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Taliban co-founder Mullah
Baradar will lead the
upcoming Government in
Afghanistan where the group
seized control last control fol-
lowing months of offensives.
Baradar, who heads the
Taliban’s political office in
Doha, will be joined by Mullah
Mohammad Yaqoob, the son of
late Taliban co-founder Mullah
Omar, and Sher Mohammad
Abbas Stanekzai, in senior
positions in the government,
Tolo News reported citing
sources from the Islamic group.
Earlier, the Taliban had
announced that Haibatullah
Akhunzada, may lead the
forthcoming government in
the country but the sources
have informed that he will
focus on religious matters and
governance within the frame-
work of Islam.
But the new Government’s
most immediate priority may
be to avert the collapse of an
economy grappling with
drought and the ravages of a
20-year conflict that killed
around 240,000 Afghans before
US forces completed a tumul-
tuous pullout on August 30.
At stake is whether the
Taliban can govern a country
facing economic meltdown, a
humanitarian disaster and
threats to security and stabili-
ty from rival jihadist groups,
including a local offshoot of
Islamic State.
“All the top leaders have
arrived in Kabul, where prepa-
rations are in final stages to
announce the new govern-
ment,” a Taliban official told
Reuters, speaking on condition
of anonymity.
The Taliban, which seized
Kabul on Aug. 15 after sweep-
ing across most of the country,
have faced resistance in the
Panjshir Valley, where there
have been reports of heavy
fighting and casualties.
Several thousand fighters
of regional militias and rem-
nants of the government’s
armed forces have massed in
the rugged valley under the
leadership of Ahmad Massoud,
the son of former Mujahideen
commander Ahmad Shah
?=BQ =4F34;78:278
The Supreme Court on
Friday stayed for a week
Kerala Government’s decision
to conduct offline exams for
Class XI from September 6
amid rising cases of Covid.
“There is an alarming” situa-
tion in the State owing to
Covid-19, observed the apex
court, adding that “cases in
Kerala are about 70 per cent
cases of the country. Children
of this age cannot be exposed
to this risk.”
“Prima facie, we find force
in submission made by peti-
tioner that the State
Government has not seriously
considered the prevailing situ-
ation before having a physical
exam proposed to be conduct-
ed in September this year. As
we couldn’t get a satisfactory
response from counsel for the
State in this regard, we grant
interim relief staying the offline
exam till next date of hearing,”
said a bench of Justices AM
Khanwilkar, Hrishikesh Roy
and CT Ravikumar. The apex
court posted the matter for next
hearing on September 13.
The Kerala High Court
had earlier observed that con-
ducting examination was a
matter of Government policy
and no interference was war-
ranted. The apex court bench
passed the order on an appeal
filed by advocate Rasoolshan A
challenging a decision of the
high court refusing to interfere
with the decision to hold offline
Meanwhile, the night cur-
few slapped on Kerala since last
Sunday has failed to yield any
result as the number of new
patients diagnosed with Covid-
19 continue to remain high. On
Friday, out of the 1.63 lakh
samples sent for testing, 29,322
persons were found to be
infected with Covid-19, said a
release by Health Minister
Veena George.
The Test Positivity Rate
remained high with 17.91 per
cent while the pandemic
claimed 131 lives taking the
death toll in the State till date
to 21,280. The State also saw
118 health workers falling prey
to Covid-19.
?=BQ =4F34;78
The Supreme Court on
Friday expressed displea-
sure over delay in framing
guidelines for issuance of death
certificates to the families of
those who died of Covid-19
and directed the Centre to do
so and file compliance report
by September 11.
“We passed the order a
long time back. We have
already extended the time once.
By the time you frame the
guidelines, the third phase will
also be over”, a bench com-
prising Justices MR Shah and
Aniruddha Bose observed.
Solicitor General Tushar
Mehta, appearing for the
Centre, assured the apex court
that everything is under con-
Advocate Gaurav Kumar
Bansal, who has filed the peti-
tion, submitted that under the
pretext of consideration things
should not be delayed as the
top court has already granted
four-week extension to the
Centre on August 16 to frame
guidelines for ex-gratia com-
pensation and now it is seeking
more time. Advocate Sumeer
Sodhi, who appeared for some
of the applicants, said extend-
ed time for the first direction
passed on June 30 is getting
over on September 8.
The bench said it is for the
Centre to take decision on
compensation within that peri-
od of time and today it was
adjourning the matter only for
the purpose of compliance
with other directions. “Put up
on September 13 as Solicitor
General seeks time to enable
Union of India to comply with
earlier order and place on
record compliance report of
other directions issued by this
court on June 30, 2021.
Compliance report to be filed
with the registry on or before
September 11,” the bench said.
The apex court had in its
June 30 verdict directed the
National Disaster Management
Authority(NDMA) to recom-
mend within six weeks appro-
priate guidelines for ex-gratia
assistance on account of loss of
life to the family members of
persons who died due to
The Centre had moved an
application seeking some more
time to frame the guidelines on
the ground that the exercise
which was in active consider-
ation of the NDMA was at an
advanced stage and requires a
little more in-depth examina-
?=BQ =4F34;78
Amid debate whether or not
students should be sent to
schools in view of impending
third wave of the coronavirus
pandemic in India, a study by
University College London and
Public Health England has
found that even as children
rarely become severely ill due
to the infection, at least one in
seven infected kids may have
lingering symptoms.
The study found that 11-
to-17-year-olds who tested pos-
itive for the virus were twice as
likely to report three or more
symptoms 15 weeks later than
those who had tested negative.
Researchers surveyed 3,065
kids in England who had pos-
itive results in a PCR test
between January and March,
and a control group of 3,739
who tested negative over the
same period.
Among those who tested
positive, 14 per cent reported
three or more symptoms such
as unusual tiredness or
headaches 15 weeks later, com-
pared with 7 per cent reporting
symptoms by that time among
the control group.
The researchers said while
the findings suggested as many
as 32,000 teenagers might have
had multiple symptoms linked
to Covid-19 after 15 weeks, the
prevalence of long Covid in the
age group was lower than some
had feared last year.
The findings were a pre-
print which had not been peer-
reviewed. The authors said any
decision to extend vaccination
to 12-15-year-olds in Britain
was unlikely to be based on this
study as there was not enough
data on whether vaccination
protects against long Covid-19.
Early this year, the
European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control had
said the majority of children
don’t develop symptoms when
infected with the coronavirus,
or their symptoms are very
However, it is becoming
increasingly apparent that a
large number of children with
symptomatic and asympto-
matic Covid-19 are experienc-
ing long-term effects, many
months after the infection.
So far, most long Covid
research is based on adults.
There is less information about
under-18s, in part because it
takes longer to get ethical
approval to study children,
said Natalie Lambert at Indiana
University School of Medicine.
Symptoms of long Covid
were first thought to include
fatigue, muscle and joint pain,
headache, insomnia, respira-
tory problems and heart pal-
pitations. Now, support groups
and researchers said there may
be up to 100 other symptoms,
including gastrointestinal prob-
lems, nausea, dizziness,
seizures, hallucinations and
testicular pain.
?=BQ =4F34;78
In an effort to enhance its
nuclear missile and satellite
tracking capabilities, India is
likely to commission next week
its first ship ‘INS Dhruv’ with
the latest gadgets to detect
incoming hostile missiles.
With this induction, India will
join the select group of nations
such as France, UK, Russia, the
USA, and China that have
such vessels.
The 15,000-tonne ballistic
missile surveillance ship was
built by the Hindustan
Shipyard in collaboration with
the Defence Research and
Development Organisation
(DRDO) and the National
Technical Research
Organisation (NTRO). The
ship is likely to be launched on
September 10 in
Visakhapatnam, sources said
here on Friday. This ship is
part of the Strategic Forces
The sophisticated surveil-
lance systems onboard are
powered by 14 MW by INS
Dhruv itself.
The ship was codenamed
VC 1118. Its commissioning
into the service was delayed for
some months due to the coro-
na pandemic, sources said.
Built as part of the Make in
India initiative, the ship cost
more than Rs 730 crores and
has a crew of about 300 trained
personnel. The project com-
menced in 2014.
INS Dhruv will act as a
force multiplier as it will pro-
vide the Indian Navy a 360
degree view of the Indo-Pacific
and the strategically important
Indian Ocean region and help
plan offensive operations with
a high degree of accuracy.
?=BQ =4F34;78
With an aim to provide
relief to patients, the
Government has slashed prices
of about 39 drugs, including
anti cancer drugs, anti diabetes,
anti viral and antibacterial
drugs, antiretroviral drugs,
anti-TB drugs, and drugs used
in Covid treatment, as it revised
the National List of Essential
Medicines (NLEM).
The commonly-used
drugs which have been
brought under price control
include anti-cancer like
Azacitidine and Fludarabine
antiretroviral such as
D o l u t e g r a v i r ,
Darunavir+Ritonavir, new
generation TB medications
such as Bedaquiline and
Delamanid, anti-allergy
Montelukast, anti diabetes
drugs like Teneligliptin and
Insulin Glargine, and tobacco
cessation and addiction treat-
ment drugs like nicotine
replacement therapy. Union
Health Minister Mansukh
Mandaviya had launched the
revised NLEM at an ICMR
event recently. The 39 new
drugs include Amikacin
(antibiotic), Azacitidine (anti-
cancer), Bedaquiline (anti-
TB), Bendamustine
Hydrochloride (anti-cancer),
Buprenorphine ( opioid antag-
o n i s t s ) ,
Buprenorphine+Naloxone (opi-
oid antagonists), Cefuroxime
(antibiotic), Dabigatran (anti-
coagulant), Daclatasvir (antivi-
ral), Darunavir+Ritonavir (anti-
retroviral), Delamanid (anti-
TB), Dolutegravir (antiretrovi-
ral), Fludarabine (anti-cancer),
Fludrocortisone (corticos-
teroid), Fulvestrant (anti-can-
cer), Insulin Glargine (anti-
diabetes), Irinotecan HCL
Trihydrate (anti-cancer).
?C8Q C:H
Shooter Avani Lekhara
scripted history once again,
teen high-jumper Praveen
Kumar knocked off an Asian
record for his Silver while
Harvinder Singh became
India’s first archer to finish on
podium as the country’s
Paralympians raised the bar
higher with unparalleled per-
formances in the ongoing
Games here on Friday.
India picked up three
medals on the day and the
overall tally rose to 13, includ-
ing two Gold, six Silver and
five Bronze. In a nutshell, the
country’s best ever
Paralympics continued to get
It started with Praveen’s
Silver in the morning.
The 18-year-old, compet-
ing in his debut Games,
clinched the Silver medal in
the men’s high jump T64
event, setting a new Asian
record with a 2.07m jump to
finish behind Great Britain’s
Jonathan Broom-Edwards, who
notched up his season’s best
effort of 2.10m for the gold.
This was a personal best
performance for him and his
first major medal since taking
up the sport in 2019.
?C8Q ?4B70F0A
Describing China as its
“most important partner”,
the Taliban have said they look
to Beijing to rebuild
Afghanistan and exploit its
rich copper deposits as the war-
ravaged country faces wide-
spread hunger and fears of an
economic collapse.
Taliban spokesperson
Zabihullah Mujahid said the
group supports China’s One
Belt, One Road initiative that
seeks to link China with Africa,
Asia and Europe through an
enormous network of ports,
railways, roads and industrial
“China is our most impor-
tant partner and represents a
fundamental and extraordi-
nary opportunity for us
because it is ready to invest and
rebuild our country,” Geo
News quoted Mujahid as say-
ing in an interview to an
Italian newspaper on
There are “rich copper
mines in the country, which,
thanks to the Chinese, can be
put back into operation and
In addition, China is our
pass to markets all over the
world,” said Mujahid.
China has been making
some positive statements
towards the Taliban and has
expressed the hope that the
insurgents will follow moder-
ate and prudent domestic and
foreign policies, combat all
forms of terrorist forces, live in
harmony with other countries,
and live up to the aspiration of
its own people and the inter-
national community.
Stating that China respects
Afghanistan’s sovereignty and
will not interfere and follow the
friendship with “entire Afghan
people”, Chinese Foreign
Ministry spokesman Wang
Wenbin said on Tuesday that,
“facts show that in realising
economic development we
need an open inclusive politi-
cal structure, implementation
of moderate foreign and
domestic policies and clean
break from terrorist groups in
all forms”.
The Taliban also view
Russia as an important partner
in the region and will maintain
good relations with Moscow,
Mujahid said.
?C8Q 8B;00103
Amid concerns in India that
Afghan soil under the
Taliban regime can be used for
terrorist activities against it, the
insurgent group has said it has
the right to speak out in favour
of Muslims anywhere, includ-
ing in Kashmir, though it does
not have a policy of conduct-
ing “armed operations” against
any country.
Suhail Shaheen, Taliban
spokesman for its political
office in Doha, in an exclusive interview to BBC through
video link on Thursday, said:
“We will raise our voice and say
that Muslims are your own
people, your own citizens and
they are entitled to equal rights
under your law.”
As Muslims, it was the
group’s right to speak out for
Muslims living in Kashmir and
any other country, Shaheen
said while speaking from Doha.
While recalling the terms
of the Doha agreement with the
US, he said they had “no poli-
cy of conducting armed oper-
ations against any country”.
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Punjab Vidhan Sabha on
Friday held a special one-
day session to commemorate
the 400th prakash purb (birth
anniversary) of Guru Tegh
Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru,
which was attended by almost
all the MLAs. Punjab Governor
and UT Administrator Banwari
Lal Purohit and former Chief
Justice of India Justice JS
Khehar presided over the
Chief Minister Capt
Amarinder Singh, during his
address, called for sarbat da
bhala (welfare of humanity)
and lauded the Sikh commu-
nity’s effort to reach out in cri-
sis. Besides, he stressed on hav-
ing more religious freedom in
the coutry.
“Whenever there is a cri-
sis, Sikhs come forward to
help. Our gurus were willing to
lay down their lives for human-
ity. Serving humanity should
be the prime objective in spite
of diverse political thoughts,”
he said.
Sharing his perception on
India continuing to be a plu-
ralistic country which has the
unique distinction of being
home to almost every faith in
the world, the Chief Minister
said that this concept is what
gives India its richness and cul-
tural diversity.
“The slogan that we often
hear and talk about Unity in
Diversity is not a hollow or
empty slogan. It carries a deep
meaning which must be
understood and internalised by
all of us”, asserted the Chief
Minister, adding that the great-
est tribute to Sri Guru Tegh
Bahadur Ji would be to imbibe
Guru Ji’s universal message of
love and religious freedom
amongst mankind.
Capt Amarinder also
underlined the need to prop-
agate the ideology of the Sikhs
ninth master Guru Tegh
Bahadur around the world to
promote the values of peace,
harmony, secularism and co-
existence, which Guru Sahib
upheld through his supreme
He said that the Sikh faith
is distinguished by the tradi-
tion of martyrdom to uphold
principles and righteousness
given to us by our great Gurus.
“The life and message of Guru
Tegh Bahadur ji constitutes the
essence of what we have come
to regard as Punjabiyat. It
comprises our saanjhi tehzeeb,
our ma-boli Punjabi, our close
ties of amity and fraternity cut-
ting across people, faiths, castes
and communities,” he said.
He added, “When we talk
of Punjab and Punjabis,
Punjabiyat must follow. This
Punjabiyat embodied in the life
and teachings of the Great
Guru need to be understood,
appreciated and nurtured care-
The Chief Minister added
that the spirit of Punjabiyat has
been taken by our people to all
corners of the globe where they
have made a special place for
themselves through dint of
hard work, enterprise and sac-
rifice. “Punjabiyat often is test-
ed by forces that represent a
narrow and short-sighted per-
spective as against the broad
all-embracing vision given by
our Gurus, therefore, it is our
bounden duty as representa-
tives of the people to guard
against such inimical forces
very consciously and not to
allow our competing political
interests to ever undermine the
strong foundations of this
Punjabiyat,” he said.
Pointing out further, the
Chief Minister said that the
history remembers Guru Tegh
Bahadur Ji with great pride as
‘Hind Di Chadar’ for making
the supreme sacrifice for
opposing forced conversion
and for protection of religious
Dwelling on the relevance
of Guru Ji’s sacrifice, the Chief
Minister said that it was far
more relevant and important
even today as three-and-a-
half centuries ago. “India has
its unique cultural tradition
what we call Indianness, which
is Idea of our country,” he said.
Meanwhile, Governor
Purohit, who visited the assem-
bly for the first time after tak-
ing charge recently, said that
the teachings and sacrifices of
all Sikh gurus were a lesson for
humanity. “The saga of Guru
Teg Bahadur ji offers the sym-
bolism of the highest sacrifice
and the finest expression of
spiritual faith,” Purohit said.
Purohit described the
Guru Tegh Bahadur’s martyr-
dom as one of the most impor-
tant turning points in the spir-
itual, religious, and political
history of India. “Guru Ji
shines among the galaxy of
great spiritual Gurus whose
message continues to guide the
humanity and remains uni-
versally relevant at all the
times,” he said.
“No one can forget the
contributions of the Sikh
Gurus and their selfless sacri-
fices to strengthen the unity
among different communities.
Therefore, Sikh Gurus are
respected not only by Sikhs,
but also by people of all faiths
across the world,” he said.
Pointing out further, the
Governor said that one of the
key elements in the teachings
of Guru Sahib has been the
spirit of Sewa or selfless ser-
vice. This is considered as one
of the foremost pious duties
that the mankind can per-
form enriching us with self-
lessness, humility and gratitude
towards God, he added.
Vidhan Sabha Speaker
Rana KP Singh said that the
unprecedented sacrifice of Sri
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji would
ever inspire the mankind to
imbibe the message of love,
harmony and tolerance there-
by rising above the parochial
consideration of caste, colour,
creed and religion.
The Speaker further said
that Guru Sahib’s sacrifice was
not only for the sake of
Kashmiri Pandits or for the
protection of Hindu Religion
rather it was made for the
entire humanity, religious free-
dom and equality.
In his keynote address,
the former Chief Justice of
India Justice JS Khehar empha-
sized the importance of ‘ardas’
in the Sikh way of life across
the globe and said that we all
are blessed today to celebrate
400th prakash purb of Sri
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji to
remember and contemplate
on Guru Sahib.
Justice Khehar cited the
martyrdom of the Fifth Sikh
Guru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji as
the event that changed the
course of the Sikh history and
started the process of milita-
rization of the Sikhs who until
then were a peaceful commu-
“This background must
be understood to understand
the events that shaped the cir-
cumstances in Guru Tegh
Bahadur Ji's life,” he said while
also recounting the life and
events of Guru Sahib Ji who
didn't bow before the injustice
of the then Mughal Emperor
and instead chose martyrdom
to ensure protection of reli-
gious rights of all as being cen-
tral to the Sikh identity.
The encyclopedia
Britannica also recognizes Sri
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's sacri-
fice for the religious freedom
of another religion, added
Justice Khehar.
