowing massive reach and exposure with this advertising campaign. When communications students get on the elevator, they have limited productive distractions other than waiting for the elevator ride to be over. For this reason, these decals will effortlesslycommunicatetheethos of the KUT brand. They will be especially effective because research shows that the advertising recall rate for ads inside an elevator is considerably higher than traditional media vehicles.17
  • 29. The public restroom is typically an unremarkable place. Yet the average person makes use of a restroom around 6-7 times daily11 , making it an enormous untapped opportunity. The main restrooms in the Belo Center for New Media serve as productive areas for streaming KUT podcasts. Restrooms are places where awkward silences or unwanted sounds are the norm, but by utilizing a podcast stream there, KUT can spark their curiosity by engaging them in a unique and creative way. When they are motivatedtolookintowhatisbeing played on the speakers, students will easily be able to use Shazam to identify which podcast is playing. Research proves that music or streamed sound helps make a regularly dull or uneventful experience into something productive and as interesting as onecanmakeusingtherestroom.11 It is also important to note that background sound or music in a public restroom not only improves the ambiance for the user, but it also provides a level of acoustic privacy. Taking this into consideration, the podcasts will be playingweekdaysduringtheopen- building hours for the extent of the three months of the campaign. This will be an intriguing new way of reaching our secondary target market without being invasive. Stickers labeled with a“Listener’s Schedule”and a link to the KUT websitewillbeplacedontheinside doors of the stalls and the mirror. This will encourage traffic flow to the KUT’s online community, and introduce the podcast content to curious listeners.
  • 30. Bridgeadvertisementshaveranked as the most effective outdoor media. According to our research, bridge ads are effective because eachbannerguaranteeshightraffic andhighvisibility.12 TheBeloCenter for New Media and Jesse H. Jones Communication Center connect great minds through the newly built Moody Skybridge. A banner installationonthisbridgewillserve as a metaphorical representation of our overall strategy message: connecting the curious. A banner announcing this idea with KUT’s website at the bottom will allow us to attract our target audience. The truly curious will use his or her phone to look up the website and investigate further. At Dean Keaton alone, the daily average exposure can range between 200 and 50,000 cars 12 . Even students commuting to class will be exposed to the sign and quickly associate the bridge sign with the physical space KUT occupies in Belo. Hundreds, even thousands, of curious minds will be connected and led to a fully- functioningwebsitewheretheycan quickly access the podcast of their choice.
  • 32. Short for magazine, a zine is a self- published, small-circulation, non- commercial booklet or magazine that is usually produced by one person or a few individuals. Often theyaredevotedtounconventional or specialized subject matter. Creating and distributing a zine allows for a tangible connection between the reader and KUT, showcasing engaging content and stimulating listener curiosity. Group 8 is confident that this publication will serve as a is a very natural product of KUT’s quality content,andissomethingstudents and community members can hold, share and take value in. The content will explore the realm of KUT’s podcasts and community. The key here is to present quick, bite-sized interviews, images, upcoming events and insights. To tailorthecontenttothereader,KUT will reach out through social media and poll listeners in order to obtain questions for interviews, as well as gain insights into what content listeners are seeking. Thus, KUT gains vital information while also allowingsupportersanopportunity to contribute in a meaningful and interactive way. As a teaser for the project, KUT will document the creation of their very first zine on social media, illustrating the step- by-step process from interviewing tohand-bindingtheactualbooklet. This social media documentation will spur interest and curiosity among users, and create buzz about this new initiative. A new zine will be created on a monthly basis. They will given as a“thank you”gift for donations and with the purchase of event tickets. This frequency increases awareness through a regular print source for consumers, reinforcing credibility and allowing KUT to remainfreshinourtarget’sminds.23 Thisdistributionamongthegreater Austin area will allow the KUT‘zine to be read, shared and collected by KUT fans both old and new.