Thanking all the digni-
taries, Leader of the
Opposition Harpal Singh
Cheema exhorted one and all
to follow the path shown by Sri
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. He
also emphasized relevance of
the teachings of Guru Sahib in
today's troubled times when
the society is still fraught with
the dangers of religious fanati-
cism and conflicts across the
Assembly Speaker Rana
KP Singh read out the greet-
ings sent by Tibetan spiritual
leader Dalai Lama and Vice-
President Venkaiah Naidu. In
his message to the House, the
Dalai Lama said that the life,
writings and principles of the
Guru will always be source of
Punjab Vidhan Sabha on
Friday paid tribute to the farm-
ers who lost their lives during
ongoing farmers’ agitation,
besides other eminent per-
sonalities including Flying Sikh
Milkha Singh, globally
renowned athlete Mann Kaur
among others.
The names of the farmers
were included in the obituary
list after the AAP MLA and
Deputy Leader of Opposition
Sarvjit Kaur Manuke and SAD
MLA Sharanjit Singh Dhillon
demanded that the farmers
and farm labourers, who have
died in the ongoing farmers
struggle against the Centre’s
farm laws, be included in the
Earlier, the House paid
tribute to the eminent per-
sonalities, freedom fighters,
sports icons, political person-
alities besides senior officers of
civil and police administration,
who had passed away since the
last session of the Assembly.
On the onset of one day
special session of the 15th
Vidhan Sabha to commemo-
rate the 400th prakash purb of
Guru Tegh Bahadur, the House
paid respects to former Union
Minister of State RL Bhatia,
former Ministers Gurnam
Singh Abul Khurana, Gulzar
Singh, Surjit Kaur Kalkat,
Chaudhri Radha Krishan and
Inderjit Singh Zira, ex-Chief
Parliamentary Secretary
Jagdish Sawhney besides for-
mer MLAs Sukhdarshan Singh
Marar and Jagraj Singh Gill.
The House also paid trib-
ute to the martyr Sepoy
Prabhjit Singh. Likewise,
homage was also paid to the
freedom fighters Kala Singh,
Gurdev Singh, Ranjit Singh
and Sulakhan Singh.
The House also remem-
bered the former State Chief
Secretary YS Ratra and former
DGP Mohd Izhaar Alam.
Rich tributes were also
paid to the founder of Centre
for Research on Rural and
Industrial Development
(CRRID) Rashpal Malhotra.
The House also paid homage
to Mahinder Kaur (Cabinet
Rank) and former SGPC
Member Kuldeep Singh Dhoss.
Meanwhile, Sports and
Youth Affairs Minister Rana
Gurmit Singh Sodhi proposed
the names of Crickter Yashpal
Sharma and Indian Volleyball
Team’s former captain Nirmal
Milkha Singh, the wife of late
Milkha Singh, for obituary
Likewise, Nabha MLA
Randeep Singh also proposed
the name of martyr Gurjant
Singh, Raikot MLA Jagtar
Singh proposed name of mar-
tyr Sub-Inspector Gurmukh
Singh, and Adampur MLA
Pawan Kumar Tinnu also pro-
posed the name of Baba Bhag
Singh University Chancellor
Sant Baba Dilawar Singh to be
included in the obituary list.
On their request, the
Speaker Rana Kanwar Pal
Singh consented to include
these names to obituary ref-
A two-minute silence was
observed in the memory of
departed souls as a mark of
respect during the obituary
Meanwhile, the Speaker
proposed that homage be paid
to all those members who had
passed away since the previ-
ous session.
After the obituary refer-
ences to the departed souls, he
passed a resolution for con-
veying the condolences of the
House to their respective fam-
ilies. The resolution was
passed by voice vote.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Haryana Home Minister
Anil Vij and Agriculture
Minister JP Dalal on Friday
slammed the Congress leaders
over police lathi-charge on a
group of farmers in Moga in the
party-ruled Punjab, and alleged
that the party is only using the
farmers to fulfil its political
Attacking Congress, Vij said
that the party is responsible for
thrashing farmers in Moga dis-
trict of Punjab.
He said that Congress MP
Rahul Gandhi had tweeted
Presently, there is Congress
government in Punjab and even
after such a fierce lathi-charge
on farmers, no one said any-
thing, said Vij while talking to
the mediapersons.
Agriculture Minister JP
Dalal alleged that the Congress
is not bothered about the wel-
fare of farmers and has only
been using them to serve its
own interest. Why are Congress
leaders silent on lathi-charge
on farmers in Punjab?, he
questioned. The Punjab Police
had on Thursday used batons
and a water cannon to disperse
a group of farmers who
allegedly tried to force their
way inside the venue of an
event of the Shiromani Akali
Dal (SAD) in Punjab's Moga,
which was being addressed
by its chief Sukhbir Singh
Police had claimed some of
the protesters scuffled with
them, broke barricades and
hurled stones in a bid to force
their way inside the venue.
Defending the Punjab
Government on Moga inci-
dent, Congress’ national
spokesperson Supriya Shrinate
on Friday said that there is a
huge difference between what
happened in Punjab and what
happened in Haryana.
“Congress always stands in
support of the farmers,” she
claimed when asked why the
Congress has a different stand
on the Karnal incident in BJP
ruled Haryana and Moga inci-
dent in Congress ruled Punjab.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Haryana State Industrial and
I n f r a s t r u c t u r e
Development Corporation
(HSIIDC) has approved 'one
time settlement scheme' for
payment of outstanding dues
for the cost of plot, enhanced
cost, maintenance charges and
extension charges, which will
directly benefit about 300
industrialists of the state.
HSIIDC, managing direc-
tor, Anurag Agarwal said that
keeping in view the interests of
the existing allottees of indus-
trial, residential, group housing,
institutional and commercial
housing plots of HSIIDC, it has
been decided that the allottee
shall pay the outstanding cost
of his plot, enhanced cost and
maintenance charges. If the
allottee he has not been able to
pay till June 30, 2021 and he is
willing to settle the entire out-
standing amount in lump sum,
then he can avail the benefit till
30 September, 2021, he said.
Agarwal said that such
willing allottees would get 25
percent rebate in outstanding
interest and 100 percent rebate
in penal interest. The decision
of HSIIDC in all matters
regarding this scheme would be
final and would not be ques-
tioned by any allottee at any
He said that if the amount
paid as per the scheme is not
complete, it will not be refund-
ed but will be adjusted against
the default amount.
Under the 'one time settle-
ment scheme' it has also been
decided that this scheme will be
applicable to allottees of HSI-
IDC, Haryana Urban
Development Authority
(HSVP) and allottees of
Industrial Estate transferred
from Industries Department.
According to the scheme, the
cut-off date for charging inter-
est/delayed interest would be
July 30, 2021, he added.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
The children of poor fam-
ilies, who have been verified
under the Parivar Pehchan
Patra, will now be imparted
education free of cost at the
Model Sanskriti Senior
Secondary Schools in Haryana.
The decision was taken in
a meeting to review the
progress of Model Sanskriti
Schools held under the chair-
manship of the Chief Minister
Manohar Lal
Khattar here.
To ensure
c o n s i s t e n t
progress of
these schools,
the Chief
Minister direct-
ed the senior
officers to con-
duct field visits
at these schools
and to carry out
monthly review
of these schools.
He suggested
that the senior
officers of the
districts like
T e h s i l d a r
should adopt
Model Sanskriti
Schools and sin-
cere efforts
should also be
made in this
regard. He also expressed sat-
isfaction over the work done by
the Education Department in
setting up these schools. The
Chief Minister said there is a
demand to increase the number
of such schools due to the con-
sistent progress of these schools.
Thus, the officials should work
towards enhancing the number
of schools while considering its
viability, he said.
Khattar further said that it is
mentioned in the National
Education Policy 2020 that the
schools should lay emphasis on
national and local languages, so
students should be given the
option of taking education in
English medium as well as
Hindi medium in these schools.
He said that the schools should
give prominence to the quality
of education and work on
enhancing it consistently. It
was informed that during the
budget speech of Chief
Minister, an announcement
was made to open Government
Model Sanskriti Senior
Secondary School and
Government Model Sanskriti
Primary School in each block of
the state.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
The burden on Haryana
Chief Minister Grievance
Redressal and Monitoring
System (CM Window) is set to
reduce as it will work in coor-
dination with the Right to
Service Commission from now
onwards. The Chief
Commissioner of the
Commission, TC Gupta said
that out of the complaints
received at the CM Window,
numerous complaints are relat-
ed to the Commission. Thus,
the workload on the CM
Window is bound to reduce to
a great extent in a few months
as the Commission will now
dispose of the complaints com-
ing to the CM window within
the stipulated time frame, he
said. He said that at present, 546
service related to 38 organiza-
tions of 31 Departments come
under the purview of Right to
Service Commission. Out of
these, 277 services are available
online through Antyodaya Saral
Portal while 269 services are
being provided offline. Chief
Minister Manohar Lal Khattar
has directed the heads of vari-
ous departments to ensure dig-
itization of the remaining ser-
vices at the earliest, he said.
Gupta expressed hope that
within the next three months all
the departments will make
their respective notified services
online. Notably, more than
nine lakh complaints have been
received so far on CM win-
dow.The Chief Commissioner
of the Commission informed
that the Chief Minister has
launched the Auto Appeal soft-
ware 'AAS' for the services
coming under the Right to
Service Act on September 1.
347A03D=kB0CDA30H kB4?C414A#!!
?=BQ 347A03D=
In order to increase the tax
collection and verify the
unregistered businesses under
GST across the district, the
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
department will take its ongo-
ing campaign to Doiwala from
Paltan Bazaar. The joint com-
missioner of the GST depart-
ment in the district, Rakesh
Verma informed that a team
from the department has been
regularly verifying the busi-
nesses of goods and services in
the Paltan Bazaar area since last
month. The team is also rais-
ing awareness among local
businessmen about GST regu-
lations and the procedure to
register with the department,
said Verma. He said that most
of the businesses in the Paltan
Bazaar area have been found to
be registered under GST so far
while some got registered dur-
ing the campaign. He also said
that most of the businessmen
did not display their respective
GST numbers as per the regu-
lations but the department has
directed them to mandatorily
display their registered GST
numbers in their shops as well
as on the boards outside the
shops. He said that many busi-
nessmen were not completely
aware of GST guidelines in the
area like many did not even
know that it is mandatory to
register a business with an
annual turnover of over Rs 20
lakh under GST. Due to such
reasons, Verma said that the
department is focussing on
raising awareness among peo-
ple in the district first rather
than imposing penalties on
registered businesses. He
informed that the department
will start its campaign in the
marketplaces of the Doiwala
area from the next week and
will also set up camp for the
locals who want to register their
business under GST. The joint
commissioner informed that
out of about 1,80,000 busi-
nesses registered under the
GST department in the state,
60,000 businesses are regis-
tered from Dehradun and this
number will increase after the
completion of this campaign.
We have talked to the business
associations of the area about
the campaign. Besides verify-
ing the businesses, the teams
will set up camps on certain
days for the registration process
in the area so that people can
approach for any doubts or reg-
istration process regarding
GST, stated Verma. He also
informed that after Doiwala,
the department will take this
campaign to Mussoorie and
Vikasnagar areas by connecting
through the business associa-
tions of these areas.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The number of jewellers sell-
ing BIS hallmarked jew-
ellery has gone from 300 to 600
jewellers in the last two months
in Dehradun since the Central
Government made hallmark-
ing on gold jewellery and other
related items mandatory under
the Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) Regulations from June.
The head of the Dehradun
branch office of BIS, Sudheer
Bishnoi informed that many
jewellers are applying for a BIS
certificate registration in
Dehradun and so far, about 300
jewellers have registered in the
past two months. He said that
there are only about 900 jew-
ellers in the state who are BIS
certified but this number will
increase soon too. In the first
phase, the government made
hallmarking system mandato-
ry in Dehradun and
Pithoragarh districts because
BIS recognised Assaying and
Hallmarking Centres are pre-
sent only in these two districts
in the State. When the govern-
ment sets up more such cen-
tres, more jewellers will be
registered under BIS as it will
make the registration process
much more accessible across
the state, stated Bishnoi.
Recently, many jewellers in
various states protested against
the government for the
Hallmarking Unique Identity
(HUID) norms in the hall-
marking system. It is a six-digit
unique identification number
that is engraved on pieces of
gold jewellery but as per the
jewellers, it has nothing to do
with gold's purity.
According to the president
of Dehradun Sarrafa Mandal,
Sunil Masson, jewellers are
fine with hallmark but HUID
is an unnecessary step in the
hallmarking system that
increases the burden of jew-
ellers when they have to hall-
mark the pieces of jewellery,
especially during wedding sea-
sons. He said that the associa-
tions recently had a talk with
the government who has
assured that this issue will be
resolved. Bishnoi also said that
the government has made
some changes regarding the
HUID issue but no written
orders have been issued yet.
When orders will be issued,
they will be implemented in the
state too, said Bishnoi.
What is hallmarking?
Hallmarking is a process
that is done by the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) to guar-
antee the purity of a certain
gold item. Explaining the hall-
marking system, the head of
the Dehradun branch office of
BIS, Sudhir Bishnoi said that
three marks are marked in a
gold article to represent its
purity. The first mark is of
Assaying and Hallmarking
Centres where the marking of
jewellery is done. The second
mark represents the purity of
gold. For example, if the gold
article is made of 22-carat
gold, it will be marked as 22 K
916 which means the article has
91.6 per cent of gold. The
third mark is a six-digit num-
ber called Hallmarking Unique
Identity (HUID) which is dif-
ferent for every piece of article,
explained Bishnoi.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The Dehradun district
malaria officer Subhash
Joshi said that locals need to be
cautious for at least two months
to avoid dengue fever out-
breaks this year.
He said this in view of the
recent increase in dengue
patients in Dehradun. He
informed that a total of 12
dengue patients have been
found in the district so far most
of which belong to Dehradun
city and its nearby areas. He
said that the period of
September to October is the
peak period for dengue trans-
mission and locals need to
take all the possible measures
to minimise the risk. He said
that people should avoid the
unnecessary accumulation of
water in buckets, pipes, bottles,
tyres, old drums and other
objects to limit the dengue
spread by limiting mosqui-
toes’ breeding. Talking about
the district administration's
preparation, Joshi stated that
the administration has inten-
sified its campaign to minimise
the risk of dengue in the dis-
He said that the adminis-
tration is raising awareness
among locals about dengue,
conducting house surveys,
destroying mosquitoes' larvae
and working on source reduc-
The administration's team
has surveyed over one lakh
houses and destroyed mosqui-
toes’ larvae in over about
10,000 houses so far in associ-
ation with the Municipal
Corporation of Dehradun
(MCD). Regular fogging is
also being done in various
wards of Dehradun as most of
the patients are found here, said
The municipal commis-
sioner Abhishek Ruhela has
also directed the sanitation
officials to intensify their anti-
dengue campaign. According
to Ruhela, the sanitation team
is spraying larvicide and fumi-
gating wards regularly but offi-
cials have been instructed to
intensify this process.
He said that drones are also
being used to spray larvicide in
areas where spraying it manu-
ally is difficult.
Most of the dengue
patients which have been iden-
tified in the city so far have
come here from other cities but
all the measures are being
taken to minimise the risk, stat-
ed the commissioner.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The Municipal Corporation
of Dehradun (MCD) will
conduct a six-day Svanidhi Se
Sammriddhi camp from
Monday under the aegis of
Prime Minister Street Vendor's
Atmanirbhar Nidhi (Svanidhi)
In this camp, the corpora-
tion will connect the beneficia-
ries of the Svanidhi scheme and
their family members with the
several welfare schemes run
under different departments of
the Central Government. The
officials informed that the gov-
ernment has provided micro-
loans to over 1,500 street ven-
dors in the city so far under this
scheme since last year. Besides
this, other departments con-
cerned have also done socio-
economic profiling of over 900
eligible beneficiaries and their
family members so far in order
to provide benefits to eligible
beneficiaries under various gov-
ernment welfare schemes, stat-
ed the officials.
The officials also clarified
that this six-day camp from
Monday is only for those ven-
dors who are already the bene-
ficiaries of the Svanidhi scheme
and their family members will
be offered benefits under other
welfare schemes. They also
informed that the MCD is reg-
ularly getting applications from
several vendors to get loans
under this scheme but only
those applications are being
entertained in which the vendor
is engaged in vending before
March 2020 and it is his or her
main source of employment.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The minister of state for
defence and tourism, Ajay
Bhatt visited prestigious Indian
Military Academy (IMA)
Dehradun on Friday. The min-
ister interacted with the
Commandant of the IMA
Lieutenant General Harinder
Singh and the other officers of
the academy. He also held inter-
action with the Gentlemen
Cadets (GC) undergoing pre-
commission training at IMA.
During his visit Bhatt was
briefed on the training aspects
and was conducted around the
training facilities and infra-
structure of IMA. The minister
of state conveyed his deep
appreciation for the stellar train-
ing standards established at the
Indian Military Academy and
lauded the overall training
imparted to the GCs, despite the
challenges posed by the pan-
demic of Covid-19. He also
appreciated the training of large
number of Gentlemen Cadets
from our Friendly Foreign
Countries. In a solemn cere-
mony at the IMA War
Memorial, Bhatt laid a wreath in
remembrance of the brave
alumni of this Academy, who
have made the supreme sacrifice
in the service of the Nation and
whose acts of bravery continue
to inspire our future leaders.
?=B Q 347A03D=
The vice president of
Uttarakhand Congress and
former position holder,
Dhirendra Pratap has condoled
the untimely death of famous
journalist, parliamentarian and
editor of The Pioneer, Dr
Chandan Mitra.
In a statement released on
Friday, Pratap described Mitra
as one of the most brilliant, bold
and fearless journalists India
had in the last fifty years and
added that with his passing the
country has lost a great jour-
nalist, an intelligent parliamen-
tarian and spokesman of poor
downtrodden people and the
voiceless sections of the society.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Rishikesh has started a special
lung clinic for the patients of
lung cancer. This clinic will
operate every Friday after-
noon. According to the experts,
the cases of lung cancer are
increasing continuously in
Uttarakhand and most of the
deaths due to cancer are due to
lung cancer.
The Director AIIMS-
Rishikesh, Dr Ravikant said
about this that lung cancer is a
serious disease, but due to the
progress made in modern med-
ical science, it is now possible
to get rid of cancer.
The Additional Professor,
Department of Pulmonary
medicine, Dr Mayank Mishra
said that smoking is the biggest
cause of lung cancer. Apart
from this, lung cancer can also
occur due to consumption of
different types of tobacco prod-
“The data shows that there
is a steady increase in the
number of lung cancer patients
in Uttarakhand. At present
about 40-50 patients suffering
from this disease are coming to
AIIMS Rishikesh per month. In
view of the increasing number
of patients suffering from this
disease, a separate lung clinic is
being operated in the
Pulmonary Department of
AIIMS,’’ he said.
In lung cancer, there is an
uncontrolled and abnormal
growth of cells in any part of
the lung.