  • 34. Without question, events and local gatherings play a defining role in what makes Austin culture unique. From the Kite Festival to globally- recognized powerhouses like SXSW, Austin has established itself as an event-oriented community. With a focus on local partnerships and events, KUT will align itself withthebusinessesandcommunity culture that have shaped Austin’s vivid, world-renowned identity, while strengthening its strategy of connecting the curious. With over 18 local events occurring today alone (April 28)8 , it is easy to see just how much this city values face-to-face interactions. With the help of Group 8, KUT podcasts will broaden their local presence, establishing themselves not only as a digital leader, but also as a moretangibleandinteractivebrand within the Austin community. Group 8 has established three key categories for these partnerships: Educational, Artistic and Socially- Conscious Events. By focusing within this spectrum, we will be directly targeting KUT podcast listeners both old and new, providingthemwithauniquespace to converse and share ideas at the locations they already know and love. Our research has shown that both our primary and secondary target markets share a deep connection with their city and the local culture that surrounds it. By creatingapartnershipbetweentwo companiesthathavecapturedtheir attention, KUT will be forming a unionconcretedbymutualpassion and brand loyalty amongst their listeners and fans. We have provided a specific example for each category, but these community events can be tailored to any of the podcasts based on their content. This successful range of KUT events will not only provide the Austin community with an even deeper sense of pride for their city, it will also allow listeners to gather in a comfortable, positive and collaborative environment. This in turnwillallowrelationshipstoform and strengthen, as well as create thesenseoftogethernessamongst the local listener base that KUT craves.
  • 35. Based on its content, KUT podcasts attract enlightened minds who crave new knowledge and experiences. Thus, KUT needs to provide a physical space where these intellectuals can meet, learn and exchange ideas. Yet, the typical lecture can be boring. Many educational speeches tend to crowd multitudes of individuals intoasingleauditorium,wherethey sit silently listening to a speaker boast about themselves. To help avoid this issue and incorporate a sense of community, Group 8 has created an educational event that surpasses the common lecture, connecting the curious through interaction and engagement. The KUT Roundtable is a monthly peer-learning event where all attendees contribute as both teacher and learner. Beforehand, each of the RSVP’d listeners will receive information about the discussiontheme,abriefbiography of the presenter and host, and links to recommended supplemental resources, allowing attendee to familiarize themselves with the content. These events are typically able to host about 75 participants whowillbeinformedoftheeventin multiple ways. First, we will attract our primary target market (current listeners) through word of mouth via event mentions and reminders on each podcast. Second, KUT will advertise the events using social media sharing and flyering throughout the city of Austin. Finally,wewillgaininvolvementby reaching out to UT organizations who may have connections to the topic/theme, as well as invite members of organizations like Free Minds, a UT based group for dropouts who are interested in coming back to college as well as older youths (aged 10 and up) from The Thinkery, who could use this opportunity to become more informed on the world around them and expand their minds in a positive, engaging environment. This is beneficial because it welcomes individuals from diverse settingswhomaynottypicallyhave access to this kind of opportunity. TheKUTRoundtablewillbeginwith guests sitting at their designated tables to hear the presenter’s opening remarks on the topic for the evening. Dinner or snacks will be served and conversation will be facilitated around each table. This will play a part in fostering engaging discussion that explores the intersection of contemporary academicthoughtwithindividual’s unique views, research and teaching within a relevant topic. The beauty of Roundtable is that it turns a typically unconnected and uninvolvedevent,suchaswatching a lecture, into a series fueled by conversation and connection. This eventplacesindividualsfromevery background, belief and worldview into one mentally-stimulating location. Rather than the host and speaker distancing themselves from the audience, they are now sitting next to them as equals, and may even act as the student.
  • 36. Considered an Austin hotspot, Spider House Patio Bar & Cafe has established a reputation as the epitome of weirdness and Austinite culture. With their funky andinvitingatmosphere,Christmas lights always shining bright and full food and beverage options available, it is impossible not to stay for a while. Spider House has acted as an honest and genuine local gem in a city that is constantly facing commercialization, keeping Austin’s nightlife alive with regular shows, events and readings. One of Spider House’s most popular events is their weekly Poetry Slam, which takes place on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m9 . This event showcases 12 local spoken-word artists who use their prose and spontaneously appointed judges to compete for a $100 prize. This is far from your typical beret- donning, finger-snapping poetry night; Poetry Slam features raw emotion,varyingstylesandunique thematic elements that receive morethanthetypicalgolfclapfrom the audience. Overall, this event’s success shines through; Spider furtherexpandtheirfruitfulcontent by showcasing these artists and featuring them in podcast recordings or candid interviews in zine. The Write Up has proven time and time again that they are dedicated to discovering and exposing the most notable local written and spoken word artists to the world, and partnering with the Poetry Slam will give both The Write Up and local poets the increased notoriety they deserve. Through establishment by association, KUT would be connecting with both our primary and secondary target market, who frequent these events. Spider House’s unique angle and focus on artistic thought brings in many KUT listeners who are passionate or curious to place themselves in a stimulating environment that supports face-to-face discussion and free thought. In addition to our primary target frequenting this location,oursecondarymarketalso tendstocallthisuniquespothome. Located only minutes from the UT campus, Spider House is just a quick walk away. This provides students with a convenient meeting space to share ideas and participate in local events outsideofthecontrolledclassroom environment. House’s Poetry Slam has been known to bring in more than 300 RSVP responses per week. The Write Up, with its dedication to expressing the creative process of local writers, poets and playwrights, would be a perfect KUT podcast station to align itself with this unique event. Through a community partnership between Spider House and The Write Up, KUT would be able to establish the salon environment they desire. This would also provide an opportunitytoexpandcommunity awareness on up-and-coming local poets in the Austin area. With KUT co-hosting Spider House’s weekly Poetry Slam, an extremely symbiotic relationship would form. Both KUT and Spider House would provide one another with a brand new range of audience members and creative minds, which would provetobemutuallybeneficialand filled with opportunities for both businesses. This partnership would also prove to be beneficial for the artists that participate in this weekly event. KUTwouldhavetheopportunityto
  • 37. As the original Austin success story, Whole Foods Market has established a name for itself as arguablyoneofthemostinnovative brands in the nation. What makes this retail juggernaut unique is the fact that it stands for something, and does so in ways outside of the typical marketing and PR realm. Whole Foods has played a pivotal role changing the way consumerslookatfoodbyfocusing on sustainability while integrating each individual store into the local community. In fact, Whole Foods’ community giving well exceeds 5 percent of their total net profits 14 . Whole Foods values its consumers, with its target goal going beyond from profits and focusing specifically on the impact and experiences it provides customers. This is the type of community partner that KUT needs to align itself with. Both KUT and Whole Foods are Austin originals, and have a devotion to bettering not only individual consumers, but the Austin community as a whole. Specifically, KUT’s podcast The Secret Ingredient would prompt the perfect union between the two brands. The Secret Ingredient has made a name for itself as a leading podcast in the world of local and sustainable food, history and politics. Its content makes it the perfect partner for Whole Foods to host informative, socially- conscious and consumer-focused events. At these events, Whole Foods would host a KUT-sponsored cooking demonstration in their demonstration room, which can hold a total of 50 people. KUT and Whole Foods would sell tickets to these events, while also inviting individuals from outside groups like The Thinkery to attend for free. By recognizing these organizations, we would take part in expanding the community’s mindsbyincludingindividualswho typically may not have the ability or funds to participate. Ultimately, after factoring additional costs for ingredients and staffing, the KUT at Whole Foods events would occur in a profit-share style, with KUT receiving 20 percent of sales profits. AWhole Foods professional chef would walk the audience througharecipewithaningredient that corresponds to a particular episode theme of The Secret Ingredient. Then, once the meal is made and all guests have a dish to eat, KUT would record an intimate, live episode of The Secret Ingredient for the audience. In other words, KUT andWhole Foods will provide“dinner and a show” for the 50 demonstration guests. This intimate, interactive event would provide guests with a more tangible experience with the KUT brand. By viewing a live recording of The Secret Ingredient, the station creates a memorable experience that keeps KUT at top-of-mind, and sparks consumer interest in becoming new KUT podcast listeners. Engagement like this is invaluable, and fosters brand loyalty in both KUT and Whole Foods’target market. Both our primary and secondary targets frequent Whole Foods, which would result in an overlap of consumer bases and opportunities for both companies. In these community partnership events, both entities would partake in an exchange of value - KUT brings in traffic that provides Whole Foods with potential customers, while Whole Foods provides a venue and a new pool of people that could become KUT podcast listeners. In addition, our listeners andpotentialcustomerswouldfind these events most beneficial. Not only would KUT’s demonstrations provide a chef prepared meal and fascinating entertainment for those who attend, it will also help to tie together the concept of connecting the curious through the encouragement of listener-to- listener communications.