The symptoms of lung can-
cer are long term cough-spu-
tum, coughing up blood, short-
ness of breath, chest pain,
weight loss, swelling of the face
or throat, change in voice, loss
of appetite and constant feeling
of tiredness.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The state health department
reported 36 new cases of
the novel Coronavirus (Covid-
19) and nine recoveries from
the disease on Friday. No
death from the disease was
reported on the day.
The cumulative count of
Covid-19 patients in the state
is now at 3,43,070 while a total
of 3,29,221 patients have
recovered from the disease so
In the state, 7387 people
have lost their lives to Covid
-19 till date.
The recovery percentage
from the disease is at 95.96
while the sample positivity
rate on Friday was 0.22 per
The state health depart-
ment reported 15 new patients
of Covid -19 from Chamoli, 14
from Dehradun, six from
Pauri and one from Bageshwar
district on Friday. No new
cases of the disease were
reported from the remaining
nine districts on the day.
The state now has 410
active cases of Covid-19.
Dehradun with 151 cases is at
the top of the table of active
cases while Pauri has 70 active
Tehri district is at the bot-
tom of the table with only two
active cases of the disease. In
the ongoing vaccination drive
88,544 people were vaccinat-
ed in 1190 sessions in the state
held on Friday.
?=BQ 347A03D=
Even as the vaccination drive
in Uttarakhand is gathering
momentum and the state
health department is claiming
to have enough stock of vac-
cines of Covid-19, the slow
pace of vaccination in the
Haridwar and Udam Singh
Nagar districts is a cause of
concern. In both these districts,
the overall percentage of vac-
cination is 70 which is less than
other districts and the state’s
average. It is worth mentioning
here that Bageshwar and
Rudraprayag districts have
already achieved 100 per cent
target of vaccination.
The state health depart-
ment has a stock of more than
12 lakh doses of the Covid-19
The data of the state health
department shows that 89 per
cent 45 plus population of the
state has been vaccinated with
the first dose while 52 per cent
people of this age group have
received both shots of the vac-
cines. In the 18 to 45 years age
group 76 per cent people have
received both doses of vaccine
while only 7 per cent have got
both doses.
The founder of the Social
Development for Communities
(SDC) foundation, Anoop
Nautiyal said that to achieve the
target of vaccinating every
adult citizen with both doses till
December 31, the state health
department needs to adminis-
ter 61,815 doses daily.
He said that in view of
achieving the target till
December 31 and compulsion
of a space of 12 weeks between
two doses, the state health
department needs to adminis-
ter the first dose of vaccine to
the entire adult population in
the month of September.
Nautiyal added that an aware-
ness campaign should be
launched in Udham Singh
Nagar and Haridwar districts
so that the vaccination drive
gathers momentum.
?=BQ 347A03D=
The Uttarakhand Congress
kick-started its campaign
for the Assembly elections of
2022 by starting its Jan
Parivartan Yatra from Khatima
in Udham Singh Nagar district
on Friday. The Congress lead-
ers started the Yatra by offering
floral tributes to the martyrs of
the statehood movement at
Martyrs memorial. Addressing
a public meeting at Ramlila
Ground, the in charge of
Uttarakhand Congress
Devendra Yadav said that peo-
ple of the State are suffering
from unemployment and rising
prices but the double engine
government is doing nothing to
reduce their sufferings. The
general secretary of the All
India Congress Committee
(AICC) and former Chief
Minister Harish Rawat said
that the BJP government is hell
bent to destroy the farmers. He
claimed that the Congress gov-
ernment would fill all the
vacant posts in different gov-
ernment departments of the
state when it comes to power.
The Pradesh Congress
Committee (PCC) president
Ganesh Godiyal said that the
people of the state have made
up their mind to change the
government in Uttarakhand.
He predicted that BJP would be
wiped off in the elections. The
leader of opposition Pritam
Singh said that the people of
the state have understood the
character of the BJP and they
will throw it out of power in the
The working presidents of
state Congress Bhuwan Kapdi,
Tilak Raj Behed, Jeet Ram,
Ranjit Rawat, state co incharge
Dipika Pandey, Rajesh
Dharmani, Rajya Sabha MP
Pradip Tamta, Govind Singh
Kunjwal, Prakash Joshi,
Mahendra Singh Pal and oth-
ers were present on the occa-
?=BQ 347A03D=
Chief Minister Pushkar
Singh Dhami announced
that Srinagar municipality will
be upgraded into a municipal
corporation, making it the first
municipal corporation in the
mountainous regions of the
Dhami said this while
speaking at the Bharatiya Janata
Party’s Jan Ashirvad Rally at
Srinagar in Pauri district on
of the local MLA and cabinet
minister Dhan Singh Rawat.
The CM also made various
announcements in response to
the request of Cabinet Minister
Satpal Maharaaz.
Thanking the gathering for
the support, Dhami said that
each of his announcements will
be followed by a government
order and its execution. He said
that officials have been directed
to ensure redressal of public
grievances at the block, Tehsil
and district level failing which,
explanation will be sought from
the officials responsible.
is attempting to start the Char
Dham Yatra but added that
this issue is pending in the
court. Lambasting the Congress
for corruption during the many
decades it governed the nation,
he commended the way things
had improved since Narendra
Modi became the Prime
Health Minister
Dhan Singh Rawat
appreciated the large
number of people who
had gathered on the
He pointed out that
more than 500 persons
the BJP on the occasion.
The Tourism and
Culture minister Satpal
Maharaaz said that the
large crowd which had gathered
for the rally had made history.
BJP State president Madan
Kaushik said that the CM’s
announcement of upgrading
Srinagar into a municipal cor-
poration will pave the way for
major developments.
Stating that the 2022
tant, he said that the BJP had
Ashirvad rally.
347A03D=kB4?C414AkB0CDA30H #!!
?=BQ =4F34;78
The Enforcement
Directorate (ED) has pro-
visionally attached assets in the
form of fixed deposit receipts
(FDR) worth Rs13.34 crore
belonging to Rajya Sabha MP
from RJD Amarendra Dhari
Singh, under the Prevention of
Money-laundering Act in the
ongoing investigations against
IFFCO MD US Awasthi and
The ED had initiated
money laundering investiga-
tion on the basis of an FIR
dated May 17 registered by CBI
under the provisions of the
Indian Penal Code (IPC) and
Prevention of Corruption Act
against US Awasthi, MD of
IFFCO and others, for criminal
conspiracy, cheating and crim-
inal misconduct.
“Money laundering inves-
tigation conducted by ED has
revealed that there had been
siphoning of funds amounting
to Rs 27.79 crore related to
criminal activities. Such pro-
ceeds of crime were laundered
by way of projecting the same
as consultancy income, first in
the hands of entities under the
control of Dubai-based
Chartered Accountant Rajiv
Saxena (an accused in
Agustawestland case) and sub-
sequently in the hands of enti-
ties controlled by India based
Chartered Accountant Alok
Kumar Agarwal and thereafter
in the form of cash to
Amarendra Dhari Singh,” the
agency said in a statement.
Based on the investigation
conducted so far by the ED,
proceeds of crime have been
quantified to the tune of Rs
27.79 crore, which had been
used by Amarendra Dhari
Singh on his own, it said.
ED had also filed a
Prosecution Complaint
(chargesheet) before Special
Court on July 30 against six
accused including Amarendra
Dhari Singh and Alok Kumar
Agarwal. In its order on August
7, the court has held that there
held that all accused persons
knowingly assisted/were know-
ingly involved in acquisition of
proceeds of crime and hence
were liable to be summoned for
the said offence and proceeded
?=BQ =4F34;78
In a step to further strength-
en defence and strategic ties,
India and the United State of
America(USA) have inked a
pact for co-operation in the
development of Air-Launched
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
The Project
Agreement(PA) for ALUAV
was signed on July 30 under the
overall framework of the
Defence Technology and Trade
Initiative (DTTI) between the
two countries, the Defence
Ministry said here on Friday.
Describing the pact as a
major step towards deepening
defence technology coopera-
tion between India and the US,
officials said here, the agree-
ment falls under the ambit of
the Research, Development,
Testing and Evaluation
(RDTE) agreement between
the two sides that was first
signed in 2006 and renewed in
January 2015.
The PA outlines the col-
laboration between Air Force
Research Laboratory, Indian
Air Force, and Defence
Research and Development
Organisation(DRDO) towards
design, development, demon-
stration, testing and evaluation
of systems to co-develop an
ALUAV Prototype, the min-
istry said.
It said the main aim of
DTTI is to bring sustained
leadership focus to promote
collaborative technology
exchange and create opportu-
nities for co-production and
co-development of future tech-
nologies for Indian and US mil-
itary forces.
Under DTTI, Joint
Working Groups on land,
naval, air, and aircraft carrier
technologies have been estab-
lished to focus on mutually
agreed projects in respective
The PA for co-develop-
ment of ALUAV has been over-
seen by the Joint Working
Group on Air Systems and is a
major accomplishment for
DTTI, officials said.
The latest agreement
comes in the backdrop of the
US terming India in 2016 as a
Major Defence Partner. In
the past few years the two
countries key pacts like the
Logistics Exchange
Memorandum of Agreement
(LEMOA) in 2016. It allows
their armed forces to use each
other's bases for repair and
replenishment of supplies.
The two sides have also
signed Communications
Compatibility and Security
Agreement(COMCASA) in
2018 that provides for interop-
erability between the two mili-
taries and the sale of high-end
In October last year, India
and the US sealed the Basic
Exchange and Cooperation
Agreement(BECA) agreement
to further boost bilateral
defence ties. The pact pro-
vides for sharing of high-end
military technology, logistics
and geospatial maps between
the two countries.
The Indian army, a couple
of days ago, signed a pact for
over 100 ‘Explosive-Laden
Drones’, which will be manu-
factured by Bengaluru-based
firm Alpha Design-led joint
venture along with Israel’s Elbit
Security Systems (ELSEC). The
drones are called ‘SkyStrikers.’
The contract is estimated
to be around Rs 100 crore and
was signed as per the emer-
gency powers given to the
armed forces for procurement.
The ‘SkyStriker’ drones will
have a range of about 100km.
These drones will address the
Army’s requirement for “loi-
tering munition” – a type of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs) built to engage beyond
the line-of-sight ground targets
with an explosive warhead.
?=BQ =4F34;78
Retail edible oil prices in the
country are not coming
down anytime soon. And even
if they do, the Centre on Friday
made it clear, there would not
be any dramatic decline.
Retail prices of edible oils
in India, which imports 60 per
cent of its requirement, have
shot up to 64 per cent in the
past just one year, in line with
the global developments.
Union Food Secretary
Sudhanshu Pandey on Friday
said, However, looking at the
declining trend shown in prices
of edible oils for December
month in the futures market, it
looks like retail prices will
start declining. But, there won't
be any dramatic decline as
there is still global pressure.
The arrival of new crops and a
likely drop in global prices
should help in softening of edi-
ble oils' retail prices in the
country, he said.
Citing reasons for the
sharp rise in domestic edible
oils prices, the secretary said
one major reason is that prices
have gone up in the interna-
tional markets as many coun-
tries are aggressively pursuing
the biofuel policy using their
own resources.
For instance, Malaysia and
Indonesia, which are major
suppliers of palm oil to India,
are using palm oil for their bio-
fuel policy. Likewise, the US is
diverting soyabean for biofuel
making, he said. Moreover,
palm oil and soyabean oil are
the top-two oils in terms of
share in the Indian market.
Palm oil is about 30-31 per cent,
soyabean oil is 22 per cent.
?=BQ =4F34;78
refused to entertain West
Bengal Government's plea seek-
ing to appoint Director General
of Police (DGP) without con-
sulting the Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC), saying it
would be abuse of law.
Expressing displeasure at one
point, the apex court told the
State not to file applications like
We have seen your appli-
cation. The points you are
raising are exactly the same
which you have raised earlier
that UPSC should not have a
role. When the main matter is
taken you can argue this mat-
ter. We cannot permit this.
This is abuse of process. We
will dismiss your application.
We cannot have petitions like
this. Why are we wasting so
much time on these applica-
tions, the bench comprising
Justices Nageswara Rao, B R
Gavai and B V Nagarathna
However, the Bench
allowed the State's implead-
ment application in the main
matter on police reforms and
said it will start hearing mat-
ter which hasn't seen the
light of day for many
Advocate Prashant
Bhushan, appearing for Prakash
Singh (main petitioner),
requested the bench for an
early hearing of the main peti-
tion on police reforms saying
unfortunately in most states
implementation of directions of
the top court remains unim-
plemented. The court has now
posted the matter for hearing in
October and said, We will start
hearing the matter. It hasn't seen
the light of day for many
The apex court was hear-
ing an application filed by
West Bengal stating that UPSC
does not have expertise to con-
sider and appoint DGP of a
state as also that it is not in line
with the federal System of gov-
ernance. The State
Government, in its plea,
requested the top court to
modify its 2018 order in the
Prakash Singh case on police
reforms which made it manda-
tory for the state governments
to appoint the DGP from a
panel of three most senior
police officers.
?=BQ =4F34;78
Citing huge delays in prose-
cution of high profile cor-
ruption cases, BJP leader
Subramanian Swamy on Friday
urged Prime Minister
Narendra Modi to form an
inter-departmental monitor-
ing mechanism in the prose-
cution proceedings.
In a detailed letter to Modi,
Swamy said all agency heads
and prosecutors must sit
together regularly to speed up
the big corruption cases.
Swamy blamed the prosecution
for lethargy in handling the 2G
scam appeal, Aircel-Maxis and
INX-Media bribery case and
National Herald cases.
“There is, without doubt,
an inordinate and inexplicable
delay in prosecution of many
corruption cases by the
Government, which had hap-
pened during the UPA tenure
at the Centre. Be it 2G Scam
appeal pending in Delhi High
Court, prosecution in the pend-
ing trial of those out on bail viz.,
Chidambaram involving his
and his son’s bribery in Aircel-
Maxis and INX Media bribery
cases, or cases against Sonia
Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi in
the National Herald Income
Tax evasion of Rs. 450 crores,
and cases of eviction and seiz-
ing of Herald House by Young
Indian Pvt Ltd company owned
by these two accused held up in
Supreme Court.
85523 =4H;0D=34A8=620B4
New Delhi: Stressing the
‘Special and Privileged Strategic
Partnership’ between India and
Russia, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on Friday
recalled that the friendship
between the two countries has
stood the test of time and
noted the 'robust' cooperation
during the Covid-19 pandem-
ic, including in the vaccination
programme and affirmed that
mutual partnership can help
bring stability to the global
energy market
Addressing the plenary ses-
sion of the Eastern Economic
Forum (EEF), Modi said the
pandemic has highlighted the
importance of the health and
pharma sectors in our bilater-
al cooperation.
The Prime Minister was
delivering a video-address
during the plenary session of
EEF forum held in
Vladivostok, Russia. Modi
was the Chief Guest for the 5th
EEF in 2019, the first by an
Indian Prime Minister.
Recalling the visit of Chief
Ministers of Indian States to
EEF-2019, Prime Minister
extended an invitation to
Governors of the 11 regions of
Russian Far East to visit India.
Energy, he said, is another
major pillar of our strategic
partnership. India – Russia
energy partnership can help
bring stability to the global
energy market, said Modi.
The Prime Minister said
Minister of Petroleum and
Natural Gas Hardeep Puri is in
this forum and that Indian
workers are participating in
major gas projects in the Amur
region, from Yamal to
Vladivostok and onward to
Chennai. “We envisage an ener-
gy and trade bridge. I am happy
that the Chennai – Vladivostok
Maritime Corridor is making
headway. This connectivity pro-
ject along with the International
North- South Corridor will
closer to each other”, he said.
Noting that India has a tal-
ented and dedicated workforce
while the Far East is rich in
resources, the prime minister
said there is tremendous scope
for Indian talent to contribute
to the development of the
Russian Far East.
Modi recalled his 2019
visit to the Russian city of
Vladivostok to attend the
forum and the then
announcement of India's com-
mitment to an Act Far East
policy.The policy is an impor-
tant part of India's special and
privileged strategic partner-
ship with Russia, Modi said.
An online meeting between
Chief Minister of Gujarat Vijay
Rupani and Governor of Sakha-
Yakutia province of Russia was
lines of EEF. PNS
?=BQ =4F34;78
The Centre on Friday
announced that the Central
Universities will work on mis-
sion-mode to fill-up the 6,000
vacant posts by end of next
Addressing a conference of
Central Universities Vice
Chancellors, Union Education
Minister Dharmendra Pradhan
encouraged the Central
Universities to work on mis-
sion-mode to fill-up the 6,000
vacant posts by October, 2021.
There have been more than
10,000 posts lying vacant in
teaching and non teaching cat-
egory at the 40 Central
Pradhan expressed his hap-
piness to learn about the best
practices of Central Universities
and on several matters of
importance, including filling up
of general and reserved vacan-
cies, education during Covid19,
online learning and status of
NEP implementation. He also
urged them to create a frame-
work for alumni endowment.
Pradhan held the meeting
with Vice Chancellors of
Central Universities through
video conferencing. Minister of
State for Education Subhash
Sarkar, Secretary, Higher
Education, AmitKhare,
Chairman UGC, Prof D P
Singh and senior officials of the
Ministry and UGC attended
the meeting.
The VCs were also request-
ed to encourage Sports in their
Universities, thereby promoting
The VCs were encouraged to
by promoting innovation and
research in their campuses.
Addressing the participants,
Pradhan said that our universi-
ties are cradles of creativity,
innovation and opportunities.
The New Education Policy-
2020 will play a crucial role in
placing India at the top of the
emerging new world order and,
as custodians of India’s destiny,
our universities should fulfil
their responsibilities outlined in
the NEP. He stressed on mak-
ing education a lot more vibrant
 holistic and establishing India
as a knowledge superpower
through NEP.
The Minister said that our
higher education institutions
are key catalysts for promoting
socio-economic development
and for realising aspirations
and national goals. The Minister
appealed that universities
should popularise and promote
learning in Indian languages,
cultural heritage of India.
The Minister exhorted the
Universities to come with the
strategies for making India
fully literate, as well as to con-
tribute helping the country to
meet its Nutrition Challenge
during ‘Poshan Month’ as a
mark of
The Minister thanked the
VCs for their insights and valu-
able suggestions. He urged that
as thought leaders, our central
universities should assume pio-
neering roles in building capac-
ities, initiating frameworks for
implementation of Academic
Bank of Credit, Multiple Entry
 Exit, virtual universities and
several other facets of the NEP
from this academic year itself.
347A03D=kB0CDA30H kB4?C414A#!!
Amajor infiltration bid by
the heavily armed group of
terrorists was foiled by the
alert Indian troops along the
line of control in Poonch sec-
tor early Friday morning.
This is the second major
incident of cross LoC infiltra-
tion bid in the Poonch sector
in the last one week.
Two foreign terrorists were
neutralised by the troops along
the LoC in Poonch on August
According to Defence
PRO, Lt- Col Devender Anand,
 On the intervening night of
2nd and 3rd September 2021,
a group of heavily armed
Pakistani terrorists attempted
to infiltrate in Poonch sector
The infiltration attempt of
Pakistani terrorists was detect-
ed by alert troops of the Indian
Army. The infiltrators were
challenged and heavy firing
Defence PRO said, Owing
to undulating terrain and heavy
undergrowth, the terrorists
managed to break contact and
escaped back towards Pakistan
Occupied Jammu  Kashmir
under the cover of darkness.