  • 39. What: Paper Flyers Cost: $1.50 per Flyer (50 per event) Location: UT Campus (high foot traffic areas) When: Display 2 weeks prior to the event What: KUT Radio Promotion Cost: Free Location: AM and PM Drive When: The week of the event What: Poster on Easel Cost: Easel ($60) & Poster ($20) Location: Belo Lobby When: The week of the event What: Zine Cost: 300 per month ($2 each) Location: Mailed to donors/Sold in Belo lobby and at events. When: Distributed first week of the month
  • 40. The main objectives of this campaign series was to increase brand interaction by 259%, new listener numbers by 32%, as well as establish a new measurement oflistenerinteractionamongstone another, which will ideally increase by 20%. This will be measured via website traffic numbers, amount of comments received within online KUT forums, social media shares, RSVPs and attendance of community events, and attitudinal measures of the campaign’s effects. We have chosen to implement our campaign in September October and November. Group 8 predicts that we will experience the most promising listener interaction during these months for two main reasons. First, both markets will be more willing to participate in local events during a time of the year that is less associated with a busier holiday schedule or dramatically hot or cold weather, which is notorious for higher levels of depressive behavior and staying indoors.Second,wehavedesigned our campaign series with our secondary target market (UT students) in mind. By hosting our eventsandplanningourinteractive strategyduringatimeoftheschool year with more limited stress levels and high student presence on campus, we will be able to increase our event attendance and establish connections with these important future listeners.
  • 42.
  • 43. Having witnessed the growth of Austin over the last 23 years, Group 8 understands the deep-rooted history of the city and the unique community it attracts and cultivates. We are confident thatourplantoconnectthecurious will expand KUT’s already prominent brand presence even further throughout this ever-changing city. Our two-pronged approach to first revamp the website and then encourage community interaction where listeners can meet face to face will give KUT an edge over other podcasts. In today’s society, the tangible product, one that can directly be interacted with outside of a computer screen, is slowly disappearing. This absence, as well as an ever present sense of nostalgia, has played a large role in our desire to return to our roots andexperiencecommunityculture once again. With our interactive, communication-focused model, KUT will reach its specified target market, spurring synergy between listenersandmaximizingloyaltyfor its well-respected podcasts. Time and time again, history has never failed to show us that humans are instinctively social beings. We cannot live in isolation. From the first nomads living and traveling in bands to historical events like Woodstock, uniting over 400,000 people with a mutual passion for music and art, human beings have always found a way to come together and become a community. Group 8 will ensure Austinites continue to embrace KUT as part of their community for years to come. Group 8 is confident that the strategy will successfully cultivate a diverse KUT community that interacts through the sharing of ideasandopinions.Connectingthe Curious will effectively bring together curious minds from all walks of life into a digital and physical area where they can explore the endless possibilities that come from vivacious discussion. Choose to connect the curious. Choose Group 8.
  • 44. One factor to be noted is that although there are many local podcast options in Austin, the content of each podcast differs immensely and is quite dependent on the preferences of the listener themselves. For example, one may assume that typically there may not be a large amount of listenercrossoverwhencomparing Two Guys on Your Head and the independently-produced Steve AustinShow(apodcastnarratedby former professional wrestler Steve Austin that looks into professional wrestling culture). Additional businesses and locations for community partnership considerations: Johnson’s Backyard Garden, Alamo Drafthouse, Jester King, Blanton Museum, Amy’s Ice Cream, Quacks, Torchy’s, Mondo Gallery, Stubbs, Texas State Capitol. An elevator ride lasts from 15-80 seconds and is an ideal time to advertise. The advertising recall rate is considerablyhigherthantraditional media vehicles. People generally want to take part in interactive advertising activities-unliketraditionalformsof advertising which can be seen as disruptive or irritating, interactive marketing strategies are seen as being more fun, entertaining and engaging. 61% of people are more likely to buy from a company that delivers custom content 33% of respondents favor a print media compared to just 21% preferring an email Rules of thumb for website icons: Make them as large as feasible, place frequently used icons in a persistent task bar, and arrange them either in a square (first choice) or in a horizontal layout. Use of whitespace between paragraphsandintheleftandright margins increases comprehension by almost 20%. On sites with clear labels and prominentnavigationoptions,users tend to browse rather than search. The most surprising revelation was that design elements are exponentially more powerful than content, in terms of mistrust. When asked to describe why they mistrusted a website, 94 percent of comments were directly related to web design elements, while only 6 percent referenced specific content. Corporate partnership is driven largelybyinternalcorporatevalues (75%) and customer feedback (53%). One of the top recommendations for establishing a functioning community environment is to look for partners. Partners are critical to the future success and image of your project.They are invaluable in providingsupportandgettingyour name out there.
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