A thorough search of the
encounter site was carried out
and a huge quantity of admin-
istrative stores left behind by
the terrorists were recovered to
include clothing, packaged
food items and medicines with
Pakistani markings, he
Aligarh: Viral Fever and
dengue have started wreaking
havoc in the district. It spread
as an epidemic in the cities like
Mathura, Firozabad, Aligarh
and Hathras. More than 60 per-
son have lost their lives due to
this. About 2000 people are
admitted in hospitals of these
district and 150 new patients
arrived in the OPD of Malkhan
Singh District Hospital of
Aligarh for treatment. More
than ten percent are suffering
from viral fever. Two dengue
patients are admitted in the
hospital, who are undergoing
treatment. So far five cases of
dengue have been found in the
Aligarh district.
Chief Medical
Superintendent Dr. Ramkishan
said that out of the total
patients, more than 10 percent
patients are coming with fever.
Fewer cases of dengue and
malaria have been reported so
far. At present, two dengue
patients are admitted in the
hospital, who are undergoing
treatment. Fever patients are
also reaching the Pt. Deendayal
Upadhyay Joint Hospital. CMO
Dr. Anand Upadhyay informed
that medicines have been made
available at all CHCs and PHCs
of the district. Spraying of
chemicals has been ordered. So
far five cases of dengue have
been found in the district. The
Health Department team is
keeping an eye.
Epidemiologist Dr. Rohit
had gone to Konh village of
Mathura. All major hospitals
have been directed to make
wards for dengue and fever
patients. PNS
:D0A274;;0??0=Q :278
The night curfew slapped on
Kerala since last Sunday has
failed to yield any result as the
number of new patients diag-
nosed with Covid-19 continue
to remain high. On Friday, out
of the 1.63 lakh samples sent
for testing, 29,322 persons were
found to be infected with
Covid-19, said a release by
health minister Veena George.
The Test Positivity Rate
remained high with 17.91 per
cent while the pandemic
claimed 131 lives taking the
death toll in the State till date
to 21,280. The State also saw
118 health workers falling prey
to Covid-19.
Thrissur diagnosed 3530
persons on Friday and
remained at the top of the table
of districts with high patients.
Ernakulam (3435), Kozhikode
(3344), Kollam (2957) were the
districts with highest number
of Covid -19 patients.
Across the State, 2.46 lakh
patients are undergoing treat-
ment for Covid-19. The
Government’s move to reopen
schools in the State and con-
duct examinations for Class XI
suffered a set back as the
Supreme Court on Friday
stayed the move of the LDF
Government in this regard in
the backdrop of the increasing
number of Covid patients in
the State.
The apex court took note
of the unabated increase in the
number of Covid-19 cases in
the State and asked the admin-
istration whether the
Government of Kerala has
taken into account the 30,000
cases being recorded per day.
“As we could not get satis-
factory response from counsel
for the State in this regard we
grant interim relief staying
offline exam till next date of
hearing,” said the Bench con-
sistinhg of Judges A M
Khanwilkar, Hrishikesh Roy
and C T Ravikumar while con-
sidering a petition moved on
behalf of Plus One students in
the State.
B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :;:0C0
Acting fast after taking charge the CBI, inves-
tigating the graver offences post Assembly
elections on Friday submitted a second
chargesheet, this time in a North 24 Parganas
murder case where a BJP supporter JP Yadav was
bombed to death on June 6 by alleged Trinamool
Congress miscreants.
This is the second chargesheet filed in two
consecutive days with the first one being filed by
the Central Agency in a Rampurhat murder case
in Birbhum district.
“Four persons have been named in the
chargesheet,” a CBI source said adding more
investigations were being conducted against
other persons who had been named by the com-
The CBI is acting upon the orders of the
Calcutta High Court which earlier directed a two-
pronged probe deputing the central agency to
investigate the graver offences whereas asking a
Special Investigating Team of the State police to
inquire into other offences.
In a related development former Calcutta
High Court Chief Justice Manjula Chellur had
agreed to supervise the SIT investigation into the
“other” post poll “offences.” According to sources
unavailability of a retired Supreme Court Judge,
for supervising the SIT probe — as was direct-
ed by the High Court — Justice Chellur was
appointed for the task.
More than a hundred cases of murder, loot,
rape and arson was reported post Assembly elec-
tions that saw Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee
and Trinamool Congress roaring back to power
for the third time in a row.
In the post poll violence an allegation of
which was summarily rejected by the Chief
Minister hundreds of BJP, Left, Congress and
Trinamool Congress workers were attacked and
their properties looted leading the Opposition BJP
and the Left to raise demands for impartial probe
accusing the State police of active connivance with
the ruling party assailants.
Meanwhile, the TMC leadership which had
already filed a petition in the Supreme Court
against the High Court order continued to react
strongly wondering why only the SIT and not the
CBI was being monitored by the judiciary.
“Everyone knows how all the institutions have
been saffronised by the BJP— from CBI to EC
to NHRC and others —in that case where is the
guarantee that the CBI will not conduct biased
investigation … CBI’s bias is a well-known fact
so why only the SIT and not the CBI will be mon-
itored by the Court,” Sukhendu Shekhar Roy
TMC Rajya Sabha MP said.
Kolkata: Congress Leader of
Opposition in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan
Chowdhury was allegedly gheraoed and
harassed on Friday by alleged
Trinamool Congress supporters even as
he went to Raninagar in Murshidabad
district to inquire into the reports of
alleged violence on Congress men.
Chowdhury’s vehicle was blocked
and he was shown black flags, brooms,
sandals and stick by a large crowd that
gathered at the entry point of
Raninagar, the MP said adding his per-
sonal security officers managed to
escort him out of the crowd.
“I have written to the Chief
Minister, Chief Secretary, the DM and
SP about the continuous violence being
perpetrated on the Congress workers …
I have told the Chief Minister to con-
tain political violence in the State
reminding if her party needed to resort
to violence even after coming to power
for three consecutive terms then there
is no more shame that it … She should
now consider that the acts of her party
men is putting Bengal to disrepute …
how will outsiders come here … how
will investors come here,” Chowdhury
According to the Congress three
houses of Congress men were ransacked
and their owners beaten up by alleged
TMC men on Thursday night. When
Chowdhury went to find out the alle-
gations for himself he too was block-
aded away by alleged Trinamool men
and women.
Reacting to the reports Bengal
Minister Firhad Hakim said he had no
information of such attack saying “the
Trinamool does not believe in violence
… I am sure no TMC worker would be
involved in the incident.”
NewDelhi:At least 70 per cent of 100 most
climate change vulnerable districts in the
- Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh
and Odisha. Outlining this, scientists on
Friday called for the urgent need to put in
place a multi-hazard warning system,
implement local action along with better
coordination at inter-agency, inter-minis-
terial and Centre-State levels to combat the
global warming-induced threat.
“Overall, eight States in the country viz.,
Assam, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, and
West Bengal, all in the Eastern India are
out of country’s 100 most vulnerable dis-
tricts, 70 per cent are in Assam, Bihar,
Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa,” said
Dr Akhilesh Gupta, Senior Adviser and
Head, Policy Coordination  Programme
expert at the Department of Science and
Technology (DST).
He was speaking at the inaugural ses-
sion of the two-day policy dialogue on
‘Localizing Climate Resilience Agenda:
Vision 2050 and 2100’ under CAP-RES
DST-GOI Project on Friday here.
“As projected by the recent Working
group-I report of IPCC, the global tem-
perature which has already increased to 1.1
degree C above the pre-industrial era level
is likely to further increase to 1.5-deg. C in
rience greater impact of global warming in
the time to come, There may be an increase
in frequency, severity and duration of heat
“Monsoon may become more erratic.
There may be more frequent droughts and
floods. The Indian seas may witness the
more sea-level rise. There has already been
increase in sea level in last two decades..
With the increase of carbon dioxide content
in the oceans, the sea water may become
more acidic, and so on” Dr Gupta pointed
Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM),
Ministry of Home Affairs and DST in col-
laboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft fur
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
“Next two decades are going to be very
crucial. IPCC‘s working group report gives
the starkest of warnings for global climate
impacts. The two-degree rise in global tem-
peratures may come earlier than expected.
It may have a huge impact on India, espe-
cially on agriculture, health and water
of addressing such impacts,” he
“Science and technology is a major tool
to fight the menace of climate change. Of
late, hazards are not happening in isolation
is urgent need to put in place a multi-haz-
ard warning system, along with better
coordination at inter-agency, inter-minis-
terial and Centre-State levels. India made
some excellent progress in climate action
both in adaptation and mitigation areas,” he
pointed out.
Maj. Gen. MK Bindal, Executive
Director, NIDM, MHA, warned that the
danger mark has been reached, rapid access
to information is needed to protect lives and
livelihood and the use of STI is key to fight
climate change problems.
“The sixth IPCC report has pushed the
button to act now, and it is time to act local-
ly. Good policies need to be translated into
action. We are working with state govern-
ments for localising action plan,” said
Christiane Hieronymus, Head of Economic
Cooperation  Development, Embassy of
theFederalRepublicofGermanywhile Prof
V K Sharma, Vice Chairman, Sikkim
SDMA said that, “We will have to do some-
thing at local level, at the municipal level
with regional and local approach and also
at the panchayat level.”
for action with much greater vision, diver-
while Prof Anil K Gupta, Head, ECDRM
Division, NIDM, discussed ways of trans-
lating the concerns to local action. PNS
C=A067D=0C70 Q D108
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on
Friday filed a charge-sheet against 10
accused, including police officers a a convict-
ed constables, in the sensational case involving
the recovery of an explosive-laden SUV the res-
idence of industrialist Mukesh Ambani in south
Mumbai and the subsequent suspected murder
of the vehicle owner Mansukh Hiran.
In a voluminous charge-sheet filed in a
Special NIA Special Court here, the NIA
charged the ten accused – including dismissed
Assistant Sub-Inspectors Sachin Waze,
Riyazuddin Kazi, yesteryear encounter-spe-
cialist Pradeep Sharma, convicted constable
Vinayak Shinde – with various offences under
various sections of Indian Penal Code for mur-
der, cheating, conspiracy and also various sec-
tions of the Arms Act, Explosive Substance Act
and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
Apart from Waze, Kazi, Sharma and Shinde,
the others who have been named in the charge-
sheet are: Naresh R. Gor, Sunil D. Mane, Santosh
A. Shelar, Manish V. Soni, Anand P. Jadhav and
Satish T. Mothkuri.
The NIA has based its charge-sheet on three
FIRs it registered in connection with the twin
incidents. While the first FIR registered at the
Gamdevi police station relates to the recovery
of a Mahindra Scorpio Vehicle on Carmichael
Road, Mumbai during the intervening night of
February 24 and 25, 2021 with 20 Gelatine Sticks
Explosive and a threat note addressed to
Mukesh Ambani.
The second FIR registered with at the
Vikhroli Police Stationn relates to theft of the
seized Mahindra Scorpio vehicle, while the third
FIR registered at Mumbra police station relates
to the recovery of Mansukh Hiran’s body from
the nearby creek on March 5, 2021.
“During the investigations, incriminating
evidences came to fore against the ten arrest-
ed accused involved in various stages of con-
spiracy of placing explosive laden Mahindra
Scorpio vehicle, its theft and commission of mur-
der of Mansukh Hiran,” the CBI said in a state-
The IPC sections invoked against the
accused in the case relate to criminal conspir-
acy, destroying evidences to escape the conse-
quences, negligence with explosives, abduction
with intent to kill, extortion with threats of death
or physical harm, grabbing property, criminal
breach of trust by public servant, forgery and
forging documents of electronic evidence to pass
them off as genuine, possession of a fake seal to
commit forgery, common intentions, etc.
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C=A067D=0C70 Q D108
Slamming the BJP-led
Government over its
National Monetisation Pipeline
(NMP) decision, former
Finance Minister and senior
Congressman P Chidambaram
on Friday demanded an assur-
ance from the Narendra Modi
Government that the entire
amount of C6 lakh crore, when
realized, “will not be used for
partly financing the fiscal
deficit of C5.5 lakh crore in
2021-22 or for retiring old
Posing as many as 20 ques-
tions to the BJP-led NDA
Government over the NMP,
Chidambaram also sought an
assurance from the Modi dis-
pensation that the expected
sum of C6 lakh crore would not
be merged with general rev-
enues and will not be used for
general expenditure.
In a series of other ques-
tions on NMP, the former
Finance Minister wanted to
know if the Government float-
ed a consultation paper on
NMP “Did Government con-
sult the workers or the trade
unions or other stakeholders
before announcing the NMP?
When and where did these
consultations take place? Will
the government make public
the outcome or the minutes of
these consultations?,” he asked,
while speaking to media per-
sons here.
Chidambaram also
demanded to know as to why
did not the government discuss
the NMP in Parliament and
asked if the Government pro-
posed to consult the
Opposition parties or discuss
the NMP Parliament.
Charging that Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s oft-
repeated claim of “nothing was
done in 70 years” stood
exposed, Chidambaram said:
“The NMP will wash away
what has been done in the last
70 years”.
“The NMP was not
announced in the Parliament.
It was announced after the
session ended. There was no
consultation paper. There were
no meetings with trade unions.
Nor were there consultations
with political parties,” he said.
Chidambaram ridiculed
Modi by saying that “he is the
only Chief Executive in the
world who has never interact-
ed with the press”.
“The Prime Minister has in
the last 7 years never interact-
ed with the press and in the
next three years he would not
do so. The Finance Minister
(Nirmala Sitharaman) never
responds to questions in press
conference….for farm bills they
have not allowed a debate, on
Pegasus no debate took
place…and I am sure that they
will not allow a debate on
NMP also,” the former finance
minister said.
“What are the objectives of
the NMP? Is the sole objective
of NMP the raising of revenue
over a four year period?...
Certain assets have been iden-
tified by the NMP for moneti-
zation. What are the criteria
applied for the choice of assets?,
he asked.
Chidambaram said that
under the UPA, certain criteria
were adopted upfront for iden-
tifying the PSU that would be
disinvested or privatized.
“In the case of roads/high-
ways, there is currently a PPP
policy. What is the difference,
if any, between the model that
is in force for such PPPs and
the model that will be adopt-
ed under the NMP for mone-
tization?,” he wondered.
“If an asset is 'monetized'
for, say, 30 or 50 of years, what
is the value of the piece of paper
that declares the Government
to be the 'owner' of the asset?
What kind of asset does the
government expect will be
returned at the end of the
period? Will it not be a fully
depreciated asset worth prac-
tically nothing?,”
Chidambaram wanted to
“Since the NMP is silent on
the subject, will the
Government stipulate in the
contract that the amount of
depreciation should be put in
a Depreciation Reserve
Account which was used only
to maintain, upgrade or add to
the asset so that at the end of
the lease period a valuable
asset is returned to the gov-
ernment?,” he asked.
Chidambaram wanted to
know if there would be a pro-
vision in the contract to prevent
asset-stripping by the lessee?
“What provisions will be
included in the Invitation to
Bid (ITB) to ensure that the
'monetization' process does
not create monopolies or duop-
olies in that sector? In partic-
ular, what provisions will be
included to prevent monopo-
lies/duopolies emerging in the
ports, airports, telecom and
power sectors?,” he asked.
EX[[PVTabdbTQ^Pcbc^Ra^bbPU[^^STSPaTP]TPa:PiXaP]VPX]6^[PVWPcSXbcaXRc ?C8
Bengaluru: Karnataka's Leader of
Opposition Siddaramaiah on Friday
urged the state government to with-
draw its decision to implement the
new National Education Policy, while
refusing to take part in the discussion
on the subject.
A letter has been written from
the office of the Minister of Higher
Education informing the implemen-
tation of new National Education
Policy and requesting the appoint-
ment of Leader of Opposition to dis-
cuss regarding the same. It is to be
noted that the government has
already decided and inaugurated to
implementation the said policy from
the current academic year, without
any discussion with the students,
teachers, education experts or oppo-
sition. It is not correct to call for dis-
cussion now after inaugurating the
implementation, he said.
Policy change in matters like
education and health are not small
issues. Detailed deliberations should
have been initiated democratically
before drafting such issues which
have wide implications. Governments
of many developed countries take the
complete responsibility of health and
education but here in India the gov-
ernment is trying to wash away the
responsibility, the former Chief
Minister said.
Siddaramaiah further noted that
India has a high student to teacher
ratio which should come down for
the benefit of students. Also, the gov-
ernment allocation for education as
a percentage of GDP is very low.
Noting that NEP also recommends
the allocation to education to be at 6
per cent of GDP, he said that then
Karnataka should allocate about Rs
1.08 lakh crore.
There are many objections and
concerns about NEP. It violates fed-
eral arrangements and infringes upon
the autonomy of states over education
and universities. It promotes privati-
sation leading to inequality and
social injustice. The intention is to
indoctrinate students with the idea of
communalism through education.
NEP is unscientific and will push
lakhs of students to darkness, the
Congress leader contended.
Government should have dis-
cussed and debated these issues
before the implementation. NEP
decides the future of many students
shaping the next 70-80 years.
Education is a tool for social eleva-
tion for many marginalised sections.
Has BJP implemented NEP to pre-
vent this elevation of social status
among marginalised sections? he
asked. IANS
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Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-04

  • 1. 2>?6C8?7=4C;40: ?A14=0707)218 =Tf3T[WX) 0]X?W^]T !?a^ fWXRWR^bcb^eTaC [PZWfPb ^UUTaTSPbQaXQTc^PbdQ X]b_TRc^a^UcWT2T]caP[1daTPd ^U8]eTbcXVPcX^]U^aPRRTbbX]VP R^]UXST]cXP[aT_^ac^]P R^aad_cX^]RPbTX]fWXRWU^aTa PWPaPbWcaP7^TX]XbcTa0]X[ 3TbWdZWXbP]PRRdbTScWT X]eTbcXVPc^abWPeTbPXS B2B;0B0A0?0;8 1DH4ABE4A3D4B =Tf3T[WX) 7^TQdhTabfW^ fP]ccWTXaU[PcbR^_[TcTSX] bcP[[TS_a^YTRcb^UcWTca^dQ[TS 0aP_P[X6a^d__a^YTRcbX] =^XSPP]S6aTPcTa=^XSPdbc _PhcWTXaSdTb^aT[bTcWTXa P[[^cT]cR^d[SQTRP]RT[[TS cWTBd_aTT2^dacbPXS 20?BD;4 064=284BQ :01D; Taliban co-founder Mullah Baradar will lead the upcoming Government in Afghanistan where the group seized control last control fol- lowing months of offensives. Baradar, who heads the Taliban’s political office in Doha, will be joined by Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob, the son of late Taliban co-founder Mullah Omar, and Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, in senior positions in the government, Tolo News reported citing sources from the Islamic group. Earlier, the Taliban had announced that Haibatullah Akhunzada, may lead the forthcoming government in the country but the sources have informed that he will focus on religious matters and governance within the frame- work of Islam. But the new Government’s most immediate priority may be to avert the collapse of an economy grappling with drought and the ravages of a 20-year conflict that killed around 240,000 Afghans before US forces completed a tumul- tuous pullout on August 30. At stake is whether the Taliban can govern a country facing economic meltdown, a humanitarian disaster and threats to security and stabili- ty from rival jihadist groups, including a local offshoot of Islamic State. “All the top leaders have arrived in Kabul, where prepa- rations are in final stages to announce the new govern- ment,” a Taliban official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. The Taliban, which seized Kabul on Aug. 15 after sweep- ing across most of the country, have faced resistance in the Panjshir Valley, where there have been reports of heavy fighting and casualties. Several thousand fighters of regional militias and rem- nants of the government’s armed forces have massed in the rugged valley under the leadership of Ahmad Massoud, the son of former Mujahideen commander Ahmad Shah Massoud. ?=BQ =4F34;78:278 The Supreme Court on Friday stayed for a week Kerala Government’s decision to conduct offline exams for Class XI from September 6 amid rising cases of Covid. “There is an alarming” situa- tion in the State owing to Covid-19, observed the apex court, adding that “cases in Kerala are about 70 per cent cases of the country. Children of this age cannot be exposed to this risk.” “Prima facie, we find force in submission made by peti- tioner that the State Government has not seriously considered the prevailing situ- ation before having a physical exam proposed to be conduct- ed in September this year. As we couldn’t get a satisfactory response from counsel for the State in this regard, we grant interim relief staying the offline exam till next date of hearing,” said a bench of Justices AM Khanwilkar, Hrishikesh Roy and CT Ravikumar. The apex court posted the matter for next hearing on September 13. The Kerala High Court had earlier observed that con- ducting examination was a matter of Government policy and no interference was war- ranted. The apex court bench passed the order on an appeal filed by advocate Rasoolshan A challenging a decision of the high court refusing to interfere with the decision to hold offline exams. Meanwhile, the night cur- few slapped on Kerala since last Sunday has failed to yield any result as the number of new patients diagnosed with Covid- 19 continue to remain high. On Friday, out of the 1.63 lakh samples sent for testing, 29,322 persons were found to be infected with Covid-19, said a release by Health Minister Veena George. The Test Positivity Rate remained high with 17.91 per cent while the pandemic claimed 131 lives taking the death toll in the State till date to 21,280. The State also saw 118 health workers falling prey to Covid-19. ?=BQ =4F34;78 The Supreme Court on Friday expressed displea- sure over delay in framing guidelines for issuance of death certificates to the families of those who died of Covid-19 and directed the Centre to do so and file compliance report by September 11. “We passed the order a long time back. We have already extended the time once. By the time you frame the guidelines, the third phase will also be over”, a bench com- prising Justices MR Shah and Aniruddha Bose observed. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Centre, assured the apex court that everything is under con- sideration. Advocate Gaurav Kumar Bansal, who has filed the peti- tion, submitted that under the pretext of consideration things should not be delayed as the top court has already granted four-week extension to the Centre on August 16 to frame guidelines for ex-gratia com- pensation and now it is seeking more time. Advocate Sumeer Sodhi, who appeared for some of the applicants, said extend- ed time for the first direction passed on June 30 is getting over on September 8. The bench said it is for the Centre to take decision on compensation within that peri- od of time and today it was adjourning the matter only for the purpose of compliance with other directions. “Put up on September 13 as Solicitor General seeks time to enable Union of India to comply with earlier order and place on record compliance report of other directions issued by this court on June 30, 2021. Compliance report to be filed with the registry on or before September 11,” the bench said. The apex court had in its June 30 verdict directed the National Disaster Management Authority(NDMA) to recom- mend within six weeks appro- priate guidelines for ex-gratia assistance on account of loss of life to the family members of persons who died due to Covid-19. The Centre had moved an application seeking some more time to frame the guidelines on the ground that the exercise which was in active consider- ation of the NDMA was at an advanced stage and requires a little more in-depth examina- tion. ?=BQ =4F34;78 Amid debate whether or not students should be sent to schools in view of impending third wave of the coronavirus pandemic in India, a study by University College London and Public Health England has found that even as children rarely become severely ill due to the infection, at least one in seven infected kids may have lingering symptoms. The study found that 11- to-17-year-olds who tested pos- itive for the virus were twice as likely to report three or more symptoms 15 weeks later than those who had tested negative. Researchers surveyed 3,065 kids in England who had pos- itive results in a PCR test between January and March, and a control group of 3,739 who tested negative over the same period. Among those who tested positive, 14 per cent reported three or more symptoms such as unusual tiredness or headaches 15 weeks later, com- pared with 7 per cent reporting symptoms by that time among the control group. The researchers said while the findings suggested as many as 32,000 teenagers might have had multiple symptoms linked to Covid-19 after 15 weeks, the prevalence of long Covid in the age group was lower than some had feared last year. The findings were a pre- print which had not been peer- reviewed. The authors said any decision to extend vaccination to 12-15-year-olds in Britain was unlikely to be based on this study as there was not enough data on whether vaccination protects against long Covid-19. Early this year, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control had said the majority of children don’t develop symptoms when infected with the coronavirus, or their symptoms are very mild. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that a large number of children with symptomatic and asympto- matic Covid-19 are experienc- ing long-term effects, many months after the infection. So far, most long Covid research is based on adults. There is less information about under-18s, in part because it takes longer to get ethical approval to study children, said Natalie Lambert at Indiana University School of Medicine. Symptoms of long Covid were first thought to include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache, insomnia, respira- tory problems and heart pal- pitations. Now, support groups and researchers said there may be up to 100 other symptoms, including gastrointestinal prob- lems, nausea, dizziness, seizures, hallucinations and testicular pain. ?=BQ =4F34;78 In an effort to enhance its nuclear missile and satellite tracking capabilities, India is likely to commission next week its first ship ‘INS Dhruv’ with the latest gadgets to detect incoming hostile missiles. With this induction, India will join the select group of nations such as France, UK, Russia, the USA, and China that have such vessels. The 15,000-tonne ballistic missile surveillance ship was built by the Hindustan Shipyard in collaboration with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO). The ship is likely to be launched on September 10 in Visakhapatnam, sources said here on Friday. This ship is part of the Strategic Forces Command. The sophisticated surveil- lance systems onboard are powered by 14 MW by INS Dhruv itself. The ship was codenamed VC 1118. Its commissioning into the service was delayed for some months due to the coro- na pandemic, sources said. Built as part of the Make in India initiative, the ship cost more than Rs 730 crores and has a crew of about 300 trained personnel. The project com- menced in 2014. INS Dhruv will act as a force multiplier as it will pro- vide the Indian Navy a 360 degree view of the Indo-Pacific and the strategically important Indian Ocean region and help plan offensive operations with a high degree of accuracy. ?=BQ =4F34;78 With an aim to provide relief to patients, the Government has slashed prices of about 39 drugs, including anti cancer drugs, anti diabetes, anti viral and antibacterial drugs, antiretroviral drugs, anti-TB drugs, and drugs used in Covid treatment, as it revised the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM). The commonly-used drugs which have been brought under price control include anti-cancer like Azacitidine and Fludarabine antiretroviral such as D o l u t e g r a v i r , Darunavir+Ritonavir, new generation TB medications such as Bedaquiline and Delamanid, anti-allergy Montelukast, anti diabetes drugs like Teneligliptin and Insulin Glargine, and tobacco cessation and addiction treat- ment drugs like nicotine replacement therapy. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya had launched the revised NLEM at an ICMR event recently. The 39 new drugs include Amikacin (antibiotic), Azacitidine (anti- cancer), Bedaquiline (anti- TB), Bendamustine Hydrochloride (anti-cancer), Buprenorphine ( opioid antag- o n i s t s ) , Buprenorphine+Naloxone (opi- oid antagonists), Cefuroxime (antibiotic), Dabigatran (anti- coagulant), Daclatasvir (antivi- ral), Darunavir+Ritonavir (anti- retroviral), Delamanid (anti- TB), Dolutegravir (antiretrovi- ral), Fludarabine (anti-cancer), Fludrocortisone (corticos- teroid), Fulvestrant (anti-can- cer), Insulin Glargine (anti- diabetes), Irinotecan HCL Trihydrate (anti-cancer). ?C8Q C:H Shooter Avani Lekhara scripted history once again, teen high-jumper Praveen Kumar knocked off an Asian record for his Silver while Harvinder Singh became India’s first archer to finish on podium as the country’s Paralympians raised the bar higher with unparalleled per- formances in the ongoing Games here on Friday. India picked up three medals on the day and the overall tally rose to 13, includ- ing two Gold, six Silver and five Bronze. In a nutshell, the country’s best ever Paralympics continued to get better. It started with Praveen’s Silver in the morning. The 18-year-old, compet- ing in his debut Games, clinched the Silver medal in the men’s high jump T64 event, setting a new Asian record with a 2.07m jump to finish behind Great Britain’s Jonathan Broom-Edwards, who notched up his season’s best effort of 2.10m for the gold. This was a personal best performance for him and his first major medal since taking up the sport in 2019. f]]RY3RcRURce`YVRU2WXYR_8`ge +DLEDWXOODK $NKXQ]DGD WRIRFXVRQ ,VODPLFLVVXHV ?C8Q ?4B70F0A Describing China as its “most important partner”, the Taliban have said they look to Beijing to rebuild Afghanistan and exploit its rich copper deposits as the war- ravaged country faces wide- spread hunger and fears of an economic collapse. Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said the group supports China’s One Belt, One Road initiative that seeks to link China with Africa, Asia and Europe through an enormous network of ports, railways, roads and industrial parks. “China is our most impor- tant partner and represents a fundamental and extraordi- nary opportunity for us because it is ready to invest and rebuild our country,” Geo News quoted Mujahid as say- ing in an interview to an Italian newspaper on Thursday. There are “rich copper mines in the country, which, thanks to the Chinese, can be put back into operation and modernised. In addition, China is our pass to markets all over the world,” said Mujahid. China has been making some positive statements towards the Taliban and has expressed the hope that the insurgents will follow moder- ate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, combat all forms of terrorist forces, live in harmony with other countries, and live up to the aspiration of its own people and the inter- national community. Stating that China respects Afghanistan’s sovereignty and will not interfere and follow the friendship with “entire Afghan people”, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday that, “facts show that in realising economic development we need an open inclusive politi- cal structure, implementation of moderate foreign and domestic policies and clean break from terrorist groups in all forms”. The Taliban also view Russia as an important partner in the region and will maintain good relations with Moscow, Mujahid said. CP[XQP][^^Zd_c^ ³QTbcUaXT]S2WX]P´ c^aTQdX[SR^d]cah ?C8Q 8B;00103 Amid concerns in India that Afghan soil under the Taliban regime can be used for terrorist activities against it, the insurgent group has said it has the right to speak out in favour of Muslims anywhere, includ- ing in Kashmir, though it does not have a policy of conduct- ing “armed operations” against any country. Suhail Shaheen, Taliban spokesman for its political office in Doha, in an exclusive interview to BBC through video link on Thursday, said: “We will raise our voice and say that Muslims are your own people, your own citizens and they are entitled to equal rights under your law.” As Muslims, it was the group’s right to speak out for Muslims living in Kashmir and any other country, Shaheen said while speaking from Doha. While recalling the terms of the Doha agreement with the US, he said they had “no poli- cy of conducting armed oper- ations against any country”. 9RgVcZXYee`cRZdVg`ZTVW`c fd]Z^dZ_RdY^Zc+ ER]ZSR_ µDQ¶WH[SRVHNLGV WRRYLG¶6KDOWV .HUDOD¶V;,H[DPV 4`fceWc`h_d ReUV]RjZ_ RTeZ`_`gVcZed ;f_V$!`cUVc B2c^6^ec)5aPTVdXST[X]Tb^] 2^eXSSTPcWRTacXUXRPcTbQhBT_c Z_(4`gZUZ_WVTeVUTYZ]UcV_^Rj YRgV]Z_XVcZ_Xdj^ae`^d+DefUj µ.LGVOLNHOWR UHSRUWRUPRUH VPSWRPV ZHHNVODWHU¶ 7ZcdeUVdZ?^ZddZ]VecRTZ_XdYZa 5Ycfgafed:_UZR_Z_dfaVc]VRXfV 6LQJKLVNLQJLQDUFKHU 3UDYHHQMXPSVWRVLOYHU d[[PW0QSd[6WP]X1PaPSPacWT[TPSTa^UcWTCP[XQP]ST[TVPcX^]b_TPZbSdaX]V cP[ZbQTcfTT]cWT0UVWP]6^eTa]T]cP]SCP[XQP]X]bdaVT]cbX]3^WP 5X[T_W^c^ @WW]Z_VViR^hRd dTYVUf]VUe`deRce `_DVaeV^SVc' 6^ecb[PbWTb_aXRTb ^U(eXcP[TSXRX]Tb BdWPX[BWPWTT]CP[XQP]b_^ZTbP] 2WX[SaT]fPcRWPWTP[cWf^aZTaR^[[TRcP]PbP[bfPQbP_[Tc^cTbcU^a2^eXS (X] PbW^_X]6PfPWPcX^]5aXSPh 0? 7PaeX]STaBX]VW ?aPeTT]:dPa 2gR_Z=VYRcRhZ_d dY``eZ_X3c`_kV /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTa UPRTQ^^ZR^SPX[h_X^]TTa 7`]]`hfd`_+ fffSPX[h_X^]TTaR^ X]bcPVaPR^SPX[h_X^]TTa ;PcT2Xch E^[ $ 8bbdT !#! 0XaBdaRWPaVT4gcaPXU0__[XRPQ[T ?dQ[XbWTS5a^ 34;78;D2:=F 17?0;17D10=4BF0A A0=278A08?DA 270=3860A7 347A03D= 7H34A0103E890HF030 4bcPQ[XbWTS '%# 51,1R5HJQ877(1*5(*'1R8$'2''1 347A03D=B0CDA30HB4?C414A #!! *?064B !C! 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  • 2. ]PcX^]! 347A03D=kB0CDA30H kB4?C414A#!! ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Punjab Vidhan Sabha on Friday held a special one- day session to commemorate the 400th prakash purb (birth anniversary) of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru, which was attended by almost all the MLAs. Punjab Governor and UT Administrator Banwari Lal Purohit and former Chief Justice of India Justice JS Khehar presided over the event. Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh, during his address, called for sarbat da bhala (welfare of humanity) and lauded the Sikh commu- nity’s effort to reach out in cri- sis. Besides, he stressed on hav- ing more religious freedom in the coutry. “Whenever there is a cri- sis, Sikhs come forward to help. Our gurus were willing to lay down their lives for human- ity. Serving humanity should be the prime objective in spite of diverse political thoughts,” he said. Sharing his perception on India continuing to be a plu- ralistic country which has the unique distinction of being home to almost every faith in the world, the Chief Minister said that this concept is what gives India its richness and cul- tural diversity. “The slogan that we often hear and talk about Unity in Diversity is not a hollow or empty slogan. It carries a deep meaning which must be understood and internalised by all of us”, asserted the Chief Minister, adding that the great- est tribute to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji would be to imbibe Guru Ji’s universal message of love and religious freedom amongst mankind. Capt Amarinder also underlined the need to prop- agate the ideology of the Sikhs ninth master Guru Tegh Bahadur around the world to promote the values of peace, harmony, secularism and co- existence, which Guru Sahib upheld through his supreme sacrifice. He said that the Sikh faith is distinguished by the tradi- tion of martyrdom to uphold principles and righteousness given to us by our great Gurus. “The life and message of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji constitutes the essence of what we have come to regard as Punjabiyat. It comprises our saanjhi tehzeeb, our ma-boli Punjabi, our close ties of amity and fraternity cut- ting across people, faiths, castes and communities,” he said. He added, “When we talk of Punjab and Punjabis, Punjabiyat must follow. This Punjabiyat embodied in the life and teachings of the Great Guru need to be understood, appreciated and nurtured care- fully.” The Chief Minister added that the spirit of Punjabiyat has been taken by our people to all corners of the globe where they have made a special place for themselves through dint of hard work, enterprise and sac- rifice. “Punjabiyat often is test- ed by forces that represent a narrow and short-sighted per- spective as against the broad all-embracing vision given by our Gurus, therefore, it is our bounden duty as representa- tives of the people to guard against such inimical forces very consciously and not to allow our competing political interests to ever undermine the strong foundations of this Punjabiyat,” he said. Pointing out further, the Chief Minister said that the history remembers Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji with great pride as ‘Hind Di Chadar’ for making the supreme sacrifice for opposing forced conversion and for protection of religious freedom. Dwelling on the relevance of Guru Ji’s sacrifice, the Chief Minister said that it was far more relevant and important even today as three-and-a- half centuries ago. “India has its unique cultural tradition what we call Indianness, which is Idea of our country,” he said. Meanwhile, Governor Purohit, who visited the assem- bly for the first time after tak- ing charge recently, said that the teachings and sacrifices of all Sikh gurus were a lesson for humanity. “The saga of Guru Teg Bahadur ji offers the sym- bolism of the highest sacrifice and the finest expression of spiritual faith,” Purohit said. Purohit described the Guru Tegh Bahadur’s martyr- dom as one of the most impor- tant turning points in the spir- itual, religious, and political history of India. “Guru Ji shines among the galaxy of great spiritual Gurus whose message continues to guide the humanity and remains uni- versally relevant at all the times,” he said. “No one can forget the contributions of the Sikh Gurus and their selfless sacri- fices to strengthen the unity among different communities. Therefore, Sikh Gurus are respected not only by Sikhs, but also by people of all faiths across the world,” he said. Pointing out further, the Governor said that one of the key elements in the teachings of Guru Sahib has been the spirit of Sewa or selfless ser- vice. This is considered as one of the foremost pious duties that the mankind can per- form enriching us with self- lessness, humility and gratitude towards God, he added. Vidhan Sabha Speaker Rana KP Singh said that the unprecedented sacrifice of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji would ever inspire the mankind to imbibe the message of love, harmony and tolerance there- by rising above the parochial consideration of caste, colour, creed and religion. The Speaker further said that Guru Sahib’s sacrifice was not only for the sake of Kashmiri Pandits or for the protection of Hindu Religion rather it was made for the entire humanity, religious free- dom and equality. In his keynote address, the former Chief Justice of India Justice JS Khehar empha- sized the importance of ‘ardas’ in the Sikh way of life across the globe and said that we all are blessed today to celebrate 400th prakash purb of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji to remember and contemplate on Guru Sahib. Justice Khehar cited the martyrdom of the Fifth Sikh Guru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji as the event that changed the course of the Sikh history and started the process of milita- rization of the Sikhs who until then were a peaceful commu- nity. “This background must be understood to understand the events that shaped the cir- cumstances in Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's life,” he said while also recounting the life and events of Guru Sahib Ji who didn't bow before the injustice of the then Mughal Emperor and instead chose martyrdom to ensure protection of reli- gious rights of all as being cen- tral to the Sikh identity. The encyclopedia Britannica also recognizes Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's sacri- fice for the religious freedom of another religion, added Justice Khehar. Thanking all the digni- taries, Leader of the Opposition Harpal Singh Cheema exhorted one and all to follow the path shown by Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. He also emphasized relevance of the teachings of Guru Sahib in today's troubled times when the society is still fraught with the dangers of religious fanati- cism and conflicts across the world. Assembly Speaker Rana KP Singh read out the greet- ings sent by Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and Vice- President Venkaiah Naidu. In his message to the House, the Dalai Lama said that the life, writings and principles of the Guru will always be source of inspiration. HOUSE PAYS TRIBUTE TO FARMERS WHO LOST THEIR LIVES DURING ONGOING FARMERS’ AGI- TATION Punjab Vidhan Sabha on Friday paid tribute to the farm- ers who lost their lives during ongoing farmers’ agitation, besides other eminent per- sonalities including Flying Sikh Milkha Singh, globally renowned athlete Mann Kaur among others. The names of the farmers were included in the obituary list after the AAP MLA and Deputy Leader of Opposition Sarvjit Kaur Manuke and SAD MLA Sharanjit Singh Dhillon demanded that the farmers and farm labourers, who have died in the ongoing farmers struggle against the Centre’s farm laws, be included in the list. Earlier, the House paid tribute to the eminent per- sonalities, freedom fighters, sports icons, political person- alities besides senior officers of civil and police administration, who had passed away since the last session of the Assembly. On the onset of one day special session of the 15th Vidhan Sabha to commemo- rate the 400th prakash purb of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the House paid respects to former Union Minister of State RL Bhatia, former Ministers Gurnam Singh Abul Khurana, Gulzar Singh, Surjit Kaur Kalkat, Chaudhri Radha Krishan and Inderjit Singh Zira, ex-Chief Parliamentary Secretary Jagdish Sawhney besides for- mer MLAs Sukhdarshan Singh Marar and Jagraj Singh Gill. The House also paid trib- ute to the martyr Sepoy Prabhjit Singh. Likewise, homage was also paid to the freedom fighters Kala Singh, Gurdev Singh, Ranjit Singh and Sulakhan Singh. The House also remem- bered the former State Chief Secretary YS Ratra and former DGP Mohd Izhaar Alam. Rich tributes were also paid to the founder of Centre for Research on Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) Rashpal Malhotra. The House also paid homage to Mahinder Kaur (Cabinet Rank) and former SGPC Member Kuldeep Singh Dhoss. Meanwhile, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Rana Gurmit Singh Sodhi proposed the names of Crickter Yashpal Sharma and Indian Volleyball Team’s former captain Nirmal Milkha Singh, the wife of late Milkha Singh, for obituary references. Likewise, Nabha MLA Randeep Singh also proposed the name of martyr Gurjant Singh, Raikot MLA Jagtar Singh proposed name of mar- tyr Sub-Inspector Gurmukh Singh, and Adampur MLA Pawan Kumar Tinnu also pro- posed the name of Baba Bhag Singh University Chancellor Sant Baba Dilawar Singh to be included in the obituary list. On their request, the Speaker Rana Kanwar Pal Singh consented to include these names to obituary ref- erences. A two-minute silence was observed in the memory of departed souls as a mark of respect during the obituary references. Meanwhile, the Speaker proposed that homage be paid to all those members who had passed away since the previ- ous session. After the obituary refer- ences to the departed souls, he passed a resolution for con- veying the condolences of the House to their respective fam- ilies. The resolution was passed by voice vote. Af_[RS2ddV^S]jY`]UddaVTZR]dVddZ`_e`T`^^V^`cReV%!!eYacRRdYafcS ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij and Agriculture Minister JP Dalal on Friday slammed the Congress leaders over police lathi-charge on a group of farmers in Moga in the party-ruled Punjab, and alleged that the party is only using the farmers to fulfil its political ambition. Attacking Congress, Vij said that the party is responsible for thrashing farmers in Moga dis- trict of Punjab. He said that Congress MP Rahul Gandhi had tweeted regardingtheincidentinKarnal. Presently, there is Congress government in Punjab and even after such a fierce lathi-charge on farmers, no one said any- thing, said Vij while talking to the mediapersons. Agriculture Minister JP Dalal alleged that the Congress is not bothered about the wel- fare of farmers and has only been using them to serve its own interest. Why are Congress leaders silent on lathi-charge on farmers in Punjab?, he questioned. The Punjab Police had on Thursday used batons and a water cannon to disperse a group of farmers who allegedly tried to force their way inside the venue of an event of the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) in Punjab's Moga, which was being addressed by its chief Sukhbir Singh Badal. Police had claimed some of the protesters scuffled with them, broke barricades and hurled stones in a bid to force their way inside the venue. CONGRESS DEFENDS POLICE ACTION ON FARMERS IN MOGA Defending the Punjab Government on Moga inci- dent, Congress’ national spokesperson Supriya Shrinate on Friday said that there is a huge difference between what happened in Punjab and what happened in Haryana. “Congress always stands in support of the farmers,” she claimed when asked why the Congress has a different stand on the Karnal incident in BJP ruled Haryana and Moga inci- dent in Congress ruled Punjab. 7PahP]PX]XbcTabPccPRZ2^]VaTbb[TPSTab ^eTa[PcWXRWPaVT^]UPaTabX]?d]YPQ ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Haryana State Industrial and I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has approved 'one time settlement scheme' for payment of outstanding dues for the cost of plot, enhanced cost, maintenance charges and extension charges, which will directly benefit about 300 industrialists of the state. HSIIDC, managing direc- tor, Anurag Agarwal said that keeping in view the interests of the existing allottees of indus- trial, residential, group housing, institutional and commercial housing plots of HSIIDC, it has been decided that the allottee shall pay the outstanding cost of his plot, enhanced cost and maintenance charges. If the allottee he has not been able to pay till June 30, 2021 and he is willing to settle the entire out- standing amount in lump sum, then he can avail the benefit till 30 September, 2021, he said. Agarwal said that such willing allottees would get 25 percent rebate in outstanding interest and 100 percent rebate in penal interest. The decision of HSIIDC in all matters regarding this scheme would be final and would not be ques- tioned by any allottee at any stage. He said that if the amount paid as per the scheme is not complete, it will not be refund- ed but will be adjusted against the default amount. Under the 'one time settle- ment scheme' it has also been decided that this scheme will be applicable to allottees of HSI- IDC, Haryana Urban Development Authority (HSVP) and allottees of Industrial Estate transferred from Industries Department. According to the scheme, the cut-off date for charging inter- est/delayed interest would be July 30, 2021, he added. 7B8832P__a^eTb ³^]TcXTbTcc[TT]c bRWTT´U^a TgXbcX]VP[[^ccTTb ?=BQ 270=3860A7 The children of poor fam- ilies, who have been verified under the Parivar Pehchan Patra, will now be imparted education free of cost at the Model Sanskriti Senior Secondary Schools in Haryana. The decision was taken in a meeting to review the progress of Model Sanskriti Schools held under the chair- manship of the Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar here. To ensure c o n s i s t e n t progress of these schools, the Chief Minister direct- ed the senior officers to con- duct field visits at these schools and to carry out monthly review of these schools. He suggested that the senior officers of the districts like SDM, DDPO, T e h s i l d a r should adopt Model Sanskriti Schools and sin- cere efforts should also be made in this regard. He also expressed sat- isfaction over the work done by the Education Department in setting up these schools. The Chief Minister said there is a demand to increase the number of such schools due to the con- sistent progress of these schools. Thus, the officials should work towards enhancing the number of schools while considering its viability, he said. Khattar further said that it is mentioned in the National Education Policy 2020 that the schools should lay emphasis on national and local languages, so students should be given the option of taking education in English medium as well as Hindi medium in these schools. He said that the schools should give prominence to the quality of education and work on enhancing it consistently. It was informed that during the budget speech of Chief Minister, an announcement was made to open Government Model Sanskriti Senior Secondary School and Government Model Sanskriti Primary School in each block of the state. 5aTTTSdRPcX^]c^RWX[SaT]QT[^]VX]Vc^_^^aUPX[XTb Pc^ST[BP]bZaXcXBT]X^aBTR^]SPahBRW^^[b ?=BQ 270=3860A7 The burden on Haryana Chief Minister Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CM Window) is set to reduce as it will work in coor- dination with the Right to Service Commission from now onwards. The Chief Commissioner of the Commission, TC Gupta said that out of the complaints received at the CM Window, numerous complaints are relat- ed to the Commission. Thus, the workload on the CM Window is bound to reduce to a great extent in a few months as the Commission will now dispose of the complaints com- ing to the CM window within the stipulated time frame, he said. He said that at present, 546 service related to 38 organiza- tions of 31 Departments come under the purview of Right to Service Commission. Out of these, 277 services are available online through Antyodaya Saral Portal while 269 services are being provided offline. Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has directed the heads of vari- ous departments to ensure dig- itization of the remaining ser- vices at the earliest, he said. Gupta expressed hope that within the next three months all the departments will make their respective notified services online. Notably, more than nine lakh complaints have been received so far on CM win- dow.The Chief Commissioner of the Commission informed that the Chief Minister has launched the Auto Appeal soft- ware 'AAS' for the services coming under the Right to Service Act on September 1. 7PahP]P2FX]S^f c^f^aZX]R^^aSX]PcX^] fXcWAXVWcc^BTaeXRT 2^Xbb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·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
  • 3. dccPaPZWP]S 347A03D=kB0CDA30H kB4?C414A#!! ?=BQ 347A03D= In order to increase the tax collection and verify the unregistered businesses under GST across the district, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) department will take its ongo- ing campaign to Doiwala from Paltan Bazaar. The joint com- missioner of the GST depart- ment in the district, Rakesh Verma informed that a team from the department has been regularly verifying the busi- nesses of goods and services in the Paltan Bazaar area since last month. The team is also rais- ing awareness among local businessmen about GST regu- lations and the procedure to register with the department, said Verma. He said that most of the businesses in the Paltan Bazaar area have been found to be registered under GST so far while some got registered dur- ing the campaign. He also said that most of the businessmen did not display their respective GST numbers as per the regu- lations but the department has directed them to mandatorily display their registered GST numbers in their shops as well as on the boards outside the shops. He said that many busi- nessmen were not completely aware of GST guidelines in the area like many did not even know that it is mandatory to register a business with an annual turnover of over Rs 20 lakh under GST. Due to such reasons, Verma said that the department is focussing on raising awareness among peo- ple in the district first rather than imposing penalties on registered businesses. He informed that the department will start its campaign in the marketplaces of the Doiwala area from the next week and will also set up camp for the locals who want to register their business under GST. The joint commissioner informed that out of about 1,80,000 busi- nesses registered under the GST department in the state, 60,000 businesses are regis- tered from Dehradun and this number will increase after the completion of this campaign. We have talked to the business associations of the area about the campaign. Besides verify- ing the businesses, the teams will set up camps on certain days for the registration process in the area so that people can approach for any doubts or reg- istration process regarding GST, stated Verma. He also informed that after Doiwala, the department will take this campaign to Mussoorie and Vikasnagar areas by connecting through the business associa- tions of these areas. *67GHSWWRVWDUWFDPSDLJQDJDLQVW XQUHJLVWHUHGEXVLQHVVHVLQ'RLZDOD ?=BQ 347A03D= The number of jewellers sell- ing BIS hallmarked jew- ellery has gone from 300 to 600 jewellers in the last two months in Dehradun since the Central Government made hallmark- ing on gold jewellery and other related items mandatory under the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Regulations from June. The head of the Dehradun branch office of BIS, Sudheer Bishnoi informed that many jewellers are applying for a BIS certificate registration in Dehradun and so far, about 300 jewellers have registered in the past two months. He said that there are only about 900 jew- ellers in the state who are BIS certified but this number will increase soon too. In the first phase, the government made hallmarking system mandato- ry in Dehradun and Pithoragarh districts because BIS recognised Assaying and Hallmarking Centres are pre- sent only in these two districts in the State. When the govern- ment sets up more such cen- tres, more jewellers will be registered under BIS as it will make the registration process much more accessible across the state, stated Bishnoi. Recently, many jewellers in various states protested against the government for the Hallmarking Unique Identity (HUID) norms in the hall- marking system. It is a six-digit unique identification number that is engraved on pieces of gold jewellery but as per the jewellers, it has nothing to do with gold's purity. According to the president of Dehradun Sarrafa Mandal, Sunil Masson, jewellers are fine with hallmark but HUID is an unnecessary step in the hallmarking system that increases the burden of jew- ellers when they have to hall- mark the pieces of jewellery, especially during wedding sea- sons. He said that the associa- tions recently had a talk with the government who has assured that this issue will be resolved. Bishnoi also said that the government has made some changes regarding the HUID issue but no written orders have been issued yet. When orders will be issued, they will be implemented in the state too, said Bishnoi. What is hallmarking? Hallmarking is a process that is done by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to guar- antee the purity of a certain gold item. Explaining the hall- marking system, the head of the Dehradun branch office of BIS, Sudhir Bishnoi said that three marks are marked in a gold article to represent its purity. The first mark is of Assaying and Hallmarking Centres where the marking of jewellery is done. The second mark represents the purity of gold. For example, if the gold article is made of 22-carat gold, it will be marked as 22 K 916 which means the article has 91.6 per cent of gold. The third mark is a six-digit num- ber called Hallmarking Unique Identity (HUID) which is dif- ferent for every piece of article, explained Bishnoi. e]RUb_V29CSUbdYVYUTZUgUUbcY^SbUQcUcY^4__^ ?=BQ 347A03D= The Dehradun district malaria officer Subhash Joshi said that locals need to be cautious for at least two months to avoid dengue fever out- breaks this year. He said this in view of the recent increase in dengue patients in Dehradun. He informed that a total of 12 dengue patients have been found in the district so far most of which belong to Dehradun city and its nearby areas. He said that the period of September to October is the peak period for dengue trans- mission and locals need to take all the possible measures to minimise the risk. He said that people should avoid the unnecessary accumulation of water in buckets, pipes, bottles, tyres, old drums and other objects to limit the dengue spread by limiting mosqui- toes’ breeding. Talking about the district administration's preparation, Joshi stated that the administration has inten- sified its campaign to minimise the risk of dengue in the dis- trict. He said that the adminis- tration is raising awareness among locals about dengue, conducting house surveys, destroying mosquitoes' larvae and working on source reduc- tion. The administration's team has surveyed over one lakh houses and destroyed mosqui- toes’ larvae in over about 10,000 houses so far in associ- ation with the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD). Regular fogging is also being done in various wards of Dehradun as most of the patients are found here, said Joshi. The municipal commis- sioner Abhishek Ruhela has also directed the sanitation officials to intensify their anti- dengue campaign. According to Ruhela, the sanitation team is spraying larvicide and fumi- gating wards regularly but offi- cials have been instructed to intensify this process. He said that drones are also being used to spray larvicide in areas where spraying it manu- ally is difficult. Most of the dengue patients which have been iden- tified in the city so far have come here from other cities but all the measures are being taken to minimise the risk, stat- ed the commissioner. µ6WDFDXWLRXVIRUWKHVHWZRPRQWKV WRDYRLGGHQJXHIHYHURXWEUHDN¶ ?=BQ 347A03D= The Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) will conduct a six-day Svanidhi Se Sammriddhi camp from Monday under the aegis of Prime Minister Street Vendor's Atmanirbhar Nidhi (Svanidhi) Scheme. In this camp, the corpora- tion will connect the beneficia- ries of the Svanidhi scheme and their family members with the several welfare schemes run under different departments of the Central Government. The officials informed that the gov- ernment has provided micro- loans to over 1,500 street ven- dors in the city so far under this scheme since last year. Besides this, other departments con- cerned have also done socio- economic profiling of over 900 eligible beneficiaries and their family members so far in order to provide benefits to eligible beneficiaries under various gov- ernment welfare schemes, stat- ed the officials. The officials also clarified that this six-day camp from Monday is only for those ven- dors who are already the bene- ficiaries of the Svanidhi scheme and their family members will be offered benefits under other welfare schemes. They also informed that the MCD is reg- ularly getting applications from several vendors to get loans under this scheme but only those applications are being entertained in which the vendor is engaged in vending before March 2020 and it is his or her main source of employment. 23c^^aVP]XbTRP_ U^aBeP]XSWXQT]TUXRXPaXTb P]SUPX[hTQTab ?=BQ 347A03D= The minister of state for defence and tourism, Ajay Bhatt visited prestigious Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun on Friday. The min- ister interacted with the Commandant of the IMA Lieutenant General Harinder Singh and the other officers of the academy. He also held inter- action with the Gentlemen Cadets (GC) undergoing pre- commission training at IMA. During his visit Bhatt was briefed on the training aspects and was conducted around the training facilities and infra- structure of IMA. The minister of state conveyed his deep appreciation for the stellar train- ing standards established at the Indian Military Academy and lauded the overall training imparted to the GCs, despite the challenges posed by the pan- demic of Covid-19. He also appreciated the training of large number of Gentlemen Cadets from our Friendly Foreign Countries. In a solemn cere- mony at the IMA War Memorial, Bhatt laid a wreath in remembrance of the brave alumni of this Academy, who have made the supreme sacrifice in the service of the Nation and whose acts of bravery continue to inspire our future leaders. $MD%KDWWYLVLWV,QGLDQ 0LOLWDU$FDGHP ?=B Q 347A03D= The vice president of Uttarakhand Congress and former position holder, Dhirendra Pratap has condoled the untimely death of famous journalist, parliamentarian and editor of The Pioneer, Dr Chandan Mitra. In a statement released on Friday, Pratap described Mitra as one of the most brilliant, bold and fearless journalists India had in the last fifty years and added that with his passing the country has lost a great jour- nalist, an intelligent parliamen- tarian and spokesman of poor downtrodden people and the voiceless sections of the society. D]cXT[hSTPcW^U 2WP]SP]XcaPP QXV[^bb)?aPcP_ ?=BQ 347A03D= The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Rishikesh has started a special lung clinic for the patients of lung cancer. This clinic will operate every Friday after- noon. According to the experts, the cases of lung cancer are increasing continuously in Uttarakhand and most of the deaths due to cancer are due to lung cancer. The Director AIIMS- Rishikesh, Dr Ravikant said about this that lung cancer is a serious disease, but due to the progress made in modern med- ical science, it is now possible to get rid of cancer. The Additional Professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine, Dr Mayank Mishra said that smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer. Apart from this, lung cancer can also occur due to consumption of different types of tobacco prod- ucts. “The data shows that there is a steady increase in the number of lung cancer patients in Uttarakhand. At present about 40-50 patients suffering from this disease are coming to AIIMS Rishikesh per month. In view of the increasing number of patients suffering from this disease, a separate lung clinic is being operated in the Pulmonary Department of AIIMS,’’ he said. In lung cancer, there is an uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells in any part of the lung. The symptoms of lung can- cer are long term cough-spu- tum, coughing up blood, short- ness of breath, chest pain, weight loss, swelling of the face or throat, change in voice, loss of appetite and constant feeling of tiredness. 199=CBcdQbdce^WSY^YS V_bSQ^SUb`QdYU^dc ?=BQ 347A03D= The state health department reported 36 new cases of the novel Coronavirus (Covid- 19) and nine recoveries from the disease on Friday. No death from the disease was reported on the day. The cumulative count of Covid-19 patients in the state is now at 3,43,070 while a total of 3,29,221 patients have recovered from the disease so far. In the state, 7387 people have lost their lives to Covid -19 till date. The recovery percentage from the disease is at 95.96 while the sample positivity rate on Friday was 0.22 per cent. The state health depart- ment reported 15 new patients of Covid -19 from Chamoli, 14 from Dehradun, six from Pauri and one from Bageshwar district on Friday. No new cases of the disease were reported from the remaining nine districts on the day. The state now has 410 active cases of Covid-19. Dehradun with 151 cases is at the top of the table of active cases while Pauri has 70 active cases. Tehri district is at the bot- tom of the table with only two active cases of the disease. In the ongoing vaccination drive 88,544 people were vaccinat- ed in 1190 sessions in the state held on Friday. 2^eXS)%]TfRPbTb]X]TaTR^eTaXTbX]DccPaPZWP]S ?=BQ 347A03D= Even as the vaccination drive in Uttarakhand is gathering momentum and the state health department is claiming to have enough stock of vac- cines of Covid-19, the slow pace of vaccination in the Haridwar and Udam Singh Nagar districts is a cause of concern. In both these districts, the overall percentage of vac- cination is 70 which is less than other districts and the state’s average. It is worth mentioning here that Bageshwar and Rudraprayag districts have already achieved 100 per cent target of vaccination. The state health depart- ment has a stock of more than 12 lakh doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. The data of the state health department shows that 89 per cent 45 plus population of the state has been vaccinated with the first dose while 52 per cent people of this age group have received both shots of the vac- cines. In the 18 to 45 years age group 76 per cent people have received both doses of vaccine while only 7 per cent have got both doses. The founder of the Social Development for Communities (SDC) foundation, Anoop Nautiyal said that to achieve the target of vaccinating every adult citizen with both doses till December 31, the state health department needs to adminis- ter 61,815 doses daily. He said that in view of achieving the target till December 31 and compulsion of a space of 12 weeks between two doses, the state health department needs to adminis- ter the first dose of vaccine to the entire adult population in the month of September. Nautiyal added that an aware- ness campaign should be launched in Udham Singh Nagar and Haridwar districts so that the vaccination drive gathers momentum. 7PaXSfPaDB=PVPab[^fX]VS^f]ePgSaXeT ?=BQ 347A03D= The Uttarakhand Congress kick-started its campaign for the Assembly elections of 2022 by starting its Jan Parivartan Yatra from Khatima in Udham Singh Nagar district on Friday. The Congress lead- ers started the Yatra by offering floral tributes to the martyrs of the statehood movement at Martyrs memorial. Addressing a public meeting at Ramlila Ground, the in charge of Uttarakhand Congress Devendra Yadav said that peo- ple of the State are suffering from unemployment and rising prices but the double engine government is doing nothing to reduce their sufferings. The general secretary of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) and former Chief Minister Harish Rawat said that the BJP government is hell bent to destroy the farmers. He claimed that the Congress gov- ernment would fill all the vacant posts in different gov- ernment departments of the state when it comes to power. The Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president Ganesh Godiyal said that the people of the state have made up their mind to change the government in Uttarakhand. He predicted that BJP would be wiped off in the elections. The leader of opposition Pritam Singh said that the people of the state have understood the character of the BJP and they will throw it out of power in the state. The working presidents of state Congress Bhuwan Kapdi, Tilak Raj Behed, Jeet Ram, Ranjit Rawat, state co incharge Dipika Pandey, Rajesh Dharmani, Rajya Sabha MP Pradip Tamta, Govind Singh Kunjwal, Prakash Joshi, Mahendra Singh Pal and oth- ers were present on the occa- sion. ?=BQ 347A03D= Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami announced that Srinagar municipality will be upgraded into a municipal corporation, making it the first municipal corporation in the mountainous regions of the state. Dhami said this while speaking at the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Jan Ashirvad Rally at Srinagar in Pauri district on Fridayinresponsetotherequest of the local MLA and cabinet minister Dhan Singh Rawat. The CM also made various announcements in response to the request of Cabinet Minister Satpal Maharaaz. Thanking the gathering for the support, Dhami said that each of his announcements will be followed by a government order and its execution. He said that officials have been directed to ensure redressal of public grievances at the block, Tehsil and district level failing which, explanation will be sought from the officials responsible. Hesaidthatthegovernment is attempting to start the Char Dham Yatra but added that this issue is pending in the court. Lambasting the Congress for corruption during the many decades it governed the nation, he commended the way things had improved since Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister. Health Minister Dhan Singh Rawat appreciated the large number of people who had gathered on the occasion. He pointed out that more than 500 persons hadbecomemembersof the BJP on the occasion. The Tourism and Culture minister Satpal Maharaaz said that the large crowd which had gathered for the rally had made history. BJP State president Madan Kaushik said that the CM’s announcement of upgrading Srinagar into a municipal cor- poration will pave the way for major developments. Stating that the 2022 Assemblyelectionisveryimpor- tant, he said that the BJP had blownthepollbuglewiththeJan Ashirvad rally. 2__`f_TV^V_edXR]`cV Re;R_2dYZcgRUcR]]j ?aPcP_STbRaXQTSXcaPPb ^]T^UcWT^bcQaX[[XP]c Q^[SP]SUTPa[Tbb Y^da]P[Xbcb8]SXPWPSX]cWT [Pbc$hTPab 8¶NKDQGRQJUHVVVWDUWV3DULYDUWDQDWUD
  • 4. ]PcX^]# 347A03D=kB4?C414AkB0CDA30H #!! ?=BQ =4F34;78 The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has pro- visionally attached assets in the form of fixed deposit receipts (FDR) worth Rs13.34 crore belonging to Rajya Sabha MP from RJD Amarendra Dhari Singh, under the Prevention of Money-laundering Act in the ongoing investigations against IFFCO MD US Awasthi and others. The ED had initiated money laundering investiga- tion on the basis of an FIR dated May 17 registered by CBI under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Prevention of Corruption Act against US Awasthi, MD of IFFCO and others, for criminal conspiracy, cheating and crim- inal misconduct. “Money laundering inves- tigation conducted by ED has revealed that there had been siphoning of funds amounting to Rs 27.79 crore related to criminal activities. Such pro- ceeds of crime were laundered by way of projecting the same as consultancy income, first in the hands of entities under the control of Dubai-based Chartered Accountant Rajiv Saxena (an accused in Agustawestland case) and sub- sequently in the hands of enti- ties controlled by India based Chartered Accountant Alok Kumar Agarwal and thereafter in the form of cash to Amarendra Dhari Singh,” the agency said in a statement. Based on the investigation conducted so far by the ED, proceeds of crime have been quantified to the tune of Rs 27.79 crore, which had been used by Amarendra Dhari Singh on his own, it said. ED had also filed a Prosecution Complaint (chargesheet) before Special Court on July 30 against six accused including Amarendra Dhari Singh and Alok Kumar Agarwal. In its order on August 7, the court has held that there wassufficientevidenceonrecord totakecognizanceoftheoffence underPMLA.TheCourtfurther held that all accused persons knowingly assisted/were know- ingly involved in acquisition of proceeds of crime and hence were liable to be summoned for the said offence and proceeded toissuesummonstotheaccused persons. ?=BQ =4F34;78 In a step to further strength- en defence and strategic ties, India and the United State of America(USA) have inked a pact for co-operation in the development of Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ALUAV). The Project Agreement(PA) for ALUAV was signed on July 30 under the overall framework of the Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) between the two countries, the Defence Ministry said here on Friday. Describing the pact as a major step towards deepening defence technology coopera- tion between India and the US, officials said here, the agree- ment falls under the ambit of the Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation (RDTE) agreement between the two sides that was first signed in 2006 and renewed in January 2015. The PA outlines the col- laboration between Air Force Research Laboratory, Indian Air Force, and Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) towards design, development, demon- stration, testing and evaluation of systems to co-develop an ALUAV Prototype, the min- istry said. It said the main aim of DTTI is to bring sustained leadership focus to promote collaborative technology exchange and create opportu- nities for co-production and co-development of future tech- nologies for Indian and US mil- itary forces. Under DTTI, Joint Working Groups on land, naval, air, and aircraft carrier technologies have been estab- lished to focus on mutually agreed projects in respective domains. The PA for co-develop- ment of ALUAV has been over- seen by the Joint Working Group on Air Systems and is a major accomplishment for DTTI, officials said. The latest agreement comes in the backdrop of the US terming India in 2016 as a Major Defence Partner. In the past few years the two countries key pacts like the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) in 2016. It allows their armed forces to use each other's bases for repair and replenishment of supplies. The two sides have also signed Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement(COMCASA) in 2018 that provides for interop- erability between the two mili- taries and the sale of high-end technologyfromtheUStoIndia. In October last year, India and the US sealed the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement(BECA) agreement to further boost bilateral defence ties. The pact pro- vides for sharing of high-end military technology, logistics and geospatial maps between the two countries. The Indian army, a couple of days ago, signed a pact for over 100 ‘Explosive-Laden Drones’, which will be manu- factured by Bengaluru-based firm Alpha Design-led joint venture along with Israel’s Elbit Security Systems (ELSEC). The drones are called ‘SkyStrikers.’ The contract is estimated to be around Rs 100 crore and was signed as per the emer- gency powers given to the armed forces for procurement. The ‘SkyStriker’ drones will have a range of about 100km. These drones will address the Army’s requirement for “loi- tering munition” – a type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) built to engage beyond the line-of-sight ground targets with an explosive warhead. ?=BQ =4F34;78 Retail edible oil prices in the country are not coming down anytime soon. And even if they do, the Centre on Friday made it clear, there would not be any dramatic decline. Retail prices of edible oils in India, which imports 60 per cent of its requirement, have shot up to 64 per cent in the past just one year, in line with the global developments. Union Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey on Friday said, However, looking at the declining trend shown in prices of edible oils for December month in the futures market, it looks like retail prices will start declining. But, there won't be any dramatic decline as there is still global pressure. The arrival of new crops and a likely drop in global prices should help in softening of edi- ble oils' retail prices in the country, he said. Citing reasons for the sharp rise in domestic edible oils prices, the secretary said one major reason is that prices have gone up in the interna- tional markets as many coun- tries are aggressively pursuing the biofuel policy using their own resources. For instance, Malaysia and Indonesia, which are major suppliers of palm oil to India, are using palm oil for their bio- fuel policy. Likewise, the US is diverting soyabean for biofuel making, he said. Moreover, palm oil and soyabean oil are the top-two oils in terms of share in the Indian market. Palm oil is about 30-31 per cent, soyabean oil is 22 per cent. ?=BQ =4F34;78 TheSupremeCourtonFriday refused to entertain West Bengal Government's plea seek- ing to appoint Director General of Police (DGP) without con- sulting the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), saying it would be abuse of law. Expressing displeasure at one point, the apex court told the State not to file applications like these. We have seen your appli- cation. The points you are raising are exactly the same which you have raised earlier that UPSC should not have a role. When the main matter is taken you can argue this mat- ter. We cannot permit this. This is abuse of process. We will dismiss your application. We cannot have petitions like this. Why are we wasting so much time on these applica- tions, the bench comprising Justices Nageswara Rao, B R Gavai and B V Nagarathna observed. However, the Bench allowed the State's implead- ment application in the main matter on police reforms and said it will start hearing mat- ter which hasn't seen the light of day for many years. Advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing for Prakash Singh (main petitioner), requested the bench for an early hearing of the main peti- tion on police reforms saying unfortunately in most states implementation of directions of the top court remains unim- plemented. The court has now posted the matter for hearing in October and said, We will start hearing the matter. It hasn't seen the light of day for many years. The apex court was hear- ing an application filed by West Bengal stating that UPSC does not have expertise to con- sider and appoint DGP of a state as also that it is not in line with the federal System of gov- ernance. The State Government, in its plea, requested the top court to modify its 2018 order in the Prakash Singh case on police reforms which made it manda- tory for the state governments to appoint the DGP from a panel of three most senior police officers. ?=BQ =4F34;78 Citing huge delays in prose- cution of high profile cor- ruption cases, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Friday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to form an inter-departmental monitor- ing mechanism in the prose- cution proceedings. In a detailed letter to Modi, Swamy said all agency heads and prosecutors must sit together regularly to speed up the big corruption cases. Swamy blamed the prosecution for lethargy in handling the 2G scam appeal, Aircel-Maxis and INX-Media bribery case and National Herald cases. “There is, without doubt, an inordinate and inexplicable delay in prosecution of many corruption cases by the Government, which had hap- pened during the UPA tenure at the Centre. Be it 2G Scam appeal pending in Delhi High Court, prosecution in the pend- ing trial of those out on bail viz., Chidambaram involving his and his son’s bribery in Aircel- Maxis and INX Media bribery cases, or cases against Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi in the National Herald Income Tax evasion of Rs. 450 crores, and cases of eviction and seiz- ing of Herald House by Young Indian Pvt Ltd company owned by these two accused held up in Supreme Court. 6UHIXVHV:%*RYW¶V SOHDWRDSSRLQW'*3 ZLWKRXWFRQVXOWLQJ836 1RUHGXFWLRQ LQHGLEOHRLO SULFHVVRRQ VDV*RYW 65ReeRTYVdRddVed h`ceYC$$%Tc`W CDA2^RcV_UcR 85523 =4H;0D=34A8=620B4 New Delhi: Stressing the ‘Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership’ between India and Russia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday recalled that the friendship between the two countries has stood the test of time and noted the 'robust' cooperation during the Covid-19 pandem- ic, including in the vaccination programme and affirmed that mutual partnership can help bring stability to the global energy market Addressing the plenary ses- sion of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), Modi said the pandemic has highlighted the importance of the health and pharma sectors in our bilater- al cooperation. The Prime Minister was delivering a video-address during the plenary session of EEF forum held in Vladivostok, Russia. Modi was the Chief Guest for the 5th EEF in 2019, the first by an Indian Prime Minister. Recalling the visit of Chief Ministers of Indian States to EEF-2019, Prime Minister extended an invitation to Governors of the 11 regions of Russian Far East to visit India. Energy, he said, is another major pillar of our strategic partnership. India – Russia energy partnership can help bring stability to the global energy market, said Modi. The Prime Minister said Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Puri is in VladivostoktorepresentIndiaat this forum and that Indian workers are participating in major gas projects in the Amur region, from Yamal to Vladivostok and onward to Chennai. “We envisage an ener- gy and trade bridge. I am happy that the Chennai – Vladivostok Maritime Corridor is making headway. This connectivity pro- ject along with the International North- South Corridor will bringIndiaandRussiaphysically closer to each other”, he said. Noting that India has a tal- ented and dedicated workforce while the Far East is rich in resources, the prime minister said there is tremendous scope for Indian talent to contribute to the development of the Russian Far East. Modi recalled his 2019 visit to the Russian city of Vladivostok to attend the forum and the then announcement of India's com- mitment to an Act Far East policy.The policy is an impor- tant part of India's special and privileged strategic partner- ship with Russia, Modi said. An online meeting between Chief Minister of Gujarat Vijay Rupani and Governor of Sakha- Yakutia province of Russia was heldon2Septemberontheside- lines of EEF. PNS :_UZRFDe`UVgV]`af_^R__VURVcZR]gVYZT]V ,QGLD5XVVLDIULHQGVKLSKDV VWRRGWHVWRIWLPHVDV30 ?=BQ =4F34;78 The Centre on Friday announced that the Central Universities will work on mis- sion-mode to fill-up the 6,000 vacant posts by end of next month. Addressing a conference of Central Universities Vice Chancellors, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan encouraged the Central Universities to work on mis- sion-mode to fill-up the 6,000 vacant posts by October, 2021. There have been more than 10,000 posts lying vacant in teaching and non teaching cat- egory at the 40 Central Universities. Pradhan expressed his hap- piness to learn about the best practices of Central Universities and on several matters of importance, including filling up of general and reserved vacan- cies, education during Covid19, online learning and status of NEP implementation. He also urged them to create a frame- work for alumni endowment. Pradhan held the meeting with Vice Chancellors of Central Universities through video conferencing. Minister of State for Education Subhash Sarkar, Secretary, Higher Education, AmitKhare, Chairman UGC, Prof D P Singh and senior officials of the Ministry and UGC attended the meeting. The VCs were also request- ed to encourage Sports in their Universities, thereby promoting asportingcultureinthecountry. The VCs were encouraged to maketheirstudentsJobCreators by promoting innovation and research in their campuses. Addressing the participants, Pradhan said that our universi- ties are cradles of creativity, innovation and opportunities. The New Education Policy- 2020 will play a crucial role in placing India at the top of the emerging new world order and, as custodians of India’s destiny, our universities should fulfil their responsibilities outlined in the NEP. He stressed on mak- ing education a lot more vibrant holistic and establishing India as a knowledge superpower through NEP. The Minister said that our higher education institutions are key catalysts for promoting socio-economic development and for realising aspirations and national goals. The Minister appealed that universities should popularise and promote learning in Indian languages, cultural heritage of India. The Minister exhorted the Universities to come with the strategies for making India fully literate, as well as to con- tribute helping the country to meet its Nutrition Challenge during ‘Poshan Month’ as a mark of AzadiKaAmrutMahotsav. The Minister thanked the VCs for their insights and valu- able suggestions. He urged that as thought leaders, our central universities should assume pio- neering roles in building capac- ities, initiating frameworks for implementation of Academic Bank of Credit, Multiple Entry Exit, virtual universities and several other facets of the NEP from this academic year itself. 2T]caP[D]XeTabXcXTbc^UX[[%ZePRP]c_^bcbQhRc)2T]caT BfPhdaVTb?c^ b_TTSd__a^bTRdcX^] ^UWXVW_a^UX[T R^aad_cX^]RPbTb
  • 5. ]PcX^]$ 347A03D=kB0CDA30H kB4?C414A#!! ?8=44A=4FBB4AE824Q 90D Amajor infiltration bid by the heavily armed group of terrorists was foiled by the alert Indian troops along the line of control in Poonch sec- tor early Friday morning. This is the second major incident of cross LoC infiltra- tion bid in the Poonch sector in the last one week. Two foreign terrorists were neutralised by the troops along the LoC in Poonch on August 30. According to Defence PRO, Lt- Col Devender Anand, On the intervening night of 2nd and 3rd September 2021, a group of heavily armed Pakistani terrorists attempted to infiltrate in Poonch sector (JK). The infiltration attempt of Pakistani terrorists was detect- ed by alert troops of the Indian Army. The infiltrators were challenged and heavy firing ensued. Defence PRO said, Owing to undulating terrain and heavy undergrowth, the terrorists managed to break contact and escaped back towards Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir under the cover of darkness. A thorough search of the encounter site was carried out and a huge quantity of admin- istrative stores left behind by the terrorists were recovered to include clothing, packaged food items and medicines with Pakistani markings, he added. Aligarh: Viral Fever and dengue have started wreaking havoc in the district. It spread as an epidemic in the cities like Mathura, Firozabad, Aligarh and Hathras. More than 60 per- son have lost their lives due to this. About 2000 people are admitted in hospitals of these district and 150 new patients arrived in the OPD of Malkhan Singh District Hospital of Aligarh for treatment. More than ten percent are suffering from viral fever. Two dengue patients are admitted in the hospital, who are undergoing treatment. So far five cases of dengue have been found in the Aligarh district. Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. Ramkishan said that out of the total patients, more than 10 percent patients are coming with fever. Fewer cases of dengue and malaria have been reported so far. At present, two dengue patients are admitted in the hospital, who are undergoing treatment. Fever patients are also reaching the Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Joint Hospital. CMO Dr. Anand Upadhyay informed that medicines have been made available at all CHCs and PHCs of the district. Spraying of chemicals has been ordered. So far five cases of dengue have been found in the district. The Health Department team is keeping an eye. Epidemiologist Dr. Rohit had gone to Konh village of Mathura. All major hospitals have been directed to make wards for dengue and fever patients. PNS :D0A274;;0??0=Q :278 The night curfew slapped on Kerala since last Sunday has failed to yield any result as the number of new patients diag- nosed with Covid-19 continue to remain high. On Friday, out of the 1.63 lakh samples sent for testing, 29,322 persons were found to be infected with Covid-19, said a release by health minister Veena George. The Test Positivity Rate remained high with 17.91 per cent while the pandemic claimed 131 lives taking the death toll in the State till date to 21,280. The State also saw 118 health workers falling prey to Covid-19. Thrissur diagnosed 3530 persons on Friday and remained at the top of the table of districts with high patients. Ernakulam (3435), Kozhikode (3344), Kollam (2957) were the districts with highest number of Covid -19 patients. Across the State, 2.46 lakh patients are undergoing treat- ment for Covid-19. The Government’s move to reopen schools in the State and con- duct examinations for Class XI suffered a set back as the Supreme Court on Friday stayed the move of the LDF Government in this regard in the backdrop of the increasing number of Covid patients in the State. The apex court took note of the unabated increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in the State and asked the admin- istration whether the Government of Kerala has taken into account the 30,000 cases being recorded per day. “As we could not get satis- factory response from counsel for the State in this regard we grant interim relief staying offline exam till next date of hearing,” said the Bench con- sistinhg of Judges A M Khanwilkar, Hrishikesh Roy and C T Ravikumar while con- sidering a petition moved on behalf of Plus One students in the State. B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :;:0C0 Acting fast after taking charge the CBI, inves- tigating the graver offences post Assembly elections on Friday submitted a second chargesheet, this time in a North 24 Parganas murder case where a BJP supporter JP Yadav was bombed to death on June 6 by alleged Trinamool Congress miscreants. This is the second chargesheet filed in two consecutive days with the first one being filed by the Central Agency in a Rampurhat murder case in Birbhum district. “Four persons have been named in the chargesheet,” a CBI source said adding more investigations were being conducted against other persons who had been named by the com- plainants. The CBI is acting upon the orders of the Calcutta High Court which earlier directed a two- pronged probe deputing the central agency to investigate the graver offences whereas asking a Special Investigating Team of the State police to inquire into other offences. In a related development former Calcutta High Court Chief Justice Manjula Chellur had agreed to supervise the SIT investigation into the “other” post poll “offences.” According to sources unavailability of a retired Supreme Court Judge, for supervising the SIT probe — as was direct- ed by the High Court — Justice Chellur was appointed for the task. More than a hundred cases of murder, loot, rape and arson was reported post Assembly elec- tions that saw Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Trinamool Congress roaring back to power for the third time in a row. In the post poll violence an allegation of which was summarily rejected by the Chief Minister hundreds of BJP, Left, Congress and Trinamool Congress workers were attacked and their properties looted leading the Opposition BJP and the Left to raise demands for impartial probe accusing the State police of active connivance with the ruling party assailants. Meanwhile, the TMC leadership which had already filed a petition in the Supreme Court against the High Court order continued to react strongly wondering why only the SIT and not the CBI was being monitored by the judiciary. “Everyone knows how all the institutions have been saffronised by the BJP— from CBI to EC to NHRC and others —in that case where is the guarantee that the CBI will not conduct biased investigation … CBI’s bias is a well-known fact so why only the SIT and not the CBI will be mon- itored by the Court,” Sukhendu Shekhar Roy TMC Rajya Sabha MP said. :_WZ]ecReZ`_SZUW`Z]VU R]`_X=`4Z_A``_TY Kolkata: Congress Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury was allegedly gheraoed and harassed on Friday by alleged Trinamool Congress supporters even as he went to Raninagar in Murshidabad district to inquire into the reports of alleged violence on Congress men. Chowdhury’s vehicle was blocked and he was shown black flags, brooms, sandals and stick by a large crowd that gathered at the entry point of Raninagar, the MP said adding his per- sonal security officers managed to escort him out of the crowd. “I have written to the Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, the DM and SP about the continuous violence being perpetrated on the Congress workers … I have told the Chief Minister to con- tain political violence in the State reminding if her party needed to resort to violence even after coming to power for three consecutive terms then there is no more shame that it … She should now consider that the acts of her party men is putting Bengal to disrepute … how will outsiders come here … how will investors come here,” Chowdhury said. According to the Congress three houses of Congress men were ransacked and their owners beaten up by alleged TMC men on Thursday night. When Chowdhury went to find out the alle- gations for himself he too was block- aded away by alleged Trinamool men and women. Reacting to the reports Bengal Minister Firhad Hakim said he had no information of such attack saying “the Trinamool does not believe in violence … I am sure no TMC worker would be involved in the incident.” :%SRVWSROOYLROHQFHQG %,FKDUJHVKHHWLQGDV .HUDODRYLG FDVHVUHIXVHWR FRPHGRZQ 0SWXaR[PXb2^]Vf^aZTab PccPRZTSQhC2PRcXeXbcb NewDelhi:At least 70 per cent of 100 most climate change vulnerable districts in the countryareinthefiveStatesofeasternIndia - Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha. Outlining this, scientists on Friday called for the urgent need to put in place a multi-hazard warning system, implement local action along with better coordination at inter-agency, inter-minis- terial and Centre-State levels to combat the global warming-induced threat. “Overall, eight States in the country viz., Jharkhand,Mizoram,Odisha,Chhattisgarh, Assam, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, and West Bengal, all in the Eastern India are foundtohavehighervulnerability.However, out of country’s 100 most vulnerable dis- tricts, 70 per cent are in Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa,” said Dr Akhilesh Gupta, Senior Adviser and Head, Policy Coordination Programme ManagementDivision,andaclimatechange expert at the Department of Science and Technology (DST). He was speaking at the inaugural ses- sion of the two-day policy dialogue on ‘Localizing Climate Resilience Agenda: Vision 2050 and 2100’ under CAP-RES DST-GOI Project on Friday here. “As projected by the recent Working group-I report of IPCC, the global tem- perature which has already increased to 1.1 degree C above the pre-industrial era level is likely to further increase to 1.5-deg. C in next2decades.Indiatooisexpectedtoexpe- rience greater impact of global warming in the time to come, There may be an increase in frequency, severity and duration of heat wave. “Monsoon may become more erratic. There may be more frequent droughts and floods. The Indian seas may witness the more sea-level rise. There has already been increase in sea level in last two decades.. With the increase of carbon dioxide content in the oceans, the sea water may become more acidic, and so on” Dr Gupta pointed outattheprogrammeorganizedbyNational Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs and DST in col- laboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. “Next two decades are going to be very crucial. IPCC‘s working group report gives the starkest of warnings for global climate impacts. The two-degree rise in global tem- peratures may come earlier than expected. It may have a huge impact on India, espe- cially on agriculture, health and water security.Indiaisconfrontedwithachallenge of addressing such impacts,” he added. “Science and technology is a major tool to fight the menace of climate change. Of late, hazards are not happening in isolation butincombinationwithtwoormore.There is urgent need to put in place a multi-haz- ard warning system, along with better coordination at inter-agency, inter-minis- terial and Centre-State levels. India made some excellent progress in climate action both in adaptation and mitigation areas,” he pointed out. Maj. Gen. MK Bindal, Executive Director, NIDM, MHA, warned that the danger mark has been reached, rapid access to information is needed to protect lives and livelihood and the use of STI is key to fight climate change problems. “The sixth IPCC report has pushed the button to act now, and it is time to act local- ly. Good policies need to be translated into action. We are working with state govern- ments for localising action plan,” said Christiane Hieronymus, Head of Economic Cooperation Development, Embassy of theFederalRepublicofGermanywhile Prof V K Sharma, Vice Chairman, Sikkim SDMA said that, “We will have to do some- thing at local level, at the municipal level with regional and local approach and also at the panchayat level.” KamalKishore,Member,NDMA,urged for action with much greater vision, diver- sifyingrisksandcontinuouspolicyrevisions while Prof Anil K Gupta, Head, ECDRM Division, NIDM, discussed ways of trans- lating the concerns to local action. PNS C=A067D=0C70 Q D108 The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a charge-sheet against 10 accused, including police officers a a convict- ed constables, in the sensational case involving the recovery of an explosive-laden SUV the res- idence of industrialist Mukesh Ambani in south Mumbai and the subsequent suspected murder of the vehicle owner Mansukh Hiran. In a voluminous charge-sheet filed in a Special NIA Special Court here, the NIA charged the ten accused – including dismissed Assistant Sub-Inspectors Sachin Waze, Riyazuddin Kazi, yesteryear encounter-spe- cialist Pradeep Sharma, convicted constable Vinayak Shinde – with various offences under various sections of Indian Penal Code for mur- der, cheating, conspiracy and also various sec- tions of the Arms Act, Explosive Substance Act and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Apart from Waze, Kazi, Sharma and Shinde, the others who have been named in the charge- sheet are: Naresh R. Gor, Sunil D. Mane, Santosh A. Shelar, Manish V. Soni, Anand P. Jadhav and Satish T. Mothkuri. The NIA has based its charge-sheet on three FIRs it registered in connection with the twin incidents. While the first FIR registered at the Gamdevi police station relates to the recovery of a Mahindra Scorpio Vehicle on Carmichael Road, Mumbai during the intervening night of February 24 and 25, 2021 with 20 Gelatine Sticks Explosive and a threat note addressed to Mukesh Ambani. The second FIR registered with at the Vikhroli Police Stationn relates to theft of the seized Mahindra Scorpio vehicle, while the third FIR registered at Mumbra police station relates to the recovery of Mansukh Hiran’s body from the nearby creek on March 5, 2021. “During the investigations, incriminating evidences came to fore against the ten arrest- ed accused involved in various stages of con- spiracy of placing explosive laden Mahindra Scorpio vehicle, its theft and commission of mur- der of Mansukh Hiran,” the CBI said in a state- ment. The IPC sections invoked against the accused in the case relate to criminal conspir- acy, destroying evidences to escape the conse- quences, negligence with explosives, abduction with intent to kill, extortion with threats of death or physical harm, grabbing property, criminal breach of trust by public servant, forgery and forging documents of electronic evidence to pass them off as genuine, possession of a fake seal to commit forgery, common intentions, etc. 4G?;B8E4;034=BDE?;0=C8=60=31DB8=4BB0=78A0=DA34A20B4B 91 VYUcSXQbWUcXUUd QWQY^cd! QSSecUT B29D=:BB0990= :D0A´B108;?;40 =Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aTT2^dac ^]5aXSPhSXbXbbTScWT_[TP^U U^aTa2^]VaTbb[TPSTaBPYYP] :dPafW^XbbTaeX]V[XUT X_aXb^]T]cX]P] ('#P]cX BXZWaX^cbRPbTbTTZX]VX]cTaX QPX[^]WTP[cWVa^d]SbCWTP_Tg R^dac_TadbTScWTTSXRP[aTR^aSb ^U:dPaP]S^QbTaeTScWPcWT WPbQTT]TgPX]TSQhS^Rc^abPc PV^eTa]T]cW^b_XcP[WTaTP]S WXbR^]SXcX^]XbbcPcTSc^QTbcPQ[T P]SX_a^eX]V0QT]RW^U YdbcXRTbBP]YPh:XbWP]:Pd[P]S Bd]SaTbWbPXSXcXb]^cX]R[X]TS c^VaP]cWXQPX[^]TSXRP[ Va^d]SbCWT$hTPa^[S:dPa XbbTaeX]V[XUTX_aXb^]T]cPUcTa cWT3T[WX7XVW2^dacWPS R^]eXRcTSWXX]cWTRPbT^] 3TRTQTa ! ' #A4BC0C4BC68E4 5AC85843A824 =Tf3T[WX)5^da^aTBcPcTb PSWhP?aPSTbW9WPaZWP]S DccPaPZWP]SP]S:TaP[PWPeT STRXSTSc^bd__[hU^acXUXTSaXRT cWa^dVW8]cTVaPcTS2WX[S 3TeT[^_T]cBTaeXRTb823BP]S XS3PhTP[bRWTT^]P_X[^c QPbXbD]X^]5^^SBTRaTcPah BdSWP]bWd?P]SThbPXS^]5aXSPh cWPcUa^cWXb^]cWU^da^aT bcPcTbfX[[X_[TT]ccWT_X[^c _a^VaPTX]^]TSXbcaXRcTPRW 8= B7AC C=A067D=0C70 Q D108 Slamming the BJP-led Government over its National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) decision, former Finance Minister and senior Congressman P Chidambaram on Friday demanded an assur- ance from the Narendra Modi Government that the entire amount of C6 lakh crore, when realized, “will not be used for partly financing the fiscal deficit of C5.5 lakh crore in 2021-22 or for retiring old debts” Posing as many as 20 ques- tions to the BJP-led NDA Government over the NMP, Chidambaram also sought an assurance from the Modi dis- pensation that the expected sum of C6 lakh crore would not be merged with general rev- enues and will not be used for general expenditure. In a series of other ques- tions on NMP, the former Finance Minister wanted to know if the Government float- ed a consultation paper on NMP “Did Government con- sult the workers or the trade unions or other stakeholders before announcing the NMP? When and where did these consultations take place? Will the government make public the outcome or the minutes of these consultations?,” he asked, while speaking to media per- sons here. Chidambaram also demanded to know as to why did not the government discuss the NMP in Parliament and asked if the Government pro- posed to consult the Opposition parties or discuss the NMP Parliament. Charging that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oft- repeated claim of “nothing was done in 70 years” stood exposed, Chidambaram said: “The NMP will wash away what has been done in the last 70 years”. “The NMP was not announced in the Parliament. It was announced after the session ended. There was no consultation paper. There were no meetings with trade unions. Nor were there consultations with political parties,” he said. Chidambaram ridiculed Modi by saying that “he is the only Chief Executive in the world who has never interact- ed with the press”. “The Prime Minister has in the last 7 years never interact- ed with the press and in the next three years he would not do so. The Finance Minister (Nirmala Sitharaman) never responds to questions in press conference….for farm bills they have not allowed a debate, on Pegasus no debate took place…and I am sure that they will not allow a debate on NMP also,” the former finance minister said. “What are the objectives of the NMP? Is the sole objective of NMP the raising of revenue over a four year period?... Certain assets have been iden- tified by the NMP for moneti- zation. What are the criteria applied for the choice of assets?, he asked. Chidambaram said that under the UPA, certain criteria were adopted upfront for iden- tifying the PSU that would be disinvested or privatized. “In the case of roads/high- ways, there is currently a PPP policy. What is the difference, if any, between the model that is in force for such PPPs and the model that will be adopt- ed under the NMP for mone- tization?,” he wondered. “If an asset is 'monetized' for, say, 30 or 50 of years, what is the value of the piece of paper that declares the Government to be the 'owner' of the asset? What kind of asset does the government expect will be returned at the end of the period? Will it not be a fully depreciated asset worth prac- tically nothing?,” Chidambaram wanted to know. “Since the NMP is silent on the subject, will the Government stipulate in the contract that the amount of depreciation should be put in a Depreciation Reserve Account which was used only to maintain, upgrade or add to the asset so that at the end of the lease period a valuable asset is returned to the gov- ernment?,” he asked. Chidambaram wanted to know if there would be a pro- vision in the contract to prevent asset-stripping by the lessee? “What provisions will be included in the Invitation to Bid (ITB) to ensure that the 'monetization' process does not create monopolies or duop- olies in that sector? In partic- ular, what provisions will be included to prevent monopo- lies/duopolies emerging in the ports, airports, telecom and power sectors?,” he asked. ^SX6^ecbW^d[SaTeTP[=?^QYTRcXeTb)?2 6WDWHVPRVWSURQHWRFOLPDWHFKDQJH 'HQJXHDQGYLUDO IHYHUFDVHVFUHDWLQJ KDYRFLQ83 CWT]PcX^]P[QXaS_TPR^RZSP]RTbPcBPacWP]Pi^^X]BdaPc^]5aXSPh ?C8 EX[[PVTabdbTQ^Pcbc^Ra^bbPU[^^STSPaTP]TPa:PiXaP]VPX]6^[PVWPcSXbcaXRc ?C8 6LGGDUDPDLDKDVNV. WDNDWRVWRS 1(3EHIRUHVHHNLQJGLVFXVVLRQ Bengaluru: Karnataka's Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah on Friday urged the state government to with- draw its decision to implement the new National Education Policy, while refusing to take part in the discussion on the subject. A letter has been written from the office of the Minister of Higher Education informing the implemen- tation of new National Education Policy and requesting the appoint- ment of Leader of Opposition to dis- cuss regarding the same. It is to be noted that the government has already decided and inaugurated to implementation the said policy from the current academic year, without any discussion with the students, teachers, education experts or oppo- sition. It is not correct to call for dis- cussion now after inaugurating the implementation, he said. Policy change in matters like education and health are not small issues. Detailed deliberations should have been initiated democratically before drafting such issues which have wide implications. Governments of many developed countries take the complete responsibility of health and education but here in India the gov- ernment is trying to wash away the responsibility, the former Chief Minister said. Siddaramaiah further noted that India has a high student to teacher ratio which should come down for the benefit of students. Also, the gov- ernment allocation for education as a percentage of GDP is very low. Noting that NEP also recommends the allocation to education to be at 6 per cent of GDP, he said that then Karnataka should allocate about Rs 1.08 lakh crore. There are many objections and concerns about NEP. It violates fed- eral arrangements and infringes upon the autonomy of states over education and universities. It promotes privati- sation leading to inequality and social injustice. The intention is to indoctrinate students with the idea of communalism through education. NEP is unscientific and will push lakhs of students to darkness, the Congress leader contended. Government should have dis- cussed and debated these issues before the implementation. NEP decides the future of many students shaping the next 70-80 years. Education is a tool for social eleva- tion for many marginalised sections. Has BJP implemented NEP to pre- vent this elevation of social status among marginalised sections? he asked. IANS